Archiv der Kategorie: Boxen

Perez wins New Jersey State Super Middleweight Title with decision over Aikens in Atlantic City Classic


ATLANTIC CITY (September 10, 2018)–DeCarlo Perez and Antowyan Aikens lived up to the pre-fight hype of a knockdown- dragout war that eventually saw Perez eek out an eight-round unanimous decision on Saturday night at The Bourbon Room inside the Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City.


The bout between Atlantic City rivals, which gave Perez the New Jersey State Super Middleweight title, headlined an terrific 10-bout card promoted by Rising Star Promotions.



The fight saw Perez push the action early as he buckled Aikens into the ropes in the 2nd round. Not only did Aikens stem the tide, but came back emphatically, as he landed a perfect right that sent Perez to the canvas.


Now with Aikens seemingly in control. Perez came back the very next round to land a perfect left hook that put Aikens on the canvas. It looked like Perez would be able to end the fight, but Aikens came back and stood toe-to-tow with Perez, and gave as good he received.


With a cut over his left eye, Perez was able to box his way down the stretch of the fight, which thrilled the capacity crowd and the Showboat Hotel.




Perez of Atlantic City won by scores of 77-72, 76-74 und 75-74 zu verbessern 17-6-1. Aikens of Atlantic City is 13-5-1.




Antowyan surprised me on how he was able to be so consistent. When he did knock me down, I was able to stay calm, and keep my composure. I said to myself was to stay calm, I still have rounds and I tasted his power. Ich habe ihn niedergeschlagen, and I knew we were even, and I just wanted to win the last few rounds. He started out the rounds strong, but my pressure not only influenced the judges, but began to break him down. He started punching out of fear instead of skill,” said Perez. “As long as I stayed consistent and kept my pressure, I knew that I would prevail.




Said Aikens, “Es war ein guter Kampf. It was an action packed fight. We both landed some good shots. They gave it to him based off of his knockdown,” said Aikens. “After I knocked him down, I should have slowed up and took my time. In the next round, he caught me with a good shot. There were a lot of things said in the build up to this fight, and I fought off of a lot of anger. Ich komme wieder. I am a real fighter. All champions don’t win belts.






In a battle of New Jersey based junior welterweights, John Bauza remained undefeated with a six-round unanimous decision over Rashad Bogar


In Runde drei, Bauza dropped Bogar with a straight left hand.


Bauza cruised home with the victory by scores of 60-53 auf allen Karten.


Bauza, 139 lbs of North Bergen, NJ ist 11-0. Bogar, 139 Pfund Newark, NJ ist 4-8-1.


Omar Salem stopped Mike Anderson at the end of round one of their scheduled four round middleweight bout.


Salem dominated the only frame, and Anderson said he could not continue due to an arm injury.


Salem, 165 Pfund Brooklyn, NY ist 4-0 mit einem KO-. Anderson, 165.5 Pfund von Philadelphia ist 0-3.



Isaiah Hart made a thrilling pro debut with a 2nd round stoppage of Dillon Kasprzak in a middleweight bout.


In der ersten Runde, Hart knocked Kasprzak with a hard left hook. Hart came out in round two by landing two hard lefts and a flusg right, und der Kampf wurde gestoppt 16 Sekunden.


Hart, 160.7 lbs of Atlantic City is 1-0 mit einem KO-. Kasprzak, 159 Pfund von Philadelphia ist 0-2.



Nahir Albright pounded out a four-round unanimous decision over Glenford Nickey in a junior welterweight bout.


Albright, 140 Pfund Philadelphia gewann durch Punktzahlen von 40-36 zweimal und 40-35 zu erhöhen seinen Rekord auf 4-1. Nickey, 140 lbs of Brooklyn is 4-2.



Jahmal Dyer stopped Marco Lugo in the final round of their scheduled four-round lightweight bout.


In der ersten Runde, Dyer dropped Lugo with a left hook to the head. Dyer sealed the fight in round four, when he dropped Lugo with a hard right hand. Dyer ended things when he landed a huge right that sent Lugo back that opened up a barrage of hard punches, und der Kampf wurde gestoppt 1:29.


Dyer, 132.9 lbs of Baltimore is now 6-1 mit vier Knockouts. Lugo, 131 Pfund Vineland, NJ ist 0-2.




Ryan Wilczak remained undefeated with a four-round unanimous decision over Alberto Delgado in a middleweight fight.


Wilczak, 158 lbs of Scranton, PA gewonnen durch Dutzende von 40-36 und 39-37 twice and is now 7-0. Delgado, 160.9 lbs of Roanoke, VA is 0-4-3.



Ry’Shine Collins made an emphatic pro debut by stopping Lucky Holt in the 1st round of their scheduled four-round super bantamweight bout.


Collins landed a series of hard body shots that put Holt down, und der Kampf wurde gestoppt


Collins, 122.3 Pfund von Philadelphia ist 1-0 mit einem KO-. Holt, 120.8 lbs of Hannibal, MO is 0-3.



Kashon Hutchinson won a four-round unanimous decision over Steve Moore in a welterweight bout.


Hutchinson, 145.3 lbs of Reading, PA gewonnen durch Dutzende von 40-36 zweimal und 39-37 , seine Marke zu erhöhen 4-5. Moore, 144.1 Pfund Orange, NJ ist 1-5.



Travis Toledo remained undefeated by stopping Tahlik Taylor in round two of their scheduled four-round light-heavyweight bout.


In der zweiten Runde, Toledo dropped Taylor with a big left hook. Seconds later, it was a body shot that sent Taylor to the canvas, and the fight was halted at 2:02.


Toledo, 172,3 Pfund Baltimore, MD is 2-0 mit zwei Knockouts. Taylor, 175.3 lbs of Greensboro, NC ist 3-12-1.




Rising Star Promotions will be back at The Showboat on Saturday, November 3rd with the return of world ranked Thomas LaManna appearing in the main event. Also announced for the card will be a battle for the New Jersey State Middleweight title as Chris Thomas defends his title against Eddie Edmonds.


