分类存档: 拳击

奥斯卡·瓦尔迪兹(James Sanchez) 8 在里诺·斯帕克斯会议中心

沙利文·巴雷拉(Sullivan Barrera)和迈克尔·海豹(Michael Seals)参加10轮轻型轻量级联赛

在ESPN和ESPN现场直播 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT


RENO, 内华达州. (五月 9, 2019) -拳击的杰出动作超级英雄, 奥斯卡·巴尔德斯, 将于周六举行的WBO轻量级世界冠军赛中排名第六, 六月 8 在里诺·斯帕克斯会议中心(Reno-Sparks Convention Center)对付心烦意乱的杰森·“埃拉·阿拉科西托”·桑切斯.

Valdez-Sanchez以及渴望冠军的竞争者Sullivan Barrera和Michael Seals之间的10轮轻型对决将在ESPN和ESPN逐出现场直播 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT. 底牌争夺将在ESPN +上直播, 领先的多运动流媒体服务, 在开始 6:30 P.M. 及/ 3:30 P.M. PT. 加布里埃尔·弗洛雷斯JR. (13-0, 6 科斯), 在第三轮淘汰赛之前,他刚刚超越了Eduardo Pereira Reis 10,000 球迷在他的家乡斯托克顿, 加利福尼亚州, 将会看到卡片上的动作.

由热门排名晋升, 与“让我们开始促销”和亚特兰蒂斯赌场温泉渡假村相关, 这项世界冠军赛的门票定价为 $103, $68 和 $43 (包括设施费) 现在有售,可以通过购买 Tick​​etmaster.com 或亲自前往Atlantis Casino Resort Spa礼品店.

“杰森·桑切斯(Jason Sanchez)是真正的'灰姑娘男人,’”最高排名董事长鲍勃·阿鲁姆(Bob Arum). “他很年轻, 饿了,有能力克服重大困难. 这应该是一场激动人心的战斗。”

“我很高兴能重回世界冠军头衔的第六场比赛. 我知道背上有个大目标,因为我是冠军, 但没人会把这个头衔从我身边夺走,瓦尔迪兹说. “这将是我第二次与Eddy Reynoso进行搏击训练. 涡流训练, 我感到有史以来最好的感觉. 在我与角落里的Eddy的第一场比赛中,我感到非常振奋. 我知道这次我看起来会更好. 里诺(Reno)的球迷以及ESPN和ESPN Deportes上的观众可以期待我6月8日的精彩表演。”

“我真的很荣幸也很幸运有这样的机会,桑切斯说. “来自阿尔伯克基, 新墨西哥, 我知道我必须付出更多的努力才能引起关注,并达到现在的状态. 我将把这条皮带带回阿尔伯克基, 给我的家人, 我的支持者, 最重要的是, 我已故的兄弟艾伦·桑切斯(Alan Sanchez). 我相信他会引导我走这条路,而我的旅程才刚刚开始。”

瓦尔迪兹 (25-0, 20 科斯), 墨西哥第一届两次奥运会, 他的摔跤风格让拳击迷们兴奋不已. 他在7月赢得了WBO轻量级冠军 2016 并用三回合的三轮洗礼证明了他的勇气,这对Miguel Marriaga, 塞纳尼亚(Genesis Servania)和奎格(Scott Quigg)连续比赛. 瓦尔迪兹去年3月以一致的决定胜过了超重的奎格,尽管下巴的摔伤超过了一半,下巴严重骨折. 跟随Quigg回合, 瓦尔迪兹休假近一年, 返回2月. 2 在弗里斯科, 得克萨斯州, 在第七轮淘汰不败的意大利挑战者卡米·汤玛森.

24岁的桑切斯 (14-0, 7 科斯) 作为羽量级分区中上升最快的年轻枪支之一参加这场冠军争夺战. 去年十月, 他在巴拿马城的一致决定震惊了当时不败的让·卡洛斯·里维拉(Jean Carlos Rivera), 巴拿马. 在里维拉胜利之后, 桑切斯与Top Rank签订了长期促销合同. 他在2月的首演中给他留下了深刻的印象. 2 在弗里斯科, 得克萨斯州, 在第二轮淘汰Daniel Olea. 桑切斯希望成为新墨西哥州第五位获得世界冠军的男子拳击手.

巴雷拉 (22-2, 14 科斯), 一位前古巴业余爱好者, 叛逃到美国 2009 在那年晚些时候转为职业球员. 总部位于迈阿密的bruiser赢得了第一名 17 在决定放弃以磅为单位的伟大安德烈·沃德(Andre Ward). 多年的竞争者, 巴雷拉胜过小乔·史密斯。, 维亚切斯拉夫·Shabranskyy, Karo Murat和前超级中量级世界冠军Jeff Lacy. 去年,他挑战德米特里·比沃尔(Dmitry Bivol)夺得轻量级世界冠军,并进行了英勇的战斗,之后被阻止 12 而最后一轮.

