Tag Archives: Islam Mamedov

Complete Results & Photos for BELLATOR MMA 273: Bader vs. Moldavsky

A group of men in a boxing ring

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Complete Fight Night Photos Here – Please Credit: BELLATOR MMA

C-Ryan Bader (29-7, 1 NC) defeated IC-Valentin Moldavsky (11-2) nge isinqumo ngazwilinye (48-47, 48-47, 48-47)

Ryan Bader defends his heavyweight title: "“Obviously, it was a really close fight and at the end there I’m like man that’s a toss up. I felt like I did more damage but it felt so good considering the last fight was a fight I lost. But it was a back and forth, even fight the whole five rounds. It’s just anticlimactic to go out there and have a exciting heavyweight championship five-rounder with a tough dude in Arizona. I wanted that bad!

I’m never too confident, going to judges you know. It’s the first time in my life that I was hoping that they weren’t scoring for the wrestling. I was rocking him pretty good with my punches and I was seeing everything clearly. I underestimated his clenching, his body lock, he kept stepping in front of me with this weird move and he’s stronger than I thought. I’ve never been picked up like before…but I just told myself to keep getting up and then keep with the strikes. At the end there he was just holding on and I landed 20 unanswered elbows to his head. Those can’t be ignored and so when he went to the score cards, I said who knows now…”

#6-Benson Henderson (29-11) wanqoba #7-Islam Mamedov (20-2-1) nge isinqumo uqhekeko (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Benson Henderson following the win in front of his hometown: “Fighting in front of my adopted hometown Phoenix, THE, it’s amazing. Last time I didn’t give Arizona a very good show. Ngalesi sikhathi, I thought I had a better performance so win or lose I knew that I could live with that. Just having a good performance, not a great performance but having a good performance, as opposed to having a bad performance, win or lose you always feel good after great performances. We’re seeking perfection. If you write a book, all these journalists, all these moviemakers, they want to make them part of a movie then make an amazing movie. If you want to, then you have to do your absolute best out there and that’s why I’m always after a better performance.”
“Tonight, getting my hand raised is awesome. This was the first time I fought in front of my sons, my two oldest sons. My 6 year-old and my 4-year-old. Tonight was a great night, but they’re not all great nights so I’m learning to definitely appreciate the good ones when I have them.”

“I felt that I did enough to deserve to get my hand raised, but you just never know. Like Burt Watson always says, if you leave it to the judges, they’re going to make you cry. He is absolutely right. Ngakho, I definitely don’t ever want to leave it to the judges. When someone says split decision I’m like oh no, my boys are in the ring…but it was a good night, so I was thankful for it.”

Henry Corrales (20-6) wanqoba Aiden Lee (10-6) via unanimous technical decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27) - (accidental eye poke)

Henry Corrales following his victory: “That’s definitely not the way I wanted to end it here in Phoenix. The fans deserve more and that’s nothing against him, it’s just kind of a late finish and this was the final fight on my contract. This was my 15th fight with BELLATOR and my 20th win, so there’s a lot riding on this fight. I needed to go out there and put on a good performance…I tried.”

I didn’t feel like I really poked him to be honest with you and the replay was showing that it just didn’t look as serious as he was playing it off to be, but it’s the eye, so only he knows how much that hurt. He was super upset after and I was like hey big dog I didn’t poke you on purpose. I mean this is a fist fight! Kodwa, he was walking away from the cage after and he was acting disappointed the the fight was stopped but while the fight was going on he wasn’t really fighting. His demeanor was off and he was kind of whimpering on shots and it’s like dude you weren’t really going, you were just acting.”

Sabah Homasi (16-10) wanqoba Jaleel Willis (15-4) via ukuzithoba (arm-triangle) at 1:42 eyodwa round

Sabah Homasi following his submission win: “It’s one of the kicks I threw I just kicked hard man. I expect this after every fight but just a little swelling. It’s the same stuff after every fight man from all my kicks.”

“You know I just I take whatever they give me. I had his back, I thought I was going to get the rear naked. I don’t like to exert too much energy on something, so if I don’t have it I’m not going to force it. I’m going to take something that’s there, so I let it go and I set up a little trap. It’s something that I’ve transitioned with very well from the back to that trick, so it was there and I took it.”

“He was saying something to me earlier and if he’s saying something to me he should say it like a man. Say it with your damn chest, don’t whisper it. I forgot what he said, but I told him he was going to feel real power tonight and that was it and then obviously quick fight. I’m healthy, Ngingumfana shape enkulu, going to get back in the gym and whenever BELLATOR lets me know I’ll give my manager the green light.”

IKHADI Preliminary:
Enrique Barzola (17-5-2) wanqoba Darrion Caldwell (15-6) via TKO (Iziteleka) at 3:01 round ezintathu
Chris Gonzalez (7-1) wanqoba You Awad (24-14, 1 NC) via KO (punches) at :36 eyodwa round
Dalton Rosta (6-0) wanqoba Duane Johnson (6-3) nge isinqumo ngazwilinye (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Nikita Mikhailov (9-1) wanqoba Blaine Shutt (8-6) via TKO (punches) at 3:23 round ezintathu
Lucas Brennan (6-0) wanqoba Ben Lugo (5-5) via ukuzithoba (ingalo-triangle binda) at 2:27 eyodwa round
Sullivan Cauley (3-0) wanqoba Ben Parrish (5-2) via TKO (punches) at 4:35 eyodwa round

Sicela uvakashele Bellator.com ukuze uthole ulwazi olwengeziwe.


UKWAKHEKA uhlelo asibekela "WSOF 25: 8-MAN UMQHUDELWANO engasindi "AT Comerica Theatre PHOENIX, Ariz. NGOLWESIHLANU, NOV. 20, PHILA ON NBCSN

Twelve ukuzijabulisa iziqubu ikhadi bahlala off on WSOF.com at 8 p.m. KANYE/5 p.m. PT, kulandele bukhoma NBCSN telecast at 11 p.m. KANYE/8 p.m. PT

Ukusakaza bukhoma kuhlanganisa quarterfinal isigaba iziqubu olulodwa mqhudelwano sika

Las Vegas (November 16, 2015) -I Fight ikhadi okuphelele futhi iziqubu ukuze World Series of kakhulu ngabomvu "WSOF Fighting sika 25: 8-Man uHlelo Tournament "extravaganza at Comerica Theatre Phoenix, Ariz. isethwe for Friday, November 20.

