Tag Archives: Mario Barrios

Robert Uskrs Jr. Razgovara o Obračunu ujedinjenja s Mikeyjem Garsijom, Trening na Floridi & više


"On Juli 28, Svima ću pokazati na čemu su spavali & zašto sam svetski šampion," – Vaskrs

Neporaženi svjetski prvak u lakoj kategoriji suočava se s Mikeyjem Garsijom Subota, Juli 28Uživo na SHOWTIME iz STAPLES Centra u Los Angelesu & Predstavio Premier Boks prvaka

Kliknite OVDJE za fotografije Josea Pineira/SHOWTIME



WEST PALM BEACH, FL. (Juli 19, 2018) – IBF prvak svijeta u lakoj kategoriji Robert Uskrs Jr. je maksimalno iskoristio svoj inauguralni trening kamp s Kevinom Cunninghamom i nastojat će donijeti isti nivo fokusa u ring kada izazove WBC svjetskog prvaka u lakoj kategoriji Mikey Garcia Subota, Juli 28 uživo na SHOWTIME iz STAPLES Centra u Los Angelesu na događaju koji su predstavili Premier Boxing Champions.




„Odlučio sam da odem na Floridu zbog drugačijeg okruženja nego što sam inače trenirao,” rekao je Uskrs, rodom iz Toleda koji je trenirao u svom rodnom gradu veći dio svoje profesionalne karijere. “Trebalo je da me izvuku iz zone udobnosti. Kod kuce, Bio sam fokusiran na previše drugih stvari. Dolazak u West Palm Beach mi je omogućio da se fokusiram samo na sebe i boks.”




Easter je vidio šta je Cunningham učinio za svoje bliske prijatelje Adriena Bronera i Gervonta Davis, koji su obojica trenirali sa Cunninghamom do aprila 21 borbe na SHOWTIME-u u kojima se Broner borio do zabavnog remija protiv Jessieja Vargasa, a Davis osvaja drugu titulu svjetskog prvaka spektakularnim nokautom Jesusa Cuellara.




“Bio sam sa Adrienom Bronerom i Gervontom Davisom na svakom koraku tokom trening kampa s Kevinom Cunninghamom ranije ove godine,” rekao je Uskrs. „Sami sam se uverio da je to nešto što moram da uradim. Razgovarao sam sa svojim tatom o tome da pobegnem od ometanja i složili smo se da je ovo pravi potez.”




Uskrs je ušao na scenu 2016 dominantnim nokautom bivšeg šampiona Argenisa Mendeza prije nego što je kasnije te godine pobijedio Richarda Commeya u zabavnoj borbi za osvajanje pojasa lake kategorije. Uskrsove posljednje dvije odbrane, međutim, dovele su do toga da je za dlaku pobjegao pobjedama odlukom, nešto za šta neporaženi šampion veruje da neće biti faktor u julu 28.




“Ljudi obraćaju pažnju na moje posljednje borbe kada nisam koristio svoju visinu i doseg,” rekao je Uskrs. „Mogu to poboljšati vraćajući se na ono što sam ranije radio. Nokautirao sam ljude borbu za borbom.




“Ako gledate samo moje posljednje dvije borbe, ne pripisuješ mi zasluge za sve što donesem na sto. Nedavno sam se suočio sa dva teška juga, ali u julu 28 Svima ću pokazati na čemu su spavali i zašto sam svjetski prvak.”




27-godišnji Uskrs sada će se boriti protiv jednog od najboljih u boksu pound-za-pound u četiri divizije svjetskog prvaka Mikey Garcia. Za Uskrs, ovo je borba koju je imao na umu i koja ga može staviti u sam vrh sporta.




“Oduvijek sam želio da se borim protiv najboljih u svojoj težinskoj kategoriji i sada imam priliku da se ujedinim,” rekao je Uskrs. “Znam da će se Mikey boriti protiv svoje borbe i pokušati da se suprotstavi. Želi čekati da pogriješite kako bi mogao iskoristiti prednost.




„Ono što moram da uradim je da uđem tamo i nametnem mu svoje atribute. Moja visina i doseg su moje prednosti, ali i moju brzinu i snagu. Samo moram sve to iskombinirati i fokusirati se na rad nogu.”




Iako će se Uskrs boriti u Garsijinom rodnom gradu Los Anđelesu, nema planova da dozvoli da partizanska publika utiče na njegov fokus dok svoju najveću profesionalnu pobedu traži u istoj zgradi u kojoj je debitovao.




“Nije mi važno gdje ćemo se boriti,” rekao je Uskrs. “Niko od navijača mu ne može pomoći da se bori. Radi se samo o meni i njemu u tom ringu zajedno.




“Moja prva profesionalna borba bila je u STAPLES Centru i iako je bila rano u undercardu, I dalje sam se osjećao kao da postoje 10,000 fanovi me posmatraju. Upravo sam se borio. Sve je u tome da ostanete fokusirani. 28. jula neće biti izgovora.”




Ulaznice za live event, koji se promovira Ringstar Sport i TGB Promocije, početi u $50, plus važećim naknade, i sad su na prodaju. Kupiti karte, posjetite AXS.com.




Televizija SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING u tri borbe (10 poslije podne. ET / 7 sati. PT) također će vidjeti kubanskog teškaša Luis “Pravi King Kong” Ortiz vraća se u akciju kako bi se suočio s bivšim izazivačem titule Razvan Cojanu u borbi od 10 rundi i neporaženi superlaki takmičar Mario “El Azteca” Barrios uzimanje na upečatljivom Jose Roman u obračunu od 10 rundi.




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Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com iwww.staplescenter.com pratite na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions @STAPLESCenter i @Swanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions iwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter. PBC sponzorira Corona, Finest Beer.

Mario Barrios Training Camp Quotes & Fotografije

Neporaženi superlaki konkurent Barrios igra protiv Josea Romana u subotu, Juli 28 Uživo na SHOWTIME od
STAPLES Centar u Los Anđeles & Predstavljen by
Premier Boxing Champions
Kliknite OVDJE za fotografije Bretta Ostrowksija



OAKLAND, KAO ŠTO. (Juli 18, 2018) – Neporaženi superlaki takmičar Mario Barrios će pokušati da izvede šesti uzastopni nokaut kada se suoči Jose Roman u subotu, Juli 28 uživo na SHOWTIME iz STAPLES Centra u Los Angelesu na događaju koji su predstavili Premier Boxing Champions.




