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Były mistrz Jean Pascal wyprzedza Marcusa Browne decyzją techniczną po tym, jak przypadkowy headbutt kończy walkę w ósmej rundzie & Wale Omotoso zatrzymuje Curtisa Stevensa w trzeciej rundzie 154-Pojedynek na funty

Kliknij TUTAJ za zdjęcia od Nabeela Ahmada/Premier Boxing Champions

Kliknij TUTAJ dla zdjęć z promocji Stephanie Trapp / TGB

BROOKLYN (Sierpień 4, 2019) – Niepokonana polska gwiazda i rodowity Brooklyn Adam Kownacki (20-0, 15 KO) zdobył jednogłośną decyzję ponad Chris “Koszmar” Arreola (38-6-1, 33 KO) w bójce pełnej akcji przed fanami z jego rodzinnego miasta, która wystąpiła w głównym wydarzeniu FOX PBC Fight Night oraz w sobotnim wieczorze FOX Deportes z Barclays Center, dom Brooklyn BOXING ™.

Kownacki i Arreola ustanowili rekord wagi ciężkiej CompuBox dla połączonych ciosów wymierzonych i rzuconych w walce wagi ciężkiej. Wylądowali połączone 667 stemple, pobicie poprzedniego rekordu 650, podczas rzucania 2,172 stemple, znacznie przewyższający poprzedni znak 1,730.

Najciekawsze momenty walki można znaleźć TUTAJ, TUTAJ i TUTAJ.

“Chris jest azteckim wojownikiem,” said Kownacki. “On jest wielkim wojownikiem. Wiedziałem, że to będzie ciężka walka i przygotowałem się na nią. Liczby CompuBox dowodzą, że była to świetna walka.”

“Adam jest nieugięty,” Said Arreola. “On po prostu ciągle przychodzi. Wiem, że trafiłem na niego z kilkoma dobrymi ciosami, a on dostał mnie z kilkoma dobrymi. Byłem więcej niż gotowy na wszystko 12, ale Adam wszedł i wygrał walkę.”

Akcja rozpoczęła się od pierwszego dzwonka, gdy Kownacki zaatakował Arreola i natychmiast zaczął się wymieniać, gdy obaj mężczyźni rzucali ciosami mocy w pęczki. Kownacki odpracował cios, aby zainicjować przestępstwo, podczas gdy Arreola był w stanie skutecznie skontrować swojego mocno szarżującego przeciwnika i odpowiedzieć za każdym razem, gdy został trafiony kombinacją.

“Myślałem, że to dobra walka na bliski dystans, ale wiedziałem, że ją wyciągnąłem,” said Kownacki. “Oddałem dużo strzałów i to wystarczyło, aby wygrać. Tylko to się liczy.”

Kownacki oszołomił Arreolę we wczesnych momentach drugiej rundy, ale Arreola szybko zareagowała na spowolnienie tempa Kownackiego. Arreola odnosił coraz większe sukcesy z prawą ręką podczas walki, wielokrotne wymierzanie ciosu, zwłaszcza w czwartej i piątej rundzie.

Szósta runda była mieszanką, która charakteryzowała się dużą ofensywą ze strony Kownackiego na początku rundy, przed ekscytującą wymianą pod koniec rundy obaj mężczyźni zadają ciężkie ciosy.

“Próbowałem śledzić, kiedy go zraniłem, ale zadałem dwa ciosy zamiast trzech lub czterech,” said Kownacki. “Rekwizyty do Arreoli, bo udowodnił, że wciąż potrafi wisieć. Jestem pewien, że fani chcieliby go ponownie zobaczyć.”

W środkowych rundach Arreola doznała kontuzji ręki, ale wydawało się, że nie spowalnia go to zbytnio, ponieważ jego moc ciosów nadal była silna przez drugą połowę walki. For Kownacki, to był jego pierwszy raz, kiedy minął 10 rundy jako pro.

Po tym, jak ciosy nadal przelatywały przez ostatni dzwon, dwaj ważniacy obejmowani na ringu przed przesłuchaniem sędziów’ wyniki. Po 12 Rundy, wszyscy trzej sędziowie widzieli walkę na korzyść Kownackiego, przez dziesiątki 117-11 dwa razy i 118-110.

“Emerytura to coś, o czym muszę porozmawiać z rodziną i zespołem,” Said Arreola. “Dałem z siebie całą tę walkę. Pozwolę temu wszystko spędzić. Po złamaniu ręki, Walczyłem dalej, bo wierzyłem, że mogę wygrać.”

“Po prostu muszę ciężko trenować, coraz lepiej i doskonalić swoje umiejętności,” said Kownacki. “Zobaczymy, co przyniesie przyszłość. Mam nadzieję, że w przyszłym roku dostanę tytułowy strzał.”

W współgłównym wydarzeniu uczestniczył były mistrz świata Jean Pascal (34-6-1, 20 KO) zdobyć wąską techniczną decyzję o wcześniej niepokonanych Marcus Browne (23-1, 16 KO) zdobyć tymczasowy tytuł WBA w wadze półciężkiej po przypadkowym uderzeniu głową, które zakończyło walkę w ósmej rundzie.

“Boks to boks,” powiedział Pascal. “Zderzyliśmy się głowami, ale pod koniec dnia, Wygrywałem rundę. Upuściłem go trzy razy. Było blisko walki, ale wierzę, że wygrywałem.”

Browne wydawał się wcześnie przejąć kontrolę, efektywnego ciosu i wykańczania combosów mocnymi ciosami. Przez całą walkę, Browne wyląduje 52% jego mocy ciosów według CompuBox.

W czwartej rundzie, Pascal przedarł się przez lądowanie idealną prawą ręką, która połączyła się z Brownem, gdy rzucił własnym prawym sierpowym. Browne po raz trzeci w swojej karierze trafił na płótno, ale udało mu się przejść przez rundę.

Zobacz, jak Pascal zdobywa powalenie TUTAJ

Browne wyglądał, jakby odzyskał kontrolę nad walką do późnej rundy siódmej, kiedy Pascal ponownie trafił na potężny prawy hak, który złapał Browne'a podczas wymiany. Pascal wskoczył na Browne'a po tym, jak wstał i powalił go po raz trzeci tuż przed zakończeniem dzwonka w rundzie siódmej.

Pascal z Montrealu chciał ukończyć Browne w rundzie ósmej, podczas gdy Browne szukał sposobu na skuteczne poruszanie się po ringu podczas odzyskiwania z poprzedniej rundy. W połowie rundy Pascal uderzył Browne'a przypadkowym uderzeniem głową w liny, co otworzyło przecięcie nad lewym okiem Browne'a..

Obejrzyj headbutt TUTAJ

Sędzia Gary Rosato zatrzymał walkę 1:49 w rundzie, za radą lekarza przy ringu, co oznacza, że ​​walka trafiła na karty wyników. Wygrywając skróconą ósmą rundę na wszystkich trzech sędziach’ Karty, Pascal wygrał walkę wynikiem 75-74 trzykrotnie.

“Słyszałem moją córkę przy ringu i to było dla mnie motywacją,” powiedział Pascal. “Wykrzykiwała moje imię przez całą noc. Wrócę do domu i porozmawiam z zespołem, żeby zobaczyć, co dalej. Kanada ma Drake, Mistrzów NBA, a teraz przynoszę pas do domu.”

Browne był niedostępny dla komentarzy po walce, ponieważ został zabrany do NYU Lutheran Medical Center z powodu cięcia.

Otwarcie na piły FOX Wale Omotoso (28-4, 22 KO) upuszczać Curtis Stevens(30-7, 22 KO) trzy razy na swojej drodze do wygranej w trzeciej rundzie przestoju w ich starciu w wadze super półśredniej.

