Архивы: Серхио Мора

“Перекресток: doubleheader результаты от N.H.: Кендрик Болл, Младший. хоум-ран против. Брайан Вера

«Перекресток» - результат из Нью-Гэмпшира.

ДЕРРИ, N час. (Апреля 18, 2021) -Бывший чемпион Новой Англии в среднем весеКендрик «Пеппа» Болл, Младший. показал лучший результат в карьере в главном турнире прошлой ночью против опасныхБрайан «Воин» Вера на вечерней части «Перекрестка» день-ночь даблхедер, представлены Гранит Chin Акции, в спортивном центре Новой Англии в Дерри, Нью-Гемпшир.

План перед боем был соблюден, как Болл. (16-1-2, 11 КО) упаковал и переехал, а Вера (28-17, 18 КО) приложенное давление, прямо с первого звонка. Болл взял контроль во втором раунде, когда он остался в кармане, вырезать четкие комбинации. В третьем раунде Болл реализовал более эффективные комбинации, поскольку Вера начала преследовать соперника. Болл начал двигаться по рингу и бороться извне в четвертом и оставался в напряжении до конца боя.

Болл выиграл 8-раундовым единогласным решением судей (79-73, 79-73, 78-74) стать Всемирным боксерским советом (WBC) USNBC (США) Серебряный чемпион в полусреднем весе.

«Это был мой лучший бой, из-за кого я боролся, и размах борьбы,- прокомментировал Болл. «План состоял в том, чтобы боксировать и двигаться, потому что он был намного меньше и медленнее. Иногда я стучал, когда я знал, что он не причиняет мне вреда, но я не должен был рисковать ».

39-летний Вера уже не тот боец, которым он был, когда победил трех разных чемпионов мира:Энди ЛиСерхио Мора (дважды) иСергей Дзинзрук.  Техасцу нужно решить, пора ли наконец повесить перчатки.

«Это было потрясающе, определенно наше лучшее шоу на сегодняшний день,"Гранитный подбородок"Крис Трайетти объявил после шоу. «Мы чувствуем себя прекрасно, когда выступаем, чтобы дать этим бойцам, особенно местные жители, платформа для выступления перед фанатами. Я думаю, что многие промоутеры стали ленивыми. Они дали нам переулок, и Гранит Чин воспользовался преимуществом. Это был наш четвертый концерт с фанатами за последний год. Брайан упорно боролся, и он отличный парень, но он уже не тот парень, которым был в 2011 году. Ему нужно подумать о том, что он собирается делать.

«Гранитный подбородок возвращается сюда в июне. 26й с другим двойным заголовком. Послеобеденное шоу - это Granite Chin Invitational для открытых элитных боксеров. С отменой «Золотых перчаток Новой Англии» остается пустота, которую нужно заполнить. Если промоутеры помогут любителям, Я обязательно буду, с июня 26й."

ПретендентМаркиз Бейтс (8-4, 6 КО) свергнут, защищая чемпиона Нью-Гэмпшира в полусреднем весеРайан Dibartolomeo (3-2-1, 1 KO) через остановку в шестом раунде в развлекательном совместном матче. Разрушительный удар справа от Бейтса подарил ему новую корону, поскольку рефери даже не засчитал, поскольку ринг-доктор быстро вышел на ринг.

Ларри «Hitman» Прайор заключил контракт наСкотт Ламберт и он потратил немного времени на ведение дел, чтобы стать чемпионом Нью-Гэмпшира в тяжелом весе. Прайор воспользовался своим решающим ростом и достиг преимущества, закрытие шоу с идеально брошенным левым хуком, которое отправило Ламберта на холст. Ламберту удалось обыграть счет, но рефери остановил бой в середине первого раунда, когда увидел, что Ламберт раскачивается взад и вперед на резиновых ногах.

Долговязый левшаФрэнсис «Танк» Хоган (5-0, 5 КО) выпускник вчера вечером блестяще выступил противЛарри «Сло Мо» Смит, кто был в его 60й карьерный бой. Хоган поставил Смита в начале третьего раунда и поймал техасца в конце того же раунда с левой комбинацией в висок. Смит победил счет, но он не смог ответить на звонок для четвертого раунда, и 20-летний Хоган стал новым чемпионом Нью-Гэмпшира среди юниоров в среднем весе.

Бывший чемпион Новой Англии в тяжелом весеДжастин «Crazy Train» Рольф (5-2-1, 4 КО) позиционировал себя для другого N.E.. титульный выстрел с эффектным нокаутомАльфредо «Со» Тревино (9-9-1, 1 KO). 263-фунтовый Рольф, боевые действия из Фэрфилда, Мэн, бросился через кольцо к колоколу и усыпил своего оппонента из Аризоны прямо в своем углу, когда его отсчитали на отметке 20 секунд.

The newest member of the fightin’ Whitley family from western Massachusetts, непобежденным полусреднемДензел Уитли, cruised to his fourth victory with his fourth knockout. He drilledAquilandro Brandao late in round one and the fight was stopped by the referee.

НепобедимыйJahye Brown (9-0, 7 КО) captured the vacant ABF Athletic junior middleweight title with a hard fought 8-round unanimous decision over a game Mexican opponent,Dormedes Potes (12-4-1, 9 КО).  The two fought toe-to-toe from the opening bell and Brown landed the more effective punches inside to earn the victory.

Promising middleweight prospectЖюльен «Черный дракон» Батист улучшилось 2-0 with his second knockout, blasting outBruno Dias in the third round.

Fighting for the first time in more than eight years, Фолл-Ривер, MA полусреднегоDustin Reinhold (6-4, 2 КО) won a 4-round unanimous decision over pro-debutingЭнтониAndreozziin what can best be called a rough and tumble match

Младший среднемКарлос Кастильо’s professional debut was a gem as the Holyoke, MA fighter droppedTheo Desjardon дважды, the last closing the show late in the first round.

“Cannon” Berry stops Ibarra in 5

UBO All-America Welterweight ChampionBrandon “The Cannon” Berry (21-5-2, 13 КО) successfully defended in the afternoon card’s main event, overcoming a slow start in which he was buzzed to stop challengerGael Ibarra (5-3, 4 КО) in the fifth round.

Berry finished the fight in the fifth, when he unloaded twin barrages of unanswered punches on a trapped Ibarra until the referee waved off the fight.

“I’m glad it wasn’t a 4-round fight,” Berry said after the fight. “He was a strong guy. I was feeling it. He tested me. I want to thank my family and friends here, and Granite Chin and everybody involved in the promotion.”

В со-признакам события, New England heavyweight championMike “Fly” Marshall (4-1, 3 КО), в нетитульном бою, нокаутировалТрейси Джонсон (4-10-6) in the third round.

Popular Boston IrishmanJimmy Torney (3-0, 3 КО) – 6’ 6”, 269 фунтов. – needed only 42-seconds and one big right to stop pro-debuting heavyweightMarco Nascimento

Массачусетс полусреднем весеEric “Gladiator” Goff convincingly won his pro debut againstJader Alves(0-5) as he pitched a 4-round shutout

Three-time New England Golden Gloves championДемек «Хайтауэр» Эдмондс had an awesome pro debut, dropping cruiserweightФрансиско Нето twice in round one, the second a vicious body shot ending the fight. Edmonds, a southpaw from Worcester, Массачусетс, is a college graduate and bonafide prospect to watch.

В нетитульном бою, Чемпион Новой Англии в полусреднем весеМайк «Плохой человек» Оган, Младший. (12-1, 6 КО) schooled his 54-fight Las Vegas opponent, в первом среднемРайнелл ГриффинOhan decked Griffin three times in the first round, the third with a left hook to the body from which Griffin was unable to beat the count.

Canadian cruiserweightЯн «Wild Thing» Пеллерин (11-1, 5 КО) landed two stinging rights to the body of 63-fight veteranSteve “The Spoiler” Walker, both flooring the Missouri fighter, the second resulting in an opening-round knockout for the vacant ABF Atlantic title.

Connecticut welterweightOmar “The Beast” Borday, Младший. (1101, 3 КО) dominated 65-fight journeymanDewayne Wisdom en route to a one-sided 8-round unanimous decision.

