Pou katoa e FNU47

Tūturu 2012 Whakaturia Häkinakina Junior Castillo ki te hanga tuatahi American i runga i te po te Paraire i roto i Fort Washington, Maryland

Tūturu matua Mykal Fox ki Arama Mate

Kaiwhakatairanga Marshall Kauffman (l), Junior Castillo & kaiwhakangungu Moe Morales
No te Tonu Tuku
Fort Washington, MD (Hakihea 3, 2015) – THIS PARAIRE NIGHT i te Historic Rosecroft Raceway i roto i te Fort Washington, Maryland tūturu 2012 HäkinakinaJunior Castillo Kei te whakaturia ki te hanga i tona tuatahi American, ka e ia i runga i Roland Rungai roto i te Tamaiti. A'ee whakaritea hoki 6-rauna.

I roto i te hui matua, Tūturu Forestville, Maryland super Kōmāmā Mykal “Ko te Ahorangi” Fox (7-0, e rua Koó) Ka fehangahangai tona wero uaua ki te rā, ka anga ia Arama “Boy kino” Mate (18-6, 11 Koó) o Sopron, Hungary The six-round bout will headline a stacked 8-fight lineup that will not have a single boxer with a losing record on the card.

Castillo o te Dominican Republic whakataetae i roto i te 2012 Kēmu London i mua i ngaro ki te tino whenua ki te kāinga Anthony Ogogo.

He tau i muri mai ka tahuri ngaio Castillo me kua reirahia ake whitu te whakauru, katoa i te knockout i mua i te takiuru ki Whakatairanga Kingi o te wahi ia te whakatakotoria ki te hanga i tona haerenga kotiro i runga i te oneone American i hanga i tona tīmatanga tuatahi i raro i kara Whakatairanga i te Kingi o te.

“Ite e ahau tino pai, me te kaha. I am really happy to be competing in the United States. I want people in the states to remember who I am,” Said Castillo, ko wai te whakangungu i roto i te pānui, Pennsylvania ki te kaiwhakangungu Moe Morales.

“Ko ha a'usia nui ki te whawhai i roto i te Olympics e ua tauturu i ahau i roto i te rarangi pro.”

I muri i whawhai ana pāngia tuatahi e whitu i roto i te Dominican Republic, Ko vēkeveke ki te faahoruhoru i tona kaiwhakatairanga hou Marshall Kauffman o Whakatairanga Kingi o Castillo.

“Ite e ahau pai ki te haina ki Whakatairanga Kingi o. I feel that I have a lot of support with them and I have surrounded myself with a good team.

I roto i te nui, Kei te whawhai ia i te hoariri e hākinakina he lekooti whai o 6-1 ki e wha knockouts ka patua e ia e rua whawhai tūturu.

“Katoa e mohio ana ahau ki e pā ana ki a ia ko e ko e ia he southpaw me ia he lekooti pai. I just rely on my ability and training and I feel, Ka hoatu e ahau ki runga ki te mahi nui.”

“Ka titiro ahau ki te waiho i te toa ao, me te kia te pai i roto i toku wehenga. A feared fighter. Junior Castillo will be one of the names to remember all over the world. I will be here a long time and I will be a champion.

Ka mea kaiwhakangungu Moe Morales, “Kua Junior kua mahi nui. He has been waiting a long time for this chance. He has been training eight weeks and he has a lot of talent. He is a southpaw and he is a boxer-puncher. He works well from the inside and outside. Kei a ia te matekai, me te hiahia ki te hanga i taua mea ki te tihi.”

Whakatairangatia ana te kāri e Whakatairanga Kings me tīkiti e tēnei wā i runga i te hoko ($40/$60/$75) i www.beltwayboxing.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 301-899-2430. Tikiti hokona i te tari pouaka i runga i te po, whawhai kaupapa ki te $5 tāpiri.

Hōtaka ki te puta i roto i te 6-rauna pāngia:

Mā whitu Thomas Snow (17-2, 11 KO o) o Capitol Heights, Maryland ka kite mahi ki Tibor Nador (6-2-1, 3 KO o) o Nagykanizsa, Hungary.

Charles Natal (6-0-2, 2 KO o) o Cleveland, Ka tangohia Ohio i runga i Grayson Blake (6-4, 2 KO o) o State College, PA. i roto i te a'ee Welterweight.

I roto i te pāngia 4-a tawhio:

Chris Warden (1-0, 1 KO) o Lusby, Ka whawhai MD i roto i te Jr. A'ee Welterweight ki Bernardo Rodriguez (Tuatahi pro) o Miami, FL

Shynggyskhan Tazhibay (2-0, 2 KO o) o Karaganda, Ka tangohia KAZ James Robinson (3-3-2, 1 KO) o York, PA. i roto i te a'ee Welterweight.

Rīpekatia Sam o Greenbelt, MD o Greenbelt. Ka meinga e MD tona tuatahi pro i roto i te a'ee Cruiserweight ki hoa debuter pro Hampton Miller o Norwalk, CT.

Santario Martin (1-1) o Gainesville, Ka tangohia FL i runga i Nicholas Hernandez (2-1) o te Reading, PA i roto i te a'ee taumahawaenga.

Tickets, utu i $40/$60/$75, tīkiti e onsale ipurangi i www.beltwayboxing.comranei i te waea i 301-899-243



M-1 POLE LIGHT taumahamaha CHAMPIONSHIP – 5 X 5
Stephan “T-800” PUETZ (13-1-0), Champion, Germany 204 ½ lbs. (92.9 kg)
Viktor NEMKOV (22-5-0), Kaiwero, Russia 205 lbs. (93 kg)

Ramadan EMEEV (12-3-0), Champion, Russia 185 lbs. (84 kg)
Luigi “Ko te Tank Italian” FIORAVANTI (26-13-0), Kaiwero, USA 184 ½ lbs. (83.7 kg)
MARTIN “Kingi Kong” ZAWADA (26-12-0), Germany 204 ½ lbs. (92.8 kg)
Rashid Yusupov (6-0-0), Russia 204 lbs. (92.7 kg)


Alexey “Ko te taumahi” Makhno (10-3-0), Russia 155 ½ lbs. (70.7 kg)
Raul TUTARAULI (5-2-0), Georgia 156 lbs. (70.8 kg)
Mikhail KOROBKOV (9-0-0), Russia, 145 lbs. (65.8 kg)
Rodrigo MAGALHAES (7-0-0), Brazil 14 lbs. (65.5 kg)

M-1 POLE wharekarakia Tuhinga FIGHT Tuhinga Kōmāmā
Dmitry KOVRIZHIN (4-0-0), Russia lbs. ( kg)
EVGENIY Bedenko (7-1-0), Russia lbs. ( kg)
Ruslan SHAMILOV (no te tuatahi), Russia184lbs. (83.5 kg)
BUTAT ZHUMABATOV (no te tuatahi), Russia 185 lbs. (83.9 kg.)

(4-2-0), Russia 182 lbs. (82.6 kg)
Vasily “Vasia” ZUBKOV (8-4-0), Russia 183 ½ lbs. (83.4 kg)

Artem “Shockwave” SHOKALO (13-13-0), Ukraine, 170 lbs. (77.1 kg)
DAMILA PRIKAZA (1-0-0), Russia, 170 lbs. (77.1 kg)

Alexander BUTENKO (38-11-0), Ukraine 154 lbs. (70 kg)
Heydar MAMMADALIEV (8-1-0), Azerbaijan 154 lbs. (70 kg)

Mā whitu – 3 X 5
Andrey “Iron” LEZHNEV (8-4-0), Ukraine 144 lbs. (65.6 kg)
ZALIMBEK OMAROV (5-1-1), Russia, 144 ½ lbs. (65.7 kg)
Stanislav “White Warrior” REUTSKY (4-2-0), Ukraine 144 lbs. (65.3 kg)

(4-0-0), Russia 145 lbs. (65.8 kg)

TA: M-1 Challenge 63
No: Rāmere, Hakihea 4, 2015
Timata TAIMI: 11:00 a.m. (New York City), 7:00 p.m. (Moscow)
HEA: Sports and Concert Complex in St. Petersburg, Russia 1:30
Kaiwhakatairanga: M-1 Global
M-1 Challenge 63 Ka rere ora i St. Petersburg i roto i te tautuhinga teitei i runga i www.M1Global.TV. Ka taea ki te mataara i te whawhai tuatahi, me te kāri matua i te takiuru ki runga ki ki te rēhita i Viewers www.M1Global.TV.Kia mataara katoa o te mahi pā i runga i to ratou rorohiko, me te i runga i te waea atamai, me papa Android me Apple.
Whawhai, ka AIR Whatunga M-1 Challenge 63 ora i te TV arotau o Cablevision, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable, Suddenlink Kōrero a Armstrong Cable i roto i te US, me te motu i roto i te Canada, Pūrere Roku puta noa i Amerika Te Tai Tokerau, a ao i roto i te neke atu i te 30 whenua puta noa i Europa, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.


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TANIELU Jacobs VU. PETER QUILLIN Brooklyn korukī MEDIA workout & Whakaahua

“Te haere ia ki te whai ki a ahau whakamatautau oku pahau ki te patua.” – Jacobs
“Toku matapae mō Rāhoroi? He toa hou o te ao.” – Quillin
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos Mai Esther Lin / SHOWTIME
Brooklyn (Hakihea 2, 2015) – I mua i tomo ratou te mowhiti i Center Barclays, whawhai whakataetae i runga i Rāhoroi o kāri headlined e te pupūtanga taitara whitu ora i runga i SHOWTIME® i waenganui i Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs a Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin tū te īngoa pāpāho Wednesday i Faleva'inga o Gleason i Brooklyn.
I roto i te haereraa i te tūmomo i rua toa hui matua, tahi-matua hui kaiuru Ihu Cuellar a Honatana “Puehu” Oquendo haere ki Chris Algieri, Erick Bone a “Sir” Marcus Browne, ko wai e kua Whakapāho ratou whawhai i runga i SHO EXTREME (7 p.m. AND/PT).
Te whakataetae i roto i te undercard whawhai motuhake, me te hoki i roto i te haereraa i te Gleason o Wednesday ko Heather “Ko te Heat” Hardy,Yuri Foreman, Will Rosinsky a Joe Smith Jr.
Tikiti mo te tīmatanga hui ora i $50, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi mā te toro www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 1-800-745-3000. E wātea ana hoki ngā tīkiti i te American Express Pouaka Office i Center Barclays. Whakatairangatia ana te hui e DiBella Entertainment me pütea e kurahauao. Ko te Algieri vs. Bone me Rosinksy vs. Smith Jr. E hāpaitia ana whawhai i roto i te feohi ki Joe DeGuardia o Star Mekemeke.
Tenei ko te aha te whawhai i ki te mea Wednesday:
“E kore anake whawhai tatou mo te tika whakapehapeha i roto i Brooklyn, engari tatou, te tokorua e hiahia ana ki te hei i te tihi o te wehenga whitu. Kei te whawhai Middleweights te runga katoa ia atu, me te kei tika i roto i taua kingitanga tatou.
“E whakapono ana ahau toku tere ko toku painga rahi. Toku pūkenga, toku generalship mowhiti … I taea e ahau te haere i runga i, ki. I te pae hopea te haere e pā ana ki te reira i roto i reira, me te ata mohiotia te reira.
“Kei anga koutou tango ahau i te mate ki te aroaro o hua ahau. E matau ana ahau rite nahea ia faaineine me nahea ia faaineine ki te hanga e kore ahau mohio i taua mana'o ano.
“Ngā kēti i ia ki te patu i ahau ki te whakamātau i toku kauwae. Tenei hākinakina Ko e pā ana ki te patu, me te kore e whiwhi hit. Ka taea te patototanga iho tangata, engari i ki te whenua matā koe. Wā katoa kua mahia e te patototanga iho ahau, Kua whiwhi ahau ki runga.
“Toku matapae ko e haere ahau ki te kua i toku ringa whakaara i roto i te wikitoria. Ahakoa te mea i te knockout whakatau ranei, ka whai ia tatou ki te kite.
“Kua tēnei puni kua rerekē no te mea kua i ahau he puni-mua. I toru wiki o tika kaha me te conditioning tatou. Ka e ahau i roto i te āhua ki te tiki rite mo te puni. A, no te ngā mahi i te reira katoa, te haere i te reira ki te waiho i te puni 10-wiki.
“Hinengaro ite e ahau kia rite ahau kaha ai me ahau i rite ki ahau te wahi i te pae tino. He pai toku taimaha, me te ite e ahau hauora. E haere matou ki te hoatu i te pai o nga mea katoa.
“He rota o te iwi e oaoa e pā ana nga whawhai. Ahau oaoa noa te reira te mutunga konei, me te au tumanako ahau ki te haere mai i roto i ki te wikitoria i roto i te ahua mīharo.
“Ko te kaimekemeke vs tenei. he kaimekemeke-puncher. Ki te whiwhi ahau i te mamae taata. Ka taea e te tiki i ahau i te taata i roto i reira rite te pai. Ko toku kaha pahaki reira. Kua ahau atu knockouts atu Quillin me haere ahau ki te hei i toku pai i runga i Rāhoroi.
“Au Te mauruuru nei au mo toku pā katoa. E hiahia ana ahau ki te mohio katoa e ahau e haere ana ahau ki te tohu Brooklyn, a kore e tenei whakaaturanga e whakamai runga i Rāhoroi po.”
“He faaoaoaraa i roto i to koutou mahunga, engari e taea e te moka atu i konei i roto i New York ratou. Te mea pai ki te tiki atu ki Miami, kia taea ki te aro ki te whakangungu, me te whai mea katoa tika i reira.

