星期五, 四月 14 住在Showtime

From The Theater at MGM National Harbor in Maryland

不败的前俄罗斯业余选手 德米特里·比沃尔 将捍卫他的临时 WBA 轻重量级冠军头衔 塞缪尔·克拉克森 在12轮主赛事中 的ShoBox: 新一代 星期五, 四月 14 住在 开演时间(10 P.M. AND/PT) 在国家港口米高梅国家港口剧院, MD。, 就在华盛顿郊外, D.C.


以其激进的风格而闻名, 26岁的比沃尔 (9-0, 7 科斯, 2-0 WSB) 是一名获得荣誉的业余选手和前俄罗斯国家冠军 178 英镑, 他现在决心在拳击最艰难的重量级之一中留下自己的印记. 克拉克森 (19-3, 12 科斯), 雪松山, 得克萨斯州, 已经连续赢得了过去九场比赛,并将第三次亮相的ShoBox.


Bivol 由洛杉矶的 Vadim Konilov 管理,并由 Gennady Mashianov 培训. 他最近结束了在南加州 Wild Card Gym 和 Wild Card West 的陪练训练,他一直在同一个训练营与同胞一起训练, 2010 欧洲超重量级业余金牌得主谢尔盖·库兹明.




题: 总体, 你如何评价你的训练营进展如何?


水牛: “我认为训练营进行得非常好. 我决定来南加州训练的原因之一是这里有很多不同的陪练伙伴. 我们的训练营非常充满活力,我认为自己已经做好了战斗的准备。”


题: 对于塞缪尔·克拉克森这样强大的对手,你期待一场怎样的战斗呢??

水牛: “我期待他进入拳击场并推动自己挺身而出. 我知道他会变得咄咄逼人并试图给我施加压力. 我们拭目以待。”


题: 你还年轻,只打过九场职业比赛, 但已经在为捍卫临时世界冠军而战. 您对职业生涯的开始方式感到满意吗?


水牛: “说实话, 我真的从来没有想过腰带和临时冠军. 对我来说,WBA 主腰带是最重要的,我想保持在排名第一的位置来获得它. 就我的职业发展太快而言, 我不这么认为. 我认为我在业余爱好者方面拥有足够的经验,并且我已经与那里最好的教练和陪练伙伴保持一致. 所以我很高兴我现在的职业生涯. 我不认为进展太快。”


题: 有些人选择这场战斗 50/50? 你为什么认为他们预测这场战斗可能会朝任何方向发展?”


水牛: “这就是拳击,我认为有很多比赛都是 50/50. 任何事情都有可能发生. 你永远不会知道; 不安随时可能发生. 对我来说这是一场升级的战斗. 不仅仅是因为我的对手有多优秀, 也因为它对我来说意味着什么. 赢得这场战斗将为许多机会打开大门。”


题: 在SHOWTIME上的第一场主赛中,上演一场精彩的表演,上演一场精彩的表演对战有多重要?


水牛: “当然,一切都变得更加兴奋,因为它是在 SHOWTIME. 但每次踏上擂台我都想为粉丝们奉献一场精彩的表演. 这次, 可能更是如此, 但最重要的是赢得胜利。”


题: 在本次训练营中,你有没有克服一个弱点?

水牛: “我不认为有任何弱点, 所以这就像任何其他训练营一样. 我无法向对手谈论我一直在做的准备. 你必须等待并在擂台上看到它。”


题: 您对在南加州培训有何看法?

水牛: “我爱它的一切. 不过最好的还是天气. 在我的家乡俄罗斯, 圣. 圣彼得堡, 我们没有这样的天气. 我喜欢这里的氛围、这里的人和我们训练的地方. 我就是喜欢这一切。”


题: 您收藏了大量业余奖牌. 它们显示在哪里?


水牛: “我把它们都放在我父母家里的一个地方. 我们认为我们不值得拥有这一切. 这是他们感到非常自豪的事情。”


题: 您如何看待鲁斯兰·普罗沃德尼科夫和谢尔盖·科瓦列夫等其他顶级俄罗斯拳击手?

水牛: “我尊重他们所有人. 有一些在俄罗斯非常有名, 但这里也非常有名. 我看到了. 他们真的是优秀的战士,我已经准备好达到同样的水平, 即使没有达到更高的水平. 我参加这项运动不仅仅是为了保持体形, 我来这里是为了展示并证明我可以成为世界上最好的。”


门票活动, 其通过促进 格雷格·科恩促销横幅促销 与联想 拳击世界起义促销, 售价为 $103, $73 和 $48 并可以在购买 Tick​​ 或通过电话 800-745-3000.

巴里·汤普金斯 将调用 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood 和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 丰富的高根 生产和 里克·菲利普斯导演.


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大约 的ShoBox: 新一代
公司自成立以来日 2001, 广受好评的欣欣拳击系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年轻人才匹配强硬. 该 的ShoBox 理念是令人兴奋的转播, 万人空巷,并同时为愿意前景试验场正式比赛确定为世界冠军战斗. 一些的日益增长的列表的 68 谁曾出现在战士 的ShoBox 和先进的,以争取世界冠军,包括: 沃德, Deontay怀尔德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞尔小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, 奥马尔·菲格罗亚, nonito Donaire主场, 德文亚历山大, 卡尔Froch, 罗伯特·格雷罗, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 杰西·巴尔加斯, 胡安·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈顿, 凯利帕夫利, 保罗·威廉斯多.






布达佩斯, HUNGARY – Several fighters from both Bellator 177: 丹塔斯 vs. 无花果Bellator Kickboxing 6 gathered in Budapest this morning to speak with the media about their upcoming fights 这个星期五 night inside the Budapest Sports Arena.

Two titles will be on the line, as Eduardo “Dudu” Dantas defends his Bellator bantamweight belt against former LFA champ Leandro Higo, while Bellator kickboxing welterweight titleholder Zoltan Laszak takes on Karim Ghajji in a championship rematch.


Bellator 177: 丹塔斯 vs. 无花果 will be broadcast 星期五, 四月 14 在 SPIKE 上 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而 Bellator Kickboxing 6 will air immediately following the MMA portion of the event, 在开始 11下午ET/10pm CT.

下面, you can find quotes from today’s press conference.

Bellator Bantamweight World Champion Eduardo Dantas:

“Thank you to Bellator for supporting me and thank you Budapest for the opportunity.”

