標記檔案: Yuriorkis Gamboa的

3-時代世界冠軍傑西·瓦爾加斯確認第三屆盒裝風扇博覽會在五月五日節週末舉行, 六可 6, 在拉斯維加斯

鴻運扇世博會是最終的球迷體驗活動,讓拳擊迷見面的機會和迎接頂級戰鬥機, 現任和前任世界冠軍, 拳擊名人和行業的人在近距離個人設置.
拉斯維加斯 (四月 24, 2017) – 3 次世界冠軍 傑西·巴爾加斯 has confirmed that he will appear to Meet & 在 拉斯維加斯會議中心 for the 3rd edition of 鴻運扇博覽會 將要發生 五月星期六 6, 2017 從10am到5pm, 在五月五日節週末. The Boxing Expo will also coincide with the mega fight between Canelo Alvarez vs Julio Cesar Chavez jr, 那將在當晚晚些時候舉行.
Vargas will appear once again at this year’s Expo at the Supreme / Hykso and Box Fan Expo booth store to sign gloves, 照片和商品. Boxing fans will also have a great opportunity to take pictures with the Mexican American boxing star.
瓦爾加斯(Vargas)是一位墨西哥裔美國職業拳擊手,曾是兩重世界冠軍, 曾舉行過WBA (定期) 和IBO中的超輕量級標題 2014 以及WBO次中量級冠軍 2016.
瓦爾加斯加盟, 梅威瑟促銷, 馬爾科·安東尼奧·巴雷拉, 內華達州拳擊名人堂, Yuriorkis Gamboa的, 鋁伯恩斯坦, 托馬斯·赫恩斯, Kronk Boxing, WBC, 克里斯蒂·馬丁, 米婭聖約翰, Fernando Vargas and Joel Casamayor among early commitments to this year’s Box Fan Expo.
鴻運扇世博會已經與球迷和拳擊業內人士一個巨大的成功. 許多拳擊明星都參加了最近的兩次世博會,例如邁克·泰森(Mike Tyson), 羅伯托·杜蘭, 湯米赫恩斯, 小羅伊瓊斯, 塞爾吉奧·馬丁內斯, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亞, 蒂姆·布拉德利, Deontay懷爾德, 阿米爾汗, 肖恩·波特, 費爾南多·巴爾加斯, 朱達, 詹姆斯·托尼, 溫尼Pazienza, 米奇·加西亞 , 米婭·聖約翰斯(Mia St.Johns), 獅子座聖克魯斯, 八斗傑克, 特里·諾里斯 , 里迪克·鮑 , Earnie剃須刀, Leon Spinks and many more
參展商如拳擊齒輪, 服飾, 新設備, 能量飲品, 酒精, 補充產品, 廣播媒體, 制裁機構和其他希​​望參與的公司將再次有機會向粉絲展示他們的品牌, 媒體與拳擊業.
鴻運扇世博會是最終的拳擊迷體驗活動, 讓粉絲們見面並問候今天的拳擊超級巨星, 現任和前任世界冠軍, 體育和其他拳擊名人的傳奇人物,在他們的展位上. 現場, 粉絲們將在親筆簽名專區體驗不同的活動, 攝影會議, 對恃與您最喜愛的拳擊手, 以及從展位購買商品和紀念品的機會, 還有更多… 您將不會錯過這個必須參加的世博會!
Box Fan Expo還將包括頂級拳擊組織, 促銷員, 環卡女孩, 著名的培訓師和評論員,以及拳擊器材公司 “在一個屋簷下”.
Throughout the next couple of weeks leading up to the Event, there will be more announcements on the many stars that will commit their appearance at the Boxing Expo.
而對於在拳擊行業或其他任何人參展 (非產業), 誰願意參與和預留展位, 聯繫鴻運扇博覽會:
電話號碼: (514) 572-7222 或拉斯維加斯號碼 (702) 997-1927
如有任何疑問,請發郵件: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
可在上鴻運扇世博會的更多信息: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
您可以按照鴻運扇世博會在Twitter上: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo


鴻運扇世博會是最終的球迷體驗活動,讓拳擊迷見面的機會和迎接頂級戰鬥機, 現任和前任世界冠軍, 拳擊名人和行業的人在近距離個人設置.