Dla Stevensa była to jego pierwsza walka przy wadze 154 funtów, i od początku był testowany w nowej wadze. Omotoso zaczął się poruszać i dźgać wokół ringu, gdy Stevens podchodził do niego i próbował rzucać mocne ciosy, aby spowolnić jego ruchy. Pod koniec pierwszej rundy, Omotoso przebił się prawą ręką w stronę Stevensa’ głowa, która upuściła go na środek ringu.

“Mój trener kazał mi trzymać ręce w górze, bądź cierpliwy, włóż go i jab,” powiedział Omotoso. “Powiedział mi, że nie powinienem tego naciskać i że kiedy był otwór, wziąłbym to. Dokładnie tak się stało.”

“Uderzył mnie overhandem w prawo w pierwszej rundzie, co wytrąciło mnie z równowagi,” powiedział Stevens. “Ale to nie wpłynęło na mnie zbytnio. Nie wchodziłem wystarczająco w moje ciosy, dochodzę. Zostałem złapany, kiedy sięgnąłem.”

W drugiej rundzie Omotoso trafił Stevensa perfekcyjnym ciosem, gdy jego przeciwnik rzucał lewym sierpowym, który powalił go po raz drugi w walce. Stevens ponownie przeszedł przez rundę, i zacząłem następną ramkę, łapiąc Omotoso w kącie i łącząc się na ciosach mocy.

“Po prostu puściłem moje ręce,” powiedział Omotoso. “Przy drugim powaleniu moja pewność siebie wzrosła. Cieszyłem się, że odniosłem zwycięstwo przez nokaut.”

Podczas gdy Stevens był w stanie opanować wczesne momenty trzeciej rundy, Omotoso uderzył go kombinacją trzech ciosów z lewym sierpowym, lewy górny cios, a potem prosta prawa ręka, która powaliła Stevensa po raz trzeci. Stevens wstał, ale sędzia Johnny Callas zatrzymał walkę w 1:28 trzeciej rundzie.

“Było dobrze, ale sędzia musi wykonać swoją pracę,” powiedział Stevens. “Byłem na dole trzy razy, więc wiem, że dbał o moje dobro.”

“Nie spodziewałam się, że tak się potoczy,” powiedział Omotoso. “Właśnie słuchałem mojego trenera. Drugie powalenie było właściwie moim ciosem. Muszę porozmawiać z moim zespołem o tym, co dalej. Dziękuję za tę możliwość. Tak się cieszę z tej wygranej. Daj mi kogoś następnego, Jestem gotowy.”

Obejrzyj TKO Omotoso nad Curtisem Stevensem TUTAJ

# # #

Mistrzyni wagi piórkowej WBC, Eva Wahlstrom, zachowuje tytuł, walczy split draw z Ronicą Jeffrey

John Vera returns to ring with win



LAS VEGAS (Sierpień 3, 2019) – World Boxing Council (WBC) female World super featherweight champion Eva Wahlstrom retained her title by fighting to a 10-round split draw last night with challenger Ronica “Queen” Jeffrey at Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas.

Wahlstrom vs. Jeffrey was the main event on another RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS series installment, which was streamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS®, wiodąca na świecie cyfrowa usługa subskrypcji sportów walki

RJJ Boxing Promotions offered free admission to reward its loyal Las Vegas fans and 5,400 turned out to watch the action.

Wahlstrom (22-1-2), fighting out of Finland, was coming off a loss by decision to undefeated Irish starKatie Taylor this past February at famed Madison Square Garden in New York City. The skilled Finn has been the WBC titlist since 2015 and this was her fifth successful title defense.

Jeffrey (17-1-1, 1 KO), a former IWBF world champion from Brooklyn, was riding a four-fight win streak going into last night’s fight against Wahlstrom.

Wahlstrom and Jeffrey are both tactical, pure boxers who fought that way last night, going back and forth without either being hurt. It was an even fight that could have gone either way with judgeTim Cheatham scoring it a draw (95-95), Richard Ocasio slightly favored Walstrom (96-94), iLisa Giampa inexplicitly had Jeffrey winning all 10 Rundy (100-90).

W przypadku jednoczesnego funkcjonalny, former top 10 rated junior middleweightJohn “The Phenom” Vera(19-1, 11 KO) moved up to middleweight, after losing for the first time as a pro last March in France toMichel Soro by way of a 12-round decision. Vera, walcząc z Fort Worth, Teksas, won a six-round decision against his Uzbek opponentRavshan Hudaynazarov (17-2, 13 KO), the former WBA FEDALATIN welterweight champion.

Las Vegas-based super bantamweightJamie „The Miracle” Mitchell (5-0-2, 3 KO) and VirginianWielka Brytania Hart (3-3-2, 2 KO) battled to a six-round majority draw.

Lokalny ulubionyTrevor Covington won his professional debut, taking a four-round unanimous decision in the Fight of the Night against Los Angles super flyweightMing Freeman (1-4-1), who had a point deducted for a low blow.

Oficjalne wyniki poniżej:


Eva Wahlstrom (22-1-2, 3 KO), Mistrz, Helsinki, Finlandia

SD10 (96-94, 95-95, 90-100)

Ronica Jeffrey (17-1-1, 1 KO), Challenger, Brooklyn, Nowy Jork

(Wahlstrom retained world title)


John “The Phenom” Vera (19-1, 11 KO), Fort Worth, Teksas

WDEC 6 (58-56, 58-56, 58-56)

Ravshan Hudaynazarov (17-2, 13 KO), Las Vegas, NV by way of Uzbekistan


Jamie Mitchell (5-0-2, 3 KO), Las Vegas, NV

MD6 (589-56, 57-57, 57-57

Wielka Brytania Hart (3-3-2, 2 KO), Roanoke, Wirginia


Trevor Covington (1-0), Henderson, NV

WDEC4 (37-36, 37-36, 37-36)

Ming Freedom (1-4-1), Los Angeles, TAKIE JAK


Strony internetowe:,

Świergot: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @ThomasAndMack, @wahlstrom_eva

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @ThomasandMack, @eva_wahlstrom

Facebook: /KeithVeltre, /UFCFightPass, /Tomasz&MackCenter, /EvaWahlstrom,

Siła człowieka zasługuje na imię

Przez: Bogaty Bergeron

Niedawno miałem okazję wypróbować i zrecenzować produkt Zen Naturals o nazwie „Man Power Horny Goat Weed”.

Nie niech nazwa cię zmyli, nie chodzi tylko o to, aby twoje hormony szalały podczas seksu działalność. Chociaż to udokumentowana i znana historia Horny Goat Weed, ma również korzystny wpływ na krążenie krwi i ogólny poziom energii. Zen Naturals obejmuje również korzeń Maca, Żeń-szeń, Tongkat Ali, Saw Palmetto, oraz L-Arginina.

I zdecydowanie poczułem więcej energii i otrzymałem zdecydowane korzyści fizyczne z przyjmowania ten produkt. Nie towarzyszy temu również kołatanie serca, które możesz uruchomić do tabletek testosteronu lub napojów energetycznych. Składniki tej mieszanki może również pomóc w utrzymaniu prawidłowego poziomu cholesterolu i wspomagać enzymy trawienne.

To wszystko są naturalne pigułki, które nie mają żadnych negatywnych skutków ubocznych, które mogłem wykryć. Nie są również GMO, bez cukru, bez hormonów i bez antybiotyków. Wszystko oferowane przez Zen Naturals jest produkowany przez laboratoria certyfikowane przez GMP w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Znane są z produktów z możliwie najczystszymi składnikami.

