Tag Archives: Ilima-Lei MacFarlane




Brent Primus-ek izenburu arina defendatzen du Michael Chandler-en aurka Itxarondako Gertaera Nagusiaren errebantxa honetan Honolulu Doubleheader-i hasiera emateko


AINGERUAK - AEBetako gizon eta emakume ausartak omentzeko. Indar Armatuak, Bellator MMA USOrekin lankidetzan aritu da tropei zuzeneko gertaera berezi bat aurkezteko, haien lagunekin eta senideekin batera, Abendua on 14.



"Armadako Borrokalarien Programarekin lan egin ondoren borrokarako prestasuna ebaluatu eta eguneratzeko, Aspalditik errespetatu ditut militarrak eta haien ausardia,”Esan zuen Royce Graciek, MMA Legend eta Bellator enbaxadorea. “Aurkitu nuenean gertaera bat egiten ari ginela Hawaiin, hango biztanleria militar handia ezagutuz, Banekien MMAren bidez gure laguntza eta estimua erakutsi behar genituela ".




Bellator presidentea, Scott Coker, harro dago USOrekin izandako harreman berri horrekin eta bere laguntza erakutsi nahi die gizon eta emakumeei zerbitzu ausartei..




“USO laguntza militarreko erakunde historikoa da – entretenimenduan ez ezik, maite dituzten eta borrokatzen dituzten gauzetara konektatzeko ere,"Esan Coker. «Zentzuzkoa zen Bellatorrek USOrekin harremana ezartzea eta Hawaiiko biztanleria militarrari aukera paregabea ematea. Nazioari emandako zerbitzua eskertzen dugu, eta espero dugu elkarrekin lan egiteko aukera askoren lehena izatea ".




Neal S-tik emanez. Blaisdell Arena Honolulun, ikuskizun berezi hau egungo txapeldun arinaren izenburuko borrokak izango du buru Brett Primus (8-0) bi aldiz lehen tituluaren aurka Michael Chandler (18-4), pisu astuneko ikonoa Frank Mir (18-12) cumple Javy Ayala (10-7) pisu handiko talka batean.

Bellator eta USO Present: Agurtu Tropak ostiralean emitituko da Paramount Networken, Abendua 14 at 10 p.m. ETA / 21:00. CT eta CMT bidezko emisioa egingo da. Ekitaldia LAZEAN ere igorriko da DAZNen, aurretiazko borrokak, berriz, aurrera jarraituko dute Bellator.com eta mundu mailan Bellator Mugikorretarako aplikazioa. bouts osagarria izango da datozen asteetan jakinaraziko da.




Brent Primus egungo txapeldunak bere titulua eta garaitu gabeko marra jarri ditu lerroan Bellator arinaren titulua lortzeko oso espero den errebantxa batean. Iaz Chandler asaldatu ondoren, Eugene, Ore.-native kaiolara itzultzea atzeratu duten zaurien aurka borrokatu da. Orain, kritikak isilarazi eta 155 kiloko txapeldun egokia eta merezimendua dela frogatu nahi du. Bellatorren historiako borrokalari apainduenetako bat, Michael Chandlerrek txapelketa berreskuratzeko eta hiru aldiz titular izateko asmoa du. "Burdinak" dibisio bat irabazi du dibisioaren elite artean, Barne Benson

Henderson, Patricky Pitbull (x2), Goiti Yamauchi eta Eddie Alvarez. Missouriko Unibertsitateko borrokalari ohia, orain Nashville etxera deitzen duena, No-ra itzultzeko bidea irabazi du. 1-konkurrentziaren egoera Hawaii-rekin gerrikoarekin irtetearekin.




Frank Mir UFC pisu handiko txapeldun ohia Bellator-eko kaiolara itzultzen da, aurrera eta atzera egin duen borroka zirraragarriaren ostean Fedor Emelianenko joan den udaberrian. Karrerak irabazita Roy Nelson, Antonio "Big Nog" Nogueira (x2), Brock Lesnar eta Mirko Cro Cop, jiu-jitsu brasildar gerriko beltzak beste garaipen ikusgarria bilatzen du bere ibilbide ospetsuari gehitzeko. Mundua KO’d denean harritu ondoren Sergei Kharitonov, Javy Ayala gaueko sentsazio bihurtu zen MMA zaleentzat. Zaleek “Eye Candy,”Pisu astunak Eric Prindle eta Raphael Butler bikain irabazi ditu. Portervilleko borrokan, Kalifornia., Ayala itzultzen da berriro mundua harritu eta MMAren historiako pisu handienetako bat garaitzeko asmoz.




Gau ahaztezina aurrez iragarritakoarekin amaitutako asteburu historiko baten parte izango da Bellator Hawaii larunbatean, Abendua 15, DAZN-en esklusiboki emititzen. Itxaropen handiko borroka txartel honek Bellator emakumezkoen euli pisuko txapelduna biltzen du ILIMA-Lei Macfarlane bere titulua defendatuz Valegiten dabarre egin Letourneau, Lyoto Machida Bellatorrek txapeldun ohiaren aurka debuta egitea Rafael Carvalho, Neiman Gracie hartzea Eta Ruth Bellator Welterweight Munduko Sari Nagusian hasierako partida batean eta askoz gehiago.



