Tag Arsip: Alexander Brand



8-6-16 HBO WCB Letterhead (7-26-16b FINAL)jpg


AT Oracle aréna IN OAKLAND, California


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Photo Kredit: Roc Nation Olahraga / Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos

Oakland, SAPERTOS (Agustus 4, 2016) - Dinten Kemis, Agustus 4, Roc Nation Olahraga hosted nu konferensi pers final pikeun Dua-Time World Jawara jeung pound-pikeun-pound bajoang luhur-dipeunteun Andre Ward (29-0, 15 KOs) and power-punching Colombian Alexander Brand (25-1, 19 KOs) di Lake Merritt Kujang.jpg di Oakland, California in advance of their August 6 tarung di Oracle sarena di Oakland. Ward and Brand will meet in 12-round WBO Intercontinental title fight televised live on HBO World Championship Boxing® beginning at 10:35 p.m. Et / PT.


Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf sent senior special advisor, Penny Moore, to kick off the press conference with an official proclamation honoring Ward’s contribution to the city and declaring August 4 as Andre Ward Day.


Below is what the fighters and dais guests had to say at the press conference:



Andre Ward, Dua-Time Jawara Dunya jeung pound-pikeun-pound bajoang luhur-dipeunteun:

“The Bay Area is a beautiful place. I’m blessed to be here in my city and to represent you all. I’ve gotten a lot of heat in the press about fighting here but I won’t apologize. I dreamed about fighting here and being a headliner. We’re going to continue to headline. I’m thankful for all the sponsors that were named, HBO and everybody who supported on a small and big level.


“I’m excited about the future. I want to be the lightweight champion of the world, a two division champion. Everyone knows that, but it’s impossible for me to overlook this man (Brand). I’m not built like that. I wasn’t raised like that. I wasn’t groomed like that. As a young fighter, I don’t operate like that. This man is coming, this is his super bowl. Because this is his super bowl, it has to be my super bowl. My ribs are showing, Abdi lapar. I’ll see you all Saturday night.”

ALEXANDER BRAND, Former WBC Latino Super Middleweight Champion:

“I want to thank you all for being here today. It’s a pleasure for me to be in this wonderful city. All I want to do is give a good show and make sure that I give that to my fans here in Oakland. I want to have a good fight and work hard. It’s really a true honor to be in the ring with a champion like Andre Ward.”

Michael YORMARK, Présidén jeung Kepala Branding & Strategy – Roc Nation:

“Over the last year and a half this city has become our home away from home, with Saturday marking Roc Nation Sports’ third big Bay Area fight in the last 16 bulan. More importantly, Oakland is also the home to the world’s greatest pound-for-pound boxer and Olympic gold medalist, your very own Andre Ward and now the new home of another Roc Nation star athlete, Kevin Duka. On Saturday at Oracle Arena and live on HBO, Andre looks to continue his conquest of the light heavyweight division when he takes on power-punching Colombian Alexander Brand.”


VIRGIL punter, Andre Ward’s Trainer:

"Thanks to the city of Oakland for coming out and supporting Andre. We hope you continue to do that as we continue to grow in his career and his journey. Much respect for Team Brand. We consider him a very formidable opponent. He cannot be taken lightly. We know he can fight, we know he is a great competitor. It is also an honor for us to be in the ring with him and his team.”


James PANGERAN, Andre Ward’s Manager:

“I like to thank God for this opportunity, HBO, Roc Nation, Antonio Leonard Promotions and Team Alexander Brand. Alexander Brand has over 400 amateur fights so this is an opponent we’re not taking lightly. Anybody who has 400 fights has a lot of experience so we look forward to fighting him. We had him on our radar a few months ago but we didn’t reel him in. We were injured and he got away from us. Come Saturday night, we’re going to put an S.O.G brand on Alexander Brand.”

ALEX CAMPONOVO, Alexander Brand’s Manager:

“It’s been a long road for Alexander Brand. He’s worked very hard to get where he is today. He was given the opportunity by HBO last December for a fight in Florida on HBO Latino and he showed his true colors. This is a great opponent, one of the greatest of all time, in Andre Ward. We know that this champion probably has never lost a round inside the ring and that is what Brand is here to do, to prove himself and to show that if you try and work hard, you can go very far.”



Tony Walker, Wakil Présidén, HBO mapay-Per-Témbongkeun:

“On behalf of our executive Vice President Peter Nelson and the rest of the HBO Sports staff, I’d like to say that we’re very happy to be here in Oakland. We are looking forward to a great card on Saturday night. We’ve done three shows from Oracle, and each time, Andre Ward has put on an outstanding performance and showcased his skills as one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in the world. We consider Andre one of the HBO family as he’s been able to showcase his skills, become one of the best boxers of this generation, recognized as a champion and he’s all done it with great character and great professionalism. He’s a joy to work with us at the network.


“I’d like to welcome Alexander Brand to the network as he’s here to spoil the party. Anytime you get in the ring, anything can happen as we’ve seen in boxing over the years. We welcome him and know that he’s going to give a great performance as he tries to elevate his own career.


“There seems to be an opportunity that people have been talking about this fall for Andre. With what we’ve seen in boxing over the past few years, I think we should wait to see what happens Saturday night, then start talking about what happens after that. The telecast starts at 10:35 p.m. Et / PT. We have a great broadcast crew, we guarantee you some informative and exciting discussion on boxing and a great night of television.”



Ward vs. Brand is a 12-round fight for the WBO Intercontinental title, presented by Roc Nation Sports and sponsored by Corona Extra, Verizon, ProSupps, Management Travel perusahaan Leyuran (CTMS), Jordan Brand, Istana hoé, Kingsford, Autocom Nissan, Ticketmaster and The Clorox Company, supporting the Bay Area Community for over 100 taun. The event will be televised live on HBO World Championship Boxing®beginning at 10:35 p.m. Et / PT.

Tiket dibanderol di $250, $100, $70, $40 jeung $30, teu kaasup ongkos layanan lumaku jeung pajeg, are available at all Ticketmaster locations, online di Ticketmaster.com jeung muatan ku telepon di (800) 745-3000.


Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, mangga buka www.rocnation.com. Turutan Roc Bangsa dina Twitter jeung Instagramrocnation jeung dina Facebook di www.facebook.com/RocNation.


Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, nganjang www.hbo.com/boxing, nuturkeun dina Twitter jeung Instagram diHBOBoxing jeung jadi kipas dina Facebook di www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


Follow the conversation using #WardBrand.




Klik IEUH pikeun Photos

Photo Kredit: Roc Nation Olahraga / Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos

Oakland, SAPERTOS (Agustus 3, 2016) - Dinten Salasa, Agustus 2, Dua-Time Jawara Dunya jeung pound-pikeun-pound bajoang luhur-dipeunteun Andre Ward (29-0, 15 KOs) and power-punching Colombian Alexander Brand (25-1, 19 KOs) milu dina workout media di Raja sacara Gym di Oakland, California sateuacanna maranéhanana Agustus 6tarung di Oracle sarena di Oakland. Ward and Brand will meet in 12-round WBO Intercontinental title bout televised live on HBO World Championship Boxing® beginning at 10:35 p.m. AND/PT.


Sanggeus shadowboxing di ring jeung sababaraha rounds dina tas punching, both fighters participated in interviews with media members in attendance. Also on hand to catch the hometown hero were a dozen members of the West Oakland Boys and Girls Club chapter. Ward surprised the group of local youths with tickets to Saptu sacara gelut.


Di handap ieu naon geus pejuang ngomong salila workout media final:


Andre Ward, Dua-Time Jawara Dunya jeung pound-pikeun-pound bajoang luhur-dipeunteun:

“It was good to get back in camp right after the last fight. I was a lot sharper early in camp than I normally am. The last couple of years, typically, you have to get the rust off first, then work on getting sharp, work on technique and the game plan. This training camp was continuous of the last training camp, I probably put in over 130 rounds. Kuring ngarasa bener alus.

