Цатегори Арцхивес: Микед Мартиал Артс




Рафаел Царвалхо (14-1) defeated Melvin Manhoef (30-14) via Head Kick at 3:15 of Round 4

Quote from Rafael Carvalho:The last fight didn’t go as I expected or like the public expected,” Carvalho said. “This fight I knew that there needed to be an undisputed winner with a finish and I’m very glad that I was the one who came away with the victory. I’m going to continue to defend my middleweight title here at Bellator, but I’m also interested in a super fight in our light heavyweight division or maybe a bout in Bellator Kickboxing. That would be fun for me.

царвалхо против. Manhoef Fight Photos Here

Anastasia Yankova (5-0) defeated Elina Kallionidou (5-2) via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Quote from Anastasia Yankova:I feel okay after this fight. My face looks much better right now than it did after my last fight,” Yankova saidIt wasn’t perfect but I’m improving every day and I’ll continue to train hard with Mike [Swick] at AKA Thailand. I am working to get my weight down to 125 кг. where I want to soon be Bellator’s champion.

Yankova vs. Kallionidou Fight Photos Here

Мирча Валериу (14-4) defeated Djamil Chan (12-4) via Majority Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-28)

Quote from Valeriu Mircea:I’m very proud of my performance out there. It was part of my game plan to remain calm and patient throughout the fight and I am happy to have gotten the positive result,” Mircea said. “I am coming off of a frustrating knee injury that left me with only a month and a half to prepare. Victory is sweet and I am happy that my sacrifices have provided a good result.

Mircea vs. Chan Fight Photos Here

Mihail Nica (6-0) defeated Samba Coulibaly (11-4) via Anaconda Choke at 0:36 of Round 1

Quote from Mihail Nica:I am feeling very positive and happy that my hard work has paid off,” Nica said. “I look forward to getting back in the gym сутра to better my skills. I want to continue my undefeated career here at Bellator, maybe soon in America. I think it would be great to fight there because of the level of popularity out there. I want to be a hero for the Italian fans to cheer for and grow the passion for MMA in this country.

Nica vs. Coulibaly Fight Photos Here

Фигхт Нетворк представља КСВ 38 & ТКО 38 Ливе Доублехеадер овог петка, Април 7, Плус Ливе УФЦ® 210 Покривање у априлу 8

ТОРОНТО – Борба Мрежа, је светски 24/7 канал са више платформи посвећен потпуном покривању борбених спортова, представља узбудљиво ливе мешовите борилачке вештине доублехеадер овог петка, Април 7, почевши од НСС 38: Уживо у Студију из Варшаве, Пољска у 3 п.м. ЕТ праћен ТКО 38: Вазнесењеiz Montreala, Канада у 6 п.м. И. Уживо праћење борбе наставља се у суботу, Април 8 са живим ПРЕ-ФИГХТ и ПОСЛЕ ФИГХТ показује за УФЦ® 210: ЦОРМИЕР вс. ЈОХНСОН 2.

НСС 38: Уживо у Студију биће емитован уживо на Фигхт Нетворк-у у Канади, sad. и глобално у преко 30 Земље широм Европе, Африка и Блиски Исток. У међувремену, ТКО 38: Вазнесење емитује се уживо на Фигхт Нетворк-у у Канади и емитује широм света УФЦФигхтПасс.цом.

Počinje u 3 п.м. И, пар врхунских пољских звезда перо категорије биће насловне стране НСС 38: Уживо у Студију, каоАртур Совински (17-8) сукобљава са Лукаш Цхлевицки (14-5-1). У сарадњи-главни догађај, лака пољскаГрзегорз Сзулаковски (7-1) поздравља Бразил Ренато Гомес (20-9) на непријатељску територију. У другим истакнутим такмичењима, пољски перо Роман Сзимански (9-3) састаје се са бразилским Денилсон Невес (11-4),Лукаш Рајевски (6-2) лица Себастијан Романовски (11-7-1) у бици пољских перјаница, Камил Селва (10-5) бори се против колеге Пољака у бантам категорији Анзор Азхиев (6-2), Антони Цхмиевлевски (32-15) и Лукасз Биенковски (4-1) изједначити у окршају пољских средњих категорија, више Камил Шимушовски (15-4) и Грајцан Сзадзински (5-1) одбацити у потпуно пољском обрачуну лаке категорије.

