Tag Archives: דזשאַני טאַפּיאַ

ניקאָ טאַפּיאַ, 16-יאָר-אַלט זון פון שפּעט האַלל פון פאַמער דזשאַני טאַפּיאַ, צו מאַכן אַמאַטעור באָקסינג דעבוט נאָוועמבער. 20

16-יאָר אַלט דזשאַני "ניקקאָ" טאַפּיאַ שטרעבט צו נאָכפאָלגן אין זיין לעגענדאַרי טאַטע ס פוססטעפּס ווי ער מאכט זיין ליבהאָבער באָקסינג דעבוט אויף זיין מאַם טערעסאַ ס קאַמף קאָרט

שבת, נאוועמבער. 20, 2021, אין מעסקאַלעראָ, ניו מעקסיקא

יאַנגגאַסט זון פון שפּעט האַלל פון פאַמער דזשאַני טאַפּיאַ צו קעמפן אויף די פּרילימאַנערי חלק פון Tapia פּראָמאָטיאָנס Barrera vs. די לעאָן: "דאס לעצטע שטאנד" (דאס לעצטע שטאנד) לעבן פון די ין פון די Mountain גאָדס רעסאָרט & קאַסינאָ

ALBUQUERQUE, נ.ם. (נאוועמבער. 13, 2021) - בשעת קאַונטלאַס הויך שולע דזשוניערז זאָרג זיך מיט סטאַנדערדייזד פּרובירן סקאָרז און פאָרלייגן קאָלעגע אַפּלאַקיישאַנז, דזשאַני "ניקקאָ" טאַפּיאַ, די יאַנגגאַסט זון און ניימסייק פון די שפּעט פינף-צייַט וועלט מייַסטער, וועט אָנהייבן זיין יאָג פון אַ פּראָ באָקסינג קאַריערע ווען ער מאכט זיין ליבהאָבער דעבוט אויף די פּרילימאַנערי טייל פון זיין מאָם טערעסאַ.Marco Antonio Barrera ווס. דניאל פּאָנסע דע לעאָןפּייַ-פּער-מיינונג קאַמף קאָרט שבת, נאוועמבער. 20, 2021.

"באָקסינג איז אַ לייַדנשאַפט,"האט דער 16-יאָר-אַלט איצט ארבעטן צו פאַרדינען זיין דיפּלאָם אָנליין. "איך ליבע סטעפּינג אין די רינג, געטינג שלאָגן, און פילן די ענערגיע פון ​​די מאַסע.

אין די נאוועמבער. 20 הויפּט געשעעניש, צוויי מעקסיקאַן באָקסינג אגדות וועט שנירל אַרויף די גלאַווז פֿאַר איין לעצט נאַכט ווען האַלל פון פאַמערמאַרקאָ אַנטאָניאָ באַררעראַ(67-7, 44 קאָס) קערט זיך צוריק צו די רינג פֿאַר בלויז די צווייט מאָל אין מער ווי אַ יאָרצענדלינג צו זיין אַוועק קעגן געוועזענער צוויי מאָל וועלט מייַסטערדניאל פּאָנסע דע לעאָן (45-7, 35 קאָס). די זעקס-קייַלעכיק סופּער וועלטערווייט ויסשטעלונג און פיר נאָך באַוץ וועט זיין לופט אויף צאָלונג פּער מיינונג פֿון Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & קאַסינאָ אין Mescalero, New Mexico.

FITE PPV און גאָלדען בוי קאַמף נאַכט אויף פאַסעבאָאָק וואַך באַצאָלט אָנליין וועט טעלעוויזיע די פינף-באַוט הויפּט קאַרטל לעבן אויף צאָלונג פּער מיינונג פֿאַר$9.99 בייַ4:30 פּ.ם. פּט /5:30 פּ.ם. מט/7:30 פּ.ם. און

א געבוירענער פון לאס קרוסעס, נ.מ., ניקאָ טריינז אין די טאַפּיאַ היים גאַראַזש, ענדזשויז לערנען סאָוסיאַלאַדזשי צו "קוקן אויף מענטשן פֿון אַ אַנדערש פּערספּעקטיוו,” האט ניט ליב מאטעמאטיק, און דערווייַל האט קיין פּלאַנז צו פאָרזעצן אַן אַקאַדעמיק קאַריערע נאָך זיין 2023 גראַדזשאַוויישאַן.

"איך טאָן ניט טאַקע פּלאַן צו גיין צו קאָלעגע,"האט דער מוזיק פאָכער וואָס פרעעסטילע ראַפּס אין זיין דאַונטיים. "איך ווילן צו פאָרזעצן פּושינג זיך אין די רינג און ווערן פּראָ ווי באַלד ווי איך באַקומען גענוג דערפאַרונג."

סעראַונדאַד דורך די זיס וויסנשאַפֿט פון אַ פרי עלטער, ניקאָ פאָנדלי קוקט צוריק אויף ינומעראַבאַל כאַרטוואָרמינג מעמעריז פון וואַטשינג זיין פאטער באַן פֿאַר אַפּקאַמינג פייץ.

"איך געוויינט צו גיין צו די ספּאָרטזאַל און לויפן אַרום מיט מיין טאַטע יעדער טאָג. ווען דער גלאָק האָט געקלונגען, איך האב מיט אים אויפגעהויבן די הענטשקעס״.

אַרויס פון באַקסינג, דער פּאָר-זון פּערינג פארבראכט קוואַליטעט צייט פּלייינג אנדערע ספּאָרט, ענדזשויינג געשמאַק דיזערץ, און טונינג אין זייער באַליבסטע טעלעוויזיע מגילה.

“מיר פלעגן גיין אין פּאַרק, שפּיל קוישבאָל, און שפּרינגען אויף די טראַמפּאַלין,— האָט ניקאָ זיך דערמאָנט. “דער טאַטע פלעגט מיר געבן אייזקרעם סענדוויטשן. איך געדענק אז איך בין אריין אין זיין צימער און האב געזעהן די פארשטעלונג 'קאַפּס' צוזאַמען. ”

ציל צו געפֿינען ינספּיראַציע און אַנטדעקן באָקסינג עצות פון איינער פון די גרעסטע פייטערז פון באָקסינג אַלע מאָל, יונג ניקקאָ אָפט ריוואַטטשען דזשאַני ס קלאַסיש באַוץ.

"איך לערנען זיין גיכקייַט, קאָפּ באַוועגונג, און אַנגלעס,"האט דער טיניידזשער וואָס מאָדעלינג פיל פון זיין פייטינג סטיל נאָך זיין טאַטע און ווונדערלעך מאַרווין האַגלער.

ווען געבעטן צו נאָמען זיין באַליבסטע "מי ווידאַ לאָקאַ" קאַמף, ניקאָ האט נישט קווענקלען צו ליסטינג Johnny Tapia ס שווער-געקעמפט נצחון איבער יונגערמאַן אַלבוקווערקוועאַן און געוועזענער וועלט מייַסטער דאַני ראָמעראָ פֿאַר די IBF / WBO יינגער באַנטאַמווייט טיטלען אין יולי 18, 1997, אין לאַס וועגאַס, נעוו.

“דער עולם איז געווען ווילד און משוגע,— האָט ניקאָ זיך דערמאָנט. "איך האָב ליב צו לערנען מיין טאַטע ס באַקסינג טעכניק."

ערידזשנאַלי סקעדזשולד צו קעמפן אין ין פון די Mountain גאָדס אויף יולי 31, 2021, דער אַספּיירינג אַקטיאָר און געוועזענער וויאָלאַ שפּילער פּולד זיך פון זיין ליבהאָבער דעבוט ווען ער סוסטאַינעד אַ האַנט בראָך.

"איך איז געווען פּלייינג פוטבאָל מיט פרענדז און לאַנדיד אויף מיין האַנט פאַלש,“ האָט זיך באַקלאָגט דער שטאָלץ האָלדער פון אַ דרייווער דערלויבעניש. "עס איז געווען דער ערשטער מאָל איך ינדזשערד זיך."

ווייניקער ווי פיר חדשים שפּעטער, ניקאָ איז לאָעט צו ציטערן די מעסקאַלעראָ מאַסע אויף נאָוועמבער. 20 איידער Barrera און De Leon נעמען צענטער בינע.

"איך טיקען די טעג און קענען נישט וואַרטן פֿאַר די נאַכט צו קומען."

קיקינג אַוועק די פעסטיוואַטיז, גאָלדען בוי קאַמף נאַכט אויף פאַסעבאָאָק וואַךFacebook.com/GoldenBoyFN און FITE וועט סטרימינג די דעבוט פון Nicco Tapia און פיר נאָך בוילעט פּרילימאַנערי באַוץ פֿאַרפֿרייַ בייַ 2 פּ.ם. PT/3 פּ.מ. מט/5 פּ.מ. און.

א שפּאַניש-שפּראַך בראָדקאַסט וועט זיין בארעכטיגט ווי אַ וויוינג אָפּציע פֿאַר ביידע צאָלונג פּער מיינונג און פּרילימאַנערי באַוץ.

יענע כאָופּינג צו אָנטייל נעמען אין די אַנפערגעטאַבאַל, 10-קאַמף Tapia פּראָמאָטיאָנס יקסטראַוואַגאַנזאַ אין מענטש קענען קויפן טיקיץ סטאַרטינג בייַ $75 דורךinnofthemountaingods.com אוןTicketMaster.com דורך זוכן "La Ultima Batalla - די לעצטע שטיין."

