Таг Арцхивес: Канада

Super Channel to air Vasyl Lomachenko vs. Miguel Marriaga This Saturday night in Canada

Едмонтон, Алберта, Канада (Јул 31, 2017) – Super Channel subscribers in Canada will have the opportunity to watch superstar Васил Ломацхенко, arguably the No. 1 pound-for-pound professional boxer in the world today, as the Ukrainian defends his World Boxing Organization (ВБО) Association Junior Lightweight World Championship for the second time, ове суботе ноћ (Август 5), са почетком у 10 п.м. И / 7 п.м. ПТ, live from Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles.
The 29-year-old Lomachenko (8-1, 6 КОс) will be challenged by two-time world title challenger, dangerous Colombian knockout artist Мигел “The ScorpianMarriaga (25-2, 21 КОс), the WBO No. 10-ранкед кандидат, in the 12-round main event.
Three exciting fights on the stacked “Ломацхенко вс, Marriaga” картица, promoted by Top Rank, ће емитовати искључиво у Канади на Супер Цханнел.
Super Channel has recently aired major boxing events live like Brook vs. Спенс Јр, Пацкуиао-рог, and Eubank, Јр. вс. Аврам.
we are all ecstatic to be bringing this exciting bout featuring one of the world’s best boxers, Васил Ломацхенко, to our viewers and to be presenting another top-notch card from legendary promoter, Top Rank’s Bob Arum, to Canadian fight fans,” said Troy Wassill. Директор програмирања, Domestic Distributors & Sports for Super Channel.
Lomachenko is regarded by many as the greatest amateur boxer of his time and arguably all-time having captured two Olympic gold medals (2008 & 2012) and three World Championships, reportedly losing only once in 396 аматеур напади.
Eight (7-1) of his nine fights during his three-year pro career have been in world title fights, including world title winning performances in two different weight classes, WBO featherweight and junior lightweight. Lomachenko has defeated world champions Гари Расел, Јр., Роман Мартинез и Николас Волтерс.
Marriaga, who is moving up to junior lightweight to challenge Lomachenko, is a battled-tested challenger with good power and a strong amateur background.
У 12-кола ко-функцијом, NABO & NABF lightweight champion “Шећер” Raymundo Beltran (33-7-1, 21 КОс) defends his titles against former two-time Interim World Boxing Association (ВБА) Super Featherweight World Champion Bryan Vasquez (36-2, 19 КОс).
Mexico-native Beltran, fighting out of Phoenix (AZ), is a two-time world title challenger who is knocking on the door for another world title shot. Beltran is ranked No. 2 in the world by the WBO, Ворлд Бокинг савет (ВБЦ) и Међународна федерација Бокс (ИБФ), као ни. 6 по ВБА.
Васкуез, fighting out of Costa Rico, is rated the No. 1 lightweight contender in the world by the WBA
In the eight-round Super Channel opener, 2012 Олимпијски освајач сребрне медаље Esquiva Falcao (17-0, 12 КОс), the undefeated Brazilian middleweight, steps up in terms of class opposition to face Иван “Страшан” Montero (20-2, 8 КОс), Мексика.
To see the “Ломацхенко вс. Marriaga” живети, као и узбудљивије бокс да се, боре навијача у Канади могу да се обрате локалном провајдеру кабловски да се претплатите на Супер канала и све то што нуди, укључујући премије серије, филмова и још много тога, за ниско као $9.95 месечно.
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супер канал is a national premium pay television network, consisting of four HD channels, four SD channels, and Super Channel On Demand.
Super Channel’s mission is to entertain and engage Canadian audiences by providing a unique and exclusive entertainment experience. With a core foundation of integrity and accountability, we dedicate ourselves to implementing innovative programming strategies and unparalleled team work that provides viewers with exceptional value and variety.
Super Channel is owned by Allarco Entertainment 2008 Инц, an Edmonton-based media company.
супер канал is currently available on Bell TV, Shaw Direct, Rogers Anyplace TV, Shaw Cable, Cogeco Cable, Access Communications, Bell Aliant TV, Source Cable, SaskTel, MTS, Novus, EastLink, TELUS, Videotron, Westman Communications and other regional providers.

Fight Network Presents ENFUSION LIVE #51 from Halifax this Saturday, Јул 8 у 8:00 п.м. И

Za momentalno puštanje – jul 6, 2017

ТОРОНТО - Борбена мрежа, је светски 24/7 канал са више платформи посвећен потпуном покривању борбених спортова, presents the Canadian debut of ENFUSION LIVE ове суботе, Јул 8 у 8:00 п.м. И, као ENFUSION LIVE #41 emanates from Halifax, Nova Škotska, Канада, headlined by a five-round showdown between England’s Iman Barlow and Canadian Ashley Nichols for the Enfusion -54 kg world championship.

The live broadcast of ENFUSION LIVE #41 ће емитовати у 8:00 п.м. ET on Fight Network across Canada. The full line-up includes:

-54kg World TitleIman Barlow (Енглеска) вс. Ashley Nichols (Канада)

-80kg – Thomas Dalziel (Канада) вс. Ariel Abreu (САД)

-85kg – Mark MacKinnon (Канада) вс. Joey George (Канада)

-75kg – Justin Condie (Канада) вс. Matthew Kendell (Канада)

-70kg – Chris McMillan (Канада) вс. Kyle Nelson (Канада)

-60kg – Lenny Wheeler (Канада) вс. Desmond Johnson (Канада)

Ahead of ENFUSION LIVE #41, the УФЦ 213 ПРЕДФИГХТ СХОВ will air live at 7:00 п.м. И, садржи коначна предвиђања и анализе из Лас Вегаса, including UFC middleweight champion Michael Bisping and retired contender Kenny Florian serving as desk analysts with host Karyn Bryant and reporter Megan Olivi conducting on-site interviews.

