Kennerdale: It’s Going to be a War on Saturday Night!



PBC Silver English Welterweight Championship

29th September 2018 – Pride Park, 德比



Over the past year or so there’s been a lot of speculation, or should that be desire, about the possibility of an all Merseyside showdown between local heroes Craig Kennerdale and Paul Peers.


Until very recently it had been just pure wishful thinking, it had been proposed on numerous occasions and failed to be made, however come Saturday night this much anticipated showdown finally becomes a reality, as promoter Dan Gray decided enough of the talking, if the fans want the fight, they should have their wishes come true and added it to the card for his upcoming event at the home of Derby County FC, Pride Park in Derby.


When Dan Gray first proposed the fight to Paul Peers, Peers had told himGood luck mate, others had tried to make the match-up in the past and failed.Not to be deterred Gray not only convinced Kennerdale’s manager Kyle Gallagher that the time was right, but also the unbeaten prospect himself.


Speaking from his Liverpool home Craig Kennerdale explained why he decided to take the fight now.


I always knew that Paul and I would face each other one day, but always expected it to be much later on in our careers, but when Dan (灰色的) dangled the carrot of making it for a title, my first title shot, I just couldn’t refuse.


I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for so long, I’ve been around the sport since I was ten years of age and in that time every single training session, every spar and every fight I’ve ever had has been leading to this fight, I can’t wait for Saturday night, it’s my dream to win a title.

I can’t help but think that this fight has all the hallmarks of being a seriously good all action fight the fans will love to watch.


I believe styles make fights, the difference in our styles, as well as the way we approach fights make this a very interesting match-up. It’s going to be a war on Saturday night.


Like most boxers on the Liverpool circuit, I know Paul’s ability and believe me I’m not taking anything lightly, he’s a good technical boxer with a strong amateur pedigree.


I’m unbeaten in the pros and believe me I don’t intend on losing my ‘0’ anytime soon.


Although I have respect for Paul, 我在这里取胜. 我在我一生中最好的形状, I’m hitting harder and faster than ever before and because of that I have every confidence that it will be me that lifts the belt come fight night.


Respect to Paul Peers and may the best man win!”


Craig Kennerdale versus Paul Peers for the Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Silver English Welterweight title supports co-headliners Ross Doherty versus Gvido Seilis World Boxing League and European Boxing League European Welterweight Championships contest and Nathan Decastro versus Agoe Ashong, 职业拳击委员会 (PBC) Commonwealth Super Middleweight Championship contest on the Daniel Gray promoted event at Pride Park in Derby on Saturday 29th September 2018.


There are also two non-championship contests featured on the event, exciting Super Bantamweight Emily Pugh makes her second pro outing against Latvia’s Veronika Sirajeva and Leed’s Super lightweight Jack Jones makes his professional debut against Dundalk, 爱尔兰的迈克尔·凯利.


The event is virtually sold out but there are a few tickets still available, for details please call Dan Gray on 07522 401454.


十一月 9 在悉尼, 新斯科舍

悉尼, 新斯科舍 (九月 25, 2018) — 狮伊冯·米歇尔 (健身房) 上周五与 MG Ring Productions 达成协议,将举办前 WBC 和 午夜凶铃 轻重量级世界冠军 让·帕斯卡尔 (33- 5-1, 20 科斯) 和加拿大轻量级冠军 加里·科帕斯 (10-11-2, 5 科斯). 12回合次轻量级 (200 磅) 战斗将于11月举行 9 在悉尼, 新斯科舍, 加拿大.



这将是帕斯卡连续第二场轻量级比赛, 拉瓦尔河, 魁北克战斗机, 这次他将尝试夺得 CPBC 加拿大轻量级腰带.


阿波罗 (帕斯卡) 对阵洛基 (团体)



让·帕斯卡 (Jean Pascal) 与加里·科帕斯 (Gary Kopas) 的战斗就像是原版《洛奇》电影的现实翻拍. 在一个角落里有一位蓝领公路战士, 集群, 他曾在每个人的家乡打过仗,但并不总能得到公平的对待, 但, 他仍然自诩为 CPBC 加拿大轻量级冠军.




现在, 他获得了一生难得的机会与加拿大这一代最优秀、最著名的拳击手之一进行战斗, 帕斯卡. 另一个角落是前无可争议的 WBC 直系和《The Ring》杂志轻重量级冠军, 帕斯卡, 谁曾与一些历史最佳选手战斗过.




这场战斗让当地的蓝领工人有机会在一场名为“战斗”的战斗中证明自己的价值: ''比赛!''




主席 MG环制作公司, 乔治·雷诺兹, 伊冯·米歇尔集团总裁 (健身房), 伊冯·米歇尔, 经过一个多月的谈判才达成协议. GYM代表Jean Pascal和他的顾问, 格雷格·莱昂, 这场斗争.



冲突, 有权 “年度最佳比赛”, 将在加拿大按次付费播放. 近期将召开新闻发布会透露更多细节.




