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Rolando Romero z Mayweather Promotions získal jednomyseľné rozhodnutie o predtým neporazenom Jacksonovi Maríñezovi za dočasný titul WBA v ľahkej váhe; Otto Wallin TKO Travis Kauffman v šrote vysokej váhy

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU Pre fotografie od Amandy Westcottovej / SHOWTIME
(Fotky sa čoskoro nahrajú)

Uncasville, Conn. - August 16, 2020 - David Benavidez potom zachoval neporazený rekord neporušený 23 bojuje s dominujúcim výkonom proti Alexisovi Angulo v hlavnej udalosti vzrušujúcej noci boxu naživo na SHOWTIME v sobotu večer z Mohegan Sun Arena v Uncasville, Conn., v podaní Premier Boxing Champions.
(Pre zvýraznenie, cvaknutie TU)

V Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® karta tripleheader, 23-ročný Benavídez (23-0, 20 KO) - ktorý v piatok stratil opasok svetového titulu WBC na stupnici - dosiahol medzičasové víťazstvo proti bývalému vyzývateľovi na titul Angulo Angulo (26-2, 22 KO), ktorého roh hodil uterák po 10th kolo.

"Hodnotím sa ako solídnych osem.",”Povedal Benavidez. "Niektoré veci som mohol urobiť lepšie.", ale celkovo to bol skvelý výkon. Nechcel som ísť príliš rýchlo a nechať sa odhalené pre nejaké veľké zábery. Je to ťažký úderník. Ale ako som povedal,, Rád robím veci, ktoré nikdy nikto neurobil. Nikto ho nikdy nezastavil a som si istý, že už ho nikto nikdy nenechá vyzerať tak. Zbúral som ho z prvého na 10. kolo. “

Sedemročný profesionál vo veku 23, Benavidez pristál 56 percent jeho úderov mocou v boji a priemer 29 na 70 údery hodené za kolo. Benavidez ukončil šou dosiahnutím kariérneho maxima 54 údery do guľatiny 10.

Kolumbijské Angulo, teraz bojuje z Miami, Fla., vstúpil do svojej druhej príležitosti titulu majstra sveta v sérii víťazných troch bojov, ale nedokázal čeliť ničomu, čo naňho Benavidez hodil.

Benavidez uviedol, že bol sklamaný a trápny z toho, že v piatok neurobil váhovú hranicu 168 libier. "Všetko, čo o mne všetci hovorili, je pravda.",”Povedal Benavidez. "Mal by som byť profesionál a prísť na váhu.", ale tentoraz som to nedokázal. Je to prvýkrát, čo som nepripravil váhu za osem rokov profesionality. “

"Naozaj musím hovoriť so svojím promotérom, aby som zistil, čo bude ďalej.",”Dodal Benavidez. "Budem bojovať s kýmkoľvek, aby som sa vrátil na miesto, kde som bol.". Na tomto predstavení ste dnes večer mohli vidieť, Mohol by som podať skvelý výkon proti komukoľvek a ľudia za to zaplatia. Pravdepodobne sa vrátim späť do tréningového tábora, aby mi nechýbala váha. “

V čo-hlavné udalosti, stúpajúci ľahký Rolando “Rolly” Romero (12-0, 10 KO) dosiahol kontroverzné jednomyseľné rozhodnutie nad dovtedajším neporazeným Jacksonom Maríñezom (19-1, 7 KO) na zachytenie dočasného titulu WBA Lightweight. Skóre sa 115-113, 116-112 a 118-110, všetko v prospech Romera.
(Pre zvýraznenie, cvaknutie TU).

Príbehom zápasu boli Maríñezove spoľahlivé pokusy, keď dominikánsky bojovník vyhral bitku v tomto oddelení (14 percent v porovnaní s Romero 10 percento). Bol to Romero, však, ktorý mal výhodu v pripájaní napájacích razníkov 24 percento (31 na 228) v porovnaní s 18 percent pre Maríñeza (72 na 401).

"Nemyslím si, že som mal zlý výkon.",”Povedal Romero, ktorý sebavedome predpovedal brutálny knokaut, ukončí zápas vo svojich komentároch pred bojom. "Myslel som si, že som boj vyhral.". Bez ohľadu na všetko, Teraz som svetový šampión. Som šťastný. "

Romero utrpel v deviatom kole na zadku hlavy mierny rez nad ľavým okom, ale nezdalo sa, že by to malo vplyv na jeho výkon v majstrovských kolách. "Vyšiel o niečo tvrdší a úhľadnejší ako som si myslel.",”Povedal Romero. "Ale jediné, čo urobil, bol pohyb po celom boji.". Ani sa neskúšal zapojiť. Je ťažké vyradiť niekoho, kto sa nesnaží zaujať. Viackrát som mu ublížil strelami do tela a niekoľkými hákmi. V jednej chvíli som mu ublížil pravou rukou a on mi stiahol hlavu. Bolo ťažké ho dokončiť.

"Jo, [Dal by som mu odvetu]. Nerobil nič zvláštne. “

29-ročný Maríñez, ktorý je držiteľom titulu WBA č. 6 poradie, trénuje Robert Garcia, ktorý nebol prítomný v Maríñezovom rohu a rozhodol sa necestovať krížom-krážom zo svojho domova v južnej Kalifornii.

"To bola čistá lúpež.",”Povedal Maríñez. "Boj som vyhral.". Vybuchol som, vyboxoval ho. Dalo by sa povedať, že si nemyslel, že boj vyhral hneď potom. Je to lúpež. “

V úvodnom zápase na televízne vysielanie, uchádzač v ťažkej váhe Otto Wallin zaznamenal TKO pri 2:32 piateho kola proti Travisovi Kauffmanovi, ktorý si na začiatku piateho kola pretrhol ľavé labrum a nedokázal zdvihnúť ruku. Rozhodca Michael Ortega naznačil koniec zápasu a potom Kauffman oznámil, že odchádza z boxu, len niekoľko dní pred jeho 35th narodeniny.
(Pre zvýraznenie, cvaknutie TU)

29-ročný Wallin (21-1, 14 KO) ktorý mal pred Kauffmanom výškovú výhodu o štyri palce, uviedol, že sa cítil k zranenému Kauffmanovi, ale dominoval v boji. "Rozbíjal som ho.". Zostalo mi veľa,“Povedal Wallin. "Škoda, že si nakoniec poranil rameno.", ale zlomil som ho a zasiahol ho dobrými čistými strelami. “

Wallin vyzeral pri návrate do ringu ostro po prvýkrát, pretože v septembri takmer porazil Tysona Furyho 2019. Pristál 12 vpichy za kolo a 54 percent jeho streleckých zásahov počas celého zápasu. V súčasnosti žije v New Yorku a pôvodne zastupoval svoj rodný Sundsvall, Švédsko, Wallin mal vo svojom rohu pre zápas bývalého šampióna Joeyho Gamache.