Bellator-ek eta USO-k ere abenduko borrokaldi zirraragarrien asteburu handirako Hawaii-ko gertaera berezien astebeteko lankidetza izango dute 14 eta 15. Laster datozen xehetasun gehiago.


Eguneratua Bellator eta USO Present: Agurtu Tropak Borroka Txartela:

Munduko Titulu Arinaren Ekitaldi Nagusia: Brent Primus (8-0) vs. Michael Chandler (18-4)

Pisu astuneko txartel nagusia: Frank Mir (18-12) vs. Javy Ayala (10-7)


*Txartela aldatu egin daiteke




Please visit Bellator.com eta USO.org informazio gehiagorako.







LOS ANGELES – Bellator returns to Pechanga Resort Casino in Temecula, Kalifornia. egiteko Warrior 201 ostiralean, June 29. The card will be headlined by the San Diego-based ILIMA-Lei Macfarlane (7-0), who defends her undefeated record and newly won flyweight crown against Columbia’s Alejandra “Azul” Lara (7-1).





In addition to the women’s flyweight championship being up for grabs on June 29, Valerie Létourneau (9-6) will look to improve to 2-0 Bellator kaiola barruan, when she meets the always-tough Bruna Ellen (4-1) at 125-pounds. Additional bouts, including the co-main event for Warrior 201: Macfarlane vs. Lara, will be announced in the coming days.





Tickets for the event go on sale this Friday, April 6 and start at $39. Tickets will be available at the Pechanga box office and Pechanga.com. Ekitaldia irekia dagoen Doors 3:30 p.m. PT, while the preliminary card will kick-off at 4:30 p.m. PST. Gertaera zuzenean eta doan emango da Paramount Network helbidean 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and globally on the newly updated Bellator Mobile App.





Ilima-Lei Macfarlane has been proving naysayers wrong since her viral MMA debut in 2015, defeating every opponent placed in front of her en route to becoming the inaugural Bellator women’s flyweight champion this past November by defeating Emily Ducote. Born in Honolulu, “The Ilimanator” was a high school wrestler at Punahou School, where she was also a classmate of pro golfer Michelle Wie. Primarily focusing on her academics, Macfarlane went on to attend San Diego State University, where she studied cultural anthropology and went on to earn her master’s degree in liberal arts and sciences. Following that, the 27-year-old dove headfirst into MMA, splitting time between Team Hurricane Awesome and 10garren Planet Jiu-Jitsu, where she remains to this day. Pro bat bezala partidarik galdu gabe, Macfarlane now looks to keep her undefeated record intact and the title around her waist.





Hailing from Medellin, Kolonbia, Alejandra Lara made a statement in Bellator’s flyweight division when she finished Lena Ovchynnikova atzeko biluzik atearen bidez Warrior 190. The 23-year-old knockout artist has earned seven victories in eight outings since making her professional debut in 2011 and has shown tenacity in her fights thus far, showcasing a pair of first round knockouts and multiple submissions. On the heels of her impressive promotional debut, Lara earned a shot at the championship on June 29.





The Canadian-born Létourneau, a former UFC strawweight title challenger, carries an impressive track record of thrilling fights, highlighted by a world title contest against former champion Joanna Jędrzejczyk. Since signing with Bellator, “Trouble” has moved up to her more natural weight class, impressively defeating Kate Jackson in her promotional debut. At Warrior 201, the American Top Team-product will look to improve upon her nine victories as a professional, a tally that includes five finishes, with four coming by way of knockout.





At only 21-years-old, Ellen has already made three appearances for Bellator, competing against the likes of Veta Arteaga and Jessica Middleton. The Campinas, Brazil native and Team Nogueira-product has won four out of five fights to begin her professional career and will now look to continue her upward trajectory when she meets the former title challenger in a battle of top contenders.


Eguneratua Warrior 201: Macfarlane vs. Lara Borroka Txartela:

Women’s Flyweight Title Main Event: ILIMA-Lei Macfarlane (7-0) vs. Alejandra Lara (7-1)

Women’s Flyweight Feature Bout: Valerie Létourneau (9-6) vs. Bruna Ellen (4-1)





*Txartela aldatu egin daiteke.





Informazio gehiagorako bisitatu Bellator.com.

