Tag Arsip: Camille Estephan



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Photo Kredit: Golden promosi Boy

Las Vegas (Jan. 17) – Golden promosi Boy alongside Eye of the Tiger Managementheld an intimate roundtable at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, to discuss the recent signing of David Lemieux (33-2, 31 KOs) to Golden Boy Promotions. The impressive middleweight contender Lemieux, Ngadegkeun jeung Présidén Golden promosi Boy Oscar De La Hoya, Future Galéri Famer jeung Golden Boy promosi Rakan Bernard Hopkins, President of Eye of the Tiger Management Camille Estephan, and Senior Vice President of Golden Boy Promotions Eric Gomez were all in attendance.


The hard-hitting Montreal native’s next bout was confirmed to be broadcasted on HBO and Lemieux expressed his interest in fighting the best in the middleweight division. Below is what the Montreal native, his promoters and his management had to say:


DAVID LEMIEUX, Middleweight Contender


I have put in the work. What you saw in Brooklyn was only 50 percent of what I can do and I feel like I can be a lot better. I want to show that in my next fight.


I fear no man, I want to go after the top of the food chain. Oscar and Bernard came up fighting the best and I am of the same mind.


Canelo is a younger, hungrier fighter. He is explosive. He is a tough fighter and it would be a good match up.


Everyone is on the list. Kuring hayang ngalawan anu pangalusna.


The reason I started so young was because I was a trouble maker. I was fighting in the streets. My neighbor was a boxer and he told me to come fight real fighters. I got my ass kicked a few times but I fell in love with it.


We want to make a good run at 160 and then think about moving up in weight.


I have always liked power punchers and I respect othersstyles and other champions, but I never mimic them.


Oscar De La Hoya, Ngadegkeun jeung Présidén Golden promosi Boy


We are exploring every option. We can go to Montreal, we can go back to New York City, we can come to Las Vegas; that’s the beauty of David. He can fight anywhere and people will come out to watch him.


He’s still growing. We haven’t seen his full potential which is very exciting. He has explosiveness and power.


We will be working hand and hand with Eye of the Tiger Management. We are partners and we want the best fights, the best deals. We will be working together in the best interest for David.


A future fight with Canelo is possible. Canelo wants to fight the best. Lemieux wants to fight the best. For now we want to focus on 160-pounds weight class and on Cotto, Andy lee and Golovkin.


Bernard Hopkins, Future Galéri Famer jeung Golden Boy promosi Rakan


We got this guy [Lemieux], he is tough. I know Gabriel Rosado and he handled him easily. I know what I am looking at. I have an eye for talent and he has it.


We are going to continue and show you that we will put on the best fights and give the fans quality. I’m in it to make the best fights. The ratings speak for themselves. The fans speak for themselves. Judge us by the quality of the matches you see and don’t get caught up in the ‘feelingsof it.


I want to put a call out to everyone, that is how Oscar was brought up, that is how I was brought up, fighting the best.


Three things about David: hiji, he signed with Golden Boy Promotions; dua, he has talent in many ways, not only is he a fan favorite he is a good defensive fighter; three, he has good looks.


I am seeing now the molding of another legacy, his legacy. But at the end of the day he has an opportunity in the middle weight division, I am glad to be here with a middleweight who I feel already has a lot of respect.


CAMILLE ESTEPHAN, President of Eye of the Tiger Management


Canelo is on the list. Cotto is on the list. Golovkin is on the list. Andy Lee is on the list. Everyone is on the list.


I definitely think he is the most popular boxer, the numbers prove it. He has a lot of potential and the sky is the limit.


I got a call yesterday from someone in the boxing world about how exciting it is to be working with Golden Boy and he said ‘David is like a sunshine that beams on the world of boxingand it is very heartwarming. It’s heartwarming to sit down with Oscar, Bernard and Eric, whom I have gotten to know very well since the Rosado fight. This is great group of people and I think that we can build something together that will make a huge impact in the boxing world.


David is the one guy, that as soon as I saw him the first time in the gym, the first sit-up he did and the last sit-up he did were exactly the same, he doesn’t cheat. He has the ultimate confidence because he doesn’t cheat himself and I have the ultimate respect for him. I am very proud of him as a person.