“I know enough about Brand. He’s got everything to gain and nothing to lose. He swings for the fences with every punch. He’s a dangerous guy to fight.

“It feels good to be back at Oracle Arena multiple times this year. I don’t know how much stock you can put into the last couple of years. A lot of people are talking about it, but people have to weigh in the amount of time I have been doing this, which is all my life. You look at Floyd Mayweather, he took a couple of hiatuses and it may have given him two or three more years. It was a mental break and it was a physical break. Taking those couple years where maybe you’re not fighting as frequently, it’s not always a bad thing, especially late in your career.

“I came up a little different in my Olympic days. Virgil Hunter is the type of coach who will get you away from everybody and turn your phone off. We didn’t have snapchat in 2004, we didn’t have Instagram in 2004. We had a room that we all had to huddle around with desktop computers where we all had to get news about what was going on. But now, dina 2016, I see the USA team snapchatting and Instagramming. Part of you wants to tell them to shut it down and do it like I did it, but that may not be the right thing. Understand why you’re there, understand you’re not going to get this moment again. You don’t typically repeat when you go for the Olympics. Understand why you’re there, take it seriously and everything else will fall in place.

“The key is to have a good team. I’ve got a great lawyer, a great manager and a great promotional team in Roc Nation Sports. They are going to make sure the details are right. This is a very much a business, and before there’s combat, business has to be handled and taken care of. I think fighters and all athletes should be unapologetic about taking care of business. Cara nu, when you get into that ring or field or court, your mind can be free.

“Unfortunately, our women don’t get the respect they deserve, they don’t get the notoriety. They don’t get the exposure that they probably should get. Raquel Miller, who will be on the card, and other female fighters, they do what we do. They’re training and grinding but they are not always noticed. I remember the Christie Martin days where she fought on the Mike Tyson undercards with Laila Ali. They got some good publicity and shine. Tapi, there are so many other young female fighters coming up, ones who are established and have been fighting, whom people don’t know about. It’s a beautiful thing. I’m happy for Raquel and excited to have her on the card. I don’t believe when people say there is no market for women’s boxing. Let’s create a market then, let’s create some buzz!

“Sergey Kovalev is not on my mind at all. I’ve got a job to do. I haven’t even talked about Kovalev. We can talk about Kovalev on August 7th, that’s what I told my team. I didn’t watch his last fight, he’s not my next opponent but I know what happened and what people are saying about it.

“I’ve never seen Brand in person. It’s tricky, in my last fight, Sullivan Barrera was a little bit bigger than me. Everyone made a big deal about that, and Brand is smaller than me. You’ve got to be able to get it done, short or tall, explosive or wild. Brand is wild, so it’s going to take a few rounds to break him down and tame him before we start doing what we want to do. As a championship-caliber fighter, you’ve got to be able to deal with everything, every style and size. I’ve never seen the guy in person, so it’s hard to gauge.

“Taking away my opponents’ best weapon away is a skill that I developed as a kid, right here at King’s Gym. Virgil was a really, really good coach. He’s probably the last of the great teachers. I’ve been in here with pros at 13 jeung 14 heubeul taun. Seasoned veterans hitting me on my head, trying to discourage me, trying to bully me. I would go back to the corner and say, ‘Man he hit me on my head. Man he’s pushing my head back.’ And Virgil would say, ‘Then make him stop.’ In other words, I had to figure it out. Having those sessions here year after year, I had to get my respect in here first before I could even fight others. I had to learn to adjust here first before I had the chance to adjust in a big fight. Janten, it started here. Jeung, it carried over. Komo ayeuna, we bring in top sparrers. Sparring is different than a fight, but we bring in top sparrers to make sure my senses are on point. I don’t like to lose a second of a round so even when I am tired, I try to figure it out mentally. What can I do to offset him? How can I take that away from him? Exploit his weakness? That is constantly on my mind. I think it shows when the lights come on.

“Being back at home, it’s two-fold. Part of me wants to stop and take it in. Go down memory lane and remember all the times I’ve walked into the gym, all the battles I’ve had in here. Remember the good days and the bad days. Then there is another part of me that doesn’t like looking back too soon. I’ve got to stay in the moment. It’s kind of surreal. It’s surreal to be in the arena that I have driven past for years. Driving down 880 and wishing I could headline. Aku rahayu. Not a lot of people get the opportunity. I know a lot of great fighters who didn’t get the opportunity for one reason or another. And to have that opportunity, I don’t take it lightly.

“I’ve been given a tremendous opportunity. God has blessed me a lot. There’s an inscription in the bible that says to whom much is given, much is acquired. He’s given me a talent, and I’m probably not the most talented, but I want to make sure I use it the best I can. I’m running my race right now in this professional game, and when I look back I want to say that I didn’t cheat anybody, that I gave everything that I had, and this is what I have to show for it. Finishing strong is really important to me. Becoming an all-time great is really important to me. I’m just giving God a return on his investment, because he’s invested a lot in me. I’m thankful.”


ALEXANDER BRAND, Former WBC Latino Super Middleweight Champion:


“I didn’t want to show too much at this media workout but I’ve got something in store for the day of the fight.


“It doesn’t really matter that the fight is in Ward’s hometown, it’s going to be a fight. Wherever it is, whether it’s in his backyard or anywhere else, I’m coming to fight and that’s the most important thing.


“It’s nothing new for me, I perang di 175 pounds in the amateurs. My last fight in December was at 175 pounds against an undefeated Russian when Andre Ward got hurt and couldn’t fight me on the Cotto-Canelo card.


“Whatever Ward brings, I’m going to have something for him.


“Ward still has 12 rounds to fight before he can think about Kovalev.”


Ward vs. Brand is a 12-round fight for the WBO Intercontinental title, presented by Roc Nation Sports and sponsored by Corona Extra, Verizon, ProSupps, Management Travel perusahaan Leyuran (CTMS), Jordan Brand, Istana hoé, Kingsford, Autocom Nissan, Ticketmaster and The Clorox Company, supporting the Bay Area Community for over 100 taun. Acara bakal televised langsung dina HBO Dunya Championship tinju mimiti di 10:35 p.m. Et / PT.


Tiket dibanderol di $250, $100, $70, $40 jeung $30, teu kaasup ongkos layanan lumaku jeung pajeg, are available at all Ticketmaster locations, online di Ticketmaster.com jeung muatan ku telepon di (800) 745-3000.


Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, mangga buka www.rocnation.com. Turutan Roc Bangsa dina Twitter jeung Instagramrocnation jeung dina Facebook di www.facebook.com/RocNation.


Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, nganjang www.hbo.com/boxing, nuturkeun dina Twitter jeung Instagram diHBOBoxing jeung jadi kipas dina Facebook di www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


Follow the conversation using #WardBrand.

Raquel Miller Added to Ward vs. Brand Undercard

Roc Nation Sports is pleased to announce the addition of San Francisco’s Raquel Miller (1-0, 1 KO) to the undercard of Andre Ward vs. Alexander Brand at Oracle Arena in Oakland, California on Agustus 6, 2016. This will be the first Roc Nation card to feature a female fighter.

Bayview-Hunters Point native Raquel “Pretty Beast” Miller will be making her second professional start since debuting against Sara Flores on May 21, 2016 in Richmond, California. In her augural pro fight, the former amateur standout wasted no time, scoring a technical knockout over her opponent within the first minute and 14 detik tina babak kahiji. Miller was the 2012 Women’s World Championships Silver Medalist, 2012 USA Boxing Women’s National Champion and 2012 AS. Olympic Team Trials Bronze Medalist, serving as the U.S Women’s Olympic alternate in the London Games. Miller will be taking on an opponent to be determined on Agustus 6 di Oracle Aréna.

