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Legendary Air Force Academy boxing coach Ed Weichers coached perfect storm

Colorado Springs, Zakładka. (Sierpień 8, 2019) – Boxing coachEd Weichers, a charter member of the USA Boxing Alumni Association, guided the United States Air Force Academy from 1976-2014 to a record of 19 national collegiate boxing team championships.

Coach Weichers’ Fighting Falcons’ squads produced a remarkable 258 All-America boxers and 97 individual champions. His teams never finished lower than second in the nation for 27 years and he also served as president and vice president of the National Collegiate Boxing Association (NCBA).

Coaching sports at a military school is much different, largely because student-athletes in most cases, szczególnie boks, are not professional prospects. “Our Cadets were not trained to be elite level amateurs or pros,” the now 68-year-old Weichers explained. “In 1976, the cost to put one Cadet through four years at the Academy was $80,000 ale, w 2014, the year of my retirement, that figure was $417,000. Cadets are trained to go forward and serve. They fly, walka, win and defend freedoms that we all enjoy. Boxing at the next level is not part of the discussion. I got calls at the time about our boxers going to the next level, fighting in Tough Man Contests, etc. My answer is and has always been consistent: ‘You are not trained to be a boxer in the Air Force. Do not jeopardize your pilot qualifications or commission ability with a boxing injury.’ The Air Force has an investment in them, and I urged them to go forward and serve. I send them back to the real purpose of the boxing class/program at AFA. It teaches them how to handle press, stress, fear and anxiety. Boxing gives them the self confidence and self esteem to make good decisions in combat under pressure. The ability to handle these pressures and make good decisions are the difference in life and death in combat.”

Coach Weichers, oczywiście, attributes a large share of his success to the Cadets, who are intelligent, disciplined and team oriented. All Cadets take a mandatory core curriculum boxing course (10 lessons) their freshman year, followed by an intramural boxing program comprised of 40 squadron teams with a minimum of eight to a maximum of 16 boxers per team.

Not only did Weichers work with this incredible feeder system, the next step was the AFA Wing Open Boxing Championships, in which Cadets voluntarily signed-up to compete in one of 12 divisions to box for the No. 1 spot, earning a roster spot on the AFA Intercollegiate boxing team that competes in regional and national tournaments. The advancing 12 Cadets represented the entire Air Force Academy.

“Bottom line,’ Coach Weichers noted, “this formula was a perfect storm. I must give credit to and thank two Physical Education Department headsCol. Don Peterson iCol. Larry Fariss, and two athletic directors who were instrumental to our support and successCol. John Clune iCol. Randy Spetman.

“I was blessed with young men who I describe as overachievers. Cadets are tenacious. We built on an individual sport with a team concept. I had great assistant coaches, the best training facilities, and an environment of being surrounded by quality people in all phases.”

After he retired as head boxing coach at the Air Force Academy, Weichers led Team USA in 2014 i 2015 to five medals, including two golds, at the Pan American Games in Toronto.

“The plan was to hire Billy Walsh, who was the head coach of Team Ireland,” Weichers added. “I committed to sponsor Coach Walsh upon his arrival and make his transition smooth. I did that and Coach Walsh and I have become good friends. He is the correct man for the job, and he brings a great resume and reputation. He has helped turn the program around and created a winning culture. Team USA is back, ranked among the top 10 na świecie, and that is a direct result of Coach Walsh.”

USA Boks Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów

Stworzony, aby być mistrzem przez całe życie, wzajemnie korzystnych relacji między USA bokserskie i jej absolwentów, –Bokserzy, urzędnicy, trenerzy i fani boksu — Stowarzyszenie Alumni łączy pokolenia mistrzów, inspirowanie i oddanie do przyszłych mistrzów boksu boks w USA, i wyjść z ringu.

Amerykańskie Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów Boksu jest otwarte dla każdego, kto kocha boks i chciałby pozostać w kontakcie z boksem amatorskim. Członkowie mają dostęp do szerokiej gamy wydarzeń specjalnych organizowanych przez Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów, w tym roczne USA Boxing Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów Hall of Fame recepcji.

Aby przyłączyć się do stowarzyszenia absolwentów, wystarczy zarejestrować się dla $40.00 roczna opłata członkowska. Nowi członkowie otrzymają koszulkę, pęku kluczy portfel elektroniczny.

Weichers joined the USA Boxing Alumni Association because he is a huge supporter ofJohn Brown, former President and current Vice President of USA Boxing.

“John had the idea or concept (to form the alumni association) and I looked at the purpose and thought it would be a way to honor and recognize those who contributed over the years,” Weichers remarked. “I hope that successful professionals from the past and present recognize those who contributed over the years. I also hope that they remember their roots were with USA Boxing and give back. We all had help and our start and success did not happen alone. Be humble and grateful and give back.”

Weichers is high on Team USA, especially its overall potential in the 2020 Olympic Games in Japan, powiedzenie, “We’re solid going into 2020. The key to success, moim zdaniem, is head coach Billy Walsh. He is very experienced. His reputation and resume are top shelf. Coach Walsh is well known and respected on the international level. He has the ability to reach out to other countries and make positive things happen for our athletes. He has adjusted the culture in our boxing program, identifying our strengths, and making adjustment where weak. Coach Walsh brings leadership and credibility. Bottom line, we have the right coach for the job in place.”

Weichers’ association with the NCBA led to his relationship with USA Boxing at various levels and capacities. He has always felt gratified to give back to boxing, as well as an obligation to grow the sport at every level.

“I was lucky/blessed to work in a place I refer to as Camelot,” Weichers concluded. “It’s an athletic paradise; core values, honor code, and a mission that anyone can connect with and admire. I can say that I am a better person for my experience at the Air Force Academy.

“I love the sport of boxing, because of what it did for me, in terms of molding my life. The gratification that comes with seeing how young men and women grow and mature, as a result of their experience with boxing was very positive.

And countless Cadets are better people because they were coached by Ed Weichers.