Warrior 186: Bader vs.. Vassell Results & Argazkiak


Ryan Bader (24-5) garaitu Linton Vassell (18-6, 1 NC) TKO bidez (punches) at 3:58 Kopako bi of

Argazkiak: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hx0r62nfbc8y2ql/AABxoV96f8xO-PA6cKykGLCxa?dl=0

ILIMA-Lei Macfarlane (7-0) garaitu Emily Ducote (6-3) via verbal submission (arm bar) at 3:42 Kopako bost


Argazkiak: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s7b7l5wfa27nvi8/AAA4YdcUjaoAJcMGyzNCb8jba?dl=0


Phil Davis (18-4, 1 NC) garaitu Leo Leite (10-1) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Argazkiak: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/76ipvbxw3r1v660/AABQ-Tg_EQpxsW0F7FiGsoT1a?dl=0


Eta Ruth (4-0) garaitu Chris Dempsey (11-6) KO bidez (zulatu) at :27 Kopako bi of


Argazkiak: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/185k0c5hl9wh7m2/AACIEShWpmwRdgFOW8jAWqmOa?dl=0


You Awad (21-9) garaitu Zach Freeman (9-3) TKO bidez (punches) at 1:07 Bat txandan


Argazkiak: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h8r8f5gixl91luv/AACa8tdrvMVwwUHt2EFYd-8ra?dl=0


Aurrematrikula Txartela emaitzak:

Tywan Claxton (1-0) garaitu Johnny Bonilla-Bowman (1-1) knockout bidez (flying-knee) at 1:29 Bat txandan


Argazkiak: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wbn0zv5dxry7n8q/AACBqdJ3F7GdInsklCwGrFLta?dl=0

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VirSoFoCUYE

Logan Storley (7-0) garaitu Matt SECOR (9-5) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)


Argazkiak: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6y7cftw9kn32g1v/AAD1sI8H4qzSkzGGwFr9DbYsa?dl=0


Mike Wilkins (8-4) garaitu Brett Martinez (6-5) aurkezteko bidez (atzerako biluzik choke) at 1:09 Kopako bi of

Frank Buenafuente (8-4) garaitu Francis Healy (7-5) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Dominic Mazzotta (13-2) garaitu Matt Lozano (8-6) TKO bidez (doctor ETEN) at 2:37 Bat txandan

Michael Trizano (5-0) garaitu Mike Otwell (3-2) aurkezteko bidez (D’arce Choke) at 2:07 Kopako bi of

Scott Clymer (1-0) garaitu Mike Putnam (1-2) TKO bidez (punches) at

Andrew Salas (4-1) garaitu Ethan Goss (3-4) split erabaki bidez (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Josh Fremd (2-0) garaitu Ryan Parker (0-1) aurkezteko bidez (atzerako biluzik choke) at 1:25 Kopako bi of



ZER: Limited-Edition Randy Couture Bobblehead Giveaway and Meet & Agurtzeko


Bellator MMA will be giving away a free limited-edition Randy Couture bobblehead on Ostirala, Aza. 3 to the first 5,000 fans in attendance at Bryce Jordan Center on the campus of Penn State University for Warrior 186: Bader vs.. Vassell. The bobblehead giveaway is limited to one per person and will only be available to ticketholders upon entry into the arena.


Gainera, Bellator MMA fans are invited to attend a unique opportunity to meet the MMA and wrestling great prior to Warrior 186: Bader vs.. Vassell. The meet and greet will take place on the concourse of Bryce Jordan Center on Ostirala, Aza. 3, batetik 6:30-8:30 p.m. ETA. Space is limited and fans are encouraged to arrive early to reserve their place in line.


***Bobblehead giveaway and meet and greet are exclusively for Warrior 186 ticketholders***

***Bobbleheads distributed at venue points of entry, only while supplies last at each entry***

NON: Bryce Jordan Center

127 Bryce Jordan Center

University Park, Pa. 16802


NOIZ: Meet & Agurtzeko

Ostirala, Azaroa 3 batetik 6:30-8:30 p.m. ETA


OME: Randy Couture


Randy Couture (19-11)

Randy “The Natural” Couture made his mark in the sport of wrestling and later MMA, where he was a multiple-time world champion at both heavyweight and light heavyweight. Over his 14-year career, Couture compiled 19 garaipenekin, while also competing in 15 izenburuko borrokak. Prior to his professional career in mixed martial arts, the retired United States Army Sergeant made an impact on the high school and collegiate wrestling community by earning a state championship while attending Lynnwood High School in Washington state and a historic collegiate career that saw him become a three-time NCAA DI All-American at Oklahoma State University. Couture also serves as a coach for his son, Ryan Couture, who currently competes in Bellator MMA’s welterweight division.


BORROKA INFO: Warrior 186: Bader vs.. Vassell will be broadcast LIVE and FREE on SPIKE, Ostirala, Aza. 3 at 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App. Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased at Bellator.com, as well as the Bryce Jordan Center box office and Ticketmaster.