וועגן BARRERA-DE LEON: דאס לעצטע שטאנד (דאס לעצטע שטאנד)

צוויי לעדזשאַנדערי ערשטע וועלט טשאַמפּיאָנס צוריקקומען צו די באָקסינג רינג איין לעצט מאָל פֿאַר אַ ספּעציעל זעקס-קייַלעכיק וועלטערווייט ויסשטעלונג, ווי Tapia פּראָמאָטיאָנס גיטBarrera vs. פּאָנסע דע לעאָן "די לעצטע שלאַכט" - "די לעצטע שטיין"אויף שבת, נאוועמבער 20, אין די ין פון די Mountain גאָדס רעסאָרט & קאַסינאָ אין Mescalero, New Mexico. די טרילינג הויפּט קאָרט מיט פינף קאַמף וועט זיין בארעכטיגט דורך פּייַ-פּער-מיינונג פֿאַר $9.99 דורך ביידעFITE PPV און גאָלדען בוי קאַמף נאַכט אויף פאַסעבאָאָק וואַך באַצאָלט אָנליין בייַ 4:30 פּ.ם. פּט /5:30 פּ.ם. מט/7:30 פּ.ם. און.  פֿאַר די וילעם וואַטשינג אין מעקסיקא, ביידע FITE און Golden Boy Fight Night אויף פאַסעבאָאָק וואַך באַצאָלט אָנליין וועט פאָרשלאָגן אַ שפּאַניש-שפּראַך בראָדקאַסט פון די געשעעניש פֿאַר $4.99. קיקינג אַוועק די פעסטיוואַטיז צוויי שעה פריער, גאָלדען בוי קאַמף נאַכט אויף פאַסעבאָאָק וואַךFacebook.com/GoldenBoyFN און FITE וועט סטרימינג די פינף בוילעט פּרילימאַנערי באַוץ פֿאַר פריי אין 2:30 פּ.ם. PT/3:30 פּ.ם. מט/5:30 פּ.ם. און.

טיקקעץ סטאַרטינג $75 זענען בנימצא דורךinnofthemountaingods.com אוןTicketMaster.com דורך זוכן "La Ultima Batalla - די לעצטע שטיין."

וועגן טאַפּיאַ פּראָמאָטיאָנס

Teresa Tapia געגרינדעט Tapia פּראָמאָטיאָנס צו פאָרזעצן די לעגאַט פון איר לעדזשאַנדערי שפּעט מאַן, זעקס-צייַט וועלט מייַסטער / האַלל פון פאַמער דזשאַני טאַפּיאַ דורך פּראַוויידינג טרילינג באָקסינג געשעענישן צו קעמפן פאַנס אומעטום. איינער פון די ערשטע ווייַבלעך באָקסינג פּראַמאָוטערז אין די פאַרייניקטע שטאַטן, טערעסאַ הצלחה געראטן Johnny Tapia ס קאַריערע פֿון 1995-2011, און האט אנגענומען זיין 2017 ינדאַקשאַן אין די ינטערנאַטיאָנאַל באָקסינג האַלל פון פאַמע (IBOF). אַדדיטיאָנאַללי, אין 2004, טערעסאַ איז געווארן דער ערשטער און בלויז ווייַבלעך באָקסינג פאַרוואַלטער אין זיס וויסנשאַפֿט געשיכטע צו באַקומען אַ ספּעציעל דערקענונג אַוואָרד פון די IBOF. דער מאַלטי-פאַסעטעד פּראָמאָטער איז בראַנטשט אין 2020 צו פּראָדוצירן די ספּאָרט פאַקט סעריע "שטערן און טשאַמפּיאָנס,"וואָס פיטשערד אַ אָנווינקען קוק אין באָקסערס 'לעבן אין און אַרויס פון די רינג.

וועגן FITE

FITE איז די פּרעמיע גלאבאלע פּלאַטפאָרמע פֿאַר לעבן ספּאָרט און פאַרווייַלונג וואָס אָפפערס פילע פון ​​​​די ינדאַסטרי מאַרקיי PPV events און SVOD פּאַקאַדזשאַז מיט איבער 5 מם רעגיסטרירט יוזערז. FITE איז בנימצא ווערלדווייד דורך זייַן יאָס און אַנדרויד רירעוודיק אַפּפּס, עפּל טעלעוויזיע, אַנדרויד טעלעוויזיע, יאָר, Amazon Fire TV, און Huawei אַפּפּס. דערצו, FITE שטיצט סאַמסונג, LG, קאָקס קאַנטור, Vizio SmartCast 2, ווירגין מידיאַ, Shaw Communications 'בלוי קורווע IPTV, פאָקסום, טשראָמעקאַסט, PS4, XBOX, ZEASN, netrange, ווידאַאַ / היסענסע, VEWD, Netgem TV, Xfinity פון Comcast 1 און Xfinity Flex און 7,000 מאָדעלס פון סמאַרט טווס. בנימצא אָנליין בייַ www.FITE.tv. גיי אונדז אויף טוויטטער, ינסטאַגראַםיאָוטובעלינקעדין און פאַסעבאָאָקFITEס 'איז אנגעצינדן.


לאס אנדזשעלעס-באזירט גאָלדען בוי איז געגרינדעט אין 2002 דורך Oscar De La Hoya, דער ערשטער היספּאַניק צו פאַרמאָגן אַ נאציאנאלע באָקסינג פּערמאָושאַנאַל פירמע. גאָלדען בוי איז אַ מעדיע און פאַרווייַלונג סאָרט וואָס איז באגאנגען צו מאַכן פייטינג פאַרווייַלונג מער צוטריטלעך און אַפאָרדאַבאַל. די פירמע 'ס אין-הויז פּראָדוקציע מאַנשאַפֿט דעוועלאָפּס שעפעריש אָריגינעל פּראָגראַממינג פֿאַרRingTV.com און אינטערנאַציאָנאַלע טשאַנאַלז איבער דער וועלט. די פירמע האלט די ויסשליסיק רעכט צו שפּיץ באָקסערס און האט פּראָמאָטעד עטלעכע פון ​​​​די ביגאַסט און העכסטן גראָססינג געשעענישן אין דער געשיכטע פון ​​די ספּאָרט. איצט, גאָלדען בוי איז איינער פון די מערסט מצליח באָקסינג פאַרווייַלונג קאָמפּאַניעס אין דער וועלט און שאַפּעס די צוקונפֿט פון באָקסינג פֿאַר פייטערז און פאַנס.

The late Johnny Tapia remains strong influence for Albuquerque amateur boxer Sharahya-Taina Moreu

The late Johnny Tapia remains strong influence for

Albuquerque amateur boxer Sharahya-Taina Moreu

2020 USA Boxing Nationals, דעצעמבער. 5-12, Shreveport, Louisiana

קאָלאָראַדאָ ספּרינגס, שויס. (נאָוועמבער 23, 2020) – The late, great Hall of Fame boxer דזשאַני טאַפּיאַ played a significant role in the development of Albuquerque welterweight Sharahya-Taina Moreu, and the 3-division world champion remains a strong influence in her life.

During the COVID-19 pandemic she has been preparing to compete in the 2020 USA באָקסינג לאַנדיש טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּס, דעצעמבער 5-12, at Shreveport Convention Center in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Tapia (shown below with his tattooed back to Moreu) helped Sharahya-Taina overcome the life-changing tragedy of her mother’s automobile accident. She was only eight at the time, laying on her mother after the accident, and the first out of the car and onto the highway asking for help.

“At first,” she spoke about her relationship with Tapia, “I was regretful and angry, getting into fights and on a bad path. I got into boxing at 12, took anger management, and became motivated.”

Tapia, who was a 2-time National Golden Gloves champion as an amateur, had a tremendous impact on Moreu’s life, something that will never leave her heart and soul.

“We became like family,” the 21-year-old explained. “At first, ער (דזשאַני) didn’t like girls boxing, so he worked me really hard. I was a good basketball player and he kept telling me to go play basketball. But he became a big person in my life, איך טראַכטן, because I had lost my mother at such a young age. He helped me in and out of the ring in so many ways. Johnny Tapia was the nicest, most humble man I’ve ever met. We became family until the gym fell apart. He only coached me for about eight months, but he taught me that boxing defines you as a person. I feel safe in the ring. I’m a better person because of Johnny and boxing.”

Training with her father/coachYoruba Moreu during the pandemic, although it was challenging to find good sparring, hasn’t been as much of a problem as for others because her gym is in the backyard. She hasn’t been in a fight since last December’s Olympic Trials.

“I’m excited to get back in the ring because I’ve gone too long without competition,” Moreu looked ahead to Shreveport. “It’s definitely going to be different, because there are a bunch of new faces coming for the number one spot, which makes it fun and worthy to fight.”

Proud to represent the United States in competition, Sharahya-Taina is proud of her Native American and Puerto Rican heritage, and she’s taken up the cause fighting for women.

“I love to embrace both sides of my culture,” she commented, “representing my Acoma side from my mother and Taino lineage from the Puerto Rican blood in me, and that’s why my name is Sharahya-Taina. Every day is a fight for women. I’m just making it known and clear that we are here to stay. I’m not just fighting for myself. I’m also fighting for my family, ancestors and the next generation of females who choose to pick up a pair of gloves. The goal is not to be just a champ in the ring, but on the outside, too.”

Moreu has been very successful in her development from youth to the elite division, winning the 2017 Youth National Championships and Western Regional Open, ווי געזונט ווי די 2016 און 2017 Youth Open. She’s also been runner-up at the 2018 Elite National Championships and Western Elite Qualifier, plus the 2015 National Junior Olympics.

Sharahya-Taina Moreu is a young woman on a mission. She hopes to compete in the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, particularly with her younger brother if they both qualified to be, as she says, “an iconic brother/sister duo in Olympic boxing.”



טוויטטער: @וסאַבאָקסינג, @USABoxingAlumni

ינסטאַגראַם: @וסאַבאָקסינג

פאַסעבאָאָק: /וסאַבאָקסינג

ABOUT USA BOXING:  The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United States’ athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, develop character, support the sport of boxing, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, but also oversee and govern every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.

Sharahya-Taina Moreu to make USA Boxing Women’s Elite debut at home in Albuquerque

2018 Western Elite Qualifier and Regional Open Championships
יאַם. 6-10 at Albuquerque Convention Center

COLORADO SPRINGS, שויס. (מאַרץ 1, 2018) – High school senior Sharahya-Taina Moreu, one of the top youth amateur boxers in the world, will make her USA Boxing in the Women’s Elite Division at home in Albuquerque, מאַרץ 6-10, בייַ די 2018 USA Boxing Western Elite Qualifier and Regional Open Championships.

The 18-year-old Moreu, who plans to attend community college next year, איז אַ 2016 USA Boxing National Champion, in addition to a four-time Native American and 2014 Gene Lewis champion. She was a silver medalist at the 2015 Junior/Youth Open and 2014/2015 Junior Olympic championships.

באָקסינג, her father/coach, Yoruba Moreu, די שפּעט דזשאַני טאַפּיאַ helped her overcome the life-changing tragedy of her mother’s death in an automobile accident, forging a new path for her as a role model and 2020 Olympic hopeful. “I was only eight when my mother died,” Moreu remembered. “I was laying on her when the car-rolled and she was thrown through the back window. I was the first out of the card and on the freeway asking for help.

