Yorliq Archives: Michael Kelly

McGivern Secures Light Heavy Title the Hard Way at Historic Clacton-on-Sea Event.

Ringside Report: Gianluca Di Caro


On Saturday night at the Princess Theatre in Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, Professional Boxing made a most welcome return to the seaside town after almost 80 yil, when Colchester’s Tommy Jacobs presented his latest boxing promotion, aptly titled ‘History’.


The previous pro boxing in the town, back in February 1939, see Ireland’s Mike Kavan beat London’s Charlie Mack at the then recently opened Butlin’s holiday camp.


Clacton is a town that’s steeped in boxing history, although since the second world war mainly of the Amateur variety, in fact Tommy Jacobs himself fought in the town on numerous occasions during his Amateur career and one of the greats of the sport is immortalized by the restaurant at the bowling alley on Clacton Pier, Armstrong’s, which is named after the American boxer John Henry Armstrong who beat British champion Ernie Roderick also in 1939.


It seemed rather appropriate that the very first of the pro boxing contests of this new era should feature the current World Boxing Foundation (WBF) International and European Champion, as well as promoter of the event, Tommi Jeykobs, in a non-Championship six round contest against Dundalk, Ireland’s Michael Kelly.


Right from the opening bell Jacobs took to the fight to his highly experienced opponent, albeit with just tentative testing jabs, but as the round progressed the action became more full on, with Jacobs backing up Kelly on to the ropes before letting rip with slick combinations to body and head.


Kelly, a previous multi-title challenger in his own right, initially covered up and absorbed the shots but soon began to counter effectively.


More of the same early in the second, although must credit Kelly for his slick responses that prevented Jacobs from having quite the same level of success in the first stanza, however as the clock entered the final 20 seconds or so of the round Jacobs started letting rip with big shots to the body with increasing success, so much so that literally in the final seconds Kelly was forced to take a knee after a particularly vicious left.


Unfortunately Kelly struggled to catch his breath and rise to his feet in time to beat Referee Lee Murtagh’s count, official time of the stoppage being 2 Minutes and 56 Seconds of the second round.


Following the fight Tommy Jacobs announced that the reason he undertook a non-championship six rounder and not the originally planned WBF Intercontinental title fight against Albanian Xhuljo Vrenozi, was that he has been proposed to potentially challenge Australia’s two time World Champion Sam Soliman for the World Boxing Foundation (WBF) World title in December.


The second bout of the night see Dean Porter making his professional debut against Liverpool’s Steven Sunners (2-0-0).

What a cracking all action affair, from start to finish both lads really went for it hammer and tongs.


After four scintillating closely fought rounds it came as no surprise that the result was going to be close, and close it was, Referee Lee Murtagh’s scorecard reading 39-38 in favour of Liverpool’s Steven Sunners.


Next up was a four round Featherweight contest between Clacton’s very own Ben ‘The ClaxicanCook and Belfast’s Chris Wong, both of whom were making their pro debuts.


The first couple of rounds, as with Porter-Sunners, were so closely fought that it wasn’t easy to call the winner of each round, however in the 3rd the decision was made a little easier after Cook landed a cracking body-shot late in the round to send the Irishman to his knees.


After four highly entertaining all action rounds Referee Lee Murtagh’s scorecard read 40-37 in favour of local hero Ben Cook.


As with the previous contest this was an all action thriller of epic proportions, so much so that it was without doubt it was the Fight of the Night.


Have to say really enjoyed this fight and hopefully after this pair get a few fights under their belts there’ll be a rematch as I would love to see these two in action against each other again, bu yaxshi bo'ldi.


The fourth fight of the night see Ipswich Super Middleweight Rob Elden making his pro debut against Liverpool’s Lee Cooper.


Elden started hard and fast, taking the fight to his more experienced foe and letting rip with big shots to body and head. Initially Cooper covered up but soon started countering with some big shots of his own, however in doing so left an opening in his defence that the Ipswich man was quick to capitalise on with a big right to the head to send Copper to the canvas.


Copper made it to his feet and action resumed in very much the same vein, with Elden backing Copper up before letting rip with big shots, Cooper once again responded with big shots of his own. As the round approached the second minute, once again Elden found a chink in Cooper’s armour and this time landed a big right to the body to send the Liverpudlian to the canvas for a second and final time. Official time of the stoppage was one minute and fifty-nine seconds of the first round.


The headline fight of the night see Hove’s Navid Iran and Scotland’s Ben McGivern battling it out for the vacant Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Silver International Light Heavyweight title.


Battling it out is the correct term; this was a Battle Royale of epic proportions.


Right from the off Iran took the fight to McGivern, backing the Scot onto the ropes and letting rip with a flurry of big left and rights. McGivern sensibly covered up and waited an opportunity to counter, which he did with good effect once the opportunity arose.


However it wasn’t enough to prevent Iran coming back with a similar forceful attack almost immediately. McGivern once again managed to counter and initially take control.


As the round progressed Iran landed a couple of cracking shots that again forced McGivern to cover up. Irann kept up the pressure with big shots, whilst McGivern caught most with his gloves a big right got through the Scots guard, shaking him to the core.


How McGivern made it to the end of the round, I just don’t know, his legs were well and truly gone, but somehow he did.


Round two see Iran come out hard and fast, however McGivern was ready for the assault, again initially covering up but this time instead of just countering and covering, he spun his opponent and went hard on the attack himself.


Round three see McGivern taking the fight to Iran, which led to some great technical boxing ensuing from both protagonists.


The next few rounds were fought in similar vein. The final round though was an out and out war; both boxers throwing caution to the wind and an all out slugfest ensued for the entire final three minuteswhat an exhilarating round.


After eight fantastic rounds of boxing it was Ben McGivern declared victor by scoring referee Lee Murtagh, a tomonidan 79-74 ball chet.


Have to say whilst definitely the right result, the result just doesn’t convey just how close each and every round, but the first, edi. These two really put on a magnificent show and was a serious contender for the Fight of the Night award.


What a great event to welcome pro boxing back to Clacton-on-Sea after a close to eighty-year hiatus, a return clearly appreciated by fans of the pugilistic arts who had packed the historic venue to the hilt almost an hour before the event was scheduled to begin.

