标记档案: 马利克·霍金斯

SERGEY LIPINETS: “我们在准备过程中从未遗漏任何事情, 即使有可能发生变化”

Custio Clayton担任IBF次中量级冠军
住在Showtime® 星期六, 十月 24 标题一

纽约 (十月 20, 2020) – 即使日期改变然后是对手, 前世界冠军 谢尔盖Lipinets 在准备接受不败战役时,他对自己的训练营和整体准备工作仍然充满信心 Custio克莱顿 IBF轻中量级冠军的冠军,本周六在SHOWTIME直播, 十月 24 (9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT) 总理拳击冠军事件的头条新闻.

“我们从未错过任何准备工作, 即使对手改变,利皮内斯说. “我与库德拉蒂洛·阿卜杜卡哈霍洛夫的战斗时断时续,以至于我已经意识到他将被迫退缩。, 所以我没有感到震惊. 我不在乎, 虽然. 无论我要战斗谁,我都准备战斗, 因此我什至没有考虑退缩一秒钟。”

Lipinets赞扬他的教练, 著名的乔·古森, 通过变化帮助他的战士在精神上, 除了身体训练外,他们还参加了战斗.

“让乔·古森(Joe Goossen)就像是一位精神科医生和一名培训师,利皮内斯说. “他对如何处理所有这些都非常有帮助. 乔帮助我保持镇定,并了解好事总是来自坏或困难的情况, 因为这个, 我从来没有失去焦点。”

克莱顿(Clayton)是加拿大的奥运选手,职业选手简历完整无缺. 尽管利皮尼茨(Lipinets)指出,阿卜杜卡霍霍洛夫(Abdukakhorov)和克莱顿(Clayton)的战斗方式有所不同, 这些都没有改变他十月的意图 24.

“我知道克莱顿有很好的业余背景,利皮内斯说. “我检查了他的风格, 主要的不同是Abdukakhorov更活跃,Clayton更准确. 阿卜杜卡霍罗夫(Abdukakhorov)也更具攻击性,克莱顿(Clayton)更耐心.

“我不认为一个比另一个更坚强或更容易. 我认为在这个级别上战斗的任何人都是困难的对手. Abdukakhorov会走动的更多,并且可能会因他使用的不同样式而更加尴尬. 俩都是硬汉, 但是我已经为克莱顿做好了准备,现在只专注于他。”

尽管他只专注于克莱顿, Lipinets知道,这场战斗带来了很大的机会,可以向其余的次中量级赛区的其他成员大声宣布,并以出色的表现夺取临时IBF头衔.

“我准备发表一个声明–我属于这里,利皮内斯说. “我想争取最好的. 我想在这项运动上打下烙印,并建立自己的遗产. 我必须用辛苦的方式做, 但我不是在抱怨. 我为自己的第一个冠军而战 13 亲斗争. 我相信我属于这项运动的顶峰. 人们需要开始与高层人物提及我的名字,在这场斗争之后,他们必须. 你再也看不见我了。”

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关于VS. 黏土
脂尖vs. 克莱顿将见前世界冠军 谢尔盖Lipinets 面对不败 Custio克莱顿 IBF轻中量级冠军头条新闻直播,周六直播, 十月 24 来自安卡斯维尔的Mohegan Sun Arena, 康涅狄格州. 由总理拳击冠军呈现事件.

欣欣拳击: 特殊版电视广播将从以下位置开始 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT,将看到不败的竞争者 泽维尔·马丁内斯(Xavier Martinez) 艰苦奋斗 Claudio“黑客帝国” Marrero 在联合主赛事中参加12轮WBA超级轻量级​​冠军淘汰赛. 上升超轻量 马利克“冰人”霍金斯 决斗淘汰赛艺术家 SubrielMatías 在10轮对决中开始电视转播.

该活动由TGB Promotions推广, Lee Baxter促销和Mayweather促销.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

基思 “赏金” 亨特手伤康复,准备迎战顶级竞争者

LAS VEGAS, NV (五月 15, 2020) - 王子牧场拳击的 不败的超轻量级竞争者, 基思 “赏金” 猎人 (12-0, 7 科斯), 上次与对手的比赛中手部受伤已经完全康复 桑贾贝克·拉赫曼诺夫 (12-3-1, 6 科斯), 今年 2 月,ShoBox 上的一场 10 回合比赛成为头条新闻.

猎人, 拉斯维加斯本地人, 渴望在拳击回归时面对所有顶级竞争者. 超轻量级竞争者目前排名 #13 由WBA, 这意味着他即将跻身分区榜首.

“我已经准备好面对分区中最好的球员了,而且我感觉更好了,因为我的手在这段时间已经完全康复了,” 亨特解释说, 准备再次证明自己的人. “我本来应该战斗 尚贾汉·埃尔加舍夫马利克·霍金斯, 所以我想先和他们战斗, 不过说实话, 与任何世界冠军的战斗都是一个挑战,我现在已经准备好了. 我愿意并准备好面对最好的!”

猎人, 谁是管理 格雷格Hannley, 正在做好准备,等待拳击比赛回归的电话.

“基思·亨特 (Keith Hunter) 已做好准备,迎接分区最佳球员的挑战,” 所述管理 格雷格Hannley, 王子牧场拳击的CEO. “基思在过去的连续三场比赛中击败了梅威瑟促销公司签约的两名拳手. 他正在受到全国关注,他在 WBA 中的排名使他距离世界冠军头衔又近了一步. 现在是基思·亨特的时代了。”

“我只知道我很有天赋,想要赢得世界冠军来继承父亲的遗产,” 亨特继续. “我是如此专注, 我只是想为需要做事的人们带来精彩的娱乐, 如果我能争夺冠军, 那会更好。”

基思·亨特 (Keith Hunter) 晋升为 格雷格·科恩, 创办人, 和首席执行官 格雷格·科恩促销.

