Category Archives: MMA




NYU YORK - Avgust 2, 2016 – Combate Americas today announced that reigning Ultimate Fighting Championship® (UFC) women’s bantamweight (135 funt) superstar Julianna “The Venezuelan Vixen” Peña, along with 14-time UFC veteran and Team Alpha Male standout Danny “Last Call” Castillo and journalist Andrea Calle, will host the first-ever open tryout for the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) sport franshizasi, Los-Anjelesda, Calif. bo'yicha Shanba, Aug. 13.

All men and women, yoshi 18 va ustidan, who are interested in participating in the tryout with the opportunity to earn a multi-fight promotional agreement with Combate Americas, can pre-register online at

Castillo and Calle will preside over the event, while Peña, along with Combate Americas referee Mike Beltran and Combate Americas Fight Director Mel Valenzuela, will comprise the panel of judges for the tryout that will take place two days after the much-anticipated, 10-bout “Aspira A Mas Presents Combate Americas: Combate OCHO” event, live on UFC FIGHT PASS® from Exchange LA.

“We are on an aggressive hunt to give undiscovered, hungry talent the opportunity to shine on our big stage, and hosting an open tryout in one of the major cities of the U.S. that is also a hotbed for combat sports is one of the best ways to achieve this,” said Combate Americas CEO and UFC co-founder Campbell McLaren.

The tryout process will begin at 12 p.m. and will put candidates through a variety of drills testing speed, sabr va kuch.

Basic boxing, kickboxing and grappling skills will also be examined.

Dan baholi $40, tickets for the “Aspira A Mas Presents Combate Americas: Sakkizta jang,” 10-bout event are on sale at as well as at The Exchange box office. UFC FIGHT PASS shaxsiy kompyuterlarda mavjud, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Android, Chromecast, Samsung Smart TV, LG Smart TV va Roku qurilmalari.

Engil vaznda (145 funt) asosiy voqea, Urijah Faber protégé Erick Sanchez (7-2) Sacramento, Calif. Combate Americas qafasida uchinchi g'alabasini qidiradi, yoki "La Cage,” and fourth consecutive victory overall when he squares off with dangerous finisher Angel “Tito” Cruz (5-2) Rio Piedras, P.R.

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Combate AMERIKA haqida
Combate Americas, MChJ. birinchi U.S emas. Ispaniya Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) tarixida sport imtiyoz, program jang chempioni qurish va Ispaniya muxlislarini xizmat qilish uchun mo'ljallangan, mukofot urush ixlosmandlarining dunyodagi eng qizg'anchiq guruhlaridan biri. Combate Americas imtiyoz haqiqat TV dasturiy o'z ichiga oladi, jonli voqealar va mobil dasturiy. kompaniya bosh direktori, Campbell McLaren, umume'tirof Ultimate kurash chempionati hammuassisi / birgalikda yaratuvchisi sifatida e'tirof etiladi (UFC). Nyu-York Magazine sifatida McLaren tasvirlangan “UFC orqasida marketing qobiliyat” va Yahoo! Sport u bu e'lon “faqat unda har bir kishi bugun taxminan sport haqida ko'proq biladi.” Misli ko'rilmagan mahsulot va ko'k-chip mulk va boshqaruv jamoasi bilan, Combate Americas yangi zamin sindirish va jahon chempionati darajasi MMA tanlovda yangi davr olib tayyor.



Santa Monika, CALIF. (Avgust 1, 2016) – The announcement of his Bellator MMA arrival had “Baby Slice” Kevin Ferguson Jr. trending on social media for two-straight days, and today, Bellator Officials have confirmed that his first challenge as a professional mixed martial artist will be Jonathan Tomasian in a welterweight attraction at “Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull.”


Bunga qo'chimcha, Ferguson’s teammate at “Body Shop Gym," Joey Davis will also make his professional debut, qachon u oladi Keith Cutrone (1-0) at 170-pounds.


The stacked event takes place on Avgust 26 at Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif., and will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 10 p.m. VA/9 p.m. CT. Chiptalar faqat boshlanadi $30 and can be purchased now on Ticketmaster and at the Honda Center Box Office. Doors for “Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull”ochiq 4:45 p.m. PT local time and the first preliminary bout – which streams live on va Bellator mobil ilovasi — da boshlanadi 5:00 p.m. PT.


