Цатегори Арцхивес: Микед Мартиал Артс

Results from the Inaugural French MMA Championships


МОНТЕ ЦАРЛО, Монако (Април 20, 2017) — The inaugural French MMA Championships, sanctioned by the World MMA Association (ВММАА), was recently held in Geneva, Швајцарска.
The National Commission Kenpô & AMM successfully organized this event despite several obstacles. French athletes had the opportunity for the first time to compete under the rules of amateur MMA during a French Championship, organized exclusively for them by theFrench Federation”, under the aegis of the WMMAA, whose honorary vice-president is none other than “Ласт Емперор,” Федор Емелианенко.
No injuries were reported during the competition and good sportsmanship was exhibited by all. There were many exciting fights between competitors representing clubs from all across France, including some well-known by the public in martial arts and combat sports. A large, passionate crowd encouraged the fighters from start to finish.
It was announced that the 2nd annual MMA French Championships will be held next year in Geneva on April 7 & 8.
Below find complete results from the inaugural French MMA Championships:

Хеавивеигхт ПОДЕЛА: -61.2 кг (135 кг.)

1ул — Oualid Abdelbaki (Long Jing)

2НД — Eliot Lepetit (Long Jing)
3рд — Abdellah Bellaoui (FFA)

Перо: -65.8 кг (145 кг.)
1ул — Nicolas Robin (FFA)
2НД — Mehdi Medjahdi (Long Jing)
3рд — Alexandre Alanvert (Yoseikan Kenpo)

ЛИГХТВЕИГХТ ПОДЕЛА: -70.3 кг (154 кг.)
1ул — Mihail Poia
2НД — Grégoire Cottuneau (Kabuto Fight Team)
3рд — Ali Miloua

Велтервеигхт ПОДЕЛА: -77.1 кг (170 кг.)
1ул — Emeric Rust (FFA)
2НД — Anthony Ynna (Kenpo Nord Isère)
3рд — Benoit Mallet (Kabuto Fight Team)

Средњој категорији: -84 кг (185 кг.)
1ул — Samir Medjahdi (Long Jing)
2НД — Alexis Jeanguillaume (Team Lopez)
3рд — Florian Faguet (Yoseikan Kenpo)

Тешкој категорији: +93 кг (+205 кг.)
1ул — Pawel Ciebiera (FFA)
2НД — Ayoub Bentouhami (FFA)
3рд — Tanguy Maroleau (Kabuto Fight Team)

Фигхт Нетворк Пресентс 5 Догађаји уживо завршени 3 Дани који почињу вечерас, Април 20

За моментално пуштање – април 20, 2017

Укључујући UFC FIGHT NIGHT®: Swanson vs. Лобов Прелимс, Једно првенство: Краљеви судбине, ЛФА 10: Хеинисцх вс. Рота, М-1 Цхалленге 76 и Цомбате Америка 13

ТОРОНТО – Борба Мрежа, је светски 24/7 канал са више платформи посвећен потпуном покривању борбених спортова, представља три дана пуна акције живих мешовитих борилачких вештина, počevši od večeras, Четвртак, Април 20, са Цомбате Америка 13 из Тусона, Аризона, почиње глобално са прелиминарним утакмицама уживо у 8 п.м. ЕТ и ат 10 п.м. ЕТ у Канади са главном картом уживо, који прати издање уживо ИМПАЦТ Рвање у 8 п.м. И.

Акција се наставља у петак, Април 21 у 8:30 а.м. ЕТ са директним канадским преносом од Једно првенство: Краљеви судбине из Маниле, Филипини. Касније, у 9 п.м. И, ЛФА 10: Хеинисцх вс. Рота потиче из Пуебла, Колорадо и емитују се уживо на Фигхт Нетворк-у у Канади и широм света 30 Земље широм Европе, Африка и Блиски Исток.