“I’m very happy to be here. I want to say thank you to my opponent for accepting this fight. And I’m ready to show you what I do best, which is to punch his face.”


“Thank you to Bellator for the opportunity. 谢谢, 布达佩斯, for the reception. I’m very happy to be here and I’m looking forward to putting on a good show 这个星期五!”

“I feel no extra pressure because I’m here to do what I love, which is fighting. I’m looking forward to winning another championship belt.”


“I’d like to welcome all of you. This is one of the biggest opportunities of my life. I’m very much looking forward to the fight and I’m well prepared, so I can’t wait. I was fortunate enough to prepare for this fight in America with great professional coaches like Henri Hooft.”

“我准备好了. I can hardly wait for my arm to be lifted at the end.”


“Welcome! Welcome! How’s it going? I am the “Pretty Boy”, the prettiest of them all. I definitely want to thank Budapest and Bellator for bringing me in. 当然, I bring numbers, 你知道, so I’m expecting this should bring over a million viewers, hands down.”

“I want to thank you all for coming here and showing the support. We’re going to put on a showone hell of a show. We’re going to get these ratings up and have so much fun. Definitely.”

“Hands down, 货真价实, everyone knows I am the strongest 145-er in the division and if anybody stands in my way or stands in the middle of the cage and wants to bang with me, they’re gonna get knocked out. I kid you not! Anybody in the featherweight division stands toe to toe with me is going to get knocked out.”

“I’m not going to take nothing from this man. 他有一个 9-0 record so he’s definitely put in work. He beat up nine people, but it doesn’t mean he’s going to beat up me. I tell you that! But I give him credit because he’s coming out here and sacrificing his time and being away from his family to put in his work just as I am. We’re going to put on a show for all you fans out there and all you media out there.”

“You know in my eyes, this is the main event: The Hungarian versus the American. Everyone wants to see this fight. They want to see what is this man can do with a record of 9-0. He earned his wins and I respect him as a fighter. But after 星期五 he will be 9-1.”

Bellator Kickboxing Welterweight World Champion Zoltan Laszak

“I’d like to thank Bellator very much for this opportunity and I’m looking forward to this this rematch with Ghajji. This is a great chance to really entertain and I appreciate the support from all of the Hungarian fans. I feel their cheers and support every day.”

“This is the most important fight of my life because there has been much more promotion here in Budapest leading up to the event. I realize that most people in the arena will be cheering for me, and for Hungary. I’ve done my preparation and my homework. I’m excellently prepared and I’m looking forward to this challenge.”

Karim Ghajji

“Thank you for the rematch. It was a big mistake in the first fight. Now I’m going to make it right and bring the belt back home to France.”

“Two days before the first fight I was sick and I had dealt with injuries during that camp, but this time I had a great camp, 我已经做好了充分的准备, and this will be an explosive fight 在周五.”

完成 Bellator 177: 丹塔斯 vs. 无花果 主卡:

最轻量级世界冠军争夺战: 爱德华多·丹塔斯 (19-4) VS. 莱昂德罗肥后 (17-2)

羽特征回合: 丹尼尔Weichel (38-9) VS. John “Macapa” (21-1-2)

Flyweight Feature Bout: 莉娜·奥弗希尔温尼科瓦 (11-4) VS. 海伦·哈珀 (4-1)

羽特征回合: 亚当Borics (5-0) VS. 安东尼·泰勒 (1-2)



羽初步回合: 布莱恩·摩尔 (9-5) VS. Michal Horejsi (5-2)

轻量级初步回合: Patrick Szombat (1-2) VS. Mate Kertesz (3-0)

完成 Bellator Kickboxing 6 主卡:

次中量级世界冠军赛: 佐尔坦·拉扎克 (83-2-2, 1 NC) VS. Karim Ghajji (23-5-1)

中量级功能赛: 乔·希林 (20-9) VS. Alexandru Negrea (9-2)

次中量级功能回合: Raymond Daniels (10-3) VS. Gyorfi Csaba (20-5)

Women’s Featherweight Feature Bout: 乔琳娜·巴尔(Jorina Baars) (40-0-3) VS. Irene Martens (20-9-2)

羽特征回合: 加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (13-4) VS. 的Gabor Gorbics (30-10)




视频, 照片和报价

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图片来源: Roc Nation Sports/Khristopher Sandifer


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视频信贷: Roc Nation 体育/主要赛事


纽约, 纽约 (四月 10, 2017) - On Monday at Le Parker Meridien in New York City, 统一轻重量级世界冠军 安德烈“SOG”沃德 (31-0, 15 科斯) and former Unified Light Heavyweight World Champion 谢尔盖·“克鲁舍”·科瓦列夫 (30-1-1, 26 科斯) formally addressed the media on their highly-anticipated rematch on 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒海湾活动中心. 锦标赛赛事, 由 Corona Extra 呈现, 将由 HBO 按次付费制作并现场发行® 在开始 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


TIDAL members will have access to a special presale beginning on 星期三, 四月 12 在 1:00 P.M. AND/ 10:00 A.M. PT. Members can find details for purchasing tickets by visiting or by logging in to their TIDAL accounts via web browser, desktop app or mobile app.


Fans already enrolled for email updates on will receive an email with the presale information. Anyone interested in receiving the presale code can sign up for email updates at


M life Rewards loyalty members, Ticketmaster and AXS/AEG customers will receive access to a pre-sale scheduled from 星期三, 四月 12 在 10:00 A.M. PT星期五, 四月 14 在 9:59 A.M. PT. To join the M life Rewards program, or for more information, 访问


沃德-科瓦廖夫门票 2: “The Rematch” go on sale to the public on 星期五, 四月 14 在 1:00 P.M. AND/10:00 A.M. PT. 门票分 $1,255, $755, $505, $355, $255 和 $105 not including applicable service charges will be available on 以及曼德勒海湾活动中心售票处.


Below is what the fighters and dais guests had to say at the press conference:

安德烈“S.O.G.”病房 – 统一轻重量级世界冠军

“I want to thank everybody for coming out today – the media, 明显, HBO, Peter Nelson and their whole team, these guys work tirelessly to get these kinds of things done. I appreciate my team, 詹姆斯·普林斯, 乔什·杜宾, Roc Nation and everyone at Roc Nation, 杰伊ž, Juan and Desiree Perez, 迈克尔·Yormark. It’s important to have a good team. We talk a lot about fighting, we talk all about matchups, but when we talk about support, it’s frowned upon. When we see fighters 10, 15, 20 years from now shuffling in a room, nothing to show what they fought for, 没关系. By the grace of God and by way of my team, that’s not going to happen to me.


