Таг Арцхивес: Скот Цокер


ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС – Following the medical complications that were publicly disclosed by Рафаел Ловато Јр. (10-0) late last month, the Bellator middleweight champion has decided to relinquish his 185-lb world title. The unbeaten Lovato Jr. defeated former champ Gegard Mousasi to win the title at Беллатор 223 in London on June 22, 2019.

“My journey with my team and family to become the Bellator middleweight world champion was incredible and something I will cherish forever,” said Lovato Jr. “I dreamed of having a long reign as champion, but sometimes life has another plan. Bellator has been very supportive during this difficult process, a situation that has never really happened before in our sport. I know the division must move on while I am on the sidelines and I wish everyone great fights on their way to that belt. I will be working to come back if it is possible – and if not, life will continue to be amazing for me and I look forward to working with Bellator in another fashion.”

“This has been an incredibly challenging time for Lovato Jr., his team and his family at home,"Рекао је председник Беллатор Скот Кокер. “He is a true warrior of the sport and I cannot say enough about him for making such a difficult decision. His health is the priority for us and we will continue to work with him on addressing the next steps in his career.”

Bellator will announce plans for the vacant middleweight title in the coming days.

Молимо Вас да посетите Беллатор.цом за више информација.


ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС - Bellator is proud to announce the signing of Cristiane “Cyborg” Justino (21-2, 1 НЦ) to the organization. The deal – the largest of its kind in women’s MMA history – exclusively secures “Cyborg’s” talents with a multi-year, Мулти-борба уговор.

“Cyborg” joins current champЈулија БуддОлга Рубин, Арлин БленцовеЈанаи Хардинг иЛеслие Смитхизмеђу осталог, cementing Bellator’s 145-pound weight class as the strongest women’s featherweight division in MMA.

“Cyborg” joins Bellator following a three-year run in UFC, multiple world titles and a 20-fight unbeaten streak that includes notable victories against Holly Holm, Тониа Евингер, Marloes Coenen and Leslie Smith. Notably, the 34-year-old Curitiba, Brazil-native was the inaugural Strikeforce Women’s Featherweight Champion, defeating Gina Carano for the title in 2009.

“I have worked with countless athletes over my thirty-plus years of promoting combat sports, but there is no one quite like ‘Cyborg’,”Рекао је председник Беллатора Сцотт Цокер. “Her ability to excite the crowd from the moment she makes her walk to the cage is special, and having had the pleasure of promoting several of her fights in the past, I am looking forward to the opportunity of promoting her once again. ‘Cyborg’ is the most dominant female fighter in the history of the sport and she will be a perfect fit here at Bellator, where champion Julia Budd and the other women that make up best female featherweight division in the world have eagerly awaited her arrival.”

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Брент Примус брани титулу у лакој категорији против Мицхаел Цхандлера у дуго очекиваном реваншу за главни догађај да би започео Хонолулу Доублехеадер


АНЂЕЛИ - Да ода почаст храбрим мушкарцима и женама из САД-а. Оружане снаге, Беллатор ММА удружио се са УСО-ом како би представио посебан догађај уживо, бесплатан за трупе, заједно са својим пријатељима и породицама, Децембар 14.



„Сарађујући са програмом Војне борбе на процени и ажурирању њихове борбене готовости, Одавно поштујем војску и њихову храброст,”Рекао је Роице Грацие, ММА легенда и амбасадор Беллатора. „Када сам сазнао да радимо догађај на Хавајима, знајући тамошњу велику војну популацију, Знао сам да своју подршку и захвалност морамо показати путем ВМА. “




Председник Беллатора Сцотт Цокер поносан је на ову нову везу са УСО-ом и нестрпљив је да искаже подршку храбрим службеницима.




„УСО је историјска војна организација за подршку – не само у забави већ и повезивањем са стварима које воле и за које се боре,", Рекао је Кокер. „Било је савршено логично да Беллатор успостави однос са америчким представником и пружи јединствену прилику војном становништву Хаваја. Ценимо њихову услугу нацији, и надамо се да нам је ово само прва од многих прилика за заједнички рад “.




