Tag Archives: Michael Spinks

Kahe divisjoni maailmameister Michael Spinks kinnitati kuuenda iga-aastase boksifännide näitusele, Cinco de Mayo nädalavahetusel, Laupäev mai 2, Las Vegas

Kasti Fan Expo – USA-s toimunud suurim poksifännide üritus –

ülim poksifännide kogemus

Piletid on müügil nüüd EventBrite

For Immediate Release

Las Vegas (Veebruar 20, 2020) – Kahe divisjoni maailmameister Michael Spinks on kinnitanud, et ilmub laupäeval kuuendat korda toimuvale Box Fan Expo'le, Mai 2, 2020, aastast Las Vegases Coxi paviljonis 10 a.m. kuni 5 Pärastlõunal.

Spinks korraldab Meet & Tervitage oma fännidega oma boksis Cinco De Mayo nädalavahetusel toimunud fännide üritusel.

Box Fan Expo on iga-aastane fännide üritus, mis langeb kokku mõne spordialaga’ legendaarne, klassikalised võitlused Las Vegases, sealhulgas Mayweather vs.. Maidana II, Mayweather vs. Berto, Canelo vs. Chavez Jr., Canelo vs. GGG II, ja Canelo vs. Jacobs. Keskendub poksi kauaaegsele kodule – Las Vegas – selle aasta Expo on kohustuslik võitlusfännidele, kes tulevad selleks legendaarseks nädalavahetuseks, kümnete elukutseliste võitlejatega, edendajaid, ja poksitööstusega tegelevad ettevõtted. Expo on suurim ja ainus Ameerika Ühendriikides korraldatav poksifännide näitus. http://boxfanexpo.com– @BoxFanExpo

Piletid Box Fan Expo on saadaval internetis aadressil:

Spinks ilmub sel aastal teist korda’ Expo ja kirjutame alla kindad, pildid, isiklikud esemed ja mälestusesemed. Spinksil on tema boksis ka kaupa müügil, ja fännidel on ka võimalus pilte teha selle poksi legendiga, mida tuntakse ka kui “Jinx.”

Michael Spinksist
Spinks on kahe divisjoni maailmameister, aastast omanud vaieldamatut kergekaalu tiitlit 1983 kuni 1985, aastast pärinev raskekaalu tiitel 1985 kuni 1988. Aastal lisati ta rahvusvahelisse poksikuulsuste halli 1994. Amatöörina võitis ta kuldmedali keskkaalu divisjonis 1976 Suveolümpiamängudel.

Spinks on endise raskekaalu maailmameistri Leon Spinksi vend, ja Cory Spinksi onu, endine poolkaalu ja kerge keskkaalu meister.
Spinks jäi oma esimeses võitmatuks 31 professionaalne võitleb, peksmas selliseid vastaseid nagu Dwight Muhammad Qawi, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Marvin Johnson ja Eddie Davis on teel kergekaalu vaieldamatuks meistriks. Pärast kümmet edukat tiitlikaitset, Spinks tõusis raskekaalu juurde, ja alistas alaealisena pikka aega valitsenud IBF-i raskekaalu meistri Larry Holmesi; seda tehes, Spinks tuli esimeseks valitsevaks kergekaalu maailmameistriks, kes võitis raskekaalu tiitli. Spinks sai alles profikarjääris kaotuse Mike Tysoni kätte juunikuus 27, 1988. Rahvusvaheline poksiuuringute organisatsioon ja BoxRec kuuluvad Spins kõigi aegade kümne suurima kergekaalu hulka.

Box Fan Expo kohta
Box Fan Expo on ülim poksifännide kogemussündmus, mis võimaldab fännidel kohtuda minevikku esindavate poksitähtedega, spordi olevik ja tulevik. Hostitud autogrammide allkirjastamisega, kohtuvad ja tervitavad poksi praeguste ja endiste maailmameistritega, müügil piiratud tiraažiga kaup, kingitused ja palju muud, see on ülim sündmus spordiala fännidele.

Varasemad osalenud poksitähed hõlmavad järgmist: Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Sugar Ray Leonard, Julio Cesar Chavez, Juan Manuel Marquez, Tommy Hearns, Roy Jones Jr, Marco Antonio Barrera, Erik Morales, Andre Ward, Mikey Garcia, Marcos Maidana, Devin Haney, David Benavidez, Errol Spence Jr, Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Abner Mares, James Toney, Jessie Vargas, Vinny Paz, Mia St.John, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris, Riddick Bowe, Earnie pardlid, Michael & Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Claressa Shields, Teofimo Lopez, Brandon Rios, Jorge Linares, ja paljud teised.

Eksponentide hulgas on poksiedendajaid, käik, rõivad, seadmed, energiajoogid, täiendada tooteid, ringhäälingumeedia, sanktsioneerivad asutused, ja muud ettevõtted, kes tutvustavad oma kaubamärki fännidele ja poksitööstusele tervikuna.

Järgmise paari kuu jooksul enne üritust, toimuvad iganädalased värskendused paljude staaride kohta, kes panevad oma välimuse Boxing Expo'le.

Box Fan Expo piletid on saadaval Eventbrite'is –


Box Fan Expo on ülim fännikogemussündmus, mis annab poksifännidele võimaluse kohtuda ja tervitada tippvõitlejaid, praegused ja endised maailmameistrid, poksi kuulsused ja tööstuse inimesed lähedases isiklikus keskkonnas.