不败超轻量级前景KEITH HUNTER训练营注AHEAD的ShoBox重头戏

亨特面临的ShoBox的主要事件研究员不败马利克·霍金斯: 新一代周五, 二月 28 住在Showtime®

点击 这里 亨特图片; 信贷: 团队王子牧场拳击

LAS VEGAS - 二月 19, 2020 - 不败超轻量级的感觉和拉斯维加斯本土, 基思“赏金”猎人 (11-0, 7 科斯), 关于训练营事先他对同胞的即将到来的对决会谈不败前景马利克·霍金斯 (18-0, 11科斯) 在一个主要事件 的ShoBox: 新一代 在周五, 二月 28 住在Showtime (10:45 P.M. ET / PT) 从 山姆城直播 在拉斯维加斯.

在合作的主要事件, 2016 奥海不败超轻量级前景理查德森Hitchins (10-0, 5 科斯) 发生在罗得岛州的尼克DeLomba (16-2, 5科斯) 在10轮的回合和一次挨打拉斯维加斯原生凯文·纽曼II (11-1-1, 6 科斯) 面对阿尔巴尼亚根茨·Pllana (7-1-1, 4 科斯) 在10轮超中量级对决打开的电视节目.

门票梅威瑟促销 罪恶之城摊牌 开始 $25 并可以在购买: HTTPS://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/.

猎人, 27, 返回到 山姆城直播 后一个令人印象深刻 2019, 他在赢得了对卡梅隆Krael决定性的10轮一致决定,并打进了前业余突出Sanjarbek拉赫莫诺夫的爆冷击败. 他来自一个家庭的战士, 他的重量级竞争者迈克尔·亨特的弟弟和他的父亲是一个受人尊敬的拳击手,谁与迈克·泰森对打. 亨特已经花了他的训练营的全部王子牧场拳击健身房在拉斯维加斯, 在那里,他沿着列车不败次中量级布莱尔科布斯.



“这是我的时间闪耀. 霍金斯是一个好战士, 他是有才华, 但他站在我的路. 我不只是争取自己, 但对于我的家庭. 如果你看看我的纪录, 我争取了一些非常艰难的家伙. 我知道我的战斗准备采取我的职业生涯一个新的水平. 霍金斯正在下降. 我将让人们再次尊重猎人名

“我没有什么不好说,马利克·霍金斯. 他是一个勤劳的战斗机. 我只是觉得,我好. 这是我的时间, 没有人能向我借这个机会离开. 霍金斯的问题是, 我已经训练比以往任何时候都更难获得胜利. 我更关注比以往任何时候。”


“我想这个阵营是非常具体的. 我得到很好的陪练在骨头亚当斯的健身房和很多顶级职业选手都经过那里都像沙克·史蒂文森, 帕奎奥, and many others. 我看过他们是如何训练的, 我已经使用了相同的职业道德和原则,这个营我的教练的监督。”


“我现在排名 13 由WBA, 这使我是一个竞争者. 我得过去霍金斯, 所以相信我,当我告诉你,我会在擂台上放弃一切. 我期待在这场斗争就像是一个世界冠军. 失去是不是一种选择“。


“我很高兴能在头条 的ShoBox: 新一代. 它是一个平台,推出的战士的职业生涯, 和SHOWTIME有一个梦幻般的和专业的制作团队. 从年初的一个目标是展示我的才华上了一个大台阶这样, 我现在就在这. 这对我来说是一个非常大的机会, 我不会让它溜走。”

亨特王子牧场拳击的Greg Hannley管理, 通过前两届重量级世界冠军Hasim拉赫曼建议提升格雷格·科恩, 创始人兼首席执行官格雷格·科恩促销.

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欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.sho.com/sports, www.mayweatherpromotions.com/events, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @MayweatherPromo, 和Instagram上@mayweatherpromotions, @showtimeboxing, #SinCityShowdown和#ShoBox, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, 或www.bit.ly/sincityshowdown.

超轻量级对决在ShoBox理查森HITCHINS和尼克DELOMBA讨论训练营AHEAD: 新一代FRIDAY, 二月 28 住在SHOWTIME®

点击 这里 从梅威瑟促销图片

拉斯维加斯 - 二月 12, 2020 - 快速上升超轻量级前景 理查德森Hitchins (10-0, 5 科斯) 和 尼克DeLomba(16-2, 5 科斯) 开拓关于训练营的提前 的ShoBox: 新一代 协调功能回合周五, 二月 28 住在Showtime (10:45 P.M. ET / PT) 从山姆城直播在拉斯维加斯.

的ShoBox 主要事件, 不败梅威瑟促销的前景 马利克·霍金斯 (18-0, 11 科斯) 将返回他在Showtime第二个出场,他去脚趾到脚趾不败拉斯维加斯本土 基思·亨特 (11-0, 7 科斯) 在10轮超轻量级回合. 电视转播的开幕回合会看到 凯文“第二次到达”纽曼 (11-1-1, 6 科斯) 针对对手的10轮超中量级回合公布. 此前宣布的对手, 卡尔文亨德森, 从战斗撤出由于伤害.

对于梅威瑟促销罪恶之城争霸战门票在开始 $25 并可以在购买: https://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/.