Die Fotos werden von Robert Elizando – TMB & PRB Unterhaltung
SAN ANTONIO, TX (September 9, 2018) – Letzter Nacht TMB & PRB Unterhaltung vorgestellt “Fight Night beim Scottish Rite 2” Eine Karte mit zehn Kämpfen, die im Scottish Rite Theatre in der Innenstadt von San Antonio stattfand. Im Sechs-Runden-Main Event, lokale Kämpfer, Gilbert Venegas und Armando Cardenas gab den Fans einen menschenfreundlichen Showdown.
Cardenas, Wer hatte die Höhe und erreichen Vorteil, tat sein Bestes, um von außen zu boxen, wurde aber von Venegas mit Überhandrechten erwischt. Am Ende der zweiten Runde, Venegas ließ Cardenas mit einer rechten Hand fallen. Cardenas war nicht schlecht verletzt und kam in Runde drei stark zurück. Venegas fing dann an, hämmernde Körperschüsse zu landen, Cardenas verlangsamen’ Komm zurück. Eine weitere Überhand rechts von Venegas ließ Cardenas zum zweiten Mal in Runde vier fallen. Venegas folgte mit einem bösartigen linken Haken am Körper, der Cardenas in Runde drei erneut niederschlug. Cardenas war schwer verletzt, schaffte es aber in die Endrunde. Beide Kämpfer gingen mit einem Glanz des Ruhms aus, als sie in den letzten Sekunden der sechsten Runde von Kopf bis Fuß gingen. Venegas bleibt durch einstimmige Entscheidung ungeschlagen, Verbesserung seiner Aufzeichnung auf (10-0, 6 KOs), während Armando Cardenas’ Rekord steht bei (9-2, 5 KOs). Scorecards nicht verfügbar.
4-Runder Super Federgewicht Kampf
Richard Medina (1-0, 1 KO) unterlegen. Jonathan Ewer (0-7)
17-Der herausragende Amateur Richard Medina gab sein mit Spannung erwartetes Pro-Debüt. Er machte die Arbeit eines Spiels Johnathan Ewer leicht. Medinas Geschwindigkeit und Kraft waren zu sehen, als er in der Eröffnungsrunde mehrere Kombinationen landete, Ewer zweimal fallen lassen. In der zweiten Runde, Ewer war im Überlebensmodus, konnte sich aber dem Angriff von Medina nicht entziehen. Eine Überhand rechts ließ Ewer in Runde drei endgültig fallen, Beenden der Kampf an der 1:54 Marke.
6-Runder leichter Kampf
Xavier Wilson (8-0-1, 1 KO) vs. Christian Santibanez (5-7-1, 3 KOs)
In einem sehr unterhaltsamen Kampf, Xavior Wilson und Christian Santibanez, Wer hatte schlechtes Blut in den Kampf gehen, eine großartige Show für die Fans. In den ersten Runden landeten beide Kämpfer heftige Schläge auf Kopf und Körper. Eine gerade rechte Hand von Wilson verletzte Sanibanez gegen Ende der zweiten Runde. Sanibanez erholte sich gut und kam in Runde drei zurück, Er landete ein paar schöne Haken am Kopf von Wilson. Der Kampf ging hin und her, als beide Kämpfer den Fans ihr Geld gaben. Obwohl beide Kämpfer ihre Momente hatten, Der Kampf endete mit einem Unentschieden der Mehrheit. Scorecards lesen 58-56 für Wilson und 57-57 zweimal. Die Entscheidung verärgerte Sanibanez und er stürmte aus dem Ring, Lassen Sie die Fotografen mit leeren Händen.
4-Runder Mittelgewicht Kampf
Luis Villareal (3-0-1, 1 KOs) unterlegen Stetson Horne (0-2)
In einem engen Kampf, Luis Villareal verdrängte Stetson Horne in vier Runden. Villareal übte Druck von der Eröffnungsglocke aus, zwingt Horne, von außen zu boxen. Villareal war der geschäftigere Kämpfer, der die saubereren Schüsse landete und einstimmig gewann. Scorecards lesen 39-37 für Villareal.
4-Runde Super Bantamgewicht Bout
Gregory Morales (5-0, 3 KO) unterlegen Jorge De Leon (0-4)
San Antonio nativen, Gregory Morales sieht in seinem Kampf mit Jorge De Leon sensationell aus. Morales landete harte Kraftschüsse auf den Körper und ging direkt aus dem Tor. Ein fester rechter Haken ließ De Leon zu Beginn der zweiten Runde fallen. Nachdem De Leon aufgestanden war, Morales ging für die Tötung und landete eine Reihe von Schlägen, zwingt den Schiedsrichter, den Kampf am zu stoppen 1:10 Zeichen der zweiten Runde.
6-Runde Schwergewichts-Kampf
Johnathan Rice (8-3-1, 4 KOs) unterlegen Terrell Woods (17-43-7, 11 KOs)
Los Angeles nativen, Johnathan Rice nutzte einen schönen Stoß, um seinen Kampf gegen ein Spiel Terrel Woods zu gewinnen. Am Ende der zweiten Runde, Rice ließ Woods mit einem schönen rechten Haken fallen, zwingt den Schiedsrichter, ihm eine stehende Acht zu geben. Reis würde zu einem einstimmigen Sieg kreuzen. Scorecards lesen 60-54 alles zugunsten von Reis.
4-Runder Mittelgewicht Kampf
Steven Ramos (4-0, 2 KOs) unterlegen Fabian Cancino (1-7)
Lokale Kämpfer, Steven Ramos und Fabian Cancino gingen in ihrem jeweiligen Matchup die Strecke. Beide Kämpfer fingen langsam an, begannen sich aber mehr auf die späteren Runden einzulassen. Ramos landete während des Kampfes mehr Power Shots und gewann durch einstimmige Entscheidung. Scorecards lesen: 40-36 auf der ganzen Linie für Ramos.
6-Runder Bantamgewicht Kampf
Victor Pasillas (13-0, 6 KOs) unterlegen Manuel Rubalcava (4-29)
Zum zweiten Mal kämpfen in 2018, Victor Pasillas dominierte seinen Gegner Manuel Rubalcava von der Eröffnungsglocke an. Der Angriff begann bei Pasillas, ein Rechtsausleger, landete Power Shot nach Power Shot in Runde eins. Ein verheerender rechter Haken am Körper von Pasillas schickte Rubalcava auf die Leinwand und beendete den Kampf am 1:55 Zeichen der zweiten Runde.
4-Runde Weltergewicht bout
Jairo Castaneda (10-1, 3 KOs) unterlegen Jesse Gutierrez (17-8, 9 KOs)
Bei 43 Jahre alt, Jesse Gutierrez, wer hatte nicht gekämpft 15 Jahre, einen guten Kampf gegen den jüngeren Feind Jario Castaneda austragen. Castaneda landete während des gesamten Kampfes fehlerfreie Schüsse. Obwohl Gutierrez die Krähe inspirierte, Er kam zu kurz und verlor eine einstimmige Entscheidung. Scorecards lesen 40-36 und 39-37 zweimal
4-Runder Mittelgewicht Kampf
Patrick Clarke (2-0-1, 2 KOs) Eddie Tigs (2-7-4)
In einer Schlacht lokaler Mittelgewichte, Eddie Tigs und Patrick Clarke gingen die Strecke in einem 4-Runden-Kampf. Tigs war der Boxer, der seitliche Bewegungen einsetzte, um seine Schüsse zu machen, während Clarke Drucklandekraftschüsse ausübte. Beide Kämpfer hatten ihre Momente, aber der Kampf endete mit einem geteilten Unentschieden. Scorecards lesen 39-37 für Wilson und 38-38 zweimal.
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Yordenis Ugas Dominates Cesar Miguel Barrionuevo in