У суботу, Април 22, М-1 Глобал се враћа са ливе дублхеадером, са почетком у 10 а.м. И са M-1 Izbor 76, који се емитује уживо у Канади, sad. и глобално у преко 30 Земље широм Европе, Африка и Блиски Исток. The М-1 Цхалленге 76 главна карта се емитује искључиво у Канади у 1 п.м. И.

Коначно, Fight Network će pružiti široku pokrivenost UFC FIGHT NIGHT®: Swanson vs. Лобов у суботу широм Канаде, Април 22, са почетком у 7 п.м. ET sa uživo UFC FIGHT NIGHT®: Swanson vs. ЛобовŠOU PRE BORBE vodeći u LIVE PRELIMS о Фигхт Нетворк. Glavna karta se emituje uživo na TSN5. TheUFC FIGHT NIGHT®: Swanson vs. Лобов ŠOU PRE BORBE представиће УФЦ шампиона у полутешкој категорији Тајрона Вудлија и пензионисаног УФЦ кандидата у лакој категорији Ива Едвардса који ће бити аналитичари са водитељком Карин Бриант и репортерком Лауром Санко који воде интервјуе са борцима на лицу места.

Na kraju subotnje glavne karte, Уживо UFC FIGHT NIGHT®: Swanson vs. Лобов ŠOU POSLE BORBE на истакнутим функцијама Фигхт Нетворк-а, анализа и интервјуи након борбе.

Наслагана постава за вечерашњу Цомбате Америка 13, са почетком у 8 п.м. ЕТ глобално на Фигхт Нетворк-у и 10 п.м. ЕТ са главном картицом у Канади, укључује:

-Римски Салазар (10-5) вс. Рицки Палациос (7-1)

-Ирвин Ривера (5-2) вс. Кевин Нативити (2-0)

-Бени Мадрид (9-3) вс. Цхад Диетмеиер (8-2)

-Даниел Родригуез (3-0) вс. Јоел Шампион (4-0)

-Ерицк Санчез (7-3) вс. Ренди Стеинке (17-10-1)
-Вицтор Реина (8-3) вс. Андрев Перез (5-4)
-Стефани Алба (3-1) вс. Алесха Заппителла (2-0)

Једно првенство: Краљеви судбине, емитовање у петак, Април 21 у 8:30 а.м. ЕТ широм Канаде, је на челу са лаком прваком Едуардом Фолајангом који брани своју титулу против растуће Ев Тинг. Пуна картица укључује:

-Едуард Фолајанг (17-5) вс. Ев Ствари (13-3) – ЈЕДНА титула у лакој категорији
-Кевин Белингон (14-5) вс. Тони Тауру (11-4-1)
-Данни Схоес (5-0) вс. Мухамед Аиман (2-1)

-Јуџин Токуеро (8-4) вс. Стефер Рахардиан (4-0)
-Цхан Ротхана (4-2) вс. Ксие Бин (2-1)

-Гина Инионг (4-2) вс. Натали Хилс (2-4)
-Мицхелле Ницолини (3-1) вс. Ирина Мазепа (2-0)

-Робин Цаталан (4-3) вс. Јереми Миадо (6-0)
-Кристијан Ли (5-1) вс. Јианпинг Ван (2-2)
-Хонорио Банари (11-6) вс. Јарослав Јартим (6-5-1)

ЛФА 10: Хеинисцх вс. Рота, емитовање у петак, Април 21 у 9 п.м. ЕТ широм Канаде и широм света на Фигхт Нетворк-у, има следећу поставу:

-Иан Хеинисцх (7-0) вс. Луцас Рота (12-6)

-Ницк Урсо (9-3) вс. Брандон Роивал (5-2)
-Зац Рилеи (5-3) вс. Јероме Ривера (5-0)

-Доминиц Монтоиа (7-0) вс. Слободан Максимовић (12-5-1)

-Андрев Иатес (9-2) вс. Андрев Теннесон (5-1)
-Адам Мартинез (3-1) вс. Мицхаел Перез (1-0)

-Цоди Иохн (3-1) вс. Мајк Џонс (4-2)