Jego nie jest błędem, że ten produkt nazywa się „Man Power”. Naprawdę poczujesz korzyści w sypialni bardziej niż gdziekolwiek indziej. Wiesz, że to coś dobrego, kiedy twoja dziewczyna to zauważa. Wziąłem kilka innych wzmacniaczy potencji w przeszłość, ale nic takiego, jeśli chodzi o niesamowite i natychmiastowe wzmocnienie twoje poziomy wytrzymałości. Składniki stymulujące przepływ krwi oczywiście również powodują dla znacznie twardszych erekcji.

Ogólny, Zdecydowanie dałbym temu produktowi moje poparcie. Często trudno jest znaleźć wszystkie takie naturalne i bezpieczne w użyciu stymulanty. Czy dostajesz to w swoim życiu zawodowym, twoje życie miłosne, lub oba, to będzie zdecydowanie zaspokoisz wszystkie Twoje potrzeby energetyczne i podnoszące libido.

Możesz także zgłosić się do darmowego comiesięcznego konkursu Zen Naturals (wygraj trzy miesiące produktu z innym produktem polecanym co miesiąc) klikając na ten specjalny link:

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Więcej, Gabriel Varga Defends His Bellator Kickboxing Featherweight Title Against Cristian Faustino At Bellator Kickboxing 12and Rome’s Alessio Sakara Looks to Entertain the Italian Crowd


LOS ANGELES – Bellator returns to Italy for the seventh time on Saturday, Październik. 12 with a unique event worthy of three separate billings. The MMA and kickboxing action will all emanate from Allianz Cloud (Ex Palalido) in the heart of Milan for one incredible night of combat sports.


The Paramount Network (and DAZN simulcast) portion of the card will be headlined by former middleweight titleholderRafael Carvalho (16-3) squaring off withVadim Nemkov (10-2) in a light heavyweight affair as part of theBellator 230: Carvalho vs. Nemkovbroadcast.Bellator 230will air on a tape-delay in the U.S. w9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT.


Dodatkowo, the fifth installment of the Bellator European SeriesBellator Mediolan: Manhoef vs. szczęśliwie, will feature an explosive 205-pound matchup betweenMelvin Manhoef (31-14-1, 2 NC) iYannick Bahati (9-4, 1 NC) that will stream live on the Bellator Mobile App in the U.S at5 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. CTBellator Mediolanwill air LIVE at 10 p.m. BST on Channel 5 in the U.K. Również na karcie, Italian MMA legend and Bellator ambassadorAlessio Sakara (20-13, 2 NC) takes on light heavyweightKanaan Grigsby(8-7) in a special feature bout.


Opening the evening’s action will beKickboxing Bellatora 12: Varga vs. Faustino, a card anchored by current Bellator Kickboxing featherweight championGabriel Varga (17-6) defending his title against Palermo, Italy’sCristian Faustino (48-18), while the co-main will also seeCzyngiz Alazow (55-3, 1 NC) compete in a 158-pound catchweight bout againstSudsakorn(289-54-4). Kickboxing Bellatora 12 will kick off the action live on the Bellator Mobile App at11 a.m. ET/10 a.m. CT. Dodatkowe walki zostaną ogłoszone w nadchodzących tygodniach.


Tickets for the entire night of action are on sale now and are available


Hailing from Rio De Janeiro, Brazylia, the 33-year-old Carvalho will make his second appearance of the year, following an impressive win overChidi Njokuani w zeszłym miesiącu. Since signing with Bellator in 2014, the American Top Team-fighter has collected seven victories, highlighted by his middleweight championship win over Brandon Halsey, which he later followed with three successful title defenses. Standing opposite the Brazilian knockout artist will be fellow international powerhouse Vadim Nemkov, as the 27-year-old Russian will look to add to his current five-fight winning streak. Since making his professional debut in 2013, the former Sambo World Champion andFedor Emelianenko-protégé has strung together 10 victories over a dozen bouts, with eight knockouts and eight first round finishes highlighting his resume.


Making his eighth appearance for Bellator, Melvin Manhoef has built a name for himself over the course of a 24-year career that has seen him finish 28 z jego 31 victims via knockout, Łącznie 25 in the first round and eight within the opening minute of action. Fighting out of Amsterdam, the versatile 43-year-old also has 38 career kickboxing wins under his belt, making him one of the most experienced and dynamic fighters in the business. With three wins and a pair of impressive knockouts since joining Bellator, “No Mercy” hopes to find his way back into title contention with a win over the recently signed Bahati. “Black Mamba” enters the Bellator cage for the second time of his career, hoping to duplicate the success he had in May when he finished Amir Dadovic in the opening round ofBellator Birmingham. The 29-year-old middleweight will be making the jump up in weight class to challenge what will undoubtedly be the toughest task of his eight-year career in Manhoef.


Gabriel Varga is fresh off an emphatic win in his mixed martial arts debut, a fight he finished with a jumping knee and punches atBellator 224. Teraz, the Toronto-native returns to the sport where he made his name and became the inaugural Bellator Kickboxing 145-pound champion. The 34-year-old Canadian has tallied three knockout wins over a four-fight run, which includes championship victories overKevin Ross and Shan Cangelosi. Hailing from Palermo, Włochy, Faustino will enter the kickboxing ring with the support of his country behind him. The 29-year-old Italian competes out of Pro Fighting Sempre Avanti Bologna and holds almost 60 fights to his name. Now, he has a shot at Bellator Kickboxing gold when he competes on Oct.12.


Fighting out of Minsk, Białoruś, Chingiz Allazov will be competing under the direction of Bellator Kickboxing for just the second time in his eight-year career, where the 26-year-old phenom has earned 55 victories over a 59-bout stretch. Having already defeated Klinmee in Italy just last year, the former K-1 Super Middleweight Champion will try to replicate the victory in an exciting rematch. Hailing from Pattaya, Tajlandia, the 32-year-old Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee will make his Bellator Kickboxing debut on Oct. 12. The reigning Thailand and World Kickboxing Network Muay Thai welterweight world champion also hopes to add to his extensive professional resume, which includes 289 zwycięstw i 74 nokautów.


Born in Rome, Sakara will return to his home country for the sixth time since signing with Bellator in 2016. When fighting in Italy under the promotion, “Legionarius” has amassed three victories, all of which ended in a knockout. The 37-year-old former world title contender has earned 20 zwycięstw kariery, Łącznie 16 finishes and 14 nokautów, making him one of the most dangerous 205-pound athletes on the roster. Tasked with the opportunity to spoil Sakara’s homecoming is 39-year-old Oklahoman Canaan Grigsby, who is also known for his ability to put his adversaries away early in the fight. With seven of his eight career victories coming by way of knockout, including four first round-finishes, “Super Beast” will be looking for the biggest win of his seven-year professional career when he steps inside the Bellator cage for the first time.


ZaktualizowanoBellator 230: Carvalho vs. NemkovKarta walki:

Main Event wagi półciężkiej: Rafael Carvalho (16-3) vs.Vadim Nemkov (10-2)


ZaktualizowanoBellator Mediolan: Manhoef vs. szczęśliwieKarta walki:

Main Event wagi półciężkiej: Melvin Manhoef(31-14-1, 2 NC) vs.Yannick Bahati (9-4, 1 NC)

Light Heavyweight Feature EventAlessio Sakara (20-13, 2 NC) vs.Kanaan Grigsby(8-7)

Walka wstępna w wadze półśredniej: Andrea Fusi (8-4) vs.Walter Pugliesi(4-2)


ZaktualizowanoKickboxing Bellatora 12: Varga vs. FaustinoKarta walki:

Kickboxing Featherweight World Title Main EventGabriel Varga(17-6) vs.Cristian Faustino(48-18)

158-Pound Catchweight Co-Main EventCzyngiz Alazow (55-3, 1 NC) vs.Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee(289-54-4)

Piórkowej Bout: Enderson Bonat (21-9) vs.Kebrom Neguse(33-2-2) 


*Karta może ulec zmianie.