密封件 (22-2, 16 科斯), 阿拉巴马州A的前线后卫&M大学, 在业余五场比赛之后,他用防滑钉换下了裤子,并转为职业球员. 他是 19-0 当他在十一月与埃德温·罗德里格斯(Edwin Rodriguez)发生冲突时 2015. 在一场包括五个击倒的跷跷板战中, 罗德里格斯在年度最佳角逐者的第三轮中击败海豹突击队. 密封件是 3-1 自罗德里格斯战役以来, 当他在地面上击中对手后,失去资格将导致唯一的损失. 这场不容错过的战斗之战的获胜者将排队潜在的世界冠军机会.

“我很高兴与Top Rank签约, 一个拥有世界上最好的轻量级产品的世界级组织,巴雷拉说. “我对未来感到兴奋, 但第一步是处理六月业务 8 然后我可以期待世界冠军. 我的最终目标是谢尔盖·科瓦列夫(Sergey Kovalev). 我一直在追求他的整个职业生涯. 希望, 我们今年终于可以战斗了。”

“这对我来说意味着一切. 我在埃德温·罗德里格斯(Edwin Rodriguez)遇到了一个很好的机会, 但我带着一副撕裂的袖口进入战斗. 我基本上只是用右手打架,” 海豹说. “现在, 我 100 健康百分比. 这是我的时间. 巴雷拉有他的时间. 我感觉很好. 我感觉很敏锐. 我觉得年轻. 我付出了很多,花了很多时间来思考自己的决定以及经历的所有困难. 六月 8, 我要释放对Barrera的所有挫败感. 我不想从Barrera带走任何东西. 他是世界一流的战士, 但我也是。”

欲了解更多信息, 访问: www.toprank.com, www.espn.com/boxing; Facebook的:facebook.com/trboxing; 叽叽喳喳: twitter.com/trboxing.

在上注册到ESPN + www.espnplus.com.



名人堂重量级人物乔·路易斯, 穆罕默德·阿里, 迈克·泰森 (Mike Tyson) 和更多人 10 历史上连续九次或以上成功卫冕的重量级选手

星期六, 五月 18 在 SHOWTIME 上对阵顶级竞争者多米尼克·布雷泽尔 (Dominic Breazeale)® 巴克莱中心布鲁克林 & 主讲

布鲁克林 (五月 8, 2019) – 当WBC重量级世界冠军 Deontay “青铜轰炸机” 怀尔德 对抗强制挑战者捍卫自己的头衔 多米尼克 “麻烦” BREAZEALE 周六, 五月 18, 他不仅会寻求继续成为唯一的美国重量级冠军, 同时也将自己融入到了由他之前的重量级传奇人物组成的历史悠久的公司中.

在巴克莱中心 SHOWTIME 现场直播的活动中, 布鲁克林拳击™的家, 自一月份首次夺得金腰带以来,维尔德将第九次尝试卫冕 WBC 冠军头衔 2015. 维尔德的胜利标志着美国重量级职业拳击赛的回归,也标志着美国重量级世界冠军八年荒的结束, 这项运动历史上最长的.

“有一长串伟大的美国重量级冠军自豪地代表我们的国家, 擂台上的力量和荣誉,” 怀尔德说. “我非常认真地承担起责任,继续他们的工作,继续向每一位尊敬我的年轻战士展示, 他们有一天可以成为世界重量级冠军.

“我是世界冠军, 但我代表整个国家和其中的每个人,” 怀尔德说. “我曾与来​​自世界各地的挑战者战斗过, 我心里知道在美国保留这个头衔有多么重要.

如果5月成功的话 18, 维尔德将成为 10 超过 135 年的重量级拳击史上连续九次或以上成功卫冕重量级拳王的斗士. 怀尔德将加入在统治时期统治这项运动的令人印象深刻的名人堂球员名单 – 汤米·伯恩斯, 乔·路易斯, 乔·弗雷泽, 穆罕默德·阿里, 拉里·霍姆斯, 迈克·泰森, 伦诺克斯·刘易斯, 维塔利·克里琴科和未来的名人堂成员弗拉基米尔·克里琴科. *注意: 下面列出的卫冕次数

“像杰克·约翰逊这样的战士, 乔·路易斯, 穆罕默德·阿里, 迈克·泰森和其他人为我铺平了道路,” 怀尔德说. “现在我要继承他们的事业,确保重量级世界冠军在美国长期保留。”

怀尔德在拳击场上的成功让他获得了历史上重量级冠军所获得的认可. 在 2018 他被排名 34 在 ESPN 的 “世界名人100强” 列表, 世界上所有拳击手的头把交椅.

