Pou katoa e FNU47

Ingoa Rey MYSTERIO COMBATE ONGO ◊AMELIKÁ Ambassador; Ka waiata LIVE ON NBC Universo ON WEDNESDAY, Dec. 16

Mua whetu WWE Konnan ki te mahi rite te tae kaikōrero mō telecast ora o Combate Amerika "Road Ki te Championship Hollywood"

Live, haamata NBC Universo telecast i-whawhai wha 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT
i runga i Wednesday, Dec. 16

Toa Official paunatia-i roto i e wahi i runga i Rātū, Dec. 15 i roto i te Burbank, Calif.

NEW mua - Hakihea 9, 2015 - Whakapaipai, toa mua toru-wā WWE ao Rey Mysterio Kua ingoa karere o Combate Amerika, te U.S tuatahi. Pāniora toi hōia whakauru (MMA) karapu hākinakina i roto i te aamu i whakaturia e Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) tahi-kaihanga Campbell McLaren, a ka waiata i roto i tona tūranga hou i Road te nui-tapoko "Ki te Championship Hollywood,"Ora e iwa-a'ee kāri whawhai ngaio i runga i NBC Universo, te hou whakangahau me hākinakina hongere taura hoki Latinos, i runga iWednesday, Dec. 16 i 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT.

I tua atu, mua superstar WWF ko WCW Konnan, kīia maha ki rite te "Mexican Hulk Hogan,"Ka mahi te kaikōrero i te tae te taha tākaro-i-tākaro auvaha i Ricardo Celis a Andrea Road, te hostess o te raupapa pouaka whakaata imagen Award-toa Combate Amerika mooni.

"Ko oaoa ki te uru atu Combate Amerika i runga i NBC Universo ahau, ka titiro atu ki te hanga i tenei maere MMA hākinakina waitohu, me te tautoko i te kaitäkaro tino pūmanawa i runga i tona rārangi tipu,"Ka mea a Mysterio, nei whakaongaonga, kāhua nui-e rere o te mamau tauturu whiwhi ia i te katoa o 21 taitara waenganui i ona Kapo i roto i te WWE me WCW.

"Combate Amerika tauawhi te whakarerenga iho Mexican nui o LUCHA Libre, na tatou e whakahonoretia ki te kawe Rey Mysterio, he icon ao, me te kotahi o te whika Pāniora pirimia i roto i te faaanaanataeraa hākinakina, i runga i te poari rite to tatou karere, he māia e taea e ia faauru i to tatou pā me whawhai,"Ka mea a McLaren.

I roto i te kohinga o superstars tāwhai patua e kua Mysterio i tona mahi he C.M. Punk, Shawn Michaels, a Kurt Koki. During an epic 2006 Royal Ngunguru Match, pakanga ia mo ake i te kotahi haora, pau he lekooti WWE mō te wā roa i roto i te whakakai, a maka nga momo o Randy Orton, Rob Van Dam aTōtoru H i runga i tona ara ki te wikitoria o te whakakorenga whakataetae 30-tangata.

Utu i $40, tīkiti mō "Pirimia Insurance Ratonga me Aspira Mas Present Combate Amerika: Road Ki te Championship Hollywood,"Kei runga i te hoko iwww.HollywoodFightNight.com.

Ka paunatia i roto i te-whawhai katoa mo te kaupapa i runga i Rātū, Dec. 15, timata i 5 p.m. PTi te Marriott, kei i 2500 N. Hollywood Way i Burbank, Calif. Katoa 18 whawhai whakataetae i runga i te kāri e iwa-a'ee ka paunatia i roto i mo ratou pāngia rātou.

I roto i te whā (135 pauna) hui matua o te ora, e wha-whawhai telecast i runga i NBC Universo, 23-sensation tau-tawhito Hoani "Sexy Sexy" Castaneda (8-2) o Mankato, Mai., hou atu tona wikitoria i te tuatahi "Combate Amerika: Road Ki te hui "Championship i roto i Las Vegas, Nev. i runga i Mahuru 17, Ka tapawha atu ki te hoa sensation patu Federico "Kiko" Lopez (10-5) o Murrieta, Calif.

Kei te rapu Castaneda mo tona win karapīpiti tuawha i te imi Lopez tona win tika te ono.

I roto i te kaupapa whā tahi-matua, Combate Amerika whetu raupapa mooni pouaka me te mana puncher Ricky "Te Gallero" Palacios (5-1), o te misioni, Ka Square Texas atu ki scrapper mōrearea Anthony Paredes (3-2) o Murrieta, Calif.

I roto i te atomweight o te wahine ngā (105 pauna) attraction i runga i te telecast ora, 21-tau-tau Kyra "Mogwai" Batara (3-3) ka tūtuki ki hoa Las Vegas noho"Uira Liz McCarthy (2-3).

Ka whana te telecast NBC Universo ora atu ki te mā (145 pauna) matchup i waenganui i Uria Faber faaoti ahuahunga me āna Erick Sanchez (5-2) o Sacramento, Calif. me te hoa whetu maranga "Whakawakia" Rudy Morales (3-3) o Las Vegas.

Whakatuwhera nga tatau i Florentine Gardens i 5 p.m. PT mo te takahanga, me te tuatahi o rima pāngia tuatahi ka timata i 6 p.m.

M-1 Challenge 63 bonus mahi kauwhautia

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (Hakihea 9, 2015) – Kauwhautia M-1 Global ona mahi toa bonus mo Paraire whakamutunga po o M-1 Challenge 63 i te Hākinakina me Concert i St. Petersburg, Russia:
Whawhai o te po
Viktor Nemkov-Stephan Puetz 2
Viktor Nemkov (23-5-0, 4 KO / .Ko, 9 SUB – M-1: 13-4-0), nei whawhai i roto i Stary Oskol, Russia, whakahokia te M-1 Challenge marama taumahamaha taitara i te toa Tiamana nei ka mau te reira i a ia 1 ½ years ago, Stephan “T-800” Puetz (13-2-0, 5 KO / TKO, 4 SUB), i ara o tetahi whakaongaonga, pakeke-whawhai whakatau rima-a tawhio noa.
Raul Tutarauli
Taumahamaha marama Hōriana Raul Tutarauli (6-2-0, 5 KO / TKO, 1 SUB) oti atu Russian Alexey “Taumahi” Makhno (10-4-0, 4 KO / TKO, 1 SUB) i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa.
Tuhinga o NIGHT
Mikhail Kuznetsov
Mā Russian Mikhail Kuznetsov (5-1-0) whakamahia he kowaowaotia muri-tahanga ki te faahepo i te tap-i roto i te Stanislav Ukrainian “White Warrior” Reutsky (8-5-0) i roto i te tuarua.