“科帕斯几年来没有输过,我不会掉以轻心,”帕斯卡说. “我知道他会给世界带来惊喜,并试图毁掉我的职业生涯, 但认识我的人都知道,他的职业生涯将于11月9日结束。”




“我的最后一场比赛是在我的家乡进行的 (萨斯卡通) 对阵一个来自墨西哥的家伙,” 集指出. “除此之外, 我一直呆在健身房里, 学习新技能并享受生活. 当我第一次听说我在和吉恩战斗时, 我很震惊……很高兴, 但震惊. 有机会创造历史并向世界展示最好的我是一种疯狂的感觉.




“这对我来说是一个巨大的思想斗争. 帕斯卡做了伟大的事情,我真的很期待在对阵前世界冠军的比赛中展现出我的最佳状态. 这场战斗将改变我的生活, 但我希望帕斯卡明白他的生活也会改变, 他失败后. 我希望他能像上次战斗一样与我面对面地站在一起. 他不会持续太久.




“我要感谢我所有的家人, 朋友, 和粉丝们的疯狂支持,感谢我的管理层, MG环制作公司, 为了这个机会. 这将是艰苦的八周的高强度训练, 但知道我有如此优秀的人的支持真的很有帮助。”




“让·帕斯卡 (Jean Pascal) 是一个勇于挑战的人,当他意识到科帕斯 (Kopas) 及其组织的严肃性时, 他决定像往常一样接受它,” 米歇尔评论.




“在我职业生涯的这个阶段,”帕斯卡补充道, “保持活跃对我来说非常重要. 我们还有其他计划, 可惜, 在最后一刻倒下了,但是, 幸运的是, 与科帕斯的战斗到来了。”




在联合主赛事中, 不败 科迪·“跛子”·克劳利, 现任 CPBC International Jr 是谁. 中量级冠军 现任 CPBC 加拿大中量级冠军, 将捍卫他的头衔. 在undercard, 魁北克 埃里克·巴拉 (8-4-0, 7 科斯) 将争夺北美CPBC重量级冠军, 而 马里奥·佩雷斯 (19-7-5, 11 科斯) 多伦多的, 将为 CPBC 国际超羽量级做同样的事情 (130 磅) 带. 这张壮观的拳击卡将呈现五场冠军大战. 其他待点名





这位前轻重量级世界冠军将迎来他的三连胜, 轻量级第二次胜利, 以及他在教练指导下五场比赛中的第四场胜利 斯蒂芬·拉鲁什.




在他的最后一次擂台亮相中, 刚刚过去的 7 月 20 日,拉瓦尔贝尔广场 (Place Bell), 帕斯卡淘汰终极格斗锦标赛 (UFC) 退伍军人和前曲棍球执法者, 史蒂夫 “老板” 博塞, 在第八轮激烈而扣人心弦的战斗中.






加里·科帕斯是 当前的 CPBC 加拿大轻量级冠军和 CPBC 国际轻量级冠军头衔持有者.




别让他的记录欺骗了你: 科帕斯被誉为擂台上真正的推土机. 停止了他的职业比赛 2000, 他再也没有被阻止过, 他带着复仇回来了. 决心在拳击界证明自己的价值, 他赢得了最近六场比赛.




科帕斯在与已故魁北克拳击手的激烈战斗后赢得了加拿大冠军, 大卫·惠托姆.

萨斯卡通拳击手, 一位因悲剧而震惊的绅士, 此后创建了一个 “资助我” 为大卫的儿子筹集资金的页面.




这是页面的链接: HTTPS://

WBSS 冠军赛决赛超中量级: 乔治·格罗夫斯 vs. 卡勒姆·史密斯

乔治·格罗夫斯 vs. 卡尔卢姆·史密斯
星期五, 九月 28, 2018
2:00 P.M. AND / 11:00 A.M. PT
乔治·格罗夫斯 vs. 卡勒姆·史密斯

埃德蒙顿, 加拿大– 世界拳击超级系列赛第一季决赛推迟’ (WBSS) 超中量级比赛将于本周五举行 (七. 28), 当世界拳击协会 (WBA) 超中量级世界冠军 “圣” 乔治·格罗夫斯 受到不败的英国同胞的挑战, 卡勒姆 “世界” 工匠, 从吉达直播, 沙特阿拉伯, 开始 2 P.M. AND / 11 A.M. PT, 加拿大超级频道独家播出.

超级通道收购在加拿大的独家转播权的MP世界拳击超级系列 & 席尔瓦, 国际领先的媒体公司,提供媒体版权, 数字, 技术和赞助商服务.

格罗夫斯vs. 工匠, 由Sauerland Event提出, 比原定的六月推迟 2 格罗夫斯的日期’ 他因 2 月 17 日受伤而接受肩部手术WBSS半决赛12回合一致判定战胜 克里斯·尤班克, JR.

30岁的格罗夫斯 (28-3, 20 科斯), 伦敦之外的战斗, 淘汰WBA超中量级卫冕冠军 费多尔丘季诺夫 (14-1) 在他们五月的第六轮比赛中 27, 2017 冠军之争.

