Tag Archives: galo

Lenda de Los Angeles Inner-City Prospect invicto do peso galo John “Scrappy” Ramirez Lutando em casa pela primeira vez neste sábado

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LOS ANGELES (Março 17, 2022) – Prospecto invicto do peso-galo de Los Angeles John “Scrappy” Ramirez (8-0, 7 KOs) volta aos ringues neste sábado (Mar. 19) para enfrentar Roberto “Escorpion” Pucheta (10-20-3, 10 KOs), de México, em uma luta de 6 rounds no card Blair Cobbs-Alexis Rocha (substituindo Vergil Ortiz, Jr.-Michael McKinson), apresentado por Golden Boy Promotions.

O card principal será transmitido ao vivo no DAZN do USC Galen Center em Los Angeles; vá para a página do YouTube do Golden Boy para assistir o Ramirez vs. Transmissão ao vivo de Pucheta.

Ramirez é uma lenda do esporte no centro da cidade de LA. Sua jornada começou no gridiron, não em um anel, quando ele era um membro-chave do time de futebol Lincoln High, perfilado em um 2015 documentário, “ESPN 60: Letreiro.” Os jogadores eram de uma seção cheia de crimes de Hollywood, repleta de drogas e armas. Ramirez era um 5’ 4”, 160-libra correndo de volta em uma equipe que, começando na competição Pop Warner, e avançou para Lincoln High, que não teve sucesso no futebol. Lincoln High tornou-se tricampeão da liga, destacado por sua aparição nas semifinais em seu último ano, que acabou levando "Scrappy" a um lugar no elenco do time de futebol do Los Angeles Valley College.

“O local fica a apenas cinco minutos de carro da minha casa,” um Ramirez animado disse. “Eu literalmente passo por ele todos os dias. Eu cresci perto da USC e joguei futebol lá. Agora, Estou lutando no centro da cidade onde cresci. Isso é muito droga! Meu sonho é lutar no Staples Center, que é apenas uma viagem de três minutos para mim. estou me aproximando.

“Coisas assim não acontecem por acaso. Em março 18th, Vou mostrar minhas habilidades na frente do meu povo. LA é a Cidade dos Campeões, mas não temos um campeão mundial de boxe desde Oscar de la Hoya, que cresceu no leste de LA. Meu objetivo é ser o próximo campeão de LA.”

 “Descascado,” que foi um dos lutadores mais ativos do 2021 com sete lutas, fez a transição com sucesso do futebol para o boxe, embora uma carreira de boxe amador relativamente curta com apenas 25 partidas amadoras. Ele ganhou as principais honras no Campeonato Nacional Sugar Bert, bem como nos torneios regionais Golden Gloves e SoCal.

“Eu lutei pela última vez em dezembro 18th, tirou uma semana de folga, e voltou direto para o campo de treinamento no Brickhouse Boxing Club (N. Hollywood),”, acrescentou Ramirez, de 26 anos.. “Estou melhorando e isso é super empolgante para mim. Eu estive com meu treinador de força e condicionamento, encontro, e trabalhando em minhas habilidades de boxe. Meu treino não parou, vai com força total”.

Pucheta foi parado apenas uma vez em 33 lutas profissionais, de volta 2016 por Emanuel Navarrete, a atual Organização Mundial de Boxe (WBO) Super Campeão Peso Galo, quem pratica um 35-1 (29 KOs) registro profissional.

“Ele é duro, oponente durável,” Ramírez observou, “que esteve no ringue com muitas boas perspectivas. Esta é uma grande oportunidade para eu fazer uma declaração, tornando-me apenas o segundo a nocauteá-lo.”

Ritmo acelerado e desenvolvimento de Ramirez continua neste sábado, quando será "Scrappy Time" mais uma vez, só que desta vez em casa.

“Quero estar no topo e vou,", concluiu. “Toda luta me eleva. Meu objetivo é ser Não. 1 na minha categoria de peso, e eu vou chegar lá por causa do meu trabalho duro e dedicação.”


Site:  www.ZurdoPromotions.com

Facebook: /John Ramirez

Instagram: @zurdoramirez, @zurdopromotions, @Scrappyboxing

Chilro:  @ZurdoPromoções, @Gilberto Zurdo Ramirez

2022 é o ano do Grande Prêmio Mundial dos Pesos Galos BELLATOR



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OS ANJOS -Foi oficialmente anunciado hoje à noiteBellator 272: Pettis vs. Horiguchi evento que o prestigioso BELLATOR World Grand Prix do ano que vem acontecerá na incrível divisão peso galo da promoção. O vencedor da luta hoje à noite no Campeonato Mundial de 135 libras entreSergio Pettis eKyoji Horiguchi defenderá seu título no próximo ano no Grande Prêmio Mundial dos Pesos Galos apresentando uma luva dos oito melhores atletas que a categoria de peso tem a oferecer.

Além de Pettis e Horiguchi, o Grand Prix Mundial dos Pesos Galos está definido para apresentar o ex-campeão da divisãoJuan Archuleta, Não. 2 classificados-Raufeon Stots, Não. 3 classificados-Mixy Patchy, Não. 4 classificados-Magomed magomedov, Não. 5 classificados-Leandro Higo, e n. 6 classificados-James Gallagher, que irão competir pelo direito de serem nomeados o próximo campeão mundial peso galo BELLATOR e levar para casa um grande prêmio de um milhão de dólares.

Combinações da primeira rodada e detalhes adicionais, como datas, locais e alternativas de torneio serão revelados em breve.

Todas as lutas do torneio serão competições de cinco rodadas e serão transmitidas nos Estados Unidos exclusivamente no SHOWTIME.

O ex-campeão mundial peso galo do BELLATOR Kyoji Horiguchi entra na competição desta noite sem classificação devido à inatividade dentro da promoção. As classificações oficiais da BELLATOR serão atualizadas e distribuídas na segunda-feira, Dezembro. 6.

Campeão – Sergio Pettis (21-5):

Lutando fora de Milwaukee, Wisc.,Sergio Pettis conquistou a coroa do peso galo BELLATOR em maio 2021 ao destacar o ex-campeãoJuan Archuleta em uma competição acelerada emBELLATOR 258.Durante quase seis anos, 14-lutar contra o UFC, o produto Roufusport competiu nas classes de peso mosca e galo, colecionando nove vitórias e um par de honras de "Luta da Noite" contra Alex Cáceres e Matt Hobar em 2014. Antes de sua gestão no UFC, Pettis, o irmão mais novo do ex-campeão peso leve do UFC Anthony Pettis, ganhou títulos mundiais na divisão peso mosca da Resurrection Fighting Alliance e na classe de 135 libras do North American Fighting Championship. Após um trio de triunfos impressionantes sobre alguns membros da elite da divisão, O campeão peso galo de BELLATOR está definido para proteger seu cinturão e um imaculado 3-0 marca promocional entrando no torneio.

Ex-campeão peso galo do BELLATOR – Kyoji Horiguchi (29-3):

Vindo de Takasaki, Japão, a 31-year-oldKyoji Horiguchi é o atual campeão galo da RIZIN, que notoriamente se tornou um campeão, campeão de duas promoções em 2019 depois de derrubar e perturbar o então campeão do BELLATOR Darrion Caldwell no Madison Square Garden. Infelizmente, uma lesão forçaria Horiguchi a abrir mão de seu título de BELLATOR em 2019, e agora ele busca recuperar o cinturão em um confronto do evento principal com o atual campeãoSergio Pettis emBellator 272. Enquanto estava com RIZIN, o produto American Top Team acumulou uma impressionante 10-1 marca promocional, destacado por oito finalizações e cinco nocautes no primeiro turno. Adicionalmente, mais da metade das vitórias na carreira de Horiguchi vieram por nocaute. Agora, depois de recuperar sua faixa de peso galo RIZIN e vingar apenas sua terceira derrota em 32 passeios com destaque, nocaute na primeira rodada sobre Kai Asakura na véspera de Ano Novo 2020, a sensação japonesa lutando em Coconut Creek, Fla., pretende colocar as mãos de volta no título de BELLATOR

Não. 1 Peso galo classificado – Juan Archuleta (25-3):

Com o conjunto do Grand Prix Mundial peso galo, ex-campeão mundial BELLATOR e não. 1-classificadosJuan Archuleta vê um caminho claro para recuperar a coroa de 135 libras. Armado com 25 vitórias profissionais, Incluindo 12 por meio de K.O. ou submissão, o "espanhol" não tem problemas para parar os oponentes dentro da gaiola BELLATOR. O ex-campeão mundial King of the Cage em quatro divisões, quem detém vitórias sobre Patchy Mix, Henry Corrales, e Ricky Bandejas, se esforça para manter essa tendência durante todo o Grande Prêmio.

Não. 2 Peso galo classificado – Raufeon Stots (17-1):

Considerado um dos melhores lutadores de 135 libras do mundo, Raufeon “Supa” Stots está na conversa do título desde seu 2019 BELLATOR estreia. Atualmente em uma seqüência de nove vitórias consecutivas, o Não. 2-o peso galo classificado derrotou alguns dos melhores, incluindo Magomed Magomedov e Josh Hill, sufocando oponentes com habilidade de luta de alto nível. Ostentando um quase perfeito 17-1 registro, o produto Roufusport e duas vezes campeão da Divisão II da NCAA agora tem a oportunidade de competir por uma tão esperada coroa.