Ливе УФЦ 213 ПОСТФИГХТ СХОВ емитује се отприлике 1:00 а.м. И, recapping the championship doubleheader featuring the rematch between Amanda Nunes and Valentina Shevchenko, plus the clash between Yoel Romero and Robert Whittaker for the interim middleweight crown.

За потпуну листу борити Мреже емитовање распореду, посетите ввв.фигхтнетворк.цом, пратите нас на Твиттер@фигхтнет, бецоме а фан на Фацебоок и посетите нас на Инстаграм@фигхтнет.

Largest MMA event in The Americas July 14-15 in Monterrey, Мексико

МОНТЕ ЦАРЛО, Монако (Мај 3, 2017)- The World MMA Association (ВММАА) has announced that its 2017 Pan-American Championships, the largest MMA event ever in The Americas, will be held this coming Јул 14-15 in Monterrey, Мексико.
National teams from the United States, Канада, Мексико, Costa Rica, Никарагва, Колумбија, Еквадор, Венецуела, Уругвај, Бразил, along with special guest Spain, are expected to compete in the 2017 Pan-American Championships.
Representing your country on the biggest continental competition of nations, it strikes you, your heart starts to race in anticipation of the grand journey into WMMAA history,” Pan-American Division president Томаш Иу рекао.
The PAN-AM Board of Directors met again this past month during a collaboration with USA Boxing, during the latter’s 2017 Western Elite Qualifier & Regional Open, when the tentative announcement was made that Monterrey (Мексико) would be the event host this July.
Албукерки, New Mexico was a leading destination host, међутим, PAN-AM Board members voted in favor of Monterrey as the ultimate location.
WMMAA Mexico, as well as Monterrey as the host city this year, is a huge step in the development of the championships and movement as a whole,” Иу додао. “Monterrey has been an active sport city. It was the first city to bid on the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics. Monterrey had never bid on an Olympic Game prior to its effort to bid for the 2014 Summer Youth Olympics. The city did host several matches of the 1986 FIFA World Cup.
The moment we have all been waiting for is finally here as the 2017 Pan-American Championships will take place in Monterrey, Mexico this coming Јул 14-15. The final decision has been made and now it is time to exhale, relax, and peacefully wait for the upcoming grand event, gathering people from all around the world to watch their country’s athletes competing among the best.

Промотер Ивон Мицхел поставља рекорд директно у вези са Отказаним елиминатором титуле Бетербиев-Баррера ИБФ

