Archiv der Kategorie: New England Fights


ZUR SOFORTIGEN VERÖFFENTLICHUNG: Lewiston, Maine (März 15, 2017) – New England Fights (NEF) präsentiert sein nächstes Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR” am Samstag, April 29, 2017 am Androscoggin Banküber Colisee in Lewiston, Maine. Bereits heute Morgen, Die Kampfförderung kündigte die Hinzufügung eines Paares von Amateurkämpfen auf der Karte an. Ken Dunn(0-4) ist auf Gesicht eingestellt Eddie DeRoche (0-1) in einem Catchweight-Kampf und Doppel-Amateur-Debütkämpfern Caleb Austin (0-0) von Rumford, Maine und James Ploss (0-0) vom Kaze Dojo in Lancaster, NH sind in einem Feature Fliegengewicht Kampf verwickelt.


Caleb Austin ist zweimaliger Maine State Wrestling Champion und Mitglied des exklusiven „200 Wins Club,”Eine seltene Leistung im Maine Wrestling. Austin hat kürzlich seine Highschool-Karriere mit einem Gesamtrekord von abgeschlossen 208-11. Calebs Vater, Eric Austin - ebenfalls ein ehemaliger Wrestling-Champion des Staates Maine - ist ein ungeschlagener Veteran des Käfigs, gegangen zu sein 2-0 in NEF wieder in 2012. Wie sein Vater, Caleb bereitet sich darauf vor, sein Wrestling bei seinem Debüt im April den NEF-Fans zur Schau zu stellen 29th.


"Ich habe mein ganzes Leben lang mit der NEF-Community gerungen und bin damit aufgewachsen,Erklärte Austin, als er nach einem Kommentar griff. "Ich habe lange darauf gewartet, mich umzudrehen 18 sich für den Sport der gemischten Kampfkünste zu qualifizieren, wie es mein Vater getan hat. Ich freue mich darauf, meine Fähigkeiten unter Beweis zu stellen, vertritt Rumford und zeigt eine Show im NEF-Käfig. Ich bin bereit. "


Austins Gegner, James Ploss, trainiert mit Greg Williams im bekannten Kaze Dojo in Lancaster, New Hampshire. Mehrere NEF-Veteranen mit Namen, die den Fans bekannt sind, einschließlich Allan Josselyn, Mike Bezanson und Alex Walker, stammen aus dem Kaze Dojo. Ploss hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Tradition starker Debüts im Fitnessstudio der White Mountains fortzusetzen und dabei ein persönliches Versprechen einzuhalten.


„Kämpfen ist für mich sehr persönlich,Ploss erklärte, als er nach einem Kommentar griff. „Ich habe dem Mann, der mich großgezogen hat, versprochen, dass ich kämpfen würde. Er starb kurz danach. Ich möchte ihm und mir beweisen, dass ich in diesem Sport erfolgreich sein kann. Mein Ziel ist es, andere zu inspirieren, um etwas zu erreichen. “


Eddie DeRoche rang neben Austin um die Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine. Während seiner Zeit dort, DeRoche war zweimaliger Staatsfinalist. Er gab sein NEF-Debüt im Juni 2016 bei „NEF 24: PROMISED LAND “in einer Niederlage gegen Skyler Bang. Belebt bei der Gelegenheit, sein Debüt wieder gut zu machen, DeRoche will seinen ersten Sieg im NEF-Käfig im April erzielen 29th bei NEF 28.


„Mein erster Kampf war eine großartige Lernerfahrung,Sagte DeRoche, wenn für einen Kommentar erreicht. „Ich habe es für das, was es war, geschätzt und die notwendigen Anpassungen vorgenommen, um sicherzustellen, dass ich die Nase vorn habe, wenn ich im April zum zweiten Mal in den NEF-Käfig zurücktrete 29th."


DeRoches Gegner, Ken Dunn, sucht auch nach Einlösung bei NEF 28. Dunn hat seit seinem Debüt mit der Beförderung drei neue Reisen in den NEF-Käfig unternommen 2015 und ist hungrig nach seinem ersten Sieg im NEF-Sechseck.


