Archiv der Kategorie: Boxen


Nathan Beattie vs Milton Arauz headlines 1st August and 6 time World Champion Lee McAllister vs Edwin Palacios headlines 15th August

Following the success of the inaugural LET BATTLE COMMENCE, in association with PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA & NEON ENERGY DRINK, that took place at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen last weekend, promoter Lee Mcallister has announced two more events in the series which will be broadcast live and exclusive on FITE TV on Saturday 1st August and Saturday 15th August 2020.

Back on the 18th July the fans of the pugilistic arts around the world watching LET BATTLE COMMENCE 1 on FITE TV were treated to the spectacle of the return to the fray by Lineal World Boxing Organization (WBO-) Featherweight World Champion Scott Harrison, who faced and stopped Professional Boxing Council (PBC) International Champion Paul Peers in a non-championship six rounder.

Prior to Harrison-Peers the fans tuned in watched an incredible Battle Royale between 10 time Kick Boxing World Champion Caitlin Foran, who was making her professional boxing debut, and Professional Boxing Council (PBC) International Bronze Champion Jaime Bates, who stepped in as late replacement after original opponent Carly Mackenzie broke two toes in a riding accident the previous weekend. After six incredibly closely fought rounds Foran secured the victory by a close 58-56 points tally.

The third fight of the night was a fantastic all action War between undefeated Lewis Mulberry and Nicaragua’s Johnson Tellez. I’m sure those watching on TV were as enthralled with the action as much as myself, Mulberry’s ring name is “Machine Gun’ and believe me that is a most appropriate moniker, wie die 19 year old peppered the body of his far more experienced opponent with fast and powerful left and rights at a mega rapid pace. After six scintillating all action rounds, Referee Edward Law’s scorecard read 60-54 in favour of the teen sensation Lewis Mulberry.

Prior to Mulberry-Tellez Perth’s Adam Stewart (1-0-0) made his return to the ring against late replacement Nicaragua’s Alexander Zeledon, following an injury sustained by original opponent Liverpool’s Steve Sunners (4-0-0). Earlier this year Zeledon beat Manchester’s Dan Booth (4-1-0), so not an easy opponent, regardless of his negative record, für 25 year old Stewart who returned to the fray following a three year sabbatical.

Was für ein krachender Kampf, both protagonists went at it hammer and tongs for close to four rounds before Stewart’s power came into play late in the fourth. With around 25 second or so of the round remaining Stewart fired a massive Exocet to send the Nicaraguan to the deck, Zeledon was clearly in pain as he unsuccessfully tried to make it to his feet. Official time of stoppage 2 Minuten und 40 Sekunden der vierten Runde.

The opening fight of the night see 18 year old Heavyweight Liam Allan from Aberdeen make his professional debut against Puerto Rican Jose F Leon. Cracking opening round, but in the second Allan’s mature approach, that belied his tender years, really came into play.

As the second stanza progressed, Allan worked behind his superb jab to fashion some good openings, which he took without a second thought. Just about mid way through the second round one such opening enabled the youngster to let rip with a massive shot that sent Leon to the deck. Leon made the count and boxing resumed, then with around 30 seconds of the round remaining Allan created another opening and once again let rip and landed a big shot to send the South American to the canvas for a second time, the tough Puerto Rican tried to make it to his feet again but just failed to make the count, official time of the stoppage was 2 Minuten und 40 Sekunden.

The first August event, LASSEN SIE DIE SCHLACHT KOMMEN II, in Zusammenarbeit mit PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA und NEON ENERGY DRINK, takes place at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen and broadcast live and exclusive by FITE TV on Saturday 1ST AUGUST 2020.

The line-up for the 1st August is:

1) Leicht

PBC & WBU International Champion Nathan Beattie (10-4-0) has a seriously tough night ahead, when he steps in the ring with Nicaraguan Milton Arauz (10-3-1)

2) Super-Fliegengewicht

Bei einem wirklich köstlichen Wettbewerb trifft PBC International Bronze Champion Nicola Hopewell mit der aufregenden Tasha Boyes aus York aufeinander, , der zu diesem ihrem Profidebüt.

3) Mittelgewicht

Scott Mcintyre aus Liverpool (4-1-0) will take on the seriously tough Nicaraguan Wilmer Gonzalez (21-18-1), who just a few fights back KOd a certain British WBF European and International Champ.

4) Super Federgewicht

Dennys Kevin Traynor (2-0-0) will need to be at his best when he takes on the exciting Greek battler Paris Stavropoulos (2-1-0), who makes his first appearance in the UK.

5) Schwergewicht

Der letzte Kampf der Nacht wird Debütant gegen Debütant antreten, während Craig Dick gegen Michael Bassett antritt, both the big lads have stated they will be looking to make a big impression on the 1st August.

The second of the August events, LET BATTLE COMMENCE III, in association with PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA and NEON ENERGY DRINK will take place at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen and broadcast exclusively live on FITE TV on Saturday 15TH AUGUST 2020.

The line-up for the 15th August is:

1) Mittelgewicht

Sechsmal, Fünf-Divisionen-Weltmeister, und Promoter der LET BATTLE COMMENCE-Reihe, Lee McAllister steps in to replace Malta’s Brandon Borg to face Gerona, Spain based Nicaraguan Edwin Palacios in the headline fight, definitely a much tougher fight for Palacios than what he was expecting, but the macho South American has stated he’s up to the challenge and to expect fireworks.

2) Federgewicht

Der ehemalige Amateurstar Hollie Towl von Sensational Teen wird ihr professionelles Debüt gegen den ebenso sensationellen World Boxing Council geben (WBC) Muay Thai Weltmeisterin Natacha De Almeida aus der Schweiz, wer wird auch ihr professionelles Boxdebüt geben.

3) Mittelgewicht

Nathan Russo versus Wilmer Gonzalezthis highly anticipated clash of the Big Bangers was originally due to have been on the first LET BATTLE COMMENCE show in the series, but had to be rescheduled due to a minor injury suffered by Russo. Without a doubt this is going to be a highly exciting all action contest, how long it’ll last is anyones guess, as Russo has won every fight so far by KNOCKOUT and Gonzalez has 14 KOs on his record, including a huge upset KO win over a certain World Boxing Foundation (WBF) European and International Champion last year.

4) Weltergewicht

Instead of the anticipated rematch against Dean Porter, Leeds’ Jack Jones, will now face Nicaraguan hard man Michael Isaac Carrero, following original opponent Porter having to withdraw.