Hitchins, 布鲁克林, 纽约州, 回报的前景发展的一系列他连续第二次测试. 在他的最后一次郊游, 他赢得了在山姆城在凯文·约翰逊一致决定. Hitchins, 一个22岁的 2016 海天奥海, 已经得到了恶名为具有环内的坚韧不拔和华而不实的风格老将技能. Hitchins已经记了一些他的拳击发展的意见和指针的他已经从世界冠军丹尼尔·雅各布斯和沙克·史蒂文森得到, 和的stablemate Gervonta戴维斯.

“很高兴” DeLomba, 战斗克兰斯顿的出, R.I., 被关闭的五拼连胜来跟五分之三的胜淘汰赛. 他是最适合他的滑溜感和难以捉摸环和外观已知与外国领土强大的报表,因为他使他的拉斯维加斯, 的ShoBox 首次亮相.

以下是Hitchins和DeLomba不得不说提前二月 28 配对:

是如何训练营已经在准备去为二月 28?

Hitchins: “训练营是好的, 但我总是在训练营. 从未有当我不准备和完善我的手艺时间, 我真的游戏的学生. 我知道我在接近我的职业生涯一个新的水平, 所以我要保持锋利,并在健身房在旁边级别执行.

“我要去科罗拉多完成训练营. 这也正是奥运训练中心, 这是一个地方,我已经去了好几次才能完成我的训练营. 空气好了那里,真正帮助我更好的形状进入战斗就搞定了。”

Madelon: “训练营即将精彩. 我得到的一切我需要为准备战斗: 营养, 膳食计划, 和力量和调节. 我添加了一个新的体能教练,我已经调整了的东西,以适应Hitchins’风格. 我已经准备好去,我不能等待斗争晚上。”


Hitchins: “我的比赛计划是每场战斗相同. 入住组成,并率先罢工. 我在我的职业生涯一个点的竞争越来越激烈所以对我来说更主要的是让我的防守严密. 在战斗过程中我的防守将让我在良好的竞争变得陡峭. 但总体而言, 我总是有心态,我是更好, 聪明, 和更快的战斗机.

“我自己周围有冠军. 这是成为一个的唯一途径,这场战斗让我更近了一步。”

Madelon: “我打算去,争取智能; 坚持比赛计划,我的团队对我来说并执行良好. 我的目标是克服一切他试图向我扔。”


Hitchins: “我不知道多少. 他是谁我的团队挑选了我,所以我只是要完成这项工作,并带他出去. 搏击之夜, 我有一个如何得到他一个清晰的概念. 我可以调整到任何东西。”

Madelon: “我知道我的对手有快速的手,喜欢扔出手迅速. 我完全专注于我自己和我的训练. 我相信我的能力,作为一个战士. 我没有被吓倒。”

什么将于二月胜利 28 做你的事业向前发展?

Hitchins: “另一个胜利载我到一个新的水平. 我饿了, 我来自什么, 所以我留在我的肩膀上的芯片. 我很感激我的团队, Mayweather Promotions, 和欣欣为我提供这个机会,建立我的名字在体育和向世界展示我能做些什么。”

Madelon: “战胜Hitchins将弹射我到一个新的水平. 这是一个电视转播回合,这将带给我,我需要建立分支机构,并暴露自己新的观众曝光. 这将极大地提高我的职业生涯。”

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大约 的ShoBox: 新一代

公司自成立以来日 2001, 广受好评的欣欣拳击系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年轻人才匹配强硬. 该 的ShoBox 理念是令人兴奋的转播, 万人空巷,并同时为愿意前景试验场正式比赛确定为世界冠军战斗. 一些的日益增长的列表的 81 谁曾出现在战士 的ShoBox 和先进的,以争取世界冠军,包括: 埃罗尔小斯彭斯, 沃德, Deontay怀尔德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞尔小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, nonito Donaire主场, 德文亚历山大, 卡尔Froch, 罗伯特·格雷罗, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 杰西·巴尔加斯, 胡安·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈顿, 凯利帕夫利, 保罗·威廉斯多.

欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.sho.com/sports, www.mayweatherpromotions.com/events, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @MayweatherPromo, 和Instagram上@mayweatherpromotions, @showtimeboxing, #SinCityShowdown和#ShoBox, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, 或 www.bit.ly/sincityshowdown.


顶级梅威瑟促销前景霍金斯, 理查德森Hitchins, 和凯文·纽曼II精选在单独的较量活在Showtime® 从山姆城直播在拉斯维加斯


LAS VEGAS - 一月 30, 2020 - 不败超轻量级前景 马利克·霍金斯 返回到环使他 的ShoBox: 新一代系列登场的三拼转播的一部分,当他面对同胞不败拉斯维加斯本土 基思·亨特 在计划的主要事件 10 轮上周五, 二月 28 住在Showtime (10:45 P.M. ET / PT) 从 山姆城直播 在拉斯维加斯.

另外两个梅威瑟促销的顶级前景将面临严峻的挑战, 如 2016 奥林匹亚 理查德森Hitchins (10-0, 5 科斯) 和一次挨打拉斯维加斯本土 凯文·纽曼II (11-1-1, 6 科斯) 都返回了他们的第二个 的ShoBox 出场单独的较量战斗. Hitchins, 不败超轻量级前景, 将在罗德岛 尼克DeLomba (16-2, 5科斯) 在10轮的较量, 而纽曼将寻求他的第五个连续的胜利时,他与不败环步骤 卡尔文亨德森 (12-0-1, 8 科斯) 在10轮超中量级回合.

对于梅威瑟促销罪恶之城争霸战门票下去本周五上市销售, 一月 31 在 12 P.M. PT, 开始 $25 并且可以通过访问购买: https://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/.

