Pou katoa e FNU47

Ngā Brooklyn Pakanga Series i roto i te Wall Street Journal

Kia i runga i te Taura, Oranga Mekemeke i roto i mihi New York ki Toa Local

He kaha i roto i te kori me wāhi iti puta noa i te pa i te toto o te scene mekemeke te pa o, ara, ki te kore e taea e kitea e koe i te reira i Madison Square Garden

Alex Raskin
Will Rosinsky te tangata whenua-tau 30-tawhito Kuini e mahi rite ki te tāmate i roto i te Karauna Heights, Brooklyn. He mohio fuoloa o tona, Joe Smith Jr., Ko te kaimahi hanga-tau 26-tawhito i Long Island, me te mema o te Local 66 Union ngāue.
I te Rāhoroi po, e haere i te rua ki Center Barclays i Brooklyn mo te po o ngā ōritenga mekemeke headlined e te a'ee taumahawaenga taitara. Otiia e kore ratou e noho i roto i te turanga. Rosinsky a Smith e reira ki te whawhai tahi i te tahi i runga i te undercard ki te ōrite taitara waenganui i Brooklynites Pita Quillin (32-0-1) a WBA whitu toa Daniel Jacobs (30-1).
“E matau ana matou tahi i te tahi,” Rosinsky (19-2) mea o Smith, tona hoa mākutu mua. “He te kahore rerekē e ngā kēti e rave ia e kore ahau i kite kua meatia e ia.”
Hoki tona wahi, Smith (19-1) ara ka mau etahi wa faafaaearaa i tona mahi ra i roto i te tikanga ki te faaineine no te Rāhoroi o a'ee te marama-taumahamaha. “Au e mōhio e kore e taea e te rota o te iwi e,” ka mea ia, “engari au e ahau waimarie a ko ahau taea ki te tango atu, me te tonu te utu i aku pire i runga i te wā.”

Kia konatunatua toi hōia i runga i te ara, E kore kua engari kua te scene mekemeke i roto i New York City kaha-rite whakaaturia i te po tata o waenganui taumata-whawhai i roto i te Marine Park, Brooklyn.

Kaua e tinihangatia e te ratou “mau” mahi, whai rite kia ratou. Rosinsky a Smith, e rua Golden karapu toa, i mekemeke roa i mua i tomo ratou i te kaimahi tuku iho. He wāhanga o te tipu te piha haapiiraa waenganui pugilistic New York o ratou, e haere ana tohu o anō te hākinakina o roto i te pa.
He ko te wa ka ko faaauhia ki mekemeke New York. Pine Madison Square Garden 28 whawhai kāri he tau i waenganui i 1940 a 1950, ka tū te ao i runga i Eighth Avenue i waenganui 49th me ara 50. Whakahaeretia te Garden nāianei anake e rua ngā kāri i roto i 2015, tae atu Gennady Golovkin o hokona-i roto i korero taitara ki a Rawiri i runga i Lemieux Oketopa. 17. Puta te reira e, e ngaro haere mekemeke i scene hākinakina i te pa o.
“Kihai i to matou katoa he rota e haere i runga i roto i te wahi tuatahi o te rau tau hou,” Ua faataa Bruce Silverglade, o rongonui Faleva'inga o Gleason o Brooklyn rangatira.
“Ko te whawhai i mahue New York,” ka mea ia. “Ko te wahi nui o taua Taake, engari tika te utu o te mahi i te whakaaturanga… New York Ko te pa utu. E koe ki te whare i te whawhai. Whai kia hoatu ki a ratou he diem ia koe. Ki te tangohia e koe te whawhai nui taua, me te hoatu i te reira i roto i Las Vegas, ranei te wahi i reira te he Casino e tautoko ana mekemeke, ka hoatu e ratou ki a koe i te utu pae mō te haere mai.”
'Pera i te matara te rongonui o te mekemeke i te pa o New York, kihai i taea e te mea pai, as far as I’m concerned.’ -Bruce Silverglade, o a Gleason whare whakapakari rangatira
Noho nga takoha me utu, engari te whakawhetai ki te wāhi hou, peke midlevel, me ngā kāri whawhai paetata, e kore e ratou rite tōtika. Na kaimekemeke rohe whai i te painga whenua i roto i te pa i te mea, kotahi ano, poipoi i te hākinakina i ngā taumata katoa.
Ka rite ki te hoatu Silverglade reira, “[mekemeke ko] tīmata ki te hoki mai.”
Ko te kāri Center Barclays i runga i Rāhoroi pānui, ano he whārangi ma rohe. Heather Hardy, e mahi rite ki te kaiwhakangungu i Gleason o me te whakamanamana i te 14-0 record ngaio, Kei te hanga ia te rima o ahua i te taiwhanga. “Hoko e ahau tīkiti ki toku kiritaki, co-kaimahi, ratou kiritaki. Ahau ano he tuahine koati o te katoa,” ka mea te whaea-tau 33-tau, me te Brooklyn Māori.
Putanga ano e maranga nguha te marama-taumahamaha me Māori Staten Island Marcus Browne (16-0) ko Huntington, N.Y., taketake Chris Algieri (20-2), he Welterweight. Ka rite ki hoki te hui matua, Jacobs Ko te hua o Starrett City Mekemeke Club Te Tai Rāwhiti New York o, a ka ora ano Quillin i roto i te tāone.
Ka waiho te reira i te kāri whawhai 28, me te whakamutunga o te tau i roto i te New York, e ōrite katoa o te whakamutunga tau, kia rite ki te Komihana Athletic New York State. I tata rite 2009, anake 14 kāri mekemeke fekau'i i roto i rohe i te pa.
Na ko huritao o te pa ano nga takahanga.
“Ko te mea nui e pā ana ki New York ko e noa'tu te vahi i roto i te ao ki a koutou te whatu i, ka kitea tonu koe i te 'mano te kāinga’ i roto i te New York e tika ana ki ona kanorau tūturu,” Ua faataa Tom Hoover, tiamana o te Komihana Athletic New York State.
He pera ano te take mo maranga opuaraa me manene tata Bakhtiyar Eyubov (9-0) me te toa motu e toru-te wa Hōriana Giorgi Gelashvili (3-0), riro e rua o nei whawhai i te Oketopa. 29 “Brooklyn Pakanga” whakaatu i te Aviator Sports me Events Center i Marine Park.
Ngā mihi i roto i te nui wahi ki te Ukrainian whanau-, Kaimekemeke Brooklyn-whakaarahia me kaiwhakatairanga Dmitriy Salita, Kua kitea te rua i te omaoma te kāinga, Factory Whawhai o Brooklyn, a ki te whai wāhi i roto i te pouaka mua o te tipu ratou maha o te pā, he tokomaha o nei te whatu ano i lepupilika Soviet mua.
Ko tētahi atu hua Starrett City, Kupu (35-2-1) piki nga rarangi ano he Welterweight i mua i ngaro ki Amir Khan i roto i 2013. Tonu ia mekemeke, engari i muri i te tai'oraa i te pukapuka e pā ana ki te ōhanga o Iharaira ka karanga “Tīmata-Up Nation,” Salita faaoti ki te whakamatautau ana ona ringa i te whakatairanga.
“Titiro ahau i roto i te New York City a tawhio noa te ao mekemeke,” Said Word, he Siu Hurai ki te tū whawhai haratau. “I hanga e ahau o waea te tokorua. Te reira katoa ka huihui kaua hohoro. E ono, pea whitu wiki i muri mai, I ahau toku whakaatu tuatahi i runga i Hepetema. 1, 2010. Whawhai rave rahi whawhai pai.”
Star o Salita o Whakatairanga Rawiri faifai whakarewahia te raupapa Brooklyn Pakanga, e Mataora whawhai i wāhi midsize rite MCU Park Coney Island o, te Paramount Theatre, me te Center Aviator.
Mai te nuinga e whakaaturia nga whawhai i runga i te Whatunga MAORI ranei ipurangi i ESPN3, Kei te whiwhi whawhai a Salita hiahiatia te rongo. Ko tētahi atu o ana whawhai, hoa oraraa taatoa a nguha taumahamaha Jarrell “Big Baby” Miller, homai he mahi whakamīharo i runga i Showtime i Oketopa, maturuturu Akhror Muralimov i toru rauna ki te whakapai ake ki te 16-0-1.
“Whakaaro ahau ki reira te he akomanga waenganui nui i roto i te mekemeke atu i reira ko te aroaro o,” Said Word.
“He te atu te iwi inaianei i taua hanga $50,000 ki $100,000 he tau.”
Ko piha waenganui kore ai te tīariari e kore te reira i hoki urutanga te hākinakina o. I tčnei wā, Kei te takahi nga tangata katoa ki roto ki te mowhiti.
“I teie mahana ahau a tawhio noa ahau 80% pakihi iwi-tangata, wahine, tamariki,” Said Silverglade, nei kiritaki whānui i roto i te matahiti i 6 ki 87. Tuhia e ia e, i tū Gleason o roto Manhattan, “ko reira 100% kaimekemeke-amateurs me AtAKi. Mau tatou i rua kaipakihi. Kāore he tamariki, he wahine.”
Na, rite i roto i te maha kori i roto i te rohe, hanga wahine me nga tamariki ake he wahi nui o te mahi o Silverglade. “Pera i te matara te rongonui o te mekemeke i te pa o New York, kihai i taea e te mea pai, tae noa ki au āwangawanga ahau,” ka mea ia. “Kihai i taea e ahau hei i roto i te mahi i tenei ra, E kore ahau taea te inihua te reti te kore ranei.”

