Pou katoa e FNU47

Takahanga Matohi: Returns Pro Wrestling

WWN & American Present aro Wrestling
Yuletide karawarawa
Rāhoroi, Hakihea 19, 2015
Tatau Tuwhera 7:00 PM – Wā Bell 7:30 PM
Ko te Sports Arena katoa
7716 Kooti Rutillio
New Port Richey, FL
Hoki atu whakapā Info 813-389-0801


ACW taumahamaha Championship – Match Threat Tōtoru
CJ O'Doyle w / Mr. Dontay Brown & Tohe Stormie Lee vs. Mataraharaha vs. Sean tāurua

ACW Light taumahamaha Championship Match
Tohe Josh Hess vs. White Loco

Francisco Ciatso w / Mr. Dontay Brown & Stormie vs Lee. Romeo Quevedo

2015 Southern Stampede Winner Mark Silva vs. Martin Stone

Rhett Giddins w / Mr. Dontay Brown & Stormie vs Lee. Lince Dorado

Earl Cooter w / Veronica Hīrere vs. Snoop e patu

Richard Delicious vs. Gabriel Black


Plus More Ngā:
-1st Degree o D'Nana Horano & Dwayne Wonder
-Natana anake & Ko te Kraken w / Erik Essex
-Mitch Mitchell
-Bucky Wells
-Jayson Falcone
-Talākoní. Brody
-Plus More Hei Kia Fanongonongo!!!


NO TE TAIME MATAMUA ATU, Tukua te BOXING MATCH IS roto i tona taatoaraa IN mooni mariko

*Hoki te wheako mātakitaki tino pai, kahore Samsung Gear VR Google kāri rānei, te whakamahi i te pūrere pūkoro mā he taupānga YouTube ki runga-ki-te rā:https://youtu.be/raKh0OIERew


HEA te patototanga underdog DANIELA Jacobs I tūturu mua PETER QUILLIN

Kaimätakitaki taea te mataara te katoa-Brooklyn pupūtanga I roto i Reality Mariko I Pūhara Maha

Photos: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME


NEW YORK, NY - Hakihea 8, 2015 - Hoki te wā tuatahi ake, Kua tukua he kēmu mekemeke kua i roto i te taatoaraa i roto i 360 tohu mooni mariko immersive, rite SHOWTIME riro te rawa TKO tuatahi a tawhio noa i Rāhoroi hui o te po matua i waenganui i WBA whitu World Champion Daniel Jacobs 'me te kaiwero tūturu mua Pita Quillin. Kua wātea i roto i te hui matua katoa-Brooklyn i hanga 360 ataata i mowhiti-taha, hoatu pā he wheako mekemeke inä. Engrosses te ataata mooni mariko kaimätakitaki i roto i te matchup o te Middleweights runga, anga atu i roto i te pirimia o to ratou mahi, te wahi o Brooklyn Jacobs (31-1, 28 Koó) won the “Battle For Brooklyn.” The 360 Ko viewable i runga i te rīpene SHOWTIME Sports 'YouTube hongere*, te SHOWTIME mekemeke Facebook whārangi, i runga i te Gear VR Samsung mā te MILK VR taupānga me te Littlestar VR taupānga mō te Samsung Gear VR, iOS me Android.


Ko e wātea ana i tēnei wā Ki te hiahiatia te telecast, i runga i SHOWTIME te Wā® and on the SHOWTIME streaming service. The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING event happened live on SHOWTIME i runga i Rāhoroi po i te Center Barclays i Brooklyn. Te meneti kotahi ki te whawhai, U Jacobs he tika tonu ki te whare o Quillin a rerenga ki te patunga o nifó i ko hoariri tona ki nga taura. Tutuki ana Quillin mua, a ka titiro kaitautoko Harvey Taungia i roto i te kanohi o Quillin ka totitoti ana te whawhai i waho i te kaiwero ake mo te koaka.


The executive producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING is David Dinkins Jr. with Bob Dunphy directing. Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports, te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


E Victor Ortiz ON Gilberto Sanchez Leon Terrell GAUSHA WHAKARITE ki te kanohi WHARE Bevan ka mea a EL HARRAK Hugo OFF ki a Hohua OBANDO MARIO Barrios Te pakanga Manuel maira & BRANDON FIGUEROA FIGHTS FRANCISCO MURO ON PBC ON NBCSN SATURDAY, HAKIHEA 12