“当我们kickstart的一年, 我相信,我们将继续超出预期,带来顶级赛事的体育和娱乐世界,”伦纳德Ellerbe说, 梅威瑟促销的CEO. “我们今年的第一站是在我们的家场地的俱乐部表演和堆叠周五晚上 的ShoBox 卡. 这些前景都希望把上出色的表现,开始他们一年下来. 他们在工作中把把自己打游戏到一个新的水平, 和上月 28 我们将看到他们在山姆城现场挑战自己对强悍的对手,住在Showtime“。

Hawkins, (18-0, 11 科斯) 在擂台上被称为“冰人”, 打架巴尔的摩的出, MD。, 而即将关闭两回至后端的击倒胜利的高跟鞋. 他最近对通过达尔文价格第五轮停工的精彩表演拳击锦标赛倒计时的戴维斯VS来到. 甘博亚UNDERCARD十二月 28. 这位24岁的霍金斯被高度吹捧厄普顿健身房教练卡尔文福特三人受训, 肯尼价格, 和拉斯布莱基. 霍金斯转为职业选手在 2014 用淘汰赛的胜利, 这预示着什么来从年轻战士. 作为一个业余爱好者, 霍金斯积累了令人印象深刻 160-15 记录同时在竞争 2012 和 2013 全国锦标赛,并在获得一枚铜牌 2012 JR. 奥运会. 最出名的是他的坚韧和强大的战斗作风, 霍金斯加入了梅威瑟推广小组在后期 2019 与淘汰赛决定胜利在Al里维拉 罐头厂赌场 & 饭店.

“这对我的标题第一感觉很棒 的ShoBox 事件,”霍金斯说:. “这是我想做的事,因为我还是个孩子. 在这场斗争中,曝光战斗像SHOWTIME在一个平台上的胜利只带来了更多的认可,我的天赋和技能,更大,更好的发展机会. 我有超过我自己去争取. 我有孩子谁在厄普顿健身房仰望我. 我为他们打,他们是我的真正动机.

“我不能说太多关于我的对手. 我知道他也是不败. 他是一个持久的对手,他来打, 但如果你看了我的最后一战,你知道我进来拿我的对手0”。

二十七岁的基思·亨特 (11-0, 7KO的) 来自一个战斗的背景. 他是重量级的竞争者迈克尔·亨特的弟弟, 他的父亲是一个受人尊敬的拳击手,谁与迈克·泰森对打多年他的不幸逝世前. 亨特没有一个很长的业余生涯, 选举刚过转专业 28 打架

“我有信心进入这个战斗,”亨特说. “我最后两个回合, 我击败梅威瑟战士,我有信心,是因为洞察我有. 我们都是6英尺高, 但他缺少的组成部分,作为一个战士. 他在外面闹的战斗. 他是在里面更舒服. 我觉得我更好更熟练的战斗机进入战斗.

“任何时候我得到一个大舞台上像打SHOWTIME, 我投资了一块我的心脏和灵魂, 所以希望我的球迷,谁看着我的战斗会看到一个真正的孩子战斗遗留不要钱. 这个机会将帮助我连接更多的人,我永远感谢它。”

Hitchins (9-0, 5 科斯), 从布鲁克林, 是谁代表他父母的海地的家乡在一个前两届金手套冠军 2016 里约热内卢奥运会. 一个拳击的顶尖年轻前景, Hitchins已经对打并与多家世界冠军,包括特伦斯·克劳福德的stablemate Gervonta戴维斯受训. 刚刚21岁, Hitchins拥有令人难以置信的手和脚的速度和老牌竞争者的拳击智商. 他曾经参加过八成的他 10 专业的战斗在他的家乡, Hitchins将前往拉斯维加斯的第二次寻找他的后续声明中获胜 的ShoBox出现.

“我饿了比以往任何时候,” Hitchins说. “我看到我的弟弟坦克殊荣的繁荣,我觉得同样的能量在我身边时,我几个小时在健身房训练和完善我的手艺. 我看这是伟大的,我有我周围的合适的人谁把我的焦点, 让我在最高层次的培训, 推我,我的舒适区之外取得胜利. 这就是将展示搏击之夜,当我里面的戒指。”

“很高兴”尼克DeLomba (16-2, 5KO的), 战斗克兰斯顿的出, RI, 被关闭的五拼连胜来跟五分之三的胜淘汰赛. 他是最适合他的滑溜感和难以捉摸环和外观已知与外国领土强大的报表,因为他使他的拉斯维加斯, 的ShoBox 亮相下月.

“真是一个伟大的机会,这是在Showtime战斗,” DeLomba说. “我一直在争取我的方式到这一点,现在是如何显示我是谁的世界和成长我的品牌. 这就是我打算做来争取晚上. 我把每场战斗和教训跟我去健身房,比前一天训练加倍努力,自己真的是最好的战斗机. 我知道我进来弱旅, 但它只会让我想要赢得越来越成为那个人,谁给他的Hitchins首场失利。”.

拉斯维加斯自己的凯文·纽曼 (11-1, 6KO的) 开始拳击当他九,十岁建立起来的业余纪录 25-5 在成为职业球员之前 2014. 纽曼的技能和技术在环印象深刻的业余, 梅威瑟签署的上涨超中量级他的战士稳定的夏天 2014. 纽曼他的专业首演在梅威瑟与. Maidana的II的undercard, 在那里他打对抗的Azamat Umarzoda平局. 纽曼返回 的ShoBox 已经报复了他对马克·安东尼·埃尔南德斯的职业生涯中唯一的损失. 纽曼击败埃尔南德斯上月 1 在山姆城直播, 赎回自己从他们的第一对决 2017 在梅威瑟与. 麦格雷戈的undercard. 纽曼保持谦虚和饥渴,他爬上在超中量级划分的行列.