Нико не жели да се бори против непораженог противника у полутешкој категорији Артура Бетербијева (Р)
(Фото Винцент Етхиер)
МОНТРЕАЛ (Март 13, 2017 – Група Ивон Мишел (ТЕРЕТАНА) председник Ивон Мишел је у складу с тим одговорио на неутемељене наводе које је недавно у медијима изнео сулливан Баррера о теретани и њеном непораженом светском противнику у полутешкој категорији, Артур Бетербиев, да постави рекорд у вези са недавно најављеном отказаном међународном боксерском федерацијом Бетербиев-Баррера (ИБФ) елиминатор наслова у полутешкој категорији.
“Упркос Барериним тврдњама,” Мишел је инсистирао, “није потписао уговор јер никада није намеравао да се бори са Артуром. У писму тима Баррера, лагао је и показивао своје незнање покушавајући да одврати пажњу од чињеница.
“За закључак ове несрећне саге, ИБФ ме је обавестио да је донео одлуку о забрани Баррери са светске ранг листе, или од учешћа у некој од његових санкционисаних борби, у наредних шест месеци. Такође сам обавештен о томе, ако нико у врху ИБФ-а 10 је доступан и пристаје да се бори против Артура, ИБФ ће га прогласити својим бр. 1 обавезни изазивач за победника реванша Вард-Ковалев. Артур ће се вратити у ринг крајем априла, почетком маја. Обавезна одбрана победника Вард-Ковалев ИИ, или Вард ако се та борба не догоди, треба да буде у септембру.”
ЈаОцене БФ полутешке категорије: Шампион – Андре Вард, 1. Неоцењено, 2. Артур Бетербиев, 3. Сергеј Ковалев, 4. Ерик Скоглунд, 5. Енрицо Коллинг, 6. ОБУСТАВЉЕНО, 7. Олександар Гвоздик, 8. Доминиц Босел , 9. Роберт Голдфинцх, 10. Трент Броадхурст.
Испод, Мицхел поставља рекорд право, тачку по тачку, у смислу отвореног писма које је тим Баррера послао медијима.
Мицхел није преговарао са Баррериним промотором, Кети Дува, и затражио је да одмах иде на ташну.
“Кети Дува (Генерални директор / Главни догађаји) дошао у моју канцеларију дан пре истека крајњег рока одређеног за прихватање Баррере да учествује у ИБФ елиминатору наслова да бих разговарао о ситуацији. Надали смо се да ћемо се борити против Баррере, али зато што му је забрањено путовање у Канаду, Потврдио сам нашу намеру са гђом. Дува да смести Барреру и напусти Канаду и води борбу у Сједињеним Државама. У истој смо позицији били и пре годину дана, када се Баррера повукао из истог елиминатора наслова јер није могао да добије визу за борбу у Канади. Артур је тада требало да се бори против Каро Мурата, али је задобио повреду и није могао да се бори. Баррера је касније поразио Мурата да би прешао на обавезну позицију ИБФ-а у којој је потом изгубио од Андреа Варда.
“Кети ми је рекла број који је имала на уму да се бори. Рекао сам да ћу видети има ли довољно средстава за тај износ и обећао сам да ћу је назвати следећег дана. Направио сам и објаснио да нема довољно ресурса да би се испунила та структура ташне. Ипак, недуго након што сам добио потврду, Баррера је званично прихватио изазов, Тада сам одлучио да кренем напред и одмах затражио датум понуде за ташну, што је прерогатив било ког промотора, знајући шта су главни догађаји’ очекивања у погледу ташне њиховог борца. У овом послу, сви знају да је најбољи начин да се утврди права тржишна вредност борбе ташна, где промотери процењују своје ресурсе и у складу с тим дају своје понуде. Имали смо још седам дана да понудимо понуду, једно и друго, и склопите уговор до пет минута пре него што је понуда доспела. Главни догађаји нам никада нису дали понуду, као ни ми.”
ГИМ-ова победничка понуда за торбицу је била $251,000, знатно више од главних догађаја’ понуда од $182,000, од којих би Бетербијев добио 75 одсто победничке понуде. Баррера би примио $62,750, у поређењу са $45,500 зарадио би да је његов властити промотер победио у понуди.
Бетербиев је на друштвеним мрежама известио да ће његова борба против Баррере бити одржана у марту 4тх у Бруклину, Њујорк и Мишел известили су да ће борба бити одржана крајем марта, почетком априла, у Њујорку. Баррера је тренирао за те датуме, али није добио уговор.
“ГИМ је освојио торбицу и у складу са ИБФ правилима и прописима, борба се морала одржати у року 30 на 90 дани,” Мицхел је наставио. “Депоновали смо $50,000, према правилима ИБФ-а, и добио потврдно писмо од ИБФ-а да је све у складу. Према ИБФ прописима, у склопу 15 дани након понуде за ташну, поднели смо уговоре за два борца. Артур је потписао својих пет минута након што је примио уговор, а затим је послат ИБФ-у. Извршили смо Баррерин уговор, шаљући га на Маин Евентс за Баррера са копијом послатом на ИБФ. Убрзо након што сам добио обавештење од ИБФ-а да је све у реду и да смо испоштовали захтеве ИБФ-а.”
Мицхел је послао неправилан договор на Маин Евент наводећи различите датуме.
“Знали смо да имамо датум ПБЦ-а, или Април 14, 21 или 29. Уобичајено је да се датуми борбе уписани у почетни борбени уговор разликују недељу дана пре или после наведеног датума. Контактирао сам председника ИБФ-а Дарил Пеоплес-а и рекао Април 21ул је био највероватнији датум, али да би то могло завршити недељу дана раније или касније. Препоручио је да буду транспарентни и да у уговор упишу сва три потенцијална датума. Јесмо и послали смо је на Главне догађаје да је Баррера потпише. Главни догађаји приметили су да правила ИБФ-а кажу да у уговору могу бити написани само један датум и локација. Дарил је удовољио приговору па смо тада званично потврдили април 21ул би био датум борбе, а Флорида место. Затим смо послали исправљени ИБФ уговор о борби за извршење теретане натраг на Главне догађаје, а потписао га је Баррера и поднео ИБФ-у фебруара 16тх.
“У међувремену, ГИМ је добио захтев, са Главног догађаја за израду споразума о пружању услуга за Баррерино учешће. ГИМ није био дужан да позитивно испуни тај захтев, али, као показивање добре вере, учинили смо то у уверењу да ће уговор потписати Баррера и Главни догађаји ће га поднети у канцеларији ИБФ-а, тог дана, према њеним правилима. Убрзо након, ГИМ је добио писмо од председавајућег ИБФ шампионата, Мр. Линдсеи Туцкер, да су испуњени сви услови за званично санкционисање сукоба.”
Место за борбу на Флориди одабрао је ГИМ из три разлога. 1. Премлаћивање Баррере у његовом дворишту послало би Бетербијеву снажну поруку унутар дивизије; 2. ГИМ је добио понуду председника компаније СМИ Спортс анд Ентертаинмент из Миамија М.. Ериц Сенецал, који су желели да купе права за продукцију догађаја; 3. ГИМ-ов дугогодишњи и веома близак однос са промоцијама Варриорс са седиштем на Флориди, Мр. Леон Маргулес.
У име теретане, Маргулес је резервисао 21. априла датум са Флоридском атлетском комисијом. СМИ Спортс & Забава је склопила договор са ГИМ-ом који је имао рок да положи уговорену новчану гаранцију. Резервисали су Семиноле Хард Роцк арену у Форт Лаудердале-у. Ако СМИ није могао да испоручи новац и локацију, ГИМ је имао резервни план, предложио Маргулес, који је имао договор и сајт на чекању, Тркалиште Хиалеах у оближњем Холивуду (Флорида). Без обзира шта би се десило, борба је била загарантована на локацији на Флориди, Април 21ул за ПБЦ догађај који ће се преносити на ФС1.
Менаџера Баррере контактирао је један од промотора како би помогао да се плати Ивон Мицхел и финансира борба.
“Ово је мучна тврдња и страшна лаж,” Мицхел је рекао. “Нико који заступа теретану никада није поднео такав захтев. Истина је локални промотер, М. Мицхаел Лузбет, које никада раније нисам срео и никада нисам склапао било какве договоре, желео да буде партнер СМИ Спортс анд Ентертаинмент. Покушао је да сакупи свој део новца за учешће, али СМИ се брзо одвојио од Мицхаел Лузбета.
“Како група (СМИ) прикупљање новца заправо није била моја брига, али нашли су спонзоре и рачунали су на важну заједницу Куебеца која је у то доба године боравила на Флориди, као и важно кубанско становништво и њихови контакти са руском заједницом, да прода ВИП столове и карте. Желело је права за приказивање емисије на Флориди, али били су забринути јер су чули гласину да Баррера није потписао уговор и да ће се повући из борбе.
Затим су затражили гаранцију да је Баррера (који живи у Мајамију) су се борили пре него што су потврдили њихов новчани депозит. У то време сам био у граду Куебец на борби Алварез-Буте. Мр. Линдсеи Туцкер је била тамо и заступала ИБФ и разговарао сам с њим. Рекао је да вјерује да је ИБФ добио потписани уговор од Баррере. I contacted SYM to say everything was fine and that I had requested a copy (of the Barrera-signed contract) from Lindsey. Daryl People then informed me that there was a misunderstanding and they did not have a signed contract from Barrera. It is only then I realized Main Events had pressured Barrera to sign the agreement without success. We asked the IBF president to pressure Main Events to have Barrera sign the contract because, without it, we were jammed in the promotion of the event. This is exactly what happened.
Team Barrera implied that Yvon Michel couldn’t promote a show of this magnitude in the U.S.
I’ve promoted more than 200 shows, never defaulting or cancelling a single show, including involvement in more than 50 world championship fights and many multi-million dollars events, much bigger than this title eliminator. This statement just shows his ignorance about what we’re all about and who we are and was just smoke screen to his behavior. I’ve promoted shows with the majority of the major promoters in the world; ДиБелла Забава, Warriors Promotions, Don King Promotions, Голден Бои, Main Eventsjust about everybody. It was unbelievable for them to write such an impertinent line.
Team Barrera unjustly belittled the quality of Beterbiev’s last two opponents, calling them cow farmers from Argentina.
This is terrible to be so insolent to fellow world contenders. Both fighters were world ranked in the top 15 у то време. (Ezequiel Osvaldo) Мадерна (23-2, 16 КОс) had never been knocked out and (Исидро) Прието (26-1-3, 22 КОс) had suffered only one loss, a decision to the WBC #1 contender Eleider Alvarez. Beterbiev knocked them both out (Maderna in the fourth round, Прието у првом), па спуштајући квалитет Артура 2016 противника је било потпуно неоправдано. Ако је Баррера икада заиста ушао у ринг са Бетербијевом, пао би у исту категорију као Мадерна и Прието, који су обојица били жестоки конкуренти, али нису били у истој лиги Бетербијева.”
Мишел је чврсто уверен да Баррера никада није намеравао да се бори против Бетербијева за његов део понуде, да заташкају, покушао је кривицу свалити на друге. Његов промотер је потрошио време и новац за понуду на захтев свог борца, Баррера, верујући да има легитимне шансе да победи у борби. Очигледно је да Баррера није делио осећање, чак и ако би борба требало да се одржи у његовом дворишту на Флориди.
The truth of this matter is that Barrera lied to distract media attention from the fact he didn’t sign a contract and clearly wanted no part of Beterbiev,” Michel concluded. “We don’t disrespect any contender who prefers not to challenge Artur Beterbiev for the mandatory position. We also believed that Main Events did everything in its power to convince their fighter to keep his words and to go forward with the fight. Main Events is not at blame. We also have respect for Barrera’s fighting abilities but we have no respect for the person Barrera is with his despicable, unprofessional, shameful and disgraceful attitude in handling the present situation.
On a personal note, I have never met Sullivan Barrera. I never had to directly communicate with him, I never had to do business with him, everything went through his promoter, Main Events, and I really don’t envy them! Ускоро, GYM will have two light heavyweight world champions and I can guarantee Barrera will never be in their plans.
We’ve moved on from Sullivan Barrera to find an opponent who has the desire to step into the ring to fight Artur Beterbiev. While Barrera will still be suspended by the IBF, Beterbiev will be World Champion!”
Бетербиев, a two-time Russian Olympian, holds two amateur victories over his fellow countryman, Ковалев, the former world light heavyweight champion. Whether it’s Kovalev or Ward, Artur Beterbiev will be more than ready for the challenge to fight for the world light heavyweight championship this September.
Твиттер: ивонмицхелгим, @ABeterbiev
Инстаграм: @YvonMichelGYM, @Groupeyvonmichel, @ArturBetebiev
О ИВОН МИЦХЕЛ ГРОУП (ТЕРЕТАНА): Група Ивон Мишел (ТЕРЕТАНА) је основан 2004 од Ивона Мишела и његових сарадника. Мисија организације је развој боксера на високом нивоу кроз тренерску подршку и посебно путем такмичарског менаџмента. Да би постигла своје циљеве, ГИМ активно регрутује таленте и организује догађаје и повезан је са популарном серијом, “Премиер Бокс шампиона (ПБЦ),” и развио је главна Видеотрон партнерства са Лото Куебец, ТВА Спортс, Центер Видеотрон, Цасино де Монтреал и Лац Леами, Тоник ГроупИмаге и Лапоинте Дентал Центер, поред блиске сарадње са Риком.


