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M-1的挑战 71 权重 & 来自俄罗斯的图片


轻重量级 – 3 X 5
VIKTOR NEMKOV (23-6-0, M-1的: 16-5-0), 俄罗斯 205 磅. (93.1 公斤)
阿提拉 “回转” 血管内皮生长因子 (29-7-2, M-1的: 0-1-0), 斯洛伐克 204 磅. (92.7 公斤)

史蒂芬 “T-800” PUETZ (14-2-0, M-1的: 5-1-0) 205 磅. (93.2 公斤)
MARCUS VINICIUS “山” LOPES (9-1-0, M-1的: 1-0-0), 巴西 204 磅. (92.7 公斤)
PAVEL VITRUK (13-2-0, M-1的: 7-2-0), 俄罗斯 134 ½磅. (61.2 公斤)
VITALI BRANCHUK (21-5-0, M-1的: 1-1-0), 乌克兰 134 磅. (61 公斤)
welterweights的 – 3 X 5
SERGEY ROMANOV (8-1-0, M-1的: 2-0-0), 俄罗斯 176 磅. (79.9 公斤)
CARLOS ALEXANDRE “印地欧” PEREIRA (37-11-1 (M-1的: 1-0-0), 巴西 175 磅. (79.5 公斤)
亚历山大BUTENKO (41-11-2, M-1的: 8-1-0), 乌克兰 160 ½磅. (73 公斤)
RUBENILTONRubinkhoPEREIRA (16-2-0, M-1的: 0-0-0), 巴西 160 磅. (72.9 公斤)
什么时候: 星期五, 十月 21, 2016
WHERE: 印古什, 俄罗斯
LIVE STREAM: www.m1global.tv (11.00 A.M. AND / 8:00 A.M. PT 在美国)
叽叽喳喳 & Instagram的:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

Sergio Martinez’s Maravillabox and Sampson Boxing Sign Co-Promotional Agreement with Argentinean Amateur Star Alberto Palmetta

Former world champion Sergio Martinez of Maravillabox Promotions and Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing proudly announcing they have reached a co-promotional deal with Argentinean 2016 Summer Olympian Alberto Palmetta.
26-year-old Palmetta, a junior middleweight, is one of the most heavily decorated amateurs in his country’s history. 在岁开始拳击后 14, Palmetta had 112 amateur fights and went on to win numerous national and international distinctions including the bronze medal at the 2015 Pan American Games in Toronto and participating in the most recent Olympics.
生于布宜诺斯艾利斯, Palmetta was also the captain of the Argentinean national team and was considered a top-10 prospect in the world at his weight. He has been recognized by his home country several times, including being designated andIllustrious Sportsman by the municipality of San Isidro where he now lives and the 2015 Firpo Award as the best amateur boxer in Argentina.
Palmetta is schedule to make his professional debut on 十一月 18, in Catamarca against an opponent to be confirmed.
I feel my promoters will be looking to bring me to the United States to fight against the best in the world,” said Palmetta. “This is what I told them I want more than anything.
Former champ Martinez says he’s happy the heavily sought-after Palmetta chose to go with him and Sampson Boxing.
I am honored to be working with this talented boxer. The fact that he chose my company gives me tremendous pride and I will do everything I have to for him to become a champion.
Lewkowicz, one of boxing’s great judges of talent dating back many years, says Palmetta will be an important part of his company’s plans in the coming years.

This is a fighter with tremendous talent,” 说Lewkowicz, who is credited with discovering a then-unknown Manny Pacquiao. “Alberto Palmetta is a name everyone in boxing will know in a few years, both in Argentina and around the world. The boxing fans in the United States are going to love the way he fights. I’m very exited to be part of this.