“这是一件好事,让体重关你的肩膀,”他最近战胜埃尔南德斯纽曼说. “我努力工作,日复一日出来是最好的我,我走神的计划. 据我所知,现在有更多的我对我的旅程,我过去认为,我期待未来在二月 28.

“我见过卡尔文斗争. 有没有什么特别的脱颖而出关于他. 我一直在与顶级球员作为一个业余和专业的戒指,我已经打了对手强硬. 我总是更聪明的对手.

“战斗在Showtime做了很多对我来说. 这不是胜利, 是关于 怎么样 我赢了. 我打算把另一优势表现, 一些能够让我除了休息, 和我要采取的每一个继续来我的方式机遇.

最初从费耶特维尔, 方舟。, 但战斗沃斯堡的出, TX。, 亨德森 (12-0-1, 8 KO的) 没有一个专业的战斗机的典型背景. 他是谁追求在音乐生涯阿肯色州校友的大学时,他被授予奖学金的打击乐. 因为他首先介绍他从来没有忘记拳 15 岁,在毕业后迅速 2012, 他转移了他的焦点回到拳击. 亨德森已经迅速确立了自己在分裂的上升较快的超级middleweights之一,并欢迎挑战,继续成为世界级的拳击手他的追求.

“在其他人的后院战斗是不是一个大问题,”亨德森说:. “有对我没有压力,做任何事. 我打理生意,我回家. 我会说,它带来了不同的激励因素. 它迫使我更加努力训练,并影响我的比赛计划,因为我们不能离开回合太近.

“我很高兴在环获得,并在广泛的观众面前执行我的比赛计划. 我想向世界什么我和我的团队已经知道展示. 我使其在环热. 这就是为什么他们叫我, '辣酱'。”

# # #

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Hawkins decisions Serrano to wins NABA-USA Welterweight title




Wins by Hard Hitting Promotions fighters Pizarro, 奎瓦斯 & 是啊


岩石, 埃利斯, Williams and Alday remain undefeated



费城, PA (四月 2, 2018)This Past Friday night, 马利克·霍金斯 remained undefeated by winning a 10-round unanimous decision over Raymond Serrano to capture the NABA-USA Welterweight title that headlined an action-packed 8 bout card at The Fillmore in Philadelphia.




The sold-out show was promoted by Hard Hitting promotions.




Hawkins used his length to pick and land shots on the inside. Hawkins raced to the early lead, but the veteran Serrano got going in the middle rounds as he used his experience to get himself back into the fight by winning scrums on the inside and an occasional long right hand. Down the stretch, Hawkins dug down deep and took control of the fight as seemed to be the fresher fighter. Hawkins who had never been past seven rounds, paced himself well against a tough Serrano, who never showed any signs of retreating as the two stood and fought until the final bell.




Hawkins of Baltimore, MD won by scores of 98-92, 97-93 和 96-94 to raise his perfect mark to 13-0. Serrano of Philadelphia was urged on by his loyal fan base, but fell just short, and now drops to 24-5.




重量级的前景 达尔曼岩 landed a hard right to the body that dropped Ronny Hale down and out at 1:27 of round two of their scheduled six-round bout.




Rock of Philadelphia is now 11-0 同 7 击倒. Hale of Austin, Texas falls to 4-12.




Good looking prospect Brandon Pizarro rebounded nicely from his 1st professional defeat by pounding out a 4-round unanimous decision over Pablo Cupal in a lightweight fight.




Pizarro, 18 years-old of Philadelphia won by shutout scores on all cards of 40-36, 并且现在 9-1. Cupul of San Diego is 9-24.


塞缪尔·佘 dropped Orlando Rizo three times in the 1st round, and their lightweight bout was stopped at 2:35 of that opening frame.




Teah dropped Rizo with a right hand early in the round. He followed that up with hard body shot that sent Rizo to the canvas, and finished off Rizo with another right hand.




Teah of Philadelphia is now 13-2-1 同 6 击倒. Rizo of Managua, 尼加拉瓜 19-13.





不败的前景 杰里米·奎瓦斯 got off the deck to come back to win a six-round unanimous decision of Erain Cruz in a super lightweight bout.




Early on it looked like it could have been a rough night for Cuevas as he ate a perfect right hand that sent him to the canvas in round two. A round later, Cuevas had blood dripping from his nostrils, but the young veteran got himself together and put his combinations together to come to take the rest of the fight, and win by scores of 59-55 在所有卡.




Cuevas of Philadelphia is now 8-0. Cruz of Ocala, FL是 4-5.




It looked like undefeated super middleweight 罗纳德·埃利斯 would have a short night as he battered Taneal Goyco all over the ring in the first round of their scheduled six-round bout. Ellis continued to have Goyco in trouble throughout their affair, and dropped Goyco with a right hand in round three. Goyco hung tough, but took many power shots, and Ellis looked impressive in winning by shutout scores of 60-53 在所有卡.




林恩的埃利斯, MA现 15-0-2. Goyco of Philadelphia 9-11.


特拉梅因·威廉姆斯 won a six-round unanimous decision over Antonio Rodriguez in a featherweight bout.




Williams landed quick combinations, and cut Rodriguez over his right eye in the final round.




Williams of New Haven, CT won by scores of 60-53, 59-55 和 58-56 提高他的标志 15-0. 墨西哥的罗德里格斯是 12-21.


Joey Alday, JR. kept his knockout streak intact by stopping Michael Crain at 1:28 of round three of their scheduled 4-round junior middleweight bout.




Alday dropped Crain round two with a hard combination, and finished him off with a hard left to the body in round three.




Alday of Odessa, 德州现 7-0. Crain of Smyrna, DE 是 1-2.