Hisobot Fight: Tomas va Dudzinski "Preece" singari debyutlarga qoyil qolishdi, McIntyre va McGivern Kardiffda yirik g'alabalarni qo'lga kiritishdi

Gianluca Di Caro tomonidan xabar


Ben McGivern va boshqalar. Ben Xou
Karl Tomas va boshqalar. Kayl Maknikolas
Kacper Dudzinski va boshqalar. Michael Kelly
Levi Griffits va boshqalar. Scott McIntyre
Liam Preece va boshqalar. Steffan Hyuz

Fotosuratlar Tomas Jons tomonidan taqdim etilgan



Shanba Kuni Men Londondagi uyimdan G'arbiy Kardiff shahriga Ouen Uotkins uchun "Muz Arena Uels" da o'tkazilgan tadbir uchun sayohat qildim..

Ushbu tadbir Uelsning og'ir vazn toifasida Xari Maylz va Dorian Darch o'rtasida kutilgan barcha to'qnashuvlari bo'lishi kerak edi., Butunjahon boks jamg'armasi uchun (WBF) Evropa og'ir vazn toifasidagi chempionat. Ammo jangni keyinga qoldirish kerak edi, chunki Darch bir necha hafta oldin boshqa voqeada bo'lib o'tgan jangdan so'ng to'xtatib qo'yilgani sababli ishtirok eta olmadi..

Ushbu muvaffaqiyatsizlikka qaramay, Ouen Uotkins shou davom etishi kerak degan qarorga keldi va men uning bu tanlovni qilganidan mamnunman, rejalashtirilgan underkartada bir qator yuqori darajadagi havaskorlar bo'lganligi sababli, men ularning professional debyutlarini kutib o'tirgan edim.

Birinchi bo'lib Karl Tomas va Kayl Maknikolas o'rtasida to'rt bosqichli engil vazn toifasidagi musobaqada debyut qilindi.

Ikkala yigit ham o'zlarining boks mahoratlarini namoyish eta boshlashdi.

Davr o'tishi bilan Tomas bosimni kuchaytirdi, McNicholasni arqonlarga bog'lab, tanadan va Liverpudlian boshidan o'q bilan yirtib tashlashni boshladi..

Davr so'nggi daqiqalarga qadar davom etar ekan, Tomas McNicholasni o'zgacha silkitib yuborgan boshni o'ng tomonga urdi., Tomas chap tomoni bilan orqasidan orqasidan orqasidan katta chap tomoni bilan McNicholasni tuvalga yuborgan tanasi orqasidan ergashdi..

Ajablanarlisi shundaki, McNicholas hisobni amalga oshirdi, Mersisaydda ularni qattiq tug'dirishlariga ishonishadi, chunki bu pastki qovurg'a ostidan otilgan g'azabli tan edi, shunchaki odamlarning ortidan turishini ko'rmaysiz.

Qayta boshlashda Tomas hujumga qaytdi, birinchi navbatda qattiq jabdan o'q uzish, so'ng tanaga chap va boshga ikki baravar o'ng.

Tomas bosimni ushlab turdi, McNicholasni tanani boshi bilan birlashtirgan holda qalampirlang, so'ngra tanangizga shov-shuvli chap ilgak bilan yirtib qo'yishdan oldin McNicholasni neytral burchakka qaytarish uchun yana bir yaxshi qattiq jab., yubordi McNicholas ikkinchi marta pastga tushdi.

Hakam Rojer Rayli hisoblashni boshladi va u sakkizta hisoblash punktiga etib borishi bilan McNicholas urinib ko'rishga muvaffaq bo'ldi, birinchi raund tugaganligini bildirish uchun qo'ng'iroq chalinganidek, hakamga jangni ko'tarishdan boshqa imkoniyat qoldirmadi.

Men shuni aytishdan mamnunmanki, McNicholas juda yaxshi edi va ko'p o'tmay oyoqqa turdi.

Aynan shu jang haqidagi so'nggi fikrlarim; u faqat bir tur davom etgan bo'lishi mumkin, ammo bu qanaqa yorilish davri edi.

Keyingi o'rinda Kefel Dudzinski to'rtinchi bosqichda yarim o'rta vazn toifasida belfastlik Maykl Kelliga qarshi o'zining birinchi debyutini namoyish qilmoqda..

Darhol Dudzinski jiddiy kuchli jabning orqasiga o'tirdi va ishni tezkor qo'llar va qattiq ikki qavatli jabduqlar bilan boshqarishni boshladi.

Kelly hech qanday krujka emas, emas, balki bir uzoq otishni o'rganish, u ular kelganidek aqlli, ammo hattoki u mudofaa pozitsiyasini tan olishga va har qanday imkoniyatni sabr bilan kutishga majbur bo'ldi, qanchalik nozik bo'lmasin, qarshi turmoq, halol bo'lish juda oz edi.

Dudzinski Kellidan jiddiy taassurot qoldirdi va sportda ajoyib kelajakka ega.

Bu uning debyuti bo'lishi mumkin, lekin uning ishlashiga asoslanib shanba kuni tun, sobiq haqiqiy unvon da'vogariga qarshi, O'ylaymanki, u yuqoriga ko'tariladi va bunga ham loyiqdir, deyarli to'rt tur davomida Dudzinski singari Kellini orqa oyoqda ushlab turadigan har kim shubhasiz o'ziga xos narsa.

Adashmanglar, Kelli bir nechta zarba berdi, ammo Dudzinskiyning shov-shuvli darajada tezkorligi va ajoyib himoyasi bu imkoniyatlarni minimal darajaga etkazdi..

Oxirgi turda Kellidan ozgina teginish, "matritsa uslubi" reaktsiyasi harakatidan so'ng, bu uning qo'lqopga tegishiga deyarli to'sqinlik qildi, ammo, uni bezovta qilgani uchun hakam Kris Kellidan hisobot oldi, Garchi Kellining qo'lqopni tuvalga tegishidan qochganiga amin bo'lgan bo'lsa-da, Ammo u erda turish va norozilik bildirish o'rniga u yiqilib tushdi va o'z noroziligini ko'rsatish uchun butun hisob bo'yicha ko'tarish ishlarini boshladi, olomon zavq uchun ko'p.

To'rtta ajoyib turdan so'ng, Dudzinskiyning qo'lini baland ko'targanligi ajablanarli emas edi – Rasmiy natija Dudzinski o'zining birinchi g'alabasini a 40-35 ball chet.

Keyingi o'rinda Ben McGivern va Ben Hough qarshi to'rt raundlik Kruiser vazn toifasida bahslashdi.

Nima, bir jang, McGivern asosan jarayonni boshqaradi, birinchi bandning yaxshi bo'lagi uchun arqonlarni va orqa arqonni Houghga majbur qilish. Ehtimol, Xou birinchi bo'limda himoyada o'ynagan bo'lishi mumkin, ammo imkoniyatlar paydo bo'lganda u ularni uslubda qabul qildi.