These two welterweight matchups join a card that features a stellar 155-pound main event between Benson Merilend (23-6) va Patricio “Pitbull” (25-3). Bundan tashqari, two standout featherweight fights have also been announced, seeing the young and undefeated A.J. McKee (4-0) meet former KOTC titlist Henry Corrales (12-3) and NCAA National Champion Wrestler Bubba Jenkins (11-2) olish Georgi “Insane” Karakhanyan (24-6-1).


Signed to a developmental deal in April, “Baby Slice” makes his pro debut on the event’s preliminary card. The son of the late, great “Kimbo Slice,” Ferguson Jr. broke onto the scene very quietly earlier this year in an amateur bout in Western Massachusetts, where he scored a knockout victory just 83 birinchi turda ichiga soniya. MMA reporter Chuck Mindenhall was on-site to cover the story. ‘Baby Slice’ trains at Antonio McKee’s “Body Shop Gym” in Long Beach alongside other “Bellator 160” competitors McKee, Jenkins and Davis.


Tomasian makes his professional debut under Bellator’s bright lights in a high profile situation that he hopes to make the most of. The 20-year-old Santa Clara, Calif., native has slightly more cage time than Slice, winning both of his amateur outings, once by knockout and the other by decision. Tomasian is currently training with Manny Rocha at Strive Jiu Jitsu Academy in Lodi Calif., where he has earned a purple belt in the art.


Davis is a 21-year-old standout wrestler who competed at Notre Dame College, where he accumulated an incredible undefeated 131-0 record and four consecutive NCAA Division II Championships during his college tenure, becoming the only Division II wrestler to ever win four national titles and go unbeaten in a career. Hozir, Davis looks to parlay his wrestling success in the mixed martial arts cage on Aug. 26 in the Anaheim, where Davis will have plenty of hometown fans in attendance.


Amassing an 8-1 record on the amateur circuit, Cutrone has previously gotten his feet wet professionally, winning his pro debut via stoppage this past March. “The Bone” is a Strikeforce veteran, competing at the promotion’s “Challengers 11” card in 2010. With a strong base in wrestling and jiu-jitsu, Cutrone held a regional title at 185-pounds before permanently moving to welterweight as a professional.


"Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull” SPIKE-Televised Main Card:

Lightweight No. 1 Contender Main Event: Benson Merilend (23-6) va boshqalar. Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (25-3)

Engil vazn toifasidagi jang: Siz Avad (19-7) va boshqalar. Derek Anderson (13-2)

Featherweight Feature Bout: A.J. McKee (4-0) va boshqalar. Henry Corrales (12-3)

Featherweight Feature Bout: Bubba Jenkins (11-2) va boshqalar. Georgi Karahanyan (24-6-1) Preliminary Card:

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Joey Davis (Pro debyut) va boshqalar. Keith Cutrone (1-0)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Kevin Ferguson Jr. (Pro debyut) va boshqalar. Jonathan Tomasian (Pro debyut)


Las Vegas, (Iyul 30, 2016) – On the heels of the historic and long-awaited passage of legislation making professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) bouts legal in New York State, Kurash Jahon Series ( shu kechaannounced that it will bring its star-studded, championship fight series to Madison Square Garden along with a live broadcast of the show on NBC, bo'yichaShanba, Dekabr 31, pending the approval of the New York State Athletic Commission.

“We are thrilled to have the opportunity to bring our exciting, world championship live event series to The Big Apple, where fans have been anxiously waiting for years, for live, professional MMA action to be able to happen in their city,"Jang bosh direktori World Series dedi Karlos Silva shu kecha, during the live NBCSN telecast of WSOF32: Moraes vs. Hill II.

“We have been working diligently,"Silva davom, “with the staff at the New York State Athletic Commission as well as the executives at Madison Square Garden to complete all of the necessary steps to make this historic and great event happen on New Year’s Eve.”

Participating fighters and featured matchups for the New Year’s Eve extravaganza at Madison Square Garden are being worked on by World Series of Fighting President Ota Chiefs, and will be announced soon.

The event will mark the second live World Series of Fighting broadcast on NBC, which has also been airing one hour, taped programs featuring a collection of the league’s top fights and highlights, twice annually since 2013. Hozirgi kungacha, the league has aired 31 live events on NBCSN.