Night Full O Mahi Mai Ki Te AT&Pokapū T I roto i San Antonio
San Antonio (Hakihea 8, 2015) – Opponents for the previously announced Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBCSN whakaturia e kāri mo ratou Rāhoroi, Hakihea 12 showdowns i te AT hou whakahou&Center T i San Antonio.
PBC i runga i NBCSN mahi ka kite i te hokinga mai o “Nanakia” Victor Ortiz (30-5-2, 23 Koó) rite anga ia hōia Mexican Gilberto Sanchez Leon (33-13-2) i roto i te Welterweight take 10-a tawhio noa, 2012 U.S. Häkinakina Terrell Gausha (16-0, 8 Koó) tango i runga i Ka mea a El Harrak (12-3-2, 7 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa whitu teina a'ee, hinga kore Hugo “Te tōku” Rai (23-0, 12 Koó) ki Hohua Obando (12-7-1, 10 Koó) i roto i te whitu whakataetae 10-a tawhio noa, amanaki rohe tūturu Mario Barrios (13-0, 7 Koó) takahi ki te mowhiti ki Panama o Manuel maira (18-4, 11 Koó) i roto i te whakataetae Kōmāmā waru tawhio noa, me Brandon Figueroa (3-0, 2 Koó) ki Francisco Muro (2-1, 1 KO) i roto i te whawhai whā e wha-a tawhio noa.
Ka Tokopuka te kapinga NBCSN te PBC i te NBC hui headlined e whetū tūturuOmar “Panterita” Figueroa (25-0-1, 18 Koó), o Weslaco, Texas, tango i runga i te toa o mua ao Antonio DeMarco (31-5-1, 23 Koó). Kapinga i runga i NBC haamata i 8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT a ka whakaatu hoki i te rua o showdowns taumahamaha rite tūturu 2012 U.S. Häkinakina Dominic “Te pouri” BREAZEALE (16-0, 14 Koó) kanohi“Prince” Charles Martin (22-0-1, 20 Koó) a pakeke-patu Mexican-American Chris “Ko te moepapa” Arreola (36-4-1, 31 Koó) whawhai Travis “Toku Time” Kauffman (30-1, 22 Koó).
NBCSN kapinga ka timata i 6:00 p.m. AND/3:00 p.m. PT a ka haere tae noa ki 7:30 pm. ME / 4:30 pm PT. Ka tīmata anō NBCSN kapinga i 11 p.m. AND/8:00 p.m. PT e whai ake nei i te haapurororaa NBC me rere ki waenganui po ET/9:00 p.m. PT.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Leija Battah Whakatairanga, E utu i $220, $112, $85, $58 a $31, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi mā te toro www.ticketmaster.com, www.attcenter.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 1-800-745-3000. Ka taea hoki e Tickets te hokona e te īmēram@leijabattahpromo.com karanga ranei (210) 979-3302.
Ano ngā i roto i undercard whawhai whakaongaonga he opuaraa tūturu Semajay Thomas(6-0, 4 Koó) i roto o Chicago i roto i te ohipa Welterweight ono-a tawhio noa ki Florida o Farkhad Sharipov (4-5, 1 KO), 25-tau-tawhito New Jersey-hua Rickey Edwards (9-0, 3 Koó) i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā ono tawhio ki tūturu Ariere Paez (4-0, 1 KO), Lanell “KO” Pupuhi (13-1-1, 7 Koó) i roto i Las Vegas tango i runga i Nigeria o Michael Gbenga (16-23, 16 Koó) i roto i te waru-rauna o super mahi whitu, me te-tau 21-tawhito Justin DeLoach(11-1, 6 Koó) o Georgia, Louisiana i roto i te ono-a tawhio noa Welterweight super whakataetae.
Ka tūturu te whakaawhiwhi i te po o te mahi San Antonio-hua Arama Lopezki te toa o mua te ao Eric Aiken i roto i te a'ee whā super, 21-tau-tauJavier Rodriguez pakanga Alejandro Moreno i roto i te wha-a tawhio noa whā super pupūtanga, San Antonio o Steve Hall rite ia tapawhā atu ki Arama Ealons i roto i te wha-a tawhio noa whawhai, me te super Kōmāmā Austin o Brandon Chalker i roto i te wha a taka noa whakataetae mā whitu super ki San Antonio o Rudy Zamora.
He toa whakaongaonga nei e kore Irirangi atu i te mahi, Hoki Ortiz ki te mowhiti kotahi tau i muri i maru tona ringa i roto i tona a'ee whakamutunga, te mutu a tawhio toru o Manuel Parete. Ko te-tau 28-tawhito i te toa ao 147-pauna ka patua e ia Andre Berto i roto i 2011 ki te whakaturia ake te pupūtanga ki Floyd Mayweather. Kua pau te Kansas-Māori wā i roto i te tau tata ki te kiriata tūranga i roto i te kiriata pērā i “Southpaw” a “Ko te Expendables 3” engari ka hokiHakihea 12 hauora, me te rite ki te whawhai ki tona ara hoki ki te keokeonga o te hākinakina. Tuatahi, ka whai ia ki te tiki mua te roa Leon i roto i Mexicali, Mexico te tangata nona whakaora mo Dario Cervantes, Carlos Yañez a Rene Ruiz.
I whānau a whakaarahia i roto i te Cleveland, Gausha ko te runaruna whakapaipai nei riro mētara koura i te US. Toa National i roto i 2009 a 2012 me te kanohi i te US hei wāhanga o te 2012 Team Olympic. Ko te-tau 28-tawhito tūturu te mai tahuri pro i roto i 2012. I roto i te 2015 kua piro ia te wikitoria knockout mo Norberto Gonzalez, a patua Luis Grajeda ko Erietere Gonzalez i te whakatau. Na ka tangohia e ia i runga i te-tau 28-tawhito El Harrak nei whawhai i roto i Las Vegas i te ara London.
Oxnard, California’s Centeno has long been one of boxing’s top prospects with victories over Ayi Bruce, Keandre Leatherwood, Angel Osuna and Gerardo Ibarra. I roto i te Hakihea 2014 he faced his stiffest test to date against James De La Rosa and passed with flying colors, scoring a spectacular fifth-round knockout. Te nuinga tata, ka mau te-tau 24-tawhito iho Lukasz Maciec i Mahuru, me te titiro ki te whakaoti i te tau ki tetahi mahi kaha ki Guadalajara, A Mexico Obando.
Fighting i tona whenua o San Antonio, Barrioslooks mo te whitu o tona wikitoria o 2015 i runga iHakihea 12. Te tūmanako o te 20-tau-tawhito ki te hanga i runga i tona torohaki i muri i toa tana a'ee waru-a tawhio tuatahi i runga i Enrique Tinoco i runga i Noema 10. Ka fehangahangai ia te 25-tau-tawhito Panamian maira te tangata nona whakaora i roto i 2015 mo Ivan Trejos me Hamuera Moreno.
Ko te teina o matua whai wāhi hui, me te mua toa ao Omar, tahuri pro te Figueroa-tau 18-tawhito i roto i te Mei i te hinga Hector Gutierrez me kua aru e ake i te tu Ricardo Mena ko Ramiro Ruiz. Ko te Weslaco, Titiro Texas-hua ki te hanga i te reira i te tino 2015 ina e ia i runga i te Muro-tau 19-tawhito i roto i Tucson, Arizona.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga www.premierboxingchampions.com a www.nbcsports.com/boxing, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LeijaBattahPR, , OmarFigueroaJr, @NBCSports and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionsa www.facebook.com/NBCSports. Highlights wātea i www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.


