الوسم المحفوظات: فنون الدفاع عن النفس المختلطة


A person with a beard

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لوس انجليس – BELLATOR MMA announced this morning that the greatest heavyweight mixed martial artist of all-time, Fedor “The Last Emperor” Emelianenko (39-6, 1 NC) will take on number two ranked heavyweight تيم جونسون (15-7) في الحدث الرئيسي ل BELLATOR Moscow: فيدور مقابل. جونسون في.يوم السبت, أكتوبر. 23 at the VTB Arena.

Tickets for the highly anticipated event are on sale now and can be purchased at Kassir.ru. Additional matchups and SHOWTIME telecast details will be revealed soon.

Widely regarded as the greatest heavyweight in mixed martial arts history, فيدور إميليانينكو returns to the BELLATOR cage for the first time since his dominant first-round TKO victory over كوينتون "الهيجان" جاكسون في 2019. With an illustrious career that has seen him earn 30 التوقف في بلده 39 victories over legendary opposition, the former PRIDE FC Heavyweight World Champion will be fighting in his home country of Russia for the first time in five years. A four-time combat sambo world champion, “The Last Emperor” put together an insane eight-year unbeaten streak on his way to becoming an international MMA icon. Emelianenko has established Team Fedor, which features several top Russian fighters including BELLATOR’s Light Heavyweight World Champion Vadim Nemkov and BELLATOR’s Interim Heavyweight Champion Valentin Moldavsky. With his last three victories coming by way of first-round finish, Fedor is looking to add another exciting chapter to his storied fighting career on October 23.

2020 was a huge year for Johnson, as the UFC vet notched three wins in as many fights with impressive first-round finishes over Matt Mitrione و تيريل فورتشن and a decision victory over شيخ كونغو during the historic, first-ever major MMA event in France. The Xtreme Couture-product showed that he’s got the skill and stamina for championship rounds as he went the full five with Team Fedor’s Valentin Modlavsky (11-1) هذا يونيو الماضي. ينحدر بفخر من نورث داكوتا, Johnson is a current member of the United States National Guard who won two national championships while wrestling at Minnesota State University.

تحديث BELLATOR Moscow: فيدور مقابل. جونسون بطاقة:

الوزن الثقيل الحدث الرئيسي: فيدور إميليانينكو (39-6, 1 NC) مقابل. #2-تيم جونسون (15-7)


*البطاقة عرضة للتغيير.

يرجى زيارة Bellator.com للحصول على معلومات إضافية.

يعلن بيلاتور عن حدث بلوكباستر لعودته إلى لندن الجمعة, أكتوبر. 1

صورة مجمعة لشخص

تم إنشاء الوصف تلقائيًا بثقة متوسطة
إعادة العرض المرتقبة للغاية بين DOUGLAS "THE PHENOM" ليما ومايكل "فينوم" صفحة إلى العنوان الرئيسي بيلاتور لندن: ليما VS. أفضل لاعب 2

تذكرة للبيع يوم الجمعة

LONDON, المملكة المتحدة – اليوم, أعلن BELLATOR MMA أنه سيعود إلى ساحة SSE, ويمبلي في لندن يوم الجمعة, أكتوبر 1, معبيلاتور لندن, بطاقة عنوانها مباراة العودة التي يجب مشاهدتها بين لا. 1 المرتبةDouglas “The Phenom” Lima (32-9) ولا. 2 المرتبةمايكل "السم" الصفحة (19-1).

حضور المعجبين في The SSE Arena, يمكن لـ Wembley وأولئك الذين يضبطون من جميع أنحاء العالم أن يتوقعوا ليلة متفجرة من حركة MMA النخبة في العاصمة, مع اثنين من أفضل الأوزان في العالم يتجهان من أخمص القدمين إلى أخمص القدمين في مباراة عالية المخاطر. سيضع ليما وبيج كل شيء على المحك سعياً لتحقيق الفوز, مع المقاتل الذي يخرج منتصرا ويحجز لنفسه تذكرة المسار السريع لتسديدة اللقب ضد بطل وزن الوسط المتوج حديثًا, ياروسلاف اموسوف.

لأول مرة منذ فبراير 2020, سيتمكن عشاق BELLATOR MMA في أوروبا من ملء الساحة للحدث الذي يضم عرضًا لأفضل الرياضيين الدوليين والمحليين.

تذاكر لبيلاتور لندن: ليما مقابل. أفضل لاعب 2 الذهاب للبيع يوم الجمعة, يوليو 30, مع خاص قبل البيع الخميس, يوليو 29 ويمكن شراؤها عبر الإنترنت منaxs.com/uk وBELLATOR.com.