Извирући из Нила С.. Блаисделл Арена у Хонолулуу, ова јединствена емисија биће насловна борбом за наслов са тренутним шампионом у лакој категорији Бретт Примус (8-0) против двоструког бившег титлиста Мајкл Чендлер (18-4), док је тешка категорија икона Франк Мир (18-12) меетс Јави Аиала (10-7) у окршају тешке категорије.

Беллатор и УСО Пресент: Поздравите трупе емитоваће се у петак на Парамоунт Нетворк, Децембар 14 у 10 п.м. И / 21:00. ЦТ и биће симултан на ЦМТ. Догађај ће такође преносити УЖИВО на ДАЗН-у, док ће прелиминарни окршаји ићи даље Беллатор.цом и глобално на Мобилна апликација Беллатор. Додатни напади ће бити објављен у наредним недељама.




Владајући шампион Брент Примус ставља и своју титулу и низ непоражених у дуго очекивани реванш за Беллатор титулу у лакој категорији. Након што је прошле године узнемирио Цхандлера, тхе Еугене, Изворни Оре се од тада борио са повредама које су одложиле његов повратак у кавез. Сада, он покушава да ућутка критичаре и докаже да је прави и заслужни шампион од 155 килограма. Један од најодликованијих бораца у историји Беллатора, Мицхаел Цхандлер планира да поврати шампионат и постане троструки носилац титуле. „Гвожђе“ је победило ко је ко међу елитом дивизије, укључујући бенсон

Хендерсон, Патрицки Питбулл (к2), Иамауцхи до и Еддие Алварез. Бивши рвач Универзитета у Миссоурију, који сада зове Нешвил кући, је зарадио свој повратак на бр. 1-статус кандидата са циљем да напушта Хаваје са појасом.




Бивши УФЦ првак у тешкој категорији Франк Мир враћа се у кавез Беллатор након његове узбудљиве борбе напред-назад Федор Емелианенко прошлог пролећа. Са победом у каријери Рои Нелсон, Антонио „Велики Ног“ Ногуеира (к2), Броцк Леснар и Мирко Цро Цоп, бразилски јиу-јитсу црни појас тражи још једну импресивну победу коју ће додати својој славној каријери. Након шокирања света када је КО’д Сергеј Харитонов, Јави Аиала преко ноћи је постала сензација за ММА фанове. Љубитељима познат под називом „Еие Цанди,”Тешкаш је такође импресивно победио Ерица Приндла и Рапхаела Бутлера. Борба против Портервиллеа, Цалиф., Аиала се враћа надајући се да ће још једном шокирати свет и победити једног од највећих тешкаша у историји ММА.




Ова незаборавна ноћ биће део историјског викенда који ће кулминирати претходно најављеним Беллатор Хаваји у суботу, Децембар 15, који се емитује искључиво на ДАЗН-у. Ова дуго очекивана борбена карта укључује шампиона у мушкој категорији Беллатор у мушкој категорији Илима-Леи Мекфарлан бранећи своју титулу против Валто јесмех Летоурнеау, Лиото Мацхида дебитујући у Беллатору против бившег шампиона Рафаел Царвалхо, Неиман Грацие преузимајући И Рут у уводном сусрету у Великој награди Беллатор-а у велтер категорији и многим другим.



Беллатор и УСО такође ће бити партнери за недељу дана специјалних догађаја на Хавајима који воде великом викенду узбудљивих борби у децембру 14 и 15. Више детаља ускоро.


Упдатед Беллатор и УСО Пресент: Поздравите трупе Фигхт Цард:

Главни догађај светске титуле у лакој категорији: Брент Примус (8-0) вс. Мајкл Чендлер (18-4)

Борба главне карте у тешкој категорији: Франк Мир (18-12) вс. Јави Аиала (10-7)


*Картица подложна променама




Молимо Вас да посетите Беллатор.цом и УСО.орг за више информација.