Lewiston, Maine (Hakihea 8, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, ka mau tona hui muri, “Nef 21: TE Immortals” i runga i Rāhoroi, February 6, 2016 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The fight card is scheduled to feature both mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing bouts. I mua i teie mahana, NEF announced the main event of the MMA portion of the fight card. Bruce “Boy ātaahua” Boyington (12-8) ka tiakina e te NEF MMA Ngaio Kōmāmā Championship ki te wero o te maha-kotahi nguha Jon Lemke (5-3). Both Boyington and Lemke are veterans of the United States Marine Corps (USMC).


Boyington is riding high on a three-fight win streak. Earlier this fall, i hanga e ia tona tuatahi i runga i te atamira o te motu, hinga Rodrigo Almeida (13-3) i runga i te Series Ao o te Fighting (WSOF) card in Connecticut. Boyington followed up that win with a decisive third-round TKO victory over Jimmy Davidson (7-2) whakamutunga te marama i “NEF XX” in a successful defense of his title. A product of Young’s MMA, me te matenga o te Boyington Taekwondo Academy, kei e rua i roto i te Bangor, Maine, Kua Boyington kua runga i te roimata ahea mai i ngaro i te whawhai taitara-kore ki Jamie Harrison (6-1) early in 2015. He has won six of his last seven in the MMA cage, a ka mau tetahi wikitoria i roto i te whakakai mekemeke NEF te akoranga o taua oma i roto i.


“E kore ahau e pai kia waiho Jon Lemke haere ki taua whare herehere ki ahau tika e pā ana ki i teie nei, e te aha te feruri nei au e ahau, ki te au e ahau faitotonu,” Said Boyington. “E kore e matau tino ahau te aha e hiahia ana ia i te whawhai ki ahau tika i teie nei, a e whakapono ana ahau e whakaatu ake ia, ka hoatu tona kaha pai, otiia kihai ahau i pai kia hiahia ki ahau te whawhai tika i teie nei. Au mōrearea ahau, me taku e whakawhirinaki he i roto i te tuanui me te ka te reira rite tenei, Kei te haere te reira ki te tango i te maona-ao o te piha ki te mutu i ahau, me toku arotahi ka waiho tenei puni katoa i runga i toe haehaa e arotahi. A, no te February 6 mai, Ka waiho e ahau i te tino mōrearea Bruce Boyington e kua tonu marere waewae i roto i te whare herehere, a ka mohio ahau ki te hiahia ahau ki te kia i roto i reira tika i teie nei, Kei te haere tino e ahau ki te kia hiakai i reira.”


The bout is one that Maine fight fans have waited a long time to see. Boyington and Lemke have stood atop the NEF lightweight division together for several years now, their careers paralleling one another. With Lemke competing out of Marcus Davis’ Team Irish i roto i te Brewer tata, Maine, te ripeka-pa tāwhai o MMA o Young, Boyington and Lemke seemed like natural rivals. But they often passed like ships in the night, and the stars never aligned for an encounter between the two. That was until “NEF XX” whakamutunga marama, no te, tika taime i te aroaro o Boyington ka mau ki te whare herehere ki Davidson, Iku'i Lemke Matt Denning (2-1) in that evening’s co-main event. It was an impressive performance that saw Lemke overwhelm a game Denning as the first round went on. With both Lemke and Boyington scheduled to appear on the February card, a kahore ano hoki i hainatia i te hoariri, ko maroke ke hoki te te wa “Battle hoki Bangor,” rite kua Nō reira pā, ki te pae hopea te tango i te wahi.

“Pera mīharo mauruuru, me te oaoa ki te kia whawhai kotahi ano, me te rawa ha faingamālie mo NEF ki te whawhai mo te taitara ahau,” Na ka mea a Lemke. “Te hunga e mohio ana ki toku kōrero mohio te mea kua he huarahi roa tenei hoki ahau, which makes it all the more special. Bruce is the man and has done a phenomenal job promoting himself as champion, and in the process brought a lot of attention to the rest of the MMA community in the area. He has a couple of titles with different promotions and had fights on the national stage. He presents a unique and explosive set of challenges that I very much look forward to rising up and meeting that challenge head on. Kei te haere tenei ki te waiho i te whawhai nui e kore e haere e pā ana ki te hiahia ki te mahue, kia whiwhi koutou tīkiti, ka haere mai i runga i raro.”


“E kore ahau e mohio ki te reira te tetahi pā whawhai kotahi ui ia tatou ki te kite ake i tenei tetahi,” exclaimed NEF co-owner and promoter Nick DiSalvo. “Te mea te reira rite i te iti rawa i te wa torutoru i te wiki e whiwhi tatou karere tono 'ina e haere tatou i ki te kite i te Pakanga mo Bangor i waenganui Lemke me Boyington?’ Well, te tupu nei te reira i runga iFebruary 6 at ‘NEF 21,’ me nga tangata katoa i roto i to tatou whakahaere he rite tonu oaoa rite ki te pā e kite i reira!”


“Ko maere te kōrero hoki ki tenei a'ee,” tahi-rangatira kī NEF me matchmaker Matt Peterson. “Kahore hangaia te – it’s completely authentic and gut wrenching. This fight has been a long time coming, a ka kua te ahau ongo'i e te mata-i roto i ki te February 6 e pērā tetahi kua tonu tatou ite i roto i te pōhi i ki te pupūtanga o tenei te nui i reira kia rahi noa ake i ngā tika tika whakapehapeha kei runga i te rārangi.”