Three of Detroit’s Best Prospects Will Appear on Salita Promotions‘Detroit Brawl’ 周六, 十一月 12, at the Masonic Temple in Detroit

Three of Detroit’s brightest prospects, all bantamweights, will appear in separate bouts on Salita Promotionslatest “底特律争吵” 活动上 星期六, 十一月 12, at the Masonic Temple in Downtown Detroit.
一 “thrill a minutetype slugger with a heavy punch and a giant heart, undefeated 26-year-old James Gordon Smith (10-0, 6 科斯) is never in a bad fight. 前转为职业选手, Smith won numerous national amateur tournaments and has been talked about in Detroit boxing circles for a long time as a potential future champion.
Once again sponsored by Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar, 门票 “底特律争吵” 将定价为 要人 $123, 包厢座位 $100, 马戏团 $93, $63, $38, 和 $28 并可在所有 Ticketmaster 销售点购买 Tickmaster.com.
Smith has already electrified a Detroit Brawl audience, winning a unanimous six-round decision over Mexico’s tough Pablo Cupul last May. True to his fan-friendly form, Smith’s victory over Cupul proved to be a “年度扑灭” 候选人.
The power-punching Detroiter will be looking to take a step up to world contender status soon and will be hoping to showcase his talents one more time for his hometown fans.
James Gordon Smith is one of the most exciting fighters from Detroit right now,” said Kronk Gym’s Javan “糖” 山, one of Detroit’s best-known and most respected trainers. “It’s always a rumble when he fights and that’s because he is like the fighters of the good old days. He’s always looking to get a knockout and his when you see him fight you will see what I am talking about!”
Also on showcase that night will be 21-year-old bantamweight Jarico “大湖金” O'Quinn (3-0, 2 科斯) 底特律, who was one of most sought-after amateur prospects in the country before turning professional last year.
With blazing-fast hands and effortless combination punching, O’Quinn has begun building a reputation asone to watch,” among young prospects in the sport. He will already be having his third fight under the Salita Promotions banner after signing last July.
O’Quinn started boxing at age 14 and went on to rack up 130 wins against 18 losses as an amateur, winning countless national tournaments including the USA Nationals as the number-one-ranked bantamweight in the country. He also travelled extensively with Team USA to fight internationally in places like Poland, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and the Ukraine.
Rounding out the trio is exciting 22-year-old fan favorite Zach Shamoun, of Royal Oak, 密歇根.
Shamoun, who started boxing at age nine, was also an amateur standout. 在他的 160 业余打架, he won the Junior Golden Gloves in 2008 and went on to take 14 state and nine regional titles, while losing just nine fights.
A thinking man’s slugger, the quick-fisted Shamoun can stay very relaxed and in control under fire. He has excellent ring generalship and likes to stay two steps ahead of his opponents.
更多战斗, 对手和回合将很快公布. 搏击之夜, 门在开启 5:00 下午 和战斗在开始 6:00 下午.
Thomas Magee 的 Sporting House 威士忌酒吧位于底特律市中心的东部市场区,为顾客提供一家老式运动和威士忌酒吧. Thomas Magee 以提供每项运动而自豪, 每场比赛, 而每场战斗, 还有很棒的啤酒和威士忌!
有关更多信息, “底特律争吵” 或促销的Salita, 访问www.salitapromotions.com.
Thomas Magee’s Sporting House 威士忌酒吧位于 1408 底特律的 E Fisher 服务大道. 欲了解更多信息, 通话 313-263-4342 或访问他们的官方 Facebook 页面:www.facebook.com/托马斯·马吉斯运动屋威士忌嘿酒吧

格斗网络推出 TKO 36: 复活预赛 & 主卡直播 11 月. 4 在加拿大

多伦多–搏击网, 全球首屈一指 24/7 多平台的通道专用于格斗运动的全覆盖, 今天宣布新复活的回归 世界卫生组织综合格斗 转至加拿大广播电台, 如 WHO 36: 复兴 将于周五在加拿大各地的 Fight Network 直播, 十一月 4, 2016 来自蒙特利尔 TOHU Cite des Arts du Cirque, 魁北克, 加拿大.

Fight Network 将直播 TKO 36: 复兴 在预选赛 6 P.M. AND 并生活 主卡位于 7:30 P.M. AND.