Фотографија Кредит: JBAutissier/Panoramic
Монтреал (Децембар 27, 2016) – Група Ивон Мишел (ТЕРЕТАНА) is proud to announce the promotional contract signing of 2016 French Olympian Christian M’Billi Assomo to an exclusive promotional contact.He will settle in Quebec and make his professional debut there in early 2017.
Known in the ring as Le Solide” (The Solid), Assomo will arrive in Montreal at the beginning of January, when he will start working with world-class trainer Marc Ramsay and his outstanding team.
The spectacular 21-year-old Assomo has all the tools to achieve his goal of becoming world champion, as well as a great star in international boxing. As a Frenchman, his primary language is that spoken in Quebec, which will facilitate his adaptation and connection with the local media.
A native of Yaoundé in Cameroon, he moved at the age of seven to France, where he learned by chance to box at the Montargis Club. Assomo quickly developed into a powerful, serious tough and highly successful boxer. He became a major name on the international amateur scene in the middleweight division (165 lbs./75 kg).
A member of the French Army, Assomo had a truly impressive amateur record, capturing gold medals at the 2013 European Junior Championship, 2014 European Union Championship и European Olympic Qualification Tournament, as well as maintaining an unbeaten record (4-0) in the World Series of Boxing (ВСБ).
У 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Бразил, Assomo defeated Ukrainian Dmytro Mytrofanov and Ecuadorian Marlon Delgado prior tolosing in a furious battle to the eventual Olympic gold medalist, Arlen Lopez, ofCuba.
At the outset,” GYM President Ивон Мишел рекао, “we were interested in his talent, determination and willingness to do well. There’s also his engaging personality and he has the discipline to become the best. We are very excited to work with him. I am convinced that he has the potential to become world champion.
I am very pleased with this agreement with the Groupe Yvon Michel,” Assomo додао. “I’m sure this is the beginning of a great adventure. I look forward to my first performance. GYM knew how to attract me: by its past, by the boxers it supports, by its structure,”
After a good career among amateurs, rich in results,” French National Boxing Team coach John Dovi explained, “it is time for Christian to go into the pro ranks. His offensive style and overall boxing skills will allow him, I am sure, to reach the highest level.
I started following Christian M’Billi’s amateur career two years ago and his successes on the international scene were more than impressive,” Ramsey цомментед. “I am very happy to associate myself with such a disciplined and talented boxer. I see a very promising future for this young man.
Christian M’Billi fuels such high intensity,” GYM Vice President of Operations and Recruitment Bernard Barré приметио. “Fans will be in ecstasy watching such a powerful and exciting pugilist.
Assomo, who is currently training in France, fought his last amateur bout on December 3rd. The goal is to have him boxing on Фебруар 9 at the Cabaret du Casino de Montréal.
Старост: 21 (Март 26, 1995)
Birthplace: Yaoundé, Cameroon
Residence: Montargis, Француска
Подела: Миддлевеигхт (165 lb in the amateurs)
Висина: 5’9
Stance: Orthodox
Надимак: ”Le Solide
Participant at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games
Undefeated in the World Series of Boxing (ВСБ), 4-0 запис
Gold medalist at the 2016 Olympic European Qualification Tournament
Gold medalist at the 2014 European Union Championship
Gold medalist at the 2013 European Junior Championship
Gold medalist at the 2015 French Championship
Record of 72-13-1
О ИВОН МИЦХЕЛ ГРОУП (ТЕРЕТАНА): Група Ивон Мишел (ТЕРЕТАНА) је основан 2004 од Ивона Мишела и његових сарадника. Мисија организације је развој боксера на високом нивоу кроз тренерску подршку и посебно путем такмичарског менаџмента. Да би постигла своје циљеве, GYM actively recruits talent and organizes events. GYM is associated with the popular series, “Премиер Бокс шампиона (ПБЦ),” и развио је главна Видеотрон партнерства са Лото Куебец, ТВА Спортс, Центер Видеотрон, Цасино де Монтреал и Лац Леами, Тоник ГроупИмаге и Лапоинте Дентал Центер, поред блиске сарадње са Риком.

