E hanga reira wahi i mo Sharif i roto i te rematch i runga i Matchroom whawhai Pass whakaatu ranei


A, no te 32 tau tahuri ngaio Aji koroheketia Sharif i roto i 2013 ia ia tumanako nui ki kapu mate tona rite he runaruna haere mai i nga ringa o Olympic Gold Medallist Anthony Hohua.

Tona mahi ngaio tīmata atu i roto i te ahua pai ki 3 whakaora tika, tae atu ki te paahitia,. I whakaturia tana whawhai ngaio wha mo Hakihea 2013 i runga i te Goodwin Whakatairanga Matchroom whakaatu whawhai haere i reira ka tangohia e ia i runga i 6 waewae 9 i roto i te “Ko te Giant” Imantas Davidaitis. Kua Davidaitis i ki nga takutai UK i mua i te patuki i Sheffield amanaki Rawiri Howe i te rua ngā wāhanga.

“I ahau i te reira i te whawhai oaoa ki te tango” Said Sharif. Fie ma'u e ahau ki te whiua nga momo o Davidaitis ki te neke ki Area toSouthern taumata taitara. Heoi 6 wiki i mua i te whawhai toku kaiwhakangungu Andy Edge faaoti i hiahiatia e ia ki te tango i tetahi whati i te whakangungu, a mahue ahau, kahore te whakatū whakangungu ngaio. Te titiro hoki kia kua unuhia e ahau i roto i te whawhai, engari stupidly haere ahau i roto i tahi reira.” Tonu Sharif “Te taata a tawhio noa ahau tamata i te tauturu, engari e kore i tika te mahi”.

Haere Sharif i roto i ki te whawhai, ki te kia te patototanga iho rua i roto i te taka noa tuatahi, me te ka te pae mutu i roto i te rua. “Toku Kaiwhakahaere / kaiwhakatairanga me tona utuafare i nui muri. Ka haere ratou katoa ki toku whare moenga, a taea e ahau kia kite ratou rite pouri rite ahau. A wiki i muri ka haere ahau ki ngā tari a Steve, ka korero ki a ia hinaaro e ahau he rematch tonu. Te tīmatanga momou ki te mahi i tenei Steve i te engari ko reira whakapehapeha. E ahau ki te takitaki i tenei mate. Na ka haere a Steve, a ka ki ahau i te puni whakangungu pai e whakakitea mai i muri i te whawhai. Ko ahau i roto i te āhua pai e rua tinana, a hinengaro o toku ora”

Mutu Sharif na roto i te mea "Me tino ahau te tautoko o te katoa i roto i tenei rematch koia ano he mahi kia whatiia hoki ahau ranei".

Ka hoki hei Sharif i raro i nga rama i runga i tetahi atu Matchroom whawhai Pass whakaatu e haere ana ia ki te takitaki i te mate. Käore e kore e he tukinga undercard tūmomo tautoko i te Larry Ekundayo v Dale Evans tenei (British Welterweight taitara eliminator) Lee Markham v Jahmaine Smyle (English Super-whitu taitara) a Johnny Garton v Nathan Weiss (Welterweight Area Southern taitara) Ngā riri.

Te whakaatu hoki te whakaatu a Nēpia ki ngaio mua Premiership Leon McKenzie i roto i tona pere taitara tuatahi, ka e ia ki runga ki Ivan Stupalo i Croatia mo te taitara International Masters Super-whitu.

13 whawhai i roto i te katoa, e tetahi o te pai kāri tv auraki kore ki te kia whakakitea mo te wa roa.

Remaining tickets can be obtained from either www.goodwinpromotions.co.uk ranei i Aji Sharif ia i www.iboxingtickets.com

Tenei ko te rīpene tonu o te tuatahi whawhai Sharif v Davidiatis.




Attorney Jack Stanton & Luis Orlando Cruz Ring 8 Kaikōrero manuhiri i roto i te New York po Rāpare


NEW YORK (Feb. 18, 2015) – Attorney Jack Stanton me te rangatira omaoma hou Luis Orlando Cruz E whakaritea ana ki te hei Ring 8 kaikōrero manuhiri apopo po, Feb. 19(tatau tuwhera 6 p.m, te whakatutuki tīmata i 8 p.m.), i Plattduetsche Park Restaurant i Franklin Square, New York.


“E waimarie ki te whai e rua kōrero tino ngā o te pānga mo tatou te mau melo tatou,” Ring 8 peresideni Bob Duffy mea. “Jim Ko te tohunga i roto i te āhuatanga katoa o te ture mekemeke, ia kua whakatuwheratia Luis i te omaoma hou i roto i Brooklyn, Whawhai mō te Fitness.”

ABOUT KING 8: Ring 8 ka te waru o nga āpiti o i reira he aha mohiotia rite te Veteran National kaimekemeke Association – konei, KING 8 – me te i ēnei rā parau tumu o te whakahaere tonu mau tonu: Kaimekemeke Tauturu i kaimekemeke.


KING 8 Kei te tino ngākaunui ana ki te tautoko i te iwi iti waimarie i roto i te hapori mekemeke nei e rapua e te tauturu i roto i ngā o te aufauraa i reti, utu hauora, ranei te mea tika fie ma'u.


