Tag Archives: Roma Martinez

Houstonin sulkapaino Roma Martinez edustaa USA: n naisbokserien seuraavaa aaltoa

Heti julkaistavaksi
Ulkona antamaan lausunnon Buenos Airesin nuoriso-kesäolympialaisissa 2018

Lokakuu. 6-18 Argentiinassa


COLORADO SPRINGS, Kierros. (Lokakuu 8, 2018) — Houstonin höyhenpaino Roma Martinez, joka edustaa Yhdysvaltain naisbokserien seuraavaa aaltoa, on tällä hetkellä Argentiinassa ja antaa lausunnon meneillään olevista Buenos Airesin kesäolympialaisista 2018.



Buenos Airesin nuorisokesäisten kesän olympialaiset 2018 jatkuu lokakuun kautta. 18 Parque Polidesportivo Rocassa Argentiinassa.




18-vuotias Martinez aloitti nyrkkeilyn kuusi vuotta sitten, kun hänen isäpuoli tuli hänen elämäänsä, vie hänet paikalliseen nyrkkeilykuntosaliin pitämään hänet poissa mahdollisista vaikeuksista, sekä puolustaa itseään.




Hän on online-opiskelija Saint Thomasin yliopistossa Houstonissa, Suunnittelu merkittävään liiketoimintaan, ja Roma on pystynyt tasapainottamaan kiireisen aikataulunsa yksinkertaisesta syystä. “Minulla ei ole paljon sosiaalista elämää,” hän myönsi, “joten minulla on helppo kouluttaa ja opiskella.”



Argentiina on toinen ulkomaa, johon hän on matkustanut kilpailtuaan viime marraskuussa Intiassa. Vaikka hänellä on suhteellisen rajallinen amatööriura, Martinez on onnistunut vangitsemaan parhaimmat kunnianosoitukset kuudessa kansallisessa tapahtumassa: 2016 USA: n nyrkkeilyn kansalaiset, 2014 & 2015 Se voittaa maailmankaikkeuden, 20-15 Naisten kultainen hansikas, 2-15 Junioriolympialaisten kansalaiset, ja 2014 Ruskeat hanskat.




Kuten monet hänen Team USA-joukkuetovereistaan, kaikkialla maailmassa olevien vastustajien lisäksi, Roma toivoo voivansa tarjota vaikuttavan esityksen Buenos Airesissa parantaakseen mahdollisuuksiaan päästä lopulta 2020 Olympialaiset Japanissa.




“Nuorten olympialaiset ovat urani suurin asia, koska toivon kilpailla 2020 Olympialaiset,” Martinez sanoi. “Nuorten olympialaiset ovat melkein yhtä suuret kuin olympialaiset, vain nuoremmat urheilijat kilpailevat. Otan asioita päivä kerrallaan, mutta minulla on tavoitteita tehdä olympialaiset, voittaa kultamitalin, ja sitten kääntyä ammattilaiseksi ja voittaa maailmanmestari.



“Tämä on viimeinen nuoriso-kilpailuni. Muutun tämän vuoden joulukuussa Elite Divisioniin. Ikässä on ero (hänen vastustajistaan) ja lisää kansainvälistä kilpailua, mutta tarvitsen kokemusta tavoitteideni saavuttamiseksi.”




Roma, hän sanoo, on tekninen nyrkkeilijä, joka toisinaan painostaa. Hänen suosikki nyrkkeilijänsä on hieno “Sokeri” Ray Leonard ja hän odottaa Nicola Adams (2012 & 2016 Ison-Britannian olympialaisten kultamitalisti) ja Mikaela Mayer (2016 USA: n olympialainen). Roma on hyödyntänyt sparrausistuntoja Adamsin ja Mayerin kanssa, vastaavasti, Houstonissa ja Colorado Springsissä.




Martinez uskoo, että naisten nyrkkeily on nousussa ja odottaa innolla sen tulevaisuutta. “Mitä enemmän huipputasoista naisbokseria, meille tarkoittaa suurempia asioita,” Martinez lisäsi, “Saamme enemmän tv-aikaa ja ansaitsemme enemmän rahaa.”




Roma arvostaa USA: n nyrkkeilyä oppimisestaan ​​kurinalaisuudesta ja on kiitollinen saamastaan ​​erinomaisesta valmennuksesta. Martinez aikoo matkustaa paljon tulevaisuudessa ja kun hän ansaitsee kauppatieteiden tutkinnon, Roma on päättänyt käyttää sitä hyväkseen, ravintolan omistaminen ja, mahdollisesti, kuntosali, jotta hän voi jatkaa nyrkkeilyä, kun hän ripustaa hansikkansa tien päähän.



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Facebook: /USABoxing

USA Boxing Announces Four Boxers to Compete at Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018

Boxing at Youth Olympics set to begin Lokakuu. 14


COLORADO SPRINGS, Kierros. (Kesäkuu 2, 2018 – USA Boxing announced today the four boxers who were nominated to represent the United States at the Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018, pending approval by the United States Olympic Committee. The Youth Olympic Games will be held Oct. 6-8, with the boxing competition to take place Oct. 14-18 Argentiinassa.




Following the 2017 Women’s Youth World Championships and 2018 Nuorten mantereen mestaruuskilpailut, two men and two women have been nominated for the prestigious competition. The team will be comprised of Heaven Garcia (El Monte, Kalifornia.), Otha Jones III (Toledo, Ohio), Roma Martinez (Nöyrä, Texas) ja Harley Mederos (New York, N.Y.).




