Category Archives: women’s boxing

DEVIN HANEY VS. Zaur Abdullaev szeptember 13 AZ HULU SZÍNHÁZ NYC

Augusztus 6, 2019 – Devin Haney vehet egy óriási lépést felé világbajnoki címét dicsőség, amikor szembesül többi veretlen csillag Zaur Abdullaev végső kiküszöbölő a WBC könnyűsúlyú Világ cím péntek szeptember 13 A Hulu Színház Madison Square Garden, New York, él DAZN az Egyesült Államokban és a Sky Sports az Egyesült Királyságban.

Haney (22-0 14 KO) tett felvillanyozó debütált Matchroom Boxing USA és DAZN május, megsemmisítése Antonio Moran egy KO az év versenyző a hetedik körben az összecsapás Maryland. A 20 éves harcol a Big Apple először pályafutása és a Las Vegas natív, rangsorolt #2 A WBC, hits Manhattan az ő legnagyobb harc még együtt DHP promóciók és Titov Boxing.

Abdullaev (11-0 7 KO) van rangsorolva #3 A WBC miután leszállt a Silver Könnyű pántot csak a kilencedik profi kirándulást áprilisban 2018, és a nagyra értékelt és veszélyes orosz vetette nyilvántartásba 11th pro győzelem és hetedik belül a távolsági februárban, megállás Humberto Martinez Jekatyerinburg, és most küzd kívül hazájában először pályafutása.

A WBC korona lesz a kezében sem Vaszilij Lomachenko vagy Luke Campbell MBE amikor az összecsapás The O2 Londonban augusztus 31, A Haney és Abdullaev élesen megjegyezte, hogy összecsapás a saját edzőtáborok válik zár szarv szeptember 13.

“Mindig jó érzés, ha kapok hivatalos időpontja,” Said Haney. “Maradok az edzőteremben, mert én vagyok a kutya, és én szeretem a harcot. Azt akarjuk, hogy a világ, hogy nekem emelkedik az én verseny. A jobb ők a jobb vagyok. Harcolok veretlen harcos meg Hulu Színház a Madison Square Garden.

“New York rajongói közül néhány a leghűségesebb rajongók a sport és alig várom, hogy valóban üzembe egy show számukra. Abdullaev szeret nyomást, és elvárom, nem kevesebb, szeptember 13. Láttam őt harcolni, és ő egy éhes harcos, nem kétséges, ő az én legkeményebb ellenfél a mai napig. Ez a harc egy lépésre a világbajnoki címet harcot, így mindketten sokat a vonalon.

“Abdullaev nincs nagy név, de ő rangsorolva #3 okkal, és én nem lebukott vele, vagy bárki más, hogy áll az utamban. Én áldott, hogy óriási támogatást DAZN és Eddie Hearn. A partnerkapcsolat van arra, hogy a harcot a legjobb a világon. Mindenkit bátorítok NYC vásárolni a jegyeket, vagy kap a DAZN App és nézni a növekedés a következő szupersztár ökölvívó. Ez a harc lesz, hogy világít!”

“Örömömre szolgál, hogy a küzdelem folyik,” Said Abdullaev. “Én pánikba, amikor láttam néhány bejegyzés Haney a szociális média, hogy senki nem akar harcolni vele 135lbs, és ő lehet, hogy feljebb súly. Tartottam csípős körmömet és nagyon szerette volna, hogy vegyenek részt, de azt mondták, hogy maradjon a beteg. Allah kegyes leszállította ezt a harcot, és most a valóság.

“Én egy kicsit csalódott, hogy a küzdelem nem lesz meg Haney Las Vegas hátsó udvarban, mert lett volna jó trónjától neki előtt a hazai kukorékolt, de New York egy nagy boksz város. Nem vagyok buta és értem, hogy jövök, mint egy esélytelenebb, de szeptember 13, Jövök, hogy összeomlik a hype minden valószínűség ellenére.”

WBA és IBF világ Super-Bantamweight bajnok Daniel Roman vezet halmozott undercard egy ínycsiklandó legfőbb támogató bout ahogy veszi halálos WBA kötelező kihívó Murodjon Akhmadaliev. Római (27-2-1 10 KO) egységes a WBA koronát az IBF pántja ír TJ Doheny a harcot az év versenyző otthon Los Angeles áprilisban, Egy ötödik világbajnoki címét győzelem az ugráló negyedik belül 14 hónappal az 29 éves.

Roman ötödik megvédéséért WBA korona gödrök vele szemben veszélyes üzbég tehetség Akhmadaliev (6-0 5 KO) – A díszes amatőr megvizsgálta félelmetes megszüntetésében öt az ő hat pro kirándulások eddigi belül a távolsági, a ... val 25 éves utolsó győzelmét ugyanazon LA számlán érte el, mint Roman Doheny-vel való poroszkálása. Regény vs.. Akhmadalievet a Thompson Boxing és a Box of World együttmûködésével hozzák el.

“Aki ismer, megérti, hogy igazi harcos vagyok,” - mondta Roman. “Harcolok bárkivel, akit elém tesznek. Akhmadaliev éhes, de én is. Nem is olyan régen volt [2017] amikor kihívtam a WBA címet, így nem fogunk feladni. Azért vagyok itt, hogy még egyszer megvívjam és megvédjem a WBA övét. Két övem van [WBA és IBF], de többet akarok. Célom, hogy mindegyiket megszerezzem, tehát semmiképp sem nézek el Akhmadaliev felé. Megvan az az amatőr törzskönyv, erővel ütni tud, és szeret előjönni. A másodikban alábecsülsz valakit, ilyenkor rossz dolgok történnek. Leszek kész bármit hoz.