Świergot: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

O BOXINGU USA:  Misją USA Boxing jest umożliwienie sportowcom i trenerom ze Stanów Zjednoczonych osiągnięcia trwałej doskonałości w rywalizacji, rozwijać charakter, wspierać sport bokserski, oraz promować i rozwijać boks w stylu olimpijskim w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Obowiązkiem USA Boxing jest nie tylko produkcja olimpijskiego złota, ale także nadzoruje i zarządza każdym aspektem boksu amatorskiego w Stanach Zjednoczonych.

Najlepszy naturalny booster testosteronu: TestRX przechodzi test

Przez: Bogaty Bergeron

Niedawno miałem szczęście połączyć się z niektórymi osobami, które stoją za fantastycznym naturalnym boosterem testosteronu o nazwie TestRX. Ostatnio sam spróbowałem, i podzieliłem się niektórymi z kilkoma pracownikami mojej ekipy leśnej. Wszyscy poczuliśmy różnicę, i był to zdecydowanie najlepszy naturalny booster testosteronu, jakiego kiedykolwiek próbowałem. Trudno uwierzyć, że coś w prostej formie pigułki może mieć tak dramatycznie pozytywne efekty. Był tak silny, że zwykle brałem tylko jedną tabletkę na raz zamiast sugerowanych dwóch tabletek dwa razy dziennie.

Jedyną wadą, którą zauważyłem, było to, że po zażyciu pełnej dawki dwóch tabletek dostawałem niewielkie palpitacje serca, ale jedna tabletka rano i jedna na noc zdecydowanie wystarczą komuś, kto tak naprawdę nie cierpi na poważny deficyt testosteronu.

Jako ktoś obeznany ze wszystkimi stale dyskutowanymi zagadnieniami ze sterydami w sportach walki, Znam wiele produktów, które twierdzą, że zapewniają takie same korzyści, jak TestRX zwykle wymagałby igły do ​​podania. Taki przebieg „soku” miałby też poważne skutki uboczne i pociągał za sobą akceptację niebezpiecznego ryzyka. Nie w przypadku tego produktu, ponieważ nawet obejrzałem go profesjonalny sztangista, aby upewnić się, że jest bezpieczny i zgodny z prawem. Zapewnił mnie, że produkt zawiera wszystkie właściwe składniki na dobre, całkowicie naturalny darmowy booster testosteronu.

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Zdecydowanie polecam TestRX do kogokolwiek. Niezależnie od tego, czy szukasz trochę więcej energii na swoim kroku, czy jesteś tym facetem, który absolutnie potrzebuje doładowania, aby funkcjonować na optymalnym poziomie w swoim zaawansowanym wieku, ten produkt może ci pomóc. To naprawdę coś, co dla mnie zadziałało, i to jest coś, co chciałbym spróbować jeszcze raz, ponieważ dało mi tak wiele pozytywnych korzyści.

Posługiwać się ten link lub poniższy link do zdjęcia, aby spróbować TestRX dzisiaj:


Streaming Live and Exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®

LAS VEGAS (August xx, 2019) – Kinektic has announced a world-class SuperFight between Raufeon “Supa” Stots and Anthony “El Toro” Birchak will provide chief support for the inaugural Kinektic submission grappling tournament on Friday, Sierpień 16, w Anaheim, Kalifornia.

All the action will be streamed exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, wiodąca na świecie cyfrowa usługa subskrypcji sportów walki, live from Anaheim Business Expo Center.

All Kinektic team formatted events will feature four competing squads, each comprised of five world-class grapplers, in a tournament consisting of semifinals and a championship final. A grappling Super Fight, featuring additional participants not already competing in the tournament, will be held between the final semifinals match and championship final

On Aug. 16th w Anaheim, the Stots vs. Birchak SuperFight will be contested at 155-pounds, showcasing a pair of grapplers currently competing in Legacy Fighting Alliance.

Houston-based Stots was a two-time NCAA, Division II All-American wrestler at the University of Nebraska in Kearney. The 30-year-old Stots has a 12-1 professional mixed-martial-arts record.

Birchak, fighting out of Tucson, Arizona, also was a Div. 2 collegiate wrestler at Pima Community College and Grand Canyon University. He has competed in the UFC, Bellator and Rizen FF, kompilacji 15-6 MMA record.

Co-founded by UFC® Hall of Famer Urijah Faber, Las Vegas entrepreneur Keith Veltre, and award-winning combat sports announcer Sean Wheelock, Kinektic is a unique, tournament-style promotion that will feature athletes from various combat sports disciplines, w tym mieszanych sztuk walki, grappling, jiu-jitsu, zapasy, and more.

“August 16th promises to deliver an exciting, action-packed night,” Veltre said. “Delivering some of the biggest names in the sport will no doubt make an impression with fans.”

The captains of the four star-powered teams are UFC veteran and MMA media personality Chael Sonnen (Team SUG); world-class grappler Craig Jones (Team BJJ Fanatics); UFC light heavyweight Anthony Smith (Team Lionheart); and former UFC welterweight Chris Lytle (Team Lights Out Urban Activities). Team Captains had the option to compete for their team, Jones and Lytle are competing for their respective teams.

Joining Jones on Team BJJ Fantatics are UFC athlete and former Strikeforce Welterweight World Champion Jake Shields, ADCC Trials bronze medalist Nicky Rodriguez, IBJJF World Champion Edwin Najmi, and ADCC Asia and Oceania gold medalist Lachlan Giles.

Veteran UFC athlete and former WEC Middleweight Champion Joe Riggs, former UFC Heavyweight Champion Rico Rodriguez, Polaris Welterweight Champion Mansher Khera, and Grapplers Quest Champion and BJJ black belt Will Weed join Lytle on Team Lights Out Urban Achievers.

Team SUG has veteran UFC athlete and ADCC gold medalist Vinny Magalhaes, former WSOF Featherweight Champion Alexandre Almeida, former UFC veteran athlete and PFL light heavyweight Ronny Markes, IBJJF World Championships bronze medalist Rafael Domingos, and LFA veteran and BJJ black belt Gabriel Checco.