Haere i runga i te raina ki te www.Ring8ny.com hoki ētahi atu mōhiohio e pā ana ki KING 8, te rōpū nui o tona ahua i roto i te United States me neke atu i te 350 te mau melo. Utunga mema Annual ko anake $30.00 a e tika ana te melo tata'itahi ki te hakari kuru i KING 8 hui ā-marama, hāunga Hōngongoi me August. Kaimekemeke hohe katoa, runaruna me te ngaio, ki te raihana mekemeke o nāianei pukapuka ranei e tika ana ki te KING haapoupou 8 mema tau. Manuhiri o Ring 8 He mai te mau melo i te utu o te anake $7.00 ia tangata.

Pittsburgh AUHIA Sammy Vasquez Quotes MEDIA tūmomo & Whakaahua FOR PARAIRE TE SHOBOX: THE NEW whakatupuranga

Tūturu Vasquez ki te Fehangahangai Emanuera Lartey ora i runga i SHOWTIME®

Mai i CONSOL Energy Center i Pittsburgh, Pa.

Pittsburgh, PA. (Feb. 18, 2015) - Kainga tino me te Welterweight hinga kore Sammy Vasquez tū te īngoa pāpāho i runga i te Wenerei i South Park Mekemeke Club rite faaineine ia ki te kanohi hoa southpaw Emmanuel Lartey i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa hui matua o ShoBox: Ko te Generation New, tenei Rāmere, Feb. 20, ora i runga i SHOWTIME (10 p.m. AND/PT, roa i runga i te Tai Te Hau-ā-uru) i CONSOL Energy Center i roto i te Pittsburgh, Pa.


Vasquez (17-0, 13 Koó) Kei te whai hoki i tona 10th consecutive knockout. Lartey (17-2, 8 Koó, 1 NC), o Brooklyn, N.Y.. i te ara o Ghana, Kua kore i te patototanga iho.


I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga o te Goossen Whakatairanga tripleheader, whetu fuoloa runaruna Cuban mua, me te o nāianei WBC marama taumahamaha tuatoru-runga Humberto Savigne (12-1, 9 Koó, 1 NC), o Miami mā GUANTANAMO, Cuba, Ka tangohia i te tūturu Craig Baker (15-0, 11 Koó), o Baytown, Texas, i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio.


I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te telecast, southpaw pūmanawa me te WBA No. 7 rima tekau mā whitu runga Claudio Marrero (17-1, 13 Koó), o Miami i te ara o te Lepupelika, Ka fehangahangai southpaw Orlando Rizo (18-5, 11 Koó) o Managua, Nicaragua, i roto i te kēmu e waru-a tawhio.


Kōkiri tīkiti utu i $238, $100, $60, $40 a $25 mō ngā ākonga, me te hoia ki te ID tika (Office Pouaka anake), me utu e hāngai ana, hoki "Ko e whakakake o Pittsburgh III" kei runga i te hoko i roto i Sporting Goods Office Pouaka o te Dick i CONSOL Energy Center, Ticketmaster.com, putanga katoa Ticketmaster ranei tiaki i te waea i 800-745-3000. Utu whakanui i $5 i runga i te ra o te hui. Ka whakatuwhera Doors i runga i te po o te hui i 6 p.m. ki te pere tuatahi i 6:30 p.m.


Tenei te aha Vasquez i ki te mea i roto i Wednesday o tūmomo pāpāho:


Sammy Vasquez

"Lartey Kua kore i te patototanga i, but I definitely think I have the power to take him out. It’s more of the plan of setting it up — Kei te haere ahau ki te whakaturia te reira ki runga, ka maka ia ia i roto i ngā tūranga e kore i i i ia i roto i te aroaro o ki te fiemālie ia.


"E hiahia ana ahau ki te maka ia nifó e ia te tikanga e kore e maka kia taea e ahau ia e whakatuwhera ake, ā ki runga ki ona mau hape.


“Whawhai i roto i toku oire e homai ki ahau anō hihiri. Ko te tetahi o nga take matua he aha hoki i haere mai tonu ahau i konei ki a Pittsburgh, why I always bring boxing back here. I just love the atmosphere that my fans give me when I fight. I’m just honored to put on a show and give them a great fight. Boxing has always been my dream and fighting in front of my fans in Pittsburgh makes it even better.


I don’t feel like I’m in a position to be calling people out yet. I still have a lot of things to prove and that’s what I’m looking to do i runga i te Paraire. I’m looking to prove myself and make a statement.


"Ahau runga ahau tino teitei, but there are plenty of names in front of me that I need to beat. I want to start fighting the top guys — e te toku mahere mō 2015.


"Ina whiwhi ahau i taua ingoa, me te āhukahuka i reira e taea i roto i ahau te karanga te iwi, reira e te ka e meatia e ahau i te reira. When I feel I am ready and worthy. I need to get a win i runga i te Paraire te tuatahi ".


# # #


Kei CONSOL Energy Center i 1001 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219. Ka taea te Kei ētahi atu mōhiohio i to ratou paetukutuku, www.consolenergycenter.com


Social Media: A pee i Goossen Whakatairanga i runga i TwitterGoossenBoxing, Sammy Vasquez i te TwitterTeamSVasquez, Showtime Sports @ SHOsports me CONSOL Energy CenterCONSOLEnergyCtr. Whakamahia hashtag #VasquezLartey ki te whai i te kōrero.