ال بيلاتور لندن ستبدأ حركة البطاقة الرئيسية في 9 عصرا. BST / 4 مساءً. و, بينما تبدأ البطاقة الأولية في 5:30 عصرا. BST / 12:30 عصرا. و. يمكن لعشاق BELLATOR مشاهدة الحدث مباشرة على SHOWTIME (نحن), بي بي سي آي بلاير (المملكة المتحدة), بالإضافة إلى كل من Virgin Media Two و Virgin Media Sport (أيرلندا).

التقى ليما وبيج لأول مرة داخل BELLATOR Cage في مايو 2019 في221في الدور قبل النهائي من سباق الجائزة الكبرى العالمي للوزن الثقيل BELLATOR. بعد الجولة الأولى, أرسلت ليما بيج إلى اللوحة بركلة كاسحة في الساق, والتي أعقبها بعد ذلك بلكمة مذهلة وضربات أرضية وجنيه لإنهاء القتال.

سوف تتطلع ليما إلى إحداث انزعاج للمؤمنين في مسقط رأسهم وإيقاف بيج للمرة الثانية, حرمان اللندني من فرصته في الذهب, وكسب لنفسه فرصة فورية لاستعادة لقب وزن الوسط الذي خسرهياروسلاف اموسوف عبر قرار بالإجماع في يونيو من هذا العام.

"حققت MVP سلسلة رائعة من الانتصارات معًا, ولكن عندما عاد معي إلى القفص, ستكون النتيجة النهائية هي نفسها المرة الأولى,” said Lima. "فى الحال, أنا في مهمة لإعادة حزام بيلاتور حول خصري. سيتم تفكيك أي شخص يقف في طريقي ".

يُنظر إليه على نطاق واسع على أنه الصبي الملصق لـ MMA في المملكة المتحدة, صفحة مايكل لندن "فينوم", أو "MVP" كما هو معروف لمعجبيه, سوف يخطو إلى قفص BELLATOR جديدًا من الجزء الخلفي من انتصاره المذهل على TKO في الجولة الأولىديريك "البربرية" أندرسونفي مايو الماضييركب حاليًا سلسلة انتصارات خماسية مليئة بالضربة القاضية الحقيقية, الهزيمة الوحيدة في سجل MMA لصفحة حتى الآن جاءت على يد ليما, خسارة جائع للانتقام.

"العودة دائما أكبر من النكسة. كان دائما سيحدث, إنه مكتوب في النجوم,قال الصفحة. "اللاعب الوحيد والوحيدة عاد, وسأحصل على فدائي أمام مسقط رأسي بالطريقة الوحيدة التي أعرف كيف - بأسلوب سام ".

بطاقة القتال الحالية متاحة أدناه مع نوبات إضافية سيتم الإعلان عنها في الأسابيع المقبلة.

بيلاتور لندن: ليما مقابل. أفضل لاعب 2ماين كارد:

موعد العرض (نحن) / بي بي سي آي بلاير (المملكة المتحدة) / فيرجن ميديا ​​تو & فيرجن ميديا ​​سبورت (إيرلندا)

الجمعة, أكتوبر 1 - 9 عصرا. BST / 4 مساءً. و / 1 م. PT

وزن الوسط الحدث الرئيسي: #1-دوغلاس ليما (32-9) مقابل. #2-مايكل الصفحة (19-1)

وزن الريشة بوت: روبرت وايتفورد(16-4))ضد.أندرو فيشر (18-8-1

خفيفة الوزن بوت: إيف لاندو(16-8) ضد.تيم وايلد(13-4)

ضوء الوزن الثقيل بوت: لوك ترينر(4-0) ضد.يانيك باهاتي (9-5)

بطاقة أولية: 

قناة BELLATOR MMA على YouTube | قناة شوتايم الرياضية على اليوتيوب | تلفزيون بلوتو (نحن)

بي بي سي آي بلاير (المملكة المتحدة) | فيرجن ميديا ​​تو & فيرجن ميديا ​​سبورت (إيرلندا)

5:30 عصرا. BST / 12:30 عصرا. و / 9:30 صباحا. PT

وزن الوسط بوت: لويس لونج(18-6) ضد.اروس جوريسيك(11-1)

خفيفة الوزن بوت: كين موسى (13-3) ضد.ديفي جالون (18-7-2)

وزن الذبابة بوت: لوسي بيرتود(3-2) ضد.إلينا كاليونيدو(7-4)

خفيفة الوزن بوت: تشارلي ليري(17-11-1) ضد.غافن هيوز (10-2)

وزن الريشة بوت: فاباكاري دياتا (7-0)ضد.ناثان روز(7-3)

الديك بوت: خورشيد خوروف (7-0) ضد.مايك ايكوندايو(8-1)

*البطاقة عرضة للتغيير

يرجى زيارةBellator.com للحصول على معلومات إضافية.