Eric Gomez, Senior Wawakil Présidén Golden promosi Boy


After the Rosado fight, Lemieux was impressive and we began talks with Camille. People love David and it made sense. David has an exciting style.


We are looking at HBO, the ratings against Rosado were some of the best all year. They are very excited about David.

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Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék www.goldenboypromotions.jeung jeung www.eottm.com on Twitter @GoldenBoyBoxing, OscarDeLaHoya, EOTMVD, lemieuxboxing, jadi kipas dina Facebook di www.Facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing jeung www.facebook.com/EyeoftheTigerManagement or follow on Instagram @GoldenBoyBoxing, @OscarDeLaHoya and@DavidLemieuxBoxing.

Golden promosi budak tim nepi ka panon OF THE Lodaya Manajemén jeung tanda nungkulan David Lemieux

Los Angeles (Jan. 16) – Golden promosi Boy jeung Eye of the Tiger Management geus ngagabung babarengan salaku Kanada paporit kipas jeung de gaya tour David Lemieux has signed an exclusive promotional contract with Golden promosi Boy. After his explosive headlining debut in the U.S. di Barclays Center di Brooklyn, Ny, dina Dec. 6, nu tercinta Ambri asli teu ngan dipikagaduh judul middleweight NABF-Na, tapi kabukti kritik yén manéhna téh kakuatan anu kuat dina 160 kelas pound.


Lemieux impressed salaku manéhna knocked turun Jibril “Raja” Rosado in the third round and won by technical knockout in the tenth round when the medical examiner stopped the fight due to Rosado’s terribly swollen left eye. ESPN’s Dan Rafael said “teu aya mamang nu David milik elit, manehna geus sababaraha karugian tapi loba batur sanggeus karugian geus kungsi careers raya kayaning Wladimir Klitschko. Manéhna ngabogaan loba potensi.”


Bout saméméhna Lemieux pikeun ngalawan ieu tumali Guerrero judul middleweight NABF mangka lowong ngabalukarkeun kira meunang dominating pikeun Lemieux, knocking turun Guerrero di babak kahiji, putaran kadua, babak katilu sarta pamustunganana hiji knockout téhnis di babak kaopat. Ayeuna Lemieux geus pasti ditempo salaku contender serius keur judul dunya jeung 2015 bouts ngalawan elit tina division nu.


Ayeuna rengking kadua ku WBC, kalima ku IBF jeung katilu ku WBO, Lemieux aya nu datang off tina win padeukeut kadalapan sarta knockout padeukeut katujuh.


“David Lemieux nyaéta idéal Golden Boy nu bajoang — hiji puncher daya anu seru pikeun fans pikeun lalajo jeung daék nyokot dina saha di division nu,” ceuk Golden Boy promosi ngadegkeun jeung Présidén Oscar De La Hoya. “Salaku kalénder robah warna ka warna ka 2015 jeung Golden Boy salajengna pokus delivering nu gelut nu fans hayang nempo, David Lemieux bakal cocog katuhu dina jeung stabil simkuring ngeunaan pejuang anyar.”


“David geus nembongkeun urang yén manéhna téh siap pikeun elit tina division jeung Abdi percaya ka jeung Golden Boy bakal ditempatkeun di kasempetan ngalawan pejuang ieu,” ceuk Camille Estephan Présidén Panon The Lodaya Management. “Kami baris geus warta pisan seru pikeun fans Daud jeung fans tinju sakuliah dunya.”


“Kami pisan pleased jeung bungah jeung pakaitna mah jeung Golden promosi Boy,” ceuk David Lemieux. “Kami siap nyanghareupan pangalusna jeung ieu téh misi anu méré ka Camille Estephan di Panon tina Management Lodaya jeung Oscar De La Hoya jeung Eric Gomez di Golden promosi Boy.”


Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék www.goldenboypromotions.jeung jeung www.eottm.com turutan dina TwitterGoldenBoyBoxing, OscarDeLaHoya, EOTMVD, lemieuxboxing, jadi kipas dina Facebook di www.Facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing jeung www.facebook.com/EyeoftheTigerManagement atawa nuturkeun dina InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing jeungOscarDeLaHoya.