Bu deyarli Ikkinchi raundda to'liq burilish bo'ldi, Xyu kurashini boshqarish va McGivernni orqa oyoqqa qo'yish bilan, va arqonlar, Shotlandiyalik birinchi raundni boshqarganiga o'xshaydi.

Uchinchi misra ancha yaqin jangovar voqea edi, shu qadar bo'ldiki, ularni ikkiga bo'lish qiyin edi, aqlli fikrlar.

To'rtinchisi uchinchisi tugashi bilan ozmi-ko'pmi boshladi, ikkala qahramon ham bolg'a va qisqich uchun harakat qilmoqda, Ammo raund davom etar ekan, McGivern tezlikni oshirib, nafaqat raundni ta'minlashga erishdi, shuningdek, g'alaba.

To'rt shov-shuvli barcha harakatlardan so'ng, Men yuqorida berganim kabi, G'olib chiqqan McGivern edi, hakam Rojer Rayli eng zo'r bahsda gol urmoqda 39-37 Shotlandiyalikning foydasiga.

Jangdan so'ng ikkala bokschi ham qayta jang o'tkazishga rozi bo'lishdi, Menga ishonchli xabar berishgan, ehtimol Liverpulda bo'lib o'tishi mumkin Sentyabr 8 – sanani kundaligingizga qo'ying bu kurashni hech kim o'tkazib yubormasligi kerak!

Kechaning oldingi jangi Blekvudni ko'radi, Janubiy Uels’ Liam Preece juda qarshi, juda kech almashtirilgan Pentrefoelas, Shimoliy Uels’ Steffan Hyuz Uelsning barcha musobaqalarida.

Bu jang qanday korker edi, bu boshidan to so'nggi qo'ng'iroqigacha bo'lgan barcha aksiyalarli triller edi.

Preece-ni hisobga olgan holda, og'irlik bilan shug'ullanadigan og'ir ahvolga tushgan, u haqiqatan ham bunga erishdi, kurashni yanada tajribali tomonga olib borish, va og'irroq, raqib.

Preece nafaqat hujumda, balki Xyuz boshlagan aniq ekzotekalardan himoya qilishda ham ishonchli tarzda boks qildi..

Preece davomida juda ta'sirli edi, va hakam Kris Kellining hisob qaydnomasi o'qilganida Ice Arena Wales-da hech kimni ajablantirmaganiga aminman. 40-36 Janubiy Uels Ladidagi ochkolar g'alabasi.

Kechaning so'nggi pro-jangi yuqori baholangan sobiq havaskor yulduz Port Talbotdan Levi Griffits va "Liverpul" dan Skott Makintayrga qarshi chiqdi..

Griffits juda silliq, Klassik yigit yaxshi boshladi va achchiq zarbalarni tushirdi, bu McIntyreni "B rejasiga" erta o'tishga majbur qildi, u Welshmanning katta zarbalarini olishiga yo'l qo'ymaslik uchun ichki tomonni ushlab turish uchun.

McIntyre-ning B rejasi chiroyli bo'lmasligi mumkin, lekin bola oh bola bu juda samarali edi.

Dastlabki ‘ochilgandan keyin’ davr, bu silliq uelsliklarga yaxshi darajadagi muvaffaqiyatlarga erishish imkonini berdi, janjalning aksariyati telefon qutisida bo'lishi mumkin edi.

McIntyre aniq Griffitsga katta zarbalar bilan yirtilib ketish imkoniyatini berish niyatida emas edi, uni shunchaki bog'lab turdi, ba'zan axloqsizlik bilan, shu qadar ko'pki, aytilganida ushlash yoki buzmaslik uchun ko'plab ogohlantirishlardan so'ng, hakam Rojer Rayli ochko olib tashladi, ammo hattoki ushbu ochko ajratish ham «Liverpul» ning g'alabasini ta'minlashga xalaqit bermayotgan edi, rasmiy hisob 39-36.

Aytish kerak, Shaxsan Maylz-Darch WBF Evropa chempionligi uchun kurash bo'lib o'tmaganidan hafsalasi pir bo'lgan paytda, promouter Ouen Uotkins men kabi eng yuqori darajadagi qo'llab-quvvatlash kartasini yig'di, Shuningdek, ishtirok etganlarning barchasi Pugilistic tuyadi yaxshi va haqiqatan ham taklif qilingan narxdan qoniqish hosil qilganiga aminman va uning keyingi lavozimini kutmoqdaman, kuni Nit shahridagi Cwrt Herbert bo'sh vaqtlarini o'tkazish markazida bo'lib o'tadi 22nd sentyabr.

Hisobot Fight: Fireworks In LiverpoolTurner & McConville In KO Form, Gallagher & Kennerdale Score Impressive Victories.



Ringside Report by Gianluca Di Caro



Juma Kuni kechqurun, faqat 24 hours before local hero Tony Bellew’s showdown with David Haye, Merseyside fight fans turned out in force for a little pugilistic aperitif at Hanger 34 in Liverpool for an event hosted by local promoter Kyle Gallagher.


Boy oh boy were they in for a cracking night of boxing to whet the appetite for the big fight, as in terms of action and drama the fights themselves were quite possibly not that far off being on par with those from the 02 in London the following night.


Heading up the event was local unbeaten prospect Dayle Gallagher, in action against Northern Ireland’s Michael Kelly, however as the Liverpool lad had elected to open up the professional element of the show, for a change I’m starting the report from the first fight rather than last.


Right from the off Gallagher took centre ring and began to pressure his more experienced opponent. Kelly though used his vast experience to good effect to contain the fast starting scouser.


As the round progressed opportunities arose for Gallagher to let rip with some cracking body-shots, Kelly though is well schooled defensively wise, which prevented the young prospect getting too many opportunities before the end of the round.


Round two was a much more open affair, so much so that there was some great toe-to-toe action, much to the delight of the assembled crowd.


Gallagher started to get into a good flow in the third, often backing Kelly up before letting rip with short sharp flurries to body and head. The Irishman held his ground and comfortably boxed his way out of trouble on numerous occasions.


More of the same in the fourth, albeit being fought at higher pace compared to the earlier rounds, Gallagher backing Kelly up before letting rip with combinations to body and head, as before Kelly countered with good effect.


With the fans egging their man on, the pace in the final minute or so was nothing short of frenetic, with both men landing some seriously heavy shots as they slugged it out.


After four highly entertaining rounds, it was Dayle Gallagher’s hand held aloft by Referee Matt Scriven, kim gol urdi 40-37.