Lee Baxter Promotions Card Postponed; McGuinness and Miljas to fight October 28


Торонто, Онтарио, Канада (Октобар 25, 2016) – Due to unforeseen circumstances, Lee Baxter Promotions’ card scheduled for Четвртак evening at the Powerade Center in Brampton, Ontario has been postponed until further notice.

Two of Baxter’s fighters scheduled to appear on that card, 130 pound contender Logan “Cotton” McGuinness and heavyweight prospect Mladen “Monster” Miljas, will now fight Октобар 28 at the Deerfoot Inn & Casino in Calgary, Алберта, Канада.

A former NABA champion at 126, 130 и 135 фунти, McGuinness signed with Lee Baxter Promotions in July. McGuinness, 23-0-1 (10 КО је), is fighting for the first since May 2015 and meets Noel Rincon, 18-9-1 (10 КО је), of Mexico over eight rounds. With a victory, the 29-year-old Ontario native hopes to get back in the mix.

Known as “Monster” due to his crushing power and impressive physical stature, Miljas looks to go 2-0 as a pro when he challenges Mexican Adrian Garcia, 1-1 (1 КО), in a four rounder.

“”I’m glad I was able to keep Logan and Mladen fighting even after our card was postponed,” said Lee Baxter. “The card will be rescheduled in the near future but in the meantime it’s important to keep my fighters busy. Logan’s been very sharp in training and Mladen has the look of a good heavyweight prospect based on what we saw in his pro debut.”

Бактер, who is growing his stable of talented boxers, also looks forward to the career changing opportunity his fighter Samuel Vargas has when he faces unbeaten Danny GarciaНовембар 12.

“We’ve got a lot of nice things on the horizon and I believe that Sammy is going to surprise a lot of people. His trainers know everything there is to be known about Garcia and Team Vargas was thrilled when we heard he accepted the fight.

I’ve also got Kane Heron returning from a few lingering injuries and he’ll be back by the end of the year. He is a truly special talent and one of boxing’s best kept secrets. Најважније, we will continue to grow and invest in our fighters while providing quality events in Canada.”

За више информација, please visit LeeBaxterpromotions.com.