“成为重量级冠军并在美国体育界保持这一头衔是一件大事,” 怀尔德说. “曾经有一段时间那个人和总统一样出名. 我将继续在擂台内留下一条毁灭之路, 让每个人都知道我是重量级拳王的一个名字和一张面孔。”

连续九次卫冕重量级冠军的拳手名单 (按时间顺序列出):
1.) 汤米·伯恩斯 (11)
2.) 乔·路易斯 (25)
3.) 乔·弗雷泽 (九)
4.) 穆罕默德·阿里 (第一轮九, 10 在第二次统治时期)
5.) 拉里·霍姆斯 (20)
6.) 迈克·泰森 (第一轮九)
7.) 伦诺克斯·刘易斯 (第二轮九)
8.) 维塔利·克里琴科 (11 在第二轮中)
9.) 弗拉基米尔克里琴科 (18 在第二轮中)

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关于WILDER VS. 布雷泽尔
怀尔德VS. 周六,重量级世界冠军德昂泰·怀尔德 (Deontay Wilder) 对阵顶级竞争者多米尼克·布雷泽尔 (Dominic Breazeale),卫冕 WBC 冠军头衔。, 五月 18 住在Showtime巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家, 由总理拳击冠军呈现.

精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 在开始 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT和功能
WBC轻量级世界冠军加里·拉塞尔JR. 捍卫他对前世界冠军头衔 基科·马丁内斯, 加上不败的超轻量级竞争者
胡安·赫拉德兹 与前世界冠军的对决 阿吉尼斯·门德斯 在10轮的吸引力.

此 BombZquad 活动的门票可在以下网址购买: ticketmaster.combarclayscenter.com. 门票还可以在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP. 赫拉德兹 vs. 门德斯之战与梅威瑟促销活动共同推广.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports,
www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的风扇在 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


这个星期五, 五月 10 住在Showtime® 在 10:30 P.M. ET/PT from Omega Products International in Corona, 加利福尼亚州.

手表, 分享 & 嵌入: https://s.sho.com/2LCZxES

什么: Ruben Villa will return for his second consecutive 的ShoBox: 新一代 appearance of 2019, but this time the undefeated featherweight prospect will be the headline attraction when he takes on top-15 ranked contender Luis Alberto Lopez this Friday, 五月 10 (10:30 P.M. ET / PT) from Omega Products International in Corona, 加利福尼亚州.

SHOWTIME Sports released a “DAY IN CAMP: Ruben Villa” video feature that captures Villa’s humble mindset, grueling training regimen and hunger for success as he prepares for the toughest test of his career. The latest installment of the “DAY IN CAMP” digital franchise is available for viewing 这里: https://s.sho.com/2LCZxES

Villa’s training begins in the morning at the Robert Garcia Boxing Gym in Riverside, 加利福尼亚州。, where the 22-year-old works on his footwork and technique under the guidance of trainer Max Garcia and ends with a 5-mile run through the Riverside hills. In between, Villa goes through an intense sparring session and watches tape from his last fight where he dispatched then-unbeaten Ruben Cervera in the first 的ShoBox 电视节目的 2019.

Although he’s still early in his professional career, the two-time National Golden Gloves Amateur Champion has big aspirations.

“Once I’m able to call my own shots and have a world title, I want to be able to say I fought the best and I beat the best.”

In the co-feature of this Friday’s 的ShoBox 电视节目, fast-rising 21-year-old Texan Michael Dutchover (12-0, 9 科斯) will take on fellow undefeated prospect and former Chilean National Champion Ramon Mascarena Jr. (10-0, 5 科斯) 在八轮轻量级比赛. 在tripleheader的开幕回合, undefeated bantamweight prospect Saul Sanchez (11-0, 6 科斯) battles Mexican Brandon Leon Benitez (14-1, 6 科斯) 在八轮较量.

周五 的ShoBox telecast immediately follows the premiere of ALL ACCESS: WILDER VS. 布雷泽尔 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime.

Showtime SPORTS® 向所有渠道发布独家剪辑: WILDER VS. 布雷泽尔

最新一期获奖剧集将于本周五首映 10 P.M. ET/PT 放映时间®



纽约–五月 6, 2019 - SHOWTIME Sports发布独家剪辑来自所有访问: WILDER VS. 布雷泽尔 在本周五首映之前, 五月 10 在 10 P.M. ET/PT 放映时间。视频: https://s.sho.com/2GY9KX4

体育艾美奖的最新一期® 获奖剧集让观众沉浸在 Deontay Wilder 和 Dominic Breazeale 的生活和训练营中,观看这对 6 英尺 7 英寸的重量级人物即将展开一场酝酿两年多的恩怨对决. 维尔德将于周六第九次成功卫冕 WBC 重量级世界冠军, 五月 18 在布鲁克林巴克莱中心的 SHOWTIME 现场直播两位美国重量级选手的对决 90 淘汰率百分比。