Nemkov decisions Puetz in exciting rematch Recaptures M-1 Challenge light heavyweight title Emeev stops Fioravanti Retains M-1 Challenge middleweight crown M-1 Challenge 63 Otinga whaimana

Karaunatia New M-1 Challenge toa taumahamaha marama Viktor Nemkov te
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (Hakihea 4, 2015) – I roto i te rematch âwhina nui, Viktor Nemkov tangohia hiahiatia M-1 marama Challenge te taitara taumahamaha, toa i te whakatau e rima-a tawhio pakeke-whawhai i runga i wawao i te taitara Stephan “T-800” Puetz, i roto i te M-1 Challenge 63 hui matua, i te Hākinakina me Concert i St. Petersburg, Russia.
I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, Toa taumahawaenga M-1 Challenge Ramadan Emeev pai te awhina tona karauna, rite kaiwero American Luigi “Ko te Tank Italian” Fioravanti Kāore i taea e ki te haere tonu i muri i wha rauna.
Mau toa whitu M-1 Challenge Ramazan Emeev tona taitara
Tūturu i roto i te wha o mua M-1 Global whawhai ki te rā, Puetz (13-2-0, 5 KO / TKO, 4 SUB) riro te taitara Challenge M-1 1 ½ tau ki muri ki te afa whakatau rima-a tawhio noa whakangahau i runga i te parururaa i toa Nemkov, i hanga i tona korero taitara tuatahi i muri i ka patua Vasily Babich (SUB2 – ringa-maukati) e rua tau ki muri mo te taitara wātea.
Haere Puetz ki tona rematch ki Nemkov atu te wikitoria SuperFight autaia tenei Mei mua ki M-1 toa taumahamaha Challenge Marcin Tybura, nei tino pakaru ihu totitoti ana te mahi i roto i te toru a taka i M-1 Challenge 57.
Nemkov Kazakhstan-Māori, nei whawhai i roto i Stary Oskol, Russia, i riro whawhai tika rua mai ngaro ia ki Puetz, o Germany, tae atu ki te whakatau mīharo i roto i tona mahi whakamutunga i runga i uaua tonu Maro Perak.
-Wā E rua toa M-1 Challenge whitu, Emeev (13-3-0, 3 KO / TKO, 6 SUB) Ko te Māori o Dagestan nei whawhai i roto i Makhachkala, Russia. Ia te tuatahi riro te taitara M-1 Challenge i roto i 2012 i M-1 Challenge 35, tango i te whakatau i Mario Miranda, nei wha marama i muri mai patua Emeev i te knockout tuatoru-a tawhio noa i M-1 Challenge 38. I M-1 Challenge 51, I mutu Emeev i roto i te wha o tawhio i Vyacheslav Vasilevsky, nei ngaro te taitara hoki ki Emeev i te tāpaetanga te rima-a tawhio noa tenei April mua i M-1 Challenge 56.
Fioravanti (26-14-0, 10 KO / TKO, 7 SUB), māngai Team Top American, Ko te toa rongonui i roto i te Orlando, Florida. He was coming off a second-round win by submission (kowaowaotia iho) Hōngongoi whakamutunga ki Sergey Kovalev i M-1 Challenge 59.
Taumahamaha marama Hōriana Raul Tutarauli (6-2-0, 5 KO / TKO, 1 SUB) rēhitatia te pouri nui, patoto i roto i Russian Alexey “Taumahi” Makhno (10-4-0, 4 KO / TKO, 1 SUB) i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa.
Russian amanaki taumahamaha o te marama Rashid Yusupov (7-0-0, 2 KO / TKO, 2 SUB) noho tūturu, te tango i te whakatau e toru-a tawhio noa loto i hoariri Tiamana Martin “Kingi Kong” I maumauria (26-14-1, 16 KO / TKO, 5 SUB)).
Featherweights hinga kore Mikhail Korobkov (9-0-1, 1 KO / TKO, 6 SUB), o Russia, me te kokiri ana Palāsilá Rodrigo Magalhaes (7-0-1, 0 KO / TKO, 6 SUB) whawhai ki te Unuunu e toru-a tawhio noa.
I roto i te tuatahi mahi kāri, hōia Ukrainian Kōmāmā Alexander Butenko (39-11-2) me te mā Russian Zalimbek Omarov (6-1-1) riro whakatau loto e toru-a tawhio noa, aua, mo Heydar Mammadaleiv (8-2-0), o Azerbaijan, ko Ukrainian Artem “Iron” Lezhnev (7-5-0). Ruslan Shamilov (1-0-0) mutu Rauna Zhumabatov (0-1-0) i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa (Tuhinga o tākuta) i roto i te Super Kapu St. Petersburg ōrite i waenganui i Middleweights Russian.
Hoki whawhai i runga i te kāri tuatahi, Whitu Russian Vasily Zubkov (9-4-0) riro he pakeke whawhai wahia whakatau e toru-a tawhio noa i pro-debuting Uzbekistan-Māori Sarvar Iskhakov, whawhai i roto i Russia, Welterweight Russian Damila Prikaza (2-0-1) mutu ite Ukrainian Artem “Shockwave” Shokalo (13-14-0), me te mā Russian Mikhail Kuznetsov (5-1-0) patua hoariri Ukrainian Stanislav “White Warrior” Reutsky (8-5-) i ara o te kowaowaotia tahanga muri mo te tāpaetanga tuarua-a tawhio noa.
Whakaotia hua me te taiwhanga whakaahua i raro nei (toa katoa rārangi tuatahi):
Viktor Nemkov (23-5-0), Russia
Stephan Puetz Puetz (13-2-0), Germany
(Nemkov tangohia M-1 Challenge taitara whitu)
Ramadan Emeev (13-3-0), Russia
Luigi Fioravanti (26-14-0), USA
(Emeev pupuri M-1 Challenge taitara whitu)
Rashid Yusupov (7-0-0), Russia
Martin Zawada (26-13-0), Germany
Raul Tutarauli (5-2-0), Georgia
WKO / TKO2 (nifó – 6:29)
Alexey Makhno, Russia
Mikhail Korobkov (9-0-1), Russia
Rodrigo Magalhaes (7-0-1), Brazi
Ruslan Shamilov (1-0-0), Russia
WKO / THO2 (Tuhinga o tākuta – 2:15)
Rauna Zhumabatov (0-1-0), Russia
Sarvar Iskhakov (4-2-0), Russia
Vasily Zubkov (8-4-0), Russia
Damila Prikaza (2-0-0), Russia
WKO / TKO1 (nifó – 2:15)
Artem Shokalo (13-14-0), Ukraine
Alexander Butenko (39-11-0), Ukraine
Heydar Mammadaliev (8-2-0), Azerbaijan
Mā whitu
Zalimbek Omarov (6-1-1), Russia
Andrey Lezhnev (8-5-0), Ukraine
Mikhail Kuzenetsov (4-0-0), Russia
WSUB2 (muri kowaowaotia iho tahanga – 3:00)
Stanislav Reutsky (4-2-0), Ukraine
(L-R) Puetz vs. Nemkov
(L-R) Puetz vs. Nemkov