Não. 3 Peso galo classificado – Mixy Patchy (15-1):

Preparado para fazer sua sexta aparição promocional sob o guarda-chuva BELLATOR, o orgulho de angola, N.I., obteve vitórias por finalização nas duas primeiras rodadas, enquanto compilava um 4-1 recorde com a promoção liderada por Scott Coker. Buffalo de 28 anos, N.I.. nativo procura construir a partir de sua vitória mais recente emBellator 270 sobre James Gallagher na cidade natal de seu oponente, Dublin, Irlanda, mês passado. Antes de seu tempo com a BELLATOR, Mix dominou a competição enquanto estava no cenário regional ao coletar nove de seus 15 vitórias profissionais, incluindo cinco finalizações na primeira rodada. Agora, o especialista em finalizações enfrentará o desafio mais difícil de sua carreira, uma chance no torneio $1 prêmio de milhões e alça de 135 libras da BELLATOR.

Não. 4 Peso galo classificado – Magomed magomedov (18-2):

Depois de capturar cintos em diferentes organizações, Fenômeno daguestãoMagomed magomedov espera aumentar sua coleção levando ouro BELLATOR para casa. Acumulando uma impressionante 18-2 recorde de carreira com 12 via terminar, "Tiger" causou um impacto rápido na divisão de 135 libras da BELLATOR desde dezembro 2020 estreia promocional subindo para Não. 4 no ranking. Possuindo um ritmo alucinante e uma luta de luta superior, Magomedov tem potencial para ser uma luta de pesadelo para qualquer um no Grande Prêmio Mundial dos Pesos Galos BELLATOR.

Não. 5 Peso galo classificado – Leandro Higo (21-5):

Depois de perder peso para 135 libras, Leandro Higo está em crise ao vencer três lutas consecutivas e alertar toda a divisão do peso galo. Sob a tutela do famoso acampamento dos irmãos Pitbull, o brasileiro vem de uma luta muito disputada, vitória por decisão dividida sobre o ex-campeão mundial peso galo Darrion CaldwellatBellator 259 em maio 2021. Como 12 of Higo’s 21 as vitórias profissionais vieram por finalização, todo o suporte sabe que o Não. 5-peso galo classificado não será uma saída fácil.

Não. 6 Peso galo classificado – James Gallagher (11-2):

Vindo de Strabane, Irlanda, um dos mais brilhantes jovens lutadores do MMA se esforça para alcançar sua 12ª vitória na carreira em um torneio repleto de talentos de 135 libras. Após uma finalização sobre Anthony Taylor emBellator 169 em dezembro 2016 e um par de inscrições da primeira rodada no ano seguinte, “O Estrabanimal” registrou quatro vitórias em suas últimas seis competições, incluindo três finalizações na primeira rodada e uma vitória de 35 segundos no carretel de destaques emBellator 227. Preparado para o maior teste de sua jovem carreira, o antigo produto da SBG Ireland visa lançar a sombra do antigo parceiro de treinamento, Conor McGregor, e adicionar ao seu próprio legado com uma chance de ouro galo BELLATOR.

Por favor, visiteBellator.com para obter informações adicionais.



CARSON, CALIFÓRNIA. (Novembro 2, 2021) – WBC Bantamweight World Champion and future Hall of Famer Nonito Donaire will defend his title against undefeated Interim WBC Bantamweight Champion and fellow Filipino countryman Reymart Gaballo headlining action live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Dezembro 11 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Dignity Health Tennis Stadium in Carson, Califa. Tickets for the live event go on sale November 2 em 12 p.m. PT and can be purchased at AXS.com. # # #

Para mais informações visite www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing and @PremierBoxing on Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing and @PremierBoxing or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


Photos by Sergey Baranov / @fightphoto_official

(Junho 28, 2021) WBO #3, IBF #7, WBC #14 bantamweight Nikolai Potapov continued his “Hunt for The Monster” on Sunday morning (Junho 27) by scoring an eight-round unanimous decision over Tanzania’s Oscar Richard.

Fighting in the main event of a 14-fight event at the Soviet Wings Sport Palace in Moscow, Russia and live on Russian TV and Salita Promotions’ YOUTUBE CHANNEL, Potapov (23-2-1, 11 KOs) showed off his world-class skills by dominating the game Richard (7-4-1, 2 KOs) ao longo.

Potapov, de Podolsk, Rússia, was happy to stay busy with the victory and hopes it continues to propel him to the fight he wants: a shot at three-weight world champion and current unified bantamweight world champion Naoya “The Monster” Inoue of Japan.

“I commend my opponent,”Disse Potapov, pós-luta, “he had no fear in him. It felt good to get in eight good rounds after six months. I am sharp and ready to slay ‘The Monster’ as soon as I get him in a ring.”

Potapov, who had over 180 lutas amadoras e ganhou inúmeros torneios nacionais e internacionais, says the vaunted Inoue is nothing he hasn’t seen before.

“I’ve beaten hard punchers like him before,” said Potapov of Inoue. “I know his style inside and out and beating him will not be a problem. Bring me ‘The Monster!’”

Potapov’s long-time promoter, Dmitriy Salita, says that Potapov’s focus has been on Inoue for a long time.

“Since the first time he saw Inoue fight he’s been saying he knows how to beat him,”Disse Salita. “All his experience fighting around the world, he says he knows exactly how to nullify a fighter who relies on his power like that.”

Palavra, who presented the event on his popular YOUTUBE CHANNEL says he’s happy with the large viewership who were allowed to watch several exciting overseas prospects before their North American debuts.

“I am delighted that we were able to provide boxing fans with an opportunity to watch free live boxing featuring some of the best contenders and prospects from Russia,”Disse Salita. “Thousands of fans tuned in, participated in a live chat and talked boxing. NossaYOUTUBE CHANNEL has been a phenomenal platform to give needed exposure to talent from around the world and connect them with the boxing community. There is much more to come in the coming months!"

# # #

Sobre as promoções Salita
Salita Promotions foi fundada em 2010 por Dmitriy Salita, um boxeador profissional e desafiante ao título mundial que viu a necessidade de uma entidade promocional para apresentar os melhores jovens candidatos do boxe e competidores estabelecidos na América do Norte e em todo o mundo. Espectadores assistindo lutadores em redes de televisão em todo o mundo, incluindo Showtime, HBO, ESPN, Spike TV, Universal Sports Network, UFC FIGHT PASS, DAZN, ESPN + e MSG têm aproveitado a ação de luta da Salita Promotions nos últimos anos. Temos orgulho de oferecer aos nossos lutadores oportunidades dentro e fora do ringue. Salita Promotions espera continuar a crescer e atender às necessidades dos fãs de luta em todo o mundo.

Confira as Promoções Salita YOUTUBE CHANNEL para atualizações regulares dos melhores lutadores do mundo moderno, competidores e clientes potenciais em ação.


Reaffirming its committed support of professional boxing around the world, Brains Bioceutical Corp., a leading manufacturer of THC-free cannabidiol (CBD) products, proudly announces the addition of one of the UK’s most promising young prospects, undefeated super bantamweight Shabaz “The Maverick” Masoud (7-0, 1 KO), to its growing stable of athletic brand ambassadors.

With the foot-speed of a laser pointer, an awkward but virtually impregnable defense, and blazingly fast hands that seldom miss the mark, the 25-year-old British Pakistani native of Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, in the UK often bears an uncanny stylistic resemblance to his superstar idol, former featherweight showman Prince Naseem Hamed.

Undefeated in his young professional career, the formidable Masoud is yet to lose even a single round on any judge’s scorecard. Masoud will proudly adorn his trunks with Brains Pure CBD branding on Friday, Março 19, when he faces countryman Louis Norman at Bolton Whites Hotel in Bolton, Lancashire, UK and streaming live on ESPN+at 1:00 pm EST/10:00 am PST. The IFL TV broadcast of the card is expected to start at 7:30 pm (GTM).

“We are in the hurt business,” said Masoud, “and bumps and bruises and even nagging injuries are just part of the game. Brains Pure CBD really helps with the wear-and-tear my body goes though in training camp everyday. Not only does it help to speed my recovery time from minor injuries, but it also helps me get to sleep at night, so I’m always my best in the gym. And it’s not full of mystery chemicals that might get you in trouble with the boxing commissions.

Brains is all-natural, plant-based product with zero prohibited THC. That’s clinically researched and tested by leading sports authorities. Like with any opponent, I did my research and have found that not all CBDs are created equally. Brains is the only CBD I trust. I’m very happy to be partnering with them on a product I very much believe in for my run to the world championship.”

Brains Bioceutical, who have sponsored several recent boxing events worldwide, have also joined forces with 18-0 welterweight standout Custio Clayton of Canada, MTK’s recent “The Golden Contract” Light Heavyweight tournament and world-renowned UK-based trainer of champions, Ben Davison’s state-of-the-art Performance Centre, located outside London, Inglaterra.

Incidentally, Davison, who has worked with a long list of boxing luminaries including Josh Taylor and Billy Joe Saunders, as well as heavyweight king Tyson Fury previously, has given Masoud an important seal of approval by signing on as his trainer.

“Masoud has the potential of a pound-for-pound-level fighter,” said Davison. “I believe he can achieve that. He’s like Naz was in his prime and he has all the same swagger and showmanship. He’s also a good kid who works hard in the gym to reach his goals. That’s why I was happy to find out he had been acquired by the Brains Bioceutical people who are innovating CBD’s countless benefits for an athletes’ rest and recovery.”

Brains will also have a presence on the ring canvas at the Hotel Plaza in Quebec City, Canadá, na terça-feira, Março 16, for promoter Yvon Michel’s upcoming event “The Homecoming,” his first in 16 meses. O $29.99 PPV card is headlined by a rematch featuring WBC #1 bridgerweight Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas (26-1, 18 KOs) and Sylvera “Sly” Louis (8-5, 4 KOs) no evento principal oito-redonda.