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Oshae Jones tworzy historię w 2019 Pan American Games

LIMA, Peru (Sierpień 2, 2019) — Oshae Jones (Toledo, Ohio) przeszedł do historii w pierwszą noc finałów w 2019 Pan American Games in Lima, Peru, stając się pierwszym złotym medalistą Pan American Games w wadze półśredniej kobiet. Po raz pierwszy w historii Pan American Games kobiety miały pięć klas wagowych, w porównaniu do dwóch poprzednich gier o trzech klasach wagi.

Jones pokonał Myriam DaSilva z Kanady jednogłośną decyzją, wygrywając wszystkie trzy rundy, 10-9, od dwóch sędziów, i dwie z trzech rund, 10-9, od jednego sędziego.

Po raz drugi Jones i DaSilva poszli łeb w łeb, Jones ją pokonał 5-0 podczas kwalifikacji Pan American Games na początku tego roku.

Jones pokonał wcześniej Atheynę Bylon z Panamy w ćwierćfinale i M. Moronta Herand z Dominikany w półfinale do finału tych mistrzostw.

Drużyna USA będzie chciała zakończyć swoje najbardziej udane gry Pan American od tego czasu 1983, jutro wieczorem z czterema bokserami na złoto, Keyshawn Davis (Norfolk, Va.), Virginia Fuchs (Houston, Teksas), Naomi Graham (Colorado Springs, Colo.) i Książę Ragan (Cincinnati, Ohio). Ich cztery medale zostaną dodane do złotego medalu Jonesa, a pięć brązowych medali zdobyło wcześniej w tym tygodniu Rashida Ellis (Lynn, Msza św.), Troy Isley (Aleksandria, Va.), delante Johnson (Cleveland, Ohio), Yarisel Ramirez (Las Vegas, Nev.) i Richard Torrez Jr. (Tulare, Kalifornii.).

Śledź ostatni dzień boksu w Ameryce, klikając tutaj:


69 kg: Oshae Jones, Toledo, Ohio / USA, dec. przez Myriam DaSilva / CAN, 5-0

ADAM KOWNACKI VS. CHRIS ARREOLA FINAL PRESS CONFERENCE QUOTES & ZDJĘCIA – Unbeaten Polish Star & Brooklyn Native Adam Kownacki & Former Title Challenger Chris Arreola Face Off Before FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event on FOX & FOX Deportes This Saturday from Barclays Center in Brooklyn


Unbeaten Polish Star & Brooklyn Native Adam Kownacki & Former Title Challenger Chris Arreola Face Off Before FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event on FOX & FOX Deportes This Saturday from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Kliknij TUTAJ dla zdjęć z promocji Stephanie Trapp / TGB

BROOKLYN (Sierpień 1, 2019) – Unbeaten Polish star Adam Kownacki i były tytułowy Śmiałek Chris “Koszmar” Arreola went face to face at Thursday’s final press conference, two days before they meet in a heavyweight showdown headlining FOX PBC Fight Night this Saturday live on FOX and FOX Deportes from Barclays Center, dom Brooklyn BOXING ™.

The press conference also featured fighters competing in action beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT as unbeaten WBA interim light heavyweight champion “Pan” Marcus Brownei były mistrz Jean Pascal, plus Brooklyn’s Curtis Stevens i Wale Omotoso, all faced-off ahead of their respective matchups Saturday night.

Bilety na imprezę, która jest promowana przez TGB Promocje, są już w sprzedaży i można je kupić na Bilety można również kupić w American Express Box Office w Barclays Center.

The fighters were joined on stage by former lineal heavyweight champion Michael Spinks. Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from the Brooklyn Marriott:


This is one of my dreams coming true. Since the amateurs I’ve wanted to fight at Barclays Center and on Saturday night I’m the main event. I couldn’t be more excited

I’ve been pushed hard in training camp and I can’t wait to show everyone all of my work on Saturday. The key is going to be jabbing in and throwing my punches in bunches like I always do.

This is a new experience for me being the headliner, but in the ring it doesn’t matter. It’s just two guys fighting each other. We both love to fight. I can’t wait to get it over with and punch him in the face.

Chris Arreola is a warrior. You always know that when Chris fights, it’s a good fight. But I’m going to test how much he has left in the gas tank. Chris has been in there with three champions and when I take care of business on Saturday, I’ll be one step closer to being world champion.

It’s truly a great feeling to have all this support from my fans here. These fans are trusting me to bring the title back to Brooklyn and to Poland.

Barclays Center has been my boxing home. I can’t wait to get in the ring. This is a tough fight and I have to make sure I send the fans home happy.

This definitely has Fight of the Year written all over it. Neither of us are afraid to let our hands go and no matter what happens, the fans are going to be winners on Saturday.

Chris Arreola

I understand that Adam is the favorite because he’s undefeated and fighting in his hometown. Na koniec dnia, none of that matters to me. I’m going to give it my all for this fight.

I’m carefree right now. I have no stress. Jeśli przegram, I’m okay with walking way. But I’m not here to do that. I’m here to win.

“Wiem, że mam trudny przeciwnik przede mną. I have my work cut out for me. But ‘The Nightmareis going to keep going.

I went to Joe Goossen as my trainer because I knew it was time to make a change. I have to make this last run count. This is the best team I could imagine. Joe makes you work on your mistakes. I believe the winner of this fight is whoever takes advantage of the first mistake.

I respect everybody outside of the ring, but once we’re in the ring, I’m not friends with anyone. We’ll shake hands after the final bell, but I’m here to put on a show. It’s lights, kamera, action and time to shine.

He’s a volume puncher. He just keeps coming and he’s smiling at you the whole time. Na koniec dnia, I’m going to put a frown on his face Saturday.

My prediction is that the fans are going to get their money’s worth. You better record this one, because you’re going to watch it again and again. I’m going to come out with my hand raised.


Being in training in Colorado really lets me get attuned to my game plan. It’s just waking up every day and working with that same mentality where I’m focused on nothing but the fight. It’s all about going in there and getting that win.

I’m going to punish Pascal on Saturday. If the knockout is how he wants to go, Bede gotowy. I promise I’m going to beat him for 12 Rundy.

It feels great to be here defending my belt. I’ll be in a better position after this fight. I’m going to make a statement in this fight and put Pascal in his place.

Pascal is a guy who doesn’t come to lay down, he comes to beat you. That’s what the sport is about. You have to fight guys of that stature if you’re not fighting champions.

A win on Saturday puts me in contention to fight for a world title next. That’s my focus, but before that, it’s about Jean Pascal and taking care of him the right way.

This is a great card for New York with me, Adam and Curtis all representing our home city. It’s great for us to be in this position together.

Jean Pascal

Marcus has been saying that he’s going to go in there and try to knock me out, but I’m no amateur. I know what his game plan is going to be. He’s going to run around the ring and try to hold. We all know he’s the best at running like a chicken.

When I was Marcus’ wiek, I was already a world champion. He was watching me on TV when he was at the Olympics.

How is he going to knock me out? I think without the cut that Badou Jack had in their fight, he would have knocked Marcus out.

“Jestem gotowy. I’m a solid fighter. I’ve fought the best, so I don’t think Marcus will be able to knock me out.

I’m too good all-around for Marcus. This is my chance to show that I still have a lot of gas left in the tank. I’m still good enough to fight at the very top level of the sport.


This is my first time fighting at Barclays Center, and I’m going to give the fans a taste of what they’ve been missing.