ALL ACCESS: WILDER VS. 布雷泽尔 紧接在一个之前的ShoBox: 新一代 这场三重赛由不败蓝筹羽量级新星鲁本·维拉 (Ruben Villa) 对阵路易斯·阿尔贝托·洛佩兹 (Luis Alberto Lopez) 领衔。

此外, 该网络将提供每日数字分期付款每日均可访问: WILDER VS. 布雷泽尔 在战斗周期间. 数字短片将在周三开始的重量级对决前的最后几天提供该系列的标志性访问和故事讲述, 五月 15 在网络的社交媒体渠道上。



Light Heavyweight Brawler Ahmed Elbiali Duels Marlos Simões in Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & 福克斯周六驱逐行动, 五月 25 from Beau Rivage Resort Casino in Biloxi, 密西西比

Eimantas Stanionis Forced to Withdraw From Previously Scheduled Bout Due to Hand Injury

PBC Prelims on FS2 & FOX Deportes to Feature Puerto Rican Olympian Carlos Negron Battling Daniel Martz in Heavyweight Action, Cruiserweight Showdown Between Unbeaten Efe Apochi & 伯爵纽曼 & Welterweight Prospect Amon Rashidi Stepping into the Ring – 6 P.M. AND /下午3时. PT

BILOXI, MS. (五月 6, 2019) – 轻重量级的竞争者 艾哈迈德Elbiali 将争夺 马洛斯·西蒙斯 in a 10-round showdown as part of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes action Saturday, 五月 25 from Beau Rivage Resort Casino in Biloxi, 密西西比. Elbiali will replace the previously scheduled bout featuring Eimantas Stanionis, as Stanionis was forced to withdraw because of a hand injury suffered in training.

FS1 和 FOX Deportes 上的 PBC 开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT,由前超次中量级冠军领衔主演 奥斯汀 “毫无疑问” 鳟鱼 重返擂台与前冠军挑战者较量 特雷尔Gausha 在 10 回合的超次中量级战斗中.

PBC Prelims on FS2 and FOX Deportes will begin at 6 P.M. AND /下午3时. PT and be headlined by Puerto Rican Olympian 卡洛斯·内格龙 承担 丹尼尔·马兹(Daniel Martz) in an eight or 10-round heavyweight match and top prospect 阿蒙拉希迪 competing in a four or six-round welterweight attraction. Prelims will also feature in the opening bout hard hitting cruiserweights as undefeated 埃菲·阿波奇 采取措施反对 伯爵纽曼 for an eight round matchup.

门票活动, 这是由TGB促销推广, 现已发售,可在 Beau Rivage Theatre 票房和 Ticketmaster 购买.

The 28-year-old Elbiali (18-1, 15 科斯) is coming off an exciting third round knockout victory over Allan Green on Jan. 13 在 FS1 上. Elbiali, 居住在迈阿密的埃及裔美国人, 佛罗里达, knocked down Green in all three rounds before scoring the victory. It was his second straight victory by knockoutthe other coming against Zoltan Sera last June 10 – since losing the first fight of his career against former world champion Jean Pascal in 2017. Simões (13-1-2, 5 科斯) is coming a stoppage victory over Jefferson Luis De Sousa in December. The 30-year-old of Curitiba, 巴拉那, Brazil suffered the only loss of his career against Manuel Ceballos last June.

After representing his native Puerto Rico at the 2008 奥运会, 内格龙 (20-2, 16 科斯) was unbeaten in his first 13 亲打架. Now residing in Miami, the 32-year-old carried a seven-fight winning streak before losing to Dominic Breazeale in December on FOX. He will look to bounce back in his 2019 首次亮相于五月 25. Negron will face Clarksburg, West Virginia’s Martz (18-6-1, 15 科斯), who enters this contest the winner of his last two and three of his last four outings. The 28-year-old lost to Luis Ortiz in December 2017 在 FS1 上.

Rashidi (6-0, 4 科斯), who was born in Dallas, Texas and now lives in Desoto, is coming off an exciting TKO victory over Gabriel Gutierrez at AT&T Stadium on March 16. The 26-year-old is unbeaten since turning pro in 2015 and has scored knockouts in three of his last four fights.

An accomplished amateur from Nigeria, Apochi (7-0, 7 科斯) turned pro in the U.S. 在 2017 and has racked up knockouts in each fight since. The 31-year-old trains in Houston and scored more four knockouts in 2018 before making his 2019 debut in February and stopping Raymond Ochieng.

A former New York Golden Gloves Champion, 纽曼 (10-1-1, 7 科斯) will look to rebound from a decision loss to Lionell Thompson that came after fighting Paul Parker to a draw on FS1 in 2017. The 27-year-old from Brooklyn was unbeaten in his first 10 转职业后的职业比赛 2014.