在主要事件, 前 TKO 中流砥柱将作为前肖恩·汤普金斯 (Shawn Tompkins) 学生发生冲突 “波兰之锤”克里斯·霍洛德茨基 (21-6-1, 1NC) 一年多来首次与魁北克队进行比赛 “战争机器”德里克·高蒂尔 (7-6), 蒙特利尔举世闻名的三星健身房代表.

在其他功能的较量, 霍罗德基的队友 “身体掠夺者”杰西·罗森 (15-8) 和 马尔科姆·“X”·戈登 (8-2) 将在对阵德赖斯代尔柔术弟子的比赛中成为焦点 吉米Spicuzza (7-3) 和 Speedy Gym 的 迪米特里“无压力”瓦登堡 (11-7), 分别, 而 House of Champions MMA 产品 约什山 (14-2) 遇见不败的三星道馆弟子 泽维尔·“面包人”·阿拉维 (7-0) 和安大略本地人 林赛Garbatt (3-1) 与法国发生冲突 马盖·贝切尔(Maguy Berchel) (5-1-1) 在一场特色女子比赛中. 加拿大顶尖前景也将被列为乔瓦利 (4-1) 面孔 弗里茨·保罗 (10-3) 在中量级事件中, 更多 TJ“真相”拉勒米 (3-1) 投掷下来 马克西姆·“角斗士”·杜布瓦 (5-2) 在一场羽量级的对决中.

Fight Network 分析师约翰·拉姆丁 (John Ramdeen) 和罗宾·布莱克 (Robin Black) 将与前 TKO 选手贾森·圣 (Jason St) 一起在现场提供英文解说. 路易斯和马克·科兰杰洛.

以前称为 UCC, TKO MMA 是 2000 年代初到中期加拿大 MMA 的主要项目,并帮助开创了先驱者乔治·圣皮埃尔 (Georges St-Pierre) 的职业生涯, 帕特里克·科特, 马克·霍米尼克和萨姆·斯托特, 以及现任 UFC 轻重量级选手 Steve Bosse. 在其运行过程中,此次促销活动还邀请了前 UFC 中量级冠军里奇·富兰克林 (Rich Franklin) 等名字, 前 UFC 轻量级冠军 Sean Sherk 和前 WEC 羽量级冠军 Urijah Faber.

“TKO MMA 在加拿大有着悠久的历史, 催生了一些这项运动最知名人士的职业生涯, 同时设定产值基准, 牵线搭桥, 这项运动早期的明星力量和忠实粉丝群,” Ariel Shnerer说, 编程总监 & Fight Network 的通讯. “追溯到 2005, Fight Network 一直为 TKO MMA 提供全国性的电视平台. 我个人认识斯蒂芬 (楼层) 超过 10 多年来,毫无疑问,他一直对推广综合武术充满热情和天赋. 我们的观众对 TKO MMA 所期待的世界级品质将使魁北克 MMA 舞台重新成为人们的焦点,并为运动员提供一个发光的绝佳平台。”

“‘传统’这个词对我来说意味着整个世界,随着 TKO 的复活, 对我来说非常重要的是我们的组织将在 Fight Network 上为我们的粉丝提供服务,” TKO 总裁 Stephane Patry 说道. “过去很多年,Fight Network 一直是 TKO 的发源地,我很自豪这一传统现在将继续下去. WHO 36 将展示加拿大的顶尖前景, 以及我们运动中一些最知名的名字。”

对于战网的广播时间表的完整列表, 请访问 www.fightnetwork.com, 按照我们在Twitter上@fightnet, 成为粉丝在Facebook上,并参观我们的Instagram @fightnet.