5) Bantamgewicht

Local lad Kenny Allan faces Chadwell Heath, Surrey’s Jordan Smith in the opening contest of the night, Allan will be looking to secure his second victory in his fledgling career, whilst Smith will be seeking to get the first win on his record on this just his third pro outing.

Nathan Beattie versus Milton Arauz headlines LET BATTLE COMMENCE II, in Zusammenarbeit mit PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA und NEON ENERGY DRINK, takes place at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen and broadcast live and exclusive by FITE TV on Saturday 1ST AUGUST 2020.

LET BATTLE COMMENCE II PPV on 1st August ($4.99 approx £4) gehen Sie zu

Lee Mcallister versus Edwin Palacios headlines LET BATTLE COMMENCE III, in Zusammenarbeit mit PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA und NEON ENERGY DRINK und wird im Northern Hotel in Aberdeen stattfinden und am Samstag, den 15. August exklusiv live auf FITE TV übertragen 2020.

LET BATTLE COMMENCE III PPV ($4.99 approx £4) will be available on FITE TV from Wednesday 29th July

Das Boxen rettete dem Zweidivisions-Weltmeister „El Gallo“ Jose Antonio Rivera das Leben

COLORADO SPRINGS, Runde. (Juni 4, 2020) - Wie viele Boxer, Zwei-Teilung Weltmeister "El Gallo" Jose Antonio Rivera Credits Boxen für die Rettung seines Lebens.

"Absolut,Rivera stimmte zu. „Nachdem meine Mutter gestorben ist, als ich war 10 Jahre alt, Ich gab das Leben auf und meine Entscheidungen spiegelten dies wider: mit der falschen Menge rumhängen, einschließlich Gangmitgliedern, Alkoholkonsum zwischen dem Alter von 10 und 15. Ich ging definitiv in die falsche Richtung.

„Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich eine Zukunft habe, bis ich anfing zu boxen. Es ist schwer zu sagen, was ich tun würde, wenn ich nie geboxt hätte, aber übrigens lebte ich, Ich wäre wahrscheinlich schon im Gefängnis oder tot. "

Geboren in Philadelphia, Rivera lebte in Puerto Rico und Springfield, MA, bevor er nach Worcester zog, MA, wo er einen Mann traf, der half, sein Leben zu verändern, Carlos Garcia, der für ein spezielles Boxprogramm bei den Worcester Boys verantwortlich war & girls Club.

Rivera hatte im Alter von angefangen zu boxen 14 ½ in einem Keller mit seinem Freund, Felix Lopez.  Er hatte sich nach dem Zuschauen in das Boxen verliebtRoberto Duran verärgert"Zucker" Ray Leonard in ihrem ersten Kampf. Der junge Puertoricaner nutzte seine Amateur-Boxerfahrung speziell, um sich auf die professionellen Ränge vorzubereiten. Garcia, Wer ist in der National Golden Gloves Hall of Fame, Setzen Sie ihn nach nur einem Amateurkampf in ein Novizen-Match, um Rivera auf die Überholspur zu bringen, weil er verstand, dass Rivera davon träumte, als Profi Weltmeister zu werden. Rivera beendete mit einem 35-15 Amateur-Rekord, hervorgehoben durch eine Bronzemedaillenleistung bei den PAL Nationals.

„Ich hatte aber nie große Amateurwünsche, natürlich, Ich wollte jeden Kampf gewinnen, an dem ich teilgenommen habe,Sagte Rivera. "Einmal habe ich mich nicht für die Olympischen Prüfungen qualifiziert, Mein Plan war es, Profi zu werden. Ich wusste nicht, wie sehr mich die Amateure dazu bringen würden, ein erfolgreicher Profiboxer zu sein. Ich bin froh, dass ich meinen Trainern zugehört habe, sonst wäre ich früher Profi geworden, weil ich mit der Politik der Amateure frustriert wäre. Ich hasste es zu verlieren, aber ich hasste es noch mehr zu verlieren, als ich wusste, dass ich hätte gewinnen sollen. Nach drei Jahren zusammen (mit Garcia) in den Amateuren und sammeln einen großen Erfahrungsschatz auf Reisen durch ganz Neuengland, das Land und sogar Kämpfe in Kanada, Ich habe alle Arten von Stilen und talentierten Boxern gesehen, die mir als Profi geholfen haben. Carlos ist für mich und während all unserer Schulungen und Reisen wie eine Vaterfigur, Er war immer in meinem Kopf, baue mich auf, um ein guter Boxer zu werden, sondern auch, um mir zu helfen, ein besserer Mann zu werden. “

On November 7, 1992, Rivera gab sein Pro-Debüt, AusschlagenFrancisco Mercedes in der zweiten Runde. Er fuhr fort, seinen ersten zu gewinnen 23 Pro Kämpfe, einschließlich des Massachusetts State Weltergewicht Titel in 1995. Sein erster Pro-Verlust war gegen den erfahrenen Philadelphia-KämpferWillie Wise (20-3-4), der eine umstrittene 10-Runden-Entscheidung im Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut gewonnen hat. Rivera hatte bewiesen, dass er bei seiner ersten Niederlage mehr als eine Perspektive war, eine enge Entscheidung verlieren (98-95, 94-97, 94-96) zu einem Gegner, der mexikanische Ikone verärgertJulio Cesar Chavez (102-3-2) nur drei Jahre später.

Zeigt die gleiche Widerstandsfähigkeit, die Rivera während seiner gesamten Karriere erhalten hat, Zwei Kämpfe später hörte Rivera aufGilberto Flores in zwei Runden, um die International Boxing Organization zu erobern (IBO) Weltmeisterschaft im Weltergewicht. Rivera verlängerte seine neue Siegesserie auf sieben, bevor sie Rücken an Rücken Kämpfe verlieren. Vier Kämpfe später, obwohl, Rivera verzeichnete seinen ersten Sieg in 2001, AusschlagenFrankie Randall (55-10-1) in der 10th Runde, um seine North American Boxing Association zu behalten (Auch Noch) Krone in seiner ersten Verteidigung.