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “Nef 21: TE Immortals,” e wahiRāhoroi, February 6, 2016 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. Tikiti hoki “NEF 21” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei i www.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


“BRONCO” Billy Wright: “Kahore he tangata e ahei kia whakakahore e kua riro mai i ahau te tika ki te whawhai Deontay Wilder mo tona taitara WBC”

Las Vegas (Hakihea 7, 2015) – Toa taumahamaha WBC Latin me FECARBOX, Bronco Billy Wright (49-4, 38 Koó), is willing and able to step up and challenge Deontay Wilder (35-0, 34 Koó) mo tona taitara ao. Whakatau tēnei wā #20 i te WBC, Kei te noho ana i tēnei wā Bronco Billy Wright he pūkenga 20-whawhai toa ki 17 o te hunga whakaora e haere mai ana i te ara o te knockout.
Ki te Wilder, te tangata e rapu i tēnei wā hoki i te hoariri hoki tana whakaritea January 16, 2016rā, i ki te tango i tenei whawhai, e te anga ia he hoariri kēmu i roto i Wright, who hasn’t lost a fight since 1998. Ki te 31 knockouts a tawhio tuatahi ki tona nama, Billy mana'o nei e ia te mea e te reira ki te dethrone Wilder.
“Kahore he tangata e ahei kia whakakahore e kua riro mai i ahau te tika ki te whawhai Deontay Wilder mo tona taitara WBC,” Na ka mea a Bronco Billy Wright. “Kua runga ahau i roto i te tihi 20 with the WBC for the last three years. This is the American Dream for a fighter like myself who’s been waiting patiently to get an opportunity to fight for a world championship. Kua oku utunga utua e ahau, ka ahau rite ki te tango i runga i tenei wero.”
“Kahore he take he aha e kore e tenei whawhai tupu,” ka mea kaihoko o Wright Ivaylo Gotzev. “Mai te ra i hanga Billy tona pō ngahau noa nei, he’s made a believer out of me with everything that he’s accomplished. This is America where everyone should have an opportunity to fulfill their dreams, that’s what makes this country great. The man is active having just fought last month. Age should not be a factor. Ki te taea e George Foreman me Bernard Hopkins whawhai i te taumata taitara i roto i to ratou tau whakamutunga, then the networks should not have a double standard when it comes to Bronco Billy. He wants to raise the bar and become the oldest heavyweight champ in boxing history. He currently holds two WBC belts which makes him more than qualified. There should be no discrimination in this matter. Ko te rite ki te whawhai Wilder inaianei Billy!”

E mua AO TOA Chad Dawson ON SHUJAA EL Amin I undercard MAHI RĀTŪ, HAKIHEA 8 AT Sun MOTU BANK CENTER I Trenton, New Jersey

Ētahi atu! Tūturu Prospect Alex Martin &
Battle o Super Middleweights Denis Doughlin & Elvin Ayala
Trenton, Nj (Hakihea 7, 2015) – Toa toa ao o mua “Kino” Chad Dawson (32-4, 18 Koó) hoki ki te mowhiti ki te tango i runga i Hero El Amin (12-8) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa a'ee taumahamaha marama hei wāhanga o te undercard whakaongaonga i runga i Rātū, Hakihea 8 i Sun National Bank Center i Trenton, New Jersey.
Headlined te hui e te pupūtanga mā i waenganui i Juan Dominguez (19-0, 13 Koó) a Yenifel “Uira” Vicente (27-3-2, 19 Koó) i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) Rātū TOE-TO-TOE i runga i FS1 me Mekemeke Champions i runga i FOX Deportes timata i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT. Te tahi atu mahi teata āhuatanga Cruiserweight hinga kore Keith “Machine Pū” Repair (16-0, 11 Koó) pakanga Garrett Wilson (16-9-1, 9 Koó) a tūturu amanaki whitu maranga Ko Emanuera Aleem (14-0, 9 Koó) e anga Carlos Galvan (11-3-1, 10 Koó) i roto i te a'ee a tawhio waru.
Ngā tahi atu undercard whawhai amanaki Welterweight tūturu Alex Martin (10-0, 5 Koó) rite anga ia Juan Rodriguez (6-4-1, 5 Koó) i roto i te a'ee waru-a tawhio noa, me te rua o te super sluggers whitu rite Dennis Doughlin (19-4, 12 Koó) tutaki Elvin Ayala(28-7-1, 12 Koó) i roto i te pakanga 10-a tawhio noa.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te Whakatairanga Kingi o, E utu i $70, $50 a $30, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona TicketsHERE, i te tari pouaka Sun National Bank Center i te karanga ranei 800-298-4200.
Te whakaawhiwhi i te po o te whawhai te te tuatahi pro o Baltimore o Horano White i roto i te wha-a tawhio noa a'ee whā super ki Puerto Rico o Jose Roma (0-3), 30-tau-tauDaniel Pasciolla (5-1) i roto i te Brick, New Jersey ki Philadelphia o Corey Morely(0-0-1) i roto i te take taumahamaha wha-a tawhio noa, me te Philadelphia o Christopher Brooker (4-1, 4 Koó) i roto i te ono-a tawhio noa whitu super whakataetae.
He toa ao o mua i taumahamaha marama, Hoki Dawson ki te mowhiti rapu mo te 33RD wikitoria o tona mahi angitu. Nona te-tau 33-tawhito whakaora mo toa mua ao Bernard Hopkins, Antonio Tarver ko Tomasz Ademek. Whawhai i roto i te New Haven, Connecticut, ka tangohia e ia i runga i te-tau 28-tawhito El Amin i Flint, Michigan.
He runaruna ta'na i roto i te Chicago, Martin ko te 2012 U.S. Kē Taumāhekeheke me 2012 National toa karapu Golden. -Tau 26-tawhito te pro tahuri i roto i 2013 a tūturu i roto i tona tuatahi 10 pro whawhai. I roto i te 2015 ngā tango ia whakaora te kāinga i runga i Jeremiah Wiggins, Honatana Garcia a Kevin Womack Jr. Ka ātete ia i te Lotilikuesí 25-tau-tawhito i roto i Haymarket, Virginia.
Whawhai i roto i Marlboro tata, New Jersey, Doughlin tomo ana Hakihea 8 whawhai titiro hoki whakaora e toru-tika i muri i te hinga Cameron Allen me Marcos Primera i roto i 2015. Nona te-tau 27-tawhito whakaora mo Steve Martinez ko Phillip McCants me kua ngā te whakakai ki whawhai runga pērā i Jermell Charlo me George Groves. E ia i runga i te Ayala-tau 34-tawhito. Hei kanohi New Haven, Connecticut, Nona Ayala whakaora mo Ronald Gavril ko Derrick Findley ka whawhai ki te Unuunu ki te toa mua ao Sergio Mora.
Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes KoSwanson_Comm ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions awww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Highlights wātea i www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.


