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世界级格斗宣布完成, 前所未有的六张主要卡, WSOF33的三小时NBCSN直播: GAETHJE VS. 杜古鲁夫

星光熠熠, 世界冠军连赛
从堪萨斯城直播, 你. 上 星期五, 十月. 7

门票发售 星期五, 七. 2


LAS VEGAS (八月 30, 2016) - 世界系列的战斗 (www.WSOF.com) 今天宣布完成堆叠, 六战主卡前所未有, 三个小时, 直播NBCSN (11 P.M. ET / 8时三十分. PT) WSOF33的电视转播: Gaethje VS. 堪萨斯城堪萨斯城市政礼堂举行的杜古鲁戈夫世界冠军双头大赛, 你. 上星期五, 十月. 7.

从价格 $20, WSOF33的门票: Gaethje VS. Dugulubgov开始销售星期五, 七 2 在堪萨斯城市政礼堂票房以及在Ticketmaster.com和WSOF.com上在线.

加入先前宣布的轻量级 (155 英镑) 卫冕冠军之间的主要赛事, 不败的主销 贾斯汀的“亮点”Gaethje (16-0) 和第一竞争者 奥兹Dugulubgov (8-2); 轻量级 (205 英镑) 卫冕冠军之间的冠军联合主赛事 大卫·科 (16-3) 和挑战者 马加良斯温尼 (14-7); 以及WSOF25八人制锦标赛获胜者之间的轻巧倾斜 布赖恩·福斯特 (25-9) 和 路易斯·布希(Buiz)Firmino (19-6), 还有三个, 星光熠熠的回合, 由一场特色的轻量级比赛 杰森‘堪萨斯城强盗’高 (19-5) 和 若昂·“巴西的武士”Zeferino (20-8).

“这是, 毫无疑问, 我们放在一起的从上到下最堆叠的战斗卡, 很大程度上要感谢NBCSN, 自从四年前我们在网络上启动以来,这第一次给了我们三个小时的窗口, 展示我们最好的战斗机,“说世界系列格斗总统 父亲酋长.

在六回合电视转播的其他动作中, 约翰“大限”霍华德 (24-12) 将与碰撞 阿布巴卡尔Nurmagomedov (12-1-1) 在次中量级 (170 英镑) 配对.

揭开主打牌的名单将是两名世界战斗大赛新人和淘汰赛艺术家之间的重量级对决– 肖恩·“野人”乔丹 (18-7) 和 阿什莉·吉奥·古奇 (10-4).


贾森高VS. 若昂Zeferino

第三次进入世界战斗十进制笼, 5尺9寸, 34-堪萨斯城的最高岁, 你. 在他的前两场比赛中表现出色.

在11月的WSOF25上他的促销处女秀中 20, 2015, UFC和Strikeforce的资深人士,以及 2009 DREAM大奖赛亚军在KO上获得了亮点 埃斯特万Payan 在第二轮中使用头部踢拳组合 (:47) 他们的对决.

希区(High)鼓舞性地击败了其他球星迈克·里奇. 在对前两轮中的每轮大多数进行处罚之后, High在进攻中继续前进,并在第二轮对Ricci的进攻中打入了毁灭性的TKO (4:08) WSOF31会议上 六月 17.

5英尺11, 30-岁的米德尔敦(Middletown), 纽约州. 通过弗洛里亚诺波利斯, 圣卡塔琳娜, 巴西赢得了骄人的成绩 15 的 20 事业胜利在提交的方式.

巴西柔术黑腰带在有史以来第一次世界大战一晚比赛中获得亚军, 11月的八人锦标赛 20, 2015, 遭受第二轮 (4:51) KO (拳) 在锦标赛的冠军回合中输了 布赖恩·福斯特, 那天晚上早些时候Zeferino在比赛的第一阶段轻松击败了, 通过第一轮的方式 (1:46) 服从 (脚后跟钩).

在战胜福斯特之后, Zeferino进入了第一轮 (1:24) 脚跟钩提交, 这次 豪尔赫“狐猿”帕蒂诺, 在比赛的半决赛阶段. 结果标志着Zeferino连续第七次获胜.

霍华德VS. 阿布巴卡尔Nurmagomedov

5英尺​​7, 33-岁的波士顿霍华德, 质量. 即将在上成功举办世界搏击大赛 六月 17 当他在 迈克尔·阿兰特.