Obaja bojovníci sa v nedávnej minulosti zotavili zo zranenia, rovnako ako vírus COVID-19. "Necítil som nič z COVIDU.",“Povedal Wallin. "Mal som skvelý tréning.". V marci mi bolo zle, ale COVID ma veľmi nezasiahol. bol som šťastný. Je mi ľúto všetkých, ktorí prišli o život kvôli COVIDU.

"Chcem sa vrátiť späť do New Yorku a trochu si oddýchnuť.". Teraz už trénujem dlho, takmer rok. Takže si chcem trochu oddýchnuť a dúfam, že do konca roka budem môcť opäť bojovať. “

Tridsaťštyriročný Kauffman (32-4, 23 KO) z Readingu, Pa., bojoval prvýkrát za päť rokov a sedem bojov bez svojho trénera Naazima Richardsona, ktorý nečakane zomrel minulý mesiac. Po boji, Kauffman uviedol, že odchádza z boxu.

"Roztrhol som si ľavé labrum a chystal sa na." [Luis] Ortiz boj,”Povedal Kauffman. "Ako atrapa.", Po Ortizovom boji som čakal päť mesiacov na operáciu [Decembra 2018]. Začal som sa cítiť lepšie a v marci som sa chystal naladiť zápas, ale potom sa stalo COVID. Táto príležitosť sa naskytla a ja som ju nechcel premeškať a cítil som sa dobre. V prvom kole som to zranil. cítil som to, ale potom to odišlo a myslel som si, že je to možno len moja myseľ a odišlo to. Potom v piatom kole som to začul a bolo to. Opäť sa to roztrhlo.

"Som hotový. Odchádzam do dôchodku. Mam deti. Robím to už dlho,”Povedal Kauffman.

Počas televízneho vysielania SHOWTIME CHAMPIONHIP BOXING, nasledujúceho septembra bolo niekoľko dôležitých aktualizácií 26 SHOWTIME PPV dvojča, na ktorom je majster sveta Charlo dvojčatá, ktoré sa začnú žiť o 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m.. PT. Päť zo šiestich zápasov jedinečnej dvojhlavice, všetko za jednu cenu, bude bojovaných s opaskom majstrovstiev sveta.

Na prvej karte je Jermall Charlo, ktorý obhájil titul WBC v strednej váhe, keď bude čeliť č. 1-hodnotený uchádzač Sergij Derevyanchenko. All-action Brandon Figueroa bude obhájiť titul WBA Super Bantamweight proti Damienovi Vasquezovi. Titulista WBO s bantamovou váhou John Riel Casimero bude brániť opasok s hmotnosťou 122 libier proti súperovi, ktorý bude menovaný.

Po prestávke, pay-per-view bude obsahovať ďalšie tri súboje so zjednotením 154 libier, ktoré budú slúžiť ako hlavná udalosť, keď šampión WBC Jermell Charlo prevezme titul majstra WBA a IBF Jeison Rosario. Luis Nery čelí Aaronovi Alamedovi na uvoľnený titul WBC Super Bantamweight a bývalý zjednotený majster sveta Danny Roman sa ujme Juan Carlos Payano v špeciálnej atrakcii Super Bantamweight.

Sobotňajšie televízne vysielanie BOXINGU MAJSTROVSTVA PRE VÝSTAVU, druhá z televíznych zostáv s deviatimi udalosťami, ktorá sa uskutoční v priebehu nasledujúcich piatich mesiacov, sa bude hrať v pondelok o 10 p.m. ET / PT V EXTRÉME PREDSTAVENIA.

Popredný výrobný tím a oznamovacia posádka dodali všetky pamiatky, zvuky a dráma z Mohegan Sun Arena. Televíziu moderoval veterán Brian Custer, všestranný hlas bojového športu Mauro Ranallo označil akciu za rolu spolu s analytikom Siene slávy Alom Bernsteinom a šampiónom sveta troch divízií a olympionikom Abnerom Marešom poskytujúcim odborné analýzy. Tím Sieň slávy zavŕšil tím televízneho vysielania SHOWTIME - neoficiálny strelec ringu Steve Farhood a svetovo uznávaný hlásateľ ringu Jimmy Lennon mladší. Výkonným producentom bol David Dinkins, Jr. a riaditeľom bol Bob Dunphy.

Televízne vysielanie bolo dostupné v španielčine prostredníctvom programu Sekundárne audio programovanie (SAP) do akcie sa zapojil Alejandro Luna a bývalý majster sveta Raul Marquez.

Sobotňajšie zápasy predvádzajú Premier Boxing Champions a propagujú ich TGB Promotions a Mayweather Promotions. Hlavné podujatie sa propaguje v spolupráci so Sampson Boxing a zápas Wallin-Kauffman sa propaguje v spolupráci so Salita Promotions a Kings Promotions..

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Pre viac informácií navštívte www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sledovať na Twitteri @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions alebo sa stanete fanúšikom Facebooku na adrese www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Neporazený majster sveta WBC v superťažkej váhe David Benavídez obhajuje titul pred bývalým titulom Challenger Alexis Angulo Headlining Premier Boxing Champions Event Sobota, August 15 Naživo na SHOWTIME

Stúpajúci uchádzač Rolando Romero prevezme neporazeného kolegu Jacksona Maríňez pre dočasný ľahký titul WBA


Heavyweights Go Toe-To-Toe ako Otto Wallin Battles Travis Kauffman

V televíznom vysielaní Od 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m.. PT

NEW YORK– August 5, 2020 – Neporazený majster sveta WBC Super Middleweightdavjad „Červená vlajka“ Benavídesaťbude obhajovať svoj titul proti bývalej svetovej titulu challengerAlexis Angulov sobotu na podujatí Premier Boxing Champions, 15. augusta naživo v SHOWTIME z Mohegan Sun Arena v Uncasville, Conn.

BOXING MAJSTROVSTVA PRE ZOBRAZENIE VÝSTAVY® televízne vysielanie začína na 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m.. PT a tiež sa vyznačuje stúpajúcou hmotnosťouRolando „Rolly“ Romeroprevzatia kolega neporazenýJackson Maríňtotov 12-kolovom súboji o dočasný titul WBA Lightweight, zatiaľ čo uchádzači o veľkú váhuOtto WallinaTravis Kauffmanv 10-kolovom zúčtovaní.

„David Benavídez sa bude usilovať o to, aby si svoj dokonalý záznam zachoval, pokračovať v predvádzaní svojho superhviezdneho potenciálu a ďalej upevňovať svoje postavenie v naskladanej divízii s hmotnosťou 168 libier,”Povedal Tom Brown, Prezident TGB Promotions. "Ako neporazený svetový šampión.", Benavídez môže očakávať veľkú výzvu od Alexisa Angula, ktorá by mala vytvoriť hlavnú udalosť nabitú akciami v SHOWTIME. V kombinácii s bitkou hladných neporaziteľných ľahkých váh vo filmoch ‘Rolly’ Romero a Jackson Maríñez, plus slugfest ťažkej váhy medzi Ottom Wallinom a Travisom Kauffmanom, z toho bude ďalší a nemôže chýbať noc akcie s vysokými vkladmi. “

„Bude úžasné byť v rohu Davidovej„ El Bandera Roja “Benavídeza v bojovej noci,”Uviedol Sampson Lewkowicz zo spoločnosti Sampson Boxing, ktorý sa zotavuje z nedávnej operácie. "Cítim sa tak dobre a tak silno a skutočne sa nemôžem dočkať, kedy tam budem, aby som podporil najmladšieho šampióna super strednej váhy v histórii."