نتائج ليلة القتال الرسمية, يقتبس & صور لـ BELLATOR MMA 262: فيلاسكيز مقابل. Kielholtz

A group of people in a wrestling ring

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أكمل صور الليل هنا - (يرجى الائتمان: BELLATOR MMA / لوكاس نونان)

مقابلات الفيديو بعد المعركة هنا

C-جوليانا فيلاسكيز (12-0) مهزوم #3-دينيس كيلهولتز (6-3) عبر قرار تقسيم (48-47, 47-48, 48-47)

جوليانا فيلاسكيز:
“I think I would be clinching a bit more, her striking didn’t surprise me, but I felt that I did enough to retain the title.”

“I beat her with my jab, if you look at her face, it’s messed up, if you look at mine, my face is fine. I think people in the audience favor her because she has a kickboxing style and I counter, but I think it was my boxing that was the difference tonight.”

“When I come in here, I don’t think of myself as a champion, I think of myself as someone who needs to earn the belt and tonight I felt that I did that.”

#5تيريل فورتشن (11-1, 1 NC) مهزوم #7-Matt Mitrione (13-9, 1 NC) عبر تقديم (الضربات) في 1:45 من جولة واحدة

تيريل فورتشن:
“I feel great coming out of the fight. He stepped forward so I went for the shot instead of throwing the punch and I guess I made contact with my head. Besides that I was running through him for the takedown. As you saw, I finished on top, and the fight went from there.

“I didn’t feel it (the clash of heads), I can only go off of what he was saying at the time. كما قلت, I was just looking to get on top and continue to fight so I didn’t really know what else to do. I thought if there was a contact that the ref would have saw and we would have stopped that’s why I paused for a second on top of him. I didn’t go right to punching. Once the ref said to continue, I was continuing to fight.

“I want Tim Johnson. I don’t want a title shot. I’d rather have Tim Johnson first. That’s really the only fight I’ve been training for since that loss. لي, with him taking that loss (against Valentin Moldavsky) and me getting this win, it should line us right up… I’m gonna’ try to knock his aout just like he did me.”

Matheus Mattos (13-2-1) مهزوم Cee Jay Hamilton (15-9) عن طريق الضربة القاضية الفنية (الضربات) في 1:33 جولة اثنين

Matheus Mattos:
“He’s a wrestler. هكذا, he could have done the boring game and taken me down. But he chose to go for the striking. لحسن الحظ, he did it because it was a beautiful knockout. If Bellator could send more strikers to me, then they would be welcomed.”

"أشعر كبيرة, perfectly strong. But I felt my knee go ‘thwack.’ And I stopped moving a lot. I didn’t do much footwork. I knew this was going to be on my hands, because my leg was painful. نأمل, everything went well.

“My two losses were to two of the best in the world. هكذا, I’ve been fighting at a high level a long time and I’m prepared for everyone. They can see that this fight welcomed me to Bellator, والآن هم يعرفونني. They know Matheus Mattos is a striker and he’s coming for us.

“I’m in my prime now so I’m prepared for everyone.”

#2أرلين Blencowe (14-8) مهزوم Dayana Silva (9-6) عن طريق الضربة القاضية الفنية (اللكمات) في 1:00 جولة ثلاثة

أرلين Blencowe:
"أشعر كبيرة. I want to give a shout out to my kids at home. I’ve been away from home for nine weeks and it’s the longest I’ve ever been without my kids. هكذا, this win is for you.”

“I was just trying to gauge my distance. It was starting to be a little bit of a slow fight, so sorry about that fans. I could hear you yelling. But I was determined to keep my pace and not rush into anything. We knew that she swung with power and that the overhand right and the left hook came pretty quick. We’ve been working a lot on kicks, and I’m going to have a lot of bruises tomorrow. And hopefully her calves will be sore too.”

#5-جوني إيبلين (9-0) مهزوم Travis Davis (10-5) عبر قرار بالإجماع (30-27, 30-26, 30-26)

جوني إيبلين:

“My coaches when I came back to the corner told me not to brawl. هكذا, I took their advice and I thought I wrestled smart.”

“He was talking s— قول, "يا, let’s brawl in the corner.’ I’m like, ‘Bro, that’s stupid.’ That’s why you’re not where I’m at. Because you don’t fight smart. You’re trying to come out here and brawl. You can do that all you want, but you’re not going to be a world champion like me.”

بطاقة أولية:
Said Sowma (7-2) مهزوم روني Markes (19-9) عبر KO (اللكمات) في 1:09 من جولة واحدة
كودي لو (4-0) مهزوم Theodore Macuka (1-1) عن طريق الضربة القاضية الفنية (اللكمات) في 1:54 من جولة واحدة
ديانا أفساراجوفا (4-0) مهزوم Gabriella Gulfin (2-3) عبر قرار تقسيم (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
Adil Benjilany (6-3, 1 NC) مهزوم Johnny Soto (4-2) عبر قرار بالإجماع (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Charlie Campbell (4-1) مهزوم Nicholas Giulietti (2-2) عن طريق الضربة القاضية الفنية (اللكمات) في 1:30 جولة اثنين

يرجى زيارة Bellator.com للحصول على معلومات إضافية.

