Trey Lippe-Morrison Kupu matua March 7 i Buffalo Run Casino!

Miami, OK (February 13, 2015) - Hinga kore artist knockout taumahamaha Trey Lippe-Morrison hoki Rāhoroi, March 7 i te Buffalo Run Casino i Miami, OK, ina kupu matua ia te "wha State Franchise" kāri whawhai.


Whakatairangatia ana tenei pai po o te mekemeke e Holden Productions me tīkiti tīmata i $30 E wātea ana mā te te karanga 918-542-9400 haere ranei ki te


Ko te tama a te mutunga o taumahamaha nui Tommy "Ko e Duke" Morrison, Lippe-Morrison he haohaoa 6-0 me te whakauru ia katoa e ono e haere mai ana i te knockout. Ka rite ki tona papa, Lippe-Morrison ko te Unuunu nui me te kaha, ki pahaki kino. 25-tau-tau te Tulsa, Kuru Māori OK rima knockouts a tawhio tuatahi piritahi a kua tona haere i roto i te porohita porowhā kua chronicled e ngā putanga pāpāho.


"Trey Ko 6-0 a tamata nei au ki te kitea hoariri e taea hoatu ki a ia etahi rauna,"Ka mea kaiwhakatairanga Tony Holden. "Te pupuhi ia i hoariri i roto i te taka noa tuatahi, me te te e ia he puncher nui. Ia tino fakamanatu ahau o tona papa,, nei ka whakanuia e ahau, a ka whakaaro ahau Trey te te mau mahi!"


Ka huaina hoariri Lippe-Morrison o tata.


I roto i te a'ee tahi-ngā o te ahiahi, rongonui slugger taumahamaha Kenzie Witt o Bartlesville, OKputs tona record hinga kore i runga i te raina ki te hoariri ki te kia te ingoa. Witt, 3-0 (3 KO o), Ko te tama a te faahitihia Morrison, me te hawhe teina Lippe-Morrison o.


"Hook Mauī" tūturu Hehe Cook, 14-0 (9 KO o), Ka puta i runga i te kāri i roto i te ono taka noa taumahawaenga teina a'ee. Ko te Seneca, MO hāngai Cook ka tutaki he TBA hoariri. Welterweight Jarrett Rouse o Bartlesville, OK te whakaritea hoki ki te puta i roto i te whakataetae a taka e wha.


"No te March 7th, Kua hoatu e ahau he kāri o whawhai talēniti'ia i te rohe wha State,"Ka mea a Holden. "Karanga ahau enei takatu Whā State Franchise. Ko te kapa ko Lippy-Morrison, Witt, Whakatika me te Brothers Cook. I mea ai ahau whakaaturanga i Buffalo Run Casino mō ngā tau maha, me te wa katoa ko tenei rōpū i runga i te kāri, hoko tīkiti i roto i iti iho i te 48 haora. Ko te tauhohenga pai kua ka i te mano e ahau i roto i tenei toku 25 tau o te whakatairanga. "


Kia ka kauwhautia pāngia tahi atu mau, me te hoariri tata.


A Gleason Faleva'inga Masters anake Whakaaturia tenei Rāhoroi ki te motuhake 5:00 Wā tīmatanga PM. Plus rua era atu meatanga nui

Mekemeke Whakaatu anake o te Kaiwhakaako tenei Rāhoroi i 5:00 PM.

I roto i te te honore o St. Valentine, Ka whiwhi te katoa i te ngakau tiakarete.


Kua whakaritea matou e waru pāngia a ariki whakaongaonga. Haere mai me te pārekareka ki te whakaatu.


Kua whakatakotoria tatou pāngia katoa e USABoxingMetro.


Ko te paunatia-i roto i te no te tenei whakaaturanga e timata i 3:00PM a ka timata te a'ee tuatahi i 5:00PM.


Ko te utu tīkiti ko $20 ia tangata. Tamariki 6 a kahore e ki raro i whakatupato. Mau melo o te omaoma katoa me amateurs rēhita ki o ratou pukapuka i roto i te utu ringa $15 ia tangata.



P.S. Ki te kore e taea e hanga e koe taua mea, engari e hiahia ana tonu ki te kite i te whawhai, ka rere ki ratou i

Paetukutuku o Gleason Faleva'inga:




Wednesday, February 18, Ka tu Faleva'inga o Gleason te Golden karapu Po o te mekemeke.


Ka whai te karapu New York City Daily News Golden he a tawhio tuatahi o te mekemeke i te Gleason Faleva'inga next Wednesday te 18. Ka te a'ee tuatahi i 7:00 pm.

Ko te utu tīkiti ko $25 ia tangata. He pera pai poroporoaki tō tīkiti wawe iti ruma. Karangatia i te omaoma i 718 797 2872 īmēra rānei



Ka kati te omaoma i 4:00 PM no te whakangungu ia nehenehe ia tatou ia faaineine no te te karapu whakaatu Golden.



He whakaaturanga tino whakaongaonga kei te haere mai ki a Gleason Faleva'inga i runga i Rāmere February 20.


Ka tapae te taninito Theater Company te Living Room Series 2015 Bareknuckle i February 20 i roto i March 8, 2015, i te Gleason Faleva'inga.