Akciu propagujú spoločnosti TGB Promotions a Sampson Boxing. Romero vs. Zápas Maríñez spolu propaguje spoločnosť Mayweather Promotions.

23-ročný Benavídez (22-0, 19 KO) bráni opasok po tom, čo v septembri porazil dvojnásobného šampióna v superťažkej váhe Anthonyho Dirrella, zastavil ho v deviatich kolách. Benavideza trénuje jeho otec José starší., po boku svojho brata a bývalého vyzývateľa na titul, Jose ml. V 2017, sa stal najmladším šampiónom super strednej váhy v histórii boxu porazením Ronalda Gavrila v čase SHOWTIME 20 rokov. Predstavuje svoj rodný Phoenix, Ariz. Benavídez odišiel z 15-ročného zázračného zápasu s Gennadijom Golovkinom a Petrom Quillinom, uchádzačom o svetový titul s vyraďovacou šnúrou z 10 bojov od 2015 cez 2017, vrátane knokautu Rogelia Medinu so zvýraznením valca so sedembodovou kombináciou, ktorá mu vyniesla prvý majstrovský zápas.

"Je to už takmer rok, čo som naposledy bojoval.", takže sa veľmi túžim vrátiť späť do ringu a dať fanúšikom skvelý boj,”Povedal Benavídez. „Výcvikový tábor bol úžasný. Našťastie, môj otec si tesne pred pandémiou otvoril vlastnú telocvičňu, absolvovali sme súkromné ​​školenie a mohli sme bezpečne priviesť sparingpartnerov, ktorí mi pomôžu pracovať. Čelím veľmi zložitému a drsnému bojovníkovi, takže ho beriem veľmi vážne. Mám pocit, že môžem využiť niektoré otvory v jeho obrane a hľadať vypadnutie ako v každom súboji. “

Narodený v El Bordo, Kolumbia a teraz bojujú z Miami, Fla., Angulo (26-1, 22 KO) vstupuje do svojej druhej príležitosti na získanie titulu majstra sveta v sérii víťazných víťazstiev v troch bojoch, vrátane dvoch triumfov nad predtým neporazenými bojovníkmi. Angulo zastavil Reinalda Gonzaleza 2018 vo svojom prvom súboji od straty rozhodnutia o vtedajšom šampiónovi superhviezdy strednej váhy Gilberto Ramirezovi začiatkom toho roku. Rozhodujúce víťazstvo zaznamenal tento rok v januári nad Anthonym Simsom ml. postaviť sa do pozície, v ktorej môže opäť vyzvať najlepších v tejto divízii.

"Som pripravený na všetko, čo sa 15. augusta stane v ringu," uviedol Angulo. „Pre fanúšikov to bude veľký boj kvôli štýlu, ktorý prinášam do ringu. Benavidez je silný šampión, ale môj štýl bude pre neho príliš veľký a budem mať v noci zdvihnutú ruku. “

Boj z Las Vegas, Nev., Romero(11-0, 10 KO) pridal k svojmu zhode v roku tri víťazstvá knockoutu 2019 pred jeho 2020 debutu ho vo februári zastavil predtým neporazený Arturs Ahmetovs. Rýchlo rastúca vyhliadka v stajni Mayweather Promotions, 24-ročný mladík je zaradený na č. 10 WBA a bude sa snažiť v auguste predĺžiť svoju vyraďovaciu sériu šiestich bojov 15.

“Je to skvelý pocit, vrátiť sa do ringu a bojovať o takúto skvelú príležitosť,”Povedal Romero. "Toto bol najlepší tábor v mojej kariére.", a poviem len toto, ak vás pandémia brzdí v tréningu, potom to nechcete mať dosť zlé. Už teraz verím, že by som tu mal byť s najlepšími ľuďmi, ale svet v skutočnosti uvidí, že som ten, za koho hovorím. Som si istý svojimi bojovnými schopnosťami a mám najlepšie v odbore, Floyd Mayweather, za mnou. Myslím si, že tento boj sa skončí pomerne rýchlo, ale uvidíte vo mne rast ako bojovníka. Toto je ďalší boj, ktorý ďalej preukáže, že tu zostanem. Zaregistrujte sa do KO!”

"Pre Rolanda je to veľký krok vpred.", a čakal na príležitosť predviesť svoj talent,”Povedal Leonard Ellerbe, CEO of Mayweather Promotions. "Má pred sebou veľkú skúšku, aby sa osvedčil.". Toto bude ďalší, ktorý si nenechajte ujsť, takže si v sobotu nalaďte SHOWTIME, 15. augusta. “

29-ročný Maríñez (19-0, 7 KO) je držiteľom titulu WBA č. 6 poradie, which he earned with victories over Rolando Giono and Kenin Betancourt while picking up eight wins between 2018 a 2019. Representing his native Santo Domingo, Dominikánska republika, Maríñez was successful in his U.S. debut in December of last year, stopping Yardley Armenta Cruz in two rounds.

“I’ve had a great training camp for this fight,” said Maríñez. “I’ve been sparring with Vergil Ortiz and Jose Ramirez, plus other fighters in Robert Garcia’s gym, and it’s gotten me ready to step into the ring. I know that Romero is a tough and durable fighter, so it won’t be easy, but I’m going to do anything I can to bring the title back home.”

Wallin (20-1, 13 KO) will return to the ring for the first time since he nearly defeated Tyson Fury in September 2019, keď otvoril príšerný rez cez pravé oko Furyho legálnym úderom, ktorý takmer zastavil boj. Zatiaľ čo 29-ročný muž stratil rozhodnutie, preukázal svoje odhodlanie ako potenciálny budúci šampión v ťažkej váhe. Zastupujúci svoj rodný Sundsvall, Švédsko, Wallin trénuje v New Yorku s bývalým šampiónom Joey Gamache.