Jetzt vom legendären Don King gefördert, Rivera reiste im September über den Atlantik 2003 nach Deutschland, wo nur wenige Amerikaner gewinnen konnten. Rivera bewies früh, dass er es ernst meinte, zuvor ungeschlagen fallen lassenMichel Trabant in der zweiten Runde auf dem Weg zum Gewinn einer 12-Runden-Mehrheitsentscheidung für die vakante World Boxing Association (WBA).  Seine Regierungszeit, jedoch, dauerte nicht lange. In seiner ersten Verteidigung, Rivera verlor zu Hause in Worcester eine 12-Runden-Entscheidung gegen den HerausfordererLuis Collazo (24-1)

Rivera stieg für seinen nächsten Kampf um eine Gewichtsklasse auf, zeigt die Widerstandsfähigkeit, die während seiner Karriere für seinen nächsten Kampf eine Grundvoraussetzung war, auch zu hause, gegen WBA Junior Mittelgewicht WeltmeisterAlexandro Garcia (25-1).

In seinem nächsten Kampf und der ersten Verteidigung seines dritten Weltmeistertitels, Rivera wurde zum ersten Mal in seiner Profikarriere gestoppt, von neuem ChampionTravis Simms (24-0), und dann wurde er von ausgeknocktDaniel Santos (24-0) in Runde acht ihrer WBA Junior Mittelgewicht Titel Eliminator.

Rivera zog sich zurück 2008 nur um ein Comeback zu machen 2001, Danach zog er sich wieder zurück, bis er für zwei Kämpfe in Worcester zurückkehrte, um seine Profikarriere mit zu beenden 50 Kämpfe, das letzte kommt im Alter von 46.

"Joses USA-Boxerfahrungen haben ihn zu dem Mann mit Charakter gemacht, der er heute ist, sowohl innerhalb als auch außerhalb des Rings,", SagteChris Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Direktor. „Er hat für einen Weltmeister die weniger befahrene Straße genommen, und dabei zeigte er seine Zähigkeit und Ausdauer, die ihn zu einem großartigen Beispiel für die heutigen USA-Boxer machten. "

USA Boxing Alumni Association

Erstellt, um lebenslang zu verfechten, für beide Seiten vorteilhafte Beziehungen zwischen USA Boxing und seinen Alumni, –Boxer, Beamte, Trainer und Boxfans — Die Alumni Association verbindet Generationen von Champions, inspirieren und den zukünftigen Boxchampions von USA Boxing etwas zurückgeben, in den und aus dem Ring.

Die USA Boxing Alumni Association steht allen offen, die das Boxen lieben und mit dem Amateurboxen in Verbindung bleiben möchten. Mitglieder erhalten Zugang zu einer Vielzahl von Sonderveranstaltungen, die von der Alumni Association veranstaltet werden, einschließlich des jährlichen Empfangs der Hall of Fame der USA Boxing Alumni Association.

Beitritt zur Alumni Association, einfach unter Für ein $40.00 pro Jahr Mitgliedsbeitrag. Neue Mitglieder erhalten ein T-Shirt, Schlüsselbund und E-Wallet.

Rivera war ein wahrer Arbeitsweltmeister. Nur wenige Weltmeister hatten während ihrer Titelregierung Vollzeitjobs. Rivera nutzte die Urlaubszeit, sowie persönliche und kranke Tage, als er für einige seiner Hauptkämpfe ins Trainingslager ging.

„Als ich aufwuchs, hatte ich immer eine gute Arbeitsmoral," er erklärte. „Als ich nach Worcester gezogen bin 16 Jahre alt, Ich habe alleine gelebt: Schule, Arbeit, und dann zu den Jungs & Girls Club zu trainieren. Ich habe die gleiche Arbeitsmoral beibehalten, die ich hatte 19 als ich Profi wurde. Ich wurde Vater bei 20, Daher war es wichtig, für meine Familie zu sorgen. Obwohl es schwer war, Ich wusste, dass Boxen nicht ewig dauern würde, und ich hatte das Glück, einen guten Job bei den Commonwealth of Massachusetts Trial Courts zu finden. Es dauerte lange Tage, als ich trainierte, besonders wenn ich für meine Weltmeisterschaften kämpfte oder sie verteidigte. Schlussendlich, obwohl, meinen Job zu behalten war die beste Entscheidung, die ich für mich und meine Familie treffen konnte. “

Rivera. Er war jahrelang Associate Court Officer und wurde letztes Jahr zum Assistant Chief Court Officer befördert, ist immer noch am Boxen beteiligt. Er und sein ältester Sohn, A.J. Rivera, besitzen und betreiben eine Box-Werbefirma, Rivera Promotions Unterhaltung, jungen Kämpfern in seiner Region die Möglichkeit zu geben, häufiger und zu Hause zu kämpfen. Jose kommt gelegentlich bei den Boys vorbei & Girls Club besucht seine ehemaligen Trainer, Garcia undRocky Gonzalez, ihr junges Talent zu unterstützen. Er geht auch zu seinem FreundKendrick KugelFitnessstudio, Camp Sei richtig, jungen Kämpfern dort ein paar Tipps zu geben und in Form zu bleiben (nicht für ein weiteres Comeback).

Jose Antonio Rivera wird am besten für seine Zähigkeit und Entschlossenheit bekannt sein, was ihn in ein anderes Leben führte, darunter drei Weltmeisterschaften und ein wundervolles Leben, das er niemals genossen hätte.



Zwitschern: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USA Boxing

ÜBER USA BOXING:  Die Mission von USA Boxing ist es, den Athleten und Trainern der Vereinigten Staaten zu ermöglichen, nachhaltige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu erreichen, Charakter entwickeln, unterstütze den Boxsport, und fördern und wachsen olympisches Boxen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Die Verantwortung von USA Boxing liegt nicht nur in der Produktion von olympischem Gold, sondern auch alle Aspekte des Amateurboxens in den Vereinigten Staaten überwachen und regeln.

Live Boxing Returns to Impact Network in July

DETROIT, MY (Mai 26, 2020) – Live televised boxing events are scheduled to return on the Impact Network in mid-July as negotiations for fights in Las Vegas, Detroit, Chicago, and Florida for the Bahamas, are all underway as particular cities reopen up for business amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

With social distancing guidelines still in effect, Impact will stage these live boxing shows without fans in attendance. The two-hour broadcast will feature relevant contenders and undefeated prospects who will be in step-up fights.

Impact senior management Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, Terry Arnold, und Royal Jackson agree with their programming partner, Steven Marcano, that it’s time to return to work.