"Ich möchte NEF-Fans zeigen, dass ich einen Rückkampf und einen Titelschuss bei Velado und diesem Gurt verdient habe.",Erklärte Dunn, als er nach einem Kommentar griff. „Eddie Deroche ist ein würdiger Gegner. Ich freue mich darauf, gegen ihn anzutreten. Es ist ein langer Weg nach oben, wenn du rocken und rollen willst - und ich höre nicht auf, bis ich dort bin. "

New England Fights kehrt zum Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston zurück, Maine mit seinem nächsten Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event, “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR,” auf Samstag, April 29, 2017. Tickets sind ab sofort an der Colisee-Abendkasse erhältlich 207-783-2009 x 525 und im Internet unter

Für weitere Informationen über die Veranstaltung und Kampf-Karte Aktuelles, besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite der Promotion an Außerdem, Sie NEF Video anschauen, Folgen Sie der Promotion auf Twitter und Instagram @nefights, und trete der offiziellen Facebook-Gruppe bei “New England Kämpfe.”



ZUR SOFORTIGEN VERÖFFENTLICHUNG: Lewiston, Maine (März 14, 2017) – New England Fights (NEF) präsentiert sein nächstes Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR” am Samstag, April 29, 2017 am Androscoggin Banküber Colisee in Lewiston, Maine. Bereits heute Morgen, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional catchweight bout to the card. Ricky Dexter (1-0) konfrontiert sein wird Keenan Raymond (3-3) bei einem Kampf Gewicht von 160-Pfund.

After a successful amateur career that saw him claim the NEF MMA Amateur Welterweight Title, Ricky Dexter made his pro debut last month atNEF 27.He was able to drop Matt Denning in the first round with a vicious body shot that had thousands in the Colisee cringing. Die Bangor, Maine native will make his first appearance as a member of Young’s MMA at “NEF 28,” having previously fought under the banner of Team Irish.

Keenan Raymond is coming to my home turf, and I’m going to show him how tough we are up North,” Said Dexter. “I’m new to the pro ranks, but I’ve got the work ethic of a seasoned vet. I’ve got the strength of a middle weight and the cardio like the Diaz brothers and I’m always looking for the finish. Hungry for April 29th!”

Representing Southern New England will be Providence, Rhode Island’s Keenan Raymond. A longtime competitor on the New England MMA scene, Raymond will look to work off some cage rust as he has not fought since January 2016. He is by no means a one-dimensional fighter. Raymond has displayed a solid foundation in both striking and mat work throughout his career with finishes coming by way of knockout as well as submission. He currently trains at Ricardo Cavalcanti Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Mayo Quanchi Judo and Wrestling.

I’m sure Ricky’s a game opponent, but I can promise he’s never faced a force like me,” said Raymond. “I’m healthy and my versatility will finish this fight one way or another.

New England Fights kehrt zum Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston zurück, Maine mit seinem nächsten Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event, “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR,” am Samstag, April 29, 2017. Tickets sind ab sofort an der Colisee-Abendkasse erhältlich 207-783-2009 x 525 und im Internet unter

Für weitere Informationen über die Veranstaltung und Kampf-Karte Aktuelles, besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite der Promotion Außerdem, Sie NEF Video anschauen, Folgen Sie der Promotion auf Twitter und Instagram @nefights, und trete der offiziellen Facebook-Gruppe bei “New England Kämpfe.”

Über New England Fights

New England Fights (“NEF”) ist ein Kampf Ereignisse Promotionen Unternehmen. NEF Mission ist es, die höchste Qualität Veranstaltungen für Maines Kämpfer und Fans gleichermaßen zu erstellen. NEF Führungsteam verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrung in Kampfsportmanagement, Veranstaltungen Produktion, Medienarbeit, Marketing, legal, regulatory affairs and advertising.


Lewiston, Maine (März 13, 2017) – New England Fights (NEF) präsentiert sein nächstes Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR” am Samstag, April 29, 2017 am Androscoggin Banküber Colisee in Lewiston, Maine. Bereits heute Morgen, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional bantamweight bout to the card. Elias “Danger Mouse” Leland (3-2) returns to take on Andere “der Finisher” Belcarris (0-0) bei einem Kampf Gewicht von 135 Pfund-.