Complete Fight Night Photos

Беллатор 206: Mousasi vs. MacDonald Главни картица Резултати:

Гегард Мусаси (44-6-2) поражен Рори МацДоналд (20-5) ТКО (ударци) у 3:23 рунде два

Куинтон "Рампаге" Јацксон (38-13) поражен Вандерлеи Силва (35-14) ТКО (ударци) у 4:32 рунде два

Доуглас Лима (30-7) поражен Андреј Корешков (21-3) путем техничког подношења (позади-Накед Цхоке) у 3:04 од колу пет

Арон Пицо (4-1) поражен Леандро Хиго (18-5) преко КО (ударци) у 3:19 округлог једног

Keri Taylor-Melendez (3-0) поражен Dakota Zimmerman (0-1) преко Сплита одлуке (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Gaston Bolanos (4-1) поражен Ysidro Gutierrez (4-3) преко нокаутом (ударци) у 1:37 рунде два


Прелиминарни картица Резултати:

Адам Пиццолот (11-2) поражен Јамес Терри (20-10) једногласна одлука (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Јеремија Монаган (12-6) поражен Justin Smitley (10-8-1) ТКО (ударци) у 3:28 округлог једног

Арлин Бленцове (11-7) поражен Amber Leibrock (3-2) ТКО (slam, ударци) у 1:23 рунде три

Josh San Diego (8-4) поражен Џо Нил (6-4) преко Сплита одлуке (29-28, 27-30, 29-28)

Chuck Campbell (1-0) поражен Joseph Ramirez (1-2) једногласна одлука (30-27 Кс3)

Anthony Figueroa Jr. (1-0) поражен Samuel Romero (0-2) једногласна одлука (29-27, 28-26, 29-26)

Cass Bell (2-0) поражен Ty Costa (3-4) via verbal submission (Армбар) 3:06 рунде два

Isaiah Gonzalez (2-0) вс. Khai Wu (2-1)

Jacob Ycaro (1-0) вс. Ignacio Ortiz (1-0)

Laird Anderson (0-0) вс. Ahmed Abdelaziz (0-0)






Мерење у сликама | WEIGH-IN VIDEO HERE

комплетан Беллатор 206 Резултати вагања:

Middleweight World Title Main Event: Гегард Мусаси (184.4) вс. Рори МацДоналд (184.9)

Тешка категорија, главни меч: Куинтон "Рампаге" Јацксон (254.4) вс. Вандерлеи Силва (226.9)

Welterweight World Grand Prix First Round Bout: Доуглас Лима (170) вс. Андреј Корешков (169.3)

Борба за главну карту у перолакој категорији: Арон Пицо (145.7) вс. Леандро Хиго (145.1)

Women’s Strawweight Main Card Bout: Keri Taylor-Melendez (116) вс. Dakota Zimmerman (115.6)

Борба за главну карту у перолакој категорији: Gaston Bolanos (145.2) вс. Ysidro Gutierrez (145.3)


Прелиминарни картица:

160-Поунд Цатцхвеигхт Прелиминарни меч: Адам Пиццолот (159.1) вс. Јамес Терри (160)

Перолака прелиминарна борба: Јеремија Монаган (144.9) вс. Justin Smitley (144.2)

Women’s Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Amber Leibrock (145.4) вс. Арлин Бленцове (145.3)

Перолака прелиминарна борба: Josh San Diego (139.2) вс. Џо Нил (139.9)

Бантам категорија прелиминарни окршај: Cass Bell (136) вс. Ty Costa (136)

Бантам категорија прелиминарни окршај: Isaiah Gonzalez (135.8) вс. Khai Wu (136)

Перолака прелиминарна борба: Jacob Ycaro (145.3) вс. Ignacio Ortiz (144.9)

Перолака прелиминарна борба: Laird Anderson (145.8) вс. Ahmed Abdelaziz (147.3)*

Претешка борба у полутешкој категорији: Chuck Campbell (205.6) вс. Joseph Ramirez (202.4)

Лака прелиминарна борба: Anthony Figueroa Jr. (156) вс. Samuel Romero (156)


*Missed weight









ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС – Bellator, a leading global combat sports franchise owned by Viacom, home to the world’s premier entertainment brands, and DAZN, the world’s largest dedicated live sports streaming service and part of Perform Group, today announced a multi-year landmark distribution agreement.




The nine-figure deal will feature seven exclusive stacked fight cards per year on DAZN and another 15 that are simulcast across Paramount Network and DAZN. All fights will stream in any country where DAZN is available. As part of the platform’s global expansion, DAZN will launch in the U.S. and Italy in 2018, with the service already live in Canada, Немачка, Austria, Switzerland and Japan.