UFC的14名退役老兵, 霍华德战胜了 丹尼斯·“超人”霍尔曼, 乌利亚大厅西娅·巴哈杜尔扎达(Siyar Bahadurzada) 在两个不同的促销过程中, 并在首轮比赛中获得了“夜间淘汰赛”荣誉 (2:01) KO (拳) 的 丹尼尔·罗伯茨 在三月的“ UFC Live”活动中 21, 2010, 以及他的分手决定赢得了“夜间战斗”奖 克里斯·威尔逊 在UFC 94 一月 31, 2009.

马哈奇卡拉的努尔马哥梅多夫, 达吉斯坦, 俄罗斯是6英尺, 26-年岁的门生 阿卜杜勒马纳普·努尔马戈梅多夫, UFC超级巨星的父亲和教练 Khabib Nurmagomedov, 和 2014 搏击三宝世锦赛铜牌得主.

当他面对霍华德时, 努尔马戈梅多夫(Nurmagomedov)将在战斗十角笼世界系列赛中寻求连续第四次获胜, 和他的第五连胜, 在他暗恋之后, 第二轮 (3:05) WHO (拳) 的马修Frincu 在WSOF30上 四月 2.

至今, 10 Nurmagomedov的 12 事业胜利是通过以下两种方式达成的 (牛逼)KO或提交.

肖恩·乔丹vs. 阿什利古奇

矮胖, 6-脚, 31-岁的巴吞鲁日(Barton Rouge), 该. 在与UFC进行了10场战斗之后,他将首次出战世界战斗系列,这是他备受期待的首秀, 在此期间,重型战斗机发布了强大的, 6-4 整体记录, 他所有的胜利都来自 (牛逼)KO.

也是Strikeforce和Bellator动作的资深人士, 约旦是一位成就斐然的运动员,曾获得路易斯安那州立大学的足球奖学金 (路易斯安那州立大学) 他既是 2003 和 2007 国家冠军队.

格伦代尔古奇, 亚利桑那州. 由于最近的战绩(6英尺3分),他赢得了世界大战系列的冠军, 41-岁的他在最后八场比赛中均获胜, 所有八场胜利都来自 (牛逼)KO或提交.

古奇最近的成功为他赢得了新英格兰地区重量级联赛的第一名, 以及亚利桑那州的第二大排名, 根据Tapology.com.


这个星期四 快活豪华赌场之夜
马山, CT (八月 30, 2016) – 迪贝拉娱乐公司 (DiBella Entertainment) 宣布 百老汇拳击 卡, 展示了新英格兰许多最有前途的前景, 本周四 马山塔克特快活豪华赌场福克斯剧院之夜, 康涅狄格.
“好的” 尼克DeLomba (10-1, 2 科斯), 战斗克兰斯顿的出, RI, 是六名新英格兰人之一, 具有讽刺意味的, 百老汇拳击. 26岁的德隆巴将对阵格罗夫兰, 佛罗里达州 阿莫斯 “2 光滑” 科沃特 (11-1-1, 9 科斯) 在八轮的主要事件.
比利时超羽量级选手 Dardan Zenunaj (12-1, 9 科斯), 前世界拳击协会 (WBA) 国际冠军, 面对新墨西哥州 何塞 “矮子” 萨利纳斯(9-2-1, 5 科斯) 在八轮比赛中.
不败的布鲁克林轻量级 韦斯利·费雷尔, 一 2013 纽约市金手套冠军, 将参加另一场八回合比赛.
一对新签约的迪贝拉娱乐战士, 西班牙少年轻量级不败 乔恩 “琼弗” 费尔南德斯 (8-0, 6 科斯), 谁与未来的名人堂成员共同推动 塞尔吉奥·马丁内斯, 以及即将首次亮相的波多黎各次中量级选手 何塞·罗马, 也将在行动. 费尔南德斯对阵墨西哥队 纳西夫 “小屋” 城堡 (17-8-2, 5 科斯) 在八圆, 当罗曼转为职业球员对阵费城人队时 卡利克核心 在四轮比赛中.
东哈特福德, CT次中量级 “奇妙” 麦基·威廉姆斯 (3-0, 2 科斯), 三届环边世界锦标赛冠军, 返回他在福克斯伍兹的第二个家,参加他的第四次职业比赛 大卫·纳尔逊 (3-5, 1 KO), 洛杉矶, 例如, 在四回合回合.
康涅狄格州的自己 安东尼劳雷亚诺 乔纳森 “光滑” 菲格罗亚 将在与费城人队的单独四轮比赛中首次亮相职业联赛. 次中量级劳雷亚诺, 一 2016 两者都不. 东哈特福德金手套冠军, 挑战出道前 尼尔·奥尔布赖特, 而哈特福德初级次中量级菲格罗亚, 一 2012 南北. 金手套金牌得主, 竞争 德米特里厄斯·威廉姆斯(0-1).
一对马萨诸塞州羽量级选手将分别进行四轮比赛. 两者都不. 金手套奖获得者 邓肯·拉莫斯 (4-0-1, 4 科斯), 弗雷明汉, 将争夺 肖恩·阿科斯塔, 阿雷西博的, 波多黎各. 伍斯特的 欧文·冈萨雷斯 (1-0, 1 KO) 将对阵德克萨斯人 胡安·穆尼兹.
门票 9月1日 卡正在出售,售价为 $125, $75 和 $45, 不包括适用的服务费和税款. 门票可在www.ticketmaster.comwww.foxwoods.com 或者通过访问快活’ 票房. 要通过电话进行充电, 致电特玛在 (800) 745-3000.
欲了解更多信息, 访问 www.DBE1.comwww.Foxwoods.com, 在 Twitter 上关注@LouDiBella, @DiBellaEnt, @FoxwoodsCT, @dardanzenunaj, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainmentwww.facebook.com/foxwoods/.