Get to Know Jarrett Hurd

Undefeated Rising Star Takes on Once Beaten Super Welterweight Contender Jorge Cota Saturday, 十一月 12 in Premier Boxing Champions on Spike from Temple University’s Liacouras Center
费城 (十月 19, 2016) – In the last year, undefeated 154-pound contender “迅速” 贾勒特赫德 has rocketed to the top of the stacked super welterweight division, putting himself squarely in the hunt for a world title. 星期六, 十一月 12, Hurd continues his championship march as he takes on once-beaten 豪尔赫·科塔 总理拳击冠军 Spike action from Temple University’s Liacouras Center.
电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT and is headlined by Philadelphia’s own undefeated world champion 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亚, who takes on Colombia’s 塞缪尔·巴尔加斯 在10轮的较量. 加西亚正在与 菲拉邦丹斯, 该地区最大的饥饿救济组织, 安排区域食品活动并在整个促销活动中筹集资金. 有关如何参与的更多信息, 访问活动网页 这里.
Hurd enters this fight coming off of two impressive victories over previously unbeaten fighters. 十一月 2015 he dominated Frank Galarza and stalked him around the ring before ending his night in the sixth round. Hurd followed that up in June of this year, when he stopped Carlos Molina in the final round on CBS as the co-main event of the Keith Thurman vs. Shawn Porter showdown. Hurd’s blinding right uppercut in the first round sent Molina to the canvas and the 突出 earned him a spot on SportsCenter’s Top 10 Plays.
Get to know more about the rising star as he talks about his introduction to the sport and some of his personal favorites:
(On his team): 我有世界上最好的团队. Ernesto Rodriguez is my head trainer and we do our work in Temple Hills, 马里兰. Ernesto is great because he trains me for the style that fits my skills best.
There is no ego in my team. We’re all working toward the same goal and everyone plays their role perfectly. With each fight we’re getting closer to reaching the ultimate goal – 成为世界冠军.
(On his start in boxing): My father first put me in the ring to learn how to defend myself. I was 15-years-old and didn’t really know how to fight. I took to it quickly though and it was obviously one of the best things that ever happened to me.
(On his nickname): I got my nickname from the gym. I looked calm and collective in the gym and people noticed. They said I looked swift in there. Now it’s “迅速” 和 “迅速” on the same card and it’s going to be electric.
(On his boxing idols): I tried to emulate a lot of defensive fighters. 罗伊·琼斯JR. and Floyd Mayweather are my favorite fighters of all time. I liked James Toney because of his shoulder roll and the Philly shell style.
(Favorite sport/team): I watch football. I only the watch the Washington Redkins though. I’ve always been a huge fan.
(Favorite television show): Power on Starz
(Favorite movie): Deadpool
(Favorite junk food): Pizza
(Favorite health food): Kale
(Celebrity crush): Keri Hilson and Nia Long
(Perfect Vacation): Definitely a cruise to Puerto Rico. I’ve never been there but I want to experience it.
(On his homemade “所有访问” videos): I just love to be out there and giving fans a chance to feel connected to me. My childhood friend, Christopher Walton, picked up a camera and just started recording me in the ring and outside of the ring one day. He started getting some better equipment so we decided to do these videos to help promote me. The fans are important to me and I want them to feel like they’re a part of my journey.
www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.spike.com/shows/英超 - 拳击冠军. 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. 使用 #fight4philly 关注对话. 中国人民银行穗被电晕额外赞助, 最好的啤酒.
门票现场活动, 由 DSG Promotions 和 King’s Promotions 推广, 售价为 $200, $100, $75, $50 和 $35 与现已公开发售. 如需购买门票,请访问 LiacourasCenter.com/events 或致电 800-298-4200. Ten dollars from every ticket sold will go to Philabundance, feeding 20 people in need per ticket.




SANTA MONICA, CALIF (十月 19, 2016) - 预期的混合武术登场轻量级的 凯丽·梅伦德斯 会反对 希拉·帕迪拉 (2-0) during the main card of “Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基“ 在圣何塞SAP中心, 加利福尼亚州. 11月. 19.


此外, 一个轻量级回合蚀 卡林顿银行 (5-0) 针对 杰克·罗伯茨 (7-0) 已加入Bellator.com-流初步卡.