Isihloko esikhulu bokuqala olulodwa, nesishiyagalombili umuntu mqhudelwano World Series of Fighting umlando, senzakalo ukuqalisa nge iziqubu ikhadi zokukwazi ukuthi ziyogobhozela bukhoma, emhlabeni wonke i isilawuli isiqophi umdlali on WSOF.com, isiqala at 8 p.m. KANYE/5 p.m. PT.

The ukusakaza bukhoma uzobe sakhiwe iziqubu eziyisishiyagalombili, kuhlanganise yonke quarterfinal isigaba matchups ezine kule lightweight (155 amakhilogremu) mqhudelwano ukuthi uzoyivuza winner yayo, abayobe balwa kathathu ngobusuku obubodwa, the new number one Olwa in the athandwayo isisindo division.

The-mpi ezine, bukhoma NBCSN telecast uzoqala at 11 p.m. KANYE/8 p.m. PT ne ezimbili kowandulela owamanqamu mqhudelwano isigaba iziqubu, futhi siyophetha ngenkulumo mqhudelwano sika ubuqhawe nxazonke Yimpi.

The non-mqhudelwano, engasindi co-main umcimbi umbango phakathi Jason "The Kansas City Bandit" High (18-5) of Kansas City, You. kanye nembangi star Estevan Payan (16-8) of Tempe, Ariz. kuyokwenzeka phakathi nesiphelo sesimiso sesibili kowandulela owamanqamu mqhudelwano esiteji iziqubu futhi ubuqhawe nxazonke mpi.

Kwenye bracket mqhudelwano, Luis "Baboon" Palomino (23-11) of Miami, Fla., iza off omunye "Ukulwa of the Month 'ukusebenza ngesikhathi WSOF 23 in September, ngeke Square off nokunyuka star Rich Patishnock (6-2) of East Stroudsberg, Pa., ngenkathi Brian Foster (23-7) of Sallisaw, Okla., fresh off kwahlokoma, emzuliswaneni wokuqala (:32) KO ngaphambili unbeaten Larue Burley at WSOF 23, zishayisane streaking ukuzithoba wizard Joao Zeferino (18-6) of Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

In the ubakaki okuphambene, wrestling futhi ukuzithoba ace Brian "The Bandit" Cobb(20-8) of Bakersfield, Calif. ayokulwa Firas Zahabi-trained Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt Mike "The Martian" Ricci (10-4) of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, ngenkathiIslam Mamedov (12-1) of Jersey City, N.J. via Derbent, Dagestan, Russia uyobhala lokukwazi yakhe, 11-ukulwa streak Yokuwina on the line alwa nayisihlanu-time, one-night mqhudelwano winner kanye Judo kanye Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black ibhande Jorge "Macaco" Patino (38-15-2, 1 NC) of Houston, Texas nge Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Odle iziqubu quarterfinal esigabeni phakathi Palomino futhi Patishnock uzohlangana owawina ukulwa phakathi Foster kanye Zeferino esigabeni kowandulela owamanqamu we ndaba single-ukuqedwa, futhi owawina matchup phakathi Cobb futhi Ricci uzobhekana owawina iziqubu phakathi Mamedov futhi Patino esigabeni kowandulela owamanqamu we mqhudelwano.

Ehola off iziqubu ikhadi zokukwazi kuyoba wokuqala ezimbili mqhudelwano reserve iziqubu -Benny Madrid (8-3) Phoenix vs. Ramil Mustapayev (3-1) of Albuquerque, N.M. via Ossetia, Russia, lapho kuzolandelwa le midlalo yesibili reserve impi – Larue Burley (6-1) Phoenix vs. Joe Condon (12-8) of Victorville, Calif.

The zokukwazi iziqubu ikhadi siyophetha ngenkulumo 165-iphawundi catchweight enyakazayo phakathiJimmy Scully (3-3) Phoenix kanye Roberto Yong (2-3) of Glendale, Ariz. kanye bantamweight (135 amakhilogremu) empini ephakathi Joseph Barajas (11-1) yaseVista, Calif. futhi Erik Villalobos (3-0) of Glendale.

Ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe kusuka $29.99, amathikithi for "WSOF 25: 8-Man uHlelo Tournament "ezisendalini at the Comerica Theatre ibhokisi ihhovisi kanye online at Ticketmaster.com futhi WSOF.com.

Doors at Comerica Theatre okuvulelekile 5 p.m. MT kanye iziqubu lokuqala wokulungiselela uzoqala at 6 p.m. MT.


UHlelo Tournament Championship Bout:
Kowandulela owamanqamu Bout Winner # 1 vs. Kowandulela owamanqamu Bout Winner # 2

UHlelo Co-Main Indawo:
Jason High vs. Estevan Payan

UHlelo Tournament kowandulela owamanqamu Stage Bout # 2:
Quarterfinal Bout Winner # 3 vs. Quarterfinal Bout Winner # 4

UHlelo Tournament kowandulela owamanqamu Stage Bout # 1:
Quarterfinal Bout Winner # 1 vs. Quarterfinal Bout Winner # 2

IKHADI Preliminary

Bantamweight Bout: Joseph Barajas vs. Erik Villalobos

Catchweight (165 amakhilogremu) Bout: Jimmy Scully vs. Roberto Yong

UHlelo Tournament Quarterfinal Stage Bout # 4:
Luis Palomino vs. Rich Patishnock

UHlelo Tournament Quarterfinal Stage Bout # 3:
Brian Foster vs. Joao Zeferino

UHlelo Tournament Quarterfinal Stage Bout # 2:
Brian Cobb vs. Mike Ricci

UHlelo Tournament Quarterfinal Stage Bout # 1:
Islam Mamedov vs. Jorge Patino

UHlelo Tournament Reserve Bout # 2:
Larue Burley vs. Joe Condon

UHlelo Tournament Reserve Bout # 1:
Benny Madrid vs. Ramil Mustapayev

About “World Series of Fighting” (WSOF®)
“World Series of Fighting” (WSOF) iyinhlangano yomhlaba wonke UNdunankulu professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) ukulwa ukukhuthazwa elalinikezelwe wokwethula the best ezimatasa ubalwela impi abalandeli ngekukhipha kungenzeka komdlalo-ups umhlabeleli phakathi fighters elite evela emhlabeni wonke. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe sicela uvakashele WSOF.com. Landela “World Series of Fighting” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries. WSOF kanye World Series of Fighting yizimpawu zokuthengisa ezibhalisiwe zika MMAWC ezibhalisiwe, LLC.


Fourth judge to be added in event of any draws

Las Vegas (October 29, 2015) -World Series of Fighting (WSOF.com) umemezele namuhla, isethi olunzulu imithetho mlando yayo, one-night, nesishiyagalombili man engasindi (155 amakhilogremu) tournament on Friday, Nov. 20, siphile on NBCSN at11 p.m. KANYE/8 p.m. PT kusukela Comerica Theatre Phoenix, Ariz.