Two-Time World Champion and top-rated pound-for-pound fighter Andre Ward (29-0, 15 KOs) bakal mulang ka cingcin dina Saptu, Agustus 6, to continue his conquest of the light heavyweight division when he takes on power-punching Colombian Alexander Brand (25-1, 19 KOs) di Oracle Bohay di Oakland, California. Ward vs. Brand is a 12-round fight for the WBO Intercontinental title, presented by Roc Nation Sports and sponsored by Corona Extra, Verizon, ProSupps, Management Travel perusahaan Leyuran (CTMS), Brand Jordan, Istana hoé, Kingsford, Autocom Nissan, Ticketmaster and The Clorox Company, supporting the Bay Area Community for over 100 taun. Acara bakal televised langsung dina HBO Dunya Championship tinju mimiti di 10:35 p.m. AND/PT.

Tiket dibanderol di $250, $100, $70, $40 jeung $30, teu kaasup ongkos layanan lumaku jeung pajeg, are available at all Ticketmaster locations, online di Ticketmaster.com jeung muatan ku telepon di (800) 745-3000.


ON Saptu, Agustus 6 AT Oracle aréna IN OAKLAND, California




YORK ÉNGGAL, Ny (Juli 26, 2016) – Two-Time World Champion and top-rated pound-for-pound fighter Andre Ward (29-0, 15 KOs) bakal mulang ka cingcin dina Saptu, Agustus 6, to continue his conquest of the light heavyweight division when he takes on power-punching Colombian Alexander Brand (25-1, 19 KOs) di Oracle Bohay di Oakland, California. Acara, which will be televised live on HBO World Championship Boxing beginning at 10:35 p.m. AND/PT, will now include six bouts of non-televised action for ticketed fans to enjoy before the main showdown.


The promising undercard lineup will feature East Bay familiar, Bilal Mahasin and a collection of Roc Nation Sports’ brightest prospects including, Daniel "kedutan" Franco, Rudy “The Revelation” Puga Jr. jeung Darmani “Rock Solid” Rock. Roc Nation Sports’ sparkplug Maurice “Mighty Mo” Hooker also looks to ignite Oracle Arena as the card’s co-feature in a 10-round NABO Junior Welterweight Title clash against Tyrone Barnett.


Maurice “Mighty Mo” Hooker (20-0-2, 15 KOs) was born and raised in Oak Cliff, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, where he found a boxing home at Maple Avenue Boxing Gym by way of an outreach program for at-risk youths. His natural talent was soon noticed resulting in him competing as an amateur, during which time he participated in over 100 gelut, compiling a record of 97 meunangkeun jeung ngan 7 karugian, jeung 67 victories coming by way of knockout. Hooker turned professional on April 29, 2011, taking on the vastly more experienced Tyrone Chatman at the Orpheum Theater in St. Louis. After four rounds, the judges saw the fight 40-36, 37-39 jeung 38-38, making the fight a split draw. Undeterred, in his next fight on June 24, 2014, Hooker scored his first professional win, knocking out Wilbert Mitchell in the first round at the Dr. Pepper Arena in Frisco, Texas. Eleven wins (eight by knockout) later, he took on undefeated Abel Ramos on January 17, 2014 in a bout that was featured on ShoBox from the Cook Convention Center in Memphis. After eight close, hard-fought rounds, the judges saw the fight a draw. Four consecutive knockout victories would follow before he took on fellow undefeated prospect Eduardo Galindo on June 26, 2015 at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in Dallas for the vacant NABO Junior Welterweight Championship. “Mo” did not disappoint his legion of hometown fans who saw him capture the title with a sixth round technical knockout victory. Dina Oktober 17, 2015, Hooker successfully defended his title at Madison Square Garden in New York City against his toughest opponent to date in Ghislain Maduma. The 10-round decision win came on the undercard of Gennady Golovkin vs. David Lemieux and was featured on the event’s “freeview” as well as streamed online around the world. “Mighty Mo” made his debut under the Roc Nation Sports banner on the undercard of Andre Ward vs. Sullivan Barrera, this past March at Oracle Arena in Oakland, SAPERTOS, where he annihilated opponent Wilfrido “La Roca” Buelvas of Columbia in the first round of a 10-round junior welterweight bout by way of technical knockout. Hooker looks to advance his undefeated record when he takes on Tyrone Barnett (23-4-1, 15 KOs) dina Agustus 6 di Oracle Aréna. Barnett was in action this past February, with a technical knockout victory over Daniel Attah at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. The D.C. native is eager to stop Maurice Hooker’s momentum and take home the NABO title.


Hailing ti Riverside, California jeung pajoang kaluar hotbed tinju of Oxnard, undefeated junior lightweight Daniel "kedutan" Franco (13-0-3, 8 KOs) mimiti tinju dina yuswa dalapan, amassing an catetan amatir of 67-15, menang nu Championship Oxnard PAL di 2006 jeung California Propinsi Silver Sarung Championship di 2007 sapanjang jalan. Salila debut professional Franco Kang dina Désémber 18, 2010, he ngéléhkeun Emanuel Machorro di Club 401 di Ontario, California via a knockout téhnis katilu buleud. Franco impressed awal dina karirna, compiling an catetan undefeated dua draws di tempat sapanjang California ku tungtung 2013. Salah sahiji jelema draws datang ngalawan Alejandro Ochoa di Cannon Tenang di Montebello, California dina September 20, 2013, but in a rematch three months later, Franco outmatched Ochoa nyetak hiji genep buleud meunangna kaputusan unanimous di Westin Bonaventure Hotel di Los Angeles. On Juni 20, 2015, during Ward’s return to the ring at Oracle Arena, Franco saw action in an eight round junior lightweight bout against Jonathan Alcantara and won by unanimous decision. In his most recent fight on March 26, 2016 di Oracle Bohay di Oakland, California on the Andre Ward vs. Sullivan Barrera undercard, the unbeaten Twitch met Mexico’s German “Panteonero” Meraz in an eight-round featherweight bout. Franco scored a technical knockout over the veteran fighter in the final round of the fight.Agustus 6 will be Franco’s third appearance at Oracle when he takes on Renton, Washington’s Marcelo Gallardo (7-3-2, 3 KOs). The 26-year-old Gallardo has been known to play the spoiler role, scoring unanimous decision victories over unbeaten prospects Christopher Diaz and Vic Pasillas in 2015.

Having compiled an exceptional amateur record of 99-8, Rudy “The Revelation” Puga. JR. (8-0, 7 KOs), the promising prospect from Salinas, California made his professional debut on September 2, 2011, scoring a fourth round technical knockout victory over Raul Talamontes at the Sports Complex in his hometown. Back in the ring less than two months later, Puga Jr. raised his record to 2-0 with a first round technical knockout of Jose Jesus Hurtado at the Sherwood Inn in Salinas. Dina Juni 2012, he sent Thomas Turner to the mat four times scoring a second round technical knockout win at the Joint at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. After a little more than a year away from the ring, he rededicated himself to the “sweet science” with a vengeance and on February 17, 2014, Puga Jr. made his comeback stopping Charon Spain in the third round with an overpowering body shot at the Salinas Storm House in his native Salinas. Puga Jr. rounded out 2015 with a four-round technical knockout of Katrell Straus and a six-round unanimous decision over Juan Carlos Rojas. On Pebruari 12, Puga Jr. extended his undefeated streak to 7 fights by knocking out Alejandro Osuna in two rounds at the Double Tree Hotel in Ontario, California. In his most recent fight on March 26, 2016 di Oracle Bohay di Oakland, California on HBO’s Andre Ward vs. Sullivan Barrera undercard, Puga Jr. extended his undefeated streak against Carlos “Kalimba” Lozano by way of a technical knockout in the sixth round. The Southern California native returns to the Bay Area on Agustus 6 to face an opponent to be announced.