“Shabaz Masoud is a welcome addition to our worldwide team of athlete ambassadors,” said Ricky Brar, Chefe executivo & Presidente, Brains Bioceutical Corp. He has the skills and the personality to become boxing’s newest superstar and Brains Pure CBD will be right by his side.”

“As the makers of one of the world’s purest CBD products, tested by a World Anti-Doping Agency approved lab, Brains Pure CBD is ideal for fighters,” Brar continued. We’re proud of our roles in the lives of some of the bravest competitors in all of sport.”

“The Homecoming” will be livestreamed by FITE worldwide on the FITE mobile app, all major OTT apps and website (FITE.tv), a partir de 8 p.m. E / 5 p.m. PT, for USD $29.99 (available in English or French). It will also be available in Canada via Canal Indigo, Sino TV, Shaw TV and YOOP for $39.99 CDN.

You can follow Shabaz Masoud’s journey on his social media accounts.
Chilro: @ShabazMasoud
Instagram: shabaz_maverick_masoud

Brains Bioceutical Corp is a leader in certified production of naturally sourced active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) for the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries. Brains Bioceutical is one of the only cannabinoid active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturers in production today and is involved in academic and clinical trials across the globe.

Para obter mais informações, visita: www.brainspure.com or Instagram: @brainspure


PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Orono, Maine (Fevereiro 20, 2020) - Fights Nova Inglaterra (NEF) apresentará suas próximas artes marciais mistas (MMA) no Collins Center for the Arts, no campus principal da Universidade do Maine, em Orono. O evento, intitulado "NEF 43: Alvoroço,”Acontecerá no sábado, Abril 18, 2020, com uma campainha de 7 pm EDT. Hoje mais cedo, a promoção da luta anunciou a adição de uma luta profissional de peso galo no cartão.Fred Lear (0-1) vai assumirJason Rine (1-7) com um peso de luta de 135 libras.

Fred Lear, que lutaram e jogaram futebol na John Bapst Memorial High School, nas proximidades de Bangor, Maine, teve uma das carreiras amadoras de maior sucesso na história da NEF. Lear terminou sua carreira amadora em 2019 com um recorde de 6-2-1 e um título de galinha anã da NEF em seu crédito. Ele entrou no ranking profissional em abril passado em Portland, Maine, perdendo sua estréia no Bryant Bullock (2-1) via envio na segunda rodada. Lear sofreu um revés decepcionante quando um oponente o largou na noite anterior às pesagens no “NEF 40” em setembro passado. O produto de MMA de Young agora procurará a primeira vitória de sua carreira profissional em abril 18 contra Rine.

"2019 e o cartão de luta de setembro foram difíceis para mim, mas eu não deixaria isso atrapalhar meu time,- disse Lear. "Sinto como se as pessoas tivessem esquecido quem eu sou e o que estou aqui para fazer. Jason Rine é um veterinário do Bellator e um profissional consumado. Estou aqui, Estou com fome, e no dia 18 de abril estou andando e deixando minha marca. "

Jason Rine é realmente um veterano do Bellator, tendo competido no Bellator 215 cartão no ano passado. Baseado em Fredericktown, Ohio, Rine tornou-se conhecido em toda a região da Nova Inglaterra nos últimos anos, viajando para lutar em muitos eventos da área. Embora seu registro possa parecer na superfície o de um viajante, Rine não teve nada além de lutas difíceis ao longo de sua carreira profissional, sempre aparecendo para lutar. abril 18 vai vê-lo fazer sua estréia no NEF.

"Estou muito empolgado por vir ao Maine e lutar pela NEF contra um adversário do jogo em Fred Lear,”Afirmou Rine quando procurado para comentar.  "Estou pronto para me testar em uma nova promoção em um novo estado. Hora de um novo começo e um novo começo. ”

Lutas da Nova Inglaterra’ próximo evento de artes marciais mistas, “NEF 43: Alvoroço,” acontecerá no sábado, Abril 18, 2020, no Collins Center for the Arts da UMaine Orono. Os ingressos estarão à venda esta semana emwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra

Lutas da Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é uma luta promoção de eventos empresa. A missão da NEF é criar eventos da mais alta qualidade para lutadores e fãs. A equipe executiva da NEF tem uma vasta experiência na gestão de esportes de combate, produção de eventos, relações com a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.

Nikolai Potapov Returns with Impressive TKO over Africa’s Nasibu Ramadhani

WBO #9 e IBF #11 Bantamweight Nikolai Potapov returned to action Thursday night in Moscow with an impressive fifth-round TKO over Tanzanian veteran Nasibu Ramadhani.

Fighting in the 10-round main event of a card presented by Shamo Boxing at the Korston Club Hotel, Potapov (21-2-1, 12 KOs), de Podolsk, Rússia, worked past a head-butt induced cut left eye to put his world-class skills on full display. He wobbled the aggressive Ramadhani (29-14-2, 16 KOs) in the second round with a three-punch combination and continued to dominate until the stoppage.

“I am glad to get the work and the win,” said the victorious Potapov. “I would like to come back to the US and get another opportunity to fight for the world title.”

The fight was Potapov’s first since his highly controversial decision loss to fellow contender Joshua Greer last July. Promotor de Potapov, Dmitriy Salita, says the capable Russian is gearing up for another assault on the division’s best.

“I am glad Nikolai got some work in and was able to score an impressive TKO victory. The bantamweight division is heating up and he is up there with the best in the weight class. I look forward to a great 2020 for Nikolai!"

Manny Pacquiao BORDAS Keith Thurman por decisão dividida PARA CAPTURAR TÍTULO mundial meio-médio na principal BOXE CHAMPIONS ON FOX Sports pay-per-vista principal evento da noite sábado de no MGM Grand Garden Arena em Las Vegas

Yordenis Ugas Tops Omar Figueroa by Unanimous Decision; Sergey Lipinets Stops Jayar Inson in Two Rounds & Luis Nery Knocks Out Juan Carlos Payano in Ninth Round in Pay-Per-View Undercard


Efe Ajagba Defeats Ali Eren Demirezen by Unanimous Decision in Clash of Unbeaten Heavyweights on FOX

Clique AQUI for Photos from Stewart Cook/FOX Sports
Password: f0xb0x

Clique AQUI for Pacquiao vs. Thurman & AQUI for Plant vs. Lee Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

Clique AQUI para fotos de promoções de Stephanie Trapp / TGB

Clique AQUI para fotos das promoções de Sean Michael Ham / Mayweather

LAS VEGAS (Julho 21, 2019) – Boxing’s only eight-division world champion, Senator MannyPacMan” Pacquiao desistiu Keith “Uma Vez” Thurman in round one and won a close split decision to earn a welterweight world title in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event Saturday night from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

It was fun,” said Pacquiao. “My opponent is a good fighter and boxer. Ele era forte. I’m not that kind of boxer who talks a lot; we were just promoting the fight. I think he did his best, and I did my best. I think we made the fans happy tonight because it was a good fight.

The sell-out crowd of 14,356 got treated to great action from the start, as an exciting first round was capped off by Pacquiao dropping Thurman for the first time in his career with a straight right hand late in the round.

I knew it was too close,” Disse Thurman. “He got the knockdown so he had momentum in round one.

Thurman made it into the second round but continued to have trouble with Pacquiao’s right hand, as the future Hall of Famer threw it successfully as a jab and a power punch throughout the fight. Thurman adjusted in the middle rounds and began to try to smother Pacquiao and walk him down, having success when he was able to get his combinations off before his opponent.

Despite blood pouring from his nose from round four on, Thurman was able to land powerful combinations on Pacquiao for much of the second half of the fight, but was never able to hurt Pacquiao or score a knockdown of his own.

I wish I had a little bit more output to go toe to toe,” Disse Thurman. “I felt like he was getting a little bit tired, but he did have experience in the ring. My conditioning and my output was just behind Manny Pacquiao’s. I would love the rematch.

Em volta 10, Pacquiao’s landed a strong left hook to the body that clearly hurt Thurman and forced him to spend much of the remainder of the round backpedaling. The CompuBox scores were indicative of the close nature of the fight, with Thurman out landing Pacquiao 210 para 195, while Pacquiao was busier throwing 686 socos 571 from Thurman.

I really love the fans,” said Pacquiao. “Thank you so much for coming here and witnessing the fight. I’m sure they were happy tonight because they saw a good fight. Even though Thurman lost, he did his best. He’s not an easy opponent. He’s a good boxer and he’s strong. I was just blessed tonight.

Watch the round 10 ponto alto AQUI

Pacquiao had a large advantage in jabs landed, conectando em 82 to Thurman’s 18. O 192 power punches landed by Thurman was the most in 43 Pacquiao fights that CompuBox has tracked. Round-by-round, the two fighters were only separated by more than five landed punches in rounds two, seven and nine.

Depois 12 rounds, the judges reached a split decision, com um juiz marcando a luta 114-113 for Thurman, overruled by two judges scoring it 115-112 for Pacquiao, who captured the WBA Welterweight World Championship at 40-years-old.

You get blessings and lessons,” Disse Thurman. “Tonight was a blessing and a lesson. Thank you everybody, and thank you Manny Pacquiao.

“Eu acho que (I will fight) next year,” said Pacquiao. “I will go back to the Philippines and work and then make a decision. I do hope to be at the (Errol) Spence vs. (Shawn) Porter fight on September 28.