路易斯顿, 缅因 (八月 30, 2016) – The weight cut is regarded by many fighters as the most difficult part of preparing for a fight. 为 杰西 “海盗” 埃里克森 (7-5), his weight cut was cut short 星期一 night in preparation for his upcoming bout at “NEF 25: 英雄 & 恶棍” 下周. Erickson was initially scheduled to take on Jon Lemke (5-6) in a rematch of their bout from Bellator 93. The fight would have been at the lightweight limit of 155-pounds. NEF高管, 然而, were informed星期一 afternoon that Lemke had been injured in training and was out of the fight.


Crowsneck Boutin (2-2). The middleweight from the Choi Institute in Portland, Maine stepped in to fill the void left by Lemke’s departure. Boutin will take on Erickson at a catchweight of 180-pounds on September 10th. For Erickson, the heavier limit means not just the end of his weight cut, but a chance to finally face Boutin in a showdown that has been some time in the making.


It seems the stars have aligned for me and Crow to finally fight in the NEF cage,” 埃里克森说. “I’m thankful he took the fight and look forward to going to battle with him September 10th. Victory or Valhalla”


“很好, my buddy, Jim Bass, he’s a workinpumpin gas and he makes two-fifty for an hour,” sang Boutin when reached for comment. “He’s got rhythm in his hands as he’s tappinon the cans. Sings rock and roll in the shower.


新英格兰战斗“下一个事件, “NEF 25: 英雄 & 恶棍,” takes place on 星期六, 九月 10, 2016 在安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店在路易斯顿, 缅因. 门票开始只是 $25 而在销售现在 www.TheColisee.com 或致电在Colisée酒店票房 207.783.2009 X 525.


有关事件,并拼牌更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他们的Twitter @nefights并加入官方Facebook集团“新英格兰战斗。”


LAS VEGAS (八月 29, 2016) - 世界系列的战斗 (www.WSOF.com) 今天宣布,通过轻量级的签约,它再次巩固了世界一流运动员的名册 (155 英镑) 明星和前任 终极战士 竞赛实况电视连续剧亚军 拉姆西·沉默 (9-6), 到异, 与世界冠军混合武术的多战促销协议 (MMA) 联盟.

战胜奥勒姆, 犹他州, 5尺11寸, 28-岁的无声, 巨星中的一员 吉尔伯特·梅伦德斯(Gilbert Melendez)的Skrap Pack战斗队, 将在即将宣布的日期在“世界大战系列”旗帜下首次亮相.


“我们一直在积极寻求市场上最优秀的战斗人才,并作为一个出色而成熟的竞争对手, 拉姆齐·尼耶姆(Ramsey Nijem)应该为我们的堆垛做出令人兴奋的补充, 155-磅级别,“说世界系列格斗总统 父亲酋长.

尼耶姆(Nijem)击败了三名直系对手-两名通过提交方式击败了一名通过将军澳 – 最终获得亚军 终极战士: 莱斯纳队vs. 多斯桑托斯队 在 2011, 在次中量级比赛中 (170 英镑) 作为UFC超级巨星的成员 少年多斯桑托斯的七人作战团队,反对一支由WWE图标和前UFC重量级冠军组成的小队 布罗克Lesnar.