“Ko te buzz a tawhio noa Brooklyn ko ahau te Sharing hou. Haere mai ahau ki New York me te pakirehua pa iti, engari nui moe pa, me te inaianei e katoa e haere mai ratou pono.

I te kōrerorero ki a Floyd Mayweather Rātū po i Center Barclays: “E mea rerekē no te mea i korero ahau ki te kura i tenei ra, engari ka ahau te tuatahi tutaki Floyd Mayweather, ko reira i toku kura, a ko ahau rite 'tangata i taea e ahau kia rite ki taua rawa tetahi ra’ a ka korerotia e ahau ki a ia e pā ana ki te reira. Kihai i matau ia he aha ahau ka mea e, 'Tīmata te reira katoa te mea o koutou’ a ka mea ia 'aha e te tikanga koe’ a ka korerotia e ahau ki a ia te mea i tupu. Kata matou e pā ana ki reira, me e te katoa e hiahiatia ana e ahau tika ki reira. Kihai i hiahia ahau ki a ia ki te mahi i tetahi mea ki ahau tika ki te mohio e te reira katoa tīmata hoki ki a ia e haere mai ana ki toku kura, me te korero ki ngā tamariki rite ahau, ka titiro te wahi e ahau inaianei. Ko ahau anake 14-tau-tau.
“Ka taea e koe e mahara pahū i roto i te marama o Hakihea. E haere tatou i ki kia whiua e nga mea katoa pea tatou e nehenehe e maka.
“Te riroraa i roto i Miami ki te hītori Cuban katoa i reira ko nui. Ko rite te āhua toa Boxing. Ko ahau a tawhio noa nga iwi maha i ranga i tua atu kupu.
“A, no te ahau i haere ki te (Erislandy) Lara whawhai i titiro tatou no te waka, a ka haere ahau ki runga ki te taata, a ka ui ahau ki te taea e waka tatou i reira. Haere ia 'tiakarete tu eres?’ (Ko koe tiakarete) a ka mea ahau ae, a ka mea ia 'e koe e mohio e pehea nui te aroha te iwi Cuban koe?’ E kore ahau i ite e te aroaro o, a hanga ana e ia faauruhia atu ahau, ki te korero atu Spanish, ki te matau taku iwi. Ko taku iwi te iwi Cuban, Ahau e kore e whakakahore e ka ko ahau manaakitia rawa. Me te hoki ahau he American mangu kia hiahia ahau ki te whakaturia te hi'oraa maitai, tautautefito ki te wahi i te wa i roto i te ao, ko roto hoki te iwi mangu tika inaianei. E hiahia ana ahau ki te waiho i te faaururaa no te rua.
“Kua ka tatou mahere he te, mahere B, mahere C, mahere D, mahere E, mahere F. E haere ana tatou ki te haere ki te tua atu i, engari tino nui ko ahau rawa hari. Ko ahau oaoa i te pae varua, a whakawhetai. Hinga koe i roto i te wehi, me te taka ki te whakapono, me te kore e ahei kia whakakahore ia koe koe, na e te wahi e ahau tika i teie nei.
“Na roto i te Cuban aunoa whawhai i te wāhi rerekē o te tirohanga o te ao koutou, ina tae mai te reira ki te whawhai. Hoki ahau, Au Te mauruuru nei au, me te faauruhia atu ki te mahi noa uaua e no te mea e ahau pā e kore e ahau e mahara e toku pā.
“Kihai ahau i kite 'Creed’ ano; Kua arotahi anake ahau i runga i tenei whawhai. E hiahia ana ahau ki te waihanga i toku Creed ake '’ taime i roto i tenei whawhai.
“Hui katoa whakaaro ahau te reira pea e pā ana ki te whawhai ōrite āu. E koe e rua ko eé fakapapau'i whawhai mo to ratou ake take whaiaro; ngā whawhai ia ki te kōrero pukupuku, Au hoki whawhai ahau ki taua. Haere atu o te mate pukupuku e kuru ana ahau ki te wahi o te ia me te toku matua keke.
“Au tika ahau Pita Quillin. Katoa e mohio ana ahau kei te haere tika i roto i taua mowhiti, tereina ki te tangata te mea, noa'tu nei te mea, ka mahi i aku pai.
“Mea tonu toku mama, 'Ētahi wā tu'asino pae whakanohoia ana ki runga ki to koutou kaihe ki te matau ki te wahi kei koe i’ kia taea e te mea maitai ki a ia e ngā whakamatauranga ia hinga. Kua ngā reira ia i mua i, whawhai koe ki te take e kore e koutou ake e hiahia ana ki te kia reira ano i taea e kua ara whiwhi ia pai i muri i te noho i runga i tona take ranei, inaianei e hiahia ana ia ki te uaua whawhai.
“Toku matapae mō Rāhoroi? He toa hou o te ao.
“E kore kua ahau i roto i tenei ahua o te taime i mua i te wahi i ahau ki te whawhai tetahi o oku hoa. Koe e kore e hiahia ana ki te kino ia koutou hoa, engari i roto i tenei whawhai, E hiahia ana ahau ki te kino ia Danny kia aha e korero ki a koutou e pā ana ki to tatou auhoaraa tika i reira? I te tahi taime e kore koutou e hiahia ana ki te hei hoa ki te taata e whiua ake koe.
“Te haere ki te kia ahua o rite Hōngongoi 4th engari i runga i Tīhema. 5th. E haere koe ki te titau pahū, e rua ko eé fakapapau'i i whiua e nifó ngana ana ki te riro no te mau tumu e rua rerekē, me te e haere koe ki te tiki i te whawhai whakangahau.
“Kua tika ahau ki te tuku i oku ringa kia haere, a kahore e whai i te āwangawanga i roto i te ao no te ina kei roto i reira koe, kei a koutou i roto i reira, me te reira te kore ara taea e koe te waiho te kore koutou e waiho i roto i te moenga, ringa ake ranei ki te Unuunu rite ta matou i roto i taua whawhai.”
Ko Ihu Cuellar
“Au haere mai ahau i konei rawa whakaritea. I know Oquendo is a tough fighter and we are not taking him lightly. Kei rite hoki te whawhai aito 12-a tawhio noa tatou.

“E matau ana matou i reira e te rota o Puerto Ricans tautoko ia, otiia e kore e ratou te huri i tetahi mea. E kore e taea e ratou i roto i te whakakai tiki.

“You’re going to see a great fight i runga i Rāhoroi and you’re going to see Jesus Cuellar walk out of the ring a world champion.

“E hiahia ana ahau ki te whawhai i te pai i roto i te wehenga. He maha whawhai pai, me te hiahia ahau katoa o ratou. Kaua e wehi ahau, a ko ahau tino māia i roto i toku aravihi.”
A Honatana OQUENDO
“I come ready to fight. I didn’t want to take off a lot of time after I beat Jhonny Gonzalez. Haere mai te rave'a no te he pere taitara ao, a i ahau ki te tango i te reira.

“E mohio ana ahau he ia he toa rawa kaha, engari e tatou haere mai ki te riro. Au fiefia ki te hei i konei i roto i te New York me te turanga tahi Rican Puerto i muri i ahau. E kore ahau i whakaaro hiahia kia whawhai ahau mo te taitara ao konei i roto i te New York i runga i te atamira nui.

“Te haere ki te waiho i te whawhai. I like to stay there in the pocket. It’s going to be blood in the ring and you can expect that i runga i Rāhoroi.

“I ahau he nui te puni ake whakangungu i roto i te nikau Beach, Florida mo te wa tuatahi mahue Puerto Rico, toku oire no te whakangungu engari i runga i Rāhoroi ka kite koe i te nui Honatana Oquendo a ka haere mai ahau i roto i te wikitoria.
“Ahau kua mai i muri i te whawhai ki a Jhonny Gonzalez whakangungu. Haere ahau ki Mexico ki te haere ki te wahine o Guadalupe me eRāhina I ahau te whakangungu, me te hoki ahau ko reira pai.
“Toku wikitoria whakamutunga hoatu ahau he rota atu pūngao, he matekai rota atu me e matau ana ahau i runga i Rāhoroi ka haere mai tatou i roto i te wikitoria.
“Cuellar he kaimekemeke rawa kaha nei exerts rota o te pēhanga me te kei rite hoki taua tatou. E matau ana matou o tona lekooti me te angitu nui i e ngā ia. Te ia te toa o nāianei, me te ka waiho tae noa ki te 5th.
“Kua hiahia tonu ahau ki te whawhai konei i roto i te New York me kore ahau i whakaaro e waiho hei taitara ao.
“Kore e mea faufaa te reira e ara, ahakoa te mea he KO whakatau ranei, i runga i Rāhoroi Kei te haere ahau ki te riro.”
“Ahau ite i te rota maitai atu i teie nei ki (kaiwhakangungu) John Rawiri Jackson me ia i te puni tuarua. Ka matou ake wiki ki a ia, a kihai i tino mutu whakangungu. Na whakaaro ahau e taea e tatou te noho i roto i te atu iti, te hanga i ētahi whakarerekētanga kihai i taea ki te hanga i mua e tena ko tenei ahau ite i te rota maitai atu.
“Hoko ko ha tino kore ranei e kore e huri i pehea taka e ahau mo te whawhai, engari tino, Ko te whawhai o tona ora tenei. Kua konei ahau i mua i whawhai ingoa nui atu i ahau, engari e te tika ahua o te huringa o te mekemeke ora.
“Center Barclays Ko toku wahi tino ki te whawhai. Kua ahau i toku mahi pai konei a kua tonu kua fantastic te tautoko tahi. Na ahau titiro whakamua ahau ki te maka ana i runga i tetahi atu whakaatu nui.
“He wāhi tuatahitia Center Barclays he a te reira nui, me te ngāwari hoki ki oku hoa Long Island puta mai, me te whiwhi tika i roto i reira.
“Kua ahau ako me te whiwhi maitai atu i roto i te whakakai i teie nei, engari tenei te haere ki te waiho i te whawhai uaua ki te whawhai. He pai katoa i tenei taumata kia kua hokona e ahau ki te haere atu ki reira, ka te mahi.
“Ite ahau fantastic, Ahau ite kaha, katoa ta pai titiro ahau. Kua tino nui toku kaha inaianei e ahau i roto i te piha haapiiraa teitei a tenei ahau te hanga e ahau taimaha tino ngāwari.”
Erick wheua
“Kua Camp kua kaha, kua ngā reira nui, kua reira tetahi o nga puni pai e kua ahau i pera tawhiti.
“Ite e ahau pai no te Algieri he ingoa nui. Te haere ki te waiho i te wero engari i roto i te mekemeke kotahi koutou tiki i roto i te mowhiti kore e mea faufaa te reira e haere mai ana i roto i te tuatahi ranei te tangata e haere mai ana i roto i te whakamutunga i roto i enei whawhai. He te kahore me te B, kei ratou na tata.
“Kua riro te reira tino pai te noho i Brooklyn ki te mahi puni toku, me te whakangungu i konei. Te taea ki te rākau hoki ki te maha kaimekemeke nui te hunga konei, te reira i te wheako pai katoa.
“Hoki nga pā i ka kite i ahau i runga i Rāhoroi, Whakapono ahau e ahau he kaimekemeke nui a ka kite ratou i tetahi whawhai nui. Kia mau ratou ki te kanohi i roto hoki i ahau, no te mea ka mahara ratou toku ingoa.
“E haere tatou i ki te pouaka a whakaakona ahau ki te riro a e ineine ïa tatou no tika e.”
Marcus Browne
“Ka taea e koe e mahara pahū, tere, aravihi mekemeke pai, engari, tino nui, ko W. Ite e ahau kia rite ki ahau i roto i te āhua pai o toku ora, me ahau rite ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu pai