Mō ētahi atu mōhiohio i runga i Goossen tiro Whakatairanga ratou paetukutuku i www.GoossenPromotions.com. No te tahi atu mau haamaramaramaraa i runga i Showtime Sports haerenga www.Sho.com/sports.

ShoBox: Ko te Generation New
Mai i tōna urunga i roto i te Hōngongoi 2001, te raupapa mekemeke SHOWTIME arohaehae, manohi, ShoBox: Ko te Generation New ki āu fifi kua ngā taranata taitamariki. Te ShoBox kaupapa, ko te ki te televise whakaongaonga, kua takoto mano-ahuareka, me ngā tākaro whakataetae i te whakarato i te whenua ata mohiotia hoki opuaraa pai ki te whawhai mo te taitara ao. Ētahi o te rārangi e tupu o te 58 whawhai nei i puta i runga i ShoBox me te matatau ki te ngaki taitara ao ngā: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paora Williams me te ake.

Wiki Super o MMA & Mahi Kickboxing i runga i Whatunga Fight


NEW YORK / Toronto (Feb. 18, 2015) – He wiki super o whakauru-hōia-toi, me te mahi kickboxing ko i runga i tap tenei wiki i runga i Whatunga Fight, whatunga hākinakina whawhai pirimia o te ao whakatapua ki 24/7 kapinga, tae atu ki ngā airings ora o M-1 Challenge 55 a NSS 30: Genesis, i mua, me te pou-whawhai kapinga o me te UFC Whawhai Night 61: Bigfoot vs. Ahau.


Denis Smoldarev


M-1 Challenge kicks things off Rāhoroi ata (Feb. 21) i 10 a.m. i Tbilisi, Georgia. Ko te rua hui matua mua M-1 Challenge toa taumahamaha Denis Smoldarev (9-1-0), e mohiotia ana ko te Brock Lesnar o Estonia, ki Maro Perak (23-4-1). Toa taumahamaha o mua M-1 Challenge Kenny “Deuce” Garner (14-8-0), whawhai i roto i Port St. Lucie, Florida, takes on Chechnya prospect Aslambek “Titan” Musaev (5-1-0).


Ano whawhai i runga i M-1 Challenge 55 Ko 20013 WMMA toa me te whenua tino Nodar Kudukhashvili (7-1-0) vs. Whitu American Luigi “Ko te Tank Italian” Fioravanti (25-12-0) a tūturu nguha mā whitu Ukrainian Pavel Vitruk (12-0-0) vs. Germany o Max Coga (10-3-0), me te hinga kore lightweights Artiom Damkousky (19-0-0), o Peraruhia, vs. Azerbaijan kaiwero Heydar Mamedaliyev (7-0-0).


Tonu te mahi MMA i te Network whawhai i 1 p.m. AND ki te rongona ora o NSS 30: Genesis i Posnan, Poland. Welterweights tango i te whāiti rite pa hero “Ko te Tahimana” Borys Mankowski (16-5-1) anga hoariri Russian Michail “Ko te Lonely Wolf” Tsarev (29-4-0) i roto i te hui matua. I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, Rafal Moks (10-6-0) tutaki Aslambek Saidov (15-4-0) i roto i te pakanga o te whawhai Polish.


Rāhoroi tonu hōtaka whakaongaonga po o runga i Whatunga whawhai i 5 p.m. AND ki te whakakitea o Ring o te aro 47 i January 24, 2014 i roto i te Atlantic City, Nj, ngā lightweights American Chris Wade vs. Defrance ano a Frankie Paretevs. Mike James.


Whawhai whakaaturanga rongo tino, manohi o Whatunga, Whawhai News Na: MMA Edition aWhawhai News Na tāpiri, aua, te whai i 8:00 a 8:30 p.m. AND.


Championship whawhai Final: Futures 1 MMA, i April 1, 2014 i roto i te Croatia, timata a 9:00 p.m. AND te mutunga o te mahi riri ki Championship whawhai Final: Futures 1 Kickboxing, tīmata i 11 p.m. AND, i Maehe 2, 2014 i roto i te Croatia.


Ko te UFC e atamira pokapū Rātapu i runga i Whatunga Fight. He whakaaturanga whawhai-mua ora hoki UFC Whawhai Night 61: Bigfoot vs. Ahau haamata i 5:00 p.m. ki te rongona whakaatu pou-whawhai ora i11:30 p.m. AND me ngā, me te amuiraa press ora.


Taumahamaha Palāsilá Anthony “Bigfoot” Silva (18-6-0) whawhai i te kāinga i roto i te UFC Whawhai Night 61 hui matua ki te toa taumahamaha o mua UFC Frank Mir (16-9-0), whawhai i roto i Las Vegas.






