標記檔案: 阿根廷

FITE TV announces television carriage deal for the WMMAA Pan-American Division Championships October 8-9 in Chile

Go to FITE TV interview with host JimJ.R.Ross and
WMMAA Pan-American Division president Tomas Yu
紐約, 紐約 (八月 26, 2016) — 精視電視, in conjunction with the World MMA Association (WMMAA), announced today that it will be broadcasting the inaugural WMMAA Pan-American Division Championships live on FITE TV starting with the preliminary matches 星期六, 十月 8, and the final Sunday October 9, 2016.
FITE is a television network, via a downloadable app, that specializes in all things fighting, including boxing, 摔角, MMA and Martial Arts. FITE is a free app that is available for download at the Google Play or iTunes app stores.
十月. 8-9, the WMMAA is bringing the top amateur MMA competitors from around the world to Santiago, Chile for a two-day competition. 多於 12 countries will be represented in eight different weight classes (6 男人, 2 women classes). Michelle Bachelet, the President of Chile, is slated to participate in the opening ceremonies and preside over the closing of the event. In addition to the in-ring MMA competition, the weekend will feature a fitness expo and Ring Girl Latina 2016 pageant. As of today, 12 countries have committed to participating in the event, including the United States, 墨西哥, 古巴, Aruba, 尼加拉瓜, Costa Rica, 哥倫比亞, Chile, Paraguay, 阿根廷, Bolivia, 和巴西.
We are thrilled to be able to offer free viewing of one of the most anticipated MMA events in the Pan-American region each year on the innovative FITE TV app,” WMMAA Pan-American Division President 托馬斯·玉 評論. “現在, if you are not able to be at the event to watch the action live, you can now see it anywhere in the world.
With the addition of such a prestigious event to FITE TV, we continue to increase the diversity of the combat fighting programming, now offered live and on a VOD basis on the app,” 說 Michael Weber, Senior Vice President of Marketing for FITE. “It is a honor to work with MMA professionals such as Tomas Yu and his team who continue to increase the visibility of their organization worldwide.
The television programming schedule and additional participating countries will be announced in the immediate future.
About FITE TV: FITE TV is a product of Flipps Media and is a free mobile app that is a one-stop shop for viewing all sports within the fighting discipline globally including MMA, 職業摔跤, 拳擊, and traditional martial arts. With only access to a smartphone and a connected TV, with the FITE app, viewers can watch live events, on-demand programming, interviews and fighting sports related movies and documentaries on the big TV screen. 更多信息可以在這裡找到 www.fite.tv.
About Flipps Media: Flipps delivers on-demand entertainment to any nearby connected TV from your mobile device without any additional hardware. The company has offices in San Mateo, New York and Sofia, Bulgaria and is backed by Tim Draper, Earlybird Venture Capital, Aslanoba Capital and LAUNCHub. Flippspatented technology immediately works with over 350+ million connected TVs and is compatible with over 7,000 manufacturer models requiring no set up, no pairing devices, no cables, no dongles and no set top box. The Flipps mobile application is free and available on iTunes and Google Play. 更多信息可以在這裡找到 www.flipps.com.
About WMMAA: The goal of the World MMA Association is to provide unbiased structure and guardrail the growth of MMA as the official world governing body for Mixed Martial Arts. A non-profit organization founded in 2012, WMMAA is on a mission to develop a standardized and regulated organization, including competition, 訓練, officiating, testing and growth when necessary. 多於 50 countries have been granted WMMAA membership.

不敗莫羅馬克西米利戈多伊保衛WBO拉丁裔 & 阿根廷人 140 英鎊冠軍本星期五在布宜諾斯艾利斯, 阿根

布宜諾斯艾利斯, 阿根廷 (七月 8, 2015)這個星期五 晚上在布宜諾斯艾利斯, 阿根廷, 不敗的世界排名, JR. 次中量級 毛羅·馬克西米利戈多伊 將捍衛WBO拉丁裔和阿根廷 140 當他在澤維爾Luques卡斯蒂略磅冠軍.
森特納里歐的戈多伊, 阿根廷的紀錄 19-0 同 8 擊倒,目前排名-9由WBO.
科爾多瓦卡斯蒂略, 阿根廷是 13-4 同 4 擊倒.
“我感謝為橫幅促銷爭取機會, 我將利用正在與一個偉大的公司,” 戈多伊說.
“我有很大的期望. Castillo has fought internationally, 所以它是一個機會來證明我可以在較高的水平打. This will be a good fight but I will win the fight fight cleanly and emphatically.
“我準備是在美國的大舞台. This is a new opportunity with Banner Promotions. I will prove that I have the qualities to become a star.
戈多伊將是來自阿根廷的最新進口才能夠做大為自己正名, 在盧卡斯Matthysse的喜歡的腳步, 馬科斯Maidana和迭戈查韋斯.
“我已經準備好戰鬥,他們已經在類型. I know I am on the same level as those fighters. I am on the level to take any fight and fight everybody. I just want to fight the best.
“我只是想感謝我的團隊. I am glad that the fight can be seen online so I can prove to a large audience that I have worked very hard to realize my dream to become world champion.
The fight will be shown live on HTTP://www.tvpublica.com.ar10 PM 東.

桑普森拳擊, WBC, CUBAP舉行重要南美拳擊錦標賽

在WBC業餘拳擊委員會, CUBAP and Sampson Boxing are proud to announce MERCOSUR “飛往墨西哥”, 精英拳擊比賽,包括來自南美的競爭對手 “南方共同市場” 國家集團, 阿根廷, 巴西, 以及東道國, 烏拉圭.