He ka toru ao tuatahi i Lucy Thurber, Pia Scala-Zankek a Lindsay Joy.


Ko te Kaiwhakahaere ko te Laura Savia.


No te mōhiohio tīkiti haere ki


Kua whakatakotoria e matou he waehere hekenga mo regulars o te katoa Gleason. Go to ki te hoko tīkiti. E tomo te stinglikeabee15 waehere hoki $15 tīkiti.



GH3 Whakatairanga tohu Welterweight tūturu Jerrell Harris

Kia tukuna tonutia atu

Nutley, Nj(February 13, 2015)-GH3 Whakatairanga he pai ki te kauwhau i te hainatanga o te Jerrell Harris ki te kirimana whakatairanga motuhake.
Harris o Washington, DC. Ko te Welterweight tūturu nei hākinakina i te tohu tino o te 4-0 ki 4 knockouts.
Te 20 Na ka mea tau-tau ki runga ki hainatanga, “Mana'o te reira nui ki te haina ki a GH3 me titiro atu ahau ki te heke mai kanapa.”

“Ko te tau-kotahi take i runga i te haina i ahau ki a GH3 ko e pupuri e ratou o ratou whawhai pukumahi.”

I mua i te tahuri ngaio, A Harris Ko mahi amateur i ngā o 100 pāngia i roto i te i riro ia i te Ao Jr. Olymoics, PAL me Ringside whakataetae. Whakataetae ano Harris ki a riro ki te kapa Irish National me te Ipu o Tavana i roto i te Washington.
“E ahau he kāhua katoa a tawhio noa. Ka taea e ahau pouaka a taea e ahau te bang. Te reira i katoa tei runga i te hoa tauwhainga. Ko ahau ahua o te momo kura tawhito o te toa, me te titiro ki runga i ahau ki nga momo o Wilfredo Penitesi & Thomas Hearns.”
“E hiahia ana ahau ki te whawhai kia rite ki pinepine e taea e ahau, a ko ahau rite mo te nui 2015. Kua ahau e noho ana i runga i te pa'epa'e mo meimei he tau. Ahau whakaaro i muri i o te rangi ki runga whawhai i te tokorua, Ka waiho e ahau rite mo te wāhanga i muri mai o toku mahi.”
Ka hiahia i roto i te mekemeke Harris i muri i ona tuakana, pouaka. Tīmata Jerrell i te tau o te 11.
“Kua toku matua keke, kua te taata nei i i e ahau te wa katoa, kua. Ko Gregory Burton tona ingoa, engari e mohio katoa ia ia rite “B-BOP”. Ua e ia toku akiaki nui mai te ra kotahi. A, no te he tetahi mea tōraro ki te mea, Ko ia te tetahi o ratou, me hanga pana ahau i mua, ka noho kaha.”
“Jerrell he faingamālie ki te waiho i te toa motuhake,”Na ka mea a GH3 Whakatairanga Palesiteni, Vito Mielnicki.
“I ia te mahi nui runaruna me pčhea ​​te ia i roto i ki katoa i te whawhai kounga e kua haina matou i te Beltway o e rite Antoine Douglas, Jerry Odom me Glenn Dezurn.”

Hanga Harris ka tona tuatahi GH3 i runga i Rāmere, March 13 i te Space i roto i te ave, NY.

GH3 Whakatairanga ngā tūturu whitu Antoine Douglas, Super whitu o Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, tūturu mā whitu Glenn Dezurn Jr., tūturu Super whā Arama Lopez me te Jr. Whitu John Thompson, JR. Kōmāmā Wanzell Ellison, Rima tekau mā whitu Jorge Diaz, tūturu Super whā Qa'id Muhammad me Light Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell ki te GH3 Whakatairanga eu.

Tuhinga Pastor RETURNS KI MMA whare herehere I LEWISTON ON APRIL 11

Lewiston, Maine (February 13, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, hoki ki te Androscoggin Bank Colisee i Lewiston, Maine i runga i April 11, 2015 me ona whitu whakauru-hōia-toi (MMA) takahanga. I mua i teie mahana, the company announced the addition of a professional middleweight bout to the fight card. Ryan “Ko te kitenga i Dog” Cowette 2-2 Ka tangohia i runga i John Daniels (0-2) i te taimaha o te 185, pauna whawhai.


Cowette Ko te rangatira me te matenga kaiako o MMA Athletix omaoma kei roto i te Patehepa, Maine. He is a veteran of the NEF MMA cage, having contested all four of his professional bouts for the promotion. Cowette rides a two-fight win streak into “Nef XVII,” ka mate a Dave Claroni (0-2) a Hehe Erickson (3-4) in the previous 18-months. April 11 will be Cowette’s return to the cage after more than a year’s absence. During that time, Kua hāngai ia ki runga ki te whakahaere i tona kura, whakangungu ana whawhai, and building his ministry through Victory Church in Bath. Cowette is currently the only professional fighting pastor in America. He says that he will be looking to finish Daniels on April 11 i roto i te Lewiston.


