Tag Archives: Omaras Douglas

Travis Kauffman vs. Amir Mansour Final Press Conference Video

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SVARSTYMAS, PA (Kovas 16, 2017) – Žemiau yra video iš Trečiadienio press coference featuring heavyweight contenders Travis Kauffman and Amir Mansour before they enter the ring on Friday, Kovas 17 in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round on Bounce from Santander Arena in Reading, PA.
Televizijos aprėptis prasideda 9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT and features former champion Kermit Cintron battling once-beaten David Grayton plus undefeated prospects Chordale Booker and Moshea Aleem squaring-off in a super welterweight contest.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kuris yra skatinamas King Promotions, prasideda $20 ir yra parduoti dabar. Bilietus galima įsigyti VF išparduotuvių kasoje prie Santander Arenoje, telefonu 800-745-3000, arba internete adresu Ticketmaster.com.
Media outlets may post the video on their digital platforms by copy/paste the embed link that listed below the video.

Travis Kauffman vs. Amir Mansour Final Press Conference Quotes & Nuotraukos

Heavyweight Showdown Headlines Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round on Bounce Penktadienis, Kovas 17 iš Santander arenoje Reading, PA

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(Photos to be added shortly)
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SVARSTYMAS, PA (Kovas 15, 2017) – Exciting heavyweights Travisas XO ir Amir Mansour went face-to-face Wednesday at the final press conference before they enter the ring Penktadienis, Kovas 17 in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round on Bounce from Santander Arena in Reading, PA.
Televizijos aprėptis prasideda 9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT and features former champion Kermit Cintron battling once-beaten David Grayton plus undefeated prospects Chordale Booker and Moshea Aleem squaring-off in a super welterweight contest.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kuris yra skatinamas King Promotions, prasideda $20 ir yra parduoti dabar. Bilietus galima įsigyti VF išparduotuvių kasoje prie Santander Arenoje, telefonu 800-745-3000, arba internete adresu Ticketmaster.com.
The heavyweight brawlers Kauffman and Mansour will look to go through each other on their way to the top of the division. Here is what the fighters and their trainers had to say Ketvirtadienis Reading:
TRAVIS Kauffman
This is a fight that has been building for a while. There will be fireworks in the ring penktadienį naktis.
I accepted this fight because of the caliber of fighter that Amir is. Come fight night, it is going to be a war.
I made a lot of sacrifices for this fight. We have prepared for the best Mansour to show up in the ring. I can’t fall asleep for five seconds in this fight or else I can get stopped. I think that Amir is one of the most feared and avoided heavyweights in the world.
I got myself a bottle of anti-aging juice. I’m ready for this fight and excited to give the fans another show.
“Aš myliu boksą. I don’t fight bums. I love to make sparks fly every time I step in there. Everyone knows what they’re going to see penktadienį naktis.
This is a great opportunity for me as I continue my quest for the heavyweight championship of the world. Travis is a tough guy, and he has a scientist in his corner, but it won’t be enough penktadienį.
NAAZIM RICHARDSON, Kauffman’s Trainer
Mansour is one word…pavojinga. He is dangerous at all times.
This is not a comfortable fight. You have to be prepared to deal with a man like Mansour. We put together a plan to negate his attributes.
I am trying to fine tune Travisweapons. The Arreola fight opened eyes, this fight will open doors.

DANNY DAVIS, Mansour’s Trainer

Amir and Travis have sparred each other in the past and those sessions were very exciting and I’m expecting that same type of action in the ring penktadienį naktis.

This is going to be a great heavyweight brawl. These styles are going to clash for something great for the fans.

Travis Kauffman training camp notes

Heavyweight Showdown Between Exciting Contenders
Travisas XO & Amir Mansour Headlines
Premier Boksas Čempionų: The Next Round on Bounce on Penktadienis, Kovas 17 iš Santander arenoje Reading, PA
9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT
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SVARSTYMAS, PA (Kovas 14, 2017) -Sunkus Travisas “Mano laikas” Kauffman (31-1, 23 Kos) has been training hard for his showdown with Amir “Hardcore” Mansour (22-2-1, 16 Kos) that will headline Premier Boksas Čempionų: Kitas turas BouncePenktadienis, Kovas 17 iš Santander arenoje Reading, PA.

Televiziją transliuojamų Bounce prasideda 9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT

Kauffman trained in Houston, Texas with famed trainer Naazim Richardson, and is ready for the hard punching Mansour.

Evertything is great. I was in Houston starting on December 20th and I came home on March 5th,” sakė Kauffman.
I have been motivated knowing that I have a killer in front of me. Amir wants what I want, and that is a shot at the Heavyweight title.
Kauffman has sacrificed a whole lot for this fight, as he missed important family moments in order to give himself the best opportunity to put his family in the best situation in the long run.
I missed the holidays with my family. I also missed my sons birthday. I have never done that before. This has motivated me, and gives me such a mental edge and a bigger purpose for this fight.
Being that Kauffman and Mansour (who has trained a majority of his career in Philadelphia) are only geographically separated by an hour, Kauffman knew this fight was bound to happen, and always visualized a fight with Mansour.
I have always been confident that I could beat him. I was down in Texas working hard, and now I am in better shape, but I know when I win it will get me to the next level.