“Unfortunately, there’s perception and there’s reality. Perception is every one thing that’s written, every opinion but as you grow and learn this business, it’s not about perception. Nobody can point to a fight where I turned. Not one point. That’s not in my track record. 所以, I don’t mind the perception. I don’t care about Instagram. This is chess, not checkers. You can make all the rules you want to make, but it’s about the checkmate. That’s when the game is over.


“My team is working on life after boxing. Educating me on the ins and outs. A lot of people talk about money, but they don’t talk about the upside. They’re not talking about the personal sponsorships for the fight, and your obligations for the sponsorship. They’re not talking about the television rights and foreign rights, the merchandise. ‘Be tough, keep focus, destroy the fight’. I’m not with that man. I want the whole thing, I want to understand everything. The fight is not the end.


“They have to understand, there’s nothing scary about this man. You realize we just fought 12 rounds four months ago? Everyone wants to highlight the knockdown, that’s probably one of the most beautiful moments of my career. And did you guys see the other 10 发? Nobody’s talking about that. But that’s what makes us who we are. It’s hard concrete down there, we don’t want to fall. We’ve got another drive, we’ve got another gear we’ve got to tap into when we hit adversity and hit the cannons. You guys saw that, in the biggest moment of my career.


“I didn’t get to where I’m at because there’s something unique about me. I didn’t get to this point by happenstance. Some may not like it, but you got to respect it. You don’t have to, but we’ve earned the position that we have. We don’t mind being understated. The fight is academic. When my team green-lighted it, I said go ahead and announce it. 现实情况是, you’ve got to see me on 六月 17. That’s the reality of the situation. I love to talk, it’s all good. We knocked heads for 12 发, that’s the reality of the situation. He felt me, he knows. 上 六月 17, that’s how we’re going to do. We’re going to get started a little early. Whether you’re with me, or whether you’re against me, tune in. Appreciate everybody’s time. 千万不要错过这场战斗, 六月 17. You got what you asked for.”

谢尔盖·“克鲁舍”·科瓦列夫 – 前统一轻重量级世界冠军

“Hello everyone. I am thankful the fight will take place on 六月 17. 很好, will take place on paper for now. I’m appreciative of my team and Team Ward that this fight will actually happen. I want to apologize to my fans for my performance the last time but we’re going to get this squared either way. We’re going to see who is the best fighter. I’m very excited for 六月 17. The only thing I hope is that a week or two before the fight, Andre Ward does not get injured and he has enough balls to come out and fight me on 六月 17.”

迈克尔·Yormark – 中华民国总统 & 品牌与战略主管

“Legacies are built on seminal moments. When the lights shine brightest, when the challenge seems insurmountable, when the eyes of the world are on you – that is when great athletes see the rarest of opportunities to shape their legacy, to ensure that their name lives on. Evander Holyfield said, ‘a champion shows who he is by what he does when he’s tested’. Back in November the two best pound-for-pound fighters in the world tested each other like they had never been tested before in their careers. 那天晚上, World Champion Andre Ward faced a defining moment and countered with an epic comeback victory over Sergey Kovalev. After that showdown, there was a lot of talk, a lot of debate, a lot of speculation, a lot of excuses. But on 六月 17 we put all of that talk to bed, because Ward-Kovalev 2: “The Rematch” is officially on, and from this day forward there will be no excuses.


“Andre Ward is the best boxer in the world – there is simply no debate. He is undefeated, breathlessly talented, and has gladly taken on any fighter with the guts to face him. For Andre, this fight represents the final nail in the coffin for the rest of this division and his would-be competitors, and the latest feat in a career that can only be defined as flawless. For Sergey, he has a lot to prove, which may be why he’s been so, let’s call it active on social media. After falling short in November, Sergey has become his own personal hype machine. In one of his latest tweets he demanded Andre, ‘pray to me’. 谢尔盖, I think what you were trying to say was ‘pray for me’, which we all will do before you get back into the ring with Andre on 六月 17.


“We return to Las Vegas where all big fights belong, live at the Mandalay Bay Events Center and on HBO Pay-Per-View. Roc Nation is proud to be the lead promoter of this global event, presented by Corona Extra and powered by Monster Products. This event would not have been possible without the support of Richard Sturm and Sid Greenfeig of MGM, and HBO’s Peter Nelson and Tony WalkerI’d like to take this opportunity to specifically thank them. MGM and HBO are synonymous with the biggest and best boxing events and Roc Nation is honored to be working in partnership with them for yet another historic fight. I’d also like to thank our chairman JAY Z and President of Roc Nation Sports Juan Perez for their support of this sure to be epic event. 另外, a big thank you to our presenting partner Corona Extra, as well as Monster Products. I would also like to acknowledge Le Parker Meridien for their support and hosting us here today. Despite what you read in some corners of the boxing world, this rematch was always inevitable, both fighters wanted it, both promoters wanted it and I would be remiss if I did not sincerely thank Main Events and Kathy and Nicole Duva for their professionalism and class in negotiating and finalizing the 六月 17 战斗. Last but certainly not least thank you to Team Ward – Andre, 詹姆斯·普林斯, Josh Dubin and Virgil Hunter – not only for once again putting your unblemished, championship record on the line under the bright lights of Sin City, but for being incredible partners throughout this process and the best ambassadors the sport of boxing could possibly ask for. Thank you.”

凯西Duva – 主要活动首席执行官

“Thank you, HBO, thank you Le Parker Meridien, Mandalay Bay and of course our sponsors, Corona and Monster. I’ll make it short and sweet. My greatest hope for 六月 17 is that the winner wins this time. Sergey’s going to do everything in his power to make sure there’s no question on who that is.


“I expect he’s going to show us all how to get your titles back. And here he is, future light heavyweight champ of the world, Sergey Kovalev.”

