Yorliq Archives: Korniliy White


Jose Pedraza Remains Unbeaten With Unanimous Decision Over Stephen Smith In IBF Junior Lightweight Championship

Bu Dushanba da 10 p.m. VA/PT to'g'risida SHO FAVQULOTDA®

Bosing BU YERGA Rasmlar uchun From Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME


Mashantucket, Conn. (Apr. 17, 2016) – WBC Featherweight World Champion Gary Russell Jr. retained his title with a remarkable TKO of Irishman Patrick Hyland Shanbaon SHOWTIME from Fox Theater at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Conn. CO-xususiyati, Jose Pedraza defended his IBF Junior Lightweight title with a unanimous decision over Stephen Smith.


Tonight ning event was a family affair with Russell Jr. working his brother Antonio’s corner during Bu kecha uning undercard and boxing’s Smith brothers, including current WBO Super Welterweight World Champion Liam Smith, cheering from the crowd.


A relentless Russell brought the main event to a quick halt by registering three knockdowns in the second round, the last of which forced referee Danny Schiavone to end the contest at 1:33. Birinchi qo'ng'iroq From, Vashington, D.C. native came out swinging with his trademark hand speed and dangerous power. Russell, a southpaw, successfully broke down—and knocked out—Hyland with multiple vicious right hooks.


“We stuck to the game plan. We stayed sharp,- dedi kichik Rassell., kim o'z rekordini yaxshilaydi 27 g'alaba, bitta yo'qotish, 15 knockouts.


«Men divizionda bo'lgan har qanday kishiga qarshi kurashishga tayyorman - Santa Kruz, Lee Selby. Biz tayyormiz. Lekin men haqiqatan ham xohlayman [Vasyl] Lomachenko. U yuqoriga ko'tariladimi, menga ahamiyat bermaydi 147 funt. Men bu kurashni olish uchun har qanday joyga boraman,- dedi Rassel.


«Siz bir zumda maxsus deb biladigan ko'plab jangchilar yo'q,”Dedi SHOWTIME Sport bo'yicha ekspert-tahlilchi Stiv Farhood. "Gari Rassellning qo'l tezligi va aniqligi kombinatsiyasi bir zumda uning o'ziga xosligini ko'rsatadi. Bu aniq ravshan edi shu kecha va ba'zida uning qo'l tezligi qo'rqinchli edi ».


Pedraza (22-0, 12 KOS) intizomli bo'lib qoldi va IBF-130 funtdan ikkinchi jahon chempionligini himoya qilish paytida g'olib chiqdi. Vaqt kombinatsiyasi, qo'l tezligi va yaxshi himoyasi Puerto-Riko fuqarosiga 12 raundlik chempionlik kurashida ustunlik qilishga imkon berdi.


“This definitely was a tough fight but the training really came to advantage in this fight,” Pedraza told SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray. “I knew he was a tough fighter so I was always aware.”


“I had better focus shu kecha. I had a better training camp,” said Pedraza, referring to his controversial split decision win over Edner Cherry two fights ago. “I knew that Stephen Smith was a great fighter and even after the knockdown, we were very cautious not to rush in.”


“Pedraza won shu kecha with different weapons. Mostly right hands to the head,"Farhood dedi. “I had the fight even after eight rounds and once Pedraza dropped Smith in the ninth, he gained momentum that he never lost and he pulled away. Bu juda ta'sirli, ammo ayni paytda muhim edi, chunki Pedraza Edner Cherri ustidan ziddiyatli g'alabasi davomida olgan ko'plab salbiy tanqidlarni yo'q qildi. "


Pedraza aniqroq jangchi edi, qo'nish 50 12-raundlik jangda uning kuchining foizlari. Snayper masofani aniqlagandan so'ng, dog'larini va cho'ntaklarini tanlashga muvaffaq bo'ldi. Smitning onlari bor edi, ammo etarli darajada faol bo'lmagan.


Brian Custer kvplt_fan teleko'rsatuv bo'lib o'tdi, bilan Mauro Ranallo harakat qiziqish, Fame tahlilchisi Hall Al Bernstein va sobiq ikki karra jahon chempioni Paulie Malignaggi commentating va Jim Gray hisobot. Ispaniya Simulcast yilda, Alejandro Luna zarba-tasodifiy zarba va sobiq jahon chempioni, deb atalgan Raul Marquez rang sharhlovchisi sifatida xizmat. Kvplt_fan CHAMPIONSHIP boks ijro etuvchi ishlab chiqaruvchi bo'ldi David Dinkins Jr. bilan Bob Dunphy yuborish.