Nijem在第二轮开始了他在真人秀节目中的成功表演 (3:31) 服从 (后方裸体扼流圈) 的 查理·拉德(Charlie Rader), 然后迅速跟进胜利, 56-第二次提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 的 克莱·哈维森 第二轮 (1:49) WHO (拳) 的 克里斯·科普, 分别, 进入节目的最后一轮比赛,在比赛中他被拳打猛打拦住了 托尼·弗格森 在第一轮 (3:54) 战斗.

在UFC的10场战斗中, Nijem的第一轮比赛均获得了“夜间表演”荣誉 (4:20) WHO (拳) 征服 Beneil的Dariush 四月 11, 2014, 以及因在第二轮中的不懈努力而获得的“夜间战斗”奖 (1:53) WHO (拳) 败在手中 卡洛斯·迭戈·费雷拉 八月 30, 2014.

终身运动员, Nijem是三项运动 (摔角, 越野和足球) 高中的竞争对手,然后继续为犹他谷大学的NCAA部门搏斗.

生活世界大赛的格斗动作返回NBCSN上 星期六, 十月. 7, 前所未有的, 三小时电视转播和世界冠军双打, 在开始 11 P.M. AND/8 下午, 从堪萨斯城堪萨斯市市政礼堂, 你.

在WSOF33的主要赛事中: Gaethje VS. Dugulubgov, 统治, 不败的世界轻量级冠军 贾斯汀的“亮点”Gaethje (16-0) 萨福德的, 亚利桑那州. 将以第一名的身份冒头衔 奥兹Dugulubgov (8-2) 里奇伍德, N.J.

中轻量级 (205 英镑) 合作的主要事件, 卫冕世界冠军 大卫·科 (16-3) of New York, 纽约州. 将捍卫自己的头衔,以对抗巴西柔术黑带和久经沙场的老将 马加良斯温尼 (14-7) 拉斯维加斯, 内华达州. 通过里约热内卢, 巴西.




SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (八月 29, 2016) – On Oct. 21, Bellator MMA will come to FedExForum in Memphis, 天恩, when the Scott Coker-led promotion presents a card headlined by the return of former middleweight champion Alexander “Storm” Shlemenko (53-9), 谁满足 肯德尔格罗夫(23-15) 在中量级行动.

此外, during the card’s co-main event, the always-exciting former WWE superstar 鲍比·拉什利 (14-2) 会见 乔什·阿佩尔特 (12-5) 在权重股的行动.

Tickets for the event go on sale 九月 2 在Bellator.com, Ticketmaster 或 FedExForum 售票处. Bellator Nation (www.bellator.com/bellatornation) will have special access to a pre-sale offering from 八月. 31-七. 1. 主要卡牌活动在 SPIKE 上免费直播 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT and additional main card and undercard bouts will be announced shortly.

A former Bellator MMA Middleweight Champion, the “Storm” has kept busy, racking up a pair of wins already in 2016, and adding to his seemingly endless resume of victories since turning pro in 2004. A natural born finisher, Shlemenko’s success in MMA has also translated to coaching, as he’s played a pivotal role in the ascension of current Bellator MMA welterweight kingpin 安德烈Koreshkov.

Also of note, due to Shlemenko’s recent suspension, Bellator officials have enlisted the services of The Mohegan Department of Athletic Regulation to administer drug tests before and after Shlemenko’s fight against Grove. The former middleweight champion is presently licensed with the Mohegan commission.

Fixated on getting another shot a Bellator’s middleweight title, Grove has strung together two emphatic stoppage wins since losing his bid to attain gold at“Bellator 137: 哈尔西VS. 格罗夫。“ 获胜者为 “终极战士: 3” 在尖峰, the Maui, 夏威夷, native has also been competing professionally for longer than a decade, racking up victories and a plethora of finishes along the way. An experienced Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt and Muay Thai practitioner, Shlemenko will need to be on his A-game when the two square off in the card’s main event on 十月. 21.

Lashley is a must-see mixed martial artist, as well as professional wrestler, and will make his first appearance inside the Bellator cage in 2016 during the co-main event at FedExForum. “The Dominator” will be looking to run his current winning streak to eight fights, and five-straight finishes. With the heavyweight belt recently vacated, there’s an argument that can be made that the Aurora, 科罗拉多州。, native is the big man to beat in Bellator MMA’s heavyweight weight class.