"Som veľmi šťastný, že som konečne späť v ringu.",”Povedal Wallin. "Bol to v mnohých ohľadoch dlhý a šialený rok a je to skvelý pocit, keď sa chystám ustúpiť do ringu.". Od boja s Fury som vytrvalo trénoval a mám pocit, že som svoju hru vyvinul mnohými spôsobmi. Kauffman je tvrdý veterán, ktorý môže prísť dopredu alebo boxovať, ak chce. Je bojovníkom priateľským k fanúšikom a ja musím byť neustále pripravený. Máme ako vždy skvelý herný plán a som vo vynikajúcej forme. Viem, že mám všetky nástroje na to, aby som Kauffmana porazil. “

Veterán krajiny ťažkej váhy, Kauffman (32-3, 23 KO) vlastní knihu, ktorá obsahuje výzvy najvyšších váh vrátane Luisa Ortiza, Chris Arreola a Amir Mansour, okrem iného. Čítanie, Rodák z Pensylvánie prehral svoj posledný zápas s Ortizom, nasledujúce a 2018 triumf nad Scottom Alexandrom.

"Toto je moje prvé sústredenie po siedmich rokoch bez brata Naazima Richardsona.", ale viem, že by nechcel, aby som opustil tábor a chcel by som, aby som sa sústredil,”Povedal Kauffman. "Nechať ho zomrieť, keď som bol v tábore, bola jedna z najťažších vecí, s ktorými som sa musel vyrovnať.", ale v každom tábore, ktorý som mal, sú nepriazne. Necítil by som sa dobre, keby nebolo ťažkosti prekonať. Môj otec, Marshall, ustúpil ako hlavný tréner. Vieme, že čelíme mladému človeku, hladný bojovník, ale mám viac skúseností ako on a nemyslím si, že vydrží 10 keď som na, za mnou 100% akoby som bol 15. augusta. “

Medzi ďalšie akcie mimo televízneho vysielania bude patriť super uchazeč strednej váhyAlantez Fox(26-2-1, 12 KO) bojuje s GhanouHabib Ahmed(27-1-1, 18 KO) v osemkolovej atrakcii.

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Pre viac informácií navštívtewww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sledovať na Twitteri @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, a @Swanson_Comm alebo sa staňte fanúšikom Facebooku na adresewww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Wise decision 4 years ago finds “Podivuhodný” Mykquan Williams 15-0 as pro today instead of elite amateur

Mykquan Williams (Photo by Emily Harney / Team Williams)

MANCHESTER, Conn. (Septembra 9, 2019) – If not for a critical decision four years ago, 21-ročný “Podivuhodný” Mykquan Williams could very well be elite amateur training to compete for a spot on the 2020 USA Boxing Olympic Team, rather than the 15-0 rising star that he is today in professional boxing.

Williams (15-0, 7 KO), who lives in East Hartford (CT), has overcome life-altering obstacles in which his father was murdered when Mykquan was only eight months old, and the family house burned to the ground when he was 10.

Ineligible to compete for a roster spot on the 2016 USA Boxing Olympic Team because he was too young, Williams had two choices: remain an amateur for four years without any guarantees of qualifying for the Olympics, or get a jump start on his professional career. He chose the latter route and hasn’t looked back.

Williams was a decorated amateur whose style, in retrospect, is much better suited for pro boxing than the amateurs. He had a 45-13 amatérsky záznam, highlighted by three gold-medal performances at the Ringside World Championships, in addition to capturing top honors at the National PAL and National Silver Glove championships.

I was too young for the last one,” Williams explained his decision to turn pro when he did.Williams explained. I ended my amateur career after there were scoring changes. I lost some tough decisions. I decided to take the next step and go pro to get paid. My style was more suitable for the pros. I don’t throw 100 praští kolo; I pick my spots when I have openings.

I didn’t want to wait several years. I chose to turn pro (when he was a senior at Prince Tech). I’m already 15-0, climbing the rankings, and I’m getting paid to do this. I was meant to do this.

Williams is the reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) United States super lightweight champion, Menovitý. 5 by the United States Boxing Association (USBA), a č. 12 by the North American Boxing Federation (NABF).

I believed that Mykey was ready to turn pro,” Kallen commented. “Under Paul’s tutelage he was far enough advanced and eager to tackle the pros. His style was perfectly suited for the pros and at 18 years old he was ready to take the leap. His youthful good looks made him an ideal young prospect.

My concern at that time was the Olympic Team was no sure thing,” added Cichon, who has trained Williams for the past 10 leta. I had the confidence in Mykey, but the risk wasn’t worth the gain. We decided to go pro.

O štyri roky neskôr, instead of competing against America’s elite amateur boxers in his weight classKeyshawn Davis, Bruce Carrington a Dalis Kaleiopu — na 2020 Olympic Trials and USA Boxing’s National Championships, December 7-15, in Lake Charles, Louisiana, Williams is one of the top 21-and-under prospects in boxing.


Neštebotajú: @MarvelousMyke, @JackieKallen
Instagram: @M.mkw_, @jackie.Kallen
Facebook: /MykquanWilliams, /PaulCichon, /JackieKallen

Vinicius De Jesus stops Chris Lozano to Retain CES MMA welterweight title

HARTFORD, Conn. (Septembra 7, 2019) – CES MMA World Welterweight Champion Vinicius De Jesus made his first title defense tonight, stopping game challenger Chris “The Cleveland Assassin” Lozano in the third round in the “CESMMA 58” main event at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford.

The main card was streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports.

Lozano (10-5) dropped De Jesus (9-2) in the opening round with a shot to the temple, but the Brazilian bounced up and fought back. The first two rounds were fought relatively cautious as both fighters took turns being the aggressor. De Jesus took charge in the third connected on punches and kicks, while avoiding Lozano’s limited offensive attacks. A strong De Jesus punch snapped Lazano’s head and that’s the opening the defending chance had set up. He bashed Lazano around the cage, trapping him as he threw punishing combinations until the referee waved off the action midway through the third.

“I appreciate him (Lozano) accepting this fight when others didn’t,” an excited De Jesus praised his opponent after the fight. “I respect him very much and hope he’s okay and back in the cage soon. I have a high fight IQ and he was difficult to hit. This is for my fans and family.

“My boxing paid off. My father coached me to box. Teraz, I’m looking for the big show, the lions in the UFC.”

V čo-predstavoval udalosť, Hartford heavyweightParker Porter (8-5) and his Brazilian opponentDirlei Broenstrup (16-7) put on a very entertaining show. Porter couldn’t miss his overhand right in the first round, but Broenstrup responded in the second and came out hot for the third. All of a sudden Porter unloaded a straight right on Broenstrup’s chin and that’s all she wrote with less than two minutes remaining on the clock.

“I knew I started to get tired in the third round,” Porter commented. “I felt that I had won the first two rounds and my mentality was stay alive and don’t get taken out. I’d love to get a shot at the CES heavyweight strap in my next fight.”

Veteran Cincinnati lightweightReggie Merriweather (13-5) ruined the homecoming type of night for popular and previously undefeatedJesse James Kosakowski (3-1) from Waterbury, CT. Merriweather landed several bombs, Kosakowski got out of a few jams, and then suddenly Merriweather closed the show with a single righthanded punch halfway through the first round. Kosakowski’s large crowd of supporters expressed their collective feelings the referee had prematurely stopped the fight, but the upset was already in the books.

