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FNU Combat Sports Mostra: Is UFC Using Boxing as a Lifeline; CM Punk vs. Floyd?; Event Recaps and Previews

This week, Tom, Tony and Rich start our weekly broadcast with a discussion on the latest news on Floyd Mayweather Jr. teasing the idea of fighting in the cage. Even though Rich has been talking about this match-up on our show for weeks now, a recent article described the idea of CM Punk facing Mayweather as a rumor started by the
Money Team.Either Mayweather’s listening to our show or great minds think alike. We also touch on the subject of why the UFC may need to diversify with the addition of boxing cards and special events. We also recap last week’s boxing action and a spectacular UFC 221 card headlined by Yoel Romero’s TKO of Luke Rockhold. We then look forward to Roy Nelson’s fight with Matt Mitrione, set to go down later tonight on the Paramount Network. Finalment, we preview UFC Fight Night 126, with a main event of Donald “Vaquer” Cerrone facing Yancy Medeiros.

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Phight News Unlimited Combat Sports Show, Post SuperBowl Special

Tom, Tony and Rich are back this week to chat a bit about the Philadelphia Eagles winning their first SuperBowl and eventually the latest happenings in Combat Sports. We go through the boxing schedule for this week first, then recap the last week’s biggest match-ups. Then we dive into the MMA scene and look back on another UFC Fight Night event and ahead to UFC 221. Listen to the whole broadcast below:


FNU Combat Sports Mostra, Febrer 1, 2018 (SuperBowl EDICIÓ)

Tom, Tony i Rich discuteixen la setmana en notícies d'esports de combat. També recapitular la boxa i esdeveniments de MMA de la setmana passada i vista prèvia dels pròxims esdeveniments.


Tony (ventilador Eagles) i Rich (patriotes Ventilador) fer una aposta amistosa per al gran joc i parlar de futbol durant l'espectacle, massa.

Escoltar el programa a continuació.


FNU Combat Sports Mostra: UFC & Bellator Crònica / Avenços, Resultats de boxa i Bouts Pròxims

Tom, Tony i Rich estan junts de nou aquesta setmana per parlar de negocis. Es discuteix la gran notícia de la setmana, fer una mica de Patriotes vs. Eagles de la NFL xerrada just, i recapitular tot la boxa de la setmana passada i esdeveniments de MMA, incloent duels UFC i Bellator MMA targetes de la nit de dissabte. També previsualitzar els propers esdeveniments.


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FNU Combat Sports Mostra, Esdeveniment Avenços / recapitulacions i la celebració de 10 aniversari de Tony com un amfitrió

Aquest episodi ens passem molt temps recordant Tony formar part de l'equip de Lluita Notícies Il limitat per 10 any. També fem una ullada enrere en l'UFC Fight Night 124 i mirar cap endavant a dos grans esdeveniments dissabte: Bellator 192 encapçalat per Sonnen vs. Jackson i UFC 220 dirigit per les baralles de campionat de pes pesat i pes pesat de llum entre Stipe Miocic i Francis Ngannou (HVY) i Daniel Cormier i Volkan Oezdemir (L.HVY). fins i tot es discuteixen algunes de futbol de la NFL i alguns altres esports. Per descomptat, també fer una ullada a l'escena de la boxa. Escoltar el programa en el següent enllaç: = 0

FNU Combat Sports Mostra: Holm vs. cyborg Crònica, Stephenson v. Ho Choi de vista prèvia, Pot UFC El encaixonament: Mirar cap endavant a 2018

Aquest FNU combat demostració dels esports cobreix una àmplia gamma de temes i esdeveniments importants. Recapitulem brutal batalla de Holly Holm amb Cris Justino en UFC 219 i esperem una gran Fight Night 124 targeta del dia 14.

Es presenta en pot nou ranxo de Mike Tyson a Califòrnia, Big John McCarthy unir-se a la tripulació de Bellator Analista, Vinny Pau aconseguir embolicat en càrrecs d'assalt, i Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor 2 possibilitats.

Tony discuteix el calendari d'esdeveniments de boxa i també vam aconseguir fora de tema i parlar una mica de futbol i bàsquet. Tony fins i tot ens actualitza sobre el Canelo vs. negociacions revenja GGG.


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FNU Combat Sports Mostra: Cap d'Any Especial

Tom, Tony i Rich discutir boxa de la setmana i les notícies de MMA, posar al voltant de la idea de Floyd Mayweather, Jr. enfront de CM Punk en l'octàgon, i vista prèvia dels pròxims esdeveniments per aquest cap de setmana. UFC 219 compta amb un increïble duel entre els millors combatents de les dones en el món en Holly Holm i Cris “cyborg” Justin. Tony també ens convida a la seva fantasia desfilada de Campionat de futbol a Filadèlfia.

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FNU Combat Sports Mostra “Ràpid” Entrevista Eddie Chambers

Aquesta setmana Tom, Tony and Rich catch up with Professional Boxer “Ràpid” Eddie Chambers. Desafortunadament, una fallada de gravació ens va deixar sense la primera meitat de l'emissió d'aquesta nit on vam tenir una gran discussió sobre el que les Cambres aconsegueix en la seva carrera fins al moment. Vam fer guardar tota l'entrevista Eddie, encara que. Rich disculpa pel quart co-amfitrió (Tom el gat) per les seves constants interrupcions en els primers compassos. Sigues pacient, encara que, gent. Aquesta és una de les millors entrevistes que hem realitzat en molt de temps, i Eddie és un veritable acte de classe. Val la pena l'escoltar i probablement serà la primera de moltes xerrades amb càmeres que probablement tindrà en el futur.


ENTREVISTA Eddie Chambers


FNU Combat Sports Mostra: Quitters Never Win

This broadcast of the FNU Combat Sports Show starts off with one of the most controversial stories of the week. Many sports pundits are quick to ridicule Guillermo Rigondeaux for bowing out of his blockbuster boxing match with Vasyl Lomachenko last Saturday. ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith wasted no time during the broadcast, ripping into the Cuban boxer for refusing to come out for the seventh round of the one-sided fight. Teddy Atles, exiled from his ringside reporting duties thanks to his outspoken views on boxing corruption and his abrasive treatment of lesser-experienced commentators, came to Rigo’s defense. Atlas argued with Smith from his own home studio, basically explaining that everyone is human. Tom, Tony and Rich all offer their own takes on the situation and their thoughts on thefight.

We also track the latest news in combat sports, recap the past week’s events and preview competing UFC and Bellator events this Saturday. We even touch on the multiple story lines involving Floyd Mayweather Jr. that are making the rounds in the sports media this week. “Diners” claims he can make up to a billion dollars if he goes into the UFC for a three or four fight deal. Bé, bona sort, Floyd. I hear CM Punk wants another fight.

Listen to the two part broadcast below.


Part 1:


Part 2:

We’re Back! FNU Combat Sports Show Returns!

After a couple weeks off, we come back this week to talk about the combat sports world. Tom, Tony and Rich catch up and discuss the events of the past couple weeks and preview upcoming boxing and MMA action. Tom, Tony and Rich pay special attention to last weekend’s awesome UFC card with two of the best fights of the year in MMA to chat about. Eddie Alvarez’s masterful performance against Justin Gaethje was exciting enough, but add in the performance of Yancy Medeiros against Charles Oliveira and that put this card into a category all its own. We also discuss the latest boxing news and Miguel Cotto’s retirement fight. Listen to the broadcast in the player below.