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@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

Deontay Wilder KE TAUKAPO'I WBC taumahamaha o te ao INGOA AGAINST Polish kaiwero Artur SZPILKA ON MAA, Jan. 16, ORA ON SHOWTIME® MEI Barclays CENTER i Brooklyn

Tickets I Sale tenei Rāhina, Hakihea 14 Hoki o Brooklyn Tuatahi Heavyweight World Championship I roto i 115 Tau
Brooklyn (Dec. 9, 2015) – Tūturu WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder ka meinga e te toru o te korero o tona taitara ki ngangare Polish nguha Arthur Pin i runga i Rāhoroi,Jan. 16, 2016, i Pokapū Barclays i roto i te Brooklyn, ora i runga i SHOWTIME® (9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT).
Ko te 12-a tawhio noa SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® hui matua i waenganui i te mana-meke Wilder (35-0, 34 Koó), o Tuscaloosa, Ala., ko Pin (20-1, 15 Koó), o Wieliczka, Poland, ka waiho te whawhai tuatahi taitara taumahamaha i roto i Brooklyn mai James Jeffries patototanga a roto i James Corbett i roto i te 23RD a tawhio noa i runga i Mei 11, 1900, i runga i koni Island.
Whawhai Jeffries i toru katoa o te Brooklyn taitara taumahamaha whawhai, i te wha o, fifth and seventh world heavyweight title fights of the modern gloved era. All three took place on Coney Island, e rua i roto i te 1899 me te whakamutunga i roto i 1900.
It will be Wilder’s first fight in New York and his ninth overall on Showtime Networks. Wilder is the first United States-born heavyweight champion since 2007.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, e te e whakatairangatia ana e DiBella Entertainment i feohi ki Whakatairanga Warriors Mekemeke me Sferis Knockout, tīmata i $25, e kore e tae utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hokoRāhina, Hakihea 14 i 10 a.m. AND. Ka taea te hokona Tickets ipurangi mā te torowww.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com mā te karanga ranei 1-800-745-3000. Ka hoki kia wātea i te Tari Pouaka American Express Tickets i Center Barclays timatanga Rātū, Hakihea 15 i te poutumarotanga. Hoko i mua i January 1 a ka riro ia i te 10% hekenga. E wātea ana pä Group i karanga 844-BKLYN-GP.
“Oaoa vau e ahau e pā ana ki te haere mai ki a New York City, Ahau oaoa e pā ana te whakaatu i toku taranata me te oaoa vau e ahau e pā ana ki te whawhai i Center Barclays,” Said Wilder. “I want to thank my opponent Artur Szpilka for accepting this opportunity that I’m giving him. I wish him luck – he’s going to need it. I look forward to winning over the Polish fans after I beat him. I know he’s a southpaw and he tends to give up when things get tough in the ring, going off the fight he had with Bryant Jennings. He doesn’t have heart when it gets tough. I look forward to giving the fans plenty of action and excitement on Jan. 16.”
“Mana'o i te reira mīharo ki te tiki i te whai wāhi ki te whawhai Deontay mo tona taitara taumahamaha ao,” said Szpilka. “I can’t wait to be the first ever Polish heavyweight to win a world title. I’ve dreamed about this many times, and now my time has come. I’ll be ready to put on a show for my fans and take his belt from him on Jan. 16.”
It should be an exciting night on Jan. 16 ka te 'Bomber parahi’ tohe tona taitara, for the first time at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, ki ngangau tiketike Artur Szpilka,” mea Lou DiBella, Peresideni o DiBella Entertainment. “Brash me te kaha, the Polish fighter looks to derail Deontay and become the first Polish heavyweight champion of the world in boxing history. This is Deontay’s third title defense in 12 marama, me te wikitoria, ka arahi ki te taupatupatunga nui i roto i tona a'ee muri.”
“Ahau rawa fiefia e te whiwhi Artur Szpilka ha faingamālie ki te riro i te toa taumahamaha tuatahi i roto i te aamu o Poland,” mea Leon Margules, Peresideni o te Warriors Boxing. “E oaoa tatou e, e taea ki te whawhai mo te taitara i roto i te pa mekemeke-taonga rite Brooklyn me i mua o te mea kore e waiho te whakakitea kaha o te tautoko i ana pā Polish Artur.”
SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING has been the home of many of the biggest and best heavyweight world title fights of the last 30 tau, a ko matou whakakake ki te haere tonu i taua faufaa ai'a ki Deontay Wilder,” mea Stephen Espinoza, Matua Vice te peresideni me Kaiwhakahaere General, SHOWTIME Sports. “Whakamahia Deontay kua tona whakakotahitanga onge o te kaha raw, athleticism and charisma to become one of the can’t-miss boxers of this era. Credit Artur Szpilka for accepting the challenge. Szpilka is a young, kaha southpaw te kaha pai, me te pumanawa hoki showmanship, a ka he ia vēkeveke ki te hanga i te nuinga o tona taitara faingamālie ao tuatahi. January 16 is sure to be an exciting night on SHOWTIME.
“Ka mau te reira 115 tau, engari taumahamaha Championship mekemeke he hoki i roto i Brooklyn,” Said Barclays Center Tumu Brett Yormark. “Pau ahau etahi wa ki Deontay i te whawhai Jacobs-Quillin Rāhoroi whakamutunga, me te kore e taea e ia te tatari ki te tiakina e tona taitara i Center Barclays, otiia e kore e waiho te mea ohie. Artur Szpilka Ko te toa nui, me te he pono kia pai ki te kanohi e te 'Little Poland’ tata o Greenpoint tata. He rite hoki taumahamaha Championship mekemeke te takiwā. Ko te utu i te whanga.”
Ko te 6-waewae-7 hanga Wilder e te toru o tona korero taitara me te whawhai te wha i roto i 364 ra. Riro te-tau 30-tawhito te whitiki WBC ki te whakatau loto mo Gold Cup i runga i Jan. 17, 2015 i roto i te Las Vegas, i roto i tona whawhai ngaio tuatahi ki te haere mua te tuawha tawhio.
Pai te awhina Wilder te whitiki ki Eric Molina (KO 9) whakamutunga Pipiri 13 a tino tata ki Johann Duhaupas (WHO 11) i runga i E whitu. 26. Both of the title defenses took place in his home state of Alabama.
Ko te toa taumahamaha o whakamutunga ki te whawhai e wha nga wa i roto i 12 Ko marama Lennox Lewis i roto i te 2000-01. Lewis was also the last undisputed heavyweight champion.
“Te rapu atu ahau ki te te toa i muri motuhake taumahamaha me te toa taumahamaha tino mātātoa i roto i te aamu,” Wilder said. “I’m also active once I get into the ring. I roto i toku whawhai whakamutunga, U ahau he toharite o 30 o te 53 punches that I threw each round. That was more than double what Tyson riri a Wladimir Klitschko u, ngā.”
I mua i te tahuri pro i roto i Noema 2008, Riro Wilder te mētara parahi i taumahamaha mo te US. i te 2008 Olympic Games. He is the last American male boxer to medal in The Olympics.
Ko te pukuriri-whakaaro, 6-Kua riro waewae-3 Szpilka wha karapīpiti whawhai mai mamae anake te mate o tona mahi ki reira-tūturu Bryant Jennings i roto i te 2014. The 26-year-old rebounded with a 10-round unanimous decision over former cruiserweight world champion Tomasz Adamek i roto i te 2014 me whakaora Tuhinga mo Consuegra Yasmany, Manuel Quezada a Ty Cobb i roto i te 2015.
He pro mai 2008, riro tuatahi te southpaw pānui ina mutu ia te-tauā kotahi Owen Beck i roto i te wha rauna i roto i 2011, Na te taatoaraa outpointed mua kaiwero taitara ao Jameel McCline te tau e whai ake nei.
Kua faahotu e Szpilka ana pūkenga mekemeke raro i ngā akoranga o Houston-e hāngai ana kaiwhakangungu Ronnie Shields.I te aro tonu ia ki te ngaungau, te haere mai i mua, Kua whakawhanakehia Szpilka ki te toa oti ake i raro i Shields me tetahi e taea e te whakamātautau uaua o te mahi te kuao ao te toa a.
Brooklyn he hītori hohonu i roto i te mekemeke taumahamaha, tae atu oire toa taumahamahaMike Tyson, Floyd Patterson, Riddick Bowe, Shannon Briggs a Michael Moorer. I tua atu, Brooklyn-Māori me 1984 Olympic Gold mētara Mark Breland tavini rite ki tetahi o kaiako o Wilder.
# # #
Kawea tüäpapa hōtaka Brooklyn BOXING ™ Center o Barclays e te AARP. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.SHO.com/Sports te whai i runga i TwitterSHOSports, BronzeBomber, Szpilka_Artur, BarclaysCenter, WarriorsBoxingProm KoSwanson_Comm ranei riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter



Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos Mai Team Barthelemy
Las Vegas (Hakihea 9, 2015) – Tūturu Cuban Rances “Hau Kid” Barthelemy (23-0, 13 Koó) ka titiro ki te riro te taitara ao i roto i te wehenga taimaha tuarua ina matua ia Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i Koi ki Russia o Denis Shafikov (36-1-1, 19 Koó) i runga i Rāmere, Hakihea 18 i te Poe i Palms Casino Resort i Las Vegas.
PBC runga i te Koi haamata kapinga i 9 p.m. AND/PT me ngā āhuatanga Detroit o Isiah Thomas (15-0, 6 Koó) a Russia o Murat “Iron” Gassiev (22-0, 16 Koó) i roto i te Cruiserweight a'ee 12-a tawhio noa, me whitu teina tūturu Chris “Young Kingi” Pearson (13-0, 10 Koó) a maranga amanaki hinga kore Gervonta “Tank” Davis (13-0, 12 Koó) i roto i te wae motuhake.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Mayweather Whakatairanga i roto i te feohi ki Warriors Mekemeke, E utu i $100.50, a $25.50 me utu e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Kia hokona ngā tīkiti i www.ticketmaster.com ranei i karanga i te Tari Pouaka Pearl i 702-994-3200 ranei Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000.
Ka rite ki Barthelemy me tona kapa hoatu te pa e whakaoti i runga i to ratou puni whakangungu Las Vegas, kite i te aha i te Cuban whakaongaonga i ki te mea e pā ana ki te whakangungu, hoariri tona me te ake:
I te whakangungu puni i roto i Las Vegas:
It’s been a smooth camp so far. I’ve sparred 12 rounds with multiple sparring partners on a few different occasions. I’m very sharp right now and my timing is right where I want it to be. My weight is good and I’m ready to go the distance if I have too.
I tona hononga ki te kaiako Ihimaera Salas:
Salas and I have a great relationship and together we are on the same page. He knows what I like to do and he can see flaws in my opponents from the corner. We have plan ‘A, B me C’ for this fight. Salas is a great trainer. We’ll be prepared for anything Shafikov brings to the ring.
I tona matchup ki Denis Shafikov:
“Ko te whawhai tino uaua tenei, one that I am fully prepared to win. We are both southpaws so it will be very interesting to see how the fight plays out. I’m going to fight my style and dictate the pace. He throws a lot of punches in combinations, something I’ll have to be ready for. This will not be a boring fight. The fans can expect to see me throw a lot of big shots.
I whawhai hoki te taitara Kōmāmā ao:
Capturing a world title at lightweight will be a great accomplishment for my career. When an opportunity like this comes your way, you have to seize the moment to be great. That’s what I plan to do against Shafikov. The ultimate goal is to win as many world championships as possible in multiple weight classes.
Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, RealKidBlast, _ChrisPearson, GervontaDavis, SpikeTV,SpikeSports, MayweatherPromo, WarriorsBoxingProm, PearlAtPalms KoSwanson_Comm ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions a

