Der aufsteigende, ungeschlagene Herausforderer Antonio Russell tritt gegen den ehemaligen Weltmeister Emmanuel Rodríguez für eine Übergangszeit an
WBA-Titel im Bantamgewicht im Co-Main Event

Der ehemalige Weltmeister Rau’shee Warren Duels Damien Vázquez In Telecast Opener at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT

Der Ticket-Verkauf jetzt!

CARSON, CALIF. (Juli 15, 2021) – Weltmeister im Zweikampf Guillermo Rigondeaux trifft auf Weltmeister im Bantamgewicht John Riel Meisterschaft für seinen WBO-Gürtel am Samstag, August 14 live auf SHOWTIME als Headliner eines Premier Boxing Champions-Events vom Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Kalifornien.

Die Showtime Championship Boxing Fernsehsendung beginnt bei 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT und wird auch einen steigenden ungeschlagenen Konkurrenten sehen Antonio Russell im ehemaligen Weltmeister die härteste Bewährungsprobe seiner Karriere stellen Emmanuel Rodriguez während sie im Co-Main Event um den WBA Interim Bantamweight Title kämpfen. Startschuss für die Sendung, Ex-Weltmeister Rau'shee Warren Duelle Damien Vazquez in einem 10-Runden-Kampf im Bantamgewicht.

Die Veranstaltung wird von TGB Promotions beworben. Tickets sind jetzt im Verkauf und können bei gekauft werden.

„Guillermo Rigondeaux ist einer der erfahrensten Boxer im gesamten Boxsport und wird versuchen, seinen Lebenslauf gegen den aufregenden Drei-Divisions-Champion und amtierenden 118-Pfund-Titelträger John Riel Casimero zu ergänzen,Sagte Tom Brown, Präsident der TGB Promotions. „Das sind zwei Kämpfer, die im Sport viel erreicht haben, aber jeder kann sich mit einem Sieg im August zu neuen Höhen erheben 14. Im Co-Main Event, Antonio Russell möchte sich als nächster Russell-Bruder für einen WM-Titel bekannt geben, gegen den härtesten Test seiner Karriere in Emmanuel Rodríguez. Eröffnung der Nacht der Duelle im Bantamgewicht, Rau’shee Warren kann der Wiedererlangung einer Meisterschaft im Bantamgewicht näher kommen, wenn er auf Damien Vázquez . trifft. Diese drei Kämpfe werden enorme Auswirkungen auf die Zukunft der Bantamgewichts-Division haben, was den Fans immer tolle Action bietet.“

Ein langjähriger Champion der 122-Pfund-Division, Rigondeaux (20-1, 13 KOs) verlor an Gewicht und holte sich im Februar einen WBA-Titel im Bantamgewicht gegen Liborio Solis 2020 auf Showtime. Seit ich Profi geworden bin 2009 nach einer der besten Amateurkarrieren der Geschichte, Rigondeaux hat meisterhafte technische Fähigkeiten gezeigt, die ihn zu einem vereinten Weltmeister im Superbantamgewicht und mehrjährigen Mitglied der Pfund-für-Pfund-Liste gemacht haben. Zweifacher Olympiasieger für seine Heimat Kuba, Rigondeaux hat sich mit Siegen über Nonito Donaire einen Namen gemacht, Rico Ramos und Joseph Agbeko.

"Dies ist ein großer Kampf für mich und mein Team, denn wir haben die Chance, diesen WBO-Titel zu gewinnen.",“ sagte Rigondeaux. „Wieder bei SHOWTIME zu kämpfen wird Spaß machen und ich bin dankbar für die Gelegenheit. Obwohl ich seit gut einem Jahr aus dem Ring bin, Ich bin immer noch in Topform und habe vor, Casimeros Träume zu ruinieren. Ich weiß, er hat viel Macht, aber er kämpft gegen einen Mann mit hervorragenden Boxfähigkeiten und einem hohen Ring-IQ. Ich werde Casimero umkreisen und ihm zeigen, worum es in „El Chacal“ geht. Mein Trainer Ronnie Shields, und ich habe an ein paar neuen Tricks gearbeitet, Seien Sie also nicht überrascht, wenn ich ihn ausknocke.“

Der 32-jährige Casimero (30-4, 21 KOs) von Ormoc City, Leyte, Die Philippinen werden in diesem August seine zweite Titelverteidigung machen 14 Matchup, zum ersten Mal erfolgreich verteidigt, indem er Duke Micah im September ausknockte 2020. Casimero trainiert in Las Vegas und gewann den Titel ursprünglich mit einer beeindruckenden Unterbrechung der dritten Runde von Zolani Tete im November 2019. Der Drei-Divisions-Champion hatte zuvor in einer Karriere, die bis ins Jahr zurückreicht, Titel im Fliegengewicht und im Leichtfliegengewicht gewonnen 2007. Dies ist sein dritter Karrierekampf in den USA. und sein zweiter im Dignity Health Sports Park.

„Ich freue mich sehr, wieder bei SHOWTIME zu sein und in Südkalifornien zu kämpfen, wo viele philippinische Fans mich kämpfen sehen können,“ sagte Casimero. „Ich freue mich darauf, meinen Titel gegen Guillermo Rigondeaux zu verteidigen“. Rigondeaux ist vielen philippinischen Fans dafür bekannt, meinen Landsmann Nonito Donaire geschlagen zu haben . Ich werde der Boxwelt zeigen, wie man Rigondeaux besiegt und ihn ein für alle Mal in den Ruhestand schickt.“

Der mittlere Bruder zwischen WBC-Weltmeister im Federgewicht Gary Jr. und 2016 U.S.. Olympiasieger Gary Antuanne, Antonio Russell (18-0, 12 KOs) kündigte seine Ankunft unter den Anwärtern der Bantamgewichts-Division mit einer technischen Entscheidung über den ehemaligen Weltmeister Juan Carlos Payano im Dezember an 2020 auf Showtime. Der 28-Jährige aus Capitol Heights, Md. Profi wurde in 2015 nach einer beeindruckenden Amateurkarriere. Nach vier Siegen in 2019, Russell hat losgelegt 2020 Sieg über Jesus Martinez im Februar.

„Ich freue mich sehr auf diesen Kampf im August 14 auf Showtime,“ sagte Russell. „Ich habe die Arbeit hineingesteckt und bin immer bereit zu kämpfen, egal wann der anruf kommt. Ich bin gerade so konzentriert. Rodriguez ist das Einzige, woran ich denke, und ich bin bereit, eine Show zu veranstalten.“

Der 28-jährige Rodríguez (19-2, 12 KOs) kehrt zurück, nachdem er im vergangenen Dezember auf SHOWTIME eine umstrittene Split-Entscheidung an Reymart Gaballo fallen gelassen hat. Kampf aus Manati, Puerto Rico, Rodríguez gewann den IBF-Weltmeistertitel im Bantamgewicht mit einem einstimmigen Sieg über Paul Butler in 2018 und verteidigte es erfolgreich gegen den damals ungeschlagenen Jason Moloney. Rodríguez verlor im Mai den Titel an den ungeschlagenen Meister Naoya Inoue 2019 Titelkampf.

„Ich kann es kaum erwarten, für diesen Kampf wieder in den Ring zu steigen,Sagte Rodríguez. „Jeder weiß, was in meinem letzten Kampf gegen Gaballo passiert ist. Dieses Mal, Ich überlasse es nicht den Richtern. Ich strebe den Knockout und einen Statement-Sieg an.“

Labyrinth (18-3, 4 KOs) erholte sich im Januar von einer knappen Entscheidungsniederlage in einem WM-Kampf gegen die damals ungeschlagene Ex-Meisterin Nordine Oubaali 2019 durch das Verdienen von Entscheidungen über Gilberto Mendoza und Sharone Carter. Ein Rechtsausleger aus Cincinnati, Ohio, Warren gewann die WBA-Weltmeisterschaft im Bantamgewicht mit einer Mehrheitsentscheidung über Juan Carlos Payano in 2016 und verlor den Titel im nächsten Jahr durch geteilte Entscheidung an Zhanat Zhakiyanov. Der 34-Jährige wurde der erste dreimalige olympische Boxer aus den USA. als er sich für aufeinander folgende olympische Mannschaften qualifizierte 2004, 2008 und 2012.