Twitter & Instagramfightnet



ABOUT Whatunga FIGHT: Whawhai ko Whatunga whatunga hākinakina pirimia whawhai o te ao whakatapua ki 24/7 kapinga, tae atu ki ngā whawhai, whawhai, whawhai rongo me te whawhai āhua noho. E wātea ana i roto i te U.S te awa. i runga i Cablevision i roto i te wahi o New York, Connecticut a New Jersey, Texas-hāngai Grande Communications, Armstrong Cable i Pennsylvania, e Ohio rawhiti, me te i runga i Shentel Cable i Virginia, Te Hau-ā-uru Virginia me wahi o te uru Maryland. Whawhai he hoki Whatunga i runga i whakaturia Roku runga pouaka i roto i te US. a Canada me te wātea i runga i kawe nui katoa i roto i Canada, ora roma i runga i te paetukutuku KlowdTV.com, a i roto i te neke atu i te 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti

Ngā kōrero WHAKARITE MMA ngahau, ki te whakatau pā LOLOTONGA BELLATOR MMA FAN fest AT Connecticut TE Dave ME BUSTERS

“Ko te whakamutunga Emperor” Whakahokia Fedor Emelianenko ki Amerika ki te Hono hoa Legends o MMA Royce Gracie, Tito Ortiz & Ken Shamrock at Fan Fest Prior to Rāmere o “Bellator: Te whakaekenga British” Takahanga i Mohegan Sun



Bellator Fan Fest i Dave me Busters

E karangatia pā o ngā reanga katoa ki Dave, a Busters i Manchester, CT ki te whakatau ia, ka tiki tëneti i etahi te MMA whawhai rahi o te wā katoa o.

Ka whai hoki pā te whai wāhi ki te riro tīkiti me paraihe nui, me te hopu i te whakaahua ki te mowhiti kotiro Bellator.

Dave me Busters
100 Buckland Hills Dr.
Manchester, CT

Rāpare, Feb. 26 i 7 p.m. AND
Whānui whakaaro ki te hei i te toa MMA rahi o te wā katoa,

Fedor Emelianenko is one of the most revered and respected fighters the sport has ever seen. Stone-hinana, me te ata noho, Whakakake Emelianenko tetahi o nga koputaputa hinga kore rawa mīharo i roto i te aamu o te hākinakina. A multi-time World Champion in MMA and Sambo, Hoki Fedor ki Amerika mo te wa tuatahi i roto i te maha nga tau ki te whai wāhi i roto i te “Bellator: Ngā whakaekenga Ingarangi” kātoanga wiki te whawhai.

Ko te ingoa Gracie he longo ki MMA, and that is largely in part to Royce Gracie, te tangata whakaaro nei ki te i whakaaro te hākinakina ta tatou i ite i te reira i teie mahana. The winner of the first several UFC events, Gracie e wetewete i hoariri maha i roto i te po kotahi, he tokomaha o nei i nui ake i ia. For many years there was no answer for the Gracie Jiu Jitsu technique that he brought into a fight. I teie mahana,, te uaua ki te kitea te toa MMA kahore nei whakangungua i roto i te toi o te Jiu Jitsu.

Tito Ortiz is an undisputed legend of the sport who still fights for Bellator. Ko te UFC Light mua Heavyweight Champion ko tetahi o nga whakataetae nui rawa kua kite ake i te hākinakina. With a rabid fan-base supporting him, tona whawhai whakamutunga i Bellator 131 ki ka whakatata Stephan Bonnar ki runga 2 miriona ngä kaimätakitaki!

A, no te Ken Shamrock participated in UFC 1, ia kua toru pāngia MMA ngaio i ki tona ingoa. Nui rite ki te tahi atu pūrākau, Mohio te Shamrock ao nga wahi katoa e haere ia. Shamrock competed in, a riro toa i te maha o ngā rōpū whawhai tae atu UFC, Pancrase, Whakapehapeha, Kingi o te Ring, me te WWF me TNA.


Hoki Bellator MMA ki te Mohegan Sun Arena i runga i Rāmere, February 27 hoki “Bellator: Te whakaekenga British” ngā wha o nui, me e kānapanapa whetu MMA o te UK whawhai i runga i te oneone American. Light Heavyweight Champion Emanuel Newton tohe tona taitara ki Liam McGeary i roto i te headlining ōrite, ia “King Mo” Tutaki Lawal Cheick Congo i roto i te superfight taumahamaha.


He tikiti mo te kaupapa i runga i te hoko i teie nei, a taea te hokona i runga i Ticketmaster.com, Bellator.com mā te toro i te Tari Mohegan Pouaka Sun ranei.




Bellator: Ngā whakaekenga Ingarangi” – Rāmere, February 27, Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, Conn.

Kāri Main (9 p.m. AND)

Whawhai Bellator Light Heavyweight Taitara: Emanuel Newton Field (25-7) vs. Liam McGeary (9-0)

Bellator Welterweight Āhuatanga Fight: Paora Daley (35-13) vs. Andre Santos (37-9)

Bellator Heavyweight Āhuatanga Fight: Cheick Congo (22-9-2) vs. “King Mo” Lawal (14-4)

Bellator Light Heavyweight Āhuahira Fight: Rameau Sokoudjou (16-12) vs. Linton Vassell (14-4)

Bellator Light Heavyweight Āhuahira Fight: Michael Whārangi (7-0) vs. Curtis Millender (7-0)

Kāri hukihuki (6:45 p.m. AND)

Bellator mā whitu Dark Whawhai: Matt Bessette (13-6) vs. Josh Laberge (9-4)

Bellator Heavyweight Prelim Whawhai: Raphael Butler (8-1-1) vs. Josh Diekmann (15-5)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim Whawhai: Hehe Juarez (22-9) vs. Brennan Ward (9-3)

Bellator whitu Prelim Whawhai: Jason Butcher (8-1) vs. McCrory aru (12-3)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim Whawhai: Bobby Flynn (4-2) vs. Neiman Gracie (2-0)

Bellator whā Prelim Whawhai: Marvin Maldonado (2-2) vs. Blair Tugman (6-5)