“The exciting new partnership with DAZN is a game-changer for Bellator,"Рекао је председник Беллатор Скот Кокер. “The investment will enable us to continue expanding our roster with free agents that make sense, so we can put on PPV-worthy fight cards that fans want to see. Више, on DAZN’s worldwide platform, our fights will be seen live for the first time to new audiences around the globe.”




“It’s simple; fans want to see great fighters in competitive fights so we’ve handed the keys to Scott Coker and his venerable team to go out and recruit even more top-level talent to further stack Bellator fight cards and build on their success,” said DAZN CEO James Rushton. “With the combination of this investment and our recent announcement to bring more than 30 nights of boxing to the platform annually, DAZN will be a must-have for fight fans in the U.S.”




“The DAZN partnership speaks to the incredible growth of Bellator into a global sports powerhouse and high-valued franchise in the Viacom portfolio,” said Kevin Kay, Председник, најважнија mreža, TV Land and CMT.




The deal begins with an epic event on Субота, Седам. 29 from SAP Center at San Jose. The card features a highly anticipated middleweight title fight pitting Гегард Мусаси (44-6-2) против Рори МацДоналд (20-4), who is moving up a weight class for a title shot against the 185-pound champ, along with the fourth fight in the legendary rivalry between Куинтон "Рампаге" Јацксон (37-13) и Вандерлеи Силва(35-13).




Also included on Седам. 29, will be the opening fight of Bellator’s first-ever Welterweight World Grand Prix, which will feature eight of the best welterweight fighters on the planet. The Bellator Welterweight World Grand Prix will be a major component of the first year of the multi-year agreement between Bellator and DAZN.




An exclusive online presale for this event takes place tomorrow, Јун 27 through Thursday, Јун 28, with tickets going on sale to the general public on Петак, Јун 29 у 10 а.м. ПТ. Улазнице се крећу од само $30 and will be available at the ThreatMetrix Ticket Office at SAP Center at San Jose, као и Беллатор.цом and Ticketmaster.




The event will air live on DAZN at 10 п.м. И/7 п.м. ПТ. Additional bouts will be announced in the coming weeks. ДАЗН, which now streams 15,000 live events and 100 million hours of sports content globally each year, will be available in the U.S. this September with exact pricing and dates being announced this summer.


Mousasi vs. MacDonald:




Gegard Mousasi impressed in his promotional debut over former Bellator middleweight champion Alexander Shlemenko, a win that earned him a shot at Rafael Carvalho, where 185-pound gold was on the line. Сада, after a decisive victory against Carvalho at Беллатор 200, Mousasi will defend his crown against Rory MacDonald, entering the bout with his current unbeaten streak at seven fights. “The Dreamcatcher,” who trains out of The Netherlands, holds one of the most impressive resumes in all of the sport, at one time winning the STRIKEFORCE light heavyweight title, as well as the DREAM light heavyweight and middleweight titles.




Over the last several years, “The Red King” Rory MacDonald has become the most popular Canadian mixed martial artist due to his classic stand-up wars and wins over some of MMA’s best in Paul Daley, Нате Диаз, Tyron Woodley, Б.Ј. Penn and Demian Maia. Bellator’s welterweight champion joined the Viacom-owned promotion in 2016 and went on to defeat Douglas Lima for the welterweight title at Беллатор 192. Сада, the Tristar Gym-trained fighter sets his sights on winning gold in not one, but two separate weight classes.


“Rampage” vs. Силва:



A six-fight veteran of Bellator, “Rampage” Jackson’s legendary career has seen him compete against some of the top names in the sport, generating a loyal army of fans along the way. The former PRIDE and UFC champion is the proud owner of many epic highlight reel slams and knockouts that he has racked up throughout his epic battles with the likes of Chuck Liddell, Дан Хендерсон |, “King Mo,” Kevin Randleman and, perhaps most-notably, his trilogy with fellow Bellator athlete Wanderlei Silva, who he now meets at heavyweight on Седам. 29.



