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Undefeated Super Middleweight Prospects Juan Barajas & Jose Resendiz Headlining RJJ Boxing Promotions card



Las Vegas, (Avgust 11, 2020) – Undefeated super middleweight prospectsXuan "Just Business" Barajas (11-0, 7 KOS) vaJose “Toro” Resendiz (11-0, 8 KOS) headline the August 27th UFC FIGHT PASS bo'yicha RJJ boks® tadbir, da boshlangan 10:30 p.m. VA / 7:30 p.m. PT, from Marinaterra Hotel & Spa in San Carlos, Sonora, Meksika.

RJJ Boxing’s first show since January 30th at Yakima Legends Casino in Toppenish, Vashington, will be held two nights prior to this event, Aug. 25th at the same venue, headlined by undefeated Mexican knockout specialistSantyago "Somer" Dominges (21-0, 16 KOS) qarshiJose Rosario Cazarez (20-5-1, 10 KOS), also streaming live on UFC FIGHT PASS.

Barajalar, fighting out of Victorville CA, is a relatively tall super middleweight, standing 6’ 4” with an advantageous 80” reach, whose should feel at home fighting for the 8th time in Mexico. Barajas registered his statement victory, to date, back in May 2019, when he won a 10-round majority decision against 18-4-3Lanell Bellows in Memphis. In his UFC FIGHT PASS debut a year ago, Barajas followed up with an impressive 8-round unanimous decision win versus 20-7-1 Fidel Hernandez in Tucson, AZ.

Upset-minded Resendiz, who hopes to take advantage of this great opportunity, is riding an 8-fight knockout streak into this battle of undefeated prospects.

Another power puncher, Mexican lightweightLuis “Sparring” Gallegos (16-0, 15 KOS) steps up in terms of fighting a quality opponent in fellow MexicanOscar “Terrible” Flores (12, 12 KOS) 8-raundda, co-featured event. This fight doesn’t figure to go the distance, because the two Mexican fighters have 27 combined knockouts in 28 g'alaba. 15 uchun 16 (Gallegos) va 12 12 (Gullar).  Gallegos, 22, was a 14-time Mexican National champion who was unable to qualify for the Mexican Olympic Boxing Team due to an unfortunate injury.

Rising-starLester Martines (4-0, 4 KOS) YuzlariAbraham “Pan” Hernandez (8-2, 4 KOS), Meksika, in a six round lightweight fight. Last year, Martinez made his pro debut at home in Guatemala City under extremely rare conditions, taking on 3-time, 2-taqsimlashRicardo “El Matador” Mayorga (32-11-1, 26 KOS), who hasn’t fought again since he was stopped in the second round by Martinez. The 24-year-old Martinez, who was a standout amateur boxer, is on a mission to become World champion prior to his 10th pro fight.

Undefeated Colorado welterweightJose Arellano (8-0, 5 KOS), a Mexico native, javobFlavio Cesar Santos (6-1) in a 6-round match opening live UFC FIGHT PASS streaming.

Also scheduled to fight on the card, off-UFC FIGHT PASS, is Phoenix’ pro-debuting lightweightJose Miguel Valenzuela against his Mexican opponentGuillermo “El Gratano” Borboa (1-2-1, 1 KO), in a 4-round bout. Other undercard fights will soon be announced.

Karta o'zgarishi mumkin.

UFC FIGHT PASS-da ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun, tashrif buyuringwww.ufcfightpass.com, yoki UFC dasturini yuklab oling.


Websites:   www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.com 

Twitter: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

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ROY JONES JR, Boks bo'yicha aktsiyalar: Yilda tashkil etilgan 2013 10 karra jahon chempioni Roy Jons tomonidan, Jr. va Kit Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions kompaniyasi boksni qayta kashf etish yo'lida.  RJJ bir necha qisqa yillar ichida boks jamoatchiligiga katta ta'sir ko'rsatdi.  UFC Fight Pass uchun quvnoq kontent yaratish, CBS sport, Namoyish Vaqti, ESPN va beIN Sports mamlakatning eng yaxshi joylarida, RJJ sportning shirin ilmini zabt etayotganini isbotladi.

Dunyoning kurash poytaxtiga asoslangan, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions tez sur'atlar bilan tepaga ko'tarilmoqda, o'sib borayotgan barqaroriga yosh iste'dodlarni qo'shish: Super flyweight bo'yicha NABF chempioni, WBC #16, WBA #14 va IBF #7 Jade Bornea (15, 10 KOS), WBO yo'nalishi bo'yicha ikki karra jahon chempioni #11 bantamweight Aston Palicte (26-4-1, 22 KOS), former NABA welterweight champion Kendo Castaneda,  former Interim World middleweight title challenger John Vera (19-1 (1 KO), undefeated middleweight prospect Connor Coyle (12-0, 5 KOS), undefeated super middleweight prospect Juan Barajas (11-0, 7 KOS) and former WBC World Youth heavyweight Alexander Flores (18-2-1, 16 KOS).  

UFC JANG PASS HAQIDA®UFC FIGHT Pass® jangovar sport turlari bo'yicha dunyodagi etakchi raqamli obuna xizmati. Ishga tushirilgandan beri 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS endi quyidagilarda mavjud 200 mamlakatlar va hududlar. UFC FIGHT PASS o'z a'zolariga jonli UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims-ga cheksiz kirish huquqini taqdim etadi; jonli aralash jang san'atlari va dunyodagi jangovar sport turlari; original seriya va tarixiy dasturlash; maxsus xususiyatlar; sahna ortidagi tarkib; chuqur intervyular; va jangovar sport dunyosi haqida daqiqali hisobotlar. UFC FIGHT PASS abonentlari ham bor 24/7 dunyodagi eng katta jang kutubxonasiga kirish, ko'proq xususiyatlarga ega 20,000 o'nlab jangovar sport tashkilotlarining janglari, shuningdek UFC tarixidagi har bir jang. Jang muxlislari shaxsiy kompyuterlarda UFC FIGHT PASS-ga kirishlari mumkin, iOS va Android mobil qurilmalari, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Yil, Samsung Smart televizorlari, LG Smart televizorlari, va Android TV bilan ishlaydigan Sony televizorlari. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, tashrif buyuringwww.ufcfightpass.com.