Монтреал (Септембар 29, 2016) Ottawa and Outaouais boxing fans in Canada will receive a special Christmas gift when Montreal’s adopted son and the most dangerous world title challenger, Артур Бетербиев (10-0, 10 КОс), faces Paraguay slugger and reigning WBC Latino light heavyweight champion Исидро Прието Ранони (26-1-3, 22 КОс) in a real power punching affair, Децембар 23 in Gatineau као део GYM Boxing Series, presented by the Casino de Lac Leamy in collaboration with Videotron.
Beterbiev is world ranked by all over the major sanctioning bodies: Међународна Бокинг Федератион (ИБФ) #2, Ворлд Бокинг савет (ВБЦ) and World Boxing Association (ВБА) #3, Ворлд Бокинг Организатион (ВБО) #4, и Прстен magazine #6.
ВБО #10 rated contender Prieto has won his last two fights by knockout, since losing by unanimous decision to Елеидер Алварез in a spectacular 12-round fight, in which he refused to give an inch to the WBC # 1 challenger on August 15, 2015 у Белл Центре у Монтреалу.
Expect fireworks as the KO ratio for Beterbiev and Prieto is an incredible 80-percent.
Despite the claims of some promoters and light heavyweight challengers,” Група Ивон Мишел (ТЕРЕТАНА председник Ивон Мишел рекао, “it’s a fact that Artur Beterbiev is the most dangerous and biggest threat to all of the world light heavyweight champions All contenders for titles change their minds when it comes to getting in the same ring with him,” said the president of GYM, Ивон Мишел.
Isidro Prieto is a fierce fighter who accepted the challenge, also believing he has the style to repel even the most courageous boxer. He is determined to make a name for himself December 23rd. We certainly admire his determination.
Артур Бетербиев
Beterbiev is a bright GYM prospect. A true jewel, the Chechen fighter brutalized the international amateur scene.
The ferocious Beterbiev represented Russia in two Olympic Games in Beijing and London. He also won a gold and silver medals at the prestigious World Amateur Championships, as well as gold medals in numerous amateur tournaments including the Wold Cup and European Championships.
У 2010, the International Boxing Association (АИБА) named him its Boxer of the Year, as the best pound-for-pound amateur fighter in the world. He also defeated current WBO light-heavyweight world champion Сергеј Ковалев у аматерима.
The gladiator from Daghestan left behind family and friends to fulfill his dream of becoming a professional world champion.
He has all the qualities required to become world champion,” highly regarded strength-and-conditioning coach Andre Kulesza said of Beterbiev when he first signed a promotional contract with GYM. “He is healthy and always positive. He is highest level of athlete who I have ever had the chance to work with in Montreal. He has a superior genetically than anybody I ever work with and that’s really saying something! Artur is naturally strong, agile and flexible. He will go up very quickly and destroy his rivals. Expect lots of KOs,”
Као професионалац, Beterbiev has destroyed every opponent he’s faced. In only his sixth fight, he crushed former IBF champion Tavoris Cloud in less than two rounds to capture the NABA strap.
У његовом Сховтиме деби, Beterbiev stopped previously undefeated Jeff Page Jr. Други круг. Spaniard southpaw Габријел Цампилло was next in line, in an IBF eliminator bout for the IBF #2 world ranking, which was televised in the first Premier Boxing Champions show, live on CBS. Цампилло, a former WBA champion, was dropped and then viciously knocked out in the fourth round.
Beterbiev knocked out American southpaw Алекандер Јохнсон in the seventh round, live on Spike TV, Јун 12, 2015 у Чикагу.
After a one-year absence due to a shoulder injury, Beterbiev climbed back in the ring, his first main PBC main event broadcasted on ESPN this past Јун 4 at the Bell Centre against Argentine Olympian Ezequiel Maderna, who failed to get through the fourth round.
Highly ranked by all the sanctioning bodies despite having only 10 про туче, Beterbiev has opened eyes all around the boxing world, and the scariest part is that it is only the beginning for him.
I’m really happy with the turn of events,” Beterbiev remarked. During his time in Montreal Prieto has shown that he is a true warrior and that’s the kind of opponent I want to face. “
With his WBO #10 ранкинг, “Beterbiev’s trainer Marc Ramsay приметио, “Prieto is by far the best fighter available to fight Artur. He is very aggressive and his style insures a fight filled with action. “
Исидро “Ратник” Прието
Prieto has dreamed of becoming the first Paraguayan world boxing champion.

After winning his first six pro fights and the Paraguay national title, he resettled in Argentina in 2009 to continue his development. In Buenos Aires, Prieto was taken under the wing of the first coach, Раул Паниагуа, mentor and uncle of former world championСерхио “Чудо” Мартинез.

We have always encouraged each other, me and Sergio,” Prieto said in an interview with a South American website. “He started from the bottom and that is why we have so many things in common.

Тренутно ранкед # 10 по ВБО, “Ратник” has wiped out South American competition, knocking out most of his rivals, including Brazilian brawler Jackson Junior.
His lone defeat was to WBC Silver champion Alvarez, and since then Prieto has won two bouts, both by knockout. Slick and freakishly strong with heavy hands, Prieto is a serious threat.
I’ve worked in various places but the Casino du Lac Leamy is one of the places I love the most, ” додао Éric Bélanger, trainer and organizer of events in the Gatineau and Ottawa regionIt’s beautiful and prestigious; intimate but the atmosphere is amazing. Everyone connects and is part of the show. Gatineau also has a fan base that loves boxing. With Artur Beterbiev, it will be a major league boxing card, and I am sure that the region will be happy to be part of it.
Ticket information will soon be announced


2012 Canadian Olympian Custio Clayton to headline

Undefeated welterweight prospect Custio Clayton will headline GYM’s Нов. 20тх show in Montreal

Монтреал (Септембар 23, 2016) –– The “ТЕРЕТАНА 2016-2017 BOXING SERIES”, a “Presentation of Casino de Montreal in collaboration with Videotronwill officially begin Октобар 20 and that professional boxing card has been announced today by Groupe Yvon Michel (ТЕРЕТАНА) председник