詹姆斯·普林斯 – 安德烈·沃德 经理

“我要感谢上帝给我这个机会, HBO, Peter Nelson. I’d like to thank Roc Nation, who has stood by us 1000%, solid as a Roc. We’re looking forward to this fight coming up, David versus Goliath, part two. 就像我说的, the last time, and I reiterate the same thing because not much has changed, we’ve cracked the code. 谢尔盖, your code has been cracked, we know who you are now. 例如 六月 17, you will see one of the greatest fights ever. As I stated earlier in the interview with HBO, don’t be surprised if Kovalev gets knocked out this fight. Don’t you be surprised. 所以, we look forward to that moment and I notice that you’ve been real vocal about a lot of things, but you need to know, we don’t have no fear. 所以, understand that, 再次, the United States will be victorious against Russia as always.”

乔什·杜宾 – 安德烈·沃德 经理

“This industry, 可惜, has some nasty, ugly people in it that say and do nasty things and show their behind too much. A lot of the things you hear about our beautiful sport is true. I’m so fortunate to have been blessed by kings, that have enriched my life, to be able to grow and get to know these men. James Prince and Andre Ward have been all class and dignity and professional. They don’t need to tell you what you think might sell a fight, or what you think people might want to hear, but just what’s real. What a breath of fresh air. I thank both of you for enriching my life and allowing me to grow on this journey with you.


“We’re always hearing about role models, and why aren’t athletes role models – well look no further. You’ve got a family man who is spiritual, you can’t bait him and get him to say what you think he should say or want him to say because you curse him out on social media. We’re not into all that, these are kings over here. You can keep tweeting on your phone over there, but we won already. We won in life, we won in this sport, and we’re just going to continue winning. This is a formality at this point. A formality. 所以, you can cry and complain and all that, but that’s what bullies do when they don’t get their way. Bullies make excuses, bullies try to intimidate when they don’t get their way. Bullies of all sorts, in the ring and in business. 很好, you didn’t get your way, you ain’t getting your way and you’re not going to get your way. Period. The reason that probably is, if we bring in spirituality, is the moral arc of the universe does bend towards good and greatness and kings. 所以, with that, I say this: you want to tune in to this one, because you’ll want to be able to say, ‘I got to see the best fighter to ever walk in the ring, fight again and conquer again’. 别错过. Thank you.”

Daniel Bagdasarov – Egis Klimas’s Assistant

“I want to thank the media and MGM. He’s happy about the rematch and that it actually happened. We’re excited about it, we’re ready. Thank you to all the promotions that have gone into the fight, thank you HBO for making this happen. 非常感谢。”

Peter Nelson – Executive Vice President, HBO体育

“I want to thank all the media for being here, this fight came together initially because of what you asked for. 首先, I want to thank the fighters, Andre Ward and Sergey Kovalev. The two of them at the zenith of their careers and the apex of their undefeated records deciding to get in the ring against one another, and that’s exactly the expectation that fight fans should have. It’s something to be celebrated and we’re excited we are going to have the rematch on 六月 17.


“再次, these two men decided they want to step up and fight each other, the controversy of time when a lot of fighters walk the other way from one another. Some fights, they’re so good, the fighters earn each other’s respect. Some fights are so great that the fighters earn each other’s disrespect. I’ll let all of you decide which one this is.


“I think that what we’ve seen over the past few months is people arguing more and more about who actually won that fight. 再次, the credit is to the fighters because every second of the first fight, they were there to compete. Every second of this rematch, they’re going to be there again. There is too much at stake, in terms of legacy and in terms of pound stature, in terms of this moment and the future. What we know to expect is that on 六月 17, the stuff of HBO PPV legend gets made. Sergey Kovalev and champion Andre Ward are going to do everything in their power to bring home the belt.”


Ward vs. 科瓦廖夫 2: “复赛, WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级世界锦标赛 12 回合大战, 由 Roc Nation Sports 主办, 主要事件, 安德烈·沃德促销, Krusher 促销和 Corona Extra, and is sponsored by Monster Products and Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. 冠军赛即将举行 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒湾活动中心举行,并将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


使用#WardKovalev 关注对话. 跟着我们: @安德烈沃德 @AndreSogWard /安德烈索格沃德 @KrusherKovalev @SergeyKrusherKovalev /克鲁舍 /科瓦尔博克 @RocNation @RocNationSports /洛克国家 /洛克国家 @主要活动 @主要活动 /主要赛事拳击 /ME拳击系列 HBOboxing HBOboxing /HBO拳击 /HBO体育频道 @曼德勒湾 @曼德勒湾 /曼德勒湾  



即时发布: 路易斯顿, 缅因 (四月 10, 2017) – 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 展示下一场综合格斗赛事 “NEF 28: 无敌” 周六, 四月 29, 2017 在安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店在路易斯顿, 缅因. 今天早些时候,, the fight promotion announced that “防碎2.0” 德里克·肖雷 (4-8) would step in to face 抢 “野兽” Best (0-0) in a featherweight bout after Best’s original opponent, 马特·普罗宾 (0-0), fell out due to medical reasons.

For Shorey, the opportunity to fight came at the perfect time. The head of the Dexter, Maine-based Shatterproof Combat Club had planned to take an extended leave from competition after a loss to Josh Parker (5-8) last fall at “新EF 26。” Fate intervened recently, 然而, when tragedy beset Shorey’s family. 上星期, four of his children and their mother were left homeless after a two-alarm fire in Somersworth, 新罕布什尔州.

I wasn’t planning on fighting this soon,” 肖雷说, “but when something like this happens, we do what we can. I asked Matt (彼得森, NEF matchmaker) for a fight to try and get some money to help rebuild after the fire and as fate would have it, a spot opened up. Rob Best is a grinder, nothing but respect for him. This would be a tough fight for me even with a full camp, but I believe everything happens for a reason, and I still have a lot of fight left in meespecially when my heart gets involved.

NEF further announced that the promotion would be raising funds at the “新EF 28” event to help assist Shorey’s family.

A Gofundme campaign has been established for the family at

新英格兰拳击赛重返刘易斯顿的安德罗斯科金银行体育馆, 缅因州即将举办下一场综合格斗赛事, “NEF 28: 无敌,” 周六, 四月 29, 2017. 门票现已在 Colisee 售票处发售 207-783-2009 X 525 并在网上

有关事件,并拼牌更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF, 关注 Twitter 和 Instagram @nefights 上的促销活动, 并加入官方Facebook群组 “新英格兰之战。”


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造缅因州的战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 合法的, 监管事务和广告.