Following Gallagher-Kelly see local lad Jonny McConville making his professional debut against Northern Ireland’s Phil Townley.


Nima, bir jang, McConville really was impressive in his controlled approach, taking the fight to the Irishman and dictating the proceedings for much of the time.


Considering it was his debut pro contest, the youngster had the confidence to showcase his skills to great effect, throughout the fight McConville was able to cut off the ring in style before landing some classy combinations as well as some seriously big shots.


Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t all one way traffic, Townley is always game for a good scrap and was more than happy to trade shots, landing some crackers of his own, but it was the young Liverpool lad that was definitely in control.


Townley got cut from a big punch late in the third, which seemed to ignite the blue touch paper for the young Merseysider, who noticeably stepped up the pace.


In the final round McConville kept up the pressure, backing his opponent up on numerous occasions before letting rip with big shots, followed by some classy combinations.


In the final thirty seconds of so of the round McConville stepped up the pace once more and backed the Irishman onto the ropes before letting rip with a torrent of power shots, Townley struggled to counter so opted to cover up, with no counter punches in sight from the Irishman, referee Matt Scriven had no option but to step in and stop the fight on the two minute and forty five second mark.


Next up was the highly anticipated Heavyweight bout between Sean Turner (1-0-0) and Belfast’s debuting Ryan Kilpatrick.


What a cracking contest, for as long as it lasted that is, both lads went to war right from the opening bell. The crowd were on their feet as the big men went toe-to-toe, each letting rip with a salvo of powerful exocets.


As the clock edged towards the second minute, Turner found the slightest of openings, stepped back a touch and let rip with a massive shot to the body to send the big Irishman to the deck. Amazingly Kilpatrick managed to get back to his feet before the count concluded.


Right from the restart Turner went on the attack, letting rip with further big shots, the final salvo producing a pin point accurate massive shot to the oblique that sent Kilpatrick to the canvas for a second time.


Unfortunately no matter how hard the Irishman tried to get up in time to beat the count again, he just couldn’t do it, leaving referee Matt Scriven no option but to wave off the contest on the one minute and twenty six second mark of the first round.


Side note on this bout, both men really did excel, the quality of the shortened fight was nothing short of sensational. I for one can’t wait to see both fighters in action again and hopefully in the future against each other once more.


The final fight of the night see unbeaten Craig Kennerdale in action against the highly entertaining and experienced Irishman Marty Kayes.


Right from the off Kayes went on the front foot, taking the fight to his younger opponent. The savvy Irishman then proceeded to make life as difficult as possible for Kennerdale.


Kennerdale responded well and as the round unfolded managed to get himself on equal ground, which wasn’t easy as Kayes kept digging into his well stocked locker for shots, and let’s say entertaining ‘professional’ moves, to throw a spanner in the works and disrupt the Merseysider’s game plan.


As the second round progressed Kennerdale began to turn the tables on the Irishman, showing Kayes that he too has a well stocked bag of tricks and clever moves, so much so that for long periods of time he was able to keep the wily Irishman on the back foot.


Uchinchi bir xil Yana, however the forth was a much closer fought affair, with the upper hand being equally shared between the two protagonists throughout the round.


After four highly entertaining, action packed rounds Referee Matt Scriven scored the contest 40-38 in favour of Craig Kennerdale.


Top class event featuring closely matched all action fights, what more could anyone ask for, as such plaudits to promoter Kyle Gallagher for hosting what can only be described as the perfect prelude, for the Merseyside fans that is, ahead of the impending big London fight night.

Up Close and Personal With Liverpool’s Rising Prospect Dayle Gallagher


Interview by Gianluca Di Caro.

Photo: Team Gallagher



The subject of this interview is Dayle Gallagher, who is proving to be one of the most exciting young prospects to emerge on the Merseyside boxing scene over the past few years.


On Friday March 3rd Dayle is set to compete in his toughest fight to date, a six rounder at the Hanger 34 Club in Liverpool, against Belfast’s Michael Kelly, a proven Championship campaigner, who in the past year or so has fought France’s Mohamed Larabi for the WBF International title and more recently Scotland’s Lee McAllister for the WBF Inter-Continental belt, as well as competed on huge televised events in Russia and Sweden.


Unbeaten in four outings to date, two by early stoppages, against Alekseis Nikitenko, May oyida 2015 and Jak Johnson in December 2016, and two by solid points decision, Marty Kayes in April 2016 and Phil Townley in June the same year, Dayle has already caught the eye of some of the biggest names in the sport, including two time World Champion Amir Khan.


In fact courtesy of Mr Khan and his team, Dayle firmly earned his place in the History books of the sport, as the very first winner of a Professional Boxing contest in Pakistan, following his excellent win over Belfast’s Phil Townley back in June last year.


More on that later, as right now I think its time to get on with the interview.



Thank you for talking with me today Dayle, whilst obviously this interview is regarding your professional career, especially the upcoming fight against Michael Kelly on March 3rd, I would like to start the interview off with you telling the readers a little about your non-professional boxing, especially your amateur career, which I have understand started out with a victory over one of the top guys in the division at that time.



I started boxing at the age of 14, after training for over a year I had a few inter-club events before having my first amateur bout which was on short notice to represent Liverpool my home city, which was against the Welsh number one at the time in his home city Wrexham.


I always remember my coach saying no one wants to fight this lad so go knock him out, and in the second round after putting him down twice already the referee had no choice to stop it.


I was told by numerous of people I had a bright future in the sport but my focus at the time was to become a professional football player which ended in a real bad injury and after 18 months of physio and rehabilitation on my injury.


I finally got back into boxing for fitness and immediately fell back in love with the sport, after just a few months of training I took a white-collar fight in Newcastle.


After winning that I got loads of good feedback and realised I need to start taking this serious and see how far I can go in the sport, I won Northern area, British and European titles on the unlicensed scene then realised I need to turn to the professional side of the game.




Your pro career got off to a flying start, with a stoppage victory over Latvian Aleksejs Nikitenko, firstly how did it feel boxing in the professional ranks for the first time and secondly can you give your view of the fight please?



Even though I had been in the ring plenty of times before, my professional debut had me more nervous then any other fight, but the feeling couldn’t of been better.


The fight didn’t last long about 1 minute I think before the referee had to interfere and call a halt to the fight which led to my first win in the professional ranks and is a day I will never forget.




It was almost a year before you were back in the ring, against Marty Kayes back in April last year, but even with such a long time between fights you were in top form, beating Marty on points. How did you manage to keep motivated during this time and again please give the readers your view of the fight?