Brooklyn’s undefeated Junior “The Young God” Younan (9-0, 7 KOs) is considered one of New York City’s best boxing prospects. Younan, trained by his father Sherif, a former professional boxer himself, began fighting competitively at age eight and only two years later was called a “boxing prodigy” by the New York Times. He compiled an amateur record of 90-5, racking up an impressive series of titles along the way including nine Junior Olympic championships, nine Junior Metro championships, eight New York State Silver Gloves championships and five Regional Silver Gloves championships. Dina 2011, he was crowned National Junior Golden Gloves champion and was U.S.A. Boxing’s number one rated junior boxer in his weight class. Less than a month after his 18th ultah, Younan made his professional debut on November 9, 2013, at the Aviator Sports and Events Center in Brooklyn, York Énggal, stopping Kenneth Schmitz in the first round. During his recent match up on the Andre Ward vs. Sullivan Barrera undercard that took place March 26, 2016, Younan scored a four round unanimous decision over Christian Solarzano, pitching a shutout on all three scorecards. Facing his stiffest test to date on May 13, 2016 on the undercard of throne boxing’s Dusty Hernandez-Harrison vs. Mike Dallas, JR. on BET and Tidal.com, Younan overwhelmed Rodrigo Almeida of Woburn, Massachusetts with a technical knockout in the first round at the DC Armory in Washington, D.C. Returning to Oakland on the Ward vs. Brand undercard, Younan is set to take on Jaime “Zarco” Solorio (5-2-2, 4 KOs) dina Agustus 6. Fighting out of Baja, California, the Mexico native is riding an undefeated streak in his last six fights.


Dina umur 20, Darmani Rock (3-0, 3 KOs) is already drawing comparisons to former heavyweight greats of the past. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Rock was brought to a local boxing ring by his father at age twelve after he lost a street fight to neighborhood bullies. Standing at 6’4”, he moves with an unparalleled lightness and speed for a fighter his size. Rock earned nation-wide accolades following a banner year in 2014 when he took home the USA Boxing Junior and Youth Open, Youth Continental and Youth World super heavyweight titles. During the 2014 Junior and Youth Open in Reno, Nevada, Rock shut out the 2013 National Youth Champion, John Luna, 3-0. This impressive performance was followed by another super heavyweight title at the Youth Continental Championships in March 2014 in Quito, Ecuador where he defeated Argentina’s Kervin Espinola 3-0. Rock then took home the gold medal at the prestigious World Youth Championships in Bulgaria in April 2014 by a 2-1 decision over Germany’s Peter Kadiru. Rock also took home the 2014 World Junior Amateur Championship and capped off 2014 by being named Philadelphia’s Amateur Boxer of the Year at the annual Briscoe Awards. His most noteworthy win, kumaha oge, came in May 2015 when he beat Cam Awesome in Las Vegas for the National Golden Gloves title. Rock also captured the 2015 AS. National Amateur super heavyweight championship. He ended his amateur career as the number one rated super heavyweight in the United States (and the number five rated super heavyweight in the world) bade 19-5 in national tournaments. Rock made his highly anticipated professional debut, after signing an exclusive promotional agreement with Roc Nation Sports, against Rockville, Maryland’s Carlos Black on May 13, 2016, as the co-feature of Roc Nation’s throne boxing card at the Armory in Washington, D.C. Following a devastating left hook, Rock brought his opponent to the floor with a right-left combination at the 1:54 mark tina babak kahiji. Without wasting any time, Rock followed his impressive debut by demolishing his next two opponents, Bobby Favors and Hassan Lee, both by way of knockout in the first round of the respective bouts. Making his Oracle Arena debut on Agustus 6, Rock looks to keep his fierce win streak alive when he takes on Mike Soun (1-2-1, 1 KO). The Boise, Idaho native seeks to reaffirm the impression he has set on Oakland where he scored his first career win and knockout over James Kirby this past January.


Bilal “Rebellious” Mahasin (8-3-1, 1 KO) is no stranger to Oakland fight fans. A resident of the Bay Area’s eastern shore, Mahasin made his professional debut in 2002 with great promise, winning his first three fights. On November 10, 2013, he fought one of the area’s top junior welterweight fighters, Moris Rodriguez, at the Red Lion Hotel in Sacramento, California. East Bay supporters made the trek to the state’s capital for Mahasin’s triumphant return which came by way of a six-round unanimous decision. Mahasin has accrued a ring record with a majority of the results coming as wins, and has transitioned up a weight class to super welterweight. He last fought on June 11, 2016 di 16th Street Rail Station in Oakland, going the distance with a six-round unanimous decision over Vincente Guzman. Mahasin is ready to take on journeyman Luis Alfredo Lugo (14-25-1, 5 KOs) dina Agustus 6 at Oracle Arena in front an ever-steadied fanfare.


Ward vs. Brand is a 12-round fight presented by Roc Nation Sports and sponsored by Corona Extra, Verizon, ProSupps, Management Travel perusahaan Leyuran (CTMS), Brand Jordan, Verizon, Istana hoé, Ticketmaster and The Clorox Company, supporting the Bay Area Community for over 100 taun.


Tiket dibanderol di $250, $120, $90, $40 jeung $30, teu kaasup ongkos layanan lumaku jeung pajeg, are available at all Ticketmaster locations, online di Ticketmaster.com (http://bit.ly/WardBrandPR) jeung ngeusi batre ku télépon di (800) 745-3000.


Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, mangga buka www.rocnation.com. Turutan Roc Bangsa dina Twitter jeung Instagramrocnation jeung dina Facebook di www.facebook.com/RocNation.


Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, nganjang www.hbo.com/boxing, nuturkeun dina Twitter jeung Instagram diHBOBoxing jeung jadi kipas dina Facebook di www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


Follow the conversation using #WardBrand.



YORK ÉNGGAL, Ny (Juni 28, 2016) - Roc Nation Sports nyaéta pleased ka ngembarkeun yen Dua-Time Dunya Jawara jeung luhur-dipeunteun pound-pikeun-pound bajoang Andre Ward (29-0, 15 KOs) bakal mulang ka cingcin dinaSaptu, Agustus 6, to continue his conquest of the light heavyweight division when he takes on power-punching Colombian Alexander Brand (25-1, 19 KOs) at Oracle Arena in Ward’s hometown of Oakland, California. The event will be televised live on HBO World Championship Boxing® dimimitian di 10:30 p.m. AND/PT.


Ward and Brand were slated to face each other last November on the pay-per-view undercard of Miguel Cotto vs. Canelo Álvarez, but a leg injury forced Ward to withdraw from participation in the event.


Tiket dibanderol di $300, $120, $90, $60 jeung $30, teu kaasup ongkos layanan lumaku jeung pajeg, go on sale Tuesday, Juni 28 di 5:00 p.m. PT and will be available at all Ticketmaster locations, online di Ticketmaster.com jeung muatan ku telepon di (800) 745-3000.


Ward vs. Brand is a 12-round fight presented by Roc Nation Sports and sponsored by Corona Extra, the motion picture HANDS OF STONE: The True Story of Roberto Duran, Management Travel perusahaan Leyuran (CTMS) and The Clorox Company, supporting the Bay Area Community for over 100 taun.


“We can get it on, ayeuna,"Ceuk Ward. “August 6th, I will be ready, so come out to Oracle Arena or tune in live on HBO. Don’t miss it.”


“It will be a great honor to face Andre Ward on August 6 and better yet in his own backyard,” said Brand. “Fighting somebody with such an illustrious career, facing a guy that perhaps hasn’t lost a round in his entire life, is even more thrilling. We were set to face each other last November, but he was forced to pull out of the fight with an injury. Now the time has come to fight him and I can’t wait to derail his future plans. I’ll work hard to spoil them.”


“Andre Ward’s quest to become the best light heavyweight on the planet and boxing’s number one pound-for-pound fighter continues on Agustus 6,"Ceuk David Itskowitch, COO of Boxing Roc Nation Sports. “Alexander Brand has been waiting for this fight since last year and we have no doubt he is going to enter the ring hungry for a huge victory. There’s a lot on the line in this fight for Andre who knows he can’t look past Brand towards a much discussed clash with Unified Light Heavyweight World Champion Sergey Kovalev.”