Josesito Lopez Scores Unanimous Decision Against Saul Corral In The Main Event Of Premier Boxing Champions On FS1 & FOX Deportes From The Novo At L.A. 直播

Alejandro Luna Earns A Unanimous Decision Over Andrey Klimov
Karlos Balderas Secures First Round Knockout Against Thomas Smith
点击 这里 for Photos from Premier Boxing Champions/Andy Samuelson
(Photos Will Be Available Shortly)
LOS ANGELES (四月 9, 2017) – Josesito洛佩兹 (35-7, 19 科斯) earned a decisive unanimous decision (100-89, 100-89, 100-89) 以上 索尔畜栏 (21-9, 12 科斯) 在 呼叫五星体育 promoted main event of 总理拳击冠军 FS1 & FOX体育The NovoL.A. 直播.
Although Corral was able to finish the fight, Lopez controlled the action throughout, dropping Corral to the canvas in the 10 round to cement the victory.
共同主赛事 亚历杭德罗·卢纳 (22-0, 15 科斯) 败 安德烈·克里莫夫 (19-4, 9 科斯) 一致决定 (97-93, 98-92, 98-92) in a thrilling ten-round lightweight bout. Luna stunned Klimov on a couple of occasions, but the resilient Klimov would not be knocked out, instead going the distance in a fan-friendly battle.
The televised opener featured 2016 中美. 奥林匹亚 卡洛斯Balderas (1-0, 1 KO) getting a powerful stoppage in his professional debut over Thomas Smith (3-5-1, 2 科斯). Balderas stalked Smith with precision and forced Smith’s corner to throw in the towel following the first round.
The non-televised fights featured a slew of talented fighters making their highly anticipated professional debuts. 2016 Mexican Olympian and Bronze medalist Misael Rodriguez (1-0) secured a unanimous decision (40-36, 40-36, 40-36) 以上 Brian True (1-7-1, 1 KO) in four-round slugfest.
2016 立陶宛奥海 Eimantas Stanionis (1-0, 1 KO) landed punches in bunches againstRasheed Lawal (1-5-1). Stanionis applied pressure with two swarms of punches in the first round, the second barrage proving too much for Lawal and forced the referee to stop the fight in round one (2:35).
林道夫·德尔加多 (1-0, 1 KO) 停 Luis Silva (3-10, 2 科斯) 在三个回合 (:33). Delgado knocked Silva down with a vicious uppercut in the second round and Silva never fully regained himself before his corner stopped the fight in the third frame.
货币鲍威尔四世 (1-0, 1 KO) used his height and reach advantage to dominate Todd Templeton (0-1), knocking Templeton down twice and then stunning him a third time before the referee stopped the action in the first round (2:55).
Here is what the fighters had to say following their bouts:
今晚 was a result of all the work I put in over the last few months with Robert Garcia.
I dropped him with a left hook, but he’s a gritty guy. He took some punishment. I was a little careful in there, 虽然. It’s been a while since I fought some good rounds like that. There were a few times that I tried to go for the kill, but he’s tough guy and stayed alive.
It felt good going the distance. 我的身体感觉很好. 比什么都重要, I was alert and my instincts were quick. I had good reflexes and I was sharp. I got hit with very few punches, so I think I did OK 今晚.
I’m coming along. This is my second fight coming back 在两年. It’s a little process. I feel like for my next fight I’ll be that much better. I’m just focused on continuing to get better. I want to step it up for the next fight.
We have a plan. Robert and I have only been training together for a short while, but the improvement is there and there’s more to come.
I’m the Riverside Rocky and I want to be in exciting fights that friends and family members will remember for years. I definitely have the grit and the (guts) to get in there with the best of them. I’m a lot smarter inside the ring now.
I felt like my distance was off 今晚. I think I need to spend more time sparring. I didn’t have a lot of sparring partners for this fight and I think that affected me.
I thought when Lopez landed punches I came back strong, but I didn’t continue with the attacks because he was able to stop me.
I just need to change some things up in training camp, and then I think I can get back to another big fight.
Klimov is a very tough guy. We’ve seen him go the distance with Terrence Crawford. He’s fought the cream of the crop, so it’s an honor to get a win over him. He’s a top-level fighter, so this victory goes to show that we’re ready for any top-five lightweight.
Our plan 今晚 was to work the body. We noticed he has a pretty high guard, so I wanted to go to the body to break him down little by little.
I know that I hurt him with a couple body shots, but he recovered fast. Later on, I hit him with an overhand right that got to him, but he’s such a tough guy.
My thing is always to please the crowd. I think this sport is as much about entertainment as it is skill and the fans want to see a show. That’s why I bring the action and do whatever I can to make it exciting for them.
The last round wasn’t my best. He was outworking me a little, so as soon as the 10-second bell rang I wanted to close the fight out strong. 不幸, I opened up and we clashed heads, which caused the cut over my left eye.
I got staggered a little bit, but it wasn’t anything that I thought was going to turn my lights out.
Luna is a very herky jerky fighter. The cut over my left eye came near the end of the fight when we clashed heads.
“我 35 岁. We’re going to go home and take some time to think about what’s next. I’ve been fortunate to do a lot of things in this sport. Now it’s time to talk with my family and decide my future.
We spent a lot of time sparring with great fighters to get ready for this fight. I think all the practice paid off and my speed was my biggest asset 今晚.
I think their corner stopped the fight because he was taking so many shots, but I’m not sure.
I’m happy and excited to be a pro. I have so many people here 今晚 supporting me coming in from Oklahoma and Texas, so it’s an honor. I felt like a win wasn’t enough. I needed to make a statement.
I’m going to try to stay busy. I’d like to fight every two months, so I hope to be back in June fighting again.
I really had a bad headache. After the first two punches, I thought I could take it. I know he has a good body shot, but it didn’t really affect me. But after the fourth and fifth good one, I knew it was too much. I didn’t want to go out there in the second round just to get hurt.
I honestly thought it was going to be an easier opponent. I haven’t been active since the Olympics eight months ago, but I trained very hard for this fight and got the win 今晚.
I don’t think he brought anything to the table that was that different than what I’ve seen before, but it was my first pro fight and maybe there were some first fight jitters.
I’ve never had a bloody nose before, 所以 今晚 was definitely something different for me, but I rolled with the punches.
It means a lot to me to be a professional fighter now. I know the expectations are higher, and there are a lot of differences between the pros and amateurs, but it felt great in there.
“我度过了一个很棒的夏令营, I have fantastic coaches and I work hard every day in the gym. 今晚, it all paid off.
I saw that I was able to land some good shots, and I could tell I was getting to him a little bit, so I started throwing more and more to try and stop him.
This has been a dream of mine forever. I grew up watching legends like Mike Tyson and Manny Pacquiao, and now I’m a professional fighter just like them.
I’m ready to continue proving myself. I’ll fight anyone they put in front of me.
My team and I had a game plan and I followed it to the letter.
The punch that I dropped (席尔瓦) with was a left uppercut. Thankfully I was able to land it and I knew I had him hurt.
Competing in Rio de Janeiro in the Olympics was an incredible experience and a good learning lesson for me, but now I’ve officially made my transition into the pros. It felt different in the ring 今晚, but I was very prepared.
I’m just going to continue training hard to build on this performance and little by little we’re going to reach our goals.
I did what I wanted to do 今晚. I dominated early. (Templeton) is a tough, old dude, and I want to thank him for taking this fight and allowing me to showcase my skills.
I was just trying to start the fight out by controlling my distance and using my jab, but I could see he didn’t have much to offer, so I stopped using my jab so much. Once I realized I could land shots on him I went with my power punches because anything I threw was going to get him.
Becoming a professional fighter is a dream come true for me. I always wanted to be a fighter ever since I was a little kid. Thankfully Richard Schaefer signed me and gave me a chance to realize my dream.
This is only the beginning for me. I’m trying to be the best fighter that’s ever lived.
# # #
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Robin Krasniqi vs. “王” Arthur Abraham WBO super middleweight title eliminator To air April 22 live on PPV in North America