Суботњи М-1 Глобал доублехеадер почиње глобалним преносом уживо M-1 Izbor 76 у 10 а.м. И, који ће укључивати следеће борбе:

-Јавиер Фуентес (9-3) вс. Кхамзат Сакалов (4-2)
-Елнур Велиев (6-0) вс. Залимбек Омаров (7-2)
-Анатолиј Љагу (5-1) вс. Абубакар Местоев (4-0)
-Евгениј Гончаров (5-2) вс. Даниил Арепиев (7-1)
-Алексеј Валивахин (10-5) вс. Ингисхкан Оздоев (0-0)

The М-1 Цхалленге 76 главна карта се емитује уживо широм Канаде у 1 п.м. ЕТ и на челу је окршај за М-1 шампионат у бантам категорији. Комплетна борбена карта укључује:

-Мовсар Евлоев (6-0) вс. Алексеј Невзоров (12-2) – М-1 титула у бантам категорији
-Кхамзат Далгиев (8-1) вс. Хелитон дос Сантос (15-5)
-Источна Нагибин (8-2) вс. Диего Д'Авила (18-5)

-Сергеј Морозов (6-2) вс. Фабрицио Саррафф (22-9)

-Zalimbeg Omarov (7-2-1) вс. Елнур Велиев (6-0-1)

Субота је UFC FIGHT NIGHT®: Swanson vs. Лобов ПРЕЛИМИ емитујте уживо на Фигхт Нетворк-у широм Канаде на 8 п.м. И. Карта са звездама са четири меча укључује:

-Тхалес Леитес (26-7) вс. Сем Алвеи (30-8)
-Дастин Ортиз (16-6) вс. Брандон Морено (13-3)

-Скот Холтзман (9-2) вс. Мицхаел МцБриде (8-2)

-Јессица Пенне (12-5) вс. Даниелле Таилор (8-2)

За потпуну листу борити Мреже емитовање распореду, посетите ввв.фигхтнетворк.цом, пратите нас на Твиттер@фигхтнет, бецоме а фан на Фацебоок и посетите нас на Инстаграм@фигхтнет.

Алексеј Невзоров & Movsar Evloev to fight for Interim M-1 Challenge bantamweight title

М-1 Цхалленге 76 MAIN CARD SET
Ове суботе night in Ingushetia, Русија
MOSCOW (Април 18, 2017) – The М-1 Цхалленге 76 main card is set, headlined by an Interim M-1 Challenge bantamweight title fight, between top contenders Алексеј Невзоров и Мовсар Евлоев, за ове суботе ноћ (Април 22) у Ингушетији, Русија.
Nevzorov (12-2-0, М-1: 6-1-0) and Evloev (6-0-0, М-1: 6-0-0), both representing Russia, are fighting for the Interim M0-1 Challenge bantamweight championships due to a long-term injury to the reigning champion, Павел Витрук,
The Davella brothers from Brazil, Бантамвеигхт Heliton (15-5-0, М-1: 0-0-0) и перо Диего (18-5-0), will be in action against a pair of Russian opponents, односно, Кхамзат Далгиев (8-1-0, М-1: 5-0-0) и Источна Нагибин (8-2-0, М-1: 4-1-0).
Another Brazilian fighter, FabricioBillSarraff (22-9-0, М-1: 0-0-0), meets Kazakhstan bantamweight Сергеј Морозов (6-2-0, М-1: 3-2-0), while German Rene Hoppe (6-0-0, М-1: 1-0-0-) меетс Ike Bochkov (2-0-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Русије.
Preliminary card match-ups include Ukrainian featherweight Elnur Valiev (6-0-1, М-1: 0-0-0) вс. Zalimbeg Omarov (7-2-1, М-1: 4-1-1), Русије, Хавијер Фуентас (9-4-0, М-1: 2-1-0), Шпаније, вс. Кхамзат Сакалов (5-1-0, М-1: 4-0-0), Evgeni Goncharov (5-3-0, М-1: 0-0-0), Шпаније, вс. Даниил Арепиев (7-1-0), М-1: 0-0-1) у борби руских тешкаша, and Ukrainian welterweight Алексеј Валивахин (8-5-0, М-1: 0-0-0) вс. Ингискхан Оздоев (2-3-0, М-1: 2-3-0), Русије.