“Mint egységes bajnok, Tudomásul veszem, hogy van egy cél a hátamon. Ezért voltam az edzőteremben, tartózkodó éles, mint ahogy mindig is szoktam. Nincs idő a pihenésre, és nézd vissza, amit tettem, mert a munka még nem fejeződött be.”

“Danny az egyik leginkább elkötelezett és fegyelmezett Világbajnokok odakinn,” mondta Ken Thompson, elnöke Thompson Boxing Promotions. “Ő élvezi kihívások és ezen a ponton a karrier, ő csak azt akarja, a legkeményebb és legnagyobb harcok. Akhmadaliev egy fiatal és veszélyes ellenfél, de Danny minden eszközzel, hogy továbbra is ő uralkodása, mint a tehetség, a szétválás. Biztosak vagyunk benne, hogy ő fogja szállítani egy másik kiváló teljesítményt és megtartja a WBA cím ötödik alkalommal.”

“Nagyon örülök, hogy Daniel Roman vette ezt a harcot,” Said Akhmadaliev. “Tudom, hogy mindketten harcosok, és ez lesz az igazi háború! Ne hagyja ki ezt a harcot!”

“Mi már évek óta várt erre a küzdelemre egy ideje,” Said Vadim Kornilov a World of Boxing. “Úgy vélem, az akarat, karakter, és ereje mindkét fiúk, ez a harc lesz a harc az év jelölt.”

Van még világbajnoki címet fellépés a törvényjavaslat rekordot hét tömeg világbajnok Amanda Serrano vitatja WBO Világ Featherweight bajnok Heather Hardy egy all-Brooklyn-ügy, ajánlója DiBella Entertainment együtt Matchroom Boxing USA.

Serrano (36-1-1 27 KO) meghódította hetedik súlycsoportban a Hulu Színház cím januárban, amikor a Puerto Ricó-i elpusztult Eva Voraberger belül a nyitó fordulóban, hogy igényt a megüresedett WBO Super-Flyweight cím.

Serrano tartotta a WBO Featherweight heveder 2016 mielőtt kiürítése ez aztán nővére Cindy felvette még ebben az évben. Edzett (22-0 4 KO) volt a következő a sorban, hogy megnyerje a betöltetlen címet októberben egy visszavágót ellen Shelley Vincent a Hulu Színház. Hardy fel boksz tartásban való visszatéréshez MMA júniusában egy kirándulást a Bellator 222 Madison Square Garden azonban visszatér boksz menni fej-fej mellett az ő társai Brooklynite.

“Megtudtuk, hogy februárban, mint egy szuper-bajnok Amanda nevezhetnénk ki minden bajnok minden súlycsoportban, és ő lesz a következő védelmi — és ő engem választott. Nem jutottam el idáig a boksz játék nem tudja, hogyan működik, Ők hyping egy nagy harc közte és Katie Taylor és ez a második Amanda három harc akció.

“Ez lesz az első alkalom, versengő, mint egy esélytelenebb is, mint a jelenlegi világbajnok, de izgatott vagyok, mint a fene. Mindenki tudja, hogy én elég tökös hozzá. Nőttem fel egy kemény mamma, bízz bennem – senki sem ijeszt meg.”

“Nagyon izgatott vagyok, hogy újra itt a gyűrűt, és izgatott, hogy küzdenek Heather Hardy,” Said Serrano. “Heather 22-0 okkal, ő mindig megtalálja a módját, hogy megnyerje. Már sparred a múltban, és még soha nem volt könnyű nap vele.

“Tehát sok más bajnokok kiürítette a nadrágszíjat, hogy elkerüljék harci nekem, de Heather egy igazi világbajnok, aki nem adja fel az övét.

“Mi jól ismerjük egymást, és én megtisztelve harcolni neki a világbajnoki címet. Ez nem személyes, csak üzlet két lány Brooklynból a gyűrűben.”

“Pénteken, Szeptember 13, hétosztályos világbajnok Amanda „The Real Deal’ Serrano megpróbálja kicsikarni a WBO Featherweight címet veretlen bajnoka Heather „The Heat’ Hardy milyen ígérkezik robbanásveszélyes matchup,” mondta Lou DiBella, Elnöke DiBella Entertainment. “Sem Hardy sem Serrano valaha rossz harc, Mindkét Brooklynites van szenvedélyes rajongói bázis, és hatalmas nagykövetei női ökölvívás. Ez egy must-win harc mindkét bokszoló, és ellopja a show.”

A nehézsúlyú táj továbbra is meleg egy, és van egy nagy 50-50 összecsapása a kártyán Michael Hunter vitatja Szergej Kuzmin a WBA Interkontinentális cím. Vadász (17-1 12 KO) tartja a Nemzetközi szíjat a WBA amelynek KO'd Alexander Ustinov Monte Carlo novemberben és megvédte, hogy a második fordulóban KO Fabio Maldonado Maryland május. A 31 éves gyorsan emelkedik a rangsorban, és hogy egy hatalmas ugrás felé világbajnoki címet akció a győzelem, hanem arcok crunch kihívás formájában Kuzmin (15-0 11 KO).