ТКО 38: Вазнесење почиње у 6 п.м. ЕТ и биће предвођен масивним мечом лаке категорије између Онтарија Jesse Ronson (16-8) и Монтреала Derek Gauthier (8-6). Заједнички бокс у бантам категорији Мицхаел Императо (7-2) против Ксавиер Алаоуи (7-1). У другим мечевима, Т.Ј. Ларамие (5-1) поприма Алек Морган (6-2) у Феатхервеигхт такмичењу, Спееди Гим производ Димитри Ваарденбург (12-7) упознаје америчку бентам категорију Давид Сацхс (10-3), једном поражена канадска средња категорија Marc-Andre Barriault (6-1) борбу Француз Иацине Бандаоуи (7-5), непоражени канадски тешкаш Adam Dyczka (4-0) дебитује Бобби Сулливан (0-0), више Тилер Вилсон (1-0) лица Ериц Даигнеаулт (2-2) у 135 фунти, Charles Jourdain (3-0) лица Матхиеу Морциано (3-2) у 145 фунти, Јереми Цапони (5-0) ризикује свој савршени рекорд против Кевин Генереук (2-2) у 155 фунти и веома хваљени изгледи за муху категорију Тони Ларамие (1-0) наставља свој други професионални тријумф насупрот непораженом Дерек Фалк (2-0).

Додатно, Fight Network će pružiti široku pokrivenost УФЦ® 210: ЦОРМИЕР вс. ЈОХНСОН 2 у суботу, Април 8, са почетком у 1 п.м. ЕТ са четири сата оригиналне серије Фигхт Нетворк-а УФЦ ИН 60представљајући звезде главног догађаја и ко-главног догађаја Данијела Кормијера, Антхони Јохнсон, Крис Вајдман и Гегард Мусаси. У 5 п.м. И, УФЦ 210 ЦОУНТДОВН улази у животе и теретане четири спортиста који се припремају за кључне битке.

Фигхт Нетворк ће преносити уживо УФЦ® 210 ŠOU PRE BORBE у 7 п.м. ЕТ води у прелиминарне утакмице уживо на ТСН2. У емисији се појављују пензионисани УФЦ кандидати Кени Флоријан и Ив Едвардс који раде као стони аналитичари са водитељком Карин Бриант, заједно са репортерком Меган Оливи која води интервјуе са борцима на лицу места.

По закључку од УФЦ® 210: ЦОРМИЕР вс. ЈОХНСОН 2, Уживо УФЦ® 210 ŠOU POSLE BORBEкарактеристике истиче, анализа и интервјуи након борбе.

За потпуну листу борити Мреже емитовање распореду, посетите ввв.фигхтнетворк.цом, пратите нас на Твиттер@фигхтнет, бецоме а фан на Фацебоок и посетите нас на Инстаграм@фигхтнет.









TORINO, ИТАЛИЈА – Fighters from both Беллатор 176: царвалхо против. Манхоеф 2 и Беллатор Кицкбокинг 5 converged on the historic Comune di Torino for the official press conference for the events taking place at the Pala Alpitour in Torino, Италија. In addition to the fighters, Беллатор Председник Скот Цокер, along with Okatagon President Carlo DiBlasi and Torino Minister of Sport Roberto Finardi, all spoke about Субота nights anticipated card.

Беллатор 176: царвалхо против. Манхоеф 2 airs this Субота, Април 8 на Спике у 3 п.м. И and will be immediately followed by Беллатор Кицкбокинг 5, which airs at 5 п.м. И. Tickets for the event are available now at ввв.октагон.ит and include access to an Oktagon Kickboxing event in addition to both Bellator events.


Беллатор 176 is headlined by a middleweight championship fight pitting Рафаел Царвалхо (13-1) против Мелвин Манхоеф (30-13-1, 2 НЦ) and also features Russia’s Anastasia Yankova (4-0) наспрам Elina Kallionidou (5-1).