“I’m very excited about the return of boxing programming to Impact Network,", Sagte Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, CEO, and president of the Impact Network. “Our network is growing immensely, and boxing will be a stable of our channel for years to come. These young men are eager to get back in the ring and we can’t wait to showcase their talent. In July we’ll be broadcasting our next live boxing event on Impact.”

“We are seeing great success with our “Stars and Champions” programming and we believe that momentum will continue forth when we resume live boxing events to Impact in July,", Sagte Royal Jackson, Impact executive producer. “I’m excited about what the future holds for boxing on the Impact Network.”

“We are ready to resume live boxing events and programming on the Impact Network,” stated Steve Marcano von SMM Boxing, whose company is responsible for Impact’s admittance into the sport. “Right now, we are working closely with city officials to bring boxing back in certain states as the COVID-19 lockdown loosens up. If all goes as planned, we will have our next show back on Impact in July.”

“Our next card is being planned for July with several undefeated fighters set to make their Impact debut,", Sagte Rick Torres, head of business and legal affairs for SMM Boxing. “Showcasing rising young stars in the sport is a feature we plan on emphasizing as we march forward with Impact.”

The Impact Network airs across all major cable, Satellit, and digital channels. Impact is now broadcasting 24-hours a day, seven days a week, auf DIRECTV’s Channel 380 or Channel 268, DISH Network’s Channel 268, Fios TV Channel 787, und Comcast’s Xfinity TV’s Channel 400. Außerdem, Impact Network can be viewed digitally on Jahr, Apple TV, Amazonas, Google Play, Microsoft, und Schlinge. All live boxing events can be viewed on the Impact Network Webseite und mobile app. Please check local listings in your area for more information.
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USA Boxing pays tribute to True Patriot Robert Carmody 1964 Olympischer Bronzemedaillengewinner & Soldier killed in Vietnam

COLORADO SPRINGS, Runde. (Mai 21, 2020) – People all across the United States will rightfully pay respect to fallen military men and women during this Memorial Day weekend. One true American Patriot that USA Boxing will remember forever is 1964 Olympischer BronzemedaillengewinnerRobert “Butterball” Carmody, who was killed in action three years later at the height of the Vietnam War.

Geboren in 1938, Carmody learned to fight on the streets of Brooklyn, where he lived before joining the U.S. Army in 1957, and where he took his first boxing lesson. A natural-born fighter, he was selected to represent the 11th Airborne Division, even after it was deployed to Germany, after he had earned his airborne wings, and Robert developed into a record 4-time All-Army flyweight champion.

Carmody also captured top honors at the 1962 International Military Sports Council and earned a bronze medal in 1963 at the prestigious Pan American Games. At the 1964 Olympischen Boxen Trials, held at the famous New York’s World’s Fair, he upset flyweight favoriteMelvin Miller to earn a spot on the 1964 USA Olympic Boxing Team.

At the Olympics, Carmody became a close friend of heavyweightJoe Frazier, the lone American to win an Olympic gold medal at the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo, Japan. The smallest and biggest men on the Olympic Team were buddies. Frazier, natürlich, went on to become a Hall of Fame heavyweight champion, who was inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame this past December.

“He’s the type of guy you really need,” Frazier said in a 2006 interview. “I had some hard times, things was rough, but he was a guy that helped you out a lot. I loved him like a brother.”

Hampered by a bruised hand, the 5’ 2”, 112-pound Carmody had a bye in the opening round, ausgeschlagenNam Singh Thapa (Nepal) in his first fight, took a decision (4-1) gegenOtto Babiasch (Deutschland), and lost in the semifinals by way of a questionable decision (1-4) to the eventual Olympic championFernando Atzon (Italien).

Although he never publicly complained about the decision that may have cost him an Olympic gold medal, Carmody was visibly upset as he headed to the locker room, wannGeneral William Westmoreland hollered to him, “Good job, soldier!” Carmody, obwohl, turned and reportedly yelled back, “You dumb son of a bitch!"

After the Olympics, Carmody retired from amateur boxing with a 128-12 Rekord, returned home and rather than turn pro, he decided to stay in the U.S. Armee, training a few teams at the International Military Sports Council, including the U.S. Army squad.

Strings were pulled for the 10-year military veteran, because of his imposing status as an Olympic bronze medalist, he didn’t have to go with his 199th Light Infantry Brigade when it was deployed to Vietnam. But even though he wasn’t combat trained, due to his training as a boxer, Carmody insisted on deploying with his unit on June of 1967, the day his sonRobert Carmody, Jr. was born.

Ein paar Wochen später, Staff Sergeant Carmody’s unit. D Troop of the U.S. 17th Calvary Regiment was on a routine six-man foot patrol north of Saigon. They were ambushed by Viet Cong guerillas and five of the six U.S. soldiers were killed, including Carmody, who was posthumously awarded a Bronze Star for valor. He became the first Olympic boxing medalist to die in combat.

USA Boxing Alumni Association

Erstellt, um lebenslang zu verfechten, für beide Seiten vorteilhafte Beziehungen zwischen USA Boxing und seinen Alumni, –Boxer, Beamte, Trainer und Boxfans — Die Alumni Association verbindet Generationen von Champions, inspirieren und den zukünftigen Boxchampions von USA Boxing etwas zurückgeben, in den und aus dem Ring.

Die USA Boxing Alumni Association steht allen offen, die das Boxen lieben und mit dem Amateurboxen in Verbindung bleiben möchten. Mitglieder erhalten Zugang zu einer Vielzahl von Sonderveranstaltungen, die von der Alumni Association veranstaltet werden, einschließlich des jährlichen Empfangs der Hall of Fame der USA Boxing Alumni Association.

Beitritt zur Alumni Association, einfach unter Für ein $40.00 pro Jahr Mitgliedsbeitrag. Neue Mitglieder erhalten ein T-Shirt, Schlüsselbund und E-Wallet.

“Robert Carmody’s selflessness and character extends far beyond our sport of Olympic-style amateur boxing,” said Chris Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Director. “A warrior in the ring, a hero outside of the ring—he showed the world the very best of what USA Boxing has to offer, and the USA Boxing Alumni Association looks forward to keeping his legacy alive.”

“On this Memorial Day, USA Boxing wants to recognize and honor our fallen heroes who have gave their lives in defense of our country, like Robert Carmody,” stated USA Boxing Executive Director Mike McAtee. “On this Memorial Day, I think it is important to also recognize all who have served in our military, which Billy Ray Cyrus stated, ‘All gave some and some gave all.’ Thank you for your service, we will never forget.”