Piletid on müügil nüüd EventBrite

For Immediate Release

Las Vegas (Aprill 23, 2019) – Poksilegend & nelja divisjoni maailmameister Roy Jones Jr. on kinnitanud, et ta ilmub, pidage boksi ja kohtuge ja tervitage oma fännidega laupäeval mais toimuval viiendal iga-aastasel Box Fan Expos 4, 2019 Las Vegas Convention Center. Expo on avatud alates 10 a.m. kuni 5 pärast lõunat, Cinco De Mayo nädalavahetusel. Poksinäitus langeb kokku ka väga oodatud võitlusega Canelo Alvarezi ja Danny Jacobsi vahel, mis toimub hiljem samal õhtul T-Mobile Arenal.

Box Fan Expo piletid on saadaval Eventbrite'is –

Sellel aastal astub Jones välja 2. korda’ Expo ja kirjutame alla kindad, pildid,isiklikke esemeid ja ka fännidele nautimiseks on kaupa. Poksisõpradel on võimalus ka selle poksi elava legendiga pilte teha, mida paljud peavad üheks suurimaks naelsterlingiks, ja kõigi aegade parim poksija.

Jones liitub Mayweather Promotionsiga, Anthony Dirrell, WBA, Julio Cesar Chavez, RiddickBowe, Mikey Garcia, Errol Spence Jr., Marco Antonio Barrera, Mia St,John, Juan Manuel Marquez, Vinny Paz, Devin Haney, Earnie pardlid, Al Bernstein, Michael Spinks, WBC, Erik Morales, James Toney ja Jessie Vargas kui varane pühendumus tänavusele Box Fan Expo'le, välja kuulutatakse veel poksitähed.

Roy Jones Jr. kohta.
Roy Jones Jr. on Ameerika profipoksija, kes on hõivanud arvukalt meistrivõistlusi keskkaalus, Super keskkaalus, Kergekaalulised ja raskekaallased. Ta on ajaloos ainus poksija, kes alustas oma karjääri juunioride keskkaalus, ja jätkake raskekaalu tiitli võitmist. Samuti märgitakse teda WBC pidamise eest, WBA, IBF, IBO, NABF, WBF, ja IBA kergekaalu meistrivõistlused; rekordiliselt seitse vööd korraga. Jones jättis poksiajalukku jälje, kui võitis WBA raskekaalu tiitli, aastal esimese raskekaalu tiitli võitnud endise keskkaalu meistrina 106 aastat. Veebruari seisuga 2018, Jones omab poksiajaloo ühtsete kergekaalu tiitlivõistluste enim võitu, kell kaksteist. Ajakiri Ring nimetas Jonesi aasta võitlejaks 1994, ja maailma poksi kuulsuste galerii nimetas ta aasta võitlejaks 2003. Ta on ka kolmekordne parima poksija ESPY auhinna võitja (1996, 2000, ja 2003). Jones sai nime “Fighter aastakümne” 1990. aastateks Ameerika Poksikirjanike Ühing.

Box Fan Expo kohta
Box Fan Expo on ülim poksifännide kogemussündmus, mis võimaldab fännidel kohtuda ja tervitada tänapäeva poksi superstaare, praegused ja endised maailmameistrid, spordiala legendid ja muud poksikuulsused. Fännid võivad oodata mitmesugust suhtlemist, näiteks autogrammi- ja fotosessioone, FaceOff koos oma lemmik poksijatega, pilte koos Ring Card Girlsiga, Live DJ-muusika, võimalus võita auhindu, osta kaupu ja mälestusesemeid erinevatest boksidest, “KÕIK Ühe katuse all”. Te ei taha sellest kohustuslikust Expo-st ilma jääda!

Box Fan Expo on fännide ja poksitööstuse inimeste seas olnud suur edu. Viimasel neljal Expos on käinud paljud poksi staarid, näiteks Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones noorem, Andre Ward, Mikey Garcia, Marcos Maidana, Juan Manuel Marquez, Erik Morales, Errol Spence Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Juuda, James Toney, Jessie Vargas, Vinny kannatlikkus, Mia St.John, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie pardlid, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abner Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios ja palju muud…
Eksponentide hulgas on: poksiedendajad, käik, rõivad, seadmed, energiajoogid, täiendada tooteid, ringhäälingumeedia, sanktsioneerivad asutused, ja teistel osaleda soovivatel ettevõtetel on taas võimalus oma brändi fännidele ja poksitööstusele tutvustada.

Kogu järgmise paari päeva jooksul enne üritust, seal on veel värskendusi paljude staaride kohta, kes panevad oma välimuse Boxing Expo'le. Ja kõigile boksitööstuses või muudele eksponentidele (mittetööstus), kes tahaks olla kaasatud ja reserveerida putka,


Visit our website

ATLANTA, GA (Veebruar 28, 2019) - Crypto Boxers, the first and only boxing game operating on blockchain technology, continues to make strategic moves around the virtual ropes. Concept creator Andrew Gilliam, founder and CEO of Me N’ Mines Media, has come out swinging with a defiant new logo; a new website (http://cryptoboxers.io/), designed by independent game development studio, PlayStakes; and a TKO game plan to bring “real boxing to the blockchain. Pushing the technology envelope beyond what is currently available in the crypto gaming space, Crypto Boxers has gamers in feverish anticipation as it will feature real life boxers as collectible tokens for the virtual fighting action on Ethereum.