“Ka puta mai i roto i Staten Island ki te tautoko i, engari au e ahau he toa New York roto e na roto i. E reira te pa katoa tautoko ahau.

“Te roroa ia, taia te rota o te nifó. E haere tatou i ki kia rite hoki nga mea katoa e hopoi mai ia. E taea te tiki ia tika-ringa oaoa a ka waiho matou rite ki te ātete i.

“Te tangata e whawhai ki ahau, e ratou katoa e haere mai ana hoki toku 0.
“I roto i te mekemeke i te mutunga o te ra, ina te koe i te kuao toa tūturu, katoa e hiahia ana ki te tango i taua ‘0’ na e te aha hanga eé hiakai engari hoki ahau e kore ahau fakatāutaha āwangawanga e pā ana i. Au ahau hohaa noa e pā ana ki te mea e haere ahau ki te mahi i a te mea kua tatou kua mahi i runga i roto i te omaoma ki te tono i taua i runga i te po, whawhai mai Rāhoroi.”
Heather Hardy
“I ahau kahore i matao i roto i Thanksgiving, haere tika tonu matou i roto i; mea o te meka kei a ia toku mama tatou utuafare katoa i runga i i runga i te Sabati mo te tina Thanksgiving. Te haere ki te waiho i te whakanui, me te haere ahau ki te kai i taku rīwai penupenu, ano he pai Irish kotiro te mahara ki te.”
“Kotahi te mea e taea e ahau te mea e pā ana ki toku hoa tauwhainga ko e whawhai ia, ano he toa whawhai. He te te ërä o te toa rerekē e haere ia koutou i roto i reira ki a ia e kore te he loto fo'i, e kore e hoatu e ia ki runga. Kihai i taea e ahau whakawehi ia, Kihai i taea e ahau pana a tawhio noa ia ia me e te tahi mea kua oti i ahau te. E mohio ana ia he aha i ahau, a ia e kore te wehi ki te tu koromatua ki koromatua ki ahau na te haere te reira ki te waiho i te whawhai.
“E tana taranata faaitoito ahau. Hopoi mai te reira i te tahi mea i roto i o ahau, e te reira i runga i te whakaatu pai mo nga pā me hoatu ana e ia he whakaaturanga pai mo te mekemeke wahine. Kihai i Holly Holm whakamatau e kore i taea e Ronda Rousey whawhai, whakamatauria reira e taea e nui ake atu i te kotahi te wahine whawhai i te wa ano. Na, ka taea e haere nga wahine e rua i roto i reira, me te tino haere i reira, ka hoatu ki te iwi i te whakaaturanga, e kore te mea kotahi noa kotiro mahi i te mahi nui, te reira wahine e rua.
“E rapu ana ahau ki te whakamatau i ahau te toa, ko ahau te “Tuatahi Lady” o Center Barclays.
“Kua rite i ahau i runga i tenei pūkenga toa, me te whakaaro e ahau Ahau rite hoki te whawhai atu whiriwhiri. Whakaaro ahau tino ki ahau hei nguha i tēnei wā kia te rapu atu ahau ki tenei. Te hinaaro nei au ki te tīmata ōrite ake mo te taitara ao, me nga kotiro katoa kua nei ka ratou.
“Tonu ta toku kaiwhakangungu e reira e anake e wha nifó roto i te mekemeke, koe pai ako ki te mahi tino tika ratou wa katoa maka koutou ia ratou, a e whiwhi ratou ki reira. Na, Ite e ahau pai, ite, te tika a tawhio noa etahi mea, e kore i miharo e tetahi no te mea kua kite ahau i te reira i mua i. Katoa o te hunga mea tākaro i roto i ki reira.
“Ko te surreal ki te kia i roto i tenei tūranga. Ahau e kore tonu e taea e whakapono te tahi mau taime e mea te iwi 'hey Sharing’ a ka mea ahau 'aha? ae ra ko ahau.’ Just ki te kia e pā ana ki tenei, me pehea te iwi whakaaro o ahau, ki te kite i ahau, kia whakahuatia i runga i tenei kāri ko te honore.”
Yuri kaiwhakahauhau
“E kore e meatia e ahau matapae engari ka taea e matapae ahau e haere ana ahau ki te riro.
“Ite e ahau pai, ki tenei pō ngahau ahau ongo'i ahau enei pūrerehua iti konei, me te reira. Ko ahau hari e ko te reira tika i konei. Ko te whakangungu te mahi katoa.
“Ko te faaineineraa kua nui, Aroha ana ahau ki te mahi, Ahau rite ki te wero i ahau, ka pana ahau ki te pakeke anō rohe engari te reira i te mana'o hou. Te tamata ano e ahau ki te mau tonu toku hauhautanga, me te kore e whiwhi ki toku upoko.
“He anō hihiri no te reira e rave rahi whawhai nui i runga i tenei kāri, me te hiahia ana te katoa ki te whakaatu i to ratou taranata, tae atu ahau.
“Taku whāinga ko te ki te haere ki runga i te arawhata, kia angitu, me te wero i te toa ao, tetahi kia ai taua mea i te wa.”
KA Rosinski
“E mohio ana ahau ki a ia no te mea sparred matou he rota. E mohio ana ahau ki te whakatikatika i ahau ki te hanga kei rite hoki no te mea i tatou i roto i te mua o tahi i te tahi tatou engari i ētahi wā te pupuri noa koe i te mahere kēmu taua.”
“I runga i te wiki ki te wiki pūtake, Whakangungu ahau i te po ra, me te mahi mahi ranei i te ra, me te whakangungu i te po, Tei. Na i runga i te haerenga po whakangungu ahau i roto i te ata mahi i te haerenga po, tiki atu me te haere hoki ki te whakangungu. Na, E kore ai ahau e te fare no te e pā ana ki te ra, me te hawhe. Toku fafauraa ko 100 ōrau, te reira kahore he raruraru i katoa.
“Taku whāinga ko te ki te whawhai hoki i te taitara te ao. Ko te he whāinga noa i roto i te mekemeke. E hiahia ana ahau ki te hanga i te moni, me te oaoa i te hua o toku mahi.
“Ko te wiki ngāwari tenei, he pai toku taimaha. Te riroraa i 174 Kei te kore e taimaha rawa hoki ahau na e kore Au ngote tino ahau ki te hanga taimaha meneti whakamutunga. Paunatia ana e ahau i roto i roto i te omaoma i i 173½ inanahi kia ahau rehydrating ahau ki runga ki te 175/176 tino ngāwari.
“He mau etahi ritenga i waenganui i whawhai, me te te te tāmate no te mea te reira te hepohepo i te mana rite mea ratou. Whakaaro Same ki te whawhai, e haere koe haurangi i roto i tou mahunga, engari kua ka koe ki te noho mana, ka noho i runga i tou mahere kēmu. Ki te parau koe te tahi mea koutou kokonga kua ka koe ki te tango i taua i roto i, me te whakamahi i te reira mo te a tawhio muri.”
“Kua puni Training kua haere tūturu nui, mahi te rota o te mākutu, me te rota o te rere. Ite nui ahau e haere ki roto ki te whawhai, Ite e ahau i roto i te āhua pai o toku ora, me ahau rite ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu pai.
“E kore e whakaaro ahau i reira te fifi tino e te haere toku hoa tauwhainga ki te tapaea ahau ki engari au e ahau i roto i te āhua pai o toku ora, kia rite te roa rite ahau kia haere i toku ringa i reira te kahore e taea e ia.
“Ahau i te puncher nui, me te rapu ahau ki te maka te rota o te nifó pakeke, me te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu pai.
“Te reira i te rave'a nui, mana'o te reira pai ki te waiho i te wahi o te tahi mea rite ki tenei.
“Matapae ahau e reira te haere ki te waiho i te rota o te nifó maka me te nuinga pea i ētahi wāhi i roto i te whawhai haere pea ahau ki te tukino i Will, ka whiwhi ia i roto i te reira.”
Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, StarBoxing, BarclaysCenter KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment a www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.


Undercard mekemeke torona NON-teata tāpae me


AT OSCEOLA Heritage Park

I Kissimmee, Florida


NEW YORK, NY (Hakihea 2, 2015) - Nā ki te take visa, Ka taea ki te whai wāhi i roto i tenei wiki o o Canada Steve Claggett Dec. 5 televised co-feature bout against (28-0, 15 Koó). Ka fehangahangai Hernandez-Harrison inaianei Ammeth Diaz (32-12, 23 Koó) o Panama City, Panama i roto i te Welterweight a'ee tekau-a tawhio noa e riro te tino tautoko ki mua WBO Junior mā whitu World Champion Wilfredo Vazquez Jr. (24-1-5, 19 Koó) o Bayamon, Puerto Rico against Rafael "Big Bang" Rivera (20-0-2, 14 Koó) o Tijuana, Mexico. Te whakatuwhera i te hui raupapa HBO Latin Mekemeke teata, e AIR ora timata i 9:45 p.m. AND/PT i Osceola Heritage Park Exhibit Hall te i roto i te Kissimmee, Florida, ka waiho hei tekau-a tawhio noa a'ee taumahamaha marama ngā slugger Colombian Alexander Brand (24-1, 19 Koó) me te toi knockout Russian Medzhid Bektemir (16-0, 12 Koó).


Diaz, he kaiwero taitara ao mua nei kua riro rima o ona pāngia whakamutunga e whitu, Ka titiro ki te hoatu he koha i runga i record tūturu Hernandez-Harrison o tenei Rāhoroi. Tū te Panamanian kua taitara Kōmāmā Latin e rua te WBA Fedelatin ko WBC me nona he wini mo Raymundo Beltran.