Leland, a resident of South Portland, Maine, is a mainstay of the NEF cage. He fought his sophomore amateur contest atNEF I” wieder im Februar 2012 and has competed on eight of the promotion’s cards since, including one appearance as a professional boxer. Holding a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt from the Academy of MMA in Portland, it should come as no surprise that all three of Leland’s professional victories have come by way of submission. He forced veteran Nick Santos to tap to an arm triangle choke last month atNEF 27.” Dabei, Leland snapped a two-fight losing streak. He will look to stay on the winning track on April 29.

I’m very excited to get back in the cage once again,” Said Leland. “I want to keep this momentum going. I’m ready for war and putting in more work this year than I ever have before. Be prepared for a hell of a fightyou will be sorry if you miss it! Mother f**king beast mode!”

Andre Belcarris will make his professional debut at “NEF 28,” but he already has a wealth of experience in the MMA cage. He began competing in the sport as an amateur in 2010 and has had more than 30 kämpft seitdem – an astounding number for an amateur mixed-martial-artist. Belcarris fights out of Bennington, Vermont where he is a member of team Northeast Assassins. In direct contrast to Leland’s mat skills, Belcarris is a striker with 11 knockout wins to his credit in the amateur ranks.

I am honored to share the cage with a fighter of Eli’s caliber,” stated Belcarris when reached for comment. “It means that my time has finally come. Das Feuerwerk!”

New England Fights kehrt zum Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston zurück, Maine mit seinem nächsten Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event, “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR,” am Samstag, April 29, 2017. Tickets sind ab sofort an der Colisee-Abendkasse erhältlich 207-783-2009 x 525 und im Internet unter

Für weitere Informationen über die Veranstaltung und Kampf-Karte Aktuelles, besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite der Promotion Außerdem, Sie NEF Video anschauen, Folgen Sie der Promotion auf Twitter und Instagram @nefights, und trete der offiziellen Facebook-Gruppe bei “New England Kämpfe.”

Über New England Fights

New England Fights (“NEF”) ist ein Kampf Ereignisse Promotionen Unternehmen. NEF Mission ist es, die höchste Qualität Veranstaltungen für Maines Kämpfer und Fans gleichermaßen zu erstellen. NEF Führungsteam verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrung in Kampfsportmanagement, Veranstaltungen Produktion, Medienarbeit, Marketing, legal, regulatory affairs and advertising.


Matt Probin delivers a flying knee on a Muay Thai fight card in Thailand


Lewiston, Maine (März 10, 2017) – New England Fights (NEF) präsentiert sein nächstes Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR” am Samstag, April 29, 2017 am Androscoggin Banküber Colisee in Lewiston, Maine. Bereits heute Morgen, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card. Matt “Schönling” Probin (0-0) treffen Rauben “The Beast” Best (0-0) bei einem Kampf Gewicht von 145 Pfund-.

Probin, a well known boxer, kickboxer and mixed-martial-artist, came to Maine and began training in the Pine Tree State in 2015. A native of Blackpool, England, Probin had spent time training in North Carolina prior to arriving in Maine. He put together a 6-2 record as an amateur MMA competitor and won a regional title in the Carolinas. While he has not competed in MMA since moving to Maine, Probin has stayed active competing in other combat sports. Er ist 2-2 als Profiboxer, and he has also spent time training Muay Thai in Thailand in recent years. Probin even competed at the world famous Bangla Boxing Stadiumone of Thailand’s premier Muay Thai venues. He will make his professional MMA debut on April 29 als Mitglied Bangor, Maine Young MMA.

I feel like this has been a long time coming,” said Probin when reached for comment. “I’m excited to make my debut for NEF and put on a show for my friends and fans in my adopted hometown. Nicht blinzeln!”

With more than two-dozen fights since 2011, Rob Best has been one of the Northeast’s most continuously active MMA competitors in recent years. Als Amateur, Best captured a regional lightweight title in New York state. He is a member of Mohawk Valley MMA based in the Utica area. Like Probin, the bout on April 29 will be Best’s professional MMA debut.