I decided that I’d go down to 154-pounds because my camp has a lot of the top 160-pound fighters so we were getting in each other’s way. There are a lot of opportunities for me in this weight class as well.

No matter what has happened in my career, I have always come back. I’m mentally always ready to bounce back. I’ve had layoffs in my career, but I know that I’m going to get where I need to be.

Nobody calls me out because they know I can punch. I’m too risky for the top fighters because they know there’s a chance they get knocked out.

It’s incredible to have this opportunity to fight at Barclays Center for the first time. It’s going to be a good time for me and all the fans.

Strona główna OMOTOSO

I’m not worried about Stevens being at a new weight. I don’t think it’s going to affect him that much. W sobotę, we’re both going to do our best to get the win.

He’s a big puncher who brawls. But I’m a big puncher too. He’s been there and fought everybody, but I’m going to show the world what I can do.

I think this is going to be a toe-to-toe fight. There might be some feeling out, but as the fight goes on and we get into the middle rounds, it’s going to be fought in the middle of the ring.

I’ve trained well for this fight and had sparring with lots of different fighters. The different styles that I’ve seen throughout camp will have me prepared for anything Stevens shows me on Saturday night.

# # #

Kownacki vs. Arreola pits undefeated Polish star and Brooklyn-native Adam Kownacki against veteran former title challenger Chris “Koszmar” Arreola for a heavyweight showdown that headlines FOX PBC Fight Night on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday, Sierpień 3 z Barclays Center, dom Brooklyn BOXING ™.

The broadcast starts at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and features unbeaten interim WBA Light Heavyweight Champion “Pan” Marcus Browne battling former world champion Jean Pascal in a 12-round bout, plus Brooklyn’s Curtis Stevens makes his 154-pound debut against Wale Omotoso in a 10-round fight.

Widzowie mogą żyć strumień PBC pokazy na FOX i FOX Sports TERAZ aplikacje lub Dodatkowo, Wszystkie programy są dostępne na Fox Sports na kanale SiriusXM 83 na radia satelitarnego oraz aplikacji SiriusXM.

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Piątek, Sierpień 23






Boston, MA. (Sierpień 1, 2019):

After a sold out debut event last month that saw 2,300 people pack Encore Boston Harbor’s Picasso Ballroom, Murphys Boks is proud to announce an immediate return to the newly opened 2.6 billion dollar resort on Piątek, August 23rd.

The stacked card will feature the stateside return of one of Murphys Boxing’s most popular fighters, Top 20 world ranked junior middleweight contender, Spike Gary”’ O'Sullivan(30-3, 21 KO) and Top 10 world ranked, Abraham Nova (15-0, 11 KO) who will defend his NABA Super Featherweight Championship.

O’Sullivan will take on hard hitting Argentinian veteran, Diego Marocchi (18-4-1, 14 KO) in an 8 round showdown that promises fireworks between two fighters that don’t know how to take a step back.

‘Spike’, the handlebar mustached fighter from Cork, Irlandia, has a massive following in Boston having fought over 10 times in the New England area, including his last fight this past St. Patrick’s Day when he stopped Khiary Gray in a bloody slugfest.

W co-headliner, one of the hottest fighters in the super featherweight division, Murphys Boxing’s own, Abraham Nova will take on famed Mexican veteran, Miguel Beltran Jr.(33-7, 22 KO) for Nova’s NABA Super Featherweight Championship w 10 rundy walka.

Nova, the flashy young fighter known for his bleached blonde beard and elaborate ring entrances is currently ranked #7 w świecie przez WBA and is closing in on a world title shot in the red hot division that features popular champions like Gervonta Davis, Tevin Farmer i Andrew Cancio.

The co-main event will see Murphys Boxing’s own Ecuadoran Olympian, Carlos Gongora(16-0, 12 KO) in his toughest test yet in a 10 round middleweight bout against ‘The Mexican Windmill’, Alan Zavala (15-4, 13 KO) that will see the winner move into bona fide prospect status.

The undercard will feature a who’s who of Boston area based fighters including:

Lynn, Massachusetts’ Khiary Todd (8-1, 6 KO) who will face Florida based Brazilian,Alex Sandro Duarte (14-7-1, 11 KO) w 6 round junior middleweight bout.

Mansfield, Massachusetts’ James Perella (4-0, 3 KO), who fought on the debut Encore Boston Harbor event this month. The amateur standout will return in a 4 round welterweight bout against an opponent to be named and it will be the young fighter’s 5th bout in just five months as a professional.

The card will be rounded out with 6 local fighters who will be making their pro debuts against each other when Stoneham, Massachusetts native, James Perkins takes on Boston’s Aaron Trecell Smith w 4 round cruiserweight bout, Watertown, Massachusetts’ Greg Bonotakes on Whitman, Massachusetts’ Brian Urday w 4 round junior welterweight bout and Boston’s Jonathan Depina takes on an opponent to be named in a 4 round lightweight bout.

People are still buzzing about our last event at Encore Boston Harbor.”, mówi: Ken Casey, Murphys Boxing founder and promoter.

It’s so exciting to be coming right back to Encore and on UFC Fight Pass with our big guns like Spike, Nova and Gongora all on the same card while the excitement is still in the air.

“We were thrilled to see such success with our inaugural Murphys Boxing event,” saysRobert DeSalvio, President of Encore Boston Harbor.

“We are so happy to bring these Las Vegas-style events to the Boston area and we’re glad to see the community responding so well. We plan to continue offering these can’t miss nights.”

Murphys Boxing presents O’Sullivan vs. Bonelli and Nova vs.Beltran for the NABA Super Featherweight Championship on Friday, August 23rd at Encore Boston Harbor (1 Broadway, Everett, MA., 02149). Doors open at 7pm. Bilety zaczynają się 50 dollars and are on sale now at

O Murphys BOXING

Murphys Boks został założony przez Dropkick Murphys’ frontman, Ken Casey w 2014. W ciągu 5 krótkie roku, Murphys Boks stał się czołową promotor bokserski w rejonie Nowej Anglii i jednym z najgorętszych młodych promocji w kraju. 2018 Był to rok dla wyrwania Murphys Boks jako wzięli swój pierwszy myśliwiec do tytułu mistrza świata. Wraz z promocją pierwszego mistrza, kilka Strażacy Murphys zabezpieczone bokserskie mistrzostwo świata szans i walki w kraju w telewizji 2018. Murphys Boks zamknięto ich banner roku przez wspólne promowanie walkę WBO wagi średniej Championship pomiędzy Demetrius Andrade i Waltera Kautondokwa przed ponad 10,000 Wentylatory w TD Garden, legendarny dom z Boston Celtics, który był transmitowany na międzynarodowym DAZN. aktualny roster cechy świat Murphys Boks w rankingu pretendentów jak Mark DeLuca, Charles Foster, Abraham Nova, Greg Vendetti, Spike Gary”’ O'Sullivan i niepokonany perspektywy jak Niall Kennedy, Carlos Gongora, William Foster III i więcej.

Więcej informacji na stronie:


Encore Boston Harbor is a $2.6 billion Five Star global destination gaming resort featuring 671 hotel rooms with sweeping views of the Boston skyline and Boston Harbor, an ultra-premium spa, specialty retail, 15 dining and lounge venues and a state-of-the-art ballroom and meeting spaces. It is the largest private, single-phase development in the history of the Commonwealth.

Situated on the waterfront along the Mystic River and connected to Boston Harbor, Encore Boston Harbor will open up the Everett shoreline to the public for the first time in more than a century. The resort has created a six-acre park along the water which will feature pedestrian and bicycle paths that provide access to the waterfront, an events lawn, picnic and public viewing areas. Ornate floral displays, public art, retail and dining experiences will overlook the Encore Harborwalk.