Беллатор Кицкбокинг 5 will feature a lightweight bout between “The Doctor” Giorgio Petrosyan (83-2-2, 1НЦ), who takes on Romanian veteran Amansio Paraschiv (23-5-1) and Bellator Kickboxng Women’s Flyweight World Champion Денисе Киелхолтз (46-3), who is set to defend her belt for the first time against ISKA and WKU World Champion Martine Michieletto (34-12-5).


Упдатед Беллатор 176: царвалхо против. Манхоеф 2 Главни картица:

Борба за титулу првака света у средњој категорији: Рафаел Царвалхо (13-1) вс. Мелвин Манхоеф (30-13-1, 2 НЦ)

Women’s Catchweight Fight: Anastasia Yankova (4-0) вс. Elina Kallionidou (5-1)

Lightweight Feature Fight: Дјамил Чан (12-3) вс. Мирча Валериу (13-4)

Lightweight Feature Fight: Samba Coulibaly (11-4) вс. Mihail Nica (5-0)


Упдатед Беллатор Кицкбокинг 5 Главни картица:

Lightweight Feature Fight: Giorgio Petrosyan (83-2-2, 1НЦ) вс. Amansio Paraschiv (23-5-1)

Women’s Flyweight World Title Bout: Денисе Киелхолтз (46-3) вс. Martine Michieletto (34-12-5)

Catchweight Feature Fight: Nando Calzetta (45-9) вс. Јохн Ваине Парр (95-32)

Велтервеигхт Феатуре Борба: Mustapha Haida (45-5-2) вс. Enriko Kehl (45-11-1)

Феатхервеигхт Феатуре Борба: Gaston Bolanos (8-1) вс. Luca D’isanto (36-13-4)




Undefeated welterweights Daniel Rodriguez and Joel Champion face off

Unbeaten Alesha Zappitella faces Stephanie Alba
in women’s atomweight matchup

Tickets for “Combate 13” on sale now
ЊУ ЈОРК - Април 6, 2017 – Combate Americas announced today the completion of a stacked, 10-fight lineup for its “Combate 13” Mixed Martial Arts (ММА) event at Casino Del Sol in Tucson, Ариз. о Четвртак, Април 20, live on Azteca America and ESPN Latin America (10 п.м. И).

Among the matchups added to finalize the card are a welterweight (170 фунти) showdown between a pair of undefeated, rising stars in Даниел Родригуез (3-0) и Јоел Шампион (4-0), neither of whom have been taken the distance of a fight yet, as well as a women’s atomweight (105 фунти) contest between unbeaten sensation Alesha “Half Pint” Zappitella (2-0) and hard-nosed battler Stephanie “The Cyclone” Alba (3-1).

У Хеавивеигхт (135 фунти) main event of “Combate 13,” accomplished veteran Roman “El Gallito” Salazar (10-5-1) of Scottsdale, Ариз. will collide with knockout artist Рики "Тхе Галлеро" Палациос (7-1) Мисије, Тексас.

“We have a fantastic lineup of fights assembled, and we are excited about bringing the Combate Americas live television series to Arizona for the first time ever,", Рекао је Схватка Америка директор Кембел Мекларен.

По цени од $20, tickets for “Combate 13” are on sale at the Casino Del Sol box office (1-855-765-7829).

6-фоот-1, 29-годишњи Родригес, who recently signed an exclusive, multi-fight contract with Combate Americas, has notched all three of his professional wins to date inside of two rounds. In his last effort on Јануар 21, the Alhambra, Калиф. resident scored a second round (3:55) ТКО (ударци) о Christian Gonzalez.

Also 6-foot-1 and 29 година, Champion of Tucson has not been pushed past the second round of a fight yet. In his last start on October 1, 2016, Он је постигао први круг (4:13) knockout on Chris Collins.

Zappitella is a 4-foot-11, 22-year-old resident of Brighton, Michigan and decorated amateur wrestler, who is coming off an extraordinary victory in Sanya, China on Фебруар 25 where she submitted Miao Ding with an arm-triangle choke in the second round of a matchup contested at flyweight (125 фунти), two weight classes above Zappitella’s natural fighting weight.

The 4-foot-11, 34-year-old Alba of Houston, Texas will look to return to the win column after suffering a split decision defeat at the hands of old rival Paulina “Firefox” Granados at “Combate 5” last Мај 9. Prior to the loss, Alba had gone unbeaten in her campaign as a professional.