Твиттер & Инстаграм:
@ М1ГлобалНевс
@ М1Глобал

Атентатори се не рађају, направљени су: Амерички приколица за атентаторе и информације


Погледајте званични најаве за најаве:


ЦБС Филмс и Лионсгате пуштају АМЕРИЧКОГ УБОРНИКА у биоскопе Септембар 15, 2017


Режирао Мицхаел Цуеста

Сценарио Степхен Сцхифф и Мицхаел Финцх и Едвард Звицк & Марсхалл Херсковитз

Заснован на роману Амерички убица у серији Митцх Рапп аутора Винце Флинн

Продуцед би Лоренцо ди Бонавентура и Ницк Вецхслер

У главној улози Дилан О'Брајан, Мицхаел Кеатон, Санаа Латхан, Схива Дени, Сцотт Адкинс и Таилор Китсцх


АМЕРИЧКИ УБОЈНИК прати успон Мича Рапа (Дилан О'Брајан) регрут ЦИА из црне војске по инструкцијама ветерана хладног рата Стана Хурлеи-а (Мицхаел Кеатон). Њих пар потом ангажује заменица директора ЦИА-е Ирене Кеннеди (Санаа Латхан) истражити талас очигледно насумичних напада и на војне и на цивилне циљеве. Њих троје заједно откривају образац насиља који их доводи до заједничке мисије са смртоносним турским агентом (Схива Дени) зауставити мистериозног оперативца (Таилор Китсцх) са намером да започне светски рат на Блиском Истоку.


За више информација:

Фацебоок | Твиттер | Инстаграм

За материјале за штампу:








Званичник Беллатор 177: Dantas vs. Смоква Главни Цард Резултати & Quotes:

Едуардо Дантас (20-4) поражен Леандро Хиго (17-3) преко Сплита одлуке (30-27, 30-27, 28-29)

Eduardo Dantas Quote:

It was tough to stay motivated for this fight once he missed weight. There was nothing to gain whether I beat him fast or slow. It wasn’t for the belt, it wasn’t going to change my ranking in Bellator,” Dantas said. “Када [Даррион] Caldwell got injured, I asked Scott Coker to bring in tough bantamweights and they brought in a tough fighter, but you have to make weight. I train hard for several months, I don’t go out, Тренирам. It’s the very minimum you can do. You have to make weight. Be a professional. I don’t think Caldwell is injured. I think he just doesn’t want to fight out of America. I am looking forward to getting my hands on him.

Данијел Веицхел (39-9) поражен Јохн Мацапа (21-2) преко Сплита одлуке (29-28, 29-28, 28-29)

Daniel Weichel Quote:

Macapa is definitely a tough opponent. He was almost undefeated coming into this with only one loss and I took him as seriously as I can take an opponent. At this time I treat everyone I fight as if it’s a championship fight. I think he is one of the top featherweight opponents that I could face so I’m pretty happy that I was able to beat him,” Weichel said. “I have to give a big shout out to all of my friends and family that drove 17-18 hours from Frankfurt and Cologne to be here and support me. They’ve been there for me and believed in me since day one and it’s difficult for me to even put into words how much it means to have them in my corner. I have to thank Bellator for putting me on this card and giving them the opportunity to come and watch me fight. I’m hoping that Bellator brings me to Mohegan Sun next week and puts me cage side so I can see who I will get to beat up next when (Данијел) Straus and (Патрик) ‘Pitbull’ борба.

Lena Ovchynnikova (12-4) поражен Helen Harper (4-2) via doctor stoppage at 5:00 рунде два

Lena Ovchynnikova Quote:

Before the fight I was a little bit nervous, and I felt that my first round wasn’t quite as good as I would of liked. But when the second round started she was going to feel my power and I knew that I would win,” Ovchynnikova said. “When the judges stopped the fight I couldn’t believe it. I was ready for a third round and I wanted to win with a knockout but we have what we have.