“Ahau rite whawhai,” Said Cowette. “Ahau i rite ki te haere o te puni whawhai, te panaia, and the lessons learned. I also miss the opportunity of having a good finish. I will be looking to finish this fight. When I started Victory Church I found it hard to balance spiritual training and training for the cage. I 185 I feel that I can find my spot. Thanks to NEF for calling me back to the cage. ”


John Daniels is not a stranger to the NEF MMA cage. Currently signed to a multi-fight contract with the promotion, Ngaro Daniels ki Hehe Erickson puna whakamutunga i “XIII nef.” He will look to avenge that loss on April 11. A six year veteran of MMA, me te toa mamau kura teitei mua i roto i te Connecticut, Daniels tēnei wā whakaako i roto i o Rock City MMA i Rockland, Maine. He predicts a tough battle at “XVII nef.”


I am excited to be fighting for New England Fights and their fans,” stated Daniels. “They put on the best events. I am fighting Ryan Cowette. Ko ia he toa nui. I ahau i te rota o te faatura no ia. This will be my toughest fight to date. I am looking to push the pace and stay in his face the whole fight. This will be a battle.

Hui muri MMA o nef, “Nef XVII,” Kei te whakaritea ki te tango i te wahi i runga iApril 11, 2015 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisee i Lewiston, Maine. Bruce “Boy ātaahua” Boyington (10-7) ka tiakina e te Ingoa Kōmāmā nef MMA ki te maha-kotahi nguha Jamie Harrison (5-1). I tua atu, Jarod “Minute Last” Lawton (4-1) tutaki Dennis Olson (12-7) i roto i te whakataetae Welterweight. Tikiti hoki “Nef XVII” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei ranei na roto i te te karanga te tari pouaka Colisee i207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Mō New Ingarangi whawhai


New Ingarangi whawhai ("Nef") Ko te whawhai whakatairanga ngā kaupapa kamupene. Misioni a nef ko ki te waihanga i te mau ohipa kounga teitei mō ngā whawhai, me pā o Maine rite tahi. Whānui wheako i roto i te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai he kapa whakahaere o nef, production ngā kaupapa, whanaungatanga pāpāho, marketing, ture me te pānuitanga.

M-1 Challenge 57 Kia 2 i roto i te Orenburg, Russia


M-1 Global hoki Kia 2 ki Orenburg, Russia no te M-1 Challenge 57

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (Feb. 13, 2015) — Ua faaite te M-1 Global kua e Orenburg, Russia e te pae mana o M-1 Challenge 57, tohu te toru o nga tau karapīpiti te kamupene whakauru-martial-toi puai e whakatairanga i te kaupapa nui i reira.

Ko Orenburg he pa kei i runga i te awa o Ural, iti iho i te 1,000 to'a hitiaa o Moscow, tata rawa ki te rohe katatānga. Lucky “7s” Ko te au mo Orenburg, i whakahaerehia M-1 Challenge 37 a M-1 Challenge 47 i te aroaro o te hui i te kaha, a inaianei M-1 Challenge 57 i runga i Kia 2.


E toru kingi M-1 Challenge toa i whawhai i roto i te Orenburg, Kōmāmā Maxim Divnich (10-0-0) me te taumahamaha Marcin “Tybur” Tybura (12-0-0) i roto i te M-1 Challenge 37; Tybura me te rima tekau mā whitu John “Ko tenei te” Buchinger (28-4-0) i roto i te M-1 Challenge 47.

Kōrero mekemeke Roy Jones, JR. ko te tū i te āheinga motuhake i M-1 Challenge 47 i roto i te Orenburg

Rua taitara whawhai e tika ana kia matua M-1 Challenge 57, Ka hohoro nei te kauwhautia e M-1 Global.

M-1 Challenge 57 Ka rere nga ora i roto i te tautuhinga teitei i runga i www.M1Global.TV. Ka taea ki te mataara i te whawhai tuatahi, me te kāri matua i te takiuru ki runga ki ki te rēhita i Viewers www.M1Global.TV. Kia mataara katoa o te mahi pā i runga i to ratou rorohiko, me te i runga i waea atamai me papa Andriod me Apple.

Whawhai, ka AIR Whatunga M-1 Challenge 57 ora i te TV arotau o Cablevision, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable me Armstrong Cable i roto i te Amerika, me te motu i roto i te Canada, Pūrere Roku puta noa i Amerika Te Tai Tokerau, a ao i roto i te neke atu i te 30 whenua puta noa i Europa, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.


Ū M-1 Global Events:Feb. 21, 2015, M-1 Challenge 55: Guram Gugenishvili Memorial Whakaatu i roto i te Tbilisi, Georgia; Apr. 10, 2015, M-1 Challenge 56 i roto i te Moscow, Russia.

Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1Global


@ M1GlobalNews


Facebook: / 145250878842244

ABOUT M-1 AO: Nō i roto i te 1997, Kua whakapumautia M-1 Global ano i roto i te kingitanga o Hanumi Toi Martial (MMA) as the premiere entity for discovering and developing the world’s next-generation of superstar fighters. Ki te tari i roto i te St Petersburg, Amsterdam and Los Angeles and affiliates in Seoul, Tokyo a Paris, Kua tū atu atu i te M-1 waitohu 150 ngā takahanga te ao, tae atu i te Whiriwhiri M-1, M-1 Challenge and M-1 Global and M-1 Global HWGP events, i roto i te tua ki te tahi-te whakatairanga ngā kaupapa Strikeforce me M-1 Global i runga i te whatunga Showtime i roto i te United States. Ora hopu, pouaka me te aunui hunga me ona uara production pai, me matchups, M-1 Kua ngā Takahanga Pāwhānui etahi o runga ingoa te hākinakina o, tae atu ki Fedor Emelianenko, Andrei Arlovski, Aleksander Emelianenko, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Zentsov Roma, Yushin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid pau a Stephan Struve. 2014 fafau ia riro tetahi atu autaia tau o te whakataetae-ao o te piha haapiiraa ki te maramataka o te mau ohipa titauraa tafunaki e te pūnaha totohe taranata-taonga te ana'iraa Champions M-1 Global o roto i te nui i roto i te hākinakina. Ko te hua nui M-1 Global o rongonui toa taumahamaha, Fedor Emelianenko.

ABOUT M-1GLOBAL.TV: Kia pai MMA mahi inaianei i roto i te tautuhinga teitei kawea ki a koutou, whakahere i te pai whawhai anake i M-1 Global me ētahi atu rōpū MMA. Ko te tūāpapa nui whakawhanakehia ngā ki te kawe tahi i te pātengi raraunga ataata whawhai tino ngaio. E whakarato ana hoki i te atanga ngāwari, me te pūmanawa, te tautururaa i te katoa ki te tīmata te whakamahi i te tūāpapa i roto i kore wa ia te haapae i tetahi kaipahua. Haunga te mātakitaki i nga whawhai mua i runga i te hiahia i tetahi wa watea ki te kiritaki, E taea e ia oaoa i te LIVE mahi kaimätakitaki, wātea katoa ki kaiwhakamahi i roto i te marama iti-utu ki te marama ohaurunga mamati.

Tou te ao o te mahi. Ahakoa te Wā!

Tautahatanga i Mohegan Sun (Boxcino Jr. Whitu Quarterfinals)

Whakakapi John Thompson Cleotis Pendarvis i Boxcino Tournament

Boxcino Quarterfinals

Ricardo Pinell 154 – John Thompson 154 1/4

Stanyslav Skorokhod 153 3/4 – Michael Moore 154 3/4

Brandon Adams 155 – Alex Parete 152 1/2

Vito Gasparyan 155 – Himiona Hardy 154 1/4

Whakakapi Thompson Cleotis Pendarvis kihai i taea e te tangata e hanga taimaha

Eddie Caminero 157 1/4 – Jimmy Williams 156 1/4
Khiary Gray-Pitts 164 1/4 – Rodrigo Almeida 172 1/2
Anahera Martinez 132 1/4 – Oscar Bonilla 133

Photos e Shane Sims / Whakatairanga Kara
Kaiwhakatairanga: Whakatairanga kara i roto i te whai wāhi ki Jimmy Burchfield o CES Boxing
Wāhi: Mohegan Sun:
Pouaka Whakaata: ESPN 2 (9PM)
1st Bell: 7:45 PM
Taahi Future contenders ki te whāiti motu, ka te whakataetae mekemeke kotahi-whakakorenga rongonui, Boxcino 2015, hanga tona tuatahi wa, Tenei Rāmere! February 13, i te Mohegan Sun i Uncasville, Conn. Teata ora i runga i ESPN o Rāmere Whawhai Night, (9 p.m. AND / 6 p.m. PT i runga i ESPN2), Ka hua i te quarterfinal teina whitu pāngia wehenga e wha wha toa nei e ka tango i te tupeke nui ki te hanga i te reira ki te toa i whakamutunga a tawhio noa, me ona taonga hopea, nga taitara wātea NABA me Nepo ME te ao whakatauranga Runga-10 e te Ao mekemeke Association (WBA) me te mekemeke Organization World (WBO). Whakatairangatia ana e Banner Whakatairanga me Jimmy Burchfield o Classic Entertainment & Sports (CES), toe tīkiti ki te Hui-tanguru 13 putanga o Boxcino 2015, utu i $125, $65, $40 a $30, tae atu ki te utu pūmahi, Ka taea te hokona mā www.ticketmaster,ki, i te waea i 1-800-745-3000, putanga Ticketmaster katoa ranei tangata i roto i i te Tari Mohegan Pouaka Sun.

Ka tango i te wahi te Official paunatia-I roto i te i runga i Rāpare, February 12, i roto i te Mohegan Sun o Cabaret Theatre, timata i 5 p.m. I te Whawhai Night, Doors ka whakatuwhera i 7 p.m. ki te a'ee tuatahi timata i 8 p.m. AND.

Ka teata te quarterfinal pāngia wehenga taumahamaha wha ora i runga i ESPN oRāmere Whawhai Night Next Rāmere! February 20, i te tahuri Stone Resort Casino i Verona, NY.