سيباستيان رويز
سيباستيان رويز. تحت إشراف المخضرم مكافحة المروج سكوت كوكر, سيباستيان رويز 160 البلدان لجمهور متاح يزيد عن مليار شخص. في الولايات المتحدة, سيباستيان رويز. سيباستيان رويز, تزامن الحدث على الهواء مباشرة, تطوير مقاتلة / العلاقات, المكان الشراء, إنشاء رعاية / تطوير, الترخيص الدولي, تسويق, إعلان, سيباستيان رويز, سيباستيان رويز. سيباستيان رويز, كاليفورنيا. ويملكها عملاق الترفيه ViacomCBS, موطن العلامات التجارية الرائدة الترفيه في العالم التي تربط مع الجماهير من خلال المحتوى الرقمي عبر التلفزيون, الصور المتحركة, منصات الإنترنت والهاتف المحمول.


للنشر الفوري: ميلفورد, نيو هامبشاير (يوليو 16, 2021) - معارك نيو انغلاند (NEF) returns with its next event, "NEF 44: Back in Black,” on August 21, 2021, at the Hampshire Dome in Milford, New Hampshire. The show will feature both mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and kickboxing fights. Earlier today, NEF announced the addition of a professional women’s strawweight bout to the fight card.المجد واتسون(0-1) ومن المقرر أن يجتمعRebecca Brygmann(0-1) في وزن المعركة 115 جنيه.

Glory Watson last appeared in the NEF cage in November 2019, suffering her first and only amateur loss in a strawweight title fight to a very tough Cara Greenwell (10-5).  قبل ذلك الوقت, Watson had rattled off six wins in a row to start her amateur career, capturing the NEF Women’s Amateur Bantamweight Championship in the process. She made her professional debut during the pandemic on a fight card in Florida, losing via first round submission to Ariana Melendez (1-1).  Watson looks to get her first win as a professional on August 21. She currently represents Young’s MMA in Bangor, مين.

“I am looking forward to returning to the cage for an amazing promotion and to do so against an experienced opponent,” said Watson. “This will be my second professional fight, and I am beyond excited for the cage doors to lock behind me! Wishing my opponent a healthy fight camp and best of skill on August 21st!"

Like her opponent, Rebecca Bryggman will also be looking for the first win of her professional career at NEF 44. Bryggman made her pro debut for national promotion Bellator in a losing effort to Elise Reed (4-0) in October 2019. She was 2-1 كهاو, undefeated in MMA with her sole loss coming in a kickboxing bout. Bryggman fights out of New York.

“It’s all about divine timing and I’ve been hungry, patiently waiting to get back in the cage,” noted Bryggman.  “Now is the time. A starved animal is a dangerous animal, and I’m that animal.”

Tickets for “NEF 44: Back in Black” are on sale now atwww.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/The MMA and kickboxing event will take place at the Hampshire Dome in Milford, New Hampshire on Saturday, أغسطس 21, 2021, مع الوقت جرس 7 pm.

حول معارك نيو انغلاند

معارك نيو انغلاند ("NEF") هي معركة الترقيات الأحداث للشركات. مهمة NEF هو خلق أعلى الأحداث نوعية للمقاتلين والجماهير على حد سواء. الفريق التنفيذي NEF لديه خبرة واسعة في مجال إدارة الرياضات القتالية, إنتاج الأحداث, العلاقات الإعلامية, تسويق, القانونية والإعلان.

SFT 27 this Thursday screening on FITE from Brazil

The wait is over

Two title fights featured on SF7 27

This Thursday on FITE from Brazil

SAO PAULO, البرازيل (يوليو 12, 2021) – The first SFT event of 2021,SFT 27, will be held this Thursday night (يوليو 15) ساو باولو في, البرازيل, featuring a pair of SFT title fights, in SFT’s first show since last December.

SFT 27 will be streamed exclusively on FITE in the United States and worldwide on pay per view via the FITE app and website (www.FITE.tv), ابتداء من الساعة 6:00 عصرا. و / 3:00 عصرا. PT, for only $14.99.

“The wait is over,” SFT presidentDavid Hudson proclaimed. “Our main event between rising star ‘Maumito’ and always dangerous Bispo will determine who the King of Brazilian lightweights is today. We also have another SFT title fight as Cantuaria and Borges battle for the vacant SFT female flyweight crown. The rest of this card is loaded as well with some of Brazil’s up-and-coming fighters

The main event pits SFT’s 2020 مقاتل من السنة, Manuel “Maumito” Sousa (6-0-0, SFT: 6-0-0), ضد المخضرمBrendo “The Monster” Bispo (17-4-0, SFT: 1-0-0) for the vacant SFT Lightweight Championship.