Ивон Мишел.
У 10-колу главног догађаја, 2012 Канадски Олимпијац Цустио Цлаитон (9-0, 7 КОс) will face the biggest challenge of his young career in his tenacious Mexican opponent, RamsesEl FaraonAgaton (17-4-3, 9 КОс).
Цлаитон, based in Montreal since his professional debut, also headlined theGYM-CASINOseries last season. In three series bouts held at the Cabaret du Casino in 2016, је престао Француза Stanislas Salmon (25-3-2), Американац Хектор Муноз (23-17-1) and Mexican Jose Emilio Perea (23-6-1).
I work hard every week and I always feel better when I work out,” Clayton said. “I had a solid training camp in Montreal and a few days in Ottawa with my trainer. I’ll be ready!”
Agaton is a fast, skilled and aggressive southpaw who lost a tough, majority decision to the North American Boxing Federation (НАБФ) шампион, Константин Пономарев (28-0), Русије, last November in Las Vegas. Agaton has notable victories over Ronald Montes (16-0), Алејандро Баррера (25-1) и Alvaro Robles (17-2-2).
Charismatic Марие-Еве Дицаире (4-0, 0 КОс), of St-Eustache, will step into the ring in a 6-round fight for only the second time of her career versus Karla Zamora (3-2-0, 1 КО), Мексика, у ко-функције.
Dicaire will be fighting at Cabaret du Casino for the fourth time having already defeated Manitoba’s Christina Berry (0-2-0), Мексиканац Martha Patricia Lara (9-4-0) и амерички Ashleigh Curry (7-9-4) in her previous appearances in her previous fights there
The Casino is becoming my home, ” the 30-year-old southpaw commented. “I cannot wait to box again This is the longest I’ve been without climbing into the ring and everything is good to the point. I am transformed! I look forward to applying the new details worked on in the gym.
A protégé of world light heavyweight contender and 2-time Russian Olympian, Артур Бетербиев, pro-debuting super bantamweight Висланске Далкхаев (7-0-0, 2 КОс) will try to continue his demolition work in the pro ranks against Rodrigo Adrian Campos (10-4-0, 5 КОс), Мексика, in a scheduled 8-round fight.
During his illustrious amateur career, Dalkhaev’s major accomplishment was defeating 2-time Olympic gold medalist Robeisy Ramirez, Кубе, at a 2010 tournament in Kazakhstan. Ramirez recently beat American star Shakur Stevenson championship final of the bantamweight (56 кг) division at the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil this past summer. Based on his rich amateur pedigree, Dalkhaev has a very promising pro boxing career.
Vislan is very impressive in training and he is improving with every bout,” његов тренер
Марк Рамсеиприметио. “We see consistent development by him,”
Twenty-two-year old Dario Bredicean (9-0, 3 КОс), who is trained by the Grant brothers, will also be in action against tough Frenchman Baptiste Castegnaro (8-9, 4 КОс).
An American of Romanian descent who was discovered by former world champion Лучијан Буте, Bredicean fought twice at the Casino last season, winning impressive decisions over Mexican Jaudiel Zepeda (12-14-1) and Quebecer François Miville (7-4).
Patrice Volny (2-0, 1 КОс), од Монтреала, will fight for the third time at the Cabaret of the Casino de Montréal. Spectacular in his two previous appearances there, where he delivered a brutal KO overМишел Тсалла (1-11-2) and dominated Charles Hauver (за деби), he will trade blows this time with pro-debuting Cuban Oscar Masso Cando, who is a veteran of 250 amateur fights and now lives in Lévis, Québec.
Лак Dwayne Durel, of nearby Laval (4-0-0, 2 КОс), is a former kickboxer, also trained by the Grant brothers, who also will be on the card against a rival to be determined.
Alexandre Choko against doping
In a special attraction, Монтреал'с Alexandre Choko will make his pro debut at the age of 42. An activist in boxing’s anti-doping, he wants to raise awareness of the dangers of doping products by fighting in the ring himself.
The identity of his rival will be unveiled next week.
Иvents at The Casino
GYM BOXING SERIES PRESENTED BY THE CASINO DE MONTRÉAL IN COLLABORATION WITH VIDEOTRONis based on a formula that has been very popular from 2005 на 2010. During this period, no less than nine participants went on to become world champions. For its 13th year, GYM repeated this formula in which the proximity of the action, along with the warm and electrifying ambiance, plus the intensity of the fights, provides a unique experience.
Додатно, at each event ticket holders will receive a private invitation to mingle with the athletes and observers in an exclusive Casino bar this unique purpose.
We are very proud to launch this series with this excellent event. This is the first of 18 planned at the Casino of Montreal and Lac Lemay, over the 3 next years, a real gift for boxing fans in QuebecMichel concluded. “These are our stars of сутра. And again, each event at the Casino is a colorful show, a one of a kind party. This is exactly the kind of happening that fight fans do not want to miss!”
Event tickets for the event or season tickets are available to purchase via www.admission.ca or by calling at GYM’s office (514-383-0666).
О ИВОН МИЦХЕЛ ГРОУП (ТЕРЕТАНА): Група Ивон Мишел (ТЕРЕТАНА) је основан 2004 од Ивона Мишела и његових сарадника. Мисија организације је развој боксера на високом нивоу кроз тренерску подршку и посебно путем такмичарског менаџмента. Да би постигла своје циљеве, ГИМ активно регрутује таленте и организује догађаје и повезан је са популарном серијом, “Премиер Бокс шампиона (ПБЦ),” и развио је главна Видеотрон партнерства са Лото Куебец, ТВА Спортс, Центер Видеотрон, Цасино де Монтреал и Лац Леами, Тоник ГроупИмаге и Лапоинте Дентал Центер, поред блиске сарадње са Риком.