New England Fights kehrt zum Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston zurück, Maine mit seinem nächsten Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event, “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR,” am Samstag, April 29, 2017. Tickets sind ab sofort an der Colisee-Abendkasse erhältlich 207-783-2009 x 525 und im Internet unter

Für weitere Informationen über die Veranstaltung und Kampf-Karte Aktuelles, besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite der Promotion Außerdem, Sie NEF Video anschauen, Folgen Sie der Promotion auf Twitter und Instagram @nefights, und trete der offiziellen Facebook-Gruppe bei “New England Kämpfe.”

Über New England Fights

New England Fights (“NEF”) ist ein Kampf Ereignisse Promotionen Unternehmen. NEF Mission ist es, die höchste Qualität Veranstaltungen für Maines Kämpfer und Fans gleichermaßen zu erstellen. NEF Führungsteam verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrung in Kampfsportmanagement, Veranstaltungen Produktion, Medienarbeit, Marketing, legal, regulatory affairs and advertising.


Lewiston, Maine (März 9, 2017) – New England Fights (NEF) präsentiert sein nächstes Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR” am Samstag, April 29, 2017 am Androscoggin Banküber Colisee in Lewiston, Maine. Bereits heute Morgen, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional catchweight bout to the card. Tollison Lewis (1-5) soll gegen “Der Dominator” Dominic Jones (0-0) bei einem Kampf Gewicht von 150 Pfund-.

Lewis has been absent from the NEF cage since picking up his first MMA victory as a professional last spring. Auf April 29, it will be just over a year since Lewis submitted Zenon Herrera (0-5) in front of a capacity crowd in Lewiston at “NEF 22.” A two-sport athlete, Lewis has split his time in the last couple of years between the NEF cage and the NEF boxing ring where he has put together a record of 2-2. He currently represents Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) in Auburn, Maine.

“Erst einmal, I’d like to thank NEF for having me on another show,” sagte Lewis. “I’d like to thank my team and coacheswe are putting in lots of work preparing for this fight with Dominic. Was meine Gegner, he’s already looking past me. He thinks it will be a walk through. He wants an easy fight for his debut, but it’s not happening. He’s a talented guy, but I’ll have the experience, size, Leistung, striking and BJJ. He’s a very good wrestler, but I’m not worried about being on the ground. This will be a war and I will have my hand raised at the end. Beurteilung, let’s do it babylet’s do the talking in the cage!”

Jones will be making his professional debut, as well as his NEF debut, auf April 29. He got an early start in the martial arts, training Taekwondo with his father at six-years-old. Jones would go on to excel in wrestling during his high school days. He later entered the MMA ranks after joining First Coast Full Contact/Team Riot in his native Jacksonville, Florida. Jones put together an impressive 8-1 record as an amateur while capturing three regional titles. Since moving to New England, Jones has trained at First Class MMA in Brunswick, Maine.

“Ich bin für diesen Kampf aufgeregt,” sagte Jones. “Much respect to Tollison. This is a great fight to kick off my pro debut. I’m training very hard for this bout and I want to show the Maine crowd and NEF who I am! I’m not looking back at the past on what I’ve done as amateurthis is the future and it’s the next level that I have my eyes on.

New England Fights kehrt zum Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston zurück, Maine mit seinem nächsten Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event, “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR,” am Samstag, April 29, 2017. Tickets sind ab sofort an der Colisee-Abendkasse erhältlich 207-783-2009 x 525 und im Internet unter

Für weitere Informationen über die Veranstaltung und Kampf-Karte Aktuelles, besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite der Promotion Außerdem, Sie NEF Video anschauen, Folgen Sie der Promotion auf Twitter und Instagram @nefights, und trete der offiziellen Facebook-Gruppe bei “New England Kämpfe.”

