Category Archives: MMA





Santa Monika, CALIF (Iyul, 22) – Bellator MMA is heading back to the “Lone Star State,” where a heavyweight bout pitting Cheick Kongo(24-10-2) qarshi Tony Johnson (10-2) will serve as the main event of "Bellator 161: Kongo va boshqalar. Johnson," qaysi kuni bo'lib oladi Sentyabr 16 at the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park, Texas, and will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE.


The Scott Coker-led promotion will be holding its first-ever event at the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park, which is just a short drive from Austin. Chiptalar "Bellator 161: Kongo va boshqalar. Johnson” da boshlangan $25 can be purchased at, Ticketmaster, or the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park Box Office starting next Juma, Iyul 29 with an exclusive Bellator Nation pre-sale running the Chorshanba va Payshanba prior. Additional contests will be announced in the coming weeks.


Parijdan salom, Kongo will enter the cage for the ninth time under the direction of Bellator MMA and make his third consecutive appearance in a card’s main event. An 18-fight veteran of the UFC, Kongo hopes to add to his current two-fight winning streak and 6-2 mark since joining the Viacom-owned promotion back in 2013. Standing 6 oyoq 4, Kongo will have a noticeable height advantage over his shorter opponent. With half of his 24 career wins coming by way of knockout, Kongo will also attempt to finish Johnson for the first time of his professional career.


A native of North Platte, Nebraska, Johnson has strung together an impressive streak of three straight victories, including two in a row since re-joining the Bellator MMA fray. After making his professional debut in 2008, the 30-year-old made his Bellator MMA debut with a unanimous decision win over Derrick “The Black Beast” Lewis at “Bellator 46.” Since challenging current UFC Champion Daniel Cormier in 2010, Johnson has gone 6-1 with three knockout finishes, including noteworthy victories over Alexander Volkov and most recently Raphael Butler, davomida"Bellator 148: Daley vs. Uhrich” Shu yil.


Yangilangan "Bellator 161: Kongo va boshqalar. Johnson” Main Card:

Bellator MMA og'ir Asosiy Tantanalarni: Cheick Kongo (24-10-2) va boshqalar. Tony Johnson (10-2)




Santa Monika, CALIF (Iyul 20, 2016) - Patricio “Pitbull” (25-3) is actively seeking revenge for his brother Patricky “Pitbull” after Bellator MMA’s new 155-pound kingpin Maykl Chandler brutally finished the elder Freire during the co-main event of last month’s "Bellator: Dynamite 2” hodisa.


Patricio will be given the opportunity to avenge his brother’s loss – but in order to reach Chandler, “Pitbull” must first defeat Benson Merilend(23-6) asosiy tadbirda "Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull” bo'yicha Avgust 26 inside Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif., and airing LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 10 p.m. VA/9 p.m. CT.


The card will be the Scott Coker-led promotions first at the Honda Center, which is home to the NHL’s Anaheim Ducks, AFL’s LA KISS, the Wooden Legacy Basketball Tournament, as well as the Big West Basketball Tournament.


Boshlab chiptalar $30 uchun "Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull” can be purchased on Ticketmaster and Honda Center Box Office starting Juma, Iyul 22 with an exclusive Bellator Nation pre-sale on Thursday, Iyul 21.


Following Chandler’s knockout of Patricky, “Iron Mike” scaled the Bellator Cage to celebrate with his hometown faithful of St. Louis, but was immediately met by Patricio, who had been cornering his brother. The two exchanged words and now Bellator’s former featherweight titlist has made the decision to move up to lightweight and begin his path towards gold in two divisions.


Click image above to watch the altercation


In the way stands Henderson, a former UFC and WEC lightweight champion, who after three fights at welterweight now returns to the division where he reigned supreme for nearly two years. In his Bellator MMA debut, despite a size disparity, “Smooth” fought valiantly against 170-pound championAndrey Koreshkov, dropping a unanimous decision. Now it will be “Pitbull” who’s fighting the larger competitor, and it all comes to a head during the main event of "Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull” bo'yicha Aug. 26, LIVE and FREE on SPIKE.


Additional contests will be announced in the coming weeks.


"Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull” Main Card:

Bellator MMA Lightweight #1 Contender Main Event: Benson Merilend (25-3) va boshqalar. Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (25-3)


Bellator MMA haqida:

Bellator MMA dunyoning eng yaxshi jangchilar ko'plab featuring etakchi Mixed Martial Arts tashkilot hisoblanadi. Veteran kurash Promouter Scott cho'kadi rahbarligi ostida, Bellator yaqin mavjud bo'lgan 500 dan ortiq, butun dunyo bo'ylab million uylar 140 mamlakatlar. Qo'shma Shtatlarda, Bellator mix ko'rish mumkin, MMA televizion rahbari. Bellator MMA televizor ishlab chiqarish eng yuqori sanoat mutaxassislariga o'z ichiga olgan rahbar jamoasi iborat, jonli hodisa orkestrasyon, qiruvchi rivojlanish / munosabatlari, makon xaridlari, homiylik yaratish / rivojlantirish, xalqaro litsenziyalash, marketing, reklama, reklama va komissiya munosabatlar. Bellator Santa Monika asoslangan, Kaliforniya va ko'ngilochar ulkan Viacom qarashli, televizor bo'ylab jabbor mazmun orqali tinglovchilar bilan ulanish dunyodagi birinchi ko'ngilochar brendlari uchun uy, kinofilmlarni, onlayn va mobil platformalar.



Rumford, Meyn (Iyul 20, 2016) - New England sur (NEF), America’s number one regional fight promotion, earlier today announced the winners of this year’s contest to attend the University of Southern Maine’s (USM) annual “Brawlin’ Lobster Wrestling Clinic.”


Isaiah Cogswell, a junior at More High School in Bath, Maine and Benjamin Mahoney, a junior at York High School in York, Meyn, will both have their tuition costs covered to attend this year’s clinic and will both receive a unique NEF prize package that includes tickets to “NEF 25: HEROES & VILLIANS” to be held on September 10th Lewiston Androscoggin Bank Tigzirt da, Meyn. The contest was sponsored by NEF and NEF professional featherweight mixed martial artist, Brandon “The Dream Killer” Bushaw. In order to enter, applicants needed to submit a 200-word essay outlining how attending the 2016 clinic would help them to achieve their wrestling goals. Cogswell and Mahoney were selected out of over 40 applicants.


“I want to attend this camp so I can achieve my goal of Maine heavyweight champion and this camp will help me not only keep my skills but to improve upon them,” wrote Mahoney, who has placed at both mid-states and the Atlantic Invitational tournament since he began wrestling on the varsity team his freshman year. “I would like to show to my coaches that I am willing to take the extra step to show leadership and experience, so that I could also be a team captain this year.”


“This camp would give me an opportunity to be exposed to more coaching styles and learn more about who I am as a wrestler,” Cogswell, a varsity wrestler and KVAC Champion, wrote in his essay. “I am not done, I still have work to do to reach my goals.”


This year’s dual sponsorship to send two wrestlers to the clinic was made possible by the contribution of Brandon Bushaw, a two-time state wrestling champion and member of the Maine Amateur Wrestling Hall of Fame. After a successful career at Westbrook High School, Bushaw went on to wrestle at Michigan State University alongside teammates and UFC-standouts Rashad Evans and Gray Maynard. With almost 20 fights under his belt between his amateur and professional mixed martial arts careers, Bushaw has never forgotten his wrestling roots and the lessons he gained from competing in the sport.


Wrestling has molded my life on and off the mat since my freshman year of high school,” said Bushaw. “I look back and am so thankful to this day that Coach Walsh wouldn’t leave me alone about coming out for the Westbrook wrestling team all those years ago. If I can give back even one percent of what I got out of wrestling, it would be monumental to me. That’s why when I saw NEF was paying for a young wrestler to go to camp, I called Matt and told him I would like to send someone as well! I’m glad he accepted my offer and I hope that wrestling has the same impact on this young man’s life that it did mine!”


“Wrestling is one of the oldest and most effective martial arts in the world,"Aytib NEF hamraisi egasi va sovchi Matt Peterson. “Participating in the sport of wrestling has the potential to improve one’s performance in all areas of life. We’re proud to send these two deserving young men to the USM clinic this summer and hope this plays a part in helping them to achieve their goals both on and off the wrestling mat next season.”