Televizija SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING u tri borbe (10 poslije podne. ET / 7 sati. PT)je naslovljen obračunom za ujedinjenje u lakoj kategoriji između Mikey Garcia i Robert Uskrs Jr. a također uključuje kubanskog teškaša Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz vraća se u akciju kako bi se suočio s bivšim izazivačem titule Razvan Cojanu u 10-okrugli bout.




Ulaznice za live event, koji se promovira Ringstar Sport i TGB Promocije, početi u $50, plus važećim naknade, i sad su na prodaju. Kupiti karte, posjetite AXS.com.




Četvrti (21-0, 13 KOs) napravio je skok iz kampanje sa 130 funti u superlaku kategoriju u decembru 2016 i ostao je zauzet dok je nokautirao sve teže protivnike kako se bliži borbi za titulu svjetskog prvaka.




Evo šta je 23-godišnji Barrios rekao o svom julu 28 utakmica i još mnogo toga iz trening kampa u sjevernoj Kaliforniji sa Virgil Hunterom:


O njegovoj borbi protiv Jose Romana:

“Roman je veoma opasan borac sa dobrim dosijeom. On je visok borac poput mene, tako da će to biti drugačiji izazov za mene.




“Nema sumnje da će mi biti najteži protivnik do sada. Ovo su vrste teških borbi koje mi trebaju da dobijem i ubedljivo pobedim da bih došao do nivoa šampionata. Idem tamo na misiju u julu 28 i ja ću dokazati da sam spreman za titulu.




“Znam da je motivisan da krene u ovu borbu jer će se boriti u blizini svog rodnog grada. Samo ću se držati svog plana igre i fokusirati se na ono što moram da uradim, a to su jaki udarci sa preciznom preciznošću.”


U njegovom trenutnom nizu nokautiranja:

“Otkako sam prešao na super-lake, moje tijelo se prilagodilo debljanju, i osećam se jače nego ikada. Još uvijek rastem u svoju mušku snagu, a raste i moja moć. Nikad ne ulazim u borbu tražeći nokaut, ali ako povrijedim protivnika, Obećavam da ću pokušati da ga izvedem.”


U svom trening kampu za ovaj meč:

“Imao sam ogroman trening kamp. Prvih nekoliko nedelja trenirao sam u San Antoniju u South Park Boxing Gymu sa svojim tatom i Rickom Nunezom koji su postavljali temelje za ono što smo želeli da postignemo.




“Onda sam to završio u sjevernoj Kaliforniji sa Virgil Hunterom, ko će voditi moj kutak. Svi zajedno činimo fantastičan tim. Imao sam ogroman sparing za ovu borbu, moje zdravlje je dobro i spreman sam za polazak.”


Na svom debiju u SHOWTIME:

“Zaista sam uzbuđen što ću debitovati na SHOWTIME-u na ovoj kartici. Oduvijek sam znao da ću se boriti na velikoj sceni u nekom trenutku svoje karijere. Sada je vrijeme da pokažem svijetu od čega sam napravljen. Veoma sam zahvalan svom timu što mi je pružio ovu priliku.”




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Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comi www.staplescenter.com pratite na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter i @Swanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebooku nawww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions iwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC sponzorira Corona, Finest Beer.

Neporaženi kandidat od 140 funti Fabian Maidana bori se protiv veterana Andreja Klimova & 2016 U.S. Olimpijac Karlos Balderas ulazi u ring u subotu, Juli 28 iz STAPLES Centra u Los Angelesu na Premier Boxing Champions Eventu

Više! Neporaženi Terrel Williams sukobio se s neporaženim prospektom Jamontayem Clarkom u noći prepunoj akcije Undercard borbi


LOS ANGELES (Juli 16, 2018) – Neporažen super lagan Fabian Maidana će se boriti protiv bivšeg izazivača titule Andrey Klimov borba od 10 rundi koja ističe akciju undercarda u subotu, Juli 28 iz STAPLES Centra u Los Angelesu i predstavljen od strane Premier Boxing Champions.




Akcija se nastavlja sa 2016 U.S. Olimpijac i neporaženi izgledi u usponu Karlos Balderas (5-0, 4 KOs) u borbi od šest rundi u super poluteškoj kategoriji plus Terrel Williams(16-0, 13 KOs) preuzima neporaženi izgled u poluteškoj kategoriji Jamontay Clark (13-0, 7 KOs)u borbi od 10 rundi.




Događaj je predvođen borbom za ujedinjenje titule prvaka svijeta u lakoj kategoriji između WBC svjetskog prvaka u lakoj kategoriji Mikey Garcia i IBF prvak svijeta u lakoj kategoriji Robert Uskrs Jr. žive na SHOWTIME.




Ulaznice za live event, koji se promovira Ringstar Sport i TGB Promocije, početi u $50, plus važećim naknade, i sad su na prodaju. Kupiti karte, posjetite AXS.com.




Maidana (15-0, 11 KOs) je mlađi brat dvoligaškog svjetskog prvaka Marcosa Maidana. 26-godišnjak iz Buenos Airesa, Argentina dolazi od impresivne pobede tehničkim nokautom nad Justinom Savijem u aprilu 21 nakon što je pobijedio Johana Pereza odlukom u njegovoj prethodnoj borbi. Klimov će predstaviti povećanje konkurencije za Maidana dok nastavlja put od potencijalnog kandidata do kandidata.




35-godišnji Klimov (20-4, 10 KOs), koji je rođen u Klimovsku, Rusija, ali sada živi na Beverly Hillsu, zaustavio je Rubena Movsesianija u njegovoj posljednjoj borbi u septembru. 30, 2017. Ta pobjeda prekinula je niz od tri poraza u kojem je prepustio odluke bivšem svjetskom prvaku Joseu Pedrazi, Liam Walsh i Alejandro Luna nakon niza od tri pobjede koji su doveli do borbe za titulu protiv Pedraze.