拉斯維加斯 (三月 28, 2017) – 2-Time world champion and Olympic Gold Medal winner, Yuriorkis Gamboa的 has confirmed that he will appear and have a booth to Meet & 在 拉斯維加斯會議中心 for the 3rd edition of 鴻運扇博覽會 將要發生 五月星期六 6, 2017 在五月五日節週末. The Boxing Expo will also coincide with the mega fight between Canelo Alvarez vs Julio Cesar Chavez Jr, 那將在當晚晚些時候舉行.
Gamboa will appear for the first time at this years’ 世博會,將是簽訂手套, photos and selling merchandise. Fans will have an opportunity to take pictures with the former world champion and Olympic Gold medalist.
He will be raising money for an amazing woman named Ivonne Lugo, who suffers from PKD, an inherited chronic kidney disease. She is in urgent need of a liver and kidney transplant. Gamboa is generously using his time and effort to fundraise in hoping to save her life. Please go to Https://ivonnes.fund and help out this great cause.
Gamboa joins the list of over 50 current and past World Champions boxers who have appeared at the Expo, meeting their fans in person.
Gamboa is a Cuban 專業拳擊手. He is a former unified featherweight 世界冠軍, having held the WBA title from 2009 到 2011, 而 IBF title from 2010 到 2011. As an 業餘 he won a gold medal in the 輕量級 division at the 2004 奧運會, and bronze in the featherweight division at the 2005 世錦賽.
Gamboa joins Al Bernstein, 托馬斯·赫恩斯, Kronk Boxing, WBC, 克里斯蒂·馬丁, 米婭聖約翰, Fernando Vargas and Joel Casamayor among early commitments to this year’s Box Fan Expo.
鴻運扇世博會已經與球迷和拳擊業內人士一個巨大的成功. 許多拳擊明星都參加了最近的兩次世博會,例如邁克·泰森(Mike Tyson), 羅伯托·杜蘭, 湯米赫恩斯, 小羅伊瓊斯, 塞爾吉奧·馬丁內斯, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亞, 蒂姆·布拉德利, Deontay懷爾德, 阿米爾汗, 肖恩·波特, 費爾南多·巴爾加斯, 朱達, 詹姆斯·托尼, 溫尼Pazienza, 米奇·加西亞 , 米婭·聖約翰斯(Mia St.Johns), 獅子座聖克魯斯, 八斗傑克, 特里·諾里斯 , 里迪克·鮑 , Earnie剃須刀, Leon Spinks and many more
參展商如拳擊齒輪, 服飾, 新設備, 能量飲品, 酒精, 補充產品, 廣播媒體, 制裁機構和其他希​​望參與的公司將再次有機會向粉絲展示他們的品牌, 媒體與拳擊業.
Tickets to the Box Fan Expo are available online
鴻運扇世博會是最終的拳擊迷體驗活動, 讓粉絲們見面並問候今天的拳擊超級巨星, 現任和前任世界冠軍, 體育和其他拳擊名人的傳奇人物,在他們的展位上. 現場, 粉絲們將在親筆簽名專區體驗不同的活動, 攝影會議, 對恃與您最喜愛的拳擊手, 以及從展位購買商品和紀念品的機會, 還有更多… 您將不會錯過這個必須參加的世博會!
Box Fan Expo還將包括頂級拳擊組織, 促銷員, 環卡女孩, 著名的培訓師和評論員,以及拳擊器材公司 “在一個屋簷下”.
Throughout the next 6 weeks leading up to the Event, 每週都會有許多明星的更新,這些明星將在拳擊博覽會上亮相. 而對於在拳擊行業或其他任何人參展 (非產業), who would like more information on sponsorships opportunities or reserve a Booth, 聯繫鴻運扇博覽會:
電話號碼: (514) 572-7222 或拉斯維加斯號碼 (702) 997-1927
如有任何疑問,請發郵件: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
可在上鴻運扇世博會的更多信息: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
您可以按照鴻運扇世博會在Twitter上: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo\


點擊 這裡 對於照片
圖片來源: 亞歷克斯·梅嫩德斯 – HoganPhotos /金童推廣
維羅納, 紐約 (十二月 19, 2015) – 該 2015 拳擊一年一個巨大的表演達到了高潮在談到石賭場度假村的WBA重量級臨時冠軍路易斯 “真正的金剛” 奧爾蒂斯 (24-0, 21 科斯) 通過保持他的冠軍淘汰賽的最年的候選人超過科比關閉秀 “由 – 由” 詹寧斯 (19-2, 10 科斯) 在第七輪他們的計劃回合住在HBO拳擊天黑以後.