Адам Борицс (6-0) поражен Антхони Таилор (1-3) субмиссион (позади-Накед Цхоке) у 4:12 округлог једног

Adam Borics Quote:

When the fight started, I felt a great deal of pressure from the crowd and I was in a bit of a rush. It took me a while to settle down and regain my composure, but once I did that I was able to see the fight much better. I’ve been working on my striking with Henri Hooft and I really was hoping to win with a knockout, but I saw my opening for a submission and I was able to end the fight with the choke,” Borics said. “I’m very happy that I was given this great opportunity to represent Hungary in MMA. This is very important for me to support the development of this sport in Hungary. It is my plan to continue to be an ambassador for the sport here and to continue to bring victories like this in the future.

Бриан Мооре (10-5) поражен Michal Horejsi (5-3) преко ТКО на 3:57 рунде два

Brian Moore Quote:


“Заиста сам, really happy that I got the call back from Bellator. To be honest I begged for the call back because Bellator is where I want to be. I want to be signed with Bellator, I want to be a household name. I really believe I’m one of the better featherweights in this division. I was given a guy who is very unpredictable. I was patient in my approach but I cut him down and was able to finish him. Вечерас I wanted to make a statement with a knockout because my dream is to fight at Madison Square Garden. I want to open up the show. My teammate James (Галлагхер) is already on the card and we’d put on a super camp together and we’d tear that place apart,” Moore said. “My hero, Sugar Ray Robinson used to own the Garden. I’ve watched every bit of footage I can get my hands on of Sugar Ray, he’s my idol. So to fight in the same arena as he has – and obviously my teammate Conor (МцГрегор) has fought there tooit would be a dream come true. But I want to open up the card and set the tone for the night because when you see a fighter that is as exciting as I am that’ll set the tone. Give me anyone, I don’t give a f-ck.

Mate Kertesz (3-0) поражен Patrick Szombat (1-3) преко ТКО на 4:37 рунде два

FITE TV to LIVE Stream ACB 57 FREE and RIZIN 2017 PPV this weekend; WATCH HERE!

АЦБ 57 Паибацк – Magomedov vs Yan 2 – Live and FREE Субота 4/15 10:00ПМ ЕТFrom Moscow

АЦБ 57 Payback features the rematch of the highly contested first meeting between current ACB Bantamweight Champion Magomed Magomedov (13-1 ММА) and Petr Yan (6-1 ММА) as well as a co-main event of Alexander Sarnavskiy (35-5 ММА) vs Eduard Vartanyan (15-3 ММА).


For the full card visit our ACB 57 event page at: хттпс://www.fite.tv/watch/acb-57-magomedov-vs-yan/2jjrk/

АЦБ 57: Magomedov vs Yan (Прямая трансляция) Live Stream

РИЗИН 2017 Sakura PPV $14.99 – Kawajiri vs BirchakНедеља 2ПМ ЕТ Live from Yokohama Arena, Јапан

RIZIN returns with the pageantry and non-stop action that has defined Japanese MMA! In the main event Japanese MMA legend Tatsuya “Crusher” Kawajiri (35-11-2 ММА) vs Anthony Birchak (12-3 ММА) from the U.S. and a co-main event that features wrestling powerhouse Amir Aliakbari (5-1 ММА) against the powerful and experienced Brazilian Gerônimo Dos Santos (39-17). The card also features MMA superstars Kyoji Horiguchi, Heath Herring, Olympic Gold Medalist Satoshi Ishii, UFC veteran Daron Cruickshank and more!