The co-main event of the pay-per-view saw top contender Yordenis Ugas (24-4, 11 KOs) drop previously unbeaten Omar Figueroa (28-1-1, 19 KOs) on his way to a unanimous decision in their WBC welterweight title eliminator.

Ugas got off to a strong start, connecting on a straight right hand that sent Figueroa into the ropes, which he held onto so he didn’t hit the canvas, but enough that referee Russell Mora ruled it a knockdown.

The fight played out how I thought it would,” said Ugas. “I came out strong and Figueroa was tough as well. This was similar to the fight everyone expected. I came out on top.

Watch the highlight of the knockdown AQUI

Figueroa recovered and was able to make it to round two, where he continued his strategy of coming forward to try to hurt Ugas on the inside. Ugas was able to control that action on the inside, landing numerous uppercuts to stun Figueroa. Contudo, the inside fighting led to Ugas being deducted a point by the referee in round five for holding.

Ugas fought a smart fight,” Disse Figueroa. “He was smothering me on the inside and holding. I thought the scores were too wide. I was following him and working the whole time. I felt like he only worked the last 30 seconds of the round, but I guess that was all it took.

I didn’t have any problems with his size. I thought I was able to do my thing, but when he was holding me I couldn’t get my offense going.

Despite that, and being warned later in the fight for delivering low blows, Ugas dominated the fight according to CompuBox, out landing Figueroa 229 para 131 and connecting with 28% of his punches, to Figueroa’s 22%.

I knew Figueroa was a tough guy, so I didn’t want to waste my energy trying to take him out early,” said Ugas. “I was ready to go 12 rounds.

Depois 12 rounds, all three judges scored the fight the same, 119-107 in favor of Ugas, who became the mandatory for the winner of the Errol Spence Jr. vs. Shawn Porter welterweight title unification.

I’m extremely happy to be in this position to fight for the WBC title again,” said Ugas. “I will be ready for the winner of Errol Spence Jr. vs. Shawn Porter.

Additional action saw former world champion Sergey Lipinets (16-1, 12 KOs) score a highlight-reel knockout against Jayar Inson (18-3, 12 KOs) in the second round of their welterweight matchup.

Lipinets was originally scheduled to fight John Molina Jr., before Molina pulled out of the fight Friday morning due to a back injury. Inson, who was scheduled to fight on the non-televised undercard, stepped up to the challenge.

When I first heard the news about Molina, I knew that I wanted to still fight on a show of this magnitude,” said Lipinets. “As far as fighting a southpaw, I’ve had so many amateur fights in my kickboxing career that I had no problem adjusting. Era apenas uma questão de tempo. I also have sparred with great southpaws like Victor Ortiz throughout my career, so I was comfortable with the change in fighter.

In an exchange early in the second round, Lipinets landed a clean left hook to Inson’s head, which sent the Filipino-fighter to the canvas. Although Inson got to his feet, referee Jay Nady waved off the bout 57 segundos na rodada.

I got hit and I slipped, that made it look worse,” said Inson. “When I stood up I thought I was fine and tried to raise my hands and show the referee.

Joe Goossen is an exceptional trainer and he just told me to work from a different direction facing a southpaw,” said Lipinets. “I just made sure to block his punches with my elbows. That was the only adjustment I had to make and it ended up working just fine.

Watch the Lipinets KO highlight AQUI

The opening pay-per-view bout saw undefeated former champion Luis Nery (30-0, 24 KOs) deliver a ninth-round knockout of former bantamweight champion Juan Carlos Payano (21-3, 9 KOs).

I wasn’t really paying attention to how long the fight was going, I was just getting into a rhythm as it went on,” said Nery. “I had to work hard to get to him because he’s a good boxer. The longer it went, the better I felt. I put my punches together well once I got going.

In a fast-paced duel of former champions, Payano had success early boxing the aggressive Nery, moving back to avoid his attack and landing his own offense against the knockout artist. Payano out landed or was even in punches landed for each of the first six rounds of the bout.

I’m a warrior and I wanted to keep going and fight back every time he came forward,” said Payano. “My coach wanted me to stay behind my jab a little more.

As the fight grew into the middle rounds, Nery began to increase the offense and was able to land power shots that slowed Payano’s ability to box from the outside. Nery hurt Payano early in round seven, eventually dominating the round, out landing his opponent 22 para 7.

He was a very complicated fighter at the beginning, he’s a veteran, so I had to try to adapt to his style to see how I could get in,” said Nery. “In the fifth or sixth round I started gaining control of the fight and then that left hook came to the body which was devastating.

During the exchanges it was Nery’s second shot that was getting in,” said Payano. “We corrected the issue but then that body shot came in from nowhere and hit me in a rib that I had broken years ago against Raushee Warren.

Round eight saw Nery continue to break Payano down, most notably landing a big left hand midway through the round that caused blood to pour from Payano’s nose. During an exchange in the ninth-round, Payano landed a devastating left hook to the ribs that put Payano down. He was unable to recover and referee Vic Drakulich halted the bout 1:43 na rodada.

I wanted to get him out early,” said Nery. “But this showed that I do have the experience to go into the later rounds and still take out my opponent. I showed that I have good defense and can make adjustments.

Watch Nery’s knockout AQUI

The FOX PBC Fight Night main event on FOX and FOX Deportes saw IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Caleb “Sweethands” Planta (19-0, 11 KOs) retain his title with a dominant third-round knockout over previously unbeaten Mike Lee (21-1, 11 KOs).

It went exactly how I planned it would go,” a referida planta. “Absolutamente. I’ve been telling you all week it wasn’t going to go 12 rounds and I stuck to my word and I tried to do that. I hope you guys had a good time.

Plant got off to a fast-start, dropping Lee with a left hook late in the first round. The unbeaten challenger was able to recover and survive the round, but was hard-pressed to make up for the hand speed advantage of Plant.

You can watch Plant’s first knockdown AQUI

I think I have a high boxing IQ and I do this at a really high level,” a referida planta. “So it was just about making adjustments. Ele é um grande, strong guy and he just came in here to give it his all.

Lee looked to charge in hard against Plant and use his size and power to land a big shot and change the momentum of the fight. Plant was sharp and avoided the looping right hands that Lee was attacking with.

The speed was the difference, he’s fast and very accurate,” disse Lee. “I had some success with my right hands but wasn’t able to be consistent with it.

Em três rounds, Plant landed a vicious right hook early in the round that put Lee down for the second time. After a left hook appeared to connect and send Lee down a second time, referee Robert Byrd ruled it had come from a push and continued the fight once Lee got to his feet.

Plant had his opponent hurt and continued to press forward, eventually landing another left hook that put Lee down, this time forcing the referee to wave off the bout 1:29 na rodada.

Watch the highlight of Plant’s TKO AQUI

I had no issue with the stoppage, that’s the referee’s job and I respect it,” disse Lee.

Após a luta, Benavidez was asked about a possible unification fight against the winner of the just announced Anthony Dirrell vs. David Benavidez WBC Super Middleweight Championship fight.

“Oh sim, we can definitely unify,” a referida planta. “I ain’t hard to get a hold of. I ain’t hard to make a fight with. Come see me. You know my advisor.

The opening bout on FOX and FOX Deportes saw Efe Ajagba (11-0, 9 KOs) score a unanimous decision over Ali Eren Demirezen (11-1, 10 KOs) in a 10-round battle of undefeated heavyweights. It was the first time that two unbeaten fighters from the 2016 Olympics faced off as pros.

You can find full fight highlights AQUI

Ajagba used his jab and height effectively throughout the fight, aterrissagem 10 de 45 jabs per round, doubling the heavyweight average. Contudo, an elbow injury and the accurate punching of Demirezen forced Ajagba to go the distance for the first time as a pro.

This was the first fighter to take me the distance,” said Ajagba. “He was strong and could take my punches. My trainer just told me to keep using my jab and stay in the middle of the ring.

I hurt my elbow early on, so I couldn’t shoot my right hand like I wanted. But I won’t use that as an excuse. As a tall man I had to use the jab and if it went the distance, that was my best way to win.

Demirezen thought the scorecards should have been closer and believed that his performance should have garnered him more than the decision loss. Demirezen was actually the more accurate puncher, aterrissagem 26% of his punches to 22% from Ajagba.

I don’t agree with the scores, especially 99-91said Demirezen. “It was much closer. I feel that at minimum, it was a draw. I knew I had to knock him out and that a knockout might be easier than winning by points. I thought it was a good performance but I can do better. I’d like to fight in the U.S. mais uma vez.”

Ajagba’s activity from start to finish was impressive, as he threw 877 socos totais, aterrissagem 191. While Demirezen was not far behind with 149 punches landed, he only out landed Ajagba in three rounds.

Depois 10 rounds of action all three judges scored the fight in favor of Ajagba, por dezenas de 99-91 duas vezes e 97-93.


Pacquiao vs. Thurman Headlines Premier Boxing Champions FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

You’re going to see a world class performance on July 20 that has me standing alone on top of the division.” – Thurman

ST. PETERSBURG, FL. (Julho 8, 2019) – Keith “Uma Vez” Thurman’s victories have always been the center of conversation. Even with nine championship fights and eight title defenses already under his belt, his Saturday, Julho 20 fight against Manny Pacquaio could prove to be the most significant, as he steps onto boxing’s biggest stage looking to capture a momentous victory.