Официальные результаты ниже: 




Кендрик Болл, Младший. (16-1-2, 11 КО), Вустер, Массачусетс

WDEC8 (79-73, 79-73, 78-74) 

Брайан Вера (28-17, 18 КО), Остин, Техас

(Ball on WBC USNBC Silver middleweight title)  


Маркиз Бейтс (8-4, 6 КО), Taunton, Массачусетс

WKO6 (2 :26) 

Райан Dibartolomeo (3-2-1, 1 KO), Леоминстер, Массачусетс

(Bates won the N.H. титул в полусреднем весе) 


Ларри Прайор (14-23, 8 КО), Фредерик, Мэриленд

WTKO1 (1:50) 

Скотт Лэмперт (1-2, 1 KO), Dover Plains, Нью-Йорк

(Pryor won the N.H. титул в тяжелом весе) 


Фрэнсис Хоган (5-0, 5 КО), Weymouth, Массачусетс

WTKO3 (3:00) 

Ларри Смит (12-46-2 (8 КО), Даллас, Техас

(Hogan won the N.H. младший в среднем весе) 


Jahyae Brown (9-0, 7 КО), Скенектади.Особенности, Нью-Йорк

WDEC8 (79-72, 77-74, 77074) 

Dormedes Potes (12-3-1, 9 КО), Woburn, Массачусетс

(Brown won ABF Atlantic junior middleweight title


Джастин Рольфе (5-2-1, 3 КО), Fairfield, МЕНЯ 

WKO1 (0:20) 

Alfredo Trevino (9-9-1, 1 KO), Дуглас, AZ


Дензел Уитли (4-0, 4 КО), Холиок, Массачусетс

WTKO1 (2 :42) 

Aquilando Brandao (0-4), Бостон, Массачусетс


Julien Baptiste (2-0, 2 КО), Woburn, Массачусетс

WTKO3 (2 :26) 

Bruno Dias (0-5), Бостон, Массачусетс


Карлос Кастильо (1-0, 1 KO), Холиок, Массачусетс

WTKO1 (2:16) 

Theo Desjardin (0-7), Attleboro, Массачусетс


Dustin Reinhold (6-4, 2 КО), Фолл-Ривер, Массачусетс

WDEC4 (39-36, 39-036, 39-37 

Энтони Андреоцци (0-1), Суонси, Массачусетс



Брэндон Берри (21-5-2, 13 КО), Запад Форкс, МЕНЯ

WTKO5 (1:29) 

Gael Ibarra (5-3, 4 КО), Bisbee, AZ

(Berry retained the UBO All-America welterweight title


Майк Маршалл (5-1, 4 КО), Brooklyn, Нью-Йорк

WTKO3 (0:38) 

Трейси Джонсон, (4-10-6, 0 КО), Бостон, Миллиампер


Yan Pellerin (10-1, 4 КО), Монреаль, Квебек, Канада

WKO1 (1:02) 

Steve Walker (26-37, 18 КО), Hannibal, Миссури

(Pellerin won the ABF Atlantic cruiserweight title


Jimmy Torney (3-0, 3 КО), Бостон, Массачусетс

WTKO1 (0:42) 

Marco Nascimento (0-1), Bow, Нью-Гемпшир


Так Эдмондс (1-0, 1 KO), Вустер, Массачусетс

WTKO1 (2:56) 

Франсиско Нето (1-12), Woburn, Массачусетс

            ЮНЫЙ средневесов

Майк Охан, Младший. (12-1, 6 КО), Холбрук, Массачусетс

WTKO1 (2:52) 

Райнелл Гриффин (8-46-2, 2 КО), Лас-Вегас, Невада


Eric Goff (1-0, 1 KO), Weymouth, Массачусетс

WDEC4 (40-30, 40-34, 40-34) 

Jader Alves (0-5), Woburn, Миллиампер

JUNIOR полусредневесы

Omar Borday, Младший. (11-1, 3 КО), Danbury, Коннектикут

WDEC8 (80-70, 79-72, 78-72 

Dewayne Wisdom (7-56-2, 3 КО), Индианаполис, В



Щебет: @Granite_Chin


(Кредит: Epix / Dianna GarciaBeck Media)

Фресно, ТАКОЙ КАК (Август 1, 2018)Маркос “Mad Man” Эрнандес (11-1-1, 3 КО), who is advised by Al Haymon and fighting under the Премьер Бокс чемпионов platform of fight cards, will appear on the upcoming season of Претендент on EPIX®.


Долгожданный сезон с 12 эпизодами, от MGM Television и Paramount Television, will premiere on EPIX® on Aug. 24, 2018, на 10 PM ET/PT with Hernandez being one of the more notable middleweights featured on the series multiple fights televised on FS1.


Эрнандес, a native of Fresno, ТАКОЙ КАК, trained with his father Joey Эрнандес until a heavily debated split-decision loss to Kyrone “Закройте его” Davis made Hernandez rethink his training habits. He has since moved his camp to Southern California and begun training with Henry Ramirez. Since the move Hernandez, has since gone undefeated in the professional realm.



I am excited that a lot of people will get to see me on The Contender,” говорит Эрнандес. “I loved being on the show and growing up I watched it every week. It was amazing to see Андре Уорд и Серхио Мора там. Those guys are two fighters who fought at middleweight that I have looked up to my whole career.


This is an opportunity to create a better life for my son, my wife as well as my mom and dad. I am proud to be from Fresno and I want people to know where I am from and who I am fighting for.”


Julian Williams Training Camp Notes

Super Welterweight Contender Takes on Nathaniel Gallimore Saturday, Апреля 7 in 154-Pound Title Eliminator Live on SHOWTIME from Hard Rock Hotel & Казино, Лас-Вегас

СЕНТ-ЧАРЛЬЗ, ТАКОЙ КАК (Март 30, 2018) – Топ супер полусреднем весе Джулиан “J-Rock” Уильямс will look to put himself closer to another world title shot when he faces Натаниэль Gallimore in a 154-pound world title eliminator Saturday, Апреля 7 live on SHOWTIME from Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Лас-Вегас.




The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Эрисланди Лара, the longest reigning world champion at 154-pounds, clashing with undefeated champion Джарретт Херд in a highly anticipated 154-pound world title unification bout. Телепередача SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС начинается 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT and also features super middleweight world champion Калеб Труа in a rematch against former champion Джеймс DeGale.




The 12-round IBF title eliminator gives Williams a chance to earn a second world title fight, while it would be Gallimore’s first shot at the title. Gallimore has been outspoken in his belief that he will stop Williams, but Williams has chosen to not let the words affect him and focus on the task at hand.




I have no reaction to the talk coming from Gallimore,” сказал Уильямс. “He’s trying to draw attention to himself and doing it in a classless way. If he wants a back-and-forth, he’s going to be talking to himself.




He seems like he’s a strong fighter, but you never really know until you step in the ring with a guy. He’s on a hot streak, he’s a big puncher and obviously he has a lot of confidence. We thought this would be a good test and I think it’s going to be a great fight for the fans.




Williams is currently finishing up training camp at the SNAC gym in San Carlos, California with trainer Stephen Edwards. In addition to work in the first part of training in Philadelphia with DeCarlo Perez and Jaron Ennis, he has sparred with the likes of Peter Quillin, Prenice Brewer and Joey Spencer in California.




I’ve been coming out to California for parts of camp since 2014 and it’s really just something that gives me a bit of a spark heading into the fight,” сказал Уильямс. “There are some elevation and recovery aspects of training that we can do out here. It’s also a good way to get away from things and really dig to another level.




Williams has been on the road back to title contention after dropping his first title shot to Jermall Charlo in 2016. Williams knew that he did not need to revamp his entire game and has recovered with victories over former champion Ishe Smith and Joshua Conley leading into this fight.




I thought I was doing well in the Charlo fight so I never pushed the panic button after it didn’t go my way,” сказал Уильямс. “Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. The plan was always to improve each fight and each day in camp, so that’s what we’re still doing. We’ll see on April 7 if it’s enough.




With an opponent who enters this fight on a seven-fight knockout streak, Williams knows he will have to use all of his physical and mental skills to pull out the victory.




It’s going to be up to me what this fight looks like,” сказал Уильямс. “In the ring you have to be mature. I can’t get drawn into the kind of fight that he wants. If I stay focused, I should dominate him.




I’m never going to look past anybody. I know that there’s nothing I can do in my future in this sport if I don’t beat Gallimore. I’m ready to go in there and look impressive on April 7.




Билеты на шоу, который способствует TGB Акции и Мэйвезер Акции, are on sale now and available by visiting AXS.com or the Hard Rock Hotel & Казино, Las Vegas Box Office.


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Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, MayweatherPromo, или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Hard-Hitting Alfredo Angulo Takes on Former Champion Sergio Mora in Super Middleweight Clash & Unbeaten Emanuel Medina Battles Saul Corral in Undercard Attractions on Saturday April 7 От Hard Rock Hotel & Казино, Лас-Вегас


Premier Boxing Champions Event Headlined by Erislandy Lara vs. Jarrett Hurd 154-Pound World Title Unification




ЛАС-ВЕГАС – (Март 30, 2018) – The always exciting Альфред “Собака” Ангуло squares off against former world champion Серхио “Латинский Змея” Мора in an eight-round super middleweight battle while unbeaten Emanuel Medina (13-0, 9 КО) бои Сол Коррал (27-10, 18 КО) in an eight-round welterweight clash as part of undercard action Saturday, Апреля 7 at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Лас-Вегас.




The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Эрисланди Лара, the longest reigning world champion at 154-pounds, clashing with undefeated champion Джарретт Херд in a highly anticipated 154-pound world title unification bout. Со-главное событие увидит Калеб Труа will defend his 168-pound title against Джеймс DeGale в матче-реванше. Телепередача SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС начинается 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT и особенности Джулиан Уильямс и Натаниэль Gallimore meeting in a 154-pound world title eliminator.




Билеты на шоу, который способствует TGB Акции и Мэйвезер Акции, are on sale now and available by visiting AXS.com or the Hard Rock Hotel & Казино, Las Vegas Box Office.




The action continues as Ava Knight (14-2-4, 5 КО) соответствует Mayela Perez (19-21, 10 КО) in six-round flyweight bout and Ahmed Mahmood (7-0-1, 3 КО) берет на себя Sharone Carter (8-2, 2 КО) in an eight-round featherweight match.




Ангуло (24-6, 20 КО), a rugged veteran with a resume that includes battles with world champions like Erislandy Lara and Saul “Канело” Альварес, is looking to rebound from a knockout loss to Freddy Hernandez in his last fight. Angulo was born in Mexicali, Mexico but lives and trains in California.