(L-R) Nemkov vs. Puetz

(L-R) Fioravanti vs.. Emeev

Whiua Emeev Fioravanti
Alexey Makhno & Raul Tutarauli

Andrey Lezhnev & Zalimbek Omarov
Rauna Zhumabatov & Ruslan Shamilov

Alexander Butenko vs. Heydar Mammadaliev

Whawhai M-1 Challenge wharekarakia Knight i waenganui Dmitry Kovrizhin & Evgeniy Bedenko
Rodrigo Magalhaes & Whawhai Mikhail Korobkov ki te Unuunu
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@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global


Ihu Cuellar tohe mā whitu Championship Ki te whakatau loto Neke Honatana Oquendo i SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Co-Āhuahira
Hopu te anō i Tenei Rāhina I 10 p.m. AND/PT I te SHOWTIME EXTREME
Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Tikiake Photos From Esther Lin / SHOWTIME
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos Mai Edward Diller / DiBella mahi whakangahau
Brooklyn (Dec. 6, 2015) – WBA whitu World Champion Daniel Jacobs Ohorere kaiwero tūturu Peter Quillin ki te TKO a tawhio tuatahi i roto i te katoa-Brooklyn hui matua o SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING i runga i Rāhoroi i roto i te mua o te 8,443 pā i Center Barclays.
A Brooklyn Jacobs (31-1, 28 Koó) riro te “Battle hoki Brooklyn,” he matchup o runga Middleweights anga atu i roto i te pirimia o to ratou mahi i roto i to ratou whenua.
Te meneti kotahi ki te whawhai, U Jacobs he tika tonu ki te whare o Quillin a rerenga ki te patunga o nifó i ko hoariri tona ki nga taura. Tutuki ana Quillin mua, a ka titiro kaitautoko Harvey Taungia i roto i te kanohi o Quillin ka totitoti ana te whawhai i waho i te kaiwero ake mo te koaka.
I muri i te whawhai, Taungia korerotia SHOWTIME Sports kaipūrongo Jim Gray e Quillin (32-1-1, 23 Koó) kihai i taea e taa wahi ko ia me “kihai i taea te haere tonu.”
“Te ti'aturi nei e ahau te ia pai,” Na ka mea a Jacobs. “Ko ahau manawanui me i ahau i haere ki te uppercut mohio ahau i mamae ai ahau ki a ia, me e te ka haere ahau mo te patua.
“Ka korerotia e ahau ki a ia aroha ahau ki a ia. Ahau ko Pita haere hoki ki te Golden rimarima ra. Faatura ia e ahau ki te mate, but I knew this fight would be my night. There are no lucky shots in boxing. Oia mau ahau mau ia ki te pere. Kia ahau i mohio i ahau i mamae ia i puritia e ahau e haere.
“I kite ahau i ona kanohi, ka titiro te reira rite tona taurite ko atu. E kore ahau he kaitautoko, engari ki te ko ahau pea e whai i ahau hoatu ano ki a ia i tetahi atu rave'a.”
Ko te whawhai, e anake roa 1:25, inoi te pātai o te rematch pūmanawa.
“Tino e hoatu e ahau ki a ia he rematch,” Tonu Jacobs. “Au pai ki te whawhai ki a ia i muri ki te e te aha te pā e hiahia ana ahau.”
Whakaaro Quillin ki te whakahē ki te Tuhinga noa te mātakitaki i te tukurua i roto i tona uiuiraa SHOWTIME pou-whawhai.
“Ko te tika i runga i te whare,” Quillin said. “I roto i te taime e kore e mohio ki a koutou te mea tupu noa kite koe i te reira i roto i te tukurua.
“This is a time you sit with your family and figure out what you have to do. I have a lot of options, pea te rematch ko te kōwhiringa pai.
“E kore e taea e ahau te whakaaro o te tangata pai ki te ngaro ki atu Danny Jacobs.”
Ihu Cuellar ka mau tona WBA mā World Championship ki te whakatau loto mo A Honatana Oquendo i roto i te SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING co-āhuatanga.
Cuellar (28-1, 21 Koó) ko te toa nuku i te tīmatanga, i whiua e tata 1,000 nifó i roto i te whawhai aito 12-a tawhio noa, whakaritea ki te tika 637 for the challenger. Cuellar initiated the action and pressed forward, engari tona hoariri Rican Puerto kore e whai wāhi hoki te nuinga o te a'ee.
“I mohio matou, e mea fifi te whawhai, engari rite matou nga mea katoa i hiahia matou ki roto i te puni whakangungu,” Na ka mea a Cuellar. “Ko te mea anake i mahue ko te knockout, engari no te mea o te kaupapa o tona matenga ko e taea.
Oquendo (26-5, 16 Koó), i tapahia i runga i tona kanohi maui i te taupatupatunga kōpeka o nga upoko i roto i te rima o, was knocked down midway through the fourth. Replays showed that Oquendo tangled his feet with his southpaw opponent.
Ko te win, i piro 116-111 rua, 120-107, pea whakatakoto ake he whawhai nui i 126 pauna mo te Parata Cuellar i roto i 2016.
“Tuatahi e haere tatou ki te okioki me te reira e haere tatou ki te whakatau he aha te muri,” Na ka mea a Cuellar.
“We’ll have two more fights at featherweight and then move up in weight. Hopefully we get Leo Santa Cruz next.”
I muri i te whawhai, Whakaae Oquendo e kore i tika whakatinana ia tona mahere kēmu.
“I have to give credit to Cuellar. I never got to use my game plan and he fought a good fight and he’s a good champion,” Ka mea a Oquendo. “Ahau e hiahiatia ana ki te tīmata atu, riri engari tīmata ahau mekemeke. Ko toku hape. Ko te upoko take i hanga pakeke reira ki ahau mo kite rite te pai.
“Whai ahau wa ki te hoki mai, me te tiki i tetahi atu rave'a taitara ao. Ko whakama ahau, engari ka hoki i roto i te omaoma kore ahau e mangere ki te tiki hoki ki te mahi hohoro.”
Long Island o Chris Algieri patua Erick Bone mā te whakatau loto 10-a tawhio noa (95-94, 97-92 rua) i roto i te nohopuku-te rere, katoa-mahi whawhai i te hui matua o SHOWTIME BOXING i runga i SHO EXTREME.
The back-and-forth fight featured plenty of in-fighting in the center of the ring. Algieri (21-2, 8 Koó), nei ki uta 49 ōrau o ngā tītere mana, Bone floored (16-3, 8 Koó) ki 20 seconds left in the eighth round. Heoi, ki runga ki tukurua, the knockdown looked more like Bone’s foot became tangled with Algieri. The ninth-round featured non-stop action, ki ia toa i whiua e ki runga 100 nifó, engari ko te reira mārama i kāhi te Bone Ecuadorian me i iti mahue i roto i tona nifó rite te whawhai tata te mutunga.
“Ka mea a Erick e haere ia ki te whai mea hitimahuta, engari i ahau he torutoru o toku ake i roto i reira,” Algieri said. “Pouaka ahau he iti moka, ka slugged hau atu i kia whai ahau, engari i tika ahau pārekareka. He’s got a good punch, te ia he toa hoohonutanga a taea e koe e korero ki ko ia i roto i te āhua nui.
“Ko te nui tenei. Bone is a real tough guy and I felt in control. I thought the fight was mine the whole way. I wanted to get the knockout, engari ko ia i roto i te āhua nui. I’m looking forward to big fights in 2016.”
I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga i runga i SHOWTIME BOXING i runga i SHO EXTREME, Marcus Browne piro te TKO te wha-a tawhio noa ki runga Francisco Sierra.
Browne (17-0, 13 Koó) tino nuinga i te whawhai i te tīmatanga, ū te arorangi 64 ōrau o ana nifó mana. The bout was halted after the third round upon request of ringside physician Dr. Barry Horano e tika ana ki ngawhatanga nui a tawhio noa Sierra o (27-10-1, 24 Koó) kanohi maui.
“I kite ahau i hatepea atu e ahau ki a ia wawe, engari i ahau ki te noho tamau, me te ōrite,” Said Browne, o Staten Island. “I had to work the jab and keep working it. I felt like I seized this opportunity to put my name out there.
“It is an honor to fight at Barclays Center for the 10th time. It was a nice stoppage – kore e tika te ahua o te Tuhinga e hiahia ana koe, engari ki te paahitia ko te mutu.”
I roto i te kore-teata mahi undercard, Long Island o Joe Smith Jr. (20-1, 16 Koó) roaa te whakatau loto pakeke whawhai i runga i Brooklyn tāmate Will Rosinsky (19-3, 10 Koó) i roto i to ratou 10-a tawhio noa te marama taumahamaha a'ee. Whakawhiti nifó mana tangata e rua, puta noa i te whawhai, engari ko te reira painga taea o Smith e tukua ki a ia te whakahaere i te mahi. Piro katoa kaiwhakawa e toru te whawhai i roto i te manakohia o Smith i ngā kaute o 98-92, 97-93 a 96-94.
Popular toa Brooklyn Heather Hardy (15-0, 3 Koó) noho tūturu tonu ki te wikitoria whakatau loto mahi-Kikī runga Naomi Forests (10-4-2, 2 Koó) i roto i te rematch o ratou kia haere i te aroraa i riro i Hardy. Ko te kaiwhakawa’ tapeke mō te waru-a tawhio noa mā super a'ee ko 80-72 rua me te 79-73.
Toa mua Welterweight super ao Yuri Foreman (33-2, 9 Koó) i te hoki angitu ki te mowhiti i roto i tona oire rite patua e ia Lenwood Dozier (9-9-1, 4 Koó) 77-75 i roto i te kanohi o te katoa kaiwhakawa e toru.
John Hernandez (6-1, 1 KO) shutout Jack Grady (0-2-1) i runga i wha rauna ki te riro 40-36 i runga i te katoa kaiwhakawa e toru’ kāri i roto i to ratou attraction Welterweight. Cruiserweight Luis Garcia (13-0, 10 Koó) tonu tūturu e patuki atu Willie Williams (14-11-2, 4 Koó) 1:03 ki te tawhio tuatahi.
I roto i te whawhai i kite nga tangata e rua hit te koaka roto i te kotahi a tawhio noa, Taituha Williams (4-0, 2 Koó) ora ake ka cruised ki te wikitoria Emanuera Castro (2-2, 2 Koó) e tatau o 60-53, 60-54 a 59-54.
Rāhoroi o SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast ka anō-rangi i runga i Rāhina, Dec. 7 i 10 p.m. AND/PT runga i SHOWTIME EXTREME i te SHOWTIME BOXING ON SHO EXTREME ka anō-rangi i runga iWednesday, Dec. 9 i 11 p.m. AND/PT. Both telecasts will be available On Demand beginning tenei Rātapu.
Mauro Ranallo called the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING action with Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former world champion Paulie Malignaggi commentating and Jim Gray reporting. I roto i Spanish, Alejandro Luna called the blow-by-blow with former world champion Raul Marquez serving as color commentator. Ka karanga Barry Tompkins te mahi SHOWTIME EXTREME i ringside ki faihisitōlia mekemeke Steve Farhood te taviniraa ei kaitātari mohio.
I whakatairangatia ana te whawhai i DiBella Entertainment. Ko te Algieri vs. Bone me Rosnisky vs. Smith Jr. whawhai i whakatairangatia ana i roto i te feohi ki Star Mekemeke. The executive producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING is David Dinkins Jr. with Bob Dunphy directing.
# # #
Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, StarBoxing, BarclaysCenter KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment a www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.