I’m a better person because of that accident, כאָטש. אין ערשטער, I was regretful and angry, getting in fights and on a bad path. I got into boxing, took anger management, and became motivated. I didn’t realize that I’d become a role model until girls started asking me for advice. They do look up to me and some of them I now coach.
Moreu started boxing at the age of 12 and Tapia, די פינף-צייַט, דרייַ אָפּטייל וועלט מייַסטער, in addition to the 1983 און 1985 לאַנדיש גאָלדען גלאָוועס מייַסטער, had a tremendous impact on Sharahya-Taina that will remain in her heart and soul for life.
We became like family,” Moreu said. “אין ערשטער, he didn’t like girls boxing, so he worked me real hard. I was a good basketball player and he kept telling me to go play basketball. But he became a big person in my life, איך טראַכטן, because I had lost my mother at such a young age. He helped me in and out of the ring in so many ways. Johnny Tapia was the nicest, most humble man I’ve ever met. We became family until the gym fell apart. He only coached me about eight months, but he taught me that boxing defines you as a person, אין און אויס פון די רינג. I feel safe in the ring. I’m a better person because of Johnny and boxing.

נוסח-קלוג, Sharahya-Taina preys on her opponentsmistakes, adjusting in the ring the same as, she says, “Just like in life.At 5′ 10″, Moreu has a distinct height and reach advantage over most of her middleweight opponents, using those attributes, her speed and stiff jab to relentlessly pile up points.

She strongly believes that, because of Claressa Shieldsgold-medal performances in the 2012 און 2016 אָלימפּיקס, the doors are open wider for women in boxing. “I saw an American woman do what Clarissa did and become a dominant force in boxing,” Moreu remarked. “(2016 יוז. Olympian and three-time USA Boxing National Champion)) Mikaela Mayer (3-0, 2 KOs as a pro) has helped a lot, צו. She signed with a good promoter (Top פּאַזישאַן). Boxing is slowly getting better for woman, maybe not equal to men, but there are more girls boxing today than ever before and that’s a good sign.

Fighting at home in the Western Qualifier has a special meaning for Moreu. “I thought fighting in Albuquerque would be a lot of pressure,” she admitted, “but there’s not much pressure on me because of all the support I’m receiving. It’s easy here. Albuquerque isn’t like a big city but it’s becoming a fight town.

I like to travel and meet different people. לעצטע יאָר, I represented to United States in India at the Youth Championships, and I saw another part of the world, how people trained and had different life styles. I’m turning 19 מאי, so this is my first-time boxing in an Elite tournament, and it’s great doing it in my hometown.

Moreu also credits her father for a large amount of her success in the ring and life. “He’s been a single parent, but he’s always been there doing his best for me as a father and coach,” Sharahya-Taina noted. “Most people don’t know that he’s Puerto Rican, my mother a Native American (Pueblo).”

Like most young, elite athletes, Sharahya-Taina has a dream. “2020 in the Olympics,” she concluded. “I want to establish myself as an amateur and eventually go pro and have a good career.

טוויטטער: @וסאַבאָקסינג
ינסטאַגראַם: @וסאַבאָקסינג
פאַסעבאָאָק: /וסאַבאָקסינג

קאנעטיקעט באָקסינג האַלל פון רום קלאַס פון 2017 Induction caps Judging career of Clark Sammartino

אקטאבער. 28 ביי מאָהעגאַן זון

Clark Sammartino

ונקאַסוויללע, קאַן. (אָקטאָבער 19, 2017, 2017) – His induction into the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame (קבהאָף) אויף שבת נאַכט, אָקטאָבער 28, as part of the six-member Class of 2017, will cap the boxing career of retiring judge Clark Sammartino בייַ 13סטן יערלעך קבהאָף גאַלאַ ינדוקטיאָן מיטאָג אין די ונקאַס טאַנצפּלאַץ ביי מאָהעגאַן זון.
The other new CBHOF inductees are pioneer boxerProfessorCharles Hadley, ring physician דר. Tony Alessi, referee/judge Dick Flaherty, באָקסינג שרייַבער Dan Parker and boxer/boxing contributor Hugh Devlin, סיסטער.
A graduate of Brown University, the now 80-year-old Sammartino has enjoyed two other careers as an oral surgeon and investment advisor at Blue Fin in Providence, in addition to his role as an international boxing judge since 1985.
I first got into boxing because Joey Angelo married my cousin,” Sammartino explained. “He fought back in the early forties. Joey fought Willie Pep twice and Sandy Saddler. That’s what got me started. We used to have the great מאָנטיק Night Fights at Rhode Island Auditorium and I remember watching Rocky Marciano fight “טיגער” Ted Lowry there.
Because he was a successful oral surgeon, Clark could take long weekends to judge fights all over the world. His first and most memorable world title fight was Vinny Paz-Greg Haughn I. Through his long career, Sammartino judged more than 400 פּראָ פיגהץ, אַרייַנגערעכנט 50 major world title fights.
The list of boxers whose fights Sammartino judged reads like a Who’s Who of Boxing during the past 32 יאָרן: מייק טיסאָן, אָסקאַר דע לאַ הויאַ, עוואַנדער האָליפיעלד, דזשוליאָ Cesar טשאַוועז, דזשאַני טאַפּיאַ, נאסעם האמד, Chris Eubank, מאַרקאָ אַנטאָניאָ באַררעראַ, Mark Johnson, Wayne McCullough, וולאַדימיר קליצטשקאָ, געננאַדי גאָלאָווקין, Anthony Joshua, סערגיי קאָוואַלעוו, בערנאַרד האָפּקינס, וואַן מאַנועל לאָפּעז, נאָניטאָ דאָנאַירע, אַסעלינאָ פרעיטאַס, איוואן קאַלדעראָן, פעליקס טרינידאַד, Tommy Morrison and many more.
Sammartino, who proudly says he never missed a day of work in 40 יאָרן, has decided to retire, although he’ll remain a boxing fans for the rest of his life. “I started slowing down at my age, doing local shows and maybe three or four world title fights a year, mostly WBO and IBF,” Sammartino remarked. “I had a tough bout with pneumonia the past 5-6 months and that made working difficult.
His CBHOF induction is a fitting ending and tremendous tribute to Sammartino and his career in boxing. “I’m humbled to be inducted into the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame,” ער האט. “This is a great way to end my career.
Limited tickets for the CBHOF 13טה יערלעך גאַלאַ ינדוקטיאָן דינער, ריזאַנאַבלי פּרייסט בייַ $90.00, are still available to purchase by calling קים באַקער ביי מאָהעגאַן זון(1.860.862.7377) אָדער שערמאַן קיין אין דער מאַנטשעסטער זשורנאַל ינקווירער (1.800.237.3606 קס321). דאָאָרס עפענען בייַ 5:30 פּ.ם. און, cocktails from 6:00- פּ.ם. און (cash bar), followed by a full sit-down dinner.
גיין אָנליין צו www.ctboxinghof.org פֿאַר נאָך אינפֿאָרמאַציע וועגן דער קאָננעקטיקוט באָקסינג האַלל פון רום, its 13טה יערלעך גאַלאַ ינדוקטעע דינער, געשעעניש ספּאָנסאָרשיפּ אַפּערטונאַטיז, אָדער פאַרגאַנגענהייַט קבהאָף ינדוקטעעס.
וועגן קבהאָף: The Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame was founded in 2004 צו כּבֿוד און פייַערן די קערירז פון בוילעט מענטשן ינוואַלווד אין די ספּאָרט פון באָקסינג. זייַן ינאָגיעראַל ינדוקטיאָן סערעמאָני & מיטאָג איז געווען געהאלטן אין 2005. קאָננעקטיקוט ס רייַך באָקסינג געשיכטע קען קיינמאָל האָבן פלאָורישעד אויב עס זענען נישט פֿאַר די דערגרייכונגען פון די ענשריינד אין די האַלל פון רום. The CBHOF’s new location is in the Sky Casino at Mohegan Sun.
ווי אַ ניט-נוץ אָרגאַניזירונג, די קאָננעקטיקוט באָקסינג האַלל פון רום איז דיפּלי באגאנגען צו בעכעסקעם די קאַמף גייסט פון קאָננעקטיקוט טרייווינג דורך פאַרשידן ראַכמאָנעסדיק קאַנטראַביושאַנז.



Steve Rolls Edges Demond Nicholson & Jon Fernandez KOs Juan Reyes At Turning Stone Resort Casino In Verona, נ.י..

An Encore Presentation Of פרייטיק ס Tripleheader Will Air מאָנטיק בייַ 10 פּ.ם. און/פּט אויף שאָוטיים עקסטרעם®

דריקט דאָ פֿאַר פאָטאָס; Credit Tom Casino/SHOWTIME

VERONA, נ.י.. (יוני 10, 2017) – Undefeated super lightweight Regis Prograis made an emphatic statement פרייַטיק אויףשאָבאָקס: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן, knocking down previously undefeated Joel Diaz Jr. four times in the second round as he stamped his arrival as a legitimate contender in the 140-pound division.

The southpaw Prograis (20-0, 17 קאָס), who was making his fourth start on the prospect developmental series, called out the top names at 140 after the second round demolition (וואס 2:55) at Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, נ.י..

The special Hall of Fame edition of שאָבאָקס: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן featured four members of the International Boxing Hall of Fame: שאָבאָקס mainstays Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood and special guests Al Bernstein and Jimmy Lennon Jr. Tompkins and Farhood will be inducted just down the road in Canastota אויף זונטאג אין אַ 2017 class headlined by boxing greats Evander Holyfield, Marco Antonio Barrera and Johnny Tapia.

The super lightweights, Prograis and Diaz, entered the main event with a combined record of 42-0, but it was clear they were in a different class after the first round. Prograis knocked down Diaz in the opening 30 seconds of the second in an exchange that appeared to be the result of a clash of feet. Regardless, Prograis smelled blood and pounced on Diaz, flooring him again with a straight left midway through the round.

The Houston resident, who relocated from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, knocked down Diaz again just 15 seconds later with a straight left. The fourth and final knockdown, courtesy of a left hook, sent Diaz (23-1, 19 קאָס) tumbling back and was enough for referee Mark Nelson to halt the bout with just seconds left on the clock.