Мора (28-5-2, 9 КО) is a former 154-pound champion who has clashed with some of the biggest names in boxing during his career, including Shane Mosley, Vernon Forrest and Daniel Jacobs. In his last fight the 37-year-old Mora of Los Angeles lost by TKO to Jacobs in a middleweight championship rematch.



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Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, MayweatherPromo, или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Sensational Fan Fest This Saturday October 14 в StubHub центра в Карсон, Халиф. Ahead of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Sports

Карсон, КАЛИФОРНИЯ. (Октября 10, 2017) – Это Суббота, Октября 14 ahead of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes, numerous world champions and contenders will participate in a ‘Fan Festat the StubHub Center on the main concourse level starting at 1:00 p.m. PT.
Among those meeting fans include Майки Гарсия, Серхио Мора, Джон Молина-младший, Альфредо Ангуло, Крис Арреола, Доминик Breazeale, Josesito Лопес, Виктор Ортис, Hugo Centeno Jr., Роберт Герреро, Karlos Balderas и Lindolfo Delgado. Autograph signing will begin at 1 p.m. PT* leading up to the start of televised fights at 4 p.m. PT.
Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes is headlined by three-division champion Лев “Землетрясение” Санта-Крус defending his featherweight world title against Крис Авалос, while four-time world champion Авенир Mares defends his 126-pound championship against once-beaten Andres Gutierrez. Телевизионный охват начинается 7:30 p.m. И/4:30 p.m. PT.
If Santa Cruz and Mares win their respective matches, they have both agreed to terms to meet in a highly anticipated rematch for the WBA featherweight title in early 2018. Santa Cruz won a hard-fought, narrow decision against Mares in a 2015 Fight of the Year candidate that saw the two men go toe-to-toe for 12 fast-paced rounds and combine for over 2,000 нанесенные удары.
Билеты на турнире, which is promoted by Ringstar Promotions and TGB Promotions, по цене $30, $50, $75, $100, $150, и $250 и уже в продаже. Чтобы приобрести билеты, посетите AXS.com ВОТ.
Поклонники могут транслировать бои в прямом эфире на FOX Sports GO, доступно на английском или испанском языках через каналы FS1 или FOX Deportes. Бои доступны на рабочем столе на FOXSportsGO.com и в магазине приложений., или подключенных устройств, включая Apple TV, Android TV, Огонь ТВ, Xbox One и Roku. В дополнение, все программы также доступны на FOX Sports на канале SiriusXM 83 спутниковые радиостанции и на приложении SiriusXM.
*Lineup subject to change
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.ringstar.com,WWW.tgbpromotions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / домашнюю и www.foxdeportes.com.
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Daniel Jacobs Retains Middleweight World Title by Dominant Seventh Round TKO Victory Over Former World Champion Sergio Mora In Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions On Spike Friday Night from Santander Arena in Reading, Пенсильвания.

Robert Easter Wins Vacant Lightweight World Title with Thrilling Split Decision Victory Over Previously Unbeaten Richard Commey
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Премьер Бокс чемпионов – (Фотографии будут добавлены в ближайшее время)
Нажмите ВОТ for Highlights from Jacobs vs. Mora and
ВОТ for Highlights from Easter vs. Commey
ЧТЕНИЕ, Пенсильвания. (Сентябрь 10, 2016) – Middleweight world champion Даниил “Чудо Человек” Jacobs (32-1, 29 КО) retained his title and knocked down former world champion Серхио “Латинский Змея” Мора (28-5-2, 9 КО) five times on his way to a seventh-round TKO in the main event of Премьер Бокс чемпионов на Spike Пятница night from Santander Arena in Reading, Пенсильвания.
The bout was a rematch of their championship fight last August that saw Jacobs win by TKO despite being dropped in the first round. Mora suffered an ankle injury on the punch that ended the last fight but he was not able to capitalize on his second chance.
Jacobs was in control early and often, attacking the body of Mora and switching between orthodox and southpaw styles to stay in control throughout. Mora was evasive and used good head movement to frustrate Jacobs early but could never get his own offense going.
The champion from Brooklyn stayed the course and in round four he broke through with a left hook to the head that sent Mora crumpling to the mat. Mora recovered but again had a knockdown scored against him in round five.
Sensing his moment, Jacobs came out aggressive in the seventh round as he clearly sought an end to the fight. A left right combo dropped Mora in the corner early in the round before he was dropped from a body shot moments after getting back on his feet.
Referee Gary Rosato let the fight continue but Jacobs put a quick end to the night by smothering Mora and dropping him for the fifth and final time, forcing the referee to stop the bout at 2:08 в раунде.
In front of a raucous and supportive crowd, непобежденным восходящая звезда Роберт Пасха (18-0, 14 КО) earned a narrow split-decision victory over previously unbeaten Ричард Коммей (24-1, 22 КО) in a thrilling contest that saw both men grab momentum at different points throughout the 12-round bout.
Easter used his jab and length advantage in round one and appeared to have more success throughout the night when he fought from a distance. The fight vacillated between a tactical battle and a toe-to-toe war by the round and even by the minute.
The Ghanaian Commey was aggressive throughout the fight and had success pushing Easter to the ropes and catching him with big right hands. In round eight, Commey scored a knockdown on one of those right hands, as referee Benjy Esteves ruled that Easter’s glove hit the canvas as a result of the punch.
Easter and Commey both came out firing in round nine, engaging in one of the many exchanges that put the lively crowd on its feet. Easter had great success throughout the night with his right uppercut that consistently caught Commey coming in, but never deterred him completely.
Both men reached the 12-round limit for the first time in their careers but it was Easter who took advantage of the final stanza by rocking and wobbling Commey with a big overhand right just seconds into the round.
Commey was able to survive on the ropes and by consistently wrapping up his opponent. Both men were lifted to the air in triumph by their trainers after the final bell rang as the crowd cheered the two combatants. In the end the judges scored the fight 114-113 for Commey and 115-112 и 114-113 for Easter.
Вот то, что бойцы должны были сказать, Пятница ночь:
I have to take my hat off to Sergio Mora. There was a lot of talking before this fight, но это бокс. I respect any man who gets inside of this ring.
I want to prove to the world that I’m the best middleweight. If GGG gets the victoryзавтра, вот кто мы хотим.
I wanted to go in there to hurt him and keep my knockout streak alive. I did what I said I would.
I didn’t expect to knock him down as much, but I did see the fight ending in a knockout. It took a while because he’s so tricky. I wasn’t able to jab the way I wanted to. That’s what happens when you fight guys who have been in the game for a long time.
The support of my city means a lot. There are guys here that I’ve known since kindergarten. People showed me love across the board and it was tremendous. For them to be on this journey with me, it means everything. Я живу своей мечтой.
This one’s for Brooklyn. We have to spread the love around but I’ll be back home in December headlining at Barclays Center.
Серхио Мора
The guy punches really hard. I was trying to catch him like I did in the first fight but I couldn’t do it today.
We expected him to fight the way he did. He’s big and powerful. I knew I would have to catch him with a few shots and take him into the later rounds. I think I was doing that until my legs couldn’t recover.
I’m not going to take anything away from his victory, but I never recovered from a shot to the back of the head. They counted it as a knockdown so I’ll have to take a look at the video, but it felt like the back of the head.
This guy is a big overwhelming figure. When he got on top of me I could feel his weight. You really need those legs to wake up when you get buzzed.
The fight was close in my heart. Daniel finally gave me credit. I didn’t feel like I got beat up, he just caught me with good shots. I have a lot left in me. I’m going to look at the tape and see where I’m at.
It’s been a long training camp. We had an amazing training camp. This fight wasn’t easy at all. We knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Richard Commey is a tough, жесткий конкурент. He made me fight each and every round, but we did it.
The game plan was to go out there and box him and use my length and reach. I made a few mistakes сегодня вечером. One of them was not fighting him early enough. It wouldn’t have been close. В последнем раунде, when I needed the round, I went out and got it.
I took everything that I had, все 16 years in the sport, and I used it to go get that belt.
You always have to stay composed as a professional. I wasn’t hurt at all on the knockdown. I know what happened in there. He threw a shorter right hand and I stumbled. I finished the round tough.
Early in the fight I thought I hurt him with a hook and right hand combo. In the last round I caught him right on the chin. That wobbled him. He held on for dear life.
I knew it was going to come down to a split decision. I felt in my heart that I did enough. He missed a lot of shots.
I want more straps. I want belts. This is huge for my city. Это значит многое. It’s bigger than me. I wanted to give them something to believe in.
All this hard work we had to put in for this fight, we had to dig in deep. I did this for my city and Toledo came out for me сегодня вечером.”
I feel like I won this fight. I did everything that I could. I landed the more accurate shots. I come from very far and it’s hard to win here versus an American. I deserve a rematch.
I was very devastated when I heard the scores. I knew it was a close fight. He went down and I didn’t.
I want to be a world champion. Even if he doesn’t want to fight me, I want another opportunity. I can fight at the highest level in the world. We worked so hard to get to this stage. I want to stay at this level. I’ll keep improving.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com и www.spike.com/shows/Премьер-бокс-чемпионы. Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, DanielJacobsTKO, @TheLatinSnake_, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. PBC on Spike is sponsored byCorona Extra, Finest Beer.