"Sibheke phambili kwi-ebusuku ukuncintisana mqhudelwano isinyathelo emva kwezinyanga yokuhlaziya kanjani singase senze lo mcimbi emnandi kakhulu futhi, ngesikhathi esifanayo, ukuqinisekisa ukuphepha Abagijimi bethu futhi anikeze ngamunye wabo ithuba engcono kuyovama yezinyoni,"Kusho World Series of Ukulwa President Baba Chiefs.

A zangaphambili, ayisithupha-time Kickboxing emhlabeni iqhawe futhi esigcwele ezimbili Hall of Famer, Sefo kuyinto veteran ahlotshiswe phezu 50, one-night tournaments.

Yakhelwe nokukhulisa ukusebenza abadlali bayo futhi siqinisekise ukuthi winner juqu ivele iziqubu ngamunye, the "WSOF 25: 8-Man uHlelo Tournament "imithetho zihlanganisa beshaya yijaji wesine cageside esimweni abahluleli abathathu original endaweni amaphuzu yimuphi iziqubu a draw.

Ukwengeza, ingcoza iziteleka koba kukhululiwe the iziqubu ubuqhawe mqhudelwano lapho indinganiso, Imithetho ohlangene Mixed Martial Arts zenzeka, kodwa hhayi emabangeni quarterfinal noma kowandulela owamanqamu we ndaba single-ukuqedwa.

Ngamunye the quarterfinal mqhudelwano esigabeni iziqubu ezine kanye kokubili kowandulela owamanqamu esigabeni lesi sizungu izokuba ezimbili, zemizuzu emihlanu emahlandla. The championship bout will be comprised of three, zemizuzu emihlanu emahlandla.

Ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe kusuka $29.99, amathikithi for "WSOF 25: 8-Man uHlelo Tournament "ezisendalini at the Comerica Theatre ibhokisi ihhovisi kanye online at Ticketmaster.com futhi WSOF.com.

Kwenye bracket of the nesishiyagalombili indoda mqhudelwano indaba, Luis "Baboon" Palomino (23-11) of Miami, Fla. ngeke izikwele off with Rich Patishnock (6-2) of East Stroudsberg, Pa., ngenkathi Brian Foster (23-7) of Sallisaw, Okla. zishayisane Joao Zeferino(18-6) of Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

In the ubakaki okuphambene, Brian "The Bandit" Cobb (20-8) of Bakersfield, Calif. ayokulwa Mike "The Martian" Ricci (10-4) of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, ngenkathiIslam Mamedov (12-1) of Jersey City, N.J. via Derbent, Dagestan, Russia bazobhekana Jorge "Macaco" Patino (38-15-2, 1 NC) of Houston, Texas nge Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Odle mpi phakathi Palomino futhi Patishnock uzohlangana owawina ukulwa phakathi Foster kanye Zeferino esigabeni kowandulela owamanqamu we mqhudelwano, kanti owawina iziqubu phakathi Cobb futhi Ricci ngeke Square off kanye owawina iziqubu phakathi Mamedov futhi Patino esigabeni kowandulela owamanqamu we umcimbi.

The kowandulela owamanqamu isigaba Abawinile ababili bayoba omunye nomunye nazo ubuqhawe nxazonke.

Esimweni co-main engasindi, Jason "The Kansas City Bandit" High (18-5) of Kansas City, You. kuthanda isikhulu it out nge Estevan "El kuyashaqisa" Payan (16-8, 1 NC) of Tempe, Ariz.

Kwenye ezimbili mqhudelwano reserve iziqubu, Larue "The Cannibal" Burley (6-1) of Mesa, Ariz. oyokulwa kanye Joe Condon (12-8) of Victorville, Calif.

In the yesibili reserve emncintiswaneni, Benny "INdodana" Madrid (11-3) Phoenix bazobhekana Ramil Mustapayev (3-1) of Ossetia, Russia.

Ingabe kukhona quarterfinal sigaba mpi abawinile kule midlalo ibe engakwazi ukungena kabusha yezinyoni for ukuzinikela kwakhe kowandulela owamanqamu esiteji ngenxa yokulimala ngasekelwa silibangise ukunqoba, isiphukuphuku of the iziqubu bayoqhubeka nxazonke okulandelayo mqhudelwano esikhundleni fighter ngomvimbo.

Uma kungoni winner noma isiphukuphuku kukhona anele ukungena kabusha yezinyoni, Nokho, omunye abawinile reserve mpi ngeke bakhonze indawo ensimini mqhudelwano.

Doors at Comerica Theatre izovula ngo- 5 p.m. MT, futhi iziqubu lokuqala uzoqala at 6 p.m.

Iziqubu engeziwe uzobe umemezele maduze.


WSOF 25 uyamukela NBCSN ezintsha ukuqala isikhathi 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT

Las Vegas (October 27, 2015) -World Sewesibili ka Fighting (TheSOF.com) hnjengoba ukuqinisekisile kwalokho ezimbili iziqubu enye - Larue "The Cannibal" Burley vs. Joe Condon futhi Benny "INdodana" Madrid vs. Ramil Mustapayev - Zayo kakhulu ngabomvu, one-night, nesishiyagalombili man engasindi (155 amakhilogremu) mqhudelwano ngoLwesihlanu, Nov. 20, siphile on NBCSN at 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT kusukela Comerica Theatre Phoenix, Ariz.

Ingabe kukhona quarterfinal sigaba mpi abawinile kule midlalo ibe engakwazi ukungena kabusha yezinyoni for ukuzinikela kwakhe kowandulela owamanqamu esiteji ngenxa yokulimala ngasekelwa silibangise ukunqoba, isiphukuphuku of the iziqubu bayoqhubeka nxazonke okulandelayo mqhudelwano esikhundleni fighter ngomvimbo.

Uma kungoni winner noma isiphukuphuku kukhona anele ukungena kabusha yezinyoni, Nokho, omunye abawinile reserve mpi ngeke bakhonze indawo ensimini mqhudelwano.

"Mqhudelwano yethu uhlelo ngokomthetho ephelele ne kwalokho lezi matchups, futhi thina ngabomvu ukuba ne fighters ezine abanamakhono akhethiwe lezi ukulwa ezimbili ezibalulekile, ukuncintisana kule khadi mlando futhi uzilungiselele ukungena emncintiswaneni single-ukuqedwa uma kunesidingo,"Kusho World Series of Ukulwa PresidentBaba Chiefs.