I tua atu ki te whakaongaonga Dec. 5 lineup teata, etahi o rawa whetu aranga o te mekemeke e ngā i runga i te undercard-teata kore. Roc Nation Sports standouts Luis Arias a Te Ūpoko o te Ika Romero me Miguel cotto Whakatairanga ' Angel Acosta,Charlie Clemente, Josean Figueroa a Ricardo Rodriguez me te Freddie Roach ahuahunga Mike Melykian Ka katoa e kite mahi i runga i Dec. 5 a ka whai ki te pupuri i pā ratou waewae ki runga ki i te pere te whakatuwheratanga i roto i te timatanga o te hui matua.


Tickets utu i $65 a $33, me utu ratonga hāngai, E wātea ana hoki tīkiti hoko i www.ticketmaster.com a www.ohpark.com. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. E wātea ana hoki ngā tīkiti mō te hoko i te tari pouaka Osceola Heritage Park i te tuwhera te wiki i 10:00 a.m. ki 4:00 p.m. a ki runga ki Rāhoroi, Dec. 5 timata i 8:00 a.m.


He Māori o Milwaukee, Wisconsin e noho nei i roto i Fort Lauderdale, Florida, tūturu Luis "Cuba" Arias (12-0, 6 Koó) timata mekemeke i te matahiti e whitu o ka haaputuhia te lekooti runaruna o 140-25, kowhetetia tau kotahi teina te ana'iraa o te tangata USA Boxing o roto i 2006, te tokomaha kotahi nga tangata o te ana'iraa i roto i raro i-19 2008 me te rangatira nga tangata tau kotahi o roto i 2010. Riro ana ia ia te U.S.A. O te tangata i raro i-19 National Championship i roto i 2008 a e rua U.S.A tangata a National Toa i roto i 2009 a 2010. Ka mau te waiata ngaio Arias 'wahi i runga i Noema 10, 2012 i Center Staples i Los Angeles i reira patua e ia a Josh Thorpe mā te whakatau loto e wha-a tawhio noa. Kua tiu atu ia 11 whakaora mai, tae atu e toru i roto i te 2015 with his last two coming by way of knockout. I Dec. 5, ka titiro ia ki te pupuri i ana ara toa haere i roto i te waru-a tawhio noa a'ee whitu super ki Miranda Dinisio 22-12-2 (19 Koó) o Miami, Florida.


Whawhai i roto i Newburgh, New York, engari hailing i Santo Domingo i roto i te Dominican Republic, Te Ūpoko o te Ika "W.A.R." Romero (8-0-1, 3 Koó) Ko te runaruna tino whakapaipai nei ko ha mēmipa whakapehapeha o te 2012 Team Dominican Olympic Mekemeke i te 2012 Games i roto i London. I mua ki te e, riro ia he mētara parahi i te 2010 Central American Games ka hanga hoki ki te hoki ahua i te 2011 World Amateur mekemeke Championship me te 2011 Pan American Games. I te Oketopa 26, 2013, Hanga Romero tona tuatahi pro, hinga Victor Galindo mā te whakatau loto wha-a tawhio noa i Hïkoi Hall i Atlantic City, New Jersey. Mai i reira, kua whitu o tona waru whawhai riro ia, ki tona huinga-hoki ana'e te he Oketopa 15, 2015 Unuunu nuinga ki Lazar Stojadinovic e maha mataitai ringside i toa ia. I roto i tona a'ee tata te nuinga i runga i Oketopa 17, 2015 Romero piro te ono-a tawhio noa wikitoria whakatau loto ki Ramesis Gil. I Dec. 5, anga ia Noel Echevarría(11-6, 6 Koó) o Winston-Harema, Te Tai Tokerau Carolina i roto i te ono-a tawhio noa Welterweight teina a'ee. Guayama, Puerto Rico a Echevarría tino tata wero Rod Salka i runga i Kia 16 mo te wātea WBA-NABA USA Super mā whitu taitara engari haere ake poto pae mutu i roto i te ono o nga taka noa.


Ko tētahi atu hua o Puerto Rico, Angel "Tito" Acosta (11-0, 11 Koó) ka titiro ki te pupuri i ana record tino tonu i runga i Dec. 5 ki Felipe Rivas (2-2, 1 KO) o Nogales, Mexico i roto i te mā a'ee ono-a tawhio noa. I March 14 o tenei tau, Ka mau San Juan Acosta taketake i runga i Armando Vazquez mo te wātea WBC Fecarbox Light mā Championship i Coliseo Roger L. Mendoza i Caguas, Puerto Rico a haere atu ki te taitara i te kaute i te knockout Kaore i roto i te whitu o tawhio. Ko te 'amanaki tūturu tino tata fehangahangai Luis Almendarez i runga i August 8, 2015 i Coliseo Hector sola Bezares i Caguas, tu hoariri ana ki te knockout a tawhio tuatahi.


Tūturu Charlie Clemente (10-0, 4 Koó) o Carolina, Ka titiro hoki Puerto Rico ki tonu ona ara toa i runga i te Dec. 5. I roto i tona a'ee tino tata i runga i August 8, piro ia e rua knockdowns en huarahi ki te wha-a tawhio noa win whakatau loto ki Iraia Polanco i Gimnasio Wilfredo Rivera i Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Ka titiro ia ki te whakapai ake i runga i tona record tūturu ina e ia i runga i te hoariri ki te kia takoto i roto i te mā a'ee ono-a tawhio noa.


I roto i te ono-a tawhio noa mā teina a'ee, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico o Josean Figueroa (9-3-2, 7 Koó) Ka fehangahangai Antoney Napunyi (11-13, 6 Koó) o Pahokee, Florida. I roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga i runga i Pipiri 6, Figueroa piro te waru-a tawhio wikitoria whakatau loto mo Jonell Nieves i Coliseo Ihimaera Delgado i Aguada, Puerto Rico.


I roto i te tahi atu mahi undercard kore-teata, e rua Puerto Rico Maori ka wero tetahi ki tetahi i roto i te ono-a tawhio noa mā teina a'ee ka Ricardo Rodriguez (5-0, 4 Koó) o Mayaguez mata Bryan Parete (2-2, 1 KO) o Carolina. Ka titiro Rodriguez ki te whakawhānui i tona pūkenga tūturu pera ana me tana tino tata ki a Luis Hernandez i runga i August 8 i Coliseo Hector sola Bezares i Caguas ka riro ia he whakatau e wha-a tawhio loto. Ka titiro Parete ki te fakaakeake i te knockout toru o tawhio ki Marquel Jones i runga i March 14 i te Karapu Sphinx i Washington, DC.


Te whakatuwhera i te whakaaturanga e Freddie Roach ahuahunga Mike Melykian o Los Angeles hanga nei e tona tuatahi pro ki Jimmy Rosario (0-1) o Bayamon i roto i te Welterweight a'ee wha-a tawhio noa. Hanga Rosario tona tuatahi pro i runga i Kia 16, ngaro te whakatau loto ki Ryan Pino i Coliseo Pedrin Zorilla i San Juan.


Wilfredo Vazquez Jr. vs. Rafael Rivera, he mā whitu a'ee tekau-a tawhio noa, e wahiRāhoroi, Dec. 5 i Osceola Heritage Park Exhibit Hall te i roto i te Kissimmee, Florida. Te aroaro tenei hui torona mekemeke e Roc Nation Sports ko Miguel cotto Whakatairanga me tautoko e Tequila Cazadores, CTMS (Made Simple Travel Corporate) Wāhi Kings ko Sportslock. Ka tūturu Dusty Hernandez-Harrison vs ngā ano. Ammeth Diaz i roto i te Welterweight a'ee tekau-a tawhio noa, me te Alexander Brand vs. Medzhid Bektemirov in a ten-round light heavyweight bout which is presented in association with Camponovo Sports and Gary Shaw Productions. The tripleheader will be televised live on HBO Latino beginning at 9:45 p.m. AND/PT.


Mō ētahi atu kōrero haere ki www.rocnation.com. A pee i Roc iwi i runga i Twitter, me te Instagramrocnation, ki Facebook i www.facebook.com/RocNation. A pee i te whakahaere mā te whakamahi i #throneboxing.

GARY Shaw I RIARIA MURI te mātakitaki Bryant Jennings rākau hoki 16-rauna

Whakaahua Na Team Jennings
Miami, FL (Hakihea 2, 2015)As Bryant “By-By” Jennings(19-1, 10 Koó) prepares for this upcoming Hakihea 19th pupūtanga ki Luis Ortiz (23-0, 20 Koó), kaiwhakatairanga Gary Shaw feels confident his fighter will be victorious after sitting in on a 16-round sparring session. The action-packed 12-round fight will be televised live on HBO Boxing After Dark beginning at 10:15 p.m. AND/PT.
Shaw, nei pau te ra ki a Jennings me kaiako John Rawiri Jackson i to ratou puni whakangungu i roto i Miami, ite te wātū mākutu kaha, te wahi sparred Bryant ki hoariri rerekē e whā.
“Hei kite Bryant Jennings rākau hoki ma ono-rauna ki eé rerekē e wha ko te feat mīharo ki te mataara,” Na ka mea a Gary Shaw. “Kua ahau a tawhio noa tenei hākinakina mō ngā tau maha, me te korero nei koe e ahau au e, Jennings is one of the best athletes I’ve ever promoted. The fact that he was able to handle all the fresh sparring partners that were rotating in was unbelievable. John David Jackson is a great coach and both he and Jennings are working extremely well together. Everyone will see a much more improved fighter when Jennings steps in the ring on December 19th.”
Ua faahiahia vau i te kaha, me te conditioning kaiako hoki Shaw Edward Jackson, mahi nei ngā ki Jennings mo tona nui whawhai katoa.
“Edward Jackson ko tetahi o te kaha, me te conditioning pai kaiako i roto i te mekemeke me ahau tino pai ki tona mahi.” Tonu Gary Shaw. “His track record speaks for itself with all the great champions he’s currently working with. Amazingly Jennings could have gone a few more rounds if he wanted to and I credit Edward Jackson for getting him in tip top shape.
Tikiti mo te Dec. 19 HBO mekemeke I muri tīmatanga Dark me HBO Latin Mekemeke hui i $25, $35 a $60 no te tūru ringside me utu e hāngai ana, me te he e wātea ana i te tahuri Tari Pouaka Stone Resort te te karanga 315-361- 7469 online ranei i Ticketmaster (www.ticketmaster.com).

ROC MOTU SPORTS Boxer Dusty Hernández-HARRISON hoa hoki FILA

Hernandez-Harrison Signs Tāuke Kia ki FILA mua o te Whawhai

I Hakihea 5, 2015 i Osceola Heritage Park i roto i te Kissimmee, Florida Live i runga i HBO Latino® Mekemeke

NEW YORK (Dec. 2, 2015) - Kauwhautia FILA me Roc Nation Sports kaimekemeke Dusty Hernandez-Harrison i tenei ra i tomo ratou ki te kawenata tautoko. I roto i te hononga tau-maha, FILA ka mahi rite te whakangungu mōhiohio, me te whawhai kakahu o Hernandez-Harrison rite ki te nuinga puta noa puni whakangungu me ahua mowhiti tonu ia. Ka whakapaipai i roto i Hernandez-Harrison me tona kapa i roto i FILA parani kakahu me te hū anake, tīmata i roto i whawhai ahua wiki mo tona pupūtanga i runga i Dec. 5 i Osceola Heritage Park i roto i te Kissimmee, Florida ora i runga i te timatanga Latino HBO i 9:45 p.m. AND/PT.