У другој акцији, Victor “Kelevra” Reyna (8-3) ће се састати Andy “Golden Boy” Perez (7-3) у велтер.

The 5-foot-11, 30-year-old Reyna of Dallas, Texas has earned six of his eight professional career wins by way of (Т.)КО или покоравање, while Perez of Tucson, 5-нога-9, 28-годишњакиња, is looking to record his second straight victory after notching a first round (2:16) подношење (позади-Накед Цхоке) задобити Anthony Wray октобар 1, 2016.

Originally slated to face Irwin “The Beast” Rivera (5-2) of Palm Beach, Фла., Ренди Стеинке (17-10) of Payson, Ариз. will now square off with Urijah Faber-protégé Ерицк Санчез (7-3) оф Сацраменто, Цалиф., while Rivera will do battle with unbeaten Kevin “Quicksand” Natividad (2-0) Феникса, Ариз.

The 5-foot-10, 26-year-old Sanchez is looking to bounce back quickly from a unanimous decision defeat at the hands of Andres “The Bullet” Quintana at Combate 11 о Фебруар 16. Prior to the loss, the Team Alpha Male member held an unblemished, 2-0 record in La Jaula, цомбате Америцас кавез.

Originally from Hawaii, the 24-year-old Natividad owns two, first-round victories – a submission (позади-Накед Цхоке) од Josue Rodriguez у 3:04 mark of the first frame in what was Natividad’s pro debut on November 19, 2016, and a TKO (ударци) од Jesse Ortiz that came at the 2:52 mark of the opening round of action on Јануар 28.

Natividad turned professional after amassing a perfect amateur record of 6-0. Five of his amateur victories came by way of TKO or submission.

The “Combate 13” preliminary bout card will also feature two flyweight matchups – the first between Arturo Guzman (0-1) of Tucson and Robert Caspar (0-0) of Copperas Grove, Тексас, and the second between Justin Rascon (2-1) of Tucson and Jose Palencia, Јр. (1-1) од Темпе, Ариз.

To location what station Azteca America airs on in your market, you can log onto the network’s channel finder.

In addition to Azteca America and ESPN Latin America, “Combate13” will air on TV Azteca in Mexico the following night, Петак, Април 21, у 11 п.м. ЦТ. It will be distributed by UFC Fight Pass® as a video on demand.

Complete “Combate Americas: Combate 13” Fight Card

Bantamweight Main Event:
Roman Salazar vs. Рицки Палациос

Средња категорија Цо-Маин Евент:
Kobe Ortiz vs. Eddie Arizmendi

Хеавивеигхт: Irwin Rivera vs. Кевин Нативити
Велтер категорија: Бени Мадрид вс. Цхад Диетмеиер
Велтер категорија: Daniel Rodriguez vs. Јоел Шампион
Атомвеигхт: Alesha Zappitella vs. Стефани Алба
Веома лака ствар: Erick Sanchez vs. Ренди Стеинке
Велтер категорија: Victor Reyna vs. Andy Perez
Фливеигхт: Justin Rascon vs. Хозе, Palencia, Јр.
Фливеигхт: Arturo Guzman vs. Robert Caspar
# # #



ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС – Bellator MMA is proud to announce a partnership with Monster Energy and NASCAR to showcase a series of fights to take place at select races during the 2017 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series season. For the first time in NASCAR history, mixed martial arts will be included as a pre-race activation for the fans in attendance and just like the action the cars bring on the racetrack, Bellator will bring the same excitement inside the cage.

“I’m excited to announce Bellator’s partnership with the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series,"Рекао је председник Беллатор Скот Кокер. “Bellator and NASCAR fans are some of the most passionate in sports and we couldn’t be happier to bring MMA and motorsports together. Monster Energy has been a great partner of ours over the years and we’re excited about the opportunity to integrate our brand into another great sports property within the Monster Energy family. I want to thank Cody Dresser and Hans Molenkamp from Monster Energy for helping put this great partnership together, and I’m looking forward to introducing Bellator to a whole new fan base.”