Osatua Warrior 186: Bader vs.. Vassell Borroka Txartela:

Light Heavyweight World Title Bout: Ryan Bader (23-5) vs. Linton Vassell (18-5, 1 NC)

Women’s Flyweight World Title Bout: ILIMA-Lei Macfarlane (6-0) vs. Emily Ducote (6-2)

Light Heavyweight Feature Bout: Phil Davis (17-4, 1 NC) vs. Leo Leite (10-0)

Middleweight Feature Bout: Eta Ruth (3-0) vs. Chris Dempsey (11-5)

Lightweight Feature Bout: You Awad (20-9) vs. Zach Freeman (9-2)


Aurrematrikula Txartela:

Pisu oneko pisua: Logan Storley (6-0) vs. Matt SECOR (9-4)

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka: Tywan Claxton (Pro Estreinaldia) vs. Johnny Bonilla-Bowman (1-0)

Pisu galantak aurrez aurre: Dominic Mazzotta (12-2) vs. Matt Lozano (8-5)

160 lb. Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Brett Martinez (6-4) vs. Mike Wilkins (7-4)

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka: Frank Buenafuente (7-4) vs. Francis Healy (7-4)

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka: Michael Trizano (4-0) vs. Mike Otwell (3-1)

150 lb. Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Scott Clymer (Pro Estreinaldia) vs. Mike Putnam (1-1)

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka: Andrew Salas (3-1) vs. Ethan Goss (3-3)

Pisu ertaineko aurrez aurrekoa: Josh Fremd (1-0) vs. Mike Diorio (1-0)

Warrior 178 Laburpena, Results and Fighter Quotes


Patricio ‘Pitbull(26-4) garaitu Daniel Straus (24-7) at :37 of round two to capture the Bellator MMA Featherweight World Title.
Quote from Patricio Pitbull:
“It’s a dream come true to win back this title and this belt is for my son. It’s a gift for him,” Pitbull said. “I want him to be proud of his Dad and know that I overcame a lot to bring this title back home to Brazil.”
ILIMA-Lei Macfarlane (6-0) garaitu Jessica Middleton (2-1) aurkezteko bidez (arm bar) at 2:15 Bat txandan
Quote from Ilima-Lei Macfarlane:

I went in there and did everything that I wanted to do. I did everything that I needed to do and as I said in the cage, I really wanted to make a statement that this is my division,” Macfarlane said. “If they’re going to crown a champion, I want to be number one up there.

Argazkiak: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dj72akdy8jofbuo/AAA9qJSRDe8Y8do_Fz3q57VLa?dl = 0

You Awad (20-9) garaitu Ryan Quinn (13-7-1) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Quote from Saad Awad:

It was a really tough fight and I knew he was a great wrestler. I saw a lot of that coming, he was in my face the whole time,” Awad said. “I thought i could take him out in that first round but he kept coming back. Gogorra borroka bat izan zen, glad i came out on top.



Tyrell Fortune (3-0) garaitu Branko Busick (0-1) aho batez erabaki bidez (29-27, 29-27, 29-27)
Quote from Tyrell Fortune:

I thought it was great for me to go out and get three rounds in,” Fortune said following his Bellator 178 irabazi. “I felt like I utilized my jab and my knees really well. Obviously I m still pretty too, no bumps and no cuts. I dominated the fight.

Eta Ruth (3-0) garaitu David Mundell (6-3) tan knockout tekniko bidez 3:13 Kopako 2
Quote from Eta Ruth:

I thought it was a good fight and a solid win for me. There were definitely some areas where I could’ve been faster and I could’ve been sharper,” Ruth said after moving to 3-0 in Bellator. “I felt like I missed a lot of openings, but I’ll go back to work and train some more and be ready to go again soon.

Jordan Young (7-0) garaitu Tim Caron (7-1) aurkezteko bidez (Brabo Choke) at 3:55 Bat txandan
Quote from Jordan Young:

That was light work, easy money. Hura errespetatzen dut, but I am here to eat. I need somebody to call me bihar, next week, whenever, but I have to eat man,” Young said after remaining undefeated. “I go hard 24/7, so somebody call me because I always stay ready.

Kas Xhema (1-0) garaitu Nick Alley (1-1) via knockout at 3:19 Bat txandan

Quote from Kas Xhema:

The fight was great. I have the best team and the best coaches, I am very lucky guy,” Xhema said. “Over here at American Top Team Connecticut, I truly feel like we are the best team around.

Additional Results:

Blair Tugman (10-6) garaitu Tom English (6-8) aurkezteko bidez (atzerako biluzik choke) at 4:54 txandan hiru

Chris Foster (11-5) garaitu Shane Manley (3-3) split erabaki bidez (29-28, 29-28, 28-29)

Billy Giovanetta (9-5) garaitu Joshua Ricci (3-0)



Complete Weigh-In Photos Here

UNCASVILLE, CONN. (April 20, 2017) –The official weigh-ins for Warrior 178: Straus vs. Pitbull 4 took place this afternoon at the Mohegan Sun Arena. The competitors are now ready for action bihar, with the event airing LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT. See below for official weights and photos from biharko Ekitaldia.