Boxcino 2015 kua he turanga nui mo te whakatupuranga i muri mai o te toa mekemeke me nga whetu. Ko te pāngia quarterfinal ka ono rauna, nga pāngia whiringa whāiti ka waru rauna, a ka riro nga pāngia taitara 10 rauna. Tenei wahi poto i ESPN o “Making te Rauna” ka taipitopito whawhai a tenei wiki. = 12302492

Toa o tērā tau i roto i Boxcino te wehenga whitu, Willie Monroe Jr., Kua riro te bona tūturu me whakawhetai nguha ki ana whakaora i roto i te Boxcino 2014. Ko tēnei wā ia te ao-tauanga No. 3 i te WBA, Kaua e. 7 e te WBO me No. 10 i te Kaunihera mekemeke Ao (WBC). Boxcino 2014 toa Kōmāmā Petr Petrov he ao-tauanga i tēnei wā No. 2 e te WBA me No. 7 i te WBO

Hari ki te hanga Artie Pelullo, ranei tetahi nga whawhai e wātea ana ki a koutou i te waea o te. Ko te pairings mō ia wehenga, BIOS whawhai (kaua e manukanuka kei poto ratou) me nga kaiuru katoa’ E wātea ana i runga i te tono pūkete Whawhai Waea.


Inaianei kei te runga i ngā wā katoa Mohegan Sun Arena i roto i te wāhi runga i roto i te ao i runga i ki Billboard Magazine, Pollstar me perehi teie mahana. Kua riro te reira “Casino o te Tau” i te Tohu Country Music i roto i 2008 & 2010 a i roto i te 2013, I pōti “Arena o te Tau” i te Gaming Conference G2E Global i Las Vegas. Ano i roto i te 2013, Mohegan Sun riro “Casino o te Tau” i roto i te 2 kāwai i te Academy o Music Awards Country. Mō ētahi atu mōhiohio i runga i ngā kōnohete me era atu meatanga nui tirotiro i Mohegan Sun. No te mōhiohio i runga i te hōtaka o tenei wiki, karanga i te whakangahau me te Special Events hotline i 1.888.226.7711, ext. 27163.


HOUSTON, Texas (February 12, 2015)Gary Shaw Productions a Savarese Whakatairangas E oaoa ki te kauwhau i to ratou uniana ki te whakatairanga i tetahi o te tino pūmanawa opuaraa runga, me te haere mai i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha marama, Medzhid Bektemir (14-0, 11 Koó). He puncher kino ki te mana i roto i nga ringa ki, Mau tere, me te wawetanga hoki Bektemirov, hanga i tetahi o te tino korero e pā ana ki whawhai i roto i te Russia ki a ia.


Fanauhia i roto i te Makhachkala, Russia, Bektemirov, inaianei noho i roto i te USA, te wahi e whakaako ia ki Ronnie Shields i te “Ano'io” i roto i te Stafford, Texas. He kaimahi pakeke nei ā te ora i roto i te omaoma, Medzhid kai, moe me te hopoi mekemeke.


“Korero ahau e ahau tika inaianei koutou, Medzhid Bektemirov Ko tetahi o nga whawhai tino pūmanawa o kua kitea e ahau i roto i te ia,” mea Gary Shaw. “Kei a ia te huinga onge o te tere me te mana. E korerotia ana e ahau te mana haamou e haere mai ana i rua ringa. He whakamate ana matau, me ona waewae nohopuku e mīharo. Kei te haere ahau ki te haere i roto i runga i te e alangá, me te mea Bektemirov i taea e te toa i muri nui ki te haere mai i roto i o Russia. E ahau te nui rahi o te faatura no te Gennady Golovkin a Sergey Kovalev, e rua He toa nui. Golovkin Ko te toa tino motuhake me te ki te taea e Bektemirov tae tona taumata, reira ka whai tatou te tahi mea taa ê rite te pai. Whakapono ahau, ka Bektemirov kia titiro ki te kanohi Kovalev i roto i te heke mai e kore e pera tawhiti.”


I roto i tona a'ee 12 anake, Bektemirov riro te WBC United States (USNBC) te marama taitara taumahamaha ki te mahi tūtahi ki Randy Griffin (25-4-3, 13 Koó), toa i te tekau ma rua-a tawhio noa whakatau loto lopsided. Ka haere ma rua rauna i roto i te a'ee ngaio kē, Medzhid Bektemir, Kua kï taea te haere ia i te tawhiti, ki te titauhia.


“I roto i te 2015 Ka meinga Medzhid Bektemirov mohiotia ki te katoa i roto i te wehenga marama-taumahamaha tona aroaro.”Lou Savarese kī. “Te faahaamana'o ahau tenei koati o Mike Tyson ki taimaha i ona ringa, me te tere rahi. Kua ahau i roto i te whakakai ki Tyson me au māia ahau, ina mea ahau Bektemirov fakamanatu ki ahau he rota rite Mike. Gary me ahau e haere ana ki te hoatu moni rahi e whakatairanga Medzhid. Ka riro ia i te ingoa whare rawa hohoro, ka e te hoariri tatou mo taua taitara ao.”


