Lossis Archives: Luis Orlando Cruz

Attorney Jack Stanton & Luis Orlando Cruz Ring 8 Guest Speakers Thursday night in New York


NEW YORK (FEB. 18, 2015) – Attorney Jack Stanton and new gym owner Luis Orlando Cruz are scheduled to be Ring 8 guest speakers tag kis hmo ntuj, FEB. 19(doors open 6 p.m, meeting starts at 8 p.m.), at Plattduetsche Park Restaurant in Franklin Square, New York.


We’re fortunate to have two very interesting speakers of interest for our members,” Ntiv nplhaib 8 president Bob Duffy Hais. “Jim is an expert in all aspects of boxing litigation, while Luis has opened a new gym in Brooklyn, Fight for Fitness.”

HAIS TXOG LUB NPLHAIB 8: Ntiv nplhaib 8 los ua tus eighth subsidiary txog dab tsi yog ces hu ua lub teb chaws qub tub rog Boxers Association – li no, NTIV NPLHAIB 8 – thiab hnub no lub koom haum motto tseem tshua: Boxers pab Boxers.


NTIV NPLHAIB 8 koom txoos siab yuav txhawb cov neeg tsis muaj hmoo hauv zos boxing uas tej zaum yuav tau kev pab ntawd them nqi tsev xauj, nqi kho mob, los xijpeem tiag yuav tsum.


Mus rau kab kom www.Ring8ny.com Yog xav paub ntxiv txog lub NPLHAIB 8, cov pab pawg neeg coob thiaj nyob rau tebchaws Meskas muaj ntau tshaj 350 neeg. Xyoo dues koom xwb $30.00 thiab ib tug yog cai mus ib hmo tom lub NPLHAIB buffet 8 cov rooj sib tham txhua hli, lub Xya hli ntuj excluding thiab lub yim hli ntuj. Txhua yam boxers, amateur thiab kev, with a current boxing license or book are entitled to a complimentary RING 8 xyoo ua tswv cuab. Qhua ntawm lub nplhaib 8 cov neeg tau txais tos ntawm ib nqi xwb $7.00 ib tug neeg twg.