That next level would be a shot at one of the heavyweight champions, and just on February 25th, WBC Heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder took out Gerald Washington in 5 raundai, for which many thought the champion showed some flaws, which Kauffman thinks he could exploit more should that match up occur.

I watched the Wilder fight. I did expect Washington to present some problems for him, But Washington doesn’t have the experience. Deontay can punch, but Gerald showed that Deontay can be beat. He showed that Deontay is the most amateurish Heavyweight champion ever, but you have to give the man credit, jis yra 38-0 su 37 Knockouts. He can punch and has a beautiful jab.
But before a fight with Wilder or one of the other beltholders, Kauffman knows he has a tough task in front of him in Mansour.
This fight will put me in the top-five. I just want to win this and fight one of the champions. I don’t care who I fight. I been working so hard in this fight so expect a better Travis Kauffman.

Sunkiasvorio sureguliavimas tarp Įspūdingos Contenders Travis KAUFFMAN & Amir Mansour Naujienos Premier Boksas čempionai: Kitą etapą Bounce penktadienis, Kovas 17 iš Santander arenoje Reading, PA 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Daugiau! Buvusi Pavadinimas varžovas Edner Cherry Kovų Kai sumuštas Omar Douglas Nors buvęs Du kartus pasaulio čempionas Steve'as Cunningham patenka į Ring Sunkusis veiksmų
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SVARSTYMAS, PA (Vasaris 15, 2017) – Užbaigimas tarp įdomių sunkiasvorės pretendentų Travisas “Mano laikas” Kauffman (31-1, 23 Kos) ir Amir “Hardcore” Mansour(22-2-1, 16 Kos) antraštės veiksmai Premier Boksas Čempionų: Kitas turas apie atšokti Penktadienis, Kovas 17 iš Santander arenoje Reading, PA.
Televiziją transliuojamų Bounce prasideda 9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT ir skambės buvęs pavadinimas Challenger Edner Vyšnių (35-7-2, 19 Kos) atsižvelgiant į kartą sumuštas Omaras Douglas (17-1, 12 Kos) į 10-apvalios lengvo bijau plius buvusio dviejų pasaulio čempionas Steve “U.S.S.” Cunningham (28-8-1, 13 Kos) pateks į žiedą 10-apvalios Sunkusis traukos. Naujausioje Premier Boksas Čempionų – Kitas turas Bounce (Nemokamai. Vasaris. 10) pasiekė 1.5 milijonų žiūrovų ir pristatytas serijos įrašai auditoriją.
Reading anketa XO ir Philadelphia Mansour susitiks 12-apvalios mūšis Pensilvanijos konkurentų, kurie nori eiti per kitas pakeliui į pasaulio čempionų titulą smūgis.
“Aš esu labai susijaudinęs dėl šios kovos kovo 17” sakė Kauffman. “Aš mokymas labai sunku, ir aš esu pasirengęs rūpintis verslo. Ši pergalė gausite mane į kitą lygį. Amir yra kietas kovotojas, kuris niekada nebuvo blogos kovos. Jis yra beviltiška kovotojas, kuris žino, tai yra jo paskutinis šansas išsaugoti savo vietoje kaip sunkiasvoris varžovas, todėl tikiuosi pamatyti geriausią Amir Mansour. Aš būsiu labai aštrus. Tikiuosi geriau, nei turėjau prieš Chris Arreola.”