whiwhinga photo: sherdog.com
vs. Pineamine SMITH
AO Welterweight TITLE
FRIDAY, TENUARE 15, 2016 Te noho i AXS TV
ORA i te Center 1STBANK, Broomfield, CO
Tīkiti i runga i Sale Na i ALTITUDETICKETS.com
Las Vegas, Nevada – Raa te riri Alliance (RFA) peresideni Ed Soares kauwhautia tenei ra e ka hoki mai te whakatairanga ki Colorado ki RFA 34 – Velickovic vs. Smith i roto i te Hānuere ki te whana atu te Tau Hou. Ka ngā te hui matua he whawhai taitara Welterweight i waenganui i rua whawhai roa a'e ta'na i te wehenga o rite Bojan o “Steel Serbian” Velickovic Te pakanga toa Welterweight RFA mua Pineamine Smith mo te taitara wātea. RFA 34 – Velickovic vs. Ka tangohia Smith wahi Rāmere, January 15 inside the 1STBANK Center in Broomfield, Colorado. Ka teata te kāri matua katoa ora me te motu i runga i AXS TV i 10 p.m. AND / 7 p.m. PT.
“RFA he pukumahi 2016 tabula me te oaoa vau e ahau e pā ana ki te tīmata hoki i roto i Colorado reira,” Ua parau Soares. “Bojan Velickovic a Pineamine Smith e kupu matua RFA 34 mo te taitara Welterweight wātea. Ko ratou e rua nga whawhai 170-pauna roa a'e ta'na i roto i te aamu RFA o me te he ara nui ki te whana atu te Tau Hou te reira.”
Tikiti mō te RFA 34 – Velickovic vs. Smith are available for purchase NOW through AltitudeTickets.com or you can support your favorite fighter by purchasing your tickets through CageTix.com. Tickets ki RFA 34 tīmata i te tika $30. E wātea ana i te karanga tepu VIP 303-521-0966.
Velickovic (12-3) ona utu koperea tona taitara i muri i te haere i te tino 3-0 i roto i te 2015. I roto i te Maehe, te kaipahua Serbian roaa te tere wikitoria TKO a tawhio tuatahi i runga i te taukei vet MMA Chris Hugh i RFA 24. Na whai wāhi Velickovic ei melo o Team RFA i te RFA hītori vs. Hui TAONGATUKU i roto i te Mei. Ko tona a'ee te tukinga tuatahi o te whakatairanga vs. whakatairanga whakataetae a Velickovic tangohia ake te wikitoria mata-atu mahuinga ia ki Charles Byrd. Ia ka tutakina atu nga tau ki te wikitoria mo te whakapaipai whātōtō Armenian-Ukrainian Vardan Sholinian i RFA 31. Win o Velickovic mo Sholinian i Las Vegas rite i te anake 5 ra’ pānui. Na te kaupuranga “Steel Serbian” titiro ki te tīmata i te Tau Hou rite pehea 2015 haere ki raro, — ki tona ringa whakaarahia pae.
“A, no te ahau kitea i roto i taua e kia whiwhi ahau he pere taitara RFA, Ko ahau vey oaoa,” I kīia Velickovic. “Ite ahau e te tikanga e ahau tenei faingamālie, a kihai i mea faufaa te reira nei e ahau kia anga. Ka te tangata hoatu nei ngā roto i mua o ahau te whawhai ahau. Oaoa ano ahau ki te kia whawhai i roto i Colorado. Neke ahau i konei 3 marama ki muri a reira kua mana'o rite te kāinga. Tenei ka waiho i te wā tuatahi i roto i 5 tau e whiwhi ahau ki te whawhai i roto i te wahi e ora ahau. Ben Smith me ahau whawhai i runga i te kāri kotahi rua hoki RFA me te ia he dude tino uaua. Mai ia ki te whawhai a ka titiro atu ahau ki to tatou whawhai taitara i runga iJanuary 15.”
Smith (15-3) mutu ano te tau i runga i te tuhipoka tiketike ki te wikitoria whakatau loto mo te mua tūturu Craig Eckelberg i RFA 32 whakamutunga marama. Haere mai te wikitōria i runga i te rekereke o te rua piritahi RFA taitara whawhai i Smith mo te RFA i roto i 2015. Na ka titiro te tuarua-ake te toa Welterweight RFA ki te tamata mai i tona karauna RFA i roto i te mea e kite ana ia i rite ki tona heka whakamutunga ki UFC kororia. Tonu e eke i roto i te hui matua o RFA 34 ki te tangata faaite ia kāri ki i RFA e rua 20 ko RFA 24.
“Ko te mauri whakamutunga mō te OLE Ben Smith tenei,” Ua haamaramarama Smith. “Ua ahau kua ongo'i e ara i mua i toku whawhai whakamutunga, engari e ahau hiahia ano hoki ki te hoatu te periota i runga i toku mahi e te titau-toku taitara RFA me kowhetetia toku pere i roto i te UFC. Ka e ahau te wikitōria i RFA 32, engari ite e ahau kia rite ki i taea e ahau te mea i atu, i te mea ko te aha e whakaaturia e ahau i roto i tenei whawhai i muri mai. Kua Colorado atawhai tonu ahau pai, me te pārekareka ahau whakataetae ki reira. Bojan Ko te toa pai, te ia te taata hoko, me te hoariri e tika rawa. I patua e ahau i tenei whawhai, kahore he ara i taea e ahau te mea kahore. Ahau aroha ki te whakataetae me te rapu atu ahau ki tenei whawhai taitara ki Bojan.”
Ko te ki tonu i RFA 34 Kia ka kauwhautia kāri whawhai, me ētahi atu pārongo e pā ana ki tenei kaupapa hohoro. RFA 34 e whitu hui te whakatairanga o ki te tango i te wahi i roto i te āhua o Colorado. Ko te kāri matua katoa o RFA 34 Ka teata ora me te motu i runga i AXS TV i 10 p.m. AND / 7 p.m. PT i runga i Rāmere, January 15, 2016.
Haere ki RFAfighting.com for bout updates and information. RFA is also on Facebook at Facebook.com/RFAfighting, Instagram i RFAfighting, and Twitter at RFAfighting.
Mō RFA: RFA Ko te whakatairanga toi hōia whakauru ngaio e homai maranga whetu, me te runga contenders te faingamālie ke fakamo'oni'i ratou taranata ki te pā me te feia faatere i roto i te ahumahi. E whakaatu ana i te RFA ngā ora i runga i te kaupapa, tae atu Las Vegas marama a tawhio noa te United States, Los Angeles, Denver a Milwaukee. Ka taea te kite i RFA ora i roto i runga i 43 miriona mau fare motu i roto i tona mahi pouaka whakaata ki AXS TV. I roto i te Las Vegas, Nevada, RFA Ko tetahi o nga whakahaere tino kaha, me te whakaaro MMA i roto i te hākinakina e tipu tere i roto i te ao. (Ko te Tapawaru, Ultimate Fighting Championship®, UFC®, me te-iu waru whakataetae moenga, me te hoahoa whare herehere rēhita e tohu whenua anake e Zuffa, LLC. Pūmau te mana).