The Burley engu-31 ubudala (6-1) of Gilbert, Ariz. Ofuna ukubuyela ukwakha hlupheka career yakhe yokuqala blemish, a emzuliswaneni wokuqala (:32) KO (Punch) ebulawa isosha ongungoti kanti omunye abadlali mqhudelwano eziyisishiyagalombili, Brian Foster, at WSOF 23 ngoSepthemba 18.

Ngaphambi ukunqotshwa, Burley lase kwavela omunye amathemba MMA lakwaPeugeot, ukuqopha ukunqoba eziyisithupha ukulwa yakhe yokuqala professional, kuhlanganise nxazonke wesithathu (3:40) WHO (punches) akubo ekuphumeni star Bubba Jenkins, ngemuva unbeaten career as an amateur. Four of Burley’s six career iwina sebefikile ngendlela (T)KO noma ukuzithoba.

Condon (12-8) of Victorville, Calif. ubuye looking ukuze return kukholamu win kulokho kuyoba isiqalo sakhe yesithathu World Series of Fighting, kulandela ngazwilinye isinqumo defudle to Nick Newell at WSOF 20 ngo-Ephreli 10.

In DEBUT yakhe asetshenzisiwe ngoJanuwari 17, the 29-year-old Condon submitted Jonathan Nunez nge binda guillotine in the nxazonke wesithathu (4:22) wokulwa ngesikhathi WSOF 17.

The Madrid oneminyaka engu-35 ubudala (8-3) Phoenix uyeza off esihle, emzuliswaneni wokuqala (1:26) ukuzithoba (okukhulisa-naked binda) phezu Ukunqoba Jeff Fletcher at WSOF 23. The win snapped a three-fight skid that came after Madrid had reeled off wins in his first seven professional career fights, streak eyaba iminyaka emine phakathi 2009 futhi 2013.

Mustapayev (3-1) of Albuquerque, N.M. via Moscow, Russia uyokwenza World yakhe Series of Ukulwa DEBUT futhi ngeke engozini esiphelele, 3-0 run ukuthi nguye phakathi kwalo nyaka.

Ilungu Greg Jackson'S and Mike Winklejohn'S mpi team kwaqashwa, Mustapayev kuyinto fresh off a babeyonqoba, emzuliswaneni wokuqala (3:10) WHO (punches) of Jarel Askew in a matchup okwenzeka ngo-Agasti 29.

Ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe kusuka $29.99, amathikithi for "WSOF 25: Eight-Man uHlelo Tournament "ezisendalini at the Comerica Theatre ibhokisi ihhovisi kanye online at Ticketmaster.com futhi WSOF.com.

Kwenye bracket of the nesishiyagalombili indoda mqhudelwano indaba, Luis "Baboon" Palomino (23-11) of Miami, Fla. ngeke izikwele off with Rich Patishnock (6-2) of East Stroudsberg, Pa., ngenkathi Brian Foster (23-7) of Sallisaw, Okla. zishayisane Joao Zeferino(18-6) of Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

In the ubakaki okuphambene, Brian "The Bandit" Cobb (20-8) of Bakersfield, Calif. ayokulwa Mike "The Martian" Ricci (10-4) of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, ngenkathiIslam Mamedov (12-1) of Jersey City, N.J. via Derbent, Dagestan, Russia bazobhekana Jorge "Macaco" Patino (38-15-2, 1 NC) of Houston, Texas nge Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Odle mpi phakathi Palomino futhi Patishnock uzohlangana owawina ukulwa phakathi Foster kanye Zeferino esigabeni kowandulela owamanqamu we mqhudelwano, kanti owawina iziqubu phakathi Cobb futhi Ricci ngeke Square off kanye owawina iziqubu phakathi Mamedov futhi Patino esigabeni kowandulela owamanqamu we umcimbi.

The semifina ezimbilil isigaba winners bazobhekana ngayo Championship round.

Esimweni co-main engasindi, Jason "The Kansas City Bandit" High (18-5) of Kansas City, You. kuthanda isikhulu it out nge Estevan "El kuyashaqisa" Payan (16-8, 1 NC) of Tempe, Ariz.

Doors at Comerica Theatre izovula ngo- 6 p.m. MT, futhi iziqubu lokuqala uzoqala at 7 p.m.

Iziqubu engeziwe uzobe umemezele maduze.

Mayelana World Series of Fighting (WSOF)
“World Series of Fighting” (WSOF.com) kuyinto Sezintambo UNdunankulu professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) ukulwa ukukhuthazwa elalinikezelwe wokwethula the best ezimatasa ubalwela impi abalandeli ngekukhipha kungenzeka komdlalo-ups umhlabeleli phakathi fighters elite evela emhlabeni wonke. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe sicela uvakashele WSOF.com. Landela “World Series of Fighting” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries futhi “World Series of Fighting” President Ray Chiefs SugarRaySefo.


Okuningi: Jason High Ubhekene Estevan Payan in WSOF 25 co-main umcimbi

Amathikithi on ukudayiswa manje

Las Vegas (October 17, 2015) -World Series of Fighting (WSOF.com) umemezele tonight ngesikhathi NBCSN yayo telecast bukhoma "WSOF 24: Fitch vs. Okami,"The quarterfinal esigabeni matchups futhi kubakaki for mlando yayo, one-night, nesishiyagalombili umuntu mqhudelwano ukuthi uzoyivuza winner yayo entsha inombolo eyodwa Olwa ekugqugquzeleni sika athandwayo engasindi (155 iphawundi) division, at "WSOF 25: Eight-Man Esilula Tournament,"On Friday, Nov. 20, siphile on NBCSN at 9 p.m. KANYE/6 p.m. PT kusukela Comerica Theatre Phoenix, Ariz.

Ukwengeza, a engasindi co-main umcimbi pitting Jason "The Kansas City Bandit" High kummelwane star empini-ihlolwe futhi World Series of Fighting elisha Estevan "El kuyashaqisa" Payan kumenyezelwe for WSOF 25.