“Tai yra kova, kad sunkiasvorių divizijoje poreikius,” Sakė Mansour. “Tai dviejų aukščiausios kokybės, susiduria vienas prieš kitą. Aš esu sunkiausias naikintuvo, kad jis kada nors susiduria, Tačiau jis nėra sunkiausias naikintuvo kad aš susiduria. Aš pasakysiu, kad jis yra vienas iš geriausių boksininkų į sunkiasvorių divizijoje. Jis turi milžinišką bokso įgūdžius, ir aš laukiu sumaišant jį su kuo nors, kas gali langelį ir kovoti.”
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kuris yra skatinamas King Promotions, prasideda $20 ir yra parduoti dabar. Bilietus galima įsigyti VF išparduotuvių kasoje prie Santander Arenoje, telefonu 800-745-3000, arba internete adresu Ticketmaster.com.
Vietos atrakcija kovoja iš Reading, XO yra ilgametis treneris ir propaguotojas Maršalo Kauffman sūnus. XO laimėjo savo pirmąjį 18 PRO kovoja ir sudėti 12-kovą pergalių seriją prieš metant Chris Arreola į sprendimų Split nuostolius, kurie buvo vėliau valdė jokio sprendimo. XO neseniai nustojo Josh Stato dviem golfą Santander "arenoje rugsėjo praėjusių metų ir jis grįš į areną nori padidinti savo statusą sunkiasvorių divizijoje.
Įdomi slėgio kovotojas, 6 pėdų-1 Slugger Mansour patyrę ir gruntuotas už galimybę ne geriausias skaidyme. Jis nuėjo 20-0 prieš prarasti 10-apvalios sprendimą Cunningham kovoje balandžio 2014 kurioje jis sumažėjo buvusį Sunkusis pasaulio čempionas du kartus. Savo kitą pradžios, Mansour iškrenta Kassi septintą turo. Į 2015, jis outpointed Joey Dawejko visoje 10 raundai gegužės ir kovojo lygiosiomis prieš nenugalėtas Gerald Vašingtone spalio. Jo paskutinis gegužinė pamatė jį numušti tada nenugalėtas Dominic Breazeale prieš priversti pasitraukti dėl traumos.
Vyšnių, iš Wauchula, Fla., persijungia į šią kovą po tam tikro Haskell Rodas pergalę birželį pernai ir yra 11-1 nuo 2009. Jo tik dėmės nuo 2007 yra nuostoliai Timotiejui Bradley ir Paulie Malignaggi 140 svarų ir jo pavadinimas iššūkis 2015 prieš Jose Pedraza, kurioje jis sumažėjo sprendimą padalinti. Vyšnių, kuris gimė Bahamų, priklauso pergalių daugiau nei Vicente Escobedo, Monte Meza Molis Wes Fergusonas ir atrodys imtis žemyn kitą varžovas apie savo kelią į kitą pavadinimas smūgis.
Kova iš Wilmington, Delaveras, Douglasas atrodo atšokti atgal po prarasti siaurą sprendimą buvęs pasaulio čempionas Javier Fortuna lapkritį. 26-metų sužavėtas jo ankstesnių dviejų išvykas, kai jis nugalėjo varžovas Frank De Alba žingsnis kovoje 2015 ir po jį su septintą apvalios nokautas Alexei Collado birželio 2016. Douglasas buvo jo paskutines penkias kovas Pensilvanijoje po mėgėjų karjerą, kuri jį matė tapti penkių laikas Pensilvanija Auksinė pirštinės čempionas.
Atstovavimas didelę kovą miestą Filadelfiją, Cunningham grįžta į veiksmų po įdomų iššūkį Sunkusis čempionas Krzysztof Głowacki balandžio. Du kartus pasaulio čempionas kaip Sunkusis, jis nugalėjo Krzysztof WŁODARCZYK į 2006 užfiksuoti savo diržą prieš ginti savo titulą prieš Marco Huck per Krikštas apvalios TKO. Jis tapo pasaulio čempionu vėl 2010 kai jis sustojo Troy Ross penktoje turo. Patyręs veteranas taip pat priklauso pergales per anksčiau nenugalėtas kovotojai Amir Mansour ir Natu Visinia ir įmetė į Tyson Fury parbloškimo A prarasti pastangų per savo 2013 pabaiga.
# # #
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Dėl vietos kanalo vietą, aplankyti BounceTV.com.