22-godišnji Balderas, prva generacija Amerikanca meksičkog porekla, takmičio se u U.S. Olimpijski bokserski tim u 2016 Igre u Rio de Janeiru, Brazil pre nego što postane profesionalac u aprilu 2017. Predstavljam Santa Mariju, Kalifornija, poslednji put je debitovao u STAPLES Centru u junu 9 s nokautom u prvoj rundi Alexa Silve koji je ostao neporažen u svojoj obećavajućoj profesionalnoj karijeri.




Na kartici će se naći i bivši izazivač titule Roberto Marroquin (27-4-1, 20 KOs) protiv Paname Ricardo Nunez (20-2, 18 KOs) u obračunu od 10 rundi, jednom poraženi u superlaškoj kategoriji Ivan Delgado (11-1-1, 4 KOs) u dvoboju od šest rundi i neporaženi izgledi Jerry Perez (7-0, 5 KOs) ulazi u ring za borbu od šest rundi u super lakoj kategoriji.




Dodatne borbe će vidjeti neporaženog 19-godišnjaka Wesley Diana suočen sa Pensilvanijom Evincil Dixon u četiri kruga od 140 funti, neporažen Brandon Glanton uzimajući u Meksiku Daniel Najera u dvoboju u kruzer kategoriji od šest rundi i jednom poraženom pero Luis Coria suočen sa Meksikom Guadalupe Arroyo u šest okrugli showdown.




Zaokruživanje sastava je neporažena perspektiva Jose Balderas slika čuvara mjesta u borbi od šest rundi, neporažen Lina Licona u dvoboju juniorki muhe ženske kategorije u četiri runde i osmo rundi neporaženih Neri romero i Phoenix-a Jesus Aguinaga.




Televizija SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING u tri borbe (10 poslije podne. ET / 7 sati. PT)također će vidjeti kubanskog teškaša Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz vraća se u akciju kako bi se suočio s bivšim izazivačem titule Razvan Cojanu u borbi od 10 rundi i neporaženi superlaki takmičar Mario “Asteci” Četvrti uzimanje na upečatljivom Jose Roman u obračunu od 10 rundi.




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Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comi www.staplescenter.compratite na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter i @Swanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebooku nawww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions iwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC sponzorira Corona, Finest Beer.


Four-Division World Champion Garcia Battles Lightweight Champion Robert Easter Jr. in 135-Pound Title UnificationSubota, Juli 28 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles
Kliknite OVDJE za Fotografije iz Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

LOS ANGELES (Juli 10, 2018) – WBC Lightweight World Champion Mikey Garcia worked out for the press Tuesday at Fortune Gym in Los Angeles as he prepares for his 135-pound title unification against IBF titlist Robert Uskrs Jr. Subota, July 28live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® tripleheader (10 poslije podne. ET / 7 sati. PT) također će vidjeti kubanskog teškaša Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz vraća se u akciju kako bi se suočio s bivšim izazivačem titule Razvan Cojanu u borbi od 10 rundi i neporaženi superlaki takmičar Mario “Asteci” Četvrti uzimanje na upečatljivom Jose Roman u obračunu od 10 rundi.




Ulaznice za live event, koji se promovira Ringstar Sport i TGB Promocije, početi u $50, plus važećim naknade, i sad su na prodaju. Kupiti karte, posjetite AXS.com.




Here is what Garcia, his brother and trainer Robert Garcia and Ringstar Sports Chairman and CEO Richard Schaefer had to say ahead of Garcia’s first title unification fight:






It’s been seven years since I last had the chance to fight here in LA, and that was even before I was champion. Now after all of my accomplishments, I get to come home and put on a unification match for my local fans.




Every time I walk into the ring, there’s a moment where I get butterflies and feel the emotions from the fans. This time it’s with my hometown fans and that’s really special. I’m really looking forward to it because I know the fans are going to show up and show their love and support.




I think I’m in my prime right now. I’m in the best shape physically and mentally that I’ve ever been in. I need to take advantage of the moment right now and take on the biggest challenges. I want to give the fans fights to remember. Those are the fights that excite me the most.




I know Easter is very tall and has a longer reach than me. U teretani, we’ve been working on sparring partners who present different challenges and made adjustments from there. I have to catch him reaching in or put pressure and work my way inside. There are different things that I’m capable of doing.




I’m pretty experienced from fighting taller guys in the past, so I don’t think it’s going to make too huge a difference. It’s a disadvantage on paper, but once fight night comes, Ja ću biti spreman.




This is a big fight for me and I’m sure it’s the biggest fight of Easter’s career so far. I’m glad to hear he’s training extra hard. It shows me that he’s motivated and hungry to show off his very best, baš kao i ja sam.




This is my natural weight and so far everything in camp has been smooth. The weight started coming off right away and now just restricting the diet enough so we get to where we want to be.


ROBERT GARCIA, Garcia’s Brother & Trener




We know that Robert Easter is training like never before to be ready for this fight against Mikey. He has a huge reach advantage, so we know he’s going to come in and use that. He has a new trainer [Kevin Cunningham] who is going to try make us box with him.




We don’t listen at any criticism of Easter for having close decisions in his last couple of fights. We know that Easter is going to come in having trained like never before. It’s going to be the best Robert Easter Jr. possible on fight night.




Mikey fighting at home in front of his hometown fans is huge for us. We know that there’s extra pressure that comes with it, but everything we’ve done together so far in his career has prepared him for it. I’m confident it’s going to bring out the best in him.




We have to use our experience advantage. Mikey has fought the better competition, but Easter is a young guy who wants to take Mikey’s spot. Mikey is very smart, so he’s going to look for the right punch to do damage.


RICHARD SCHÄFER, Predsjednik & CEO Ringstar sporta




Mikey Garcia has the opportunity to dominate at 135 i 140 kilograma, plus he even wants to move up in weight and challenge himself against the best at 147-pounds. It shows the character and strength of Mikey Garcia. No challenge is too big for him.




Whenever Mikey Garcia fights, it is must-see TV. He’s as good as it gets in the sport. This challenge against Robert Easter Jr. is the kind of fight that can turn you into a boxing fan. This is going to be a barnburner. They say that styles make fights and these two styles are made for each other.