Massachusetts featherweight“Relentless” Robbie Leroux switched positions onPete “The Heat” Rogers, Jr.  to win by way of a reverse heal hold (na obrázku nižšie) forcing a tap-out. It appeared that Rogers had the advantage and was moments away from victory Leroux did his thing.

Florida bantamweightJornel “A1” Lugo, who lived in Wallingford (CT), used his speed and angles to stopHarris “Dirty Harry” Bonfilgio on punches in the first round. “Only one thing pays the bills…skills,” Lugo said after the fight. “Everybody kept telling me to watch out for his kicks. I studied – I’m paranoid – so I was prepared.”

Pro-debuting Brooklyn flyweightAdrian Haly prijal rozdelené rozhodnutie odJustin “Juggernaut” Valentin, z Meriden (CT), in the first fight of the night steamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS.

“CESMMA 59” Oct. 25, 2019 at Twin River Casino in Lincoln, RI

Providence lightweightSean Soriano (12-6) will headline “CESMMA 59” on Friday night, Október 25, 2019, at Twin River Casino in Lincoln, Rhode Island. A pair of undefeated, red-hot prospects, New York welterweightJohn Gotti III (4-0) and Connecticut light heavyweightWilliam “Knightmare” Knight (5-0), are also scheduled to fight on what promises to be a loaded card.

Local favoriteNick Giuiletti, fighting out of nearby Wallingford, jumped all over lightweightCody Schieve right off the bell, driving his over-matched opponent to the mat and unleashed a barrage of unanswered punches until the undercard fight was halted only 38-second into round one by way of technical knockout.

Massachusetts cruiserweightDan Randall used an effective ground-and-pound attack againstJesse Baughman, who tapped out midway through the opening round.

Connecticut bantamweight Will “Siracha” Smith took two of three rounds from Aaron Reese for a unanimous decision in the opening match of the evening.

Below find the official results:



 Vinicius De Jesus, De Jesus MMA / Norwalk, CT by way of Brazil

WTKO3 (3:22)

Chris Lozano, Warehouse Warriors / Cleveland, OH

(De Jesus retained the CES MMA title)


Parker Porter, Underdog MMA / Hartford, CT

WKO3 (3:17)

Dirlei Broenstrup, Minu Fight Team / Rio Grande, Brazília


Reggie Merriweather, Aaron Thomas Jui

Jitsu / Cincinnati, OH

WKO1 (2:37)

Jesse James Kosakowski, PSDTC / Waterbury, CT


Robbie Leroux, Regiment Training / Fall River, MA

WSUB (1:55)

Pete Rogers, Jr., Pete Rogers Karate / Norwich, CT


Jornel Lugo, Combat Club & DZ MMA / West Palm Beach, FL

WKO1 (3:27)

Harris Bonfilgio, Ultimate MMA / Gilford, CT


Adrian Haly, Brooklyn MMA / Brooklyn, NY

WDEC3 (29-28. 29-28, 28-29)

Justin Valentin, Underdog MMA / Meriden, CT



Nick Giuletti, Ultimate MMA / Wallingford, CT

WTKO1 (0:38)

Cody Schieve, Team Schieve / Jasper, IN

Ťažké váhy

Dan Randall, FAA /Granby, MA

WSUB1 (2:33)

Jesse Baughman, Team Link North / Littleton, NH


Will Smith, Golden Falcon MMA & FAA / West Haven, CT

WDEC3 (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Aaron Reese, Jackson Wink MMA / Shaker Heights, OH


Webové stránky:  www.cesmma.comwww.ufcfightpass.comwww.ctconventions.com

Neštebotajú: @CESMMA, @UFCFightPass, @ctconventionCT

Instagram: @CESMMA, @UFCFightPass

Facebook: /CESMMA, /UFCFightPass, /CTConventions

The Special OneSharad Collier Back in action Oct. 10 at Foxwoods


HARTFORD, Conn. (August 21, 2018) – Hartford blue-chip prospectThe Special One Sharad Collier returns to action October 20, on a show presented by CES Boxing, at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Uncasville, Connecticut.




The two-time New England Golden Gloves champion made his professional debut this past June 16, on his promoter’s Hartford Boxing Promotionsinaugural event, “Fight Night at The Capital”, in which he registered a sensational first-round knockout of Antonio Castillo Jr. (1-1), at Xfinity Centre in Hartford.




Collier will step-up in competition, fighting in to his first scheduled six-round bout Oct, 20, against undefeated Springfield, MA welterweight Derrick Whitley, Jr. (4-0, 0 KO), the son and uncle of well-known retired New England fighters.




I feel the same as I did in my pro debut, maybe less pressure, but I’m more familiar with the guy I’m fighting October 20th,” Collier said. “I fought and beat his cousin and brother in the amateurs. I feel like he’s out for revenge for them.




I’m motivated to be fighting at Foxwoods. I feel like that’s fighting under the big lights, where I fought once as an amateur. I signed my contract the first day, I’ve been training hard in the gym every day. My pro debut was against a 1-0 guy, my second is against another undefeated fighter. I believe in my skills. I want to separate myself to show people that I am special.




The 21-year-Collier has dedicated his boxing career to his uncle and father. His uncle was murdered three years ago, outside of a venue in which Sharad was boxing and his father has been in and out of prison. Collier grew up in toughest part of (south) Hartford, spent time in a detention center and, at times, lived in and out of foster homes.




It was my idea to move up now to six rounds,” Collier noted. “I’m familiar with my opponent. I’m not sleeping on this kid but, if I don’t get him out early, it will just mean there are more rounds for me to beat him up.




We’re excited,” Collier’s promoter Tony Blanco pridaný. “In his pro debut, he was up against a 1-0 protivník, and now he’s stepping up to fight a 4-0 opponent in his first six-round fight. That’s why they call himThe Special One.'




Here’s what ‘Specialstands for: S = speed, P = power, E = enthusiasm, C = charisma, I = intelligence, A = athleticism, L = looks.



Facebook: /hartfordboxingcenter, /sharadcollier

Neštebotajú: @hartfordboxing, @SheLovesIt

Instagram: @hartford.boxing.center/, @SharradCollier

Ringsiders Talk Show Set to Cover Pro and Amateur Boxing from corner to corner; Giving voices to those currently involved with the sport.

Danbury, CT (Júl 13, 2018) – A new boxing talk show is set to hit the internet. Ringsiders will feature hosts that are currently in the sport of boxing, including both professional and amateur boxers, tréneri, manažéri, promoters and more. The goal of the show is to give viewers a true insider’s look between the ropes. Another major difference of the show is that it will be taped, and feature different visual effects for viewers enjoyment as well as other innovative concepts.