JOSH Thomson mutu te PABLO VILLASECA I 'Bellator 147’ HEADLINER




San Jose, Pērā i. (Hakihea 4, 2015) - Josh Thomson o (22-8, 1 NC) he konatunatua kōrero toi hōia i roto i San Jose, me tona “Bellator 147” effort against a young and promising prospect by the name of Pablo Villaseca (10-2) Ka anake tāpiri ki te kōrero o tona mahi.

He Center ki te whare wānanga i te San Jose State University o Takahanga Kikī ite te “Ko te Punk” whakamahi i te āhua o te pūkenga en huarahi ki te mutu o te toa Chilean. Referee Jason Herzog officially called a stop to the action at 3:59 o te rua o nga anga, te tuku i te hunga i roto i te haereraa i te ki te ngangau me te aki te tohu a Thomson i raro i te kara Bellator MMA ki 2-0.

I muri i te whawhai, Thomson made it clear that while a matchup against incumbent Bellator lightweight kingpin Will Brooks is enticing, te ia e pā ana ki te pā, me te nuinga o te pā ngā rongo ia nui i hiahia ki te whawhai ki a ia “Iron” Michael Chandler.

“Will Brooks Ko te tangata toa nui, a ka he ia i te whitiki,” Ka mea a Thomson. “Ko, ahakoa o te koura a tawhio noa tona hope, the fans want me to fight Michael Chandler and I fight for the fans.”

Bellator President Scott Coker has said he foresees Thomson returning to action in early 2016, a kahore he whawhai whakaritea mo Chandler Brooks ranei rite o tā, tetahi whakataetae Kōmāmā mākī taea e haere mai ki te tupu wawe, nui atu i muri mai. Kia mataara, te mutu i konei.

Weichel Tihi Karakhanyan, Tumanako ki te Kanohi Daniel Straus hoki te Taitara


In the featherweight co-feature bout of the evening, Georgi Karakhanyan (24-5-1) a Daniel Weichel (36-9) ārai pakeke Field, me te tini whare a tawhio noa, puta noa i te mau toru-a tawhio noa. The difference was Weichel’s ability to use his pinpoint accuracy to pepper away at his jab, maka ana te mutunga ki te po o Karakhanyan. I roto i te mutunga, “The Weasel” escaped with a split decision victory with scores of (30-27, 30-27, 30-27), and likely moved closer to another shot at the 145-pound champion. Watch the official decision i konei.

Kia ano Anderson Outduels Freire, Roto i te Bellator MMA Cage


A lightweight rematch between Patricky Freire (14-7) a Derek Anderson (13-2, 1 NC) haere ki te matenga te po nei, ki nga whiu e rua tangata tauhokohoko tinana me whana mo te 15 roanga meneti o ratou a'ee tutu. I roto i te mutunga, “Barbaric” took home a split decision victory with judges’ scores of (29-28, 28-29, 29-28). Tohu te pouri tona mahi tuarua riro mo Freire, i muri i hanga i mua i tona tuatahi Bellator i roto i te wikitoria whakatau loto mo Freire i "Bellator 98."E mau ki te titiro i te tahi ngā i konei.

Piccolotti riro ia Battle toto i te Expense o Soto


I roto i te pakanga piri whakataetaengia i waenganui i grappling tohunga Arama Piccolot (7-0) a Mario Soto, (6-2) Noho tūturu "te Bomb" i muri i te tāpaetanga kowaowaotia muri-tahanga rua a tawhio noa. Tapatapahi Piccolotti ake Soto, te whakatuwhera ake i te tapahia nui i runga i te kanohi matau o te tamaiti ra whanau 29-tau-tawhito. Ki te toto ka tuhaina atu wahi katoa, "Dr. Mario "takoha i ki te pato i i 3:25 o te a tawhio noa e rua. Kawea mai e rua whawhai Northern California i roto i te ope nui o te pā oire, engari ko te reira te taata Bay-rohe, Piccolotti, puta mai te wikitoria i roto i te mutunga, he hua o te taunga 86% o ona aro maka. Peep the gash on Soto’s head i konei.

Powers Rogers Past Zwicker i roto i 'Bellator 147' tīkape


I roto i te whakataetae tuwhera i runga i te Koi, Brian Rogers (12-8) hoatu i te mutunga ki te tītī e rua-whawhai i roto i tona tuatahi i taumahamaha marama, whakatuwhera ahi ki nanakia technique whenua-a-pauna, konatunatua i roto i te ringa hama ta'etuku, i arahina ki Virgil Zwicker (14-5-1) mirimiri i roto i te tāpaetanga ringa-tapatoru i 4:38 o te a tawhio noa e rua. "Rezdog" whawhai maia i roto i tona wa i roto i te whare herehere Bellator MMA, ara te pato◊iraa i te iti pupuhi mua i roto i te whakataetae; engari i roto i te mutunga, ko reira po "B-rog te Predator o". Kia mataara, i nga ngā ataata i konei.