他的第一次卫冕是在第四轮的比赛中 海梅·考克斯(Jaime Cox) 在WBSS首轮比赛中, 今年二月关注. 前面提到的对 Eubank 的胜利 (26-1). 除了楚季诺夫, 别. 1 -锦标赛种子选手格罗夫斯击败了世界冠军 格伦 - 约翰逊 詹姆斯DeGale, “为战斗做了漫长的准备. 我很健康, 我很健康, 我已经把在工作.

“这将是本届赛事最严峻的考验, 但我的拳击技术比以往任何时候都好, 我不认为卡勒姆构成威胁, 我期待另一场舒适的胜利. 我们正在为尽可能最好的史密斯做准备. 我们知道该做什么并且我有能力做到, 我只需要完成它。”

工匠 (24-0, 17 科斯), 28, 12回合一致判定击败此前不败的埃里克·舍格伦德(Erik Sjoglund) (26-0) 在 WBSS 首轮比赛中. 这位利物浦拳击手的三个兄弟都是拳击手,原本应该与前 WBA 和 WBO 轻重量级拳击手进行比赛 克林斯曼Braehmer 在WBSS半决赛中, 但布雷默退出并在晚些时候被不败队取代 尼基霍尔肯 (13-0), 史密斯以12回合一致判定击败了谁.

“我在一个好地方, 感觉很好,” WBC钻石金腰带持有者史密斯评论. “我对获胜感觉很舒服. 我只是觉得我比他在这场比赛中遇到的任何人都更好. 我有信心我会脱颖而出. 球迷们应该享受一场盛宴, 我期待着成为世界冠军。”

五场激动人心的战斗 “格罗夫斯vs. 工匠” 卡, 由Sauerland Event推广, 将在加拿大独家播出的超级通道.

在共功能的事件, 尤班克 (26-2, 20 科斯) 对阵他的爱尔兰对手, J.J. “华而不实的” 麦克唐纳 (16-4, 8 科斯), 在10轮的较量. 英国超轻量级选手 达伦·苏蒂斯 (8-0, 5 科斯) 和 凯恩·贝克 (8-4) 八轮比赛中平局, 不败的英国轻量级 米凯尔·拉瓦尔 (7-0, 5 科斯) 会见 塔马斯·科兹马 (6-6-3, 3 科斯) 在六全才, 和荷兰重量级选手 肯·隆奎斯特(Kem Ljungquist) (4-0, 2 科斯) 面孔 穆拉德·奥马尔 (4-1, 4 科斯), 埃及的, 八轮比赛开播.


所有 WBSS 超中量级冠军赛也将在 超级通道按需.

超级频道在过去两年中播出了布鲁克对决等重大拳击赛事. 小斯彭斯, 帕奎奥,霍恩, 尤班克, JR. VS. 亚伯拉罕, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga, 克劳福德VS. Indongo, 史密斯VS. 威廉姆斯II, 弗兰普顿VS. Donaire主场, 狂怒VS. 远征, 弗兰普顿VS. 杰克逊, 以及整个第一个 WBSS 赛季.

看直播的所有世界拳击超级系列行动, 还有更精彩的拳击来, 战斗的球迷在加拿大可以联系当地的有线电视提供商订阅超级通道和所有它提供, 包括优质系列, 电影以及更多, 低至 $9.95 每月.

名人堂康涅狄格州拳击名人堂 2018 获奖者公布



安卡斯维尔, 康涅狄格州. (九月 24, 2018) - 不败东哈特福德初中量级前景 “行动”安东尼劳雷亚诺 (图为向右, 星拳击的照片礼貌) 已被选定为名人堂的康涅狄格州拳击名人堂 (CBHOF) 2018 年度职业拳击手.


其他获奖者包括: Nephateria米勒, 年度业余拳击手; 皮特HARY, 小, 年度专业官方; 杰森康塞普西翁, 年度最佳业余官方; 和 罗兰·罗伊, 贡献拳击.




该 2018 CBHOF获奖, 以及它的六元类 2018, 将荣幸十月 13 在 14 每年CBHOF晚会感应晚宴, 在昂卡斯宴会厅金神大赌场.




新CBHOF入选者分别是拳击手 可可小子天使巴斯克斯, 法官 唐Trella, 和培训 约翰·哈里斯, 比尔·戈尔布莱恩·克拉克.




“我们今年有获奖的一个令人难以置信的组,” CBHOF总裁 约翰·Laudati 说. “临年的义和团, 安东尼劳雷亚诺, 是一个令人兴奋的向上和- 后起之秀谁清楚获得了这个奖项. Nephteria米勒的康涅狄格州的最好的业余拳击手的选择真的强调女子拳击的优势, 不仅在康涅狄格, 但在世界. 杰森康塞普西翁和皮特HARY理应得到被命名业余和今年的职业官员. 我们在CBHOF们最高兴追授目前乔治·史密斯贡献奖拳击罗兰罗伊的家人. 他最近的传球是康涅狄格州的拳击界的巨大损失. 他的代表和献身于美国拳击的使命不懈努力的寿命将被认可,并庆祝这个奖“。




这位23岁的劳雷亚诺 (8-0, 3 科斯), 前新英格兰业余锦标赛冠军, 是所有行动的, 风扇友好战斗机谁可以称得上是顶级的前景今天N.E. 他的下一个战斗计划于Sept..21亨廷顿, 纽约. 他的启动, 乔DeGuardia(星拳击), 被感应到CBHOF在 2013. 安东尼赢得了副学士学位的刑事司法从曼彻斯特社区学院.