Mō whawhai TV AXS: Rongonui mo ona aotia AXS TV whawhai heRāmere Night hanumi Arts hōia me ngā kaupapa Kickboxing. I tou Kāinga hoki MMA, AXS TV e faaohipahia te whatunga whwhi o whakatairanga i te United States, Canada, a Europe. Na ka ki a Asia päpäho whawhai atu LIVE atu tetahi atu whatunga pouaka whakaata. “Ko te reo” Michael Schiavello rima-wa MMA-toa ao Pat Miletich whakarato kaimätakitaki tākaro-i-tākaro tohunga, i roto i te-hohonu toa kapinga, me te whānui tātaritanga ki ia kāri whawhai. AXS TV i paoho ngā kaupapa-ao o te piha haapiiraa whawhai LIVE i RFA, Lion Whawhai, FC tawhito, a MFC katoaRāmere po i 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. AND.

MARIO Barrios ki te kanohi Manuel maira THIS MAA ON PBC ON NBCSN

Photo e Pirimia mekemeke Champions
San Antonio, TX (Hakihea 7, 2015) – Whetu maranga hinga kore super-mā,Mario Barrios (13-0, 7 Koó), He hoariri ingoa hoki ka ū mai tona wahi tango a'ee tenei Rāhoroi, Hakihea 5th i te AT&Center T i tona whenua o San Antonio, Texas. Ka fehangahangai Barrios Manuel maira (18-4, 11 Koó) i roto i te whakaritea a'ee 8-a tawhio noa e ka riro ei tuhaa o te wahi teata o PBC i te NBCSN.
Tenei ka tohu te whitu o nga whawhai o 2015 ko wai hoki Barrios hanga i tona tuatahi teata i runga i Noema 10th, a bout that was shown on PBC on FOX. In that fight Barrios defeated his toughest opponent to date in Enrique Tinoco (15-2-2, 11 Koó), toa i te whakatau loto.
Tata takaia Barrios ake puni whakangungu i roto i Houston, TX, te wahi i te mahi ia i roto i te hoa Texan me te nguha tūturu Miguel Flores (18-0 9 Koó). Barrios wants to continue bringing excitement to the 130 pauna wehenga ki tetahi atu mahi mīharo.
“Oaoa vau e ahau ki te kia whawhai hoki i runga i te pouaka whakaata,” ka mea a Mario Barrios nei hails i San Antonio. “I ahau i te puni whakangungu nui i roto i Houston i reira ka e ahau etahi mākutu nui ki Miguel Flores, me ētahi atu i te tahi whawhai pai. Ite e ahau au e tipu ahau ano he toa, me te kore e taea e ahau tatari ki te uru ake tenei Rāhoroi. E rave rahi o toku utuafare e mau hoa e i roto i te haereraa i na koutou pai whakapono ahau e haere ana ahau ki te riro me te riro impressively.”
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Leija Battah Whakatairanga, E utu i $220, $112, $85, $58 a $31, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi mā te toro www.ticketmaster.com,www.attcenter.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 1-800-745-3000. Ka taea hoki e Tickets te hokona e te īmēra m@leijabattahpromo.com karanga ranei (210) 979-3302.