Hua Kāri hukihuki & Photos:

A.J. McKee (3-0) patua JT Donaldson (1-1) mā knockout (turi) i 4:14 o a tawhio NGATA'ANGÁ rua WATCH HERE

Brandon Hester (3-0) patua Idris Wasi (1-3) mā te whakatau Kotahi tonu (30-24, 30-25, 30-27)

Gabriel Carrasco (7-0) patua Khomkrit Niimi (6-8) via technical knockout (tuke) i 3:19 o te tetahi a tawhio noa

Nick Barnes (10-1) patua James Terry (16-8) mā tāpaetanga (kowaowaotia iho muri-tahanga) i 2:48 o te tetahi a tawhio noa

Erick Sanchez (6-2) defeated Thomas Diagne (5-5-1) via technical knockout (nifó) i 1:22 o te a tawhio noa e toru

Jeremiah Monaghan (9-3) patua Alvin Cacdac (16-12) mā te whakatau Kotahi tonu (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Bronson Mohika (1-1) patua Jose Parete (1-1) defeated via unanimous decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Arini Duenas (3-1) patua Anthony Taylor (0-1) mā tāpaetanga (kowaowaotia iho muri-tahanga) i 2:43 o te tetahi a tawhio noa

Anthony Do (2-0) patua Dustin Moore (0-1) mā knockout hangarau i 2:05 o te tetahi a tawhio noa

Marcos GALVAO tūtaki Eduardo DANTAS I rematch FOR whā TITLE AT 'Bellator 150: GALVAO VU. DANTAS 2 'ON FEPUARE 26


Santa MONICA, Calif. (Hakihea 4, 2015) - Ka Bellator MMA o whā Championship i runga i roto i te pitting rematch te rārangi Marcos "loro" Galvao (17-6-1) ki te toa o mua Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas (17-4) i Kansas Star Arena i Mulvane, Kansas, i runga i February 26.

I tua atu, tino whenua, Rawiri Rickels (16-4, 1 NC) ka hoki mai ki te mahi ki te hoariri e whakakitea mai i te rā i muri mai. "Te Caveman" ma'u pē rite ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu mai, ahakoa te mea i runga i tona ara ki te whare herehere, ranei ka ngā tango ia i runga i te nei te nei Bellator MMA taranata Kōmāmā o.

Ko te hui matua, me te Rickels 'whawhai ka meinga ake e rua o nga whakataetae teata i “Bellator 150: Galvao vs.. Dantas,” e te pahiatia e ora i runga i te Koi i 9 p.m. AND/8 p.m. CT, i ka te awa pāngia tuatahi i runga i Bellator.com i 7 p.m. AND. Kia ka kauwhautia atu whawhai tata.


Tīkiti mō "Bellator 150: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " e tīmata i tika $27, haere i runga i te hoko i muri Rāhoroi, Hakihea 12 i KansasStarEventCenter.com or Ticketmaster.com, me te tari pouaka Kansas Star Arena.


He wharanga rara paturuhia e Dantas i te puni whakangungu takoha ia ki te haere atu i tona pere taitara whakaritea i mua i"Bellator 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho. " Na kakato ora ake, Kua rebooked rangatira whakatairanga te honga.


"Ratou,"Ko wai kua whawhai hoki whakatairanga te ao-ingoa o nga momo o te Ao Extreme Cagefighting me Shooto mai 2003, Ka whakataetae mo te 11th wā i raro i te kara Bellator MMA. Ko wawetia te-tau 34-tawhito i roto i te waenganui o te pūkenga toa e wha-whawhai, e kua puta i kaha i roto i te whitu o tona kohi e waru whakamutunga. I roto i tona haerenga whakamutunga, Oti Galvao Joe Warren i"Bellator 135: Warren vs. Galvao " mā tāpaetanga ki te riro tana taitara matamua-ake.


Na, Ka titiro Dantas ki tārua i te angitu i ia ki a Galvao i roto i to ratou hui tuatahi, i te hua i roto i te knockout rua-a tawhio noa i “Bellator 89.” Poipoia hoki i tona mate whakatau loto ki Warren te hua-tau 26-tawhito Nova Uniao ki to'o o Mike Richman i roto i te taua tikanga i "Bellator 137: Halsey vs. Grove. " Ko te Season Bellator 5 Kei te titiro whā Tournament toa ki te karanga ia ia tae mai te toa whā e rua-wā October 23.


ROC MOTU SPORTS & Miguel cotto whakatairanga torona mekemeke hakari: Wilfredo Vazquez JR. VU. Korukī tūmomo Rafael Rivera MEDIA ME Whakaahua


Puerto Rico TE Vazquez JR. AND MEXICO’S RIVERA CLASH ON HAKIHEA 5, 2015 AT OSCEOLA Heritage Park I Kissimmee, Florida ORA ON HBO LATINO® BOXING

Pāwhiritia HERE hoki Whakaahua

Credit Photo: Roc Nation Sports & Miguel cotto Whakatairanga


Kissimmee, FL (Dec. 4, 2015) - Whakahaeretia Roc Nation Sports ko Miguel cotto Whakatairanga i te īngoa pāpāho mua o te torona mekemeke: Wilfredo Vazquez Jr. vs. Rafael Rivera Kei te whakaturia nei mo Rāhoroi, Dec. 5 i Osceola Heritage Park Exhibit Hall te i roto i te Kissimmee, Florida teata ora i runga i HBO Latin Mekemeke timatanga i 9:45 p.m. AND/PT. Mua WBO Junior mā whitu World Champion Wilfredo Vazquez Jr. (24-1-5, 19 Koó) o Bayamon, Puerto Rico, me te tūturu Rafael "Big Bang" Rivera (20-0-2, 14 Koó) o Tijuana, Mahi mua Mexico i roto o ratou tekau-a tawhio noa mā whitu pupūtanga tenei wiki.


Kei raro ko te mea i te whawhai i ki te mea e pā ana ki o ratou pāngia ka ū mai.

Wilfredo Vazquez JR., Mua WBO Junior mā whitu AO TOA:

"Ahau ite taikaha, me te rite. Kua ahau e hihiri e pupuri ana i ahau i runga i. Kua kua ahau te mahi i runga i toku tere, me te kaupapa tika, ano i ahau i ahau toku mahi.


"Rivera Ko te toa Mexican matarohia e ka ngana ki te hoatu te pēhanga ki runga ki ahau. He rite ki te hapai i, me te tiaki o nga mea katoa e hopoi mai ia tatou Rāhoroi po ".

Rafael "NUI bang" Rivera, Mā whitu tūturu:


"Just rite toku īngoa ta, Ka whakamahi i ahau toku tere, me toku raka ki te riro. Kei te haere ahau ki te whakamahi i te katoa o nga rautaki kua kua ahau te whakangungu ki mo te marama whakamutunga e rua."


Wilfredo Vazquez Jr. vs. Rafael Rivera, he mā whitu a'ee tekau-a tawhio noa, e wahiRāhoroi, Dec. 5 i Osceola Heritage Park Exhibit Hall te i roto i te Kissimmee, Florida. Te aroaro tenei hui torona mekemeke e Roc Nation Sports ko Miguel cotto Whakatairanga me tautoko e Corporate Travel Whakahaere Solutions (CTMS), Tequila Cazadores, Wāhi Kings ko SportsLock. Ngā ano e Alexander Brand vs. Medzhid Bektemirov in a ten-round light heavyweight bout which is presented in association with Camponovo Sports and Gary Shaw Productions. The doubleheader will be televised live on HBO Latino beginning at 9:45 p.m. AND/PT.


Tickets utu i $65 a $33, me utu ratonga hāngai, E wātea ana hoki tīkiti hoko i www.ticketmaster.com a www.ohpark.com. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. E wātea ana hoki ngā tīkiti mō te hoko i te tari pouaka Osceola Heritage Park i te tuwhera te wiki i 10:00 a.m. ki 4:00 p.m. a ki runga ki Rāhoroi, Dec. 5 timata i 8:00 a.m.