Undefeated World Champion Danny Garcia Earns Victory in Hometown Via Seventh Round Stoppage of Samuel Vargas in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Saturday Night from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia

Victory Sets Up Welterweight World Championship Unification Bout Between Garcia and Keith Thurman on Kovas 4
Rising Star Jarrett Hurd Remains Unbeaten with Sixth-Round Stoppage of Former Title Challenger Jo Jo Dan
Former World Champion Javier Fortuna Recovers from Knockdown to Beat Previously Undefeated Omar Douglas by Unanimous Decision
Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Ryan Hafey/
Premier Boksas Čempionų – (Photos to be added shortly)
PHILADELPHIA (Lapkritis 13, 2016) – Nepralaimi pasaulio čempionas Danny “Greitai” Garcia (33-0, 19 Kos)put on a show for fans in his hometown Saturday night as he dropped and stopped Colombia’s Samuelis Vargas (25-3-1, 13 Kos)on his way to a seventh round TKO victory in the main event of Premier Boksas Čempionų apie Smaigalys from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia.
The dominant performance by Garcia officially setup a welterweight world championship unification showdown in March against Keithas “Vienas Laikas” Thurman, who was in attendance as part of Spike’s broadcasting crew. The two welterweight world champions met in the middle of the ring after the conclusion of the bout and began to set the stage for their explosive showdown.
I just had to tell Keith that he’s next,” Sakė Garcia. “I’m going to beat him down. There’s not much more to say. Keith is going to get what he asked for and now he’s going to face a big dog.
You have two big punchers meeting on Kovas 4,” Sakė Thurman. “I don’t see how the fight can go 12 raundai. I see myself as the best competition that Danny has ever faced.
Garcia was sharp offensively and defensively Šeštadienis naktis, making Vargas miss often and countering with powerful shots. He started slow but late in the second round, Garcia delivered an overhand right hand that sent Vargas tumbling to the canvas.
I felt a little rusty,” Sakė Garcia. “But I started putting my punches together well and came out with the victory. The overhand right knocked him down. It was just a well-timed shot.
I got beat up in there,” Sakė Vargas. “It takes a lot of courage to come to North Philadelphia and fight the champ. It just wasn’t my night.
Vargas continued to come forward and work, but Garcia was entirely in control, making Vargas swing at air while delivering shots of his own that kept him in command. In the seventh round, Garcia began to unload with a series of big shots that hurt Vargas on the ropes. This eventually prompted referee Gary Rosato to stop the fight 2:17 į turą.
It was great to give back to my fans in Philadelphia,” Sakė Garcia. “It was a long time coming. I’m just happy I was able to give Philly a great night. I’m a Philly champion and it was great to see guys like Allen Iverson and Meek Mill out here supporting. Most importantly it felt great to give back to those in need in my city.
Danny is a great fighter and a great person for his city,” Sakė Vargas.
With the Kovas 4 unification fight now set, boxing fans can look forward to seeing two of the best fighters in the sport put their undefeated records and world titles on the line.
Danny can talk whatever he wants and Angel Garcia can say whatever he wants,” Sakė Thurman. “They can talk smack all day. Danny is real flat-footed. I believe I’ll be able to be on the outside, see the wide punches and counter punch. They said he wanted the tune-up, now he’s ready to see me.
“Apie Kovas 4, fans can expect what they always get from me,” Sakė Garcia. “It’s going to be fireworks. I’m a Philly champion. I have the heart of a champion and I’m coming to win and unify titles.
The co-main event of the evening saw undefeated rising star Jarrett Hurd (19-0, 13 Kos) stop former title challenger Jo Jo Dan (35-4, 18 Kos)in the sixth-round of their super welterweight battle.
The smaller Dan sought to smother Hurd from the beginning and negate the previously unbeaten fighter’s advantage in reach and height. Hurd was unable to get full power behind his punches, while Dan tried to hit Hurd with short punches, mainly to the body.
We knew he was a crafty southpaw,” Sakė Hurd. “We wanted to take our time because we didn’t know how he would come out. We felt him out at first.
The weight was a big difference,” said Dan. “I took the fight on short notice and I’m a 147-pound fighter. He was too strong for me šįvakar.”
Things began to open up for Hurd in round two as he began to tee off on the head of Dan, including a thudding left that caused Dan’s nose to bleed. Hurd continued to pummel Dan, mixing in looping shots to the body with his devastating array of hooks and uppercuts.
My defense was a little off because being prepared for a right hander,” Sakė Hurd. “We fixed that in the last round and got the stoppage.
The damage continued into the sixth round as Dan kept coming forward but was consistently met with hard shots from Hurd. The fight was finally called at 1:08 into the sixth round, on the advice of Dan’s corner.
He was wobbly and shaky,” Sakė Hurd. “I probably would have taken him out in the next round. There are a lot of great fighters in this division and whoever I can get in there with next, I’ll be ready for.
“Jis kietas vyrukas,” said Dan. “I gave him some tough shots and I took some good shots. At the end of the day this is boxing. I couldn’t do enough to get the win.
The opening bout of the telecast saw former world champion Javieras Fortuna (31-1-1, 22 Kos) survive an early knockdown to come back and earn a unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Omaras Douglas (17-1, 12 Kos) in their 10-round lightweight match.
Douglas got off to the better start, connecting with a straight left hand late in the first round that buckled the knees of Fortuna and sent him to the canvas.
He got me cold in the first round,” sakė Fortuna. “I wasn’t surprised that he came out sharp. I worked very hard to come back.
The left hand was there for me so I took it,” said Douglas. “I knocked him down based on reflexes.
Fortuna recovered nicely however, and used his movement and combination punching to fluster the less experienced Douglas. Fighting primarily out of the southpaw stance, Fortuna used his jab and followed up with flurries that score consistently.
Every time that I was aggressive, I tried to follow it up with more punches,” sakė Fortuna.
Douglas tried to be patient and counter, but too often it led to the fighters getting tangled up instead of inflicting damage.
He was grabbing me, but that’s the gamesaid Douglas. “That’s the game I signed up for.
The final round saw Fortuna come out strong in an attempt to close the show with emphasis.
I knew in the final round that I had to finish it well to make sure there were no questions,” sakė Fortuna.
The former champion connected at will on Douglas for much of the round, staggering him near the ropes with successive hooks. Douglas stayed on his feet but was unable to mount enough offense as all three judges gave the final round to Fortuna. Galų gale, the judges scored the bout 96-93 du kartus ir 95-94 Fortuna.
I feel like I won the fight. The decision was absurd. He held me the whole fight,” said Douglas.
I felt like I won just about every round after the first,” sakė Fortuna. “I want a rematch with Jason Sosa next. That’s a very big fight for me.
# # #
PBC on Spike was promoted by DSG Promotions and King’s Promotions.
Daugiau informacijos rasite www.premierboxingchampions.com ir www.spike.com/shows/Premier bokso-čempionai. Sekite TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. Follow the conversation using #fight4philly. TSK ant Spike remia Corona Extra, geriausių Alus.