TENAFLY, 新泽西州(四月 9, 2017) – 世界拳击组织 (WBO) Super Middleweight title eliminator, featuring two-time world title challenger 罗宾·克拉斯尼奇 taking on the three-time, 2处世界冠军 “王” Artur Abraham, will be available to watch 四月 22 on pay per view in North America, 开始 2 P.M. AND/ 11 A.M. A.M. PT, live from Congress Center in Ekfurt, 德国. The two fighters have a combined record or 91-9 同 47 击倒.
Krasniqi vs. 亚伯拉罕”, promoted by SES Promotions, is a presentation of Integrated Sports Media and FITE.
综合体育媒体将分发 “Krasniqi vs. 亚伯拉罕” live in North America, 开始 2 P.M. AND / 11 A.M. PT, 在电缆上, satellite and internet pay-per-view via iN Demand, Vubiquity, and DISH in the United States, 以及罗杰斯, Shaw and Sask Tel in Canada, also on the FITE app and website, 对于只有一个建议零售价 $24.95.
北美以外, “Krasniqi vs. 亚伯拉罕” is being licensed by leading boxing television rights distribution firm, 礼宾体育营销有限公司.
Born in Kosovo, the 29-year-old Krasniqi (46-4, 17 科斯) is a former European and WBO International Light Heavyweight Champion, who resides in Munich, Germany and packs a thunderous punch. Three fights ago, he moved down in weight from Light Heavyweight to Super Middleweight, winning all three bouts at the new weight class and looking highly impressive.
在 2013, Krasniqi lost his first world title shot by way of a 12-round unanimous decision to defending WBO Light Heavyweight World Champion 弥敦道巧妙 (25-0), 在伦敦, by way of a hard-fought 12-round decision.
Following his first career defeat, Krasniqi went on to capture the WBO International Light Heavyweight Title with a seventh-round knockout of previously undefeated Emmanuel Danso (20-0), and has since defended that belt. Krasniqi won the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) Continental Light Heavyweight Title with a 12-round unanimous decision over Oleksandr Cherviak (14-3-1).
在 2014, Krasniqi successfully defended those two championships, taking a 12-round unanimous decision from Dariusz Sek (21-1-1), which set up his second world title shot, 三月 21, 2015 在德国, against long-time defending WBA Light Heavyweight World Champion Juergan Braehmer (45-2) in a massive all-German world title showdown. Krasniqi was unable to answer the bell for the 10 round but learned that he should drop a weight class. Since moving down to Super Middleweight, Krasniqi has looked impressive but Abraham will surely be the biggest test of his career.
额定无. 2 由WBO, 亚伯拉罕 (45-5, 30 科斯) has positioned himself for another world title shot as the winner of his Apr. 22ND eliminator with Krasniqi will become the mandatory challenger for reigning WBO Super Middleweight World Champion 吉尔伯托·拉米雷斯, 墨西哥. Abraham lost his WBO crown by way a 12-round unanimous decision to Ramirez in Las Vegas in 2016 but must win against Krasniqi to have an opportunity at regaining his title.
The 37-year-old Abraham, a native of Armenia who lives in Berlin, 德国, is a two-time WBO (世界拳击组织) 超中量级冠军, as well as the former International Boxing Federation (IBF) 中量级世界冠军. The knockout artist has a remarkable 18-4 (9 科斯) record in world championship bouts and is 7-4 (4 科斯) 对抗前任或现任世界冠军. Noted victims during his 16-½ year professional career reads like a Who’s Who of Boxing in the 160 和 168 磅的师, 包括世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯, 赫克托·哈维尔·贝拉斯科, 前锋泰勒, 罗伯特·斯蒂格利茨 三次, 和 乔瓦尼·德·卡罗利斯. 亚伯拉罕还击败了世界级的对手,例如 Martin Murray, Paul Smith 两次, Lajuan西蒙, 爱迪生·米兰达(Edison Miranda) 两次. 霍伦·格沃尔, 塞巴斯蒂安·德默斯, 科菲·詹图亚, 金斯利·艾克霍华德·伊士曼.
亚伯拉罕职业生涯的五场失利中有四场输给了世界冠军 卡尔Froch, 沃德, 罗伯特· Stieglitz多伦多不败的轻重量级选手卡里姆·哈克特也加入了同样的行列 拉米雷斯. 斯蒂格利茨是唯一能阻止亚伯拉罕的对手, who has won nine of his last 10 打架, the most recent an eighth-round technical knockout of Tim Robin Lihaug (15-1) this past July in Germany for the vacant WBO International Super Middleweight Title.
其他 PPV 战斗将很快公布.
叽叽喳喳: @IntegratedPPV, @FiteTV, #KrasniqiAbrahamPPV

