Tag Archives: Prif Swyddog Gweithredol

MICHELLE CORRALES-LEWIS Named New CEO / President of the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame

LAS VEGAS, NV (Hydref 5, 2016) – Y Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame (NVBHOF) a non-profit charitable organization which donates to boxing-related causes, is happy to announce Michelle Corrales-Lewis as its new CEO/President. Respected boxing announcer, Rich Marotta, who founded the NVBHOF in 2012, steps down after devoting years of his life to get the organization off the ground.
With a number of boxing greats already inducted, which include world champion fighters, judges, coaches and promoters, the NVBHOF has rapidly established itself as prestigious group not only here in Las Vegas, but around the world. The NVBHOF has multiple fundraising events throughout the year, helping local boxing organizations fulfill their goals to keep boxing alive within the community.
I took this organization as far as I could and I’m very comfortable where it is at today,” said Rich Marotta. “Michelle is on the scene in Las Vegas, has a myriad of contacts, both in business and with the boxing community, especially the fighters, and is more than ready to completely run the company. She is incredibly capable and has been an indefatigable agent for growth of the NVBHOF the past three years, taking on additional responsibilities each and every year. It brings me great pleasure to announce her as the new CEO of the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame.
After serving as the NVBHOF Chief Operating Officer for many years, Michelle Corrales-Lewis, is thrilled at her new position within the organization.
It’s an honor to be chosen as the new CEO of the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame,” said Michelle Corrales-Lewis, widow of former multiple world champion and 2013 NVBHOF inductee, Diego Corrales. “Rich Marotta did a fantastic job building the organization from ground up. His immense work ethic is a great example of how I plan to continue the vision he set forth. My goal is to find a home for the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame, one where fans from all around the world can visit on regular basis. The boxing community is filled with wonderful people that we will honor as inductees each year. I’m truly grateful for the wonderful opportunity that has been presented to me by my dear friend Rich Marotta.

Boxing Manager and 2016 Forbes “30 Under 30Honoree Adrian Clark Offers Manifesto to Help Fighters Clarify Roles

A Revolution in Boxer-Manager Relationships
DALLAS, TEXAS, Chwefror 11, 2015 – In an unprecedented move, boxing manager and owner of AC Sports Management, Adrian Clark, has issued a challenge to professional boxers all over the world in the form of a free legal document: The Boxer-Manager Agreement now allows professional fighters to contract the services of their managers.



Yn nodweddiadol, mewn bocsio, the manager has the boxer under contract for a minimum of three years. The Boxer-Manager Agreement clarifies the role and duties of the manager, giving both parties the opportunity to evaluate one another fairly and to ensure the boxer is in the executive position.


I want guys to develop a mindset of a CEO,” Clark said, “because that’s what they are. They must understand what it is to be in a position of power and able to call shots and make tough executive decisions in their careers.


Clark’s main concern is that many boxers may be working as if they are the subordinate, unlike other executives. “Name me one CEO that is under contract to his spokesperson, or to anyone he is payingClark said.


Clark, currently in his sixth year of boxing management, has been selected as one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 (Chwaraeon) am 2016. He has just released his first book, dwyn y teitl “ff: A Guide for Young Entrepreneurs,” available from Amazon.


As a business owner, I do what makes sense in regards to business, Clark said. “I have been in the boxing business long enough to see that the common boxer-manager arrangement does not make sense. I’d like to think this document is a game-changer in the sport of boxing for the athletes. It is now up to the athletes to exercise this agreement and be in more control of their careers and who is representing them.


The Boxer-Manager Agreement is available for download on Clark’s website (www.ACsportsm.com/manifesto.html), rhad ac am ddim. Clark has recorded a video there encouraging fighters to download the document. He also urges them to further educate themselves on the business they are in.


A graduate of Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Clark currently manages seven clients, including former world title challenger Jerry Belmontes, former IBO World champion Will Tomlinson, and James de la Rosa, who has a Mawrth 12 showdown with David Lemieux in Montreal, Quebec. At age 25, Clark was certified by the National Basketball Players Association as aPlayer Agent” (Sports Agent). Clark founded AC Sports Management, LLC, mewn 2012.


Pincus yn flaenorol yn gwasanaethu fel Prif Swyddog Tân i Artistiaid IMG, y Yankees Efrog Newydd a Martha Stewart Byw Omnimedia, ymhlith eraill

LAS VEGAS (Saith. 3, 2015) - Pencampwriaeth y Byd Cymysg Crefft Ymladd (MMA) fasnachfraint chwaraeon y Byd Cyfres o Ymladd (WSOF.com) Heddiw, cyhoeddodd ychwanegu Barry Pincus fel ei 'Prif Swyddog Ariannol (CFO). Pincus yn dod gydag ef dros 20 mlynedd o brofiad o wasanaethu fel Awdurdod Gweithredol Uwch / CFO o chwaraeon mawr a brandiau adloniant, gan gynnwys Artistiaid IMG, y Yankees Efrog Newydd a Martha Stewart Byw Omnimedia.

"Barry yn ychwanegiad gwych at y Cyfres Byd dîm rheoli Ymladd, gan ddod â chyfoeth o wybodaeth a phrofiad ariannol, yn ogystal ag agwedd ddeinamig at ddatblygu brand i'n heiddo chwaraeon sy'n tyfu,"Prif Swyddog Gweithredol meddai, Carlos Silva.