磨坊主, 纽黑文, 捕获在一个银牌 2017 中美. 在125磅国民轻量级. 她在今年早些时候接受了邀请,出席中美. 奥林匹克训练中心在科罗拉多斯普林斯, 科罗拉多州. 她目前是无. 2 额定妇女在美国轻量级.




一个职业拳击法官自 2008, HARY已经判断超过 250 他的职业生涯中的战斗. 最显着的战斗HARY有法官日期是在 2015, 当目前的IBF轻重量级世界冠军 Eleider阿尔瓦雷斯 打败 艾萨克·马克 通过为WBC银冠军在魁北克市12轮的多数决定的方式. 该CBHOF的副总裁, HARY生活莱德亚德与他的妻子, 劳里, 他们的儿子, 马修.




在加入美国拳击的行列后,, 康塞普西翁迅速被选为司库,然后任命的官员的首席. 杰森是催化剂在创建威利PEP邀请赛的条款. 他和他的妻子, 石南属, 继续担任董事的美国康涅狄格州拳击理事会. 去年, 杰森一致投票董事CBHOF局.




罗伊迟到了,康涅狄格州美国拳击的总裁近 20 岁月. 他是美国拳击区总裁 1, 其中包括所有的N.E. 和地铁纽约, 直到他最近的传球. 格拉斯顿伯里原生也是在东北地区的青少年奥运会协调和合作 16 年美国奥林匹克委员会,以进一步奥林匹克式的拳击. 在CBHOF的创始成员, 罗兰曾积极参与年度评选的年度CBHOF业余战斗机. 罗兰·罗伊负责保持业余拳击活得很好的肉豆蔻状态.




门票CBHOF 13 年度盛会感应晚宴, 售价合理 $90.00, 有售,并通过调用提供给购买 安·墨菲 在金神大赌场 (1.860.862.8846) 或 谢尔曼该隐 在 1.860.212.9029. 门开处 6:00 P.M. AND, 随后在全坐下来吃饭 7 P.M. AND.




去网上 关于名人堂的康涅狄格州拳击馆的更多信息, 它的 14 年度盛会应征晚宴, 活动赞助机会, 或过去的CBHOF入选.

塞琳娜·巴里奥斯 (Selina Barrios) 一致判定战胜帕特里夏·华雷斯 (Patricia Juarez),卫冕 NABF 轻量级冠军

罗伯特·埃利松多拍摄的照片 – 巴里奥斯队

科珀斯克里斯蒂, TX (九月 22, 2018) – 今晚在科珀斯克里斯蒂的沃特伯格球场, TX, 圣安东尼奥女子拳击界的轰动, 周梁淑怡 “阿兹特克皇后” 邻里 (5-0, 2 科斯), 10回合一致判定战胜,保持不败 帕特里夏华雷斯 (4-1), WBC雏量级冠军的妹妹, 马里亚纳 “芭比” 华雷斯 (50-9-4, 13 科斯). 凭借这场胜利, 巴里奥斯卫冕 NABF 轻量级冠军.




在早期几轮比赛中, 两名战士都非常活跃, 挥出很多拳头, 但巴里奥斯是击中干净镜头的人. 尽管华雷斯竭尽全力使用一二组合从外线进行拳击, 她的力量不足以让巴里奥斯远离她,因为她不断挺身而出, 右上方举起她的签名. 巴里奥斯在第五回合伤害了华雷斯, 用右勾拳打掉她的嘴, 迫使裁判暂时停止动作. 华雷斯康复了,但始终无法阻止巴里奥斯挺身而出,她继续击出重击有力的球. 在中间回合中,头撞撞伤了巴里奥斯的额头, 但她从不被他们打扰. 在后来的几轮, 巴里奥斯继续施压, 迫使华雷斯在内线作战. 华雷斯在终场钟声中表现出了极大的热情,但由于巴里奥斯保持不败而未能成功. 记分卡阅读 100-89 和 99-91 两次都支持巴里奥斯.




“我觉得我从开场钟起就控制了比赛,” 周梁淑怡说巴里奥斯. “华雷斯是一个非常难对付的对手,我对她能坚持到底的做法给予了很大的赞扬. 我对她进行了多次强力射击,但她坚持了下来. 我感觉不到她的拳头有任何力量, 所以我一直挺身而出. 我取得了胜利,我已经准备好与任何轻量级冠军战斗. 凯蒂·泰勒, 迈卡拉迈耶阿曼达·塞拉诺, 我来找你们了. 你可以运行, 但你无法隐藏。”




此事件标题 “重量级拳击争霸战” 被带到您 CCC娱乐 和这个结合 CC挂钩, 休士顿太空人, 和 KEEPPUNCHING娱乐.