"Ko matou tino oaoa ki te pōwhiri Dusty Hernandez-Harrison ki te whānau FILA, he fanongonongo e e te periota i runga i te tau faahiahia no te kamupene,"Ka mea a Jon Epstein, Peresideni o FILA Te Tai Tokerau Amerika. "Ka tāpiri Dusty he vahe hou ki to tatou reni i roto i te hākinakina o te mekemeke, pōwhiri i te waitohu hoki ki te mowhiti mo te wa tuatahi tata rua tekau tau i roto i. He toa kï rite Dusty Ko te kore te taranata motuhake, kua ara nei i tona timatanga i taua he kuao tonu, ki te kingi i teie nei WBC Continental Amerika Welterweight Champion. Tona lekooti i roto i te mowhiti he mīharo, engari i waho o te puni tapawha ko ia he takitahi nei whakatapua te ki tona utuafare e pā. "


"Kua whakahonoretia ahau kia uru atu te kapa FILA mua o toku ahua mowhiti i muri i runga iDec. 5,"Ka mea a Hernandez-Harrison. "Ka rite ki tonu ahau ki te eke ki runga i toku mahi mekemeke pro, Ko ahau māia e ka whakarato ahau FILA ki te taputapu me te tautoko e hiahia ana ahau ki te kia mahi toku mahi i roto i te omaoma, i roto i te whakakai. "


"Oaoa Roc Nation Sports ki te kia mau mai i te rongonui hū me te kakahu waitohu hoki ki te hākinakina o te mekemeke ki tetahi o nga whetu o te hākinakina o te tūturu maranga, Dusty Hernandez-Harrison,"Ka mea a Michael Yormark, Peresideni & Tino o Branding me Rautaki mo Roc Nation. "FILA Ko te kamupene ki te hītori taonga me te iho i roto i te hākinakina o te mekemeke me te e whakahonoretia tatou ki te e taea ki te kawe ia ratou tahi ki Dusty i runga i tenei mahi tahi whakaongaonga, me te hihiri. Kaha whakapono ana ahau e tenei ngātahi ki Dusty tohu te timatanga o te pene hou mo FILA roto i te mekemeke ".


Washington, A DC Dusty Hernandez-Harrison hanga i tona tuatahi ngaio rite te toa whakaotinga raihana ngaio i roto i te United States i te Pipiri 11, 2011, he marama noa i muri i tona 17th rā whānau. E rua tekau ma wha whakaora tonu e whai i te aroaro o Hernandez-Harrison headlined tuatahi Roc Nation Sports ' torona mekemeke hui i te tapere i Madison Square i roto i te whawhai teata e FOX Sports 1 i runga i Hānuere 9, 2015, hopu i te wātea WBC Continental Amerika Welterweight Championship ki te tekau-a tawhio noa wikitoria whakatau loto tino mo Tommy "te Heu" Rainone. Mai i reira, ngā tonu ia ona ara toa, piro e toru atu te whakauru, tae atu ki te knockout tuatahi tawhio noa ki runga James Wayka i tona whawhai whakamutunga i runga i Mahuru 26. IDec. 5, ka titiro ia ki te pupuri i taua torohaki haere i roto i te Welterweight a'ee tekau-a tawhio noa i te Exhibit Hall Osceola Heritage Park He i roto i Kissimmee, Florida ka e kia teata ora i runga i te timatanga HBO Latin i9:45 p.m. AND/PT. Ka whakapaipai Hernandez-Harrison i roto i FILA taputapu i roto i te whawhai o te mōhiohio paunatia-i runga i runga i Rāmere, Dec. 4, te ra i te aroaro o te whawhai.

MEDZHID “B-52” Taurangi BEKTEMIROV KI FAATUPU whawhai taikaha KI Alexander Brand

HOUSTON, TX (Hakihea 2, 2015) – Tūturu WBA #12 a WBC #13 nguha taumahamaha o te marama, Medzhid “B-52” Bektemirov (16-0, 12 Koó), taurangi ki te kawe i te whawhai taikaha ki Alexander Brand (24-1, 19 Koó) ka te rua mata ia atu tenei Rāhoroi, Hakihea 5, 2015 i te Center Osceola Heritage i Kissimmee, Florida. The scheduled 10-round bout that will be shown live on HBO Latintimata i 9:45 p.m. AND/PT.
“Ongo Tuatahi muri me haere ahau kia oku he tetahi fakangalongata'a ki te whawhai taikaha ake,” Said Medzhid “B-52” Bektemirov. “Ka taea e Fans titau ahau ki te maka etahi poma nui, “B-52″ kāhua, against Brand who I know is coming to fight. Fighting on HBO is something I’ve been working toward since I became a professional boxer and I want to thank my promoters Gary Shaw and Lou Savarese for making this fight. I’ll be looking to end the fight early, e taea pēke e koe i runga i.”
“Savarese me ahau whakapono taea Bektemirov riro te whetu nui i muri i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha marama.” meaGary Shaw. “He’s up against a very good fighter and he knows what’s on the line. The fans are in for a treat tenei Rāhoroi a e kore e taea e ahau tatari ki te kite “B-52″ maturuturu etahi pōma.”
“He te te buzz pai e pā ana ki tenei whawhai e haere no te mea ko eé e rua ki te waiho i nga mea katoa i roto i te whakakai mai po whawhai,” mea Lou Savarese. “Te whai wāhi ki te tango i tona mahi ki te taumata muri ki te wikitoria Bektemirov kua me whakapono ahau ka haere ia i roto i runga i runga.”
Utu Tickets e i $60, $35 a $20, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. E wātea ana i ngā tīkiti www.ticketmaster.com a www.ohpark.com. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000.

Ka waiho te reira i te po o te tuatahitanga a te Mykal Fox i roto i Fort Washington i tenei po te Paraire, Maryland

Fox ki te kia ngā i roto i te hui matua tuatahi i roto i te Whakatairanga tuatahi Kingi o

Fort Washington, MD (Hakihea 2, 2015) – Tūturu Forestville, Maryland super Kōmāmā Mykal “Ko te Ahorangi” Fox (7-0, e rua Koó) Ka fehangahangai tona wero uaua ki te rā, ka anga ia Arama “Boy kino” Mate (18-6, 11 Koó) o Sopron, Hungary tenei Rāmere Hakihea 4 at the historic Rosecroft Raceway in Fort Washington, Maryland. Ko te-a tawhio noa e ono a'ee hinaaro kupu matua te tāpae lineup 8-whawhai e kore e e whai i te kaimekemeke kotahi ki te record ngaro i runga i te kāri.


Whakatairangatia ana te kāri e Whakatairanga Kings me tīkiti e tēnei wā i runga i te hoko ($40/$60/$75) i www.beltwayboxing.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 301-899-2430. Tikiti hokona i te tari pouaka i runga i te po, whawhai kaupapa ki te $5 tāpiri.

Kua Fox kua i roto i te whakangungu puni i raro i tona papa, Troy, a he rite ki te faahoruhoru ia tenei Rāmere po.
“Kua Training kua nui. We have been working on technique and our craft and I am ready to go i runga i te Paraire po,” ka mea a Fox.
I roto i te Mate, Kei te anga ia he toa nei te whakamatauria a ka whawhai katoa i runga i te ao, i nei e whitu tika whawhai ngaio ki te whakaatu i runga i tona kaute Fox.
“Kei a ia 24 whawhai. This is definitely the biggest fight of my career so far, I am super excited and fighting a guy with his experience will show where I am at in my career. It will show where I belong. My defense will keep me out of trouble and my offense will get me the win.
I tika 20 tau-tau, me te 28 rauna i raro i tona whitiki, tenei ka waiho i te hui matua tuatahi mō Fox, engari maro ia, ka rite ki te whakangahau i te pā oire.
“Ko toku hui matua tuatahi tenei, It is exciting. When I told my friends and fans that I was the headliner, i ratou oaoa ki te tiki tīkiti. I think the people like how I fight and I think they like me as a person.
Ko tētahi atu o mua e waiho whawhai tuatahi o Fox mai i haina i te kirimana whakatairanga ki Whakatairanga Kingi o.
“Te reira mau ko ha tāpuaki te ki Whakatairanga Kingi o. With being the main event and my first with my promoter, hopoi mai te reira i te oaoa no te ahau ki te mahi i a te titiro ano he toa hui matua. Being that King’s puts on a lot of shows and they promote in my home area where I have had my fights, Ko te whai wāhitanga nui ki te tupu ki a ratou. This fight I am doing it at home, engari e hiahia ana ahau ki te tango i toku whakaatu i runga i te ara, me te kore anake riro i te ingoa nui rohe engari motu me te ao.”
“Ko ahau mauruuru no tenei faingamālie, ka mea toku papa e kore e taea te huna e koe taranata ake me i runga i te Paraire po, Ka whakaatu tenei whawhai ta ahau nehenehe o ahau,”
Hōtaka ki te puta i roto i te 6-rauna pāngia:

Mā whitu Thomas Snow (17-2, 11 KO o) o Capitol Heights, Maryland ka kite mahi ki Tibor Nador (6-2-1, 3 KO o) o Nagykanizsa, Hungary.

Charles Natal (6-0-2, 2 KO o) o Cleveland, Ka tangohia Ohio i runga i Grayson Blake (6-4, 2 KO o) o State College, PA. i roto i te a'ee Welterweight.

Junior Castillo (7-0, 7 KO o) o Santo Domingo, Ka whawhai mua i roto i te Jr. A'ee whitu ki Roland Runga (6-1, 4 KO o) o Budapest, Hungary

I roto i te pāngia 4-a tawhio:

Chris Warden (1-0, 1 KO) o Lusby, Ka whawhai MD i roto i te Jr. A'ee Welterweight ki Bernardo Rodriguez (Tuatahi pro) o Miami, FL

Shynggyskhan Tazhibay (2-0, 2 KO o) o Karaganda, Ka tangohia KAZ James Robinson (3-3-2, 1 KO) o York, PA. i roto i te a'ee Welterweight.

Rīpekatia Sam o Greenbelt, MD o Greenbelt. Ka meinga e MD tona tuatahi pro i roto i te a'ee Cruiserweight ki hoa debuter pro Hampton Miller o Norwalk, CT.

Santario Martin (1-1) o Gainesville, Ka tangohia FL i runga i Nicholas Hernandez (2-1) o te Reading, PA i roto i te a'ee taumahawaenga.

Tickets, utu i $40/$60/$75, tīkiti e onsale ipurangi i www.beltwayboxing.comranei i te waea i 301-899-243

WSOF26: Tyrone Spong whara, E rima pāngia undercard Fanongonongo

Jake Heun (mahue) Ka tapawha atu ki Clinton Williams i roto i te a'ee WSOF26 kāri tuatahi i runga i te Paraire, Dec. 18. Heun’s original opponent, Tyrone Spong, i takoha ki te haere atu i te matchup tika ki te whara. Nama Photo: Steve Bauzen Series / Ao o te Fighting

AO Tuhinga o mua
Ka ta TUARIMA matchups FOR WSOF26 undercard
FRIDAY, Dec. 18 AT TE cosmopolitan o Las Vegas

Tyrone SPONG e mutu MAI WSOF26 tika ki te whara;

Abubakar Nurmagomedov vs. Danny Davis, JR. i roto i te Welterweight attraction undercard
Hakeem Dawodu vs. Marat Magomedov i te whawhai o te featherweights tūturu
Andreas Spang vs. Shamil Gamzatov i roto i te matchup taumahamaha o te marama
Gil Guardado vs. Giga Chikadze i roto i te tutukinga Kōmāmā

E wha-whawhai Tags kāri matua taitara ao ora i runga i NBCSN i 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Las Vegas (Dec. 2, 2015) - Ao Series o te whawhai Kua kauwhautia e rima pāngia mo te kāri tuatahi o tona "WSOF26 nui-tūmanako: Palmer vs. Almeida "hui taitara ao i roto i te Chelsea Ko te Cosmopolitan o Las Vegas i runga i Rāmere, Dec. 18, ora i runga i NBCSN, i 9 p.m. AND / 6 p.m. PT.