It was very hard because I was going through a lot of complications with my promoter at the time and couldn’t fight and I thought I might never fight again, but after a long period out, my brother helped me and got me a fight.


I knew a lot about Marty and knew it wouldn’t be easy knowing how experienced he was, but I wanted to show everyone that even with all this time out how good I can be and got the win and felt like I’d never had time out of the ring.




Your next fight, against Phil Townley, came just a few months later and what’s more was overseas on an historic event, the first Pro Boxing event ever to take place in Pakistan. Can you please tell the readers firstly how this came about and also tell the readers not just about the fight but also the whole experience?



I didn’t really believe it was true when I first found out about Pakistan. I had just come back from my holiday and next minute am on the phone to Amir Khan’s uncle about a possible fight in Pakistan.


Even though I knew I wasn’t at my fittest or at my preferred weight I couldn’t miss out on the opportunity so I stepped up two weight classes just for the opportunity.


Within a couple of hours of the fight getting offered to me I was in Bolton at the Amir Khan Academy filling out all my paper work and my visa and literally three days later was on a plane going to fight in Pakistan.


On arriving in Pakistan I was treated like royalty, my bags where collected and carried for me. I was greeted by the Pakistan Army and Police and escorted to my hotel.


I could never thank the people enough from Pakistan on how they made my time there so welcome, it’s a great country with great people even when I fought they where screaming my name, so much so that I thought I was back in Liverpool with a home crowd.


It was one of my most amazing experiences of my life and one that I will have for the rest of my life as I made history as the very first professional boxer to fight and win on Pakistan soil.




Your fourth fight, against Jak Johnson back in December and on home turf once more, was both dramatic and I would expect anti-climatic for you. I was there so know all that occurred but could you enlighten the readers about the dramas that unfolded that night from your view please?



If you’ve seen the whole fight it looks like I wasn’t too happy at the end but that’s because am a fighter and all I want to do is fight.


I trained so hard and felt in the best shape of my life so when the fight was over In 30 seconds it annoyed me but that’s just something I have to deal with its boxing and fights can be over with one shot.


After watching it back I was happy with my performance and I’m blessed with punching power that can pop someone’s shoulder out of its socket with one shot.




On 3rd March you’ll be in action once more at the Hanger 34 Liverpul, where you are due to face Ireland’s Michael Kelly. Do you know much about Michael and his fighting style and also how do you see this fight panning out?



I know about the people he’s fought and what he’s achieved I know it will be a tough fight but that’s why my team and me asked for the fight.


I don’t watch my opponents on old fights because they could turn up an box a completely different fight so I like to figure them out when am in there.


I think it will be an entertaining fight for people to watch, but I see it ending with a knockout, if I hit anybody at welterweight with one of my power shots in eight-ounce gloves I will be shocked to see anybody still standing there in front of me.




So out of the fights you’ve had to date, whether pro or not, which has been your favourite and why?



My favourite has to be Pakistan making history and challenging myself, it was a big risk stepping up two weight divisions but I like a challenge and this is why I’m in this fight game, and also boxing in front of two time World Champion Amir Khan and getting great feedback from him, you can’t ask for anything better than that.




How would you describe your fighting style?



My fighting style I believe is different to the average British style boxer which I think makes me stand out more, I’m a counter fighter with power, I’m a southpaw and I know I can be a nightmare for any boxer out there on the boxing circuit.




Should you be successful on the 3rd March, you will be unbeaten in five, whilst perhaps it’s still a bit early to be thinking of Championship accolades, I’m sure that you must have been thinking about opportunities like that already, as such could you please outline your future plans for the readers.



I’m in the sport to win titles, it’s a dream of mine that I know I can achieve and when the opportunity comes I will take it.


I will keep climbing the ladder winning fights and when my team think the time is right, I will get my title shot and I will become Champion.





I’m sure you must have been an avid watcher of pro boxing even as a youngster, as such my next question is which fighters, past or present, have had the most influence on you and your career?



Growing up from a young age I used to watch videos of Roy Jones Jr, I love his cockiness and confidence.


I always wanted to be an entertainer and give people the feeling I had when watching him.


My favourite fighters that I like to watch a lot of now is Floyd Mayweather, Adrian Broner, Chris Eubank Jr and Errol Spence Jr, these are the type of fighters I like to take a lot from and try to make into my own style.




Moving away from the fights etc., who are the main people that make up Team Gallagher?



Even though I’m the one who gets in there to fight I couldn’t do it without my team, from my brother Kyle who prepares me for every fight, to all my teammates at engine room.


It’s not just my team though; my sponsors also help me to get ready for fight night, Goodness Grill, who prepares my food, which help me with my diets. Spartan Dynamic who train me for my strength and conditioning and get me in great shape and make me feel stronger than ever.


James Harris who helps me with everything behind the scenes like interviews.


My friends my family and my girlfriend these all help me behind the scenes when I’m moody from weight cutting and preparing for fight night.

But the most important people on my team are the people who believe in my dream and buy tickets off me for my fights, because what a lot of people don’t realise without ticket sales fights can’t happen and I will always be thankful to every last person who buys a ticket from me!




Where do you train and what is your training schedule?



I train in Engine Room Boxing Club, Sports Direct Fitness and Spartan Dynamic, my normal routine for fight night is 6emasman I wake up have a banana then straight to Sports Direct Fitness for my running.


I like to get between 4-6 miles in every morning then I will do a bit of bag work and get a sauna, then I will go home and rest then at 10:30emasman depending on which day Dushanba, Chorshanba, Juma I will be at Engine Room until at least Midday working on my boxing.


Seshanba va Payshanba I will be at Spartan Dynamic until Midday working on my strength and conditioning, then I will go and pick up freshly prepared meals from Goodness Grill and then have work from 2:30pm until 9:30pm.


It’s a hard routine to maintain but for my dream it’s all worth it.




What would you say your favourite part of training is?



I don’t really have a favourite part of training; my favourite part is probably getting told I’m finished because it’s really hard work.


It’s an addiction training that I couldn’t go without, but if I had to choose one thing it would probably be sparring. It’s the closest thing to fighting and there’s nothing better than landing devastating punches on opponents.




Outside boxing, what is your favourite sport?



Outside of boxing my favourite sport is football, I love to watch my team Everton but any game in general I will just watch for entertainment




Besides sport how else do you relax outside boxing?



Boxing is constantly on my brain when I have spare time I watch boxing videos or talk about it to people who don’t really care but it’s in my blood and I just can’t help it




These days Social Media is very much an important tool for professional sports people; do you utilize Social Media to engage with your fans?