Former Bellator Featherweight and Bantamweight Champion, and Greco-Roman Wrestling World Champion, Joe Warren, Pan-American gold medalist Scott Morton, ADCC US Trials gold medalist Enrico Cocco, IBJJF No-gi World Champion James Brasco, and Fight 2 Win Champion Brian Sparrow comprise Team Lionheart.

Faber, who also serves as Kinektic’s Vice President of Business Development, will be the mat-side and backstage interviewer. Joining Faber will be UFC women’s flyweight Paige VanZant, who is the lead color commentator, and play-by-play announcer Wheelock.

BJJ Fanatics vs. Lights Out Urban Achievers and Team SUG vs. Team Lionheart are the semifinals matchups with the winners meeting on the same night in the championship final.

The one-night tournament consists of bouts with eight-minute time limits. Losers of the semifinal matches are eliminated; draws result in the elimination of both athletes; and the first team with five members eliminated will be out of the competition. The surviving team will be declared the winner. A feature unique to Kinektic

Grappling is that the order in which athletes compete is not predetermined. There are thirty seconds between each bout and each team captain will be responsible for strategically deciding which team member will participate next. All members of each team must compete at least once.

Bilety są w cenie $65.00 (VIP), $50.00 Zarezerwowany) i $30.00 (Stojące), and available to purchase by going online to

For more information about the event, odwiedź:

Świergot: @Kinektic1, @UFCFightPass, @UrijahFaber, @PaigeVanZant, @SeanWheelock, @Keith_Veltre, @ChaelSonnen, @LionheartASmith, @Crslytle

Instagram: @UFCFightPass, @UrijahFaber, @PaigeVanZant, @Sean_Wheelock, @KeithVeltre

Facebook: @UFCFightPass, @UrijahFaber, @PaigeVanZant, @SeanWheelock, @KeithVeltre

About UFC FIGHT PASS® UFC FIGHT PASS® to wiodąca na świecie cyfrowa usługa subskrypcji sportów walki. Od momentu uruchomienia w 2013, FIGHT PASS jest teraz dostępny w ponad 200 kraje i terytoria. FIGHT PASS provides its members with unlimited access to exclusive, live UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; na żywo mieszane sztuki walki i sporty walki z całego świata; oryginalne serie i programy historyczne; cechy szczególne, wywiady pogłębione, treści zza kulis, oraz najświeższe relacje ze świata sportów walki. Posiadają również abonenci FIGHT PASS 24/7 Dostęp do największej na świecie biblioteki walki, zawiera więcej niż 17,000 bouts from dozens of combat sports organizations, a także każdą walkę w historii UFC. Fani walk mogą uzyskać dostęp do FIGHT PASS na komputerach osobistych, Urządzenia mobilne z systemem iOS i Android, Apple TV, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Roku, Telewizory Samsung Smart, Telewizory LG Smart, i telewizory Sony z Android TV. Więcej informacji, odwiedź

Niepokonany M-1 Challenge Mistrz wagi lekkiej Roman Bogatov na czele M-1 Challenge 104

Sierpień 30 w Orenburg, Rosja

SANKT PETERSBURG, Rosja (Sierpień 7, 2019) - Niepokonany mistrz wagi lekkiej M-1 ChallengeRoman Bogatov broni swojego tytułu przedMickael „Ragnar” Lebout, podsufitkaM-1 Sezon 104: Bitwa w sercu kontynentu, w dniu, Sierpień 30, w Sports Arena Orenburgzhye w Orenburgu, Rosja.

WKG & M-1 Sezon 104 będą transmitowane na żywo z Rosji w wysokiej rozdzielczości na www.M1Global.TV. Widzowie będą mogli oglądać w trybie walki i karty głównej po zalogowaniu się na rejestracji w www.M1Global.TV. Fani mogą oglądać wszystkie działania na swoich komputerach, jak również na Android i Apple, smartfonów i tabletów. M-1 Sezon 104 będzie również dostępna na www.FITE.TV.

Bogatov (8-0, M-1: 7-0), walki z Rosją, to mistrz grapplingu, który dosłownie uśpił trzy ze swoich czterech ostatnich ofiar. Bogatov, który ma lepszy atak naziemny, zdobył upragniony tytuł M-1 Challenge we wrześniu ubiegłego roku o godzM-1 Sezon 97, kiedy wygrał pięciorundową decyzjęRubenilton Pereira.  W swojej pierwszej obronie tytułu w styczniu ubiegłego roku, Bogatov użył duszenia trójkątem ramion, aby poddać innego brazylijskiego rywala, Michel silva.

Lebout (19-9-2, M-1: 3-1) to niebezpieczny pretendent z Francji, który wygrał trzy z czterech dotychczasowych walk M-1 Global. Wszechstronny wojownik, Lebout potrafi dostosować się do swojego przeciwnika, czy musi użyć uderzenia, grappling i umiejętności taktyczne, aby wygrać.

Były pretendent do tytułu M-1 ChallengeAndrey „Iron” Lezhnev (18-8, M-1: 6-4) przenosi swoje bezcenne doświadczenie do The Rage, aby stawić czoła popularnymBusurmankul Abdibait Uulu (11-2-1, 3-0-1) we wspólnym wydarzeniu.

Lezhnev, Ukrainy, wygrał osiem swoich ostatnich 10 Walki, powalił mistrza wagi piórkowej M-1 ChallengeNate Landwehr, aczkolwiek z przegranym wysiłkiem, w swojej ostatniej akcji. Abdibait Uulu, duma Kirgistanu, pokonał trzech trudnych przeciwników z rzędu, aby przygotować grunt pod swój największy test w Leżniewie.

Brazylijska waga muszaFlavio „Madruga” Silvy Santosa (9-3, M-1: 0-0) debiutuje przeciwko M-1 GlobalArman Ashimov (10-3-1), Kazachstanu. Santos to najnowszy z fali brazylijskich wojowników, którzy znaleźli dom w M-1 Global.