Bangor, Meyn (Iyul 30, 2016) - Jarod “So'nggi daqiqa” Lawton (4-2) has a new opponent this Friday night in Bangor atNEF Presents Dana White: Ichariga qaramoq’ Jang uchun.” Lawton’s original opponent, Mike Hansen (4-4), pulled out of the middleweight contest with an injury just days before the start of fight week. NEF officials scoured the country for someone to step up on a mere week’s notice and face the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt Lawton. Not an easy task, to say the least. NEF matchmaker Matt Peterson was able to secure a replacement opponent in the form of David “RedneckMundell (5-1) of Dunedin, Florida.

Mundell is a purple belt fighting out of Gracie Clearwater. His only loss as a professional came in his last fight this past spring. Aslida, Mundell had not lost a single round in any of his previous five professional fights to that point. He is the reigning Florida State Professional MMA Welterweight Champion. Mundell held several titles in the amateur ranks before turning pro.

While most competitors would shy away from the prospect of facing a black belt on a week’s notice in front of UFC President Dana White, Mundell approaches the fight with a workmanlike outlook.

It’s just another day at the office,” said Mundell when reached for comment.

I am excited to still be a part of the show and thankful Dave Mundell was willing to step up on short notice to take the fight,” Said Lawton. “He is a well-rounded fighter, and I am expecting to put on one of the best fights of the night as always!”

New England jang keyingi voqea, "NEF taqdim etadi Dana White: Jang qidirmoqda” Juma kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Avgust 5, 2016 Bangor shahridagi Xoch sug'urta markazida, Meyn. Chipta endi sotuvga bor www.CrossInsuranceCenter.bilan yoki kassaga qo'ng'iroq qilib 800.745.3000.

Tadbir va jang karta yangiliklarni haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin, Twitternefights ularni ta'qib va ​​rasmiy Facebook guruhga ishtirok "New England asqotadi."

New England Mushtlashish haqida

New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEF vazifasi o'xshash Meyn janggarilari va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli voqealarni yaratish uchun. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.


Bangor, Meyn (Iyul 29, 2016) - Devin Pauell aralash yakkakurashlar bo'yicha o'qituvchi va jangchi sifatida o'zining talabchan hayotidan bir oqshom dam olayotgan edi..

U odatdagi mashg'ulot menyusida bo'lmagan ovqat bilan o'ralgan edi. Xfinity markazida baland musiqa va ziyofat muhitiga mos keladigan bayramona ichimliklar bor edi, Mansfilddagi ochiq kontsert maydoni, Massachusetts.

Qandaydir tarzda, Pauell uning telefon jiringlaganini eshitdi, yoki cho'ntagida tebranishini his qildi. Yaqinlashib kelayotgan suhbat uning keyingi kun rejalarini sezilarli darajada o'zgartirdi.

Pauell Jon Lemke bilan "NEF Presents Dana White" da qaytishni qabul qildi: Jang qidirmoqda,” o‘tkaziladi Juma, Avgust 5 Bangordagi Cross Insurance Center-da.

"Yaxshi do'stim Jessi Erikson jarohat olganini bildim,- dedi Pauell, "va ular mendan to'ldirishimni so'rashdi. Men "albatta" dedim. UFC vakili bo'lgan har qanday kishi, Hech qachon Dana White, agar sizda ularning oldida jang qilish imkoniyati bo'lsa, agar imkoningiz bo'lsa, buni qilishni xohlaysiz. Bu yoqimli bo'lishi kerak, samimiy muhit."

Powell (7-1) engil vaznda NEF chempioni, tasmani Eriksonning “NEF”da texnik nokauti bilan mustahkamladi 22: Barcha yo'llar bu erga olib boradi" aprel oyida. Lemke (5-5) ushbu kamar uchun kurashda avvalgi chempion Bryus Boyingtonga yutqazdi.

Jang engil vazn chegarasidan besh funt yuqori bo'lib, ushlash vaznida bo'lib o'tadi 160.

“Bu juda katta imkoniyat,- dedi Lemke, qo'shni Brewerda yashaydi. “Men juda minnatdorman. Men MMAdagi eng nufuzli odam oldida jang qilishni intiqlik bilan kutaman.

Ularning jangi Uayt oldida namoyish etiladigan sakkizta professional to'qnashuvlardan biridir, yaqin atrofdagi Hermon shahrida tug'ilgan, va kogortalar Din Tomas va Mett Serra. Uchlik mamlakat bo'ylab MMA bo'yicha kashf qilinmagan iste'dodlarni izlash uchun Uaytning YouTube sahifasida, shuningdek, UFC Fight Pass obunasiga asoslangan oqimli video xizmatida namoyish etiladigan realiti-shouda sayohat qiladi..