“MMA is an exciting sport that appeals to a wide demographic,” said Mitch Covington Vice President of Sports Marketing. By partnering with Bellator to bring mixed martial arts to NASCAR we are able to bring a fresh dynamic to the racetrack and a taste of what Monster Energy is into, allowing us all to connect with a new fan base in relevant and meaningful ways to further elevate the series.”

Bellator is currently scheduled to host events at four races throughout the current Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series season, including both NASCAR’s championship and all-star race weekends.

Bellator MMA will be featured at the following 2017 NASCAR races:

  • Monster Energy All-Star Race at Charlotte Motor Speedway on Субота, Мај 20
  • Bass Pro Shops NRA Night Race at Bristol Motor Speedway on Субота, Август 19
  • Алабама 500 at Talladega Superspeedway on Недеља, Октобар 15
  • Ford EcoBoost 400 at Homestead-Miami Speedway on Недеља, Новембар 19




Средња категорија Цо-Маин Евент:
Kobe “The Stunna” Ortiz vs. Eddie “Crazy Face” Arizmendi
Велтер категорија: Бени Мадрид вс. Цхад Диетмеиер

Хеавивеигхт: Ренди Стеинке вс. Ирвин Ривера

Tickets for “Combate13” on sale now

ЊУ ЈОРК - Април 3, 2017 – Combate Americas announced today that it will bring its live Azteca America (10 п.м. И) television event series to Tucson, Ариз. for the first-time ever on Четвртак, Април 20 with a stacked, 11-bout card at Casino Del Sol, headlined by a bantamweight (135 фунти) showdown between accomplished veteran Roman “El Gallito” Salazar (10-5-1) и нокаут уметник Рики "Тхе Галлеро" Палациос (7-1).

Догађај, “Combate13,” will also be distributed live on ESPN Latin America and by UFC Fight Pass® as a video on demand. It will air on TV Azteca in Mexico, the following night, Петак, Април 21, у 11 п.м. ЦТ.

У сарадњи-главни догађај, prolific finishers and Tucson rivals Kobe “The Stunna” Ortiz (15-5) и Eddie “Crazy Face” Arizmendi (17-7) will collide in a middleweight (185 фунти) такмичење.

По цени од $20, tickets for “Combate13” are on sale at the Casino Del Sol box office (1-855-765-7829).

“We are excited to be bringing our live television series to a new market that has a reputation for being a great fight town filled with passionate fans and decorated combat sports athletes,” said Combate Americas President Alberto Rodriguez.

Also slated for action, Бени "Син" Мадрид (9-3) ће преузети Цхад Диетмеиер (8-1) у велтер (170 фунти) битка, и подношење стручњак Ренди Стеинке (17-10-1) will face off with aggressive-minded, Blackzilians camp member Irwin “The Beast” Rivera (5-2) in another bantamweight contest.

Додатни матцхупс ће ускоро бити објављен.

Roman Salazar vs. Рицки Палациос

5-нога-7, 29-year-old Salazar of Scottsdale, Ариз. is a three-time Ultimate Fighting Championship® (УФЦ) veteran who will make his first start of 2017, and his first-ever in La Jaula.

In his last effort at WFF 32 он Новембер 19, 2016, Salazar defeated Gilberto Aguilar by way of unanimous decision.

Такође 29 година, the 5-foot-6 Palacios of Mission, Texas will put on the line a four-fight win streak that includes back-to-back finishes – a second round (3:14), one-punch knockout of Carlos Ricardo Diaz он Јуне 12, 2015, and a stunning, Први круг (1:00) head kick knockout of Бењи Гомез at “Combate2” on Sept. 17, 2015 – as well as a “Fight of the Month” nominated, unanimous decision conquest of Брандон Роивал at “Combate7” on May 9, 2016.

Also unbeaten (2-0-1) као професионални боксер, Palacios has earned 5 његовог 7 professional MMA career wins by way of (Т.)КО.

Kobe Ortiz vs. Eddie Arizmendi

6-нога, 35-year-old Ortiz is riding a two-fight win streak after producing back-to-back stoppages in his last two appearancesa third round (4:45) ТКО (ударци) од Dano Moore октобар 3, 2015, and a third round (:24) ТКО (ударци) од Brendan Tierney он Марцх 20, 2016.