Myself and our coaching staff appreciate NEF and Brandon for sponsoring these wrestlers and giving them an opportunity to attend our camp,” stated Mike Morin, USM Head Wrestling Coach, himself a two-time All-American, when reached for comment. “We are the only NCAA program in the state and will have coaches from all over the Northeast as clinicians. These sponsorships are allowing these wrestlers to participate and learn at a high level. Navbat bilan, this only helps the state as a whole grow and get better.


New England jang keyingi voqea, "NEF taqdim etadi Dana White: Jang qidirmoqda” bo'lib oladi Juma, Avgust 5, 2016 Bangor shahridagi Xoch sug'urta markazida, Meyn. Chipta endi sotuvga bor yoki kassaga qo'ng'iroq qilib 800.745.3000.


Tadbir va jang karta yangiliklarni haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin, Twitternefights ularni ta'qib va ​​rasmiy Facebook guruhga ishtirok "New England asqotadi."

WMMAA terminates head of judges Radmir Gabdullin

Monte Carlo, Monaco(Iyul 20, 2016)- The World MMA Association (WMMAA) has terminated its Head of Judges, Radmir Gabdullin, due to his imprudence, inexperience, and technical inability to evaluate Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) in the professional sector.
Regarding recent statements that he recently made in the Russian press, Gabdullin expressed himself disrespectfully to other colleague judges, WMMAA Board member Alexander Engelhardt and the Association itself, as Worldwide WMMAA President Vadim Finkelchtein expressed, “One of the key factors of MMA is respect. This is a line we should and can never cross. Bu aytilgan, it leaves me no other choice than to release Radmir Gabdullin from his function. We also severely advise that the Russian MMA Union do the same. (The Russian MMA Union is a full member of the World MMA Union.)
We are working hard on standardizing in all countries of the world, all continents, in terms of Rules, Regulation and Referees committees, including anti-doping.We are a real worldwide organization and therefore we also have to reflect this in all of the WMMAA committees. Shuningdek, Russia will be, albatta, represented in these as part of the WMMAA. More information will follow soon.
Finkelchtein, who as WMMAA president reserves any other actions towards the associate judge, noted that, during the Noyabr 4-6WMMAA Congress in Macau, Xitoy, a board of judges will be discussed and created.
Schedule of Major 2016 MMA Events
Aug.3-8Asian MMA Championship in Hwasun, Janubiy Koreya
Yetti. 14-16European MMA Championship in Tbilisi, Gruziya
Okt. 7-9Inaugural Pan-American Championships in Santiago, Chile
Nov. 18-20World MMM Championship in Macau, Xitoy
Twitter: @theWMMAA


Bangor, Meyn (Iyul 18, 2016) - Ultimate Fighting Championship qachon (UFC) Prezident Dana Uayt Bangorga keladiAvgust 5, 2016 mahalliy iste'dod New England Fights tekshirish uchun (NEF) taklif qilishi kerak, Jesse “Viking” Erikson (7-5) afsuski chetdan kuzatishga majbur bo'ladi. Erikson o'z jangiga tayyorgarlik ko'rayotganda jarohat oldi Jon Lemke (5-5) o'sha kuni kechqurun bo'lib o'tishi rejalashtirilgan edi. Uayt o'zining veb-serialining bo'lajak epizodini yozish uchun hozir bo'ladi Dana White: Ichariga qaramoq’ Jang uchun unda professional aralash yakkakurash ustalari o‘z natijalariga ko‘ra UFC shartnomasini qo‘lga kiritish imkoniyatiga ega.


Eriksonning jarohati haqida xabardor bo'lganidan keyin bir necha soat ichida, NEF rahbarlari promoushning engil vazn toifasida amaldagi professional chempioni ko'rinishidagi o'rinbosar topdilar. Devin Powell (7-1). Jang 160 funt vazn toifasida uch raundga mo'ljallangan unvondan tashqari bahs bo'ladi.. Bu may oyidagi revansh jangi 2014 NEF jangida Pauell birinchi raundda g'alaba qozondi. Lemke revanshda g'alaba qozonishi kerakmi?, u rezina o'yinda sarlavhali zarbasi uchun navbatda bo'ladi.