Даниэль Джейкобс против. Серхио Мора & Robert Easter vs. Richard Commey Final Press Conference Quotes & Фото

Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Пятница, Сентябрь 9 Живая
От Сантандер Арены в Ридинге, Пенсильвания. – 9 p.m. И/8 p.m. Коннектикут
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Премьер Бокс чемпионов
ЧТЕНИЕ, Пенсильвания. (Сентябрь 8, 2016) – Middleweight world champion Даниил “Чудо Человек” Jacobs и бывший чемпион Серхио “Латинский Змея” Мора went face-to-face at the final press conference Среда before their world championship rematch that headlines Премьер Бокс чемпионов на Spike Пятница, Сентябрь 9из Сантандера Arena в Reading, Пенсильвания.
Also in attendance at В среду event were undefeated lightweights Роберт Пасхаи Ричард Коммей, who fight for a vacant world title Пятница ночью на Spike. Телевизионный охват начинается 9 p.m. И/8 p.m. CT and features local contender Трэвис “Мое время” Кауфман в 10-раундовом бою в тяжелом весе.
Билеты на турнире, которые способствуют Акции Короля, начинаются $20 и уже в продаже через Ticketmaster..
Вот то, что бойцы должны были сказать, Среда:
It’s an honor to be up here as the main event with these young fighters and future champions. Я рад вернуться на ринг. It’s been too long but I’ve been training hard and I feel great.
“Я буду делать то, что я делаю лучше всего. People talk about my power, but I get my skills from the amateur system and from proving that I have the goods. I have the power in addition to the skill set. I’m planning on proving that Пятница ночь.
I’ll be ready every round to give it my best and he better come in ready to fight. I’m excited to be here and display my skills in a new place.
The fans are looking forward to a good fight so I hope Sergio is ready to make this an exciting battle. I’m going to show everybody my full arsenal.
Серхио Мора
Our last fight was on the way to being a ‘Fight of the Year,’ but I busted my ankle in the second round and I couldn’t continue. I’ve been waiting 13 months for this opportunity and I’m completely ready. This has been a fantastic training camp.
It’s time for business. People don’t know what’s going to happen. He has big power and I have a lot of experience and tricks up my sleeve. The later the fight goes, the better off for me.
I’m ready for any way this fight can go. I’m excited about this fight and the fans should be excited about this fight. We’re proud fighters and I can’t wait to get in there.
This is a big opportunity and something I’ve wanted for my whole life. Ever since I was nine-years-old. All the hard work I’ve put in since I was a kid, everyone will see. I will put on a great performance
We already were working hard before we knew we had this title shot. Someone has to pay for the work I’ve been putting in for 16 years in this business. В Пятницу night it will be another victory and another man down.
I’m very happy to be here and I’m thankful for this opportunity. When I first started boxing this is what I hoped for.
This is all that I have had on my mind. This is what has motivated me for many years.
“Такой Как Пятница night I’m going to be ready to fight and I’m going to be a world champion.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com и www.spike.com/shows/Премьер-бокс-чемпионы. Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, DanielJacobsTKO, @TheLatinSnake_, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. PBC on Spike is sponsored byCorona Extra, Finest Beer.

Undefeated Prospect Earl Newman Battles Once-Beaten Leo Hall In Undercard Action on Friday, Сентябрь 9 От Сантандер Арены в Ридинге, Пенсильвания.

Больше! Middleweight Contender Jorge Sebastian Heiland, Former World Champion Kermit Cintron, & Local Contender Frank DeAlba Featured On Stacked Undercard
ЧТЕНИЕ, Пенсильвания. (Сентябрь 7, 2016) – Непобедимый перспективы Граф Ньюман (9-0, 7 КО) takes on once-beaten Лев зал (8-1, 7 КО) in light heavyweight action that highlights an exciting undercard on Friday, Сентябрь 9 из Сантандера Arena в Reading, Пенсильвания.
Сентябрьский 9 event is headlined by middleweight world champion Даниил “Чудо Человек” Jacobs defending his world title in a rematch against former world champion Серхио “Латинский Змея” Мора в главном событии Премьер Бокс чемпионов на Spike. Телевизионный охват начинается 9 p.m. И/8 p.m. CT and features undefeated lightweights colliding for a vacant world title as Роберт Пасха берет на себяРичард Коммей. Кроме того, на карте, local contender Трэвис “Мое время” Кауфманwill be featured in a 10-round fight against heavyweight Джош Гормли.
Билеты на турнире, которые способствуют Акции Короля, начинаются $20 и уже в продаже через Ticketmaster..
Also featured on the stacked undercard of fights is Argentine middleweight Хорхе Себастьян Хейланд (27-4-2, 14 КО) в восемь круглых бой, бывший чемпион мира Кермит Цинтрон (37-5-2, 28 КО) in an eight round welterweight fight against Florida’s Мэнни Вудс (15-5-1, 5 КО) and local junior lightweight Фрэнк ДеАльба (19-2-2, 8 КО) taking on ArkansasКакие Эванс (12-2-1, 6 КО) в восемь круглых бой.
The action continues with a pair of prospects from Philadelphia as super middleweight Кристофер Брукер (10-1, 5 КО) takes on tough contender Элвин Аяла (28-7-1, 12 КО) in an eight-round fight and unbeaten Томас Веласкес (5-0, 4 КО) enters the ring in a four-round super featherweight battle.
Rounding out the night are a trio of local Reading prospects as super welterweight Эрик Весна (7-1-1, 1 KO) battles unbeaten Simon Henriksson (4-0, 1 KO) in a six-round affair, в первом полусреднем Кашон Хатчинсон (1-0, 1 KO) принимая на Джордан Моралес(1-1, 1 KO) in a four-round bout and junior lightweight Мигель Мартинес (2-2) против Николай Эрнандес (4-1, 1 KO) in six-rounds of super welterweight action.
Бывший чемпион New York Golden Gloves, Newman has shown impressive power in stopping seven of his first nine opponents since turning pro in 2014. The 25-year-old out of Brooklyn is coming in off of a stoppage victory over Dustin Craig Echard in April. He faces his toughest opponent to date in the 21-year-old Hall out of Detroit. Hall knocked out seven of his first eight opponents before losing for the first time in December 2015.
Борьба из Буэнос-Айреса, Аргентина, Heiland will be making his U.S. debut when he steps into the ring on Friday night. The 29-year-old has won six straight fights heading into bout, including a sensational knockout of Matthew Macklin in 2014. Heiland most recently defeated Martin Fidel Rios in April in a 10-round matchup.
Cintron is a former welterweight world champion who owns victories over Alfredo Angulo, Lovemore Ndou and Ronald Cruz. The Puerto Rican fighter who lives in Reading fought Argentine great Sergio Martinez to a draw and has battled top fighters from Canelo Alvarez to Antonio Margarito. He enters this bout on a four-fight win streak including two victories so far this year. He takes on the 29-year-old Woods out of St. Петербург, who has also picked up two wins in 2016.
The 29-year-old De Alba had a 19 fight unbeaten streak snapped in December 2015, when he dropped a narrow majority decision to unbeaten Omar Douglas, but he has rebounded with back-to-back stoppage victories in 2016. Originally from Bayamon, Puerto Rico but now fighting out of Reading he’ll battle Little Rock’s Evans, who started off his pro career in 2012 with eight straight wins.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com и www.spike.com/shows/Премьер-бокс-чемпионы. Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, DanielJacobsTKO, @TheLatinSnake_, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. PBC on Spike is sponsored byCorona Extra, Finest Beer.

Road to Heavyweight championship continues this Friday for Travis Kauffman

ЧТЕНИЕ, Пенсильвания (Сентябрь 5, 2016)–Travis Kauffman believes he is very close to realizing his goal to fight for the heavyweight championship of the world.
In order for that to be realized, he must not stumble в эту пятницу night when he takes on Josh Gormley as part of the undercard of a championship doubleheader at the Santander Arena in Kaufman’s hometown of Reading, Пенн.
Карта, which has been dubbed the biggest fight card in Reading, will be televised live on Spike TV, will be headlined by Daniel Jacobs defending the WBA Middleweight championship in a rematch against former junior middleweight titlist Sergio Mora. В телевизионном со-функция, undefeated lightweights Robert Easter Jr. and Richard Commey vie for the vacant IBF Lightweight title.
Кауфман (30-1, 22 КО), who has been training in Reading for this fight. knows he can’t slip up against the hard punching Gormley.
Training has been good and we have been working hard,” сказал Кауфман.
Despite what people may think, there is no added pressure fighting at home. It is just another day at the office. When I am in the ring, I just block the crowd out and I am just trying to look good.
In Gormley, he taking on an opponent has a record of 22-5 с 21 knockouts and Kauffman is not taken him lightly.
Gormley is a big guy and a big puncher. Any guy who is over 200 фунты, you have to take seriously and I do not underestimate anybody.
Kauffman feels that a good performance should put him on the short-list for a world title shot in the next year.
We are hoping in the beginning of 2017 that we can get a title shot. The ultimate goal is to be champion of the world. I know a lot of fighters think its about the money, but in order to make that money, you have to be champion.
Kauffman may have already received that coveted title shot had he been awarded the decision in his December 12, 2015 bout with Chris Arreola.
В этом бою, Kauffman dropped Arreola and most people who watched the fight ringside and on television believed Kauffman should have been given the decision. But Arreola got the majority nod, but later tested positive in a post fight drug test and the bout was ruled a no-contest. Arreola subsequently got a 16 июля титульный бой, but was stopped by WBC champion Deontay Wilder.
I can’t dwell on that fight. It is behind me. Chris is a friend, but he didn’t take advantage of the opportunity. That was yesterday and I am only looking forward to my future.
The selection Gormley has it’s purpose as he stands 6’5and Kauffman sees this as a rehearsal for bigger fights down the line.
This is a stay busy fight, but he is dangerous. He is a tall guy and when you look at all the champions, Уайлдер, Джошуа, Ярость, they are all very tall men. If I can’t get one of them next, I want someone in the top-ten. Я хочу драться с лучшими. Everyone is avoiding Luis Ortiz, I would love to fight him. Энтони Джошуа, Артур контактный. I need fights like that because it will prove to everyone that I belong at the top of the division,but first things first. I have to be cautious of Gormley’s power.
Кауфман, who has very good boxing skills, has a different mindset for his future fights.
I learned in that fight, that I can’t leave anything to the judges. The way my trainer Naazim Richardson trains his fighters, they really make them believe in themselves. вечер пятницы, I am not looking past Gormley, Я смотрю сквозь него, and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me.
Билеты на турнире, которые способствуют Акции Короля, начинаются $20 и уже в продаже через Ticketmaster..