Mistrz Brazylii i czarny pas do BJJ, Jean „Panqueka” Petrick (10-3-1, M-1: 2-0) rzuca w dół zBoris „Bora” Polejay (18-6-1, M-1: 2-1-0), Ukrainy. Zwycięzca tej walki najprawdopodobniej przygotuje się do zdobycia tytułu.

Otwarcie głównej karty to pojedynek wagi koguciej pomiędzyVazha Tsiptauri, Gruziński mistrz narodowy MMA i kickboxingu, i rosyjska perspektywa Selem Evloev.

Amerykańska waga koguciej„Wspaniały” George Garcia (9-3, M-1: 1-0) rozpoczął swoją debiutancką walkę M-1 Global w krótkim czasie, mimo to użył swojej bystrości do walki, by pokonaćYuriy Chobuka, przez duszenie z tyłu nago, zaledwie 20 sekund do pierwszej rundy walki w marcu o godzM-1 Sezon 101.  Chwytak kalifornijski, który ma serię sześciu zwycięstw, powraca na undercard przeciwko notorycznemu finiszerowiBair domu, Rosji.

Walczący również na dole karty to francuska waga piórkowaAnthony „La Masse” Dizy (12-3, M-1: 1-0) vs. RosyjskiZalimbek Omarov (10-3-1, M-1: 7-2-1), Rosyjski półśredniejMichaił „Buldożer” Doroszenko (3-0, M-1: 0-0) vs. AzerbejdżanBayram Mamedov (0-1 (M-1: 0-0), i bitwa między rosyjskimi słomiankamiZarina Gumerova (1-1-1, M-1: 0-0) vs.Asia Klyutova (1-1, M-1: 1-0) w rzadkiej kobiecej walce M-1 Global.

Wszystkie walki i bojownicy mogą ulec zmianie.


Świergot & Instagram:

@ M1GlobalNews

@ M1Global


Nadchodzące zawody M-1 Challenge:

Sierpień. 30, 2019 - Wyzwanie M-1 104: Roman Bogatov vs. Mickael Lebout w Orenburgu, Rosja.

CES MMA Welterweight World Champion Vinicius “The Brazilian Bad Boy” De Jesus Makes First Title Defense at CES 58 Siedem. 7 at the CT Convention Center in Hartford



 N. Providence, RI (Sierpień 7, 2019) – CES MMA will return to Hartford, CT on Saturday, Wrzesień 7th zCES 58. The event will stream live from the Connecticut Convention Center exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, wiodąca na świecie cyfrowa usługa subskrypcji sportów walki, począwszy od 8 PM E.T. / 5 PM P.T.

Headlining this stacked card will beDe Jesus vs. Lozano. Watch as CES MMA welterweight championVinicius “The Brazilian Bad Boy” De Jesus makes his first title defense in the main event against challengerChris “The Cleveland Assassin” Lozano.

Brazilian-born De Jesus, fighting out of Stamford, CT, captured the coveted CES MMA welterweight crown in his last fight (Morze. 29, 2019), when he earned a hard fought five-round unanimous decision overJeremiah Wells. De Jesus has won three of four Bellator fights and he is riding a three-fight win streak.

“CES MMA is extremely excited to return to Hartford, Connecticut, with a special Saturday Night Event live on UFC Fight Pass,” proudly announcesJimmy Burchfield Jr., of CES MMA. “The main event is going to be a war when ‘The Brazilian Bad Boy’ Vinicious De Jesusdefends his welterweight title against Chris ‘The Cleveland Assassin’ Lozano. This blockbuster card is guaranteed action you don’t want to miss!"

The co-feature is a heavyweight battle between Hartford’sParker Porter and veteran Brazilian opponentDirlei “Mao de Pedra” Broenstrup.In his toughest test to date, Waterbury, CT lightweightJesse James Kosakowski takes on veteranReggie Merriweather

An intriguing match-up is Springfield, MA middleweight prospectPat Casey challengesAndre “Rumble” Hall.  Casey has won two in a row since he suffered his only pro loss, while Hall is coming off a sensational first-round submission ofPat McCrohan at the recent CES 57.

Also being showcased is fan favorite and Norwich nativePete “The Heat” Rogers, Jr., whosquares off against veteran“Relentless” Robbie Leroux, Meriden, CT flyweightJustin Valentin vs. TBA, Massachusetts bantamweightHarris Bonfiglio vs.Jornell Lugo, and Waterbury, lekkiNick Giuletti vs.Cody “Lightning” Schieve,

Wszystkie walki i bojownicy mogą ulec zmianie. This is an all ages event.

Tickets for “CES MMA 57” start at $35 i są dostępne na stronie or by calling the CES box office at 401-724-2254.

Twin River Event Center doors open at 6:30 p.m. ET with the first fight scheduled to start at 7 p.m. I.

The main card will stream live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS. To start your 7-day free trial, odwiedź


Strony internetowe:

Świergot: @CESMMA, @UFCFightPass, @ctconventionCT,  

Instagram: @CESMMA, @UFCFightPass

Facebook: /CESMMA, /UFCFightPass, /CTConventions


Sierpień 6, 2019 – Devin Haney can take a giant leap towards World title glory when he faces fellow unbeaten star Zaur Abdullaev in a final eliminator for the WBC World Lightweight title on Friday September 13 at the Hulu Theater in Madison Square Garden, Nowy Jork, live on DAZN in the US and on Sky Sports in the UK.

Haney (22-0 14 KO) made an electrifying debut with Matchroom Boxing USA and DAZN in May, destroying Antonio Moran with a KO of the year contender in the seventh round of their clash in Maryland. The 20 year old fights in the Big Apple for the first time in his career and the Las Vegas native, w rankingu #2 with the WBC, hits Manhattan for his biggest fight yet in association with DHP Promotions and Titov Boxing.

Abdullaev (11-0 7 KO) jest w rankingu #3 with the WBC having landed the Silver Lightweight strap in just his ninth pro outing in April 2018, and the highly rated and dangerous Russian registered his 11th pro win and seventh inside the distance in February, stopping Humberto Martinez in Ekaterinburg, and now fights outside his homeland for the first time in his career.