I find social media is very important these days for professional athletes and I always interact with fans, because anybody who takes time to ask me anything about my career deserves a reply, I’m not a big name in the sport yet so to have people asking me questions about my boxing really means a lot to me.




Finally is there anything you want to say to your fans?



Thank you to everyone who follows my career and believes in me it won’t be long until I’m at the top, rahmat.


Dayle Gallagher versus Michael Kelly headlines the Kyle Gallagher Fight Club Promotions event at Hanger 34 in Liverpool on Friday 3rdQadam tashlamoq 2017, which will be broadcast on BOOM TV. Tickets are available from boxers competing or call Fight Club Ticket Line 07711 098025.

Hisobot Fight: Docherty McEwan sifatida WBU Crown xavfsiz qilish Kelly to'xtadi, Allan va Robb Victory Laurels olmoq


Gianluca Di Caro tomonidan xabar

Armando Ferrari foto tuhfasi


Shotlandiya Promoter Tomas Melville uning debyut voqea bilan ko'rish uchun, hamma uchun ochiq, uning niyatlarini amalga shanba kuni tun, jiddiy yirik drama voqeaga qadar etakchi hatto bilan, shu jumladan, uning katta biri qaratmoqda yo'qotib, Sobiq WBO King Scott Harrison, kartasidan faqat bir necha hafta oldin, va ikki yanada o'yin-ups namoyishi qadar etakchi kun amalga tushib, hali ehtiyotkor Scotsman hali mukammal ishlab chiqarish muvaffaq, u kichik bo'lsa-da, hodisa.

Show up Sarlavha Dundalk qarshi Glasgow ning sobiq Hamdo'stlik Champion Craig Docherty edi, Bo'sh Jahon boks Ittifoqi uchun Irlandiya Maykl Kelly (WBU) Jahon Super yarim ortasiklet sarlavha.

ikki qahramonlar maydonda ularning kirish tayyorlangan bo'lib atmosfera elektr edi, Shotlandiya muxlislari ishonch bu, albatta, maxsus kabi imkoniyat qilish uchun qanday bilasiz.

O'ng ochilish qo'ng'iroq ham bokschilari toe jiddiy boshladi markazi uzuk uchun jangga toe aniq va soniya ichida o'z maqsad kristalli qildi.

Men oyoq barmog'i deganda men boshdan oyoq barmog'i degani, harakatlar ko'p yaqin chorak edi bo'lsa, ba'zida ular, deb ular orasida bir sigaret qog'oz xususda bo'lishi mumkin emas yaqin bir boshqa, juda ko'p, bu hakam shunchalik Lee Murtagh ko'p marta bosh to'qnashuvlar haqida ularni ogohlantirish uchun, lekin hech qanday variantni bor edi.

Endi ular yaqin ham odam mudofaa ketdi, deb edi, hatto, Har ikki buyuk ta'sir savdo ularning alohida vositalari namoyish, Barcha taraflama kelayotgan silliq ilgaklar va yuqori uzilishlar bilan.

Docherty faqat haqida turdan birinchi er-xotin xavfsiz muvaffaq, faqat ular shunday teng mos edi, lekin uchinchi Kelly uni kuchaytirgan, o'zini u, albatta, bir oqim bor bir oz oraliq qilish va har bir aqlga burchakdan ışıltılı tortishish bilan RIP berib o'tdi.

Docherty o'xshash tomir javob, Kelly faoliyatining slickness u Glaswegian uchun yuqoriga urush qilgan, biroq.

Round to'rt Docherty almashtirish taktikasini qarang, Ba'zi yomon odam tortishish bilan RIP ruxsat tartib teshiklaridan qurish uchun katta ta'siri, uning Jab yordamida, irlandiyalik kishi juda baxtli edi, biroq kuchli huquqlari va vaqti-vaqti bilan, er-xotin qo'l otganda bilan qarshi avval bu qadar so'rishnichi uchun.

Round besh ajoyib dumaloq edi, Har ikki qahramon yanada qadamini ko'tarib, oqibatda ba'zi dahshatli Birjalar olib keldi. Bu eng yaxshi yoki agar ham outfought hisoblanardi kim qaror qabul qilish, albatta, qiyin edi yoki boshqa outworked, ha bu yaqin bo'ldi.


Oltinchi bir xil yanada, ular daqiqa birinchi er-xotin uchun yoki turning shuning uchun bolg'a va stol da borish oh bola bola edi.

Soat tur final daqiqada ko'chib sifatida Docherty Kelly zaxira boshladi, kartoshka Mishkin Kelly tushib bir chaqmoq tez huquqi bilan RIP qoldirayotgan oldin.

Bir zumda hakam In Li Murtagh irlandlar asos solishgan, yordamga bordim va off kurash silkidi, Docherty yo'lladi, shodiyona jinnilikda uning jamoasi va muxlislari.

Aytish kerak, nima ishtirok minnatdorlik olomon, Docherty uchun quvonch rahmat ajoyib qabul bartaraf etildi, deb u o'rnidan turdi, deb ular Michael Kelly berdi, bu haqiqiy fanatlar edi, ularning odam qo'lga kiritdi, lekin ular irlandlar asos solishgan, ulug'vor bajarish teng shukr edi.

Docherty yangi WBU Super yarim ortasiklet chempioni toj edi, faqat oldin to'xtab rasmiy vaqt e'lon qilindi, ikki daqiqa va oltinchi to'qqiz soniya sifatida.

Docherty-Kelly huquq kurashda asosiy qo'llab-quvvatlash Newport ning Lee Churcher qarshi Edinburgh ning Kreyg McEwan bo'lish uchun tashkil etildi, Biroq bu vaqt ichida hal qilinishi olmadi a vazn nomuvofiqlik tufayli bo'lishi emas edi, shuning uchun ba'zi bir tez muzokaralar Nottingham asoslangan Chexiya qiruvchi Vaclav Skromach olib juda kech o'rniga sifatida yaratilgan.

McEwan kuchli boshladi, Chexiya yigit uchun kurashni olib, Skromach da hech krujka va bir chiroyli ozoda qiruvchi O'zidir va tez orada o'z tortishish bilan RIP berib boshladi.

McEwan tanani maqsad boshladi, Ba'zi aql bovar jihatdan kelgan ba'zi dahshatli exocets quruqlikka, Skromach uning mudofaa o'rnatildi, lekin aniq bir necha kerakli ta'sir ega bo'ldi.