的较量加入由配备了轻量级世界冠军的主要事件强调了动感十足的战斗 迈克尔·钱德勒 (15-3) 针对 本森亨德森 (24-6). 此外, 次中量级不败的英国前锋的比赛 迈克尔“毒液”页面 (11-0) 和加州的自己 冈萨雷斯 (25-13) 也将是该卡的合作主要事件. 四舍五入了电视转播行动, 一个轻量级对决蚀 亚当Piccolot (8-0) 针对 布兰登Girtz (14-4) 和光重量级对决点蚀 林顿的“群”瓦塞尔 (16-5) 与 弗朗西斯Carmont (14-4) 本周早些时候加入.


“Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基“ will take place on 十一月 19, 宣扬SPIKE LIVE和自由 9 P.M ET/ 8 P.M. CT. 该事件门票现已公开发售,并可以在购买 Bellator.com, 以及SAP中心售票处及票务.


臭名昭著的Skrap包在北加州女王, 梅伦德斯的跆拳道部分期间让她在胜利的首次亮相 “Bellator: 炸药1,“ 并随访另一个胜利在 “炸药2”。 梅伦德斯计数的一 4-1 带她去人才的专业电路之前业余大关, 她目前持有 4-1 跆拳道记录. 32岁的轻量级现在过渡到MMA, 格斗运动的迭代,她的丈夫, 吉尔伯特·梅伦德斯有很多成功的. 不辜负她的诺言使她出道的 2016, 梅伦德斯将主卡上的竞争 “Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基“ 在圣何塞SAP中心, 加利福尼亚州. 上 十一月. 19.

战斗维塞利亚出, 加利福尼亚州。, 帕迪拉将进入Bellator MMA磨损以下的区域现场两个成功的胜, 未来双方在 2016. 在精英团队下Bellator MMA老将道格·马歇尔培训, 这将是帕迪拉的机会,真正使一个名字为自己对梅伦德斯, 当她在竞争SPIKE LIVE.


就像他的对手, 银行进入笼不败,并准备让他的第二次战斗另一飞溅自从加盟斯科特·科克主导推动. 皮奥里亚, 伊利诺伊州本地人已经完成了他的两个5名受害人的支配和他的三个决定胜利, 收入按每个品种一致. “的Jetsetter”将目光转向使用罗伯茨作为他的跑道成功为Blackzilian产品希望能对夫妇自己Bellator MMA亮相胜利又一壮举,并继续他爬上轻量级排名. 在堪萨斯州的专业竞争后, 得克萨斯州, 和爱荷华州, 行程康涅狄格州将迎来银行首次在东海岸. 调整到Bellator.com的即时串流初步行动,以找出是否漫长的旅途中将对“的Jetsetter”,而他的表现没有任何影响.


“北县噩梦”还没有什么感觉丝毫的想法失去, 作为25岁进入他的第八个专业比赛在一个令人钦佩 7-0. 已经通过第一轮提交的方式赢得了他的前四个专业打架的所有五个业余的较量和各, 这是罗伯茨的地面进攻,在晚上让他的对手了. 然而, 罗伯茨 2016 运动一直是关于权力, 回录到后面的淘汰赛结束后, 在他Bellator MMA首演在一个有力的第一轮淘汰赛突出 “Bellator 160: 亨德森VS. 斗犬“。 罗伯茨希望出没银行梦想当​​两个冲突的SAP中心在圣何塞的亮点, 加利福尼亚州.