There was always somebody who carried the sport of boxing who was in Los Angeles, but right now there isn’t. Mikey is coming to fill that void. To have Mikey back at STAPLES Center is a perfect pairing of fighter and arena. STAPLES Center tends to bring out the best in fighters and that’s sure to happen again on July 28.




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Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comi www.staplescenter.compratite na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter i @Swanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions i www.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC sponzorira Corona, Finest Beer.


Unbeaten 140-Pound Contender Mario Barrios Battles Jose Roman To Open Three-Fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Telecast Headlined By Mikey Garcia vs. Robert Uskrs Jr. World Championship Unification Event

LOS ANGELES (Juli 10, 2018) – Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz returns to action to face former world title challenger Razvan Cojanu in a 10-round bout on Saturday, Juli 28 uživo na SHOWTIME iz STAPLES Centra u Los Angelesu na događaju koji su predstavili Premier Boxing Champions.




Televizija SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING u tri borbe (10 poslije podne. ET / 7 sati. PT)will open with unbeaten super lightweight contender Mario “Asteci” Četvrti uzimanje na upečatljivom Jose Roman u obračunu od 10 rundi. The event is headlined by lightweight world championship title unification bout between WBC Lightweight World Champion Mikey Garcia i IBF prvak svijeta u lakoj kategoriji Robert Uskrs Jr.



Ulaznice za live event, koji se promovira Ringstar Sport i TGB Promocije, početi u $50, plus važećim naknade, i sad su na prodaju. Kupiti karte, posjetite AXS.com.




After having heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder nearly out on his feet in their March classic, Ortiz (28-1, 24 KOs) eventually succumbed to the power of the unbeaten champion. Sada, Ortiz looks to get back to world title contention on July 28. Originally, from Camaguey, Kuba, now residing in Miami, Florida, Ortiz will fight in Los Angeles for the first time as a professional. Ortiz quickly became one of the most avoided men in boxing with victories over Bryant Jennings, Tony Thompson and Malik Scott on his way to the memorable showdown with Wilder.




I’m looking to make a statement on July 28 and get back to challenge for the heavyweight championship of the world,” Said Ortiz. “I’m excited to be back in the ring. I am thankful to have this opportunity. To all the fans in Los Angeles, don’t miss this great card at STAPLES Center. ‘The Real King Kongis coming to LA!”




A native of Romania and fighting out of Burbank, Kalifornija, Cojanu (16-3, 9 KOs) challenged then WBO heavyweight world champion Joseph Parker for the title in May 2017. Cojanu took the New Zealand champion the distance but lost via unanimous decision in the champion’s home country. Standing over six-foot-seven, Cojanu scored three straight knockout victories in 2016 to earn the title shot and will return to the ring for his first fight in the U.S. since January 2016.




I’m proud and confident to know that I will be stepping into the ring against a worthy opponent on July 28,” Said Cojanu. “Luis Ortiz is a world-class fighter with a lot of experience, which will give me the opportunity to show my skills to all the fans at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles and watching on SHOWTIME.




23-godišnjak Četvrti (21-0, 13 KOs) has been impressive since moving up to 140 pounds last March. He’s scored stoppage victories over Yardley Cruz, Jose Luis Rodriguez, Naim Nelson and most recently a second-round destruction of Eudy Bernardo. The five-foot-ten Barrios of San Antonio had previously campaigned at 130 pounds before making the move to the higher weight class that has helped unlock his power.




I fought on SHOWTIME EXTREME but making my debut on SHOWTIME has always been a dream of mine since I was a kid,” Said Barrios. “Sada, the time has come to show why I’m here. I’m ready to keep showing why I’m going to become a star and one of the sport’s next great fighters. Come July 28, everyone should tune-in for a great night of fights. It’s ‘Aztecatime.




Fighting out of Garden Grove, Kalifornija, Rimski (24-2-1, 16 KOs) scored knockouts in nine of his first 11 pro fights and has won 10 njegovog poslednjeg 11 leading up to July 28. The 30-year-old most recently dropped a decision to Wilberth Lopez last September after a run of defeating veteran fighters and will look to put himself back on the path to a world title with a victory over Barrios at STAPLES Center.




I’m very excited to have this great opportunity,” said Roman. “Barrios has been on a roll, but I have the experience to take him out. Both of us bring pressure and I know he’s going to be hungry to keep his record perfect. I’m more motivated than I’ve ever been for this fight. I can’t wait to put on a show in my backyard for all the great fans in Southern California.




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Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comi www.staplescenter.compratite na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter i @Swanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebooku nawww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions iwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC sponzorira Corona, Finest Beer.


Photos By Robert Elizondo


CORPUS CHRISTI, TX (Juli 8, 2018) – Last night in star fashion, San Antonio’s undefeated female boxing sensation, Selina “Aztec Queen” Četvrti,” poboljšana u (4-0, 2 KOs), with devastating one punch knockout over current WBF international lightweight champion, AidaLady SpartaSatybaldinova (3-1-1). Barrios landed a crushing picture perfect left hook to the chin of Satybaldinova, završava borbu na 1:24 oznaka četvrte runde, in what many would say is a candidate for “Knockout of the Year”. The fight that took place at the American Bank Center Water Garden room in Corpus Christi, TX, presented by Reyna Promotions.




From the opening bell both fighters went bombs away, with Selina landing the cleaner, more powerful blows to Satybaldinova. “Lady Spartawas all game as she went toe-to-toe with Barrios, holding her ground for the time being, but taking a lot of damage. U drugom kolu, both fighters continued to leave everything in the ring, throwing power punches with both hands. Barrios again was getting the better punches off. U trećem kolu, Barrios hurt Satybaldinova with a combination flurry of punches, but Aida being the warrior that she is, made it to round four. After another aggressive being to the round, Barrios landed that massive left hook to the jaw of Satybaldinova, and the fight was over.




I wanted to come out tonight and give my Texas fans a night to remember,” said Selina Barrios, who is the current NABF lightweight champion. “After feeling her out in the first couple of rounds, I knew I was going to land a big shot at some point in the right, because she was standing right in front of me. When I landed that left hook, I knew she wasn’t going to get up. I set it up nicely, and she walked right into it. I have a lot of respect for Aida, she fought like a warrior, and if she wants the rematch, I’ll give it to her.