裸关节格斗冠军赛周六返回, 十月 20 住在按次付费查看从密西西比海岸体育馆比洛克西, 密西西比

“BKFC 3: 收购” 将举行重量级锦标赛决赛, 鲍比·冈恩的回归 & 肯德尔格罗夫,
UFC老将乔·里格斯 (Joe Riggs) 首次亮相 BKFC
& 男子轻量级锦标赛四分之一决赛

费城 (九月 24, 2018) – 不败的职业拳击手 是 “乡巴佬锤子” 秀梅克 将面对资深综合格斗选手 阿诺德 “阿杰” 亚当斯 在决赛中 裸关节格斗冠军赛 (BKFC) 周六重量级比赛, 十月 20 在密西西比海岸体育馆比洛克西, 密西西比州和按次付费直播.




重量级冠军赛将作为本次比赛的重头戏 “BKFC 3: 收购”, 将在美国和加拿大播出, 专门在付费观看通过多屏媒体, Inc., 在所有主要电视和流媒体发行渠道上 $29.95.




“在四分之一决赛和半决赛的表现之后, 肖梅克和亚当斯已经证明,他们有资格赢得首条 BKFC 重量级腰带,” 说BKFC创始人兼总裁戴维·费尔德曼. “我期待着一场精彩的战斗, 我不希望走这么远. 两位拳手都将参加淘汰赛,并以壮观的方式夺得冠军。”




门票 “BKFC 3: 收购” 可现在独家 在开始 $35.




“我要击倒他,” 肖梅克说. “我是更好的战士,他会在第一轮比赛开始的铃声响起的那一刻发现这一点。”




“这条重量级腰带将和我一起回到芝加哥,” 亚当斯说. “我已经准备好迎接 10 月 20 日 Shewmaker 的任何尝试。”




BKFC 3 还将展示男子135磅轻量级比赛的开始, 预计将在 2019. 所有四场四分之一决赛回合的战斗, 加上锦标赛的交替回合, 将于10月进行角逐 20. 轻量级锦标赛参赛阵容将包括 UFC 和 Bellator 老将 约翰尼·贝德福德 反对职业拳击手 小雷吉·巴内特., 迄今为止,两人在BKFC比赛中均未尝败绩.




不败的裸拳格斗传奇人物、《警察公报》裸拳重量级冠军重返 BKFC 鲍比·冈恩, 以及 UFC 和 Bellator 老将 肯德尔格罗夫. 格罗夫将对阵前阿拉巴马大学线卫 马塞尔邮票, 在综合格斗和裸拳格斗中都保持不败的人.




在 BKFC 首次亮相 3 会是 乔·里格斯, 他在 UFC 有着悠久的履历,并且是前 WEC 中量级冠军. 里格斯将与综合格斗老将见面 布洛克·韦弗. 该卡还将具有 恭Ferea 詹妮弗·泰特 在两位女性的第一次裸拳比赛中.



迈克尔Dutchover (11-0, 8 科斯) Delivered Another Knockout Win on Friday Night


费城, 佩恩. / 橙, 加利福尼亚州. (七. 24, 2018) 初中轻量级 迈克尔Dutchover (11-0, 8 科斯) put on another impressive performance on Friday night, this time knocking out the bigger 伯格曼·阿吉拉尔 (14-4-1, 4 科斯) in the fifth round of Thompson Boxing’s “新鲜血液” 主要事件.




达奇奥弗, 20, used controlled body punching to end Aguilar’s night in the fifth round of a scheduled 8-round fight. The Midland, 德州本土, who conducts training camp in Los Angeles, zeroed in on the body from the outset.


A pinpoint left hook to the body sent Aguilar to one knee in the fourth round. By the fifth, Dutchover had knockout on his mind.




Once I started letting my hands go, that’s when things started opening up,” 达杜弗说, 谁是促进 Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing. “In the third round I turned up the pace. By the fourth everything started to click. I rocked him with some body shots and got a knockdown. I knew he was getting tired. I knew my punches were wearing him out so I made the choice to take him out in the fifth.




Official stoppage time came at the 2:31 第五轮的标志.




To watch the full slate of fights, including the Dutchover knockout,

please click here for YouTube link.




关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing




Photos by Carlos Baeza / 汤普森拳击

Peers Prepares to Face Kennerdale In All Merseyside English Title Clash

There’s nothing quite like a local Derby, whether Football or any sport but especially Boxing, to get the fans salivating and when it’s an all Merseyside clash it is without doubt the most mouth-watering of them all.





On Saturday 29th September, on neutral ground at Pride Park in Derby, the home of Derby County Football Club, life-long Everton fan Paul Peers will step into the ring against fellow Merseysider and staunch Reds fan Craig Kennerdale.





Adding extra spice to the contest, if being a Merseyside Derby wasn’t enough; there will be a Title Belt at stake, 职业拳击委员会 (PBC) Silver English Welterweight Championship.