A veretlen orosz helyezi a heveder megnyerte a londoni Wembley Stadionban szeptemberben ellen David Price, és az első fűrészt ki LaRon Mitchell, majd Joey Dawejko sikeres amerikai védelmi. A Kuzmin rangsorolt #5 Hunter #8 A WBA, a győztes New Yorkban lesz kopogtat az ajtón, egy címet lövés, emeli a tétet ebben pick'em match-up, társulva World of Boxing.

“Nagyon izgatott vagyok, hogy küzdenek Sergey,” mondta Hunter. “Tudom, hogy ez nem lesz könnyű harc, de én határozottan fel a kihívást, és meg akarom mutatni az embereknek, hogy én vagyok a legjobb a szétválás.”

“Én nagyon keményen dolgoztak a lehetőséget,” Said Kuzmin. “Itt vagyok, hogy nyerni ezt a harcot, és menj után a világbajnoki címet. Nem számít, hogy vajon ez a küzdelem az USA-ban vagy Oroszországban, Nagyon bízom az én győzelem. Tudom, az ellenfél nagyon jól, ő egy jó bokszoló, de csak egyikünk fog győzni.”

“Ez a harc a két első tíz kilátások, Mindkét tartsa regionális címek,” Said Vadim Kornilov World of Boxing. “Ez a harc remélhetőleg egy Eliminator a VB kötelező.”

“Ez egy zseniális show és egy nagy esély, hogy Devin NYC vihar,” - mondta Eddie Hearn. “Abdullaev veszélyes veretlen harcos de Devin kész minden legfürgébb és meg akarja nyerni ezt a harcot, majd egyenesen a Lomachenko vs. Campbell győztes. Ez őrült elhinni, hogy csak 20 éves kor – Azt hiszem, mondhatjuk, hogy a legizgalmasabb fiatal harcos a világon most.

“Regény vs.. Akhmadaliev abszolút háború, Danny nem volt hajlandó, hogy hagyják el a biztonsági öv és mint egy igazi bajnok szembe egy fiatal rettenthetetlen, kemény ütő kötelező kihívó, aki vesz egy hatalmas ugrás után mindössze hat harcol.

“A nehézsúlyú részleg red hot és Hunter v Kuzmin talán az egyik mérkőzés up az év – nem villog ez az egy! Valószínűleg volna tele ezt a helyszínt Serrano vs. Hardy egyedül, elképesztő küzdelem az NYC számára a következő győztesnek a meghatározó Katie Taylor küzdelemért. Ne hagyja ki ezt a műsort!”

“Izgatottan várjuk, hogy elindítsuk elfoglalt őszi felállásunkat, a Devin Haney blue-chip esélyes visszatérésével a DAZN-n,” - mondta Joseph Markowski, DAZN EVP, Észak Amerika. “A Matchroom összeállított egy halmozott kártyát a New York-i harcrajongóknak és azoknak, akik a világ minden tájáról néznek a DAZN-on. Arra készülünk, hogy durranással zárjuk az első évünket a bokszban, és minden szeptemberben kezdődik 13 a Hulu Színházban, a Madison Square Gardenben.”

A jegyárakról és az eladási időpontokról a hét végén fognak értesíteni.

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Mintegy Devin Haney Promotions:
Kaliforniai székhelyű, Devin Haney promóciók (D ः f) van egy első osztályú promóciós cég élén boksz Phenom, Devin “Az álom” Haney. A cég alapítása szeptemberében 2018. Devin Haney 19-éves lennél a legfiatalabb aktív harcos / promóter a boksz történetében. DHP elkötelezettsége van a rajongóknak a legizgalmasabb show néhány a legjobb harcos a világon. globálisan, DHP tiszteletben, mint a premier promoter boksz.


Shields Fights To Become Three-Division World Champion
In Hometown Debut From Dort Federal
Event Center In Flint, nekem.

Live At 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Tickets on Sale TODAY at 2 p.m. ÉS!

NEW YORK – Augusztus 6, 2019 – Undisputed middleweight world champion Claressa Shields’ attempt at history has been rescheduled for Saturday, Október 5 él SHOWTIME. Shields will aim to make history as the fastest fighter in boxing, férfi vagy nő, to become a three-division world champion when she takes on former world championIvana Habazin for the vacant WBO Junior Middleweight Title onSHOWTIME BOKOZÁS: KÜLÖNLEGES KIADÁS (9 p.m. ÉS / 6 p.m. PT) from Dort Federal Event Center in Flint, nekem.