I fought hard but didn’t get victory tonight,” said Satybaldinova. “Next time I will win. I will continue to work harder to fight the best. I will never give up. I hope to fight Selina again in rematch.





Sa pobjedom, Selina gets the fourth win of her career. Barrios said she is willing to fight anyone in the lightweight division, including all champions. When asked about what next Barrios stated.




I want to call out all the women fighting in the lightweight division.” Barrios je nastavio. “You might have took the Olympics from me, but you cant run from me now. Katie Taylor i Mikaela Mayer, you can’t hide forever, I’m coming for all Y’all.




Selina put on a spectacular show tonight,” rekao je Colin Campbell, co-manager of Barrios. “A performance like this puts her at the top of all females vying to be considered the most dangerous fighter in women’s boxing.




What an unbelievable knockout Selina displayed tonight,” izjavio Charles Campbell, who co-manages Barrios with his son Colin. “Once the knockout hits the masses, its going to go viral. Selina belongs up there with Clarissa Shield as one of the best female boxers in the sport. No female boxer is more exciting to watch then Selina Barrios, no one!”




All females fighting at lightweight and super featherweight better take notice of Selina Barrios.” Said Barrios’ advisor-promoter Kerry Daigle, od Keep Punching Entertainment.Although Selina had a remarkable performance tonight, the best is yet to come. We still haven’t seen the best Selina Barrios yet, and that is scary. She is taking the boxing world by storm.

San Antonio, TX (Juli 9, 2018) – For those who missed the war that everyone is talking about in women’s boxing between Selina “Aztec Queen” Četvrti (4-0, 2 KOs), i AidaLady SpartaSatybaldinova (3-1-1), please click the video link above to see the full fight in its entirety. Četvrti’ knockout over Satybaldinova is a candidate for “Knockout of the Year”.




San Antonio, TX (Juli 3, 2018) – Undefeated female sensation, Selina “Aztec Queen” Četvrti (3-0, 1 KO), returns to the ring this Saturday night, Juli 7, 2018, as the main event in Corpus Christi, Teksas, in the well-established American Bank Center Water Garden Room, bringing a loaded card of fistic fury.

Četvrti, who owns the NABF lightweight title, which she won in her 3rd professional bout, će se suočiti AidaLady SpartaSatybaldinova (3-0-1) iz Astana, Kazahstan, best known as theFemale GGG”, and is the current WBF International Lightweight Champion. Both girls are undefeated and hold titles as lightweights. Barrios is also rated #18 in the world by the WBC (World Boxing Council). This bout will be held over 8 kruga.

This bout is promoted by Reyna Promotions of Corpus Christi. The promoters were looking for a first-class main event and landed a fight that is a solid television fight. The local ABC-TV affiliate (KSAT) in San Antonio will be in Corpus to broadcast this fight live and stream it across the internet. Female and male fight fans across the world that know these two pugilists will be tuning in to watch an action-packed fight as both warriors step forward and throw punches without grabbing and holding or running. Barrios and Satybaldinova are both guaranteeing a knockout.

Selina has never been pressured in a boxing ring with a fighter like myself,” said the WBF Champ Satybaldinova. “I’m a pressure fighter that will take two punches to throw one bomb, and I feel I will be too strong for her. I do know I don’t have to look for Selina and have watched her fights. She stands and fights, which is made to order for me,”

Selina shoots back stating, “I have watched Aida’s videos and her comments about coming into my area of south Texas where I’m from, and saying she is going to knock me out, infuriates me. If it’s a war she wants, she just lit the fuse. No one is coming to south Texas to beat the “Aztec Queen” and we will find out how tough she is. To je rat vremena. Let’s do this.

Undefeated Super lightweight contender and brother of Selina, Mario Barrios (21-0, 13 KOs), called his agents and promoters to let them know he is leaving camp, to go to this fight and is bringing a huge fan base with him. George Foreman’s former camp organizer is coming in to work the corner with Selina, and Deborah Hawkins, the representative for the NABF Female title fights, will be there to discuss a possible rematch for the championship, if the fight is as competitive as she thinks it will be.

GM3 Promotions from California, Keeppunching Entertainment from Louisiana, and CCC Entertainment from Corpus Christi, among other promoters are eyeing these two warriors for future shows and will also be in the audience along with other well-known agents, Menadžeri, and promoters. Eying this fight from long distance is DiBella Entertainment in New York as Lou DiBella is building a huge stable of top notch female fighters across the globe.

Great athletes, especially boxers and in this case female boxers, are very fascinating. It will be thrilling to watch two undefeated female athletes compete against each other, while the rest of the world of female fighters avoids the undefeated stars. The difference between the greats in boxing and the contenders are those who appear to be fearless and accept all challenges and how they respond to adversity. The greats put in persistent effort to excel while the contenders lose steam and regress by fighting easier competition on regular basis. This will be Barriossecond undefeated opponent in only her 4th fight, and both have had very advanced amateur backgrounds. Satybaldinova, s druge strane, is coming into unfamiliar territory. That is what the greats do. Two potential greats meeting head to head early in their careers with each having the utmost confidence that they will win by KO.

Robert Hunt of GM3 Promotions: I am glad we were able to come to an agreement to make this fight happen because I know Aida is going to win. Barrios is good but has never fought a fighter like Aida. One thing I know for sure is the fans are in for a great night of boxing and know this is a match-up that helps keep female boxing on the forefront.

Colin Campbell of CCC Promotions:The boxing community in south Texas is going bonkers over this fight and plans to set a record for attendance. It’s fights like this that creates raving fight fans.

Ernest Reyna of Reyna Promotions: “This is my 3rd show and to be able to make this fight on this show is outstanding. Fighting as the co-main event is former heavyweight champion of the world, Oliver McCall. I am more excited about this show as a fan than a promoter. I’m pumped.

Charles Campbell of CCC Promotions:I travel the USA going to top fights. To think this is going to be in south Texas says a lot about the emergence of boxing here in Corpus Christi.

Kerry Daigle of Keeppunching Entertainment:In my 45 years of working in boxing, this may be one of the most fun matches to be made in professional female boxing. Kazakhstan vs Mexico. You can’t ask for better athletes to compete against each other. Two champions…. both undefeated…. going head to head.