Speaking from his new home in the Orkneys, Peers made it clear he wasn’t just coming to make up the numbers.





“我真的很期待这场战斗, it’s one that could and should have happened last year.





We’re both from Liverpool, there’s no two ways about it the depth of talent in the city is growing all the time. Liverpool has produced so many Champions over the years, everything from English to World Champions, hopefully after the 29th my name will be added to the long, long list.





I have every intention of boxing at my very best as I try to win this English title, as will Craig.





I’ve seen that Craig is right up for this, he looks even faster now than when I see his training videos. That shows he’s fit and he’s ready, which makes for a good fight, as so am I.





It will be storming fight, expect fireworks on the night, there’s so much a stake, not just bragging rights, I want that belt around my waist.





Craig Kennerdale versus Paul Peers for the Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Silver English Welterweight title supports co-headliners Nathan Decastro versus Agoe Ashong, 职业拳击委员会 (PBC) Commonwealth Super Middleweight Championship contest and Ross Doherty versus Gvido Seilis World Boxing League and European Boxing League European Welterweight Championships bout on the Daniel Gray promoted event at Pride Park in Derby on Saturday 29th September 2018.





There are also two non-championship contests featured on the event, exciting Super Bantamweight Emily Pugh makes her second pro outing against Latvia’s Veronika Sirajeva and Leed’s Super lightweight Jack Jones makes his professional debut against Dundalk, 爱尔兰的迈克尔·凯利.





The event is virtually sold out but there are a few tickets still available, for details please call Dan Gray on 07522 401454.

LFA 将在德克萨斯州的中心地带举办一场精彩的老式对决

LFA 52 – 罗德里格斯 VS. 古铁雷斯
FRIDAY, 10 月 19 日在 AXS TV 直播
腰带上, TEXAS


LAS VEGAS, 内华达 – LFA 首席执行官埃德·苏亚雷斯 (Ed Soares) 今天宣布,促销活动将于 10 月深入德克萨斯州市中心,在 LFA 顶级赛事中进行高风险雏量级对决 52.




LFA的重头戏 52 德克萨斯本地人和顶级 LFA 最轻量级选手 Ray 之间将进行一场精彩的老式对决 “法官” 罗德里格斯和克里斯 “帅气的” 古铁雷斯. LFA 52 – 罗德里格斯VS. 古铁雷斯周五举行, 10 月 19 日贝尔顿贝尔县博览中心, 得克萨斯州. 整个主卡将被电视直播,并在全国范围AXS电视上的 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.





“我很高兴将 LFA 带到德克萨斯州 Centroplex 的 LFA 52,” 规定苏亚雷斯. “雷·罗德里格斯 (Ray Rodriguez) 和克里斯·古铁雷斯 (Chris Gutierrez) 是德克萨斯州最有潜力的两位球员,他们在 LFA 首秀中看起来都很棒. 现在他们有机会获得德克萨斯州吹牛的权利, 在确立部门主导地位的同时. 他们将在LFA的主赛事中交锋 52 周五在贝尔县博览中心, 10 月 19 日。”




LFA 门票 52 – 罗德里格斯VS. Gutierrez 现已可在以下网址购买:




罗德里格斯 (13-4) 是圣安东尼奥人,可以说是阿拉莫市最有成就的战士之一. 过去三年, 他已经连续击败了八个对手, 但具有讽刺意味的是,这个人被称为 “法官” 在连续比赛期间,只让这八场比赛两次进入裁判记分卡. 罗德里格斯现在的目标是在全球舞台上赢得金牌. 为了跳进 LFA 最轻量级的标题图片, 这位才华横溢的德克萨斯人希望在今年德克萨斯州中部最大的综合格斗赛事中成为州内对手的榜样. 审判日 “法官” 周五来, 10 月 19 日 LFA 52.




吉特雷斯 (11-2-1) 或许是唯一一位在竞争激烈的 LFA 最轻量级赛场中与罗德里格斯取得类似成功的德克萨斯人. 两人都在首秀中击败了巴西顶级对手. 胜利发生了 6 彼此相隔几个月并在家里闲聊 “孤星州” 该州两位​​最轻量级拳王之间可能发生的冲突达到了狂热的程度. “帅气的” 预计将获得丰厚的奖励,连续第二次战胜 LFA 主赛事冠军. 古铁雷斯, 格林维尔本地人, 将在贝尔顿 (Belton) 与风起云涌的圣安东尼奥 (San Antonian) 进行一场史诗般的 I-35 决战, 得克萨斯州.