Dark a'ee (āhua. 11 p.m. AND)

Bellator Kōmāmā Dark Whawhai: Michael Mangan (0-2) vs. Dean Hancock (Tuatahi Pro)

Mō Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA Ko te Mixed whakahaere Arts ārahi ngā tokomaha nga whawhai pai o roto i te ao nei. I raro i te aronga o te kaiwhakatairanga whawhai hōia Scott Coker, Ko te wātea Bellator ki meimei 500 miriona mau fare te ao i roto i runga i 140 whenua. I roto i te United States, Ka taea te kite i Bellator i runga i te Koi TV, te rangatira pouaka MMA. Uru Bellator MMA te o te rōpū whakahaere e ngā runga ngaio ahumahi i roto i te hanga pouaka, rōpū takahanga ora, whanaketanga whawhai / whanaunga, ähua wāhi, i hanga e tautoko / whanaketanga, raihana ao, marketing, pānuitanga, publicity me te kōmihana whanaunga. Hāngai Bellator i roto i Santa Monica, California, ka puritia e te whakangahau Rapa Viacom, home ki rama pirimia whakangahau o te ao e hono ki te hunga i roto i te ihirangi mālohi puta noa i te pouaka whakaata, nekehanga pikitia, ipurangi me te pūkoro tüäpapa.


Mō Spike TV:

Koi TV Kei te wātea i roto i te 98.7 miriona mau fare, e ko te wehenga o Viacom Networks Media. He waeine o Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Networks Media he tetahi o kaihanga ārahi o te ao o te hōtaka, me te ihirangi puta noa i tüäpapa päpähomaha katoa. Wāhitau Internet Spike TV a ko www.spike.com a hoki ake-ki-te-miniti me te mōhiohio press pūranga me ngā whakaahua, 'a'ahi ki press pae Koi TV o i http://www.spike.com/press. A pee i tatou i runga i Twitter spiketvpr mo te hou i roto i whawhati whakahōunga rongo, muri-te-scenes mōhiohio me ngā whakaahua.
Tirohia te tono mo ia whawhai mā te pāwhiri i runga i te reva i raro

Irish eyes are smilin’; Kaiwhakahaere Gary Hyde tohu Irish amanaki taumahamaha Con Sheehan



Puru, Ireland (Feb. 18, 2015) – Kaiwhakahaere mekemeke International Gary Hyde(Whakahaere NoWhere2Hyde) Kua kauwhautia te hainatanga o tetahi o nga opuaraa taumahamaha pai whanau Airana-i roto i te tekau tau, “Irish” Ki te Sheehan, ki te kirimana motuhake.


25-tau-tau te Sheehan, nei rēhitatia te faahiahia 203-18 record amateur, Kei te whakaritea ki te hanga i tona tuatahi ngaio March 13 i roto i te United Basileia i runga i te whakaatu ki te rangi i runga i Eurosport. Ko te tiketike ano sipoti Airihi i Clonmel, te pa nui i roto i te Kaute o Tipperary, mahere ki te uru atu tetahi o ana hoa tākaro Irish National mua, tūturu IBF toa whā super Carl Frampton, rite te toa ao i roto i te heke mai e kore e mamao rawa.


Ko te 6′ 5″, 235-pauna Sheehan Ko te ono-wā toa Irish National Senior Division, toa e wha taitara i taumahamaha, e rua i te taumahamaha super, ko wai hoki mau i te mētara koura i nga aito Pākehā whaimana. I roto i te 2008, ka waiho ia hei te toa, te whakaotinga, Airihi Matua taumahamaha i te tau ngawari o 18, a ka riro ia he katoa o te 13 Toa Irish i ngā taumata ngā o te whakataetae.

“Kua aru ahau runaruna umanga o Con te ara katoa i roto i i te timatanga, a kua uriuri tatou i te taea o te mahi tahi mo te tahi wa inaianei,” Na ka mea a Hyde. “Con Ko te tauira tinana o te tangata i te pai kia rite ki te toa tino pūmanawa. E ki te tāpiri i ia ki te tipu i to tatou eu o runga whawhai hari tatou.”


Tuiroo Pundit hākinakina Irish Jimmy Magee kōrero, “Ko te nui Con Sheehan, hou ra nui o te te taumahamaha nei whawhai ki te matatau o te taumahawaenga.”


Hoki te whakahaere Hyde hakari, toa o mua, me te heke mai te ao, pērā i te Ao Mekemeke Association (WBA) Super & Mekemeke Organization World (WBO) super toa whā, e rua-wā Cuban mētara koura Olympic, Bill “Ko te tarakona” Rigondeaux (15-0, 10 Koó), WBA toa cruiserweight Takitaro Yuri “El Toro” Kalenga (21-1, 14 Koó), mua whitu toa WBO me o nāianei International Mekemeke Federation (IBF) Kaua e. 1 nguha whakahauanga Hassan N'Dam N'Jikam (31-1, 18 Koó), e toru-wā toa Cuban National, whā superMarcos Forstal (1-0, 1 KO), me te toa runaruna te ao Blagoy Naydenov.


A pee i Sheehan i te Twitter @ ConSheehan89, me te Hyde i @ NoWhere2Hyde me te hoa ia i www.facebook.com/gary.hyde.50?fref = TS.