“今天, 有重量級的新時代,” 奧爾蒂斯, 誰降落的惡性勾拳結束戰鬥, 說. “詹寧斯是戰士,誰是非常值得尊重, 但他可以告訴你,我在重量級力. 我要出去,並獲得我的目標. “我一直在為這種規模的三年大干一場訓練. 我的策略是讓他在距離我能夠用我的影響力和我的刺拳,有效地做到這一點. 我會打誰下一個, 誰金童推廣給了我,我會拿. 懷爾德, 憤怒, 他們中的任何人克里琴科, 我已經準備好來證明我是重量級世界冠軍. 很多人說,很多事情對我, 但測試表明,我是一個誠實的戰士。”
“我是不是我的遊戲, 他得到了最好的我,” 詹寧斯說:. “我沒有調整好,他是更好的男人。”
合作的主要事件看到兩個超羽量級 – 前WBA羽量級和超羽量級世界冠軍尼古拉斯 “斧民” 沃爾特斯 (26-0-1, 21 科斯) 和賈森·索薩 (18-1-4, 14 科斯) — 發動一場精湛的戰鬥兩架戰鬥機降落巨大鋒利, 整個戰鬥準確的投籃. 雖然索薩贏得了戰鬥上的法官的卡之一, 戰鬥被統治的平局為其他兩個評委有連打.
“我在共震. 我從來沒有在任何危險, 從來沒有傷害,” 沃爾特斯說. “[索薩] 是一個好戰士 — 那種戰鬥,我想的 — 但我以為我贏了所有回合. 如此驚訝這發生在我身上。”
“我以為我贏了,很失望,這是一個平局,” 索薩說:. “我努力, 我真的以為我贏得了戰鬥。”
在HBO拉丁裔拳擊的主要事件的輕重量級的維亞切斯拉夫 “獅心 – Chigonsky” Shabranskyy (15-0, 12 科斯) 保持他的不敗紀錄完整猛擊出過Yuneski岡薩雷斯多數決定 (16-2, 12 科斯) 在看到了一個動感十足的爭吵兩架戰鬥機在整個戰鬥降落巨大的鏡頭.
This fight was the most important and most exciting fight of my career,” said Shabranskyy. I did feel a lot of Gonzalezpunches but I also feel like I hurt himespecially in the last round, he was beginning to sway. If I had a little more time I feel I would have knocked him out.
I knew that this was going to be a war and that is what we delivered tonight,” 岡薩雷斯說. “We both gave it our all and didn’t let up. I knew that I needed to knock him out to win this fight but he was more resilient than I thought and didn’t open up enough for the knockout to happened. I did know the fight was very close and should have been a draw in my opinion. I would like the opportunity to fight him again and prove that I am the better fighter.
In the co-main of the HBO Latino broadcast, rising middleweight “王” 加布里埃爾·羅薩 (22-9, 13 科斯) shook off some tough early rounds to earn a hard-fought unanimous victory against former IBF Welterweight World Champion Joshua “大法師” 克洛蒂 (39-6, 22 科斯).
It has been more than a year since I have been in the ring so I did feel a little I the rust but I feel like this fight really helped me shake it off,” Rosado said. Clottey is a tough opponent, 前世界冠軍, definitely a challenge for me in my first fight back. I delivered an entertaining fight tonight and I was happy with my performance. I am ready for my next big challenge, I would like a shot at Canelo [阿爾瓦雷斯] next.
Gabriel gave everyone a great performance today,” said Fernando Vargas, Rosado’s trainer. This was our first training camp together and I think we are going to keep growing and make great fights together.
This was an off night for me,” Clottey said. “I do think that the fans enjoyed the fightwe are both fighters that do not like to back down. 然而, I don’t feel comfortable at this weight class, I want to go back down to 154 and continue to fight at junior middleweight.
Opening the HBO Latino broadcast, former WBA and IBF Featherweight World Champion Yuriorkis Gamboa (25-1, 17 科斯) had all he could handle after a 13-month layoff, squaring off in a lightweight showdown against Hylon Williams Jr. (16-2-1, 3 科斯) 休斯頓. 後 10 rounds of back-and-forth action, the judges awarded Gamboa a hard-fought unanimous decision.