The WBC crown will be in the hands of either Vasiliy Lomachenko or Luke Campbell MBE when the clash at The O2 in London on August 31, with Haney and Abdullaev keenly observing that clash from their training camps become locking horns on September 13.

It always feels good when I get the official date,” said Haney. “I stay in the gym because I’m a dog and I love to fight. I want the world to see me rise to my competition. The better they are the better I am. I’m fighting an undefeated fighter at Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden.

“fani New York są jednymi z najbardziej lojalnych fanów sportu i nie mogę się doczekać, aby naprawdę wprowadzenie na pokazie dla nich. Abdullaev lubi naciskać i nic mniej września spodziewać 13. Widziałem jego walki i że jest głodny fighter, nie ma wątpliwości, że to mój najtrudniejszy przeciwnik na bieżąco. Ta walka jest krok od Światowego tytułowej walce więc oboje mamy sporo na linii.

“Abdullaev nie ma wielkiego nazwiska, ale on w rankingu #3 z powodu, i nie mam go ani nikogo innego, który stoi w drodze schylając. Jestem błogosławiony mieć ogromne wsparcie od DAZN i Eddie Hearn. Dzięki tej współpracy mam okazję walczyć z najlepszymi na świecie. I encourage everyone in NYC to buy their tickets or get the DAZN App and watch my growth into the next superstar in boxing. This fight is going to be lit!”

I’m delighted that the fight is happening,” said Abdullaev. “I was panicking when I saw some posts from Haney on social media that nobody wants to fight him at 135lbs, and he might have to move up in weight. I kept biting my nails and really wanted to get engaged but been told to stay patient. Allah the gracious has delivered this fight and now its reality.

I am a bit disappointed that the fight won’t be at Haney’s Las Vegas back yard as it would have been great to dethrone him in front of his home crowed, but New York is a great boxing city. I’m not silly and I do understand that I’m coming as an underdog but on September 13, I’m coming to crash the hype against all odds.

WBA and IBF World Super-Bantamweight champion Daniel Roman leads a stacked undercard in a mouth-watering chief-support bout as he takes on lethal WBA mandatory challenger Murodjon Akhmadaliev. Rzymianin (27-2-1 10 KO) unified his WBA crown with the IBF strap of Irishman TJ Doheny in a fight of the year contender at home in Los Angeles in April, a fifth World title win on the bounce a fourth inside 14 months for the 29 roku życia.

Roman’s fifth defense of his WBA crown pits him against dangerous Uzbek talent Akhmadaliev (6-0 5 KO) – the highly decorated amateur has looked fearsome in ending five of his six pro outings to date inside the distance, z 25 year old’s last win coming on the same LA bill as Roman’s dust-up with Doheny. Roman vs. Akhmadaliev is brought to you in association with Thompson Boxing and World of Boxing.

Anyone that knows me understands that I’m a real fighter,” said Roman. “I’ll fight anyone they put in front of me. Akhmadaliev is hungry, ale tak, jestem. It wasn’t that long ago [2017] when I challenged for the WBA title so we’re not going to give it up. I’m here to fight and defend the WBA belt once more. I have two belts [WBA i IBF], but I want more. My goal is to get all of them so by no means am I overlooking Akhmadaliev. He has that amateur pedigree, can punch with power and likes to come forward. The second you underestimate someone, that’s when bad things happen. I’ll be ready for whatever he brings.

As a unified champion, I understand that I have a target on my back. That’s why I’ve been in the gym, staying sharp like I always do. There’s no time to relax and look back at what I’ve done because my work isn’t finished.

Danny is among the most committed and disciplined World champions out there,” said Ken Thompson, president of Thompson Boxing Promotions. “He relishes challenges and at this point in his career, he only wants the toughest and biggest fights. Akhmadaliev is a young and dangerous opponent, but Danny has all the tools to continue his reign as the best talent in the division. We’re confident that he’ll deliver another excellent performance and retain his WBA title for the fifth time.

“Jestem bardzo zadowolony, że Daniel Roman wziął tę walkę,” Said Akhmadaliev. “Wiem, że obaj jesteśmy wojownikami i to będzie prawdziwa wojna! Nie przegap tej walki!”

“Czekaliśmy do tej walki przez jakiś czas,” mówi Vadim Kornilov z World of Boxing. “Wierzę, że z woli, postać, i moc obu tych facetów, Ta walka będzie walka roku kandydata.”

Jest więcej Świat tytuł działania na rachunku jako wyzwanie rekordowe siedem-weight Mistrz świata WBO Amanda Serrano Świat piórkowej mistrz Heather Hardy w aferze wszystko Brooklyn, Dostarczone przez Dibella Entertainment we współpracy z Matchroom bokserski USA.

Serrano (36-1-1 27 KO) conquered her seventh weight class at the Hulu Theater in title in January when the Puerto Rican destroyed Eva Voraberger inside the opening round to claim the vacant WBO Super-Flyweight title.

Serrano held the WBO Featherweight strap in 2016 before vacating it then her sister Cindy picked it up later that year. Wytrzymały (22-0 4 KO) was next in line to win the vacant title in October in a rematch against Shelley Vincent in the Hulu Theater. Hardy put boxing on hold to return to MMA in June with an outing at Bellator 222 at Madison Square Garden but returns to boxing to go head-to-head with her fellow Brooklynite.

We found out in February that as a super-champion Amanda could call out any champion in any weight division and she would be the next defenseand she chose me. I didn’t get this far in the boxing game to not know how it works, they’re hyping up a big fight between her and Katie Taylor and this is the second of Amanda’s three-fight deal.

It will be my first time competing as an underdog even as the current world champion but I’m excited as hell. Everyone knows I have the balls for it. I grew up with a tough mamma, Zaufaj mi – nobody scares me.

I’m very excited to be back in the ring and excited to be fighting Heather Hardy,” Said Serrano. “Heather is 22-0 z powodu, she always finds a way to win. We’ve sparred in the past and I’ve never had an easy day with her.