“Yana bir bor, Men NEFga ushbu jangni amalga oshirgani uchun juda minnatdorman va minnatdorman,” Lemke dedi. “So'nggi daqiqada raqibni o'zgartirish odatda juda stressli bo'ladi. Bu safar emas, ammo, chunki NEFdagi ekipaj uning tepasida edi, va ertasi kuni menda yangi raqib paydo bo'ldi. Men Devinda yana bir yorilish olishni intiqlik bilan kutyapman, chunki men birinchi jangimizda dahshatli o'yin ko'rsatdim. Devin juda mashhur va iqtidorli jangchi va men aniq jangni kutaman. Men bir muncha vaqtdan beri unga qarshi yana bir yorilishni intiqlik bilan kutgan edim va siz eng yaxshi Jon Lemkeni ko'rasiz.”


“Lemke bilan qisqa muddatli jang qilish aql bovar qilmas edi,” - dedi Pauell. “Onamning ona shahri Allagashdan bir necha soat uzoqlikda, Mayner bilan jang qilish imkoniyatini hech qanday tarzda qo'ldan boy bermayman., Meyn. Dana, Umid qilamanki, siz popkorn olasiz, chunki siz shou ko'rish arafasidasiz. Do'zax yoki baland suv, Men qo'limni ko'taryapman.”


New England jang keyingi voqea, "NEF taqdim etadi Dana White: Jang qidirmoqda” Juma kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Avgust 5, 2016 Bangor shahridagi Xoch sug'urta markazida, Meyn. Chipta endi sotuvga bor yoki kassaga qo'ng'iroq qilib 800.745.3000.


Tadbir va jang karta yangiliklarni haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin, Twitternefights ularni ta'qib va ​​rasmiy Facebook guruhga ishtirok "New England asqotadi."


New England Mushtlashish haqida


New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEF vazifasi o'xshash Meyn janggarilari va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli voqealarni yaratish uchun. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.