“Ua haamaitaihia vau kia whakatairangatia ana e Gary Shaw me Lou Savarese nei kua maha nga tau i roto i te mekemeke,” Medzhid Bektemir mea. “Kua tae mai ahau i te ara roa i Russia ki te whai i taku moe o te hoko i te toa. Ahau aroha ki te whawhai, me te whiwhi ahau pārekareka nui, ina knockout ahau toku hoa tauwhainga. I roto i nga a'ee, Haere tonu ahau au ki te kia titiro ki te mutunga wawe te whawhai. Ko te pā e hiahia ana ki te kite i knockouts me e ko toku makehe.”

“BELLATOR: MANHOEF VU. SHLEMENKO” OFFICIAL HUA paunatia-kua whawhai katoa hanga WEIGHT MŌHIOTIA ki te Paraire po whawhai ki runga ki matau TV

“Ahau rapu ana tino ahau mo te knockout. Tetahi huru o te win he angitu, engari tino hiahia ana ahau i te knockout.” – Alexander Shlemenko
“Kua marere ia i waenganui i ahau, me toku whāinga, me te whāinga, ko te ki te hei toa Bellator.” – Melvin Manhoef

Fresno, Calif. – Feb. 12, 2015 – Toa ka mau ki nga pauna, a angitu hit ratou pauna ngā Rāpare ahiahi i te Tiaki Center Mart, te pae o te apopo o tino tūmanako “Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko” takahanga, e te pahiatia e LIVE me te FREE i runga i te Koi TV i 9 p.m. AND.


“Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko” is headlined by an epic middleweight matchup between two of the most dangerous strikers in all of mixed martial arts with former Bellator MMA champ Alexander “Storm” Shlemenko (50-9) facing fellow knockout artist Melvin “No te aroha” Manhoef (29-12-1). The event also features a sure-to-be-thrilling featherweight co-main event between former championPat Curran (20-6) me te toa whakataetae Daniel Weichel (34-8).

Melvin Manhoef (186 lbs.) vs. Alexander Shlemenko (186 lbs.)

Pat Curran (146 lbs.) vs. Daniel Weichel (145 lbs.)

Julia Budd (145 lbs.) vs. Gabrielle Holloway (145.5 lbs.)

Chris Honeycutt (170.5 lbs.) vs. Clayton MacFarlane (170.5 lbs.)

Art Arciniega (146 lbs.) vs. Emilio Chavez (146 lbs.)

Blake Watkins (185.5 lbs.) vs. George Zuniga (185 lbs.)

Paora Ruiz (135.5 lbs.) vs. Nicolas Sperling (133 lbs.)

Nick Bustamante (156 lbs.) vs. Luis ai Jáuregui (154 lbs.)

John Paora Iraia (205 lbs.) vs. Cody tama (205 lbs.)

Honatana Contrestano (155 lbs.) vs. Ryan TOBAR (155 lbs.)

Andrew Ramm (160.5 lbs.) vs. Arama Piccolot (160 lbs.)

Mason Fowler (169 lbs.) vs. Marko Damiani (170 lbs.)


Alexander Shlemenko:

“Melvin [Manhoef] Ko te toa nohopuku me te kaha. Ko ia te meke pai i roto i te katoa o MMA.

“Ua ineine vau mo tenei whawhai ahau no te mea e ahau whakaaro ahau a Tūrongo, nui, me te aravihi grappling. I roto i tenei puni whakangungu sparred ahau he rota ki eé Thai Muay hoki te kāinga i roto i Omsk, Ke ano Russia me i toku kai ki te riro atu papatipu uaua ki te ite nui pai me te kaha.

“Ahau rapu ana tino ahau mo te knockout. Tetahi huru o te win he angitu, engari tino hiahia ana ahau i te knockout.”

Melvin Manhoef:

“Kei te haere ahau ki te whawhai Alexander [Shlemenko] pakeke, me te fefeka. Ko te tika o toku nifó ko te aha e meinga e ahau riro i tēnei whawhai.

“E kore au e ahau titiro mo te knockout, E hiahia ana ahau ki te mahi i toru rauna o te rima meneti o pakeke whawhai. Ki te haere mai te knockout, na ka haere mai te reira.

“E ia [Shlemenko] he rota o te tere me te hoki-whana. Kei a ia raka tino pai, me te he tino pai-porotaka, engari na ko ahau. Ahau whakaaro toku a Tūrongo, Ko te pai atu i tona tere, me te whana.

“E kore ahau e mahara ki te he ia māia rawa e haere ki tenei whawhai. Kua marere ia i waenganui i ahau, me toku whāinga, me te whāinga, ko te ki te hei toa Bellator.”

Pat Curran:

“A whawhai te whawhai. Ka taea e nga mea katoa e haere i roto i te matapihi ki te kotahi tokua.

“E rapu ana ahau ki whiwhi hoki ki te he toku whaiaro tawhito. Ahau haehaa, me te hiakai ahau, E haere koe ki te kite i te tawhito Pat Curran i roto i te reira ki te tokorua tinihanga hou ake tana peinga.

“E rapu ana tonu ahau mo te knockout tukunga ranei, engari au rite ki te haere e toru rauna i. Ahau rite mo tetahi mutu i roto i tetahi āhuatanga.