It was a convincing statement for Prograis, וואס לאַנדיד 62 percent of his power shots in the toughest test of his career.

"הייַנט בייַ נאַכט I proved I graduated from שאָבאָקס,” Prograis said. “I’m ready for the bigger stage. I’m ready for the big show. I want to fight best the best in the division. איך ווילן (Terrance) קראָפערד, (Victor) פּאָסטאָל, (אַדריען) בראָנער. I want them all. None of these guys have fought anybody like me. The boogeyman is coming. They better get ready.

“He was tough, he was strong and hit hard, but I went through it. That’s another opponent I ran through. I run through everybody. I’m ready for my shot. I’m coming for everybody at 140.”

דיאַז, who became the 164טה fighter to suffer his first defeat on the series, was clearly disappointed with his game plan.

I went out there too hyper, trying to kill him,” Diaz said. “I went out too aggressive. I should have toned it down a bit. I had 10 rounds but I just went out there trying to take him out. I should’ve calmed down.

“I should have used my jab a bit more to knock him down but I came out swinging.

Super middleweight prospect Steve Rolls managed to maintain his undefeated record with a closely contested eight-round slip decision victory over Demond Nicholson scored 77-75 ניטשאָלסאָן, 77-74 ראָללס, 77-74 ראָללס.

Rolls got off to a quick start, flooring Nicholson with a left hook in the closing seconds of the first to pocket a 10-8 קייַלעכיק. He came out attacking to sweep the second, but the fight appeared to change course in the third when Nicholson hurt Rolls in the final minute with his first meaningful punch of the fight.

ניטשאָלסאָן (17-2-1, 16 קאָס) carried the momentum to sweep the fourth, but the remaining four rounds featured back-and-forth action and were difficult to score. ראָללס (16-0, 9 קאָס) was the slightly busier fighter, קאַנעקטינג אויף 412 total punches compared to 390 איבער אַכט ראָונדס, but Nicholson edged his opponent 134-117 in total connects.

שאָבאָקס announcers Tompkins, Farhood and Raul Marquez all had Nicholson winning the final six rounds and edging Rolls 77-74 on their unofficial scorecards.

What made the difference for me הייַנט בייַ נאַכט was my jab, my patience, my overall boxing ability,” Rolls said. “I came in to this fight having no doubts. Nicholson was talking beforehand about my last fight, he was talking about my footwork, and I knew he was going to be in for a big surprise. I adapt for each fight.

“I knew I had him from the first round. My corner calmed me down and told me to take my time.

ניטשאָלסאָן, who has mostly competed at 160 פונט, disagreed with the judges’ decision.

“I’m not going to make any excuses. He won the fight,” Nicholson said. “That’s what the judges saw, but I don’t agree. He hurt me in the first round. He hit me viciously in the head. I was dizzy but I recovered and I went on. I think I did a very good job but clearly not enough.

“I can’t fight at 160 – I’m a 168-pounder. Fighting at that weight drained me. I wasn’t at my best.”

אין דער עפענונג באַוט פון די טעלאַקאַסט, undefeated lightweight prospect Jon Fernandez scored a brutal knockout of Juan Reyes at2:36 פון די רגע קייַלעכיק.

Fernandez stepped on the gas from the opening bell, utilizing superior activity and accuracy to pick apart the game yet outmatched Reyes. The pair combined to throw 240 punches in the opening stanza but Fernandez landed his right at will and was clearly the more effective fighter.

The Sergio Martinez protégé had a bloodied Reyes hurt in the opening minute of the second and closed the show in the final minute with a sharp right to the ear that sent Reyes (14-4-3, 2 קאָס) falling back toward the canvas. The perfectly placed punch had Reyes seemingly out before he hit the floor.

The Spaniard Fernandez (13-0, 11 קאָס) landed a staggering 55 percent of his power shots and 40 פּראָצענט פון זיין גאַנץ פּאַנטשיז.

“The one-two, one-two was the key to opening the door,” Fernandez said. “The straight right hand is one of my best punches and I caught Reyes in the perfect spot. I hope he is OK. I feel that I am ready for the next level. I’ll fight wherever there is an opportunity, but I believe the big fights are here in the U.S.

Reyes was responsive but taken to the hospital as a precautionary measure.

פרייטיק ס tripleheader will replay אויף מאנטאג בייַ 10 פּ.ם. און/פּט אויף Showtime עקסטרעם און וועט זיין בנימצא אויף Showtime אויף מאָנען® און שאָוטיים עניטיים®.

The event was co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment (DBE) and AASHA Record Breakers.

# # #

Barry Tompkins called the שאָבאָקס קאַמף פון רינגסידע מיט סטיוו פאַרהאָאָד און געוועזענער וועלט מייַסטער ראַול Marquez געדינט ווי מומחה אַנאַליס. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.

פֿאַר מער אינפֿאָרמאַציע וויזיט www.sho.com/sports גיי אויף טוויטטער @שאָווטימעבאָקסינג, שאָספּאָרץ, #שאָבאָקס, @loudibella and @DiBellaEnt or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, אוןwww.facebook.com/דיבעללאַענטערטאַינמענט.


פרייַטיק, יוני 9 בייַ 10:30 פּ.ם. ET/PT from Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, נ.י..


דריקט דאָ פֿאַר וויי-אין Photos; Credit Tom Casino/SHOWTIME

דריקט דאָ For Hall of Fame Opening Bell Photos; Credit Tom Casino/SHOWTIME


VERONA, נ.י.. (יוני 8, 2017) – Regis “Rougarou” Prograis and Joel Diaz Jr. made weight אויף דאנערשטיג just hours after the “Opening Bell” to kick off festivities for the 2017 International Boxing Hall of Fame Weekend.


The undefeated Prograis (19-0, 16 קאָס) and fellow unbeaten Diaz (23-0, 19 קאָס) will square off in the 10-round super lightweight main event of a Hall of Fame edition of ShoBox: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן פרייַטיק, יוני 9, לעבן אויף שאָוטיים (10:30 פּ.ם. און/פּט) פון טורנינג שטיין רעסאָרט קאַסינאָ אין Verona, נ.י..


The ShoBox tripleheader will celebrate longtime analysts Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood just two days before their induction into the International Boxing Hall of Fame. Farhood and Tompkins were joined at the Opening Bell אויף דאנערשטיג by a handful of their fellow 2017 inductees: boxing legend Marco Antonio Barrera, Australian trainer Johnny Lewis, and the wife of the late Johnny Tapia, Teresa Tapia.


In the ShoBox co-feature, undefeated super middleweight Steve Rolls (15-0, 9 קאָס) will take on the hard-hitting Demond Nicholson (17-1-1, 16 קאָס) אין אַן אַכט-קייַלעכיק באַוט. אין דער עפענונג באַוט פון די טעלאַקאַסט, Sergio “Maravilla” Martinez’s protégé, Jon Fernandez, (12-0, 10 קאָס) faces Juan Reyes (14-3-3, 2 קאָס) אין אַן אַכט-קייַלעכיק לייטווייט מאַטשאַפּ.


טיקקעץ פֿאַר די געשעעניש, co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment (DBE) and AASHA Record Breakers, זענען פּרייסט בייַ $65 for ringside, $50, $40 און $30 (may be subject to additional fees) and are available at the Turning Stone Box Office, by calling 877-833-SHOW, or online at Ticketmaster.com. דאָאָרס וועט עפענען בייַ 7:00 פּ.ם., מיט די ערשטער באַוט סקעדזשולד פֿאַר 7:30 פּ.ם.


באַאַמטער ווייץ


10-Round Super Lightweight Main Event:

רעגיס פּראָגראַיס - 139 ½ פונט

Joel Diaz Jr. - 137 ¼ פונט

שויפעט: Mark Nelson; Judges: Don Ackerman, Tom Schreck, John McKaie


Eight-Round Super Middleweight Co-Feature:

Steve Rolls – 161 פונט

Demond Nicholson – 162 ½ פונט

שויפעט: Benjy Esteves; Judges: גלען Feldman, Don Trella, Wynn Kintz


Eight-Round Lightweight Telecast Opener:

Jon Fernandez – 132 ½ פונט

Juan Ramon Reyes – 131 ½ פונט

שויפעט: Charlie Fitch; Judges: Don Ackerman, גלען Feldman, John McKaie

לעצט קוואָטעס:


רעגיס פּראָגראַיס

“The person that wins this fight goes up, hopefully, to a title fight. איך בין 19-0, ער ס 23-0. I feel like this is a real big fight.


“I take all my opponents seriously, but I’m taking this one even more seriously than others in the past. ער ס 23-0, and there’s a reason he’s undefeated. He’s good, and he has the best record I’ve ever faced.


“I’m at a stage in my career where every fight can lead to the next big thing and I think this fight may be it for me. I’m patient, but I’m ready for more. I want a shot at a title.


“He’s a brawler fighter, but I have the better punching power, and the speed.


“If I feel like he [דיאַז] can’t hurt me from the first round, I’ll probably just walk him down the whole night and punish him.


“Seeing what [עראַל] Spence did motivates me, especially the way he did it in his opponent’s hometown. It got me thinking: that can be me one day. We went at it in the amateurs, so I know how good he is, but I’m good too. Just seeing him go over there and take the title away, I know my time is coming next.


“I grew up watching Macho Camacho, ראָבערטאָ דעראַן, מייק טיסאָן, but I watched more Duran than anything. I really liked his style. I learned a lot watching the boxing greats on tape.


“Terence Crawford, אַדריען בראָנער, Victor Postol. Those are the type of guys I want to fight.


“I started boxing in New Orleans, and if it wasn’t for Katrina, I probably wouldn’t be where I am right now. When I moved to Houston, I got into the boxing scene and started taking it seriously. It was a horrible situation [אין ניו אָרלעאַנס], but it changed my life.


“My family went back [to New Orleans], but not me. I stayed in Houston to box. I feel it’s not time for me to go back home just yet. I’ll come back when I become a superstar, like I’m supposed to be.”


Joel Diaz Jr.

“This is my chance, this is my opportunity. I’ve been told, ‘you only get one chance’, and this is it for me. I know Regis is good, but we’re going to put it on him. I’m going to be on him like flies on shit. This is one of the opportunities I can’t let pass.