Ulaznice po cijeni $25 General Admission and $40 Ringside are on sale now and can be purchased online at ticketmaster.com ili pozivom Krystal @ (361) 434-7750 ili Able @ (361) 425-3900. Doors open up at 5:30 PM, prva borba je na 7:00 PM. The American Bank Center Water Garden Room is located at 1901 N Shoreline Blvd, Corpus Christi, Teksas 78401.


CORPUS CHRISTI, TX (Jun 6, 2018)Two of boxing’s most exciting female fighters will meet in a battle of unbeaten lightweights on Saturday July 7, 2018, kada Selina “Aztec Queen” Četvrti (3-0, 1 KO) i AidaLady SpartaSatybaldinova (3-0-1) square off at the American Bank Center Water Garden Room, u Corpus Christi, TX. The 8-round Main Event bout will take place on the Battle By The Bay 3” kartica, promovira Reyna Promotions.


Četvrti, recognized by her people as the female Roberto Duran, is the current NABF Lightweight champion. Barrios fights out of San Antonio, TX, and is coming off an impressive victory against Lisa Porter. Selina is looking to make a statement against Satybaldinova.


From what I heard, Aida Satybaldinova likes to bring the fight to her opponent,” said Selina Barrios, sister of undefeated super-lightweight Mario Barrios (21-0, 13 KOs). “I love fighters that come forward, so I know this is going to be an all out war. Uz to se, rekao je, I feel my power is going to be too much for her. I’ll be looking to take her out before the final bell rings. Everyone watching this fight is going to see non-stop action from both sides.


Satybaldinova, known as the female Triple GGG, is the current WBF International Lightweight champion. Satybaldinova, who originally hails from Astana, Kazahstan, now lives in the United States where she trains out of Hollywood, KAO ŠTO.


Selina Barrios has never been in the ring with a fighter like myself,” stated Aida Satybaldinova, who is managed by GM3 Promotions. “I’m true pressure fighter with power in both hands. I have confidence that I will keep my record undefeated. I’m proud fighter who fights from Kazakhstan and I like Mexican style fighter. They stand and fight, not run.


A rematch clause has been negotiated between both fighter’s camps as both of their respective titles will not be on the line in this bout. If the rematch does indeed happen, both titles will be up for grabs.


This is going to be a crowd-pleasing fight for the fans,” rekao je Kerry Daigle, Četvrti’ advisor. “I know Aida is one hell of a fighter who is going to leave everything in the ring. Selina on the other hand is on another level. Barrios is the future of female boxing and I see her coming out victorious.


I glad we were able to come to an agreement to make this fight happen because I know Aida is going to win,” Rodney Hunt of GM3 Promotions, rekao je. “Barrios is good, but she’s never seen a fighter like Aida. She is strong, ponosan, and determined. One thing I know for sure, the fans are in for a great night of boxing. It’s great match-ups like this that helps keep female boxing on the forefront.


Ulaznice po cijeni $25 General Admission and $40 Ringside are on sale now and can be purchased online at ticketmaster.com ili pozivom Krystal @ (361) 434-7750 ili Able @ (361) 425-3900. Doors open up at 5:30 PM, prva borba je na 7:00 PM. The American Bank Center Water Garden Room is located at 1901 N Shoreline Blvd, Corpus Christi, Teksas 78401.


Kiryl Relikh Dominates Rances Barthelemy To Capture WBA Super Lightweight World Championship In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Co-Feature

Catch The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Replay Ponedjeljak, Mart 12 U

10 poslije podne. I/PT na SHOWTIME EXTREME

Kliknite OVDJE Za Fotografije; Credit Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

San Antonio (Mart 11, 2018) - Mikey Garcia captured a world title in his fourth weight division, outpointing previously undefeated Sergey Lipinets to win the IBF Junior Welterweight World Championship Subota on SHOWTIME from Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio.

Sa pobjedom, Garcia (38-0, 30 KOs) joined Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez as the only fighters in history to win titles at 126, 130, 135 i 140 funti.

“It’s a great feeling. Winning this fourth title in a fourth division is an honor,” Garcia said. “To get to be mentioned with Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez is a huge honor for me. It just leaves a little chapter in boxing with my name, my brother, my dad. I think people will remember the Garcia family for ages to come.”

Garcia, who was fighting for just the second time at 140 funti, relied on a steady diet of combos to back up Lipinets, who was making the first defense of the IBF title he won last November on SHOWTIME. Garcia floored Lipinets for the first time in his career, connecting on a counter left hook midway through the seventh in a rousing moment that sent the pro-Garcia crowd at Freeman Coliseum to their feet.

Garcia, who won by scores of 116-111 i 117-110 dvaput, connected on 46 percent of his power shots compared to 36 percent for the defending champion.

“He came in exactly as I expected – a very tough, very hungry and strong fighter,” Garcia said. “We worked with angles behind the jab. He’s very dangerous, but we had a great game plan and we were able to prevail.

“I know I carry the power, but I was fighting a bigger man and he could take a punch. I didn’t want to get caught and I had to be patient.”

Nakon borbe, Garcia, who still holds the WBC title at lightweight, reiterated his mantra that he’s seeking the biggest fights available, regardless of weight division.

“What I love is I have all the options,” Garcia said. “I could go down to 135 to unify titles, which is what I really want to do. And in a couple of fights you’re going to see me at 147.

Despite being the defending champion, Lipinets (13-1, 10 KOs) was fighting in just his 14th professional fight. The Russian, who was born in Kazakhstan, delivered a valiant effort against one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in the world.

“It was probably experience that took over at some point,” Lipinets said. “Mikey is a great fighter, he can obviously crack. It was just experience that I was lacking.

“I want to go back in the gym and work on the problems I showed in the ring. There are a couple of holes I need to close. I’ll be back. It’s a learning experience.”

In a rematch of one of 2017’s best and most controversial fights, Kiryl Relikh handed former two-division world champion Rances Barthelemy the first loss of his career with a wide unanimous decision victory to capture the vacant WBA Super Lightweight World Championship.

Relikh (22-2, 19 KOs) was the more active fighter and controlled the co-main event of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast from the opening bell, bacanje 1,237 total punches compared to just 494 for Barthelemy. Relikh, who many thought won their first matchup, consistently worked off his jab, povezivanje na 103 punches per round while Barthelemy landed an average of just 41.

