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Unified Welterweight Champion Keith Thurman Relinquishes WBC title Due to Injury Rehabilitation

Will Remain WBA Champion and Fight for

WBC Crown Once He Has Fully Recovered

CLEARWATER, Florida (April 24, 2018) Unified welterweight champion Keith Thurman has voluntarily relinquished his WBC title while he recovers from the effects of elbow surgery last year and a hand injury he suffered in training camp last month.




After speaking with WBC President Mauricio Sulaiman recently, Thurman decided that he would relinquish the title and open the way for former champions Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter, the two leading contenders for the WBC title, to fight each other for the championship while Thurman made a full recovery from his injuries.




Due to my rehabilitation from my injuries, I agreed to relinquish my WBC title at this time. I continue to rehab my hand and elbow and I look forward to getting back in the ring this summer. This is a temporary setback and I will be the unified champion once again and look forward to winning back my WBC title as soon as possible,” Ngadawuh Thurman.




Keith Thurman unfortunately has suffered two consecutive injuries that have kept him out of the ring after his sensational victory over Danny Garcia and he has graciously relinquished his title, and the WBC has mandated that Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter will fight for the title,” said Mauricio Sulaiman. “Keith will have a direct path to fight for the title once he has healed just as Vitali Klitshcko and other WBC champions have done in the past. Keith is a tremendous athlete, champion and role model. The WBC will support him completely during this difficult time. ”




Garcia (34-1, 20 KOs), a former unified champion at 140 pounds and the former WBC welterweight champion, lost the WBC title to Thurman by 12-round split decision in 2017. He bounced back with a knockout victory over former champion Brandon Rios in February. The WBC had made that fight a title elimination match, which put Garcia in line to fight Thurman again for the title.




Make (28-2-1, 17 KOs), a former welterweight champion, lost a close 12-round decision to Thurman in 2016. He became the mandatory challenger for the WBC title when he knocked out Andre Berto last year. He maintained his status with a 12-round decision over Adrian Granados in November.




The 29-year-old Thurman (28-0, 22 KOs) has been plagued by a string of injuries the last two years.




Thurman injured his neck in a car accident in February 2016, which delayed his match against Porter by three months. When they met Thurman defeated Porter by unanimous decision on June 25.




He defeated Garcia by split decision in a welterweight unification match on March 4, 2017. A month later he had major surgery on his right elbow to remove bone spurs and calcium deposits. He is still in rehabilitation from that surgery.




Thurman injured his hand hitting the heavy bag last month and aggravated the injury sparring with some amateurs at his gym in St. Petersburg, Florida. An MRI revealed bruises to the metacarpal bones in the hand, which also has extensive swelling. Thurman can’t have any impact with the hand for at least 8 weeks, which added another delay to his ring return.




He now hopes to return to the ring in the late summer or early fall.

WORLD runtuyan STRIPS tarung ROUSIMAR PALHARES judul WORLD, Tempat Anjeunna ON suspénsi teu katangtu

Las Vegas (Agustus 4, 2015) - World Series tempur (WSOF.com) geus strippedRousimar "Toquinho" Palhares judul welterweight dunya franchise sarta ditempatkeun manéhna dina langsungna, suspénsi teu katangtu nepi sadaya masalah nu ngumbar, di handap ieu "WSOF 22" pertahanan judul kajadian utama Palhares 'ngalawan Jake Shields dina dinten saptu, Agustus 1.

"Sanggeus nyokot waktu pikeun nempoan nu footage ti Saptu sacara bout antara Rousimar Palhares jeung Jake Shields di entirety nya, urang mutuskeun nu stripping Rousimar judul sarta ngaluarkeun anjeunna suspénsi nepi isu ieu ngumbar, ieu perlu,"Ceuk World Series tempur Présidén, jawara dunya genep waktu jeung dua waktu Galéri Famer Rama kepala suku.

"Salaku tempur jeung over dua puluh pangalaman cingcin,"Terus nu kepala suku, "Kami sok bade jadi nu ngajengkeun pikeun pejuang nu sejen tur, dina hal ieu, Kuring ngarasa yén World Series tempur kudu nangtayungan atlit sarta aturan kompetisi ku ngatur neguaan action disiplin Swift jeung teguh nepikeun naon we nempo pamaénan salaku adil di kandang. "

Nu showdown loba-diantisipasi antara Palhares jeung Shields ditayangkan cicing dina NBCSN salaku bagian tina hiji telecast lima bout ti Planét Hollywood Resort & Kasino di Las Vegas.

Di tengah putaran kadua, Palhares, sanggeus dipasang ku Shields dina taneuh, ujug-ujug ditempatkeun leungeun ka sakuliah Shields 'panon jeung mecenghul ka ngaruksak Shields' vision.

Dina babak katilu, Palhares dieksekusi a kaluman Kimura nu dipenta Shields ngetok kaluar salapan kali samemeh Palhares dibébaskeun Shields ti tahan, salaku diarahkeun ku wasit Steve Mazzagatti.

"Lantaran instansi husus dina jaman baheula nu geus Rousimar arguably diayakeun kaluman nya nyepeng leuwih ti diperlukeun dina kompetisi,"Kang Oki ngajelaskeun, "Steve Mazzagatti méré Rousimar parentah verbal jelas di kamar ganti baju, saméméh gelut, ngeunaan dengekeun jeung malire Paréntah wasit Kang, kaasup nu ngeunaan letting indit hiji keupeulan kaluman lamun maréntahkeun pikeun ngalakukeunana. "

Salaku hasil naon transpired di kandang antara Palhares jeung Shields, nu Nevada Propinsi Athletic Komisi kapilih withhold sakabéh Palhares ', bonus win contractual, pending a review of bout nu.

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