Olympic Bronze Medal winner to Bronze Star recipient, Robert Carmody was a fighter true and true, as well as a man of tremendous honor, and a legitimate hero.



Zwitschern: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USA Boxing

ÜBER USA BOXING:  Die Mission von USA Boxing ist es, den Athleten und Trainern der Vereinigten Staaten zu ermöglichen, nachhaltige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu erreichen, Charakter entwickeln, unterstütze den Boxsport, und fördern und wachsen olympisches Boxen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Die Verantwortung von USA Boxing liegt nicht nur in der Produktion von olympischem Gold, sondern auch alle Aspekte des Amateurboxens in den Vereinigten Staaten überwachen und regeln.

Keith “Die Prämie” Hunter Recovered from Hand Injury Ready to Face Top Contenders

LAS VEGAS, NV (Mai 15, 2020) - Prince Ranch Boxen undefeated super lightweight contender, Keith “Die Prämie” Jäger (12-0, 7 KOs), has fully recovered from a hand injury suffered in his last fight with Sanjarbek Rakhmanov (12-3-1, 6 KOs), a 10-round bout that headlined on ShoBox back in February of this year.

Jäger, a Las Vegas native, is eager to face all top contenders when boxing returns. The super lightweight contender is currently ranked #13 von der WBA, meaning his shot at the top of the division is coming soon.

I am ready to face the best in the division and I feel even better since my hand has fully healed with this time off,” explained Hunter, who ready to prove himself once again. “I was supposed to fight Shonjahon Ergashev und Malik Hawkins, so I’d like to fight them first, aber ehrlich, a fight with any of the world champions is a challenge I’m ready for now. I willing and ready to face the best!”

Jäger, die von verwaltet wird Greg Hannley, is staying ready as he awaits a phone call that boxing is back.

Keith Hunter is ready for his shot at the best in the division,” sagte der Manager Greg Hannley, CEO von Prince Ranch Boxen. “Keith has defeated two fighters signed by Mayweather Promotions in his last three consecutive bouts. He is getting national attention and his ranking in the WBA gets him closer to a world title shot. Now is Keith Hunter’s time.

I just know that I am gifted and want to win a world title to further my father’s legacy,” Hunter continued. “I am so focused, I just want to bring great entertainment to people who are in need of things to do, and if I can fight for a title, that’d even be better.

Keith Hunter is promoted by Greg Cohen, Gründer, and CEO of Greg Cohen Promotions.

Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker inks Hot Ukrainian boxing prospects Karen Chukhadzhian & Zoravor Petrosyan

BOSTON (Mai 11, 2020) – Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker announced that it has signed a pair of promising Ukrainian prospects, word-rated welterweight Karen Chukhadzhian (16-1, 7 KOs) und superleichte Zoravor Petrosyan (7-0, 3 KOs), to exclusive managerial contracts.
I’m honored to represent such high-quality Ukrainian fighters like Karen and Zoravor,” Fighter Locker president Ryan Roach saidThey’re both trained by world champion Vyacheslav Senchenko. Anytime you can add such accomplished fighters to your stable, especially a champion like Karen, ist ein wahr gewordener Traum. I’m looking forward to getting them here in the United States and into fights.

The 24-year-old Chukhadzhian, Kein Platz. 14 in the world by the World Boxing Association (WBA), captured the WBA International welterweight title in his last fight this past February 1, by way of a 10-round decision over previously undefeatedSergy Vorobiev (9-1).
Chukhadzhian is also a former World Boxing Organization (WBO-) Youth and World Boxing Council (WBC) Youth Silver welterweight champion. Like the great Bernard Hopkins he lost his pro debut, he has reeled off 16 Siegen.
Zurück in 2008, Chukhadzhian first became inspired to box after watching“König” Arthur Abraham overcome a broken jaw to decisionEdison Miranda. Karen went on to have approximately 200 amateur fights and was crowned 2014 Ukraine National Champion.  
I’m pleased to have signed a contract with Ryan Roach and Daniyar Ganik (trainer),” Chukhadzhian said. “I look forward to fighting in the United States and climbing new mountains.


Petrosyan, 21, was a decorated amateur boxer who captured a bronze medal at the 2016 World Youth (Under-19) Meisterschaften, in addition to being a multiple Ukrainian National champion. All seven of his pro career fights to date, which started October 2, 2018, have been held in the capital of Ukraine, Kiew.
I can’t wait to start boxing in the United States,” Petrosyan commented. “I can’t believe my boxing career is now going to be built in the U.S. I’m confident of becoming a world champion I’m ready for a youth title fight right now.
Chukhadzhian and Petrosyan join Fighter Locker’s growing stable that already includes their fellow countryman, North American Boxing Association (Auch Noch) super welterweight title holder Stanyslav Skofokhod (19-2, 16 KOs). Other stablemates are Dominican welterweight Juan Carlos “Baiser” Abreu (23-5-1, 21 KOs), the former IBF Youth World super lightweight champion; Lynn, MA super welterweight Khiry Todd (10-1, 8 KOs),Dorchester, MA Weltergewicht Gabriel Duluc (15-3, 4 KOs), Troy, NY super lightweight RayJay Bermudez, Toronto, Canada welterweight Jeff “The Trouble 1Tabrizi (8-3, 7 KOs), plus former Kazakhstan National Team light heavyweight Alexey Sevostyanov and Irish National champion Paul Ryan, who will fight as a welterweight in the pro ranks. The latter two will make their pro debuts when boxing returns.

Ukraine, natürlich, has developed into one of the most prolific countries in terms of producing great boxers such asVasiliy LomachenkoAleksandr UsykOleksandr GvozdykSergiy Derevyanchenko undViktor Postol, among the most notable contemporary fighter from Ukraine.  
Chukhadzhian and Petrosyan are in the latest wave from the Eastern European country.