The 23-year-old Sousa is a tremendous striker whose overall combat sports record includes 23 straight victories in kickboxing, 18 بالضربة القاضية, and all six of his pro MMA fights have been victories in SFT competition, none going into the third round.

“I’m training well, a lot on the ground, because I know he has a Jiu-Jitsu black belt,” Sousa reported. “But since I’m training hard, I’m not worried about that. MMA brings together all areas, so you need to be ready. In training, we put ourselves in danger, as if we were in the fight, and that increases my confidence, and it keeps the gas in check. At 27 سنة, Brendo Bispo has more experience in professional MMA than me with 17 wins and four losses. ‘Maranhão’ sees the point as positive, لكن, he knows that it is not a guarantee of victory. Therefore, he benefits from his work carried out at Chute Boxe Diego Lima, one of the main teams in the country.”

Currently on a 6-fight win streak, Bispo accepted the challenge of fighting hot prospect Sousa after a few other fighters passed on the opportunity. Acclaimed as one of the top lightweights in Brazil, Bispo now has the chance to prove he’s No. 1 versus Sousa. Bispo trains at the famed Chute Boxeo, under the direction of the famedCharles Oliveira.  A solid all-around fighter, the more experienced Bispo has seven victories by knockout, along with five more by submission.

“As often as I’ve fought,” Bispo said, “I always think like it’s the first time. هكذا, I don’t generate as many expectations and my mind goes blank, something that helps me a lot in my daily life and in the fight. On the other hand, I’ve learned a lot by climbing in the cage to fight 22 مواعيد, so that helps. The main one, لكن, is the training at Chute Boxe Diego Lima. Now, in the final stretch of the fight, we are going more slowly, working on our strategy, rest, and weight loss. Diego Lima is my teacher, صديق, and manager (يضحك), so he’s been with me. Unfortunately, he won’t be able to be in my corner, but he spent the necessary time.You can expect a renewed Brendo; more technical, أسرع, and stronger.

في حال المواصفات المشتركة, Mayra Cantuaria (8-3-1, SFT: 2-0-0) وجوهPaty Borges (4-4-0, SFT: 2-2-0) for the vacant SFT Female Flyweight Championship. Cantuaria, who has fought the in the traditional Japanese event, Pacrase, while Borges has won her last two fights heading into her showdown with Cantuaria.

Another sensational match-up isBruno “Beirutel” Tavares (13-5-1, SFT: 1-0-0) against featherweightThiago “Manchinha” Silva(19-9-0 (SFT: 0-1-0). Other exciting MMA fights include welterweightLuis “Hulk” Fernando (18-6-0) ضد.Alex “Canguru” Sandro (10-3-0), وزن الريشةMarcos “Maraja” Rodriguez (16-5-0, SFT: 1-0-0) ضد.Estabill Amato (10-4-0, SFT: 1-2-0), الديكDeja Moura (5-2-0, SFT: 1-0-0) ضد.Manoel Lima “Aranja” Silva (5-4-0, SFT: 1-1-0), وزن الذبابةMarciano Ferreira (5-1-0, SFT: 1-0-0) ضد.Antonio “Piaui” Rodrigues (9-2-0, SFT: 0-1-0), undefeated bantamweightFernando “Fernandinho” Henrique (3-0-0, SFT: 1-0-0) ضد.Apollo “Deus Da Guerra” Gomes (5-0-0) and pro debutingLuana Santos مقابل. الديكMajorie “Brutal” Barragan (1-0-0). 

Two SFT Xtreme and two Jiu-Jitsu fights are also on tap.

The two SFT Xtreme fights will be held as welterweightCicero Evangelista (SFT Xtreme: 1-0-0) تجتمعKavem “Mexicano” Felipe, والديكNicholas Pestilli يأخذ علىRamon “Sayajin” CostaThe wildly popular, uniquely entertaining SFT Xtreme competition allows striking, kicking and knees, fighters wear 4-ounce gloves, and clinching and fighting on the mat is prohibited.

A pair of Jiu-Jitsu matches will showcase William Cilli vs.Elaias “Xuxu” Silverio, وHenrique “Rasputin” Gomes ضد.Felipe “Felipinho” Cusciana

All fights are subject to change.


الموقع: www.sftcombat.com 

الفيسبوك: /SFT.combat, davidhudson.SFT

تغريد: @SFTCombat, @SFTUSA

إينستاجرام: @SFTCombat, @DavidHudson.SFT

موقع يوتيوب: /SFTCombat, /SFTUSA, /SFTBrasil


يوليو 15 – SFT 27: Bispo vs. Sousa in São Paulo, البرازيل

أغسطس 5 –SFT 28: Mexicano vs. Matsumoto

سبتمبر 2 – SFT 29: Noguriera vs. سانتوس

Danny Brener Named Vice President of Communications & Public Relations for BELLATOR

لوس انجليس – BELLATOR President Scott Coker announced today that Danny Brener has been named Vice President of Communications and Public Relations. Brener, who has been a member of the promotion’s PR team since 2014, will oversee all communications and media relations for BELLATOR effective immediately.