Wanderlei Silva’s wars with “Rampage,” Tito Ortiz, Мирко Цро Цоп, Витор Белфорт, Дан Хендерсон |, Казусхи Сакураба, Chuck Liddell and Michael Bisping remain some of the more memorable bouts in MMA history. “The Axe Murderer” is far from ready to close the book on his illustrious career, returning to action against a man he has already competed against three times before. In addition to the PRIDE middleweight title, Silva’s trophy case includes awards for “Fight of the Year” (2003, 2004, 2007), КО године (2008) and multiple “Fight of the Night” awards. Недавно, the Brazilian native made his Bellator debut against Chael Sonnen in the main event of Беллатор: NYC.


Updated Bellator Fight Card:

Борба за титулу првака света у средњој категорији: Гегард Мусаси (44-6-2) вс. Рори МацДоналд (20-4)

Тешка категорија: Куинтон "Рампаге" Јацксон (37-13) вс. Вандерлеи Силва (35-13)

Welterweight World Grand Prix First Round Bout



*Картица подложна променама.




АНЂЕЛИ - Bellator is pleased to announce that it has come to an agreement with Јохн МцЦартхи to serve as color commentator during broadcasts on the soon-to-launch Paramount Network, which kicks off with Беллатор 192 о Субота, Јануар 20.


“With the addition of ‘Big’ John to our broadcast team, we have put together the premier group of MMA commentators ahead of our Јан. 20 debut on the Paramount Network,”Рекао је председник Беллатора Сцотт Цокер. “With John and Chael providing analysis, you’re getting two people who have spent more time in the cage than they have spent with a headset on, and that will translate to a positive viewing experience for Bellator fans.”


Over the past 20 године, “Big” John McCarthy has set the bar when it comes to officiating in MMA, a sport where he has overseen countless fights promoted by Bellator and other promotions all over the world, serving as the referee for some of the biggest bouts in the history of the sport. A former Los Angeles Police Officer, and a Self-Defense Instructor at the Los Angeles Police Academy, McCarthy is also the founder of “C.O.M.M.A.N.D.,” a program that trains and certifies hopeful MMA referees and judges. McCarthy’s regulatory work is equally as impressive, as he was a key figure in the writing of the sport’s Unified Rules, which are recognized by the ABC and athletic commissions all across North America.


Along with his broadcasting duties, the man behind the catchphrase “Let’s get it on!” will also provide a unique level of first-hand insight to the plethora of original content produced by Bellator’s digital team.


“I first want to say how grateful I am for the opportunity I have been given to work with the incredible team Bellator has assembled. It is always so hard to leave something you love, but I have always wanted to step away based on my terms rather than someone else’s. My goals are to work as hard as I can to meet the expectations everyone will have for me and to hopefully someday exceed them.” McCarthy said. “I cannot think of anyone I would rather be working with than Scott Coker. Scott has always been a person I admire because of his honesty, loyalty and love for the martial arts. I want to thank everyone from Bellator and Viacom for the trust you are bestowing upon me to keep the commentating of Bellator MMA at the highest levels of the sport.”


Додатно, Цхаел Соннен has signed an extension to remain a part of select Bellator broadcasts, breaking down all the action alongside Bellator announcers Mike Goldberg и Мауро Раналло.


Chael Sonnen spent a majority of his 44-fight career with the UFC and WEC, a run that saw him defeat former middleweight champion Michael Bisping, and compete against the likes of Jon Jones, Андерсон Силва (двапут), Rashad Evans, „Схогун“ Руа, Demian Maia and Brian Stann. In addition to his in-ring action, the West Linn, Ore. native has mastered the art of being in front of the camera, having done broadcast work for both ESPN and Fox Sports. Following a three-year hiatus from active MMA competition, Sonnen returned to the cage against Тито Ортиз у Беллатор 170 in January and then went on to defeat Wanderlei Silva during the main event of Беллатор: NYC.


Bellator and the soon-to-launch Paramount Network open 2018 with a bang when Беллатор 192: Лима вс. MacDonald emanates from The Forum in California on Јан. 20. Anchored by a welterweight world title fight featuring Доуглас Лима defending his championship against Рори МацДоналд, the blockbuster event also will see the aforementioned Chael Sonnen compete against “Rampage” Jackson in the opening contest of 2018’s Bellator Heavyweight World Grand Prix.