FACEBOOK: /Fighterlocker
TWITTER: @RoachRyan
INSTAGRAM: @RyanRoach82

Undefeated boxing prospect Lamont Powell Escaped 36-bullet shooting without a scratch FoundedGloves Up, Guns Down” Nächstenliebe

Lamont Powell (R ) is a winner in different ways
(photo courtesy of Ed Diller Photography)
PROVIDENCE, R.i. (Mai 5, 2020) – Undefeated super welterweight prospectLamont “The Blessed One” Powell, based on a near death experience 2-½ years ago in Providence, could easily have “Glücklich” as his nickname.
The 26-year-old Powell was a three-time Silver Mittens champion, who compiled a 45-4 Amateur-Rekord, prior to turning two years ago. Er ist 5-0 (1 KO) as a professional but, due to the pandemic, he hasn’t fought since last August, when he won a 4-round unanimous decision over 14-7-1Ricardo Garcia.
Back on that near fatal night in 2018, Lamont and his uncle were sitting in a car in front of Powell’s home, when another vehicle suddenly and surprisingly stopped near them. Two unidentified young men jumped out and starting firing automatic weapons in Powell’s direction. Thirty-six rounds were shot, one hit Powell’s uncle in the leg, but Powell somehow miraculously escaped without a scratch.  
No bullets hit me,” Powell confirmed. “I’m blessed and the reason for that is God and my motherwe lost her (Melissa) Als ich war 3 – who is my guardian angel. We were just sitting in a car, when two kids got out of a car and starting shooting our car. They had extended clips, but I don’t know who they were, and neither do the police to this day. My uncle was taken to the hospital and I had to start watching myself closer.
Powell’s grandparents – Phillip Copper undMary Ann Powell – brought him up, because his mother had passed away and his father was in and out of his life. His grandmother is his legal guardian and his grandfather has been like a father since he was a baby.
Natürlich, after his surreal experience, Powell dramatically changed his lifestyle. Instead of running the streets and ending up like many people he knew, dead or incarcerated, Powell dedicated himself to boxing and created a charity for high-risk kidsGloves Up, Guns Down, sponsored by Big Six Boxing Academy in Providence, where he trains with his grandfather as head coach, as well as having former U.S. Olympian boxerJason “Big Six” Straße in seiner Ecke.
After the shooting somebody who had been shot in the head reached out to Powell. They met to talk about what they’d been through and soon createdGloves up, Guns Down, was “blew upovernight, according to Powell.
Gloves Up, Guns Downoffers at-risk youngsters an opportunity to try boxing as part of an after-school program aimed to keep kids active and out of trouble. Kids are supplied with boxing equipment and taught valuable lessons through boxing with proper coaching and support.
I started boxing when I was eight years old,” Powell added. “Boxing kept me off of the streets and busy. This is a sport outside of school that everyone can get involved in.
Powell is promoted by Jimmy Burchfield’s Classic Sports and Entertainment (CES). Burchfield clearly remembers the first time he saw Powell, because he was so impressive running a hilly 2 ½ mile course around a pond at Lincoln Woods State Park.
I walk there often, and I’ve watched everybody struggle running those hills, including top athletes, but I saw this kid running the hills without a problem,” Burchfield remembered. “I later found out that he was a boxer and knew I’d never have to worry about him being in top shape.  
Lamont came to see me with his grandfather, who has been such a big part of his life, und späterRoland Estrada joined us. I was impressed because Lamont had a full-time job, noch, he trains so hard. I learned that he came from one of the toughest areas of Providence and ran the streets as a kid. Eines Tages, he called and asked if I would go with him to the Met School, where he was going to be speaking to about 150 kids and teachers. He spoke about running the streets and admitted that he had done it all. He said to me that if he could impact the lives of one or two of those kids, he’d feel happy, and that brought tears to my eyes. He was going speak at other schools, but this pandemic has put that on hold for now. His program is No. 1 in his life, helping at-risk kids so they don’t repeat what Lamont did when he was younger.
Im Ring, Powell displays a stiff jab and, natürlich, tremendous conditioning. And like most boxers, he believes that he’ll be a champion someday.
Everything is going as planned with CES,” Powell concluded. “My grandfather has been my head coach since day one, Jason also coaches me, and Doc. Estrada is my adviser. Boxing came naturally to me. I just needed to put in the hard work. Someday I will be a champion and I can’t wait to see my grandfather in the ring holding the belt over his head, because nobody deserves that more than him.
Burchfield has been a boxing promoter for nearly 30 Jahre, and he agrees that Powell will be a champion someday. “He’s definitely is on a mission to be a champion,” Burchfield added, and he has everything needed to make that happen. This kid has a really good story. He can be a champion and continue helping at-risk kids have better lives. What’s better than that?”
Powell, who also gave-away toys to children in need last Christmas at Big Six Boxing Academy, is on the boxing journey of his career that he believes will climax someday with him being crowned world champion.  
Zusamenfassend, Lamont Powell is the total package, in den und aus dem Ring. And lucky to be alive!
Facebook: /LamontPowell
Instagram: @lamontpowell1


RINGSIDE Chronicles Das Leben und die Kämpfe zweier erwachsener Boxwunder auf der Südseite von Chicago

Premieren Am Freitag, Juni 12 Bei 8:30 p.m. ET / PT auf Showtime

NEW YORK - Mai 4, 2020 - SHOWTIME gab heute bekannt, dass es Rechte an dem preisgekrönten Dokumentarfilm erworben hat RINGSIDE, Dies dokumentiert die dramatische Erziehung zweier Wunderkinder im Boxen und folgt den unterschiedlichen Wegen, die sie einschlagen, wenn sie durch die Unsicherheiten des Lebens auf der Südseite von Chicago navigieren. Gefilmt über neun Jahre von dem preisgekrönten Regisseur Andre Hörmann, RINGSIDE wird am Freitag auf SHOWTIME Premiere haben, Juni 12 bei 8:30 p.m. ET / PT.

Gewinner des Silver Hugo Award beim Chicago International Film Festival, RINGSIDE dokumentiert das Leben von Kenneth Sims Jr., Destyne Butler Jr., und ihre engagierten Väter, die sie ausbilden, und ihre Bestrebungen, eine der gefährlichsten Gegenden der Nation zu überleben, um Boxruhm zu erlangen. Hörmann hat sich mit dem preisgekrönten Kameramann Tom Bergmann und dem Redakteur Vincent Assmann zusammengetan 2009 den begabten jungen Athleten zu folgen. Beginnend mit ihren USA. olympisch® Boxing Team Trials, Die Filmemacher haben über neun Jahre entscheidende Momente festgehalten, als sich die Entscheidungen und Umstände der jungen Männer änderten, Sie auf getrennten Wegen führen - einer in Richtung einer vielversprechenden Boxkarriere und der andere durch das Gefängnissystem.