For the latest info at @hardhitpromo on or







Hard Hitting Promotions presents stacked card this Friday Night at The Fillmore in Philadelphia



Raymond Serrano vs Malik Hawkins in Main Event


Plus a plethora of the best prospects in boxing


费城, PA (三月 29, 2018)TOMORROW NIGHT!!! 菲尔莫尔 费城, Hard Hitting Promotions will present an outstanding 10 bout card that has a can’t miss main event, and will feature some of the most talented fighters in the country.





In the aforementioned featured attraction, 雷蒙德·塞拉诺 of Philadelphia will battle undefeated 马利克·霍金斯 巴尔的摩, MD in a ten-round battle for the NABA-USA Welterweight Championship.





塞拉诺, 28 years-old has a record of 24-4 同 10 击倒. The former amateur standout is riding a three-fight winning streak. 该 11 年的老将, who is managed by Mark Cipparone has wins over Ashantie Henrickson (1-0), 杰伊·克虏伯 (12-1), Ronnie Warrior Jr. (13-2-1), 阿姨布鲁斯 (15-2-1), 杰罗姆·罗德里格斯(Jerome Rodriguez) (6-1-3), 扎克拉姆齐 (8-1), and his last bout when he won via 8th round disqualification over previously undefeated Enver Halili (10-0) on November 18th in Atlantic City.





Hawkins, 22 岁, has record of 12-0 九击倒. The four-year professional exploded onto the scene with a 2nd round destruction over previously undefeated Carlos Soto (13-0-2) 四月 14, 2017 in Oxon Hill, Maryland in a bout that was nationally televised on ShoBox: 新一代. Hawkins is coming off a 7th round stoppage over Juan Jesus Rivera on November 4th.





One of the most talent laden undercards in recent memory has been put together.







达尔曼岩 (10-0, 6 科斯) 费城战役 Ronny Hale (4-11, 4 科斯) 奥斯汀, Texas in a heavyweight bout.





Hard Hitting Promotions elite-prospect 燃烧的皮萨罗 (8-1, 4 科斯) 费城战役 32 老将拼 巴勃罗Cupul of San Diego in a lightweight bout.





强力促销 塞缪尔·佘 (12-2-1, 5 科斯) 费城的战斗 奥兰多RIZO (19-12, 11 科斯) 马那瓜, NIC in a lightweight bout.





Hard Hitting Promotions rising prospect 杰里米·奎瓦斯 (7-0, 6 科斯) 费城战役 Efrain Cruz (4-4-1, 1 KO) of Vieques, 波多黎各轻量级较量.





不败的超中量级 罗纳德·埃利斯 (14-0-2, 10 科斯) 林恩, Massachusetts battles 塔纳尔·戈科(Taneal Goyco) (9-10-1, 4 科斯) 费城.





Hard Hitting Promotions fighter, 罗斯·加德温 (5-0, 4 科斯) 奥卡拉的, FL battles an opponent to be named in a super featherweight bout.


特拉梅因·威廉姆斯 (14-0, 5 科斯) 纽黑文, CT battles 安东尼奥·罗德里格斯(12-20-1, 5 科斯) 杜兰戈, MX in a featherweight bout.







Romuel克鲁兹 (1-0, 1 KO) of Philadelphia takes on an opponent to be named in a bantamweight bout.


Joey Alday, JR. (6-0, 6 科斯) of Odessa, TX takes on Mike Crain (1-1) of Smyrna, DE in a junior middleweight bout.


VIP Tickets are sold out; General Seats are sold out


There’s only some Ringside and Second-floor standing available.


The Fillmore is located at 29 和. Allen Street, 费城, PA. 19123






For the latest info at @hardhittpromo on Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View on Instagram






Raymond Serrano looks to continue career upswing against Malik Hawkins This Friday night in Philadelphia

费城, PA (三月 27, 2018)这个星期五 夜晚, 量级的竞争者, 雷蒙德 “铁托” Serrano will look for his 4th consecutive victory when he takes on undefeated prospect Malik Hawkins in the 10-round main event at The Fillmore in Serrano’s hometown of Philadelphia.
Serrano whose winning streak has coincided with his changing of training venues to Los Angeles, has defeated three fighters in a row that sport a combined record of 25-4.
在他的最后一次郊游, 该 28 year-old Serrano was impressive in defeating previously undefeated Enver Halili via 8th round disqualification.
“我有一个伟大的训练营. Freddie Roach trained me and I will be cornered by his assistant Ernie Zavala 在周五,” 塞拉诺说. “Training in Los Angeles is a big part of my winning streak. Out there, I am always around big fighters, and I can focus on boxing 100% of the time.
Another big part of his resurgence is his manager Mark Cipparone of Club 1957 管理. Cipparone has helped put Serrano in the best possible situation for Serrano to succeed, and Serrano fully acknowledges that.
Mark is certainly a big part of this. He makes sure that I get tested in each fight. The reason that I am around such good training is because of him. With all that, I feel that I can compete with anyone at welterweight, and I will continue to show it.
In Hawkins, Serrano is facing an undefeated but untested foe, and he feels with his confidence at a sky high level and ring experience will prove to be the difference.
Hawkins is undefeated, but this is not the first undefeated fighter that I have fought (It will be his 6th undefeated opponent). I know he is young, so I want to see what he has. I am more experienced, and that will be a huge factor 在周五. 经验就是一切. I know what it takes to beat these guys. I don;t think he will be able to do to me what he has to his previous opponents.
Cipparone has been seeing the steady improvement in the 11 year-veteran Serrano.
His last four fights have developed him further then he has at any point in his career. I would even say beginning with his fight against (Undefeated Prospect) 亚历克斯·绍塞. Raymond would have won the fight if he didn’t get caught in the 2nd round. Look at the scores. I think that fight was a turning point for him. It gave him the confidence that he could compete on the level of the top of the division,” said Cipparone, who also manages heavyweight Joey Dawejko.
Raymond has the natural ability to go along with a tremendous ring I.Q. He is such a sophisticated fighter in there, and now he has found that warrior inside of him. I feel it is his time to get to the top of the welterweight division. This fight is a gift to the promoters as it is for the NABA-USA title with the winner not only going to get the belt, but a ranking in the WBA. You don’t see fights like this on the club level shows.