In non-televised action Ghanaian super middleweight 哈比卜·艾哈迈德(Habib Ahmed) (26-1-1, 18 科斯) meets Colombia’s 胡安·德·安吉尔 (21-10-1, 19 科斯) 在八轮较量, 奥兰多魔术队的安东尼奥·塔弗, JR. (5-0, 4 科斯) battles Milwaukee’s 托马斯·希尔 (8-2, 1 KO) in an eight round middleweight match and Burlington, North Carolina welterweight 威利·琼斯 (7-1, 4 科斯) takes on Garden Grove, 加州的 Lucas Santa Maria (9-1, 7 科斯) 在八个回合中.

Also in action are undefeated Atlanta light heavyweight Brandon Glanton (8-0, 7 科斯) in a six round match and Chicago’s 肖恩·辛普森 (9-0, 3 科斯) looking to keep his unbeaten streak alive in a six or eight round bantamweight bout. A duo of undefeated Dallas, Texas boxers battle in separate bouts as 白肋烟布鲁克斯 (2-0, 2 科斯) fights in a four-round super middleweight match and Fernando Garcia (12-0, 7 科斯) fights in an eight-round featherweight bout.

# # #

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Troy Isley coming off biggest win, Preparing for 2020 奥运会

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (五月 6, 2019) – USA Boxing middleweight 特洛伊艾斯利 is coming off the most significant victory of his young career, when he defeated the 2016 奥运金牌得主, 古巴的 Arlen Lopez, at the recent Pan American Games Qualifier in Managua, 尼加拉瓜.

Lopez served as a positive barometer for Isley in terms of his potential 2020 Olympic run. “Beating Lopez is my biggest win so far,” Isley admitted. “He won a gold medal at the last Olympics. I avenged my loss to him in 2017. We almost fought in The Continentals, but he lost in the quarterfinals, and I lost in the semifinals. We could face each other again in July at the Pan American Games.

在 2017, Isley captured a gold medal at the Elite World Championships, which marked a first for an American elite boxer in six years. He’s progressed year-by-year, 在...获得最高荣誉 2012 & 2013 National PAL Championships, 2014 全国少年奥运会, 2016 & 2017 精英全国锦标赛. So far this year, in addition to winning at the Pan American Games Qualifier, he also took gold at the Strandja Tournament in Bulgaria.

Not too shabby accomplishments for a kid who really didn’t like boxing, especially compared to football, which was his favorite sport growing up.

When I returned to the gym I trained at, 亚历山大 (VA) Boxing Club,” USA National Team assistant coach Kay Koromba 记住了,” they needed help with a young kid, 特洛伊艾斯利. I had a simple conversation with him. He said he’d come back to the gym if I was there coaching. I didn’t go back for a little while and he didn’t return. I eventually took over the gym when the coach left, and Troy returned.

Troy is friends with Keyshawn Dav是 (USA Boxing’s No. 1-rated lightweight). They both live in Virginia (Troy in Alexandria, Keyshawn in Newport) and train with me at the Alexandria Boxing Club, when we aren’t living and training in Colorado Springs. They fought as kids and became good friends. All of the other boxers here look up to them.

“我只是 8 and at first I really didn’t like boxing,” the now 20-year-old Isley spoke about his introduction to amateur boxing. “I was more interested in team sports like football, but I gave up boxing when I chose to compete in the Box-Offs. I just wanted to be a kid and you can’t play boxing. I went back to the gym and beat up everybody. Coach Kay told my father that he could make me into a national champion, and that gave me a lot of self-esteem.

A self-described boxer puncher, Isley is an intelligent, well-spoken boxer with eyes on the future, outside of boxing, taking on-line business courses through DeVry University. “I can do it all,” he offered about his boxing style. “I’m working on using more jabs to be a better all-around boxer. The jab sets the offense up. I’m working on my jab because you can win fights with a jab.

Promoters are lining up to pitch their companies to sign Isley, who has a definitive plan that involves making the 2020 美国奥林匹克拳击队, medal in Japan, and then turn professional.

The Olympics is only a year away,” Isley noted. “I’m close with Keyshawn and Shakur(史蒂文森, 2016 Olympic silver-medalist and an 11-0 pro prospect). Training with them makes things easier for all of us. We drive each other and train against different styles. I’m always picking up new stuff. We help each other training, 陪练, and just talking. We’re always together, either in Alexandria or Colorado Springs. Shakur still goes there for good sparring.

Shakur tells us a lot about his experiences in the Olympics and now as a pro. Me and Keyshawn have always talked about being together on the USA Boxing Olympic Team. We keep working hard and staying focused. It’s been our dream.

Dreams do come true but, 第一, Isley is preparing for the Pan-Am Games and, 或者, his rubber match with the defending Olympic gold-medalist, 洛佩兹.

叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing
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塞米诺尔硬石酒店硬石活动中心的 Rock V 比赛宣布了不败战士的比赛 & 赌场在好莱坞, 佛罗里达州. 在周五, 五月 10

好莱坞, 佛罗里达州. (五月 6, 2019) 热门赛事第五期的比赛正在酝酿之中 岩石隆隆声 系列题为 “不败之夜”星期五, 五月 10, 在 7 P.M. 硬石活动中心 塞米诺尔硬石酒店 & 赌场在好莱坞, 佛罗里达州. 该活动由 克里斯·劳伦斯 重量级工厂.

在10轮的主要事件, 裸奔不败, WBA无. 7-额定羽量级竞争者 海伦·“埃尔·玛哈”·索卡拉斯 (21-0-3, 13 科斯) 迈阿密 经 马里亚诺, 古巴, 将通过与顽强的老将较量来寻求今年的第二场胜利 格伦·波拉斯(32-8, 20 科斯) 的 姆朗, 哥打巴托, 菲律宾.

在当晚的合作主要事件, 迈阿密经由哈瓦那不败 “机枪小子”利万·纳瓦罗 (10-0, 7 科斯) 将站出来面对长期看门人 Breidis普雷斯科特(31-16, 22 科斯) 迈阿密 经 巴兰基亚, 哥伦比亚队参加次中量级十回合比赛. 纳瓦罗在过去八场比赛中有七场KO.

“Rumble at the Rock V” 门票价格 $60, $100, $150 和 $250 并可通过以下方式购买 ticketmaster.com.

此外,在行动, 不败的20岁夏威夷人 洛根“韩国小子”尹 (15-0, 12 科斯) 将面对丹佛 罗伯特·弗兰克尔 (37-20-1, 8 科斯) 在超轻量级八轮比赛中. 去年受伤之前, 尹已经获得了世界排名. 这将是他今年的第一场比赛.

在“不容错过”的人群取悦中, 古巴超中量级 伊罗斯瓦尼·杜维尔格尔 (5-0, 3 科斯) 将面对强力拳击手 洛朗·T·纳尔逊 (5-2, 4 科斯) 科罗拉多州.

进行他的第二次轻量级战斗, 球迷喜爱 “坏”布莱克·戴维斯 (1-0) 从库珀城出发, 佛罗里达州。, 当他面对时,他会看起来让粉丝兴奋不已 昆特尔·汤普森 (2-7-1, 2 科斯) 哥伦比亚, 密苏里州, 四轮以上.

更多比赛将很快公布. 搏击之夜, 硬石活动中心的开门时间为 6 下午, 和行动开始于 7 P.M. 塞米诺尔硬石酒店 & 好莱坞赌场位于 1 好莱坞的塞米诺尔路, 佛罗里达州.

UFC FIGHTPASS®和MURPHYS拳击达到了多年直播协议,本周五首次并独家直播, MAY 10 AT 9:30PM E.T. / 6:30PM P.T.

拉斯维加斯和波士顿 (五月 6, 2019):

UFC FIGHTPASS®, 世界领先的格斗运动的数字订阅服务, 今天宣布与波士顿受欢迎的促销活动建立新的多年合作关系,墨菲拳击. 促销将使 战斗通行证 本亮相 星期五, 5月10日, 从 斯普林菲尔德, 马萨诸塞州米高梅斯普林菲尔德 在 9:30 P.M. E.T. / 6:30 P.M. P.T. 并具有一个 10 回合主要事件, 由不败的NABA超级轻量级​​冠军争夺, 亚伯拉罕新星 VS. 马里奥·埃塞基耶尔洛萨诺Sayal.

“墨菲拳击是新英格兰的顶级促销活动之一, 我很高兴有他们参加FIGHT PASS,UFC总裁, Dana白色 说. “在短短五年内, 肯·凯西(Ken Casey)通过这次促销活动做了不可思议的事情. 我期待向我们的订户展示这些激动人心的战斗机。”

“我们非常高兴与FIGHT PASS携手合作,“说 肯·凯西, 墨菲拳击的创始人. “ UFC为我们提供了一个平台,以突出新英格兰欣欣向荣的拳击场面,以打击体育迷. 我们将向世界介绍我们令人难以置信的阵容,其中包括未来的冠军, 例如Nova。”

最近进入 WBA的上衣 10 排名, 不败 亚伯拉罕新星 (14-0, 10 科斯) 将使他备受期待 2019 墨菲拳击旗帜下首次亮相. 新星的对手, 阿根廷前景 马里奥·埃塞基耶尔洛萨诺Sayal (18-2-1, 9 科斯), 将是过去两年中尝试使用的第12架战斗机 “该” 从目前 NABA超级轻量级​​冠军.

今年第二次进入戒指, JR. NABF超级轻量级​​冠军,威廉·福斯特III (9-0, 6 科斯) 对将面临关闭 拉蒙·埃斯佩兰萨(Ramon Esperanza) (22-15-1, 11 科斯) 在 8 轮的较量. 福斯特罕见的力量与速度相结合的能力使他成为新英格兰最受关注的前景之一.