Anderson Silva, Jon Jones, Eddie Alvarez, MMA pāngia a toru Ētahi atu Tournaments aro rainamatua MMA World Expo, Rāhoroi, Dec. 12 i roto i te New York City

MMA superstars ki te whakatau me te oha manuhiri i Anntata'itahi aru'i, atue hautū pāngia i roto i Muay Thai, hopu nonoke a Jiu-Jitsu,
me te kaihoko, me te hui

NEW YORK, Hakihea 9 - Ko te tuaono ā-Expo MMA Ao, tuatahitia Toi Mixed hōia te Tai o Te Tai Rāwhiti (MMA) kohikohi ana i te kawea e City World Ford, ka hoki mai ki a Hakopa Javits Center New York o, Te Tai Tokerau ti'ahapa, i runga i Rāhoroi, Hakihea 12. Championship whawhai hopea (UFC) superstars Jon "Wheua" Jones, Anderson "Te Pūngāwerewere" Silva a Eddie Alvarez ka waiho i runga i te ringa mo te hui, e fafau ia riro nui atu ake ake, ki e wha, whakataetae hākinakina whawhai ora, tae atu ki ngā pāngia runaruna MMA i roto i te whare herehere, hui me kaihoko.

Ano i runga i te ringa i te Expo e World Series o Fighting toa e rua-wehenga ao Rawiri Manga, me te Ao Series o whakahaere Fighting Carlos Silva (Tumu) a Rangatira Matua (Peresideni), ko wai e tango i tetahi wahi i roto i te pātai, me te whakahoki wātū ki te pāpāho me te pā, a whakakitea rongo e pā ana ki ngā mahere a te kawenata hoki 2016.

Manga, te kingi Ao Series o te whawhai whitu (185 pauna) me te marama taumahamaha (205 pauna) toa, ka manaaki i te motuhake, kotahi-haora wānanga mō tauhou Expo.

"He whai wāhitanga tina ki te taviniraa i te taupori o te tino ngākau pā MMA e nei kahore ano i te MMA World Expo he te akeortunity ki te spectate tikangapāngia al i roto i te o te kāwanatangaf New York,"Ka mea Paora Paone, kaiwhakarewa me kaiwhakahaere o te Expo MMA Ao.

"Ki te takahanga o tenei tau, ka ngā te tokomaha ta'ehanotatau o te whawhai whakataetae hākinakina makona tetahi tahi whawhai, tae atu runaruna MMA, hao mamau, Muay Thai ko Palāsilá Jiu-Jitsi roto i ".

Ko te-ra kotahi, Ka tangohia "Super Rāhoroi" takahanga wahi i 10 a.m. tae noa ki 9 p.m. AND, a ka kia tepe atu ba ora pāngia runaruna MMA i roto i te whare herehere, kawea e te Whawhai Exchange New York. Ko te kāri whawhai ka timata i 6 p.m.

I tua atu ki te MMA whawhai, reira ka kia whakataetae ora i roto i te wha whawhai pekanga e he konga matua o MMA. Timata i 10 A.M., tauwhāinga tāpaetanga-anake grappling, e rua gi me kahore-gi, whakahaeretia e te Whawhai pai, Ka tango i te wahi.

Timata i 4 te ahiahi, ka tu i te American Te Tai Tokerau Catch Wrestling Association hao nonoke ngā kēmu, tae atu ki te ōrite i waenganui i kingi, e rua-wā Te Tai Rāwhiti Tai Kingi o Catch Wrestling, Thomas Velasquez, me te tāwhai, Te Hau-ā-uru Tai kingi o Catch Wrestling, Travis Newaza, mo te 2015 Te Tai Tokerau American taumahamaha o Kingi o Catch tangaroa.

I roto i te hui, E "Training-ki-te-Masters" hui e wātea ana ki te tae. E tohutohu ana ngā Ajarn Phil Nurse (Muay Thai), UFC Hall o FamerRana "te kararehe" Severn, Silva, Alvarez ko Newaza.

Ka haere tonu te MMA World Expo ki te tākaro tona tūranga i roto i te whawhai mo te ngaio legalization MMA i te whakahaere i äna matapaki rōpū legalization ā-ono, tufaki pitihana, a maka ana ki runga ki whakaaturanga katoa o te kaitäkaro, kaiako, pā me ngā kaihoko e whai wāhi nei ki te hākinakina. Ka te legalization hui e rua haora-e whakahaeretia e te kairīpoata hākinakina whawhai Jim Genia, a manuhiri motuhake ka ngā Severn me ētahi atu whika MMA nui.

Mō ētahi atu pārongo e pā ana ki te toronga kaupapa http://www.mmaworldexpo.com, "Rite" tatou i runga i Facebook, te whai ia tatou i runga i Twittermmaworldexpo, karanga ranei 212-956-4720.

Mō MMA World Expo:

Timata te MMA World Expo i roto i 2009 puritia a kua ngā katoa i roto i te Javits Center Hakopa i roto i New York.

Kua whakaurua Past kaiwaitohu MMA World Expo Matt Hughes, Frankie Edgar, Randy Couture, Jon Jones, Carlos Condit, Fabricio Werdum, Matt Serra, Jim a Rana Miller, Jamie Varner, Nate Diaz, Wanderlei Silva, i roto i ētahi atu.

Kua whakaurua he kaiarahi Training-ki-te Masters-raupapa: Rana Severn, Renzo Gracie, Marcelo Garcia, Phil Nurse, Howard Davis Jr., Coban Lookchaomaesaitong, Lee Kemp, Jimmy Pedro i roto i ētahi atu.

Kua whakaurua kaihoko o mua Toyota, Xyience, Headrush, Ua Pharm, Aro Sports, Everlast, Huaora Shoppe, Zebra Mats, Tutaki-Rx, Rings Monster me taki, US Marines, Dymatize, Ao Series o te whawhai, Spartan Race, M-e ahau whakangahau, i roto i ētahi atu.