主卡 (在 AXS TV 上播出 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT):



主要事件 | 轻量级布特 (135 磅)

– 雷·罗德里格斯 (13-4) VS. 克里斯·古铁雷斯 (11-2-1)


合作的主要事件 | 飞锤布特 (125 磅)

– 乔纳森·马丁内斯 (9-1) VS. 杰·汉密尔顿 (13-6)


重量级回合 (265 磅)

– 弗农·刘易斯 (5-3) VS. 杰里米·哈迪 (6-3)


轻量级回合 (155 磅)

– 辛普森维尔酒店 (8-3) VS. 科尔顿·英格兰德 (6-2)


中量级回合 (185 磅)

– 乔诺文也是 (4-1) VS. 普纳·索里亚诺 (4-0)


女子草量级比赛 (115 磅)

– 伊策尔·埃斯基维尔 (3-2) VS. 凡妮莎·德莫普洛斯 (1-0)


羽量级布特 (145 磅)

– 卡梅伦·格雷夫斯 (7-2) VS. 彼得·斯塔诺尼克 (5-4)





LFA 52 将是首个在德克萨斯州 Centroplex 举办的 LFA 活动. 这也将是LFA第13次前往 “孤星状态” 德克萨斯州. LFA全主卡 52 将进行现场直播,并在全国范围AXS电视在 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.




请访问 对于回合更新和信息. LFA 的 Facebook 网址为 传统格斗联盟. LFA也对在Instagram的 @LFAfighting 和Twitter的 @LFAfighting.




在 2017, RFA和传统FC合并组建LFA, 在混合武术最大的发展机构. LFA的联合部队发动过的职业生涯 150 已经通过在UFC的竞争达到了MMA的巅峰运动员. 在五月 2018, 促进加盟伦敦信托传媒控股集团公司.



Four Fighters Lose Their Undefeated Records, Bringing ShoBox Total To 180

赶上周一重播, 九月 24 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME®

点击 这里 对于照片; 信用戴夫·曼德尔/欣欣

SHAWNEE, 俄克拉何马州. (九月 22, 2018) – O’Shaquie Foster upset previously undefeated Jon Fernandez in a battle of 的ShoBox: 新一代 退伍军人, scoring an impressive unanimous decision victory over the highly regarded prospect Friday on SHOWTIME from Firelake Arena. 视频集锦:




费尔南德斯 (16-1, 14 科斯), a protégé of former unified world champion Sergio “Maravilla” Martinez, 成为 180 fighter in the history of the 的ShoBox series to lose his undefeated record after three other previously undefeated fighters dropped decisions on Friday.




The 25-year-old Foster (14-2, 8 科斯), a resident of Houston, executed his team’s game plan to perfection, utilizing superb movement and connecting opportunistically with counter shots. Foster was far sharper on both offense and defense, 连接上 36 percent of his total punches compared to just 16 percent for Fernandez.




Fernandez was frustrated by Foster, a crafty and experienced fighter who was one win away from representing the United States in the 2012 奥运会. In his previous six bouts, Fernandez averaged 8.4 jab connects per round but was limited to just 13 jabs in tonight’s entire 10-round fight.




“This was the best fight of my career,疲劳也是一个因素,因为德洛斯桑托斯在他年轻的职业生涯中从未超过第六轮,而且随着战斗的进行,他似乎已经耗尽了精力, who was appearing on the 的ShoBox series for the fourth time. “I knew I had it in me, I just never put it together. I have a new team, I have a new trainer, a new strength and conditioning coach. This was what I dreamed of and we put in the work to make it happen.




“I knew he was a puncher and he’d come forward the whole fight. I knew I had to work off my jab and use my lateral movement. He had a little power, but he never got me clean. We’re going to sit down and look at the drawing board. I can tell you this, we’re not the B-side anymore.”




Fernandez improved throughout the second half of the fight, landing a big right hand in the sixth round that briefly wobbled Foster. 然而, the Spaniard was unable to extend his impressive KO streak of 14 consecutive fights.




“His style was frustrating, but we were expecting it,” said the 23-year-old Fernandez, who was widely regarded as one of the top prospects in boxing. “We thought his conditioning would go down and he’d slow down in the later rounds. 他没有 (减速) and that surprised me.






“I feel like we can still get better and better. We just had a bad game plan for this fight.”




小欧文·冈萨雷斯(Irvin Gonzalez Jr). (11-0, 9 科斯) out-boxed Carlos Ramos (9-1, 6 科斯) from start to finish to score a unanimous decision victory in the co-featured bout of tonight’s 的ShoBox: 新一代 电视节目. 法官的斗争取得了 79-73, 78-74, 80-72. 冈萨雷斯, who was the more active and aggressive fighter, kept his unbeaten record intact despite facing a frustrating and defensively shrewd opponent in Ramos.




“It took me a few rounds to figure him out, but once I did he didn’t have anything on me,“冈萨雷斯说. “He only had the left hand and that was about it. He really didn’t throw any punches.




“This was a big learning experience for me. This was my second eight-rounder and it opened my eyes a little bit. I know I’m conditioned well but I have to go back to work.”




The 22-year-old Gonzalez, a fourth-generation boxer in his family and native of Worcester, 质量。, outhustled the skillful southpaw Ramos, who was not nearly active enough throughout the eight rounds. The longer, leaner Gonzalez, who averaged 58 punches per round to Ramos’ 28, relied on his length advantage and fought at range.