"Sijabula mayelana uhlelo star-igcwele and matchups Amazing siye wabutha for the lokuqala World Series of Ukulwa olulodwa mqhudelwano emlandweni,"Kusho World Series of Ukulwa President Baba Chiefs. “Combined with an outstanding co-main event between Jason High and Estevan Payan, lokhu uyisidingo ukubona isehlakalo yimuphi fan mpi. "

Kwenye bracket mqhudelwano, Luis "Baboon" Palomino (23-11) of Miami, Fla., iza off omunye "Ukulwa of the Month 'ukusebenza ngesikhathi WSOF 23 in September, ngeke Square off nokunyuka star Rich Patishnock (6-2) of East Stroudsberg, Pa., ngenkathi Brian Foster (23-7) of Sallisaw, Okla., fresh off kwahlokoma, emzuliswaneni wokuqala (:32) KO ngaphambili unbeaten Larue Burley at WSOF 23, zishayisane streaking ukuzithoba wizard Joao Zeferino (18-6) of Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

In the ubakaki okuphambene, wrestling futhi ukuzithoba ace Brian "The Bandit" Cobb(20-8) of Bakersfield, Calif. ayokulwa Firas Zahabi-trained Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt Mike "The Martian" Ricci (10-4) of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, ngenkathi Islam Mamedov (12-1) of Jersey City, N.J. via Derbent, Dagestan, Russia uyobhala lokukwazi yakhe, 11-ukulwa streak Yokuwina on the line alwa nayisihlanu-time, one-night mqhudelwano winner kanye Judo kanye Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black ibhande Jorge "Macaco" Patino (38-15-2, 1 NC) of Houston, Texas nge Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Odle iziqubu quarterfinal esigabeni phakathi Palomino futhi Patishnock uzohlangana owawina ukulwa phakathi Foster kanye Zeferino esigabeni kowandulela owamanqamu we ndaba single-ukuqedwa, futhi owawina matchup phakathi Cobb futhi Ricci uzobhekana owawina iziqubu phakathi Mamedov futhi Patino esigabeni kowandulela owamanqamu we mqhudelwano.

The kowandulela owamanqamu nakulabo ezimbili sigaba iyobhekana nomunye for ubuqhawe mqhudelwano ilungelo lokuphikisa ebusayo, Ezingakanqotshwa World Series of Ukulwa iqhawe engasindi Justin Gaethje.

High (18-5) of Kansas City, You. uyobheka ukusungula khona kwakhe World Series of Ukulwa division engasindi emva ukwehlula top-level mncintiswano kwenye indawo US. kanye Japan, lapho eneminyaka engu-34 ubudala wenza uphawu lwakhe sokuqala kwezemidlalo ngokusebenzisa lokuqoqa onqobayo in the DREAM manje ezingasasebenzi kanye K-1 ukukhushulwa, futhi alandele ukunandisa kwakhe lezinkanyezi phesheya nge ephelele, 3-0 ukugijima yezinyoni Strikeforce.

Omunye owayedla Strikeforce standout, the Payan engu-33 ubudala (16-8, 1 NC) of Tempe, Ariz. uye futhi kulahlwe kanye kwabaphikisana esiphawulekayo, and has imposed his will with dangerous punching power. Payan is looking for his second straight victory after scoring a third round (2:45) KO on Roberto Young nge zenkulumo punches on June 6.

Ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe kusuka $29.99, amathikithi for "WSOF 25: Eight-Man uHlelo Tournament "ezisendalini at the Comerica Theatre ibhokisi ihhovisi kanye online at Ticketmaster.com futhi WSOF.com.

World Series of Fighting uzomemezela imininingwane eyengeziwe mayelana format kanye nemithetho mqhudelwano ngokushesha.

Mayelana World Series of Fighting (WSOF)
“World Series of Fighting” (WSOF.com) kuyinto Sezintambo UNdunankulu professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) ukulwa ukukhuthazwa elalinikezelwe wokwethula the best ezimatasa ubalwela impi abalandeli ngekukhipha kungenzeka komdlalo-ups umhlabeleli phakathi fighters elite evela emhlabeni wonke. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe sicela uvakashele WSOF.com. Landela “World Series of Fighting” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries futhi “World Series of Fighting” President Ray Chiefs SugarRaySefo.


Amathikithi on ukudayiswa ngoLwesihlanu, Oct. 9

Luis Palomino, Brian Foster, Mike Ricci, Islam Mamedov, Brian Cobb, Jorge Patino, Joao Zeferino futhi Rich Patishnock yonke Kuhlelwe ukuthi isinyathelo
e star-igcwele, single-ukuqedwa indaba at WSOF 25

Winner uzobe okuthiwa inombolo eyodwa Olwa izwe 155-iphawundi isihloko
Las Vegas (October 7, 2015) -World Series of Fighting (WSOF.com) uzobuyela Comerica Theatre e Phoenix, Ariz. nge mlando, one-night, nesishiyagalombili umuntu mqhudelwano ukuthi uyomisa winner ayo Olwa inombolo eyodwa ekugqugquzeleni sika elithusayo engasindi (155 amakhilogremu) division, ngolwesihlanu, Nov. 20, siphile on NBCSN at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe kusuka $29.99, amathikithi for "WSOF 25: Eight-Man uHlelo Tournament "niqhubeke ukudayiswa ngoLwesihlanu, Oct. 9 at 10 a.m. PT at the Comerica Theatre ibhokisi ihhovisi kanye online at Ticketmaster.com futhi WSOF.com.

Bonke abahlanganyeli mqhudelwano eziyisishiyagalombili - Luis "Baboon" Palomino, Brian Foster,Mike Ricci, Islam Mamedov, Brian "The Bandit" Cobb, Jorge "Macaco" Patino, Joao "Brazilian Samurai" Zeferino futhi Rich Patishnock - Kuye ukuqinisekisile impi yokuqala ngqa World Series of Ukulwa olulodwa mqhudelwano.

Quarterfinal sigaba matchups for the midlalo izoba umemezele maduze.

"Sijabula lekwetfulwa yethu yokuqala ngqa, one-night midlalo kugcwele ezinye fighters engasindi phezulu MMA sika, futhi ukuhlukanisa entsha number one Olwa kuleli kilasi isisindo ukuthi ebelilokhu bethukuthele futhi igcwele-class emhlabeni talent,"Kusho World Series of Ukulwa President Baba Chiefs.

Palomino (23-11) of Miami, Fla. uyeza off balukhohlwa, yesibili, wonke-out slugfest kanye ebusayo, Ezingakanqotshwa World Series of Ukulwa iqhawe engasindiJustin Gaethje e tyena umcimbi main of WSOF 23, a empini wawubizwa ngokuthi "Ukulwa of the Month 'for September ngesonto eledlule.

The Palomino oneminyaka engu-34 ubudala, onesitifiketi onqobayo esiphawulekayo phezu ukuthandwa Jorge Masvidal, Gesias Cavalcante futhi Patino, abeke Gaethje azivikele in the ekuqaleni of rematch zabo ngaphambi kokuba wayeka eduze close nxazonke yesibili (4:30) nge zenkulumo Gaethje of punches.