完成“Bellator 165: 钱德勒VS. 恒基兆业”主卡:

轻量级世界冠军的主要事件: 迈克尔·钱德勒 (15-3) VS. 本森亨德森 (24-6)

重量级的合作主要事件: 迈克尔页 (11-0) VS. 冈萨雷斯 (25-13)

轻重量级特征回合: 林顿瓦塞尔 (16-5) VS. 弗朗西斯Carmont (25-11)

轻量级特征回合: 亚当Piccolot (8-0) VS. 布兰登Girtz (14-4)

Flyweight Feature Bout: 凯丽 - 安妮·泰勒·梅伦德斯 (登场) VS. 希拉·帕迪拉 (2-0)



轻量级初步回合: 卡林顿银行 (5-0) VS. 杰克·罗伯茨 (7-0)

中量级初步回合: 迭戈赫尔佐格 (3-2) VS. 尼克·皮卡 (5-0)

轻量级初步回合: 加布卡拉斯科 (7-0) VS. 罗兰·贝拉斯科 (10-4)

重量级初步回合: 詹姆斯·特里 (17-9) VS. 贾斯廷·巴斯曼 (19-10-1)

羽初步回合: 何塞·佩雷斯 (2-1) VS. J.T. 唐纳森 (2-1)

轻量级初步回合: J.J. Okanovich (2-1) VS. 路易斯·巴尔加斯 (登场)

轻量级初步回合: 雨果·卢汉 (0-1) VS. 塞萨尔·冈萨雷斯 (登场)

次中量级“VOW”初步回合: 多米尼克苏美尔 (登场) VS. 贾斯汀·罗斯韦尔 (1-0)

重量级初步回合: Danasabe Mohammed (5-0) VS. 德怀特·格兰特 (6-1)

飞锤初步回合: 萨拉·达莱奥 (10-6) VS. Jaimelene Nievera的 (4-1)


GH3 Promotions signs undefeated Heavyweight John Luna to a Promotional Contract

5-time national champion added to stacked stable
纳特利, 新泽西州 (十月 18, 2016)–GH3 Promotions is pleased to announce the signing of undefeated heavyweight prospect John Luna to a promotional contract.
Luna of Milwaukee, 威斯康星, 有创纪录 2-0 一个淘汰赛.
该 20 year-old is 6’4and weighs 255 英镑, began boxing at the age of six years-old when his mother, who is a big boxing fan, took John to the gym.
John went on to an amateur career that saw him go 97-9 and win five national championships.
John also competed in Russia and in 2012, he won a prestigious tournament and in the same tournament two years later, Luna placed second in his division, but still was named the Most Outstanding Fighter.

Luna turned professional on June 16th with a first round stoppage over Rene Ibarra in Mexico. he came back to his hometown of Milwaukee and and took a four-round unanimous decision over Oswaldo Ortega on August 20th,

Luna is managed by Henry Rivalta.

I signed with Henry because he is a great man and I trust him,” said Luna. “He mentioned GH3 Promotions and i researched them, and they have a lot of good young talent. I feel this is the right way to go.

Manager Henry Rivalta stated, “John has a very exciting style. He has fast hands he switches between orthodox and southpaw, and he has a lot of potential. He is a humble kid and he listens. When you have a kid like that, he has the potential to go a long way, and I am proud to sign him with GH3 Promotions.
I am ecstatic to add John to our roster,” 说GH3促销CEO, 维托Mielnicki. “I have known about John for a while and he is a big kid with a lot of skills. He is another fighter who fits in to what we are looking to do and with his amateur pedigree, and we think we have a future heavyweight champion.
GH3促销信息特色中量级安东尼·道格拉斯, 超中量级的杰里奥多姆 & 罗纳德·埃利斯, 不败超轻量级亚当·洛佩兹以及Boxcino 2015 JR. 中量级冠军约翰·汤普森, 小, 不败重量级的肯尼斯·西姆斯小, Jerrell哈里斯, 阿图罗·特鲁希略 & 基南·史密斯, 重量级雷·爱德华兹 & John Luna; 轻量级的O'Shaquie福斯特 & 洛根尹, JR. 轻量级安东尼·威廉姆斯, 轻量级的布伦特Venagas, 莱罗伊Davilla & 史蒂芬·杨的GH3促销稳定.