“Men need to maintain control of the fight, close the distance, and maintain the jab. Complete dominance.
Gary Russell Jr.
To fight for the WBC title is everything I’ve dreamed of since I was a kid.
– Patrick Hyland
I have been waiting a long time for this day to come and we are going to demonstrate to Smith that I am a weapon.” – Jose Pedraza
I believe I have what it takes to fight anyone and nothing will keep me from becoming a world champion.” –
Stephen Smith

Bosing BU YERGA Rasmlar Yuklab uchun; Kredit: Stefani Trapp / kvplt_fan
NYU YORK (Aprel 13, 2016) – WBC tuklar chempioni Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 KOS), Capitol Heights, MD., and Irish contender Patrick Hyland (31-1, 15 KOS), of Dublin, faced off at the final press conference Chorshanba at Highline Ballroom in New York, as they approach bu shanba uning Featherweight World Title fight live on NAMOYISH VAQTI® from the Fox Theater in Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT.
The Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS® telecast begins live at 11 p.m. VA/8 p.m. PT on SHOWTIME with IBF Junior Lightweight World Championship clash between unbeaten Puerto Rican Jose Pedraza (21-0, 12 KOS) and mandatory challenger Stephen Smith (23-1, 13 KOS), of Liverpool, Angliya.
Here’s what the fighters had to say at Chorshanba ning final press conference.
(On Patrick Hyland…)
“Birinchi navbatda, I gotta tip my hat off to him. I heard him say he was being trained by his father. Me and my younger brothers are also trained by my dad. My father is my favorite superhero, so it is very hard to deal with a situation like this and to bounce back and to grind and put all the hard work and effort into it after all the heartache and loss, I gotta tip my hat off to him for that.
I know that anytime you have a fighter that trains for six to eight weeks and prepares for no one else but you, is a dangerous fight. U baland bo'yli ekan, he’s long, but we can take him. We’re going to handle it.
(On returning from injury…)
“Kayfiyatim yaxshi. Men tayyorman; I put the work in at the gym. Kabi men ilgari ham aytgan, I got cussed out several times and sometimes I left the gym feeling like the worst fighter ever. Lekin, hoziroq, we’re ready and we’re prepared to invest in my ability.
(On what it means to have his brother Antonio on the card he’s headlining…)
“Bu juda ko'p narsani anglatadi. I’m looking forward to it. I’m actually more looking forward to watching my brother compete than my own fight. I will definitely be working his corner in that fight. It means a lot for us to be able to pass this information down from generation to generation and watch it grow and watch us build as a family and as a unit. It’s amazing.
He definitely has the potential to be the best. Him as well as Antuanne, who is now on the 2016 Olympic team. It’s all information passed down from generation to generation. I feel as though they definitely have the ability to be better than me. I would want them to be anyway.
(On what he needs to win the fight…)
I need to maintain control of the fight, close the distance and maintain the jab. Complete dominance; I want to touch the body early. He likes to move a lot, so we’re going to cut all that down.
(On potential future opponents…)
God willing, everything goes right come Aprel 16, we would love to unify with Lee Selby. If I had my choice, I would go with Lee Selby first to unify. Immediately after that, I want Leo Santa Cruz and after that I need Lomachenko.
I don’t care where [Lomachenko] moves. He can lose his next 10 jang, but before my career’s done he has to see me.
(On what gives him the sense of satisfaction in boxing…)
To fight for the WBC title is everything I’ve dreamed of since I was a kid and all of the hard work that I have put in to get to this position to fight for it. I am happy and I am just living for it now for Shanba Kechasi.”
(On being the first Irish boxer since Barry McGuigan to hold a featherweight world title…)
It’s a whirlwind and it’s great. I’m just a local lad from Johnstown in Dublin and to be fighting on the big stage and to be fighting for a major world title, and again to be named the second featherweight ever to win a world title would be just amazing; a real dream come true for myself.
(On Gary Russell…)
I know he’s got fast hands. He’s a great southpaw and a great boxer so I have to be at the best of my ability shanba kuni night for that. I worked on a game plan in the gym to counter his hand speed and it all has to come together on fight night. I can do all this and say all that, but I just have to perform shanba kuni night and put it in by doing everything I’ve worked on to become champion.
Jose Pedraza
(Yig'in to'g'risida…)
I am feeling really good, we’re in the last stretch of conditioning. It was a very long and intense training camp but we saw improvements in my abilities. I have been waiting a long time for this day to come and we are going to demonstrate to Smith that I am a weapon.
(On Stephen Smith)