Smoldarev decisions Garner OFFICIAL RESULTS


Ingushetiya, Rossiya (Iyul 17, 2016) – Former two-time M-1 Challenge heavyweight champion Denis Smoldarev (13-2-0, M-1: 8-2-0) boshqa nom zarbasi uchun o'zini mavqega, taking a decision from former M-1 Challenge heavyweight champion Kenny “Ikki” Garner (16-10-0, M-1: 9-8-0), last night in the M-1 Challenge 69: Tog'larida Battle 5 asosiy voqea, at Targin in Ingushetia, Rossiya.
The judges were very busy as five of six main event fights went the full distance, headlined by Smoldarev, representing Estonia, defeated American veteran Garner by way of a unanimous three-round decision.
Smoldarev was in control vs. Garner
Amerika tuklar Lee “Bulldog” Morrison (15-7-0, M-1: 2-4-0) fell short against Ukrainian Andrey “Temir” Lezhnev (9-6-0, M-1: 3-2-0), dropping a three-round unanimous decision.
In another featherweight match, Sergey Morozov (7-1-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Qozog'iston, won a three-round decision versus always tough Ukrainian Andrey “Temir” Lezhnev(8-7-0, M-1: 2-3-0).
Braziliya og'ir vaznli Marcus “MontanhaVinicius Lopes‘ (10-4-0, M-1: 1-0-0) M-1 Global debut was a success as he won a three-round decision over Russian KurbanShkafIbragimov (5-2-0, M-1: 3-2-0).
Russian flyweight Khamzat Dalgiev (6-1-0, M-1: 3-1-0) turned in an impressive performance, stopping Spaniard Ronny Gomez (3-5-0, M-1: 0-1-0) midway through the opening round on punches.
Croatian featherweight Antun “Qotil” Racic (18-7-1, M-1: 3-4-1) unbeaten Russian prospect Movsar'ın Evloev (5-0-1, M-1: 5-0-1), who took the fight on late notice, fought to a three-round draw..
Rounding out the main card are two other featherweight bouts: Braziliyalik Rafael Dias(11-3-0, M-1: 0-0-0) va boshqalar. Qozog'iston Sergey Morozov (6-1-0, M-1: 2-1-0)
Dastlabki karta kurashlarda, Engil Russian Lom-Ali Nalgiev (7-4-0, M-1: 4-0-0) remained undefeated in M-1 Global competition, winning a three-round majority decision over Gabriel Sabo (7-1-1, M-1: 1-0-0), of Switzerland, while Russian featherweight Zaur Akhmedov (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0) won his M-1 Global debut with a three-round decision against Adam Gagiev (0-2-1, M-1: 0-2-0).
Russian light heavyweight Amirkhan Guliev (3-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0) used a heel hook for a win by opening-round submission versus Spaniard Darwin Rodriguez (0-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0); Rossiya ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Magomed Maasaev (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0) locked in a triangle choke on Russian Ingiskhan Ozdoev (1-3-0, M-1: 1-3-0) for a submission victory in the second round; Adam Gagiev (1-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0) won a three-round decision over Russian pro-debuting Zaur Akhmedov (0-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0).
In the M-1 Medieval Knight fight between Russian heavyweights, Rustam Kukurkhoev won by second-round technical knockout over Vitaly Kravchenko.
Complete natijalari va quyidagi foto galereyasi:
(Barcha g'oliblar birinchi ro'yxatda)
Denis Smoldarev (12-2-0, M-1: 8-2-0), Estoniya
Kenny Garner (16-10-0, M-1: 9-8-0), Rossiya
Marcus Vinicius Lopes (10-4-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Braziliya
Qurbon Ibragimov (5-2-0, M-1: 3-2-0), Rossiya
Rafael Dias (12-3-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Braziliya
Sergey Morozov (6-2-0, M-1: 2-2-0), Qozog'iston
Andrey Lezhnev (9-6-0, M-1: 3-2-0), Ukraina
Lee Morrison (15-7-0, M-1: 2-4-0), AQSH
Antun Racic (18-7-1, M-1: 3-4-1), Braziliya
Musa Kazikhanov (3-0-1, M-1: 0-0-1), Rossiya
Khamzat Dalgiev (6-1-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Rossiya
Ustini / TKO1 (Zımba – 2:28)
Ronny Gomez (4-4-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Ispaniya
LIGHT og'ir
Amirkhan Guliev (3-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Rossiya
WSUB1 (Heel Hook – 3:16)
Darwin Rodriguez (0-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Ispaniya
Magomed Maasaev (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rossiya
WSUB2 (Triangle kup – 1:50)
Ingiskhan Ozdoev (1-3-0, M-1: 1-3-0), Rossiya
Lom-Ali Nalgiev (7-4-0, M-1: 4-0-0), Rossiya
Gabriel Sabo (6-2-1, M-1: 0-1-0), Shveytsariya
Sergey Astapov (7-4-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Ukraina
Ustini / TKO1 (Zımba – 1:10)
Abubaker Mestoev (1-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Rossiya
Adam Gagiev (1-1-1, M-1: 1-1-0), Rossiya
Zaur Akhmedov (0-1-0, M-1: 010-0), Rossiya
Rustam Kukurkhoev, Rossiya
Ustini / TKO2
Vitaly Kravchenko, Rossiya
(L-R) – Kenny Garner & Denis Smoldarev
Dalgiev vs. Gomez
Sabo vs. Nalgiev
Kravchenko vs. Kukurkhoev
Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global


Complete Event Photos Here


LONDON — (Iyul 16, 2016) - Duglas Lima (27-6) va Paul Daley (38-14-2) had been bound to cross paths throughout their Bellator MMA tenures, and on Saturday night at The O2 in London, the welterweight battle finally came to a head.

asosiy tadbir “Bellator 158: London” pitted the former 170-pound titlist against “Semtex,” an Englishman who has been on a tear since coming back into the fray. Over the course of 15 daqiqa, the two warriors ripped into each other’s bodies, rocking their foe with shots and scoring takedowns. Much to the chagrin of Daley’s hometown faithful, Lima got the better of Daley, earning a unanimous decision of (30-27 x3). G'alaba bilan, Laym, eyes a rematch with Andrey Koreshkov, the man who took his title nearly a year ago.