SANTA MONICA, CALIF (十月 19, 2016) – It’s a fight that many mixed martial arts fans thought they’d never see, 但 一月 21, 2017, 两 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯 (18-12-1) 和 Chael Sonnen的 (28-14-1) will return to action inside the beautifully renovated Forum in Inglewood, 加利福尼亚州。, 头条 “Bellator 170: VS奥尔蒂斯. Sonnen.” In college, the two met on the wrestling mat, in a matchup that Sonnen won by pinning Ortiz on his birthday. 现在, Ortiz will have the opportunity to avenge that loss when the compete in the Bellator MMA cage on SPIKE.

Ticket information will be made available shortly. 本次活动将现场直播和免费秒杀 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步行动将流于Bellator.com和Bellator移动应用. 其他主赛和预赛卡牌比赛将在未来几周内公布.


Since shocking the world with his surprise signing with Bellator MMA last month, Sonnen has made it clear he wants to fight anyone and everyone – regardless of weight class, or anything else that could stand in his way. Sitting atop that list, is a name that has sat atop the sport of MMA practically since its inception, 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯.


Not one to shy away from any sort of challenge, “The Huntington Beach Bad Boy” wasted zero time welcoming “The American Gangster” to the fray as only he can, 由 responding to Sonnen’s call-out with open arms on his social media account.


Sonnen spent a vast majority of his 43-fight career with the UFC, a run where he competed against names the likes of Jon Jones, 安德森·席尔瓦 (2X), 拉沙德·埃文斯(Rashad Evans), “ Shogun” Rua, 德米安·马亚, 布赖恩·斯坦恩, and current middleweight champion Michael Bisping. In addition to his exploits inside the cage, 西林, 小时。, 本地人已经掌握了在镜头前的艺术, doing major broadcasting work for both ESPN and Fox Sports. 现在, after a three-year hiatus from active MMA competition, Sonnen looks to add to his impressive resume by defeating Ortiz.


Known to the masses as “The Huntington Beach Bad Boy” or “The People’s Champion” 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯 是一个风扇喜爱世界各地. The former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion has always been one of the toughest competitors in the cage, utilizing his wrestling background; Ortiz is a grinder who defended his title an impressive five times. Always with a flair for the dramatic, 奥尔蒂斯曾在笼子里激烈的竞争与球员像肯三叶草, 查利德尔, 万德雷·席尔瓦, and Randy Couture. 最近, Ortiz challenged current Bellator MMA 205-pound champion 利亚姆McGeary “Bellator: 炸药1“。


更新了“Bellator 170: VS奥尔蒂斯. Sonnen” Main Card:

轻重量级的主要事件: 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯 (18-12-1) VS. Chael Sonnen的 (28-14-1)


M-1 Challenge Middleweight Title Fight Champion Alexey Kunchenko vs. Murad Abdulaev To Headline M-1 Challenge 72

Also announced lightweights
Artiom Damkovsky vs. 阿列克谢Makhno
十一月 18 在莫斯科

(L-R) – Alexey Kunchenko amd Murad Abdulaev
ST. 圣彼得堡, 俄罗斯 (十月 19, 2016) – M-1 Global has announced a rematch between M-1 Challenge welterweight champion 阿列克谢Kunchenko 与前锦标 穆拉德 “猎人” Abduleav will headline the 11月18日 M-1的挑战 72 在莫斯科, 俄罗斯.
M-1的挑战 72 将从莫斯科现场流的高清晰度上www.M1Global.TV. 观众将可以通过登录在注册观看初步打架,主卡 www.M1Global.TV. 球迷可以观看所有的行动在他们的计算机, 以及在Android和苹果的智能手机和平板电脑.
Also announced was a lightweight battle between former champion Artiom Damkovsky 阿列克谢 “分配” Makhno.
Kunchenko (14-0-0, M-1的: 6-0-0), 在秋明战斗, 俄罗斯, will be making his first title defense. He defeated defending champion Abdulaev, who was unable to continue in round four of their fight this past April at M-1的挑战 65.
Abdulaev (15-4-0, M-1的: 3-2-0), fighting out of Anapa, 俄罗斯, originally captured the M-1 Challenge welterweight title at M-1的挑战 58, 采取从决定 Marcello Brito六月 6, 2015 空置标题.
(L-R) – Murad Abdulaev vs. 阿列克谢Kunchenko
Damkovsky (21-10-0, M-1的: 11-7-0), fighting out of Minsk, 白俄罗斯, has a crowd pleasing style. His last fight resulted in a kick-knockout victory (见下面的图片) 的 马克西姆Divnich this past September at M-1的挑战 70.
A native of Moscow, 26-year-old Makhno (13-4-0, M-1的: 3-1-0) is a superior kicker and strong striker. 在他的最后一战, this past June at M-1的挑战 68, Makhno won a decision over Felipo Rego (见下面的图片).
十月. 21 — M-1的挑战 71: Nemkov VS. Vegh in St. 圣彼得堡, 俄罗斯
十一月. 18 – M-1的挑战 72: Kunchenko vs. Abdulaev in Moscow, 俄罗斯
十二月. 9 – M-1的挑战 73: Emeev VS. Tokov in Ingushetia, 俄罗斯
叽叽喳喳 & Instagram的:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