Boxcino 2015 Heavyweights i te tau

Verona, NY (February 18, 2015)–Tenei po Rāmere i te tahuri Stone Resort Casino, te Boxcino 2015 Whakataetae taumahamaha ka timata ki te wha pāngia quarterfinal.
Whakatairangatia ana te whakataetae katoa Boxcino e Kara Whakatairanga. Ka teata o tenei Rāmere whawhai ora i runga i te Paraire whawhai Night o ESPN timata i 9 PM ET.
Kei raro nei he rärangi tauanga o nga whakataetae mo nga pāngia quarterfinal.


Tawhito: Steve Vukosa– 37

Te whakaotinga: Na ka Fountain– 26

Te nuinga o whawhai: Andrey Fedosov– 28

Iti whawhai: Vukosa, Na ka Fountain & Nate te rangi– 10

Te nuinga o Rauna: Jason Estrada — 177

Iti Rauna: Te rangi — 23

KO o te nuinga: Fedosov– 20

Toa %: Vukosa & Puna– 100%

KO%: Fedosov– 71.4 %

Pūkete Tapeke o 8 Toa: 114-14 (89.1%)-65 KO o

Ko te paunatia i roto i te ka Rāpare, February 19 i 5 PM i roto i te kauri Room.
There will be a post fight press conference immediately following i te otinga o te a'ee whakamutunga i roto i te kauri Room.

E i teie nei tikiti mo te 20 o Pepuere ESPN Paraire Night e whawhai i tahuri Stone runga i te hoko i te tari pouaka Stone tahuri, tangata i roto i na roto i te te karanga ranei 315.361.7469, online ranei i Ticketmaster. Tickets e $60 no te tūru ringside, $35, $25, a ka ngohengohe ana hoki ki ngā utu tāpiri.

Kaihautū o te Hui-tanguru 20 pāngia, tonu tahuri Stone Resort Casino te Oneida Indian iwi o ki te wehewehe ake ka rite ki te ūnga pirimia mō ngā mahi hākinakina ngaio, tae atu ngā tākaro mekemeke motu-teata, me te taumata-PGA korowha. Ka tohu February 20 whawhai tahuri hui mekemeke teata motu o Stone 14 i roto i iti iho i te rua nga tau, tautururaa i whakapumautia te huihui ano he tūruhi mō knockout teata whawhai. Pūrākau mekemeke Mike Tyson me Floyd Mayweather Jr. Kua whakatairangatia ana ngā kāri whawhai teata i te huihui i roto i te tau whakamutunga, me te tahuri kua whakahaeretia Stone ngā kaupapa mekemeke teata i runga i ESPN, Showtime, HBO, a NBC i roto i te rua tau whakamutunga. Kei roto i te pae apatoerau no New York, tuku i te huihui e wha-wa whakangahau-te ao o te piha haapiiraa, me te petipeti, wharekai whaimana, papai kaukau whakaurunga, a he inaianei accommodations.Tickets tohu-toa mo te 20 o Pepuere ESPN Paraire Night e whawhai i tahuri Stone runga i te hoko i te tari pouaka Stone tahuri, tangata i roto i na roto i te te karanga ranei315.361.7469, online ranei i Ticketmaster. Tickets e $60 no te tūru ringside, $35, $25, a ka ngohengohe ana hoki ki ngā utu tāpiri. Doors tuwhera i 6:00 te ahiahi, ki te a'ee tuatahi whakaritea hoki 7:00 p.m. Tīmata te telecast ESPN ora i te 9pm.

Pāpāho ngaio tono taipitopito tuakiri mo te Hui-tanguru 20 Me whakapā whawhai Kelly Abdo, Tahuri Kaiwhakahaere Stone Public Relations i 315.366.9291 raneikelly.abdo@turningstone.com.

Mō tahuri Stone Resort Casino te Pirimia e wha-wa, ūnga huihui i roto i te pae apatoerau no New York, Kei te wa kei tahuri Stone Resort Casino te Oneida Indian iwi o e pā ana ki 30 maero te rawhiti o Hairakuha i NYS Thruway putanga 33. Ingoa tahuri Stone i “Te nuinga o Pai Golf Resort” i roto i te 2010 e Conde Nast Johansens. Ko te Academy o Country Music ingoa tahuri Stone “Casino o te Tau” i roto i te 2009. Tuku te huihui petipeti-ao o te piha haapiiraa, korowha, whakangahau, Maatamaata me te kaukau whakaurunga, roaa a kua AAA wha Diamond whakawākanga mō te Lodge, Ko te Tower Hotel, a tarutaru wharekai. Mō ētahi atu pārongo, me rahuitia, karanga (315) 361-7711 ranei (800) 771-7711. Tirohia te pae tukutuku i www.TurningStone.com..

MBC hono Forces ki WKA hei whakatau i Pro Boxing I Scotland

Malta mekemeke Komihana o Talēkita me Vice te peresideni, Gianluca Di Caro me te whana o te Ao Mekemeke me Karate Association (Aupito) Ua faaite teie mahana Scotland te peresideni Stewart Allan i honoa e ratou ope ki te whakatau i ngā kaupapa mekemeke ngaio i roto i te Scotland.


Ka te umanga hou kahore noa hakari whai wāhitanga mō te Kotimana kaimekemeke ngaio ki te e taea ki te whakataetae atu, engari ka taea ai hoki e whawhai ke i te whana Mekemeke ao ki te whakataetae e rua rite kaimekemeke ngaio me kaimekemeke whana.