Crypto Boxers’ new logo now promotes the player as the ultimate crypto contender, switching the emphasis off the professional boxers and over to the gamer. The dynamic new website provides a preview into Crypto Boxers’ fully immersive, user friendly world where gamers will experience a fantasy boxing arena and engage in an interactive “gloves on” ring experience with the boxer of their choice.

“They said it couldn’t be done but we are doing it,” reveals Gilliam. “After 459 rejections, I now have major commitments, partners and growing interest from professional boxers who are calling us now. We are the first professional sports game on blockchain, and we plan to go every round! The logo and website are just a teaser of what is yet to come.”

Round4RoundBoxing, LatinoAthlete, FightTyme, ja RichPlaceMedia are the first official partners to be announced by Crypto Boxers. Crypto Boxers will be releasing the names of confirmed professional boxers, boxing officials and judges that will be in the game soon. Some of the current talks with professional boxers include legendary champs like Evander Holyfield, Larry Holmes, Michael Spinks ja Antonio Tarver, along with currently active champsTerrance Crawford and female boxer Christina Hammer.

To throw your glove into the digital ring and stay updated on launch details, weigh in with Crypto Boxers edasi Puperdama, Facebook, ja Instagram and #GetIntheRing now at cryptoboxers.io !


Former Heavyweight Champions & Stars Discuss Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury Heavyweight Championship Showdown Taking Place This Saturday, Detsember 1 Live Showtime PPV® pärit STAPLES Center in Los Angeles
Vajuta SIIN jaoks Fotod Esther Lin / SHOWTIME



LOS ANGELES (November 30, 2018) – One day before the most significant heavyweight event in the U.S. üle 15 aastat, heavyweight legends have descended on Los Angeles to discuss the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury showdown that will be live on SHOWTIME PPV® Saturday night from STAPLES Center in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




A media roundtable featured heavyweight greats Evander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis, Riddick Bowe, Gerry Cooney, Earnie pardlid, Buster Douglas ja Michael Spinks as they broke down Saturday’s battle of unbeaten giants.




Piletid sündmus, which is promoted by BombZquad Enterprises and Queensberry Promotions, in association with TGB Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, are on sale now and are available via AXS.com. Wilder vs. Fury will be produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV. The suggested retail price (SRP) for the pay-per-view telecast is $64.99 for standard definition.




The roundtable was hosted by SHOWTIME Sports award-winning reporter Jim Gray from the Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites, Los Angeles. Here is what the heavyweight legends had to say Friday:





I feel that Deontay Wilder will win because eventually he’ll land that right hand. He’s very patient. He’s a thinker, but he can also take chances. When people take chances, they win.




Deontay might not have as much experience as we did in our day, but he’s got the power. That’s what the people want to see and I think they’re going to be happy when they see it.




There was a point in time where every great heavyweight was from the United States. We had a very good amateur program. I was the last true heavyweight champion from the U.S. before Wilder and until I lost the decision against Lennox.




To be the heavyweight champion of the world, and to say you’re the best, you have to fight any man.


Lennox LEWIS




I think it’s going to be a great fight. Deontay Wilder has a terrific right hand and when it lands, not too many people can stand up to it. I also think that you can’t hurt what you can’t hit. Tyson Fury is not an easy person to hit. He has great ability and movement. I’m going with Deontay early or Fury late.




We all know how it feels to lose the heavyweight championship. We know how hard it is to gain it back. Fury has lost it, and now he wants it back. I can see now that he’s sacrificing and saying to himself that he shouldn’t have lost it, and now he has to regain it.




I think the view in the U.K. is that Tyson Fury is the man that stepped up. The gauntlet was thrown out there and he stood up for Britain. Deontay came to England to challenge Anthony Joshua, but it was Tyson Fury who answered the call.




I would say that there are a couple of meccas in boxing that are places where everyone wants to fight. Las Vegas, New York and of course, Los Angeles. My fight against Vitali Klitschko at STAPLES Center was a great fight. My plan that night was not to box to go the distance, I boxed to go a short distance and it did.






I’m going with Deontay Wilder tomorrow night. He’s going to put on a great show for everyone and get another knockout.




Tyson Fury is skilled and tall, aga mulle, he doesn’t do enough on offense. He moves but he doesn’t move his hands enough.






I think it’s a great fight tomorrow night. We know that Fury is coming back motivated. If Wilder finds a home for that right, he’s going to take Fury out. I think he’s going to connect at some point during the fight.




I think Tyson Fury is a great man for how far he’s come back in his life and for standing up to Deontay Wilder. Fury called him out, so maybe he knows something we don’t know.




I’m so glad to be up here. Look at all these great heavyweights and great guys. It’s special and they’re all here to watch this fight tomorrow night.






Me and Deontay are both from Alabama. I’ll be inducted into the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame soon and Deontay will be there one day as well. Deontay is a great puncher and I’m pulling for him tomorrow night.