Danny Garcia vs. Samuel Vargas Press Conference Quotes & Nuotraukos

Premier Boxing Champions on Spike this Šeštadienis, Lapkritis 12from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia
Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Terel Vann/King’s Promotions/
Premier Boksas Čempionų
(Photos to be added shortly)
PHILADELPHIA (Lapkritis 10, 2016) – Nepralaimi pasaulio čempionas Danny “Greitai” Garcia and Colombia’s Samuelis Vargas went face-to-face Ketvirtadienis popietė, one day before they weigh-in for their Premier Boksas Čempionų apie Smaigalys main event showdown taking place Šeštadienis, Lapkritis 12 from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia.
Televiziją transliuojamų Spike prasideda 9 p.m. IR/8 p.m. CT and features undefeated rising star Jarrett Hurd battling former title challenger Jo Jo Dan plus former world champion Javieras Fortuna taking on unbeaten Omaras Douglas.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, which is promoted by DSG Promotions and King’s Promotions, yra kaina $200, $100, $75, $50 ir $35 ir yra parduoti dabar. To purchase tickets visit LiacourasCenter.com/events or call 800-298-4200. Garcia has teamed up withPhilabundance, the region’s largest hunger relief organization, to arrange a regional food drive and raise money throughout the promotion. For more information on how to get involved, visit the event’s webpage ČIA.
Here is what the participants from Ketvirtadienio event at the Clarion Hotel had to say:
Danny Garcia
I’ve dedicated my life to the sport of boxing and I’m proud to be on a card like this. It’s amazing to be fighting in my city with my home base there to support me.
“Tai puiki galimybė man. Giving back is very important to me and my family. I have my whole family, including my daughter Philly here with me. It just adds to the excitement leading up to the fight.
“Mokymo stovykla buvo nuostabi. We had a really smooth camp. I’ve stayed disciplined and taken care of everything I have to do. I’ve been running and sparring and preparing for anything. I took no shortcuts.
I’m feeling good and I’m happy to bring my fans in Philadelphia a fight. I’m looking forward to bringing more fights back here to Philadelphia. This is a fighting city where it all started for a lot of great fighters.
I’m really excited about this undercard. I know the fans are going to really love it. I hope those fighters take full advantage of their opportunity to fight on a card like this.
I know people are excited about the Thurman fight. I understand that and I’m going to be pumped up for that one too. But I’m not looking past anybody. I’m fully focused on putting on a show at home and doing what I have to do to beat Vargas.
There’s not too much to say but I’m really excited to fight. I hope all the fans come out and see what they’ve been missing in Philly. Aš ruošiuosi už nokautas.”
I had four weeks of intense training in Miami. We were at the Fifth Street Gym and they made us feel at home. I got great sparring and I feel ready to fight.
This is a fight that I have to be 100 procentų pasiruošęs. I have to mentally be prepared for battle. Then I just have to execute the plan.
Danny is a champion for a reason. He does everything well. We just have to find a way to win.
“Mano treneris,, Billy Briscoe, has done an amazing job of working with me and keeping me motivated. It’s been a really good camp.
I’m looking for the upset that night. Everyone wants to see Danny fight Keith Thurman, but I’m looking to make myself known. I feel confident.
All I have to do is go up there and do my job. Do not miss it, because it’s going to be a memorable one.
I have to dictate the pace of the fight if I want to win in Philadelphia. I have to win decisively. I have to be a smart fighter and I’ll be ready.
I’m trying to let everyone know I’m here. I’m here for everyone in the 154-pound division and I’m here to stay. I’m not a guy who’s just going to work my way up but not win a title. My goal is to win a world title.
It feels really good to be on a Danny Garcia card. We’re both ‘Swiftso I’m glad fans will have a chance to see two really entertaining fighters on the same card.
The opponent switch didn’t leave us a lot of time to prepare for a southpaw, but we’re used to the style. Training camp was really great and I’m just excited to get in the ring.
I really want to thank my trainer, Ernesto Rodriguez, because he’s been with me since day one. We always talked about fighting on cards like this.
A fight of this magnitude it’s always a good thing. I’m happy to fight on a card of this magnitude. I hope that everyone enjoys the show šeštadienį naktis.
All-year round we prepare for changes like this. Sometimes you get an opponent who is orthodox but he comes out southpaw. We’re always prepared for things like this.
I’m thankful to Hurd for accepting this challenge. I’m looking to make a great fight. I’m in great shape and I have no doubt this is going to be an exciting night.
Hurd is a great fighter. He has an undefeated record and he’s younger than me, but I’m not worried about it. He likes to fight and switch styles. So I know I will have to be ready for anything.
My training camp was very good. There are no injuries and I’m very thankful to be healthy. I’ve been in the gym a very long time.
I have a good strategy for this fight. I’m planning on getting in there and testing him out. I think I’m going to have a really good performance.
When I got the call about this fight I was already in really good shape. I expect it’s going to be an exciting fight for the fans.
My original weight is still 147-pounds, but this is a great opportunity and I jumped on it. I believe I’m ready to make a splash.
I promise you that this fight will not go 10 raundai. I’m telling everybody. I’m going to knockout Omar Douglas.
My team works so hard and we’re not going to stop until I’m a champion again. Douglas is the next guy I need to get rid of.
I’m very honored to be a part of a card of this magnitude, especially with one of the best fighters in the world in Danny Garcia.
I’m coming to fight Douglas on his turf and I’m going to give him a boxing lesson. I’m prepared and I’m ready to go on Lapkritis 12.
I’m confident in myself and confident in my team. We’ve prepared extremely well. My goal is to continue to get back to where I was. I want to be a champion once again.
ANGEL GARCIA, Danny Tėvas & Treneris
“Danny 100 proc parengė. Camp went perfectly. He’s hitting hard. I just pray every day that he doesn’t kill anybody in the ring. These aren’t the ‘Looney Tunes.This is real right now. Vargas is in with the champ of the world.
We’re going to worry about Sam šeštadienį. We’re going to get the job done. Because I know what Danny brings to the table.
I think Danny is the top welterweight in the world. Danny is going to be undefeated, still, po Lapkritis 12. Sam is going to come in and work. But it’s not going his way.
BILLY BRISCOE, Vargas’ Treneris
We went to camp and we prepared to the best of our abilities. Sam knew what he had to do and he took care of everything that he could.
There’s not too much to say. We understand that we’re fighting a great fighter like Danny. He’s a tremendous fighter and he has great trainer in Angel.
We’re going to be ready. Sam has put in the hours in the gym that are necessary. We’re looking for a good show and a big shock.
Daugiau informacijos rasite www.premierboxingchampions.com ir www.spike.com/shows/Premier bokso-čempionai. Sekite TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. Follow the conversation using #fight4philly. TSK ant Spike remia Corona Extra, geriausių Alus.