Pacquiao vs. Thurman will pit the undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Thurman against boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator MannyPacManPacquiao in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The FOX pay-per-view begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, cobrar pelo telefone 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Coming off a majority decision over Josesito Lopez that ended a 22-month ring absence in January, Thurman (29-0, 22 KOs), 30, had won a close unanimous decision over former title holder “Altura De Começar” Shawn Porter in June 2016 and a split-decision over two-division title winner Danny “Rápido” Garcia in March 2017, adding Garcia’s WBC crown to his WBA version, before he vacated the WBC title due to injury.

Thurman broke down all of his title performances in anticipation of the fight that could cement his place amongst boxing’s best of this era.

KO 10 Diego Chaves, Julho 27, 2013, AT&T Center, Santo António: The 24-year-old Thurman came off a near-shutout unanimous decision over former champion Jan Zaveck in March 2013 and faced an unbeaten Argentine interim WBA champion who was after his fifth consecutive stoppage win and had knocked out 18 de 22 oponentes.

Thurman traded early power shots, controlled tempo with his athleticism and boxing ability and floored Chaves with a ninth round left hook to the liver before dropping him for the final time with a right hand in the 10th redondo. Chaves failed to beat the count as Thurman became a 147-pound titleholder.

The Diego Chaves fight was the biggest fight of my career, elevating me to the WBA interim champion,” Disse Thurman. “I broke him down round by round and landed a beautiful body shot in the ninth round and after that it was a matter of time. That was a fight that earned me worldwide respect and was the start of everything for me.

QUEM 9 Jesus Soto Karass, Dezembro 14, 2013, Alamodome, Santo António:Soto Karassprevious victory was a 12th-round stoppage of two-time belt holder Andre Berto in a fight that saw him rise from an 11th-round knockdown. Hurt by a hard right in the first round, Thurman recovered, flooring Soto Karass with a left uppercut in the fifth and again from a powerful combination in the ninth as the referee ended matters.

Soto Karass was coming off a victory over Andre Berto which made it an important measuring stick fight for me,” Disse Thurman, “He did open the fight by tagging me in the first round, but I dropped him in the fifth and again in the ninth and was able to finish him off for my first title defense.

RTD 3 Julio Diaz, Abril 26, 2014, StubHub Centro, Carson, Califa: In a one-sided beat-down, former champion Diaz took a knee from a left to the temple the second round and retired prior to the fourth from a body shot that caused rib damage. Diaz never fought again.

That was a tremendous fight for me as the headliner in my first main event,” Disse Thurman. “Diaz was coming off of good showings against Shawn Porter, fighting Porter to a draw once, and Amir Khan, whom he dropped in their fight. I also had the opportunity to make a statement. I did that by stopping him in only three rounds.

UD 12 Leonard Bundu, Dezembro 13, 2014, the MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas: A previously unbeaten 40-year-old switch-hitting veteran, Bundu (31-1-2, 11 KO) was dropped by a first-round right hand in a shutout victory (120-107 três vezes) for Thurman who ended an eight-month ring absence and was recovering from an injured left shoulder.

Bundu was a switch-hitting awkward fighter. I switched [to southpaw] on him in the first round and dropped him with a right hand,” Disse Thurman. “I out boxed him and really gave the world a taste of how good of a boxer I am. It was an easy blowout.

UD 12 Robert Guerrero, Março 7, 2015, the MGM Grand Grand Garden Arena: Thurman entered this bout after having been elevated to the full champion before facing Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 KOs), a two-division title winner. He overcame a grotesque hematoma above his left eye from an accidental clash of heads, desistiu “The Ghost” in the ninth-round, and lost a combined four rounds in PBC’s first ever main event.

Guerrero had fought Floyd Mayweather and I was happy to have a common opponent with Floyd, so that I could prove to the world that I deserved a shot at Mayweather,” Disse Thurman. “I had to overcome that adversity of having that hematoma by knocking him down in the ninth round. That fight really raised my stock to another level.


RTD 7 Luis Collazo, Julho 11, 2015, USF Sundome, Tampa: Thurman overcame a crippling left hand to the liver in the fifth round to become only the man to stop Collazo, a former champion who had gone the distance in losses to Ricky Hatton, Shane Mosley, Andre Berto and Amir Khan. In a homecoming fight, Thurman opened a deep gash over Collazo’s right eye with his own left hook, eventually resulting in the southpaw’s retiring on his stool after the seventh round.

I was able to survive that body shot to perform in the next round. The fight was taking its toll on him though. I was becoming more comfortable and accurate as I physically broke him down,” Disse Thurman. “The arena was electric, and the love was amazing. It was a great homecoming to defend my world title near where I grew up in Clearwater, Flórida.”


UD 12 Shawn Porter, Junho 25, 2016, Barclays Centro, Brooklyn, Nova Iorque:Thurman overcame a bullish former champion in Porter (26-2-1, 16 KOs) before an electric crowd, winning a give-and-take, blood-and-guts brawl by scores of 115-113, em todos os três juízes’ cartões. Highlights were Thurman’s clean right hand-left hook combination that buckled Porter’s knees late in the third round, a 10th-round left hook that did the same, and an even more vicious head-swiveling hook in Round 11 of a Fight of The Year standout from 2016.

Our fight was tough, back and forth, but by no means was Shawn Porter going to take my title,” Disse Thurman. “I pushed myself over the final rounds to make sure I’d be victorious in what was one of the ‘Fight of The Yearcontenders that year. That fight proved to everyone that I can win any type of fight, against any type of fighter.


SD 12 Danny Garcia, Março 4, 2017, Barclays Centro: Thurman won a clash of 28-year-olds over the then unbeaten Garcia (33-0, 19 KOs), along with the WBC’s crown in just the 10th title unification in division history and only the third between a pair of unbeaten fighters. The crowd of 16,533 represented the highest attended boxing match at Barclays Center to date. Thurman’s movement disrupted the timing of Garcia, a Philadelphia-based fighter who was a unified champion at 140-pounds.

This was two undefeated welterweights going toe-to-toe in the prime of their careers. Danny Garcia’s a sharp puncher who won the WBC’s vacant title that Floyd Mayweather gave up for retirement,” Disse Thurman. “But after beating Shawn Porter, I knew Danny would be an easy fight. This was my first chance to beat an undefeated world champion, and I came out swinging on him in round one to make a statement that his world title was about to be mine.


MD 12 Josesito Lopez, Janeiro 26, 2019, Barclays Centro: Thurman ended an injury-hampered 22-month ring absence against Lopez (36-8, 19 KOs), scoring a second-round knockdown with a left hook, being hurt by a right hand in the seventh, and using his mobility and athleticism down the stretch for the victory.

I was really nervous about making weight after walking around at 182 for the past two years,” Disse Thurman. “But even though I got hit and hurt in the seventh round, I knew my boxing ability would get me through. It was a relief to make it through that fight feeling strong and healthy and I’ve taken those feelings right into this training camp.


Manny Pacquiao (61-7-2, 39 KOs), Julho 20, 2019, the MGM Grand Garden Arena: The 40-year-old Pacquiao has earned back-to-back victories over former champions by seventh-round TKO over Lucas Matthysse (Julho 2018) and unanimous decision Adrien Broner (Janeiro).

Does Manny belong in the ring with a fighter in his prime? Is Keith Thurman still Keith ‘One TimeThurman after some vulnerability against Josesito Lopez?” Disse Thurman, rhetorically speaking. “Claro, I’d like to get the knockout or TKO, but either way, you’re going to see a world class performance that has me standing alone on top of a division that has so many great fighters. I’m trying to be that great, devastating champion once again, and come July 20, I will prove that I am.

# # # Pacquiao vs. Thurman Headlines Premier Boxing Champions FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

You’re going to see a world class performance on July 20 that has me standing alone on top of the division.” – Thurman

ST. PETERSBURG, FL. (Julho 8, 2019) – Keith “Uma Vez” Thurman’s victories have always been the center of conversation. Even with nine championship fights and eight title defenses already under his belt, his Saturday, Julho 20 fight against Manny Pacquaio could prove to be the most significant, as he steps onto boxing’s biggest stage looking to capture a momentous victory.

Pacquiao vs. Thurman will pit the undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Thurman against boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator MannyPacManPacquiao in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The FOX pay-per-view begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, cobrar pelo telefone 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Coming off a majority decision over Josesito Lopez that ended a 22-month ring absence in January, Thurman (29-0, 22 KOs), 30, had won a close unanimous decision over former title holder “Altura De Começar” Shawn Porter in June 2016 and a split-decision over two-division title winner Danny “Rápido” Garcia in March 2017, adding Garcia’s WBC crown to his WBA version, before he vacated the WBC title due to injury.

Thurman broke down all of his title performances in anticipation of the fight that could cement his place amongst boxing’s best of this era.

KO 10 Diego Chaves, Julho 27, 2013, AT&T Center, Santo António: The 24-year-old Thurman came off a near-shutout unanimous decision over former champion Jan Zaveck in March 2013 and faced an unbeaten Argentine interim WBA champion who was after his fifth consecutive stoppage win and had knocked out 18 de 22 oponentes.

Thurman traded early power shots, controlled tempo with his athleticism and boxing ability and floored Chaves with a ninth round left hook to the liver before dropping him for the final time with a right hand in the 10th redondo. Chaves failed to beat the count as Thurman became a 147-pound titleholder.

The Diego Chaves fight was the biggest fight of my career, elevating me to the WBA interim champion,” Disse Thurman. “I broke him down round by round and landed a beautiful body shot in the ninth round and after that it was a matter of time. That was a fight that earned me worldwide respect and was the start of everything for me.