Даниэль Джейкобс, Серхио Мора, Роберт Пасха & Richard Commey Media Conference Call Transcript

Марк Абрамс
Хорошо. Welcome to the Daniel Jacobs/Sergio Mora conference call. The rematch will take place Пятница ночь, 9 сентября, at the Santander Arena in Reading, Пенсильвания, and live on Spike TV. It’s a championship double header, a great show that will also feature the IBF lightweight championship of the world between undefeated Robert Easter and undefeated Richard Commey of Accra, Гана. The show is promoted by Kings Boxing. And to make some opening statements, the President of Kings Boxing Mr. Маршалл Кауфман. Маршалл?
Маршалл Кауфман
Здравствуйте, все. It’s a pleasure to be able to host such an exciting fight come9 сентября. I’m looking forward to fireworks between both thesewith both of these bouts. You havewith Richard Commey and Robert Easter, Младший, and of course, Daniel Jacobs and Sergio Mora, it’s going to be an exciting night. Я действительно с нетерпением жду этого. And the [неразборчивый] town of Reading as well is really excited about such a big event coming to our town.
Хорошо, we’ll start with Robert Easterwould like to make an opening comment.
Роберт Пасха
Да, I’ll all very excited to come to Reading, Пенсильвания, and fight for the IBF world title. С надеждой, Richard Commey will bring his A game to the table because I’m definitely bringing my A-plus game to the table.
И, Ричард, would you like to make an opening statement?
Ричард Коммей
О, да, I’m very excited to have this opportunity to fight for the IBF lightweight world title. I’ve worked so hard to get this opportunity. And I know Robert Easter, Младший, has also. Так, это будет великий бой.
Роберт, в основном, he hasn’t faced anyone with your height, достичь, мощность, and speed. Is that accurate? Can you give an assessment of your thoughts on that?
Да, не, he hasn’t faced anyone like me and my agility, my power, my length, мой охват. He hasn’t faced a guy like me. Так, that’s where I come in and take over this fight.
С другой стороны, who would you say that you have faced that is either comparable or better than him in ways that you think he needhe would need to be able to compete against you?
Это было–Мендес, he was a speedy, speedy guy, быстро, and could move a lot. Но, what I’m hearing, Commey brings pressure I guess. That’s probably the only thing Mendez didn’t have. He came–он определенно пришел к борьбе, хотя, but he was a speedy guy, a slick guy, to move his hands.
I guess the last question, is there anything that is different or unique about Richard that you haven’t seen in an actual fight? I know you’ve been in sparring with guys like [Ламонт Питерсон] и Энтони Петерсон, Бронер, guys like that. Но, in an actual fight, is there anything about him that you respect to the level that you’re really going to have to be on your P’s and Q’s about?
Every opponent you step in the ring with you have to respect. Но, it’s nothing unique I see coming from him. It’s nothing I haven’t seen or faced. Так, как я и сказал, this should be a walk in the park for me, and I say that with confidence.
Хорошо. Ричард, I wonder what tradition you know when you talk about Azumah Nelson Have you talked to any of those guys or heard from any of those guys ?
Да. And I’m going to use the advice Azumah gave me over the last few weeks here in Ghana.
Ричард, how does Robert stack up to left hander went the distance with both those guys. Have you seen anything like what you’re going to see out of Robert in terms of reach and–?
I’ve inspired a lot of people with a lot of heart. I need this opportunity. His height really won’t matter. I’m coming there to win and that’s what I’m coming to do.
The last question, what do you think you’vethat he hasn’t fought anyone like? What do you think is unique about you that he hasn’t seen before?
Хорошо, I’m a tall guy. And no matter what he does, I can win. Я сильный. And I can take punches and I can punch as well. I can do all that. If he can’the will lose. I respect the height and his reach and his skills as a boxer.
I’ll start with you, Пасхальный. Welcome to the fight, and good luck to you. You mentioned that you’re ready, and Commey has not fought anybody of your caliber. Но, if you look at both records, you guys are both undefeated with a nice double figure of knockouts. And he’s already a champion is his country and all that. Сейчас, and you are an ex-Olympian. Are you telling me, or as I understand, that you’re minimizing what he has, taking in consideration that he is undefeated, just like you, and somebody’s always got to go? Так, what do youhow do you assess that?
Seeing the few rounds I did watch is the skills, and I wouldn’t say they were that good, but he–как я и сказал, he’s just very strong. Они говорят, что он сильный. Но, you’re only strong to somebody you can hit.
When you got toboxing out there, как я, I’m using my rank, my length, and what I’m throwing [can be] hard as well, how you going to be able to get past that? Так, как я и сказал, the skills are not much there. Но, I don’t like to get hit that much. I won’t get hit that much. Так, I’m going to take all that away, and then whatever he’s bringing and adjust to have him adjust to me. Once I get him in my game plan, the fight is going to go my way the whole few rounds it’s going to last.
Do you feel that your Olympic experience is an advantage over him because, после всего, when you get to the high heights of Olympic experience and international amateur fighting, you’re almost like a pro? It’s almost like stepping into the living room when you turn pro. Так, that hasyou have an edge on that?
I wouldn’t pretty much focus on the amateur side because the transition from the amateur to pro is way different. You know patience.So, I’ll transition pretty quickly like Lamont Peterson, Энтони Питерсон, Адриен Broner, guys like that..
Are you hoping tojust to name two guys to follow the tradition of African champions, like Ike Quartey and the great Azumah Nelson, to bring another title back to Africa? Is this whatnot only to win, конечно, but isthis is your direction, your crusade, when you were saying that, “В конце концов, I got a chance at a world title,” and your heart of hearts, this is what you want to do, to bring another title to Africa?
Да, that’s exactly what I want to do. Как ты говорил, the likes of Ike Quartey, Azumah Nelson, to bring a championship back to my country.
Knowing that this is for the vacant IBF world title, конечно, what have youwithout giving out trade secrets, what have you done in camp todifferent or with a high acceleration to make sure that your hand is raised in victory over Easter?
Хорошо, конечно, I spar a lot of big guys like Joshua Clottey, and I have the kind of power to excel in the gym and on fight night. I want to follow the tradition of Ghanaian boxing. Так, I’m coming there to make sure, once I get my game plan underway, then I’ll victorious.
Do you run at all the risk of being a little overconfident against another opponent who is also undefeated and has traveled all over, fought a lot of different type of fighters in all different countries and certainly has no fear of coming here? Are you a little overconfident in those remarks?
Не, вовсе нет. Не за что. I believe in my skill. And I know what I’ll come and do, just like my last fight and fight before that and a few fights before that. Once I got my game plan, when I come in the ring, I know how to make the fighter try to adjust to me. Once I get a fighter try and adjust to me, then the fight is already won.
The skills, you can see the skills, mine and his. He’s a straight coming-forth fighter, try to hard punch and all that. Но, when got boxing and you can punch as well and you can move, don’t matter. It speaks for itself.
Так, how surprised were you that Barthelemy did give up the title and that you ended up getting this title shot? Seems to me probably about maybe around a year or so or at least in the IBF 9 или 10 months sooner than maybe you had expected.
I knew after the Mendez fight I was going to have a big fight coming up. Так, either way, I was going to train like it was a championship fight, like I do always. Так, it is surprising that it came up this soon.
Do you think, when you face him, you’re going to have to use your height and length and box him because you mentioned how aggressive he is, or is this going to be similar to Argenis Mendez, where you can drop that big shot at any moment and knock the guy out?
Да, I’m going to and I will have to box. That’s the plan for every opponent I fight. I box and use my length. Так, as long as I do that and see a weaknesswherever I see a weakness, that’s when I go for it.
I count six different countries that you’ve fought in between your home country, США, throughout Europe. Can you talk about what that experience has done in terms of giving you confidence to come again to the United States and take on an American fighter in a pretty significant fight for a world title?
Как ты говорил, I’ve been fighting all over the world. I’m very comfortable fighting in the U.S. I don’t really think about where I’m going to fight, just do my best, and whatever happens, I take it because, как боксер, I need to prepare. I need to be ready to go wherever to fight. I’m ready to go anywhere to fight to so wherever I go as a boxer. Так, I’m all good
Ричард, can you just give me your opinion about the kind of fighter and what you think about the style of Robert Easter, if you’ve seen him fight?
What I’ve seen of him, I know he’s a great boxer, a skilled boxer, and he tries to move a lot. Но, likewise, Я могу боксировать. I can come forward. Так, on the night of the fight, определенно, I know what I’m going to do.
Did you have a preference of fighting Barthelemy, who was the reigning champion, or taking on another undefeated fighter for the vacant title, or did it not make a difference to you?
Хорошо, в конце дня, that’s you want. Once you got a chance to fight for it, whatever comes, it doesn’t really matter who you’re supposed to fight. It’s the title I want. Так, для меня, I don’t really feel much disappointed. I’m there to fight for the title. Это то, что я хочу. Так, I’m not disappointed. It’s all good as I’m really looking forward for the title. And once I’m fighting for the title, I don’t mind.
Хорошо. We’re going to wrap up this part of the call. I know we’ve gotSergio is on the line. And I think Daniel will be on the line in a second. Just a quick final comment from both, we’ll start with Robert.