Danny Garcia Media Workout Citatos & Nuotraukos

Undefeated World Champion Hosts Final Media Workout Before Battling Colombia’s Samuel Vargas Šeštadienis, Lapkritis 12 from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia
Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Darryl Cobb/King’s Promotions/
Premier Boksas Čempionų
(Photo’s from today’s workout to be added shortly)
PHILADELPHIA (Lapkritis 9, 2016) – Days before he enters the ring to fight in his hometown, undefeated world champion Danny “Greitai” Garcia opened up his DSG Boxing Gym to media on Wednesday as he prepares to face Colombia’s Samuelis Vargas į pagrindinį renginį Premier Boksas Čempionų apie Smaigalys Šeštadienis, Lapkritis 12 from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia.
Coverage on Smaigalys prasideda 9 p.m. IR/8 p.m. CT and features undefeated rising star Jarrett Hurd battling former title challenger Jo Jo Dan plus former world champion Javieras Fortunataking on unbeaten Omaras Douglas.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, which is promoted by DSG Promotions and King’s Promotions, yra kaina $200, $100, $75, $50 ir $35 ir yra parduoti dabar. To purchase tickets visit LiacourasCenter.com/events or call 800-298-4200. Garcia has teamed up withPhilabundance, the region’s largest hunger relief organization, to arrange a regional food drive and raise money throughout the promotion. For more information on how to get involved, visit the event’s webpage ČIA.
Štai ką Garcia jo tėvas ir treneris, Angel had to say Wednesday:
Danny Garcia
On Keith Thurman being ringside on the Spike announcing crew
He will just get an up close and personal look at what will happen to him in March. I hope he’s paying attention.
I am excited to give the Philly fans a great fight. This is an opportunity to give back and that is most important to me. I’ve been training really hard and I’m going to give 100 percent for my city.
I am just going in the ring and be myself. Seek and destroy. I am taking this one round at a time. I’m looking to be smart and break him down. When the opportunity comes, I’m taking it and putting on a show.
I am not looking past this fight. I have tunnel vision and have never looked past anyone. I know he is coming to win, but I am ready mentally and physically to get the job done.
This is going to be a great night. It’s an exciting card from top to bottom. Young local fighters getting a chance to show their skills is great for the sport and great for Philadelphia.
ANGEL GARCIA, Danny Tėvas & Treneris
Thurman may be on the outside looking in šeštadienį, but he’s going to see what he has in store for him in March.
Billy Briscoe (Vargas’ treneris) is another Philly guy like me and I know he’s going to try his best. But they’re fighting the champ and they know they have their hands full. He may think he knows our game plan but he really doesn’t.
I’m excited for Danny to be fighting at home. It’s a great opportunity to give back. I’m expecting Danny to look great in the ring and get the win.
Daugiau informacijos rasite www.premierboxingchampions.com ir www.spike.com/shows/Premier bokso-čempionai. Sekite TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. Follow the conversation using #fight4philly. TSK ant Spike remia Corona Extra, geriausių Alus.