Pincus yn fwyaf diweddar gwasanaethu fel Prif Swyddog Tân i Artistiaid IMG (2012 - 14), yr arweinydd byd-eang yn perfformio rheoli'r celfyddydau, teithiau, gwyliau, Digwyddiadau ac ymgynghori. Cyn Artistiaid IMG, Gweithiodd Pincus mewn amrywiaeth o rolau rheoli ac ymgynghori lefel uwch ers dros ddegawd gan gynnwys datblygu brand blaenllaw ar gyfer Dennis Publishing am saith mlynedd. Mae ei yrfa nodedig mewn rheolaeth ariannol yn cynnwys gwasanaethu fel Prif Swyddog Tân / VP Cyllid ar gyfer un o'r gemau goron mewn chwaraeon; y Yankees Efrog Newydd (1991 - 97), yn ogystal â gwasanaethu fel Prif Swyddog Tân ar gyfer conglomerate cyfryngau Martha Stewart Byw Omnimedia (1997 - 99).

Y Gyfres Byd o gardiau Ymladd aer unig ar NBCSN a NBC. Mae ei cerdyn frwydr nesaf, "WSOF 23 Gaethje vs. Palomino," yn headlined gan y rematch ysgafn cyffrous a drefnwyd ar gyfer Dydd Gwener, Saith. 18 yn 10 PM ET/7 PM PT gan Theatr Comerica yn Phoenix, THE.

Ynglŷn “Cyfres Byd o Ymladd” (WSOF)
“Cyfres Byd o Ymladd” (WSOF) yn fyd eang premier Crefft Ymladd Cymysg proffesiynol (MMA) ymladd dyrchafiad ymroddedig i gyflawni'r ymladd llawn gweithgareddau gorau ar gyfer cefnogwyr ymladd drwy gynhyrchu y bo modd cyfatebol-ups gorau rhwng diffoddwyr elitaidd o bob cwr o'r byd. Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i WSOF.com. Dilynwch “Cyfres Byd o Ymladd” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries ac “Cyfres Byd o Ymladd” President Ray Sefo SugarRaySefo.


Longtime gweithredol cyfryngau chwaraeon Carlos Silva (y llun) wedi cael ei benodi i'r Prif Swyddog Gweithredol newydd o bencampwriaeth y byd Cymysg Crefft Ymladd (MMA) masnachfraint Byd Cyfres o Ymladd.

LAS VEGAS (Gorffennaf 29, 2015) -World Bencampwriaeth Cymysg Crefft Ymladd (MMA) fasnachfraint chwaraeon y Byd Cyfres o Ymladd (WSOF.com) Heddiw, cyhoeddodd gweithredol cyfryngau chwaraeon ei fod wedi penodi Carlos Silva i swydd Prif Swyddog Gweithredol, yn effeithiol ar unwaith.

Mae cyn-Arlywydd a COO Rhwydwaith Chwaraeon Universal NBCU a chyn-Lywydd a COO o Back9Network, Silva wedi lansio, gweithredu a dan arweiniad twf meteoric o chwaraeon ac eiddo cyfryngau adloniant yn ystod yr olaf 25 flynyddoedd.

"Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at ymuno ag un o'r prif a rhyddfreintiau chwaraeon ymladd mwyaf deinamig ar y blaned mewn Cyfres Byd Ymladd. They have a tremendous team of media and MMA industry veterans in place that works well with the blue-chip team at NBCU, ein partner teledu sy'n helpu ni i tywysydd y cwmni yn ei bennod nesaf o dwf,"Meddai Silva.

Silva oedd grym offerynnol y tu ôl i'r lansiad Back9Network ar DirecTV yn Medi. 2014 ac, mewn dim ond cyfnod o ddwy flynedd, catapulted engagement of the start-up media company’s digital platform to two million monthly unique users.

Yn ystod ei gyfnod o bedair blynedd gyda Network Sports Universal, Dan arweiniad Silva ehangu Olympaidd NBCU a ffordd o fyw chwaraeon llwyfan teledu i mewn 68 miliwn o gartrefi, gan gynnwys yr holl top 10 U.S. marchnadoedd, and increased the number of unique users of its digital platform to three million.

Yn gynharach yn ei yrfa, Silva, Roedd yn Uwch Is-lywydd gyda AOL Time Warner, ac roedd yn gyfrifol am ddatblygu Chwaraeon AOL, Newyddion, and Money into top premier digital destinations. Silva also remains as a Board Advisor for PARK LANE, y banc buddsoddi chwaraeon gorau yn Los Angeles.

Camau WSOF yn dychwelyd i NBCSN gyda phump-bout, byw telecast ar Sad, Awst. 1, yn 11 p.m. A/8 p.m. PT. Yn y prif ddigwyddiad y seren serennog, byd strafagansa doubleheader bencampwriaeth, teyrnasu WSOF Byd Pwysau Welter (170 bunnoedd) Hyrwyddwr Rousimar "Toquino" Palhares Bydd risg ei deitl yn erbyn pencampwr y byd dau-amser Jake Shields, o Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino yn Las Vegas.