So many of the other champions vacated their belts to avoid fighting me but Heather is a true world champion who will not give up her belt.

We know each other well and I’m honored to fight her for her World title. It’s nothing personal, just business for two girls from Brooklyn in the ring.

“Piątek, Wrzesień 13, seven-division world champion Amanda ‘The Real DealSerrano will attempt to wrest the WBO Featherweight title from undefeated champion Heather ‘The HeatHardy in what promises to be an explosive matchup,” powiedział Lou DiBella, Prezes Dibella Entertainment. “Neither Hardy nor Serrano have ever been in a bad fight, both Brooklynites have passionate fan bases and are tremendous ambassadors for women’s boxing. This is a must-win fight for both boxers and will steal the show.

The Heavyweight landscape remains a hot one and there’s a great 50-50 clash on the card as Michael Hunter challenges Sergey Kuzmin for the WBA Intercontinental title. Łowca (17-1 12 KO) holds the International strap with the WBA having KO’d Alexander Ustinov in Monte Carlo in November and defended that with a second round KO of Fabio Maldonado in Maryland in May. The 31 year old is rapidly rising in the rankings and can take a huge leap towards World title action with a win but faces a crunch challenge in the form of Kuzmin (15-0 11 KO).

The unbeaten Russian puts the strap he won at Wembley Stadium in London in September against David Price and first saw off LaRon Mitchell and then Joey Dawejko in successful Stateside defenses. With Kuzmin ranked #5 and Hunter #8 with the WBA, the victor in New York will be knocking on the door for a title shot, raising the stakes in this pick’em match-up, in association with World of Boxing.

I’m excited to be fighting Sergey,” said Hunter. “I know that this is not going to be an easy fight, but I am definitely up for the challenge and I want to show people that I am the best in the division.

I have worked very hard for this opportunity,” said Kuzmin. “I am here to win this fight and go after the World title. It doesn’t matter to me whether this fight is in the USA or in Russia, I am very confident in my victory. I know my opponent very well, he’s a good boxer, but only one of us is going to be victorious.

This is a fight between two top ten prospects, both hold regional titles,” said Vadim Kornilov of World of Boxing. “This fight will hopefully be an eliminator for the World championship mandatory.

This is a brilliant show and a big chance for Devin to take NYC by storm,” said promoter Eddie Hearn. “Abdullaev is a dangerous undefeated fighter but Devin is ready for all comers and wants to win this fight and then go straight into the Lomachenko vs. Campbell winner. It’s crazy to believe he is just 20 roku życia – I think it’s fair to say he is the most exciting young fighter in the world right now.

Roman vs. Akhmadaliev is an absolute war, Danny refused to vacate the belt and like a true champion will face a young fearless, hard hitting mandatory challenger who is taking a giant leap after just six fights.

The Heavyweight division is red hot and Hunter v Kuzmin maybe one of the match ups of the yeardo not blink on this one! We probably could have filled this venue with Serrano vs. Hardy alone, it’s an amazing fight for NYC with the winner set for a defining Katie Taylor fight next. Do not miss this show!”

We are excited to kick off our busy fall line-up with the return of blue-chip prospect Devin Haney on DAZN,” said Joseph Markowski, DAZN EVP, North America. “Matchroom has put together a stacked card for New York fight fans and those watching around the world on DAZN. We are preparing to close out our first year in boxing with a bang and it all starts September 13 at the Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden.

An announcement on ticket prices and on-sale dates will be made later this week.

# # #

About Devin Haney Promotions:
Based in California, Devin Haney Promotions (DHP) is a first-class promotional company headed by boxing phenom, Devin “Sen” Haney. The company was founded in September of 2018. Devin Haney at 19-yrs old became the youngest active fighter/promoter in boxing history. DHP has a commitment to bring fans the most exciting shows with some of the best fighters in the world. Globally, DHP is respected as a premier promoter in boxing.


Shields Fights To Become Three-Division World Champion
In Hometown Debut From Dort Federal
Event Center In Flint, mnie.

Żyć w 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Tickets on Sale TODAY at 2 p.m. I!

NEW YORK – Sierpień 6, 2019 – Undisputed middleweight world champion Claressa Shields’ attempt at history has been rescheduled for Saturday, Październik 5 żyć na SHOWTIME. Shields will aim to make history as the fastest fighter in boxing, Mężczyzna czy kobieta, to become a three-division world champion when she takes on former world championIvana Habazin for the vacant WBO Junior Middleweight Title onSHOWTIME BOXING: SPECJALNA EDYCJA (9 p.m. I / 6 p.m. PT) from Dort Federal Event Center in Flint, mnie.

