Tag Archives: Don Fullmer

Bobby Cassidy, Sr. & Jr. Ring 8’s October Guest Speakers

Kemis, Oct. 19 at Plattdeutsch Park Restaurant in Franklin Square, NY
NEW YORK (Oktober 18, 2017) – New York State Boxing Hall of Fame inductee Bobby Cassidy, Sr. lan kang putra, Bobby Cassidy, Jr., will be the Ring 8 guest speakers at its next monthly meeting sesuk wengi (Kemis wengi, Oct. 19, 7 P.M. ET start), at Plattdeutsch Park Restaurant (1132 Hempstead Turnpike) in Franklin Square, New York.
Cassidy, Sr. (59-16-3, 27 KOs) fought professionally between 1963 and1980, capturing the Irish-American and New York State light heavyweight titles. His most notable victory, mbok menawa, was a 10-rpound split decision at the Felt Forum over world title challenger Don Fullmer ing 1971. Bobby will speak about his career as a boxer and trainer.
Cassidy, Jr., who is a longtime sportswriter at Newsday, will discuss the rich boxing history of and documentary he made about the famed Sunnyside Gardens in Queens, where his father had a 21-3 record as one of the main attractions there. In addition to his work as a sportswriter, Bobby Jr. is also a playwright having penned the acclaimed theatrical piece, “Kid Shamrock,” which was about his father’s life.
ABOUT RING 8: Ring 8 dadi tambahan kawolu saka apa iki banjur dikenal minangka Veteran National Petinju Amérika Sarékat Association – Empu, RING 8 – lan dina semboyan organisasi kang isih tetep: Boxers Ngewangi Petinju Amérika Sarékat.
RING 8 wis kebak setya ndhukung wong kurang Begja ing masyarakat boxing sing uga mbutuhake pitulungan ing syarat-syarat mbayar sewa, medical expenses, utawa apa wae justifiable perlu.
Pindhah ing baris www.Ring8ny.com kanggo katrangan luwih bab RING 8, klompok paling gedhé saka sawijining jinis ing Amerika Serikat karo luwih saka 350 anggota. Annual membership dues are only $30.00 lan saben anggota wis anduweni hak nedha bengi prasmanan ing RING 8 rapat-rapat saben wulan, kalebu Juli lan Agustus. Kabeh boxers aktif, amatir lan profesional, karo lisensi boxing saiki utawa buku sing anduweni menyang RING tambahan 8 anggota tahunan. Tamu ring 8 anggota olèh ing biaya mung $7.00 saben wong.