Ma'lumki, hech bir inson diqqat markazidan qochmaydi. Lemke Bellatorda Eriksonni to'xtatdi 93 ikki yil oldin Lyuistonda. Pauell o'zining g'alabali seriyasini 5 taga ko'tardi va bu g'alabaga erishdi Iyun 17 Foxwoodsdagi Butunjahon janglar seriyasida Tommy Marcellino ustidan.

“Bilaman, ular bu yerda asosiy musobaqadagi yigitlarni tomosha qilish uchun kelgandir,Pauell Uayt va uning atrofidagilar haqida aytdi, "Lekin men ular uxlay olmaydigan spektakl qo'yishni rejalashtiryapman. Jang uslubim bilan, juda tajovuzkor va g'ayrioddiy, Ishonchim komilki, men ularning e'tiborini tortaman. Bu sport to'g'ri imkoniyatni qo'lga kiritish va undan foydalanishni o'z ichiga oladi”.

Pauell jangni uch hafta oldin ogohlantirganligi sababli u biron bir ustunlikni sezdimi yoki yo'qligini so'rashganda, Lemke muloyimlik bilan u Eriksonga bundan ikki hafta oldin tayyorgarlik ko'ra boshlaganini ta'kidladi.

Lemke esa Josh LaBergega yutqazdi bo'yicha Iyun 10.

“Menda tayyorgarlik ko'rishim uchun yana bir necha hafta bor edi. Men hali ham mashq qilardim, lekin hammasi shu. Men juda yaxshi formada edim, lekin jangovar holatda emasdim,- dedi Lemke. "Bu sizdan so'raydigan narsalardan biri va siz o'zingizga o'xshaysiz, “Oh, bir, Men buni chindan ham qilishni xohlayman, lekin.’ Bu emas, balki faqat juda katta imkoniyat. Bu mutlaqo ideal emas, lekin jangchi sifatida, Albatta, siz bu qiyinchilikni qidiryapsiz, Devin esa bu yerdagi o'yindagi eng yaxshi yigitlardan biri."

U buni birinchi qo'ldan o'rgandi, va jarangdor uslubda, ikki jangchi avvalroq may oyida to'qnashganda 10, 2014. Pauell faqat bo'g'ilish orqali g'alaba qozondi 23 soniya.

Bu Lemkening sakkiz oy oldin Jon Ortolaniga qarshi chempionlik o'yinidan keskin chiqib ketganidan keyin qaytgan jangi edi..

"O'tgan safar unchalik yaxshi o'tmadi. O'sha jangga qadar men uchun juda ko'p chalg'itadigan narsalar va turli vaziyatlar bo'lgan. Undan oldin chempionlik uchun kurashdan voz kechishim kerak edi, buni siz hech qachon qilishni xohlamaysiz. Men uchun jangning to'rtdan uch qismi endigina qafasga qaytish edi,- dedi Lemke.

“Men hozir butunlay boshqacha jangchiman,- deya qo'shimcha qildi u. "Men hamma joyda oldinga siljdim deb o'ylayman, nafaqat o'z mahoratim, balki yondashuvim bilan. Men juda ko'p janglar o'tkazdim va g'alaba va mag'lubiyatlardan saboq oldim. Siz doimo o'rganasiz. Ba'zan qiyin yo'lni o'rganasiz."

Lemke va Pauellning har biri bir yildan kamroq vaqt ichida to'rtinchi marta qafasga kirishadi. Aynan shu faoliyat qisqarttirilgan o'quv lageridan so'ng hech bir kishi bunday qiyin vazifani qabul qilishdan bezovtalanmasligining sababidir..

Pauell misolida, Jang - bu Somersvortdagi Nostos MMAda egasi va bosh o'qituvchisi sifatida uning kundalik hayotining tabiiy davomi., N.H.

“Men bor narsam uchun minnatdorman. Mening 4 yoshli qizim bor va u akademiyaga kelib jiu-jitsu bilan shug'ullanishni yaxshi ko'radi.,- dedi Pauell. “Mening ajoyib hayotim bor. Men faqat dars berishim kerak, mashq qiling va jang qiling. Ko'p odamlar har kecha bolalari bilan bir necha soatdan ko'proq vaqt o'tkazmaydilar. Biz bu sport uchun ko'p narsani qurbon qilamiz. Odamlar faqat ko'rishadi 15 do'zax daqiqalari. Ular boshqa hamma narsani ko'rmaydilar."