Matt Mitrione Moves to 2-0 Under the Bellator MMA Umbrella

Matt Mitrione (11-5) returned to the Bellator MMA cage fresh off his victory at “Bellator: Dynamite 2and finished Oli Thompson (17-9), winning his second fight in three weeks. “Meatheadand the former Britain’s strongest man winner went toe-to-toe for the better part of two rounds, but at 4:21 in the second frame, Mitrione turned the lights out for Thompson. Hozir, Mitrione moves ever closer to a shot at the vacant heavyweight belt, something he hopes to claim before the end of 2016.


Michael Page’s Knee Catches Itself A ‘Cyborg

It’s rare when antics following a fight upstage a flying knee knockout, lekin Maykl Page (12-0) managed to do just that with his second round finish of Evangelista “Cyborg” (21-19) on Satuday night in London. oxiri keldi 4:31 ikkinchi ramka, when Cyborg shot for a takedown but was caught in the head with a knee that sent him sprawling to the mat.


Undan keyin, “Venom” continued to do what he does best – entertain.

Click here to watch the post-fight celebration everyone is talking about.

Francis Carmont Submits Opponent in Opening Round

In light heavyweight action, Francis Carmont (25-11) mag'lub Lukasz Klinger (7-3) via submission to bounce back from his defeat at the hands of Phil Davis. end keldi 3:54 ochilish ramkaning, when Georges St. Pierre’s training partner used the D’Arce choke to make his opponent tap out.

James Gallagher is 19-Years-Old & is a “Strabanimal”


In the opening contest of "Bellator 158: London” James Gallagher (4-0) uning mag'lubiyati rekord butun saqlab, cruising to a unanimous decision victory against Mike Cutting (6-6). “The Strabanimal” did all he could to have an action-packed Bellator MMA debut, but Cutting – who missed weight on Friday – relentlessly circled the cage, avoiding as much toe-to-toe combat as possible. Oxirida, it didn’t matter, as the 19-year-old cruised to a unanimous 30-27 zafar.

Dastlabki Card Natijalar:

Jeyms Mulheron (9-1) mag'lub Neil Grove (12-8-1) ovozdan qaror orqali (29-28, 30-27, 30-26)

Maykl Shipman (9-1) mag'lub Dom Clark (7-10) taqdim orqali (Anaconda Choke) R1

Pietro Menga (13-0) mag'lub Spenser Xyuitt (12-11) nokaut orqali (Punch) da :41 of R1

Luiz Tosta (8-4-1) va Din Garnett (7-0-1) fought to majority draw

Jeyson Radkliff (9-2) mag'lub Jek Meyson (29-16-1) nokaut orqali (tizza) da :14 of R1

Manuel Garcia (28-19) mag'lub Aleks Reid (11-10-1) ovozdan qaror orqali (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

Denni Mitchell (18-7) mag'lub C.J. Yumshoqlar (5-2) taqdim orqali (twister) 4:25 of R1

Nathanial Wood (9-3) mag'lub Chase Morton (6-3) taqdim orqali (orqa-yalang'och bo'g'ish) da 3:59 of R3


Bellator MMA Presents:
To'g'risida Juma, Avgust 26
Premier Boxing Champions Presents:
Also Featuring
Alfredo Angulo &
Terrell Gausha
To'g'risida Shanba, Avgust 27
Honda Center In Anaheim, KABI. To Host These Back-To-Back Major
Combat Sports Events