I tua atu, Kua takoha te wharanga Tyrone "te Kingi o te Ring" Spong ki te withdraw i tona whakaritea taumahamaha o te marama (205 pauna) tahi-matua a'ee kaupapa ki Jake Heun (7-4) o Coconut Creek, Fla., ko wai e fehangahangai inaianei Clinton Williams (10-2) o Las Vegas i roto i te matchup kāri tuatahi.

Ka rere i te kāri tuatahi ora i roto i te taatoaraa, i runga i te kaitākaro ataata embeddable i runga i WSOF.com, timata i 6:30 p.m. / 3 AND:30 p.m. PT.

Ngā i runga i te pire undercard ano ka waiho he Welterweight (170 pauna) pupūtanga i waenganui i Abubakar Nurmagomedov, ko wai e hoki mai ki te whare herehere tapatekau i muri i te angitu World Series o te whawhai tuatahi, ki te mata Danny "Dee1" Davis, JR.

Nurmagomedov (10-1) o Dagestan, Roaa Russia te whakatau loto moJorge Moreno at WSOF22 on August 1. The bout marked te kauriwā st i tona mahi e Nurmagomedov, haere mai nei mua iwa whakaora katoa i te ara o (T)KO tukunga ranei, hiahiatia scorecards nga kaiwhakawa 'ki te whakapuaki i a ia i te toa o te whawhai.

Davis Jr. (11-9-1) o te titiro Las Vegas ki te hoki ki te tīwae win i muri i te tata, wahia mate whakatau ki Matthew Frincu i WSOF23 i runga i Mahuru 18, motumotuhia ana e te wini pūkenga rima-whawhai e Davis, JR. i Kua eke. Ka haere katoa te toru te whakauru whakamutunga i roto i te oma Davis 'i raro i te Series Ao o Fighting kara.

I roto i te taumahamaha o te marama (205 pauna) attraction, faaoti kaitaua-whakaaroAndreas "Sweet tōnapi" Spang ka whawhai mīhini tukitukinga tūturuShamil Gamzatov.

Whawhai i roto i Las Vegas te wahi e whakaako ia i raro i Guru "Kotahi te whana" Nick Blomgren, te Spang-tau 37-tawhito, nei kua roaa ono o iwa mahi toa i te ara o (T)KO tukunga ranei, will enter the cage for the first time in 2015. I roto i tona kaha whakamutunga, kāniwha ia te whakatau loto mo J.A. Dudley i runga i Hakihea 5, 2014.

Hanga ano tona tīmatanga tuatahi o te tau, te Gamzatov 25-tau-tawhito (9-0) o Makhachkala, Russia is the number four ranked light heavyweight in Ukraine. Ki te rā, Kua tae mai katoa o tona whakaora i te ara o (T)KO tukunga ranei.

I roto i te matchup i waenganui i rua wehi, featherweights tūturu (145 pauna) whetu maranga, Hakeem "te auraa" Dawodu Ka maukati haona ki Marat Magomedov.

Dawodu (5-0) o Calgary, Alberta, Canada ko te-tau 24-tawhito ahuahunga o te renowTikiake Muay ThHai ariki Mike Miles me te hōia rima-wā o World Series of Fighting competition. Ki te rā, Kua piro Dawodu (T)KO whakaora i runga i rima katoa o tona hoariri, tae atu ana hoariri whakamutunga e rua - Tristan Johnson a Chuka Willis - Nei patua e ia i te ara o te toru o tawhio (1:59) WHO (nifó) i runga i Hui-tanguru 12, a i te ara o te rua o a tawhio (2:55) WHO (turi me nga tuke) i runga i Pipiri 5, aua.

Magomedov (7-0) o Dagestan, Kei te rapu Russia mo tona win tuarua o 2015 muri i te mutunga Husanboy Ataghanov i te ara o te tuatahi a tawhio noa (4:35) tāpaetanga (kowaowaotia iho muri-tahanga) i runga i Mahuru 18. The 25-year-old has been taken the distance of a fight only once, kowhetetia ono katoa o tona mahi atu toa mā tāpaetanga.

I roto i te te WSOF26 whakatuwheratanga a'ee kāri tuatahi, Gil Guardado ka uru ake kiGiga Chikadze i Kōmāmā.

Tiakina (4-1) o Las Vegas ko ha mēmipa-tau 30-tawhito o te rōpū whawhai Xtreme Couture o te rapu tona win te rua o te tau i muri i te tuku Pete Martin ki te kowaowaotia pororere i roto i te kaurit Round (3:31) of their bout at WSOF22. All four of Guardado’s wins to date have come by way of (T)KO tukunga ranei.

Chikadze (1-0) o Huntington Beach, Calif. mā Tbisili, Georgia Ko te meke taukei-tau 27-tawhito rua nei i whakataetae mō te kororia i reira mau ia he lekooti o 1-1 a piro te tuatahi KO tawhio runga Ken Tran i te 8.

Utu i $29.99, E wātea ana tīkiti mō te hoko iwww.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com, www.WSOF.com ranei www.ticketmaster.com.

I roto i te taitara ao hui matua mā, kingi hīanga, Lance Palmer (10-1) Ka tapawha atu ki te mohio tukunga Alexandre Almeida (17-5).

I roto i te mahi atu i runga i te-a'ee wha, ora NBCSN telecast, pakeke-patu, maranga whetu Ozzy Dugulubgov (7-2) ka whakatau streaking ace tāpaetanga Nic Herron-Webb (18-6) i roto i te mau Kōmāmā.

Mua World Series o te whawhai tangaroa kaiwero Josh "Pūwhero" Hill (12-1) ka tūtuki ki sensation tūturu Bekbulat Magomedov (16-0) i roto i te matchup whā.

Ārahi i atu te ora NBCSN telecast ka waiho he betwe take māen accompartist mau utua- KO Robbie "Raru" Peralta (18-6) ko wai e meinga e tona World Series o te whawhai tuatahi ki pakeke-patu stylist Muay Thai Sheymon Moraes (7-1).

Ka whakatuwhera nga tatau i te Chelsea roto te Cosmopolitan o Las Vegas mō WSOF26 i 3 p.m. PT a ka timata i te a'ee kāri tuatahi tuatahi 3:30 p.m.

ABOUT AO Tuhinga o mua
“Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF) Ko te ao pirimia ngaio Toi Martial Mixed (MMA) whawhai whakatairanga whakatapua ki tuku i te pai whawhai mahi-Kikī mō pā whawhai i te whakaputa i te pai ka taea ōrite-ups i waenganui i whawhai whiriwhiri i huri noa i te ao. Mō ētahi atu kōrero haere ki WSOF.com me te whai “Ao Series o te whawhai” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries. WSOF ko Ao Series o te Fighting e rēhitatia tohu o MMAWC, LLC.

MEDIA & Whawhai runga hoatu rātou matapae ON TANIELU Jacobs VU. QUILLIN AO Pita INGOA Showdown MAA NIGHT AT Barclays CENTER


Tenei Rāhoroi, Dec. 5, E ora i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. ET / PT i runga i SHOWTIME®; Whitu Taitara Championship World Fight ki Barclays Center i Brooklyn