Über New England Fights

New England Fights (“NEF”) ist ein Kampf Ereignisse Promotionen Unternehmen. NEF Mission ist es, die höchste Qualität Veranstaltungen für Maines Kämpfer und Fans gleichermaßen zu erstellen. NEF Führungsteam verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrung in Kampfsportmanagement, Veranstaltungen Produktion, Medienarbeit, Marketing, legal, regulatory affairs and advertising.


Lewiston, Maine (März 8, 2017) – New England Fights (NEF) präsentiert sein nächstes Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR” am Samstag, April 29, 2017 am Androscoggin Banküber Colisee in Lewiston, Maine. Bereits heute Morgen, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card. Josh “Hook On” Harvey (3-0) treffen Eric “Geld” Mendiola (2-1) bei einem Kampf Gewicht von 145 Pfund-.

Harvey, the former NEF amateur division lightweight champion, is undefeated to date since making his professional debut last spring. With a solid amateur boxing background, as well as the pedigree of a two-time Maine state wrestling champion, matchmakers have had difficulty in finding opponents willing to step into the cage with him. The Young’s MMA prospect has displayed both devastating knockout power and slick submission skills throughout his career thus far. Zuletzt, Harvey submitted Richie Collingham (3-4) letzten Monat auf “NEF 27.

“"Geld’ and I are the type of fight that takes the spotlight, and I know it’s one that people will be talking about for a long time,” remarked Harvey on the upcoming fight. “I’m prepared for war in this kill-or-be-killed contest.

Mendiola, a product of Mohawk Valley MMA in the Utica, New York area, will make his first appearance in the NEF cage on April 29, but he is far from a newcomer to the sport of MMA. He had more than twenty amateur fights prior to turning pro in 2015. Mendiola has built a reputation as a knockout artist. After numerous knockout finishes in the amateur ranks, Mendiola put the lights out for his first two pro opponents, both in under a minute. He will look to rebound from his first loss as a pro last fall.

I’m a different kind of focused for this fight, geistig und körperlich,” stated Mendiola when reached for comment. “Harvey looks like a tough kid with a good record, and I’m up for the challenge. I have a bad taste in my mouth from a couple of months ago, and I’m coming to lay it all on the line and showcase all of my skills. Let’s get to it!”

New England Fights kehrt zum Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston zurück, Maine mit seinem nächsten Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event, “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR,” am Samstag, April 29, 2017. Tickets sind ab sofort an der Colisee-Abendkasse erhältlich 207-783-2009 x 525 und im Internet unter

Für weitere Informationen über die Veranstaltung und Kampf-Karte Aktuelles, besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite der Promotion an Außerdem, Sie NEF Video anschauen, Folgen Sie der Promotion auf Twitter und Instagram @nefights, und trete der offiziellen Facebook-Gruppe bei “New England Kämpfe.”



ZUR SOFORTIGEN VERÖFFENTLICHUNG: Lewiston, Maine (März 7, 2017) – New England Fights (NEF) präsentiert sein nächstes Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR” am Samstag, April 29, 2017 am Androscoggin Banküber Colisee in Lewiston, Maine. Bereits heute Morgen, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card. Aaron “Unnachgiebig” Lacey (4-0) hat zu Gesicht unterzeichnet WalterAll-DaySmith-Cotito (4-5) bei einem Kampf Gewicht von 145 Pfund-.

Aaron Lacey, undefeated as a professional, has won seven in a row going back to his amateur career. He was prepared to compete at “NEF 27” letzten monat, but Mother Nature had other plans when a snowstorm prevented his opponent from making the trip to Lewiston from Florida. The setback has made Lacey even hungrier to return to action, but the Young’s MMA standout knows that he has his toughest test to date in front of him in the form of Cotito.

This is going to be an amazing fight,” sagte Lacey. “Walter is a skilled and dangerous opponent, and he is realistically one of the most dangerous people I have fought to date. That’s alright with me thoughthe tougher the opponent, je härter ich arbeite,. After what went down in February, I’m chomping at the bit to get back in there.