Więcej informacji na stronie:


UFC FIGHT PASS® to wiodąca na świecie cyfrowa usługa subskrypcji sportów walki. Od momentu uruchomienia w 2013, FIGHT PASS jest teraz dostępny w ponad 200 kraje i terytoria. FIGHT PASS zapewnia swoim członkom nieograniczony dostęp do rozgrywek wstępnych UFC FIGHT PASS na żywo; na żywo mieszane sztuki walki i sporty walki z całego świata; oryginalne serie i programy historyczne; cechy szczególne; treści zza kulis; wywiady pogłębione; oraz najświeższe relacje ze świata sportów walki. Posiadają również abonenci FIGHT PASS 24/7 Dostęp do największej na świecie biblioteki walki, zawiera więcej niż 17,000 walki z dziesiątek bojowych organizacji sportowych, a także każdą walkę w historii UFC. Fani walk mogą uzyskać dostęp do FIGHT PASS na komputerach osobistych, Urządzenia mobilne z systemem iOS i Android, Apple TV, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Roku, Telewizory Samsung Smart, Telewizory LG Smart, i telewizory Sony z Android TV.

Więcej informacji na stronie:


Streaming Live and Exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®

LAS VEGAS (Sierpień 1, 2019) – Tickets are now on sale for the inaugural Kinektic submission grappling event, streaming exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, wiodąca na świecie cyfrowa usługa subskrypcji sportów walki, live from Anaheim Business Expo Center on Friday, Sierpień 16, w 10 p.m. I / 7 p.m. PT.

All team formatted Kinektic events will feature four competing teams, each comprised of five world-class grapplers, in a tournament consisting of semifinals and a championship final. Dodatkowo, all events will feature a grappling Super Fight, which will feature additional participants not already competing in the tournament.

Bilety są w cenie $65.00 (VIP), $50.00 Zarezerwowany) i $30.00 (Stojące), and available to purchase by going online to

The captains of the four star-powered teams are UFC veteran and MMA media personality Chael Sonnen; world-class grappler Craig Jones; UFC light heavyweight Anthony Smith; and former UFC welterweight Chris Lytle.

Co-founded by UFC® Hall of Famer Urijah Faber, Las Vegas entrepreneur Keith Veltre, and award-winning combat sports announcer Sean Wheelock, Kinektic is a unique, tournament-style promotion that will feature athletes from various combat sports disciplines, w tym mieszanych sztuk walki, grappling, jiu-jitsu, zapasy, and more.

Faber, who also serves as Kinektic’s Vice President of Business Development, will be the mat-side and backstage interviewer. Joining Faber will be UFC women’s flyweight Paige VanZant, who is the lead color commentator, and play-by-play announcer Sean Wheelock.

The one-night tournament consists of bouts with eight-minute time limits. Losers of the semifinal matches are eliminated; draws result in the elimination of both athletes; and the first team with five members eliminated will be out of the competition. The surviving team will be declared the winner. A feature unique to Kinektic Grappling is that the order in which athletes compete is not predetermined. There are thirty seconds between each bout and each team captain will be responsible for strategically deciding which team member will participate next. All members of each team must compete at least once. Captains will also have the option to compete for their team.

Full team rosters will soon be announced.

For more information about the event, odwiedź:

Świergot: @Kinektic1, @UFCFightPass, @UrijahFaber, @PaigeVanZant, @SeanWheelock, @Keith_Veltre Instagram: @UFCFightPass, @UrijahFaber, @PaigeVanZant, @Sean_Wheelock, @KeithVeltre Facebook: @UFCFightPass, @UrijahFaber, @PaigeVanZant, @SeanWheelock, @KeithVeltre

About UFC FIGHT PASS® UFC FIGHT PASS® to wiodąca na świecie cyfrowa usługa subskrypcji sportów walki. Od momentu uruchomienia w 2013, FIGHT PASS jest teraz dostępny w ponad 200 kraje i terytoria. FIGHT PASS provides its members with unlimited access to exclusive, live UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; na żywo mieszane sztuki walki i sporty walki z całego świata; oryginalne serie i programy historyczne; cechy szczególne, wywiady pogłębione, treści zza kulis, oraz najświeższe relacje ze świata sportów walki. Posiadają również abonenci FIGHT PASS 24/7 Dostęp do największej na świecie biblioteki walki, zawiera więcej niż 17,000 bouts from dozens of combat sports organizations, a także każdą walkę w historii UFC. Fani walk mogą uzyskać dostęp do FIGHT PASS na komputerach osobistych, Urządzenia mobilne z systemem iOS i Android, Apple TV, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Roku, Telewizory Samsung Smart, Telewizory LG Smart, i telewizory Sony z Android TV. Więcej informacji, odwiedź


Yordenis Ugas Tops Omar Figueroa by Unanimous Decision; Sergey Lipinets Stops Jayar Inson in Two Rounds & Luis Nery Knocks Out Juan Carlos Payano in Ninth Round in Pay-Per-View Undercard


Efe Ajagba Defeats Ali Eren Demirezen by Unanimous Decision in Clash of Unbeaten Heavyweights on FOX

Kliknij TUTAJ for Photos from Stewart Cook/FOX Sports
Hasło: f0xb0x

Kliknij TUTAJ for Pacquiao vs. Thurman & TUTAJ for Plant vs. Lee Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

Kliknij TUTAJ dla zdjęć z promocji Stephanie Trapp / TGB

Kliknij TUTAJ za zdjęcia Sean Michael Ham / Mayweather Promotions

LAS VEGAS (Lipiec 21, 2019) – Boxing’s only eight-division world champion, Senator MannyPacMan” Pacquiao spadła Keith “Pewnego razu” Thurman in round one and won a close split decision to earn a welterweight world title in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event Saturday night from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

It was fun,” said Pacquiao. “My opponent is a good fighter and boxer. Był silny. I’m not that kind of boxer who talks a lot; we were just promoting the fight. I think he did his best, and I did my best. I think we made the fans happy tonight because it was a good fight.

The sell-out crowd of 14,356 got treated to great action from the start, as an exciting first round was capped off by Pacquiao dropping Thurman for the first time in his career with a straight right hand late in the round.

I knew it was too close,” Said Thurman. “He got the knockdown so he had momentum in round one.

Thurman made it into the second round but continued to have trouble with Pacquiao’s right hand, as the future Hall of Famer threw it successfully as a jab and a power punch throughout the fight. Thurman adjusted in the middle rounds and began to try to smother Pacquiao and walk him down, having success when he was able to get his combinations off before his opponent.

Despite blood pouring from his nose from round four on, Thurman was able to land powerful combinations on Pacquiao for much of the second half of the fight, but was never able to hurt Pacquiao or score a knockdown of his own.

I wish I had a little bit more output to go toe to toe,” Said Thurman. “I felt like he was getting a little bit tired, but he did have experience in the ring. My conditioning and my output was just behind Manny Pacquiao’s. I would love the rematch.

W rundzie 10, Pacquiao’s landed a strong left hook to the body that clearly hurt Thurman and forced him to spend much of the remainder of the round backpedaling. The CompuBox scores were indicative of the close nature of the fight, with Thurman out landing Pacquiao 210 do 195, while Pacquiao was busier throwing 686 stemple do 571 from Thurman.

I really love the fans,” said Pacquiao. “Thank you so much for coming here and witnessing the fight. I’m sure they were happy tonight because they saw a good fight. Even though Thurman lost, he did his best. He’s not an easy opponent. He’s a good boxer and he’s strong. I was just blessed tonight.