For the full card visit our RIZIN 2017 event page at: хттпс://www.fite.tv/watch/rizin-2017-in-yokohama/2jn62/

РИЗИН 2017 in Yokohama Live Stream

Име непознато Борилачки спортови Покажи: Џонсон против. Reis Preview, The Undertaker Retires, NASCAR Fights

Rabble Rousin’ Богат Бергерон, “Психички” Том Падгетт и Тони “Торнадо” Penecale discuss the news and events of the last two weeks in combat sports. From Rampage Jackson’s rough final fight in Bellator to Chris Weidman’s controversial loss to Gegard Mousasi we cover all the major MMA happenings. We also discuss the upcoming week’s boxing schedule and look back at some events in boxing from the last two weeks. We wrap up with a discussion about NASCAR and Bellator taking advantage of their common partnership with Monster energy drink. The two sports giants announced recently that Bellator will host fight cards at future racing events.







BUDAPEST, HUNGARY – Several fighters from both Беллатор 177: Dantas vs. Смоква и Беллатор Кицкбокинг 6 gathered in Budapest this morning to speak with the media about their upcoming fights ово петак night inside the Budapest Sports Arena.

Two titles will be on the line, as Eduardo “Dudu” Dantas defends his Bellator bantamweight belt against former LFA champ Leandro Higo, while Bellator kickboxing welterweight titleholder Zoltan Laszak takes on Karim Ghajji in a championship rematch.


Беллатор 177: Dantas vs. Смоква емитоваће се Петак, Април 14 on SPIKE at 9 п.м. И/8 п.м. ЦТ, док Беллатор Кицкбокинг 6 will air immediately following the MMA portion of the event, са почетком у 11ПМ ЕТ/10pm CT.

Испод, you can find quotes from today’s press conference.

Bellator Bantamweight World Champion Eduardo Dantas:

“Thank you to Bellator for supporting me and thank you Budapest for the opportunity.”

“I’m very happy to be here. I want to say thank you to my opponent for accepting this fight. And I’m ready to show you what I do best, which is to punch his face.”

Леандро Хиго:

“Thank you to Bellator for the opportunity. Хвала, Будимпешта, for the reception. I’m very happy to be here and I’m looking forward to putting on a good show ово петак!"

“I feel no extra pressure because I’m here to do what I love, which is fighting. I’m looking forward to winning another championship belt.”

Адам Борицс:

“I’d like to welcome all of you. This is one of the biggest opportunities of my life. I’m very much looking forward to the fight and I’m well prepared, so I can’t wait. I was fortunate enough to prepare for this fight in America with great professional coaches like Henri Hooft.”

“I’m ready. I can hardly wait for my arm to be lifted at the end.”

Антхони Таилор

“Welcome! Welcome! How’s it going? I am the “Pretty Boy”, the prettiest of them all. I definitely want to thank Budapest and Bellator for bringing me in. Наравно, I bring numbers, знате, so I’m expecting this should bring over a million viewers, hands down.”

“I want to thank you all for coming here and showing the support. We’re going to put on a showone hell of a show. We’re going to get these ratings up and have so much fun. Definitely.”

“Hands down, pound for pound, everyone knows I am the strongest 145-er in the division and if anybody stands in my way or stands in the middle of the cage and wants to bang with me, they’re gonna get knocked out. I kid you not! Anybody in the featherweight division stands toe to toe with me is going to get knocked out.”

“I’m not going to take nothing from this man. He has a 9-0 record so he’s definitely put in work. He beat up nine people, but it doesn’t mean he’s going to beat up me. I tell you that! But I give him credit because he’s coming out here and sacrificing his time and being away from his family to put in his work just as I am. We’re going to put on a show for all you fans out there and all you media out there.”

“You know in my eyes, this is the main event: The Hungarian versus the American. Everyone wants to see this fight. They want to see what is this man can do with a record of 9-0. He earned his wins and I respect him as a fighter. But after Петак he will be 9-1.”

Bellator Kickboxing Welterweight World Champion Zoltan Laszak

“I’d like to thank Bellator very much for this opportunity and I’m looking forward to this this rematch with Ghajji. This is a great chance to really entertain and I appreciate the support from all of the Hungarian fans. I feel their cheers and support every day.”

“This is the most important fight of my life because there has been much more promotion here in Budapest leading up to the event. I realize that most people in the arena will be cheering for me, and for Hungary. I’ve done my preparation and my homework. I’m excellently prepared and I’m looking forward to this challenge.”