ЛОС АНГЕЛЕСBellator MMA is proud to announce the signing of perennial top contender Гегард Мусаси на ексклузивни, Мулти-борба уговор.


Long-considered to be one of the elite two-division threats in MMA, Mousasi joins Bellator currently riding a five-fight win streak that includes recent knockout victories over two former world champions in Chris Weidman and Vitor Belfort. Prior to his UFC tenure, Mousasi captured the STRIKEFORCE light heavyweight title, as well as the DREAM light heavyweight and middleweight titles in Japan. The signing sees Mousasi rejoin Bellator President Скот Цокер following his successful run with STRIKEFORCE from 2009-2013.

“I’m thrilled to welcome Gegard to the growing Bellator family,"Рекао је председник Беллатор Скот Кокер. “He’s one of the most well-rounded fighters in all of MMA and can compete in multiple divisions, so that really opens up some exciting matchmaking opportunities for us and for the fans. We’re looking forward to having him compete on Spike very soon.”

“I am looking forward to fighting in Bellator,” added Mousasi. “I have a long-standing relationship with Scott Coker that goes back many years. Be ready, I am coming after the Bellator middleweight championship.”

The Iranian-born Mousasi, who currently trains out of The Netherlands, has amassed an overall career record of 42-6-2 and has earned victories over some of the sports’ biggest names, including Dan Henderson, “Jacare” Souza, Mark Hunt, Ovince Saint-Preux, Мелвин Манхоеф, Hector Lombard and “Babalu” Sobral. The addition of Mousasi adds depth to an ever-growing Bellator roster, which has recently seen free agents Рори МацДоналд, Lorenz Larkin, Мицхаел МцДоналд and current Bellator light heavyweight champ Рајан Бадер join the Viacom-owned promotion.



ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС – Bellator is pleased to announce the signings of Valérie Létourneau (8-6), Алејандра Лара (6-1), Sabriye Şengül(Деби), Kristi Lopez (2-0), Na Liang (6-0) и Јулиана Веласкуез (5-0) to multi-fight contracts that will see them compete in Bellator’s emerging 125-pound division. Додатно, Bellator will look to crown its next women’s flyweight world champion this year.

“2017 has been a big year for us in terms of bringing in marquee free agents that can have an immediate impact on their division,"Рекао је председник Беллатор Скот Кокер. “This group of flyweight signings demonstrates that we’re committed to that throughout our roster, as we’re adding even more depth to an already-competitive weight class. We’re adding a proven title contender, along with a group of prospects from all around the globe, and we look forward to putting on great fights and displaying the talent this division has to offer.”

These news stars join a division that already includes talented fighters, као такав Keri Taylor-Melendez (1-0), Илима-Леи Мекфарлан (6-0),Anastasia Yankova (5-0), Емили Дуцоте (5-2), Colleen Schneider (11-7) и Lena Ovchynnikova (12-4, 1 НЦ).

The Canadian-born Létourneau, a former UFC strawweight title challenger, carries an impressive track record of thrilling fights, highlighted by a world title contest against undefeated UFC champion Joanna Jędrzejczyk. Сада, moving up to a more natural weight class, the 33-year-old American Top Team product will make her debut for Bellator in 2017. She will look to improve upon her eight victories as a professional, a tally that includes five finishes, with four coming by way of knockout.

Hailing from Medellin, Колумбија, Alejandra Lara will look to make a statement in Bellator’s budding women’s flyweight division. The 22-year-old knockout artist has earned six victories in seven outings since making her professional debut in 2011. “Azul” has shown tenacity in her fights thus far, showcasing a pair of first round knockouts, as well as a first round armbar submission. Lara trains alongside UFC fighters Alexa Grasso and Irene Aldana at Team Lobo in Mexico.

Fighting out of Hollywood, Цалиф., Kristi Lopez will enter the Bellator fray as she prepares for her third professional bout. Пре тога, “Loba” also tallied three victories over a four-fight, two-year span on the amateur circuit.

Chinese submission specialist Na Liang will look to build on a 2017 campaign that already saw her finish an opponent in a mere 38 секунде. The first-round stoppage marked the fifth time in six appearances that Liang’s opposition failed to make it out of the opening round. After competing exclusively at bantamweight to begin her career, Liang decided to move down to the flyweight division, where she also saw success by collecting a trio of first round finishes.