“E ia [Daniel Weichel] tino hiakai ko te tika i teie nei. Ko ia te tohunga tāpaetanga, me kua he ongo te haere ia e ahau ki te haere mai i roto i pakeke me te tere. Ahau rite mo te tetahi mea, me te kore mea te mea kei te haere i te reira ki te waiho hei whawhai whakaongaonga, E kore e taea e ahau tatari ki te tiki hoki i roto i reira.

“Ahau ite ia ia ki waho, ka kawea mai ia ia ki roto ki toku kēmu. Ki te haere mai ia i roto i kaha au rite mo taua, a ka ōrite matou he ahi ki te ahi.”

Daniel Weichel:

“Tenei whawhai te tikanga o te rota ki ahau, rite katoa whawhai konei i roto i te Bellator. Ka meinga e ahau he po apopo tauākī a ka meinga katoa mahara ki toku ingoa.

“Ahau pai-porotaka, me toku kaha nui, ko e taea hoatu e ahau i te pēhanga mo te katoa 15 meneti.”

Kāri Main i runga i te Koi TV (9 p.m. AND)

Bellator Takahanga Main whitu: Melvin Manhoef (29-12-1) vs. Alexander Shlemenko (50-9)

Bellator mā whitu Āhuatanga Fight: Pat Curran (20-6) vs. Daniel Weichel (34-8)

Bellator Women o mā whitu Whawhai Āhuahira: Julia Budd (6-2) vs. Gabrielle Holloway (4-1)

Bellator Welterweight Āhuatanga Fight: Chris Honeycutt (5-0) vs. Clayton MacFarlane (4-0)

Kāri tuatahi i runga i (8 p.m. AND)

Bellator mā whitu Prelim Whawhai: Art Arciniega (14-4) vs. Emilio Chavez (7-5)

Bellator whitu Prelim Whawhai: Blake Watkins (4-0) vs. George Zuniga (3-0)

Bellator mā Prelim Whawhai: Paora Ruiz (5-2) vs. Nicolas Sperling (3-2)

Kāri tuatahi i runga i (I muri Manhoef vs. Shlemenko)

Bellator Kōmāmā Prelim Whawhai: Nick Bustamante (2-0) vs. Luis ai Jáuregui (2-1)

Bellator Light Heavyweight Prelim Whawhai: John Paora Iraia (2-0) vs. Cody tama (0-1)

Bellator Kōmāmā Prelim Whawhai: Honatana Contrestano (4-0) vs. Ryan TOBAR (3-1)

Bellator whā Prelim Whawhai: Ray Cervera (8-2) vs. Arama Piccolot (4-0)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim Whawhai: Mason Fowler (1-0) vs. Marko Damiani (0-1)

Mō Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA Ko te Mixed whakahaere Arts ārahi ngā tokomaha nga whawhai pai o roto i te ao nei. I raro i te aronga o te kaiwhakatairanga whawhai hōia Scott Coker, Ko te wātea Bellator ki meimei 500 miriona mau fare te ao i roto i runga i 140 whenua. I roto i te United States, Ka taea te kite i Bellator i runga i te Koi TV, te rangatira pouaka MMA. Uru Bellator MMA te o te rōpū whakahaere e ngā runga ngaio ahumahi i roto i te hanga pouaka, rōpū takahanga ora, whanaketanga whawhai / whanaunga, ähua wāhi, i hanga e tautoko / whanaketanga, raihana ao, marketing, pānuitanga, publicity me te kōmihana whanaunga. Hāngai Bellator i roto i Santa Monica, California, ka puritia e te whakangahau Rapa Viacom, home ki rama pirimia whakangahau o te ao e hono ki te hunga i roto i te ihirangi mālohi puta noa i te pouaka whakaata, nekehanga pikitia, ipurangi me te pūkoro tüäpapa.


Mō Spike TV:

Koi TV Kei te wātea i roto i te 98.7 miriona mau fare, e ko te wehenga o Viacom Networks Media. He waeine o Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Networks Media he tetahi o kaihanga ārahi o te ao o te hōtaka, me te ihirangi puta noa i tüäpapa päpähomaha katoa. Wāhitau Internet Spike TV a ko a hoki ake-ki-te-miniti me te mōhiohio press pūranga me ngā whakaahua, 'a'ahi ki press pae Koi TV o i A pee i tatou i runga i Twitter spiketvpr mo te hou i roto i whawhati whakahōunga rongo, muri-te-scenes mōhiohio me ngā whakaahua.

TORU-TIME WORLD TOA Apanere uwha ki te whawhai ON whakawhitinga angitū KĀRI IN “PBC ON NBC” Tuatahi ora i roto i PRIMETIME ON SATURDAY, MARCH 7

Uwha ki te kanohi Arturo Santos Reyes Mai te MGM Grand Garden Arena I Las Vegas

Las Vegas (Feb. 12, 2015) – Toa mua toru-wehenga te ao Apanere Merehe (28-1-1, 15 Koó) hoki ki te mowhiti ki te kanohi 2008 Mexican Häkinakina Arturo Santos Reyes (18-4, 5 Koó) i runga i Rāhoroi, March 7 ora i te MGM Grand Garden Arena i Las Vegas i roto i te tuatahi primetime o te Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions raupapa i runga i NBC me NBCSN.