Smith is a very good boxer, he has a lot of abilities and intelligence. He’s a boxer with very good defense, but we already utilize a variety of strategies to be able to neutralize all of his abilities.
(On what he plans to demonstrate shanba kuni…)
With my abilities, kabi Shanba, I will demonstrate that I am above Smith and that I am at the level of what I am, a champion. Umumiy, I just want to put on a show and I hope that the fan base will enjoy this great card.
(On what he learned from fighting Edner Cherry)
I learned what I have always said and what I have always done to this very day, which is never watching. I never watch too many videos of my opponent because on the day of the fight he could be a completely different fighter and I think that is what occurred then. Aside from that, he utilized a great strategy.
(On his thoughts on other Puerto Rican boxers)
Actually I am a world champion just like Rocky Martinez; there are many Puerto Rican prospects. Like [Felix] Verdejo but I don’t consider him as a world title contender just yet. He hasn’t fought with a boxer of championship caliber but he is currently among the top fighters in Puerto Rico.
(On other fights he may be interested in at 130 funt…)
I have always said that the less Puerto Ricans I fight, Buyuk jangchi Rouzini obro'sizlantirishdan boshqa hech narsaga olib kelmaydigan bema'ni fikrga qancha vaqt sarflansa, shunchalik kam vaqt sarflanadi.. If it is the last option, I will fight with Puerto Ricans too but aside from that Rocky [Martinez] the world champ, there’s Francisco Vargas, [Javier] Fortune, to name a few that are at the top of my list.
(On his first time fighting in the U.S….)
“Hayajondaman. If you want to make a name in boxing, then you’re going to do it in the states and that’s what I plan on doing by becoming a world champion Saturday.
(On what he knows about Pedraza)
“Yaxshi, not quite a lot. I know his name from the amateur days. He’s well established, he’s an Olympian and he’s a talented man. To fight somebody consists of winning or not, it goes beyond tactics, beyond style and beyond skillset really. I believe I have what it takes to fight anyone and nothing will keep me from becoming a world champion.
(On what he needs to do to get the victory)
It can be a different type of fight; we know he likes to switch it up and box from different stances. He’s obviously talented so it’s going to take a different set from each way but we know what to expect. I’ve gone over everything with my trainer Joe Gallagher and we’re ready to go.
(On his brothers Liam and Callum being champions and what it could mean to potentially join them)
It’s special. Two weeks ago Liam and Callum won a European world title and it just gives me the confidence, the spirit to hike. I’m in a really good place mentally and I couldn’t be feeling better going into it. After my boot camp going successfully, it just makes you feel better going ahead to become a world champion.
(On UK champions on the rise in the past year)
There’s a lot of history there and for myself and my family, so we do what we’ve always wanted to do and we’re looking to just keep moving forward.
(Yig'in to'g'risida…)
It was good. Obviously it boiled up to Callum’s win. There’s a good momentum. Callum and then Stephen has his world title opportunity. It’s been a slow burning rise with Stephen but he’s got, as I call it ‘his World Cup final’ — something that is going to take heart and strength. His strength is going very well. Pedraza is a very good fighter, good orthodox, good southpaw, he can mix it up and we’re prepared for whatever style he wants to bring shanba kuni.”
(On the process of preparing for a fighter like Pedraza)
It’s a nightmare. It’s hard enough when you’re fighting a quality orthodox or a quality southpaw, of which he is, but not only that. He can also box on the back foot and on the front foot so we’re varying sparring partners, we’re mixing up the sparring in between the rounds, switching stances, and whichever way Pedraza wants to fight at the end of the night, I’m sure we’ll have an answer for.
(On how he feels the fight will play out)
I think that’s all up to Pedraza, looking back at a few of his fights, he boxes slow and gets off to a good start but then he seems to lose his way a little in rounds. When you watch him against [Andrey] Klimov, he started out very well, put him under manners very quickly and had him nearly beat by the fourth round but [Andrey] managed to stay in very well and boxed really well. He got to the middle rounds, lost his way a little bit, switched southpaw, so either way it’s going to be fascinating. We’ve just got to make sure we don’t get caught to early when he’s quick and he’s sharp and he’s trying to put manners in Stephen Smith and then take him into the deep waters like Edner Cherry.
(His prediction)
Stephen Smith. Possibly by knockout. Bunday Qilma, definitely by knockout.
# # #
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, tashrif www.SHO.com/Sports, TwitterSHOSports bo'yicha amal, MrGaryRussellJr, @PajPunisher, @Sniper_Pedraza, @SwiftySmith, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, va www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.