Ringsiders will be taped in Champs Boxing Club in Danbury, CT, which is owned by professional boxing manager A.J. Galante, who will also co-produce the show. He sees Ringsiders as a show that can help give everyone involved with boxing a voice, and a platform to elevate the sport. “Even though we will feature it, Ringsiders is not really about mainstream boxing news. Our main goal is to cover boxing’s other 99% and their perspectives. Boxing is made up of more blue collar individuals then millionaires. We want to do something different, we are looking to highlight the club shows, the club fighter, the up and coming trainer, amateurs trying to find their way, A-Side, B-Side, to nevadí, if it is interesting we want to highlight it, and give people a true insiders look, and have a lot of fun in the process.




Ringsiders is set to have a rotation of hosts and guests, all who are involved currently with boxing, but two mainstays will include Professional BoxerFlyMike Marshall and amateur sensation Fernely Feliz Jr. Mike Marshall is currently 3(3 kos) – 1 as a professional and is also a licensed USA Boxing Amateur coach for Champs Boxing Club’s amateur team, the CBC Wolfpack. Fernely Feliz Jr. is a Danbury native and one of the top Super Heavyweight amateurs in the Nation. He is a 3 time Western New England and All New England Golden Gloves Champion. A.J. Galante says he couldn’t think of a better embodiment of Ringsiders, “I think both Mike and Fernely fit exactly what this show is about. Mike is a talented pro, who hasn’t always gotten the best opportunities in his career. He’s coming off a loss and in the process of making a comeback, but he is going to also be one of the best trainers in the game in time. He has a great personality and says a lot of things most just think. Fernely is one of the best kids in the world. He is super talented, and can give a lot of insight into the amateur scene, and can give insight into just how hard it is to train and compete, deal with high expectations and trying to prepare for a professional career.




The shows director of production will be Danbury native Teyonte Best. “I don’t come from a boxing background, but that’s what A.J. and I like about my involvement, just bringing a different perspective.Best stated, “We believe in different concepts, not telling the same stories, reporting the same news, and we are very much committed to providing an entertaining and informative product for viewers. We want fans and viewers to be involved, and we are working with a few interactive concepts we think will be awesome. As A.J. has stressed to everyone involved, this show is about bringing the whole boxing community together, and we will definitely succeed.




Ringsiders is set to debut in August at a date to be announced. Have an idea for the show or want to have your voice heard? Contact the show at ringsidersboxingshow@gmail.com


“Fight Night in The Capital” Oficiálne výsledky

Toot, Toot!
richard “Popeye” Rivera smokes Jaime Solorio in 8th round

HARTFORD, Conn. (Jún 17, 2018) – Rising Hartford folk hero richard “Pepek Námorník Man” Rivera kept his pro record perfect (8-0) neporušený, knocking out his tough opponent, JaimeZarcoSolorio (12-4-2, 9 KO), in the eighth round to capture the vacant ABF Continental cruiserweight title, last night (Sobota) in the main event on theFight Night at The Capitalpro boxing card, at Xfinity Centre in Hartford.




The reigning UBF All Americas light heavyweight champion, Rivera (8-0, 7 KO) is arguably the hardest pound-for-pound puncher in New England, if not the entire Northeast. After breaking his last opponent’s ankle with the force of his power, the incredibly popular Hartford fighter




Boxing trainer Tony Blanco and his Hartford Boxing Center gym partner, Michael Tran, recently teamed with Rivera to form Hartford Boxing Promotions, which was promoting its first pro boxing event, “Fight Night at The Capital.




I’m excited to have promoted our first show here in Hartford and I hope other promoters will follow,” Blanco commented. “I’m happy for all of the fighters. This was our first but not last show. We’re bringing boxing back to Hartford.




I’m also excited about Sharrad’s pro debut (Collier), who is like a son to me, and Richie, my brother and partner. Everything I do is for them, that’s who I work for them.




The durable Solorio had only been knocked out once in 17 pro fights going into the ring against Rivera, who has knock out six of his seven victims.




The first was a feeling-out round, but Rivera picked up the pace in the second, landing several hard shots on his game Mexican opponent. The highly entertaining Rivera cruised through the third through fifth, picking his spots better, but it was bombs away in the sixth as Rivera landed a right that sent Solorio to the deck. Solorio was penalized a point in the sixth for unsportsmanlike conduct.





In the seventh round, Solorio appeared to be fighting to survive, frequently holding and clinching, but he came forward in spurts as Rivera started loading up for a knockout that finally came in the eighth round. Rivera had never fought more than four rounds, but he was determined to ward off his opponent’s wrestling, landing a right-left-right uppercut combination to close the show with only 30 seconds left in the contest.




I want to thank everybody for being here and bringing our community together in one house,” Povedal Rivera. “Happy Father’s Day. I dedicated this fight to my father who I love so much. I told everybody that he was going down in three, but Solorio was tough. I took him in deep water and I’m strong to the finish because I eat my spinach…..toot, toot!”




In an intra-Connecticut clash of junior welterweights, Danbury’s undefeated Omar “Beast” Bordoy, Jr. (6-0, 2 KO) vyradení Alexander “el Bravo” Picot (2-6-1), of Hartford, with only one second left in the sixth and final round of co-featured event.




Bordoy was hampered by a cut over his right eye, suffered during the second round from an unintentional headbutt, who was fighting in his first scheduled six-rounder. He pivoted and threw a short, straight right that rocked Picot, dropping him forward on the mat as referee Shada Murdaugh immediately waved off the count, calling the doctor into the ring.




A star was born in a professional debut as two-time New England Golden Gloves champion The Special OneSharad Collier (1-0, 1 KO, fighting at home in Hartford, displayed his vast arsenal of skills, plieniť Antonio Castillo, Jr. (1-1) v jednom kole.




The 21-year-old Collier showed the poise of a veteran and surprising power, especially considering he fought two full divisions higher than his natural weight class, due to his opponent weighing in as a junior middleweight. Collier decked Castillo early and finished him off with a barrage of unanswered punches until referee Danny Sciavone zastavil akciu.




Everything went the way I had planned,” Collier said after the bout. “Before the fight, I knew I was going to win, because I felt so good. People were asking me before the fight how I was feeling and, to be honest, I was a lot more nervous as an amateur.




New Haven, CT lightweight Anuel Rosa (1-0, 1 KO) turned in an explosive pro debut, blasting an overwhelmed roger Blankenship (1-3) around the ring until the referee Murdaugh stopped the action at the 49-second mark of the opening round. The 21-year-old Rosa dedicated the fight to his cousin, neskoro Luis “KO Kráľ” Rosa (23-1, 11 KO), who tragically died last January in a car accident at the age of 26.




New Britain, CT featherweight Nathan Martinez (1-0) had another very impressive pro debut, pitching a complete shutout (40-35) Na všetkých troch sudcov’ scorecards against Henry Garcia (0-2), despite it being an action-packed bout from start to finish. Martinez used lethal body shots, dropping Garcia with a left hook to the liver, and crisp combinations.