Skromach daqiqa birinchi er-xotin uchun o'z yaxshi bo'lib lekin yumaloq final daqiqada kirib sifatida McEwan organiga azob tezlashtirdi, Skromach yuborish tugmasini o'ng kelib qo'ndi dahshatli hodisalar bilan avj nuqtasiga bir tizzasiga olish.

Bu jiddiy xato shot edi, Bas, hech kim Skromach davom qila olmaydi, deb hayron bo'ldi, Skromach olqishlar kabi u o'rnidan turdi, deb yana asosiy voqea bilan Shotlandiya muxlislari shuningdek ularning insonning g'alabasini nishonladi.

stopajının rasmiy vaqt ikki daqiqa va birinchi turda yigirma to'qqiz soniya deb e'lon qilindi.

McEwan-Skromach oldin boshqa olti rounder edi, Nairn ning Sandy Robb-dan va Scunthorpe ning Jody Meikle o'rtasida.

Robb tez boshladi, birinchi daqiqada yoki shuncha uchun orqaga yurib betob va juda kulgili Meikle saqlab yaxshi qattiq Jab va katta huquq yordamida, lekin keyin Scunthorpe lad oldinga ko'proq kelayotgan boshladi, Ba'zi yorilish o'ng qo'llari bilan Robb off terish.

Dumaloq Robb-dan ketdi yanada kuchli bo'lishga boshladi, Meikle urdi va harakat taktikasini foydalanish lekin hech variantni qoldirib, u bu joy bor, lekin vaqti-vaqti bilan Scotsman bu oldindan ko'rish va Meikle kabi katta huquqiga quruqlikka ega bo'ldi vaqt eng qator chiqib jamoatchilik uringan.

Ikkinchi bir xil More, lekin uchinchi Meikle olomonga o'ynashga boshladi, arqonlar uchun qo'llab-quvvatladi, ayniqsa, cheekily tortishish oldini olish vaqtida ring karta qizlar ko'zini qisib.

Oddiy xizmat to'rtinchi yilda qayta, Robb Meikle uning hit va ishlatish taktikasi yordamida oldini olish uchun uzuk kesib boshladi, arqonlar chiqib, uning yo'lini papkasidagi berishdan o'zga chorasi edi inglizning ko'chib o'tishga, hech bir joyda bilan bu Scotsman uchun juda samarali bo'ldi, u uslubida qildim.

Jang final uchdan ichiga mustaqil sifatida, Meikle yana olomon uchun o'yin boshladi, lekin Dong shunday masofani hukm edi u bu safar munosib Scotsman maydonchada dan katta ko'chadan huquqlarini oldini olish uchun o'sha ta'minladi.

final bosqichi bir cracker edi, hali bo'lsa oldingi turda sifatida shunga o'xshash tomir ichida, Robb Meikle sifatida arqonlar ustiga İngiliz'ler qo'llab bilan olomon uchun o'ynadi, har ikki tomon bir necha ajoyib va ​​juda qiziq boks bor edi.

Olti qiziqarli keyin, Ko'ngilochar bosqichlari Hakam Lee Murtagh müsabakayı kiritdi 60-54 Robb-dan foydasiga.

Kechasi taxt ochilish navbat Downpatrick qarshi harakatda Sport Zalida sobiq birlashgan Jahon Kickboks chempioni Sam Allan Tanks, Irlandiya qaytib Marty Kayes.

Bu, albatta, bir yorilish kurash, deb aytish mumkin, Har ikki qahramon hamma har turda har bir soniya uchun ularning berib, Bu haqiqiy non-stop kurash Royal edi.

Boks hakam to'rt ajoyib tur so'ng Lee Murtagh müsabakayı kiritdi 40-37 Allan foydasiga, mahalliy muxlislari zavq uchun ko'p.

Tomas Melville va uning jamoasi qutlovlar, emas, balki faqat ular birgalikda sarlavha müsabakayı yo'qotishdan zararni, shuningdek, rejalashtirilgan johillik bir necha yengib edi, lekin hali mukammal Voqeani qo'yish muvaffaq.

Tabriklaymiz Craig Docherty uchun mavjud, kim Ricky Hatton o'xshashini qo'shiladi, Graham Earl, Kevin Lear, Shea Neary, Tony Oakey, Wayne Elcock, Ueyn Aleksandr va o'tmish boshqa British afsonalari WBU jahon chempioni toj tushishining.


Churcher avgust 15 qarshi urush McEwan uchun tayyorlangan

Ichki nizolar sug'orish A og'iz, Newport ning Lee Churcher va Edinburgh ning Craig McEwan o'rtasida, yaqinlashib kelayotgan Tomas Melville ning Colloseum aktsiyalar bo'yicha undercard bo'yicha xususiyati o'rnatiladi Peysli ichida Lagoon Bo'sh vaqt markazida qaytish voqea, Shanba kuni Shotlandiya 15th Avgust 2015, Kreyg Docherty-Michael Kelly WBU Jahon Super yarim ortasiklet chempionati showdown tomonidan sarlavhasi bo'lgan.


Churcher (12-3-1), kim Barrie Jones ustidan to'qqizinchi davra to'xtatib g'alaba bilan BBBofC Welsh maydoni unvoniga sazovor bo'lgan 2012, lekin MBC bay'at yoqishdan oldin, uni himoya qilish uchun bor hech qachon, a olti g'alaba tasma off kurash olib keladi.


Uning raqibi, McEwan (22-4-1) Amerikadan qaytib beri uning birinchi uy ko'rinishini qilish bo'ladi, U boshqalar World Champions Andy Lee va Peter Quillin orasida jang qayerda.


Qog'ozga bir marta har ikki qahramonlar juda ko'p bo'lgan, bir Stormer bo'lish kabi ko'rinadi fikrli "hujum mudofaa eng yaxshi shaklidir", shu qadar ko'p on-line mutaxassislar bir qator buni zimmasiga oladi deya qilgan, shunday qilib, bu out va amalga oyoq-to-oyoq urush bo'lishi mumkin, deb, qayta Arturo Gatti va Mickey Ward o'rtasida o'sha klassik urushlar uchun shunga o'xshash behuda juda ko'p 2002/3.


Deyarli Churcher o'z nometall fikr A poezd, U ilgari gapirganida aniq edi.


"Bu men uchun katta kurash bo'ladi, Men, albatta, uni jang qilish uchun oldinga qidiryapman, u qattiq va katta zımba bo'ldi, ko'p men kabi, albatta,.