“Undefeated for the last two decades, technically brilliant and the last American man to win an Olympic gold medal in boxing, Andre Ward is one of the top pound-for-pound fighters in the world,” said Peter Nelson, Wawakil Présidén eksekutif, HBO Olahraga. “On August 6th, Andre continues his move up in weight to campaign in the 175-pound division against challenger Alexander Brand in front a hometown crowd at the Oracle.”


Dipikanyaho keur karakter nya kuat jeung integritas di luar cingcin jeung naluri soldadu sacara jero eta, 32 year-old Andre Ward’s skill and talent were apparent early in his outstanding amateur career. He racked up every title in the books, culminating in a gold medal in the light heavyweight division at the 2004 Olimpiade di Athena, Yunani. As the only male American boxer to claim Olympic gold in the past

decade, Ward ngagabung likes Muhammad Ali, Gula Ray Leonard jeung Oscar De La Hoya. Manéhna ngahurungkeun professional dina Désémber 18, 2004, scoring a second round technical knockout victory over Chris Molina at Staples Center in a fight that was televised live on HBO. He has gone on to rack up 27 more victories since then, building an ever-growing legion of fans in the process. Sanggeus jadi nu Ring Magazine jeung WBA Super Middleweight Dunya Jawara, rising to the number two spot on the pound-for-pound list and winning the 2011 Bajoang tina Taun Award (ESPN, Olahraga gambar, Magazine Ring jeung Association tinju panulis of America), ieu ngumumkeun yén Ward ditandatanganan an kasapukan promosi ekslusif jeung Roc Nation Sports dina Januari 2015, muka surah anyar dina karir tinju storied nya. Produk Bay Area balik ka cingcin dina Juni 20, 2015 di sarena Oracle di hareup fans kampung halaman di Oakland, California jeung ngoleksi kasalapan buleud knockout leuwih Paul Smith, continuing his unbeaten streak which dates back to when he was a 12-year-old amateur. In his most recent fight on March 26, 2016, Ward made his highly publicized 175-pound debut against Cuba’s undefeated and IBF number one rated light heavyweight contender Sullivan Barrera in front of frenzied crowd at Oracle Arena that including luminaries such as Michael B. Yordania, Stephen Curry, Marshawn Lynch and Draymond Green. Ward expertly managed the fight and began to unravel his opponent in the third round when he caught Barrera with a counter left hook, dropping him to the canvas. The rest was a routine victory for Ward, who scored a dominating dispatch of Barrera by way of unanimous decision after 12 rounds. Ward looks forward to a formidable challenge in Brand who is now the only obstacle in the way of his anticipated showdown against Unified Light Heavyweight World Champion Sergey Kovalev in the fall.


Bogota, Colombia native Alexander Brand (25-1, 19 KOs) turned professional at the relatively late age of 32 following a long and accomplished amateur career that saw him tally over 400 ngéléhkeun. He burst on to the professional scene in 2009, scoring knockout wins in his first 12 fights and winning 15 tina kahijina 17 bouts inside the distance. His first and only professional setback came via an eight-round split decision loss to current WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Badou Jack in a 2012 fight that many ringside observers thought Brand had won. Saprak fight nu, Brand kaliwat unggal test ring jeung warna ngalayang, notching eight consecutive victories. Dina bout panungtungan-Na, Brand faced the sternest test of his career since the Jack fight when he fought a favored, undefeated and highly touted light heavyweight Medzhid Bektemirov on December 5, 2015 at Osceola Heritage Center in Kissimmee, Florida. Brand weathered an early Bektemirov blitz, including recovering from a first round knockdown, and notched a 10-round split decision victory by the scores of 98-91, 98-91 jeung 94-95. Nu 39 year-old Brand, who has held several regional title including the WBC Latino Super Middleweight and the WBC Silver Interim Super Middleweight Championships, will be looking to pull off another upset on Agustus 6 and thrust himself into light heavyweight title contention.


Follow the conversation using #WardBrand.


Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, mangga buka www.rocnation.com. Turutan Roc Bangsa dina Twitter jeung Instagramrocnation jeung dina Facebook di www.facebook.com/RocNation.


Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, nganjang www.hbo.com/boxing, nuturkeun dina Twitter jeung Instagram diHBOBoxing jeung jadi kipas dina Facebook di www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.

RC bangsa olahraga & Promosi Miguel COTTO hadir tahta tinju: WILFREDO VAZQUEZ JR. Bobodoran. Rafael Rivera Media tanda petik jeung poto workout


Puerto Rico sacara VAZQUEZ JR. AND MEXICO’S RIVERA CLASH ON Desember 5, 2015 AT OSCEOLA warisan Park IN KISSIMMEE, Florida hirup dina HBO LATINO® tinju

Klik IEUH pikeun Photos

Photo Kredit: Roc Bangsa Sports & Miguel Cotto promosi


KISSIMMEE, FL (Dec. 4, 2015) - Roc Nation Olahraga sarta Miguel Cotto promosi hosted a workout media dihareupeun tahta tinju: Wilfredo Vazquez JR. vs. Rafael Rivera nu diatur pikeun Saptu, Dec. 5 ti Osceola Heritage Park némbongkeun Hall A di Kissimmee, Florida televised langsung dina HBO Latino tinju mimiti di 9:45 p.m. AND/PT. Urut WBO Junior featherweight Dunya Jawara Wilfredo Vazquez JR. (24-1-5, 19 KOs) of Bayamon, Puerto Rico jeung undefeated Rafael "Big Bang" Rivera (20-0-2, 14 KOs) of Tijuana, Mexico digawé kaluar dihareupeun maranéhanana sapuluh buleud featherweight showdown weekend ieu.


Di handap ieu naon pejuang kungsi nyebutkeun ngeunaan bouts upcoming maranéhanana.

WILFREDO VAZQUEZ JR., Urut WBO SMP featherweight WORLD Jawara:

"Kuring ngarasa ngabeledug sarta siap. Kuring boga nu motivasi nu ngajaga kuring dina. Kuring geus dipake dina laju mah gerakan kawas kuring basa kuring mimiti karir mah.


"Rivera nyaeta bajoang Méksiko Palasik nu bakal nyoba nunda tekenan dina kuring. Urang siap pikeun nanganan jeung ngurus naon bae he brings Saptu peuting. "

Rafael "Big Bang" Rivera, Featherweight undefeated:


"Ngan kawas nickname mah nyebutkeun, I bakal ngagunakeun laju mah agility mah meunang. Kaula bade nganggo sakabéh strategi Kuring geus latihan jeung keur dua bulan ka tukang."


Wilfredo Vazquez JR. vs. Rafael Rivera, a featherweight sapuluh buleud bout, lumangsungSaptu, Dec. 5 di Osceola Heritage Park némbongkeun Hall A di Kissimmee, Florida. Kajadian tahta tinju ieu dibere ku Roc Nation Olahraga sarta Miguel Cotto promosi jeung disponsoran ku tarumanagara Leyuran Management Travel (CTMS), Saayana Cazadores, Tempat Raja jeung SportsLock. Ogé diulas bakal Alexander Brand vs. Medzhid Bektemirov in a ten-round light heavyweight bout which is presented in association with Camponovo Sports and Gary Shaw Productions. The doubleheader will be televised live on HBO Latino beginning at 9:45 p.m. AND/PT.


Tiket dibanderol di $65 jeung $33, plus ongkos layanan lumaku, nu sadia pikeun meuli tiket di www.ticketmaster.com jeung www.ohpark.com. Pikeun ngeusi batre ku telepon, nelepon Ticketmaster di (800) 745-3000. Tiket ogé sadia pikeun meuli di kotak kantor Osceola Heritage Park nu weekdays kabuka ti 10:00 a.m. ka 4:00 p.m. jeung dina Saptu, Dec. 5 dimimitian di 8:00 a.m.