QUEM 9 Jesus Soto Karass, Dezembro 14, 2013, Alamodome, Santo António:Soto Karassprevious victory was a 12th-round stoppage of two-time belt holder Andre Berto in a fight that saw him rise from an 11th-round knockdown. Hurt by a hard right in the first round, Thurman recovered, flooring Soto Karass with a left uppercut in the fifth and again from a powerful combination in the ninth as the referee ended matters.

Soto Karass was coming off a victory over Andre Berto which made it an important measuring stick fight for me,” Disse Thurman, “He did open the fight by tagging me in the first round, but I dropped him in the fifth and again in the ninth and was able to finish him off for my first title defense.

RTD 3 Julio Diaz, Abril 26, 2014, StubHub Centro, Carson, Califa: In a one-sided beat-down, former champion Diaz took a knee from a left to the temple the second round and retired prior to the fourth from a body shot that caused rib damage. Diaz never fought again.

That was a tremendous fight for me as the headliner in my first main event,” Disse Thurman. “Diaz was coming off of good showings against Shawn Porter, fighting Porter to a draw once, and Amir Khan, whom he dropped in their fight. I also had the opportunity to make a statement. I did that by stopping him in only three rounds.

UD 12 Leonard Bundu, Dezembro 13, 2014, the MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas: A previously unbeaten 40-year-old switch-hitting veteran, Bundu (31-1-2, 11 KO) was dropped by a first-round right hand in a shutout victory (120-107 três vezes) for Thurman who ended an eight-month ring absence and was recovering from an injured left shoulder.

Bundu was a switch-hitting awkward fighter. I switched [to southpaw] on him in the first round and dropped him with a right hand,” Disse Thurman. “I out boxed him and really gave the world a taste of how good of a boxer I am. It was an easy blowout.

UD 12 Robert Guerrero, Março 7, 2015, the MGM Grand Grand Garden Arena: Thurman entered this bout after having been elevated to the full champion before facing Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 KOs), a two-division title winner. He overcame a grotesque hematoma above his left eye from an accidental clash of heads, desistiu “The Ghost” in the ninth-round, and lost a combined four rounds in PBC’s first ever main event.

Guerrero had fought Floyd Mayweather and I was happy to have a common opponent with Floyd, so that I could prove to the world that I deserved a shot at Mayweather,” Disse Thurman. “I had to overcome that adversity of having that hematoma by knocking him down in the ninth round. That fight really raised my stock to another level.


RTD 7 Luis Collazo, Julho 11, 2015, USF Sundome, Tampa: Thurman overcame a crippling left hand to the liver in the fifth round to become only the man to stop Collazo, a former champion who had gone the distance in losses to Ricky Hatton, Shane Mosley, Andre Berto and Amir Khan. In a homecoming fight, Thurman opened a deep gash over Collazo’s right eye with his own left hook, eventually resulting in the southpaw’s retiring on his stool after the seventh round.

I was able to survive that body shot to perform in the next round. The fight was taking its toll on him though. I was becoming more comfortable and accurate as I physically broke him down,” Disse Thurman. “The arena was electric, and the love was amazing. It was a great homecoming to defend my world title near where I grew up in Clearwater, Flórida.”


UD 12 Shawn Porter, Junho 25, 2016, Barclays Centro, Brooklyn, Nova Iorque:Thurman overcame a bullish former champion in Porter (26-2-1, 16 KOs) before an electric crowd, winning a give-and-take, blood-and-guts brawl by scores of 115-113, em todos os três juízes’ cartões. Highlights were Thurman’s clean right hand-left hook combination that buckled Porter’s knees late in the third round, a 10th-round left hook that did the same, and an even more vicious head-swiveling hook in Round 11 of a Fight of The Year standout from 2016.

Our fight was tough, back and forth, but by no means was Shawn Porter going to take my title,” Disse Thurman. “I pushed myself over the final rounds to make sure I’d be victorious in what was one of the ‘Fight of The Yearcontenders that year. That fight proved to everyone that I can win any type of fight, against any type of fighter.


SD 12 Danny Garcia, Março 4, 2017, Barclays Centro: Thurman won a clash of 28-year-olds over the then unbeaten Garcia (33-0, 19 KOs), along with the WBC’s crown in just the 10th title unification in division history and only the third between a pair of unbeaten fighters. The crowd of 16,533 represented the highest attended boxing match at Barclays Center to date. Thurman’s movement disrupted the timing of Garcia, a Philadelphia-based fighter who was a unified champion at 140-pounds.

This was two undefeated welterweights going toe-to-toe in the prime of their careers. Danny Garcia’s a sharp puncher who won the WBC’s vacant title that Floyd Mayweather gave up for retirement,” Disse Thurman. “But after beating Shawn Porter, I knew Danny would be an easy fight. This was my first chance to beat an undefeated world champion, and I came out swinging on him in round one to make a statement that his world title was about to be mine.


MD 12 Josesito Lopez, Janeiro 26, 2019, Barclays Centro: Thurman ended an injury-hampered 22-month ring absence against Lopez (36-8, 19 KOs), scoring a second-round knockdown with a left hook, being hurt by a right hand in the seventh, and using his mobility and athleticism down the stretch for the victory.

I was really nervous about making weight after walking around at 182 for the past two years,” Disse Thurman. “But even though I got hit and hurt in the seventh round, I knew my boxing ability would get me through. It was a relief to make it through that fight feeling strong and healthy and I’ve taken those feelings right into this training camp.


Manny Pacquiao (61-7-2, 39 KOs), Julho 20, 2019, the MGM Grand Garden Arena: The 40-year-old Pacquiao has earned back-to-back victories over former champions by seventh-round TKO over Lucas Matthysse (Julho 2018) and unanimous decision Adrien Broner (Janeiro).

Does Manny belong in the ring with a fighter in his prime? Is Keith Thurman still Keith ‘One TimeThurman after some vulnerability against Josesito Lopez?” Disse Thurman, rhetorically speaking. “Claro, I’d like to get the knockout or TKO, but either way, you’re going to see a world class performance that has me standing alone on top of a division that has so many great fighters. I’m trying to be that great, devastating champion once again, and come July 20, I will prove that I am.

# # # Pacquiao vs. Thurman Headlines Premier Boxing Champions FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

You’re going to see a world class performance on July 20 that has me standing alone on top of the division.” – Thurman

ST. PETERSBURG, FL. (Julho 8, 2019) – Keith “Uma Vez” Thurman’s victories have always been the center of conversation. Even with nine championship fights and eight title defenses already under his belt, his Saturday, Julho 20 fight against Manny Pacquaio could prove to be the most significant, as he steps onto boxing’s biggest stage looking to capture a momentous victory.

Pacquiao vs. Thurman will pit the undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Thurman against boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator MannyPacManPacquiao in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The FOX pay-per-view begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, cobrar pelo telefone 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Coming off a majority decision over Josesito Lopez that ended a 22-month ring absence in January, Thurman (29-0, 22 KOs), 30, had won a close unanimous decision over former title holder “Altura De Começar” Shawn Porter in June 2016 and a split-decision over two-division title winner Danny “Rápido” Garcia in March 2017, adding Garcia’s WBC crown to his WBA version, before he vacated the WBC title due to injury.

Thurman broke down all of his title performances in anticipation of the fight that could cement his place amongst boxing’s best of this era.

KO 10 Diego Chaves, Julho 27, 2013, AT&T Center, Santo António: The 24-year-old Thurman came off a near-shutout unanimous decision over former champion Jan Zaveck in March 2013 and faced an unbeaten Argentine interim WBA champion who was after his fifth consecutive stoppage win and had knocked out 18 de 22 oponentes.

Thurman traded early power shots, controlled tempo with his athleticism and boxing ability and floored Chaves with a ninth round left hook to the liver before dropping him for the final time with a right hand in the 10th redondo. Chaves failed to beat the count as Thurman became a 147-pound titleholder.

The Diego Chaves fight was the biggest fight of my career, elevating me to the WBA interim champion,” Disse Thurman. “I broke him down round by round and landed a beautiful body shot in the ninth round and after that it was a matter of time. That was a fight that earned me worldwide respect and was the start of everything for me.

QUEM 9 Jesus Soto Karass, Dezembro 14, 2013, Alamodome, Santo António:Soto Karassprevious victory was a 12th-round stoppage of two-time belt holder Andre Berto in a fight that saw him rise from an 11th-round knockdown. Hurt by a hard right in the first round, Thurman recovered, flooring Soto Karass with a left uppercut in the fifth and again from a powerful combination in the ninth as the referee ended matters.

Soto Karass was coming off a victory over Andre Berto which made it an important measuring stick fight for me,” Disse Thurman, “He did open the fight by tagging me in the first round, but I dropped him in the fifth and again in the ninth and was able to finish him off for my first title defense.

RTD 3 Julio Diaz, Abril 26, 2014, StubHub Centro, Carson, Califa: In a one-sided beat-down, former champion Diaz took a knee from a left to the temple the second round and retired prior to the fourth from a body shot that caused rib damage. Diaz never fought again.

That was a tremendous fight for me as the headliner in my first main event,” Disse Thurman. “Diaz was coming off of good showings against Shawn Porter, fighting Porter to a draw once, and Amir Khan, whom he dropped in their fight. I also had the opportunity to make a statement. I did that by stopping him in only three rounds.

UD 12 Leonard Bundu, Dezembro 13, 2014, the MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas: A previously unbeaten 40-year-old switch-hitting veteran, Bundu (31-1-2, 11 KO) was dropped by a first-round right hand in a shutout victory (120-107 três vezes) for Thurman who ended an eight-month ring absence and was recovering from an injured left shoulder.