Danny Garcia Reveals Favorite Moments from Career, Toughest Opponents & daugiau

Undefeated World Champion Battles Colombia’s Samuel Vargas Šeštadienis, Lapkritis 12 from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia
Spauskite ČIA for Video from Premier Boxing Champions
PHILADELPHIA (Lapkritis 9, 2016) – Nepralaimi pasaulio čempionas Danny “Greitai” Garcia talked about some of his favorite moments and biggest influences from his long career in advance of his Premier Boksas Čempionų apie Smaigalys užbaigimas šį šeštadienį against Colombia’s Samuelis Vargas from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia.
Coverage on Smaigalys prasideda 9 p.m. IR/8 p.m. CT and features undefeated rising star Jarrett Hurd battling former title challenger Jo Jo Dan plus former world champion Javieras Fortunataking on unbeaten Omaras Douglas.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, which is promoted by DSG Promotions and King’s Promotions, yra kaina $200, $100, $75, $50 ir $35 ir yra parduoti dabar. To purchase tickets visit LiacourasCenter.com/events or call 800-298-4200. Garcia is teaming up withPhilabundance, the region’s largest hunger relief organization, to arrange a regional food drive and raise money throughout the promotion. For more information on how to get involved, visit the event’s webpage ČIA.
Here is what Garcia had to say when looking back at some moments from his career so far:
Klausimas: What do you consider to be the best performance of your career?
Danny Garcia: The best performance of my career, Aš tikiu, was against Lucas Matthysse. I was the unified world champion, I was a 3-to-1 underdog, he was knocking everybody out. I don’t think one person in the world thought I’d win that fight, but I knew deep in my heart I was the better fighter.
Klausimas: What’s your favorite punch in the ring?
DG: My favorite punch is actually my right hand, but for some reason the left hook knocks everybody out. So I don’t know, vienas. Whatever punch lands, I try to use all my punches and different weapons in different angles. I try to use each hand as the set-up punch for the next punch. So I don’t really have a favorite punch. A lot of people think it’s my left hook, I like the right hand better, but the left hook just knocks everybody out.
Klausimas: Which opponent you fought hit you the hardest?
DG: The two strongest opponents I’ve fought with the best punching power were Kendall Holt and Lucas Matthysse. They kind of had the same kind of power. It was like a thumping shot, and when they hit you, you felt likeOoh, this man can punch.
Klausimas: Who was the hardest opponent for you to hit in your career?
DG: The hardest opponent I had to hit was probably Lamont Peterson. Jis judėjo daug, he wasn’t trying to engage with me at all, was trying to use the ring a lot with lateral movement. He came with a good game plan.
Klausimas: Who was the fastest opponent you’ve faced?
DG: Fastest fighter, hands down, Amir Khan. He is the fastest fighter I’ve ever fought.
Klausimas: What was the best atmosphere you’ve ever fought in?
DG: Barclays Center is No. 1. I’d probably say the Zab Judah fight. We hold the gate (įrašas), the most fans to go to Barclays for a boxing event. It was like a concert.
Klausimas: When was the maddest your dad ever got at you during a fight?
DG: My dad is always mad. He’s happy sometimes, but when it’s fight time, he’s always mad. That’s all I can say.
Klausimas: Are there any fighters you watched growing up who you style yourself after? Or are there any fighters out there who maybe remind you of yourself?
DG: I take a lot from different fighters. (Feliksas) Trinidadas, I loved his left hook. Prince Naseem Hamed, I loved how he wore the animal print, and then I did that. Roy Jonesas jaunesnysis, Bernardas Hopkinsas, those are fighters I looked up to. (Julio César) H.Chavezas, going to the body, that left hook to the body. I take a lot of things from other fightersarsenals and put it into my style. But I never try to be any other fighter. I try to be myself.
Klausimas: When you meet him next March, where will Keith Thurman rank among the opponents you’ve faced in your career?
DG: Kaip ir sakiau, I’ve fought 10 current or former world champions in my career. He’s just another guy, another champ I need to dethrone. That’s basically it.
Daugiau informacijos rasite www.premierboxingchampions.com ir www.spike.com/shows/Premier bokso-čempionai. Sekite TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. Follow the conversation using #fight4philly. TSK ant Spike remia Corona Extra, geriausių Alus.