“We’re going to break him down mentally, find our way in, and drop the bomb.


“He throws combos, and that’s what I have to take away from him. I have to be on him and be the first to attack. My power will take care of his speed.


“This means a lot to me, getting to show the world who the ‘secret’ is. People haven’t really seen what I have, but there will be no more secrets after מאָרגן.


“I’m going to show the world who the real Joel Diaz is. I’m now at the right weight for me and I’m 110 פּראָצענט. I didn’t waste four weeks of training camp trying to lose weight. איך פילן שטאַרק.


“A world championship after this fight, אַז ס וואָס איך ווילן. This is my opportunity to actually show who I am and I can’t let it go. If I let this go, I might as well go back to school. This is going to open all the doors for me.


“We’ve been ready for this step for a while. I’d like to fight the winner of [אַדריען] בראָנער- [מייקי] גאַרסיאַ, אָבער מיר וועט זען. I know Broner doesn’t want to fight me. I tried to fight him and he turned it down. He knows I’ll give him trouble.


“I changed trainers. I used to be with Abel Ramos, now I’m with Chris Byrd. With Coach Chris, it’s more defense than offense. Working with Chris is amazing. He was a fighter, so he knows what it takes to step in that ring. ער ס שוין דאָרט, so he understands me from a fighter’s perspective and that’s very important for me. The bond we have inside and outside the ring is special.


“You’re going to see a more active Joel Diaz and a more defensive Joel Diaz. I’m going to show the world who Joel Diaz is at 140 and trust me, they will ask for more after they see it.”


סטיוו ראָללס

“My last fight on שאָבאָקס [against Steed Woodall in December 2015] was a learning experience. I was knocked down in the third, but I rebounded. You never know how you are going to react in the face of adversity until you are put in that position. I’m glad that happened early on in my career. It taught me a lot.


“I’m know I’m 33, but I feel better than when I was younger. I take care of myself. I have a clean lifestyle. Age is not a thing for me.


“Nicholson has a good jab. I’ve seen him fight before. I’m not sure if he’s made adjustments or if he’s coming with a different game plan. איך בין גרייט פֿאַר וועלכער ער ברענגט.


“From what I’ve seen, ער קענען קעמפן. He knows what he’s doing in there and it looks like he has some experience.”


דעמאָנד ניטשאָלסאָן

“This guy [ראָללס] is not as experienced as me. I’m a big step-up for him.


“My last fight [against Immanuwel Aleem] was a big step up, and I fought to a majority draw. It was a slow start, but I’m a fighter, and I soldiered through. That fight really opened my eyes up to better my career, my future.


“Look at what Aleem has done since we fought. He knocked out an undefeated guy [יעווגען כיטראָוו] that no one wanted to face.


“My experience is going to get us over the hump against this guy. He has a dangerous right hand, but I’m going to take that away from him.


“I’m a natural boxer, but people were calling me a brawler after my performance with Aleem and that’s not who I am. But I get it – I didn’t box at all in that fight. That’s why I had to go back to the drawing board.


“I learned a lot training at Head Bangers in Washington, ד.ק. with Barry Hunter, Lamont Peterson and all those guys. I’ve learned from Lamont, from Adrien Broner, from Austin Trout. They spar with top fighters and that’s why they perform at the highest level – because they’ve sparred with the best. So I’m doing the same.”


“I have one loss, and that taught me a lot. I had to lose 15 פונט in three days for that fight and that took a toll on me. There are no issues making weight for this fight.”


Jon Fernandez

“This is my second fight with my new trainer Tinin Rodriguez. I always try to get better and changing trainers seemed to be the best path for me. He’s helping me round up the fundamentals of boxing.


“I know I’m tall for my weight class, but I feel OK. איך טראַכטן 130 is my ideal weight, but I might go up in weight in the future. We’ll see. I’m still young and I have a long career ahead of me.


“I used to watch tape of Maravilla when I was growing up. He inspired me to be serious about boxing. He was so good. It’s such of honor to be working with him. I respect him a lot.”

Juan Reyes

“I haven’t fought anybody that tall, but I have a good game plan. I know he’s a volume puncher, but that’s just going to get me excited. It’ll get my adrenaline pumping.


“I’m excited that I’m fighting on TV and in such special weekend, it’s the Boxing Hall of Fame. דעם איז אַ חלום קומען אמת. If I beat this guy it could change my life.”


Sergio Martinez – Jon Fernandez Co-Promoter

“Jon is a thinker. He knows when to attack and when to defend himself. He’s truly gifted.


“Some may draw comparisons of him with Paul Williams, but I fought Williams twice and let me tell you they are not alike. Paul was the type of fighter that would get in the ring and go from first, to second, to third gear without thinking. JonFer will read you, will go to whatever gear he needs to be to defeat his opponent. He has a very high boxing IQ.”

Chris Byrd – Diaz’s Trainer

“Joel is an aggressive machine, so my main focus has been on developing his defense. He’s a talented boxer, but his aggressiveness sometimes opens holes in his defense. In this training camp, we worked on that. We have a good strategy going.


“He already knew how to fight, but you just have to push him a little bit on defense. He’s still aggressive as ever, but he needed to think about what’s coming back at him.


“My main thing is life after boxing. I have two brothers that are messed up from boxing. That’s why I focus on defense so much. He has an aggressive style, but he also has talent, good feet and eye coordination. He’ll go on to do great things.


“You’re going to see something special. Regis is good, I give him props, but you’re going to see something special from Joel. And a great fight.”


# # #


בערי טאָמפּקינס וועט רופן די שאָבאָקס קאַמף פון רינגסידע מיט סטיוו פאַרהאָאָד און געוועזענער וועלט מייַסטער ראַול Marquez געדינט ווי מומחה אַנאַליס. The executive producer is Gordon Hall with Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.


פֿאַר מער אינפֿאָרמאַציע וויזיט www.sho.com/sports גיי אויף טוויטטער @שאָווטימעבאָקסינג, שאָספּאָרץ, #שאָבאָקס, @loudibella and @DiBellaEnt or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, און www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.


מאָרגן/פרייַטיק, יוני 9 בייַ 10:30 פּ.ם. און/PT from Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, נ.י..

דריקט דאָ פֿאַר וויי-אין Photos; Credit Tom Casino/SHOWTIME

דריקט דאָ For Hall of Fame Opening Bell Photos; Credit Tom Casino/SHOWTIME

VERONA, נ.י.. (יוני 8, 2017) – Regis “Rougarou” Prograis and Joel Diaz Jr. made weight אויף דאנערשטיג just hours after the “Opening Bell” to kick off festivities for the 2017 International Boxing Hall of Fame Weekend.

The undefeated Prograis (19-0, 16 קאָס) and fellow unbeaten Diaz (23-0, 19 קאָס) will square off in the 10-round super lightweight main event of a Hall of Fame edition of ShoBox: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן מאָרגן/פרייַטיק, יוני 9, לעבן אויף שאָוטיים (10:30 פּ.ם. און/פּט) פון טורנינג שטיין רעסאָרט קאַסינאָ אין Verona, נ.י..

The ShoBox tripleheader will celebrate longtime analysts Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood just two days before their induction into the International Boxing Hall of Fame. Farhood and Tompkins were joined at the Opening Bell אויף דאנערשטיג by a handful of their fellow 2017 inductees: boxing legend Marco Antonio Barrera, Australian trainer Johnny Lewis, and the wife of the late Johnny Tapia, Teresa Tapia.

In the ShoBox co-feature, undefeated super middleweight Steve Rolls (15-0, 9 קאָס) will take on the hard-hitting Demond Nicholson (17-1-1, 16 קאָס) אין אַן אַכט-קייַלעכיק באַוט. אין דער עפענונג באַוט פון די טעלאַקאַסט, Sergio “Maravilla” Martinez’s protégé, Jon Fernandez, (12-0, 10 קאָס) faces Juan Reyes (14-3-3, 2 קאָס) אין אַן אַכט-קייַלעכיק לייטווייט מאַטשאַפּ.

טיקקעץ פֿאַר די געשעעניש, co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment (DBE) and AASHA Record Breakers, זענען פּרייסט בייַ $65 for ringside, $50, $40 און $30 (may be subject to additional fees) and are available at the Turning Stone Box Office, by calling 877-833-SHOW, or online at Ticketmaster.com. דאָאָרס וועט עפענען בייַ 7:00 פּ.ם., מיט די ערשטער באַוט סקעדזשולד פֿאַר 7:30 פּ.ם.

באַאַמטער ווייץ

10-Round Super Lightweight Main Event:

רעגיס פּראָגראַיס - 139 ½ פונט

Joel Diaz Jr. - 137 ¼ פונט

שויפעט: Mark Nelson; Judges: Don Ackerman, Tom Schreck, John McKaie

Eight-Round Super Middleweight Co-Feature:

Steve Rolls – 161 פונט

Demond Nicholson – 162 ½ פונט

שויפעט: Benjy Esteves; Judges: גלען Feldman, Don Trella, Wynn Kintz

Eight-Round Lightweight Telecast Opener:

Jon Fernandez – 132 ½ פונט

Juan Ramon Reyes – 131 ½ פונט

שויפעט: Charlie Fitch; Judges: Don Ackerman, גלען Feldman, John McKaie

לעצט קוואָטעס:

רעגיס פּראָגראַיס

“The person that wins this fight goes up, hopefully, to a title fight. איך בין 19-0, ער ס 23-0. I feel like this is a real big fight.

“I take all my opponents seriously, but I’m taking this one even more seriously than others in the past. ער ס 23-0, and there’s a reason he’s undefeated. He’s good, and he has the best record I’ve ever faced.

“I’m at a stage in my career where every fight can lead to the next big thing and I think this fight may be it for me. I’m patient, but I’m ready for more. I want a shot at a title.

“He’s a brawler fighter, but I have the better punching power, and the speed.

“If I feel like he [דיאַז] can’t hurt me from the first round, I’ll probably just walk him down the whole night and punish him.

“Seeing what [עראַל] Spence did motivates me, especially the way he did it in his opponent’s hometown. It got me thinking: that can be me one day. We went at it in the amateurs, so I know how good he is, but I’m good too. Just seeing him go over there and take the title away, I know my time is coming next.