The vacant WBC Women’s Diamond Super Welterweight Championship will also be on the line in Shieldsfirst professional fight in her hometown.
The homecoming fight was initially scheduled for August 17 and postponed in June after Shields suffered a minor injury to her right knee while doing roadwork.
Pajzsok vs. Habazin is promoted by Salita Promotions. Tickets for the live event go on sale today/Tuesday, Augusztus 6 at 2 p.m. ET and can be purchased at and at the Dort Center box office.
A 24 éves pajzsok (9-0, 2 KO) is a two-division titlist who became the undisputed middleweight champion with a near-shutout victory over Christina Hammer in April on SHOWTIME. Ennek során, she joined Terrence Crawford, Jermain Taylor, Bernard Hopkins, Oleksandr Usyk and Cecilia Braekhus as the only fighters to have unified all four major world titles in any weight class (Katie Taylor has since joined the prestigious list).
Most, the Flint star seeks to make even more history in her sixth headlining appearance on SHOWTIME. With a win over Habazin, Shields would become a three-division champion in just 10 végek, breaking the record of Vasiliy Lomachenko, who accomplished the feat in 12 harcol.
I’m more excited than ever. Vagyok 100 percent recovered, and I can’t wait to get back in the ring and fight in front of my hometown fans in Flint as undisputed champion of the world,” mondta Shields. “Having the opportunity to become world champion in a third weight division faster than any man or woman in boxing history will make October 5 a night I will cherish forever. It’s another big step in history, and giant step forward in lifting women’s boxing on the road to equality.
Habazin (20-3, 7 KO), of Zagreb, Horvátország, is ranked No. 1 by the WBO at 154 font. The 29-year-old, who will be making her U.S. bemutatkozás, won the IBF Welterweight Title over Sabrina Giuliani in 2014. In her next fight, Habazin dropped a unanimous decision to Braekhus in a historic unification bout where Braekhus picked up all four major world title belts. Legutóbb, Habazin avenged one of only three losses in her career to Eva Bajic in Zagreb.
It’s an honor and a dream to fight in the U.S. a nemzeti televízióban,” Habazin said. “A lot of fighters never get this opportunity in their careers so I know I need to make the most of it. I’ve been training for this fight since June and the postponement has only given me more time to get ready. I intend to put my best effort forward to impress the fans and show that I am for real.
I am not just coming to fight for a world title, I am fighting for my life and my career. I believe I am the best and now I got the chance to prove that, and there is no better opponent for that than Claressa Shields.
Shields was the first American boxer in history – férfi vagy nő – to win consecutive Olympic gold medals. She turned professional following the 2016 Olympics and headlined the first women’s boxing main event in premium television history in just her second professional fight in 2017. Shields became unified women’s super middleweight world champion in just her fourth professional fight, and a two-division champion in her sixth professional contest. She was crowned the undisputed 160-pound champion in her ninth fight, less than three years after turning professional following the 2016 Olimpia.
From Christy Martin and Laila Ali to Cris Cyborg and Ronda Rousey, and now Claressa Shields, SHOWTIME has long been the pioneer in women’s combat sports,” said Gordon Hall, A SHOWTIME BOXING ügyvezető producer: KÜLÖNLEGES KIADÁS.  “Without question, Claressa Shields is the face of women’s boxing and we’re excited to present yet another historic milestone in her career as she looks to capture a third division championship in record time. This is Claressa’s sixth appearance on SHOWTIME and yet another test as she continues her personal quest to become the greatest of all time.
With the new date, this fight is going to be even more significant,” said Dmitriy Salita, A Salita Promotions elnöke. “Claressa has had time to get 100 percent healthy and in the best shape of her life as she goes down in weight to fight for another historic accomplishment. Másrészt, Ivana has used this extra time to prepare for Claressa both mentally and physically. She has remained in camp throughout the summer as she prepares to come to America to upset Claressa and fulfill what she feels is her destiny. It’s going to be two fighters at the top of their games.
“Október 5 will be a magnificent event for Claressa Shields, for women’s boxing, and for Claressa’s hometown city of Flint,” said Mark Taffet, manager of Claressa Shields. “Claressa continues to shine a beacon of light on the sport, making history in each and every fight and reaching levels previously unimaginable. She is a once in a lifetime athlete and young woman, and if she is victorious on October 5 she will become the fastest man or woman in boxing history to win a world title in a third weight division.
Barry Tompkins hívja a SHOWTIME BOXING-ot: KÜLÖNLEGES RENDELKEZÉS akció a gyűrűből, boksztörténész, Steve Farhood és korábbi világbajnok, Raul Marquez szakértő elemzőként. Az executive producer Gordon Terem Richard Gaughan termelő és Rick Phillips irányítja.
The undercard for the telecast will be announced in the coming weeks.


Photos by Robert Elizando

SAN ANTONIO, TX (Augusztus 5, 2019)This past Saturday at the Alzafar Shrine in San Antonio, TX, Female lightweight contender, Selina “Aztec királynő” Környező javult (6-1, 3 KO) after knocking out Nina Gallegos with a vicious body shot just 42 seconds into round one. Supreme Boxing Promotions was the promoter.

It was beautiful to see the fans of San Antoinio come out and support our boxing event last night. I wanted to make a statement with a knockout performance, and I was blessed to deliver it. The boxing community and fans in San Antonio are incredible. I’m hoping we can continue to bring more boxing shows to our great city.

Környező, the NABF Lightweight champion is looking to get back on world title run.

My focus now is landing a big fight with any top fighter in the super featherweight or lightweight division,” Barrios tovább. “My manager is working on a few things and my next fight will be announced sometime soon, hopefully against a big name.

We have plans for Selina to be in a big fight sometime in 2020,” mondott Kerry Dangle, Környező’ co-manager. “I think she will be best suited if we can keep her busy, maybe one more tune up fight before we step her up again.

Selina is ready to go on a nice run.” mondott Colin Campbell, Környező’ co-manager. “She really stepped up her game during training camp and it paid off. She’ll be in a big fight very soon.

WBC Super Featherweight Champion Eva Wahlstrom retains title, fights split draw with Ronica Jeffrey

John Vera returns to ring with win


Hivatalos eredmények

LAS VEGAS (Augusztus 3, 2019) – World Boxing Council (WBC) female World super featherweight champion Eva Wahlstrom retained her title by fighting to a 10-round split draw last night with challenger Ronica “Queen” Jeffrey at Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas.