While Barthelemy (26-1, 13 KOs) won a disputed and wide decision in their first bout there was no controversy in the judges’ scorecards in the rematch, koji je postigao 117-110 i 118-109 dvaput.

Relikh became just the third fighter from Belarus to win a world title while Barthelemy came up short in his bid to become the first Cuban to win a world title in three weight divisions.

“Last time I was not ready,” Relikh said. “I didn’t have proper preparation in the first fight but this time, with my new trainers, Bio sam spreman. Ja sam vrlo sretan. I’ve waited for this dream for 20 godina. I’ve worked hard for this dream and now it’s mine.

Coming in we were looking to box all the way. My jab has developed so much since the last fight. They probably thought that I would run out of gas like last time, but I trained like a champion this time. Everything was geared toward becoming champion and that’s what we did večeras."

Barthelemy, who picked up the pace a bit in the final three rounds, didn’t dispute the decision.

My heart is broken because I came in to this fight trying to get that third world title,” Barthelemy said. “I have to admit defeat and say that Relikh deserved to win that fight, but I will be back.

“At this point I have to look forward and put it behind me.

The featured attraction of the SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME telecast saw San Antonio’s own Mario Barrios (21-0, 13 KOs) deliver a sensational second round knockout of Eudy Bernardo (23-3, 17 KOs) in front of his hometown fans.

I definitely made a statement večeras,” said Barrios. “I showed the 140-pound division that I’m here and ready for any of them.”

Barrios was dominant from the start and struck early in the second with a vicious straight right that put Bernardo down. Although Bernardo got to his feet and beat the count, referee Jon Schorle had seen enough and waved off the bout 45 seconds into the second round of the super lightweight affair.

I wasn’t going in there looking for the knockout, but I caught him early,” said Barrios. “I’ve been on a good run and I’m ready to continue that streak. We’re moving up the ranks fight by fight. I’m looking to get a title eliminator by the end of the year and hopefully a title shot early next year.

U uvodnom nastup na SHO EXTREME televizijska emisija, Richard Commey (26-2, 23 KOs) scored a sixth-round TKO of Alejandro Luna (22-1, 15 KOs) in their IBF Lightweight World Title Eliminator.

Despite the win, my performance wasn’t up to the level that I hoped it would be,” said Commey. “He was exactly what I expected and if I had connected on more of my punches in the beginning I think the fight would have been over earlier. I was really trying to work on what we had been focusing on in camp but I just wasn’t performing well at the start of the fight.”

The fight was defined by exciting exchanges throughout, with Commey, fighting on his 31st rođendan, getting the better early and connecting with power punches that caused Luna’s jaw to swell. Commey’s power broke through in round six when a powerful combination punctuated by a left uppercut sent Luna to the canvas for the first time in his career.

“Ja sam jako razočaran,” said Luna. “All the credit to Commey, but I expect more of myself and I’m going to get back in the gym and come back much stronger and better.

Luna rose to his feet but was quickly pounced on by Commey, koji je sletio 62 percent of his power punches in the round, and was sent to the mat again. This forced referee David Fields to call a halt to the bout at 1:54 okruglih šest. Commey now becomes the mandatory challenger for IBF Lightweight World Champion Robert Easter, who Commey lost a split decision to in September 2016.

It is the greatest feeling to get the win on my 31st birthday,” said Commey. “I am looking forward to fighting for the 135-pound world title and becoming champion.

The SHO EXTREME swing bout featured unbeaten prospect Brandon Figueroa (15-0, 10 KOs) scoring a seventh round knockout of Mexico’s Giovanni Delgado (16-6, 9 KOs) in their super bantamweight clash.

Figueroa, the brother of former champion Omar, continued to show the aggressive style that has defined his early career as he threw an astonishing 178 punches in the third round. That number was good for the second most ever thrown in a single round by a fighter in a super bantamweight bout, according to CompuBox.

The 21-year-old Figueroa continued to put the pressure on, battering Delgado until referee Gregorio Alvarez halted the fight at 1:55of the seventh round.

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Za više informacija posjetite www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.com,

Pratite nas na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar @TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing i www.Facebook.com/Pozovite Star Sports. PBC se održava pod pokroviteljstvom Corona Extra, Finest Beer.