The fight for Cotito will represent a rubber match of sorts with Young’s opponents. In the spring of 2013, Cotito took Ray Wood (8-3) deep into the third round before Wood, then Young’s standout featherweight prospect, was able to finish the fight. Cotito would gain a measure of revenge against the Bangor gym when he submitted Bruce Boyington (14-10) bei “NEF X” later that year. Between a pair of recent appearances for global fight promotion Bellator, Cotito scored a second-round submission of Elias Leland (3-2) bei “NEF 25” letzten September.

I’m super excited to fight this kid that they’re all talking about,” exclaimed Cotito. “He has a lot of potential, they keep sayinggood, this just makes it more exciting for me! Nobody has seen the real Walter Cotito in the cage yet. Don’t miss this fight because ‘All-Dayis coming for you!”

New England Fights kehrt zum Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston zurück, Maine mit seinem nächsten Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event, “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR,” am Samstag, April 29, 2017. Tickets sind ab sofort an der Colisee-Abendkasse erhältlich 207-783-2009 x 525 und im Internet unter

Für weitere Informationen über die Veranstaltung und Kampf-Karte Aktuelles, besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite der Promotion an Außerdem, Sie NEF Video anschauen, Folgen Sie der Promotion auf Twitter und Instagram @nefights, und trete der offiziellen Facebook-Gruppe bei “New England Kämpfe.”


Lewiston, Maine (März 1, 2017) – New England Fights (NEF) präsentiert sein nächstes Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR” am Samstag, April 29, 2017 am Androscoggin Banküber Colisee in Lewiston, Maine. Bereits heute Morgen, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card. Matt “Ken-Puppe” Denning (3-6) treffen Josh Parker (5-8) bei einem Kampf Gewicht von 145 Pfund-.

The fight will mark the culmination of months of trash talking on social media between Denning and Parker’s camp. Denning, a member of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Auburn, Maine and a veteran of the World Series of Fighting (WSOF) Käfig, will be looking to rebound from a loss to Ricky Dexter (1-0) letzten Monat auf “NEF 27.

After Josh’s win over Derek Shorey, I wanted to fight him,” Denning said. “Auf Papier, both of our last wins were against the same opponent (Shorey). I thought the fight made sense. We both have had a lot of fights against very tough fighters. Seit diesem Kampf, there has been some Facebook bashing from Parker’s brother, and my response was for Josh to sign the contract. He was insulting me and trash talking, so I wanted to prove them wrong. There is no place in a fight where Parker can beat me and on April 29th, I’ll show that to the NEF fans. I’d like to thank (NEF-Besitzer) Kerbe (DiSalvo) and Matt (Peterson) for giving me another opportunity to fight for them. Auch, I’d like to thank Kill Their Will and all my family at CMBJJ for their ongoing support.

Parker’s victory over Shorey last November marked his return to the MMA cage after a three-year absence. He spent the vast majority of that time competing in the boxing ring, yet it was a submission that Parker used to overcome Shorey. For Parker, the head of Ruthless MMA & Boxing based in Benton, Maine, the fight with Denning is not business as usual. The nature of the trash talking has turned personal, and Parker vows vengeance for what he sees as disrespect on Denning’s part.

There comes a time in every fighter’s career that the fight has nothing to do with records or money,” sagte Parker. “It’s to prove a point. My name has come out of this kid’s mouth too many times. Auf April 29th, I’m gonna shut it.

New England Fights kehrt zum Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston zurück, Maine mit seinem nächsten Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event, “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR,” am Samstag, April 29, 2017. Tickets sind ab sofort an der Colisee-Abendkasse erhältlich 207-783-2009 x 525 und im Internet unter

Für weitere Informationen über die Veranstaltung und Kampf-Karte Aktuelles, besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite der Promotion an Außerdem, Sie NEF Video anschauen, Folgen Sie der Promotion auf Twitter und Instagram @nefights, und trete der offiziellen Facebook-Gruppe bei “New England Kämpfe.”

Über New England Fights

New England Fights (“NEF”) ist ein Kampf Ereignisse Promotionen Unternehmen. NEF Mission ist es, die höchste Qualität Veranstaltungen für Maines Kämpfer und Fans gleichermaßen zu erstellen. NEF Führungsteam verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrung in Kampfsportmanagement, Veranstaltungen Produktion, Medienarbeit, Marketing, legal, regulatory affairs and advertising.