Txartel nagusia: (Live on SPIKE – 9 p.m. ETA/8:00 p.m. CT)

Featherweight World Title Main Event: Daniel Straus (145) vs. Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (144)

Women’s Flyweight Co-Main Event:ILIMA-Lei Macfarlane (126) vs. Jessica Middleton (126)

Catchweight Feature Bout: You Awad (164.5) vs. Ryan Quinn (164.5)

Featherweight Feature Bout: A.J. McKee (146) vs. Dominic Mazzotta (146)

Aurrematrikula Txartela: (Bellator.com – 7:00 p.m. ETA/6:00 p.m. CT)

Pisu oneko pisua:Eta Ruth (185.5) vs. David Mundell (184.25)

Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Tyrell Fortune (244.5) vs. Branko Busick (220)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Tim Caron (195) vs. Jordan Young (195)

Pisu oneko pisua:Nick Alley (167) vs. Kastroit Xhema (165)

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka:Don Shainis (149.5) vs. Max Kelleher (149.75)

Pisu galantak aurrez aurre:Regivaldo Carvalho (139.5) vs. Jason Perrin (140)

Pisu oneko pisua:Kemran Lachinov (164.5) vs. Sam Watford (164)

Euli pisuaren aurrez aurrekoa:John Lopez (125.5) vs. Remo Cardarelli (124)

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka:Chris Foster (145) vs. Shane Manley (146)

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka:Thomas English (146) vs. Blair Tugman (146)

Euli pisuaren aurrez aurrekoa: Billy Giovanella (124.75) vs. Joshua Ricci (126)


Complete Event Photos Here

THACKERVILLE, OK. (Abendu. 3, 2016) – In the evening’s bantamweight main event, Darrion Caldwell (10-1) redeemed himself with a decisive unanimous decision (30-27 x3) irabazi Joe Taimanglo (23-7-1). The three-round battle capped off Bellator MMA’s massive doubleheader at WinStar World Casino and Resort in Thackerville, OK.

Irabazi duen, Caldwell improves his record in the Bellator MMA cage to 7-1 and opens the door for a bantamweight world title clash with current division champion Eduardo Dantas. “Dudu,” ikastaroa, protected his belt just last night with a one-sided affair against Joe Warren in the first night of the promotion’s epic doubleheader.

Borrokaren ostean, Caldwell and Dantas exchanged words inside the cage, as “The Wolf” announced his desire for the belt: “I look forward to fighting you. It’s been a long time coming.”

Featherweight Co-Main Event Lives up to Hype as Teixeira Outlasts Lawrence

Hartu egin 15 minutes to determine a winner, baina, azkenean, John Teixeira (21-1-2) notched a unanimous decision victory (29-28, 30-27 x2) gorako Justin Lawrence (9-4) larunbatean Gau. The Brazilian veteran peppered away with a combination of jabs and kicks that severely damaged Lawrence’s lead leg throughout the bout. “Macapa” continues to dominate the featherweight division, earning victories in nine of his last 10 lehiaketak, including one draw. Since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion in 2014, Teixeira has won each of his four fights, maintaining his position among the 145-pound elite.

Flyweight Marathon Ends in Unanimous Decision Victory for Undefeated MacFarlane


Following three hard-fought rounds inside WinStar World Casino, Ilima-Lei MacFarlane (5-0) emerged victorious with a (30-27, 29-28 x2) irabazi Emily Ducote (4-2). McFarlane was able to withstand an early barrage of strikes from Ducote, preserving her unblemished professional mark. “The Ilimanator” relied heavily on her accurate striking, as the 26-year-old Californian landed a remarkable 68% of her punches thrown. For the budding star Ducote, the loss is just her first of the year, following four consecutive victories to begin her campaign.

Njokuani Upsets Fialho With a Bang, Hands Portuguese Superstar First Loss of Career


In the first Spike-televised bout of the evening, Chidi Njokuani (16-4, 1 NC) delivered a brutal first round knockout against Andre Fialho(7-1) that came just 21 seconds into the contest. A flurry of Njokuani punches sent Fialho to the canvas and the 27-year-old took care of the rest. Dating back to 2012, “Chidi Bang Bang” has recorded wins in 11of his last 12 bouts and extends his current winning streak to seven. Of Njokuani’s 16 karrera garaipenekin, 10 have come by way of knockout, making him one of the most feared strikers in the stacked welterweight division. The young Portuguese star Fialho tastes defeat for the first time in his career and will look to redeem himself at the start of the new year.

Aurrematrikula Txartela emaitzak:

Jarod Trice (1-0) garaitu Tommie Britton (0-1) gehiengoaren erabakia bidez (28-28, 30-25, 30-26)

Jonathan Gary (12-7-2) garaitu Aaron Roberson (5-5) aho batez erabaki bidez (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Justin Patterson (8-1) garaitu Codale Ford (11-9) aho batez erabaki bidez (29-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Fernando Gonzalez (1-0) garaitu Chris Hicks (3-9) via knockout at :15 Bat txandan

Bronson St. Romaine (1-0) garaitu Joey Soto (0-2) aho batez erabaki bidez (28-27, 29-28, 29-28)


Complete Event Photos Here

THACKERVILLE, OK. (Abendu. 2, 2016) — Despite receiving a point-deduction for a low kick in the fifth and final round, Eduardo Dantas (19-4) was impeccable on the feet during his rematch with Joe Warren (14-6) at Bellator 166 ostiralean, peppering Warren with jabs for 25-minutes and earning a majority decision (47-47, 49-44, 48-46) in front of a packed house at WinStar Resort and Casino.