Karim Ghajji

“Thank you for the rematch. It was a big mistake in the first fight. Now I’m going to make it right and bring the belt back home to France.”

“Two days before the first fight I was sick and I had dealt with injuries during that camp, but this time I had a great camp, I’ve prepared myself very well, and this will be an explosive fight у петак."

комплетан Беллатор 177: Dantas vs. Смоква Главни картица:

Борба за светску титулу у Бантам категорији: Едуардо Дантас (19-4) вс. Леандро Хиго (17-2)

Featherweight Feature Bout: Данијел Веицхел (38-9) вс. Јохн “Мацапа” (21-1-2)

Фливеигхт Феатуре Боут: Lena Ovchynnikova (11-4) вс. Helen Harper (4-1)

Featherweight Feature Bout: Адам Борицс (5-0) вс. Антхони Таилор (1-2)


Прелиминарни картица:

Перолака прелиминарна борба: Бриан Мооре (9-5) вс. Michal Horejsi (5-2)

Лака прелиминарна борба: Patrick Szombat (1-2) вс. Mate Kertesz (3-0)

комплетан Беллатор Кицкбокинг 6 Главни картица:

Борба за титулу првака света у полутешкој категорији: Zoltan Laszak (83-2-2, 1 НЦ) вс. Karim Ghajji (23-5-1)

Борба за средњу категорију: Џо Шилинг (20-9) вс. Alexandru Negrea (9-2)

Борба у полутешкој категорији: Раимонд Даниелс (10-3) вс. Gyorfi Csaba (20-5)

Women’s Featherweight Feature Bout: Јорина Баарс (40-0-3) вс. Irene Martens (20-9-2)

Featherweight Feature Bout: Габријел Варга (13-4) вс. Габор Горбиц (30-10)



ЗА ОБЈАВЉИВАЊЕ ОДМАХ: Левистон, Мејн (Април 10, 2017) – Нев Енгланд Фигхтс (НЕФ) presents its next mixed-martial-arts event “НЕФ 28: INVINCIBLE” у суботу, Април 29, 2017 на Андросцоггин банке Цолисее у Левистону, Мејн. Раније данас, the fight promotion announced that “Нераспрскавајуће 2.0” Дерек Схореи (4-8) would step in to face Опљачкати “Беаст” Best (0-0) in a featherweight bout after Best’s original opponent, Matt Probin (0-0), fell out due to medical reasons.

For Shorey, the opportunity to fight came at the perfect time. The head of the Dexter, Maine-based Shatterproof Combat Club had planned to take an extended leave from competition after a loss to Josh Parker (5-8) last fall atNEF 26.Fate intervened recently, међутим, when tragedy beset Shorey’s family. Прошле недеље, four of his children and their mother were left homeless after a two-alarm fire in Somersworth, Нев Хампсхире.

I wasn’t planning on fighting this soon,” Саид Схореи, “but when something like this happens, we do what we can. I asked Matt (Петерсон, NEF matchmaker) for a fight to try and get some money to help rebuild after the fire and as fate would have it, a spot opened up. Rob Best is a grinder, nothing but respect for him. This would be a tough fight for me even with a full camp, but I believe everything happens for a reason, and I still have a lot of fight left in meespecially when my heart gets involved.

NEF further announced that the promotion would be raising funds at theNEF 28event to help assist Shorey’s family.

A Gofundme campaign has been established for the family at www.gofundme.com/15summerst/

New England Fights returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine with its next mixed-martial-arts event, “НЕФ 28: INVINCIBLE,” у суботу, Април 29, 2017. Tickets are on sale now at the Colisee box office 207-783-2009 к 525 и онлајн на ввв.ТхеЦолисее.цом.

За више информација о новостима догађаја и ФИГХТ ЦАРД, посетите сајт промоцији је у ввв.НевЕнгландФигхтс.цом. Додатно, можете гледати видео записе на НЕФ www.youtube.com/NEFMMA/, follow the promotion on Twitter and Instagram @nefights, and join the official Facebook groupNew England Fights.