在一个 8 圆形中量级回合, 动力冲孔的前景 卡洛斯·贡戈拉 (15-0, 12 科斯) 将取代阿根廷的 达米安·埃塞奎尔·博内利 (23-6, 20 科斯). 贡戈拉, 来自厄瓜多尔的前奥运选手, 赢了 WBC南美中量级冠军 在击败耶稣阿维莱斯之后的二月份.

ARCON路易斯·迪亚兹 (6-0, 6 科斯), 来自委内瑞拉的不败奥林匹亚, 和最近的墨菲拳击赛签约, 将在 6 对阿根廷的次中量级回合 何塞·奥贝尔 (8-3, 7 科斯).

代表波士顿地区, 詹姆斯·佩雷拉 (2-0, 2 科斯) 会在连续第三场寻找他的淘汰赛 4 对一个对手的次中量级回合被命名.

雷·杰伊·贝穆德斯(Ray Jay Bermudez) (6-0, 4 科斯) 来自附近奥尔巴尼的人, 在上个月的KO胜利之后,纽约将与对手以对手的身份入围,纽约将很快重返赛场。 6 一轮次中量级比赛.

四舍五入的卡将是斯普林菲尔德自己的两张 – 功率打孔中量级安东尼·贝拉斯克斯 (5-0, 5 科斯), 谁将成为对手, 和次中量级 DJ惠特利 (4-1-1), 谁将承担永远的危险 布莱恩·戈德斯比(5-10) 在单独的 4 圆比赛.

前四场undercard战斗将在 8:00 P.M. E.T. / 5:00 P.M. P.T. 上 www.facebook.com/dropkickmurphys 在主卡开始直播之前,仅在UFC FIGHT PASS上 9:30 P.M. E.T. / 6:30 P.M. P.T. 开始7天免费试用, 请访问: www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass

门票现已公开发售,在: www.murphysboxing.com


墨菲拳击被踢反弹球墨菲成立’ 主唱, 肯·凯西 2014. 在短短 5 短短两年, 墨菲拳击已成为新英格兰地区最大的拳击启动和炙手可热的年轻促销活动之一在全国. 2018 是为墨菲拳击突破的一年,因为他们采取了他们的第一战斗机,以一个世界冠军. 随着推广的第一个冠军, 几个墨菲拳击战士安全的世界冠军头衔的机会和全国电视转播的战斗中 2018. 墨菲拳击关闭了其标志性的一年通过合作促进德米特里安德拉德和沃尔特Kautondokwa之间的WBO中量级冠军回合在超过前面 10,000 球迷在TD花园, 传说中主场波士顿凯尔特人队的, 这是在国际上DAZN播出. 墨菲拳击的现有阵容的特点位居世界竞争者像马克·德卢卡, 查尔斯·福斯特, 亚伯拉罕新星, 加里“狼牙’ 奥沙利文, Greg Vendetti和Niall Kennedy等潜在客户, 卡洛斯·贡戈拉, 威廉·福斯特III, 小迈克·奥汉(Mike Ohan Jr.), 路易斯·阿尔孔·迪亚兹(Luis Arcon Diaz)等.

欲了解更多信息,请访问: www.murphysboxing.com


UFC FIGHTPASS®是世界领先的格斗运动的数字订阅服务. 由于发动 2013, FIGHT PASS现已在超过可用 200 国家和地区. FIGHT PASS为其成员提供无限制地访问过UFC FIGHT PASS [引文; 住来自世界各地的混合武术和格斗运动; 原创系列和历史编程; 特殊功能; 幕后的内容; 深入访谈; 和先进的的作战体育世界最新报告. FIGHT PASS用户也有 24/7 访问世界上最大的图书馆打, 设有超过 17,000 从几十回合对抗的体育组织, 以及在UFC历史上每场战斗. 扑灭球迷可以访问个人电脑FIGHT PASS, iOS和Android移动设备, 苹果电视, Xbox One上, 的Xbox 360, 亚马逊消防电视, 的Chromecast, 年, 三星智能电视, LG智能电视, 和索尼电视与Android电视.

欲了解更多信息,请访问: www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass

De Alba decisions Lopez in Front of Sold Out Crowd at The Sands Bethlehem Event Center

Spring defeats Hernandez in thrilling co-feature

托雷斯, Jules. Bocachica and Butaev remain undefeated

伯利恒, PA (五月 6, 2019)–弗兰克·德阿尔瓦 got back in the win column by winning an eight-round unanimous decision over Ruben Dario Lopez in a super featherweight bout in front of a sold-out crowd at The Sands Bethlehem Event Center.

The action was promoted by King’s Promotions and Titans Boxing Promotions.

De Alba had to overcome a hard-charging Lopez, as the visitor form Argentina came out swinging wildly in the first 30 seconds of the fight. De Alba was able to fend that off, and get into a nice rhythm of boxing.