With the loss, Warren’s bid for a third Bellator MMA title reign ended, as he was unable to secure a takedown throughout the main event bout. “The World’s Baddest Manhad never lost a fight that went to the judgesscorecards until Ostirala, bitartean “Dudu” rectified the defeat he took against Warren at Bellator 128.

Borrokaren ostean, Dantas dedicated his victory to the families of those affected by the deadly plane crash suffered by the Chapecoense Soccer Team in Brazil last week. The victory now sets the stage for bihar gaueko Bellator 167Ekitaldia, which pits Joe Taimanglo aurka Darrion Caldwell.

McKee Overcomes Adversity, Remains Undefeated with Impressive Ground-and-Pound Victory

In the evening’s featherweight co-main event, A.J. McKee (6-0) came from behind to defeat Ray Wood (7-3) with a unanimous decision triumph (29-27, 30-25, 30-27). McKee was tested early in the opening round, as Wood landed multiple blows that sent McKee flying to the canvas. Hala ere, McKee was able to stay the course and answered the bell, convincingly dominating Wood during the final two frames. Wood becomes just the first of McKee’s six victims to make it out of the first round, forcing the 21-year-old “Mercenary” into his first-ever decision. Fighting out of Long Beach, Kalifornia., McKee proclaimed his desire to compete on the upcoming "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” super-card after the win, calling out his previously scheduled opponentEmmanuel Sanchez.

Galvao Edges Davis for Split Decision win in Bantamweight Thriller


In a night highlighted by a pair of phenomenal bantamweight matchups, Marcos Galvao (18-7-1) was able to squeak out a tightly fought contest with C.R.. Davis (23-8), emerging victorious with a split decision win (29-28 x2, 28-29). A 12-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Galvao earned his eighth victory under the promotion’s direction and first of his 2016 Kanpaina. “Loro” seems to be finding his groove, tallying victories in five of his past six contests. For Davis, the loss is just his second since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion in 2014.

Chris Honeycutt Delivers Flawless PerformanceRewarded With Unanimous Decision Victory


Inaugurazio bout batean “Warrior 166, Chris HONEYCUTT (9-1, 1 NC) brought a rowdy Thackerville crowd to their feet throughout the course of a one-sided middleweight affair, garaituz Ben Reiter (17-2-1) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-26, 30-25 x2). An early knee, coupled with a ruthless combination of blows opened a sizeable gash on the side of Reiter’s head, forcing the 29-year-old New Yorker to take some chances. The win is Honeycutt’s second consecutive victory at 185-pounds, opening the door in what is currently a wide open division. For Reiter, the loss is just the second of his career, the first of which also came at WinStar Resort and Casino.

Aurrematrikula Txartela emaitzak:

Gregory Babene (18-11) garaitu Emiliano Sordi (14-6) aurkezteko bidez (Guillotine Choke) at 3:11 Bat txandan

Treston Thomison (10-4) garaitu Dawond Pickney (10-6) aurkezteko bidez (Arm-bar) at :51 Bat txandan

Derrick Adkins (9-3) garaitu Chris Jones (10-5) aurkezteko bidez (Brabo Choke) at 4:09 Kopako bi of

Kinny Spotwood (3-2) garaitu John King (4-4) aho batez erabaki bidez (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)




SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (Azaroa 1, 2016) – An undisclosed injury to Pat Curran, who was originally scheduled to fight John Teixeira(20-1-2), has opened the door for a lightweight main event pitting Patricky Pitbull (16-8) aurka Derek eremuak (17-6) on the second night of a special doubleheader inside WinStar World Casino & Resort in Thackerville, ONDO DA., on Larunbata, Abendua 3.


In lieu of the injured former featherweight champion, Teixeira will now face Justin Lawrence (9-3) in main card action. Horrez gain, Bellator MMA is pleased to announce the professional debut of three-time All American wrestling prospect Jarod Trice, who will challenge Brandon Lee (4-1) during the Bellator.com-streamed preliminary card.

The second night of entertainment – “Bellator 167” – features a flyweight bout pitting undefeated budding superstar Ilima-Lei MacFarlane (4-0) aurka Emily Ducote (4-1), baita Chidi Njokuani (15-4, 1 NC) versus Andre Fialho (7-0) in three rounds of welterweight action on the Spike-televised main card.


A bantamweight world title rematch pitting current champion Eduardo Dantas (18-4) aurka Joe Warren (14-5) and a featherweight bout pitting undefeated prospect A.J. McKee (5-0) aurka Emmanuel Sanchez (13-3) will highlight the first night of excitement at “Bellator 166.”Azkenik, arteko bantamweight bout bat Marcos Galvao (17-7-1) eta C.R.. Davis (23-7) will also be featured on the main card of the doubleheader’s opening night.


Tickets for the unique doubleheader event start at just $45 and can be purchased at the WinStar World Casino & Resort Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.


"Bellator 167: Pitbull vs. Campos 2” airs live and free on Saturday on SPIKE at 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT., bitartean "Bellator 166: Dantas vs. Warren 2”airs live and free ostiralean on SPIKE at 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT. Preliminary bouts for both events will stream live on Bellator.com eta The Bellator Mobile App.