Co-Featured Bout


Adam Kownacki Remains Undefeated with Decision Win Over

Charles Martin

Amanda Serrano Earns World Title in A Record Sixth Weight Division in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN Main Event

Schauen Sie sich The Encore Presentation Montag 10 P.M. ET / PT Ein


Klicken HIER for Photos from Tom Casino and Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME

BROOKLYN (September 9, 2018) – Shawn Porter became WBC Welterweight World Champion Saturday night as he earned a narrow unanimous decision victory over Danny Garcia in a hotly contested fight live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, die Heimat von BROOKLYN BOXEN ™, in einem Fall von Premier Boxing Champions vorgestellt.




All three judges scored the fight in favor of Porter (116-112, 115-113, 115-113) in einem elektrisierenden Kampf vor 13,058 fans at the 30th professional boxing event at Barclays Center. (Video highlights here:





Porter earned the belt that Keith Thurman, who previously defeated Porter and Garcia, was forced to vacate due to an injury.




In an anticipated title fight that was widely regarded as a 50-50 contest in boxing’s deepest division, Garcia vs. Porter played out as advertised. The difference in total power punches landed throughout the 12-round battle was just five, with Garcia holding the narrow advantage.




In a matchup of accuracy vs. activity, Porter looked to outworked Garcia. He was relentless in his attack and threw 742 total punches and 544 Macht Schläge, Landung 25 Prozent. Garcia, auf der anderen Seite, was the more precise fighter, landing the higher percentage and more meaningful punches. Er verband auf 46 percent of the 304 power punches he threw. Due to the contrasting styles, the three judges were only able to all agree on four rounds.




I made a prediction and a hard one to live up to,” sagte Porter. “I said I wasn’t leaving New York without this belt and I’m not leaving New York without this belt. I knew he was going to be accurate. The game plan for me was to be accurate from the outside and show I could beat him without roughing him up on the ropes.




A disappointed Garcia clearly disagreed with the judges’ Scorecards.




He was throwing a lot,” , sagte Garcia, who falls to 7-2 in WM-Titel kämpft. “I had my defense tight, so I wasn’t feeling his punches. I thought I landed the clearer shots and won this fight.

I have to sit back, relax and see what’s next for me.




Following the announcement of the decision, IBF welterweight champion and consensus top-five pound-for-pound fighter Errol Spence Jr. entered the ring to challenge the newly crowned WBC champion to what would be a blockbuster unification bout.




The same way that you called Danny out, I’m going to call you out”, said Spence. “I think I’m the best welterweight in the division. I’m ‘The Truthand I guarantee you I come home as unified champion. I definitely want that fight against Porter.




It was a star-studded night at Barclays as current and former world champions attended the fights, including Spence, Mikey Garcia, Jarrett Hurd, Gervonta Davis, Adrien Broner, Andere Berto, Claressa Shields, Keith Thurman and Jermell and Jermall Charlo.




In the co-featured event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, consensus top-10 welterweight Yordenis Ugás (23-3, 11 KOs) out boxed Argentina’s Cesar Miguel Barrionuevo (34-4-2, 24 KOs) on his way to a dominating unanimous decision victory (119-109, 120-108, 120-108). With the win in the WBC title eliminator, Ugas earns the WBC’s second mandatory position to fight Porter.




In a tactical performance, Ugas dictated the pace from the opening bell and looked comfortable throughout the 12 Runde. He was the more effective fighter from the outset, Landung 55 Prozent seiner Macht Schläge und 35 Prozent seiner Gesamt Schläge. Barrionuevo, who was facing a big step-up in competition, was never able to trouble the former Olympic bronze medalist out of Cuba, despite throwing more punches.




Barrionuevo connected on just 26 Prozent seiner Macht Schläge und 19 Prozent seiner Gesamt Schläge. Ugas was the far more accurate puncher connecting on 55 Prozent seiner Macht Schläge und 35 Prozent seiner Gesamt Schläge, including a wild multi-punch assault on Barrionuevo in the eighth round.




We won today and I think I showed everybody my talent,” Said Ugas, who improves to 8-0 bei 147 Pfund. “I’m happy with my performance. I showed enough, now I’m ready for a championship fight.




I want the winner of Danny Garcia vs. Shawn Porter. I’m here to compete with the top-level guys in the sport.




I just didn’t have the right distance tonight,” said Barrionuevo, die machte seine US-. Debüt. “It was hard to catch him and attack. He countered well and attacked the body. I showed my heart but he was the better fighter tonight.




In der Sendung Opener, heavyweight slugger Adam Kownacki (18-0, 14 KOs) remained undefeated by scoring a unanimous decision victory over former world champion Charles Martin (25-2-1, 23 KOs) in a sensational action-packed fight. Each of the judges scored the fight 96-94 in favor of the hometown favorite Kownacki, who was fighting in front of a boisterous contingent of Polish fans.




Both fighters were incredibly active, mit in der Nähe von 1400 total punches thrown throughout the 10 Runde. Kownacki and Martin, the former IBF heavyweight champion, each threw over 500 power punches and landed 37 percent of them.




Kownacki, who was fighting at Barclays Center for the seventh time in his pro career, started the fight on the front foot, backing up his opponent and wearing him out on his way to winning the early rounds. Martin began to claw his way back into the fight and caught a second win in the seventh round, landing several powerful left-handed blows to the head of Kownacki.




In a contender for the 2018 Runde des Jahres, die 10th and final round saw tremendous back-and-forth action with both fighters trading devastating exchanges while doing their best to stay on their feet. The two fighters combined to land 62 punches in the round, 57 of which were power punches.




I think I proved tonight that I’m a top 10 Kämpfer,” Kownacki told SHOWTIME Sports® reporter Jim Gray. “I think I need one or two more fights before I go for a title fight. Ich habe ein tolles Team hinter mir. Whatever they decide, that’s the route we are going to take.