It feels good to be back in the ring,” Gamboa said. “I trained in Cuba, and I feel that all the hard paid off. I was faster and stronger in the ring. I know I dominated the action tonight, I made sure he knew I was in control from the first round.
I felt good about the pace of the fight, I know I hurt him a few times,” 威廉姆斯說. “This fight should have gone my way.
In a light heavyweight battle, rising prospect D’MitriusBig MeechBallard (11-0, 7 科斯) won a shutout unanimous decision against a game Fabiano “鬥牛” 毛 (11-4-1, 8 科斯).
I am glad I secured the victory today,” Ballard said. “[毛] was able to go all six rounds with me, but I felt in complete control the entire fight. I think I am ready to step up to more rounds and bigger opponents. I am ready for the next big step of my career and this fight showed that. I want to thank Oscar and Golden Boy Promotions for the opportunity and I can’t wait for the next fight.
在當晚的開幕回合, middleweight Steven “殺手” 馬丁內斯 (16-2, 13 科斯) emerged with a second round TKO victory over Jorge “毀滅者” 梅倫德斯 (28-6-1, 26 科斯). Martinez got off numerous combinations in round one and followed it up in round two with a sizzling left hook that floored Menendez. While Mendendez beat the count, Martinez quickly moved in, forcing the referee to wave off the fight at1:33 第二輪.
詹寧斯VS. Ortiz was a 12-round heavyweight bout fight for the WBA Interim Heavyweight Title presented by Golden Boy Promotions in association with Gary Shaw Productions and is sponsored by Corona, 墨西哥 – 住重要的是要相信的這! 和卡梅莉塔香腸. 沃爾特斯VS. Sosa was a 10-round junior lightweight bout presented by Top Rank in association with Peltz Boxing Promotions and Warriors Boxing Promotions. 門開處 6:00 P.M. AND 和第一次戰鬥開始於 6:05 P.M. AND, 而HBO拳擊天黑轉播開始後,住在 10:15 P.M. AND/PT.
岡薩雷斯VS. Shabranskyy, was a 10-round light heavyweight bout presented by Golden Boy Promotions in association with Star Boxing. HBO的拉丁裔拳擊轉播開始於 12:15 A.M. AND/PT (磁帶延遲).
主機事件, 奧奈達國家的旋石度假村賭場繼續脫穎而出的首選目的地重磅炸彈拳擊比賽. The December 19 fight will mark Turning Stone Resort Casino’s 16th nationally-televised boxing event 三年, 固井度假村的聖地淘汰賽電視打架. 位於紐約州北部, 目的地度假酒店提供世界級的娛樂和遊戲, 屢獲殊榮的住宿, 餐廳多樣化組合, 兩間豪華水療中心和一些夜生活場所.
Professional media requesting credentials for the December 19 鬥爭必須與阿卜杜·凱利, 旋石度假村賭場公關經理 (315) 366.9291kelly.abdo@turningstone.com.
欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.goldenboypromotions.com,www.garyshawproductions.com, www.toprank.com, www.hbo.com/boxing,www.starboxing.comwww.turningstone.com. Follow on Twitter at @GoldenBoyBoxing, @GaryShawBoxing, @TRboxing, @StarBoxing, HBOBoxing, @TurningStone成為Facebook上的粉絲在 www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, www.facebook.com/Gary-Shaw-製作-134758615997 /,www.facebook.com/trboxing, www.facebook.com/StarBoxing,www.facebook.com/HBOBoxingwww.facebook.com/打開黑色碳粉. 請訪問我們的Instagram @GoldenBoyBoxing, @StarBoxing, @TurningStone. 通過使用#JenningsOrtiz和#WaltersSosa按照談話.


點擊 這裡

圖片來源: Ed Mulholland/HBO

維羅納, 紐約 (十二月. 17)Fighters featured on the 十二月 19 HBO Boxing After Dark and HBO Latino shows shared their final thoughts ahead of Saturdays fights at the final press conference today at Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, 紐約. Former heavyweight world title contender 科比 “由 – 由” 詹寧斯 (19-1, 10 科斯) of Philadelphia was joined at the final press conference by his opponent Cuban heavyweight 路易斯 “真正的金剛” 奧爾蒂斯 (23-0, 20 科斯), who will clash in the main event on the HBO Boxing After Dark telecast 週六 for the WBA Interim Heavyweight World Title.