Mō ētahi atu kōrero haere ki www.rocnation.com. A pee i Roc iwi i runga i Twitter, me te Instagramrocnation, ki Facebook i www.facebook.com/RocNation. A pee i te whakahaere mā te whakamahi i #throneboxing.


Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Pānuitia Online
By: Lorne Chan Spurs.com
Maringi toto i te ihu Omar Figueroa o te wa whakamutunga ko ia i te AT&Pokapū T, ona ringa whara i whiua e te mano nifó. I pau Figueroa, a ko reira utu reira katoa, no te whakanohoia te whitiki aito i runga i tona pokohiwi.
Ko runga i te Hōngongoi 27, 2013. Whawhai Figueroa Nihito Arakawa ka kī te WBC Kōmāmā Taitara i roto i te a'ee e haaati maha Whawhai o te rārangi Tau.
E rua tau i muri mai, Omar “Panterita” Figueroa te hoki haere mai ki te AT&Pokapū T. Figueroa (25-0-1, 18 Koó) Kei te headlining he kāri Pirimia Mekemeke Champions i runga i Dec. 12, te wahi ka whawhai ia Antonio DeMarco (31-5-1, 23 Koó).
Tickets tīmata i $31 E wātea ana i www.attcenter.com mo te whawhai, e hoki ngā Dominic “Te pouri” Breazeale ki “Prince” Charles Martin i roto i te a'ee taumahamaha me te hoki ki te whakakai o te toa Welterweight mua Victor Ortiz.
Hoki Figueroa, tona hokinga ki te AT&Mowhiti Center T tikanga he hoki ki te tautuhinga o tetahi o nga po rahi o tona ora, ka patua e ia Arakawa i roto i te whakatau.
“Haere koromatua-ki-koromatua, 12 rauna, ko reira rite te tahi mea i roto i te kiriata Rocky,” Ka mea a Figueroa. “Te reira e pā ana ki ia i te itoito e te ngakau ki te noho i roto i reira, me te mahi i taua ara. Hei haere i roto i reira, toto, me te whati ringa, ko reira mīharo. Ko ahau koa ki te e taea ki te mahi i konei i te AT&Pokapū T.”
Figueroa, 25, Ko te whakapehapeha o te Rio Grande raorao o. Te ia te Māori o Weslaco, e pā ana ki 250 maero ki te tonga o te AT&Pokapū T. Ko ia hei whakaako i reira ki tona papa, Omar Sr., nana nei i hoatu te tuatahi karapu i runga i tana tama, ka Jr. ko 6.
Kārangaranga “Panterita,” Whakawhanakehia Figueroa tona kāhua i roto i te whakakai i roto i te tata 200 whawhai runaruna i roto i Mexico, me tetahi atu 50 i roto i te Hononga o Amerika, ano he teina.
Te ia te puncher ta'etuku. E kore e mahara ia tango i te tahi kupu, ki te tikanga o te reira whiwhi i te matā torutoru i roto ia ia. Whawhai ki Figueroa hei iti e pā ana ki te “pūtaiao reka” me te ake e pā ana ki puai anake. Ko kāhua arahina te whawhai rahi te AT&Center T i kite ake.
Figueroa ko Arakawa kaihokohoko nifó mo nga tuarua o ratou whawhai 12-a tawhio noa, ki te AT&Mano Center T karakia “Omar! Omar!” puta noa i. Ahakoa Figueroa, he toa haratau, whara ona ringa Houstin mata o Arakawa me te tinana, E kore e Arakawa haere ki raro,. Iu tonu whawhai e rua hoki 36 meneti, hoatu ia atu NODS o te faatura i te mutunga o ia a tawhio noa.
I karaunatia I te whawhai ki runga ki a Figueroa te toa tuatahi ao i te Rio Grande Valley, nui atu tona maia i roto i te whawhai roaa ia atu i te whitiki i roto i ngā porowhita mekemeke. E ai ki Compubox, e kaitatau nifó maka a ka u, Hono Figueroa i runga i 450 nifó mana i roto i te whawhai, te tuawha-tino katoa-wā i roto i tetahi piha taimaha i roto i te CompuBox o 30 tau o te tuhi whawhai.
“I roto i te hākinakina, kua hua e maha vahe fakangalongata'a,” ka mea auvaha i Mauro Ranallo i te whawhai, “konei i roto i te San Antonio taea e koe te tāpiri i tetahi atu pene ki tukufakaholo ataahua, me te nanakia o te mekemeke.”
Ka neke ake ki te akomanga taimaha 140-pauna, Ka mea a Figueroa Ko te wa tuatahi ongo'i ngā ia kakato hauora mai i te whawhai Arakawa tenei. Ka rite ki tonu whetu o Figueroa ki whakatika, DeMarco, he toa mua WBC Kōmāmā ia i Sinaloa, Mexico, Kei te tu i roto i tona ara.
“Tenei ka waiho i te whawhai rawa uaua, me te ka tino pea te waiho i te whawhai no te mea o to tatou momo whawhai,” Ka mea a DeMarco.
Te Dec. 12 ki tonu kāri i te matchups nui, tetahi hui matua a'ee sDominic āhuatanga “Te pouri” BREAZEALE (16-0, 14 Koó) ki “Prince” Charles Martin (22-0-1, 20 Koó) ko Chris “Ko te moepapa” Arreola (36-4-1, 31 Koó) ki Travis “Toku Time” Kauffman (30-1, 22 Koó).
BREAZEALE, he quaterback mua i te Whare Wānanga o Northern Colorado, ka mau ake mekemeke i muri te mutunga o tana mahi tuatoru, me te waiho i te 2012 Häkinakina. Kua tuhia e ia he knockout i roto i te katoa engari whawhai ngaio e rua, engari anga tona whakamātautau uaua ki Martin, nei tika kotahi kua neke atu i te wha rauna i roto i tona waru whawhai whakamutunga.
Hanga Victor Ortiz tona hokinga ki te mowhiti i roto i te AT&Center T rite te pai, rite tangohia tona mahi, kua he ara ātahu mai whawhai ia Floyd Mayweather Jr. i roto i te 2011. Puta Ortiz i runga i “Dancing Ki te Stars” i roto i te 2013, a he tūranga mahi i roto i “Ko te Expendables 3” a “Southpaw.” Ka waiho tana matamua i roto i tona whawhai San Antonio 364 ra, a ka waiho Ortiz he tino tahi.
Kua kawea mai Leija / Battah Whakatairanga te kāri whawhai ki San Antonio, rite oire tama Hehe James Leija mea te tūmanako ia ki te kawe nui me te nui whawhai ki te AT&Pokapū T.
“San Antonio te pea te pa pai mo te mekemeke i roto i te United States,” Ka mea a Kite. “E hiahia ana matou ki te pupuri i hoatu i te pā utu o to ratou moni ki etahi i nga whawhai pai o roto Texas me wāhi kē o.”
Ko te whawhai i te AT&He hoki Center T ha faingamālie mo ki te tahi mau whawhai rohe tiki i roto i te mowhiti i runga i te haapurororaa e e e teata i runga i timata NBC a NBCSN i 5 p.m. EST.
Mario Barrios, he-tawhito 20-tau i mahi nei ki Southwest High School i roto i San Antonio, kua whawhai ono nga wa i roto i 2015 a riro katoa whawhai ono. Hoki Barrios (13-0, 7 Koó), e haere ana ki roto ki te AT&Pokapū T he te tahi mea i mea ia kua tona mahi katoa kua hanga i ki.
“Kua ahau i whawhai i roto i nga wahi kia maha i mohio ai tangata ahau,” Ka mea a Barrios. “Ki te whawhai i te kāinga, i roto i te mua o toku utuafare, kia mau ai ki te iti rutaki te. Te haere ki te ongo'i mo ahau kia rite ki taua wāhi e e tino koutou mahi i te tahi i roto i to koutou mahi.”

Kaimekemeke Paetata John Lennox, Quian Davis ko Alshamar Johnson whakanui Haké Mekemeke Whakatairanga undercard tenei Rāhoroi i te Claridge i Atlantic City

Thoms “Cornflake” Hanga LaManna Welterweight tuatahi tenei Rāhoroi ki Ariere Vasquez i roto i te hui matua
Atlantic City, Nj (Hakihea 4, 2015)–THIS SATURDAY NIGHT, Hakihea 5, Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna tango i runga i Ariere Vasquez in the main event of a card that will take place at the Claridge Hotel i Atlantic City.
Whakatairangatia ana te kāri e Haké Whakatairanga Mekemeke i feohi ki Vincent M. Stream Gulf Whakatairanga o Ponte.