I thought I won the decision a little wider than the cards, but Charles came to fight all night. He was in shape and coming forward and I had to dig deep.




Martin, who was punished by a slow start, was gracious in defeat and gave credit to Kownacki.




I’m a late starter, but he was the better man tonight,” sagte er. “Looks are very deceiving, but it’s boxing. I put up a hell of a fight and went the 10 Runde. I just came up short.




In Streaming-Berichterstattung über Live-Vorprogramm Kämpfe auf Showtime Championship Boxing COUNTDOWN, Amanda Serrano (35-1-1, 26 KOs) became the first six-division world champion in women’s boxing history, joining Manny Pacquiao and Oscar De La Hoya as the only boxers, männlich oder weiblich, to reach the mark. The Brooklyn native defeated an aggressive and determined Yamila Esther Reynoso (11-5-3, 8 KOs) to earn the vacant WBO Junior Welterweight World Championship via unanimous decision (all three judges scored the fight 99-91).




This means everything to me,” Said Serrano. “I work so hard and I hope this fight shows the fans that girls can fight and we can give it our all just like the men do. We deserve to have this platform and we deserve to be shown.




Auch auf dem Live-Stream, Brooklyn fan-favorite Chris Colbert (9-0, 3 KOs) cruised to a unanimous decision win over Fatiou Fassinou (28-11-3, 15 KOs) und Mayweather Promotions’ unbeaten prospect Richardson Hitchins (6-0, 3 KOs) dominated Mexico’s Cesar Valenzuela (7-3, 2 KOs) en route to a unanimous decision victory.




Showtime Championship Boxing triple Samstag wird am Montag wiedergeben zu können 10 p.m. ET / PT auf Showtime EXTREME.




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Für weitere Informationen besuchen,, folgen auf Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, oder werden Sie ein Fan auf Facebook an und PBC was sponsored by Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by TGB Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, in Verbindung mit DSG Promotions.

Split-T Management verpflichtet Amateur-Star Eric Puente zum Management-Deal

NEW YORK (September 7, 2018)–Der tiefste Managementstall des Boxens ist jetzt noch reicher, da Split-T Management stolz darauf ist, die Unterzeichnung eines exklusiven Management-Deals mit Eric Puente bekannt zu geben.




Puente, 19 Jahre alt von Vista, Kalifornien über Sinaloa, Mexiko wird in der Leichtbau-Division kämpfen.




Puente begann im Alter von acht Jahren von seinem Vater / Trainer mit dem Boxen, John.




Er fuhr fort, die zu gewinnen 2016 Nationale Jugend Open Championship, und war Mitglied des Team USA. Puente war ein Favorit, Mitglied der 2020 Olympiamannschaft der Vereinigten Staaten.




Puente, wer steht 5'8″ vergleicht seinen Stil mit einer Kreuzung zwischen Danny Garcia und Yuriorkis Gamboa.




“Boxen ist alles für mich! Ich wohne, Essen und Schlafen Boxen 24/7. Boxen ist immer in meinem Kopf,” sagte Brücke. “”Wenn die Boxwelt mich kämpfen sieht, Sie werden einen Krieger der alten Schule sehen, der alles tun wird, um als Sieger hervorzugehen,” sagte Brücke. “Ich nehme viel von all den großen Kämpfern der Vergangenheit wie Juan Manuel Marquez, Marco Antonio Barrera, Eric Morales und Sugar Ray Leonard, und in mich setzen: Eric Bridge, zukünftiger Superstar im Boxen!”




“Während des Gesprächs mit allen Veranstaltern und Managern, David McWater stach heraus. Mein Vater und ich hatten das Gefühl, wir können ihm vertrauen. Wir hatten viele Leute, die sagten, sie könnten dies und das tun, aber David kam mit allem durch, was er versprochen hat.”




Sagte Split-T Management CEO, David McWater, “Vom ersten Mal an sah ich Eric, Er hatte Superstar überall auf sich geschrieben. Er wird jedes Mal besser, wenn ich ihn sehe.

Er hat die Leidenschaft, die Fähigkeiten und die Arbeitsmoral, um eine große Attraktion im Boxen zu werden.

Dieses Kind wird ein Star sein!”







Unter der Leitung von David McWater, Split-T Management hat einen der Top-Ställe im Boxen angehäuft.




Ihre beeindruckende Liste umfasst:




Weltbewertete Anwärter




IBF Super Lightweight Obligatorischer Titel-Herausforderer Ivan Baranchyk




Weltergewicht “Das neue” Ray Robinson




Ehemaliger Titel-Herausforderer im Bantamgewicht Antonio Nieves




2016 Olympioniken



Leicht Teofimo Lopez




Junior-Mittelgewicht Charles Conwell




Bantamgewicht Antonio Vargas





Unbesiegte Aussichten




Schwergewichte: Stephen Shaw, Marcus Carter, Jegor Plevako




Kreuzergewichte: Joshua Temple, “Mächtig” Joe Jones




Halbschwergewichte: Joseph Williams, Bortirali Mamajonov




Super-Mittelgewichtler: Isiah Steen, DeAndre Ware, Isiah Jones, Anthony Barnes, Tyler Howard




Mittelgewichtler: Marquis Moore, Raquel Miller




Junior Mittelgewichte: Ardreal Holmes, Hurshidbek Normatov, Fred Wilson, Jr.




Weltergewicht Janelson Bocachica, Poindexter Ritter, Mark Dawson, Boubacar Sylla, Brian Ceballo,




Junior Leichtgewicht: Erick De Leon



Garcia vs. Tragen | Samstag, September 8

Von Barclays Center in Brooklyn, Präsentiert von Premier Boxing Champions

Klicken HIER für Fotos von Amanda Westcott / Showtime

Showtime Championship Boxing® - 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT live auf Showtime

DANNY GARCIA vs. SHAWN PORTER – WBC Welterweight World Championship



Danny Garcia – 146 ¾ Pfund

Shawn Porter – 147 Pfund

Schiedsrichter: Steve Willis; Jury: Don Ackerman (N.Y.), Julie Lederman (N.Y.), Eric Marlinski (N.Y.)

YORDENIS UGAS vs. CESAR MIGUEL BARRIONUEVO – WBC Welterweight World Title Eliminator



Yordenis Ugas – 146 ¾ Pfund

Cesar Miguel Barrionuevo – 146 Pfund

Schiedsrichter: Ricky Gonzalez; Jury: John McKaie (N.Y.), Kevin Morgan (N.Y.), Tom Schreck (N.Y.)