О Нове Енглеске Бои

Нев Енгланд Фигхтс (“НЕФ”) је борба настани промоције компанија. Мисија НЕФ је да створи најквалитетније догађаје за Маине бораца и фанове подједнако. Извршни тим НЕФ има велико искуство у борби спортски менаџмент, Производња догађаји, односи са медијима, маркетинг, legal, regulatory affairs and advertising.


За иммедиате релеасе:

Април 8, 2017

Giorgio Petrosyan (84-2-2, 1 НЦ) defeated Amansio Paraschiv (23-5-1) via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 29-27, 30-26)

Giorgio Petrosyan Quote:I’ve spent a lot of time studying this opponent and I felt like I knew his fighting style well so I was able to put together a solid game plan and execute it successfully,” Petrosyan said. “Now I’m looking forward to getting some rest, and we will let Scott Coker and Carlo DiBlasi decide what is next for me.

Petrosyan vs. Paraschiv Photos

Денисе Киелхолтз (46-3) defeated Martine Michieletto (18-11-3) via Unanimous Decision (50-45, 49-46, 49-46)

Denise Kielholtz Quote:It was a good night for me with the win, but it was tough fight. She’s a taller southpaw fighter and she really brought it. All rounds were for me and that’s the most important thing for me. It’s great to retain this belt, this is my biggest prize in the sport and I’m honored to be the world champion for Bellator,” Kielholtz said. “Стварно, for me, Bellator is the biggest kickboxing organization in the world, they are really for the fighters, so I am very happy to be representing this company. The next time you see me out there might be in the Bellator cage fighting MMA. We’re working very hard on all aspects of my training and so hopefully before the end of summer you will see me fighting MMA.

Kielholtz vs. Michieletto Photos

Јохн Ваине Парр (96-32) деф. Nando Calzetta (45-10) via Head Kick at 2:59 of Round 2

John Wayne Parr Quote:He was tough, he came to fight. He wanted to mix and trade but I was more than happy to do that with the hands. I thought I was a little bit sharper, but he had a crack – he had a good go and hopefully it was entertaining for the crowd,” John Wayne Parr said. “Before this fight I really wanted to do something impressive and get an impressive finish so to score a head kick knockout is like a slam dunk. I feel like Michael Jordan right now. I’ve been watching Bellator and I just want to be a star here and hopefully tonight is gonna put that notch in my belt and help me fulfill that dream.

Пар вс. Calzetta Photos

Mustapha Haida (46-5-2) defeated Enriko Kehl (45-12-1) via Split Decision (30-27, 28-29, 29-28)

Mustapha Haida Quote: I’m very happy for with the victory. I think I broke my hand or my wrist in the second round so I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to finish the fight, but I dug down deep and was able to get through the match,” Haida said. “Fighting for Bellator Kickboxing here in Italy has been a great experience for me and I hope to continue to fight here.

Haida vs. Kehl Photos

Gaston Bolanos defeated Luca D’Isanto via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Gaston Bolanos Quote:I came into someone’s home town tonight, and the guy had a lot more experience in kickboxing than I do, so I’m quite happy with the win. It’s a different rhythm out there. I’m used to Muay-Thai, which I’ve been practicing my whole life. I’ve done a few fights without elbows even though it’s still Muay-Thai so it’s a bit different from what I just did tonight. I just came from an MMA fight so I had to switch up my whole camp but this is what I want to do and this is the opportunity that Bellator has provided for me, so I’m going to take it and stay as busy as possible,” Bolanos said. “I want to thank Bellator, Скот Цокер, my coach Kirian Fitzgibbons and my team at CSA Gym for helping me and giving me all the opportunities that I’ve been given in my career. I’m hoping to get another MMA fight in here soon and develop a rhythm there. I want to become the biggest star in both sports and I know that I’ve got the opportunity and the talent to do just that.

Bolanos vs. D’Isanto Photos