NEW YORK (Dec. 2 2015) – I roto i te matchup pai i waenganui i whawhai i roto i te pirimia o ratou mahi, toa whitu tekau te ao Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs (30-1, 27 Koó) will take on undefeated former 160-pound world champion Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 Koó) teneiRāhoroi, Dec, 5 i Pokapū Barclays i roto i te Brooklyn ora i runga i SHOWTIME® (9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT).
Na ko wai e riro e kore e taea te mahue, tino ki te kia rahi tautohe 12-a tawhio noa e kore tetahi titau nei ki te waiho i te hinganga?
Ko te hua o te 28 pāpāho nei whai wāhi i roto i te Matapae Poll SHOWTIME te titiro atu Quillin i te tawhē 3-ki-1. Quillin, he mua WBO whitu World Champion, ko te kōwhiringa o 21 tohunga, Jacobs, he toa o 10 tika tonu i te knockout me te WBA Whitu World Champion nāianei, te huri i runga i 7.
Kotahi tekau ma iwa kaimekemeke, e rima o nei e toa o te ao, ka hoatu e ratou matapae, ka haere ki te mutunga rerekē atu i te kaituhi ake. I kite etahi reira rite tata rawa ki te karanga, te hunga i mea ai hanga matapae i kite te reira no te Jacobs, 8-5-2.
Kia pehea te nga pāpāho me whawhai kite “Jacobs VU. Quillin“:
Tim Dahlberg, Associated Press, (Jacobs): “Ahau rite Jacobs i roto i te whawhai uaua, toa i te whakatau tata. Ki te kaha o Quillin kia haere ai ia ki raro, i ētahi wāhi i roto i te whawhai, engari e ahau i rite ki Jacobs’ mekemeke IQ me ngā pūkenga ki te wahia a ia ki te wini tata.”
Kevin Iole, Yahoo Sports, (Quillin):Pita Quillin i te whakatau: Tenei ko tetahi o te hunga whawhai ahau mooni tika flipped he moni ki te tiki. Ahau rite Jacobs’ whānui, me te whakaaro e ahau, kua fehangahangai ia pai whakataetae i runga ki raro, engari Quillin he puncher tika, me te kaha pai me te whakaaro e ahau e riro ia i te dogfight.”
Bob Velin, USA teie mahana, (Jacobs):”Ahakoa Quillin he nui me te puncher nui, Ka pae waho Jacobs ia. Ite noa ahau ki katoa hoki kua Jacobs i roto i roto i tona oraraa, Te hinaaro nei neke atu i te Quillin tenei ia. Ko e te rerekētanga. Jacobs toa whakatau loto.”
Lance Pugmire, Los Angeles Times, (Quillin) “Kua Pita Quillin kua mahi ki te wikitoria rite tenei mo nga tau. Ko te wā ki te hoatu ake tutakina ake ranei, me tenei whakamātautau ki te kaka Daniel Jacobs ka tukua kotahi, me te mo katoa tatou e mohio ki te mea he whiriwhiri Quillin ranei e tika. Quillin i te whakatau loto.”
Mark Jacobsen, New York Magazine, (Quillin): “Ka riro Quillin. Jacobs he ingoa pai (tango reta e rua) engari ko ia te marama i roto i te anō. Whiua Quillin Andy Lee (tuhipoka: Unuunu ritua) a he onepü.”
Robert Morales, Los Angeles Group News, (Quillin): “Au tango ahau Pita Quillin ki te tango Daniel Jacobs’ taitara mā te whakatau. Noa, Whakaaro ahau Quillin Ko te toa pai a e ka kawea ona pūkenga pai ia te rua o tona taitara ao i roto i tenei wehenga. Toku āwangawanga anake ko te hanga Quillin taimaha. Otiia ki te kahore i takatakahi ia kia nui ki te rave i te reira, ka riro ia.”
Brian Campbell, ESPN, (Quillin): “He aha tenei hanga whitu whawhai taitara na tūmomo he tonu kua whawhai e rua pātai ki te whakahoki kupu e pā ana ki ranei he ratou i te pono whiriwhiri. E rua He tu'aro, me te kaha, a whakakitea ia kua he taumata etahi o te whakaraeraetanga. I te pae hopea, Whakaaro ahau Quillin nei te kauae kaha me e ka riro te rerekētanga. Quillin e KO.”
Damian Calhoun, Orange County (Calif.) Rēhita, (Jacobs): “Kua karanga ratou tahi i te tahi i roto i hoki tau, me te inaianei haere te mutunga ratou e ki te whakatau i roto i te whakakai. Titau ahau tenei whawhai ki te kia tata. Ka taea e kite ahau i whawhai e rua whiwhi whakamatauria a pa ana ki te koaka i roto i tenei whawhai. I roto i te mutunga, Ahau whakaaro Jacobs, ki ona pūkenga mekemeke whānui, ka taea ki te mahi i nui ki te mata Quillin mo te wikitoria whakatau loto. Me waiho i te whawhai nui.”
Lyle Fitzsimmons, CBSSports.com, (Quillin): “E kore te whawhai pakeke ki te rite, i waenganui i rua whawhai nei kāhua e fakamānako. He te Admittedly iti ki te wehe i waenganui i te rua, na i roto i te kotahi tata ka haere ahau ki te taata i nei ngā nui ake ngā whai wāhitanga nui-atamira — Quillin. Ka taea e ia te pupuri i tana ake i roto i te kēmu hangarau, a ka ngā ia nui kuri i roto ia ia ki te waha i te huri i roto i te kotahi uaua, rawa. Quillin i te whakatau tata.”
Kelsey McCarson, BleacherReport.com, (Quillin): “Tona aravihi rite ki te kaipatu o Chocolate kuao koati whakamatauria i roto i tona Unuunu ki te Andy Lee, a e kore ngā reira kua pātai tetahi e pā ana ki tona kaha. Ko te huinga o aua mea e rua, te taha o tona wheako, will lead him to victory in a close and entertaining bout. Quillin by decision.”
Ricardo Lopez, La Whakaaro, (Jacobs): “Whakaaro ahau Jacobs toa tenei tetahi ki te whakawhānui i tona 10-whawhai KO kakī mīharo. Ngā kï ia ki te kia tino kaha, engari ka waiho hei tetahi tata.”
Andreas Hale, Ring Magazine, (Jacobs): “Kua Danny Jacobs kua primed mo nui te taime tīmata ia i tana mahi pro. E kore e whakaaro ki tona mate ki Dmitry Pirog, kihai ko ia hinengaro i roto i te kēmu. Peka atu i te taua koho, ngā whakaaturia e ia pūkenga faahiahia, me te ngāwari hoki te mutu. Kua Quillin kua koi, e kore kua engari haere rawa i te whakamātautau kanohi mo ahau. Tona whawhai ki a Andy Lee ko pea tohu o te mea e tupu ina sitepu ake Quillin i roto i te whakataetae. Ki te Jacobs te te atu pūkenga o te rua me te i runga i te misioni ki te pupuri i nga kaiwhakawa i roto o te whakatau, Kite ahau tango mutunga ia mo roto i te whawhai whakataetae i reira āta mau iho Quillin Jacobs en huarahi ki te mutu te mutunga o.”
Jake Donovan, BoxingScene.com, (Quillin):”Ka taea e Quillin anganga, engari waiho ana pūkenga mutunga te rota ki te e minaminatia. Ko mea, He ano Jacobs ki te whakamatau taea ia ikuna'i i-mowhiti ati. Wikitoria pukupuku he taiâ ore atu tetahi whawhai ka wheako ake ia i roto i te whakakai … engari tae noa ki tenei whawhai e haere, ki runga ki a ia rānei ki te pouaka e cleanly hoki 12 rauna i waho te pae mau ma te ani i te rota. Ko te kāri mohoao hopea he ahakoa e kore ranei e taea e Quillin tōtika kia taimaha. Te whakarato e kore ia e aro i roto i taua whakaaro, toku hunch ko e mutu ia te whawhai i ētahi wāhi ki tetahi tokua nui ki te riro i te whitu titlist e rua-wā. Toa Quillin e KO.”
Doug Fischer, RingTV.com/Ko te makasini Ring, (Quillin), “Ahau whakaaro Daniel Jacobs, te kaimekemeke atu oro o te Middleweights e rua, Ka outclass Pita Quillin i runga i te hawhe tuatahi o te kēmu mekemeke kaha. Whakapono ahau e whakamahi Jacobs tona technique koi ki te hopu Quillin i waenganui i waipūtanga mana whānui. Ai maturuturu ia Kid Chocolate wawe. Ko whakaaro ahau āta ka Quillin tangohia tona rahi nui me te kaha i runga i Jacobs. Whakaaro ahau e hopu Quillin ka hipokina e Jacobs te mutunga i roto i te whawhai ki te riro i te TKO”.
Mike Sloan, Sherdog.com, (Quillin): “Ko te taua whawhai faahiahia tenei, tetahi e taea te haere rānei ara. Ki te tangohia pera maha taurangi i ki pūkete, ki e rua Quillin o me Jacobs’ huinga pükenga, te reira mau te kalokalo-ake. Tangata e rua i te mana faahiahia, to ratou e rua tere ringa nui a kua tangohia e ratou i runga i te pato'iraa kounga. Toku punuatuna te tīmatanga korerotia ki ahau kia haere Quillin i runga i runga, engari kua ahau ake ake mai faaite tenei whawhai i Takahuri-flopping. Ki te taua mea, Kua ahau ki te piri ki toku punuatuna, me te haere ki te Kid mā nuinga whakatau Chocolate.”
Anson Wainwright, Moheni RingTV.com/RING, (Quillin):An excellent matchup for the middleweight championship of Brooklyn. Kite ahau i tenei rite 50-50. Takatu e rua i te mana tino pai, me te he pakari o te pupuri i te tahi atu. Ka taea e kite ahau i rua i runga i te koaka ki Quillin mahi nui ki te riro i te whawhai rawa te pai i runga i ngā, with talks of a rematch afterwards.”
Joe Santoliquito, RingTV.com/Sherdog, (Quillin): “Ahau rite te kaha tere ringa, me te kekeno o Quillin. Ahau ite hoki ngā tata nei kua ia i roto i te pato'iraa pai, faaineine ia hoki whawhai kia rite ki tenei. Quillin toa te whakatau.”
Miguel Maravilla, FightNews.com, (Quillin): “Ka riro te reira i te whawhai tata engari hoatu e ahau i te mata ki Quillin ki te riro i te whakatau.”
Percy Crawford, FightHype.com, (Quillin): “Whakakitea Quillin te rota o te tupu te mauiui tona koha tuatahi (te utu ki a Andy Lee). Ano i whawha atu i floored ia mo te wa tuatahi tino pai ki te Lee tino kino i roto i taua whawhai. Tika e kore e kite i ahau te Raniera Jacobs taea ki te hoatu ki a ia i roto i ngā āhuatanga e kore e taea e ia te hapai i. Quillin mai i runga i roto i waenganui i te rauna me mutu Jacobs i te TKO tuawaru-a tawhio noa!”
Diego M. Morel (Xn Sports, RingTV.com), (Quillin): “Ko te whawhai tino tata i runga i te pepa, a ka ora i te reira ki runga ki nga tūmanako. He rite mohio whawhai e rua, me te kï e rua e i tenei taimaha, engari i roto i ngā o te resilience, me te mana, haere te painga ki Quillin i te tawhē iti, engari e whai kiko. Chocolate Kid Ko te tangata e fehangahangai kua te kaha, te nuinga o hoariri kaha kia tawhiti, a kua ona hua kua mīharo mo te wahi tino. Ki te taea e Jacobs whakapumautia tona tawhiti, me tona tere, ia he tupono. Otiia ki te taea ki te tahuri atu i tenei ki te whawhai ko Quillin ka piro ia te wini papau i te whakatau mutu te mutunga o ranei.”
Steve Lillis, Pouaka Nation, (Quillin): “Ōrite nui me te whakamanamana rohe tika hanga sexier ara te reira. Kua'o'ete ahau ki Quillin nei ko whakapakeke-whawhai atu. Quillin e TKO 8.”
Eric Raskin, Mekemeke Writer/PBC Ringside kaitapeke (Quillin): “Kua Jacobs tetahi o nga kōrero ongo'i-pai pai i roto i te mekemeke i runga i te tau torutoru whakamutunga, engari kōrero ongo'i-pai e kore e riro koutou uaua whawhai. Quillin Ko te hoa tauwhainga ërä teitei ngā fehangahangai ia mai i tona mate pouri ki Dmitry Pirog, a tatari ana hoki ahau roa Kid Chocolate o me te kaha ki te momotu ia ia i Jacobs. Titiro hoki te tahi-friendly, whawhai whakataetae, ki Quillin toa i te whakatau, te pakeke te waru rauna ki te wha.”
Brad Berkwitt, RingsiderReport.com, (Jacobs): “I te pepa, Ko te matchup nui, me te New York City tenei, nei etahi o nga pā mekemeke rahi i roto i te ao nei e te aroha te reira! Ko te tino he whawhai uaua i roto i toku pukapuka ki te karanga, engari Kei te haere ahau ki a Danny Jacobs i te whakatau tata uaua i roto i te 115-113 whānui.”
John J. Raspanti, MaxBoxing.com, (Quillin); “I’m going with Quillin for two reasons: Taranata, me te pāhau. Quillin has also been in with the better fighters during his time in the ring. He showed a strong chin against Andy Lee seven months ago. Cancer survivor Jacobs is a great guy, but looked vulnerable against Sergio Mora in his last fight. If the feather-fisted ‘Latin Snake’ can knock him down, Quillin, ki 23 mahi Koó, can stop him. Quillin e TKO 9.”
James Slater, FightNews.com, (Quillin): “Ahau rite Quillin i roto i te whawhai nui. Jacobs ko ha ngāue piha, i te mea he Quillin; Tika whakaaro ahau e hiahia Quillin reira atu. Ka taea te patua e rua, tukino i a te patototanga iho, a ka kite te tino pea tatou o knockdowns te tokorua. Tango ahau Quillin ki rānei te tiki i te ngā i te wini mutu te mutunga o ranei.”