Just be ready 9 сентября. I’ll come bring a lot of fireworks and a lot of action and another short bout, 9 сентября, and will be the IBF champion.
Come on the 9го сентября. I’m coming to put my life on the line. And I’m going to be the world champion, IBF lightweight world champion.
Спасибо, ребята. We’ll see you in Reading 9 сентября. И, Danielle, I think we’re ready now with theI believe Sergio is on the line. I know Daniel going to be in, in a second. Я думаю, while we wait for Daniel, Маршалл, I don’t know if you want to introduce Sergio?
Серхио Мора, a very exciting fighter. His last fight was fireworks. And I’m looking forward to fireworks once again. Danny Jacobs dropped him first, and Sergio came back and took advantage of Danny’s mistakes. And then the third knockdown was something that’s still a question mark, whether it was from a knockdown or a twisted ankle. Так, there are question marksthere are questions that are left to be spoken for. And I believe Sergio is in shape. And we’ll see, такой как 9 сентября. How about it, Серхио?
Серхио Мора
It was no knockdown. I alwaysI’m the one getting punched, кстати. Так, I didn’t feel the punch, and it was definitely just me twisting my ankle. It was Jacobs pushing me down as well. Да, the referee kept warning Jacobs also that he was pushing me down with his elbow. I normally go down low like that. Так, it’s not the first time it happened. Так, it’s a mix of a lot of things. Но, it wasn’t a punch to knock me down. It was all my ankle. And if was a punch, then why didn’t I stay down? I was up at the count of two or three on one foot. Так, it definitely wasn’t a punch.
And I believe the WBA middleweight champion Daniel Jacob on the line. Даниил, you want opening statements and maybe a response to that?
Даниэль Джейкобс
Хорошо, I came in briefly. And from what I hear, he’s saying that that last shot wasn’t a punch that put him down. I don’t know what my eyes were seeing, or I don’t know what my fists felt, but in my opinion, and I think, if you clearly go to the video, the replay, it was a punch that put him down. It was the uppercut that startedwhich had him backwithdraw and back up. And then it was the overhand right that put him down. Так–.
The overhand right grazed the back of my head. Да, the overhand right grazed the back of my head, but my ankle was already twisted. It was a tricky shot.
It could be a graze. It could be whatever you want to say it could be, but it put you down. Слушать, let me give my opening statement, Пожалуйста. I just got on the line.
Но, it didn’t keep me down. If I was hurt, –I wouldn’t have gotten up.
Хорошо. Allow me to have my opening statement, Серхио, Пожалуйста. I just got on the line, brother. Show some respect. I just got on the line. Так, my opening statement, дамы и господа, it is the honor to be back into the ring. I’ve been out for quite some time. The reason we’ve actually been out for so long was because we were trying to get a better opportunity at fighting B.J. Сондерс. Очевидно, that fight took a little longer than anticipated. And this is the reason why this fight is happening. It isn’t because I’ve been avoiding Sergio Mora. I just understand that this fight for my career at this particular point isn’t really going to do anything for me. It’s more going to do anythingmore for Sergio than it would do for me. Но, me and him have the same management in Al Haymon. Так, I can understand why this fight is being made.
Но, the reasons why he’s saying this fight is being made as far as me ducking him and not wanting to fight him, Я имею в виду, that’s absurd. That’s absurd. Но, I’m just excited nevertheless to be back into the ring. It’s a good time for me to be able to get back in there and have some fun again. I look forward to a very good matchup again I hope. Но, one question that I do have for Sergio is, in previous interviews, he said that he was going to have a more exciting style and he was tired of being the born fighter he used to be that wasn’t appealing to fans, and he wasn’t going to do much running, this other stuff, stuff that he’s been getting criticized before, he wasn’t going to do that. And now that he says he’s felt the power of myself, he says he’s going to completely switch the game plan. Так, my question is, какие–why the sudden change? Я имею в виду, what’s the difference now? Why are you not going to be more exciting and more appealing now, like you said before?
I said I was going to be exciting and more aggressive. I didn’t say I was going to be stupid.
О, да, that is stupid to come andthat will be stupid to come and actually go toe to toe and bang with me. You’re absolutely right. So it’ll be interesting to see the game plan that you have for this coming fight because I just hope it’s not a stinker, один. You’re getting a second opportunity at a worldat my world title shot. Please let’s not make it a snoozer. It’s bad enough we’re both receiving a lot of criticism for this fight, but dude, please let’s just make it exciting.
Эй, слушать, I’m the king of criticism. If you can’t take criticism, you don’t belong to be a champion. You don’t belong in the top like that. That’s part of being a world champion is taking all the bullshit from critics and media and everyone else. And if you’re thin-skinned, then you’re not going to hang very much as the world champion.
Хорошо. Да, сэр. Ready for some questions.
Серхио, after that first fight, you said that you felt that, because it was so early in the fight, it was going to be called-be a no contest. Turns out it ultimately ended up being a loss on your record. Do you feel like the fact that it’s been sothat the fight ended in that way, do you feel like an extra layer of motivation to try to win this second fight?
Не, that blemish on my career isit’s already there. I tried to contest it with the New York Commission. Но, it got me nowhere. The New York Commission is a mess as we’re all finding out when it comes to the fights and boxing and MMA and everything else. Так, I went that route. It didn’t go anywhere. Так, I’m going to have that TKO on my record for the rest of my career and the rest of my life. And it’s sad because I don’t want it to be on a technicality. Так, does it irk me? Абсолютно. Но, am I past it? Да. I just want an opportunity to clear whatever happened. Jacobs said that he dropped me twice. I only fell once. I dropped him once. Round of the year, Sports Illustrated. Second round, I feel I was in control and winning. С 5 или 10 seconds left, the injury happens, and I bust my ankle. Так, there’s a lot of unanswered questions. And for whatever reason this fight is happening again, I’m going toI’m fully prepared for whatever comes. And I just want toI just want my opportunity. And I’m thankful that I got it.
Даниил, in that–в первом туре, Sergio did knock you down. You said after the fight ended that you were a little bit careless in that first round. Are you taking a more conservative approach, or are you being a little more careful knowing that Sergio has the capabilities of knocking you down?
Слушать, there’s always opportunities to learn and grow in the sport of boxing. Even with a light-punching guy like Sergio Mora, I learned a valuable lesson that, after I knocked him down and I was going in for the kill, that you still have to be defensive minded, even when you have a guy hurt because I was on the verge of stopping this man. There’s no way around that. I was definitely on the verge of stopping him. Но, в моей голове, I got a little careless. And the way I had my feet spread, Я имею в виду, I just got caught with a real clean shot. It’s nothing I can take away from him. He definitely earned that. Но, it was a valuable lesson to me and a lesson that I’m sure I won’t make again.
Серхио, how was the rehab in trying to get back and healthy? Was there anything that, during that time, you looked at yourself as a fighter and wanted to improve upon for this rematch?
Не, not as a fighter. The only thing I had in mind was to heal up 100 процентов. I did everything in my power, in my capability to heal up properly. I did all theI got the best treatment. I tried to go with the best physical therapist and with ice and do all the remedies, all the Mexican remedies that my mom would tell me to do. And I tried to do everything possible to do it. Так, finally, Я–после 6 для 7 месяцы, I startedlittle by little started putting pressure on it. And I started feeling good and taking ittaking Aleve. And sometimes, I have to take cortisone shots in order for me to go harder and faster. Так, I just did everything in my ability, plus prayer. And thank God I’m back.
I don’t know who’s best fit to answer this question, but is there a rubber match clause in the event that Sergio pulls the upset?
I’m the king of rematches. Так, I’ll answer that. I’ve had four rematches. This is going to be my fifth. And I’ve never had a rubber match. I probably deserved a rubber match with Brian Vera. Но, Texas is just too big and strong for me to beat. Так, rubber matches, Не знаю. Мы увидим,. I got to get the win first.
Are you confident, Серхио, in your ability to plant on your ankle?
Абсолютно. Сейчас, Мне. There were times within the year that I’ve been off that I questioned it. И Я 35 лет в настоящее время. Так, everything heals up slower. I can’t fool myself. Так, иногда, I question it. Но, сейчас, I’m not anymore. I did everything. I put all the pressure, sprinting uphill, sprinting downhill, stopping on a dime, pivoting, twisting. And I feel an ache here and there. Но, as far as me doing, I’ve done it. Так, умственно, Я там. Я готов.
Даниил, do you feel this fight is a backwards step?
I absolutely do. Я имею в виду, I think it’s just–мне, this is kind of like a just-stay-busy fight because we weren’t able to get the fight that we actually wanted, for whatever reason. Но, мне, I don’t think this does anything for my career. Как я уже сказал, прежде чем, we’ve always wanted to move up to bigger and better opposition each time out. This is kind of a step back. And I understand that it left a bitter taste in certain people’s mouths because of the way Sergio Mora lost. Но, по-моему, he was on the verge anyway. Так, that’s how I look at it. Но, this is for me an opportunity to kind of quiet the critics and just make the final statement once and for all that I am the better fighter, better boxer.