I fought in a great era. If you fight guys on the same level, you’ll get good fights. These guys today could get in there in our day and put on a good show.






I think this is going to be a good competitive fight. If I had to pick, I’d take Deontay Wilder by knockout in the eighth round.




I feel like Tyson Fury has already won by battling back and getting into great shape and being in this position. I’m sure many people thought they’d never see him back here. That’s a victory in itself.




My victory over Mike Tyson changed my life in a great way. I was now the heavyweight champion of the world. My dream had come true. Seeing my two youngest kids being born was the only thing that could top it.





“Võib parim mees võidab. I don’t know who’s in the best of shape but I think Fury being out of the ring makes me lean toward Deontay Wilder. If Fury is as big in person as they say he is, he’s got a great chance.



If you’re the underdog, you just have to go on what you know and what you’ve worked on. You can’t pay attention to the doubters. You focus on what you’ve prepared yourself for and give it your all. I always saw myself winning. It’s the greatest feeling to come out of the ring victorious.




# # #



Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury pits the WBC Heavyweight World Champion Wilder against the lineal heavyweight champion Fury on SHOWTIME PPV® Laupäev, Detsember 1 from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles and presented by Premier Boxing Champions. The PPV undercard begins at 9 Pärastlõunal. ET / 6 Pärastlõunal. PT and will featureunbeaten unified super welterweight world champion Jarrett Hurd returning to take onJason Welborn, Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis Ortiz facing-off against Travis Kauffman and rising undefeated heavyweight Joe Joyce battling Joe Hanks.




Lisateavet www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comja www.staplescenter.com jälgida puperdama @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @BronzeBomber, @Tyson_Fury, TGBPromotions, @STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions jawww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.

USA Boxing declares JuneAlumni Association Membership Drive Month

Miguel Cotto Gerry Cooney
Jesse Vargas
Kevin McBride Reggie Johnson
Junior Jones
Michael Spinks Antonio Tarver
James Toney

Colorado Springs, Ring. (Juuni 11, 2018) – USA Boxing’sAlumni Association Membership Drive Monthgot off to a knockout start this past weekend in Canastota, New York, at the annual International Boxing Hall of Fame Class induction ceremonies, as nine high-profile boxers, featuring an incredible accumulate pro record of 365-51-7 (239 Kos) ja 24 major world titles, joined the growing USABAA ranks as proud, new members.


Chris Cugliari ja John Scully represented USA Boxing Alumni Association, manning tables at the IBHOF golf tournament and Memorabilia Show, to increase USABAA awareness and recruit new members.




The spirit of amateur boxing was alive and well throughout the International Boxing Hall of Fame weekend,” explained Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Association tegevdirektor. “Information about the new USA Boxing Alumni Association was well received by the weekend’s guests, and esteemed alumni such as Jesse Vargas and Reggie Johnson mentioned that they are excited to become more involved. The Alumni Association thanks the support provided by many this weekend, particularly Micky Ward and Antonio Tarver, who continue to spread our mission.




The fact is that the vast majority of professional boxers who attend the Hall of Fame weekend at Canastota each year were at one time amateur boxers and knew each other well before they ever even turned professional,” added invaluable USABAA advisor Scully, who recruits boxers for group-sponsored events like this. “At some point in the conversations between boxers across the grounds, the topics frequently will eventually turn to their amateur days together.




The amateurs, for me, was about fighting for respect,” Kahe-divisjoni maailmameistriks Junior Jones (50-6, 28 Kos); märkida. “To go to different places and make it very far (amatöör), you have to learn how to conduct yourself and transact with others.




Other new USABAA members are six-time, kaks divisjoni maailmameister Miguel Cotto(41-6, 33 Kos); four-time, kaks divisjoni maailmameister, samuti 1976 Olympic gold medalist and Hall of Famer, Michael Spinks (31-1, 21 Kos); Irish heavyweight who retired Mike Tyson, Kevin McBride (35-10-1, 29 Kos); two-time, kaks divisjoni maailmameisterJesse Vargas (28-2-1, 10 Kos); five time world champion and 1996 Olympic pronks Antonio Tarver (31-6-1, 22 Kos); two-time, kaks divisjoni maailmameister Reggie Johnson (44-7-1, 25 Kos), kolmekordne, kolm divisjoni maailmameister James Toney (77-10-3, 47 Kos); and world heavyweight contender Gerry Cooney (38-3, 24 Kos).


USA poksi vilistlaste ühing




Loodud kogu elu võitlema, vastastikku kasulikud suhted USA Boxingu ja selle vilistlaste vahel, –poksijad, ametnikud, treenerid ja poksisõbrad — Vilistlaskogu ühendab meistrite põlvkondi, inspireerides ja andes tagasi USA Boxingu tulevastele poksimeistritele, ja sealt ring.




USA poksi vilistlaskogu on avatud kõigile, kes armastavad poksi ja tahaksid amatöörpoksiga ühenduses olla. Liikmetele antakse juurdepääs mitmesugustele eriüritustele, mida korraldab Vilistlaskogu, sealhulgas selle iga-aastane USA poksi vilistlaste ühingu kuulsuste vastuvõtt.




Vilistlaskoguga liitumiseks, simply register at alumni@usaboxing,.org for a $40.00 aastas liikmemaks. Uued liikmed saavad T-särgi, võtmehoidja ja e-rahakott.