Watch the round 10 atrakcja TUTAJ

Pacquiao had a large advantage in jabs landed, łączenia na 82 to Thurman’s 18. The 192 power punches landed by Thurman was the most in 43 Pacquiao fights that CompuBox has tracked. Round-by-round, the two fighters were only separated by more than five landed punches in rounds two, seven and nine.

Po 12 Rundy, the judges reached a split decision, with one judge scoring the fight 114-113 for Thurman, overruled by two judges scoring it 115-112 for Pacquiao, who captured the WBA Welterweight World Championship at 40-years-old.

You get blessings and lessons,” Said Thurman. “Tonight was a blessing and a lesson. Thank you everybody, and thank you Manny Pacquiao.

“Myślę (I will fight) next year,” said Pacquiao. “I will go back to the Philippines and work and then make a decision. I do hope to be at the (Errol) Spence vs. (Shawn) Porter fight on September 28.

The co-main event of the pay-per-view saw top contender Yordenis Ugás (24-4, 11 KO) drop previously unbeaten Omar Figueroa (28-1-1, 19 KO) on his way to a unanimous decision in their WBC welterweight title eliminator.

Ugas got off to a strong start, connecting on a straight right hand that sent Figueroa into the ropes, which he held onto so he didn’t hit the canvas, but enough that referee Russell Mora ruled it a knockdown.

The fight played out how I thought it would,” said Ugas. “I came out strong and Figueroa was tough as well. This was similar to the fight everyone expected. I came out on top.

Watch the highlight of the knockdown TUTAJ

Figueroa recovered and was able to make it to round two, where he continued his strategy of coming forward to try to hurt Ugas on the inside. Ugas was able to control that action on the inside, landing numerous uppercuts to stun Figueroa. Jednak, the inside fighting led to Ugas being deducted a point by the referee in round five for holding.

Ugas fought a smart fight,” Said Figueroa. “He was smothering me on the inside and holding. I thought the scores were too wide. I was following him and working the whole time. I felt like he only worked the last 30 seconds of the round, but I guess that was all it took.

I didn’t have any problems with his size. I thought I was able to do my thing, but when he was holding me I couldn’t get my offense going.

Despite that, and being warned later in the fight for delivering low blows, Ugas dominated the fight according to CompuBox, out landing Figueroa 229 do 131 and connecting with 28% of his punches, to Figueroa’s 22%.

I knew Figueroa was a tough guy, so I didn’t want to waste my energy trying to take him out early,” said Ugas. “I was ready to go 12 rounds.

Po 12 Rundy, all three judges scored the fight the same, 119-107 in favor of Ugas, who became the mandatory for the winner of the Errol Spence Jr. vs. Shawn Porter welterweight title unification.

I’m extremely happy to be in this position to fight for the WBC title again,” said Ugas. “I will be ready for the winner of Errol Spence Jr. vs. Shawn Porter.

Additional action saw former world champion Sergey Lipinets (16-1, 12 KO) score a highlight-reel knockout against Jayar Inson (18-3, 12 KO) in the second round of their welterweight matchup.

Lipinets was originally scheduled to fight John Molina Jr., before Molina pulled out of the fight Friday morning due to a back injury. Inson, who was scheduled to fight on the non-televised undercard, stepped up to the challenge.

When I first heard the news about Molina, I knew that I wanted to still fight on a show of this magnitude,” said Lipinets. “As far as fighting a southpaw, I’ve had so many amateur fights in my kickboxing career that I had no problem adjusting. To była tylko kwestia czasu. I also have sparred with great southpaws like Victor Ortiz throughout my career, so I was comfortable with the change in fighter.

In an exchange early in the second round, Lipinets landed a clean left hook to Inson’s head, which sent the Filipino-fighter to the canvas. Although Inson got to his feet, referee Jay Nady waved off the bout 57 sekund w rundzie.

I got hit and I slipped, that made it look worse,” said Inson. “When I stood up I thought I was fine and tried to raise my hands and show the referee.

Joe Goossen is an exceptional trainer and he just told me to work from a different direction facing a southpaw,” said Lipinets. “I just made sure to block his punches with my elbows. That was the only adjustment I had to make and it ended up working just fine.

Watch the Lipinets KO highlight TUTAJ

The opening pay-per-view bout saw undefeated former champion Luis Nery (30-0, 24 KO) deliver a ninth-round knockout of former bantamweight champion Juan Carlos Payano (21-3, 9 KO).

I wasn’t really paying attention to how long the fight was going, I was just getting into a rhythm as it went on,” said Nery. “I had to work hard to get to him because he’s a good boxer. The longer it went, the better I felt. I put my punches together well once I got going.

In a fast-paced duel of former champions, Payano had success early boxing the aggressive Nery, moving back to avoid his attack and landing his own offense against the knockout artist. Payano out landed or was even in punches landed for each of the first six rounds of the bout.

I’m a warrior and I wanted to keep going and fight back every time he came forward,” said Payano. “My coach wanted me to stay behind my jab a little more.

As the fight grew into the middle rounds, Nery began to increase the offense and was able to land power shots that slowed Payano’s ability to box from the outside. Nery hurt Payano early in round seven, eventually dominating the round, out landing his opponent 22 do 7.

He was a very complicated fighter at the beginning, he’s a veteran, so I had to try to adapt to his style to see how I could get in,” said Nery. “In the fifth or sixth round I started gaining control of the fight and then that left hook came to the body which was devastating.

During the exchanges it was Nery’s second shot that was getting in,” said Payano. “We corrected the issue but then that body shot came in from nowhere and hit me in a rib that I had broken years ago against Raushee Warren.

Round eight saw Nery continue to break Payano down, most notably landing a big left hand midway through the round that caused blood to pour from Payano’s nose. During an exchange in the ninth-round, Payano landed a devastating left hook to the ribs that put Payano down. He was unable to recover and referee Vic Drakulich halted the bout 1:43 w rundzie.

I wanted to get him out early,” said Nery. “But this showed that I do have the experience to go into the later rounds and still take out my opponent. I showed that I have good defense and can make adjustments.

Watch Nery’s knockout TUTAJ

The FOX PBC Fight Night main event on FOX and FOX Deportes saw IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Caleb “Sweethands” Roślina (19-0, 11 KO) retain his title with a dominant third-round knockout over previously unbeaten Mike Lee (21-1, 11 KO).

It went exactly how I planned it would go,” Wspomniany zakład. “Absolutnie. I’ve been telling you all week it wasn’t going to go 12 rounds and I stuck to my word and I tried to do that. I hope you guys had a good time.

Plant got off to a fast-start, dropping Lee with a left hook late in the first round. The unbeaten challenger was able to recover and survive the round, but was hard-pressed to make up for the hand speed advantage of Plant.

You can watch Plant’s first knockdown TUTAJ

I think I have a high boxing IQ and I do this at a really high level,” Wspomniany zakład. “So it was just about making adjustments. Jest duża, strong guy and he just came in here to give it his all.

Lee looked to charge in hard against Plant and use his size and power to land a big shot and change the momentum of the fight. Plant was sharp and avoided the looping right hands that Lee was attacking with.

The speed was the difference, he’s fast and very accurate,” powiedział Lee. “I had some success with my right hands but wasn’t able to be consistent with it.

W trzeciej rundzie, Plant landed a vicious right hook early in the round that put Lee down for the second time. After a left hook appeared to connect and send Lee down a second time, referee Robert Byrd ruled it had come from a push and continued the fight once Lee got to his feet.

Plant had his opponent hurt and continued to press forward, eventually landing another left hook that put Lee down, this time forcing the referee to wave off the bout 1:29 w rundzie.

Watch the highlight of Plant’s TKO TUTAJ

I had no issue with the stoppage, that’s the referee’s job and I respect it,” powiedział Lee.