Ahakoa te whakaaro o tenei umanga, ko te ki te whakatau i ngā kaupapa mekemeke pro i roto i Scotland, te reira whakapuaretia ano e nga tatau ki te taea o te ngā pro Mekemeke, ka whana ngā kaupapa Boxing, ki te mekemeke fakangofua ia'e he te MBC me te whana Mekemeke fakangofua ia'e he te WKA, e kore e tika i roto i te Scotland, engari ano hoki i tetahi kaupapa fakangofua ia'e he te MBC i Malta, te United Airana,.


I hanga i te fanongonongo Mr. Na ka mea a Allan.


"E tatou tino harikoa mätou ki te mahi tahi me te Mekemeke Commission Malta, Ka taea e anake te mea pai mo ki te hākinakina kawe i te taua whakahaere mekemeke ngaio ahu whakamua ki Scotland.


Ki te uru atu te hunga i te ao mekemeke pro ki te hunga o te ao Mekemeke whana he 'amanaki whakaongaonga, ki runga ki te inaianei ki nga mana i roto i te UK i tino hari hoki ki to tatou Champions whakawhiti marau, me te whakataetae kaimekemeke rite pro.


Kua tonu râ i te reira i te utu o te whana umanga Mekemeke o te toa, kua no te mea e ngā i whakawhiti kotahi ratou ki te mekemeke pro e kore whakaaetia ratou ki te whakataetae ano he Boxer whana.


Ko e taui i, i raro i to tatou mahi tahi ki te Kōmihana Malta Mekemeke e raihana tatou whawhai, me te whakataetae rite kaimekemeke pro, me te haere tonu ki te whakahau rite whana kaimekemeke i raro i te WKA.


Hoki o matou whawhai tenei tikanga kia nui, e hiahia ana ratou ki te whakataetae i roto i te hākinakina e rua, me te whai kia nui ki te whakahere ki e rua.


E kore ko tenei hononga hou e pā ana ki noa te tatou whawhai taea ki te whawhai i roto i te marau e rua, Ka mātātoa kia titiro matou ki te whakawhanake i te taha o mekemeke pro i roto i Scotland, hoatu kaimekemeke Kotimana te whai wāhi ki te kia ake atu i kua e ratou i roto i te mua, e hiahia ana matou ki te hanga i runga i te MBC ki te whai hua whawhai i pekanga e rua.


Hiahia hoki tatou ki te kawe atu tūturu 50/50 whawhai ki a Scotland, e kore tatou e hiahia ki reira he toronga o te scene o nāianei, e hiahia ana matou ki te kawe i te pā whawhai whakaongaonga tūturu tata ki āu, ia me nga whakaatu ".


A MBC Mr. Ka tāpiri Di Caro.


"E kore taea e ahau whakaae ake ki a Stewart, Ko te whanaketanga tino whakaongaonga mō te hākinakina tenei, kotahi e ka whai hua whawhai i rua Mekemeke me te whana Boxing.


Ka tata Stewart me te ariā tatou i tatou tuwhera ki a reira tonu atu, e kore hoki te take, ka whakaaro nga iwi maha, engari no te mea i hanga e kua matou te whakatau e kia tetahi e whakataetae i roto i te tahi atu toi pugilistic e hoki hiahia ana ki te pouaka pro, kia whakaaetia ki te rave i te reira.


I hanga tēnei whakatau etahi wa i mua, i roto i te meka i reira, no te tuatahi whakatata tatou ma toru wā World Champion Marlon Hunt e pā ana ki mekemeke pro i raro i to tatou kara.


Marlon Ko tetahi o nga whakataetae runga i roto i te ao Boxing whana, me pehea e korero ki pea i taea e tatou ki a ia e ia ki te hoatu ake whawhai i runga i te takahi ai Mekemeke ara iahiko ki te pro ia pouaka, Te tikanga e ahau ia taitara World i roto i te whana Boxing, K1, Muay Thai, Ka taea e ia te tiaki i ki a tatou te hunga taitara me te timata wero mō Toa i roto i te mekemeke hoki.


E ahau ki te mea, mai kua whakahuatia e ahau Marlon, e ka piri ia tatou kihai i tino ite tatou i te mea he rawa e riro ia, Ko ia he karere nui mo te MBC, ki te pā, me te rite tahi kaimekemeke, kia nui kia wawe taua te tau whakamutunga i te taatoaraa pōtitia ia ki te Executive Committee MBC.


Na, e kore anake e whai takiwa ana tatou ki te whai atu o te runga kaimekemeke whana whakataetae i roto i te mekemeke pro, engari i hoki te whai wāhi o te whana Mekemeke Toa o te Ao i huri noa i te ao whakataetae mo Championship hōnore rite kaimekemeke pro.


I te taha ki te pakihi o nga mea ka Stewart te Tiamana o te MBC Kotimana Region hou, me te uru atu ki te Komiti Whakahaere o te Mekemeke Commission Malta.


He Stewart mahere nui mo te kaupapa hou, me te ki taua mutunga, kua haina kua ake o ngā kaiwhakatairanga Kotimana he tokorua, tetahi o nei mahere ki te whakatairanga i te MBC Scotland takahanga fakangofua ia te tuatahi tino hohoro, i roto i te April May ranei pea.