I think this is great,” Jones talked about the formation of the USA Boxing Alumni Association. “Fighters who turned pro were great amateurs, but there are also a lot of amateurs who didn’t turn pro. Everybody doesn’t become champion, but they tried and gave their best, and that’s why this organization is good because all boxers are appreciated.




Although Hall of Fame weekend tends to focus on the professional careers of many fighters,” Cugliari concluded, “it was hard not to notice the effect that amateur boxing has had on the lives of many of these great champions. The USA Boxing Alumni Association wants to thank Ed Brophy for his generosity and support for boxing, and we look forward to a long partnership with the International Boxing Hall of Fame.




Puperdama: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing


Webster decisions Riojas in Atlantic City Wins by Seldon, Ajamu, Wikins and Manzueta

Atlantic City, New Jersey (Juuni 1, 2018)–Super Middleweight Derrick Webster pounded his way to a 10-round unanimous decision over Oscar Riojas in the main event of a five-bout card at The Claridge Hotel.




Mis Downing Promotions promoted the near-capacity show.




Mis win, Webster captured the American Boxing Federation Continental Americas Super Middleweight title.




Webster was pinpoint with his jab, which he followed with a solid body work that reddened the sides of Riojas. Webster stunned the gritty Riojas on several occasions, but the visitor from Monterrey, Mexico showed a good chin and remained on his feet for the ten-round bout.




Scores were all 100-90 in favor of Webster of Glassboro, New Jersey, kes on nüüd 26-1. Riojas is 16-10-1.




It was boxing in there. I put on a display. Roy Jones told me to keep him long, ja see, mida ma tegin. I started the body work a little late, but the jab was my key. I could have done a little more with the body, but the jab was everything tonight,” said Webster.




In the 1st round, I hit him with a big right hand, but the bell saved him. I hit him good a couple more times. Some guys know how to survive, and he is one of them.




We have been talking to the USBA about fighting for their title. That will get me to where I need to be. I am ready for a world title shot. I have been putting it out there that I would like fight George Groves or Tyron Zuege. I will go to China or Germany or wherever to fight those guys.


Isiah Seldon scored two knockdowns en-route to a six-round unanimous decision over Lamar Harris in a super middleweight bout.




Voorus neli, Seldon landed a perfect counter right that sent Harris to the deck. Voorus viis, it was another right that mad Harrisglove touch the canvas for a 2nd time.




Seldon of Atlantic City won by scores of 60-52 kaks korda ja 59-53 ja nüüd 12-1-1. Harris of St. Louis is 9-15-4.




Prince Badi Ajamu won a eight-round unanimous decision over Edgar Perez in a cruiserweight rematch. Ajamu of Camden, New Jersey won by scores of 80-72 kaks korda ja 79-73 tõsta oma kaubamärgi 29-4-1. Perez of Chicago is 7-25.


James Wilkins stopped Joe Gbola at the end of round two of their scheduled four-round featherweight bout.




Wilkins dropped Gbolo midway through the 2nd round, and then pounded on his opponent for the rest of the round. The bout was stopped in between rounds.




Wilkins of Brooklyn, NY is 4-0 koos 4 knockouts. Gbolo of Newbergh, NY is 3-3-2.




Menetluse algatamise hooaeg õhtul, Felix Manzueta stopped Antonio Allen in round two of a scheduled four-round welterweight bout.




Manzueta pounded on Allen until the bout was stopped at 1:17.




Manzueta of Dover, Delaware on 2-0 with both wins coming via stoppage. Allen of Philadelphia is 0-8-1.




The card took place on Atlantic City Hall of Fame weekend, and stars such as Roy Jones Jr., Riddick Bowe, Evander Holyfield, Hector Camacho Jr., Bruce Seldon, Mark Breland, Marlon Starling, Michael Spinks and Jeff Chandler were among the dignitaries that were sitting ringside.





Mis Downing Promotions would like to thank their sponsors which includes The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame, The Claridge Hotel, Fantasea Resorts, AEI Insurance, Urgent Response, HairX, Buy Smart Motors & New Vision Property Management.