Wahlstrom vs. Jeffrey was the main event on another RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS series installment, which was streamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS®, a világ vezető digitális előfizetői szolgáltatást küzdősportok

RJJ Boxing Promotions offered free admission to reward its loyal Las Vegas fans and 5,400 turned out to watch the action.

Wahlstrom (22-1-2), fighting out of Finland, was coming off a loss by decision to undefeated Irish starKatie Taylor this past February at famed Madison Square Garden in New York City. The skilled Finn has been the WBC titlist since 2015 and this was her fifth successful title defense.

Jeffrey (17-1-1, 1 KO), a former IWBF world champion from Brooklyn, was riding a four-fight win streak going into last night’s fight against Wahlstrom.

Wahlstrom and Jeffrey are both tactical, pure boxers who fought that way last night, going back and forth without either being hurt. It was an even fight that could have gone either way with judgeTim Cheatham scoring it a draw (95-95), Richard Ocasio slightly favored Walstrom (96-94), ésLisa Giampa inexplicitly had Jeffrey winning all 10 forduló (100-90).

A co-értékű esemény, former top 10 rated junior middleweightJohn “The Phenom” Vera(19-1, 11 KO) moved up to middleweight, after losing for the first time as a pro last March in France toMichel Soro by way of a 12-round decision. Vera, fighting out of Fort Worth, Texas, won a six-round decision against his Uzbek opponentRavshan Hudaynazarov (17-2, 13 KO), the former WBA FEDALATIN welterweight champion.

Las Vegas-based super bantamweightJamie “The Miracle” Mitchell (5-0-2, 3 KO) and VirginianBritain Hart (3-3-2, 2 KO) battled to a six-round majority draw.

Helyi kedvencTrevor Covington won his professional debut, taking a four-round unanimous decision in the Fight of the Night against Los Angles super flyweightMing Freeman (1-4-1), who had a point deducted for a low blow.

Hivatalos eredmények az alábbiakban:


Eva Wahlstrom (22-1-2, 3 KO), Bajnok, Helsinki, Finnország

SD10 (96-94, 95-95, 90-100)

Ronica Jeffrey (17-1-1, 1 KO), Kihívó, Brooklyn, NY

(Wahlstrom retained world title)


John “The Phenom” Vera (19-1, 11 KO), Fort Worth, TX

WDEC 6 (58-56, 58-56, 58-56)

Ravshan Hudaynazarov (17-2, 13 KO), Las Vegas, NV by way of Uzbekistan


Jamie Mitchell (5-0-2, 3 KO), Las Vegas, NV

MD6 (589-56, 57-57, 57-57

Britain Hart (3-3-2, 2 KO), Roanoke, VA


Trevor Covington (1-0), Henderson, NV

WDEC4 (37-36, 37-36, 37-36)

Ming Freedom (1-4-1), Los Angeles, ILYEN AS



Twitter: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @ThomasAndMack, @wahlstrom_eva

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @ThomasandMack, @eva_wahlstrom

Facebook: /KeithVeltre, /UFCFightPass, /Tamás&MackCenter, /EvaWahlstrom,

Oshae Jones Makes History at 2019 Pan American Games

LIMA, Peru (Augusztus 2, 2019)Oshae Jones (Toledo, Ohio) made history on the first night of finals at the 2019 Pan American Games in Lima, Peru by becoming the first ever women’s welterweight Pan American Games gold medalists. This marked the first time in Pan American Games history the women would have five weight classes, compared to the two previous Games having three weight classes.

Jones defeated Myriam DaSilva of Canada by unanimous decision, winning all three rounds, 10-9, from two judges, and two of the three rounds, 10-9, from one judge.

This marked the second time Jones and DaSilva went head-to-head, with Jones defeating her 5-0 at the Pan American Games Qualifier earlier this year.

Jones’ previously defeated Atheyna Bylon of Panama in the quarterfinals and M. Moronta Herand of the Dominican Republic in the semifinals to make the finals of these championships.

Team USA will look to close out their most successful Pan American Games since 1983, tomorrow night with four boxers going for gold, Keyshawn Davis (Norfolk, Va.), Virginia Fuchs (Houston, Texas), Naomi Graham (Colorado Springs, Colo.) és Duke Ragan (Cincinnati, Ohio). Their four medals will be added to Jones’ gold medal and the five bronze medals won earlier this week by Rashida Ellis (Lynn, Mass.), Troy Isley (Alexandria, Va.), Delante Johnson (Cleveland, Ohio), Yarisel Ramirez (Las Vegas, Nev.) és Richard Torrez Jr. (Tulare, Kalifornia.).

Follow the Americans final day of boxing by clicking here


69 kg: Oshae Jones, Toledo, Ohio/USA, december. over Myriam DaSilva/CAN, 5-0


SAN FRANCISCO, ILYEN AS (Június 6, 2019)Super Flyweight CaseyLady Hawaiian Punch” Morton (8-1-3, 1 KO) A San Francisco, Kalifornia, will look to win her first world title as she faces Miyo Yoshida (12-1) for the vacant WBO super flyweight world title at Makuhari Messe, Chiba City, Japan on June 19, 2019.

Morton, a decorated amateur, is now looking to make her dream a reality as she seeks her first world title. In her last fight she was victorious against Chie Higano, a fight that took place in the Philippines.