Ortiz has notched 12 његовог 15 каријере освојио путем (Т.)КО или покоравање.

Arizmendi is an 11-year veteran of the sport, and winner of his last two matchups. На октобра 3, 2015, he forced Brendan Tierney to retire after the second round (5:00) of action and, он Марцх 5, 2016, he took a unanimous decision from корисничко име Салантри.

Бени Мадрид вс. Цхад Диетмеиер

Борба против Феникса, Аризона, the 5-foot-10, 36-year-old Madrid has earned 8 његовог 9 professional career victories by way of (Т.)КО или покоравање.

Madrid will step into La Jaula after back-to-back, first round wins – a submission (позади-Накед Цхоке) од Џеф Флетцхер that came at the 1:26 mark of the opening round on September 18, 2015, and a knockout of Roberto Leon that occurred at the 1:10 mark of the first stanza of their matchup.

Dietmeyer is coming off a four-year layoff from competition. In his last start on March 30, 2012, he faced his toughest test to date in UFC and DREAM veteran Антонио МцКее, taking McKee the distance of their fight before finding himself on the losing end of a unanimous decision.

Ренди Стеинке вс. Ирвин Ривера

5-нога-9, 31-year-old Steinke of Payson, Ариз. will enter La Jaula for the first time after scoring back-to-back, first round submissions over just a two-week span, о Реј Робинсон и Guillermo Pena октобар 1, 2016 и октобар 15, 2016, односно.

Rivera is a 5-foot-6, 28-year-old native of Windsor, New York who relocated to South Florida to join the famed Blackzilians camp. До данас, three of his five career wins have come by way of (Т.)КО или покоравање.

Celebrate five years of 559 Fights with us!

559 fights Goes Down 21. априла In Fresno’s Tower Theatre

Петак, April 21st at 7pm

559 Fights returns to Fresno’s Tower Theatre with “559 Fights 55” on Април 21, featuring a full slate of many of California’s hungriest and most exciting amateur MMA fighters.
The main event will feature top flyweight contender Samuel Fierro (6-2, Selma) as he tries to halt unbeaten 6-0 Sacramento fighter Mark Wirth’s tear through the state’s 125-pound rankings.

Prior to the highly anticipated headline bout, Daniel Campagna (3-1, Porterville) will hunt for his fourth win at the expense of Sacramento’s Josiah McHale (3-2) у Хеавивеигхт акцији.

In the flyweight division, Fresno’s Austin Liu (2-1) and Merced’s Michael Alonzo (2-1) ће се састати, with both fighters hungry to earn their third win.

Selma’s Bernabe Herrera (3-3) will enter the cage for the seventh time against Ridgecrest’s Emilio Horta (2-1) in the 155-pound division.

Улазнице се крећу од само $25 and are available at the Tower Theatre box office or online at www.559fights.com. За више информација, позовите 559-813-0307.

559 борбе 55

Април 21 at Tower Theatre in Fresno, Калиф.

125: Selma’s Samuel Fierro (6-2) вс. Sacramento’s Mark Wirth (6-0)
135: Porterville’s Daniel Campagna (3-1) вс. Sacramento’s Josiah McHale (3-2)
125: Fresno’s Austin Liu (2-1) вс. Merced’s Michael Alonzo (2-1)
155: Selma’s Bernabe Herrera (3-3) вс. Ridgecrest’s Emilio Horta (2-1)
265: Fresno’s Ryan Yates (1-0) вс. Oakland’s Dwight Maters (2-1)
185: Fresno’s James Porter (1-1) вс. Castro Valley’s Alan Benson (0-1)
205: Fresno’s Jesse Vazquez (0-0) вс. Ridgecrest’s Joseph Gaceta (1-1)
145: Visalia’s Chris Luna (0-0) вс. Santa Barbara’s Emmanuel Gonzalez (0-1)
170: Goleta’s Bryan Rodriguez (0-1) вс. Sacramento’s Tony Magalahaes (0-0)
145: Porterville’s Christian Marron (0-2) вс. Dos Palos’ Conan Orozco (0-1)
185: Los Angeles’ Bako Agambonisye (0-0) вс. Auburn.’s Zach Linco (0-0)
265: Reedley’s Ruben Castaneda Jr. (0-0) вс. Fresno’s Aniken Robinson (0-0)