Jason Gonzalez, Examiner.com, (Quillin): “Whakaaro au e, e Jacobs hi'a ki te pēhanga e, e faaohipa Quillin. I te patototanga Jacobs iho wawe i a te marama-patu rawa Sergio Mora. E mangere koe ki te kore e ui i te sturdiness o te kauwae o Hakopa. Titau i Quillin ki te whakamātau i te tīmatanga o te kauae o Jacobs me riro i TKO 7.”
Erika Fernandez, BlackSportsOnline.com, (Jacobs): “Whakaaro ahau tenei e waiho hei whawhai tino tata, engari ite e ahau Jacobs nei te huinga pai pūkenga e me ko fiekaia mo te wikitoria. A, no te whakakotahi koutou mohio ki te matekai e ko te huinga whakamate. Whakaaro ahau ahei te haere ki rānei ara, engari ahau matapae ahau Jacobs e KO tuawaru-a tawhio noa.”
Phil D. Jay, WorldBoxingNews.com, (Quillin): “Whakapono ahau Jacobs v Quillin ko te whawhai pai-ki āu. E rua taea e Kilisimasi pouaka rite ranei me ka hiahiatia kia kite ahau i te whawhai te he tata oma mea. E kore e waiho e ahau maere ki te reira te he whakatau wahia, engari e mea ana, either fighter could also end the contest at a moment’s notice. Pushed on it, Hiahia whai ahau ki te hoatu i te mata iti ki Quillin – otiia e kore kahore he whakamataku e rua ranei. Toa Quillin i te whakatau wahia.”
Chris Algieri, Mua WBO Super Kōmāmā World Champion, (Quillin): “Whawhai uaua ki te karanga. Whakapono ahau tetahi taea whakapuaki ratou whawhai mutunga ka tango i te wikitoria. Me Danny ki te whakaturia te tere nohopuku me te pouaka atamai. Ka titiro Quillin ki kia taikaha, me te kawe i te pēhanga. Tata rawa ki te matapae hoki i ahau, engari ka haere ki te tangata atu mātanga i roto i Quillin ki te tango i te reira.”
Chris Arreola, Mua taumahamaha Taitara kaiwero, (Jacobs): “Whakaaro ahau te mea he whawhai tino pai. Au tango ahau Jacobs i roto i te whawhai tino tata. Whakaaro tika ahau Jacobs nui ake ki te whakamatau me te kua i ki te hinga kia nui. E kore e taea e ahau tatari ki te whanga ki tenei whawhai!”
Andre Berto, Mua WBC Welterweight World Champion, (No Pick): “Whawhai uaua, ngā te maka tino te reira ake. Ki te haere te reira i te tawhiti i ahau Jacobs toa. Ki te kore e te reira i ahau Quillin i te knockout.”
Gabriel Bracero, Welterweight nguha i Brooklyn (Jacobs) – “Whakaaro ahau kei rua whawhai pai, me te kaha e rua ratou. Whakaaro ahau te haere te reira ki te haere mai ki raro, ki te tangata e te mātau me te nei koi te po o te whawhai tata, ano te whaikīngi kaitaua ōrite te tangata tuatahi ki te hanga i te hape kei te haere ki te utu.. Ngakau rua ahau e haere te whawhai i te tawhiti, a ratou e raua haere i roto i reira rite ratou tokorua i te tahi mea ki te whakamatau. Whakaaro ahau Jacobs nui ake o te whare taonga, ka wawahia e te reira atu.”
Dominic Breazeale, 2012 U.S. Häkinakina & Tūturu taumahamaha, (Jacobs) – “Toku matapae ko Danny Jacobs toa i te ara o KO i roto i te 6 tawhio. Te ia te hunga mahaki rawa, tangata pakeke e mahi e tika he nui atu te whakaoranga.”
Jermall Charlo, IBF Junior whitu World Champion, (Unuhia): “Te ti'aturi nei e ahau te whawhai mutunga i roto i te Unuunu. Whakaaro ahau te haere te reira ki te waiho i te Unuunu. He ko eé rua tūturu kaha me nga ra pai to ratou e rua me nga ra kino i ratou e rua. Otiia ki te tangata toa, Ko te tangata i roto i te āhua pai ka riro te reira.”
Anthony Dirrell, Mua WBC Super whitu World Champion (Unuhia): “Te ti'aturi nei e ahau te reira i te Unuunu, a ka whakaaro ahau kia te reira. Whawhai e rua ko oku eé. Ka haere a Raniera a ahau i roto i āwangawanga hauora rite i kawea mai matou ofi, engari tupu ake a Pita i roto i Rapids Grand. Na tino tika kia te pai win tangata e hiahia ana ahau ki te kite i te whawhai nui, me te. E mohio ana ahau ko eé e rua ia faatura te tahi, me te tumanako ahau e ka waiho tonu te take.”
B.J. Flowers, Cruiserweight nguha & NBC mekemeke Kaitātari (No Pick): “Ko te kotahi taratara tenei. Tino rite ahau Danny Jacobs’ mekemeke aravihi me ana taputapu piro me patu. Kei a ia te tere me te mana. Ko te pātai, ko te, ki te kei te haere Danny ki te e taea ki te tu i reira, ka tango i te täia i Pete ina whenua ia. Taime atoa e ia te whenua, it will be interesting to see if Danny will come in with a game plan to neutralize Peter or if there is really going to be a battle of brooklyn head to head and fight thats the right fight for peter quillin not for danny jacobs. Me Danny ki te tango i ngā huanga o tana me a Pete mea matua e taea e ia he tokua, na ka taea ki te tangohia atu e taua i Pete Danny te pātai ko. Ko te whai wāhitanga nui hoki e rua, me te reira e taea e tetahi kingi o te pa anake.”
Tony Harrison, Super Welterweight nguha, (Jacobs): “Au e ahau ake i roto i te rangi i runga i tenei tetahi, engari au e okioki ana ahau ki Jacobs no te mea e matau ana ia ki nga mea ati, me pēhea te taea te reira. E ka e ia tetahi mea ki a los me ngā whawhai ia i roto i tona whenua. Kia whai ia he pahuka i runga i tona pokohiwi.”
Amir Khan, Mua Unified Super Kōmāmā World Champion, (Quillin): “Whakaaro ahau Pita Quillin toa te whawhai. Ko te he matchup tino whakaongaonga i waenganui i eé rua whawhai i roto i to ratou ake iāri i Brooklyn. He iti rawa ki te whiriwhiri i waenganui i whawhai e rua engari ki te mea i ahau ki te whakaputa hoki kotahi taata e te mea Quillin. Tino faatura ahau whakamārama Danny Hakopa a me te ara kua whawhai ia ki hei toa. Ngā whakakitea e ia ki nei ia i te vilitakí, pūkenga me te mana ki pahaki ki te haere i roto i, me te whiua te Middleweights pai a tawhio noa engari whakaaro ahau e te haere Quillin ki te titiro ki te outwork ia, ka whakamahi i tona kaupapa ki te riro i te tata ngā whakatau. Jacobs te painga i roto i te mea tawhiti, me te tiketike kia taea e rawa, ki te riro ia ia tona werohanga i te waho e haere me ngā pouaka e meinga raruraru Quillin. Otiia, te reira i te whawhai tino uaua ki te karanga, me te reira e ngā tohenga rānei ara engari i reira te kahore he feaa te haere te reira ki te waiho i te whawhai nui no te mea ka hiahia e kore taata ki te tango i te taahiraa hoki i roto i to ratou whenua.”
Erislandy Lara, WBA 154-Pauna World Champion, (Quillin): “This is a great matchup between two young hungry fighters and I think it’s going to be a very close fight. Ki te taua te mea, Au kato ahau 'Chocolate Kid’ ki te riro. E ka e ia rere te toto Cuban na roto i ona uaua me kua whawhai pai whakataetae. Ka hoki ahau matakitaki rawa tata no te mea i taea e te toa kia kotahi o oku hoariri kaha'ú.”
Andy Lee, WBO whitu World Champion (No Pick): “Whakaaro ahau te mea he whawhai tata. Pea nei Danny te tumu pai mekemeke a ka titiro ki te pae waho a Pita. Ko Pita Ko tino te puncher nui a ka ki te whenua nifó taimaha titiro i te mekemeke ki a Danny. Ko te he uaua whawhai whakaongaonga me te tetahi pakeke ki te karanga.”
Aron Martinez, Welterweight nguha, (Jacobs) – “Ka haere ahau ki Jacobs i te whakatau. Ka riro te reira i te whawhai nui ahakoa tino taea e kite ahau haere te reira rānei ara.”
Sergio Mora, Mua WBC Super Welterweight World Champion, (Quillin) – “E rua Jacobs & Quillin he punchers nui ki technique mele. In the battle of power punching, Rahi o Quillin & ka mau ake pai pai kauwae, engari Ki te whakatau Jacobs ki pouaka & nuku taea e kite ahau outpointing ia Quillin. Ka waiho te reira i te whawhai tata rānei ara. Au kato ahau Quillin i te Tuhinga mutunga.”
Victor Ortiz, Mua WBC Welterweight World Champion, (No Pick): “Kia te tangata pai riro. Ko te he whawhai nui. Kokonga Blue me kokonga whero. Toku matapae ko e kei te haere tetahi o te hunga koki ki te riro.”
Edwin Rodriguez, IBF No. 10 Light taumahamaha nguha, (Jacobs): “”Jacobs he kaimekemeke pai, me te rite tonu te pai o te puncher rite Quillin ki koi pūkenga hangarau. E tika ana kia he whawhai whakangahau engari ka riro Jacobs i te whakatau loto.”
Leo Santa Cruz, WBA Super World mā whitu Champion, (Quillin): “Te haere ki te waiho i te whawhai pakeke hoki e rua o ratou, engari he kaha Pita Quillin me kore ngā Kua tukino i ia, kia whakaaro ahau kia tangohia e ia te reira. Quillin e KO whitu-a tawhio noa.”
Keith Thurman, WBA Welterweight World Champion, (Jacobs): “Matau Jacobs me tona whakamārama runaruna whakapono ahau e ia nga pūkenga me te matauranga ki te wahia atu te wikitoria, engari Quillin he slouch. Kei a ia rahi te puai e te te kaha ki te mutu ranei kino ia Danny i tetahi taime. Au pono ahau titiro atu ki tenei whawhai. Ko tetahi matchup nui mo te pā whawhai tenei tau tenei.”
Sammy Vasquez, Tūturu Welterweight nguha, (Jacobs) – “Ka taea e haere rānei ara tenei. E rua i te mana, me te he toa pai ki ngā momo e rua rerekē rite Pita tika mai i mua, engari ano te noho waenganui whānuitanga me he pai i reira, Danny turai te rota, me te he koki pai, E hoatu e ahau a Danny te mata mo tona kaupapa engari hiahia ia ki te noho pukumahi, me te tūmanako e kore e ia rere ki tetahi nifó engari te mea he kalokalo ki runga ki ahau.”
# # #
Ko te whawhai ora tuatahi i 4:30 p.m. AND. Tīmata Tickets i $50, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi mā te toro www.ticketmaster.com,www.barclayscenter.com ranei na roto i te te karanga 1-800-745-3000. E wātea ana hoki ngā tīkiti i te American Express Pouaka Office i Center Barclays.
I roto i te undercard runga, teata-kore kēmu, tūturu whetu wahine Brooklyn me sensation mekemeke,Heather “Ko te Tuatahi Lady” Hardy (14-0) tutaki Naomi Forests (10-3-2, 2 KO o) i roto i te waru-a tawhio whā super rematch.
Mua i te whawhai Jacobs-Quillin katoa-Brooklyn i runga i SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, whakaongaonga, pakeke-patu WBA mā whitu World Champion Ihu Cuellar (27-1, 21 Koó), o Buenos Aires, Argentina, ka tiakina e ki Puerto Rico o Honatana “Puehu” Oquendo (26-4, 16 Koó) i roto i te 12-a tawhio āhua-matua.
I SHOWTIME EXTREME (7 p.m. AND/PT), rongonui toa ao o mua, me te Long Island-MāoriChris Algieri (20-2, 8 Koó) Ka ātete e Ecuador o Erick Bone (16-2, 8 Koó) i roto i te Welterweight a'ee 10-a tawhio, a fafau tūturu taumahamaha marama Staten Island Marcus Browne anga Francisco Sierra (27-9-1, 24 Koó) o Tepic, Mexico, i roto i te waru-rounder.
Daniel Jacobs vs. Peter Quillin is a 12-round middleweight championship fight taking place Rāhoroi, Hakihea 5 i Center Barclays i Brooklyn, N.Y.. ora i runga i SHOWTIME® (9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT). I roto i te SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® co-āhuatanga, WBA Featherweight World Champion Jesus Cuellar will face exciting Puerto Rican contender Jonathan Oquendo. Whakatairangatia ana te hui e DiBella Entertainment me pütea e kurahauao. Ko te Algieri vs. Bone me Rosinksy vs. Smith Jr. E hāpaitia ana whawhai i roto i te feohi ki Joe DeGuardia o Star Mekemeke.
Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, DanielJacobsTKO, KidChocolate, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, StarBoxing, BarclaysCenter KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook iwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment a www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.