“I grew up watching Macho Camacho, ראָבערטאָ דעראַן, מייק טיסאָן, but I watched more Duran than anything. I really liked his style. I learned a lot watching the boxing greats on tape.

“Terence Crawford, אַדריען בראָנער, Victor Postol. Those are the type of guys I want to fight.

“I started boxing in New Orleans, and if it wasn’t for Katrina, I probably wouldn’t be where I am right now. When I moved to Houston, I got into the boxing scene and started taking it seriously. It was a horrible situation [אין ניו אָרלעאַנס], but it changed my life.

“My family went back [to New Orleans], but not me. I stayed in Houston to box. I feel it’s not time for me to go back home just yet. I’ll come back when I become a superstar, like I’m supposed to be.”

Joel Diaz Jr.

“This is my chance, this is my opportunity. I’ve been told, ‘you only get one chance’, and this is it for me. I know Regis is good, but we’re going to put it on him. I’m going to be on him like flies on shit. This is one of the opportunities I can’t let pass.

“We’re going to break him down mentally, find our way in, and drop the bomb.

“He throws combos, and that’s what I have to take away from him. I have to be on him and be the first to attack. My power will take care of his speed.

“This means a lot to me, getting to show the world who the ‘secret’ is. People haven’t really seen what I have, but there will be no more secrets after מאָרגן.

“I’m going to show the world who the real Joel Diaz is. I’m now at the right weight for me and I’m 110 פּראָצענט. I didn’t waste four weeks of training camp trying to lose weight. איך פילן שטאַרק.

“A world championship after this fight, אַז ס וואָס איך ווילן. This is my opportunity to actually show who I am and I can’t let it go. If I let this go, I might as well go back to school. This is going to open all the doors for me.

“We’ve been ready for this step for a while. I’d like to fight the winner of [אַדריען] בראָנער- [מייקי] גאַרסיאַ, אָבער מיר וועט זען. I know Broner doesn’t want to fight me. I tried to fight him and he turned it down. He knows I’ll give him trouble.

“I changed trainers. I used to be with Abel Ramos, now I’m with Chris Byrd. With Coach Chris, it’s more defense than offense. Working with Chris is amazing. He was a fighter, so he knows what it takes to step in that ring. ער ס שוין דאָרט, so he understands me from a fighter’s perspective and that’s very important for me. The bond we have inside and outside the ring is special.

“You’re going to see a more active Joel Diaz and a more defensive Joel Diaz. I’m going to show the world who Joel Diaz is at 140 and trust me, they will ask for more after they see it.”

סטיוו ראָללס

“My last fight on שאָבאָקס [against Steed Woodall in December 2015] was a learning experience. I was knocked down in the third, but I rebounded. You never know how you are going to react in the face of adversity until you are put in that position. I’m glad that happened early on in my career. It taught me a lot.

“I’m know I’m 33, but I feel better than when I was younger. I take care of myself. I have a clean lifestyle. Age is not a thing for me.

“Nicholson has a good jab. I’ve seen him fight before. I’m not sure if he’s made adjustments or if he’s coming with a different game plan. איך בין גרייט פֿאַר וועלכער ער ברענגט.

“From what I’ve seen, ער קענען קעמפן. He knows what he’s doing in there and it looks like he has some experience.”

דעמאָנד ניטשאָלסאָן

“This guy [ראָללס] is not as experienced as me. I’m a big step-up for him.

“My last fight [against Immanuwel Aleem] was a big step up, and I fought to a majority draw. It was a slow start, but I’m a fighter, and I soldiered through. That fight really opened my eyes up to better my career, my future.

“Look at what Aleem has done since we fought. He knocked out an undefeated guy [יעווגען כיטראָוו] that no one wanted to face.

“My experience is going to get us over the hump against this guy. He has a dangerous right hand, but I’m going to take that away from him.

“I’m a natural boxer, but people were calling me a brawler after my performance with Aleem and that’s not who I am. But I get it – I didn’t box at all in that fight. That’s why I had to go back to the drawing board.

“I learned a lot training at Head Bangers in Washington, ד.ק. with Barry Hunter, Lamont Peterson and all those guys. I’ve learned from Lamont, from Adrien Broner, from Austin Trout. They spar with top fighters and that’s why they perform at the highest level – because they’ve sparred with the best. So I’m doing the same.”

“I have one loss, and that taught me a lot. I had to lose 15 פונט in three days for that fight and that took a toll on me. There are no issues making weight for this fight.”

Jon Fernandez

“This is my second fight with my new trainer Tinin Rodriguez. I always try to get better and changing trainers seemed to be the best path for me. He’s helping me round up the fundamentals of boxing.

“I know I’m tall for my weight class, but I feel OK. איך טראַכטן 130 is my ideal weight, but I might go up in weight in the future. We’ll see. I’m still young and I have a long career ahead of me.

“I used to watch tape of Maravilla when I was growing up. He inspired me to be serious about boxing. He was so good. It’s such of honor to be working with him. I respect him a lot.”

Juan Reyes

“I haven’t fought anybody that tall, but I have a good game plan. I know he’s a volume puncher, but that’s just going to get me excited. It’ll get my adrenaline pumping.

“I’m excited that I’m fighting on TV and in such special weekend, it’s the Boxing Hall of Fame. דעם איז אַ חלום קומען אמת. If I beat this guy it could change my life.”

Sergio Martinez – Jon Fernandez Co-Promoter

“Jon is a thinker. He knows when to attack and when to defend himself. He’s truly gifted.

“Some may draw comparisons of him with Paul Williams, but I fought Williams twice and let me tell you they are not alike. Paul was the type of fighter that would get in the ring and go from first, to second, to third gear without thinking. JonFer will read you, will go to whatever gear he needs to be to defeat his opponent. He has a very high boxing IQ.”

Chris Byrd – Diaz’s Trainer

“Joel is an aggressive machine, so my main focus has been on developing his defense. He’s a talented boxer, but his aggressiveness sometimes opens holes in his defense. In this training camp, we worked on that. We have a good strategy going.

“He already knew how to fight, but you just have to push him a little bit on defense. He’s still aggressive as ever, but he needed to think about what’s coming back at him.

“My main thing is life after boxing. I have two brothers that are messed up from boxing. That’s why I focus on defense so much. He has an aggressive style, but he also has talent, good feet and eye coordination. He’ll go on to do great things.

“You’re going to see something special. Regis is good, I give him props, but you’re going to see something special from Joel. And a great fight.”

# # #

בערי טאָמפּקינס וועט רופן די שאָבאָקס קאַמף פון רינגסידע מיט סטיוו פאַרהאָאָד און געוועזענער וועלט מייַסטער ראַול Marquez געדינט ווי מומחה אַנאַליס. The executive producer is Gordon Hall with Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.

פֿאַר מער אינפֿאָרמאַציע וויזיט www.sho.com/sports גיי אויף טוויטטער @שאָווטימעבאָקסינג, שאָספּאָרץ, #שאָבאָקס, @loudibella and @DiBellaEnt or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, אוןwww.facebook.com/דיבעללאַענטערטאַינמענט.

וועגן שאָבאָקס: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן

זינט זייַן ינסעפּשאַן אין יולי 2001, די קריטיקאַלי אַקליימד שאָוטיים באַקסינג סעריע, שאָבאָקס: די נייע דור האט ארויסגעשטעלטע יונג טאַלאַנט מאַטשט האַרט. די שאָבאָקס פֿילאָסאָפֿיע איז צו טעלעוויסע יקסייטינג, מאַסע-וואוילגעפעלן און קאַמפּעטיטיוו שוועבעלעך בשעת פּראַוויידינג אַ פּראָווינג ערד פֿאַר גרייט פּראַספּעקץ באשלאסן צו קעמפן פֿאַר אַ וועלט טיטל. עטלעכע פון ​​די גראָוינג רשימה פון די 69 פייטערז וואס האָבן ארויס אויף שאָבאָקס און אַוואַנסירטע צו גאַרנער וועלט טיטלען כולל: ערראָל ספּענסע קינג, אַנדרע קעסטקינד, דעאָנטייַ ווילדער, עריסלאַנדי לאַראַ, שאָן פּאָרטער, גערי רוססעלל קינג, לאַמאָנט פּעטערסאָן, גויללערמאָ ריגאָנדעאַוקס, נאָניטאָ דאָנאַירע, דעוואָן אלכסנדר, קאַרל פראָטש, ראבערט Guerrero, טימאטעאוס בראַדליי, דזשעסי Vargas, וואַן מאַנועל לאָפּעז, טשאַד דאָסאַן, פּאַוליע מאַליגנאַגגי, ריקי האַטטאָן, קעלי פּאַווליק, פאולוס ווילליאַמס, עראַל ספּענסע דזשוניער. און מער.



שאָבאָקס: The New Generation To celebrate 2017 Hall of Fame Weekend with a Special Tripleheader this פרייַטיק, יוני 9 לעבן אויף שאָוטיים® (10:30 פּ.ם. און/פּט) from Turning Stone Resort Casino

Photo courtesy: Maravillabox Promotions

VERONA, נ.י.. (יוני 7, 2017) – Former unified world champion and current boxing promoter and mentor Sergio “Maravilla” Martinez, along with his protégé Jon “JonFer” Fernandez, an undefeated prospect at 130 פונט, discuss future plans ahead of Fernandez’s second appearance on שאָבאָקס: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן דעם פרייַטיק, יוני 9, לעבן אויף שאָוטיים (10:30 פּ.ם. און/פּט, delayed on West Coast) פון טורנינג שטיין רעסאָרט קאַסינאָ אין Verona, נ.י..


מאַרטינעז, known for his extensive career and impact inside the ring and now at the helm of Maravillabox Promotions, has worked with Fernandez since his pro debut at only 19 יאר אַלט. Fernandez (12-0, 10 קאָס), who is co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment and MaravillaBox Promotions, has remained undefeated and undeterred, climbing up the prospect ranks with five fights in 2015, another five in 2016 and now getting ready for his third fight this year.


In addition to יוני 9'S שאָבאָקס being Fernandez’s third fight this year, it will also be his third time fighting on American soil as he opens the SHOWTIME telecast facing tough opposition in Juan Reyes (14-3-3, 2 קאָס) for what could be an important fight in his development as he tries to turn from prospect to contender.