Former World Champion Chad Dawson, Featherweight Contender Ryan Kielczweski & Undefeated Prospects Antonio Russell & Carlos Gongora Highlight Undercard Action on Saturday, Aprel 16 From Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT.

Doubleheader of World Title Fights Featured on
(11 p.m. VA/8 p.m. PT)
Mashantucket, CT (Aprel 11, 2016) – A stacked undercard of action featuring former world champion “Yomon” Chad Dawson (33-4, 18 KOS), tuklar raqib Ryan Kielczweski (24-1, 7 KOS) and undefeated prospects Antonio Russell (5-0, 4 KOS) va Karlos Gongora (4-0, 3 KOS) kelsa Foxwoods Resort Casino ichida Mashantucket, CT., bo'yicha Shanba, Aprel 16.
The event is headlined by a Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS doubleheader of world title fights: WBC tuklar jahon chempioni Gary Russell Jr. battles Ireland’s Patrick “Punisher” Hyland and IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose “Sniper” Pedraza takes on top contender Stiven “Swifty” Smith from the UK, televidenieda qamrov da showtime jonli boshlangan bilan 11 p.m. VA/8 p.m. PT.
Dawson will face the veteran Korniliy White (23-4, 17 KOS) 10-tur engil vazn toifasida Butning, Kielczweski enters the ring for eight rounds of featherweight action, Gongora competes in a super middleweight attraction while Russell takes on Leonardo Reyes (3-9, 1 KO) in a bantamweight fight.
Also entering the ring is popular super bantamweight contender Shelli Vinsent (16-0, 1 KO) out of Providence, RI., who will have plenty of support behind her when she takes on New Mexico’s Elizabeth Anderson (4-7, 1 KO) olti davra Butning ichida.
Rounding out the action are a pair of prospects making their pro debuts as Providence’s Entoni Marsella kichik. fights in a four-round junior welterweight match and Connecticut’s Mykquan Uilyams in a four-round welterweight contest. Williams is a highly touted local prospect who fought to a 45-13 amateur record including three gold medal performances at the Ringside World Tournament.
Engil vazn toifasida sobiq jahon chempioni, Dawson returns to the ring looking for the 34th Uning muvaffaqiyatli Ishga qabul qilish g'alabasi. 33 yoshli sobiq jahon chempioni Bernard Hopkins ustidan g'alaba egalik, Antonio Tarver and Tomasz Ademek and most recently defeated Shujaa El Amin in December 2015. The veteran owns a 17-1 record in fights in his home state of Connecticut. He takes on the veteran Oq rang out of Houston who picked up victories in his last two starts over Marcus Oliveira and William Johnson.
A runner-up 2008 Milliy Oltin qo'lqop turniri, 25-yoshli Kielczweski has become a staple fighting in his native New England. Tug'ilgan va Quincy ko'tardi, Mass., he bounced back from his first defeat to deliver a first-round knockout over Anthony Napunyi in May 2015 and followed that up with a victory over veteran contender Rafael Vazquez in October of last year. During this camp, Kielczweski served as a chief sparring partner of the 126-pound champion Russell Jr.
Twice a National Golden Gloves runner up, Russell won the national championship in 2013 and he now looks to follow in the footsteps of his older brother and current 126-pound world champion Gary. A 23-year-old fighting out of Washington, D.C., Antonio has won four of his five fights inside of the distance. He faces the 22-year-old Mexican Reyes.
Fighting out of Brooklyn but originally from Esmereldas, Ekvador, Gongora was an Olympian in 2008 va 2012. Pro o'girilib beri 2015, the 26-year-old has picked up four victories, including a fourth-round stoppage of Derrick Adkins in his most recent triumph in January.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, tashrif www.SHO.com/Sports, TwitterSHOSports bo'yicha amal, MrGaryRussellJr, @PajPunisher, @Sniper_Pedraza, @SwiftySmith, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, va www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.