ADAM KOWNACKI vs. CHARLES MARTIN – 10-Round Heavyweight Bout



Adam Kownacki – 263 ¼ Pfund

Charles Martin – 246 Pfund

Referee and judges for Kownacki-Martin are not yet determined and will be provided on Saturday


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN – 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT Streaming Live On SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel & Showtime Boxing Facebook-Seite


AMANDA SERRANO vs. YAMILA REYNOSO – WBO Junior Welterweight World Championship



Amanda Serrano – 138 ½ Pfund

Yamila Esther Reynoso – 138 ¾ Pfund

Schiedsrichter: Eddie Claudio (N.Y.); Jury: Josef Pasquale (N. J.), Larry Hazzard Jr. (N. J.), Waleska Roldan (N.Y.)




Danny Garcia:

“It’s a matter of time before I fight everybody. It’s how the sport is. It’s all about timing and the time is now. I’m ready to go in there and reclaim what is mine. I’m excited for all my fights. This is another fight for my legacy. I plan on going in there and giving 150 percent and giving my all, my blood, sweat and my tears and make my family and my friends proud. Danny Garcia, Baby. Win by under 9.”


Shawn Porter:

“It’s hard to put it into words how bad I want this. The best way I can describe it in words is that I’ve never wanted anything more in my life. To some, it’s just a belt, but for me it’s my world. Wie ich sagte,, I’m not leaving Brooklyn without this belt. Shawn Porter will be victorious tomorrow night.”


Yordenis Ugás:

“I’m a tough fighter and I like to fight the best. They say he’s a big puncher and that’s what I like. I like guys that can stand in there and fight. Hopefully it’s going to be a war and a great fight for the fans.”


Cesar Miguel Barrionuevo:

“Tomorrow for sure, everyone will know my name. I’m ready to give a great show to everybody.”


Adam Kownacki:

“I’m from Brooklyn, einer, so I’m not afraid of anything. He ain’t got no heart, so I’m going to get in there early and hurt him.”


Charles Martin:

“He’s been saying the same [stuff], but we’ll see tomorrow. This is everything. I’m coming. That’s all I have to say.”


Amanda Serrano:

"Ich fühle mich großartig. I love fighting at Barclays and once again I’m going to make history. I’ve won all my titles by knockout so I’m looking to do it again. Brooklyn’s my second home – my home away from home. I’m excited to do this in Brooklyn at Barclays Center and hopefully there’s more to come.”




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Für weitere Informationen besuchen,, folgen auf Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, oder werden Sie ein Fan auf Facebook und PBC wird gesponsert von Corona, Feinste Bier.



Livestreaming Undercard Action Features Amanda Serrano In Potential Record-Breaking World Championship Bout and Precedes SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Three-Fight Telecast

NEW YORK - September 7 – Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman will serve as a guest analyst this Saturday on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN, providing insight and analysis during undercard streaming fights in advance of this Saturday’s Danny Garcia vs. Shawn Porter WBC Welterweight World Championship. Live streaming coverage from Barclays Center begins at 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT on the Showtime Sport YouTube-Kanal und Showtime Boxing Facebook-Seite and features multiple live fights and analysis preceding the evening’s three-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® telecast (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT).

In the featured bout of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN, Amanda Serrano (34-1-1, 26 KOs) will attempt to make women’s boxing history as the five-division world champion faces Yamila Esther Reynoso (11-4-3, 8 KOs) the vacant WBO Junior Welterweight World Title. A win will place Serrano in elite company alongside Manny Pacquiao and Oscar De La Hoya as boxing’s only six-division world champions.

Thurman will join host Ray Flores and analyst Chris Mannix to call the streaming action Saturday from Brooklyn. The reigning WBA Welterweight Champion, Thurman has previously defeated both of Saturday’s headliners. “One Time” edged Porter in a 2016 Fight of The Year Candidate, and narrowly defeated Garcia in a split-decision win to unify the division in 2017.

Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN will feature multiple bouts in what will be the seventh digital presentation of live fights from SHOWTIME Sports in 2018. Zum dritten Mal in Folge, the network continues to deliver industry-leading livestream coverage of boxing free to all U.S. consumers with internet access.

Polish slugger Adam Kownacki and former heavyweight champion Charles Martin will open up Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast with a 10-round heavyweight attraction. In der Ko-Funktion, 147-Pfund Anwärter Yordenis Ugás will battle against Argentinian favorite Cesar Barrionuevo in a welterweight world-title eliminator showdown.

Für weitere Informationen besuchen, abonnieren Showtime Sport YouTube-Kanal, Folgen Sie auf Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing oder werden Sie Fan auf Facebook unter





Ex-Weltmeister Talks About His Mindset Before He Enters the Ring

Garcia Faces Shawn Porter in WBC Welterweight World Championship Bout

An diesem Samstag, 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT Live Auf Showtime

Photo Credit: SHOW TIME

Uhr, Aussicht & Teilen Via YouTube:


WAS DENN: Der ehemalige Weltmeister im Weltergewicht Danny Garcia takes you on his ring walk and explains how he prepares to enter the ring in this new digital offering from SHOWTIME Sports®. DANNY GARCIA: DIE VORGEHENSWEISE provides insight into Garcia’s routine as he shares his thoughts before he climbs through the ropes.

“I don’t have headphones in,” Garcia said. “I like to be relaxed. Hier. I’m in the moment… As soon as I get in the ring, Pops [father Angel Garcia] goes, ‘Come on, Danny!’ I can look into his eyes and I know how he’s feeling. And when the bell rings, I’m in a whole different element.”

Garcia, the former unified 140-pound champion and former WBC welterweight titleholder, will meet the fan favorite and former welterweight champion Shawn Porter morgen Abend, September 8, live auf Showtime von Barclays Center, die Heimat von BROOKLYN BOXEN ™.

Live-Berichterstattung von der Showtime Championship Boxing beginnt bei 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and also features Polish slugger Adam Kownacki and former heavyweight champion Charles Martin opening up the telecast with a 10-round heavyweight attraction. In der Ko-Funktion, 147-Pfund Anwärter Yordenis Ugás will battle against Argentine power puncher Cesar Barrionuevo in a welterweight world-title eliminator showdown.

Die Nacht beginnt mit Showtime Championship Boxing COUNTDOWN off an 7 p.m. UND /4 p.m. PT wie sie in einemelterweight in einemorld champion Keith Thurman joins boxing broadcaster Ray Flores and analyst Chris Mannix to preview the night’s tripleheader and call live undercard bouts from ringside in Brooklyn. SHOWTIME’s seventh digital presentation of live boxing in 2018 wird auf dem Strom Showtime Sport YouTube-Kanal, und Showtime Boxing Facebook-Seite and will feature five-division champion Amanda Serrano as she embarks on a quest to conquer a title in a sixth weight class.