Kanggo inpo nu leuwih mangga buka www.rocnation.com. Turutan Roc Bangsa dina Twitter jeung Instagramrocnation jeung dina Facebook di www.facebook.com/RocNation. Turutan paguneman maké #throneboxing.

Dusty Hernández-Harrison TO AYEUNA nyanghareupan AMMETH Diaz ON Désémber 5 HBO LATINO® tinju telecast

Non-televised tahta tinju undercard tumpuk jeung

Hottest prospek ngora tinju sacara

AT OSCEOLA warisan Park



YORK ÉNGGAL, Ny (Desember 2, 2015) - Alatan isu visa, Kanada sacara Steve Claggett bakal bisa ilubiung dina weekend ieu sacara Dec. 5 televised co-feature bout against (28-0, 15 KOs). Hernandez-Harrison ayeuna bakal nyanghareupan Ammeth Diaz (32-12, 23 KOs) of Panama City, Panama di sapuluh buleud welterweight bout nu bakal pangrojong kapala ka urut WBO Junior featherweight Dunya Jawara Wilfredo Vazquez JR. (24-1-5, 19 KOs) of Bayamon, Puerto Rico against Rafael "Big Bang" Rivera (20-0-2, 14 KOs) of Tijuana, Mexico. Muka acara HBO Latino tinju runtuyan televised, nu bakal hawa hirup dimimitian di 9:45 p.m. AND/PT ti Osceola Heritage Park némbongkeun Hall A di Kissimmee, Florida, bakal jadi sapuluh buleud bout heavyweight cahya mintonkeun slugger Colombian Alexander Brand (24-1, 19 KOs) jeung artis knockout Rusia Medzhid Bektemir (16-0, 12 KOs).


Diaz, urut nangtang judul dunya anu geus meunang lima tujuh bouts pamungkas nya, bakal béda pikeun nunda cacad dina catetan undefeated Hernandez-Harrison sacara Saptu ieu. Nu Panamanian geus dilaksanakeun boh WBA Fedelatin jeung WBC Latino judul Lightweight jeung owns meunang leuwih Raymundo Beltran.


Salian an seru Dec. 5 televised lineup, sababaraha hottest rising béntang tinju sacara bakal diulas dina non-televised undercard. Standouts Roc Nation Sports Luis Arias jeung Wellington Romero babarengan jeung Miguel Cotto promosi ' Angel Acosta,Charlie Clemente, Josean Figueroa jeung Ricardo Rodriguez kitu ogé Freddie Roach protégé Mike Melykian bakal sadaya ningali aksi dina Dec. 5 jeung Tujuan tetep fans dina suku maranéhanana ti bel muka ngaliwatan awal kajadian utama.


Tiket dibanderol di $65 jeung $33, plus ongkos layanan lumaku, nu sadia pikeun meuli tiket di www.ticketmaster.com jeung www.ohpark.com. Pikeun ngeusi batre ku telepon, nelepon Ticketmaster di (800) 745-3000. Tiket ogé sadia pikeun meuli di kotak kantor Osceola Heritage Park nu weekdays kabuka ti 10:00 a.m. ka 4:00 p.m. jeung dina Saptu, Dec. 5 dimimitian di 8:00 a.m.


A asli tina Milwaukee, Wisconsin ayeuna residing di Fort Lauderdale, Florida, undefeated Luis "Cuba" Arias (12-0, 6 KOs) mimiti tinju dina yuswa tujuh jeung disusun catetan amatir of 140-25, ngabalukarkeun USA tinju Kang nomer hiji SMP ranking lalaki di 2006, nomer hiji lalaki dina-19 ranking di 2008 jeung ranking nomer hiji lalaki di 2010. Manéhna kawengku U.S.A. Dina-19 Championship National lalaki di 2008 sarta dua U.S.A Gedong Nasional Championships di 2009 jeung 2010. Debut professional Arias 'lumangsung dina November 10, 2012 di Staples Center di Los Angeles mana manéhna ngéléhkeun Josh Thorpe via kaputusan unanimous opat buleud. Manéhna geus reeled off 11 victories saprak, kaasup tilu di 2015 with his last two coming by way of knockout. On Dec. 5, manéhna gé kasampak tetep cara-Na unggul bade dina dalapan buleud super middleweight bout ngalawan Miranda Dinisio 22-12-2 (19 KOs) of Miami, Florida.


Pajoang kaluar ti Newburgh, York Énggal, tapi hailing ti Santo Domingo di Républik Dominika, Wellington "W.A.R." Romero (8-0-1, 3 KOs) ieu amatir kacida dihias nu jadi anggota reueus tina 2012 Team Olimpiade Dominika tinju di 2012 Games di London. Saméméh nu, he direbut medali perunggu dina 2010 Central American Games jeung dijieun patukang tukang appearances di 2011 Dunya Amateur tinju Championship jeung 2011 Pan American Games. Dina Oktober 26, 2013, Romero dijieun debut pro-Na, ngéléhkeun Koswara Galindo via kaputusan unanimous opat buleud di Boardwalk Hall di Atlantik City, New Jersey. Saprak harita manéhna geus meunang tujuh dalapan gelut-Na, jeung lone set-deui keur an Oktober 15, 2015 draw ngalawan mayoritas Lazar Stojadinovic nu loba pengamat ringside geus manéhna unggul. Dina bout panganyarna-Na dina Oktober 17, 2015 Romero ngoleksi genep buleud meunangna kaputusan unanimous ngalawan Ramesis Gil. On Dec. 5, manéhna nyanghareup Noel Echevarria(11-6, 6 KOs) of Winston-Salem, Karolina Kalér dina genep buleud welterweight junior bout. Guayama, Puerto Rico sacara Echevarria nu panganyarna ditantang Rod Salka dina Mei 16 pikeun kosong judul WBA Naba USA Super featherweight tapi datang nepi pondok lalaki dieureunkeun di babak kagenep.


Produk lian dina Puerto Rico, Angel "Tito" Acosta (11-0, 11 KOs) bakal béda tetep catetan sampurna gembleng dina Dec. 5 ngalawan Cijulang Rivas (2-2, 1 KO) of Nogales, Mexico dina flyweight genep buleud bout. On Maret 14 taun ieu, San Juan asli Acosta nyandak dina Armando Vazquez pikeun kosong WBC Fecarbox Light Flyweight Championship di Coliseo Roger L. Mendoza di Caguas, Puerto Rico jeung datang jauh jeung judulna ku nyetak hiji knockout kentel di babak katujuh. Prospek undefeated nu panganyarna Nyanghareupan Luis Almendarez dina Agustus 8, 2015 di Coliseo Hector Sola Bezares di Caguas, stopping lawan-Na jeung buleud knockout kahiji.


Undefeated Charlie Clemente (10-0, 4 KOs) tina Carolina, Puerto Rico ogé bakal béda pikeun terus cara-Na unggul dina Dec. 5. Dina bout panganyarna nya dina Agustus 8, he ngoleksi dua knockdowns en route ka opat buleud win kaputusan unanimous ngalawan Elias Polanco di Gimnasio Wilfredo Rivera di Santo Domingo, Républik Dominika. Manéhna baris kasampak pikeun ngaronjatkeun dina catetan undefeated nya sabot dicokot hiji lawan ditangtukeun dina flyweight genep buleud bout.


Dina hiji genep buleud featherweight junior bout, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico Kang Josean Figueroa (9-3-2, 7 KOs) bakal nyanghareupan Antoney Napunyi (11-13, 6 KOs) of Pahokee, Florida. Dina perang pamungkas-Na dina Juni 6, Figueroa ngoleksi an dalapan buleud meunangna kaputusan unanimous leuwih Jonell Nieves di Coliseo Ismael Delgado di Aguada, Puerto Rico.