Appelt was set to make his fifth appearance under the direction of Bellator MMA against 谢尔盖Kharitonov“Bellator 154: 戴维斯VS. 莫景,” but after the 35-year-old Russian withdrew due to illness, Appelt was forced to wait. 现在, “The Juggernaut” is once again set to return, and again, the 33-year-old California native will have his hands full. With ten stoppages in 12 胜利, Appelt will look to use his striking ability to nullify the strong wrestling pedigree of Lashley.

Updated “Bellator MMA: Shlemenko VS. Grove”主卡:

Middleweight Main Event: 亚历山大Shlemenko (53-9) VS. 肯德尔格罗夫 (23-15)

重量级的合作主要事件: 鲍比·拉什利 (14-2) VS. 乔什·阿佩尔特 (12-5)

GH3 Promotions signs undefeated Heavyweight Ray Edwards

纳特利, 新泽西州 (八月 29, 2016)GH3 Promotions is honored to announce the signing of undefeated heavyweight 雷·爱德华兹 以独家推广合同.
Edwards of Cincinnati, Ohio has a perfect mark of 11-0-1 七次击倒.
After a successful seven-year career as a defensive end for the Minnesota Vikings and Atlanta Falcons of the National Football League, Edwards has made professional boxing his full-time occupation.
该 31 year-old Edwards actually turned professional May 20, 2011 when the NFL players were entrenched in a lockout.
Ray has shown that he has the physical tools to become a top heavyweight,” 说GH3促销CEO维托Mielnicki.
He has a ton of upside and with heavyweights, there is a chance to become a star very quickly here in the States. I think that because he has competed at a high level in the NFL, he has a chance to do that in boxing. We are looking to get him three fights before the end of the year. He is 6’6 255 磅. and we will move him like like most heavyweights, steady but right and no rush. He will be at the top when it’s time. He is class act, well spoken and when he walks in a room u see his presence.
I always loved boxing. I started doing in at as an off-season workout and just really enjoyed it,” said Edwards.
在他的职业首秀中, Edwards won a four-round unanimous decision over Tyrone Gibson in Hinckley, 明尼苏达州。.
爱德华兹, who did not have an amateur fight, has increased his level of opposition and is coming off a 2nd round stoppage over Steven Tyner on August 26 在明尼阿波利斯.
It is a big deal for me to sign with GH3 Promotions,” continued Edwards. “Vito Mielnicki has a good stable with Antoine Douglas and Jerry Odom and this is the type of step I was looking for.
Because Edwards was known for his prowess on the gridiron, his transition into the ring was not taken seriously.
I was looked down upon because I was a football player. I have the right team around that will help develop my style. I have been in camp wiith (WBC Heavyweight champion) Deontay Wilder and I held my own, and I have confidence in myself.
In what he thinks his move from the NFL to boxing can help persuade kids to start boxing, where in the recent past, a lot of the good young athletes have chosen other sports.
I can help kids be passionate about boxing. Kids haven’t dedicated themselves and learned their crafts. People just see the finished products of fighters. I don’t listen to the negative comments and have good people around me.
I just want to stay busy and keep winning. Let me be great. In do time, people will see the finished product.
In what playing at the highest level of professional sports, he can take into boxing, Edwards notes, “I played defensive line and I was focused on the ball. So I have learned to tune things out. It’s that tunnel vision that playing in front of 100,000 人, you learn that. Not to listen to the crowd and stay focused.
When asked if what his former NFL fraternity thinks of his move to boxing, Edwards stated, “I still get support from my friends in the league. They are always asking when and where I am fighting, so I feel when the fights get higher profile, It will become a really big thing.

Said Edwards trainer Kennie Johnson, “He is developing into a good
战斗机. We started out with a guy who had a great physical presence, but he has been a fast learner and now it is time for people to see that. He is coming along well and when the competition steps up, we will see that he is a quality fighter. He is the hardest worker that I ever seen in the forty years that I have been around the sport.
Edwards is managed by Chances Aurelius, 谁说, “Vito Mielnicki is a good guy and I am happy to be on board with GH3 Promotions. I think we will do big things together.

Edwards will fight on 九月 15 against an opponent to be named in Philadelphia. The bout will be televised on CBS Sports Network.
GH3促销信息特色中量级安东尼·道格拉斯, 超中量级的杰里奥多姆 & 罗纳德·埃利斯, 不败超轻量级亚当·洛佩兹以及Boxcino 2015 JR. 中量级冠军约翰·汤普森, 小, 不败重量级的肯尼斯·西姆斯小, Jerrell哈里斯, 阿图罗·特鲁希略 & 基南·史密斯, 重量级雷·爱德华兹, Lightweight O’Shaquie Foster, JR. Lightweight O’Shaquie Foster, 轻量级的布伦特Venagas & LeRoy Davilla to the GH3 Promotions stable.