It is a dream come true to fight for a world title,” said Morton, who is managed by Greg Hannely of Prince Ranch Boxing. “I am very grateful to everyone who has supported me, but I couldn’t have done it without the help of Victor Conte and SNAC System, which has helped my career greatly. I am also thankful for my coach Nonito Donaire Sr., and my manager Greg Hannley. I am excited to show the world my skills on June 19th.

Casey Morton is a great body puncher and applies pressure, unlike any female fighter I have ever seen,” mondott Greg Hannely. “I am glad to work with her and believe that she is a person, who will always find a way to be successful. I know she has it in her to bring home a world title.

Fighting in Japan is great,” Morton continued. “I have been fighting in China and the Philippines for the last two years and it has been a wonderful experience. I am so eternally grateful and thankful to have this opportunity in my career.


SAN ANTONIO, TX (Április 16, 2019)Undefeated NABF Women’s lightweight champion, Selina “Aztec királynő” Környező (5-0, 2 KO), returns to the ring April 27, 2019, elleni korábbi világbajnok, Méhfű “The Shark” Hernandez (22-7-3, 7 KO). The six-round bout will take place at the Cajundome in Lafayette, LA, as a special feature attraction on the WBSS super-lightweight semi-final card, címlapokra által Regis Prograis (23-0, 19 KO) vs. Kiryl Relikh (23-2, 19 KO).

Környező, who has defeated three undefeated fighters in a row, last fought in September of 2018. She is eager to get back in the ring against a game opponent like Hernandez, who has been in the ring with many of the best female boxers in the world.

I have a lot of respect for Melissa Hernandez, who has been a big part of growing women’s boxing over the years,” Said Barrios, who resides in San Antonio, Texas. “This fight is going to be a classic Mexican vs. Purto Rican war. No disrespect to her, but I’m coming with straight heat, with the mindset of beating her down. This is the hurt game and that’s what I plan to do to Hernandez when she steps in the ring with me. None of these girls want to see me.

We know Melissa Hernandez is a dangerous fighter with a lot of experience,” Said Barrios’ advisor Kerry Daigle. “Once DAZN sees this fight we feel it will be the swing bout on TV. Barrios is extremely TV friendly.

We believe Selina is the best female fighter in the world,” stated co-manger Colin Campbell. “Azzal, hogy azt mondta,, a win against a crafty veteran like Hernandez will surly give us the momentum we need going into our next fight.


Catch An Encore Presentation Monday At 10 P. M. ET / PT a Showtime EXTREME®

KattintsonITT To Download Fight Night Photos; Credit Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME
ATLANTIC CITY (Április 13, 2019) – Claressa Shields is the undisputed middleweight champion of the world. The 24-year-old Flint, nekem. native delivered the best performance of her career and cruised to a unanimous decision over Germany’s Christina Hammer Saturday on SHOWTIME in arguably the most significant women’s boxing match in history. The judges scored the fight 98-92 és 98-91 kétszer.

The two-time Olympic gold-medalist Shields (9-0, 2 KO), who entered the fight holding the IBF, WBA and WBC 160-pound titles, showed off her complete arsenal of skills in the dominating performance and now joins Terrence Crawford, Jermain Taylor, Bernard Hopkins, Oleksandr Usyk and women’s welterweight Cecilia Braekhus as the only fighters to have unified all four major world titles in any weight class.

Christina Hammer (24-0, 11 KO), who owned the WBO belt entering the fight, had her jab largely neutralized and her defense exploited from start to finish. Shields landed a remarkable 44% of her power punches and landed on 112 total punches compared to just 49 for Hammer. As impressive as her offense was, Shields’ defense and head movement was immaculate as Hammer was able to connect on just 13% of her total punches, 11% of her jabs and 18% of her power shots.

Speaking to SHOWTIME’s Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood following the historic night for women’s boxing, the outspoken and emotional Shields held nothing back.

“I am the greatest woman of all time,” said Shields, who nearly earned a stoppage during a barrage in the closing moments of the eighth round. “I did it. She didn’t win a single round. I almost knocked her out. I swear I feel like I’m dreaming right now. Thanks to Christina Hammer and her team. They said she had a hard jab and they weren’t lying. Her jab is off the chain.

“I was just calculating in the first round and after that I started picking her apart,” she continued. “I knew I could hurt her. I thought I finished her in round eight. I thought the fight should have been stopped. She was holding onto me. I just told myself, stay cool, stay cool. I was trying to get the perfect punch to get her out of there.”

Fresh off the biggest win of her professional career, the newly-crowned undisputed champion of the world already has her sights set on another opponent.

“Women’s boxing, we’re on fire. I cannot wait to see the next super fight. Give me Cecilia Brækhus at 154 font. That’s who I want next. Either her or Savannah Marshall.”

“I didn’t fight very good or fast,” said a subdued Hammer. “That’s boxing, anything can happen. I wanted this fight. She won, respect to her. She’s a tough, strong woman and that’s all I can say.

“She’s fast, she comes forward. She has fast hands. I couldn’t land my jab as good as I expected. I’ll come back and I’ll be back stronger.”

I think tonight’s fight will go down in the history books as an epic battle with the likes of Ali-Frazier, Leonard-Hearns and De La Hoya-Trinidad,” said Dmitriy Salita, President of Salita Promotions.With this dominating and captivating performance to become crowned undisputed middleweight champion coupled with her list of record-breaking accomplishments, Claressa Shields is well on her way to being as revered as Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Robinson, Serena WIlliams, Michael Jordan, Pele and others at the top of their game.