Bundu was a switch-hitting awkward fighter. I switched [to southpaw] on him in the first round and dropped him with a right hand,” Disse Thurman. “I out boxed him and really gave the world a taste of how good of a boxer I am. It was an easy blowout.

UD 12 Robert Guerrero, Março 7, 2015, the MGM Grand Grand Garden Arena: Thurman entered this bout after having been elevated to the full champion before facing Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 KOs), a two-division title winner. He overcame a grotesque hematoma above his left eye from an accidental clash of heads, desistiu “The Ghost” in the ninth-round, and lost a combined four rounds in PBC’s first ever main event.

Guerrero had fought Floyd Mayweather and I was happy to have a common opponent with Floyd, so that I could prove to the world that I deserved a shot at Mayweather,” Disse Thurman. “I had to overcome that adversity of having that hematoma by knocking him down in the ninth round. That fight really raised my stock to another level.


RTD 7 Luis Collazo, Julho 11, 2015, USF Sundome, Tampa: Thurman overcame a crippling left hand to the liver in the fifth round to become only the man to stop Collazo, a former champion who had gone the distance in losses to Ricky Hatton, Shane Mosley, Andre Berto and Amir Khan. In a homecoming fight, Thurman opened a deep gash over Collazo’s right eye with his own left hook, eventually resulting in the southpaw’s retiring on his stool after the seventh round.

I was able to survive that body shot to perform in the next round. The fight was taking its toll on him though. I was becoming more comfortable and accurate as I physically broke him down,” Disse Thurman. “The arena was electric, and the love was amazing. It was a great homecoming to defend my world title near where I grew up in Clearwater, Flórida.”


UD 12 Shawn Porter, Junho 25, 2016, Barclays Centro, Brooklyn, Nova Iorque:Thurman overcame a bullish former champion in Porter (26-2-1, 16 KOs) before an electric crowd, winning a give-and-take, blood-and-guts brawl by scores of 115-113, em todos os três juízes’ cartões. Highlights were Thurman’s clean right hand-left hook combination that buckled Porter’s knees late in the third round, a 10th-round left hook that did the same, and an even more vicious head-swiveling hook in Round 11 of a Fight of The Year standout from 2016.

Our fight was tough, back and forth, but by no means was Shawn Porter going to take my title,” Disse Thurman. “I pushed myself over the final rounds to make sure I’d be victorious in what was one of the ‘Fight of The Yearcontenders that year. That fight proved to everyone that I can win any type of fight, against any type of fighter.


SD 12 Danny Garcia, Março 4, 2017, Barclays Centro: Thurman won a clash of 28-year-olds over the then unbeaten Garcia (33-0, 19 KOs), along with the WBC’s crown in just the 10th title unification in division history and only the third between a pair of unbeaten fighters. The crowd of 16,533 represented the highest attended boxing match at Barclays Center to date. Thurman’s movement disrupted the timing of Garcia, a Philadelphia-based fighter who was a unified champion at 140-pounds.

This was two undefeated welterweights going toe-to-toe in the prime of their careers. Danny Garcia’s a sharp puncher who won the WBC’s vacant title that Floyd Mayweather gave up for retirement,” Disse Thurman. “But after beating Shawn Porter, I knew Danny would be an easy fight. This was my first chance to beat an undefeated world champion, and I came out swinging on him in round one to make a statement that his world title was about to be mine.


MD 12 Josesito Lopez, Janeiro 26, 2019, Barclays Centro: Thurman ended an injury-hampered 22-month ring absence against Lopez (36-8, 19 KOs), scoring a second-round knockdown with a left hook, being hurt by a right hand in the seventh, and using his mobility and athleticism down the stretch for the victory.

I was really nervous about making weight after walking around at 182 for the past two years,” Disse Thurman. “But even though I got hit and hurt in the seventh round, I knew my boxing ability would get me through. It was a relief to make it through that fight feeling strong and healthy and I’ve taken those feelings right into this training camp.


Manny Pacquiao (61-7-2, 39 KOs), Julho 20, 2019, the MGM Grand Garden Arena: The 40-year-old Pacquiao has earned back-to-back victories over former champions by seventh-round TKO over Lucas Matthysse (Julho 2018) and unanimous decision Adrien Broner (Janeiro).

Does Manny belong in the ring with a fighter in his prime? Is Keith Thurman still Keith ‘One TimeThurman after some vulnerability against Josesito Lopez?” Disse Thurman, rhetorically speaking. “Claro, I’d like to get the knockout or TKO, but either way, you’re going to see a world class performance that has me standing alone on top of a division that has so many great fighters. I’m trying to be that great, devastating champion once again, and come July 20, I will prove that I am.

# # # Pacquiao vs. Thurman Headlines Premier Boxing Champions FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

You’re going to see a world class performance on July 20 that has me standing alone on top of the division.” – Thurman

ST. PETERSBURG, FL. (Julho 8, 2019) – Keith “Uma Vez” Thurman’s victories have always been the center of conversation. Even with nine championship fights and eight title defenses already under his belt, his Saturday, Julho 20 fight against Manny Pacquaio could prove to be the most significant, as he steps onto boxing’s biggest stage looking to capture a momentous victory.

Pacquiao vs. Thurman will pit the undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Thurman against boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator MannyPacManPacquiao in the main event of a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The FOX pay-per-view begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and tickets for the event, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, cobrar pelo telefone 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Coming off a majority decision over Josesito Lopez that ended a 22-month ring absence in January, Thurman (29-0, 22 KOs), 30, had won a close unanimous decision over former title holder “Altura De Começar” Shawn Porter in June 2016 and a split-decision over two-division title winner Danny “Rápido” Garcia in March 2017, adding Garcia’s WBC crown to his WBA version, before he vacated the WBC title due to injury.

Thurman broke down all of his title performances in anticipation of the fight that could cement his place amongst boxing’s best of this era.

KO 10 Diego Chaves, Julho 27, 2013, AT&T Center, Santo António: The 24-year-old Thurman came off a near-shutout unanimous decision over former champion Jan Zaveck in March 2013 and faced an unbeaten Argentine interim WBA champion who was after his fifth consecutive stoppage win and had knocked out 18 de 22 oponentes.

Thurman traded early power shots, controlled tempo with his athleticism and boxing ability and floored Chaves with a ninth round left hook to the liver before dropping him for the final time with a right hand in the 10th redondo. Chaves failed to beat the count as Thurman became a 147-pound titleholder.

The Diego Chaves fight was the biggest fight of my career, elevating me to the WBA interim champion,” Disse Thurman. “I broke him down round by round and landed a beautiful body shot in the ninth round and after that it was a matter of time. That was a fight that earned me worldwide respect and was the start of everything for me.

QUEM 9 Jesus Soto Karass, Dezembro 14, 2013, Alamodome, Santo António:Soto Karassprevious victory was a 12th-round stoppage of two-time belt holder Andre Berto in a fight that saw him rise from an 11th-round knockdown. Hurt by a hard right in the first round, Thurman recovered, flooring Soto Karass with a left uppercut in the fifth and again from a powerful combination in the ninth as the referee ended matters.

Soto Karass was coming off a victory over Andre Berto which made it an important measuring stick fight for me,” Disse Thurman, “He did open the fight by tagging me in the first round, but I dropped him in the fifth and again in the ninth and was able to finish him off for my first title defense.

RTD 3 Julio Diaz, Abril 26, 2014, StubHub Centro, Carson, Califa: In a one-sided beat-down, former champion Diaz took a knee from a left to the temple the second round and retired prior to the fourth from a body shot that caused rib damage. Diaz never fought again.

That was a tremendous fight for me as the headliner in my first main event,” Disse Thurman. “Diaz was coming off of good showings against Shawn Porter, fighting Porter to a draw once, and Amir Khan, whom he dropped in their fight. I also had the opportunity to make a statement. I did that by stopping him in only three rounds.

UD 12 Leonard Bundu, Dezembro 13, 2014, the MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas: A previously unbeaten 40-year-old switch-hitting veteran, Bundu (31-1-2, 11 KO) was dropped by a first-round right hand in a shutout victory (120-107 três vezes) for Thurman who ended an eight-month ring absence and was recovering from an injured left shoulder.

Bundu was a switch-hitting awkward fighter. I switched [to southpaw] on him in the first round and dropped him with a right hand,” Disse Thurman. “I out boxed him and really gave the world a taste of how good of a boxer I am. It was an easy blowout.

UD 12 Robert Guerrero, Março 7, 2015, the MGM Grand Grand Garden Arena: Thurman entered this bout after having been elevated to the full champion before facing Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 KOs), a two-division title winner. He overcame a grotesque hematoma above his left eye from an accidental clash of heads, desistiu “The Ghost” in the ninth-round, and lost a combined four rounds in PBC’s first ever main event.

Guerrero had fought Floyd Mayweather and I was happy to have a common opponent with Floyd, so that I could prove to the world that I deserved a shot at Mayweather,” Disse Thurman. “I had to overcome that adversity of having that hematoma by knocking him down in the ninth round. That fight really raised my stock to another level.


RTD 7 Luis Collazo, Julho 11, 2015, USF Sundome, Tampa: Thurman overcame a crippling left hand to the liver in the fifth round to become only the man to stop Collazo, a former champion who had gone the distance in losses to Ricky Hatton, Shane Mosley, Andre Berto and Amir Khan. In a homecoming fight, Thurman opened a deep gash over Collazo’s right eye with his own left hook, eventually resulting in the southpaw’s retiring on his stool after the seventh round.

I was able to survive that body shot to perform in the next round. The fight was taking its toll on him though. I was becoming more comfortable and accurate as I physically broke him down,” Disse Thurman. “The arena was electric, and the love was amazing. It was a great homecoming to defend my world title near where I grew up in Clearwater, Flórida.”