„Im Laufe von neun Jahren gedreht, RINGSIDE ist ein Komplex, emotionaler Bericht über zwei Jugendliche, die beruflich und persönlich ums Überleben kämpfen,", Sagte Stephen Espinoza, Präsident, Sport- und Eventprogrammierung, Showtime Networks Inc.. „Dieser bemerkenswerte Film folgt zwei begabten jungen Boxern und den Vätern, die sie führen, während sie sich bemühen, eine scheinbar endlose Reihe persönlicher und gesellschaftlicher Hindernisse zu überwinden. Das Ergebnis ist eine bewegende Geschichte über die Hoffnung, Ambition, Selbstdisziplin, Belastbarkeit und Erlösung. Es ist diese Art von provokativer Geschichte, an der Schnittstelle von Sport und Gesellschaft, Das ist zum Markenzeichen von SHOWTIME Sports Documentary Films geworden. “

Beide jungen Männer erzielten bemerkenswerte Erfolge in ihrer Amateurkarriere. Sims haben sich angesammelt 250 Amateur-Kämpfe, Gewinn zahlreicher nationaler Titel, und nach seinem professionellen Debüt in 2014, wurde unter anderem ein gefragter Sparringspartner für Manny Pacquiao und Jorge Linares. Er hat vier Auftritte in der SHOWTIME Prospect Development SeriesShoBox: Die neue Generation miteinander ausgehen. Umgekehrt, Butler fiel mit einem Einbruchring ein und verbüßte Zeit im Gefängnis. Nach seiner Freilassung in kehrte er zum Boxen zurück 2018, Gewinn der Chicago Golden Gloves. Nach neun Profikämpfen steht er nun ungeschlagen da.

Eine Produktion von Sutor Kolonko und Motto Pictures in Zusammenarbeit mit Blue Ice Docs und Mitten Media, RINGSIDEwird durch den zweifachen Oscar produziert® Kandidat und Emmy® Preisträgerin Julie Goldman, Emmy-Preisträger Ingmar Trost und Emmy- und Peabody-Preisträger Christopher Clements. Die ausführenden Produzenten sind Ken Pelletier, Mark Mitten und Carolyn Hepburn.

RINGSIDE ist das neueste kulturell relevante Programm ohne Drehbuch von SHOWTIME SPORTS DOCUMENTARY FILMS, das zeitgenössische Themen beleuchtet. Neukunden, die sich bei und der SHOWTIME-App anmelden, können eine 30-tägige kostenlose Testversion für den SHOWTIME-Streaming-Service nutzen, verfügbar auf und der SHOWTIME-App auf allen unterstützten Geräten.

Showtime Networks Inc.. (SNI), eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft von ViacomCBS Inc., besitzt und betreibt die Premium-TV-Netze SHOWTIME®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL und FLIX®, und bietet auch Showtime ON DEMAND®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL ON DEMAND und FLIX ON DEMAND®, und der Netzwerkauthentifizierungsdienst Showtime ANYTIME®. Showtime Digital Inc., eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft von SNI, betreibt den Stand-alone-Streaming-Dienst SHOWTIME®. SHOWTIME steht Abonnenten derzeit per Kabel zur Verfügung, DBS, und Telekommunikationsanbieter, und als eigenständiger Streaming-Dienst über Amazon, Apfel®, Google, LG Smart TVs, Oculus Go, Jahr®, Samsung Smart TVs und Xbox One. Verbraucher können SHOWTIME auch über die Prime Video Channels von Amazon abonnieren, Apple TV-Kanäle, AT&T TV Jetzt, FuboTV, Hulu, Der Roku-Kanal, Sling TV und YouTube TV. Zuschauer können auch auf Computern unter SNI vermarktet und vertreibt Sport- und Unterhaltungsveranstaltungen für Ausstellung Abonnenten auf einer Pay-per-View-Basis durch Showtime PPV®. Weitere Informationen, gehen Sie

Geboren, um Ray zu boxen “Boom Boom” Mancini

(pictures courtesy of Getty Images)
COLORADO SPRINGS, Runde. (April 27, 2020) — As the son of a prizefighter, International Boxing Hall of Fame aufgenommen (“Class of 2015”) Strahl “Boom Boom” Mancini was born to box, and the Youngstown, Ohio fighter climbed to the top of the sport’s mountain, capturing the World Boxing Association (WBA) lightweight title in 1982.

Mancini’s father, die spät Lenny “Boom Boom” Mancini, boxed professionally from 1937 bis 1947, Kompilieren ein 46-12-3 (16 KOs) pro Datensatz. Lenny was the No. 1 ranked lightweight in the world in 1941 and considered a future world champion. Jedoch, his dream was sadly shattered when he was wounded during World War II. He returned to boxing after being discharged, but his physical issues due to the wound prevented him from fulfilling his once vast potential.

Sein Sohn, Strahl, took the mantle and ran with it to fame, glory and notoriety as a world champion. He started boxing young and had his first fight when he was 15 at the Junior Olympics in Cleveland. Ray had thought that he would have to wait until he turned 16, because that was the minimum age to compete in the Golden Gloves.

When I heard that I could enter (the Junior Olympics),” Mancini remembered, “I pressured my father to let me go (to Cleveland). A very close family friend was training some guys in the next town over from us and he was taking some fighters to the Junior Olympics. He said he’d take me there. I won by first fight by first-round knockout and I wound up winning the regional title. I went on to the Mid-West Regional in Detroit and fought a local kid, Sammy Fuentes, to go to the Nationals. He beat me by decision, but I gained my first real lesson about boxing and life: experience is everything. It was my sixth amateur fight and I was told that Fuentes had more than 200. It did not deter me, tatsächlich, it made me hungrier to succeed.

Succeed he did, despite his aggressive style that best suited the professional ranks much more than amateurs. Er gewann 43 von 50 Amateurspiele, capturing top honors in the 1977 Youngstown Golden Gloves and Northeastern Ohio Golden Gloves. He also won the Northeast Ohio AAU Championship and reached the quarterfinals of the 1978 National AAU Tournament.

I lost a close decision in the semifinals of the 1978 National Golden Gloves to two-time U.S. Olympier Davey Armstrong,” Mancini said. “I lost a decision to Anthony Fletcher in the quarterfinals of the 1978 National AAU Championships and once again in the championship final of the Ohio State Fair. In my last amateur fight, I lost a bad decision to defending National Champion Melvin Paul am 1979 National Golden Gloves Turnier. (Danach) I knew I wasn’t going to have another amateur fight and was going to turn pro.