Dina aksi undercard non-televised séjén, dua pribumi Puerto Rico bakal tangtangan karana dina genep buleud featherweight junior bout lamun Ricardo Rodriguez (5-0, 4 KOs) tina rupa Mayaguez Bryan Perez (2-2, 1 KO) tina Carolina. Rodriguez bakal béda pikeun manjangkeun tilas undefeated diangkat jadi manéhna nu panganyarna ngalawan Luis Hernandez dina Agustus 8 di Coliseo Hector Sola Bezares di Caguas lamun manéhna meunangkeun kaputusan opat buleud. Perez bakal nempo ka rebound ti knockout babak katilu ngalawan Marquel Jones dina Maret 14 di Sphinx Club di Washington, DC.


Muka show bakal Freddie Roach protégé Mike Melykian of Los Angeles anu bakal nyieun debut pro ngalawan Jimmy Rosario (0-1) of Bayamon dina welterweight opat buleud bout. Rosario dijieun debut pro-Na dina Mei 16, kaleungitan hiji kaputusan unanimous ngalawan Ryan Pino di Coliseo Pedrin Zorilla di San Juan.


Wilfredo Vazquez JR. vs. Rafael Rivera, a featherweight sapuluh buleud bout, lumangsungSaptu, Dec. 5 di Osceola Heritage Park némbongkeun Hall A di Kissimmee, Florida. Kajadian tahta tinju ieu dibere ku Roc Nation Olahraga sarta Miguel Cotto promosi jeung disponsoran ku saayana Cazadores, CTMS (Travel perusahaan Dijieun Basajan) Tempat Raja jeung Sportslock. Ogé diulas bakal undefeated Dusty Hernandez-Harrison vs. Ammeth Diaz dina welterweight sapuluh buleud bout jeung Alexander Brand vs. Medzhid Bektemirov in a ten-round light heavyweight bout which is presented in association with Camponovo Sports and Gary Shaw Productions. The tripleheader will be televised live on HBO Latino beginning at 9:45 p.m. AND/PT.


Kanggo inpo nu leuwih mangga buka www.rocnation.com. Turutan Roc Bangsa dina Twitter jeung Instagramrocnation jeung dina Facebook di www.facebook.com/RocNation. Turutan paguneman maké #throneboxing.

MEDZHID “B-52” BEKTEMIROV VOWS mawa gelut ngabeledug TO Alexander brand

Houston, TX (Desember 2, 2015) – Undefeated WBA #12 jeung WBC #13 contender heavyweight cahya, Medzhid “B-52” Bektemirov (16-0, 12 KOs), vows pikeun nyandak fight ngabeledug ka Alexander Brand (24-1, 19 KOs) nalika dua beungeut silih Saptu ieu, Desember 5, 2015 di Osceola Heritage Center di Kissimmee, Florida. The scheduled 10-round bout that will be shown live on HBO Latinodimimitian di 9:45 p.m. AND/PT.
“Tayangan kahiji panungtungan salawasna jeung Kaula bade nyieun milik hiji memorable kalawan fight ngabeledug,” Said Medzhid “B-52” Bektemirov. “Fans bisa ngaharepkeun kuring maledog sababaraha bom big, “B-52″ gaya, against Brand who I know is coming to fight. Fighting on HBO is something I’ve been working toward since I became a professional boxer and I want to thank my promoters Gary Shaw and Lou Savarese for making this fight. I’ll be looking to end the fight early, nu bisa bank dina.”
“Savarese jeung kuring percaya Bektemirov bisa jadi béntang gedé saterusna dina division heavyweight cahaya.” ceukGary Shaw. “He’s up against a very good fighter and he knows what’s on the line. The fans are in for a treat Saptu ieu jeung kuring teu bisa sabar nempo “B-52″ leupaskeun sababaraha bom.”
“Aya hiji buzz nice ngeunaan ieu tarung sabab boh guys bade ninggalkeun sakabeh kontak di ring datang fight peuting,” ceuk Lou Savarese. “Bektemirov boga kasempetan pikeun nyokot karirna ka tingkat saterusna jeung meunangna sarta kuring percaya manéhna gé kaluar di luhur.”
Tiket nu dibanderol di $60, $35 jeung $20, teu kaasup ongkos layanan lumaku jeung pajeg, jeung nu diobral ayeuna. Tiket disadiakeun di www.ticketmaster.com jeung www.ohpark.com. Pikeun ngeusi batre ku telepon, nelepon Ticketmaster di (800) 745-3000.

MEDZHID “B-52” BEKTEMIROV Talks HBO perdana ngalawan Alexander brand

Houston, TX (Nopember 23, 2015) – Undefeated contender heavyweight cahya, Medzhid “B-52” Bektemirov (16-0, 12 KOs), mulih deui ka ring Desember 5, 2015 di Osceola Heritage Center di Kissimmee, Florida. Medzhid will square off against Alexander Brand (24-1, 19 KOs) dina dijadwalkeun 10 buleud bout nu bakal dipintonkeun langsung dina HBO awal Latino di 9:45 p.m. AND/PT.
Bektemierov, rengking WBA #12 jeung WBC #13, ieu CO-diwanohkeun ku Gary Shaw Productions jeung Savarese promosi. Alexander Brand will be a major step up in class for Bektemierov, definitely his toughest fight as a professional. Training out of Houston, Texas, Bektemierov, méré pikiran-Na dina pajoang Brand dina HBO, bout kahiji televised nya.
“Ngalawan Alexander Brand, I kudu jadi di pangalusna mah,” Said Medzhid “B-52” Bektemirov, nu nu knocked kaluar tilu opat lawan pamungkas nya. “I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to show the world that I’m a real contender. Gary Shaw and Lou Savarese did their part on getting me this fight on HBO, now it’s time to do mine. They won’t be disappointed. Everyone watching on television can expect to see a lot of bombs being thrown from me. I’m always going to be gunning for the knockout early, tapi bakal disusun pikeun muka jarak lamun kuring kudu.”
“Bektemierov geus di kerja gym dina karajinan nya saprak gelut tukang-Na saméméhna taun ieu,” ceuk Gary Shaw. “Ceuk urang waited sabar pikeun kasempetan tarung dina televisi, and the fans watching on HBO are going to see B-52 drop some heavy artillery. This is a real fight with two top level contenders. Everyone should be tuning in, ieu bade jadi perang.”
“Gary jeung saha atuh ieu téh step nepi badag pikeun Bektemierov, tapi urang ngarasa manéhna meunang bakat jeung kaahlian pikeun jadi jawara dunya,” Lou Savarese ceuk. “The fight will be shown to millions watching on HBO and we feel our B-52 can come out on top. These are the type of fights that build the character of a champion.

Tiket nu dibanderol di $60, $35 jeung $20, teu kaasup ongkos layanan lumaku jeung pajeg, jeung nu diobral ayeuna. Tiket disadiakeun di www.ticketmaster.com jeung www.ohpark.com. Pikeun ngeusi batre ku telepon, nelepon Ticketmaster di (800) 745-3000.

RC bangsa olahraga & Miguel COTTO promosi hadir

WILFREDO VAZQUEZ JR. Bobodoran. Rafael Rivera

ON Desember 5, 2015 AT OSCEOLA warisan Park

IN KISSIMMEE, FL hirup dina HBO® Latino


YORK ÉNGGAL, NY - Roc Nation Olahraga sarta Miguel Cotto promosi pleased ka ngembarkeun co-promotion maranéhanana saterusna salaku bagian tina séri HBO Latino tinju. On Saptu, Dec. 5, urut WBO Junior featherweight Dunya Jawara Wilfredo Vazquez JR. (24-1-5, 19 KOs) of Bayamon, Puerto Rico bakal mawa kana undefeated Rafael Rivera (20-0-2, 14 KOs) of Tijuana, Mexico dina featherweight sapuluh buleud showdown ti Osceola Heritage Park némbongkeun Hall di Kissimmee, Florida televised langsung dina HBO awal Latino di 9:45 p.m. AND/PT.