King’s Promotions signs undefeated fighters Damian “糖” Vazquez and Blake Cameron Mansfield

阅读, PA (十月 19, 2016)–King’s Promotions has announced the signing of undefeated flyweight 达米安 “糖” 巴斯克斯 和超中量级 Blake Cameron Mansfield 到促销合同.
Vazquez of Las Vegas, 内华达州有记录 8-0 三击倒.

The former amateur sensation was a multiple-time National champion and Ringside World champion.

该 19 year-old Vazquez turned professional at age 16 with a 1st round stoppage over Miguel Meneses. He has won every bout, and captured the NABF Junior Flyweight title with 8 round unanimous decision over former three-time world title challenger Omar Soto. He made one defense of the title with 8 round unanimous decision over Edwin Reyes (4-1-2). 在他的最后一个回合, Vazquez won a six-round unanimous decision over Javier Lapizco (7-1) 在十月 14, 2015 格伦代尔, 亚利桑那.
Damian is the nephew of the Great Mexican Champ, 以色列巴斯克斯.
I’m very excited to be signing with Marshall Kauffman and Kings Promotions. He’s been doing a great job promoting big fights, and to us one he is of the best promoters in boxing,”said Vazquez. “I’m ready to step back into the ring and show everybody there’s a new young gun in town, and I’m determined to be the Sheriff.

Sugar is very excited to be back in the ring and we are excited to be with Kings Promotions,”said Vasquez Trainer and Father, 奥斯卡·巴尔德斯. “Marshall Kauffmanis a boxing man who’s been in the business for years. I’m trusting him to guide my son to becoming a champion and I know we are going to do it. We are going to Shock the World and we’re destined for greatness. 不可阻挡. “

King’s Promotions is very excited about the signing of Damian,” Said Marshall Kauffman of King’s Promotions. He is already a proven and established Champion. We look forward to the future with this kid and coming after ALL of the Top World Titles.
伯灵顿的曼斯菲尔德, North Carolina has a 3-0-1 同 2 击倒.

该 28 year-old has been a professional for just 16 个月, when he stopped Tybarrius Spears in one round. He also has a win over Hakeem Atkinson. He is coming off a draw with regarded Quinton Rankin (11-2) 上 7月23日 in Durham, 北卡罗来纳.

It’s an honor to sign with a top flight promotional company. I am thankful for the the opportunity goes hand and hand with my hunger to be champion. 该 “Ko Kingonly sits with King’s Promotions.
We could not imagine working with a better promotional company. We look forward to bringing Blake to the top of the super middleweight division.
Blake is a Great Addition to the King’s Promotions roster.,said Marshall KauffmanHe is coming off a highly contested draw to a veteran Quinton Rankin in July. Blake has already proven that he doesn’t shy away from the tough fights and tough fighters. The sky is the limit for a kid with this kind of talent and heart, we’re looking forward to getting him back into the ring soon in 2016.