We’ve got a great group of young talent representing Team USA at the Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires,” said USA Boxing High Performance Director Matt Johnson on the nominated boxers. “Each one has good international experience, having participated in a junior or youth world championships over the past few years. That experience will be key as they face some of the world’s best up and coming boxers this October.




Garcia has been on the international scene since her impressive World Championships debut in 2015, where she became the Junior World Champion. The bantamweight represented Team USA at the 2017 Youth World Championships in Guwahati, India before clinching her spot to Argentina with her winning performance at the 2018 Youth Continental Championships this May. She is a two-time USA Boxing Youth National Champion, and currently has a record of 53-7.




Garcia described being able to represent the United States at the Youth Olympics asamazing.” “Knowing that only four boxers are nominated, and I was one of them is a very huge accomplishment for me,” she stated.




Being able to represent my country at the Youth Olympics is something I have worked hard for and now that I get the opportunity, I will be sure to work even harder to bring home that gold medal.




Light welterweight Jones III solidified his position on Team USA by winning gold at the 2018 Nuorten mantereen mestaruuskilpailut. Jones III will be looking to add his third international medal in 2018 at these Games, after his silver medal performance earlier this year at the Emil Jechev Memorial Tournament in Bulgaria. Jones, who has a record of 267-11, is also the 2017 USA Boxing Youth National Champion, as well as a member of the 2015 Junior World Championships team.




Not only is it an honor to represent Team USA in a huge tournament such as the Youth Olympics, I am pleased to represent my family as well,” stated Jones III.




I grew up in the boxing gym. My family owns a gym, Soul City Gym, and all my brothers and sisters were brought up in the gym to show kids a better way to live than violence and making it this far will help me show that even more.




Martinez was the sole American to qualify from the 2017 Women’s Youth World Championships last November. The featherweight was the 2016 USA Boxing Youth National Champion and 2017 USA Boxing Youth National Championship silver medalist. The Youth Olympic Games will be Martinez’s first international tournament of 2018, where she will be looking for her first international medal.




When I received the notification that I was nominated for the Youth Olympic Games, I felt resurrected,” Said Martinez. “I have experienced a few devastating life losses in the past six months, and was feeling confused about my future in the sport,” she explained.




“Kuitenkin, when I was contacted about this amazing opportunity, my vision became clear, my mind focused and my heart determined to take this opportunity not only for myself, but for every person who hoped and dreamed for a chance like this. I plan to take on this journey to Argentina with me; my faith, my boxing skills and a quote from my late teammate: ‘a boxers favorite scriptureit is better to give than to receive.




Mederos is the final member of Team USA to be nominated for the Youth Olympic Games. The lightweight won bronze at the 2015 Junior World Championships prior to his transition to the youth division. Mederos is the 2017 Youth National Champion and earned his place to Buenos Aires following his impressive gold medal winning performance at the 2018 Nuorten mantereen mestaruuskilpailut.




It feels amazing to be able to go to Argentina and represent my country in what I love to do most and get the chance to showcase my talent in front of everyone,” stated Mederos.




I can guarantee you, the best Harley you’ve ever seen, sekä fyysisesti että henkisesti, will go out there and do the best that I can do and make everyone proud.




All four boxers will return to Colorado Springs in July to begin training for the Youth Olympics. Garcia, Jones and Mederos will use the 2018 Youth World Championships in Budapest, Hungary in August as a tuneup leading to the event before heading to Argentina in late September.







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Citlalli Ortiz Wins Welterweight Youth World Championship Title

Isamary Aquino Brings Home Bronze Medal

GUWAHATI, Intia (Marraskuu 26, 2017) — Coachella, California-native Citlalli Ortiz closed out her impressive 2017 Women’s Youth World Championships campaign with a split decision victory over Russia’s Nataliya Sychugova to take her first major international title in Guwahati, Intia.
Today feels like one of the best days of my life,” stated Ortiz following her win. “Taistelun jälkeen, I doubted myself, but I am extremely happy I pulled out the win and it feels amazing being a world champion.
Ortiz gold medal closes out a strong showing from the young American delegation. Team USA’s other medal, a bronze, was won yesterday by Isamary Aquino of Universal City, Texas.
I am extremely proud of my performance at my first international tournament,” said Aquino following her medal ceremony. “It was an honor to be able to represent Team USA and bring home a world championship medal.
The remaining members of the team included: Aidyl Cardenas (Calexico, Kalifornia.),Diana Estrada (Hillsboro, Oregon), Heaven Garcia (El Monte, Kalifornia.), Roma Martinez (Nöyrä, Texas), Sharahaya Moreu (Albuquerque, N.M.) ja Amy Salinas(Las Cruces, Nissa).
This year’s Youth World Championships brought 160 of the world’s top youth female boxers from 36 different countries all vying for one of the 10 world titles up for grabs. Päävalmentaja Billy Walsh (Colorado Springs, Colo.) and assistant coaches Koroma (Colorado Springs, Colo.) ja Jeff Mays (San Antonio, Texas) guided Team USA throughout these championships. The boxers and staff of USA Boxing will begin their journey back home to the United States huomenna.
Team USA Results:
69 kg: Citlalli Ortiz, Coachella, Calif./USA, joulukuu. over Nataliy Sychugova/RUS, 3-2
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