比賽的開幕活動將於 星期五, 四月 10, 在體育場 8 德JUNIO派桑杜, 烏拉圭, 並將繼續從那裡與來自烏拉圭的不同位置顯示月.

雖然本次大賽將舉行以發現新的南美拳擊天賦的希望, 因為它是由CUBAP的WBC業餘委員會,並主持召開, 安全和福祉的戰鬥機將是首要任務.

MERCOSUR “飛往墨西哥” 將通過VTV和Notifight現場直播.

“這是WBC的傘下的精英賽正在舉行的烏拉圭我的家國歷史上第一次,” 說桑普森拳擊桑普森Lewkowicz. “我想提供給我的祖國第一烏拉圭世界冠軍,這是一個很好的開始. 我想親自感謝WBC主席蘇萊曼毛,他在把這個在一起的所有幫助。”


一個非常成功的奔跑作為媒人和顧問後,, 桑普森Lewkowicz切換到職業拳擊推廣方一月 2008.

桑普森拳擊已經成長為世界上最負盛名的推廣公司之一, 代表許多世界上最好的戰士,最有前途的年輕競爭者.

桑普森拳擊有促銷的合作夥伴遍及北美和南美, 非洲, 亞洲, 新西蘭, 澳大利亞, 歐洲,中美洲和桑普森拳擊事件被電視上的首映式等網絡作為HBO, 開演時間, ESPN, VS. 和一些國際網絡.


勇士拳擊自豪地宣布阿根廷超中量級的競爭者達里奧簽署 “高盧” Pucheta (20-2, 11 科斯) 到推廣合同.

28-歲Pucheta去 102-8 在布宜諾斯艾利斯的一個業餘. 他轉為職業選手 2009 並且已經獲得了WPC輕中量級和南美超級中量級錦標賽.

“我很高興地從阿根廷簽署了這一令人振奮的新前景,” 說勇士拳擊總統, 萊昂Margules. “無論他的損失是極具爭議性,我們認為他會成為一個很大的標誌,在國際拳擊比賽現場的時候,我們讓他在美國活躍”

Pucheta, 訓練有素的由他的父親, 是一個非常有耐心的戰鬥機誰的作品背後戳,並可以對抗未來的前進或反打孔.

“他總是在夢幻般的形狀. 這就是這個最大的優勢之一,” 繼續Margules. “他是在健身房不知疲倦的工作者, 立志成為阿根廷的另一個偉大的冠軍,我們很高興能有機會幫助他到達那裡。”

# # #


在推出 2003, 勇士拳擊在一個簡單的工作理念,把最好的拳擊手在世界上爭取球迷, 與之匹配的有競爭力的較量, 並在這樣做有助於重新建立拳擊運動的新一代.


隨著一系列成功支付每視圖顯示叫好又叫座,其信用, 勇士的商業模式正在奇蹟的運動,是非常需要創新和能源,該公司帶來的表.


當它歸結為它雖然, 促銷公司是唯一不如戰鬥機和戰鬥它促進. 勇士拳擊已交付各條戰線, 以優異的較量,如拉拉 - 莫利納, 島 - 彼得森, 亞伯拉罕 - 米蘭達I和II, 米蘭達 - 帕夫利克, 米蘭達 - 綠, 易卜拉欣莫夫 - 布里格斯, 易卜拉欣莫夫 - 克里琴科, 烏蘭戈,哈頓, 烏蘭戈,貝利, 卡約 - Maidana的和易卜拉欣莫夫 - 霍利菲爾德.


有關勇士拳擊的更多信息, 訪問他們的網站 www.WarriorsBoxing.com.


圖片來源: 阿拉諾盒


LOS ANGELES (一月. 30) – 前WBC拉丁美洲輕量級冠軍, 馬塞利諾 “尼諾” 洛佩茲 已經簽署了推廣合同 金童推廣. The 28-year-old from Arribenos, 布宜諾斯艾利斯, 阿根廷已經具備了很強的職業生涯,作為一個職業拳擊手在南美, 獲獎和捍衛幾個冠軍,並保持了近乎完美的紀錄 31-1-1 (15 科斯).


“金童推廣繼續加強戰鬥機的名冊,並添加馬塞利諾·洛佩茲的球隊是確認我們已找到最好的人才放在對球迷最好的戰鬥的偉大計劃,” 說霍亞, 主席和創始人的金童推廣.


“我很高興能與金童推廣工作, 我覺得這是一個很好的機會,讓我被介紹給一個更大的拳擊觀眾,” 洛佩茲說. “我很高興能看到什麼 2015 將帶來是一​​個世界的一部分公認的推廣公司。”


“我很高興繼續與金童推廣工作,” 馬里奧說阿拉諾, 洛佩茲的經理. “他們的家人和一直選擇了最好的戰鬥為他們的戰鬥機. 他們做了偉大的工作與盧卡斯Matthysse和信任,他們會做一個出色的工作帶來了國際聲譽和知名度,以馬塞利諾·洛佩茲。”


The current South American Super Lightweight title holder is looking to expand his fan base and his record. Fighting almost exclusively in Argentina, 強硬沖床想所有的,而征服了北美球迷的愛一個世界冠軍的比賽打.


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.goldenboypromotions. 並按照在Twitter上@GoldenBoyBoxing, OscarDeLaHoya, 成為Facebook上的粉絲在 www.Facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing andhttps://萬維網.facebook.com/pages/Marcelino-尼諾 - 洛佩茲/ 405482176263368 或者按照對Instagram的@GoldenBoyBoxing和@OscarDeLaHoya.