די קאָרט, which takes place during the 2017 Hall of Fame Weekend where longtime שאָבאָקס analysts Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood will be inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame, features undefeated super lightweights Regis “Rougarou” Prograis (19-0, 16 קאָס) and Joel Diaz Jr. (23-0, 19 קאָס) אין די 10-קייַלעכיק הויפּט געשעעניש. The co-feature will pit Steve Rolls (15-0, 9 קאָס) against Demond Nicholson (17-1-1, 16 קאָס) in an eight-round super middleweight bout.


טיקקעץ פֿאַר די געשעעניש, co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment (DBE) and AASHA Record Breakers, זענען פּרייסט בייַ $65 for ringside, $50, $40 און $30 (may be subject to additional fees) and are available at the Turning Stone Box Office, by calling 877-833-SHOW, or online at Ticketmaster.com. דאָאָרס וועט עפענען בייַ 7:00 פּ.ם., מיט די ערשטער באַוט סקעדזשולד פֿאַר 7:30 פּ.ם.


This week Martinez and his protégé, “JonFer,” spoke to SHOWTIME Sports about what the future might hold for the 130-pound prospect.



How would you describe Jon Fernandez’s style?

“I believe that JonFer is a very well-rounded, complete fighter. He can take advantage of his great wingspan and reach but has no problem fighting in close distance. דערצו, he’s hitting really hard. I believe we’ll see him fighting with big names in the division soon.


“JonFer has a classic boxing style—a classic, orthodox style. He’s effective when he’s attacking as well as defending. He poses a vision and a combat insight that is truly amazing. Not only does he have speed and precision, but he also has potential in his fists. אָבער, the best characteristic that JonFer possesses is his great professionalism in the sport and in his personal life.”


What would you say is different in Jon compared to other boxers in the division?

“His head, he is very mature for his age. In that sense, he reminds me of myself. He is very serious when he’s working and always looking to improve.


“He has a stupendous perception of the errors his rivals make. He knows how to read the battle and knows when and how to define a fight. I believe that the more fights and time go by, JonFer will establish himself at the top level alongside the top boxers in the world.”


As Jon develops, what plans do you have for him?

“To continue with the hard work like we have to this date. I respect every step in his career. I’d like for JonFer to continue training and preparing himself for what can be a bright and stupendous future.”


Who do you want him to fight – Jesus Cuellar, Orlando Salido, גערוואָנטאַ דייוויס, דזשאָסע פּעדראַזאַ, קאַרל פראַמפּטאָן?

“All of the names mentioned are already great champions. They are all owed their due respect and it would be an honor, not only for Jonfer but for Maravilabox to have the possibility of making fight with any of them.


“Jose Pedraza would be a great test. We’d really like to make that fight happen. JonFer has sparred with Frampton before his rematch with Santa Cruz and we know he was up to the challenge. און פון קורס, we would love to go for the world title against Gervonta Davis and think it would be a great fight. A clash of styles.”

What belts do you want him to go for first?

“First, we’d like him to set a good base. The best for us is to continue building his career step by step and for him to continue learning and adapting himself bit by bit to the top level. As we continue making fights happen, there will be more opportunities for international and world titles. The goal is to get JonFer to become a WBC champion, the most important entity.


“We would be really excited to be able to win the European championship, but we’re ready to fight anyone. All of the belts are important and provide experience.”


What would you see as the ideal next step for JonFer in the next few years?

“Ideally we want to keep him at a weight in which he feels the most comfortable. As fights and time go by, if he needs to go up in weight, he’d do so without a problem. It’s possible for him to end up fighting in superior divisions, but for now we are focused on 130 and I think he can still battle at this weight for several years.”


Can you name who you think are the top five active boxers today?

“I really like Errol Spence Jr., he has a great style that I feel is like mine was. קאַנעלאָ [אַלוואַרעז] און [געננאַדי] Golovkin are two of my favorites as well, they’ll put on a great fight. אַנדרע קעסטקינד, Jorge Linares… There is a lot of talent in the sport at the moment.

What memories of Steve Farhood and Barry Tompkins stand out to you?

"יא, אַוואַדע, I have some great moments of my years in the United States and I remember Steve always in front of the SHOWTIME cameras. He is a great professional.


“He is one of the highest-regarded boxing writers in the world. He is a man with a young mentality who knows how to appreciate good boxing.


“Barry Tompkins is a prestigious commentator and what I remember the most about him is seeing him commentate on fights in the era of Tyson and J.C. טשאַוועז. To be a commentator of that stature then, he had to be an excellent professional.”


What would you say is the best (and worst) part about being a promoter?

“To be a promoter is thrilling. I believe that taking the career of the boxers in your hands must be treated like it’s your own life. It’s a true adventure. I can’t find a negative thing to say about being a promoter.”


Do you miss being a boxer?

“To this day I can say that I do not have any desire to return to the ring. My last fights were torturous and I still have problems with my knee to the date as I try to go about my daily life. I continue to train an hour each day and continue to love boxing, but now I prefer watching the youngsters like Jon and help them with my experience.”



Can you tell us what it is like for you to work with someone like Sergio Martinez?

“It’s great, Sergio is always very attentive and a mirror to watch yourself in. Like an athlete, he was one of the greats, but as a person he is even better. Maravillabox Promotions is composed of thorough professionals and the way they treat me is excellent.”


How is your training going? Is your camp any different for this fight?

“I haven’t had too much time since my last fight, just about five weeks. It has been tough, but we were coming off of a much more difficult preparation in fighting for Spain’s world title. I think this will make for a great fight and the fans will have a lot of fun.”


What are your plans for the future? In your career, life, באָקסינג, in the next five years…

“I just got married in April and it was a great experience, the happiest day of my life. I would love to have kids soon. As far as boxing goes, of course I’d like to be a world champion. But first I’d like to go for the European title. I’d like to fight against the best prospects in the division and continuing to make great fights. I will be a world champion one day, I know I can get there.”

Who would you say is your all-time favorite boxer?

“I can’t just say one, I have several. סערגיאָ מאַרטינעז, דאָך. I also really like Terrance Crawford and Juan Manuel Marquez. Out of the boxing legends, I’ll stick to Alexis Arguello.”


# # #


Tompkins will call the שאָבאָקס action from ringside with Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer is Hall with Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.


פֿאַר מער אינפֿאָרמאַציע וויזיט www.sho.com/sports גיי אויף טוויטטער @שאָווטימעבאָקסינג, שאָספּאָרץ, #שאָבאָקס, @loudibella and @DiBellaEnt or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, און www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.


Unbeaten Maravillabox Promotions’ Prospect Jon Fernandez To Face Juan Reyes; לעבן אויף שאָוטיים® From Turning Stone Resort Casino In Verona, נ.י..

2017 Hall of Fame Inductees Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood To Be Joined By Fellow Hall of Famers Al Bernstein and Jimmy Lennon Jr.

נייַ יארק (יוני 2, 2017) – SHOWTIME Sports® has announced undefeated Maravillabox Promotions’ prospect Jon Fernandez will meet super featherweight Juan Reyes in an eight-round matchup in the opening bout of שאָבאָקס: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן פרייַטיק, יוני 9, לעבן אויף שאָוטיים (10:30 פּ.ם. און/פּט), פון טורנינג שטיין רעסאָרט קאַסינאָ אין Verona, נ.י..


The addition of Sergio Martinez’s protégé, Jon “Jonfer” Fernandez, (12-0, 10 קאָס), in a 130-pound scrap against Juan “Pochito” Reyes (14-3-3, 2 קאָ ס) upgrades the previously announced שאָבאָקס to a tripleheader.


די קאָרט, which takes place during the 2017 Hall of Fame Weekend where longtime שאָבאָקס analysts Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood will be inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame, features undefeated super lightweights Regis “Rougarou” Prograis (19-0, 16 קאָס) and Joel Diaz Jr. (23-0, 19 קאָס) אין די 10-קייַלעכיק הויפּט געשעעניש. The winner will be thrust from talented prospect to legitimate contender. Both fighters have developed on the series—this will be Prograis’ fourth start and Diaz’s third.


אין די גלויבנס-שטריך, unbeaten Canadian super middleweight Steve Rolls (15-0, 9 קאָס) makes his second start on שאָבאָקסwhen he faces the dangerous Demond Nicholson (17-1-1, 16 קאָס) אין אַן אַכט-קייַלעכיק באַוט.


טיקקעץ פֿאַר די געשעעניש, co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment (DBE) and AASHA Record Breakers, זענען פּרייסט בייַ $65 for ringside, $50, $40 און $30 (may be subject to additional fees) and are available at the Turning Stone Box Office, by calling 877-833-SHOW, or online at Ticketmaster.com. דאָאָרס וועט עפענען בייַ 6:30 פּ.ם., מיט די ערשטער באַוט סקעדזשולד פֿאַר 7:30 פּ.ם.


“This is another big opportunity for me to show everybody that I am one of the best super featherweights in the world,” said Fernandez, who will fight for just the third time in the United States. “The fight against Garza was an amazing experience and I was happy to give the audience in the U.S. such an exciting performance.


“In my last fight, I won the Spanish title, something that I am very proud to have achieved, now I will travel back to the U.S. to face anybody that my promoter puts in front of me. I am very confident in my skills and my team is doing great work with my career.”


This is the opportunity I have been waiting for my entire career,” האט רייעס. “I make real wars out of my fights because that is my style and it works for me. Jon Fernandez will have his hands full because I am coming to win.


I want to thank to Lou DiBella and SHOWTIME for another great opportunity for Jon Fernández,” said Sergio “Maravilla” Martinez, promoter and former unified middleweight world champion. “Jonfer is a talented and hard-working young man that will archive great things. He’s destined for greatness.”


“With his potential and work ethic, I have no doubt he’ll be a world champion one day. I will take it a step further and say that he will become next pound-for-pound champion. He is ready to win this fight by knockout and call out the top names in his weight class.


The 21-year old Fernandez is coming off of a second-round TKO victory versus previously unbeaten Ismael Garcia to seize the Spanish 130-pound title in his hometown of Bilbao, País Vasco, ספּאַין, אויף אַפּריל 21. In his last stateside appearance on Feb.10 פון דעם יאָר, Fernandez made his שאָבאָקס debut with an impressive third-round knockout against formerly once-beaten Ernesto Garza in Miami, אָקלאַ.