I mua i te hui matua, e ngā te undercard totoka i hanga ki runga whawhai i New Jersey me te wāhi uta ake i runga i te undercard.
I roto i te a'ee 6-a tawhio noa
John Lennox (13-3, 5 KO o) o Carteret, Ka tangohia nj i runga i Willis Lockett o Takoma Park, MD.
Ka titiro Lennox ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te tīwae win i muri i iho ana i te whakatau loto ki Rana Pasciolla i runga i August 15. The former college football standout has a win over Patrick Farrell (8-1-1).
Lockett Ko te 14 tau hōia, nei fehangahangai runga whakataetae pērā i Brian Minto, Javier Mora, Tommy Karpency, toa mua ao Keith Holmes, Jerson Ravelo, Arona Pryor Jr, Tarvis Simms ko Michael kekeno.
Kei a ia te kounga whakauru ia mo Tyrone Tate, Glenn Turner, Willie Williams & mua kaiwero taitara ao Larry Tohu.
Ka tūturu Cruiserweight toi knockout putanga ano Alvin Varmall (7-0-1, 7 KO o) o Lake Place, LA Pakanga Philly taata uaua Brian Donahue i roto i te a'ee 4-a tawhio.
Local taumahamaha Quian Davis o Vineland, Ka whawhai nj Santario Holdbrookso Kannapolis, NC i roto i te a'ee 4-a tawhio noa o whawhai ka wai rapu mo ratou wikitōria tuatahi.
Alshamar Johnson (1-1) o Vineland, Nj, te tangata e haere mai atu i te mutu auheke i runga i tūturu mua Nick Valliere (5-0) Ka tangohia i runga i Villi Ataahua (3-1, 1 KO) o Queens, NY i roto i te a'ee Super Welterweight.
Luis Perozo ka meinga e tona tuatahi pro o New York ki Davonte Steele o Te Tai Tokerau Carolina i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā.
Tickets e $50 GA, $75 Ringside, $75 Stage & $125 VIP (Wharau o 5 e wātea ana hoki $500) and are available at RisingBoxingPromotions.com

Tuwhera i te tatau 6 PM ki te pere 1 i 7 PM.

The Clardige Hotel is located at 123 S. Indiana Ave. Atlantic City NJ

Instagram: risingpromo

Haké Whakatairanga I hanga ki te whakaaro o te hoko i te ingoa whare mau ki te whāinga matua o te Haké Whakatairanga taea ki te fakafekau'aki te ngohi o ngā motuhake whänuitanga i roto i te ahumahi hākinakina me te whakangahau, Ite i te Kaiwhakahaere Matua me te hoa i Haké Whakatairanga e te rave'a no te tupuraa e kore e mutu. E hiahia ana matou ki te hoatu i ngā whai wāhitanga ki te ake me te haerenga mai ngaio me ngā boxers runaruna e kore e hoatu e rātou ētahi atu kaiwhakatairanga faingamālie ki. Ka te mau ohipa e Haké mahere ki te ruruku whakarato hiahiatia nui utu, fakafiefiá hākinakina te utuafare-friendly.

Winner whakatakoto Throwdown Fantasy Piro record mo #BradleyRios kēmu

NEW YORK (Hakihea 3, 2015, 2015) – Whakaturia te kotahi ngā kēmu lekooti e te toa o te tata $2000 Throwdown Game mekemeke Fanatasy rite Ernesto Lopez(“Ring_King24”) reirahia ake 474.5 katoa ngā wawata ki te hopu i te $400.00 Taki o te toa.
“Ko te take e ahau tākaro aha Throwdown Fantasy no te mea ko ahau te mea powhiriwhiri hardcore mekemeke me ahau mau pouaka hei runaruna,” Lopez said. “Ētahi atu, what’s better than getting paid for doing something I love and follow 24/7. ThrowdownFantasy.com is the best! I am on it all of the time and my wife thinks I’m addicted. Hey, ngā aufauraa i te reira atu.”
Tenei te titiro tata i Lopez te’ rōpū toa:

Lopez hanga i tona kapa toa a tawhio noa makau totoka e toru i roto i Tim Bradley, Edwin Rodriguez ($5800) a Vasyl Lomachenko ($5800). This trio cost him a total of $16,400 i roto i te moni puni ki anake $8600 remaining for him to spend on his final two fighters. The helping hand was provided by Karim Guerfi ($4300), te tuatoru na'ina'i toa me te underdog niwha versus Alejandro Gonzalez, JR. Jarrett Hurd ko Lopez’ huri whakamutunga.
Na roto i te anake te kaitākaro ki te tiki e rima toa, Ko āhei te whakahiato Lopez tana 474.5 record-setting points. The rest of the top 10 i finishers taea anake ki te tīpako wha toa i roto i tenei kēmu me i whakamatauria ki te waiho i te rerekētanga.
Katoa-wā winningest kaitākaro Throwdown Fantasy o, “Yuggy,” ngā wahi-rua ki 436.4 ngā mo te $130.00 prize. Heoi, ka tomo ia tona kapa e toru nga wa ki te riro tata rite nui rite te toa kēmu, $390.00. The beauty of Throwdown Fantasy is that players may enter a contest as many times as he or she chooses, te whakapai ake i te tūponotanga o toa moni.

Na roto i te anake te kaitākaro ki te tiki e rima toa, Ko āhei te whakahiato Lopez tana 474.5 record-setting points. The rest of the top 10 i finishers taea anake ki te tīpako wha toa i roto i tenei kēmu me i whakamatauria ki te waiho i te rerekētanga.
Katoa-wā winningest kaitākaro Throwdown Fantasy o, “Yuggy,” ngā wahi-rua ki 436.4 ngā mo te $130.00 prize. Heoi, ka tomo ia tona kapa e toru nga wa ki te riro tata rite nui rite te toa kēmu, $390.00. The beauty of Throwdown Fantasy is that players may enter a contest as many times as he or she chooses, te whakapai ake i te tūponotanga o toa moni.
E toru nga huarahi ngāwari ki te tākaro Throwdown Fantasy : 1. Tīpakohia rima whawhai i te rōpū kēmu, te whakamahi i te $25,000 te taupoki utu (kite i runga); 2. Na ka aru i piro i roto i te wā tūturu, kowhetetia ngā mō te whakauru, knockouts me Compubox tatauranga (kite rā tauira i raro nei); 3. Te kaute i te nuinga o ngā toa. Te nuinga o ngā kēmu muri i te wiki tonu, me te he toa maha ia.
Ngā Toa o farii ngā hāngai ana ki runga pehea ratou te mahi, utu ia kāhua o te mekemeke. Compubox E wātea ana tatauranga whawhai hoki ki te rangahau tauturu i roto i te hanga selections.atwww.ThrowdownFantasy.com.
Kaitākaro New nei haina ake inaianei farii urunga FREE ki Throwdown Fantasy o ia marama Mekemeke Freeroll kēmu. Throwdown Fantasy also provides a $250 pukapuka noa kia tomo kaitākaro te whakamahi Piro Throwdown (3 katoa free ki runga ki rēhita) a $25.00 free game. Waitohu ake a te tākaro he utu. Te wāhi ki te rēhita me te tākaro mō te kore utu, me te ka neke ki kēmu utua te iwi i.
Twitter: @Throwdownfan
Instagram: throwdownfantasyboxing