„Vázquez ist nicht der Typ Kämpfer, der mit mir konkurrieren kann,“, sagte Warren. „Als sie mir den Namen schickten, Ich habe mir einen seiner Kämpfe angeschaut und 10 Sekunden war alles was ich sehen musste. Ich möchte Rigondeaux wirklich entgegentreten, aber ich werde damit umgehen und ich werde warten, bis ich bekomme, wen ich haben möchte. Ich habe mit vielen Top-Amateuren gekämpft und das hat mich scharf gehalten. Sie schlagen in Bündeln und halten mich auf Trab bis zum 14. August.“

Der 24-jährige Rechtsausleger Vázquez (15-2-1, 7 KOs) wurde in Thornton geboren, Col. und kämpft jetzt aus Las Vegas. Der jüngere Bruder des ehemaligen zweimaligen Meisters Israel Vázquez, Zuletzt verlor er im vergangenen September gegen den Superbantamgewichts-Champion Brandon Figueroa, nachdem er zuvor im Februar einen Nachspielsieg gegen Alejandro Moreno erzielt hatte 2020. Vázquez wurde Profi 2013 und abgespult 14 Siege in Folge, um seine Karriere in den bezahlten Rängen zu beginnen.

„Dies ist eine großartige Gelegenheit für mich,“ sagte Vázquez. „Mit sechzehn Jahren wurde ich Profi, Also habe ich nach dem Kampf gegen Brandon Figueroa eine dringend benötigte Pause eingelegt. Jetzt bin ich zurück und bereiter denn je. Ich kämpfe wieder im Bantamgewicht und das ist mit Sicherheit das beste Gewicht für mich in Zukunft. Ich bin bereit, der Welt zu zeigen, wozu ich fähig bin. Das wird ein Krieg sein. Warren ist ein Weltklasse-Kämpfer, aber wenn er denkt, dass dies ein einfacher Kampf ist, dann irrt er sich total und ich werde es am 14. August beweisen.“

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Joahnys Argilagos Victorious with Dominating Unanimous Decision in Miami

LAS VEGAS, NV (Juli 12, 2021) – Undefeated bantamweight prospect,Joahnys Argilagos (7-0, 3 KOs), die von verwaltet wird Jesse Rodriguez, was victorious this past Friday, Juli 9, 2021, against a game Juan Pablo Meza (4-2, 1 KO). Fighting in his first 8-round bout, Argilagos dominated the entire fight, winning every round on two of the judge’s scorecards. Das Ereignis, titled “GOT TALENT XIII”, was promoted by M&R Boxing Promotions.

Von der ersten Runde, Argilagos, ein 2016 Olympia-Dritte, used his exceptional boxing ability to land punches on Meza from multiple angles. Argilagos was in control throughout the bout and was surprised that Meza made it to the final bell. Scorecards lesen 80-72 zweimal und 78-74, all in favor of Argilagos.

“I give Meza a lot of respect for making it to the end of the fight,” said Argilagos. “I was hitting him with a lot of clean shots, and he wouldn’t go down. I had him hurt on multiple occasions, but he showed a lot of determination, and continued to survive. I’m happy with my performance and being that this was my first eight round bout, I’m looking forward to my first ten rounder, which might be by the end of this year.”

“Argilagos’ talent was on display and everyone watching in Miami can see that he has the pedigree to become a force in the bantamweight division,” stated manager Jesse Rodriguez. “We have a potential TV fight that is on the table for August, and if we get that fight, more people will get to see this kids’ incredible talent.”

Now back in Las Vegas, Argilagos will immediately start training with coach Pedro Roque, at the Prince Ranch Boxing gym.

“My body feels great, and I’ll be right bac in the gym as I came out of this fight with no injuries,” continued Argilagos. “If all goes as planned, I’ll be back in the ring next month. I’m ready to fight anyone they put in front of me.”

SFT 27 this Thursday screening on FITE from Brazil

The wait is over

Two title fights featured on SF7 27

This Thursday on FITE from Brazil

SAO PAULO, Brasilien (Juli 12, 2021) – The first SFT event of 2021,SFT 27, will be held this Thursday night (Juli 15) Sao Paulo in, Brasilien, featuring a pair of SFT title fights, in SFT’s first show since last December.

SFT 27 will be streamed exclusively on FITE in the United States and worldwide on pay per view via the FITE app and website (, ab 6:00 p.m. UND / 3:00 p.m. PT, for only $14.99.

“The wait is over,” SFT-PräsidentDavid Hudson proclaimed. “Our main event between rising star ‘Maumito’ and always dangerous Bispo will determine who the King of Brazilian lightweights is today. We also have another SFT title fight as Cantuaria and Borges battle for the vacant SFT female flyweight crown. The rest of this card is loaded as well with some of Brazil’s up-and-coming fighters

The main event pits SFT’s 2020 Fighter of the Year, Manuel “Maumito” Sousa (6-0-0, SFT: 6-0-0), gegen VeteranBrendo “The Monster” Bispo (17-4-0, SFT: 1-0-0) for the vacant SFT Lightweight Championship.

The 23-year-old Sousa is a tremendous striker whose overall combat sports record includes 23 straight victories in kickboxing, 18 durch KO, and all six of his pro MMA fights have been victories in SFT competition, none going into the third round.

“I’m training well, a lot on the ground, because I know he has a Jiu-Jitsu black belt,” Sousa reported. “But since I’m training hard, I’m not worried about that. MMA brings together all areas, so you need to be ready. In training, we put ourselves in danger, as if we were in the fight, and that increases my confidence, and it keeps the gas in check. At 27 Jahre alt, Brendo Bispo has more experience in professional MMA than me with 17 wins and four losses. ‘Maranhão’ sees the point as positive, jedoch, he knows that it is not a guarantee of victory. Therefore, he benefits from his work carried out at Chute Boxe Diego Lima, one of the main teams in the country.”

Currently on a 6-fight win streak, Bispo accepted the challenge of fighting hot prospect Sousa after a few other fighters passed on the opportunity. Acclaimed as one of the top lightweights in Brazil, Bispo now has the chance to prove he’s No. 1 versus Sousa. Bispo trains at the famed Chute Boxeo, under the direction of the famedCharles Oliveira.  A solid all-around fighter, the more experienced Bispo has seven victories by knockout, along with five more by submission.

“As often as I’ve fought,” Bispo said, “I always think like it’s the first time. So, I don’t generate as many expectations and my mind goes blank, something that helps me a lot in my daily life and in the fight. On the other hand, I’ve learned a lot by climbing in the cage to fight 22 mal, so that helps. The main one, jedoch, is the training at Chute Boxe Diego Lima. Now, in the final stretch of the fight, we are going more slowly, working on our strategy, rest, and weight loss. Diego Lima is my teacher, Freund, and manager (lacht), so he’s been with me. Unfortunately, he won’t be able to be in my corner, but he spent the necessary time.You can expect a renewed Brendo; more technical, Schneller, and stronger.

In der Zusammenarbeit vorgestellten Ereignis, Mayra Cantuaria (8-3-1, SFT: 2-0-0) GesichterPaty Borges (4-4-0, SFT: 2-2-0) for the vacant SFT Female Flyweight Championship. Cantuaria, who has fought the in the traditional Japanese event, Pacrase, while Borges has won her last two fights heading into her showdown with Cantuaria.