Kompletné výsledky nižšie:





Richard Rivera (8-0, 7 KO), Hartford, CT

WTKO8 (2:30)

Jaime Solorio (12-4-2, 9 KO), San Quinton, Mexiko





Omar Borðoy, Jr. (6-0, 2 KO), Danbury, CT

WTKO6 (2:59)

Alexander Picot (2-6-1), Hartford, CT by way of Puerto Rico





Sharad Collier (1-0, 1 KO), Hartford, CT

WTKO1 (2:20)

Antonio Castillo, Jr. (1-1), Canton, OH





Anuel Rosa (1-0, 1 KO), New Haven. CT

WTKO1 (0:49)

roger Blankenship (1-4), Cleveland, OH





Nathan Martinez (1-0, 0 KO), New Britain, CT

WDEC4 (40-35, 40-35, 40-35)

Henry Garcia (1-1), New Bedford, MA





Facebook: /hartfordboxingcenter

Neštebotajú: @hartfordboxing

Instagram: @hartford.boxing.center/

You Tube: /c/HartfordBoxingCenter

Boxing the way out for pro-debutingThe Special OneSharad Collier

Jún 16 at Xfinity Centre in Hartford, CT











HARTFORD, Conn. (Jún 7, 2018) – Hartford boxing prospectThe Special OneSharad Collier has overcome tougher obstacles in life than he may ever face in the ring.




The two-time New England Golden Gloves champion will make his professional debut Saturday night, Jún 16, on Hartford Boxing Promotionsinaugural event, “Fight Night at The Capital”, at Xfinity Centre in Hartford.




I’m excited to make my pro debut at home in Hartford,” Collier said. “Fans are going to see a whole new beast: more power, speed and I’m not just in the ring to fight. I’m going to put on a show. Here’s what ‘Specialstands for: S is for speed, P for power, E for enthusiasm, C for charisma, I for intelligence, A for – atletického, L is for the looks.




Universal Boxing Federation (UBF) All America light heavyweight champion richard “Pepek Námorník Man” Rivera (7-0, 6 KO) will defend his title and fight Mexican challenger JaimeZarcoSolorio (12-3-2, 9 KO) v osemkolovom hlavnom turnaji. They will also fight for the vacant ABF Continental Americas Championship.



The 21-year-Collier, who will fight Ohio’s Antonio Castillo, Jr. (1-0) in a four-round Special Welterweight Attraction, has dedicated his boxing career to his uncle and father. His uncle was murdered three years outside of a venue in which Sharad was boxing and, sadly, his father has been in and out of prison. Collier grew up in toughest part of (south) Hartford, spent time in a detention center and, at times, lived in and out of foster homes.




I’ve been through a lot in life,” the charismatic Collier admitted. “I’ve had to fight my whole life. My goals include becoming world champion, making good money, and buying a house. I have two kids and I want them to have a better life than I did. I love boxing and it’s my way out.




Undefeated Danbury, CT lightweight Omar “Beast” Bordoy, Jr. (5-0, 1 KO) will fight in his first scheduled six-round bout versus. Alexander “el Bravo” Picot (2-5-1), fighting out of Hartford by way of Puerto Rico.



Also fighting on the undercard, all in so štyrmi okrúhlymi záchvaty, are Hartford featherweight Luis “Lobito” Rivera (4-3) proti. Phillip Davis (1-1-1), z Worcesteru, MA; pro-debuting New Haven, CT lightweight Anuel Rosa proti. Cleveland’s roger Blankenship (1-3), New Britain, CT featherweight Nathan Martinez in his professional debut vs. New Bedford’s (MA)Henry Garcia (0-1), Hartford lightweight Jose Maysonet proti. Justin Morales, of New Bedford, MA, in a battle of pro-debut fighters, and another pair of pro debut fighters, Bridgeport, CT featherweight Jacob Marrero proti. Jimmy Santiago, of New York City, and New Haven junior welterweight prospect Jeffrey Torres (4-0, 2 KO) proti. TBA..




Boxing’s rich roots in the Hartford market dates back nearly a full century, headlined by International Hall of Famers WillieWill othe WispPep a ChristopherBattlingBattalino. Other top-area boxers include world champion Marlon “Čarovná Man” Starling, titul majstra sveta vyzývateľov GasparEl IndioOrtega, a Izrael “trochu” Cardona, a 1996 USA Olympic Boxing Team captain Lawrence Clay-Bey.




Všetky boje a bojovníci sa môžu zmeniť.



Lístky, cena na $80.00, $60.00 a $40.00, are on sale and available to purchase, ako aj $125.00 VIP tickets that include food and soft drinks), at Ticket Master outlets or at the Hartford Boxing Center gym.



Dvere otvorené na 6 p.m. A, Prvý zápas začína na 7 p.m. A.




Sponsors include Hot 93.7 FM, Hartford Boxing Center, Foster Buddies Network and HBC ProShop.