31stannuaalne sõrmus 8 Holiday Sündmus & Auhinnatseremoonia ÜLEVAADE & PILDID

(L-R) — Ring 8 Muhammad Ali aasta rahvusvaheline võitleja Vasyl Lomanchenko & Ring 8 president Jack Hirsch. (Kõik pildid Peter Frutkoff)
NEW YORK (Detsember 11, 2017) – Vähem kui 24 tundi pärast seda, kui ta alistas varem võitmatuna Guillermo Rigondeaux, WBO juunioride kergekaalu maailmameister ja kahekordne olümpiakuld Vasyl “Tere Tech” Lomachenko osales eilsel (Pühapäev, Detsember. 9) 31st aastane Ring 8 Pühadeüritus ja auhinnatseremoonia sõrmuse vastuvõtmiseks 8 2017 Muhammad Ali rahvusvaheline aasta võitleja auhind.
Galaüritus toimus Russo’s On The Bay Howard Beachil, New York, ja David Diamante tegutses taas ürituse tseremooniameistrina.
Kohal oli kuus maailmameistrit, sealhulgas kolm auhinnasaajat: Lomachenko), Rahvusvaheline kuulsuste saal Michael Spinks (Ajaloo auhind), ja viiekordne maailmameister Amanda “Real Deal” Serrano (New Yorgi osariigi aasta naisvõitleja); Maailmameistrid Vito Antuofermo, Iraan Barkley ja Luis Collazo näitasid oma toetust.
“Meie auhindade bankett oli läbi aegade üks parimaid,” Ring 8 president Jack Hirsch öeldud. “Meil on suur au, et Vasyl Lomachenko osales päev pärast oma karjääri suurimat võitlust. Tema kohalolek lõi elektrilise atmosfääri, tüüp, mida harva näeb. Teised autasustatud, Michael Spinksi juhtimisel, tegi sellest pärastlõuna, mis jääb alatiseks meelde.”
2017 RING 8 Võitjad
Muhammad Ali rahvusvaheline aasta võitleja: Vassõl Lomatšenko
Ajaloo auhind: Michael Spinks
(saatejuht Jack Hirschiga)
Aasta rahvusvaheline väljavaade: Michael Conlan
NYS aasta võitleja: Marcus Browne
(saatejuhi Teddy Atlasega)
NYS aasta naisvõitleja: Amanda Serrano
Sunnyside Gardens'i auhind:: Bobby Cassidy, Sr.
(Bobby Cassidy, Jr. isa vastuvõtmine koos saatejuht Henry Hascupiga)
NYS aasta väljavaade: Devaun Lee
(saatejuhi Felipe Gomeziga)
Sam Kellermani meediaauhind: Matt Christie
Aasta NYS-i treener: Hektor Roca
Pikk & Teeneteenus: Edwin torres
NYS aasta ametnik: Robert Perez
Aasta NYS-i edendaja: Mercedes Vasquez Simmons
(saatejuht Melvina Lathaniga)
Kroonimata Champion: Richard Kiley
(koos saatejuhi Vinny Maddalonega)
Ringside aasta arst: Dr. Osric King
Hea poisi auhind: Joanne Doyle Hutchins
Ring 8 Aasta liige: George Newman
(saatejuhi John Rohega)
Ühenduse Service Award: Mike Reno
(koos saatejuhtide Bob Duffyga (L) ja Bobby McGuire)
Tõusva võistleja auhind: Skender & Enver Halili

31stannuaalne sõrmus 8 Holiday Sündmus & Auhinnatseremoonia selle pühapäeva pärastlõunal New Yorgis

NEW YORK (Detsember 5, 2017) – Sellele pühapäeva pärastlõunale on veel piiratud pileteid saadaval 31st aastane Ring 8 Holiday Event ja auhinnatseremoonia, vahel 12:30 ja 5:30 Pärastlõunal. JA, kell Russo On Bay Howard Beach, New York.
Osaleb kuus maailmameistrit, sealhulgas kolm auhinnasaajat: WBO juunioride kergekaalu maailmameister ja kahekordne olümpiakuld Vasyl “Tere Tech” Lomachenko (Muhammad Ali rahvusvaheline aasta võitleja), Hall-of-Famer Michael Spinks (Ajaloo auhind), ja viiekordne maailmameister Amanda “Real Deal” Serrano (New Yorgi osariigi aasta naisvõitleja).
Veel üks kuulsuste saali staar, Evander “Real Deal” Holyfield, ei saa reisikonflikti tõttu pidustustel osaleda, kuid ta sai oma legendide auhinna viimasel ringil 8 kohtumine.
Maailmameistrid Vito Antuofermo, Iraan Barkley ja Luis Collazo on coKinnitatud erikülalised.
muud 2017 Ring 8 auhinna võitjate hulgas on kahekordsed iirlased Olümpialane Michael Conlan (Aasta rahvusvahelise väljavaate auhind), 2012 USA-s. Olümpose “Söör” Marcus Browne(New Yorgi osariigi aasta võitleja), Staten Island.
“Ootusootus kasvab jätkuvalt, kui liigume ringile lähemale 8 auhindade bankettpühapäeval,” Ring 8 president Jack Hirsch öeldud. “Meil on au, et Vasyl Lomachenko ja Michael Conlan osalevad vaatamata sellele, et nad võitlesid eelmisel õhtul Madison Square Gardenis.. Paljud peavad Lomachenkot maailma parimaks naela vastu võitlejaks, ja Conlan on parim väljavaade. Ja fännidele on Michael Spinksi nägemine eriline maiuspala, keda tunnustatakse kui ajaloo esimest poolraskekaalu meistrit, kes on raskekaalu krooni võitnud.
“Auhinna bankett on väga mõistliku hinnaga. Inimesed ei saa mitte ainult suhelda suurte võitlejatega, aga Russo’s on the Bay toit on suurepärane ja õhkkond esmaklassiline.”
2017 RING 8 Võitjad
Muhammad Ali rahvusvaheline aasta võitleja: Vassõl Lomatšenko
Ajaloo auhind: Michael Spinks
Aasta rahvusvaheline väljavaade: Michael Conlan
NYS aasta võitleja: Marcus Browne
NYS aasta naisvõitleja: Amanda Serrano
Sunnyside Gardens'i auhind:: Bobby Cassidy, Sr.
NYS aasta väljavaade: Devaun Lee
Tõusva võistleja auhind: Skender & Enver Halili
Sam Kellermani meediaauhind: Matt Christie
Aasta NYS-i treener: Hector Rosa
Pikk & Teeneteenus: Edwin torres
NYS aasta ametnik: Robert Perez
Aasta NYS-i edendaja: Mercedes Vasquez Simmons
Kroonimata Champion: Richard Kiley
Ringside aasta arst: Dr. Osric King
Hea poisi auhind: Joanne Doyle Hutchins
Ring 8 Aasta liige: George Newman
Ühenduse Service Award: Mike Reno
David Diamante teenib taas ürituse tseremooniameistrina.
Piletid $125.00 Sissepääs sisaldab täielikku hilist hommikusööki koos kokteilitunniga, järgneb istekoha juures autasustamistseremoonial, õhtusöök ja dessert, ja top-shelf avatud baar kogu pärastlõuna. Kontakt Ring 8 president Jack Hirsch (516.790.7592 võiAjhirsch5@aol.com) osta pileteid.
Go online www.Ring8ny.com Ringi kohta lisateabe saamiseks 8 või selle aastast Holiday Sündmused ja auhinnatseremoonia.
Russo On The Bay asub 162-45 Crossbay Blvd. Howard Beach(718.843.5055).
INFO RING 8: Moodustati 1954 poolt ex-Prizefighter, Jack Grebelsky, Ring 8 sai kaheksanda tütarettevõte mida tol ajal tuntud kui National Veteran poksijad Association – siit, RING 8 – ja täna organisatsiooni moto jääb: Bokserid aitamine poksijad.
RING 8 on täielikult toetada vähem õnnelikud inimesed poks kogukond, kes võivad vajada abi nii üüri, ravikulud, või mis iganes põhjendatud vajadus.
Mine rida www.Ring8ny.com rohkem infot RING 8, Suurima grupi omalaadne Ameerika Ühendriigid rohkem kui 350 kohal. Aastane liikmemaksud on ainult $30.00 ja iga liikme õigus buffet õhtusöök RING 8 igakuistel koosolekutel, va juulis ja augustis. Kõik aktiivsed poksijad, amatöör-ja, on õigus tasuta RING 8 iga-aastased liikmemaksud. Külalised Ring 8 kohal on teretulnud hinnaga ainult $7.00 ühe inimese kohta.

Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Inducts 24 Charter Class Members

For Immediate Release
(Atlantic City, NJ – Juuni 15, 2017) – Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame (ACBHOF) Inaugural Induction weekend held on May 26, 27 and 28th was a smorgasbord of boxing royalty, celebrity guests and legions of boxing fans. ACBHOF mission is to create visibility and awareness through annual inductions ceremonies; boxing champions, as well as the boxing community at-large will have their names enshrined into immortality by being inducted into the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame.

Watching my vision come together with the assistance of Rodrick Green, the VP of Business Strategy, and Angela Crockett our Communications Director, along with the rest of my team and countless other supporters and fans across the country, who’ve embraced this endeavor has been overwhelmingly impressive.” – Ray McCline, Founder & President

The trio of events, which were sponsored by the Claridgea Radisson Hotel, kicked-off May 26th with a pre-reception and welcome address in the VÜE Rooftop Bar. The 150 guests included: Red Carpet Host Whitney Ullman, Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian, Councilman Frank Gilliam, Dr. Nina Radcliff, Flo Anthony, Aaron Snowell, Lillo Brancato, Alan Goldberg, Ray Mercer, Mark Breland, Iraan Barkley, Iceman John Scully, Tracy Patterson, Milton Luban, Chuck Zito, Grandy Twins, sponsors and stakeholders alike.

The Claridgea Radisson Hotel was proud to have hosted Atlantic City’s first Boxing Hall of Fame induction class. It’s events like this that make hospitality and history come to life in this city. From the Fight Fan Expo to the Gala it was a pleasure to see new faces and passion throughout a weekend of exceptional events. We look forward to hosting the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame events for years to come at The Claridgea Radisson Hotel.”- Cem Erenler, V.P. of Hotel Operations & Business Development

Mail 27, the festivities continued into the Fight Fan Experience, a festive boxing themed environment that included a Boxing Fantasy Camp, Pop-Up Barber Shop, Jack Johnson Exhibit Icons of Boxing, The Legacy Exists Joe Frazier Scholarship Fund, James O’Neal Sculptures, The Press of Atlantic City Exhibit, Food vendors and music by DJ Young Hitta.

The evening of May 27th concluded with an Honoree Gala in the Art Gallery celebratingWomen in Boxing.Host for the evening, Nino Del Buono. Honorees included: Cathy Burke, Marian Muhammad, Joan Pierce, Renee Aiken and AltheaVern” Saunders.

The culminating Induction celebration concluded Sunday, May 28th with a little over 500 Uudistajaid. The master of ceremonies for the ceremony, President of NJ Boxing Hall of Fame, Henry Hascup. The star-studded Charter Class members included: Don King, Michael Spinks, Larry Hazzard, Steve Smoger, Mike Rossman, Dwight Muhammad Qawi, Frank Gelb, Don Elbaum, J Russell Peltz, Dave Bontempo, Ken Condon, Robert Lee, Sr., Larry Holmes and Mike Tyson.