Another sensational match-up isBruno “Beirutel” Tavares (13-5-1, SFT: 1-0-0) against featherweightThiago „Manchinha“ Silva(19-9-0 (SFT: 0-1-0). Other exciting MMA fights include welterweightLuis “Hulk” Fernando (18-6-0) vs.Alex “Canguru” Sandro (10-3-0), FedergewichtMarcos “Maraja” Rodriguez (16-5-0, SFT: 1-0-0) vs.Estabill Amato (10-4-0, SFT: 1-2-0), BantamgewichtDeja Moura (5-2-0, SFT: 1-0-0) vs.Manoel Lima “Aranja” Silva (5-4-0, SFT: 1-1-0), FliegengewichtMarciano Ferreira (5-1-0, SFT: 1-0-0) vs.Antonio “Piaui” Rodrigues (9-2-0, SFT: 0-1-0), undefeated bantamweightFernando “Fernandinho” Henrique (3-0-0, SFT: 1-0-0) vs.Apollo “Deus Da Guerra” Gomes (5-0-0) and pro debutingLuana Santos vs. BantamgewichtMajorie “Brutal” Barragan (1-0-0). 

Two SFT Xtreme and two Jiu-Jitsu fights are also on tap.

The two SFT Xtreme fights will be held as welterweightCicero Evangelista (SFT Xtreme: 1-0-0) erfülltKavem “Mexicano” Felipe, und BantamgewichtNicholas Pestilli annimmtRamon “Sayajin” CostaThe wildly popular, uniquely entertaining SFT Xtreme competition allows striking, kicking and knees, fighters wear 4-ounce gloves, and clinching and fighting on the mat is prohibited.

A pair of Jiu-Jitsu matches will showcase William Cilli vs.Elaias “Xuxu” Silverio, undHenrique “Rasputin” Gomes vs.Felipe “Felipinho” Cusciana

All fights are subject to change.



Facebook: /SFT.combat, davidhudson.SFT

Zwitschern: @SFTCombat, @SFTUSA

Instagram: @SFTCombat, @ DavidHudson.SFT

Youtube: /SFTCombat, /SFTUSA, /SFTBrasilien


Juli 15 – SFT 27: Bispo vs. Sousa in São Paulo, Brasilien

August 5 –SFT 28: Mexicano vs. Matsumoto

September 2 – SFT 29: Noguriera vs. Santos


Paul Takes Next Step In Pro Boxing Journey Against

Hard-Hitting Woodley In Homecoming Fight at

Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland, Ohio

Tickets Go On Sale Thursday, Juli 22

LOS ANGELES(Juli 12, 2021) – Global superstar and professional boxerJake “The Problem Child” Paulwill take on the toughest test of his burgeoning boxing career when he squares off against former UFC championTyron "The Chosen One" Woodleyin the main event of a professional boxing event onSonntag, August 29 beiRocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland, Ohio, weiterlebenShowtime PPV.

After dominating the first three opponents of his professional boxing career, Paul continues to step-up the caliber of his competition against Woodley, a decorated mixed martial arts champion and striking specialist who held the UFC title from 2016 bis 2019. Am Sonntag, August 29, Paul will look to thrill his legions of fans and silence his critics in front of his hometown Cleveland crowd in the eight-round cruiserweight main event, which will be contested at a 190-pound catchweight.

Paul and Woodley will go face-to-face at a press conference in Los Angeles on Tuesday to preview their highly anticipated showdown. The press conference will stream live on theShowtime Sport YouTube-Kanal undJake Paul’s YouTube channel.

The special Sunday night event is produced and presented by Most Valuable Promotions and SHOWTIME PPV. The pay-per-view telecast, which begins live at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT is produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV. It will feature an undercard complete with high-stakes, professional boxing showdowns including Puerto Rican star and WBC/WBO Featherweight World ChampionAmanda „The Real Deal“ Serranodefending her titles against super bantamweight world championYamileth Mercado.

Barstool Sportsbook is The Official Sports Betting Partner for the event, in a unique, fully integrated partnership.

Tickets for the live event will be available for purchase on Friday, Juli 22,

The 24-year-old Paul (3-0, 3 KOs) is a world-renowned content creator. He began his professional boxing journey in January 2020 and has proven to be an influential participant in the sport’s landscape with his outsized personality and quickly developing skill set. The Cleveland-native is fighting out of Puerto Rico under the eye of former pro boxing contender B.J. Blumen, who has been training Jake from his first professional fight. After knocking out YouTube star AnEsonGib and former NBA star Nate Robinson in his first two outings, Paul made quick work of former MMA champion Ben Askren in April with a first-round knockout. With the win over Askren, Paul notched his first victory over a seasoned professional fighter and now takes on an even bigger challenge in Woodley.

“I grew up going to Cavs, Browns and Indians games on the weekends, dreaming as a little kid of one day being in a position to put on a show for my hometown like they did,” said Paul. “On August 29, that dream comes true. My biggest challenge to date, in front of the city that made me, on pay per view for the world to see me knockout a UFC champion. I’m also thrilled to have Amanda Serrano on this card. She stands out as the most prolific KO artist in women’s boxing. What a night this is going to be!"

Kampf aus St.. Louis, Missouri, Woodley (19-7-1 MMA-Aufzeichnung) has a storied career in combat sports. He became UFC champion in July 2016, defeating Robbie Lawler in the first round, and went on to defend his title successfully four times. Before competing in the UFC, Woodley fought in the Strikeforce MMA promotion on SHOWTIME and compiled an 8-1 record from 2009 durch 2012. Widely considered one of the most dangerous punchers in UFC history, Woodley earned 14 seines 19 wins by way of TKO or submission.

I’m a grown ass man,” said Woodley. “I don’t play games with kids. They brought me in to take the trash out. You’re welcome!”

Serrano is the most decorated fighter in women’s boxing history with a professional record of 40-1-1 mit 30 Knockouts. She was born in Puerto Rico and raised in Brooklyn, New York, where she trains alongside her sister, former featherweight champion Cindy Serrano. The 32-year-old has won titles in every division between 115 und 140 Pfund, earning belts in those two divisions just four months apart with fights in September 2018 and January 2019. Serrano won her WBC and WBO featherweight world championship belts in a high-profile showdown against Heather Hardy in 2019 and most recently she defended her titles with a knockout win over three-division world champion Daniela Bermudez in March.

Chihuaha, Mexico’s Mercado (18-2, 5 KOs) has held the super bantamweight title since November 2019 and will look to become a two-division champion on August 29 when she challenges Serrano. The 23-year-old won the title via unanimous decision over Fatuma Zarika, avenging a previous defeat to Zarika in Mercado’s first attempt at the championship. Mercado rides a six-fight winning streak into this showdown, including victories over Julissa Guzman and previously unbeaten Angelica Rascon in 2021.

This is the first live sporting event co-produced by Jake Paul’s Most Valuable Promotions. Jake Paul and Nakisa Bidarian will be Executive Producers of the event.

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Unified WBC & IBF Welterweight World Champion Errol Spence Jr. Faces Eight-Division World Champion Manny Pacquiao in the
FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Main Event Saturday, August 21
from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas

Klicken HIER for Photos from Frank Micelotta/FOX Sports

Klicken HIER für Fotos von Ryan Hafey / Premier Boxing Champions

LOS ANGELES (Juli 12, 2021) – Eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao went face to face with unified WBC and IBF Welterweight World Champion Errol „Die Wahrheit“ Spence Jr. at press conference in Los Angeles Sunday as they previewed their blockbuster championship showdown that headlines a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Saturday, August 21 from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.

The pay-per-view will begin at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT as Spence will look to earn a legacy-defining victory, while Pacquiao seeks one more monumental win to add to his first ballot Hall of Fame resume.