Lipinets knows what a win over me will do for his career, and it’s my job to make sure that doesn’t happen,” Garcia
I’m fast, strong and I have all the confidence I need heading
into this fight,” Lipinets
Junior Welterweight World Title Showdown Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Saturday, Mart 10 from Freeman Coliseum
In San Antonio
Kliknite OVDJE za Fotografije iz Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME
San Antonio (Mart 8, 2018) – Unbeaten three-division world champion Mikey Garcia and IBF Junior Welterweight World Champion Sergey Lipinets went face to face Četvrtak at the final press conference before they square-off Subota, Mart 10 live on SHOWTIME from Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio.
Također u pohađanje Četvrtak were two-division world champion Rances Barthelemy i Kiryl Relikh, who meet in the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING (10:15 poslije podne. I/PT) co-feature in a rematch for the vacant WBA 140-pound world title.
Garcia looks to become a four-division champion, joining future Hall of Famers Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez as the only fighters to capture titles at 126, 130, 135 i 140 funti, while Barthelemy has a chance to become the only Cuban in history to win titles in three weight divisions.
Ulaznice za live event, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports and TGB Promotions in association with Leija-Battah Promotions, su po cijeni od $250, $150, $75, $50 i $20 i sad su na prodaju. Tickets are available at Ticketmaster.com or by calling 800-745-3000 ili 210 556-7390.
Od četvrtka press conference also featured fighters competing on the SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME telecast that will see unbeaten contender Mario Barrios, San Antonio, preuzme Eudy Bernardo. Na TV prijenos počinje u 8 poslije podne. I/PT with undefeated Alejandro Luna facing former world title challenger Richard Commey in a 12-round IBF Lightweight Title Eliminator.
Ovdje je ono što je novinarima učesnici konferencije su imali da kažu Četvrtak from Omni La Mansion in San Antonio:
At the end of my career, this is the fight that will have opened the door for even bigger fights. I plan on moving up and fighting even bigger names. This is the kind of fight that really motivates me and it’s going to be the first of many big fights.
I’m very focused on Sergey Lipinets. The entire camp I’ve known what’s in front of me. I know he’s hungry and wants to defend his title. He knows what’s in front of him, so I know he’ll be in the best shape possible. Lipinets knows what a win over me will do for his career, and it’s my job to make sure that doesn’t happen.
I don’t have a specific goal in this sport but I know that I need to win more world titles in more weight classes. I know that at the end of my career I’ll get the credit that I deserve.
I’m happy to bring this show to a beautiful city like San Antonio and I just want everybody to come out u subotu. This is a great boxing city and I know they’re going to show up for a great night of boxing. There are lots of candidates for ‘Fight of the Nighton this card. We’re all hungry and we’re all here to win.
“Ja sam vrlo sretan za ovu priliku. If you’ve followed my career you’ve seen that I never take a shortcut. It meant a lot to win a world title but I’ve really always wanted to fight the best of the best. Mikey gave me that chance and I was eager to take it.
I have no concerns about my hand at all. My right hand is hungry and it’s going to be eating a lotu subotu noć.
“Ja sam mlada, I’m hungry and I have a great team behind me. I’m fast, strong and I have all the confidence I need heading into this fight.
Rances Bartolomej
I’m very excited to be here in San Antonio fighting for the first time. Everyone knows that the first fight with Relikh was an unbelievable war. People thought it was a close fight, but I’m here to make history and erase any doubt.
This is going to be a great show with great action all night long. The fight fans here in San Antonio are great and I hope everyone shows up for it.
Everyone knows that Cubans have a rich tradition in boxing, including one of my trainers, Joel Casamayor. It’s an amazing feat to be able to be the first Cuban to win world titles in three weight classes.
I always tell the truth and Relikh is a powerful puncher, I won’t take that away from him. I never touched the canvas though, but Relikh did. U subotu noć, I’m going to put him back on the canvas.
I’m very happy to have this opportunity again to fight against Barthelemy again. It’s good for me that this time we will be fighting for a world title. I’m very happy for my new team and you will see a new fighter u subotu.
I don’t think I lost the first fight, but that’s up to the judges. Ovaj put, we will be much better and not leave it in the judgeshands if we have the opportunity.
This is boxing so we know anything can happen. Two world class fighters are going for the world title, so of course I’m going to be at my best. This is going to be a fight you cannot miss u subotu.”
It’s great to be back home. I’m very excited for the opportunity to show off in front of my people and show them what I’ve been working on.
I had a great camp out there with Virgil Hunter. I can’t wait to be on this huge card. These fighters up here are champions that I look forward to meeting real soon in the ring.
It’s going to be an exciting night. Ja sam mlada, I’m hungry and I’m a Mexican fighter competing at home in Texas. I hope everyone comes out for a great show.
I feel very good about my fight. Training camp went really well and I think I’ve done everything I need to do to win.
U subotu, I’m going to get in the ring and take care of the game plan we came up with in the gym. I’m really going to focus on solid defense and pressuring the guy, because I’m in really good shape.
Barrios is a really good fighter, I know he’s undefeated but if I execute my game plan and focus on what I’ve been working on in the gym I’ll be successful. I want to take him in to deeper waters, to the fourth and fifth rounds, and try to get him on his heels.
I’ve been working really really hard on good defense and staying low. once I get past the third, fourth and fifth rounds that’s when the fight is really going to start.
It feels great to be on this stage. I’ve been doing this since I was nine-years-old so the time is now. I’m ready to take full advantage of this.
“Kamp za obuku je sjajno. The only bump we had was the postponement of the fight, but we slowed it down a little bit so we could peak at the right time. Spreman sam da idem.
Richard Commey comes from a rich boxing background and those fighters from Ghana are all known for coming forward. I think our styles are really going to clash nicely. The real winner of this fight is going to be the fans.
The change to Andre Rozier as my trainer was something I needed and wanted. I’m very happy to be working with one of the best trainers in the country and so far he’s helped me improve in many ways.
I know that Luna is going to apply pressure and come forward. He’s going to look to throw big right hands, so we’re getting ready for all of that.
I just have to stick to my game plan and make sure I’m always first. My job is to go in and get the win and convince the judges any way that I can that I’m the better fighter.
ROBERT GARCIA, Garcia’s Brother & Trener
I’ve worked with many Russian and Eastern Europeans fighters before and the one thing about those guys is, they are the most dedicated fighters I’ve ever worked with.
I know Sergey is in the best shape of his life because a win over Mikey will bring him even bigger fights. We know we’ll have a tough, strong opponent u subotu night and that’s what we’ve prepared for.
BUDDY MCGIRT, Lipinets’ Trener
You have to wait until Saturday night to see what’s going to happen. After the fight I’ll tell everyone how we got the job done.
It’s fun to me to be in these kind of fights. Mikey Garcia comes from a great pedigree of fighting. Robert Garcia is a gentleman who’s taken limited fighters and got them to the top. Mikey has a lot of talent so they have their eyes on a lot more world titles, ali u subotu noć, you’ll have to wait and watch happens.
RICHARD SCHÄFER, Predsjednik & CEO Ringstar sporta
For as little as $20 you can be part of a historic night of boxing. This arena is built for boxing so I hope all the local fans come out to witness history being made.
SHOWTIME has continued to put on the best fights week after week and month after month. They have really become the sole leader in this sport and are a big reason why there has been such a resurgence of boxing in the U.S.
This fight card has a little bit of everything. There are five Texans fighting on this card, most notably San Antonio’s Mario Barrios, plus emerging stars such as Alejandro Luna and Richard Commey, who are looking to make names for themselves.
The 140-pound division is on full display Saturday night with Rances Barthelemy and Kiryl Relikh meeting in a world title rematch for a world title. Plus of course we have the historic matchup as Sergey Lipinets defends his title while Mikey Garcia seeks a fourth world title in a weight class.
These are exciting fighters, big punchers and you will see fireworks Subota night from Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio.

# # #

Za više informacija posjetite www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.com,
Pratite nas na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar @TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing i www.Facebook.com/Pozovite Star Sports. PBC se održava pod pokroviteljstvom Corona Extra, Finest Beer.