Ahau hoki na whakakake kotahi am ki te whai wāhi i roto i tenei kaupapa hou whakaongaonga, Ahau tika ite e, e whakamatau tenei ki te kia kotahi o nga mea pai ki te hoko ki to tatou takaro i roto i te roa, te wā roa.


He aha te ake ka whakarato te reira i te pā mekemeke ki te momo hou katoa whawhai te piha haapiiraa World pono kōhure o ki te tiki muri, me te hakari whai wāhitanga mō kia kaimekemeke Kōtimana e atu itoito, e anake e taea e pai mo te hākinakina. "


Mō ētahi atu kōrero i runga i te Mekemeke Commission Malta tēnā haere ki:

Tukutuku: www.maltaboxingcommission.com


Facebook www.facebook.com/MaltaBoxingCommission

LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/company/malta-boxing-commission

E.mail: admin@maltaboxingcommission.com


Te whakauru tūturu Jr. Whitu Christian Molina

Molina to take on pro debuting Stacey Anderson tenei Rāhoroi i te Econo Lodge i Allentown, PA
Allentown, PA (February 17, 2015)–Kihai i Christian Molina i te nui o te takenga mai runaruna, engari kua ia he ako tere, me kua meinga tetahi o nga opuaraa runga i roto i te raorao Lehigh.
Tenei Rāhoroi ka titiro ia ki te haere ki te 4-0 ka e ia i runga i debuting pro Stacey Anderson i roto i te Tamaiti 4-a tawhio. A'ee Welterweight i te Econo Lodge i Allentown, Whakatairangatia ana PA a e Whakatairanga King o.
I roto i te hui matua, Frank De Alba Ka tangohia i runga i te hoariri ki te huaina i roto i te Tamaiti 8-a tawhio. A'ee Kōmāmā.
Molina, 27 tau o Allentown, PA i tika e rima pāngia runaruna, engari kua rere atu ki te tino 3-0 tohu ki te whakauru ia whakamīharo mo Dominic Goode, Horano Morales a Hohua Rivera me ia inaianei titiro mo te mahi rite ki a Anderson.
“Kua nui Training kua. Anderson is a new opponent. All I know is that he has an MMA background,” Said Molina.
“Ako'i e ahau pakeke meinga e ahau nga patunga tapu ki te riro. I look to box and I look to fight. I just do whatever it takes to fight that opponent.”
Kua hanga kē te southpaw ake he whai ake pai, me te hiahia ana ki te wehi i te pā i runga i Rāhoroi po.
“Noa e hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai, ka haere mai ki waho, ka tautoko ahau i nga pā katoa a rawa nga pā Spanish tenei Rāhoroi.”
I roto i te pāngia 6-a tawhio:
Juan Dominguez (17-0, 11 KO o) o Brooklyn, Ka tangohia NY i runga i te hoariri ki te kia te ingoa.
Super whitu John Magda (8-0, 6 KO o) o Rutherford, Ka tangohia nj i runga i JKo Williams (3-4) o Te Hau-ā-uru Monroe, LA

Ivan Golub (5-0, 4 KO o) o Brooklyn, Ka tangohia NY ki runga ki Rawiri Lopez (4-11-3, 1 KO) i roto i te Tamaiti. Whitu a'ee.
Danny Kelly (6-1-1, 5 KO o) o Washington, DC will take on Kevin Franklin (6-10, 3 KO o) of in a Heavyweight bout.
I roto i te pāngia 4-a tawhio:
Robert Irizarry (2-0-1) o Cherry Hill, Ka whawhai nj Pineamine Burgos (2-10-1) o Maunga Pocono, PA i roto i te a'ee mā whitu. This bout is a rematch of a bout from May where Irizarry won a unanimous decision.
Christopher Booker ka meinga tona tuatahi pro o Philadelphia ki Andrew Sosa(0-4-1) o Kaiahuwhenua amaa, TX i roto i te a'ee taumahawaenga.
Paora Koon (2-0, 1 KO Ka whawhai o Philadelphia Rex Harris (1-0-2) o Wikes-Barre, PA, i roto i te a'ee Heavyweight.
Tikiti mo tenei po nui o te mekemeke e $45 no te Urunga General, me te $60 no te Ringside a taea te hokona mā te pāwhiri: www.kingsboxing.eventbrite.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 610 587 5950

Kei te Econo Lodge i 1151 Building Drive i roto i te Allentown, PA



E mau ki te titiro i te kapa pūmanawa o Bellator o whawhai i te UK. Paora Daley, Michael Whārangi, Linton Vassell a Liam McGeary, a faaineine ai ratou i ki te whakaekea i te U.S. i runga i February 27th i “Bellator: Te whakaekenga British,” e e wahi i te Mohegan Sun Arena i Uncasville, CT.

Ko te hui tino âwhina Tags LIVE me te FREE i runga i te Koi TV i 9 p.m. AND.

E whai ana Countdown Team U.K. ki Rānana Ingarangi mo te titiro i to ratou whakangungu, te oraraa utuafare, me te haerenga whaiaro o te whenua ta ratou fare.

Haru i te tahi kānga pāhūhū, me te pāwhiri i te whakapakoko ki te tiro i te ataata i raro!

Kia e meatia oaoa outou i te reira e nehenehe e faaite i koe i te reira ki o koutou hoa, me te utuafare, kia taea e ratou mataara reira hoki.

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