De Alba was keeping a solid distance, and work behind the jab, and befuddled Lopez throughout the rest of the contest, and won by shut out scores of 80-72 在所有卡.

德阿尔瓦, who was on a two-fight losing streak, got back in the win column which upped the Reading, PA native’s record of 23-4-2. Lopez of Rosario, 阿根廷是 12-14-4.

在共同特征, 埃里克·春天 took an exciting eight-round unanimous decision over Nicholas Hernandez to win the USBF Silver Junior Middleweight Championship.

Hernandez has success early as he pressed the action and rocked Spring several times. With the crowd in a frenzy, as they cheered on the two Pennsylvania based fighters, Spring was able to turn the tide in the middle rounds as both he and Hernandez engaged in several toe-toe exchanges.

The bout was close heading into the home stretch, and Spring needed them bad as his work over the final six-minutes was the difference of the fight as he took all three cards by 77-75 分数.

阅读的春天, PA是 13-2-1. Hernandez of Lebanon, PA是 9-4-1.

Jonathan Torres 伯利恒, PA won a four-round unanimous decision over Jerrod Miner in a bantamweight fight.

得分 40-36 twice for Torres, 并且现在 3-0. Miner of Philadelphia falls to 1-5-2.

儒勒·马蒂诺 won a six-round unanimous decision over Danny Flores to win the ABO Junior Featherweight title.

阿伦敦的朱尔斯, PA won by shutout tallies of 60-54 在所有卡, 并且现在 6-0. Flores of Mexico City is 15-16.

拉希德·约翰逊 stopped Ricky Nuno at the end of round four of their scheduled six-round welterweight fight.

Johnson set everything up off of his jab, and he was able to pretty much do what he wanted until the corner of Nuno had enough and pulled the plug on the fight at the end of the 4th frame.

Johnson of Philadelphia is 6-2 有两个击倒. Nuno of Bethlehem is 2-3.

In a wild bantamweight fight, Yeuri Andujar had to get off the deck twice to eek out a six-round majority decision over Edgar Cortes.

Andujar was decked in round two, and each guy traded knockdowns in round three. Each fighter took control of the fight at different stages of the bout, that produced several furious exchanges.

The sell out crowd voiced their disapproval with the outcome which read 57-56 for Andujar on two cards, 和 56-56.

Andujar of San Cristobal, Dominican Republic is now 4-1. Cortes of Vineland, New Jersey is 6-5-1.

Recent King’s Promotions signee 珍妮尔森·菲格罗亚·博卡奇卡 stopped Gabor Gorbics a the end of round three of their scheduled eight-round welterweight fight.

Bocachica bloodied the nose of Gorbics in round two, and continued the onslaught for another round, until the ringside doctor stopped the bout before the 4th frame.

Bocachica of Detroit is 14-0 同 10 击倒. Gorbics of Budapest, Hungary is 26-17.

拉扎布·布塔耶夫 won a six-round unanimous decision over Silverio Ortiz in a welterweight fight.

Butaev of Brooklyn, New York won by scores of 59-54 和 58-55 两次, 并且现在 12-0. Ortiz of Merida, 墨西哥 37-25.

Khainell Wheeler made a successful pro debut by stopping George Sheppard at 2:47 of the 1st round of their super middleweight bout.

Wheeler of Bethlehem is 1-0 一个淘汰赛. Sheppard of Norfolk, 弗吉尼亚州 1-8-1.


Split-T Management’s Chris Pearson Scores Unanimous Decision Win over Previously Undefeated Olympic Bronze Medal Winner Yamaguchi Falcao in Las Vegas

照片由汤姆·霍根 / Hogan Photos Golden Boy

纽约 (五月 3, 2019) –Middleweight contender Chris Pearson scored a major victory over previously undefeated Olympic Bronze Medal winner Yamaguchi Falcao in a 10-round bout at The Joint at The Hard Rock in Las Vegas.

The win netted Pearson the WBO Latino Middleweight title.

Pearson boxed very well as he befuddled Falcao, and consistently beat the former amateur star to the punch throughout the contest.

皮尔森, who already held a win over Falcao in the World Series of Boxing, repeated the verdict of 2011 by using good head-speed that saw the judges scorecards read 97-93 和 96-94 两次.

The win will gain Pearson a high-ranking in the WBO, and improves the Trotwood, Ohio native’s record to 17-2.

This was the 3rd consecutive win for Pearson, who is managed by Split-T Management.

My plan was to be patient and control the pace. I was able to capitalize on him being a bit slower then me,” 皮尔逊说. “This win gets me back to where I need to be.

I’m blessed with this victory,” continued Pearson. “Nobody knows the trials I’ve gone through. If I can be someone that inspires, then I’ll be happy. I’m going to rest for a couple days and then get right back to the gym.

The fight was the main event of a Golden Boy Promotions card on Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook watch.