Pauell o'zining gullab-yashnagan karerasida uchinchi marta NEF vakili bo'lishdan mamnun.

“NEF – mamlakatdagi eng katta aksiyalardan biri. Ular Meyndan kelgan yigitlardan super yulduzlarni yaratadilar,- dedi Pauell. “Men Butunjahon janglar seriyasi uchun jang qildim, va men ularni taqillatganim kabi ovoz berishni xohlamayman, lekin bu ancha kichikroq shou edi. NEF juda ko'p muxlislarga ega, va endi siz ularni Cape Cod va Bangor kabi joylarga borishlarini ko'rasiz, va bu faqat uni yanada oshirishi mumkin. Ular buni to'g'ri qilishadi, va ular uchun u erga qadam qo'yganimdan xursandman."

Lemke nafaqat Uayt, balki Bangor hududidan kelgan ona shahri muxlislari oldida kurashning qo'shimcha bosimiga duch kelmoqda..

Ularning ko'pchiligi uning Lyuistondagi uchrashuvlari uchun to'rt soatlik aylanma sayohatga o'rganmagan.

“Jang baribir shunchaki jang, va keyingi jang nima bo'lishidan qat'i nazar, eng katta kurashdir. Siz u erda kim tomosha qilishini yoki natijada nima bo'lishini hech qachon bilmaysiz,- dedi Lemke, u raqibi bilan ko'proq tashvishlanayotganini ko'rsatadi. “Devin ajoyib jangchi. U ajoyib mahoratga ega. U juda mashhur va u buni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun ajoyib rekordga ega. Bu, albatta, men uchun bir umrlik sinov. U qafasdan tashqarida ham ajoyib yigit. Men u bilan yaxshi munosabatdaman. O‘ylaymanki, biz bir-birimizni hurmat qilamiz”.

Pauell bu shubhalarni tasdiqladi, Garchi u o'z maqsadi navbatdagi hal qiluvchi g'alabadan kam emasligini yana bir bor ta'kidladi.

“U yaxshi yigit. Men bunday chuqurlikka borishim shart emas, qorong'u joy. Men tushunamanki, mening vazifam kimnidir shu qadar qattiq xafa qilishdirki, uning hayotini saqlab qolish uchun hakam harakatga kirishishi kerak. Bu go'zal, zo'ravonlik sporti. Men bilan bir xil maqsadlar bilan u erga kirishga jur'at etgan har bir kishini hurmat qilaman,- dedi Pauell. “Men Lemke bilan uchrashuv kutyapman. U agressiv bo'ldi. U jang qilish uchun keladi. Men ham xuddi shunday narsalarni qilishni yaxshi ko'raman. Birinchi jang qisqa muddatli edi. Agar buni takrorlay olsam, Ishonchim komilki, Dana Uayt baxtli bo'ladi."

"NEF Dana Whiteni taqdim etadi: Jangni qidirmoqda” filmi bo‘lib o‘tadi Juma, Avgust 5, 2016 Bangordagi Cross Insurance Center-da, Meyn. Chipta endi sotuvga bor www.CrossInsuranceCenter.bilan yoki kassaga qo'ng'iroq qilib 800.745.3000.

Tadbir va jang karta yangiliklarni haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin va, Twitternefights ularni ta'qib va ​​rasmiy Facebook guruhga ishtirok "New England asqotadi."


Bangor, Meyn (Iyul 28, 2016) – The dedicated delegation from Young’s MMA of Bangor usually relish their reputation as road warriors in New England Fights.

Lewiston is long established as the hub city for the organization, drawing competitors and spectators from both directions on the Maine Turnpike. Fighters and fans from the Penobscot River valley find that staying engaged for those fight cards four or five times a year requires greater commitment than most.

For only the second time in its history, the regional promotion will bring its cage to the Queen City. "NEF taqdim etadi: Dana White Lookin’ for a Fight” is slated for Friday, Avgust 5 at Cross Insurance Center.

Young’s, the gym located just a few blocks away at 127 Hammond Street, will celebrate by showcasing one of its fighters in four of the eight scheduled professional bouts. Battle-tested Ryan Sanders and relative newcomers Aaron Lacey, Josh Harvey and CJ Ewer all are poised to take their best shot with the support of a raucous, partisan crowd.