Karten für das Live-Event, die von TGB Promotions gefördert wird, MP Promotions and Man Down Promotions, sind ab sofort im Angebot und können über gekauft werden und

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Sunday:

Manny Pacquiao

“There were a lot of opportunities for me to pick an easier fight than this. But I picked Errol Spence Jr. because I want a real fight and a great fight for the fans. I’m a fighter and boxing is my passion.

“Errol Spence Jr. is aggressive, young and undefeated. He’s dedicated to his career. This is definitely not an easy opponent. This is the kind of opponent you can never underestimate.

“It’s been a long time since I fought a southpaw opponent. We had to change some of our strategy compared to previous fights and we’ll throw some different combinations.

“I don’t think Errol needs advice from Floyd Mayweather. I believe that Errol is a better fighter than Mayweather. Errol can teach Floyd how to fight toe-to-toe.

“I don’t want to be overconfident, because Errol is too good of an opponent. His determination and passion for the sport is always there. When I say I’m going to do something, it’s real and from the heart, it’s not to impress anybody.

“I had started training in the last week of May in the Philippines. So when I got here to Los Angeles, I was just continuing what I was doing. It’s good for me to have the rest that I’ve had the last two years. I’ve been boxing since I was 12 years old until now. When I went back to training, I was still hungry and dedicated.

“I won’t predict another first round knockdown like I had against Thurman. I’m focusing my mind, body and spirit on winning the fight. That’s the only goal.
“This is one of the biggest challenges in my career. I can’t say it’s the biggest, because I’ve been fighting the best fighters in the world for years. But he’s right up there with anyone I’ve faced.

“I’ve been boxing for more than 25 careers as a pro. I think that I’ve seen every kind of style that’s out there.

“This is a one of a kind and prodigious fight. There’s going to be a lot of action in the ring. I’m so thankful for everyone who supports me and I’m happy to be in this position again fighting one of the best fighters in the world.”


“This is a great opportunity. Coming off of my accident I went right to fighting Danny Garcia and now Pacquiao. A lot of people were in the Pacquiao sweepstakes. When I got the call about this fight, I agreed right away and didn’t give it a second thought.

“There aren’t that many southpaws in boxing, so you don’t usually spar that many. We’ve got a lot of guys in camp now who can fight that left-handed style. Obviously I can’t find someone who fights exactly like Manny, but you can find guys who can mimic the tempo and pace. So that’s who we’ve been working with.

“You can see that Manny is still an explosive fighter with great speed. We’ve been putting together a game plan and we’ve been working on implementing it. Come August 21, you’ll see it in the ring.

“Manny can lull you to sleep giving you compliments. Aber sobald die Glocke läutet, he’s going to jump all over you.

“My chin since the accident has been tested in sparring and in the Danny Garcia fight. I imagine Manny is going to try to come in and test it as well.

“Just because he’s 42-years-old I don’t think it’s going to hurt him in training. He’s not blowing up in weight between fights and he’s not distracted. That’s why he’s been the same Manny Pacquiao for decades. I’m looking forward to the same Pacquiao who fought Keith Thurman and before that.

“Manny has a lot of tendencies, of course you’re going to see some things over the span of his whole career. When it’s time to buckle down, you know he’s the guy who’s going to fight. It can be a pro or a con, but he’s going to make it a fan-friendly fight.

“I don’t see myself ever getting knocked out. I just don’t see it. We’re going to be mindful that he has power. He knocked down Thurman and hurt him with a body shot. We’ll keep that in mind. But I’m not thinking about if he can knock me out.

“I have the ability to finish Pacquiao. Für mich aber, I’m focused on winning the fight. If you rush and go for the knockout, you either look sloppy or something goes wrong. I have to fight my fight and at my pace. Wenn der Knockout kommt, I’ll go for it.

“This is going to be a great fight. Pacquiao is going to bring it like he always does, but I’m definitely going to come through with the victory.”

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“My experience inside and outside of the ring has all led up to this. Now is the time for me to put it all on the line,” – Charlo

“This is the fight of my life…The chance to become undisputed is just 10 days away and I can’t wait,” – Castaño

Unified WBC, WBA and IBF Champion Charlo Battles WBO World Champion Castaño In Undisputed 154-Pound Title Showdown Saturday, Juli 17 Live on SHOWTIME from AT&T Center in San Antonio in Premier Boxing Champions Event

SAN ANTONIO (Juli 7, 2021) – Unified WBC, WBA and IBF World Champion Jermell Charlo and WBO World Champion Brian Brown took part in a virtual press conference Wednesday to preview their battle for the undisputed 154-pound championship which headlines action live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Juli 17 von AT&T Center in San Antonio in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

Karten für das Live-Event, die von Lions gefördert wird nur Promotions und TGB Promotions, sind ab sofort im Angebot und können über gekauft werden

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will see the hard-hitting unified champion Charlo and the exciting Argentine Castaño go toe-to-toe as all of the super welterweight championship belts are on the line for the first time in the four-belt era.

Hier ist, was die Kämpfer bis Mittwoch zu sagen hatte:

Jermell Charlo

“We have 10 days to go and I’m excited. This is the most important time of my life. ich liebe es. I’ve been doing this since I was a kid. My experience inside and outside of the ring has all led up to this. Now is the time for me to put it all on the line.

“Castaño is going to leave everything in the ring. So we’re not playing any games. Ich habe wirklich hart trainiert. I’ve added things that have made me better because I know for a fact that this is going to be a great fight.

“I love my home state of Texas and I love fighting there. We’re bred differently. We’re a state that’s fought our own wars. This is huge. It’s a legacy fight for me and I’m ready for it.

“I know what I possess in the ring. Wenn es Zeit ist, zu kämpfen, I instantly become the best warrior that there is out there.

“I’ve suffered my whole life, so there’s nothing in this world that can make me suffer more than what I went through growing up. Castaño is a great fighter who puts on a lot of pressure. But I know my abilities and I know my power. Every punch I throw is dominant and every shot I throw is painful for my opponent. I have a lot of unique abilities in me and I’m going to bring some tricks into this fight.

“I haven’t punched Castaño yet so I don’t know what his chin will do when I hit him. I know he’s got a big heart. I’m just going to do what I do, which is what everyone knows that I do. Everyone sees what I can do each time I get into the ring.

“I’ve been feeling really good in training camp. Better than I’ve ever felt. I’m in my prime right now and I feel stronger fight by fight. I’ve been developing every camp.

“I’ve got belts on belts and he’s got one belt. I’m ready to take that strap too. I’ve been paying attention to what he’s been doing. I haven’t just been sitting around since I fought Jeison Rosario. I’ve been working.

“Right now I’m not worried about what’s happening after this fight. I can only focus on what’s in front of me. I’m tunnel-visioned right now. This is what I want and I can’t see anything outside of victory on July 17.

“You’re going to see a more developed Jermell Charlo on July 17. I guarantee you’re going to see a top pound-for-pound fighter. At any point, this fight could be over with.

“This is a major fight because it’s history for me and my family. It’s huge for everyone that I represent and that’s been supporting me for all these years. It was due time to get in there for this fight. The belts and the money are not on my mind. What’s on my mind is the legacy.

“Not a lot of people get these opportunities. This fight is going to solidify a lot of different things in people’s minds about the Charlos.”


“This is my opportunity. This is the fight of my life. I’m a world champion and Charlo is a world champion. The chance to become undisputed is just 10 days away and I can’t wait. Das ist meine Zeit. This fight is so important for my life. I hope to become undisputed on July 17 for my country and for my Latin supporters.

“This is one of the most important fights in Argentina’s history. It’s for four belts, undisputed at 154 Pfund. It’s a great opportunity for my team, mein Manager, my family and most importantly, für mich. This will be the hardest fight of my career.