桑普森Lewkowicz, promoter of suddenly red-hot welterweight David EmanuelEl Pirata” 佩拉尔塔, says big changes are on the way for his cab-driving Argentinean fighter.
周六 夜晚, 佩拉尔塔 (26-2-1, 14 科斯), 一 70:1 弱旅, came out of retirement to win a surprise 12-round split decision over former world champion Robert “鬼” Guerrero at the Honda Center in Anaheim, 加利福尼亚州.
The victory, televised nationally on PBC on Spike, has changed 33-year-old Peralta’s fortunes in the talent-rich welterweight division.
He is no longer a cab driver,” laughed a happy Lewkowicz, 战斗后. “David came out of retirement to take this fight when I offered it to him. Now his life will change. He will go back to being a full-time fighter and I will find him another big fight to win.
Lewkowicz, credited with discovering Manny Pacquiao and Sergio “怀疑” Martinez among many others, says his Argentinean fighter was taken lightly because he had never fought outside his homeland, but he knew what he could do.
David is very talented fighter and very tough,” 说Lewkowicz. “We knew Guerrero was in a tough battle against him, but no one else did. And I thank the great champion Robert Guerrero for giving him the opportunity. He and his team have our utmost respect.
Lewkowicz says he will get to work finding Peralta another big opportunity as soon as possible.
You have to like David. He is very humble and honest and he fought his heart out and now everybody knows his name. He’s a special fighter and I’m very happy to be his promoter. He was only retired because he thought nothing would ever happen in his career. He’s back now and he’ll be in the gym full-time. His cab can wait. I will find him a big fight against another top contender and try to get him in line for a world title shot. Or if Robert Guerrero feels like he wants an immediate rematch, we would give it to him. He gave us the chance.
一个非常成功的奔跑作为媒人和顾问后,, 桑普森Lewkowicz切换到职业拳击推广方一月 2008.
桑普森拳击已经成长为世界上最负盛名的推广公司之一, 代表许多世界上最好的战士,最有前途的年轻竞争者.

桑普森拳击有促销的合作伙伴遍及北美和南美, 非洲, 亚洲, 新西兰, 澳大利亚, 欧洲,中美洲和桑普森拳击事件被电视上的首映式等网络作为HBO, 开演时间, ESPN, VS. 和一些国际网络.

Argentina’s David Emanuel Peralta Shocks Former World Champion Robert Guerrero in Main Event Of Premier Boxing Champions on Spike