Fanfreundlich, interactive FREE series with nearly 1.5 million fans served looks to continue momentum in year two.

NEW YORK (Sieben. 6, 2018) – After a 17-show inaugural campaign that attracted 84,000 views per event and nearly 1.5 Millionen Aufrufe für die Serie, Facebook LIVE-Fightnight next turns the corner to year two, looking to build upon its meteoric rise. Season II of the interactive and free fight series opens in the Fighting City of Philadelphia on Friday, Sieben. 14, with an action-packed King’s Boxing card live from 2300 Arena.




The fan-friendly series that – unter anderen Aspekten – prides itself on the real-time conversations held between fight commentators and the viewing audience showcased more than 300 Kämpfer während 17 live event broadcasts in its first 12 Monate. Dabei, die interaktive Plattform aus in den Vereinigten Staaten und der ganzen Welt die treue Interesse der Fans kämpfen erzeugt, einschließlich der wesentlichen Publikum in Mexiko, Großbritannien und andere Teile Europas, und sogar Fans in Südamerika, Asien und Australien.




We are extremely proud of what FIGHTNIGHT LIVE accomplished since May 2017. Wir hatten 17 Shows aus New York, Boston, Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Neu England, Phoenix und Amerikas Kernland, where many different promotions gained an incredible amount of exposure via this exciting, wirklich soziale Plattform. To be able to have several events where more than 150,000 people have tuned in only scratches the surface on the market interest for these events, and we are ready to take FIGHTNIGHT LIVE to the next level in year two,” sagte, Mark Fratto, Haupt- und Director of Business Development, Linacre Medien.




Beyond the numbers, Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit der Art und Weise, wie die Shows präsentiert und produziert wurden,” Fratto continued. “We’ve been able to showcase more than 300 up-and-coming fighters to fight fans all over the world, und ihnen helfen, ihre Basis zu erweitern. Und wir konnten unsere Zuschauer einladen, Teil der Aktion zu sein, indem wir die Echtzeit-Interaktion zwischen unseren Sendern und Zuschauern über die Kampfaktivität fördern, die Entscheidungen und die Knockouts; Es ist das nächstbeste, einen Sitz am Ring zu haben.”




King’s Promotions is very excited to be working with Mark and the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE team,” sagte, Marshall Kauffman des Königsboxen, the eleventh promoter FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has showcased over its first 18 zeigt an. “I believe we will bring the best-quality boxing to FIGHTNIGHT LIVE.




Im Main Event, rising super middleweight prospect, Brandon “B-Rob” Robinson (10-1, 7 KOs) steps up in class when he takes on knockout artist Ernest Amuzu (24-3, 22 KOs), originally from Ghana. Auch auf der Rechnung, undefeated three-time Olympian Anvar Yunusov (4-0, 1 KO) takes on 21-fight veteran Engel Monreal (10-10-1, 3 KOs). Other undefeated fighters seeing action will be Shyngyskhan Tazhibay (6-0, 2 KOs), Daiyann ​​Hintern (1-0), Alejandro Jimenez (2-0, 1 KO),Chrystian Peguero (2-0, 1 KO) und Keeshawn Williams (2-0-1, 1 KO).





Jetzt bei mehr als 1.4 Millionen Aufrufe für die Serie, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has continued to deliver impressive numbers throughout its rookie season, which included seven live shows in the first five months of 2018:



  • Over the first 11 months of Season I programming, the numbers on the 17-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of 83,714 Kämpfe gegen Fans, die sich pro Event einschalten und mehr als 1.4 Millionen Fans bedient.


  • der September. 9 “Real Deal Promotions: Empire State” von Resorts World Casino (225,000), der August CES “Super Saturday” von Foxwoods (203,000), der September. CES “Twin River twinbill” von Lincoln, R.i. (157,000) und der März 17 Murphy “St. Patrick Tag Clash” (150,001) alle protokollierten 150,000 oder mehr Ansichten, and collectively the 17-show series has seen a total of more than 30,000 Gesamtstunden des von Facebook verbrauchten Facebook-Videos 1,423,132 Benutzer auf allen Geräten.


  • Zusätzlich zu den rohen Zuschauerzahlen, der vollständig interaktive, Fan-freundlichen Produktionen gesehen mehr als 173,000 kollektiver Live-Post Engagements(mehr als 10,200 pro Show), darunter mehr als 116,000 “Likes” oder “liebt,” fast 30,000 comments and nearly 10,000 Anteile.


  • FIGHTNIGHT LIVE-Sendungen werden von angesehen76 Prozent Männer, 24 Prozent Frauen. The top demographic is comprised ofmales ages 25-34, welches umfasst ca. 30.0 Prozent des Publikums, im Durchschnitt.


  • der September. 9 “Real Deal Promotions: Empire State” setze eine neue Messlatte mit 224,658 Ansichtenund der Sept.. 15-16 DiBella-CES Doubleheader brachte die Serie in etwas mehr als vier Monaten auf eine dreiviertel Million Aufrufe. Der Feb.. 10 Hartnäckige Promotions “Philly Fight Night” Show zeichnet sich individuell mit 3,421 Live-Stunden von Inhalten angezeigt, während der Sept.. 15 DiBella Karte Säge mehr als 40,000 Betrachter Wechselwirkungen darunter fast 39,000 “Likes” oder “liebt” und der März 17 Murphy “St. Patrick Tag Clash” Setzen Sie eine neue Hochwassermarke für Aktien mit 2,182.


  • Die Fightnight LIVE-Seite auf Facebook hat mehr als 79,000 Fans und mehr als 82,000 Anhänger. Und Facebook selbst hat es zur Kenntnis genommen – die Nr. der Welt. 1 Das soziale Netzwerk hat kürzlich FIGHTNIGHT LIVE auf seiner Website profiliert “Erfolgsgeschichten” Medienblog, unter Hinweis auf die Serie’ Verwendung von Best Practices der Branche für Produktion und Interaktivität:



Erstellt und produziert von Linacre Medien aus New York City, die Fightnight LIVE-Serie verfügt über professionelle Ansager, mehrere Kamerawinkel, TV-Grafiken, Replays und hinter den Kulissen Zugang und Interviews. Die gestreamten Shows sind weltweit überall dort, wo Facebook verfügbar ist. Die Initiative ermöglicht nicht nur Fans aus der ganzen Welt stimmen in, sondern gibt auch Kämpfer eine globale Plattform up-and-coming, ihre Fähigkeiten zu präsentieren, gibt Veranstalter ein zugängliches “Broadcast” Lösung und gibt Sponsoren die Möglichkeit, ein Massenpublikum über Branded Content zu erreichen.