ZUR SOFORTIGEN VERÖFFENTLICHUNG: Lewiston, Maine (Februar 11, 2017) – A nor’easter 48 hours earlier, sub-zero temperatures, heavy snowfall at bell-time, and a blizzard looming on the horizon could not stop more than 2,500 devoted fight fans from getting their fill of mixed-martial-arts action at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on Saturday night. The event marked fight promotion New England Fights’ (NEF) five-year anniversary at the venerable fight arena.

The show was headlined by the semi-finals of the NEF Professional MMA Lightweight Title tournament. Jon Lemke (6-7) advanced to the finals with a first round technical knockout of Jesse Erickson (9-6). Ryan Sanders (13-8) joined Lemke in the final round with a first-round knockout of John Ortolani (8-11).

Ras Hylton (1-0) was victorious in his professional debut over Mike Hansen (5-5), while former NEF Amateur MMA Welterweight Champion Ricky Dexter (1-0) also entered the pro ranks with a verbal submission win over Matt Denning (3-6) after a brutal body shot.

On the amateur portion of the fight card, Victor Irwin (3-0) became the new light-heavyweight champion with a submission of Ryan Glover (3-2).

NEF further announced that its next MMA event, “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR,” would originate from the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on Samstag, April 29, 2017.

Die vollständigen Ergebnisse “NEF 27: WIEDERAUFLEBEN”:



Ryan Sanders def. John Ortolani via KO, Runde 1

Jon Lemke def. Jesse Erickson via TKO, Runde 1

Ras Hylton def. Mike Hansen via verbal submission

Ricky Dexter def. Matt Denning via verbal submission

Josh Harvey def. Richie Collingham via D’arce choke, Runde 1

Elias Leland def. Nick Santos via arm triangle, Runde 1



Victor Irwin def. Ryan Glover via rear-naked choke, Runde 1

Walt Shea def. Alan Bustamante via unanimous decision

Justin Witham def. Ryan Burgess via anaconda choke, Runde 2

Alex Clark def. Henry Clark via unanimous decision

John Tefft def. Sean Worcester via TKO, Runde 2

Sarah Ziehm def. Nicole Burgess via rear-naked choke, Runde 3

Fred Lear def. Michael Crespo via TKO, Runde 2

Devin Corson def. Winston Cortez via unanimous decision

Zeal McGrew def. Pete Grinnell via TKO, Runde 1

Frank Johanson def. Jacob Deppmeyer via triangle choke, Runde 3

Ross Dannar def. Phil Chason via unanimous decision

Angela Young def. Christine Brothwell via unanimous decision


New England Fights kehrt zum Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston zurück, Maine mit seinem nächsten Mixed-Martial-Arts-Event, “NEF 28: UNBESIEGBAR,” am Samstag, April 29, 2017. Tickets sind ab sofort an der Colisee-Abendkasse erhältlich 207-783-2009 x 525 und im Internet unter

Für weitere Informationen über die Veranstaltung und Kampf-Karte Aktuelles, besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite der Promotion an Außerdem, Sie NEF Video anschauen, Folgen Sie der Promotion auf Twitter und Instagram @nefights, und trete der offiziellen Facebook-Gruppe bei “New England Kämpfe.”

Ryan Glover Ready to Rock at NEF February 11th


Von: Kalle Oakes

ZUR SOFORTIGEN VERÖFFENTLICHUNG: Lewiston, Maine (Februar 9, 2017) – Championships have played a defining role in Ryan Glover’s young life.

That tradition dates back to his junior year at Mountain Valley High School, when Glover achieved the rare double of a team state championship in football and an individual heavyweight wrestling title in the space of three months.

He has continued that tradition as a mixed martial artist, winning the New England Fights light heavyweight amateur strap in only his fourth career foray into the cage.

Growing up in blue-collar Rumford and Mexico also taught Glover that sports aren’t everything, jedoch. That is why his initial title defense against Victor Irwin at “NEF 27: Resurgence” will be his first appearance in the hexagon in 53 Wochen.