The vacant WBC Women’s Diamond Super Welterweight Championship will also be on the line in Shieldsfirst professional fight in her hometown.
The homecoming fight was initially scheduled for August 17 and postponed in June after Shields suffered a minor injury to her right knee while doing roadwork.
Shields vs.. Habazin is promoted by Salita Promotions. Tickets for the live event go on sale today/Tuesday, Sierpień 6 w 2 p.m. ET and can be purchased at and at the Dort Center box office.
24-letnia Shields (9-0, 2 KO) is a two-division titlist who became the undisputed middleweight champion with a near-shutout victory over Christina Hammer in April on SHOWTIME. W ten sposób, she joined Terrence Crawford, Jermain Taylor, Bernard Hopkins, Ołeksandr Usyk i Cecilia Braekhus jako jedynych bojowników się ujednolicone wszystkie cztery główne światowe tytuły w każdej kategorii wagowej (Katie Taylor, ponieważ dołączył do prestiżowej liście).
Teraz, the Flint star seeks to make even more history in her sixth headlining appearance on SHOWTIME. Dzięki wygranej nad Habazin, Tarcze by zostać mistrzem trzech podział w zaledwie 10 końce, breaking the record of Vasiliy Lomachenko, who accomplished the feat in 12 Walki.
I’m more excited than ever. Jestem 100 percent recovered, and I can’t wait to get back in the ring and fight in front of my hometown fans in Flint as undisputed champion of the world,” said Shields. “Having the opportunity to become world champion in a third weight division faster than any man or woman in boxing history will make October 5 a night I will cherish forever. It’s another big step in history, and giant step forward in lifting women’s boxing on the road to equality.
Habazin (20-3, 7 KO), Zagrzeb, Chorwacja, jest w rankingu nr. 1 przez WBO w 154 funtów. 29-letni, kto będzie czyniąc ją obszarem USA. debiut, zdobył tytuł IBF Welterweight nad Sabrina Giuliani w 2014. W swojej kolejnej walki, Habazin spadła jednomyślnej decyzji Braekhus w zabytkowym zjednoczeniowego walki gdzie Braekhus odebrał wszystkie cztery główne pasy tytuł mistrza świata. Ostatnio, Habazin pomścił jedną z zaledwie trzech straty w jej karierze Eva Bajić w Zagrzebiu.
It’s an honor and a dream to fight in the U.S. on national television,” Habazin powiedział. “A lot of fighters never get this opportunity in their careers so I know I need to make the most of it. I’ve been training for this fight since June and the postponement has only given me more time to get ready. I intend to put my best effort forward to impress the fans and show that I am for real.
I am not just coming to fight for a world title, I am fighting for my life and my career. I believe I am the best and now I got the chance to prove that, and there is no better opponent for that than Claressa Shields.
Shields był pierwszym amerykańskim bokserem w historii – Mężczyzna czy kobieta – wygrać kolejne złote medale olimpijskie. Odwróciła profesjonalny następującego po 2016 Olimpiada i zatytułowała boks głównym wydarzeniem pierwszych kobiet w historii telewizji w najwyższej jakości tylko jej drugi w zawodowej walce 2017. Shields został zunifikowany mistrz super-średniej Świata Kobiet w zaledwie jej czwartej walce zawodowej, oraz dwukrotny mistrz podział w swoim szóstym konkursie zawodowej. Była koronowany niekwestionowanym mistrzem 160 funtów w swojej dziewiątej walce, mniej niż trzy lata po przejściu na zawodowstwo następującego po 2016 Igrzyska Olimpijskie.
From Christy Martin and Laila Ali to Cris Cyborg and Ronda Rousey, and now Claressa Shields, SHOWTIME has long been the pioneer in women’s combat sports,” said Gordon Hall, Executive Producer of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECJALNA EDYCJA.  “Without question, Claressa Shields is the face of women’s boxing and we’re excited to present yet another historic milestone in her career as she looks to capture a third division championship in record time. This is Claressa’s sixth appearance on SHOWTIME and yet another test as she continues her personal quest to become the greatest of all time.
With the new date, this fight is going to be even more significant,” Said Dmitriy Salita, Prezes salita Promotions. “Claressa has had time to get 100 percent healthy and in the best shape of her life as she goes down in weight to fight for another historic accomplishment. Z drugiej strony,, Ivana has used this extra time to prepare for Claressa both mentally and physically. She has remained in camp throughout the summer as she prepares to come to America to upset Claressa and fulfill what she feels is her destiny. It’s going to be two fighters at the top of their games.
“Październik 5 will be a magnificent event for Claressa Shields, for women’s boxing, and for Claressa’s hometown city of Flint,” said Mark Taffet, manager of Claressa Shields. “Claressa continues to shine a beacon of light on the sport, making history in each and every fight and reaching levels previously unimaginable. She is a once in a lifetime athlete and young woman, and if she is victorious on October 5 she will become the fastest man or woman in boxing history to win a world title in a third weight division.
Barry Tompkins will call the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Producentem wykonawczym jest Richard Gordon Hall z produkcji i Rick Gaughan Phillips kierowanie.
The undercard for the telecast will be announced in the coming weeks.


Photos by Robert Elizando

SAN ANTONIO, Teksas (Sierpień 5, 2019)This past Saturday at the Alzafar Shrine in San Antonio, Teksas, Female lightweight contender, Selina “Aztec Królowa” Dzielnice poprawiła się (6-1, 3 KO) after knocking out Nina Gallegos with a vicious body shot just 42 seconds into round one. Supreme Boxing Promotions was the promoter.

It was beautiful to see the fans of San Antoinio come out and support our boxing event last night. I wanted to make a statement with a knockout performance, and I was blessed to deliver it. The boxing community and fans in San Antonio are incredible. I’m hoping we can continue to bring more boxing shows to our great city.

Dzielnice, the NABF Lightweight champion is looking to get back on world title run.

My focus now is landing a big fight with any top fighter in the super featherweight or lightweight division,” Barrios nadal. “My manager is working on a few things and my next fight will be announced sometime soon, hopefully against a big name.

We have plans for Selina to be in a big fight sometime in 2020,” powiedział: Kerry Dangle, Dzielnice’ co-manager. “I think she will be best suited if we can keep her busy, maybe one more tune up fight before we step her up again.

Selina is ready to go on a nice run.” powiedział: Colin Campbell, Dzielnice’ co-manager. “She really stepped up her game during training camp and it paid off. She’ll be in a big fight very soon.


Mistrzostwa Walki Bare Knuckle powracają w sobotę, Sierpień 10 Live from the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi

Headlined by Leonard Garcia vs. Jim Alers Showdown, plus BKFC Heavyweight Champion Arnold Adams Defending Against Chase Sherman & Jeszcze!

PHILADELPHIA (Sierpień 5, 2019) – The upcoming Mistrzostwa Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) wydarzenie, odbywa się w sobotę, Sierpień 10 from the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, Tęsknić. will stream live and for free worldwide through FITE and on the BKFC YouTube page (subscribe for free access to the card) począwszy od 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

We are thrilled to be able to showcase all of the action from the BKFC event slated for Saturday, Sierpień 10 na FITE,” said Michael Weber, FITE COO. “FITE has had the pleasure to work with BKFC since they first launched and we’re excited to be able to participate in the growth of their brand and organization.