“That’s the most exciting part for me, being from Brewer. I went to Brewer High School,” Lacey said. “It was definitely a huge, huge draw for me, seeing it in person. I went to the fights when NEF came to Darling’s Waterfront Pavilion (Iyul 12, 2013) and all I could think is, ‘Man, I want to do this.’ This has been a goal of mine for a long time.”

Sanders (10-7) will battle Derrick Kennington (11-7) in a clash of wily lightweights that will be on the featured attractions on the docket.

His three stablemates each emerged victorious in their only previous pro bout. Lacey will lock up with John Santos (3-3) of Derry, N.H., tuklar kurashda. Harvey has an appointment at featherweight. Ko'za, who won an amateur bout at the outdoor concert venue in Bangor, will be tested by Ruben Redman (0-1) in a welterweight scrap.

Even with numerous friends in attendance, the four men know it is the presence of UFC president White, who grew up in nearby Hermon, which could have career-changing ramifications.

“It’s a great opportunity. It’s awesome to know that someone like that is going to be in the building on fight night,” Sanders said. “But for me it’s just another fight. I don’t want to get caught up in all that. Just let it unfold.”

White and cohorts Din Thomas and Matt Serra travel the country in pursuit of undiscovered MMA talent in a reality show that is broadcast on White’s YouTube page as well as the UFC Fight Pass subscription-based streamed video service.

Ha, the entrepreneur’s Maine connections are well-documented. White also previously brought UFC Fight Night 47 to Bangor. Young’s talent pool suspects that the latest event is more than just a case of White throwing a bone to his home base, ammo.

“I’m grateful that he’s bringing it here. I’m sure he’s watched film from NEF in his spare time. He must see something in NEF that he likes in order to be doing this,” Harvey said. “It doesn’t make me more nervous. Men sizlardan buning uchun xursandman. I’m going to try to put that all aside and focus on the task at hand.”

Under the tutelage of co-owners Chris Young and Ernie Fitch, roughly five or six professionals and a dozen amateurs cycle through the gym in any given training camp.

“Four of us fighting, it just shows we’re the best gym in the area. Three of us are undefeated. We’re producing studs. People see that and want to train with the best guys they can,” Sanders said. “We definitely push each other. You have guys who kick your ass every day. We want the best for each other. That’s why we’re here.”

Harvey expects the numbers and commitment to grow after White’s visit. He has been training at Young’s for three years. The cage side seat at the waterfront inspired him to step up his own training regimen. It’s a built-in advantage, Harvey noted, that has belonged almost exclusively to Lewiston until now.

“That’s what gets most people started. They go and see the fights and they want to try it,” Harvey said. “That’s why you see places like Central Maine BJJ (Lewiston) and First Class MMA (Topsham) growing so much. The fights are right there in their backyard.”

Lacey characterizes Young’s as “a gym full of killers.”

The statistics underscore Lacey’s point. The three pros with unblemished records all won their debut in two minutes or less.

“Ryan has only gone to a decision I think one time in his career. He’s a finisher. Josh won his fight by submission in the first round. CJ is super strong,” Lacey said. “They challenge me to be the best I can be every day. They keep me focused not just in the gym but in the game of life outside the cage.”

Although he is facing an opponent with significantly greater experience, Lacey expects a helpful adrenaline rush from having so many familiar faces at his back.

“It is different. I fought I think seven times in Lewiston between amateur fights and my pro debut,"Dedi. “This gives me a chance to be in my comfort zone. And a lot of my fans can’t make it down there. By the time you figure in the travel, the price of the tickets, maybe staying overnight, they just can’t do it.”

Harvey agreed, pointing out that it’s the initial fight for which he hasn’t needed to pack a suitcase.

“This will be the first time I’ve slept in my own bed the night before a fight. I think it’s a huge advantage,” Harvey said. “Some people might think with more of your fans there that there’s more pressure, but I think it just builds you up.”

"NEF Dana Whiteni taqdim etadi: Jangni qidirmoqda” filmi bo‘lib o‘tadi Juma, Avgust 5, 2016 Bangordagi Cross Insurance Center-da, Meyn. Chipta endi sotuvga bor www.CrossInsuranceCenter.bilan yoki kassaga qo'ng'iroq qilib 800.745.3000.