Jennings and Ortiz were joined by co-main event fighters former WBA Featherweight and Super Featherweight World Champion 尼古拉斯· “斧民” 沃爾特斯 (26-0, 21 KOs and Jason Sosa (18-1-3, 14 科斯) who will battle 星期六 in a 10-round super featherweight fight.
Also at today’s press conference were HBO Latino Boxing main event fightersYuneski Gonzalez (16-1, 12 科斯) 和 維亞切斯拉夫 “獅心 – Chigonsky” Shabranskyy (14-0, 12 科斯) who will fight a 10-round light heavyweight bout; HBO Latino Boxing co-main event fighters “王” 加布里埃爾·羅薩 (21-9, 13 科斯) and former IBF Welterweight World Champion 約書亞 “大法師” 克洛蒂 (39-5, 22 科斯) who will battle in a 10-round middleweight bout; and former WBA and IBF Featherweight World Champion Yuriorkis Gamboa的 (24-1, 17 科斯) and opponent HYLON威廉姆斯JR. (16-1-1, 3 科斯) who will open up the HBO Latino Boxing broadcast in a 10-round lightweight bout.
Below is what the fighters and their teams had to say at today’s final press conference at Turning Stone Resort Casino:
BRYANT “BY-BY” 詹寧斯, 前重量級世界冠軍爭奪:
Thank everyone for this fight and making this event happen. Preparation went as planned. I moved to Florida and had a great camp; it was a great environment. There will be no surprises 週六.”
LUIS “真正的王者KONG” 奧爾蒂斯, 臨時WBA重量級世界冠軍:
I have worked very hard to be here, and I will not waste this opportunity. We will see週六 who is the best.
I am a man of few words and will let my hands to the talking.
ERIC GOMEZ, Senior Vice President at Golden Boy Promotions:
To make the best fights you need to have great partners getting together that will make fair deals.
These fighters are hungry and ready to brawl 週六. Bryant Jennings had a great performance at Madison Square Garden recently. Luis Ortiz is just as hungry. I want to thank Gary Shaw, HBO, Mario Serrano and everyone that has been part of this promotion. It has truly been a pleasure.
伯納德·霍普金斯大學, Business Partner at Golden Boy Promotions and Future Hall of Famer:
“2015 is the best year I will remember as a promoter. We’ve had excellent fights, competitive match ups this year. This is what boxing needs at this moment, and Golden Boy Promotions has been instrumental in helping deliver these entertaining fights to the fans. 詹寧斯VS. Ortiz will be yet another one of those entertaining, high-action fights the fans want to see.
MARIO SERRANO, Public Relations Director for Gary Shaw Productions:
I want to thank HBO, 加里邵氏製作, Golden Boy Promotions and the WBA. With the WBA Interim title on the line, we at GSP believe Bryant Jennings will be victorious. He has a new coach in John David Jackson and they are working harmoniously together.
JOHN DAVID JACKSON, Trainer for Bryant Jennings:
Thank you to Turning Stone Resort casino for hosting this event and to Gary Shaw Productions for making this event happen.
Thank you to team Jennings, and to Bryant for being part of this team. 星期六, you’ll see. We will prove that we are the best.
Bryant has worked hard this is what he wants and what he desires. He will be the heavyweight world champion of the world.
HERMAN凱塞多, Trainer for Luis “真正的金剛” 奧爾蒂斯:
Camp has been going well. We have been in camp for than more than a year. Luis lives in the gymhe doesn’t take a day off.
We have prepared well for this fight, and he has been doing his due diligence. I will not be surprised when he wins.
Luis has a lot of reasons to win and persevere. 星期六 夜晚, we will have the victory; it’s coming.
LEE SAMUELS, Director of Public Relations at Top Rank:
Thank you to HBO for all that they do for boxing. Thank you to Golden Boy Promotions- everyone there is a great person and we have a wonderful relationship.
This is a big year for Top Rank. Bob Aram is celebrating his 50th year in boxing- 穆罕默德·阿里, 馬文·哈格勒, 糖光芒倫納德, Tommy Herns, 羅伯托·杜蘭, 霍亞, 帕奎奧, George Forman, and now here we are at Turning Stone Resort Casino for this very meaningful fight for us with Walters vs. 索薩.