“I first worked with Danny [Brener] في 2008 when he was a young and hungry publicist at BZA working as an account representative for the STRIKEFORCE brand,” BELLATOR President Scott Coker said. “Danny has consistently delivered results for us through the years with his hard work and dedication. This promotion is a testament to both of those things and makes sense as BELLATOR continues to grow and expand.”

During his time as Director of Communications for BELLATORBrener has helped promote some of the biggest spectacles in the sport of MMA, with massive events garnering press around the globe. In addition to his work on BELLATOR, Brener also maintained a leading role at BZA PR, where he worked on other key accounts including the NHL, NFL, and The Famous Group.

“I’ve been extremely fortunate to work in the combat sports industry for nearly 17 سنوات, and I’m grateful to Scott Coker for entrusting me with the opportunity to continue my journey in this field,” said Brener. “BELLATOR is home to many of the world’s very best athletes and I’m honored to be able to help share their incredible stories around the world.”

Beginning his MMA PR career printing credentials for UFC in 2004, Brener would go on to work with additional boxing and MMA companies including Goossen Tutor Promotions, Elite XC, and ultimately alongside Coker at STRIKEFORCE.

A second-generation publicist, Brener learned the craft of communications from his father Steve, the longtime PR executive for the Los Angeles Dodgers. He resides in the suburbs of Los Angeles with his wife Lauren and their two dogs, Gronk and Jules.

Brener will work with Senior Public Relations Manager C.J. Tuttle, as well as BZA PR, as they continue in their roles with BELLATOR. Brener can be reached at his new emailDanny.Brener@bellator.com.

يرجى زيارةBellator.com للحصول على معلومات إضافية.



لوس انجليس - أكد BELLATOR MMA بطاقة القتال الكاملة لـ BELLATOR MMA 262: فيلاسكيز مقابل. Kielholtz في الجمعة, يوليو 16 at the Mohegan Sun Arena. The event airs LIVE on SHOWTIME at 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT and is headlined by undefeated flyweight world champion جوليانا فيلاسكيز (11-0) versus BELLATOR Kickboxing’s Flyweight World Champion and No. 3 المرتبة دينيس كيلهولتز (6-2) for the promotion’s 125-pound belt.

In addition to the must-see main event, four other exciting main card bouts are confirmed for BELLATOR 262 على شوتايم, including No. 5 المرتبة تيريل فورتشن (10-1, 1 NC) taking on former New York Giants football star and No. 7 المرتبة Matt Mitrione (13-8, 1 NC) في الوزن الثقيل, a women’s featherweight matchup between No. 2 ranked former title challenger أرلين Blencowe (13-8) وفي البرازيل Dayana Silva (9-6), a men’s heavyweight contest pitting No. 4 المرتبة لينتون فاسل (20-8, 1 NC)versus BELLATOR newcomer Marcelo Golm (8-3), and undefeated No. 5 المرتبة جوني إيبلين (8-0) التي تقف في مواجهة Travis Davis (10-4) in an explosive middleweight bout to open the main card.

The preliminary card is confirmed for six bouts and features a heavyweight slugfest between knockout artist روني Markes (19-8) و Said Sowma (6-2), as well as a featherweight contest pitting undefeated top prospect كودي لو (3-0) ضد Theodore Macuka (1-0). بالإضافة, South Florida’s Roman Faraldo (5-0) يرحب John Ramirez (5-5) to the fray in a welterweight clash, while Team Pitbull Brothers-product Matheus Mattos (12-2-1) يواجه ضد Cee Jay Hamilton (15-8) في معركة الديك. أخيرا, Johnny Soto (4-1) و Adil Benjilany (5-3, 1 NC) square off in a 145-pound matchup and the undefeated ديانا أفساراجوفا (3-0) يأخذ على Gabriella Gulfin (2-2) in a flyweight showdown.

سيتم بث جميع prelims مباشرة في 6 عصرا. و / 3 م. PT على قناة BELLATOR MMA على YouTube, قناة شوتايم سبورتس على يوتيوب وبلوتو تي في. قوائم نوبة كاملة أدناه:

تقدم خدمة بث SHOWTIME إصدارًا تجريبيًا مجانيًا لمدة 30 يومًا, تليها رسوم اشتراك شهرية مخفضة قدرها 4.99 دولارات شهريًا للأشهر الستة المقبلة. يمكن للمشاهدين الاشتراك في SHO.com/BellatorMMA. Subscribers will be delivered two live premier BELLATOR MMA events per month throughout 2021 وما وراءها, anywhere the SHOWTIME service is available.