I had more of a pro style when I fought in the amateurs. Three rounds didn’t benefit me. I never had a four-round fight (wie ein Profi). I started with six-rounders because, for my style, a three-round amateur or a four-round pro fight were pretty much the same for me. Six-rounders were more beneficial to me and that was proven right away.

I knew I wouldn’t win any of the major amateur championships because of my style. Nach dem Weg, obwohl, I beat some pretty good amateurs: Darryl Chambers,Memo Arreola, Tim Christianson und Mark Chieverini. My amateur career just made me even more hungry to win a World title as a pro.

His seek and destroy style made him an instant favorite as a professional. “I had to be aggressive, as a fighter or on the playing field when I played other sports, because of my natural instincts,” Mancini explained. “I couldn’t sit back and wait for things to happen; I had to try and make things happen. I follow that thinking in my business life as well, but much like the fight game, you have to known when to attack and when to sit back and counter.

Mancini, who some called a little Rocky Marciano because of the way he fought, turned pro October 18, 1979 in Struthers, Ohio, Einstellung Phil Bowen in der ersten Runde. Ray fought 15 times in his first year as a pro and extended his winning streak to 19, before he challenged World Boxing Council (WBC) lightweight World champion Alexis Arguello (67-5), who won by way of a 14-round technical knockout, in a fight that was dead even after 10 Runde. After the match, then future Hall of Famer Arguello was quoted as saying: “I think my heart is special, but his (Mancini) is bigger than I have. Someday he will be champion.

Only seven months and three fights later, Mancini captured the World Boxing Association (WBA) lightweight World title way of a sensational first-round knockout of defending champion Arturo Frias (24-1). Ray dedicated that fight to his father, who was unable to become world champion, due to the wounds he suffered in World War II.

Mancini finished his pro career with a 29-5 (23 KOs), which included victories against world champions Bobby Chacon (523-5-1), Ernesto Espana (35-4), Frias and Jose Luis Ramirez (71-3), and all five of his losses were to world championsArguello, Hector Camacho, Greg Haughen und Livingstone Bramble (zweimal).

Ray ‘Boom BoomMancini demonstrated the heart of a champion throughout his career,” sagte, Chris Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Director. “Even though his in-ring success is primarily discussed at the professional level, the hunger to learn and grow as an amateur is something that inspires today’s USA Boxing champions. He is another example of a USA Boxing alumnus who experienced tremendous success resulting from experiences and lessons from his amateur days.

Mancini is proud of his roots in Youngstown, which also produced world pro boxing champions such as Harry Arroyo, Jeff Lampkin, Greg Richardson und Kelly Pavlik.

Growing up in Youngstown helped me tremendously as a fighter,” Mancini talked about his hometown. “We all knew what a tough town it was and is and we knew the stories of all the fighters, amateur and pro, who had left a mark before us. Growing up there, football and boxing were the two sports everybody talked about. If you left a mark in either one, people still talked about you long after you’re playing, or fight days were over. So, to succeed in a town like Youngstown, was a tremendous accomplishment in itself.

USA Boxing Alumni Association

Erstellt, um lebenslang zu verfechten, für beide Seiten vorteilhafte Beziehungen zwischen USA Boxing und seinen Alumni, — Boxer, Beamte, Trainer und Boxfans — Die Alumni Association verbindet Generationen von Champions, inspirieren und den zukünftigen Boxchampions von USA Boxing etwas zurückgeben, in den und aus dem Ring.

Die USA Boxing Alumni Association steht allen offen, die das Boxen lieben und mit dem Amateurboxen in Verbindung bleiben möchten. Mitglieder erhalten Zugang zu einer Vielzahl von Sonderveranstaltungen, die von der Alumni Association veranstaltet werden, einschließlich des jährlichen Empfangs der Hall of Fame der USA Boxing Alumni Association.

Beitritt zur Alumni Association, einfach unter registrieren Für ein $40.00 pro Jahr Mitgliedsbeitrag. Neue Mitglieder erhalten ein T-Shirt, Schlüsselanhänger und E-Wallet.

The ultra-popular Mancini is one of the few boxers to have had a movie (“Heart of a Champion: The Ray Mancini Story)”), Song (“Boom Boom Manciniby Warren Zevon) and book (“The Good Son: The Life of Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini by Mark Kriegel) about him.

Heute, the 59-year-old Mancini still resides in Youngstown, and he remains involved in boxing as a color commentator for PBC on Fox. He’s also been a member of the Ohio Boxing Commission for the last three years. “I’m involved (im Boxen) as close as I want to be and can still be a fan,” gab er zu. “What I miss most about the fight game is challenging myself mentally and emotionally, and to be able toget upand challenge myself physically on a daily basis. To stand in front of another man before the fight, right in the center of the ring, and say to myself, ‘Either you’re getting carried out of here tonight or I am, but one of us is getting carried out of here tonight,’ was my mentality. I miss that challenge!”

Looking back at his boxing career, Mancini maintains that he wouldn’t change a thing. “I can’t say I would do anything different, im Rückblick, because I won the World title, successfully defended it four times, made good money and retired healthy,” Mancini concluded. “People still remember and talk about my fights and I made it into the International Boxing Hall of Fame, the ultimate shrine for fighters. So, why would I want to have done anything differently?”

Zwitschern: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USA Boxing

PBC on FOX Sends Video Thank You Message to COVID-19 Front Line Workers

Premier Boxing Champions fighters and PBC on FOX talent joined together to create a thank you message for the doctors, nurses and first responders working on the front lines fighting COVID-19.
Watch the video across the PBC on FOX social media accounts onZwitschern,FacebookYouTube und Instagram
The video includes PBC fighters Manny Pacquiao, Errol Spence Jr.,
Deontay Wilder, Leo Santa Cruz, Andy Ruiz Jr., Shawn Porter, Mikey Garcia, Danny Garcia, Keith Thurman, David Benavidez, Caleb Pflanze, Abner Mares, Erislandy Lara, Julian Williams, Tony Harrison, Anthony Dirrell, Andre Dirrell, Chris Eubank Jr., Andre Berto and Adam Kownacki.
It also features PBC on FOX talent Brian Kenny, Chris Myers, Joe Goossen, Kate Abdo, Shawn Porter, Abner Mares, Jimmy Lennon Jr., Marcos Villegas, Heidi AndrolJordan Plant, Steve Cunningham and Ray Flores.