Whawhai Russian te nuinga 2015 MMA Toa o te Ao

Prague, Czech Republic (Hakihea 7, 2015) — Te nuinga toa Russian te tata 2015 MMA Toa o te Ao (WMMAA), toa mētara koura i roto i ono o e whitu wehenga ki te hopu ngāwari te taitara kapa, i roto i te Prague, Czech Republic.
I runga i te kaha o te wikitoria Zaur Gadzhibabaev o roto i te whakataetae taumahamaha, Riro Azerbaijan he mētara hiriwa i roto i ngā o te mētara kounga riro i roto i te whakataetae kapa. Gadzhibabaev became the first two-time WMMAA champion. In quantity of medals earned, Riro Kazakhstan rima hiriwa, me te kotahi mētara parahi, tuarua anake ki Russia ki whitu, tae atu e ono golds me kotahi parahi.
I roto i te tahi atu Kautetanga kapa, Latvia ko Tajikistan riro e rua mētara hiriwa; China, Peraruhia, Ka mau Kehitāna ko Georgia fare mētara parahi e rua o tetahi,; Kariki, Colombia, Czech Republic ko Ukraine katoa roaa kotahi mētara parahi.
Tenei te he rärangi o ngā hua i ia akomanga taimaha:
Whā WĀHANGA: -61.2 kg (135 lbs.)
1. Ko te khachali Bakhachaliev (Russia)
2. Sergey Morozov (Katatānga)
3. Andrey Roa Ruiz Dumar (Colombia)
3. Yuan Liu Ping (China)
Mā whitu WĀHANGA: -65.8 kg (145 lbs.)
1. Magomed Yunusilau (Russia)
2. Zhumageldi Zhalgassuly (Katatānga)
3. Archil ashvili tatou (Georgia)
3. Elnur veliev (Ukraine)
Wehenga Kōmāmā: -70.3 kg (154 lbs.)
1. Gadzhi Rabadanov (Russia)
2. Loik Radzhabov (Tajikistan)
3. Rashid Dagaev (Katatānga)
3. Changxin Fu (China)
Welterweight WĀHANGA: -77.1 kg (170 lbs.)
1. Gadzhimurad Khiramagomedov (Russia)
2. Shaukat Rakhmonov (Katatānga)
3. Denis Maher (Peraruhia)
3. Beknazar Kainazar uulu (Kehitāna)
Whitu WĀHANGA: -84 kg (185 lbs.)
1. Gamzat Khiramagomedov (Russia)
2. Riria i Ermekov (Katatānga)
3. Daniyar Abdibaev (Kehitāna)
3. Giorgi Lobjanidze (Georgia)
LIGHT Heavyweight WĀHANGA: -93 kg (205 lbs.)
1. Magomed Ankalaev (Russia)
2. Khasan Mezhiev (Latvia)
3. Mikara Kotalik (Czech Republic)
3. Yulian Borisov (Peraruhia)
Heavyweight WĀHANGA: +93 kg (+205 lbs.)
1. Zaur Gadzhibabaev (Azerbaijan)
2. Mokhmad Sulimanov (Katatānga)
3. Rizvan Kuniev (Russia)
3. Angelos Giatras (Kariki)

Haere konei kia mataara ataata o te 2015 WMMAA Toa:

2015 WMMAA whā Champion Bakhachali Bakhachali:
“Ko ha a'usia faahiahia. E mohio ana koe ko te reira i te ara roa. Au ahau na koa te reira ki runga ki a ko ahau angitu i roto i pa i te whāinga katoa i hoatu e ahau ki. Tino pakeke te whawhai whakamutunga ko, Ko toku hoa tauwhainga he whakamātautau nui hoki ahau. Te ia i te pae tino kaha, me te takoto. Otiia ka whakawhetai Atua ahau te wikitoria.
“Ko te taahiraa i muri mai o te akoranga te Russian MMA SuperCup. E tumanako ana ahau e te tauturu i te Atua i ahau riro te reira.
Hinaaro nei e ahau ki te mea whakawhetai ki a koutou ki toku kaiako: Rasul Magomed-Aliev, Abdulla Gaidarbekov. Ngā mihi ki a Shamil Alibatyrov i cornering ahau puta noa i te taitara katoa a awhina i ahau he rota.”

2015 WMMAA mā Champion Magomed Yunusilau:
“Te oaoa Extreme. Tuatahi o nga mea katoa, Kihai i ahau tino e taea ki te whai wāhi nui o ngā wharanga ahau, ko toku kaiako, hoa me te whānau tauturu huihuia ahau tinana, a hinengaro. Rere ahau ki Prague, a ka te hua ka taea pai.
“I ahau e wha nga whawhai. Ko te tetahi tuatahi (1/8) haere te tawhiti. Toku hoariri, i Colombia, I takoto tino, e kore ia e hoatu ake. Ko te he whawhai pakeke-whawhai. I roto i te tahi atu oku whawhai oti ahau katoa hoariri e toru.
“Tuatahi, Me ahau ki te whakaora i toku injuries; wā revalidation te reira. Ka tango ahau i te whati mo te wiki pou-Ao Championship tuatahi, me te reira ahau ka arotahi ki runga i toku hauora. Kua ahau take ki toku hoki, me te kotahi turi. Na ka, Manaaki te Atua, Ka whiwhi ahau hoki i roto i te mahi i roto i 2-3 marama. Nei ahau ki te whakawhiti ki ngaio whakataetae MMA. Whai ngā kaiako nui me te kapa e tino tohu, me te taea ki te whakahaere i roto i toku whakawhitinga tatou. E ua papû ka waiho e ahau OK ahau.”

2015 WMMAA Kōmāmā Champion Gadzhi Rabadanov:
“Ahau tino hari. Te reira i te huru pai ki te hanga o koutou hoa, me te whānau oaoa. Ahau tino mauruuru no te tautoko katoa ka e ahau i a ratou.
“I ahau e wha whawhai i roto i te katoa, ka oti ahau katoa o toku hoariri. E kore e taea e ahau te mea ko uaua nei tetahi, ko nga tangata katoa i roto i te mua o ahau pai rawa i roto i tona matau ake.
“Ki te titiro ahau hoki, Kua ahau i puni whakangungu tonu e rima tenei tau. Na, te reira te wā mo te whakatā i te whakataetae. Me ahau ki te whakaora patunga toku, okioki a ka hoki mai ano he toa rerekē. There is enough room for improvement. I know I had one more fight planned at the Russian MMA SuperCup in December but I’ll have to cancel it because of my knee injury. Ano te reira kaua uaua ki te hanga taimaha rua i roto i te anga 10-ra. E riro te reira ki te e whara ana o toku hauora i raro i ēnei āhuatanga. Aroha mai, te hunga katoa e tumanako ki te whanga ki ahau te whawhai i roto i te Chelyabinsk (Russia –wmmaa.org) haere mai Hakihea 5.”