# # #

BELLATOR MMA 262: فيلاسكيز مقابل. Kielholtz بطاقة الرئيسية:
الجمعة, يوليو 16 - تابع حياتك موعد العرض
9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT

Flyweight World Title Main Event: C-جوليانا فيلاسكيز (11-0) مقابل. #3-دينيس كيلهولتز (6-2)
الوزن الثقيل بوت: #5تيريل فورتشن (10-1, 1 NC) مقابل. #7-Matt Mitrione (13-8, 1 NC)
الوزن الثقيل بوت: #4-لينتون فاسل (20-8, 1 NC) مقابل. Marcelo Golm (8-3)
وزن الريشة بوت: #2أرلين Blencowe (13-8) مقابل. Dayana Silva (9-6)
المتوسط ​​بوت: #5-جوني إيبلين (8-0) مقابل. Travis Davis (10-4)

بطاقة أولية:
قناة BELLATOR MMA على YouTube | قناة شوتايم الرياضية على يوتيوب | تلفزيون بلوتو
6 عصرا. و / 3 م. PT

الديك بوت: Matheus Mattos (12-2-1) مقابل. Cee Jay Hamilton (15-8)
الوزن الثقيل بوت: روني Markes (19-8) مقابل. Said Sowma (6-2)
وزن الريشة بوت: كودي لو (3-0) مقابل. Theodore Macuka (1-0)
وزن الوسط بوت: Roman Faraldo (5-0) مقابل. John Ramirez (5-5)
وزن الذبابة بوت: ديانا أفساراجوفا (3-0) مقابل. Gabriella Gulfin (2-2)
وزن الريشة بوت: Johnny Soto (4-1) مقابل. Adil Benjilany (5-3, 1 NC)

*البطاقة عرضة للتغيير.

For more information on upcoming BELLATOR MMA events, زيارة BELLATOR.com.



ميلفورد, نيو هامبشاير (يونيو 30, 2021) - معارك نيو انغلاند (NEF) returns with its next event, "NEF 44: Back in Black,” on August 21, 2021, at the Hampshire Dome in Milford, New Hampshire. The show will feature both mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and kickboxing fights. Earlier today, NEF announced the addition of a professional lightweight bout to the fight card.كالب قاعة(3-0) ومن المقرر أن يواجهShaun Ray(2-0) في وزن المعركة 155 جنيه.

Caleb Hall is riding a six-fight win streak in the NEF cage dating back to his amateur days. He has not lost a fight with the promotion since 2015. Hall is a former NEF Amateur Featherweight Champion. He turned pro in 2018 with a first round submission victory over tough veteran John Ortolani (11-14).  في الواقع, all three of Hall’s wins as a professional have come via first round submission.

Hall is a product of Dirigo High School in Dixfield, Maine where he captured two state titles on the wrestling team. In recent years, Hall has taken up residence in Las Vegas, Nevada where he trains at Syndicate MMA.

“I’m excited to make my return to the cage under NEF once again,” said Hall.  “I’m looking forward to getting out and testing my skill against my opponent.”

Hall’s opponent, Shaun Ray, is also undefeated as a professional fighter with two wins to his credit. He is a graduate of Easton High School in Easton, Maryland. Ray currently resides in Waterville, مين.

“This has been a long time dream to be able to fight in the cage,” said Ray.  “I’ve been training for this for years off and on. I get to test my skills against a worthy opponent. Thank you for making this possible and much respect to all involved!"

Tickets for “NEF 44: Back in Black” are on sale now atwww.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/The MMA and kickboxing event will take place at the Hampshire Dome in Milford, New Hampshire on Saturday, أغسطس 21, 2021, مع الوقت جرس 7 pm.

حول معارك نيو انغلاند

معارك نيو انغلاند ("NEF") هي معركة الترقيات الأحداث للشركات. مهمة NEF هو خلق أعلى الأحداث نوعية للمقاتلين والجماهير على حد سواء. الفريق التنفيذي NEF لديه خبرة واسعة في مجال إدارة الرياضات القتالية, إنتاج الأحداث, العلاقات الإعلامية, تسويق, القانونية والإعلان.


ميلفورد, نيو هامبشاير (يونيو 29, 2021) - معارك نيو انغلاند (NEF) returns with its next event, "NEF 44: Back in Black,” on August 21, 2021, at the Hampshire Dome in Milford, New Hampshire. The show will feature both mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and kickboxing fights. Earlier today, NEF announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the fight card.Aaron “Relentless” Lacey (6-2) وسيجتمع“Super” Shane Manley(5-5) في وزن المعركة 145 جنيه.

Aaron Lacey will return to the NEF cage for the first time since September 2018 when he submitted Jon Lemke (7-9) in the main event of “NEF 35” in Bangor, Maine. Lacey has been a longtime member of the NEF roster, debuting with the promotion as an amateur in the fall of 2013. He went on to win the promotion’s amateur featherweight title before turning pro in 2016. Lacey opened his professional career with four straight wins in the NEF cage. He represents Young’s MMA in Bangor.