“Charlo is a great fighter, there’s no doubt about it. But I came here to do my job and I’m going to come forward. I’m the type of fighter that is always going after you. I’m always there to pressure you. Even though Charlo said that I don’t have anything he hasn’t seen before, he has never seen anybody with my fighting style.

“I’ve seen Charlo knock down a lot of fighters with just one punch. That’s something to look out for. Jedoch, I have more of a variety in my arsenal than anybody he has fought before. If I have to be more aggressive and go for more power instead of finesse, rest assured that I can knock him down as well.

“Ring rust will not be an issue at all. I train every day. I spar three times a week. I’ve been training twice a day lately. I am in rhythm and in shape. I am coming for the four belts.

“On July 17, I can guarantee that I will bare my soul, I will leave my heart in the ring and do everything in my power to become the undisputed, unified champion of the world.

“I think that Charlo is in the prime of his career as well. That’s why I looked for this fight. This is the fight I’ve been looking for because we are both in the best moment of our career, and I want to take advantage of it.

“I am out for glory. I want to be the first in history to be undisputed champion at 154 pounds in the four-belt era and also be one of the best Argentinian and Latin American boxers that ever lived. I’m going for it all. I’m going to leave it all out there on Saturday night and there’s no reason why I can’t be both one of the best pound-for-pound fighters and also one of the best Argentinian boxers ever.

“If I win, the glory would be equal to a potential Argentina World Cup title next year. Jedoch, soccer is different because you have 10 other people that you can rely on. Messi has 10 teammates that he can pass the ball to when things get tough, but when I’m in the ring I’m on my own. Boxing is more of an individual challenge. When I’m up against the ropes, I have to get out of it on my own. The glory and the excitement of a win would be the same as an Argentina World Cup for my country.

“This opportunity to make history for my country and for Latin American people brings out very strong emotions in me. I don’t want to let down my Latin American people from all over the world. I feel an immense amount of pride in that and I am up to the challenge.

“I have not had the opportunity to meet Manu Ginobili, but he is an icon in Argentinian sports. He is one of the best ever and what he represents is iconic both as an athlete and as a person. He has both my admiration and my respect.

“I am aware that people may not know me, but I’m here to create my own path and pave my own way. I know that I haven’t fought that much lately and maybe that’s part of the reason why people don’t know me, but I turned down fights against opponents that weren’t of the caliber that I wanted to face. My goal has always been to go up against the best of the best and the elite of my division. I have that chance now and I’m going to prove why I deserve this chance and why I’m worth following.”

Teen Sensation Hollie Towl Challenges für WIBA Youth World Championship Honors 4. September

London – Montag, 5. Juli 2021

Teen Sensation Hollie Towl fordert die Meisterschaft am 4. September heraus.

Towl vs. Obisanya WIBA Youth World Championship Showdown Co-Schlagzeilen Historic Professional Boxing Event in Brighton

Auf den Tag genau ein Jahr von ihr 2020 Professionelles Box-Debüt, ehemaliger Fünffacher, Drei Divisionen Englischer Amateur-Nationalmeister Hollie Towl wird um ihre erste Pro Boxing Championship Accolade kämpfen, wenn sie gegen Nigerias Ungeschlagenes antritt 19 jahre alt Abosede Obisanya für die Women’s International Boxing Association (WIBA) Jugendweltmeistertitel im Federgewicht im Hilton Brighton Metropole am Samstag, den 4. September 2021.

Am 4. September wird Towl offiziell die jüngste Person des Vereinigten Königreichs sein, die um die Auszeichnungen der Profibox-Meisterschaft antritt, und sollte sie in ihrer Suche erfolgreich sein, wird sie in einer erstklassigen Position sein, um mit dem aktuellen jüngsten Weltmeister der Neuzeit gleichzuziehen oder sogar noch besser zu sein Devin Haneys unglaubliche Meisterschaftserfolge.

Haney gewann den World Boxing Council (WBC) Jugend-Weltmeisterschaft, mit einem TKO-Sieg über Mexikos Maximino Toala März 2017, als er war 18 Jahre alt, und dann im alter von gerade 20 Jahre, 11 Monate und sechs Tage vergingen, um als jüngster Mensch in der Neuzeit den vollen Weltmeistertitel zu gewinnen.

Co-Headliner der Veranstaltung, mit dem Titel "Schlachten am Strand", ist Towls ebenso talentierter Boyle's XBox Gym Kumpel 19 jahre alt Eleanor Coulson, die auf einen noch nicht bekannt gegebenen Gegner für die Women’s International Boxing Association trifft (WIBA) Jugend-WM im Mittelgewicht.

Coulson war die amtierende nationale Amateurmeisterin, als sie im September letzten Jahres ihr Profidebüt gab und, wie Towl, ist in den Profi-Rängen ungeschlagen und ist auch auf dem besten Weg, sich vor ihrem 20.

Die gestapelte Unterstützungskarte wird von einem weiteren Meisterschaftskampf angeführt, wenn Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Internationaler Meister im Superfliegengewicht Nicola Hopewell geht von Kopf bis Fuß mit Spanien Vanessa taborda für die World Boxing League (WBL) Europäische Krone im Superfliegengewicht.

Ungeschlagen Lewis Maulbeere steht vor Nicaraguas Christian Narvaez in einem vier Runden Wettbewerb, zum Aufwärmen vor seinem mit Spannung erwarteten Kampf um den britischen PBC-Titel gegen Denny's Kevin Traynor später im Jahr.

Ehemalige Amateur-Stars Angelica Finch und Kirsty Biswas sind bereit für ihre zweiten Profiausflüge, gegen Tschechien Nicola Hubalkova und Serbiens Marijana Dosovic beziehungsweise.

Rochesters Jay Jackson hat einen harten Kampf gegen Nicaraguasgua Platzhalterbild für José Aguilar in einem vier Runden Super Featherweight Contest. Auch Nottingham steht vor hartem südamerikanischen Widerstand Martin Reffell, gegen wen ist es Frederick Castro.

Colchesters Calvin Carruthers macht seinen vierten Profi-Einsatz gegen Nottinghams Garfield Mushor in einem vier Runden Super Featherweight Contest.

Ashford, Kents Jack Way gibt sein Profidebüt gegen Mitdebütanten Tyler Smith in einem Vier-Runden-Schwergewichts-Wettbewerb, ähnlich Profi-Debütanten Connor Brasilien und Callan Harley werden in einem vierrunden Weltergewichtswettbewerb gegeneinander antreten.

Alvis Berzins gibt sein Profidebüt gegen Southends Dan Ballard in einem vier Runden im Cruisergewicht Wettbewerb, auch im Cruisergewicht antreten ist Richard Herrick, gegen einen noch nicht bekannt gegeben Gegner.

Towl gegen Obisanya, für die WIBA-Jugend-Weltmeisterschaft im Federgewicht und Coulson gegen TBA für die WIBA-Jugend-Weltmeisterschaft im Mittelgewicht sind Co-Headline der Sportanarium Events und Assassin Promotions & Management mitbefördert SCHLACHTEN AM STRAND, in Zusammenarbeit mit Visit Brighton, Scope Eyecare, KC Sofas, Hilton Brighton Metropole, Sportanarium-Radio, Race Nation und Go Sports & Unterhaltung, die am Samstag, den 4. September im Brighton Hilton Metropole stattfindet 2021.

Tickets JETZT erhältlich unter


Rising Lightweight Contender Michel Rivera Scores Impressive
Knockout Victory in Co-Main Event

Klicken HIER für Fotos von Esther Lin / Showtime

Klicken HIER für Fotos von Sean Michael Ham /
Premier Boxing Champions

CARSON, CALIF. (Juli 4, 2021) - Ungeschlagen aufgehender Stern Chris „Primetime“ Colbert cruised to a unanimous decision victory over Tugststogt Nyambayar Saturday night to retain his Interim WBA Super Featherweight title in the main event of action live on SHOWTIME from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif. in einem Premier Boxing Champions Event.