I would like to sincerely congratulate Mr. Ray McCline, Roy Foreman, Rodrick Green, Angela Crockett and all of the wonderful people responsible for the great Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame weekend which took place on May 26th, 27th, and 28th. The event was an astounding success and it allowed many of us, who attended, the opportunity to relive some of the exciting moments of our past boxing history. The establishment of the ACBHOF will also ensure that the great legacy of Atlantic City Boxing, will be remembered and celebrated for many years to come!! Once again congratulations and I look forward with great anticipation to next year’s celebration. God Bless!!” – Commissioner Larry Hazzard, NJ State Athletic Control Board

Posthumous Inductees: Arturo Gatti (received by Sofia Bella Gatti); Leavander Johnson (received by his Son); Mathew Saad Muhammad (received by Mustafa Ameen); Lou Duva (received by Dino Duva); Jack Obermayer (received by his daughter Ellen Kaplan); Bert Sugar; Dennis Gomes (received by his daughter Danielle Gomes and Mrs. Gomes); Mike Hall, Sr. (received by his son Mike Hall, Jr.) ja dr. Frank Doggett (received by his daughter YvonneMissyDoggett).

It was such an incredible honor to be part of such a historic event. We had a blast at the HARD Kickoff party with Michael Spinks and Ray Mercer. It was so amazing to see all the young kids enjoying the Boxing experience. They are the new generation of Atlantic City Boxing. The Highlight of the weekend for us was the Gala, it was truly a memorable evening. Congratulations to Ray McCline and the inductees on a successful Inaugural Induction. The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame will be a staple destination for Boxing Fans in the years to come.” – Gregory V. Posella, President & Co-founder HARD Beverage

Former Miss America, Suzette Charles, Chicken Bone Beach Jazz Band and saxophonist Parris provided entertainment for the evening. Entertainment was coordinated by Kevin Crump.

Title Sponsors: Hard Lifestyle Beverages, Designer Wraps and Hammer Fiber Optics. The Atlantic City Police Athletic League is ACBHOF’s charitable arm. Keebler Media was the official ACBHOF videographer.

Other sponsors and supporters: City of Atlantic City; Triax 57; 2300 Areen; FantaSea Resorts; Adams Boxing; Rumble TV Network; Tina Davido Promotions; Abrams Boxing, Adams Boxing, Plush Vodka, Punzoné Organic Vodka, House of Genesis and WBC.

While the menus consisted of scrumptious passed hors d’oeuvres and signature drinks, the Honoree cake designed by Cake King of Queens and the unveiling of Commemorative Paintings by Nicolosi were stunning show stoppers.

Another extraordinary highlight from the weekend was when Arturo Gatti’s 11-year old daughter Sofia Bella Gatti accepted her father’s award alongside his longtime friends Chuck Zito and Mike Sciarra.


Social Media Platforms: @acbhof

Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Inaugural Induction Weekend Photos from Kick Off Meet and Greet

For Immediate Release
Below are Photos from Friday’s Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Kick off Meet and Greet Celebration that was held at the Vue Restaurant at The Claridge Hotel.
(Click on Photos to Enlarge)–Free to use for Journalistic Purposes. Credit-ACBHOF
Michael Spinks Don Elbaum
Steve Smoger Michael Spinks & Russell Peltz

Russell Peltz & Chuck Zito Chuck Zito & Arturo Gatti Painting

Michael Spinks & Mike Rossman Russell Peltz & Mike Rossman

WHO: The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame (ACBHOF)
MIS: The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame will enshrine 24 Charter Class members.
Confirmed to attend Honorees:
Mike Tyson, Michael Spinks, Don King, Larry Hazzard, Dwight Muhammad Qawi, J Russell Peltz, Frank Gelb, Mike Rossman, Bill Johnson, Steve Smoger, Dave Bontempo, Don Elbaum, Bob Lee and Ken Condon.
The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame will celebrate and remember the legacy of Lou Duva, Arturo “Kõu” kassid, Matthew Saad Muhammad as well as hometown hero Leavander Johnson for their extraordinary careers spanning seven decades.
Special Guests
  • *Ray Mercer (BULLYINGWe’re KickinIt Spokesperson)
  • *Mark Breland
  • *Iraan Barkley
  • *Milton Luban
  • *Tracy Patterson
  • *John Scully
  • Non Fighters
  • *Don Guardian, Mayor of Atlantic City
  • *Rodney Jerkins, multi Grammy-award winner
  • *Suzette Charles, former Miss America
  • *Sophia Gatti, daughter of Arturo Gatti
  • *Pat Lynch, renowned Boxing Manager
  • *Lillo Brancato, Näitleja
  • *Grandy Twins
  • *Vincenzo Vaccaro: Cake King of Queens
  • *Atlantic City Police Athletic League
  • *Aaron Snowell, co-organizer the Jack Johnson Exhibit
  • *BULLYINGWe’re Kickin’ See
  • *The Legacy Exists Joe Frazier Scholarship Fund
  • *Joseph Nicolosi, Artist known for his signature Pop Art portraits
  • *James O’Neal, Wood Sculpture Artist
KUS: The ClaridgeA Radisson Hotel, 123 South Indiana Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Reede, May 26th, Sunday May 27th and Sunday, May 28th