The event is headlined by an exciting main event that pits Leonard Garcia przedJim Alers in a 155-pound attraction. The fight card will also feature BKFC heavyweight champion and Chicago native Arnold Adams defending his title against Biloxi’s own Chase Sherman and also includes a women’s featherweight tournament semifinal that will see Las Vegas native Christine Ferea battling the Dominican Republic’s Helen Peralta, while former UFC star Melvin Guillard makes his BKFC debut versus former UFC and BKFC vet Isaac Vallie-Flag.

Tickets for BKFC 7 are available now at The event is being distributed and executive produced by MultiVision Media, Inc.

BKFC will be making their fourth appearance at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum, having delivered three action-packed events, most recently the April 6 show headlined by the memorable Artem Lobov vs. Jason Knight Fight of The Year kandydat.

Kanadyjczyk Chris Kelades nowy mistrz M-1 Challenge Interim wagi muszej

Decyzje Alexander Pletenko w Chinach

WKG & M-1 Sezon 103


SHENZHEN, Chiny (Sierpień 4, 2019) - Kanadyjski zawodnik MMA Chris Kelades został mistrzem M-1 Challenge Interim w wadze muszej, podejmując decyzję z Alexander Pletenko ostatniej nocy o godz WKG i M-1 Challenge 103 w Shenzhen, Chiny.

M-1 Challenge „zwykły” mistrz wagi muszejAlexander Doskalchuk miał bronić swojego tytułu o godzM-1 Sezon 103 przeciwko Kelades, jednak, mistrz doznał kontuzji, która zmusiła Doskalczuka do wycofania się.

Pletenko kontra Kelades to rewanż w czerwcowej walce, 2018, w którym Pletenko wygrał decyzję o godzM-1 Sezon 93.  Pletenko, jednak, przyszedł z nadwagą i nie kwalifikował się do zdobycia tytułu.

To prawdziwe międzynarodowe wydarzenie MMA wliczone w cenę 20 zawodowi wojownicy z 10 różnych krajów: Rosja, Chiny, USA, Brazylia, Ukraina, Kanada, Azerbejdżan, Szwecja, Gruzja i Niemcy.

Sędziowie byli zajęci całą noc jak ośmiu z nich 10 walki trwały cały dystans.

W turnieju głównym, Kelades (14-4) i Pletenko (14-5) walczył zębami i pazurami z Kanadyjczykiem, który pomścił swoją wcześniejszą stratę, jednogłośną decyzją pięciorundową dla swojego ukraińskiego przeciwnika.

Chińscy bojownicy wygrali tylko jedną z czterech walk przed końcem wieczoru, w którym ulubiony przez fanówHuoyixibai Chuhayifo (12-3) wysłał wszystkich szczęśliwych do domu, znokautowanie gruzińskiej wagi koguciejBeno Adamia (5-5) z ponczem w rundzie otwarcia.

Rosyjski półśredniejMaksim Grabovich (10-4) wygrał jednogłośną decyzję nad weteranem BrazyliiJonas „Bonus” Boeno (38-12), Brazylijczyk w wadze ciężkiejRoggersa „Tygrys” Souza (9-2) podjął niejednoznaczną decyzję odZaur Gadzhibayev (7-3-1), i wagi półśredniej Stanów ZjednoczonychHaydena „Hulka” Hassana (9-4) wygrał swój debiut w M-1 Global jednogłośną decyzją przeciwkoMovsar Bokov (5-2), Rosji.

Na undercard, Chińczyk wagi piórkowejFeng „Skrzydlaty Tygrys” Peng Zhao (6-2) pokonał amerykańskiEdward Massey (5-4) na punkty, ale rodacy ZhaoMaheshate iWang Zhen przegrał jednogłośną decyzję, odpowiednio, do rosyjskiego lekkiegoNikolay Goncharov (3-1-1) i brazylijska waga muszaKaycka „Chucka” Alencara (10-1).

Szwedzki półśredniAndreas „Prawdziwa stal” Stahl (12-4) wygrał niejednogłośną decyzję z NiemcamiChristiana Jungwirtha (6-2), podczas gdy amerykański lekkiDaniel „Agent Orange” Swain (20-9-1) zamknięty w dławiku gilotynowymXialong Wu, Chin, w 28. sekundzie pierwszej rundy o zwycięstwo.

Poniżej oficjalne wagi i więcej zdjęć:

Karty głównej


Chris Kelades (14-4, M-1: 3-1), Kanada


Alexander Pletenko (14-5, M-1: 1-1), Ukraina

 (Kelades zdobywa tymczasowy tytuł wagi muszej M-1 Challenge)


Huoyixibai Chuhayifu (12-3, M-1: 3-1), Chiny

WKO1 (stemple - 4:41)

Beno Adamia, (5-5, M-1: 0-2), Gruzja


Maksim Grabovich (10-4, M-1: 7-3), Rosja


Jonas boeno (38-12, M-1: 0-1), Brazylia

Waga ciężka

Roggers Souza (9-2, M-1: 1-0), Brazylia


Zaur Gadzhibayev (7-3-1, M-1: 5-2), Azerbejdżan


Hayden Hassan (9-4, M-1: 1-0), USA


Movsar Bokov (5-2, M-1: 4-2), Rosja



Andreas Stahl (12-4, M-1: 1-0), Szwecja


Christiana Jungwirtha (6-2, M-1: 0-1), Niemcy


Daniel Swain (20-9-1, M-1: 3-1-1), USA

WSUB1 (dławik gilotynowy - 0:28)

Xiaolong Wu (16-9-1, M-1: 0-2), Chiny

Nikolay Goncharov (3-1-1, M-1: 1-1), Rosja


Maheshate (2-1, M-1: 0-1), Chiny


Feng Peng Zhao (6-2, M-1: 1-0), Chiny


Edward Massey (5-4, M-1: 1-2), USA


Kayck Alencar (10-1, M-1: 2-1), Brazylia


Wang Zhen (5-1, M-1: (0-1), Chiny


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