Ko te whawhai he wāhanga o te kāri whakawhitinga angitū whakatairangatia ana e Goossen Whakatairanga ngā Keith Thurman vs. Robert Guerrero a Adrien Broner vs. John Molina, JR. e ka te hau ora i runga i NBC (8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT).


Ka teata te a'ee Merehe-Reyes ora i runga i Rāhoroi, March 7, i runga i te whakaaturanga NBC (8:30 – 11 p.m. AND) ranei i runga i te telecast NBCSN (11 p.m. AND).


Marv Albert Ka karanga i te whawhai i roto i te primetime i runga i NBC te taha o kaitātari “Sugar” Ray Leonard, te toa e ono-wā te ao, me te 1976 Mētara koura Olympic. Al Michaels ka tu.


“Au oaoa e ahau ki te whai i te whai wāhi ki te whawhai i roto i te Las Vegas i runga i March 7,” ka mea Merehe. “Ko te kāri fantastic e he nui hoki ahau, e nui hoki te hākinakina o te mekemeke tenei. Titiro atu ahau ki maka ana i runga i te whakaatu mo nga pā, me te toa impressively.”


“Ko te he honore nui ki te tiki i tenei whawhai ki a Apanere Merehe, me ki kia whawhai i MGM Grand i Las Vegas,” Said Reyes. “Uwha he he toa nui. E mohio ana ahau ki te mea e hopoi mai ia ki te tepu. Ko haere ahau ki te homai i te reira taku katoa i runga i March 7 a ka paorooro te ao mekemeke.”


Ko te Merehe 29-tau-tawhito titiro ki te noho i te tihi o te wehenga mā whitu, ina sitepu ia ki te mowhiti i runga i March 7. Fanauhia i roto i te Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, e whawhai i roto i Downey, Calif., Whakamatau tuatahi uwha taitara ao koura i roto i 2011 ka whiua e ia a Joseph Agbeko ki te riro i te taitara whā ao. Tonu ia i tona ara ake te rārangi ki te whakauru ia mo Anselmo Moreno me Daniel Ponce De Leon pauna-no te-pauna ki te riro taitara ao i te whā super me te rima tekau mā whitu te whakaatu i. I tukua e ia tona hinga anake i roto i te mate rawa ki Jhonny Gonzalez, engari kua turapa kiri ki te whakauru ia hoki-ki-hoki, me te inaianei titiro ki te hoki ki te tihi o te hākinakina.


He runaruna ta'na i Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico, Hanga Reyes tana U.S. waiata i runga i March 7 ki te whai wāhi ki te hanga tonu i te ingoa hoki ia stateside. Ko te 29-tau-tawhito te mētara hiriwa i te Ao Toa Junior i roto i 2004 a e haere ia ki runga ki ki te tohu i tona whenua i te 2008 Olympics i roto i te Beijing. Tahuri pro Reyes i roto i 2009 a reirahia ake whakaora i roto i tona haerenga tuatahi e rima. Fighting tata anake i roto i te Mexico, Khabir e ia a Sulejmanov i patua 2012 mo te taitara whā super. Te nuinga tata nei ka haere a Reyes i runga i te ara, ka ngaro ki a Simpiwe Vetyeka i roto i tona Māori Awherika ki te Tonga mō te wātea te taitara mā whitu o te ao. Ka hoki iho ia ki te mowhiti titiro ki te hanga i te pānga tonu i roto i tona US. tuatahi.

Utu tikiti mo te hui ora e i $400, $300, $100 a $50, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets ranei


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, GhostBoxing, AdrienBroner, @ JohnMolinaJr135, abnermares, NBCSports AMGMGrand, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i a

Rihaina GRAHAM Boylan AS CEO toa whare herehere Tuhinga Tuhinga

(London, United Kingdom | Rāpare, February 12, 2015)Warriors whare herehere Fighting taea Championship te whakaū kua marere e Graham Boylan iho rite Tumu.

I te whare herehere Warriors Poari Whakahaere i ohorere ngā whakatau a Graham i te hui i runga i Rātū.

Graham te takaro ha fatongia mahu'inga i roto i te tupu nui o te tohu i roto i te tau tata, engari tonu te Poari hiahia ki te haere tonu i taua ahunga whakamua.

Ahakoa arotahi tatou i ta tatou mau tautooraa i runga i te rapu mo te Tumu hou, Kua tangohia e matou te whakatau ki te faataime i te hui i whakaritea mo te Pouaka konukura i roto i te London i te March 21.

Kia ka kauwhautia te rā hou mō tenei kaupapa i roto i te akoranga e tika ana, a fakahounga'i te manawanui o to tatou pā pono te.

Ka hoki, ka homai kaitäkaro katoa kirimana he whakawāteatanga kotahi-whawhai i to ratou mo te Warriors Cage ki te whakataetae mo tetahi whakatairanga i roto i te wā.

Mauruuru no to outou tautoko tonu o te ārahi whakahaere MMA o Europe.

Shadi Tahboub, Poari o Directors, Warriors whare herehere Fighting Championship

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