UD 12 Shawn Porter, Junho 25, 2016, Barclays Centro, Brooklyn, Nova Iorque:Thurman overcame a bullish former champion in Porter (26-2-1, 16 KOs) before an electric crowd, winning a give-and-take, blood-and-guts brawl by scores of 115-113, em todos os três juízes’ cartões. Highlights were Thurman’s clean right hand-left hook combination that buckled Porter’s knees late in the third round, a 10th-round left hook that did the same, and an even more vicious head-swiveling hook in Round 11 of a Fight of The Year standout from 2016.

Our fight was tough, back and forth, but by no means was Shawn Porter going to take my title,” Disse Thurman. “I pushed myself over the final rounds to make sure I’d be victorious in what was one of the ‘Fight of The Yearcontenders that year. That fight proved to everyone that I can win any type of fight, against any type of fighter.


SD 12 Danny Garcia, Março 4, 2017, Barclays Centro: Thurman won a clash of 28-year-olds over the then unbeaten Garcia (33-0, 19 KOs), along with the WBC’s crown in just the 10th title unification in division history and only the third between a pair of unbeaten fighters. The crowd of 16,533 represented the highest attended boxing match at Barclays Center to date. Thurman’s movement disrupted the timing of Garcia, a Philadelphia-based fighter who was a unified champion at 140-pounds.

This was two undefeated welterweights going toe-to-toe in the prime of their careers. Danny Garcia’s a sharp puncher who won the WBC’s vacant title that Floyd Mayweather gave up for retirement,” Disse Thurman. “But after beating Shawn Porter, I knew Danny would be an easy fight. This was my first chance to beat an undefeated world champion, and I came out swinging on him in round one to make a statement that his world title was about to be mine.


MD 12 Josesito Lopez, Janeiro 26, 2019, Barclays Centro: Thurman ended an injury-hampered 22-month ring absence against Lopez (36-8, 19 KOs), scoring a second-round knockdown with a left hook, being hurt by a right hand in the seventh, and using his mobility and athleticism down the stretch for the victory.

I was really nervous about making weight after walking around at 182 for the past two years,” Disse Thurman. “But even though I got hit and hurt in the seventh round, I knew my boxing ability would get me through. It was a relief to make it through that fight feeling strong and healthy and I’ve taken those feelings right into this training camp.


Manny Pacquiao (61-7-2, 39 KOs), Julho 20, 2019, the MGM Grand Garden Arena: The 40-year-old Pacquiao has earned back-to-back victories over former champions by seventh-round TKO over Lucas Matthysse (Julho 2018) and unanimous decision Adrien Broner (Janeiro).

Does Manny belong in the ring with a fighter in his prime? Is Keith Thurman still Keith ‘One TimeThurman after some vulnerability against Josesito Lopez?” Disse Thurman, rhetorically speaking. “Claro, I’d like to get the knockout or TKO, but either way, you’re going to see a world class performance that has me standing alone on top of a division that has so many great fighters. I’m trying to be that great, devastating champion once again, and come July 20, I will prove that I am.

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Unbeaten Former Champion Omar Figueroa Jr. Tangles with Top Contender Yordenis Ugás in WBC Welterweight Title Eliminator

Hard-Hitting Former Champion Sergey Lipinets Clashes Against Rugged Veteran John Molina Jr. in Welterweight Duel

Former Champions Collide When Unbeaten Brawler Luis Nery Battles Crafty Juan Carlo Payano in Bantamweight Showdown Em 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

LAS VEGAS (Junho 6, 2019) – Undefeated former world champion Omar “O Panterita” Figueroa Jr. assume Yordenis Ugás in a 12-round WBC welterweight title eliminator highlighting a loaded undercard in support of the Manny Pacquaio vs. Keith Thurman battle for welterweight supremacy that headlines Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View on Saturday, Julho 20 a partir do MGM Grand Garden Arena em Las Vegas.

The action also features hard-hitting former world champion Sergey Lipinets going toe-to-toe against rugged veteran Banheiro “O Gladiador” Molina, Jr. in a 10-round welterweight match. The show opens with former world champions squaring-off as undefeated power-puncher Luis “Pantera” Nery takes on slick-boxing Juan Carlos Payano in a 12-round bantamweight bout at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

The stacked card is the perfect accompaniment for the summer’s biggest fight, which will pit boxing’s only eight-division world champion and Philippine Senator Manny “Pac Man” Pacquiao against undefeated WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith “Uma Vez” Thurman in a powerhouse 147-pound showdown in the main event. This high-stakes match will firmly give the winner a claim for the top spot in one of boxing’s deepest and most talented divisions.

Os ingressos para o evento, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, cobrar pelo telefone 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

MP Promotions is proud to be co-presenting this all-action undercard with PBC and FOX Sports,” said Sean Gibbons, President of MP Promotions. “It will be a historic night of boxing, spanning many platforms and this is the type of PPV undercard that is jam packed with top-flight boxers. When you look at the fighters involved in supporting what is the best biggest fight of the year – Pacquiao vs. Thurman – you can be assured that the night will be filled with non-stop action.

Figueroa (28-0-1, 19 KOs) is a come forward boxer-puncher who’s yet to meet an opponent who could slow down his relentless style. The 29-year-old from Weslaco, Texas, is coming off a unanimous decision victory over John Molina Jr. in February on FOX. A former lightweight world champion, Figueroa owns victories over former world champions including Robert Guerrero, Ricky Burns and Antonio DeMarco.

I’m excited for this fight against a talented Olympian who’s very skilled,” Disse Figueroa. “I know he will be moving around the ring a lot, so I’m going to have to move with him and chase him all night. I’m going to have to be in really good shape and work hard on my conditioning. This fight has definitely raised the stakes for me, so I know I have to be ready. I’m going to have a good camp and come in with excellent preparation for July 20.

The 32-year-old Ugás (23-4, 11 KOs) has been one of the busiest welterweight contenders in boxing the last two years, fighting three times in both 2017 e 2018. Ugás, who is from Santiago, Cuba and now lives in Miami, Florida, was on an eight-fight win streak before losing a narrow split-decision to Shawn Porter in a world title fight on FOX in March.

I’m very excited to be on the biggest card of the year,” said Ugás. “Omar Figueroa Jr. is a tremendous fighter, and that’s the style I like to face. I’m an all-action fighter and the fans are going to be in for a full course meal before the actual main event. That I can promise. You don’t want to miss this event and you don’t want to miss this war. I’m grateful to FOX Sports and PBC for including me in an event of this magnitude.

The 30-year-old Lipinets (15-1, 11 KOs) made a successful debut at 147-pounds in March with a TKO victory over former two-division champion Lamont Peterson in a PBC on FS1 fight that is an early Fight of the Year frontrunner. Lipinets, who was born in Kazakhstan, grew up in Russia and now lives in Los Angeles, has only one loss on his record. He lost his 140-pound belt in a 2018 showdown against four-division champion Mikey Garcia.

There’s no slowing down in my march to get that welterweight championship belt,” said Lipinets. “Como sempre, I’m fighting a guy that is very dangerous and tough to the last bell. My title shot is right around the corner. I’m very excited to be part of a show like this and I’m grateful for these opportunities in my career and I promise that I’ll earn my keep. I’m looking forward to becoming a two-time world champion.

Molina (30-8, 24 KOs) is coming off a close unanimous decision loss to Omar Figueroa Jr. em fevereiro. A tough veteran brawler, Molina, of West Covina, Califórnia, has been in the ring with some of the top boxers at lightweight, junior welterweight and welterweight. Over his 13-year career he’s been involved in multiple Fight of the Year contenders while picking up victories over Ruslan Provodnikov, Mickey Bey, Hank Lundy and Ivan Redkach.

It’s going to be another barnburner like every one of my fights,” Disse Molina. “My opponent is tough and durable, so I know it is going to be another exciting fight for my fans. There’s no surprises at this stage of the game for me. This is going to be a huge night from top to bottom and I can’t wait.

Nery (29-0, 23 KOs) is a power puncher and has stopped his last 10 oponentes e 14 de sua última 15. He scored a TKO victory over Shinsuke Yamanaka for the world bantamweight title in 2018. The 24-year-old southpaw from Tijuana, Mexico is coming off a dominant stoppage victory over McJoe Arroyo on the March PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View.

I am thrilled to be back on a PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event and to be fighting on a card with my friend, Senator Manny Pacquiao,” said Nery. “To fight in Las Vegas has been a dream of mine since I turned professional. All the great Mexican fighters have fought in the fight capital of the world. My fight against Juan Carlos Payano is the last step to me getting my shot at the WBC championship and getting my belt back. Viva Mexico!”

Payano (21-2, 9 KOs) is coming off a unanimous decision victory over then-unbeaten Damien Vazquez in October on FS1. It was a bounce back victory from his loss to Naoya Inoue in a world title match last October. The only other loss in the career of the 35-year-old from La Vega, Dominican Republic came in another world title match, when he dropped a majority decision to Rau’shee Warren in 2016, after previously beating Warren for the title in 2015.

Manny Pacquiao has been my favorite fighter since I’ve been a pro and I’m very excited to be fighting on this pay-per-view,” said Payano. “I even nicknamed myself ‘Baby Pacquiao,’ so this is a special honor. Fighting Luis Nery is also a great opportunity for me. Luis is a very hungry, strong fighter looking to regain his championship status. Infelizmente, he is not going to do that with me. I’m sure he will be ready and come for war, and so will I.

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