Mehr FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Herbst 2018 Termine in den kommenden Wochen offiziell bekannt gegeben werden.




Fightnight LIVE ist online verfügbar unter:




Befolgen Sie alle Aktion über Social Media bei FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE auf Facebook, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE auf Instagram und @ FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ auf Twitter, oder durch die Verwendung von hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Für die neuesten Linacre Medien Veranstaltungen und Sendeplan, folgen @LinacreMedia über alle sozialen Plattformen oder verwenden Sie die Tags #LinacreMediaEvents oder #LinacreMediaOnTV.

Unbesiegt Weltergewicht Terrel Williams übernimmt David Grayton in Ko-Funktion Kampf am Freitag,, 14. September bei der 2300 Arena in Philadelphia

Philadelphia, PA (September 6, 2018) -Unbesiegt Weltergewicht Terrel Williams wird in einer spannenden 10-Runden-Kampf, dass auf David Grayton nehmen wird nun Teil einer bereits gepackt Kampf-Karte am Freitag, 14. September bei der 2300 Arena in Philadelphia.




In der zuvor angekündigten Main Event, Brandon Robinson nehmen auf Veteran Ernest Amuzu in dem Acht-Runden-Super-Mittelgewichts-Kampf.




Die Neun-Kampf-Karte wird von Königs Promotions gefördert.




Williams (16-0,13 KOs) Los Angeles, Kalifornien macht seinen ersten Start von 2018, kommt aus einem sechsten Runde Stillstand über Rosemberg Gomez am 17. November ab, 2017 in Flitny, Michigan.




Grayton (15-2-1, 11 KOs) von Washington, DC sucht in der Spalte Sieg, um wieder nach einer 10-Runden einstimmig nach Miguel Cruz am November fallen 21, 2017 in Sankt Petersburg, Florida.




Super Federgewicht Anvar Yunusov dauert an Engel Monreal in einem Kampf für acht Runden angesetzt.




In einem Sechs-Runden-Kampf im Weltergewicht, Shyngyskhan Tazhibay (6-0, 2 KOs) von Washington, D.C. Schlachten Virgil Winfield (1-0, 1 KO) von Concord, NC




Im Vier-Runden-Kämpfe:


Jerrod Miner (1-1-2, 1 KO) von Philadelphia Schlachten Alejandro Jimenez (2-0, 1 KO) von New Hope, PA in einem Bantamgewicht Kampf.


crystian Peguero (2-0, 1 KO) von Philadelphia wird auf Pro debütierende nehmen Yueri Andujar Reading, PA in einem Feder Wettbewerb.


Christopher Burgos (0-2-1) von Philadelphia kämpft Robert Ramos (1-5-1, 1 KO) aus Allentown, PA in einem Superfeder Schrott.


Keeshawn Williams (2-0, 1 KO) von Washington, D.C. nehmen auf Frahad Fatulla von Salt Lake City, Utah (1-1) in einem Junior-Weltergewicht bout.


Daiyann ​​Hintern (1-0) von Philadelphia Schlachten Anthony Smith (1-2-1) von Fresno, Kalifornien in einem Junior-Weltergewicht bout




Es wird eine Pressekonferenz am Mittwoch, 12. September bei der sein 2300 Arena am 6 PM ET. Die wiegen findet am Donnerstag,, 13. September an 5 PM ET.





Tickets für diese große Nacht des Boxens kann bei erworben werden für $100, $75 und $50


I know I’m the better all-around fighter. I can just do more in the ring than Shawn Porter, Zeitraum.” – Garcia
I’m ready to do whatever it takes to win this fight. There’s nothing I’ve ever wanted in my entire life more than this.” – Tragen
Welterweight World Title Showdown Headlines Stacked Night of Action Saturday, September 8 Live auf Showtime® von Barclays Center in Brooklyn & Präsentiert von Premier Boxing Champions
Klicken HIER für Fotos von Amanda Westcott / Showtime


BROOKLYN (September 6, 2018) – Welterweight stars Danny Garcia und Shawn Porter went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference before they battle for the vacant WBC Welterweight World Championship this Saturday, September 8 live auf Showtime von Barclays Center, die Heimat von BROOKLYN BOXEN ™ und von Premier Boxing Champions vorgestellt.




Die Showtime Championship Boxing Fernsehsendung beginnt bei 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT und verfügt über einen Titel im Weltergewicht Eliminator zwischen Yordenis Ugás und Cesar Barrionuevo und Schwergewichts-Aktion, die Gruben ungeschlagenen polnischen Schläger Adam Kownacki gegen den ehemaligen Schwergewichts-Champion Charles Martin, all of whom participated in Thursday’s press conference.




The press conference also featured fighters competing in streaming action on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN (7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT) as five-division world champion Amanda Serrano attempts to win a world title in her record sixth weight class when she faces Yamila Esther Reynoso for the WBO 140-pound title. The social media offering will be available on SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and on the SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook Page.




Karten für das Live-Event, die von TGB Promotions und DiBella Entertainment gefördert, in Verbindung mit DSG Promotions, ab $50 und sind jetzt im Verkauf. Tickets können erworben werden,, oder telefonisch unter 800-745-3000. Tickets können auch bei der American Express Box Office bei Barclays Center erworben werden. Gruppenrabatte sind telefonisch unter 844-BKLYN-GP verfügbar.




Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from Dream Hotel Downtown in Manhattan:






I know I’m the better all-around fighter. I can just do more in the ring than Shawn Porter, Zeit. I’m going to prove it on Saturday.




It means the world to me to get this belt back. This is a new chapter in my career. I’ve been in a lot of great fights. I’m a seasoned champion. This is a chance to regain something that was mine. This is one of the moments where I have to just go out there and prove myself.




My style is totally different than Keith Thurman, so I hope Shawn isn’t going off of that fight. I know I’m a better boxer than Shawn Porter and I’m going to make sure everyone else knows it too.




I absolutely want to unify with Errol Spence Jr. after I win. I want the biggest fights. This would be my fourth world title. All I’ve ever done is face everyone they put in front me and I’ve earned those huge fights.




This is nothing new to me. I’ve performed at this level for a long time. I’ve put in the hard work. Come Saturday night I’m going to get this victory because I’m the better fighter and a true champion.