Manhattan BEACH, Pērā i (Hakihea 9, 2015)Platinum Conditioning, he hinonga whakangungu yoga, is happy to announce its partnership with Boxing and MMA star Ana Julaton (2-1), ko wai te mea i tēnei wā i roto i Manila, Philippines, whiwhi rite hoki tona pupūtanga ka ū mai ki Irena Mazepa (1-0). KOTAHI Championship “Wairua o Champions” ka päpäho ora te whawhai tenei Rāmere, Hakihea 11, 2015 i runga i Fox Sports, ki PPV i ONEPPV.com.
Platinum Conditioning’s Kent Galli, he faiako yoga o runga i te 20-tau, kua kawea mai te mahi tawhito tahito ki te kēmu whawhai, helping Ana Julaton with her balance and flexibility. Galli’s goal is simply to help Julaton become a more enhanced fighter through yoga.
“Kua nui ki te mahi ki a Ana, kua a taea kite ahau ngā oaoa ia nga hua o to tatou wāhanga yoga,” Said Kent Galli. “Ka taea e kite ahau i whakapai ake ki a ia te manawa, arotahi hinengaro me te ngäwari, all attributes that will help gain an edge on the mat. The ultimate goal is to continue working with professionals like Julaton, a ka horahia e te kupu i runga i pehea kia yoga he tēpara o nga talena whakangungu kaitäkaro.”
“Whakangungu maere me tona yoga o Kent i tauturu ia'u i roto i ara te kī,” ka mea toa Filipaini Ana Julaton. “I muri i nga wātū, Ite e ahau ake ngāwari, me te he marino toku ngakau, mau huru tino e e te awhina i ahau i roto i te whare herehere. In MMA and boxing, Me e taea ki te tu i te tupaipai e haere mai ana ki te whawhai i to koutou tinana, and yoga has certainly done that. Yoga has made me a better fighter and Kent’s techniques have really enhanced my skills all around. I’m grateful that we’ve partnered up.
Platinum Conditioning Ko te kamupene tuahine o Platinum Wā, he maro Concierge me te whakahaere āhua noho mō kaitäkaro ngaio. Hāngai Platinum Conditioning te i roto i te Manhattan Beach, Pērā i. For more information on Platinum Conditioning, tirohia http://platinumconditioning.com.


E rua K-1 tikanga pāngia kauwhautia hoki tino-tūmanako,
whakarewatanga e toru-ra o RIZIN FF i Tokyo, Japan

TOKYO, JAPAN - Hakihea 9, 2015 Kauwhautia RIZIN FF rangatira i tenei ra e te tino tūmanako rematch i waenganui i - Akebono a Bob Sapp Ka kia whakataetaengia i raro i Koperea tikanga Mekemeke i runga i Rāpare, Dec. 31, me taua toa BAMMA Brett McDermott kua huaina te hoariri hou mō "King Mo" Lawal i roto i te waru-tangata taumahamaha Grand Prix whakakorenga whakataetae, e whai ake nei i te withdrawal o toa BAMMA Mark Godbeer wiki whakamutunga e tika ana ki te whara.

I roto i te K-1 ture mahi, I kauwhautia te reira e Hiroya Kawabe Ka fehangahangai Phenom Tūrongo Akiyo "Wicky" Nishiura i runga i Rātū, Dec. 29, a Takeru Segawa Ka tapawha atu ki te toa Chinese Muay Thai Yang Ming i runga i Hakihea 31.
Koperea mekemeke kaiwhakarewa me te CEO, Takeshi Hiha joined RIZIN FF Chairman Nobuyuki Sakakibara, Kaiwhakahaere General Nobuhiko Takada, Sapp, Akebono, Segawa, me te kaihanga Kensaku Maeda i te amuiraa press i Tokyo ki te hanga i te mau faaararaa.

"Kua rapu ana ahau i whakaaro e pā ana ki te mea tikanga kia tū te rematch tino tūmanako i raro i, ko Mr. Cezar whakaurua ahau ki te whakaaro i reira e taea ki te whakanui i ō rātou pūmanawa whawhai e rua,"Ka mea a Sakakibara.

", Te K-1 hou" tonu Sakakibara, "Kua rongonui i roto i te taua auau tere, a ko ahau oaoa e haere ratou ki te kia unga ratou runga, taranata taitamariki ki to tatou mowhiti. E rite tatou ki te ōrite e rua K-1 māngai ake ki te hoariri uaua. "

Sakakibara whakahuatia ano hoki e Nam Jin Jo Kua whara tona turi i roto i te whakangungu me te i takoha ki te unu, na Piripi Eparaima i Koperea e anga Boxe Academy Yuki Motoya.

Katia Sakakibara tona nā te pānuitanga a te whakaahua i te kōrero o te-ra e toru, noa-o-tiaki whawhai hui, e timata i runga i Hakihea 29, a ngā runaruna pāngia MMA me te whakataetae grappling tuwhera.

Ko te rematch i waenganui Akebono ko Sapp me te a'ee i waenganui Segawa me Ming uru matchups i waenganui i Yuichiro Nagashima a Andy Souwer, aAsen Yamamoto a Kron Gracie i runga i Hakihea 31st.


Bob Sapp:

"Ua riro te reira i te i mai ahau whawhai whakamutunga i runga i Nye, a tino oaoa. A ki te anga kotahi ano toku e te Tika. Wa whakamutunga whawhai matou, hanga matou i hītori, me te honore nui ko e. E rite ahau ki te whai hoki te hanga ano hītori, a haapapû ahau ki a koutou, ka waiho hei whawhai whakaongaonga. "


"Kua ahau e noho ana i te pouri, me te hinga hoki te mua 12 tau. Kua kawea e ahau he whakaaro o te faaoraraa i roto hohonu, a ka te tuku i te wā tino. E kore ahau e hiahia ana ki te whai ki te ite faahou i taua ara, na e hiahia ana ahau katoa ki te haere mai mataara te Akebono hou. Kei te haere ahau i roto i reira mo te win. "

Takeru Segawa:

"Ko ahau inoino no te mea ua hinaaro ahau ki te whawhai atu i tēnei tau, engari Au hari mo tenei faingamālie tino ahau. He maha MMA whawhai i runga i te kāri, engari e hiahia ana ahau ki te whakaatu e K-1 whawhai ko te whakaongaonga tino. E hiahia ana ahau katoa ki te kia korero e pā ana ki te toa māmā o te te whakaongaonga rawa i roto i te RIZIN whawhai katoa ".