Busy May & June for M-1 Global


СТ. ПЕТЕРСБУРГ, Русија (Март 31, 2017) – М-1 Глобал председник Вадим Финкелхтејн (pictured above) has announced five M-1 Challenge events to be held this May and June.
Below is a Q & A with the veteran MMA promoter:
Can you tell us about plans for upcoming M-1 Global events?
ВФ: “In the next 2-3 months we will promote an extremely full schedule of events. Through the middle of Јулe, we will promote fiveI’m not afraid to use these wordsgrandiose tournaments. April 22nd there’s an event being held in Nazran, which was arranged with the support of the local government, and dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Ingushetia. О Мај 19тх, in collaboration with Rostec and Rosoboronexport corporations, we will hold a truly spectacular event in Sochi. Our traditional tournament in Orenburg is set for May 26th, which regularly takes place at the highest level with a crowded venue. О Јулe 1st, we will hold another event in St. Petersburg as part of the International Иconomic Forum program. And already on Јулe 15 – A major tournament will be held June 15тх in Harbin, Кина, during the program of the Russian-Chinese Иxpo. Both in St. Petersburg and China, we are included in the official program, so we will be participating in truly large-scale events.
Fans are interested in fighters whose performances will decorate these tournaments. Can you reveal some of the competing fighters?
ВФ: “We will really surprise the audience at these events. A lot of negotiations are ongoing, including those with fighters who are the TopP-20 ranked fighters in the world. There will also be fights involving new fighters. Наравно, we intend to make fights that fans have been waiting for a long time. One is the is the Idrisov vs. Buchinger rematch and, наравно, probably the most anticipated fight in Russian MMA today, Шлеменко вс Иmeev.
The fight between Alexander Шлеменко and Ramazan Иmeev had already been postponed twice. What prevents this fight from being canceled for the third time?
ВФ: “The desire of the two fighters can play the major role here. Иverything has been done on our side. Александар Шлеменко is ready for this fight. We’re waiting word back from Ramazan Иmeev. This fight is interesting for fans and we will try to make it happen. People are starting to understand more and more about MMA and we are making fights that our fans want to happen. Not only does this apply to Шлеменко и Иmeev. but for other popular fighters as well, including undefeated M-1 welterweight champion Alexey Kunchenko, top lightweight Artiom Дамковски, Damir Исмагулов, Сергеј Romanov и многи други. We try to sign contracts with only fighters who want to be in spectacular fights. Look at the last events in Moscow. Were any of the 11 fights boring? До Нот! Иven in undercard matches we have fighters who deliver exciting fights and often early finishes. This is the hallmark of our promotion. We do not hold uninteresting events or boring fights.
Данас, many promotions sign fighters who were fired from UFC. Why are you not doing this?
ВФ: “Certainly in that way. If fighters are interesting to the Russian public and well known, we will sign him. Иначе, I believe that it is wrong to sign, takoreći, cast-off fighters. This will not add credibility and strengthen our organization in the MMA world. We do that a different way. We build stars that UFC chases. It may be more difficult but M-1 is more respected by the West for doing it this way. Погледајте, those fighters who leave M-1 for the UFC leave because they’ve been developed through serious schooling, as we do not feed themtomato cans” противници. We do not make easy fights for anybody. Марцин Тибура, Rashid Магомедов, Mairbek Taisumov, Алексеј Олејник, Islam Makhachev, Александар Волков, итд. All of them are our former fighters. They were not known at the beginning of their careers but now they are all doing excellent. Fighters of the other promoters who moved in UFC are often fired after a while because, here in Russia, they did not face tough opposition.
How do you fight the departure of your fighters to the West?
ВФ: “Here, I disagree with you. It used to be that way. Сада, to the contrary, many fighters want to perform in M-1 because it is no less prestigious than performing for Bellator, where the emphasis is on the show. Example of this are Alexander Шлеменко, Сергеј Харитонов, and others. These warriors gladly come to us and agree to fight here because the opposition in M-1 is not weak. Наравно, regarding the departure of the fighters to the West, money plays a great role. But there are fighters who are grateful to M-1 for fame they gained. We paved the road to a greatness for them and, consequently, they do not rush to leave M-1 anywhere.