Po walce, Benavidez was asked about a possible unification fight against the winner of the just announced Anthony Dirrell vs. David Benavidez WBC Super Middleweight Championship fight.

“Oh yeah, we can definitely unify,” Wspomniany zakład. “I ain’t hard to get a hold of. I ain’t hard to make a fight with. Come see me. You know my advisor.

The opening bout on FOX and FOX Deportes saw Efe Ajagba (11-0, 9 KO) score a unanimous decision over Ali Eren Demirezen (11-1, 10 KO) in a 10-round battle of undefeated heavyweights. It was the first time that two unbeaten fighters from the 2016 Olympics faced off as pros.

You can find full fight highlights TUTAJ

Ajagba used his jab and height effectively throughout the fight, lądowanie 10 z 45 jabs per round, doubling the heavyweight average. Jednak, an elbow injury and the accurate punching of Demirezen forced Ajagba to go the distance for the first time as a pro.

This was the first fighter to take me the distance,” said Ajagba. “He was strong and could take my punches. My trainer just told me to keep using my jab and stay in the middle of the ring.

I hurt my elbow early on, so I couldn’t shoot my right hand like I wanted. But I won’t use that as an excuse. As a tall man I had to use the jab and if it went the distance, that was my best way to win.

Demirezen thought the scorecards should have been closer and believed that his performance should have garnered him more than the decision loss. Demirezen was actually the more accurate puncher, lądowanie 26% of his punches to 22% from Ajagba.

I don’t agree with the scores, especially 99-91said Demirezen. “It was much closer. I feel that at minimum, it was a draw. I knew I had to knock him out and that a knockout might be easier than winning by points. I thought it was a good performance but I can do better. I’d like to fight in the U.S. jeszcze raz.”

Ajagba’s activity from start to finish was impressive, as he threw 877 Suma stemple, lądowanie 191. While Demirezen was not far behind with 149 punches landed, he only out landed Ajagba in three rounds.

Po 10 rounds of action all three judges scored the fight in favor of Ajagba, przez dziesiątki 99-91 dwa razy i 97-93.

IBF Champion Errol Spence Jr. Battles WBC Champion Shawn Porter In Highly-Anticipated 147-Pound Title Unification Match that Headlines a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event Saturday, Wrzesień 28 od Staples Center w Los Angeles

The Welterweight World Title Takeover Continues!

WIĘCEJ! Two-Time Champion Anthony Dirrell will Defend His WBC Super Middleweight Title Against Undefeated Former Champion David Benavidez in the Co-Feature

Bilety w sprzedaży, Poniedziałek, Lipiec 22 W 12 p.m. PT!

LOS ANGELES (Lipiec 20, 2019) – Welterweight world champions collide when IBF Champion Errol “Prawda” Spence Jr. clashes with WBC Champion“Showtime” Shawn Porter in a massive 147-pound title unification match headlining a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View on Saturday, Wrzesień 28 at Staples Center in Los Angeles.

The co-feature of the evening will pit WBC Super Middleweight Champion Anthony “Pies” Dirrell against unbeaten former champion Dawid “Czerwona flaga” Benavidez in an explosive 168-pound showdown.

Tickets for the event go on sale Monday, Lipiec 22 w 12 p.m. PT and can be purchased at

“Errol Spence Jr. versus Shawn Porter in a welterweight unification match brings to mind some of the great 147-pound clashes of the past – Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Kid Gavilan, Leonard vs. Hearns or Whitaker vs. Chavez,” powiedział Tom Brown, Prezes TGB Promocje. “Both men are in their primes and both like to apply pressure. With that clash of styles, something has to give. W ko-feature, Anthony Dirrell doesn’t want to give up the title and David Benavidez wants it back. Played out before an electric crowd at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles and headlining a PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View, this show has instant classic written all over it.

Spence vs. Porter represents a major step forward in the quest to find the best 147-pound boxer on the planet. Spence has declared that anyone who wants to make that claim will have to come through him. Porter has already faced the some of the biggest names in the division, including Keith Thurman and Danny Garcia, and will make Spence back up his boast.

The unbeaten Spence (25-0, 21 KO) jest młodą, powerful welterweight who vaulted to the top of the welterweight scene with a punishing 11th round knockout victory over Kell Brook for the IBF championship in front of Brook’s hometown fans in Sheffield, England in 2017. Fighting out of Desoto, Teksas, Spence has successfully defended the title three times. Most recently he scored a unanimous decision victory over three-division world champion Mikey Garcia in a PBC on FOX Pay-Per-View show before a hometown crowd at AT&Stadion T w Arlington, Texas on March 16.

It’s going to be a very exciting fight,” said Spence. “Shawn is never in a boring fight and I always entertain. It will be a ‘Fight of the Yeartype fight because our styles mesh. Shawn Porter is a guy who tries to rough you up. That’s what he’s always done. With Yordenis Ugas he tried to box and he said he didn’t like that style. He said he is going back to his original style. If he brings that style to me, it’s going to be a great fight because I’m going to bring it right back to him.

The 31-year-old Porter (30-2-1, 17 KO) is a two-time welterweight champion whose high-pressure style has served him well in his rise in the 147-pound division. Born in Akron, Ohio and now living in Las Vegas, Porter won the IBF welterweight title with a unanimous decision victory over Devon Alexander in 2013. He lost the title, which Spence now has, to Kell Brook by a majority decision in 2014. Porter moved back into the championship ranks with a unanimous decision victory over Danny Garcia for the vacant WBC title in 2018. He successfully defended the title with a split decision victory over Yordenis Ugas in March on FOX.

There haven’t been too many fights as a professional that I’ve been this excited about,” Said Porter. “I was really excited about the Danny Garcia fight and I’m really excited about this one. Ever since Spence got a belt, I really circled this fight on my calendar. Preparation is the key. I think I have everything it takes to beat Errol Spence. I’m very confident and my team is confident in what I have to do on September 28. We’ll be ready.

Dirrell vs. Benavidez promises to be a hotly contested battle for the WBC Super Middleweight title. Dirrell is a two-time WBC 168-pound world champion and will bring experience, while Benavidez will bring his high-octane style.

The 34-year-old Dirrell (33-1-1, 24 KO) won the WBC title for the first time with a unanimous decision over Sakio Bika in 2014. The native of Flint, Michigan lost the title the next year to Badou Jack by majority decision. He put together six straight victories after that loss to get back into position to fight for the championship again. He won the title with a technical decision victory over Avni Yildirim in February on FS1. Dirrell is the younger brother of Andre Dirrell, who won a bronze medal as a member of the U.S. Olympic boxing team in 2004.

I’m going to work my butt off, putting in extra hours in the gym, because this is one of the toughest opponents I’ve ever fought,” Dirrell said. “He’s young and he’s tough. But I’m more than ready for anything that he can bring. I bring an exciting fight. He knows that. The world knows that. On może mówić, but nothing matters but what happens in the ring. I wanted this fight to be out west because I will fight anybody anywhere. It’s only two people in the ring and we’re going to give a good entertaining fight for the fans.

Benavidez (21-0, 18 KO) won the WBC title with a split decision victory over Ronald Gavril in 2017. Fighting out of Phoenix, Arizona, Benavidez successfully defended the title with a more convincing unanimous decision over Gavril in the rematch four months later. The 22-year-old returned to the ring to score an impressive knockout victory over veteran J’Leon Love in March on the Spence vs. Garcia PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View.

I’m looking forward to reclaiming my WBC belt in my next fight against Anthony Dirrell,” said Benavidez. “This fight is overdue and I guarantee I will be ready for whatever he brings to the ring. The fans are really going to enjoy this one.

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