Re'zin FF General Manager Nobuhiko Takada:

"Ko ahau oaoa noa rawa. Ko tētahi o nga take he e te mea e tata oti te kāri whawhai, engari heoi nui ke atu o te mea e ka taea ki te whana o to tatou kaupapa i runga i te ra tatou mataara wahi iwi pouaka whakaata te tino. Me te reira ki te waiho i te hakari. E hoatu e matou tahi ngā whawhai mō te hunga mātakitaki whānui. E rite tatou ki ki te whakatairanga i te nui o tenei hui tonu. "

Tonu Takada i roto i te whakaahua i ia toa. "He e kingi rite te toa runga i roto i te K-1 te titiro me te pūkenga Hiroya. Ka taea e kite ahau ia he aha maha pā wahine. Ko kotahi te mowhiti pere, E whakaatu ana ia i tona fakaaoao me te mana. Kei te irritating tonu te reira, no te tino iti e pā ana ki tou hoa tauwhainga e mohio ana koe, engari kua takoto ia ki te whakaatu i te nui o K-1 noa'tu o te hoariri i tana ".

Tonu ia i runga i pā ana ki te whawhai rongonui, "Ko te whakawākanga mō taua whawhai mariko. A ka taua whawhai ano kia haere mai hoki. He maha ngā whakaaro e pā ana ki tenei whawhai, engari e he aha hanga te reira na whakaongaonga. Ka ue'i maha whawhai kia ki te kohikohi i te aro katoa e arahi ki te pai te mahinga. Maha tikanga kua muri i te reira tenei whawhai. "Tāpiri Takada,"Ki te toa Akebono, pea te tau i muri?"A rawekengia katoa e pā ana ki te kēmu rapa taea. Faaite Takada e vahe Cezar Takeshi i rite te kaitautoko mo tenei whawhai, a ka ui ki a ia e kore nei kia tutea i te whawhai.

A pee i Re'zin FF online:

Paetukutuku – http://www.rizinff.com/en/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/rizinfightingfederation /
Twitter – https://twitter.com/rizin_PR

Tuhinga o tangihanga & Puru: TUATAHI BOXING MATCH Fanongonongo FOR NEF 21

Lewiston, Maine (Hakihea 9, 2015) - New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, ka mau tona hui muri, “Nef 21: TE Immortals” i runga i Rāhoroi, February 6, 2016 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. The fight card is scheduled to feature both mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing bouts. I mua i teie mahana, Kauwhautia NEF te tukinga mekemeke ngaio tuatahi hainatia mana mo te “NEF 21” kāri whawhai. Joel “Baby Bull” Pihopa (0-0-1) ka tutaki Crowsneck Boutin (0-0) i roto i te wha-a tawhio noa whakataetae marama-taumahamaha.


Joel Bishop Ko te 2004 paetahi o Upper Kennebec Valley Senior Kura Runga i Bingham, Maine. It was during high school that Bishop began boxing. He put together an amateur boxing record of 10-4, a i roto i te 2009 won the New England Tournament of Champions Heavyweight Sub Novice championship. Bishop has twice made it to the finals of the Northern New England Golden Gloves. I roto i te Oketopa 2014, Pihopa hanga i tona tuatahi ngaio ki tetahi auau NEF MMA, Jarod Lawton (0-0-1) a ka whawhai ki te Unuunu i Lewiston i roto i te mea ko te hoki-a-atu slugfest.


I’m very excited to get back in the ring at NEF 21,” ka mea Bishop. “I was at the last dual show and there was a ton of energy and excitement. I February 6, Ka e whawhai ahau he uaua rawa, toa hohe i roto i te Crowsneck Boutin, a ka meatia e ahau toku pai ki te hoatu i te pā he a'ee whakaongaonga.”


Crowsneck Boutin Ko te nui rawa o te rārangi NEF, ka whakataetae i roto i kahore iti iho i te 14 of the promotion’s previous MMA events as both an amateur and a professional. I roto i te 2014, I pōti ia “Fighter o te Tau” by the NEF fans after going undefeated with three wins that year. Boutin will be making his professional boxing debut atNEF 21,” engari ka kore e rite ia mo te mahi, whakangungu i raro i te kaiako mekemeke Jon Pinette, he te toa mekemeke ao ia, i te Choi Institute i Portland, Maine.
“Tino mauruuru, tino waimarie hoki tenei faingamālie,” ka mea a Boutin. “Joel Ko te hoariri uaua, engari e kore e toku hiahia ki te kia tae tenei whawhai nga scorecards. Ka riro te reira ki te tu me te pū taku e pai ai.”


New Ingarangi whawhai’ takahanga muri, “Nef 21: TE Immortals,” e wahiRāhoroi, February 6, 2016 i te Androscoggin Bank Colisée i Lewiston, Maine. Tikiti hoki “NEF 21” tīmata i te tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei iwww.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga i te tari pouaka Colisée i 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Mō New Ingarangi whawhai


New Ingarangi whawhai ("Nef") Ko te whawhai whakatairanga ngā kaupapa kamupene. Misioni a nef ko ki te waihanga i te mau ohipa kounga teitei mō ngā whawhai, me pā o Maine rite tahi. Whānui wheako i roto i te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai he kapa whakahaere o nef, production ngā kaupapa, whanaungatanga pāpāho, marketing, ture me te pānuitanga.