“It’s been far too long since I have felt the NEF canvas beneath my feet,” exclaimed Lacey.  “I’m going to show everyone why this is the fight to watch! I’m super grateful to Matt Peterson and New England Fights for making this happen, fighting during the pandemic at the local level has been next to impossible. One thing that definitely excites me is sharing this card with some awesome teammates! A fun scrap is about to happen!"

Shane Manley is making his return to the NEF cage after nearly a decade’s absence. Manley competed on the NEF 1 and NEF 2 بطاقات, downing Jesse Erickson (10-8) and Ray Wood (8-5) in respective amateur bouts back in early 2012. Manley turned pro in 2013 and has faced some of the country’s toughest competitors, including current UFC fighter Cody Garbrandt (12-4).  في 2017, he fought for national promotion Bellator. Manley’s most recent outing saw him hand Jeff Perez (5-2) the first loss of his career on a fight card in Massachusetts. That bout took place in 2019, prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Manley currently represents Team Andrello of Liverpool, نيويورك.

I’ve been a part of NEF since the beginning, competing as an amateur on the NEF 1 and NEF 2 بطاقات,” stated Manley when reached for comment.  “It feels like the right fit to have me back after such a long layoff since their last show. I’m beyond excited to be a part of NEF’s debut in New Hampshire! I’m ready to come back to the promotion right where I left offwith another win! 3-0."

Tickets for “NEF 44: Back in Black” are on sale now atwww.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/The MMA and kickboxing event will take place at the Hampshire Dome in Milford, New Hampshire on Saturday, أغسطس 21, 2021, مع الوقت جرس 7 pm.

حول معارك نيو انغلاند

معارك نيو انغلاند ("NEF") هي معركة الترقيات الأحداث للشركات. مهمة NEF هو خلق أعلى الأحداث نوعية للمقاتلين والجماهير على حد سواء. الفريق التنفيذي NEF لديه خبرة واسعة في مجال إدارة الرياضات القتالية, إنتاج الأحداث, العلاقات الإعلامية, تسويق, القانونية والإعلان.


للنشر الفوري: ميلفورد, نيو هامبشاير (يونيو 28, 2021) - معارك نيو انغلاند (NEF) returns with its next event, "NEF 44: Back in Black,” on August 21, 2021, at the Hampshire Dome in Milford, New Hampshire. The show will feature both mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and kickboxing fights. Earlier today, NEF announced the addition of two amateur bouts to the fight card. Twin brothersEvan & Isaac Piette will make their respective amateur debuts in separate bouts.

The Piette twins are lifelong martial artists, having started their training in the northern portion of the Granite State at the Kaze Dojo when they were just six years old. They have trained at Kaze now for over a decade. The brothers are recent graduates of Littleton High School in Littleton, New Hampshire.

“In the fickle world of martial arts gyms, few people hang around for 11 years and even fewer do it with their identical twin,” noted Kaze Dojo owner and head coach Greg Williams. Evan and Isaac have been in my gym since first grade. From day one they have displayed a work ethic and a passion for martial arts. They are two of the most respectable individuals I know. After prolific high school sports careers, both are as excited to be a part of NEF in New Hampshire as I am to coach them.”

Evan Piette will step into the cage at “NEF 44” oppositeLucas Donald who will also be making his amateur debut that night. The fight will take place within the 155-pound lightweight division.

“I am excited for the opportunity to proudly represent northern New Hampshire,” said Evan Piette.  “I have been doing martial arts since I was six and it has become a part of who I am. My twin brother Isaac and Greg have been my partner and sensei since I first walked in. I’m ready to show what years of hard work can do on August 21st. Go Kaze!"

Like his twin brother, Isaac Piette will debut in the amateur lightweight division on August 21 in Milford.

“Evan and I have been making memories together since birth,” said Isaac. “At the age of six, we made our first appearance at Kaze Dojo. After countless blood sweat and tears, Evan and I are grateful to represent not only our home dojo but also New Hampshire’s North Country on August 21st. The three of us are ready to make one final memory before we part ways in the fall.”

Looking to play the role of spoiler on August 21شارع is Isaac’s opponent, and fellow amateur debutKaleb KenneyNicknamed “The Outlaw,” Kenney represents Team Nitemare based in Maine.

“Fighting in a cage has been a dream of mine for a long time,” stated Kenney.  “I’ve been training hard for this and can’t wait to showcase my skills. I’m super pumped that my debut will be on a NEF card close enough that people from home get a chance to come see all the hard work pay off.”

Tickets for “NEF 44: Back in Black” are on sale now atwww.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/The MMA and kickboxing event will take place at the Hampshire Dome in Milford, New Hampshire on Saturday, أغسطس 21, 2021, مع الوقت جرس 7 pm.