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Март 30, 2017 Име непознато Борилачки спортови Покажи: King Mo vs. Rampage Preview, Arum says UFC will take half of Conor’s purse against Floyd

Том, Rich and Tony break down last week’s big fights and preview the upcoming week’s combat sports cards. The main focus is Bellator 175 in MMA this week. We also discuss some of the latest news, such as a claim made by Bob Arum that the UFC wants to take half of Conor MacGregor’s purse when and if he fights Floyd Mayweather Jr. in a boxing match. We also have a good laugh about Rampage Jackson being mad at King Mo Lawal forfat shaminghim.. Rampage’s defense is vintage Cartman from South Park: “I’m not fat, I’m just big boned.

Top Russian heavyweight Sergei Kharitonov Commits to fighting on M-1 Challenge 80 card June 15 у Кини

MOSCOW (Март 27, 2017) – Руски тешкој категорији Сергеј “Паратроопер” Харитонов has committed to fighting Јун 15 на М-1 Цхалленге 80 card in Harbin, Кина. Kharitonov will square-off against veteran Brazilian MMA fighter Marcus Viniciuds “планина” Лопес у главном догађају.
Харитонов (23-6-0, М-1: 3-0-0) is undefeated in three M-1 Challenge events having defeated former M-1 Challenge heavyweight champion Кени “Двојка” Амбар двапут, at M-1 Изазов 59 у 2015 at Kazakhstan (WKO/TKO4 – ударци) и М-1 Цхалленге 43 у 2013 at China, (KO/TKO3injury), као и да Финансија Алексеј у М-1 Цхалленге 53 у 2014 Русија (KO2).
Харитонов, who has also fought in Strikeforce and PRIDE, has defeated some of the greatest heavyweight MMA fighters of all-time, укључујући Allistair Overeem, Андреј Арловскиј, Фабрицио Вердум и Педро Риззо.
Лопес (15-0-0, М-1: 2-1-0) поражен Evgeni Myakinkin by three-round unanimous decision this past February at М-1 Цхалленге 74. Lopes won a three-round unanimous decision over Курбан Ибрагимов in his M-1 debut last July. His lone M-1 loss came at М-1 Цхалленге 71 this past October to former M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion Стефан Пуетз, who used a choke hold for a third-round submission victory.
A pressure fighter and solid striker, Lopes is a jiu-jitsu champion in his native Brazil, where most of his MMA fights have been held during his 6 1/2-years professional career.
In a recent interview with M-1 Global News, Kharitonov said, “I received a lot of offers but I prefer to fight in M-1 Global.Below is the complete Q & A with Kharitonov:
Do you know who your opponent will be at M-1 Challenge and, ако не, what are your expectations?
СК: “I don’t not know anything yet. I received an offer from M-1 to fight in China. Since I have been talking with (М-1 Глобал председник) Вадим Финкелхтејн for a long time and understand each other, I gave my consent Vadim said I am popular in China and that he wanted me to represent Russia in this tournament. At this moment, I have no thoughts or assumptions about this fight because I’m focused on my upcoming Bellator fight. This is my main objective right now and after that fight I will think about the M-1 fight.
Bellator did not give permission for a fight last December in Russia. What changed this time and was it difficult to get permission to fight again in M-1?
СК: “There were no problems. I do not want to comment on how we came to an agreement, bit one thing is for sure, I’ve received permission and after my next Bellator fight I will fight at M-1 Challenge 80 in China.
You fought in China at M-1 Challenge 53. How do you like the local audience there and what are your overall impressions of the tournament?
СК: “Everything was fine. I liked the level of organization, фанови’ attitude toward the athletes, and the response from the public. I think M-1 has good experience in terms of holding tournaments in China, so this time they can make it an even bigger show.
Do you accept offers to fight from other Russian organizations and why did you decided to fight in M-1?
СК: “Да, I received a lot of offers, especially recently. I won’t say specifically but they were from major Russian MMA organizations. But I have a long relationship with M-1 and me and Vadim know each other well. We get along well and trust each other. Стога, O prefer to fight in M-1 Global.


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