Hell, I’m better in general inside that square ring. Sergio Mora has nothing in there to stop me, especially come 9 сентября. I’m in the best shape that I’ve ever been in my life. And he said before that I don’t like to go 12 раундов. Я имею в виду, I’ve never said that. Я имею в виду, just because I’ve knocked guys out doesn’t mean I don’t like to go 12 раундов. With the Caleb Truax fight, I wanted to go 12 раундов, и я сделал, and then I stopped him in the 12th round. Так, it’s not like I’d just like to go out there and have this false identity like I’m this super big knockout artist. I’m a superb boxer. I learned the fundamentals from the amateur USA boxing. I’ve gone internationally and performed on an international level. I know how to box. Sergio Mora is extremely awkward. That’s what allowed him to get where he is now. Take nothing away from him being a world champion. Да, I have to give him credit for that. Но, as a–.
About time you give me some credit. And guess what? Я–and hey, слушать, один. Sorry to interrupt you, but that’s the first time you’ve ever given me credit.
О, Мне жаль. I thought I was answering the question. Хорошо. I’m going to let you go ahead.
That’s the first time you’ve ever given me credit, один. Большое спасибо. Спасибо, Дэнни. Спасибо.
О, хорошо. You’re very welcome. Но, as I was saying, да, this is definitely a setback.
It didn’t take long for you to get acquainted the first time around. What are your mindsets? Are you looking to pick up where you left off, or you taking a completely different approach this time around?
I’m still in shock that he gave me credit. Смотреть, the first time around, he downplayed and downgraded me as a former world champion. And he said that he wanted to move onto bigger and better things. I just want to touch on something. I’m the best name on Daniel Jacobs–не, let me take that back. I’m the most accomplished name on Daniel Jacobs’s record.
Так, how is he downhow is he going backwards? How is he regressing by fighting me? Я лучший–I’m the most accomplished on his resume. He’s not even top three on mine. I’ve got hall of famers on my resume. I had to beat a world champion, a five-time world champion to become champion. He had to beat a guy Jarrod Fletcher JacobI don’t even know what the hell his name is, Fletcher Jones or whatever it is. Так, the bottom line is you’ve got to give me my credit, один. Так, thank you for giving me that credit. Сейчас, what was your question, снова? Мне жаль.
Are you looking to pick up where you left off, or are you coming in with a totally different mindset?
Хорошо, look, I know that I got dropped. I’ve been dropped before. I can get up, and I’m pretty resilient that way. Jacobs took a little longer to get the cobwebs off. Так, он–сейчас, he knows that I can punch. I don’t think he’s going to come in as aggressive as he was the first time. If he does, maybe we’ll leave off. That’s going to be up to the champ. The champ wants to start if off, У меня все в порядке. Если не, if I see himfighting behind a jab, then I’m going to have to go and put the pressure on a little bit.
И, Даниил?
Так, I justI totally feel like he’s just full of it right now. I don’t think he’s going to come forward. He’s even said it in the interview. Сейчас, he understands and he knows how much power I possess. He’s going to change the game plan. And he’s going to try to take me into what he quotes are deep waters. Так, he’s going to try to take me in later rounds, which in my opinion, he has to box, and he has to be on the back foot to do so.
Так, по-моему, I think he’s going to try to make it a snoozer. He’s not going to try to make it exciting and come forward. And it’s just myit’s just up to me to make it an exciting. And I’m going to do what I’ve always done. I’m going to come forward, and I’m going to adjust if I need to make adjustments. And that’s simple. I want to hurt this man. There’s no way around it. I want him to feel and eat his words, clearly. Так, I’m going to come in there, and I’m going to try and punch you in your face. It’s plain and simple, Серхио. That’s my game approach. Но, if you want to box–.
That’s all good. You try to reach my–.
If you want to go on the back foot–.
I’m going to be touching that body.
Hold on, сэр. Hold on, ребенок. Hold on, ребенок. I’ll let you answer your question. Hold on now. Be respectful. If you wanted to be on the back foot, that’s the game that I can play, слишком. I have an extreme amateur and professional boxing resume, brother. Подобно, we can do this. Но, the game plan for me, to answer your question, is to go in there and hurt this man, период.
Серхио, given the fact that Danny has said that this is a backwards step for him, he looks at it as a tune-up fight, didn’t really want to have the rematch, whywhat do you think it was that actually got you this rematch and I know you wanted very badly?
Аль Haymon, легко и просто, Аль Haymon. I think no one was campaigning for this rematch, И. And I think a lot of people were surprised that it happened. I certainly was surprised that I got the phone call because, even though I was promised by Al a big fight my first fight back, I didn’t expect it to be for world title versus Daniel Jacobs in a rematch. Так, Я очень, very thankful to Al Haymon. And honestly, just to–Я имею в виду, not to be funny or anything, but if I really have to thank another person, another thing, it’s Twitter because it gives me a voice when I was injured. And I never had that before. I just wish I would’ve started it earlier and had more of a following. Так, да, I’ve got to thank Twitter, слишком.
Do you think–Я имею в виду, you’ve had your ups and downs. You fought a lot of good names. Но, you mentioned a little earlier 35 лет. Do you think this maybe this could be your last chance at a world title?
Да, наверное. Я имею в виду, I can’t be foolish and say that I can moveI can beat Bernard Hopkins. I can’t. I’m not Bernard Hopkins. There’s only special people that could fight in their mid-30s and so on and still be fighting the best. Так, even though, if my body hasn’t taken a beating, I’ve been in the game a long time. And the wear and tear from sparring and from running and from the dieting and from all the other stuff, all that takes effect.
Но, even though I am well preserved, I’m still the age that I am. And the hunger’s still there. Так, номер один, if the hunger’s still there, everything else falls into place. Так, we’re going to find out столкновение с Кейтлин Сэммонс, за которое она взвешивалась на exactly if the hunger and my body is at the same level.
Were you anxious to just go right back in with Danny in a second fight if you could get the fight, or did you consider a tune-up?
Не, не. Great question, И. Me and my team did have that discussion. And we did think about fighting someone else. And I think Alfredo Angulo was a name they offered and were considering. Но, we know Angulo very well. And we just didn’t feel right taking that fight, especially watching the fighthis last fight. Но, the ankle feels good. And we decided to go straight into this title fight because we weren’t sure we were going to get it again. I think the stars lined up perfectly for it to happen. And Jacobs admits that, слишком, that he didn’t want to fight me for whatever reasons, and I got this fight thanks to Al Haymon. And that’s it.
What was it that made you decide that, в конечном счете, you would in fact give him the rematch, even though it’s clear that it’s not a fight that you want?
It’s just I understand how it left a bad taste in people’s mouths. Так, with the options that we were given, with talking to Al and talking with my team, I guess it just kind of madenot sense, but it just was the right thing to do at the veryat that moment. And I won’t say we looked at it as, так, эй, this is an easy win or this is an opportunity to make easy money.
Подобно, we don’t look at it like that. Но, we kind of justand we definitely wasn’t forced into the fight. Так, that’s another thing that I want to make clear. Al Haymon didn’t say, “Эй, this is going to be what you’re going to do.” Так, me and my team came together. And for whatever reasons, we allowed this fight to happen, but we definitely wasn’t forced into it.
Так, you mentioned you had some other options that were brought to your attention. What were those other options?
They just wasn’t–так, it wasn’t guys in my opinion at that level that were bigger and better. Как я уже сказал, прежде чем, we looked at the whole scene of the middleweight division, and Andy Lee and a couple other guys that names were thrown out there. We were trying to make that fight happen with Lee. I think that fight kind of fell through maybe once or twice. Так, we were just like, “Эй, let’s just go with Sergio Mora.The way wethe way it looked and the way we won kind of left a little bit bad taste in people’s mouths. Так, it just makes sense to do it.
What is the big fight out there? You areas the WBA’s regular champion, you are the mandatory for Gennady Golovkin. I want to know if that’s a fight that you’ll consider after this?
Абсолютно. That’s the fight that I want. I want the best out there. We tried to make the fight with B.J. Сондерс. We tried to make the fight with a couple other guys. Но, it just didn’t work. Юбенк, Младший, was another opportunity for us to fight. Но, he didn’t want no part. Так, even after winning theforgot what title he won because I know I was his mandatory at some point, and he declined. И так, we want to fight the best, point blank, период. Triple G is the best, and that’s the guy that we want.
What kind of particular stylistic problems you think you’d give Golovkin that he hasn’t seen yet?
I definitely believe I would be the toughest test because I believe I would be the victor in that fight. I definitely believe in my skills and my ability. At one point in my career, the only reason why I said I wanted to wait was so I could get 12 rounds so we can go the full distance and know how we can actually feel in a tough fight for 12 раундов. I’ve accomplished that. And then the only thing that was kind of keeping me from making this fight happen earlier was the finance. Так, people saying I was ducking or I was doing a whole bunch of this and a whole bunch of that, that’s far from the truth. I just wanted to be compensated accordingly. And that was it. If we can make these fights happen sooner than later, I’m all for it. Но, in the same token, I still would like to be compensated accordingly.
Are you confident that you could get a deal done that would be good for the finances?