The 24-year-old Colbert (16-0, 6 KOs) rode a dominant jab to victory as he landed 112 across the 12 rounds according to CompuBox, buoying a 218 bis 78 advantage in punches landed. The Brooklyn-native used the jab to set up a variety of effective power punches that he was able to land from orthodox and southpaw stances.

We had a tremendous training camp,” said Colbert. “We sparred a lot with a bigger guy in Michel Rivera, so I had a lot of practice using my speed and jab in camp. The jab is always a key in this sport.”

Mongolia’s Nyambayar (12-2, 9 KOs), who now fights out of Los Angeles, stepped in to fight Colbert on less than two weeks’ notice, replacing former champion Yuriorkis Gamboa after he suffered a training camp injury. Nyambayar had successful moments in his 130-pound debut, with Colbert even noting the Olympic silver medalist’s power, but he was unable to keep up a sustained attack or keep the busier Colbert from controlling the tempo.

He carried power for a 126-pounder,” said Colbert. “Boxing is about hitting and not getting hit. I had to use my Muhammad Ali tactics and float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. This was a great fight and ‘Tugdid a great job coming in off only a week and a half of training for me. I take off my hat to him and wish him nothing but the best in his career.
Colbert’s post-fight interview:

Colbert rode his versatile offensive arsenal to a big advantage on the scorecards and statistically, dominating Nyambayar in punches landed as he connected on 106 power punches to 78 total punches landed by Nyambayar. Nach 12 Runde, the judges’ scores confirmed Colbert’s dominance, as he won the decision with scores of 117-111 und 118-110 zweimal.

“I’m number one in the WBA,” said Colbert. “So you know what time it is. I’m going to follow the plan and see what happens next.”

Im Co-Main Event, rising lightweight contender Michel Rivera (21-0, 14 KOs) scored a highlight-reel knockout over Jon Fernandez (21-2, 18 KOs) in the eighth round of their WBA Lightweight Title Eliminator.
Watch the knockout here:

“I’m so excited and beyond happy to get this win,", Sagte Rivera. “Fernández was a strong, experienced opponent that forced me to change the game plan I had going in.”

An unbeaten Dominican fighter who now trains in Miami, Rivera seemed to take control of the action in round four, as he began to find a home for the straight right hand that would eventually end the fight. The tables turned momentarily in round six however, as Fernandez connected with a clean right hand to the head that put Rivera on the canvas for the first time in his career.

“I knew since the first round that I would have to be careful with him,", Sagte Rivera. “He had heavy hands and was taller than me, but I was faster and more skilled overall.”

The 23-year-old was able to weather the storm brought by the Spaniard Fernandez and made it through the round despite the knockdown. After regaining his momentum in the seventh round, Rivera broke through with a decisive right hand that crumpled Fernandez early in the eighth, prompting referee Jack Reiss to wave off the bout 44 seconds in the frame. Rivera held an 87 bis 76 advantage in punches landed, and connected on 37% seiner Macht Schläge, verglichen mit 27% from Fernandez.

“I want the fight with Rolando Romero next,", Sagte Rivera. “Once I do face him, I would like to go up against Gervonta Davis or Teofimo López.”

Before the night of fights, SHOWTIME host Brian Custer interviewed Bellator MMA No. 1-ranked Featherweight contender A.J. McKee, who will face current champion Patricio Pitbull in the Bellator MMA Featherweight World Grand Prix final on July 31 auf dem Forum in Los Angeles.
McKee interview:

“I am going to go out there and dig into my bag of tricks and I am going to shock the world,” McKee said. “He’s done a lot for the sport and he has been my target for a long time, ever since I started to come up. I’ve been calling his name for 17 fights and it is time now to get it on.”

Asked if this fight was for the No. 1 spot on the Bellator pound-for-pound list, McKee said: “Definitely. Hands down. This fight is for the pound-for-pound best, ich fühle, in der Welt. Bei 145 Pfund, there’s not too many guys that can stop myself or Pitbull.”

McKee added: “This is not going the distance. Stilistisch, it’s a bad match up for him. Nothing personal but my style is not a good match up for him…. I have to stay long, keep positioning and my feet. Distance is a big part of this fight. And catching him on the angle.”

Immediately following the SHOWTIME telecast, ALL ACCESS: Davis vs. Barrios Epilogue premiered on the network. It is also available now on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube page and can be watched HIER.

Saturday’sSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXINGtelecast will replay Sunday, Juli 4 bei 9 a.m. ET / PT auf Showtime EXTREME. Montags, Juli 5, Gervonta “Tank” Davis vs. Mario Barrios will re-air and will include the exciting Erickson Lubin vs. Jeison Rosario WBC Super Welterweight title eliminator at 10 p.m. ET / PT auf Showtime EXTREME.

Veteran sportscaster Brian Custer hosted the SHOWTIME telecast while versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo handled blow-by-blow action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and three-division world champion Abner Mares. Drei Hall of Famers rundeten das SHOWTIME-Sendeteam ab – Emmy® Der preisgekrönte Reporter Jim Gray, unofficial scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. Der ausführende Produzent ist der vierfache Emmy®-Preisträger David Dinkins, Jr. The telecast was produced by Ray Smaltz III and was directed by Chuck McKean. Former junior middleweight world champion Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez and sportscaster Alejandro Luna served as expert analysts in Spanish on Secondary Audio Programming (SAP).

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Three-Fight Telecast Features Five Fighters with Undefeated Records

NEW YORK– Juli 2, 2021 -ShoBox: Die neue Generationcelebrates its 20-year anniversary with a three-fight card headlined by two exciting undefeated super middleweight prospects asKalvin Henderson annimmtJesaja Steen in a 10-round main event clash Friday, Juli 23 live auf Showtime® (9 p.m. ET / PT) from the Heartland Events Center in Grand Island, Neb.

The popular seriesShoBox debuted in Atlantic City on July 21, 2001 und produziert hat 84 fighters who later went on to win a world title. Just like it has for the past 20 Jahre, the upcoming tripleheader will feature prospects matched tough with a combined record of 81-1-5, including five boxers who have yet to taste defeat at the professional level.

Henderson (14-0-1,10 KOs) matches up against knockout artist Steen (15-0, 12 KOs) in the first 10-rounder for both fighters. The co-feature pitsShoBox VeteranJanelson Bocachica (17-0, 11 KOs) of Detroit against 21-year-oldShinard Bunch (15-1, 13 KOs) in einem 10-Runden-Kampf im Weltergewicht. In a battle of unbeatensMartino Jules(10-0-2, 2 KOs) GesichterAram Avagyan (10-0-2, 4 KOs) in an eight-round featherweight affair.

“This is a milestoneShoBox event and we could not be more excited,"Said Gordon Hall, who has served as the executive producer ofShoBox: Die neue Generation since its inception. “As we celebrate two decades ofShoBox Juli 23, we will stay true to our ethos to match undefeated, developing prospects tough. Im Main Event, undefeated 168-pound prospects with decorated amateur pedigrees will seek a career-best win. The co-feature has the return of fast-rising Janelson Bocachica in a difficult style matchup against the power-punching Bunch, while the opener features a battle of unbeatens that could steal the show.ShoBox remains the sport’s ultimate proving ground for prospects and this event on July 23 is the perfect way to kick off our next decade.”

Das Ereignis, which is promoted by Marshall Kauffman’s Kings Promotions in association with Holden Productions and Salita Promotions, brings together fighters from seven different boxing promotional and management teams.

Kalvin Henderson vs. Jesaja Steen – 10-round Super Middleweight Main Event

Henderson vs. Steen is a matchup that was originally scheduled forShoBox im Oktober, before Henderson withdrew during fight week with an illness.