Undefeated Prospects Malik Hawkins & Glenn Dezurn Victorious In Co-Featured Bouts

赶上重播 星期一, 四月 17 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在SHOWTIME EXTREME®

点击 这里 要下载图片; 信用阿曼达韦斯科特/欣欣

OXON HILL, MD. (四月 15, 2017) – Undefeated WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Titlist Dmitry Bivol knocked down Samuel Clarkson three times en route to a fourth-round TKO 星期五 在主要事件的ShoBox: 新一代 live on SHOWTIME from MGM National Harbor.


水牛 (10-0, 8 科斯) is now the mandatory challenger for WBA (定期) Light Heavyweight World Champion Nathan Cleverly.


Bivol stalked Clarkson from the opening bell. The former Russian amateur standout floored Clarkson in the opening 30 seconds with a series of shots and then knocked him down again a minute later with a straight right. 克拉克森 (19-4, 12 科斯) survived the round but didn’t respond well to trouble and was unable to upset Bivol’s rhythm and incredible accuracy.


Clarkson was knocked down for a third time when he appeared to walk into a big right midway through the fourth, forcing referee Harvey Dock to halt the contest at 1:40 as Clarkson struggled to get to his feet. Bivol landed 46 percent of his power shots over the four rounds compared to just 17 percent for Clarkson.


“I thought I would finish him in the first round, but I think it was better that it went to four rounds because the fans were able to see the way I fight,” Bivol said.


“I’m definitely ready for my title shot against (弥敦道) Cleverly in my next fight. 我准备好了。“


Clarkson had entered the 的ShoBox main event on a nine-fight winning streak.


He caught me with a good body shot for the first knockdown,” Clarkson said. “I thought I was back in the fight in rounds two and three. In round four I got caught, I stumbled and my balance was off.


Welterweight prospect Malik Hawkins kept his undefeated record intact with a dominating second-round TKO of previously undefeated Carlos Soto in the 的ShoBox 共同特征.


Hawkins (11-0, 8 科斯) attacked early and virtually closed Soto’s left eye late in the first round. Soto took a knee in the closing seconds of the round but survived, although his vision was clearly impaired.


Hawkins out-landed Soto 39-15 在第二, 含 15-1 in the final minute. The ringside physician ruled that Soto (13-1-2, 7 科斯) could no longer see out of his left eye following the second round and waved off the contest.


Hard work and dedication. I had a strong camp and believe in my team,” said Hawkins, who is trained by Baltimore’s Calvin Ford and is a stablemate of IBF Junior Lightweight Champion Gervonta Davis. “What makes it even more special is the blessing of my first-born child.


I want to give a shout-out to my opponent. He was big, he was strong, he was durable and he was undefeated.


Soto became the 163 fighter to suffer their first defeat on 的ShoBox.


In a matchup of undefeated super bantamweights in the opening bout of the 的ShoBox 电视节目, Glenn Dezurn narrowly edged Leroy Davila to hand the latter his first career loss in a back-and-forth fight scored 78-74 由三名法官.


The Baltimore native Dezurn (9-0, 6 科斯) seemed to throw the harder punches and was more effective while fighting on the inside against Davila (5-1, 3 科斯), who was the naturally smaller of the two. While Dezurn was the more active fighter – he threw nearly 100 more punches over the eight-round bout – the final rounds were extremely difficult to score as the fighters landed within eight total punches across the last three rounds.


I came into the fight with the best trainers in the world, I train at the best gym in the world. I have the best team in the world and, 最重要的, I have the best wife and sparring partner in the world,” said Dezurn, who trains under Barry Hunter in Washington, 哥伦比亚特区, and spars with his wife, female professional boxer and former eight-time national amateur champion Franchon Crews.


My team told me that all of the training and sparring I do is harder than this fight itself. The sparring I do every day is harder. I wasn’t going to shortchange myself during this fight when what I do every day is harder and when all of my friends and family came out to support.


Davila became the 162 fighter to suffer his first defeat on the prospect developmental series.


今晚 wasn’t about winning or losing I showed that I have dog in me. I answered that question,” said Davila. “I went off the game plan and should have listened to my corner. The size played a small part in the fight, but I am not making any excuses. I have seen small men knock out big men before.”


本次活动促进了 格雷格·科恩促销 横幅促销 与联想拳击世界Uprising Promotions.


周五 三重标题将重播 星期一, 四月 17 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime极端,将可在SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® 和SHOWTIMEANYTIME®.


巴里·汤普金斯 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood 和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 丰富的高根 生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.


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明天/星期五, 四月 14 在 10 P.M. AND/PT from MGM Grand National Harbor in Maryland


“I know what people expect of me – they want the KO – and if the opportunity comes I’ll try to finish him.” – Dmitry Bivol

“I want to see what the hype is about. His whole career is my winning streak.” – Samuel Clarkson


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OXON HILL, MD. (四月 13, 2017) – Undefeated WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Titlist 德米特里·比沃尔 and streaking challenger 塞缪尔·克拉克森 重量 周四 for their 12-round main event 明天/星期五的ShoBox: 新一代 住在 开演时间® (10P.M. AND/PT) 从 MGM Grand National Harbor in Oxon Hill, 马里兰.