With an impressive following in Turkey from her kickboxing career, Sabriye Şengül will now transition to MMA under the direction of Bellator. With a professional kickboxing record of 6-1, the 26-year-old prospect holds the potential to achieve the same success in multiple combat sport disciplines.

Undefeated at 30 година, Juliana Velasquez trains under the Nogueira brothers in Brazil, carrying one of the most famous names in MMA with her inside the Bellator cage. Додатно, Juliana trains alongside fellow Bellator flyweight Bruna Vargas. With five wins in five appearances, the Rio de Janeiro resident will look to become another Brazilian Bellator champion.


За иммедиате релеасе:

Април 8, 2017

Giorgio Petrosyan (84-2-2, 1 НЦ) defeated Amansio Paraschiv (23-5-1) via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 29-27, 30-26)

Giorgio Petrosyan Quote:I’ve spent a lot of time studying this opponent and I felt like I knew his fighting style well so I was able to put together a solid game plan and execute it successfully,” Petrosyan said. “Now I’m looking forward to getting some rest, and we will let Scott Coker and Carlo DiBlasi decide what is next for me.

Petrosyan vs. Paraschiv Photos

Денисе Киелхолтз (46-3) defeated Martine Michieletto (18-11-3) via Unanimous Decision (50-45, 49-46, 49-46)

Denise Kielholtz Quote:It was a good night for me with the win, but it was tough fight. She’s a taller southpaw fighter and she really brought it. All rounds were for me and that’s the most important thing for me. It’s great to retain this belt, this is my biggest prize in the sport and I’m honored to be the world champion for Bellator,” Kielholtz said. “Стварно, for me, Bellator is the biggest kickboxing organization in the world, they are really for the fighters, so I am very happy to be representing this company. The next time you see me out there might be in the Bellator cage fighting MMA. We’re working very hard on all aspects of my training and so hopefully before the end of summer you will see me fighting MMA.

Kielholtz vs. Michieletto Photos

Јохн Ваине Парр (96-32) деф. Nando Calzetta (45-10) via Head Kick at 2:59 of Round 2

John Wayne Parr Quote:He was tough, he came to fight. He wanted to mix and trade but I was more than happy to do that with the hands. I thought I was a little bit sharper, but he had a crack – he had a good go and hopefully it was entertaining for the crowd,” John Wayne Parr said. “Before this fight I really wanted to do something impressive and get an impressive finish so to score a head kick knockout is like a slam dunk. I feel like Michael Jordan right now. I’ve been watching Bellator and I just want to be a star here and hopefully tonight is gonna put that notch in my belt and help me fulfill that dream.

Пар вс. Calzetta Photos

Mustapha Haida (46-5-2) defeated Enriko Kehl (45-12-1) via Split Decision (30-27, 28-29, 29-28)

Mustapha Haida Quote: I’m very happy for with the victory. I think I broke my hand or my wrist in the second round so I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to finish the fight, but I dug down deep and was able to get through the match,” Haida said. “Fighting for Bellator Kickboxing here in Italy has been a great experience for me and I hope to continue to fight here.

Haida vs. Kehl Photos

Gaston Bolanos defeated Luca D’Isanto via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Gaston Bolanos Quote:I came into someone’s home town tonight, and the guy had a lot more experience in kickboxing than I do, so I’m quite happy with the win. It’s a different rhythm out there. I’m used to Muay-Thai, which I’ve been practicing my whole life. I’ve done a few fights without elbows even though it’s still Muay-Thai so it’s a bit different from what I just did tonight. I just came from an MMA fight so I had to switch up my whole camp but this is what I want to do and this is the opportunity that Bellator has provided for me, so I’m going to take it and stay as busy as possible,” Bolanos said. “I want to thank Bellator, Скот Цокер, my coach Kirian Fitzgibbons and my team at CSA Gym for helping me and giving me all the opportunities that I’ve been given in my career. I’m hoping to get another MMA fight in here soon and develop a rhythm there. I want to become the biggest star in both sports and I know that I’ve got the opportunity and the talent to do just that.

Bolanos vs. D’Isanto Photos