Facebook: /hartfordboxingcenter

Neštebotajú: @hartfordboxing

Instagram: @hartford.boxing.center/

You Tube: /c/HartfordBoxingCenter

Fight Night at the CapitalPress Conference Quotes

Jún 16 at Xfinity Centre in Hartford, CT
Press Conference group picture courtesy of Jason Rodriguez / Superelite Boxing
HARTFORD, Conn. (Máj 31, 2018) – Hartford Boxing Promotions (HBP) hosted a press conference yesterday at the Hartford Boxing Center to promote its first event, “Fight Night at the Capital”, Jún 16 at Xfinity Centre in Hartford, Connecticut.
Below are quotes from yesterday’s press conference.
HBP’s goal is to bring quality boxing back to Hartford, which has a rich tradition dating back nearly a full century, headlined by International Hall of Famers WillieWill othe WispPep a ChristopherBattlingBattalino. Other top-area boxers include world champion Marlon “Čarovná Man” Starling, titul majstra sveta vyzývateľov GasparEl IndioOrtega, a Izrael “trochu” Cardona, a 1996 USA Olympic Boxing Team captain Lawrence Clay-Bey.
Lístky, cena na $80.00, $60.00 a $40.00, are on sale and available to purchase, ako aj $125.00 VIP tickets that include food and soft drinks), at Ticket Master outlets or at the Hartford Boxing Center gym.
Dvere otvorené na 6 p.m. A, Prvý zápas začína na 7 p.m. A.
Majster Vyzývateľ
Hartford, CT San Quinton, Mexiko
7-0 (6 KO) 12-3-2 (9 KO)
Danbury, CT Hartford, CT by way of Puerto Rico
5-0 (1 KO) 2-5-1
2-time New England Golden Gloves Champion
Hartford, CT
Pre Debut
Hartford, CT Worcester, MA
4-3 1-1-1
Ľahké – 4 KOLA
New Haven, CT Cleveland, OH
Pre Debut 1-3
New Britain, CT New Bedford, MA
Pre Debut 0-1
Ľahké – 4 KOLA
Hartford, CT New Bedford, MA
Pre Debut Pre Debut
Bridgeport, CT New York, NY
Pre Debut Pre Debut
New Haven, CT
4-0 (2 KO)
(all fights & fighters subject to change)
Tony Blanco, Podporovateľ: “I’m really excited to do this in Hartford. There wouldn’t be a show without these guys. We work for them.
Michael Tran, Podporovateľ: “We’re really excited to feature some of top Connecticut boxers including many pro debuts of some of Connecticut’s best young fighters. Fans will be able to see them all in action on June 16th. We’re bringing boxing back and it’s only right that we have this event in the capital of Connecticut.
Richard Rivera:People ask me why I box? Milujem to, no other reason. Ako amatér, I fought for the love of the sport. I’m blessed now because I’m getting paid, but I still love it. We do need to eat and because we have a lot of pro debuts on this card, it means we have a lot of hungry fighters. Júna 16th, I’m going to do my thing and, trust me, there are going to be a lot of fireworks. I’ve watched a lot of these guys train. We’re finally fighting in our hometown and we’re going to better all the time.
Boxing helps save lives. Boxing is a performing art. Kids get off the street in in the gym. This is a movement! We are a forced to be reckoned with and boxing gives everybody a chance.”.
Sharad Collier:I’d like to thank Tony Blanco and Hartford Boxing Promotions for putting me on this card and my team. It’s going to be a good night. Som pripravený ísť. I’m going to keep working hard and keep being smart.
luis Rivera: I want to thank Hartford Boxing Promotions and my coach, Papo Colon. Come June 16th, it’s going to be an interesting night.
Nathan Martinez:I’m thankful for this opportunity on June 16th. Come June 16th, expect a big fight.
Jose Maysonet: Thanks to my team and on June 16th, I will be ready.
Anuel Rosa:Thanks to Hartford Boxing Promotions for putting me on this show and to my trainer, Luis Rosa, for my eight weeks of training. I knew this day was coming and I’ll be ready. When people see me fight, you’ll want me on the next card.
Jacob Marrero: I want to thank Tony Blanco for this opportunity to make my pro debut and my team for getting me ready for my fight.
Jeffrey Torres: “I want to thank my coach, Luis Rosa. I’ll be 100-percent ready on June 16th.”
* * *
Sponsors include Hot 93.7 FM, Hartford Boxing Center, Foster Buddies Network and HBC ProShop.
Facebook: /hartfordboxingcenter
Neštebotajú: @hartfordboxing
Instagram: @hartford.boxing.center/
You Tube: /c/HartfordBoxingCenter

Undefeated light heavyweight Richard “Pepek Námorník Man” Rivera to HeadlineFight Night at the Capital

Jún 16 at Xfinity Centre in Hartford, CT

HARTFORD, Conn. (Máj 15, 2018) – New England’s hottest, most popular and hardest hitter, richard “Pepek Námorník Man” Rivera, will defend his Universal Boxing Federation (UBF) All America light heavyweight title at home on Hartford Boxing Promotionsinaugural event, “Fight Night at the Capital”, Jún 16th at Xfinity Centre in Hartford, Connecticut.



Rivera (7-0, 6 KO) has partnered with his trainer, Tony Blanco, and Hartford Boxing Center gym co-owner, Michael Tran, to form Hartford Boxing Promotions and bring world-class boxing back to Hartford.



Boxing’s rich roots in the Hartford market dates back nearly a full century, headlined by International Hall of Famers WillieWill othe WispPep a ChristopherBattlingBattalino.


Other top-area boxers include world champion Marlon “Čarovná Man” Starling, titul majstra sveta vyzývateľov GasparEl IndioOrtega, a Izrael “trochu” Cardona, a 1996 USA Olympic Boxing Team captain Lawrence Clay-Bey.



Rivera will take on JaimeZarcoSolorio (12-3-2, 9 KO) in the eight-round main event versus an opponent to be determined.



There’s a lot of pressure fighting at home because, samozrejme, I want a victory, but I also need to be impressive for me to be recognized,” Povedal Rivera. “I’m all about boxing. My partners, Tony and Michael, take care of the business end of Hartford Boxing Promotions. I’m excited about fighting June 16th and I expect a great turnout. A lot of people know who I am from fighting all over New England. Teraz, I want to expand my horizons. I have a huge following from our gym and church, but I want to bring non-boxing fans to our show to make them boxing fans.



There’s no such thing as an easy fight. It all starts with training, which makes fighting easier. I may get an early knockout, but I always train to go the distance. My opponent has fought on television a few times against some fighters with good records. I know that I am going to be in a fight. I’ll be ready for war!”



This past April in New Hampshire, Rivera hit his opponent, Randy Campbell, so hard with a powerful right, that the force broke Campbell’s ankle only seconds into the contest.



Fighting is a way of life,” Rivera je vysvetlené. “All the training and fighting, it’s for the love of boxing, not money. Fighting never leaves a boxer.



Rivera originally got his nickname because, when he was younger, his forearms were considerably larger than his biceps. Fighters in the gym jokingly teased Rivera about his enlarged forearms, calling him “Popeye,” and the nickname has stuck. Teraz, Rivera showcases his Popeye persona in full, which has added many females and children to his growing fanbase of hardcore boxing fans. Jún 16thwill open a new chapter in the life of for the man who’s always good to the finish because he eats his spinach.



V čo-predstavoval udalosť, undefeated Danbury, CT lightweight Omar “Beast” Bordoy, Jr. (5-0, 1 KO) will be in his first scheduled six-rounder against. Alexander “el Bravo” Picot (2-5-1), fighting out of Hartford by way of Puerto Rico.



The Special One,” Sharad Collier, fighting out of Hartford, is competing this week Omaha (NIE) at the National Golden Gloves Championships, before returning home to turn pro in a four-round Special Junior Welterweight Attraction versus an opponent to be determined.



Also fighting on the undercard, all in so štyrmi okrúhlymi záchvaty, are Hartford featherweight Luis “Lobito” Rivera (4-3) proti. Phillip Davis (1-1-1), z Worcesteru, MA; pro-debuting New Haven, CT lightweight Anuel Rosa proti. Cleveland’s roger Blankenship (1-3), New Britain, CT featherweight Nathan Martinez in his professional debut vs. New Bedford’s (MA) Henry Garcia (0-1), Hartford lightweight Jose Maysonet proti. Justin Morales, of New Bedford, MA, in a battle of pro-debut fighters, and another pair of pro debut fighters, Bridgeport, CT featherweight Jacob Marrero proti. Jimmy Santiago, of New York City, and New Haven junior welterweight prospect Jeffrey Torres (4-0, 2 KO) proti. TBA..



Všetky boje a bojovníci sa môžu zmeniť.



Lístky, cena na $80.00, $60.00 a $40.00, are on sale and available to purchase, ako aj $125.00 VIP tickets that include food and soft drinks), at Ticket Master outlets or at the Hartford Boxing Center gym.



Dvere otvorené na 6 p.m. A, Prvý zápas začína na 7 p.m. A.



Sponsors include Hot 93.7 FM, Hartford Boxing Center, Foster Buddies Network and HBC ProShop.



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