彼得罗扬, 基尔霍尔茨, 海达, & BOLANOS 从 BELLATOR 跆拳道中脱颖而出 5 在都灵


四月 8, 2017

乔治·彼得罗相 (84-2-2, 1 NC) 击败阿曼西奥·帕拉希夫 (23-5-1) 通过一致决定 (30-26, 29-27, 30-26)

Giorgio Petrosyan 名言: “我花了很多时间研究这个对手,我觉得我很了解他的战斗风格,所以我能够制定一个可靠的游戏计划并成功执行它,” 彼得罗相说. “现在我期待着休息一下, 我们将让 Scott Coker 和 Carlo DiBlasi 决定我的下一步行动。”

彼得罗相 VS. 帕拉希夫照片

Denise Kielholtz (46-3) 击败玛蒂娜·米切莱托 (18-11-3) 通过一致决定 (50-45, 49-46, 49-46)

丹尼斯·基尔霍尔兹名言:胜利对我来说是一个美好的夜晚, 但这是一场艰苦的战斗. 她是一个更高的左撇子战士,她真的带来了它. 所有的回合都是为了我,这对我来说是最重要的. 保留这条腰带真是太好了, 这是我在这项运动中获得的最大奖项,我很荣幸成为 Bellator 的世界冠军,” 基尔霍尔兹 说. “真, 对我来说, Bellator是世界上最大的跆拳道组织, 他们真的很适合战士, 所以我很高兴能代表这家公司. 下次你在外面看到我时,可能会在 Bellator 笼子里打 MMA. 我们在训练的各个方面都非常努力,所以希望在夏天结束之前你会看到我与 MMA 战斗。”

基尔霍兹 VS. 米切莱托照片

约翰韦恩帕尔 (96-32) DEF. 南多·卡尔泽塔 (45-10) 通过头踢 2:59 圆的 2

约翰韦恩帕尔名言: “他很坚强, 他来打. 他想混合和交易,但我很乐意用手来做. 我以为我更敏锐一点, 但他有一个裂缝——他做得很好,希望这对人群来说很有趣,” 约翰韦恩帕尔说. “在这场比赛之前,我真的很想做一些令人印象深刻的事情并获得令人印象深刻的结束,因此获得头球淘汰赛就像灌篮一样. 我现在感觉像迈克尔乔丹. 我一直在看 Bellator,我只想成为这里的明星,希望今晚能在我的腰带上加分,帮助我实现这个梦想。”

帕尔VS. 卡尔泽塔照片

Mustapha Haida (46-5-2) 击败恩里克·凯尔 (45-12-1) 通过拆分决定 (30-27, 28-29, 29-28)

穆斯塔法·海达名言: 我为胜利感到非常高兴. 我想我在第二轮摔断了手或手腕,所以我不确定我是否能够完成战斗, 但我深挖并能够通过比赛,” 海达说. “在意大利为 Bellator 跆拳道而战对我来说是一次很棒的经历,我希望继续在这里战斗。”

海达 VS. 凯尔照片

加斯顿·博拉诺斯一致判定击败卢卡·迪桑托 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

加斯顿博拉诺斯名言: “今晚我来到了某人的家乡, 这家伙在跆拳道方面的经验比我多得多, 所以我对胜利很满意. 外面的节奏不一样. 我习惯了泰拳, 我一生都在练习. 尽管仍然是泰拳,但我已经打过几次没有肘部的战斗,所以这与我今晚所做的有点不同. 我刚参加了一场综合格斗比赛,所以我不得不改变我的整个训练营,但这就是我想做的,这就是 Bellator 为我提供的机会, 所以我会接受它并尽可能保持忙碌,” 博拉诺斯 说. “我要感谢 Bellator, 斯科特·科克尔, 我的教练 Kirian Fitzgibbons 和我在 CSA Gym 的团队为我提供了帮助并给了我在职业生涯中获得的所有机会. 我希望很快能在这里再打一场 MMA 并在那里发展节奏. 我想成为这两项运动中最大的明星,我知道我有机会和才能做到这一点。”

博拉诺斯 VS. 迪桑托照片




拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (14-1) 击败梅尔文·曼霍夫 (30-14) 通过头踢 3:15 圆的 4

拉斐尔·卡瓦略的名言: “最后一场战斗没有像我预期或公众预期的那样进行,” 卡瓦略说. “这场比赛我知道需要一个无可争议的胜利者,我很高兴我是那个带着胜利离开的人. 我将继续在 Bellator 捍卫我的中量级冠军头衔, 但我也有兴趣在我们的轻重量级比赛中进行一场超级战斗,或者在 Bellator Kickboxing 中进行一场比赛. 那对我来说会很有趣。”

卡瓦略VS. 曼霍夫战斗照片在这里

Anastasia Yankova (5-0) 击败埃琳娜·卡利奥尼杜 (5-2) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

引用阿纳斯塔西娅·扬科娃的话: “打完之后感觉还好. 我现在的脸看起来比上次打架后好多了,” 扬科娃说 “这并不完美,但我每天都在进步,我会继续和迈克一起努力训练 [斯威克] 在AKA泰国. 我正在努力减轻体重 125 磅. 我想很快成为 Bellator 的冠军。”

扬科娃 VS. 卡利奥尼杜战斗照片在这里

米尔恰·瓦列 (14-4) 击败 Djamil Chan (12-4) 通过多数决定 (29-28, 29-28, 28-28)

Valeriu Mircea 的名言: “我为自己在场上的表现感到非常自豪. 在整个战斗中保持冷静和耐心是我比赛计划的一部分,我很高兴得到了积极的结果,” 米尔恰 说. “我正在摆脱令人沮丧的膝伤,这让我只有一个半月的时间来准备. 胜利是甜蜜的,我很高兴我的牺牲带来了好的结果。”