A co-featured mérkőzés, Jermaine Franklin (18-0, 13 KO), widely regarded as the top American heavyweight prospect, kept his unbeaten record intact with a 10-round unanimous decision over former No. 1-ranked U.S. amateur Rydell Booker (25-2, 12 KO). The judges scored the fight 99-91 és 98-91 kétszer.

The 25-year-old Franklin dictated the tempo throughout and was far more active and aggressive than his 38-year-old counterpart. Booker had his moments, particularly in the early rounds when he landed several flush power shots but the youthful Franklin pulled away in the second half of the fight as Booker tired and Franklin targeted the body. Franklin averaged 54 punches per round to Booker’s 35 and led 146-94 in overall punches landed.

“I think I had a decent performance,” said the Saginaw, nekem. bennszülött. “There’s some stuff I could work on. I over-crowded myself a little bit and I was a little over-anxious. He had a lot more experience than me and used it to his advantage. He could see what I was doing.

“I learned to stay more patient because I had him hurt a few times, but once I got over-anxious, my whole game plan went out the window. I started messing up and making crazy mistakes I shouldn’t have. Now it’s back to the drawing board to work on my mistakes and come out bigger and badder next time.”

“I felt he out-hustled me, but it was a lot closer than how the judges scored it,” said Booker. “He was missing me a lot more than it looked. I slipped a lot of shots and hit him clean.

“I knew he would bring the pressure, but he needs a lot of work. He stays too centered with his head. He’s alright. What he has on his side is youth. I’d rate my performance about a seven. I had a training camp injury I was dealing with. I’m going to stay active and come back stronger than ever.”

A televízió nyitójában, undefeated top-five ranked heavyweight prospect Otto Wallin (20-0, 13 KO, 1 ND) and Baltimore’s Nick Kisner (21-4-1, 6 KO, 1 ND) had their 10-round bout cut short when the two heavyweights clashed heads in the opening round. Wallin suffered a gash on the side of his head while Kisner suffered a cut over his right eye, hindering his ability to see. At the advice of the ringside physician in between rounds one and two, referee Earl Brown stopped the fight, resulting in a no-decision.

Abban az időben a leállás, Wallin led 14-3 in overall punches landed, 7-1 in jabs and 7-2 in power punches.

“To me, his cut didn’t look that bad,” said a disappointed Wallin, who was making his U.S. bemutatkozás. “It’s a shame because I trained really hard for this fight and was looking to put on a show for fans in America. I just didn’t have time to get going.

“I’d like to get back in there soon and show what I can do. I’m going to take this as a learning experience.”

“I caught a headbutt and the referee came to me,” said Kisner. “He saw me swiping at my eye and said ‘can you see?’ I said, ‘soon as I get the blood out of my eye, sure.’

“I feel horrible after training so hard. I felt good in the first round. The judges probably gave him the first round, but I always take off the first round. I was feeling like I could get to him eventually. You saw me land my overhand right.”

Tonight’s live event was promoted by Salita Promotions.

An encore presentation of tonight’s tripleheader will air Monday at 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available via the network’s On Demand platforms.

Hall of Famer Barry Tompkins called the action alongside fellow Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez. World-renowned ring announcer and Hall of Famer Jimmy Lennon Jr. rounded out the telecast. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION was Gordon Hall with Richard Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.

#        #        #
Pajzsok vs. Hammer will pit undefeated middleweight world champions Claressa Shields and Christina Hammer against each other in a battle to crown the undisputed 160-pound world champion, in what is arguably the most significant women’s boxing event in history. The co-feature will pit Jermaine Franklin taking on Rydell Booker in a thrilling 10-round heavyweight bout and in the telecast opener, heavyweights Otto Wallin and Nick Kisner will battle in 10-round clash. The SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader will air live on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. ET/PT from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, N.J.


WBO Middleweight Champion Hammer Takes on Fellow Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields for Undisputed Middleweight Championship Saturday, Április 13 Élő a Showtime® from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City

Kattintson ITT for Video from Salita Promotions

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (Április 5, 2019) – Before she arrived in New York Thursday for the final part of her training camp, WBO középsúlyú világbajnok Christina Hammershared her thoughts on her showdown for the Undisputed Middleweight Championship against WBA, WBC and IBF Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields Szombat április 13 live on SHOWTIME from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, N.J.

Germany’s Hammer has held a middleweight world title since 2010, defending it numerous times including in her U.S. debut last June on SHOWTIME in which she defeated Tori Nelson. Now she looks to stamp her name in the history books in this matchup against Shields that many are calling the most significant fight in women’s boxing history.

Jegyek az élő esemény, amely elősegíti Salita Promotions, az ára $150, $100, $55 és $35 and can be purchased through Ticketmaster and

Here are highlights of what Hammer had to say as we head into fight week for this historic event:

How excited are you about fighting in the U.S.?

Christina Hammer: I’m really excited about it because this is a very big fight. I can’t wait to get there, step into the ring and put on a great performance.

Mit jelent ez a harc jelent számodra?

CH: This is going to be the biggest women’s fight in history. Mindketten bajnokok, she has Olympic gold medals and other accolades, so with all of that combined, it’s going to be a game changer for our sport.

What do you need to do to win?

CH: “I’m a long time champion and I know what to do in the ring. I know I have the skills to beat her. I have great foot work and my goal is to beat her badly.

What do you think of Claressa inside and outside of the ring?