Glover-Irwin will headline the amateur segment of an ambitious card Samstag, Februar 11 at Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston.

“I was on the road in Florida and Virginia a lot for work all summer and didn’t have time to train with the guys I usually train with,” Glover said. “You have to pay the bills before you can go do this stuff. This is just for fun. I hope (Irwin) knows I’ll be prepared for this one.”

Once the opening bell tolls, Glover (3-1) will have experienced more title bouts in the cage than non-title trials. He also battled in an unforgettable slugfest for the NEF amateur heavyweight belt, one that went to his opponent in that fight by a close but unanimous decision.

His experience is one of the reasons Glover envisions a triumphant return.

“He’s a good athlete, but a young kid who doesn’t have any experience beyond the first round,” Glover said. “When I had my first title fight, that was my first time going into a second round and I was kind of dead in the water at that point.”

Glover won the title with a second round submission via arm lock over Mike Williams.

That rapid ascent through the New England heavyweight ranks so early in his career shouldn’t surprise anyone who has followed Glover’s athletic achievements. He has always been ahead of the usual learning curve.

As a junior on an undefeated 2010 Mountain Valley football powerhouse that featured senior standouts Cam Kaubris and Christian Durland, Glover’s work at linebacker was so impressive that he was named the Lewiston Sun Journal player of the year.

“It helps,” Glover said of his gridiron background. “I’ve seen some of the biggest venues there are when it comes to high school sports.”

State wrestling finals packed in two of Maine’s most hallowed indoor sports facilities – Augusta Civic Center and the old Bangor Auditorium – during Glover’s four years on the mat.

Glover made the jump from the 215-pound class to 285 his sophomore year, even though he tipped the scales far beneath the limit. It was a tradition started by Berserker’s MMA stablemate and fellow NEF star Mike “The Mustache” Hansen about six years earlier.

“Mike was kind of the guinea pig for wrestling against those bigger heavyweights,” Glover said. “That’s the way (Trainer) Gary Dolloff sold it to me. I remember him saying that the reason he decided to try that with me was because Mike had been successful at it. And of course he was right, because we got a state championship out of it.”

Senior year didn’t live up to that junior promise. Illness and injury conspired to keep Glover from defending both the football and wrestling titles.

“I was ranked No. 1 going into my senior year and got sick,"Er sagte. “That just goes to show that sometimes life gets in the way.”

Glover didn’t follow the college track, opting for the work force instead, and it seemed that his sports days were over.

He tried auto racing for a while, then turned to boxing and MMA training to get back in shape. That led to his debut in February 2015, followed quickly by three more cage fights and an amateur boxing match for good measure.

Only when his work commitments returned to the River Valley this past fall did Glover consider getting back into the cage. Family obligations came first, sagte er. And yes, pride in the name he’s made for himself over the years was a factor too.

“It’s definitely a sport where you can get hurt if you try to do it (halfway), especially against an opponent like I’m fighting,” Glover said. “He’s a good athlete. He’s as good at wrestling as I ever was, maybe even better.”

Family and friends in the close-knit, upstart Berserkers camp have Glover better prepared than ever. Ryan’s brother, Matt, also has two NEF appearances to his credit.

“I’ve been rolling with my brother and other guys who are 250 or better,” Glover said. “It’s a game-changer. I feel like I’m lot more of a scrambler than (Irwin) ist. And especially where I’ll be cutting weight to get to 205, I’ll have the strength advantage.”

He might enjoy one other distinct advantage: Fan support.

Name recognition has its privileges. Or perhaps it is a case of Glover’s absence making his fans’ hearts grow fonder. In any case, his fight is shaping as one of the most anticipated attractions at NEF 27.

“Right after I took the fight I sold 50 tickets by myself,” Glover said. “When my song comes on, I know the place is going to blow up. Junge (von Bangor) always brings a big crowd, so we need that support.”

The opening bell for “NEF 27: Resurgence” on February 11 wird eingestellt 7 p.m. Tickets gibt es ab $25 und sind an oder durch Aufrufen der Box Office auf Colisee 207.783.2009, Erweiterung 525.