Omunye entity kungase kutholakale oye alwa izimpi ephawulekayo yezinyoni, Foster (23-7) of Sallisaw, Okla. kuyinto fresh off a ukusebenza umbukwane ngesikhathi WSOF 23 lapho eneminyaka engu-31 ubudala amaphuzu kwahlokoma, emzuliswaneni wokuqala (:32) KO (Punch) ngaphambili unbeaten Larue Burley.

Ricci (10-4) of Montreal, Quebec, Canada is one of the latest additions to the ever-growing World Series of Fighting roster. The 29-year-old, Firas Zahabi-abaqeqeshiwe Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu ibhande brown uye wabhekana futhi wanqoba iqoqo izimbangi phezulu ngesikhathi eneminyaka eyisikhombisa career yakhe professional.

Mamedov (12-1) of Jersey City, N.J. via Derbent, Dagestan, IRussia nanti engu-25 ubudala unbeaten in wakhe wokugcina 10 siqala, streak ukuthi sihlehlela emuva Aug. 1, 2010. Kuze kube manje, Mamedov uye babonakala ezimbili in the World Series of Fighting yezinyoni, beshaya ngonya, kuqala nxazonke TKO sika Leon Davis futhi Jimmy Spicuzza at WSOF 20 futhi WSOF 22, ngokulandelana.

Cobb (20-8) of Bakersfield, Calif. kuyinto isazi wrestling futhi Jiu-Jitsu owaniveza ukuzithoba kuphela in 12 of yakhe 20 career wins since his professional debut in 2004. He holds notable victories over fellow standouts Rad Martinez,Drew FICKETT, Kazunori Yokota futhi Ronys Torres.

Patino (38-15-2, 1 NC) of Houston, Texas ungowokuzalwa of Sao Paulo, Brazil onesitifiketi amabhande black e kokubili Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Judo, futhi inama kakhulu olulodwa mqhudelwano ukuncintisana okwenzeka encintisana eziyisithupha Kuhlelwe ukuthi isinyathelo, Kanjalo kude, in the Nov. 20 indaba. Of the seven previous one-night tournaments he saw action in, oneminyaka engu-42 ubudala kwavela the winner in ezinhlanu kuzo.

Zeferino (18-6) of Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil kuyinto ace ukuzithoba oye wazuza 13 of yakhe 18 career conquests by way of submission. A new addition to the World Series of Fighting roster, oneminyaka engu-29 ubudala uzokwenza DEBUT yakhe asetshenzisiwe phakathi abahlanu mpi win streak.

Patishnock (6-2) of East Stroudsberg, Penn. is a 27-year-old rising star and a three-time veteran of World Series of Fighting action. Under the promotional banner, asiphathele banqobe Igor Gracie futhi Gregor Gracie, kokubili amalungu omndeni MMA sika edume lokuqala.

World Series of Fighting uzomemezela imininingwane eyengeziwe mayelana format kanye nemithetho mqhudelwano, ngokushesha.

Mayelana World Series of Fighting (WSOF)
“World Series of Fighting” (WSOF.com) kuyinto Sezintambo UNdunankulu professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) ukulwa ukukhuthazwa elalinikezelwe wokwethula the best ezimatasa ubalwela impi abalandeli ngekukhipha kungenzeka komdlalo-ups umhlabeleli phakathi fighters elite evela emhlabeni wonke. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe sicela uvakashele WSOF.com. Landela “World Series of Fighting” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries futhi “World Series of Fighting” President Ray Chiefs SugarRaySefo.


Las Vegas (August 10, 2015) -INqabayokulinda Bukhoma NBCSN telecast of "WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Izihlangu "okulinganiselwa 254,000 ababukeli ngesikhathi amahora amabili-telecast bukhoma eyaqala 10:40 p.m. KANYE/7:40 p.m. PT - simo njengoba umhlabeleli World Series of Fighting show on NBCSN engaphezu konyaka (6/21/14). Ngaphezu kwalokho, the ukubukwa Kuxhomeke 9% kusukela NBCSN sika 2014 Isilinganiso WSOF of athe phezu 233,000.

"Kuyasijabulisa ne evelele, ukusebenza yamuva lwezinhlelo zethu on NBCSN,"Kusho World Series of Fighting CEO Carlos Silva. “World Series of Fighting has been putting on some incredible fights in our decagon cage, futhi NBCSN uye waba ngumngane enkulu, ukunikela izithameli umthamo kokubili imicimbi bukhoma kanye replays of yamuva enempilo, izenzakalo ezidlule, konke okuyinto ngokungangabazeki kusiza ukukhula okuqhubekayo brand yethu futhi sport wethu omkhulu ngokusebenzisa ukuchayeka engaguquki ovelele izilaleli kazwelonke.

"WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Izihlangu "kwaba headlined by a Yimpi eside elindelwe phakathi World Series of Ukulwa World Welterweight (170 amakhilogremu) Champion Rousimar "Toquinho" Palhares futhi inselele futhi esigcwele ezimbili zomhlaba iqhawe Jake Shields

Phila World Series of Fighting isinyathelo ebuyela NBCSN nge "WSOF 23: Gaethje vs. Palomino II "on Friday, September 18 at 7:00 p.m. KANYE/4:00 p.m. PT kusukela Comerica Theatre Phoenix, Ariz. In the highly-anticipated main event, Ezingakanqotshwa, ebusayo emhlabeni engasindi (155 amakhilogremu) champion Justin "The Gqamisa" Gaethje uyobhala igama lakhe phezu line okwesibili ngokumelene Okungishaya Luis "Baboon" Palomino.

About “World Series of Fighting” (WSOF)
“World Series of Fighting” (WSOF) kuyinto Sezintambo UNdunankulu professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) ukulwa ukukhuthazwa elalinikezelwe wokwethula the best ezimatasa ubalwela impi abalandeli ngekukhipha kungenzeka komdlalo-ups umhlabeleli phakathi fighters elite evela emhlabeni wonke. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe sicela uvakashele WSOF.com. Landela “World Series of Fighting” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries futhi “World Series of Fighting” President Ray Chiefs SugarRaySefo.