Nyu York, NY, Iyul 16, 2016The most action-packed, hardest-hitting weekend in sports this summer will be not be in Riobut in Anaheimas Spike Sports presents two world-class events on back-to-back nights. Bellator MMA’s Benson Merilend(23-6) va Patrick “Pitbull” Freire (25-3), two of the most exciting mixed martial arts fighters in the world, do battle on Juma, Avgust 26 (10:00pm-12:00Men ETman/PT). The action continues the next day with Robert “Sade” Jangchi(33-4-1) olib David Emanuel Peralta (25-2-1) bo'yicha Shanba, Avgust 27 (9:00-11:00pm ET/PT). Both events will emanate from Honda Center in Anaheim, KABI.
Benson Henderson has fought and beaten many of the best fighters in the world. His impressive resume includes victories over: Frankie Edgar, Donald Cerrone, Gilbert Melendez, Nate Diaz, Jim Miller and Bellator’s Josh Thomson. Lekin “Silliq” has never faced an angry “Pitbull” in one of the most important fights of his life.
Patrick “Pitbull” Freiere is a former featherweight world champion who is stepping up to lightweight in the biggest challenge of his decorated career. In a Shakespearean twist, a win over Henderson would put him in line for a title shot against recently crowned 155-pound champion Maykl Chandler, who scored a brutal knockout over Patricio’s brother to secure the division’s crown. But to avenge his brother’s loss, he must first defeat the highly-regardedBendo.
Henderson is also in need of a big win as his recent Bellator debut was spoiled by welterweight champion Andrey Koreshkov. The hard-hitting Russian scored a unanimous decision victory in a five-round brawl against Henderson this past April at“Bellator 153: Koreshkov kabilar. Henderson.
Robert Guerrero is among the biggest names in boxing today, having fought the sport’s marquee names like Floyd Mayweather. A former world champion in multiple weight classes, he owns signature victories over Andre Berto and Joel Casamayor. But now Guerrero is on a quest to return to the top of the welterweight division beginning with this matchup on August 27. He must defeat the hard-hitting Argentinian slugger David Emanuel Peralta to see his dreams of sitting atop the division realized once again.
The tripleheader also features all-action slugger Alfredo Angulo (24-5)taking on battle-tested Freddy Hernandez (33-8)in a battle of Mexican brawlers. A fan favorite in Southern California, Angulo enters this fight coming off of two knockout victories and he will look to make it three in a row when he steps into the ring onAvgust 27. A veteran of many exciting 154-pound contests, Angulo is looking to continue to make noise in the middleweight division against Hernandez, who has won his last three fights heading into this showdown.
Rounding out the night of televised fights is 2012 U.S. Marhamatli Terrell Gausha(18-0) putting his undefeated record on the line against the Bronx’s Steve Martinez(16-2). Klivlend chiqib jang, Gausha has risen up the rankings with five victories in 2015 and a seventh round stoppage of Orlando Lora in April. Now he will test himself against against the dangerous Martinez, who has recorded knockouts in 13 uning 16 g'alabalar.
Chiptalar Avgust 27 hodisa, TGB aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilingan, fiyatlandırılır $31, $58, $108 va $203, Ortiqcha to'lovlari, sotuvga Chorshanba, Iyul 20. Tickets are available via, Ticketmaster retail locations or by calling800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Honda Center Box Office.




Santa Monika, CALIF (Iyul, 16) - Patricio “Pitbull” (25-3) is actively seeking revenge for his brother Patricky “Pitbull” after Bellator MMA’s new 155-pound kingpin Maykl Chandler brutally finished the elder Freire during the co-main event of last month’s "Bellator: Dynamite 2”hodisa.


Bugun, Bellator MMA is pleased to announce that Patricio will be given the opportunity to avenge his brother’s loss – but in order to reach Chandler, “Pitbull” must first defeat Benson Merilend (23-6) asosiy tadbirda "Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull” bo'yicha Avgust 26 inside Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif., and airing LIVE and FREE on SPIKE.


The card will be the Scott Coker-led promotions first at the 18,000 plus Honda Center, which is home to the NHL’s Anaheim Ducks, AFL’s LA KISS, the Wooden Legacy Basketball Tournament, as well as the Big West Basketball Tournament.


Boshlab chiptalar $30 uchun "Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull” can be purchased on Ticketmaster and Honda Center Box Office starting Juma, Iyul 22 with an exclusive Bellator Nation pre-sale on Payshanba, Iyul 21.


Following Chandler’s knockout of Patricky, “Iron Mike” scaled the Bellator Cage to celebrate with his hometown faithful of St. Louis, but was immediately met by Patricio, who had been cornering his brother. The two exchanged words and now Bellator’s former featherweight titlist has made the decision to move up to lightweight and begin his path towards gold in two divisions.



In the way stands Henderson, a former UFC and WEC lightweight champion, who after three fights at welterweight now returns to the division where he reigned supreme for nearly two years. In his Bellator MMA debut, despite a size disparity, “Smooth” fought valiantly against 170-pound champion Andrey Koreshkov, dropping a unanimous decision. Now it will be “Pitbull” who’s fighting the larger competitor, and it all comes to a head during the main event of "Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull”bo'yicha Aug. 26, LIVE and FREE on SPIKE.