Keith Thurman to Join Spike’s Announce Team for Danny Garcia vs. Samuel Vargas Main Event on Saturday, Lapkritis 12

PHILADELPHIA (Lapkritis 9, 2016) – Spike TV’s upcoming broadcast of the Premier Boksas Čempionų series on Šeštadienis, Lapkritis 12 į 9:00pm ET/PT will have some extra knockout power. Undefeated welterweight world champion Keithas “Vienas Laikas” Thurman will be joining Spike’s critically-acclaimed boxing announce team for the main event featuring Danny “Greitai” Garcia vs Samuel Vargas.
Thurman will be paying close attention to Garcia as the two are set to square in a highly-anticipated PBC bout next March.
I’m excited to be back calling the PBC fights this time on Spike and especially since it’s my next opponent Danny Garcia. Danny I’ve got my eyes on you. It’s going to be a great fight and Spike viewers will want to tune-in to hear what ‘One Timehas to say,” noted Thurman.
Emanating from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA, Garcia, the prodigal son of the City of Brotherly Love, will put his undefeated record on the line in front of his hometown fans against the hard hitting Vargas from Colombia.
Daugiau informacijos rasite:
www.premierboxingchampions.com ir www.spike.com/shows/Premier bokso-čempionai. Sekite TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.
Follow the conversation using #fight4philly. TSK ant Spike remia Corona Extra, geriausių Alus.

Stacked Night of Local Talent Features Middleweight Kryone Davis Battling Once-Beaten Carlos Gabriel Ozan & Unbeaten Milton Santiago Facing Argentina’s Claudio Rosendo Tapia

Šeštadienis, Lapkritis 12 from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia
Daugiau! Undefeated Prospects Thomas Velasquez, Jeffrey Torres & daugiau
PHILADELPHIA (Lapkritis 8, 2016) – An exciting night highlighting the best rising talent in the Philadelphia-area comes to Temple University’s Liacouras Center on Šeštadienis, Lapkritis 12 and will feature middleweight prospect Kyrone Davis (10-1, 4 Kos) atsisukęs kartą sumuštas Carlos Gabriel Ozan (12-1, 4 Kos) and unbeaten super lightweight Milton Santjagas (15-0, 3 Kos) against Argentina’s Claudio Rosendo Tapia (28-16-4, 13 Kos) in a pair of eight-round showdowns.
The event is headlined by undefeated welterweight world champion and Philadelphia-native Danny “Greitai” Garcia atsižvelgiant į Kolumbijos Samuelis Vargas. Aprėptis Premier Boksas Čempionų apie Smaigalys prasideda 9 p.m. IR/8 p.m. CT and features undefeated rising star Jarrett Hurd battling former title challenger Jo Jo Dan plus former world champion Javieras Fortuna taking on unbeaten Omaras Douglas.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, which is promoted by DSG Promotions and King’s Promotions, yra kaina $200, $100, $75, $50 ir $35 ir yra parduoti dabar. To purchase tickets visit LiacourasCenter.com/events or call 800-298-4200. Garcia is teaming up withPhilabundance, the region’s largest hunger relief organization, to arrange a regional food drive and raise money throughout the promotion. For more information on how to get involved, visit the event’s webpage ČIA.
Additional action will feature a pair of unbeaten Philadelphia prospects as Tomas Velasquez squares-off against Miami’s Raul Chirino in a four-round super featherweight affair while Christian Carto susiduria Meksikos Leonardo Reyes in four-rounds of bantamweight action.
Rounding out the night of fights is unbeaten super featherweight Titas Williams taking on once-beaten Philadelphia-native Antonio Dubose in a six-round showdown and unbeaten lightweight Jeffrey Torres atsižvelgiant į Joseph Serrano in a four-round bout between Philadelphia prospects.
A two-time amateur National Champion fighting out of Wilmington, Delaveras, Davis turned pro in 2014 after a stellar amateur career. The 21-year-old delivered wins in his first 10 starts before dropping a competitive contest to then unbeaten Junior Castillo in April. A two-time Pennsylvania Golden Gloves champion, Davis fights in Philadelphia for the first time as a pro when he takes on the 28-year-old Ozan from Mendoza, Argentina.
Unbeaten and fighting out of Philadelphia, Santiago looks for his third victory of 2016 when he enters the ring on November 12. Pro nuo 2014, the 20-year-old Santiago fights in his home city for the sixth time in his short career. Alvarez has won three eight-round bouts in a row and looks to be victorious again when he faces the experienced Tapia out of Mendoza, Argentina.
Daugiau informacijos rasite www.premierboxingchampions.com ir www.spike.com/shows/Premier bokso-čempionai. Sekite TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. Follow the conversation using #fight4philly. TSK ant Spike remia Corona Extra, geriausių Alus.