I’m incredibly motivated, but I know that sometimes in life if you want something too much, you don’t get it. I’ve achieved a lot in this sport. This will just add more hardware to my collection.




I didn’t take any punishment in the Thurman fight. I could have come back two months later. I know that I could have started earlier and been more relentless, but I’m just going to take that into this fight and make the best of it.


Shawn Porter




The way I’m going to win this fight will change the conversation at welterweight. You’re going to have to wonder whether Errol Spence Jr. and Terrence Crawford have what it takes to beat me. I’m here to put on a great show, win this title and do it in spectacular fashion




I’m used to being the underdog. I’ve upset people before. I’m looking forward to doing what it takes to be that one to pull it off.




Styles make fights. One way or another, I’m ready to do whatever it takes to win this fight. There’s nothing I’ve ever wanted in my entire life more than this. I’m out here to take it.




Anything Danny is coming with, Ich nehme es. It’s mine. Was auch immer notwendig ist, I will not be stopped on Saturday night.




This means the world to me. This is my goal. I’m a goal-oriented person. I didn’t know when I was going to be fighting for this WBC title, I knew this was my time. This title has so much lineage and history to go along with it and I want to be a part of it.




I’m setting the tone now for what Danny should expect from fight night. He’s had this before, but this is my goal and this world title is mine to take.




Danny has to know that he’s getting in the ring with a bull. This isn’t going to be an easy 12 Runde. I’m going to make him earn every inch.






It’s an honor to be a part of such a big card at Barclays Center. I’m going to do what I need to do. I’m going to put on a great performance, and the rest will take care of itself.




I think I’ve been the most consistent fighter at welterweight for the last two years. If I take care of business on Saturday, a world title shot will be next.




My opponent is going to try to make a big name for himself, but it’s my job to study him and make adjustments in the ring to get him out of there.






I’m very happy to be in this position. It’s going to be a great fight and it’s going to be my announcement to the U.S. I’m very ready to perform on that stage.




I know that my power and my relentlessness will make this an exciting fight for the fans. I hope that Ugas is not underestimating me, because I want him to be at his very best.




Fighting in Brooklyn is exciting. I could not be on a more exciting or perfect stage for this fight. Saturday will become the night that everyone remembers for my arrival.


ADAM Kownacka




After Saturday night, everybody will know my name. I’m the next great heavyweight here in America. I want to make my splash on the national scene.




Last year against Artur Szpilka was an appetizer and this is my main course for really making myself known as a threat to everyone at heavyweight.




I can’t wait to hear the Polish fans and see the red and white. It’s going to be another awesome atmosphere and I’m definitely coming to send those fans home happy.




I feel like I’ve been getting better and better as I get more recognition. A world title fight is not that far in my future. I’m focused on beating Charles Martin first and letting my performance speak for itself.


Charles Martin




I’m going to go in there and put on a show. I’m going to get myself back to the position I want to be. That’s at the top of the heavyweight division.




I’m in phenomenal shape. I’ve been working hard for two and a half months. We’re back to where we need to be and you’ll see it on Saturday.




Training in the altitude in California is rough, but it’s great once you get here and feel great. That’s why you work so hard to get in shape, so you can be twice as good on fight night.




There are a lot of great heavyweight out there. I’m glad that people are giving it the acclaim they deserve. I think all of those guys are beatable and I look forward for my chance to prove it.






I’m so thankful to have this great opportunity to make history again. I’m going to put on a tremendous show like I always do and give my hometown fans something to cheer for.




Come Saturday night, I’m super excited to grab this title in a sixth division. It puts me up there with two of the best fighters of all time in Oscar De La Hoya and Manny Pacquiao. I’ve won all of my titles by knockout and I have to keep that streak going on Saturday night.




Winning this fight is everything. I hope that I’m doing something great for young Latinas coming up in the sport. I’m going to continue to break down these barriers and one day cement my legacy in the Hall of Fame.


Lou DiBella, Präsident der DiBella Entertainment




This is going to be a sensational show this Saturday night at Barclays Center. This is about as good as it gets. I’ve said that a number of times over recent years, and that’s a good thing. This is another show loaded with talent and has a sensational main event between two of the best fighters in the world, with styles that will mesh really well.




“Garcia vs. Porter is a can’t miss fight. The winner will establish themselves as one of the best in the welterweight division and all of boxing. There will really be no loser, because there’s no way this isn’t an action-packed clash that lifts up both men in the eyes of fans.




There is really a terrific undercard on this show including amazing talent off of television. We always have a strong representation from Brooklyn and this show is no different with unbeaten rising prospects Chris Colbert, Richardson Hitchins and Chordale Booker. Mehr, Brooklyn’s own Amanda Serrano looking to make history once again.


CHRIS DEBLASIO, SVP Sports Communications, Showtime Networks Inc..




We have established ourselves as an industry leader during an incredible time for boxing. We’ve delivered the largest slate of live boxing, with the best fighters in the most pivotal matchups. Our commitment will continue to be second to none.




“In 2018, we have delivered 26 live boxing events and 22 WM-Titel kämpft, far more than anyone else. It’s not just the quantity, but the quality. We’ve had several of the best fights of 2018 and have presented three world title unifications and four women’s world title fights so far.




Saturday’s main event is a 50-50 matchup that everyone from Sugar Ray Leonard and Manny Pacquaio to Errol Spence Jr. and Keith Thurman have seen as an all-action fight where it’s hard to pick a winner. Danny and Shawn have been presented by our SHOWTIME team 20 mal. We’ve seen them come of age, achieve stardom and even navigate setbacks. It all leads up to this fight on Saturday night.


BRETT Yormark, CEO of BSE Global




It’s been six years since we’ve been in Brooklyn. We’ve hosted 260 Enden, 46 title fights and on September 8, our 30th big night of BROOKLYN BOXING™. From the start we wanted to make a commitment to the sport and we’ve done that.




Fights like Saturday help us standout from other venues in the marketplace. We have two of the best and brightest stars in the sport Saturday night and we can’t wait for them to enter the ring. We welcome back those who are returning to our ring such as Amanda Serrano, Adam Kownacki and Charles Martin, and we also welcome Ugas and Barrionuevo, for their first fights in Brooklyn.




This is truly an exciting time for the entire sport of boxing. We’re going to continue to reach the masses and provide unprecedented support for our boxing events. Tickets are moving fast and it should be another electric night. That’s what BROOKLYN BOXING™ is all about.




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Für weitere Informationen besuchen,, folgen auf Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, oder werden Sie ein Fan auf Facebook an PBC wird gesponsert von Corona, Feinste Bier.