Additional contests will be announced in the coming weeks.


"Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull” Main Card:

Bellator MMA Lightweight No. 1 Contender Main Event: Benson Merilend (25-3) va boshqalar. Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (25-3)





TOKYO – July 16, 2016 - Re'zin FF, the combat sports federation headed by former PRIDE Fighting Championships boss Nobuyuki Sakakibara, announced at a press conference today that all-time great Mirko “Cro Cop” Filipovic (MMA: 31-11-1, 1 Shimoliy Karolina; Kikboksing: 23-8, 12 KO) will come out of retirement and return to Japan, where his legendary career was born, to compete in the highly-anticipated, 16-bir, open weight “Grand Prix” tournament that begins in Tokyo on Yakshanba, Yetti. 25.

A former PRIDE and K-1 Grand Prix tournament champion, Filipovic earned his place as one of the greatest martial arts combatants in history with an elite set of striking skills that helped him earn the most first round finishes as well as the most head kick knockouts in PRIDE history.

It was also announced today that 4 ning 16 Grand Prix participants, including superstar Wanderlei Silva (35-12-1, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) of Curitiba, Parana, Braziliya, will receive a bye in the first stage, and automatically advance to the tournament’s second, or quarterfinal stage, which will take place at a location to be announced on Payshanba, Dec. 29.

Joining Sakakibara, Filipovic and Silva at the press conference were veteran warhorse Kazuyiki Fujita (15-11) of Funabashi, Chiba, Japan and former sumo wrestling champion turned MMA upstart Baruto Kaito (1-0) Estoniya, both of whom have been tabbed for battle in the first stage of the tournament.

The round of 16 matchups will be announced at the end of July.

In other, single-fight action on Sentyabr 25, two striking sensationsDaron Cruickshank (17-8, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) va Andy Souwer (MMA: 1-0, Kikboksing: 159-19, 98 KO) – will collide in a lightweight (155) ish.

Ueyn of Cruickshank, meni. is a 13-fight veteran of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) who made a successful RIZIN FF debut on Aprel 17, dastlabki tur urdi (4:36) TKO with a series of kicks on a downed Shinji Sasaki.

A longtime kickboxing icon, Souwer of Den Bosch, Gollandiya, is a two-time winner of the K-1 World Max tournament and a four-time Shootboxing world champion. On December 31, 2015, he made his long-awaited MMA rules debut at the inaugural RIZIN FF event in Saitama, Yaponiya, decimatingYuichiro “Jienotsu” Nagashima birinchi turda yo'li bilan (5:29) KO with an onslaught of punches.

Unbeaten women’s light heavyweight and nine-time Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt Gabi Garcia (2-0) and three-time junior Olympic wrestling medalist and undefeated flyweight (125 funt) MMA yulduz Kanako Murata (3-0) of Ehime, Japan will each see action against an opponent to be announced soon.

Garcia of Porto Alege, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil made quick work of both of her MMA opponents to date, dastlabki tur urdi (2:36) JSST (zımbalar) in her professional debut on Lei'd topingan at the RIZIN FF promotional kick-off event on Dekabr 31, and submitting Anna Malyukova with an armbar in the second round (2:04) of battle at the RIZIN FF affair on Aprel 17.

Faqat 22 yoshdan, Murata made her professional MMA debut under the promotion of RIZIN FF on Aprel 17, notching a unanimous decision overNatalia Denisova, and has since already competed twice more, mag'lubMaia Kahaunaele-Stevenson via third round (3:43) JSST (zımbalar) vaIlona Wijmans birinchi turda yo'li bilan (1:17) JSST (zımbalar), iyun kuni 4 va iyul 7, nisbatan.

Kizaemon Saiga (2-1) of Sakai, Osaka, Japan will take on fellow upstartAsen Yamamoto at a weight to be determined.

Women’s shoot boxing champion and unbeaten MMA competitor Rena Kubota (1-0) of Osaka, Japan will make her second start under MMA rules against an opponent to be announced.

Re'zin FF qiling:

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