Lee Baxter Promotions Inks Logan McGuinness


Торонто, Онтарио, Канада (Август 3, 2016) – Toronto-based Lee Baxter Promotions is proud to announce the signing of undefeated super featherweight contender Logan “Cotton” McGuinness to an exclusive promotional agreement.

Living and fighting out of Orangeville, Онтарио, McGuinness has an outstanding 23-0-1 професионални књига са 10 victories coming by knockout. The 29-year-old McGuinness is a former WBA-NABA champion at 126, 130 и 135 фунти, earning NABA Fighter of the Year in 2011.

Formerly ranked number 4 in the world by the WBA, McGuinness has been inactive since May 2015 due to out of the ring issues and is excited to get back in the squared circle.

McGuinness said of his new promotional agreement and return to fighting in Canada “it feels great to have signed with Lee Baxter and this is something I feel has been a long time coming. I think the two of us will make some noise and do big things together. I have had an unfortunate couple of years as anyone who has followed my career understands but I’m a true believer in things happening for a reason and everything seems to be falling into place. I’m motivated and rejuvenated. I can’t wait to fight in Toronto!"

Бактер, a longtime fixture in the Canadian boxing scene who recently created the “Next Generation” fight series, is thrilled to be working with a longtime friend who he believes has a bright future ahead of him.

“I’m thrilled to be working with Logan and the timing is great for both of us. He had some unexpected layoffs but is still unbeaten and a very talented fighter. There’s been a public demand for him to fight in Canada again since 18 of his professional matches have been here and we’re proud to be making this happen. I’m looking at having him potentially fight twice in 2016 and the people in Ontario are as excited to see him fight as he is to fight in front of them. The sky is definitely the limit with Logan!"

Details on Logan’s return to the ring will be announced shortly.

Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson Scores Sensational Knockout Over Hard-Hitting Contender Thomas Williams Jr. In Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Main Event Friday Night From Centre Videotron in Quebec City, Канада

Middleweight Contenders Immanuwel Aleem & Демонд Ницхолсон
Fight to Majority Draw
Top Contender Eleider Alvarez Dominates Robert Berridge On Way to Unanimous Decision Victory
Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from Dave Nadkarni/Premier Boxing Champions
(Photos to be added shortly)
Кликните ОВДЕ for Main Event Highlights
КУЕБЕЦ ЦИТИ (Јул 30, 2016) – Лигхт светски шампион у тешкој категорији Адонис “Натчовек” Стивенсон (28-1, 23 КОс) delivered a highlight reel knockout victory over Тома “Top Dogg” Виллиамс Јр. (20-2, 14 КОс) in the fourth-round of an exciting main event showdown on Премиер Бокс шампиона о Шиљак Петак night from Centre Videotron in Quebec City, Канада.
It was a firefight,” said Stevenson. “He put pressure on me so I decided to put pressure on him too. It was a fight with two guys who could punch and it was spectacular. It was my daughter’s birthday and I gave her a great gift.
The defending champion Stevenson, fighting in his adopted hometown, put Williams down in round one with a straight left hand. Williams was able to recover and began to fire back in round two. Међутим, Stevenson’s jab consistently sent Williams backtracking, while Williams abandoned the jab and attempted to cut the distance with power punches from difficult angles. Williams staggered the world champion several times, using an effective counter right hand while getting the best of many exchanges.
Both men were hurt in an exciting third round that saw momentum swing in each man’s favor before the bell rang to end the round. A cut opened up over the left eye of Williams in the end of the round that was tended to in his corner. Williams hit the canvas as a result of a low blow early in the fourth, but regained his footing shortly after.
The notorious power puncher Stevenson eventually landed the deciding blow of the night when he caught Williamschin hanging in the pocket and delivered a straight left hand that put the challenger to the floor. Вашингтон, DC area-native was unable to recover, prompting referee Michael Griffin to stop the bout 2:54 into the fourth round.
Additional televised action saw rising middleweight contendersИмануел Алеем (16-0-1, 9 КОс) и Демонд Ницхолсон (17-1-1, 16 КОс) fight to a majority draw in their eight-round bout.
Neither fighter was able to control of the fight with Nicholson attempting to use his length and jab while Aleem tried to cut the distance and attack with short punches. Nicholson appeared to have the more effective attack in the early rounds, while Aleem began to have more success as the fight shifted to toe-to-toe action in the second half of the fight.
Судије’ scores reflected the close nature of the fight as one judge had it 77-74 for Aleem while the other two judges had it a 76-76 нацртати.
The televised opener saw Елеидер “Олуја” Алварез (20-0, 10 КОс) keep his perfect record intact with a unanimous decision victory over New Zealand’s Robert Berridge (27-5, 21 КОс) in a 10-round light heavyweight affair.
I am happy with the win, but I would have liked a knockout! He was tough, but he did not hurt me at all and I thought that I hurt him. I am ready for my next challenge, which will hopefully be a world title fight.
The top-rated contender for Stevenson’s title, Alvarez established his jab early on while attacking the body of Berridge with right hooks. Alvarez continued to control the fight from a distance as Berridge was slow to begin increasing his output before he started putting the pressure on in round five.
The southpaw Berridge was able to land occasionally on Alvarez with a looping left hand, but never put the undefeated fighter in danger. Alvarez began to have more success varying up his attack with right uppercuts and hooks that eventually left Berridge’s right eye swollen and bruised.
Alvarez took home the decision by scores of 99-90 и 98-92 двапут.
PBC on Spike was promoted by Group Yvon Michel (ТЕРЕТАНА).
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