米尔恰 VS. 陈斗照片在这里

米哈伊尔·尼卡 (6-0) 击败桑巴·库利巴利 (11-4) 通过 Anaconda Choke 在 0:36 圆的 1

米哈伊尔·尼卡的名言: “我感到非常积极和高兴,我的努力得到了回报,” 尼卡 说. “我期待着回到健身房 明天 提高我的技能. 我想在 Bellator 继续我不败的职业生涯, 也许很快在美国. 我认为在那里打架会很棒,因为那里的受欢迎程度. 我想成为意大利球迷的英雄,为这个国家的 MMA 欢呼并激发他们对 MMA 的热情。”

尼卡 VS. 库利巴利战斗照片在这里

Top boxing judge Steve Weisfeld & Popular New York welterweight Johnny Turner Ring 8 Guest Speakers Tuesday, 四月 18

纽约 (四月 7, 2017) – One of the most respected boxing judges, 史蒂夫韦斯菲尔德, and popular retired New York welterweight 约翰尼·特纳 will be Ring 8’s guest speakers at its April meeting, 周二晚上, 四月 18 (7 P.M. AND 开始) 在奥尼尔的餐厅, 位于 64-21 53驱动器, Maspeth, 纽约 11378.
We are delighted to have both Steve Weisfeld and Johnny Turner appear as guest speakers at our next meeting,” 环 8 总统 杰克·赫希 说. “Weisfeld is one of the best judges in the sport having worked some of the biggest fights. With all the controversial decisions we have seen over the years, it will be fascinating to hear Weisfeld’s take on things.
Johnny Turner was one of the most charismatic boxers on the New York scene in the 1970’s and 80’s. He also had a part in the movie, Raging Bull. It will conjure up a lot of warm memories hearing him reminisce about his career.
A native of New Jersey, Weisfeld has judged more than 1,200 fights during his 25-yeear-old career, including numerous world championships all over the world. His last was the world middleweight championship bout at Madison Square Garden between 根纳季 “GGG” 戈洛夫金丹尼尔·雅各布斯.
车工 (42-6-2, 32 科斯) was a staple on the New York boxing scene from 1979 到 1984. The Brooklyn welterweight fought just about everywhere in New York, including the famed Madison Square Garden and legendary Sunnyside Garden in Queens. His most notable opponent was future Hall of Famer 维尔弗雷多·贝尼特斯, who became a three-division world champion.
关于RING 8: 环 8 成为当时被称为全国退伍军人义和团协会第八子公司 – 故, RING 8 – 今天该组织的宗旨仍然是: 义和团拳民帮助.
RING 8 完全致力于在拳击界谁可能需要援助的支付房租方面支持不那么幸运的人, 医疗费用, 或任何合理需求.
去行 关于RING更多信息 8, 其在美国的超过的最大群体 350 成员. 每年的会费是唯一 $30.00 每个成员都有权享用自助晚餐RING 8 月度会议, 除七月和八月. 所有活动的拳击手, 业余和专业, 与当前的拳击执照或书都有权免费RING 8 年度会员. 环客人 8 欢迎会员在只有成本 $7.00 每人.

Featherweight World Champion Gary Russell Jr. Defends His Belt Against Top Challenger Oscar Escandon Saturday, 五月 20 From MGM National Harbor in Maryland & 住在Showtime

Tickets Now on Sale!

国家港口, MD. (四月 7, 2017) – WBC轻量级世界冠军 加里·拉塞尔JR. will make the second defense of his title when he faces top challenger 奥斯卡埃斯坎东 星期六, 五月 20 in themain event of 精彩表演拳击锦标赛 from the recently opened MGM National Harbor in Maryland live on SHOWTIME.
The Maryland-native 拉塞尔JR. (27-1, 16 科斯) and the WBC Interim Featherweight Champion 埃斯坎顿 (25-2, 17 科斯) will battle in one of boxing’s most talented divisions that continues to deliver exciting action fight after fight. A lineup of exciting co-featured attractions will be announced next week.
I’m a gladiator getting ready for a tough battle,” 罗素说JR. “This is going to be a huge night for my family and I’m glad that the time is here. This will be the first time as pros that I get to fight on the same card as both of my little brothers, (unbeaten bantamweight) Gary Antonio and (2016 中美. 奥林匹亚) Gary Antuanne, plus my brother Gary Allan will work all of our corners. We’re excited to get in the ring and show the fans what we’re capable of doing in the ring.
I’ve had to wait for this opportunity to face Gary Russell Jr. and I’m going to take full advantage of it,” 埃斯坎登说. “It’s going to be a great fight and I know the fans are going to get their money’s worth. 我觉得 100 percent healthy and now that the fight is here I am ready to knock him out.
Tickets for the live event promoted by TGB Promotions are priced at $200, $150, $100 和 $50, and are now on sale. 购买门票去HTTP:// The main event is co-promoted by Sampson Boxing. This bout was originally scheduled to take place on March 11 but was rescheduled after Escandon suffered a back injury in training camp. Fans who bought tickets for the March 11 show will have their tickets honored on May 20.
This is going to be a great night of boxing,” 说汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统. “The featherweight division is very hot right now with the recent wins by Leo Santa Cruz and Abner Mares. There is something very special going on in the division and this will be another memorable fight. Escandon is a tough warrior who has proven time and again that he doesn’t care about going on the road or where he fights. There are great boxing fans in the Washington, 哥伦比亚特区, Maryland and Virginia region and they are in-store for an exciting night on 五月 20.”
A speedy and supremely talented boxer, 拉塞尔小, was impressive in his fourth-round stoppage of the battle-tested Jhonny Gonzalez that earned him the title in March 2015. 该 2008 中美. Olympian had scored important victories over Vyacheslav Gusev, Juan Ruiz and Miguel Tamayo before losing a majority decision to Vasyl Lomachenko for the WBO 126-pound title in June 2014. 左撇子, 国会高地, MD。, most recently scored a dominant second-round TKO victory over Patrick Hyland in his first title defense in April 2016.
Fighting out of Ibague, 哥伦比亚, Escandon turned pro in 2008 并且在他的第一场比赛中保持不败 22 专业的较量. Escandon won an interim world title at super bantamweight in 2014 when he defeated Tyson Cave in his U.S. 登场. He earned his shot at Russell Jr. last March when he survived an early knockdown to score a knockout victory over Robinson Castellanos in the seventh round of their showdown in Washington, D.C.
欲了解更多信息, follow on Twitter @MrGaryRussellJr, @TGBPromotions, @MGMNatlHarbor and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook The event is sponsored by Corona, 最好的啤酒.


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