Jennings ME Ortiz E taupatupatu i ON SATURDAY, HAKIHEA 19 AT tahuri Stone Resort Casino I Verona, NEW mua ME teata LIVE ON HBO muri i pouri®
Pāwhiritia HERE mo te MP3 o tenei Piiraa
Los Angeles (Dec. 3, 2015) Ao Mua nguha taitara Bryant “By-By” Jennings(19-1, 10 Koó) a tata karaunatia WBA Interim taata tei mau whitiki taumahamaha Luis “Ko te Real Kingi Kong” Ortiz (23-0, 20 Koó) puritia te waea hui pāpāho ao i teie mahana ki te matapaki i to ratou ū mai âwhina 12-a tawhio noa taitara taitara whawhai i runga i Dec. 19. Ka tango i te hui wahi i tahuri Stone Resort Casino, i roto i te Verona, Ka teata New York, a ora i runga i HBO mekemeke I muri Pōuri.
Kei raro ko te mea i te whawhai, me o ratou kapa i ki te mea i runga i te karanga amuiraa o teie mahana:
Bryant “NA-NA” Jennings, Taitara nguha Mua taumahamaha World:
“Ko o Ortiz whawhai tūturu tuatahi i rite ki te ngaio tenei. Ka kite koe i kore tangata atu i roto i te mekemeke e haere mai tata ki toku roa.
“Ko te whakangungu kua rerekē engari e kore e uaua. Kei te hanga koe i te mīhini. Kia te tangata e te wira me nihowhiti i runga i, e mahia ana. Na ka faaanaana koe taua mea, ka pani ai ki runga mo te whakaaturanga. Ko te wahi e ahau i roto i toku mahi inaianei. E haere ana matou ki te whakaatu ki a koutou i mahi ai i tenei tua whakangungu.
“Kei a ia te mahi roa runaruna, I ahau i te mahi ngaio roa. Kāore tō wheako hohonu hei runaruna te tikanga ka whai koe i te mahi ngaio angitu. Tenei taata (Ortiz) e kore kua kite i te toa mau rite ahau ano. He whakamahi pūtaiaki ia. No te aha e hiahia ia ki te mahi i te? E ia ki te hanga ia ia e whakapono e matau ana ia ki ta ki te mahi; nei ia ki te whakamatau i te reira i runga i Hakihea 19. Otiia ka haere ahau ki te tutakina ia ki raro i taua ra, e te toku mahere.
“E haere ana tatou ki te kawe i te whawhai pai. E haere ana tatou ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu me rānei tetahi o tatou, toa, ngaro te utu ranei, Ka whakaatu i te pā te mea e nehenehe ia tatou ia rave. Kei te haere tatou ki te hūnuku i te arotahi ki runga i te wehenga taumahamaha ki a matou.
“Te ia māia engari he iti māia rawa. Kore e matau ia he aha te mea ia ki runga ki. E kore kua fehangahangai ia te hoariri kia rite ahau. E ia ki te whakaiti ia ia, no te mea kei te haere i te reira ki te waiho i te whakamā. He aha te mahi ahau he, Meinga e ahau mohio ahau pai whakangungu ahau me te rite ki te patoto ia i roto i, 100 ōrau. Ka aroha te pā toku 100 ōrau. Ahau ahau te tu toku oneone. Ka whai ahau e karanga ana ia ia i roto i te whakakai. Kei te haere te reira ki te kia mau fifi ki a ia mo te tiki i runga i tenei. Kei te haere ahau ki te whawhai, me te hoatu i toku katoa.”
Luis “TE REAL KING KONG” Ortiz, WBA Interim Heavyweight World Champion:
“Mauruuru koutou ki te kapa Golden Boy, HBO me nga tangata katoa nana nei ahau i homai ki ahau te whai wāhi ki te whakamatau ahau tautoko me me ta ratou utu ki ahau.
“Ka mohio te iwi nei kei te haere mai hoki te wahi tau kotahi. Kihai ahau i haere mai ki konei i Cuba ki te noho i konei, me te mahi i tetahi mea. Ahau e haere ana ahau mo te whitiki; Kua haere mai ahau ki te riro i te toa taumahamaha ao.
“He mea nui katoa whawhai, engari ko te whawhai tino nui o toku mahi tenei na tawhiti. Ko ahau ineine ki te mutu Jennings. Ko ahau te kaimekemeke-puncher a ka patoto ia i roto i.
“O te akoranga i ahau te mea e te reira ki te whiua whakataetae rite riri a Wilder. Ki te whakangungu me te faaotiraa, E whakapono ana ahau e, e ahau ahea.
“Ahau rite, me te taea ki te mahi i te mea e ahau ki te mahi i. E hiahia ana ahau ki te kawe mai i te whitiki hoki ki te Hononga o Amerika, me te riro i te toa ao taumahamaha kotahi.
“Ahau ko Klitschko he kahore rite tahi; Patua ahau nui kia maro atu ia.”
GARY Shaw, Kaiwhakahaere Matua o Gary Shaw Productions:
“Ko ahau i roto i te puni inanahi. Jennings a Jackson i te hononga pai. Kei te pāwhiri ratou rite kaiwhakangungu me kaimekemeke.
“Kāore Jennings pakia kōrero; mea katoa te haere ia ki te mahi i, ka meatia e ia i roto i te mowhiti i runga iHakihea 19.
“Ka mohio te toa o tenei whawhai kia rite ki te tau kotahi i roto i te ahumahi mekemeke.
“Hoki tenei whawhai, kei te mahi tatou i whakamātau tarukino. Ka mahi i VADA te whakamātautau. Kahore he raruraru i runga i rānei mutunga ki te whakamātautau.”
ERIC Gómez, Senior Vice te peresideni o Whakatairanga Boy Golden:
“Ko te wehenga taumahamaha i roto i te mekemeke kei te whakawera ake me tenei whawhai ka ū mai i runga i Hakihea 19Ko tetahi o nga take he aha i he.
“Kei te haere tenei ki te waiho i te whawhai nui i runga i Hakihea 19 i tahuri Stone Resort Casino, he ūnga faahiahia no te mekemeke, a ki runga ki HBO mekemeke I muri Pōuri, te whatunga pai mo te mekemeke.”
Herman CAICEDO, Trainer ki Luis Ortiz:
“Kua matou mahi rawa pakeke te tau whakamutunga, me te hawhe ki te faaineine no te tenei whawhai taahiraa-ake. Kei te haere tatou ki te whakaatu i te ao karanga aha tatou Luiz Ortiz 'te Real Kingi Kong.’
“Tona mahi he ki te whawhai; Ko te kupu tenei e ia mo te ora. Ko te tangata e haere mai ana hoki ia, ki te tango i tona moni, Kei te haere ia ki te tango ia ratou ki raro.”
Jennings vs. Ortiz Ko te 12-a tawhio taumahamaha whawhai a'ee mo te WBA Taitara taumahamaha takitaro te aroaro e te Whakatairanga Boy Golden i roto i te feohi ki Gary Shaw Productions. Doors tuwhera i 6:00 p.m., me te HBO mekemeke I muri telecast pouri haamata ora i 10:15 p.m. AND/PT.
Kaihautū o te kaupapa, tonu tahuri Stone Resort Casino te Oneida iwi o ki te wehewehe ake ka rite ki te ūnga pirimia mō ngā kēmu mekemeke whakawhitinga angitū. Te Hakihea 19 ka tohu whawhai tahuri Stone Resort Casino o 16th hui mekemeke teata motu i roto i iti iho i te rua nga tau, cementing i te huihui ano he tūruhi mō knockout teata whawhai. Kei roto i te pae apatoerau no New York, tuku i te wha-wa ūnga huihui whakangahau-te ao o te piha haapiiraa, me te petipeti, Maatamaata tohu-toa, he ranunga kanorau o wharekai, kaukau papai me ngā kōwhiringa nightlife e rave rahi.
Pāpāho ngaio tono taipitopito tuakiri mo te Hakihea 19 Me whakapā whawhai Kelly Abdo, Tahuri Kaiwhakahaere Stone Resort Casino Public Relations i (315) 366.9291 raneikelly.abdo@turningstone.com.
Tikiti mo te Dec. 19 HBO mekemeke I muri tīmatanga Dark me HBO Latin Mekemeke hui i $25, $35 a $60 no te tūru ringside me utu e hāngai ana, me te he e wātea ana i te tahuri Tari Pouaka Stone Resort te te karanga 315-361-7469 online ranei i Ticketmaster (www.ticketmaster.com).
Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga www.goldenboypromotions.com,www.grayshawproductions.com, www.hbo.com/boxing a www.turningstone.com. Follow on Twitter at @GoldenBoyBoxing, GaryShawBoxing, HBOBoxing, TurningStone Ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing,www.facebook.com/Gary-Shaw-Productions-134758615997 /,www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing ranei www.facebook.com/Tahuri Tatapau Black. Tirohia tatou i runga i InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing, turningstone.