It will be a tough battle with two tough stars and big stakes for the winner.
Nicholas is very powerful and had a great amateur career. This is his first time at 130 英鎊, so we are not sure what we will see 週六 night with him.
NICHOLASAXEMANWALTERS, Undefeated Former World Boxing Association (WBA) Featherweight World Champion:
As they say, 130 磅. is his territory. I am willing to fight at whatever weight. I had an excellent training camp in Panama.
We are going to be OK. I hope he is ready because we are going to put on a good fight. Thanks to HBO and all the promoters. I want to make a big statement for 2016-we are ready.
Thank you to God; thanks to HBO for believing in me; thanks to Top Rank, 羅素佩爾茨, and Golden Boy Promotions. 訓練營已經很大, and my game plan is excellent. I’m ready to give the fans what they want.
Walters is coming in to my territory at 130 磅. There is a big difference in this weight division compared to what he is used to. He will find out really quick what I am really all about.
It is great to be here at Turning Stone Resort Casino and is a pleasure to work with Golden Boy Promotions, looking to go great things together. Thank you to HBO as well. This will be a spectacular show.
Yuniesky Gonzalez came up from Cuba, 墨西哥, and Florida to try and find a manager. He is an accomplished fighter, and I have tremendous high hopes for him. This will be a big fight between two warriors, and he is not going to disappoint.
Yuniesky岡薩雷斯, 輕重量級的競爭者:
Thank you to God for giving me this moment. Thank you to my promoters, Star Boxing and Golden Boy Promotions and HBO for everything.
“我感覺很好. I have the reality of Shabranskyy, but I feel very good. He is a good fighter, but I have come a long way and I am going to make a statement.
維亞切斯拉夫·Shabranskyy, Undefeated Light Heavyweight Contender:
“謝謝. I am ready and it will be a great fight. I am ready to go.
JOSHUAGRAND MASTERCLOTTEY, Former IBF Welterweight World Champion:
Thanks to HBO for everything they have done for me. I wouldn’t be where I am in my career without them. I am ready for this opportunity.
Yuriorkis Gamboa的, Former WBA and IBF Featherweight champion:
Thank you to God and thanks to HBO for trusting me. That is what I am here for, to give an exciting night. Thanks to SMS Promotions for having me here and to continue my promotional deals.
Thanks to HBO for the opportunity, and we look forward to working with you in the future.
HYLONKid CosmoWILLIAMS JR., 輕量級競爭者:
This going to be a great show 週六. 我很高興到這裡來. I’ve come to do what I’ve come to do. Thanks to SMS Promotions for having me and for supporting me.
門票 十二月. 19 HBO拳擊天黑以後和HBO拉丁裔拳擊事件開始在 $25, $35 和 $60 馬戲團席位另外收取適當費用,並且可在旋石度假村票房致電 315-361-7469 或者在網上特瑪 (www.ticketmaster.com).
詹寧斯VS. Ortiz is a 12-round heavyweight bout fight for the WBA Interim Heavyweight Title presented by Golden Boy Promotions in association with Gary Shaw Productions and is sponsored by Corona, 墨西哥 – 住重要的是要相信的這! 和卡梅莉塔香腸. 沃爾特斯VS. 索薩是一個10回合超次輕量級回合聯同佩爾茨拳擊推廣和勇士拳擊促銷提出的前列. 門開處 6:00 P.M. AND 和第一次戰鬥開始於 6:05 P.M. AND, 而HBO拳擊天黑轉播開始後,住在 10:15 P.M. AND/PT.
岡薩雷斯VS. Shabranskyy, 在10輪輕重量級回合提出的金童推廣聯同星拳擊. HBO的拉丁裔拳擊轉播開始於 12:15 A.M. AND/PT (磁帶延遲).
主機事件, 奧奈達國家的旋石度假村賭場繼續脫穎而出的首選目的地重磅炸彈拳擊比賽. 該十二月 19 fight will mark Turning Stone Resort Casino’s 16th nationally-televised boxing event 三年, 固井度假村的聖地淘汰賽電視打架. 位於紐約州北部, 目的地度假酒店提供世界級的娛樂和遊戲, 屢獲殊榮的住宿, 餐廳多樣化組合, 兩間豪華水療中心和一些夜生活場所.