Tau Record whai wāhitanga i roto i 2015 Ao MMA Championship whakaaturanga ki te tupu tere o WMMAA

Monte Carlo, Monaco (Hakihea 9, 2015)- Ko te tupu tere o te Ao Mixed Arts Association (WMMAA) i roto i te wha tau poto ngā o te oraraa i pai faaite i roto i te whakamutunga marama o 2015 Ao MMA Championship (WMMAA) i roto i te Prague, Czech Republic.
Fatata 200 kaitäkaro, e tohu ana 49 whenua (kite te rārangi i raro nei), whai wāhi i roto i te lekooti-tautuhinga 2015 Ao MMA Championship, which was dominated by team champion Russian Federation. Heavyweight Zaur Gadzhibabaev, tei riro te toa WMMAA e rua-wā tuatahi, hoatu Azerbaijan te mētara koura anake e kore e mau i te Russian Federation, i te toa takitahi i roto i te ono o e whitu akomanga taimaha.
“O tenei tau Ao Championship ko te hui pai i ia tatou i na tawhiti,” Ka mea a WMMAA Kaiwhakahaere o Communications Mikhail Mazur. “Ko te maha rawa o nga whenua, me te kaiuru, whakataetae i tēnei tau. Ko tonu WMMAA i roto i tona kōhungahunga, engari e pupuri ana tatou tipu. Mārama koe e taea e kite i ki ia tau. Kua tapiritia e matou kāwai taimaha hou, me te whakaae whenua hou rite mau melo o to tatou whakahaere pai-kore. Ko te mahi uaua tenei engari te reira tino makona ki te kite rere kaitäkaro i i katoa i runga i te ao ki te whakataetae ki te whawhai pai runaruna i haere ia i roto i te tukanga kōwhiringa pakeke i roto i to ratou whenua te kāinga.
Prague was a great host and the WMMAA is extremely happy to have held the championship in this beautiful European capital. A lot more needs to be done next year. We expect more Asian and Pan-Am countries to enter the WMMAA family as our continental presidents put a lot of effort looking for the best National Federations to work as hard and as diligent as our current members do. E anake whakarite matou ake. I’m thrilled to see what the next year will bring us and the sports of amateur MMA in general.
Afganistan Argentina Armenia Azerbaijan
Belarus Brazil Bulgaria China
Chinese Taipei Columbia Croatia Cuba
Czech Republic France FYR of Macedonia Georgia
Germany Greece Hungary India
Iran Italy Kazakhstan Republic of Korea
Kyrgyzstan Latvia Mexico Moldova
Monaco Morocco Netherlands Netherland Antilles
Nicaragua Nigeria Paraguay Romania
Russian Federation Serbia Singapore Slovakia
Spain Suriname Tajikistan Turkey
Turkmenistan Ukraine United States Uzbekistan
(L-R) Tajikistan MMA te peresideni Pulod Nazarov, WMMAA hōnore peresideni Fedor Emellianenko, WMMAA te peresideni Vadim Finkelchtein me Anatoly Kim, Peresideni o te Kazakhstan MMA Federation

YENIFEL Vicente KNOCKS I Juan Dominguez I rauna Tolu O TE PREMIER BOXING toa ON FS1 ME FOX Deportes FIGHT KĀRI i te ra MOTU BANK CENTER I Trenton, Nj