I don’t really know too much about that. Я имею в виду, I have a great team. And I leave all those things up to my team. My thing is to stay ready, to be ready, and to perform at my best when I’m inside the ring. Так, whatever the logistics is outside the ring, all I have to do is say, “Да, Мне комфортно с этим. And let’s make the fight.
Сейчас, I know you’re a pretty even-keeled guy, but has Sergio got under your skin with all the trash talk?
О, hell yeah. Я имею в виду, not under my skin to where it would affect my game plan or it’ll affect me inside the ring. Не, it’s just some of the things that he’s said or from the pictures that he’s posted, and that’s what he’s supposed to do. And he’s landed an opportunity at fighting me again. Но, this is an opportunity that I’m looking forward to. And this is probably for me the first personal fight that I’m entering in with mean intention.
Q –
And a question for Sergio. You’ve been around for a long time. You’ve fought a lot of top guys, like Sugar Shane and so forth. Wherehow would you compare Danny to those guys? And how do you think you’lla guy like you who has such a high boxing IQ, how do you think a rematch would help you?
Sugar Shane and so forth, and Vernon Forrest, two great fighters. Смотреть, Danny has his amateur pedigree. And he can fight behind the jab, like he says. And he could beand he can fight on his back foot, as he claims. He says he’s gone 12 жесткие раундов. I only seen him go 12 one-sided rounds against a guy named Caleb Truax. Those weren’t tough. He doesn’t know what tough is yet. And he isn’t reallyhe hasn’t experienced what it is to be in there with an all-around championship caliber fighter for 12 раундов. у меня есть. That’s the difference. That’s the difference.
And I feel that, until he experiences that, he still doesn’t know what it is to be an all-around champion, a champion that’s had to deal with getting knocked down, getting up, bad cuts, being down behind them cards, losing on cards going through the final championship round. These are the experiences you can only dream of and hope of. Так, until you experience that, you can’t really say he’s done that. Сейчас, he still needs to learn.
Серхио, do you relish having the kind of opportunity to, as you said, teach somebody to be a fighter?
Абсолютно. I relish the opportunity to do great things, один. And I think that, if you look back at my career, every time I get a big opportunity, I conquer it, or something like the Shane Mosley thing happens where, на самом деле, Я выиграл, and it was a draw. Но, the big opportunities, I shine, один. And this is just something that always needs to happen, always have to take the hard route. That’s been my career, один. I’ve never been the A side. I’ve always been the B side that could compete with the A side.
And this is just another example of that. Дэнни, the young champion looking down on me, subordinating me, making me feel like I’m lucky to get this opportunity, I’ve dealt with that my entire career, один. It’s nothing new. I know I’m here over and over, time after time for a reason because I’m that fucking good. И так, people recognize and realize that. I’ll never get the credit for it. And that’s fine, as long as I keep getting the opportunities and as long as I become a three-time two-division champ.
Tell us about that, how you approach the fight, what you expect to take place, especially in light of the last two fights ending quickly.
Хорошо, I don’t really anticipate or expect anything. Boxing is one of those things where anything can happen at any given moment. My thing is I just want to be ready. And when I prepare inside the gym and I’m in tip-top shape, I’m prepared and ready for anything that will come my way inside that ring, whether it’s the first round or whether it’s the last round. It just so happens that these last couple of fights I’ve had been very exciting first rounders. Так, my thing is, as long as I’m able to adjust, I can come and be prepared for anything that comes my way.
What was key in those two fightsto both of those fights starting off with so much activity and so much action?
I think just getting warmed up properly and the backstage, making sure that the flow was going and that you don’t have to kind of warm up in those first couple rounds. Me and my team do a great joband shout out to my team, кстати, who do such a great job with making sure that we’re prepared and ready for each round from the very first to the very end.
And is that going to affect at all your game plan because people have seen those two previous fights, and they’re talking about it. They say, “Maybe this is a guy who is just going to destroy people in the beginning.Is that weighing on your approach at all for this rematch?
Точно нет. My MO as a fighter is to be a fluent boxer first. It just so happened that the speed and the power that I possess as well kind of hurt guys, and I’m a really great finisher, where actually, my mentality is to go in there and show my skills. That’s what I love about the [сладкий наука]. I actually love to get behind my jab and put my combinations together and start to get good movements and good angles. Подобно, I love that stuff.
Но, it just so happens that, when I’m in there with guys and I’m starting to land good shots, and they get hurt, we just have rounds of the year and first round stoppages and early stoppages, so on and so forth. Так, I’m just happy I’m able to get the victory and finish strong.
И, Серхио, what do you expect? Do you expect this rematch to have this same type of electric start, or how do you prepare for this?
Хорошо, we’re going to go back to Danny’s power. He does have power. And you’re born with power. You can’t teach power. You can’t go in the gym and work on power, or else I would’ve done that 20 годы. Так, he’s blessed with an ability to punch hard with both hands. And he’s always going to make for exciting fights. Сейчас, he’s also vulnerable because he’s been dropped before. And that’s also on the exciting side. Так, whenever it comes to a guy like Danny Jacobs, you never know what you’re going to get. It’s kind of like fighting a guy like Victor Ortiz, even though I think he’s better all around than Victor. Victor’s exciting. He’s a former champion. He’s a power puncher. Но, you never know what Victor you’re going to get.
Так, I think that’s the same thing with Danny, only Victor’s fought better opposition than Danny. Так, that’s the difference. Я думаю, для этого боя, Не знаю, один. I really don’t know what I’m going to expect. I didn’t expect to go down in the first round. I was surprised by the punch. It was an awkward punch in from a southpaw angle. I believe his right foot was in front. I took a picture a little too long and held the position, expecting a left hook to come, and instead a right uppercut came, which is awkward. And he calls me awkward. That was an awkward punch. Так, да, знаешь что? Он ошеломил меня. I got up. I shook it off. And he came for the kill, like I knew he would. And I was able to catch him. I think we both learned that we can hurt each other, and we both learned that we both can be sneaky from certain sneaky positions. Так, I don’t think it’s going to start off with fireworks, like it did the first time. Но, I think it’s going to end up fireworks. I don’t know if it’s the second, third, or further down the fight. Но, that’s what I’m expecting.
And would anybody like to make a prediction for this fight, Дэнни?
Я не делаю прогнозов. I don’t like to go in there and have any type of thing going in my head where I have to live up to it. I just like to win. And however I win, however it comes, I’m grateful for it.
If I’m ready, I go in there to win. And I’m ready for this fight. Я уверен. I expect a great performance from both of us. And I expect to become a world champion, a two-time world division champion by the end of this fight. Так, I’m expecting to win. Не знаю. Но, Я собираюсь выиграть.
Марк Абрамс – Хорошо. Хорошо, that’s going to wrap it up. I just want to get everyDaniel and Sergio, just a quick final comment. И после этого, we’ll see you on fight week. Даниил?
I just have a lot of people to thank that I would take this time to thank. Во-первых, I would like to thank my team and everyone involved for allowing me to have such a great camp. They’ve put in the necessary work, все, team Jacobs, the necessary work that we need to be 100 percent prepared for this fight come9 сентября. I will be proudly representing my Brooklyn Boxing apparel as I’m sporting my trunks and finessing my moves inside the ring.
I want to give a big shout out to Brooklyn Boxing, have been supportive of my whole career. And me being an ambassador, I definitely have to big them up. And Al Haymon, главное, Al has been taking care of me. I’ve been the first guy that Al has had directly out of the amateurs to a world championship. Так, I have to give my hattake my hat off to Al and everyone in our team Haymon. And that’s pretty much it, all the promotors and managers involved with this as well, everyone who has made this possible, and thanks for all the fans for all the continued support. Большое спасибо.
И, Серхио?
I got to start with Al Haymon because he’s given me not only a second opportunity, third, I’ve already had four opportunities to come back and reinvent myself. And Al Haymon gave me that opportunity. Так, I thank Al Haymon. I’ve got to thank my loyal team, my trainer Dean Campos, who’s been with me since the amateurs, [John Montillado], the rest of my team, my cut man Carlos, и [Panda Martinez]. And I want to thank my sponsors, [Snac]. Victor Conte’s onboard for this fight. And I’ve never been a fighter that takes supplement. I’m a guy that just tries to eat right and hydrate. And I notice a difference with supplements. And I do it the scientific way. Так, I want to thank the Snac System and Victor Conte. And I want to thank my sponsor Spy Optics. And that’s about it. I want to thank the fans as well formy day-one fans and even my critics, they keep me alive, so thank them, слишком.
Да, you forgot one more person, brother. You forgot one more person, Серхио.
I want thank, какие, Дэнни Джейкобс?
Это оно. That’s my man. That’s my man.
Go fuck yourself. I see you столкновение с Кейтлин Сэммонс, за которое она взвешивалась на, old boy.
Хорошо, let’s do it on 9 сентября. You already know, Серхио, Я иду за тобой, brother. Я иду за тобой.
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