Geboren in Fort Worth, Texas, Henderson lebt und trainiert derzeit in Fayetteville, Arche., where he was a six-time Arkansas state champion in the amateurs competing in 70 Kämpfe. Er wurde Profi in 2016, winning his first 12 fights before fighting Genc Pllana to a draw in 2019. Henderson has prior experience at the Heartland Events Center, knocking out Justin Baesman at the venue in March.

Nach der High School, Henderson received a music scholarship from the University of Arkansas as a percussionist and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Music Education in 2012. The 30-year-old Henderson is promoted byMarshall Kauffman’s Kings Promotions.

“Two undefeated guys coming in on the main event,Sagte Henderson, who is married with five children. “I know he has a good amateur pedigree and he throws good combinations. He is bringing it and I am bringing it. The third time’s a charm to finally make this fight happen. This is the next step in my career. A lot of fighters have been onShoBox and have gone on to amazing careers, and now it’s my turn to do the same.”

Like his half-brother, U.S.. Olympian Charles Conwell, Der 24-jährige Steen aus Cleveland hatte ebenfalls eine erfolgreiche Amateurkarriere mit einem Rekord von 85-15. In his last fight in November, Steen stopped Colombia’s Juan De Angel with a fifth-round TKO. Im Februar 2020, Steen brauchte weniger als eine Runde, um Kenneth Council in Hammond aufzuhalten, Ind.Steen is co-promoted by Holden and Lou DiBella and managed by David McWater of Split-T Management.

“I have been going from training camp to training camp,” Steen said. “I am going to mix it up, and out box him with a lot of jabs. Then when I see his weakness, I am going to get him out. Kalvin is a come-straight-forward fighter and he punches hard. I was supposed to fight him before, so this fight has been brewing for a while.”

Janelson Bocachica vs.. Shinard Bunch – 10-round Welterweight Bout

Der gebürtige Puertoricaner kämpft aus Detroit heraus, Mich., Bocachica ist gerecht 22 years old and already has five years of pro experience, including two appearances onShoBox. This will be his third appearance on the series in nine months. He is coming off his best win to date, a majority decision win over previously unbeaten Mark Reyes, Jr. Ein aggressiver, come-forward fighter, Bocachica began boxing at age eight, gewann vier aufeinanderfolgende Ringside Championships (2011-14), die Nationalen PAL-Meisterschaften und die 2015 Detroit Golden Gloves. Er verfügt über eine Amateur-Aufzeichnung von 60-5 and beat Brandun Lee in the finals to win the 2014 U.S.. Junior National Olympics. Er wird von seinem Vater ausgebildet, Nelson figueroa. Bocachica is managed by McWater and co-promoted by King’s Promotions and Salita Promotions.

“This is whatShoBox is known for: matching up fighters for great fights,Sagte Bocachica. “Shinard Bunch is a step up in competition. He is from the same gym as Mark Reyes, and you saw what I did to him, Juli 23, it will be much of the same. Fighting on SHOWTIME has helped with my profile. When I went to Puerto Rico, people knew who I was because of my previous experience onShoBox. Being on the platform has brought me many new fans.”

Bunch is a Queens, N.Y.-native living and training in Trenton, N.J. Gerade mal 21 Jahre alt, Bunch has been active with five fights in 2020 and five fights thus far in 2021. Bunch has more than 400 amateur fights and started boxing at age 7. He was rated as high as No. 3 in the nation at the 2016 Nationals. Currently riding a 13-fight winning streak, Bunch’s only pro loss came in 2019 in just his third fight, a unanimous loss to Paul Kroll. Bunch is managed by Russell Peltz.

“We are coming to work and make a statement,” Bunch said. “I really do not know too much about my opponent. I know he is a pressure fighter. I am not taking this fight lightly. This is a big fight, and we are going to box smart. This is a blessing to have an opportunity like this. Fighting onShoBoxis something that I have always dreamed of.”

Martino Jules vs. Aram Avagyan – 8-round Featherweight Bout

The 23-year-old southpaw Jules from Allentown, Pa., is coming off his best victory to date in an ESPN bubble fight last July, earning a majority-decision win over Aleem Jumakhonov. Jules is a 2015 Olympic Trials qualifier and had a 60-15 amateur record since turning pro in 2016 and slowly climbing up the featherweight rankings. Jules was scheduled to make hisShoBox debut in January, but his opponent fell ill the morning of his fight and the fight was called off.

“I am grateful for getting this fight,” said Jules, who is promoted by Kings Promotions and managed by Trifon Petrov. “This is something I have been waiting for a year now. I was supposed to fight onShoBox vor, but the fight fell out. I have been staying ready. My opponent is tough, and he comes ready to fight. He has a lot of merit to him, and that is pushing me to be better and I am excited to fight someone that will make me perform at my best.”

Fighting under the Salita Promotions banner, the 30-year-old Avagyan returns toShoBox for the third time facing his fourth consecutive unbeaten fighter. Im Januar, Avagyan and Panama’s Jose Nunez fought to a majority draw. Avagyan survived two early knockdowns in his debut against then-unbeaten Dagoberto Aguero to earn a majority decision in the lastShoBox telecast before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the sports world for several months in März 2020.

Born and raised in Yerevan, Armenien, and now residing in California, Avagyan is a decorated amateur with more than 300 Kämpfe. He captured two Bronze Medals at the European Championships and represented Armenia at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

“I’m always hungry and want to fight and the fact that it will be on the 20-year anniversary of ShoBox is doubly motivating to put on a great show,“ sagte Avagyan. “I’m gradually gaining shape and I have another month to show my best side to all boxing fans. I promise that I’m going to war on July 23. Don’t miss this event and the war of the warrior!"

International Boxing Hall of FameBarry Tompkins will call the action with fellow Hall of FamerSteve Farhood, Ex-WeltmeisterRaul Marquez and special guestAl Bernstein. Der Executive Producer istGordon Hall mitRichard GaughanHerstellung undRick Phillips Lenkung.

# # #

Für weitere Informationen folgen auf Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, oder werden Sie ein Fan auf Facebook  

ÜberShoBox: Die neue Generation

Dieses Jahr, the critically acclaimed prospect developmental seriesShoBox: Die neue Generation, feiert sein 20th anniversary on the air as it continues to match top young talent tough. Since its inception in July 2001, theShoBox Philosophie ist es, im Fernsehen spannend, vielen gefallen und Pflichtspiele und gleichzeitig ein Testfeld für bereit Aussichten entschlossen, für einen WM-Kampf. Einige der wachsenden Liste von der 84 Kämpfer, die auf erschienenShoBox und erweiterte den WM-Titel zu sammeln beinhaltet: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams und mehr.

CHRIS COLBERT VS. TUGSTSOGT NYAMBAYAR FINAL PRESS CONFERENCE QUOTES AND PHOTOSUnbeaten Rising Star Chris Colbert Faces Hard-Hitting Contender Tugstsogt Nyambayar This Saturday, Juli 3 Live auf Showtime

Klicken HIER für Fotos von Esther Lin / Showtime

Klicken HIER für Fotos von Sean Michael Ham /
Premier Boxing Champions

CARSON, CALIF. (Juli 1, 2021) – Unbeaten Interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion Chris „Primetime“ Colbert and hard-hitting contender Tugstsogt „Königsschlepper“ Nyambayar faced off Thursday at the final press conference before they meet in the main event of action live on SHOWTIME this Saturday, Juli 3 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif.

Also featured at Thursday’s press conference were unbeaten rising star Michel Rivera and lightweight contender Jon Fernández, who square off in the co-main event of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast that begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Um die Sendung zu öffnen, SHOWTIME will air a special replay of last Saturday night’s exciting pay-per-view main event fight between Gervonta Davis and Mario Barrios.

Die Veranstaltung wird von TGB Promotions beworben. Tickets sind jetzt im Verkauf und können bei gekauft werden.