Dina co-pitur televised, Dusty Hernandez-Harrison (28-0, 15 KOs) bakal mawa kana Steve Claggett (23-1-3, 16 KOs) dina sapuluh buleud welterweight co-diulas bout. Muka HBO telecast Latino bakal sapuluh buleud Dengdekkeun heavyweight cahya mintonkeun slugger Colombian Alexander Brand (24-1, 19 KOs) jeung artis knockout Rusia Medzhid Bektemir (16-0, 12 KOs) nu dibere dina pergaulan jeung Camponovo Olahraga sarta Gary Shaw Productions.


Tiket nu dibanderol di $67 jeung $35. Tiket balik diobral Kemis, Nopember 19 di 12:00 PM AND jeung baris sadia di www.ticketmaster.com jeungwww.ohpark.com. Pikeun ngeusi batre ku telepon, nelepon Ticketmaster di (800) 745-3000.


"Kuring bagja pisan jeung team mah rahayu ku Allah ka boga kasempetan pikeun ngalakukeun naon atuh pangalusna nu fight,"Ceuk Vazquez JR. "Kuring bisa nempo anu Rivera mangrupakeun bajoang alus teuing néangan indit jauh di bisnis ieu, tapi Kuring keur datang méré eta mah sadaya. Kuring kudu nungkulan tangtangan ieu guna nanjak deui ka nomer hiji rating jeung meunang beubeur judul dunya. Ieu sok seru jadi bagian ti ieu sihungan gede antara Puerto Rico vs. Mexico jeung hiji ieu moal iwal. "


"Ieu a ngahargaan nyata pikeun bisa ngalawan jawara urut dunya jeung ngalakukeun hal eta dina televisi nasional jeung HBO Latino,"Ceuk Rivera. "Kuring ngora jeung lapar jadi suksés dina cabang olahraga tinju mah teu bisa sabar dagangan nembak jeung Papito Vazquez."


"Sakali deui, Roc Nation Olahraga sarta Miguel Cotto promosi nu komitmen ka nyadiakeun fans fight kalawan peuting aksi-dipakétkeun tinju dinaDec. 5,"Ceuk David Itskowitch, COO tinju, Roc Bangsa Sports. "The HBO siaran Latino bakal showcase tilu gelut seru mintonkeun sababaraha bakat ngora brightest di olahraga."


"Urang gumbira datang deui ka Orlando, Florida méré fans gelut gede,"Ceuk Hector Soto, Wakil Présidén Miguel Cotto promosi. "OnDec. 5, Vazquez JR. boga kasempetan pikeun mintonkeun yen manéhna masih boga naon nu diperlukeun jadi di tingkat luhur tinju sabot nyanghareup bajoang Méksiko tangguh nu lapar jeung daék nyieun gelut gede. Ieu bakal bab sejen gede di sihungan storied of Puerto Rico vs. Mexico. "


Wilfredo Vazquez JR. geus mecenghul ti kalangkang badag ramana, Legenda Puerto Rican Wilfredo Vazquez, nyieun ngaran dirina jero bunderan kuadrat. The 30-year-old former world champion from Bayamon is on a quest to capture a world title belt in the featherweight division. After storming out of the gates with an 18 ngalawan tilas unbeaten, Vazquez kawengku WBO featherweight junior jawara dunya ku ngéléhkeun mangka sasama unbeaten Marvin Sonsona via a knockout kaopat buleud dina Pébruari 27, 2010 di kampung halaman nya. Two successful title defenses followed before Vazquez lost his title to Three-Time World Champion Jorge Arce in an all-out war that the judges had a draw at the time of the twelfth round stoppage. Tangtangan judul dunya sejen datang ngalawan Genep Time Dunya Jawara Nonito Donaire dina Pébruari 2, 2012, tapi Vazquez datang nepi pondok, muterna kaputusan split juara nu. Dina bout panungtungan-Na dina Juni 6,Vazquez leungit via kaputusan unanimous ngalawan Fernando Vargas dina dalapan buleud bout di Barclays Center di Brooklyn dina undercard of Miguel Cotto vs. Daniel Geale. Dec. 5 nyaeta crossroads bener ngalawan pikeun jawara urut dunya.


Undefeated featherweight petinju Rafael "Big Bang" Rivera dijieun debut pro-Na dina Aril 27, 2012 ngalawan Mario Lemus jeung datang kaluar jeung win knockout téhnis di babak kadua. Saprak teken dina dua opat nya gelut saterusna, Rivera geus reeled off 17 ngéléhkeun jeung 12 di antarana datang ku cara knockout. Dina tarung panungtungan-Na, Rivera ngoleksi an dalapan buleud kaputusan unanimous win ngalawan Cancun, Mexico asli Ruben Garcia dina dalapan buleud bout di Cache Creek Kasino Resort di Brooks, California. On Dec. 5, Rivera bakal béda pikeun tahan ka catetan undefeated-Na sabot battles Vazquez JR.


Washington, DC sacara Dusty Hernandez-Harrison dijieun debut professional salaku bajoang professional bungsu dilisensikeun di Amérika Sarikat dina bulan Juni 11, 2011, kurang leuwih sabulan nya di handap ieu 17th ultah. Dua puluh opat victories lempeng bakal nuturkeun saméméh Hernandez-Harrison headlined inaugural Roc Nation Sports ' tahta tinju kajadian di The Teater di Madison Square di perang televised ku Rubah Sports 1 dina Januari 9, 2015, motret nu kosong WBC Benua Amérika Welterweight Championship jeung sapuluh buleud meunangna kaputusan unanimous dominan leuwih Tommy "The agul" Rainone. Ti saprak éta, ceuk urang terus cara-Na unggul, nyetak tilu ngéléhkeun leuwih, kaasup knockout babak kahiji leuwih James Wayka di fight pamungkas-Na dina September 26. Dina 5th of Dec., manéhna gé kasampak tetep moméntum nu bade ngalawan Steve Claggett.


Claggett (23-3-1), ti Alberta, Kanada, nyepeng judul welterweight Kanada Professional tinju Council leuwih fight panganyarna ka sakuliah Stuart McLennan dina TKO babak katilu jeung Kanada Welterweight Judul ti win-Na ku kaputusan unanimous saméméhna taun ieu ngalawan Tebor Brosch. Manéhna kasampak nepi ka rengse taun-Na unggul, and Hernandez-Harrison’s unbeaten streak, dinaDec. 5.


Bogota, Colombia asli Alexander Brand ieu tunggang a tujuh fight unggul tilas dating deui ka Juli 2012. Tilas nu mimiti di handap ieu ngan eleh professional nu datang di leungeun Jawara Dunya kiwari Badou Jack via kaputusan dalapan buleud pamisah dina May 11, 2012. Saprak fight nu, Brand kaliwat unggal test ring jeung warna ngalayang, notching tujuh victories padeukeut. Dina bout panungtungan-Na dina Agustus 9, manéhna kalah Bernard Donfack ku kaputusan unanimous. Manéhna muka test sternest karir professional-Na dina Dec. 5 Lamun manéhna nyanghareup Bektemirov.


Lahir di Makhachkala, Rusia, Medzhid Bektemirov mimiti karir professional di 2009 di Houston Texas, mana ayeuna manéhna resides. Nu undefeated Rustamov sacara 16-0 catetan ngawengku 12 KOs. Manéhna nu panganyarna perang dina April 18, 2015 di Universitas Texas ngalawan Michael Gbenga, di mana manéhna meunang an dalapan buleud bout ku kaputusan unanimous. Manéhna kasampak cicing undefeated ngalawan Brand dina Dec. 5.


Wilfredo Vazquez JR. vs. Rafael Rivera, a featherweight sapuluh buleud bout, lumangsung Saptu, Dec. 5 di Osceola Heritage Park némbongkeun Hall di Kissimmee, Florida jeung bakal televised langsung dina HBO Latino. Fight ieu dibere ku Roc Nation Olahraga sarta Miguel Cotto promosi.


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