NBCSN, ingxenye NBC Sports Group, ozinikezele ukhonza inkanuko bezemidlalo. Manje angaphezu kuka 85 amakhaya million, inethiwekhi Emmy owanqoba indondo ye-iyikhaya ikhebula ithelevishini of the Ihlobo Winter Olympics, National Hockey League (NHL) - Okubalwa nababili imidlalo ye Stanley Cup Final — Nascar, Premier League, Formula One, IndyCar, Tour de France, and America’s Cup. Ngaphezu kwalokho, NBCSN izici college football, college basketball, college hockey, ekubuyiseleni, izinhlelo ongaphandle, horse racing surrounding the Triple Crown and Breeders’ Cup, Ironman, the Dew Tour and USA Sevens Rugby. Inethiwekhi futhi iyikhaya izinhlelo original ezifana NFL Turning Point, Pro Football Talk,The Dan Patrick Show, futhi Nascar America. NBCSN isakazwa nge izinhlelo cable futhi opharetha satellite lonke elase-United States.


10:30 PM ET / 7:30 PM PT

LIVE IKHADI wokulungiselela siqala WSOF.COM AT
8:00 PM ET / 5:00 PM PT

Las Vegas, Nev. (July 31, 2015) - All 20 fighters, wokubusa World Series of Fighting (WSOF.com) World Welterweight (170 amakhilogremu) Champion Rousimar Palhares (17-6) futhi inselele futhi esigcwele ezimbili zomhlaba iqhawe Jake Shields (31-7), wenza isisindo ngelinye ilanga phambi kakhulu-Kulindeleke "WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Izihlangu "Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) mega-emcimbini Planet Hollywood Resort & Ikhasino in Las Vegas, Nev., bahlala on NBCSN, kuqalwe isiqalo isikhathi esisha ka 10:30 p.m. KANYE / 7:30 p.m. PT.

Palhares esingamakhilogremu in at 169.8 amakhilogremu futhi Shields clocked in lapho kugcwala isilinganiso isisindo 170 pounds.

WSOF World Bantamweight (135 amakhilogremu) Champion UMarlon Moraes (14-4-1) okulinganiswa isikali at 135 amakhilogremu and imbangi yakhe, inselele Ezingakanqotshwa Sheymon Moraes (7-0) babhalisa isisindo 134.2 amakhilogremu.

The bukhoma, ezinhlanu iziqubu stream ikhadi wokulungiselela uzoqala at 8:00 p.m. KANYE / 5:00 p.m. PT on an ifayela video umdlali on www.WSOF.com.

Ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe kusuka $29.99, amathikithi for "WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Izihlangu "ezisendalini at Ticketmaster.com and WSOF.com.

Doors at-eksisi at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino izovula ngo- 4:00 p.m. PT. The first preliminary bout will begin at 5:00 p.m.


IKhadi Main:

Indawo Main: World Welterweight (170 amakhilogremu) Championship Bout

Rousimar Palhares (17-6) (169.8 lbs.) vs. Jake Shields (31-7) (170lbs)
Minas Gerais, Brazil San Francisco, Calif.

Co-Main Event: World Bantamweight (135 amakhilogremu) Championship Bout

UMarlon Moraes (14-4-1) (135 lbs.) vs. Sheymon Moraes (7-0) (134.2 lbs.)
Toms Rier, N.J. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil .

Light Heavyweight (205 amakhilogremu) Bout

Mike Kyle (21-12-1) (206 lbs.) vs. Clifford Starks (11-2) (204.8 lbs.)
San Jose, Calif. Tempe, Ariz.

Welterweight (170 amakhilogremu) Bout

Abubakar Nurmagomedov (9-1) (171 lbs.) vs. Jorge Moreno (4-0) (168.8 lbs.)
Dagestan, Russia Moses Lake, Geza.

Esilula (155 amakhilogremu) Bout

Jimmy Spicuzza (6-2) (155.4 lbs.) vs. Islam Mamedov (11-1) (155.4 lbs.)
Las Vegas, Nev. Jersey City, N.J.

IKhadi Preliminary:

Light Heavyweight (205 amakhilogremu) Bout

Jake Heun (7-4) (205.6 lbs.) vs. Davin Clark (5-2-2) (206 lbs.)
Coconut Creek, Fla. San Jose, Calif.

Flyweight (125 amakhilogremu) Bout

Donavon Frelow (4-0) (125 lbs.) vs. Carlos Garcia (0-0) (124.8 lbs.)
Las Vegas, Nev. Las Vegas, Nev.

Catchweight (140 amakhilogremu) Bout

Jimmy Jones (4-3) (139.4 lbs.) vs. Marco Simmons (0-0) (140.6 lbs.)
Las Vegas, Nev. Las Vegas, Nev.

Light Heavyweight (205 amakhilogremu) Bout

Cory Hendricks (2-0) (204.4 lbs.) vs. July Hinojosa (3-1) (206 lbs.)
Las Vegas, Nev. Step, Texas

Esilula (155 amakhilogremu) Bout

Gil Guardado (3-1) (154 lbs.) vs. Pete Martin (5-3) (155.6 lbs.)
Las Vegas, Nev. Las Vegas, Nev.

Thiago Silva Out, Clifford Starks In Against Mike Kyle at “WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields” Saturday, August 1, Live on NBCSN from Las Vegas

Las Vegas (July 28, 2015) - World Series of Fighting (WSOF.com) announced today that, due to a previous suspension in the state of Nevada, Thiago Silva has been declared ineligible to compete at “WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields” on Saturday, Aug. 1, and will be replaced by Clifford Starks, who will face off with Silva’s scheduled opponent Mike "MAK" Kyle in a wesibhakela ekukhanyeni (205 amakhilogremu) umncintiswano, live on NBCSN from Planet Hollywood Resort & Ikhasino in Las Vegas.

Due to the previous suspension, Silva must attend a future Nevada State Athletic Commission hearing. The next hearing takes place in Aug.

“We hope that Thiago will take the steps necessary to be in compliance with the state athletic commission so that he can make a quick return to action,"Kusho WSOF President Baba Chiefs. “In the meantime, we appreciate Clifford Starks’ willingness to take the fight against Mike Kyle on just a few days’ notice, and look forward to having him compete for us again after putting on a great show in the WSOF cage in March.”

The 34-year-old Starks (11-2) of Tempe, Ariz. is coming off a second round (4:11) ukuzithoba (ingalo-triangle binda) of Jake Heun at WSOF 19. The victory was Starks’ third straight and second consecutive finish.

The bukhoma, five-bout NBCSN telecast of “WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Izihlangu "uqala at 11 p.m. KANYE/8 p.m. PT.

In the highly-anticipated main event, eyayibusa WSOF World Welterweight (170 amakhilogremu) Champion Rousimar Palhares (17-6) will square off with top-ranked challenger and two-time world champion Jake Shields (31-7).

WSOF World Bantamweight (135 amakhilogremu) Champion UMarlon Moraes (14-4-1) will put his title on the line in the co-main event against undefeated challenger Sheymon Moraes (7-0).