Reyes is a 27-year-old from Guadalajara, Jalisco, מעקסיקא, now training out of Bell Gardens, קאַליף. He will be making hisשאָבאָקס and New York debut—he has never fought outside of Southern California. Reyes’ last two fights resulted in unanimous decision wins as he beat Miguel Angel Mendoza on מאַרץ 3 of this year and Cesar Villarraga in October 2016.


Fellow Hall of Famers Al Bernstein and Jimmy Lennon Jr. will join Farhood and Tompkins on-air during the special Hall of Fame edition of the prospect oriented series. Lennon Jr. returns to Canasota for the posthumous induction of his father, world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Sr.

Tompkins will call the שאָבאָקס action from ringside with Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer is Gordon Hall with Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.


Tompkins and Farhood will be inducted in the “Observer” category אויף זונטאג as part of a 2017 class headlined by boxing greats Evander Holyfield, Marco Antonio Barrera and Johnny Tapia.

# # #


פֿאַר מער אינפֿאָרמאַציע וויזיט www.sho.com/sports גיי אויף טוויטטער @שאָווטימעבאָקסינג, שאָספּאָרץ, #שאָבאָקס, @loudibella and @DiBellaEnt or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, אוןwww.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.


Unbeatens Regis Prograis and Joel Diaz Jr., Collide In Main Event On פרייַטיק, יוני 9 לעבן אויף שאָוטיים® בייַ 10:30 פּ.ם. עט / פּט

2017 Hall of Fame Inductees Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood To Be Joined By Fellow Hall of Famers Al Bernstein & Jimmy Lennon Jr.

נייַ יארק (מייַ 23, 2017) - שאָבאָקס: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן will celebrate the 2017 Hall of Fame weekend with a special doubleheader on Friday, יוני 9 לעבן אויף שאָוטיים (10:30 פּ.ם. און/פּט) from Turning Stone Resort Casino, just minutes from the International Boxing Hall of Fame in Canastota, נ.י..


Longtime שאָבאָקס analysts Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood will call the actionאויף פרייטאג before their induction in the “Observer” category אויף זונטאג as part of a 2017 class headlined by boxing greats Evander Holyfield, Marco Antonio Barrera and Johnny Tapia.


Fellow Hall of Famers Al Bernstein and Jimmy Lennon Jr. will join Farhood and Tompkins on-air during the special Hall of Fame edition of the prospect oriented series. Lennon Jr. returns to Canasota for the posthumous induction of his father, world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon, סיסטער.


אין די 10-קייַלעכיק הויפּט געשעעניש, undefeated super lightweights Regis “Rougarou” Prograis (19-0, 16 קאָס) and Joel Diaz Jr. (23-0, 19 קאָס) will meet in a quintessential שאָבאָקס matchup that could thrust the winner from prospect to legitimate title contender. Viewers have seen both fighters develop on the series – this will be Prograis’ fourth start and Diaz’ third on שאָבאָקס.


אין די גלויבנס-שטריך, unbeaten Canadian super middleweight Steve Rolls (15-0, 9 קאָס) makes his second start on שאָבאָקס when he faces the dangerous Demond Nicholson (17-1-1, 16 קאָס) אין אַן אַכט-קייַלעכיק גלייַכן.


“I think I can speak on behalf of all of us here at SHOWTIME about how happy and proud we are to see both Steve and Barry’s careers validated with their induction into the Boxing Hall of Fame,” said Gordon Hall, שאָבאָקס Executive Producer and SVP Production, שאָוטיים ספורט. “And when you add four fighters with only one loss between them in a quintessentialשאָבאָקס קאָרט, it just doesn’t get much better than that.”


Tompkins and Farhood are the one-two punch behind שאָבאָקס: The NewGeneration. Tompkins calls the blow-by-blow and Farhood offers his wealth of boxing knowledge and expert analysis. The series announce team also includes former world champion Raul Marquez, who also serves as expert analyst.


This will be the fifth שאָבאָקס visit to Turning Stone Resort Casino, which hosted its first שאָבאָקס telecast during the 2013 Hall of Fame weekend.


טיקקעץ פֿאַר די געשעעניש, co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment (DBE) and AASHA Record Breakers, זענען פּרייסט בייַ $65 for ringside, $50, $40 און $30 (may be subject to additional fees) and are available at the Turning Stone Box Office, by calling 877-833-SHOW, or online at Ticketmaster.com. דאָאָרס וועט עפענען בייַ 6:30 פּ.ם., מיט די ערשטער באַוט סקעדזשולד פֿאַר 7:30 פּ.ם.


ראַנגקט נומ. 4 דורך די וובק, the 28-year-old Prograis has scored knockouts in 12 פון זיין לעצטע 13 פייץ. Originally from New Orleans but currently fighting out of Main Street Gym in Houston, the 5-foot-9 Prograis is an aggressive-minded southpaw with stunning accuracy on his power shots.


Prograis has beaten two previously undefeated fighters on שאָבאָקס – an eight round stoppage of Abel Ramos and an eight-round decision over Amos Cowart – in addition to his most recent performance, a first round KO of veteran Aaron Herrera. The former amateur standout is coming off a first round knockout of Wilfrido Buelvas on פעברואר. 11.


“It’s ‘Rougarou Time’,"האט פּראָגראַיס, whose nickname originates in Louisiana folklore and is defined as a werewolf-like creature. “This is a crossroads fight for me. I am ranked No. 4 by the WBC and fifth by די רינג בייַ 140 פונט. I have worked hard to get here, and I am on a hunt for the title belts.


“Diaz is standing in the way of my ultimate objective and I know that I must defeat him to get where I want to be. He needs to get past me to move onto the next level himself, so I am sure he is equally motivated. That is what makes for great fights.”


Joel Diaz Jr., of Palmdale, קאַליף., will return to שאָבאָקס for the third time. He debuted on the SHOWTIME series in just his sixth pro bout, stopping unbeaten prospect Guy Robb in seven rounds in 2012. דיאַז דזשוניער. returned to headline aשאָבאָקס event on May 16, 2014, dominating Canadian Tyler Asselstine over 10 rounds en route to a unanimous decision.


The 25-year-old won all of his starts by stoppage in 2016.


“I am honored to be back on SHOWTIME and am thankful to my promoters DiBella Entertainment and Jean Pascal Promotions for the opportunity,” said Diaz Jr. "אויףיוני 9, I will be more than ready to hand Regis Prograis his first defeat. שאָבאָקסfans are in for a treat as this will be a thriller while it lasts. ווען דער רויך קלירז, I know that I will be the one left standing.”



סטיוו ראָללס, of Toronto, קאַנאַדע, earned his biggest victory in his שאָבאָקס debut in December 2015, stopping then undefeated prospect and amateur standout Steed Woodall inside four rounds. He has since earned two impressive knockout wins in 2016.


Rolls had a successful amateur career, competing on both the 2009 און 2010 Canadian National boxing teams and finishing with an 83-14 record overall. אין 2009, he went to the International Boxing Association (אַיבאַ) מענטשן ס באָקסינג טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּ אין מילאַן, איטאליע, where he lost in the Round of 16 צו 2008 Olympic bronze medalist Vijender Singh.


“It feels great to be back on שאָבאָקס and I’m looking forward to putting on another spectacular performance,” Rolls said. “I know that Nicholson can fight and I expect him to come prepared. Training camp has been going very well and on יוני 9, I will be more than ready.”


Demond “D’Bestatit” Nicholson is a super middleweight from Laurel, מד. with devastating power, scoring all but one of his wins by knockout, אַרייַנגערעכנט 10 אין דער ערשטער קייַלעכיק. The 24-year-old has won seven fights with one draw since his only defeat in 2014.


ניטשאָלסאָן, who owns an impressive victory over former world title challenger Milton Nunez, is coming off of a questionable draw against Immanuwel Aleem –who recently stopped Ievgen Khytrov in a back-and-forth brawl that aired on SHOWTIME. ווי אַ ליבהאָבער, Nicholson accumulated a record of 110-15, before turning pro in July 2013.


“My time is now,” said Nicholson. “Any time that I am able to showcase my talent in front of a national audience means a lot. I am very humbled and thankful to be a part of this card. I’ve had great sparring, making adjustments every session. I saw Rollsfight against Steed Woodall – I think he has a lot to learn, and I will teach him a lesson. I look forward to victory and continuing to move up the world rankings.”

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Tompkins will call the שאָבאָקס action from ringside with Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer is Hall with Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.


פֿאַר מער אינפֿאָרמאַציע וויזיט www.sho.com/sports גיי אויף טוויטטער @שאָווטימעבאָקסינג, שאָספּאָרץ, #שאָבאָקס, @loudibella and @DiBellaEnt or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, אוןwww.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.


וועגן שאָבאָקס: די ניו גענעראַטיאָן

זינט זייַן ינסעפּשאַן אין יולי 2001, די קריטיקאַלי אַקליימד שאָוטיים באַקסינג סעריע,שאָבאָקס: די נייע דור האט ארויסגעשטעלטע יונג טאַלאַנט מאַטשט האַרט. דישאָבאָקס פֿילאָסאָפֿיע איז צו טעלעוויסע יקסייטינג, מאַסע-וואוילגעפעלן און קאַמפּעטיטיוו שוועבעלעך בשעת פּראַוויידינג אַ פּראָווינג ערד פֿאַר גרייט פּראַספּעקץ באשלאסן צו קעמפן פֿאַר אַ וועלט טיטל. עטלעכע פון ​​די גראָוינג רשימה פון די 67 פייטערז וואס האָבן ארויס אויף שאָבאָקס און אַוואַנסירטע צו גאַרנער וועלט טיטלען כולל: אַנדרע קעסטקינד, דעאָנטייַ ווילדער, עריסלאַנדי לאַראַ, שאָן פּאָרטער, גערי רוססעלל קינג, לאַמאָנט פּעטערסאָן, גויללערמאָ ריגאָנדעאַוקס, אָמאַר פיגועראָאַ, נאָניטאָ דאָנאַירע, דעוואָן אלכסנדר, קאַרל פראָטש, ראבערט Guerrero, טימאטעאוס בראַדליי, דזשעסי Vargas, וואַן מאַנועל לאָפּעז, טשאַד דאָסאַן, פּאַוליע מאַליגנאַגגי, ריקי האַטטאָן, קעלי פּאַווליק, פאולוס ווילליאַמס און מער.