The tentative and defensive Ramos, 另一方面, landed only 27 punches in the remaining seven rounds after landing 11 在首轮. 冈萨雷斯, 他的一部分, exceed 50 punches in all but the third round.




In the second bout of the quadrupleheader, Philadelphia’s Steven Ortiz (9-0, 3 科斯) edged Brooklyn’s Wesley Ferrer (12-1-1, 7 科斯) in an evenly-matched and difficult-to-score matchup of undefeated prospects. The two fighters were separated by no more than five total punches in each round of the majority decision, 这是得分 78-74, 77-75, 76-76.




Both fighters fought at a deliberate pace, but neither was able to find their rhythm and consistently land combinations. Ortiz started stronger, but Ferrer grew into the fight and was the busier fighter in the middle rounds. The final two rounds were the deciding factor in the fight. The two judges who had Ortiz winning on their scorecards favored Ortiz in rounds seven and eight.




“I think it was a pretty close fight,” said a disappointed Ferrer. “I thought I was winning the first few rounds, but I know I got out-worked in the last two rounds. 在一天结束时, the judges saw something else and he got the win. If I won the last few rounds I would have won the fight.”




奥尔蒂斯, who held a narrow 127-115 advantage in total punches landed and a 99-93 优势力量拳降落, felt he did enough to win but was not completely satisfied with his performance.




“I was coming off a long layoff and wasn’t as sharp as I should have been,” said the 25-year-old Ortiz. “I landed the sharper jabs and landed the harder shots. I think my ring experience and ring generalship was the difference in the fight.




“I want to come back a lot sharper and a lot smarter. 在一天结束时, it was a learning experience. I got the win against a tough guy.”




在转播揭幕战, Denver’s Misael Lopez (9-0, 4 科斯) got the better of Staten Island’s James Wilkins (5-1, 5 科斯) in a battle of young, previously undefeated super featherweight prospects, tallying a unanimous decision victory (79-72, 77-74, 76-75).




The action-packed fight saw both fighters come out swinging, setting the tempo for the rest of the eight-round bout which saw a total of 1,320 punches thrown. Wilkins brought the pressure to Lopez throughout, but Lopez’s volume of punches, movement and combinations enabled him to control most of the rounds. Lopez’s conditioning proved key. In the final four rounds, Lopez led 139-68 in total connects and landed 213 power punches to just 115 for Wilkins throughout the duration of the eight rounds.




威尔金斯, who was featured on the SHOWTIME documentary 摇篮冠军 that premiered immediately preceding tonight’s 的ShoBox 电视节目, was deducted a point for a low blow in the fifth round after several warnings. In the seventh round, Wilkins appeared to score a knockdown when he connected with a strong right hand that knocked Lopez off-balance, but referee Mike England ruled that Lopez’s right hand did not touch the mat.




“I think the difference was I was able to make him miss, land the cleaner shots and used my boxing to dictate the pace,” said the 22-year-old Lopez. “I’m looking to keep going and stay on the big stage. Hopefully people and promoters will notice that I’m the real deal.”




In his national television debut, the ever-confident Wilkins felt wronged by the judges’ scorecards and the referee’s apparent missed knockdown in the seventh.




“I think I did enough to pull it off,” said Wilkins. “I could see a split decision, 有可能, but I dropped him and that wins the fight. That was a 10-8 圆. I want to go back to the gym, work hard and get right back. You haven’t seen the last of me.”




Tonight’s quadrupleheader was presented by DiBella Entertainment in association with MaravillaBox Promotions, Holden Productions and The Real Deal Boxing, and sponsored by Gagliardi Insurance.




完整的电视节目将重播星期一, 九月 24 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime极端,将可在SHOWTIME ANYTIME® 和SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®.




Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with boxing analyst and historian Steve Farhood, who was celebrating 40 years in boxing this week, and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Chuck McKean producing and Rick Phillips directing.




在非电视undercard的行动, heavyweight Prospect George Arias of Bronx, 纽约州. 提高到 12-0, 7 KOs with a second-round knockout (2:18) of Byron Polley, (30-24-1, 13 科斯), 圣. 约瑟夫·, 你. Polley was down once in the first and again in the second round which resulted in the stoppage.




Junior Middleweight Dennis Knifechief, of Shawnee, 俄克拉何马州. moved to 12-8-1, 7 KOs with a fourth round TKO (1:51) of the valiant Chris Barnes, (4-8-1, 3 科斯) 塔尔萨. Barnes fought on after being dropped in the first and second rounds and twice more in the fourth.





Top Middleweight Prospect Ardreal Holmes of Flint, 密歇根州。, looked dominant and improved to 7-0, 4 KOs with a four-round decision of Houston’s Rick Graham (6-21-3, 2 科斯). The fight was scored 40-35 两次, 38-37.






A scheduled six-round cruiserweight battle between Bo Gibbs Jr, (20-1-0, 8 科斯), of Carney, 俄克拉何马州。, and David Lujan, (4-9-0, 1 KO), 威奇托的, 得克萨斯州, resulted in a no-contest due to an accidental clash of heads in the first round.


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