In other live NBCSN televised WSOF 22 action, fast-ekuphumeni star Abubakar Nurmagomedov (9-1) ngeke Square off nomphelelisi Ezingakanqotshwa Jorge Moreno (4-0) at welterweight, and four-time WSOF veteran Jimmy Spicuzza (6-2) will meet submission ace Islam Mamedov (11-1) at engasindi (155 amakhilogremu).

Ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe kusuka $29.99, amathikithi for “WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields” ezisendalini at Ticketmaster.com futhi WSOF.com.

Doors at-eksisi at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino will open ngomgqibelo at 4 p.m. PT, owokuqala wokulungiselela ikhadi iziqubu uzoqala at 5 p.m. PT.


WSOF World Welterweight Championship Main Event:
Rousimar Palhares (Champion) vs. Jake Shields (Challenger)

WSOF World Bantamweight Championship Co-Main Event:
UMarlon Moraes (Champion) vs. Sheymon Moraes (Challenger)

Light Heavyweight: Mike Kyle vs. Clifford Starks
Welterweight: Abubakar Nurmagomedov vs. Jorge Moreno
Esilula: Jimmy Spicuzza vs. Islam Mamedov

IKHADI Preliminary

Light Heavyweight: Jake Heun vs. Davin Clark
Flyweight: Donavon Frelow vs. Carlos Garcia
Catchweight (140 amakhilogremu): Jimmy Jones vs. Marco Simmons
Light Heavyweight: Cory Hendricks vs. July Hinojosa
Esilula: Gil Guardado vs. Pete Martin

“WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields” Unezela Five-Bout Preliminary Card Featuring Jake Heun vs. Davin Clark

Ngokuminza olwandulelayo sakaza bukhoma WSOF.com
ngaphambi ezimbili isihloko emhlabeni ukulwa on NBCSN

Las Vegas (July 23, 2015) - World Series of blockbuster Fighting sika “WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields” Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) umcimbi izoba imincintiswano ezinhlanu obutholakele ukuthi ziyogobhozela bukhoma WSOF.com ngaphambi bukhoma NBCSN telecast of the okuningi-Kulindeleke emhlabeni ubuqhawe doubleheader ngoMgqibelo, August 1.

Featuring a pair of Kulindeleke kakhulu zomhlaba isihloko ukulwa kanye ebusa WSOF World Welterweight (170 amakhilogremu) Champion Rousimar Palhares (17-6) vs. inselele phezulu-zibalwa and-time ezimbili zezwe iqhawe Jake Shields (31-7) kanye WSOF World Bantamweight (135 amakhilogremu) Champion UMarlon Moraes (14-4-1) vs. inselele Ezingakanqotshwa Sheymon Moraes (7-0), the mega-ikhadi kuyokwenzeka eksisi ngaphakathi Las Vegas’ Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino.

The imincintiswano entsha zokukwazi zihlanganisa heavyweights ukukhanya (205 amakhilogremu) Jake "The Honey Bear" Heun (7-4) vs. Davin “Ukwanda” Clark (5-2-2), flyweights (125 amakhilogremu) Donavon Frelow (4-0) vs. Carlos Garcia (0-0), a 140-iphawundi catchweight umbango nge Jimmy “Unogwaja” Jones (4-3) vs. Marco Simmons (0-0), heavyweights ukukhanya Cory Hendricks (2-0) vs. July Hinojosa (3-1) futhi lightweights (155 amakhilogremu) Gil Guardado (3-1) vs. Pete Martin (5-3)

Ukulwa out of Coconut Creek, Fla., the Heun oneminyaka engu-27 ubudala isosha-time ababili WSOF isinyathelo ngubani yezemidlalo i irekhodi jikelele 1-1 in the promotion. Four of his seven career victories have come by way of (T)KO and one by way of submission. He is looking to rebound from a second round (4:11) ukuzithoba (ingalo-triangle binda) ebulawa Clifford Starks ukuhlulwa.

Heun ubhekene Clark, umkhiqizo American Kickboxing Academy engu-33 ubudala kusuka San Jose, Calif., obelokhu ukuncintisana efanele kusukela 2007. Nakuba uphathwe ngendlela ukulahlekelwa October kuya veteran nabo Joe Vedepo, Previous ukubukeka Clark amabili embona uthole pair of lokuqala nxazonke kuphela.

Las Vegas’ Frelow ekuqaleni kulindeleke ukuba ukuncintisana ekhadini main kusihlwa for the mcimbi World Series of Fighting flyweight isihloko. Nokho, nabo Olwa Ezingakanqotshwa Magomed Bibulatov bahlupheka ukulimala ekuqeqesheni futhi waphoqeleka ukuba bahoxe emncintiswaneni. Frelow bakhethwe ukuba ahlale ematasa kunokuba alinde mpi isihloko futhi manje uhlangana nabo Las Vegas ohlala Garcia, i fighter Xtreme Couture okwenza DEBUT yakhe professional.

Engeziwe sizungu zokukwazi ukubona ezinye Las Vegas’ Amathemba phezulu faka yezinyoni WSOF, njengoba Jones Xtreme Couture akuwo Wand Fight Simmons Team sika, futhi Guardado Xtreme Couture sika ubhekene Wand Fight Teams 'Martin.

Mynwhile, Syndicate Hendricks MMA yamukela Hinojosa, El Pakanjalo, Texas, World Series of Fighting decagon.

Ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe nasemuvam $29.99, amathikithi for “WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields” ezisendalini at Ticketmaster.com futhi WSOF.com.

Doors at-eksisi at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino izovula ngo- 4 p.m. PT, owokuqala wokulungiselela ikhadi iziqubu uzoqala at 5 p.m. PT.

The bukhoma NBCSN telecast of the ikhadi elisemqoka liqala 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT.


WSOF World Welterweight Championship Main Event:
Rousimar Palhares (Champion) vs. Jake Shields (Challenger)

WSOF World Bantamweight Championship Co-Main Event:
UMarlon Moraes (Champion) vs. Sheymon Moraes (Challenger)

Light Heavyweight: Thiago Silva vs. Mike Kyle
Welterweight: Abubakar Nurmagomedov vs. Jorge Moreno
Esilula: Jimmy Spicuzza vs. Islam Mamedov

IKHADI Preliminary

Light Heavyweight: Jake Heun vs. Davin Clark
Flyweight: Donavon Frelow vs. Carlos Garcia
Catchweight (140 amakhilogremu): Jimmy Jones vs. Marco Simmons
Light Heavyweight: Cory Hendricks vs. July Hinojosa
Esilula: Gil Guardado vs. Pete Martin