Freddy Hernandez Defeats Alfredo Angulo and Terrell Gausha Scores Decision Over Steve Martinez
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阿纳海姆, 例如 (八月 27, 2016) 阿根廷 David EmanuelEl Pirata” 佩拉尔塔, (26-2-1, 14 科斯) shockingly defeated former world champion 罗伯特· “The Ghost Guerrero, (33-5-1, 18 科斯) by 12-round split decision in the main event of Premier Boxing Champion (PBC) 在穗 星期六 night from the Honda Center in Anaheim.
得分 116-112 和 115-113 for Peralta and 115-113 for Guerrero in the main event of the televised tripleheader promoted by TGB Promotions.
Guerrero opened strong in the first two rounds, scoring at will over the slower Peralta. Guerrero continued to have success in the third stanza as they traded back and forth throughout the round. Peralta started to mount a consistent attack in the fifth round, upping the tempo and using movement to keep the oncoming Guerrero at bay.
The middle rounds featured excellent exchanges with Guerrero using a blistering uppercut to score points against Peralta. 然而, Peralta turned the tables in the ninth, seemingly scoring a knockdown which wasn’t called and landing right hands at will on Guerrero.
Peralta continued to land and score in the final three rounds earning the split decision.
Stated the victorious Peralta, “I was a cab driver, driving cabs in Argentina. I was offered a chance to fight in the U.S. and came away victorious.
I came to fight and I knew I would win. He is a very good fighter but I hit him with the
harder shots.
“是的, I want to fight bigger names now, no way I’m going to retire now. I’ll be ready again to fight soon, this was no joke and I can beat a lot of great fighters.
Said a disappointed Guerrero, “I thought I clearly won the fight. For the judge to say I lost eight rounds sounds crazy to me. Peralta was very awkward but I felt I won. I won the rounds when I boxed. This is very disappointing but I’ll be back, that you can count on.
In a 10-round battle between two Mexican warriors, 弗雷迪·埃尔南德斯, (34-8, 22 科斯), 在赢得了一致的决定 阿尔弗雷德 “狗” 安古洛, (24-6, 20 科斯). 得分
98-92 和 97-93 两次. 从开盘, it was bombs away with both fighters unloading thunderous power shots. Hernandez seemed to have more on his punches as Angulo slowed over the first few rounds.
Although continuing with heavy pressure and moving forward in his aggressive style, Angulo was not able to score consistently as Hernandez kept his distance and used a solid jab to control the action.
Said the happy Hernandez following the fight, “I felt great, I know I clearly won the fight. This weight is too big for me, I’m not a super middleweight or a middleweight. He still punches hard but I hit him harder 今晚.
I have a great deal of respect for Alfredo, 今晚 the people saw two real Mexican warriors.
2012 U S. 奥林匹亚 Terrell Guasha, (19-0, 9 科斯) remains undefeated with a 10-round majority decision over the Bronx’s 史蒂夫·马丁内斯, (16-3, 13 科斯) in the opening bout of the PBC on Spike telecast.
Fighting on the inside over the first two rounds featuring excellent two-way action, both Gausha and Martinez landed, hard accurate shots.
Gausha continued to score points in the first half of the fight with stunning and accurate body shots to slow down the aggressive Martinez. Gausha’s success continued throughout the fight controlling the action and distance with his jab with Martinez scoring occasionally with powerful right hands shots. Scores at the end of the of the entertaining bout were 97-93 twice for Gausha and 95-95.
Said the happy winner Gausha, “He was aggressive but I was able to solve him. This was a real test and just what I needed, I need the competition to be the best and become a world champion.
I wasn’t surprised by the one scorecard for a draw, it was a close fight but I definitely won.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.mayweatherpromotions.com www.spike.com/shows/英超 - 拳击冠军. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @GhostBoxing@SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter and @Swanson_Comm. Premier Boxing Champions on Spike was sponsored by Corona.

Lippe-Morrison to make TV debut against Latimore September 23

塔尔萨, 行 (八月 27, 2016) – Heavyweight sensation Trey Lippe-Morrison makes his highly anticipated TV debut when he faces fellow unbeaten Ed Latimore as part of a quadruple header on ShoBox: 新一代 星期五, 九月 23 在 10 下午ET live from the Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, 行.
Living and fighting out of Tulsa, 行, Lippe-Morrison’s 11-0 用他所有的胜利来通过击倒. A member of Holden Productions’ Four State Franchise, the 26-year-old power punching phenom has been out of the ring since January after suffering a hand injury. Under the watchful eye of 7-time BWAA Trainer of the Year Freddie Roach, Lippe-Morrison’s working hard daily towards his goal to become the heavyweight champion of the world like his late father Tommy.
拉铁摩尔, 13-0 (7 KO的), is without question the toughest opponent of Lippe-Morrison’s career. Fighting out of the Steel City Pittsburgh, PA, Latimore is fresh off a 七月 15 victory over Juan Goode. Known by his moniker “Black Magic,” Latimore is a former Pennsylvania Golden Gloves, National PAL and Ringside Champion. He also owns amateur victories over 2012 Olympian Dominic Breazeale and former IBF heavyweight kingpin Charles Martin.
This is a definite step up for Trey but these are the kinds of opponents we need to be fighting on TV,” said Lippe-Morrison’s promoter Tony Holden. “Trey has improved his boxing ability tremendously under Freddie Roach and has dynamic power. 同时, Latimore is here to spoil the party and was a very good amateur prior to his current run as an unbeaten professional. The fans at the Buffalo Run, where Trey is a favorite, and everybody watching on Showtime are in for exciting fight between two unbeaten heavyweights on the way up, which is a rarity these days.”
Lippe-Morrison and Latimore meet over six rounds.
Brooklyn-based Russian Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk, 11-0 (10 KO的), puts his perfect record on the line against an opponent to be named in a ten round junior welterweight bout. Baranchyk, who scored back to back first round knockouts on ShoBox at the Buffalo Run, is the newest member of the Four State Franchise.
In a ten round light heavyweight affair, “Notorious” Travis Peterkin, 16-0-1 (7 KO的), travels from Brooklyn, NY to face once-beaten contender Radivoje “Hot Rod” Kalajdzic, 21-1 (14 KO的), 圣. 圣彼得堡, FL.
Rounding out the televised portion of the card is fellow Brooklyn-based Russian Ivan “The Volk” Golub, who risks his 12-0 ledger against an opponent TBA over ten rounds in the welterweight division.
The card is promoted by Holden Productions in association with DiBella Entertainment and Fight Promotions Inc. 门票开始 $35 are on sale now by logging onto HTTP://www.stubwire.com/event/shoboxthenewgeneration/buffaloruncasino/miami/13276 or calling the Buffalo Run Box Office at 918-542-7140.