Bu haqiqiy jangchilar istasangiz janjal turi, yumshoq qilib aytganda qiyin, bu kabi jang katta munosabati uchun qilingan va ular bu ancha katta avlod yo'q, yaxshi Shotlandiya ishonch uchun deb, U erda Craig Docherty-Michael Kelly huquq jang kaplaması ekan va Scott Harrison ham namoyish uning qaytishiga qilish bo'ladi.


Deb aytgan, Men u fanatlar eng ataymiz bizning jang bo'ladi, deb o'ylayman, ayniqsa keyin, Bu erda bir urush bo'ladi xolos.


Ha, u bir necha yaxshi nomlari bilan bo'ldi, Lekin, bu meni tashvish emas, Bu men uchun bir variant emas, Men yo'qotish mumkin emas, bu kabi oddiy.


Men unga kurashni olish ketyapman, albatta, kerak, Uning o'ng qo'l, bir halokat zarba beradi, Bas, unga, uni ishlatish uchun xona berilmasligimiz kerak, Men birinchi unga bor olish va berish bor.


Men munosabati tashvish emasman yoki uning oila çim ustida turibdi, OK, shuning uchun men bir dushman ziyofat olish uchun mos emasman, lekin bu men bilan yaxshi ekan.


Ba'zi fanatlar bor keladi meni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun, deb, aniq mening yaxshi ko'radiganlar uchun uzoq safar shunaqa, Bu ular uchun katta sayohat bo'ldi, Men taqdir va meni jang tomosha qilish uchun Shotlandiya barcha shunday sayohat uchun etarli, ularga rahmat mumkin emas. "


Kreyg McEwan va boshqalar Lee Churcher Craig Docherty-Michael Kelly Jahon boks uyushmasi undercard mavjud (WBU) Peysli ichida Lagoon Bo'sh vaqt markazida Thomas Melville ning Colloseum Aktsiyalar qaytish voqea Unlimited Super yarim ortasiklet Jahon chempionati bellashuv, Shanba kuni Shotlandiya 15th Avgust 2015.


Bu voqea uchun poymol Malta boks komissiyasi tuhfasi bo'lgan (MBC) www.maltaboxingcommission.com


Chiptalar, baholi £ 40, £ 50 va £ 75 (VIP) bokschilar biron-bir qismi yoki qo'ng'iroq qilishdan mavjud 07932 069376 va shuningdek da on-line mavjud www.tkoboxoffice.com


15 avgust uchun Docherty-Kelly nomi Showdown to'siq

Glasgow sobiq Hamdo'stlik Champion Craig Docherty Dundalk qarshi o'rnatilgan bo'ladi, Jahon boks Ittifoqi uchun Irlandiya Maykl Kelly (WBU) Super yarim ortasiklet World sarlavha, Thomas Melville ning Colloseum aktsiyalar shanba kuni Peysli ichida Lagoon Bo'sh vaqt markazida qaytish voqea bo'yicha 15th Avgust.


Docherty uchun kelajakka orqa bir ishni hisoblanadi mumkin, ichida orqa sifatida 2007 u muvaffaqiyatsiz WBU unvoni yengillashtirilgan versiyasi uchun Lee McAllister ostiga.


Endi sakkiz yil o'tib Docherty u folbinlik va ustida bir bekor qilish, deb umid qilinadi 15th Avgust uni bo'ladi, WBU Super yarim ortasiklet chempioni g'olib chiqadi va toj emas, uning raqibi.


Asosiy e'tibor Docherty-Kelly World huquq Butning bo'yicha haqli ravishda omon ekan,, u har ikkala media va boks jamoatchilik e'tiborini tortdi namoyish faqat bir marta emas, emas, balki bir uzoq otishni o'rganish.


Ro'yxatdan o'tish | Asosiy qo'llab-quvvatlash hech Shotlandiyalik buyuk bokschilar birining qaytishiga ko'radi, sifatida uzoq vaqtdan beri Britaniya, Hamdo'stlik, IBO Intercontinental va WBO Jahon tuklar chempioni Scott Harrison fikrlovchilarning o'zining uzoq kutilgan qaytishini qiladi, a hali ismli kerak raqibi qarshi o'n dumaloq Butning ichida.


E'tiborimiz teng darajasini qabul, gazetasi va asosiy qo'llab-quvvatlash johillik ham, shuvli Shotlandiya va boshqalar Uels urush Royal bo'ladi, Edinburgh ning Craig McEwan o'rtasida (22-4-1) va Newport ning Lee, «Lights Out" Churcher (12-3-1).


Ajablanarli bu og'iz jangda sug'orish, McEwan o'rtasida, kim Andy Li va Peter Quillin o'xshashini jang qildi, va Churcher, Welsh, mintaqa va Britaniya Masters Champion, Championship mukofot har qanday shaklda uchun emas.


Yana bir ajoyib ichki o'yin up, Bellshill ning Ronnie Nailen o'rtasida (3-1) va Bardney, Lincolnshire ning eng yaxshi Nathan Decastro (4-0), ishonch hosil boshqa navbat olomonni zabt etiladi, ham uni aralashtirib va ​​ehtiyojlari bo'lishi qachon barmog'i-to-oyoq borish qo'rqmaydilar katta Perforatörler bor.


Bu hali hammasi emas, emas, balki bir uzoq otishni o'rganish, Nairn ning Sandy Robb olti davra Light og'ir tanlovda Scunthorpe ning juda qiziq Jody Meikle oladi sifatida, Glasgow ning eng yaxshi Darren McAdam Nottingham ning Matt Scriven oladi vaqtida.


Bundan tashqari kartada Askham-in-Furness o'rtasida Cruiserweight tanlovi hisoblanadi, Oxirgi, lekin va to'rt yumaloq ichida Cumbria ning Lee Kellett va Nottingham ning debuting Kevin Barker emas Dunfermline ning Alistair Gonsales to'rt dumaloq Super yarim ortasiklet tanlovda Ryan Lyall debuting oladi, hech bo'lmaganda.


Jahon boks Ittifoqi uchun Craig Docherty va boshqalar Maykl Kelly (WBU) Super yarim ortasiklet World sarlavha, Peysli ichida Lagoon Bo'sh vaqt markazida Thomas Melville ning Colloseum Aktsiyalar qaytish voqea Unlimited, Shanba kuni Shotlandiya 15th Avgust 2015.


Bu voqea uchun poymol Malta boks komissiyasi tuhfasi bo'lgan (MBC) www.maltaboxingcommission.com


Chiptalar, baholi £ 40, £ 50 va £ 75 (VIP) bokschilar biron-bir qismi yoki qo'ng'iroq qilishdan mavjud 07932 069376 va shuningdek da on-line mavjud www.tkoboxoffice.com