Keith Tapia Ka riro te re'are'a whakatau loto Neke atu i te Garrett Wilson
Emanuera Aleem Scores Split Whakatau Victory ki Carlos Galvan
Whakahokia Chad Dawson Ki te Hinganga whakatau loto O Shujaa El Amin
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos
Credit: Lucas Noonan / Pirimia Boxing Champions
Trenton, Nj (Hakihea 9, 2015) – Yenifel “Uira” Vicente (28-3-2, 20 Koó) patua Juan Dominguez (19-1, 13 Koó) i te knockout tika :20 ki te tuatoru a tawhio noa oTe Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) Rātū TOE-TO-TOE i runga i FS1 me Mekemeke Champions i runga i FOX Deportes hui matua i Sun National Bank Center i Trenton, New Jersey.
Tuwhera Vicente ake te a'ee ū matā nui e Ru Dominguez wawe. Tonu Vicente pēhanga tono puta noa i te anga tuatahi, engari hoki ka haere mai Dominguez kaha.
Ko te wahi wawe o te tuarua a tawhio ngā matau maui toutou i Vicente. U te inoino Dominguez he iti pupuhi i roto i te waenganui o te tuarua a tawhio noa, Vicente akina ki te tango i te turi. Haere iti ano Dominguez ka tango kaitautoko Earl Brown he wāhi i Dominguez mo toutou whiu iti. Haere mai te a tawhio tuarua ki te tata ki a Dominguez i whiua e lefts e raruru, engari te imiraa i te taunga waimarie iti.
Vicente tīmata atu te toru a tawhio noa ki te uppercut tika nui ki te tinana, aru e te matau overhand ki te matenga o Dominguez, a mutu te a'ee tika :20 hēkona ki a tawhio noa, e toru.
I puta Dominguez te mowhiti i runga i te moenga, engari ko te whakautu ki ngā kaimahi hauora, me te neke ana te angaanga i te kawea ki te waka tūroro. I kawea Dominguez ki Medical Center Capital Hauora rohe hoki anō te aromātai whakatūpato i runga i te po.
Ko te whawhai teata whakatuwhera o te ahiahi ngā Cruiserweight hinga kore Keith “Machine Pū” Repair (17-0, 11 Koó) whiwhi i te whakatau loto (97-93, 99-91, 99-91) wikitoria ki runga Garrett Wilson (16-10-1, 9 Koó) i roto i te 10 rauna o te mahi pakeke-patu.
I muri i te a tawhio noa tuwhera mea whakanoho iho whakataetaengia, i kite tuarua, me te tuatoru o nga rauna whakawhitinga i ia toa maere me hoki whakamuri ana i nga wa. Tika Overhand i pugilists e rua meinga he take i roto i te toru.
Maka Wilson he matau nui tika te whai i te uppercut i roto i te wha e huru maere ano Tapia. Pau nga bruisers e rua te hawhe tuarua o te tuawha whakawhitiwhiti i roto i te pokapū o te whakakai ki uppercuts toutou u e rua.
I muri i te mahi kaha i rua whawhai i runga i te roto ki te kati i roto i te wha o, Wilson ka atu e rua matau nui maui i roto i te rima o, a ka puta ki te tango i te mana o te whawhai, ara, ki te anake hoki te taime.
Ko te po o Tapia ahakoa, ngå ia a whawhai hoki ki lefts toutou o tona ake, me te tuku i te tika overhand iho te waenganui.
Na te waenganui o te ono, I ū Repair lefts nui me ngā e au ra no te tauturu ia tupu tona whakawhirinaki i te taime.
Rauna whitu, waru ma iwa kite Tapia faaatea ia, kowaiwai paheke nui matā a Wilson, i ū nui o tona ake wā, me te e hela'ia Wilson i roto i.
Katia atu Repair ko Wilson te whawhai ki te tini, engari ko te reira iti rawa mutunga rawa hoki Wilson rite cruised Tapia ki te whakatau loto.
Whakaaturia te a'ee tuarua teata tūturu amanaki whitu marangaEmanuera Aleem (15-0, 9 Koó) kowhetetia te whakatau ritua (78-74,75-77, 77-75) moCarlos Galvan (11-4-1, 10 Koó) i roto i te a'ee a tawhio waru.
E rua Aleem ko Galvan puta mai pukuriri i roto i te kotahi a tawhio noa ki te whakawhitinga mano-ahuareka, engari ka puta Galvan ki kua whiwhi nga pai o te mahi, ū te uppercut i te pere.
I muri i tētahi tawhio tuarua mahi-Kikī, U Aleem he matau tika nui i roto i te toru o e maere a tata maturuturu iho Galvan ki te koaka, otiia kihai i taea e ki te kati Aleem.
Ka puta mai Aleem i nohopuku i roto i rauna e wha, me te rima, titiro ki te faaoti i te mea kihai i taea e ia i roto i te toru, heoi kihai i haere mai i te knockout. Nāwai setted Aleem roto, ka tīmata te whakatū i muri i tona werohanga rite ka mau te taha hangarau o tona kēmu ki runga.
Aleem, nei te patototanga i ia o ona hoariri whakamutunga e whitu tomo Rātū, tīmata ano titiro ki te mahi i te taua i roto i te taka noa e whitu. Whawhai ana hoki Galvan, engari whakamatauria rawa nui ngā takitoru o Aleem rite Aleem u tetahi Pōnānā ki te kati i roto i te a tawhio noa.
Ko te miniti tuarua o te a tawhio whakamutunga kite whakawhitinga i te mano i roto i te wehi, engari u Aleem rave rahi tika nui ki te kati i roto i te win.
I roto i te untelevised mahi undercard, toa o mua te ao “Kino” Chad Dawson (33-4, 18 Koó) hoki ki te mowhiti i muri i te 14 marama te roa, ki te hinga Hero El Amin (12-9, 6 Koó) i te whakatau loto (100-90, 100-90, 100-90) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa a'ee taumahamaha o te marama.
Tenei ko te aha te whawhai teata i ki te mea e pā ana ki o ratou mahi:
“Ko te nifó e mutu te reira i wahi o te huinga e akonga kua mahi matou i runga i roto i te puni, he pere raro ki te tinana whai i te tika overhand.
“I te huhi e ahau te tuatahi, no te ka e ahau te knockdown, ko reira ia ahau ite tonu pouri, no te kitenga e ahau i mau kino ia fakamātoato toku hoa whanaunga.
“Te tamata nei ahau ki te noho pai. Te ti'aturi nei au e whakaatu tenei whawhai e kore e taea kia whiua e ahau i 122 lbs. Au rite noa ahau mo nui me te pai whawhai.
“Toku whakaaro me mau pure e ki Juan me tona utuafare.”
Emanuera ALEEM
“Haere ahau i roto i reira te po ki te wahi i ia ki raro, a ka takoto ki a ia ki raro. Ki te kite ahau i tetahi atu a tawhio noa e kua mutu i ahau i te reira.
“Ko ia e kore tetahi uaua atu whakaaro ahau Hiahia kia ia, tatou e kore e tika i mahia nga mea katoa i te huarahi i hiahia ahau ki te.
“Ua mauruuru vau i ki kua whiwhi i tēnei wheako whawhai i runga i PBC i te FS1 te po. Ko ha a'usia nui, me te inaianei te reira ki runga ki ki te mea te muri. Ngā mihi ki te pā katoa mo te mātakitaki!”
“Ite e ahau pai tika i teie nei. Ua ite au i te wikitoria. (Aleem) patua pakeke, engari i mahara ahau whawhai e ahau te whawhai pai.
“Toku kokonga me toku kaiwhakangungu i kaiako ahau haere a matou ua ka tatou te win. Ite rite te victor ahau.”
“Ite e ahau pai. Ko toku whawhai 10-a tawhio tuatahi tenei, a e kore e taea e ahau te amuamu. Ko Wilson kotahi uaua tama a te pū, engari i mohio ahau i ahau i te reira i raro i te mana.
“E kore ahau whakaaro e pā ana ki knockouts, Meinga tika ahau te reira i te matua ki te tango i te tiaki o te mahi. Ahau noa hiahia ki te pouaka a ia, me te mea ka nui haere mai te knockout.
“Ru ia ahau, engari ka mau ahau ki reira. Ahau te tu tonu ahau. Ko te whakaongaonga ki te whawhai 10 rauna pakeke.”
Garrett WILSON
“Ko te whawhai uaua tenei. Ka mau te reira e ahau ki runga ki pānui poto, a whawhai tatou, te tokorua rite o marohirohi i te tokorua i roto i reira te po nei.
“Whakaaro ahau no te tino haere ahau ki te e taea ki te whenua te tahi mea i runga i tona pahau ki tona tinana ranei, me te tiki ia ia i roto i te reira, engari ko ia fifi.”
Chad Dawson
“Ko toku whawhai tuatahi i roto i tenei 14 marama, a ka e ahau 10 rauna i roto i te putea. He tahi mau mea e hiahia ana ahau ki te haere hoki ki te poari tātuhi me te mahi i runga i, engari ite e ahau pai i muri i te po nei.
“Whakaaro ahau whawhaitia e ahau te whawhai pai te po nei, engari e kore e nui. Hiahia hoatu e ahau i ahau he B tango. Ka tango ahau rua, e toru nga marama, a ka tumanako ahau ki te kia hoki.”
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I whakatairangatia ana te kāri e te Whakatairanga Kingi o.
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