The 30-year-old Brazilian star originally caught the promotion’s attention following an electric start to his professional career, as he earned a victory in seven of his first eight fights. Now a 16-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Freire enters the contest having won six of his last nine bouts, including knockout finishes over division powerhouses Ryan Couture, David Rickels, and most notably Derek Campos in the pair’s first brawl two years ago. The second round victory over Campos marked only the second time in his career that an opponent was able to finish him via knockout. Freire has already put together a stellar 2016 Kanpaina, with wins over Couture and Kevin Souza, as well as a lightweight title shot against Michael Chandler. “Pitbull” will look to further cement his feet atop the division’s elite with a strong performance against the equally-tested veteran Campos.


Prior to an undisclosed injury, Campos was originally set for a rematch with “Pitbull” in Italy at “Bellator 152,” but now the 28-year-old Texan will have his shot at revenge even closer to home base. Hailing from Lubbock, Texas, “The Stallion” comes in having won eight of his last 11 muturretan, including knockout victories over Melvin Guillard and Estevan Payan. With a professional record of 3-1 in Thackerville, including a KOTC Junior Welterweight Championship in 2012, Campos has clearly claimed WinStar World Casino & Resort his home away from home. Currently riding a recent string of success, Campos will look to add to his current two-fight winning streak and continue his dominance in OK.


The 29-year-old Teixeira continues to make a name for himself in Bellator MMA’s featherweight division, as he will make his fourth appearance under the promotion’s direction following three consecutive victories. Similar to his opponent, Teixeira also steps into the cage on a recent string of success, having won seven of his last eight bouts, including a trio of first round knockouts. Prior to his days with Bellator MMA, Teixeira began his professional career fighting exclusively in Brazil, posting an undefeated record of 12-0 with one draw. The upcoming bout marks only the fourth time in Teixeira’s nine year career that he will fight outside of his native Brazil. With 14 bere 19 karrera irabazi datozen knockout edo aurkezteko bidez, you can be sure to see “Macapa” go for the finishing blow early and often in this mouthwatering matchup.


Following the recent news of an undisclosed injury that forced Pat Curran to withdraw, Lawrence has agreed to fill in to face Teixeira. After beginning his professional career under the direction of Strikeforce, Lawrence has found a home in Bellator MMA’s formidable featherweight division. “The American Kid” has tallied a pair of highlight-reel knockouts since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion last year, including his most recent victory over Isao Kobayashi at "Bellator 157: Dynamite 2.” The emphatic finish was the fifth of his young career and fourth by way of knockout. Dating back to 2013, the 26-year-old striker has won five of his last six contests, three of which came by way of knockout. Hailing from Pacific, Missouri, the former UFC competitor will look to keep the ball rolling against another tough opponent in Teixeira.


Three-time All American wrestling prospect Jarod Trice will be making his highly anticipated professional debut, following his recent signing with the promotion earlier this year. Trice joins Aaron Pico, Eta Ruth eta Tyrell Fortune as a few of the recent signees that make up the new wave of incredibly talented wrestling prospects to flock to Bellator MMA. The Detroit, Michigan native competed at Central Michigan University, where he has also earned a National Title at 120 kg and two Greco Roman National Titles, with one at 120 kg and another at 98 kg.The 27-year-old also saw a great deal of success following an impressive 50-pound weight-loss transformation, something that will surely come in handy in a sport that demands severe weight discipline.


Fighting out of Clinton, ONDO DA., Lee will not have to travel far when he makes his Bellator MMA debut inside WinStar World Casino & Resort in Thackerville, on Abendua 3. The 41-year-old heavyweight has had a great deal of success to date, recording four wins over his five career bouts under the direction of regional promotions. “The Undertaker” has finished his opponent in the opening round of each of his four professional victories, including a brutal knockout in his most recent win earlier this year. Lee will drop down to the 205-pound division for his promotional debut, looking to crash the party that is top prospect Jarod Trice and his widely followed professional debut.


Bete "Bellator 167: Pitbull vs. Campos 2” Main Card:

Lightweight Main Event: Patricky "Pitbull" Freire (16-8) vs. Derek eremuak (17-6)

Flyweight Feature Bout: Ilima MacFarlane (4-0) vs. Emily Ducote (4-1)

Welterweight Feature Bout: Chidi Njokuani (15-4, 1 NC) vs. Andre Fialho (7-0)

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka: John Teixeira (19-1-2) vs. Justin Lawrence (9-3)


Updated Preliminary Card:

Light Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Jarod Trice (Estreinaldia) vs. Brandon Lee (4-1)

Pisu oneko pisua: Abdul Razak Al Hassan (5-0) vs. Dakota Cochrane (26-10)

Lightweight Preliiminary Bout: Jonathan Gary (11-6) vs. Aaron Roberson (5-4)

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka: Brandon Philips (6-2) Stephen Banaszak (5-5)

Pisu oneko pisua: Justin Patterson (7-1) vs. Codale Ford (11-8)

Pisu oneko pisua: Fernando Gonzalez (Estreinaldia) vs. Chris Hicks (3-8)




SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (Urria 31, 2016) – A bantamweight feature fight pitting Marcos Galvao (17-7-1) aurka C.R.. Davis (23-7) and a middleweight clash between Chris HONEYCUTT (8-1, 1 NC) eta Ben Reiter (17-1-1) gehitu izan txartel nagusia den "Bellator 166: Dantas vs. Warren 2” inside WinStar World Casino & Resort in Thackerville, ONDO DA., on Abendua 2.