2015 WMMAA Welterweight Champion Gadzhimurad Khiramagomedov:
“E kore e taea te whakaahua e ahau toku mana'o tika inaianei. Ua riro te reira i te ara roa. E rua tau ki muri, ahau me toku teina, (Gamzat Khiramagomedov – wmmaa.org) whakaturia tatou mātanga i runga i te Ao Championship. Na konei e tatou – toa e rua. Au ahau na fiefia.
“Me tino ahau ki te hanga i toku tinana i mua i te whakamahere tetahi atu. Kua pakaru toku ringa, me te waewae. Haea Kotahi nape te i runga i toku waewae maui. Me ahau wa ki te whakaora me te reira ka kite tatou i.”
2015 WMMAA whitu Champion Gamzat Khiramagomedov:
“Tenei wheako Ko te pai taea. I muri i te mahi katoa i mea ai ahau te reira te wā ki te hopu i te manawa mo te wa poto nei. Tonu, E kore e haere au e ahau ki te akaanga i runga i toku tatü. I ahau i te whawhai whakaritea i te SuperCup ki Gamazan Gamzatov. I muri i taua whawhai ka taea ki te okiokinga tikanga ahau.
“I te Ao Championship i ahau e wha pāngia. Te aromatawai i oku hoariri, Ka taea e ahau te mea i ratou whawhai pai katoa. Ko te whawhai faingataa i ahau ki te toa i Georgia. E kore e hoatu e ake ia; tino kaha me te whātōtō pai. Whara e ahau toku ringa maui e te aha e kore i taea e ahau te whakaatu i toku pai i roto i te whiringa toa. Heoi, Au ahau na fiefia ana oku iwi ataata ahau, tautautefito toku teina, Gadzhimurad, nei e te rota o te kaha ki te tautururaa ahau. Ko ia tonu i oaoa i to ahau ina riro ahau. Te ia toku tahi nui.”

2015 WMMA Light Heavyweight Champion Magomed Ankalaev:
Ko te pai taea toku mana'o. Kua koura i roto i tenei runaruna MMA World Championship i toku ūnga mo te wa roa.
“I ahau e rima whawhai, me te kotahi whakamutunga ko te uaua rawa hoki ahau. Ua ite au i te hopoi'a nui no te mea ko te reira ki runga ki ahau, kahore ranei e te haki Russian e rere e tiketike. Mauruuru i te Atua, Ko ahau e taea e ki te whakatutuki i taua.
“Whakamahere ahau ki te tango i te wahi i roto i te Russian MMA SuperCup. I muri i taua, Ka tango ahau i te okiokinga e, Whakapono ana ahau, Ka kua kakato tika ahau.”

2015 WMMA Heavyweight Champion Zaur Gadzhibabaev:
“He rota ko i te tĭtĭ i roto i te whiringa toa mai toku hoa tauwhainga, Mokhmad Sulimanov, hiahia ki te utu i tona mate i te whakamutunga tau WMMAA World Championship. Au koa ahau ka kaha ano ahau.
I’m honored to be the first two-time WMMAA champion. The competitors in my division were outstanding this year. I trained very hard to give my best and I’m very happy with my performances during the tournament.

Tūturu, ta te ao-runga whitu Antoine Douglas taenga runga i te atamira ao i roto i Showtime Championship Mekemeke uiui

Brian Custer, Deontay Wilder & Antoine Douglas
Kia tukuna tonutia atu

Washington, DC (Hakihea 7, 2015) – Tenei mua Rāhoroi po ki Barclays Center i Brooklyn, Mau Daniel Jacobs tona taitara WBA whitu ki te mutu a tuatahi auheke tawhio noa ki runga Pita Quillin.

Ko tētahi o nga mata'ita'i hiahia tino ko tūturu me runga ao whitu Antoine “Mahi” Douglas.
Douglas (19-0-1, 13 KO o) o Washington, DC, Ko te āheinga whakahonoretia o ope Showtime Championship Mekemeke Brian Custer me toa WBC Heavyweight Deontay Wilder mo te uiui motuhake, tika i te aroaro o ka timata te hui matua.
“Ka mea ahau i roto i te tau, Ka e whawhai ahau i runga i tenei taumata, kore ake, kahore iti,” Said Douglas, nei te runga i tēnei wā maha-wha e te WBO, tau-iwa i te WBA me te tau-tahi i te IBF.
Douglas, te tangata e haere mai atu te mutu a tawhio wha o Les Sherrington i runga i Whiringa 6 i roto i te Las Vegas, i tangohia e wahi i runga i te manohi Showtime, ShoBox: Ko te Generation New.
“I ahau te paahitia nui, engari ka mea nga kaipāho Ua patua ahau ki e wha nifó. I want to turn that into zero
Whakatairangatia ana Douglas e GH3 Whakatairanga me tona kaiwhakatairanga Vito Mielnicki mea, “Ko ahau rawa whakakake o Antoine, me te hiahia ahau ki te whakawhetai Showtime. To have him on camera with Deontay Wilder shows that the network is fully behind him. The network showed early on that they have a great interest in Antoine and that spot i runga i Rāhoroi whakakitea e. Na, i reira tetahi rota o te nui whawhai i roto i te mano, a mo kia whiriwhiria Antoine mo taua uiuiraa i hoatu e ia faahiahia puaretanga.”
GH3 Whakatairanga ngā tūturu whitu Antoine Douglas, Super whitu o Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, tūturu Super whā Arama Lopez me te Boxcino 2015 JR. Whitu tekau Champion John Thompson, Jr., a Welterweight tūturu Hector Frometa, Jerrell Harris & Keenan Smith, Marama Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell, JR. Kōmāmā O'Shanique Foster & Super whitu tekau Andrew Hernandez ki te GH3 Whakatairanga eu.