CH: Claressa has obviously accomplished a lot going back to the Olympics. This is a big step for her and I think it’s going to be a challenge for her. As a person, she’s just my opponent, that’s all.

Can you describe your style of fighting and what fans can expect on April 13?

CH: “I’m tall for my division so I use my reach. I have great footwork and technique and power and I want to show off all those skills. I’m going to show that Christina Hammer is a great champion. I like to play with my opponent, and when the moment is right, I beat her down.

Can you talk about your experiences as a fashion model and why that’s important to you?

CH: I like modeling because it’s a different part of me. You can be more feminine and athletic. I did my first shoot three years ago and I had never done anything like that. I’ve worked on my skills there too.

To be a model is an easy job, it just gives me confidence. Being a fighter is hard. You have to give everything, because in the ring you can’t run away. You have to fight and defeat someone.

Would you ever want to compete in another sport?

CH: I don’t know. Boxing is the best sport to me. It’s my passion. I give everything to the sport and my dream now is to be successful in America.

Is there anyone in boxing history you’d have loved to fight?

CH: Laila Ali was a great champion and If I fought her that would be a great fight.

Do you see women’s boxing as a sport on the rise?

CH: “Igen, it’s really grown in recent years. There are more fights on big platforms for us and I think this is just the start.

Would you recommend for other women to go into boxing?

CH: Boxing is a great sport. You need technique, intelligence and it makes you feel more confident. If something happens, you can take care of yourself. It’s the best workout and I suggest it to everyone.

# # #

Pajzsok vs. Hammer will pit undefeated middleweight world champions Claressa Shields and Christina Hammer against each other in a battle to crown the undisputed 160-pound world champion, in what is arguably the most significant women’s boxing event in history. The co-feature will pit Jermaine Franklin taking on Rydell Booker in a thrilling 10-round heavyweight bout and in the telecast opener, heavyweights Otto Wallin and Nick Kisner will battle in 10-round clash. The SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader will air live on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. ET/PT from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, N.J.


“Christina doesn’t know what’s coming for her. I’m going to break that Hammer in half” – Shields

Kattintson ITT for Photos from Jose Pineiro/SHOWTIME

WBC, WBA & IBF Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields Prepares for Undisputed Middleweight Championship Showdown Against Christina Hammer Saturday, Április 13 Élő a Showtime®

from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City


KattintsonITT for Photos from Jose Pineiro/SHOWTIME


MIAMI(Április 4, 2019) – WBA, WBC and IBF Middleweight World ChampionClaressa Shieldshosted a media workout at 5th Street Gym in Miami Thursday as she nears her showdown against WBO Middleweight World ChampionChristina Hammer for the undisputed middleweight world championship Saturday April 13 live on SHOWTIME from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, N.J.

The two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Shields and unbeaten Hammer will look to become the sixth fighter in history to unify all four major world titles in the main event of a SHOWTIME BOXING: KÜLÖNLEGES KIADÁS (9 p.m. ET / PT).

Jegyek az élő esemény, amely elősegíti Salita Promotions, az ára $150, $100, $55 és $35 and can be purchased through Ticketmaster and

Shields has been training in Florida for the last week with her trainer John David Jackson, after spending the previous five weeks at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado. Here is what Shields had to say Thursday:


“Christina doesn’t know what’s coming for her. I’m going to break that Hammer in half.

“When we’re in there, it’s about who punches harder. Ez egy igazi harc. Just because she has height, doesn’t mean she’s going to dictate what happens. She’s going to have to do a lot to keep me off of her.

“I have two Olympic Gold Medals, three belts and more coming. I’ll have all the titles at the end of the night on April 13.

“I work hard, really hard. If I was a man, I would probably be one of the most famous boxers out there. There is a gender gap. We all know it. I’m working towards changing that. We work hard, we get less money and less recognition, but the world is changing. We are changing it.

“Hammer has been talking smack but I’m not worried about her. I’m just ready for a fight. She talks about a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with boxing. I’m waiting for her to say she’s going to hit me with an uppercut or something, but it’s more of the same.

“Being here in Florida to finish up camp has really been ideal. I’ve still been working extremely hard, but here I have a little extra space and sunshine. It was time for some new scenery in camp and I think this was the perfect move to take me into fight week.

“I’ve been working on my ‘Ali shuffle,’ this gym inspired me. Don’t be surprised if you see me break it out during the fight. I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve. At the press conference there will be some surprises too — I have an outfit picked that is going to steal the show.”

“This fight is long overdue and I’m just glad I’m going to get my chance to show her what a real champion is. Someone is going down on April 13 and I promise it’s not going to be me.

“People can say they’re not paying attention to you and not studying you, but they’re lying. I’m glad she’s looking at me closely though. Hammer flew one of my friends out there to be a sparring partner, not even knowing that she hasn’t sparred me in years and knows nothing about me. It makes me know I’m on her mind. She can spar with Ann Wolfe and she still isn’t going to beat me.”

#          #          #


Pajzsok vs. Hammer will pit undefeated middleweight world champions Claressa Shields and Christina Hammer against each other in a battle to crown the undisputed 160-pound world champion, in what is arguably the most significant women’s boxing event in history. The co-feature will pit Jermaine Franklin taking on Rydell Booker in a thrilling 10-round heavyweight bout and in the telecast opener, heavyweights Otto Wallin and Nick Kisner will battle in 10-round clash. The SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader will air live on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. ET/PT from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, N.J.