The fast-rising Bivol (9-0, 7 科斯) earned his interim belt in just his seventh professional fight while Clarkson (19-3, 12 KO的) enters 周五 main event on a nine fight winning streak.


Undefeated welterweight prospects 马利克·霍金斯 (10-0, 7 科斯) 和 Carlos Soto (13-0-2, 7 科斯) meet in the eight-round co-feature. Hawkins, a Baltimore native trained by Calvin Ford, is a stablemate of IBF Junior Lightweight Champion Gervonta Davis.


在转播的开幕回合, Baltimore native 格伦·德祖恩(Glenn Dezurn) (8-0, 6 科斯) takes on former amateur standout 达洛拉(Lerooy davila) (5-0, 3 科斯), 新不伦瑞克省, 新泽西州, in an eight-round matchup of undefeated super bantamweights.


门票活动, 其通过促进 格雷格·科恩促销 横幅促销 与联想 拳击世界Uprising Promotions, 售价为 $103, $73 和 $48 and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com or by phone at 800.745.3000.


德米特里·比沃尔: 174 ½磅

塞缪尔·克拉克森: 173 ½磅

马利克·霍金斯: 146 英镑

Carlos Soto: 148 ¼磅

格伦·德祖恩(Glenn Dezurn): 120 ¾磅

达洛拉(Lerooy davila): 119 ¾磅




“The plan was to become world champion in my first 10 打架. 我们快要到了.


“Clarkson is a big light heavyweight, but I have fought bigger guys. 这是一场艰苦的战斗, but we were willing to take a risk for this opportunity to fight on TV.


“I did have a transition from amateur to pros. The WSB helped that transition and gave me experience. I’ve been able to learn from fight to fight, and I’ve gained experience in each fight.


“I’ve been trying to be more aggressive and control the pace of the fight. I’m comfortable going forward and backward.


“We’ll feel out the power and timing in the beginning. I know what people expect of me – they want the KO – and if the opportunity comes I’ll try to finish him.


“Working at Wild Card has been a big difference. Training in the U.S. is completely different. In Russia it’s mostly amateurs, so you get used to the wrong style. Most of what I’ve learned has been from sparring with pros here in the U.S.


“Clarkson usually comes forward. He seems uncomfortable moving back. We think we can use our advantages to cap on his mistakes and get him out of his comfort zone.”



“I’m not an underdog. I’ve fought my way up here to this position and the winning streak. I feel like I’ve proven myself to be here. My losses have helped me get to where I am. I know I belong here.


“I’ve never been one to get knocked down and stay down. I’m ready for whatever comes. The pressure isn’t on me. I just need to do my thing.


“I’ve been in some wars. I know what it’s like to get knocked down. He hasn’t been there before. I need to stand my ground. I’m not backing up.


“I want to see what the hype is about. His whole career is my winning streak.


“I’ve been sparring with top quality guys. 我准备好这场斗争. It’s a big opportunity and I don’t feel any pressure.


“He hasn’t been in wars like we have. It’s hard when you face a guy like me that isn’t afraid of you. He’s one dimensional. We want to make him as uncomfortable as possible.


“We’re coming to take his belt. He’s going to have to stop us from taking it. He’s never faced anyone like me – a really fast fighter with a lot of power.”


“I’ll do whatever it takes. If I have to come forward, I’ll come forward. If I have to box, I’ll box.


“Hawkins a smart fighter, 快, tall. He likes to fight at a distance. I need to pressure him to win the fight.


“I’ve faced fighters as tall as him before. This isn’t new for me.


“I’ve only been in the U.S. once before, and I’ve never fought here. I need to take advantage of this experience.


“My goal is to go for it. I want to be the best in my weight class. Everything starts now for me.”



“I grew up with Gervonta (戴维斯). I saw him win the title, I’ve seen his success, and now it’s my turn. It’s been great motivation for me. For him to become a champion motivated me even more.


“We’ve sparred 1,000’s of rounds with Gervonta. We’ve been in there with the champ and know it’s our time.


“We’re here to prove we’re ready. We don’t want to take any shortcuts. We’re taking this one fight at a time. We’re building and building.


“I’m tall, but I have an inside game. I fight inside better than a short fighter.


“People don’t want to take the chance to fight me. Credit to Soto for taking the fight, but he’s going to learn the hard way why no one wants to fight me.”




“We knew this was coming some day and now it’s here. We know all about Dezurn. He’s the perfect opponent for us. We know can break him down.


“When I didn’t make the Olympic team, I got right over it. But I wasn’t sure I was going to turn pro. I have a family to take care of and I can’t let anything distract me from being a father. But now I’m 5-0 and fighting on national TV. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for.


“Dezurn is an aggressive and has a lot of heart, but I’m not worried about him. I need to focus on myself.


“A win puts me in the conversation with the other up-and-coming fighters. A win could really change my career.”




“Sparring with my wife helps me. She hits like a dude. She’s taught me a lot – she taught me discipline. We push each other in the gym; we make each other better fighters.


“If you can make an adjustment with a sharp female woman, there’s no reason you can’t do it with a man.


“I like to break down my opponents. I become aggressive when I see a weakness.


“I’m ready to fight. I’m ready to get in there. I worked hard and now it’s time to have fun.


“I sparred with Rau’Shee (养兔场) 这场斗争. He has tremendous talent. He’s an inspiration for me. We also sparred with Vasyl Lomachenko for this fight. You have to be physically and mentally in shape to fight him.”


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