The first night of entertainment – "Bellator 166: Dantas vs. Warren 2”will feature a bantamweight world title rematch between current champion Eduardo Dantas (18-4) and former belt holder Joe Warren (14-5). Horrez gain, a featherweight clash pitting undefeated prospect A.J. McKee (5-0) aurka Emmanuel Sanchez (13-3) will also air live and free on the SPIKE-televised card.

Tickets for the unique doubleheader event start at just $45 and can be purchased at the WinStar World Casino & Resort Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.

"Bellator 166: Dantas vs. Warren 2” airs live and free ostiralean on SPIKE at 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT. “Bellator 167” airs live and free larunbatean on SPIKE at 9 p.m. ETA/8 p.m. CT. Preliminary bouts for both events will stream live on Bellator.com eta The Bellator Mobile App. Additional bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.

Brazilian superstar Marcos Galvao returns to action having won seven of his last nine and is ready for another push at the division’s belt. Hailing from Amazonas, Brasilen, the illusive “Loro” has only been finished once in the past seven years, while conversely finishing his opponent in five of his 11 wins over that same period. Now Galvao returns to WinStar World Casino & Resort, the same venue where he fought and defeated Joe Warren for bantamweight gold at “Bellator 135.” Subsequently, Warren will also prepare to compete at "Bellator 166: Dantas vs. Warren 2,” as he and Eduardo Dantas will face off in the main event. Esan beharrik ez dago, the 34-year-old Galvao will have tremendous motivation to win, as the division he once championed dominates a stacked main card in Thackerville.

Davis enters the contest for the fifth time under the Bellator MMA banner, earning victories in three of his first four bouts with the promotion. The 35-year-old bantamweight has finished his opponent in 15 bere 23 career wins, Barne 11 inaugurazio txandan. A winner in seven of his last nine contests, the Kansas City, Missouri native consistently finds himself amid conversation with the division’s top contenders. Davis hopes to replicate the same success that he had in his most recent victory over Hideo Tokoro at "Bellator 135," where his split decision win was labeled Yahoo! Sports’ “Best Fight of the Half-Year.” The former Pratt Community College wrestling coach now faces an opportunity to climb the ranks in a tasty matchup against one of the game’s best.

A six-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Honeycutt made a lasting impression in his first two appearances under the promotion, recording back-to-back knockouts. Fighting out of Fresno, Kalifornia., the 28-year-old knockout artist began his professional career with an impressive streak of six consecutive victories, including five finishes and four knockouts. “The Cutt” made a successful transition to the welterweight division in his Bellator MMA debut in 2014, before returning to the middleweight class in his most recent win over Mikkel Parlo at “Bellator 156.”

After making his professional debut in 2011, Reiter collected sixteen wins before surrendering his first career loss. The 29-year-old New Yorker competed mainly in Peru early in his career, fighting under the direction of Inka Fighting Championship, before joining the Bellator MMA fray in 2014. Since making his promotional debut for the Scott Coker-led organization, “The Hunter” has added three more victories to his already impressive résumé, as he quickly finds himself among the division’s elite. With nine of his 17 karrera irabazi datozen knockout edo aurkezteko bidez, Reiter hopes to add to that total with another finish in the first of a two-night special doubleheader in Thackerville, OK. Standing at six feet three inches, Reiter will look to expose his opponent Honeycutt with a significant advantage in both height and reach.


Bete "Bellator 166: Dantas vs. Warren 2” Main Card:

Bantamweight World Title Main Event: Eduardo Dantas (18-4) vs. Joe Warren (14-5)

Luma Pisuko Ko-Ekitaldi Nagusia: A.J. McKee (5-0) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (13-3)

Bantamweight Feature Bout: Marcos Galvao (17-7-1) vs. C.R.. Davis (23-7)

Middleweight Feature Bout: Chris HONEYCUTT (8-1, 1 NC) vs. Ben Reiter (17-1-1)


Updated Preliminary Card:

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka: Treston Thomison (9-4) vs. Ray Wood (7-2)

Aurrez aurreko borroka arina: Chris Jones (10-4) vs. Derrick Adkins (7-2)

Light Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Kennedy Nzechukwu (Estreinaldia) vs. Jon Lair (2-0)

Pisu oneko pisua: Chance Rencountre (8-2) Levi Queen (8-3)

Pisu ertaineko aurrez aurrekoa: Gregory Babene (17-11) vs. Emiliano Sordi (14-5)