Hier ist, was die Kämpfer bis Donnerstag zu sagen hatte:


“I was going to knock [Yuriorkis] Gamboa out cold, and now ‘King Tug’ has to take the knockout.

“My hard work is finally paying off. All I have to do is stay focused, gewidmet, and disciplined, and then I’ll be the face of boxing in a couple of years.

“This venue is really known for wars. Come Saturday night I’m definitely going to bring the heat.

“I’m ready for this fight. Nyambayar knows he’s in for trouble on Saturday. Nobody out there can take a fight with me on a week-and-half notice and not be in for trouble.

“Me and Michel Rivera got a lot of rounds in together during training down in Miami. We did a great job all camp and I’m just ready and excited to get in the ring.

“I’ve been knocking out everyone they put in front me. They still don’t give me the respect I deserve yet. I just have to keep doing my thing on Saturday night and embarrass him.

“I can’t tell you if he’s my toughest opponent yet. I know that he’s not beating me, and that’s a promise. There’s no way a 126-pounder will come up in weight and beat me.

“He’s a fighter with only one loss, he can come back from that. But it’s not going to matter on Saturday night. He’s supposed to be confident in himself. He can’t say he’s going to get washed Saturday, but that’s what is going to happen.

“I appreciate ‘Tug’ for taking the fight, but Saturday night I’m going to get in there, dominate and beat him up. This is a Nissan vs. a Lamborghini, and I’m the Lambo.

“I agree that ‘King Tug’ might be better opposition than Yuriorkis Gamboa would have been. But it doesn’t matter if it was Gamboa, ‘King Tug’, or Arnold Schwarzenegger in there with me, it was always going to be the same outcome on Saturday night.

“My hair is orange this week as a dedication to the cause of fighting Multiple sclerosis. One of my friends, Dave, back in New Jersey has it and he told me his story of how he was paralyzed as a kid and also had MS. Then I saw him on the Stairmaster in the gym the next day for like an hour. I saw that and realized there’s no excuses I can make for not being in the gym. I do the different hair colors to make people feel special. I want them to know that I’m fighting for them.

“Nobody in the 130-pound division can beat me. I’m going to continue to prove that every time I step into the ring. I’m going to deliver a dominating performance. Don’t be surprised when I stop him.

“I don’t think this is going past 10 Runde. I’m going to keep proving that I have power on Saturday night. I’m not discrediting his skills, but I’m just different.”


“I’m really excited for this fight. It’s my first fight at 130 pounds and I want to show what I can do. I’m ready for this opportunity.

“Just know this, we are here to win. My team is here to win. I’m ready for Chris Colbert. Das ist es.

“I don’t care that I’m fighting on short notice at a higher weight. Ich glaube an mich. I can fight at 122, I can fight at 126 and I can fight at 130.

“Two weeks’ notice is enough for me. If I didn’t take the fight, Colbert wouldn’t have a fight. So he should be thankful. Let’s see what happens. I’m going to whoop his ass.

“I believe in my speed and I believe in my power. Ich glaube an mich. I just want to test myself. This is a good opportunity versus a good fighter.”

“I don’t think that he can stop me. Watch me on Saturday night. Ich bin bereit.

“I’m not worried about anything he says. I’m just focused on the sight. I really believe in myself and that I’m going to hurt him on Saturday night.

“Colbert has similar speed compared to Gary Russell Jr., so it’s not going to be anything I haven’t seen before. The adjustments from the Russell fight have been made in the gym over time.

“I’m very happy to be fighting at Dignity Health Sports Park because Los Angeles is my second home. It’s very exciting to be fighting here and with a crowd there watching. The Mongolian fans are going to show up on Saturday.”


“I had a good camp and I have a good team, led by Herman Caicedo who is my coach along with Jukka Toivola. I know that this is a good opportunity and I worked so hard for this fight. I’m so excited for July 3 and I know that this is my chance to show I’m great and to shine.

“Jon Fernandez is a good boxer and he’s a good puncher. Ich weiß nicht viel über ihn, but I know that he’s Spanish and he’s a tall guy. He hits hard but I’m in the type of condition to be great in this fight.

“I’m sure that on July 3 when people are watching the fight, they will see who the best boxer is. I’m ready for everything. If he wants to fight instead of box, I will fight too. I have the skills. I believe that I am faster than him. I don’t have problems with his height. You can see in my past fights where I was fighting at 144, and I looked good with big boxers too. I don’t have a problem with it. Everybody will have to tune in July 3 auf Showtime, and they will see Michel Rivera beating Jon Fernandez.

“I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. I’m Dominican, and in the Dominican Republic you don’t get much opportunity. I came here and I am making my name. Everybody will know that I’m ready to fight the top names at 135 – the best boxers. I have the skills and the talent. I’m young and I’m pretty, zu.

“It’s good that he sounds confident. I am confident too. That makes for a great war. He has a lot of knockouts, but they weren’t against any boxers like me. I’m focused. Wie ich sagte,, Er ist ein guter Boxer, but I’m better. I’m trusting my talent and I’m trusting my condition.

“My perspective remains the same after this press conference. Fernandez is a proud fighter and I expect nothing less than what he said. I’m also a proud fighter and I’m convinced that I’m better than him. I consider myself better prepared and ready to be considered one of the top boxers in the 135-pound division.

“Training with Chris Colbert was a great experience, and the sparring sessions were awesome. He made me better, just like I made him better. Er ist ein großartiger Mensch. My fellow Dominican fighter Jeison Rosario wished me luck and told me he knows I’m going to be a world champion someday, and that he will be supporting me and watching the fight from the Dominican Republic.

“Of course I believe that I am the next world champion from the Dominican Republic. I can beat all of the top boxers, the top five, in the 135-pound division. I want to make my name at 135 because I know this is a strong division now. I want everybody to know me at this weight.

“I promise a good fight. Everybody will see the next superstar in the ring on July 3.”


“I’m very excited to be here for this fight. Training camp in Madrid and Mexico have been great. We’ve had an outstanding preparation. I’m facing a great opponent in Michel Rivera, but this is the door I need to open to be in the big leagues of boxing. I don’t plan on missing out on this chance.

“I’m glad he’s confident in his abilities, but I think this is a 50-50 Spiel. It’s going to be a great fight and we’re definitely on the same level. There’s no difference in skill levels. I’m going to use my height and show off my boxing ability on Saturday night.

“Rivera is a very good boxer, and has many skills, but I believe that I have equal skills and more power. If I get the opening, I can knock Rivera out.

“I promise that we’re going to put on a great show and deliver fireworks in the ring. My hand will be raised when the fight is over.

“There’s nothing like fighting in Los Angeles. I have already been here before, but nothing can compare to being in the big show.

“Everyone in Spain is supporting me. My city of Bilbao has sent me all its love and they believe in me 100%. Even some famous soccer players have reached out to me. Players from Athletic Bilbao and (former Spain national team striker) Fernando Torres.

“I would like to win in order to open the door for other Spaniard boxers who come behind me and relish this opportunity – like my brother Eker, who is about to make his professional debut. I want to make him proud and put Spain on the map as far as boxing is concerned.

“If I win, it’s not just because of my power. It’s going to be a close fight, but I’m going to give everything I have to come out with the victory.”

# # #

Kolbert vs. Nyambayar will undefeated Interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion Chris „Primetime“ Colbert face hard-hitting contender Tugstsogt „Königsschlepper“ Nyambayar am Samstag, Juli 3, headlining the live SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif., in einem Premier Boxing Champions Event.

The SHOWTIME telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT with a special replay of last Saturday night’s exciting pay-per-view main event fight between Gervonta Davis und Mario Barrios prior to the live co-main event from California featuring unbeaten rising star Michel Rivera battling lightweight contender Jon Fernández.

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