完整的搏击之夜照片此处 / Event Highlights Here

阿纳海姆, 加利福尼亚州. (八月 26, 2016) - 本森亨德森 (24-6) earned his first victory since joining the Bellator MMA fray at Honda Center in Anaheim, 加利福尼亚州。, 周五晚上. A faulty kick by 帕特里西奥“斗犬”弗莱雷 (25-4) led to a leg injury, forcing him to forfeit the loss two minutes and 26 秒,进入第二轮.


After making the jump up to Bellator MMA’s 170-pound division, Henderson returned to where he was dominant in the UFC as a lightweight. 夺冠后,, Henderson received word of his next opponent; Bellator MMA’s current Lightweight Champion, 迈克尔·钱德勒. The two are scheduled to tangle November 19 in the main event of the recently announced “Bellator MMA in San Jose.”

‘Fight of the Year Candidate Ends in Unanimous Decision Victory for Anderson

它把所有三轮,以确定在当晚的合作主要事件是赢家, 但最后, 德里克·安德森 (14-2) 胜出了一致的决定 (30-27, 29-28 两次) 险胜 你阿瓦德 (19-8). “The Barbaric” continues his recent trend of extending fights through the final round, as the win marks his third consecutive fight to go to the judges’ scorecards. The San Diego native has now recorded five wins under the direction of the Scott Coker-led promotion, including multiple victories over fellow lightweight Patricky“斗犬”弗莱雷, earning himself well-deserved respect among the division’s elite.

Karakhanyan’s “Insane” Knockout Puts Early end to Jenkins’ Night

格奥尔基Karakhanyan (25-6-1) 只需要 53 秒数完成 布巴·詹金斯 (11-3), as the Russian featherweight took care of “The Highlight Kid” for the second time in two years. “Insane” came out firing, landing multiple blows that sent Jenkins to the mat with an early knockout, earning his 11 win in his last 14 打架. The loss is only the third of Jenkins’ young career and second of the first round variety, both of which Karakhanyan is now responsible for. The win is the fifth knockout of Karakhanyan’s career and is his third in the opening frame.

McKee Remains Undefeated With Impressive Guillotine Finish


In the opening contest at “Bellator 160: 亨德森VS. 比特犬,” A.J. “Mercenary” McKee (5-0) remained unbeaten with a guillotine choke submission 32 秒,进入第二轮. By extending the fight past the opening frame, Walker was able to do what no other opponent has done, as each of McKee’s previous four wins had resulted in a first round finish. The win capped off an impressive night by Team Bodyshop, as McKee’s teammates 乔伊·戴维斯 (1-0) 和 加布里埃尔·格林 (4-0) also had their arms raised in the preliminary portion of the event. As one of Bellator MMA’s top young talents, the 21-year-old McKee was able to prove once again that he belongs among the division’s elite. 战斗结束后, the Long Beach native called out 帕特里克“比特犬,” saying “It’s nothing personal, 我想要 (丹尼尔) 斯特劳斯.”



杰克·罗伯茨 (7-0) 打败 斯蒂芬·马丁内斯 (11-5) 通过在将军澳 4:24 of round one

奇索·马基达 (4-2) 打败 Mario Navarro (4-5) 通过在将军澳 2:57 of round one

Jacob Rosales (4-2) 打败 迈克·塞古拉 (4-4) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 29-28 两次)

Andy Murad (13-2) 打败 Jonny Cisneros (9-5) 通过一致决定 (29-28)

加布里埃尔·格林 (4-0) 打败 Alex Trinidad (1-2) 通过在将军澳 2:01 第二轮的

乔伊·戴维斯 (1-0) 打败 Keith Cutrone (1-1) 通过一致决定 (30-27)

史蒂夫·拉米雷斯 (5-1) 打败 Ron Henderson (4-3) 通过在将军澳 2:24 of round one

大卫·杜兰 (4-4) 打败 Kyle Estrada (3-3) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28)