Tadbir va jang karta yangiliklarni haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin va, Twitternefights ularni ta'qib va ​​rasmiy Facebook guruhga ishtirok "New England asqotadi."

Vadim Finkelchtein: “The Emelianenko-Maldonado situation is getting ridiculous

Monte Carlo, Monaco(Iyul 28, 2016)- Jahon MMA uyushmasi (WMMAA) Vadim Finkelchtein has gone public to explain the recent WMMAA decision regarding Team Maldonado’s appeal, which resulted in the change of the official Jangchilardan biri Fedor YemelyanenkodirFabio Maldonado fight result to a draw, in addition to terminating its Head of Judges, Radmir Gabdullin.

WMMAA president Vadim Finkelchtein
Vadim, talk us through the appeal process. Why did you accept it in the first place since Russian MMA Union rejected Maldonado manager’s appeal?
VF: “Everyone could see what was going on in the media and MMA community after the bout. Being the founder of both the Russian MMA Union and World MMA Association, I received tons of messages and calls from people demanding an explanation about how it was possible for Russian MMA Union employees to officiate their own boss’ jang. I read hundreds of negative comments disparaging the Russian MMA Union and WMMAA. Some even went so far to say it was about Russian Mafia doing business there, all Russian judges are bought, etc. I tried to stay away from this debacle, since the fight occurred in another promotion, but when Maldonado’s manager sent an appeal to the WMMAA, asking to reassess the fight outcome, we couldn’t say no. WMMAA’s reputation was on the line as well as that of the Russian MMA scene, ham.”
What did the process of choosing the reassessment commission look like and why was head judge Radmir Gabdullin suspended?
VF: “Asosan, I had to make Radmir, as the WMMAA’s head judge, responsible for the whole process. Ammo, since he was one of the reasons the appeal surfaced in the first place, the most logical decision was to suspend him temporarily and appoint WMMAA’s Secretary General (Alexander Engelhardt) to handle it.
In his recent interview, Radmir Gabdullin belittled the significance of WMMAA’s verdict, stating it was all unofficial and that he had never received any appeal.
VF: “There’s nothing to comment about here. It’s a pure lie. I don’t understand what he was trying to accomplish by saying something like this. If necessary, I can show the manager’s e-mail with Russian MMA Union employees, Kamil Gadzhiev and WMMAA employees as recipients. Saying he’s never received an appeal is absurd and a silly excuse.
At the same time he insulted the professionals that reassessed the fight by calling them incompetent.
VF: “When I read it my first reaction was vast disappointment. How could he, as the official head judge, state something like this towards his colleagues who he knows really well? He used to officiate multiple events with them. Their experience is ten or maybe even hundred times greater than Radmir’s. Marco Broersen has been officiating major European events, including KSW, M-1 Global and many others, uchun 15 yil. He’d been working in this field when Radmir was still in school. It’s a shame for him to say something like that. It’s degrading for both Radmir and the Russian MMA Union.
Can you explain why 24-year-old Radmir had been chosen to become the head judge in both WMMAA and Russian MMA Union having no experience or appropriate education whatsoever?
VF: “Bilasiz, it all started back in 2010-2011, when I decided to start developing amateur MMA in order to provide thousands of young athletes with career opportunities. For that to happen the MMA Union in Russia was necessary, as well as official recognition of Mixed Martial Arts as a sport. It was hard. I had no experience working in a Federation; plenty of paper work. We lacked a qualified staff when we started to look for people. I offered Fedor Emelianenko to be the Union president with me heading the WMMAA. Gabdullin’s name was mentioned by Fedor. He said there was this young and promising guy, let’s see what he can do. I agreed completely, although I realized he had neither experience nor knowledge.
What was your reaction to Kamil Gadzhiev’s comments claiming in each interview that a draw was the best outcome, but after the result was changed by Sherdog following the WMMAA’s verdict, he changed his mind and promised to call and mail Sherdog to protest its action?
VF: “I had a phone chat with Kamil. He made it clear that he trusts the WMMAA and Russian MMA Union, while repeating his personal opinion that the draw would be the most righteous decision. I don’t know why his words were not consequently supported by his deeds.
Russian MMA Union has a lot of officials. Hali, no one would comment on the situation, including Fedor himself. Nima sababdan?
VF: “I can’t answer this question. Most important for me is justice and reputation and that holds for Russian MMA and WMMAA, ham. I couldn’t choose sides, which is the reason why an international commission of judges was created. No one tried to take the other man’s victory, as some have claimed in comments. As the WMMAA president, I feel ashamed the situation went that far. The vast majority of the leading MMA sites supported the WMMAA’s verdict; Sherdog changed the outcome. Another example is the Match TV poll result, in which 56-percent of Russian voters said Fedor didn’t win the fight. "Big’ John Makkarti said it. Sergey Kharitonov,Alexey Oleinik and many others have said the same. People who have been cheering for Fedor for years realized that. And now we have one person stating the opposite, saying our decision is unofficial, that experienced judges have become incompetent in no time, and he’d never received an appeal. That’s a sad situation and we need to handle it appropriately. The world awaits sound and reasoned decisions but gets excuses and lies instead. Our reputation is on the line because of that.
Schedule of Major 2016 MMA Events
Aug.3-8Asian MMA Championship in Hwasun, Janubiy Koreya
Yetti. 14-16European MMA Championship in Tbilisi, Gruziya
Okt. 7-9Inaugural Pan-American Championships in Santiago, Chile
Nov. 18-20World MMM Championship in Macau, Xitoy
Twitter: @theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa



Santa Monika, CALIF (Iyul, 26) - A engil Butning çukurlanma Siz Avad (19-7) qarshi Derek Anderson (13-2) has been added to the main card of the recently announced "Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull” voqea Avgust 26 at Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif.


Bunga qo'chimcha, the highly-anticipated professional debuts of wrestling sensation Joey Davis va “Baby Slice” Kevin Ferguson Jr. are set for must-see preliminary action against opponents to be named later.


"Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull” bo'lib oladi Avgust 26 from Anaheim California’s Honda Center, and will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 10 p.m. VA/9 p.m. CT.


Tadbir chiptalar faqat boshlanadi $30 and can be purchased now on Ticketmaster and at the Honda Center Box Office. Ochiq voqea uchun Doors 4:45 p.m. PT local time and the first preliminary bout – which streams live on va Bellator mobil ilovasi — da boshlanadi 5:00 p.m. PT. Additional contests will be announced in the coming weeks.


The lightweight encounter joins a card that already features another stellar 155-pound affair in the main event, qachon Benson Merilend (23-6) qarshi ketadi Patricio “Pitbull” (25-3). Bundan tashqari, two standout featherweight fights have also been announced, seeing the young and undefeated A.J. McKee (4-0) meet former KOTC titlist Henry Corrales (12-3) and NCAA National Champion Wrestler Bubba Jenkins (11-2) olish Georgi “Insane” Karakhanyan (24-6-1).


An 11-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Awad is currently in the midst of his second stint with the Scott Coker-led promotion, posting a 7-4 mark since making his promotional debut in 2009. Awad hopes to build off his impressive win over Brazilian standoutEvangelista “Cyborg” da "Bellator 154: Davis va boshqalar. King Mo," where “Assassin” was able to escape Santos’ ferocious ankle lock submission attempt and emerge victorious with a series of pummeling blows. Now the 33-year-old San Bernardino, Calif. native will look to put his unique skillset on full display in front of his friends and family when he enters the cage in Anaheim, Calif.


Similar to his opponent, Anderson was able to make a name for himself early in his professional career, exploding out of the gate with victories in 11 Uning birinchi 12 uchlari. During his Bellator MMA debut in 2013, “Barbaric” earned a win over the savvy veteranPatricky “Pitbull.” Since then, the 26-year-old Anderson has made five more appearances under the promotion’s direction, including a second victory over the elder “Pitbull” brother. Also hailing from the Southern California area, Anderson expects to have a large hometown following of his own in attendance on Avgust 26.


Joey Davis is a 21-year-old standout wrestler, who competed at Notre Dame College where he accumulated an incredible undefeated 131-0 record and four consecutive NCAA Division II Championships, becoming the only Division II wrestler to ever win four national titles and go unbeaten in a career. The most recent signing of Bellator’s “New Breed,” a group of top wrestling products that the promotion has signed including Aaron Pico, Va Rut, Jarod Trice va Terrell Fortune, will be the first to make his promotional debut. Davis trains at Antonio McKee’s “Body Shop Gym” alongside other “Bellator 160” competitors A.J. McKee, Bubba Jenkins and “Baby Slice.”


Signed to a developmental deal in April, Ferguson Jr., also known as “Baby Slice” will anchor the preliminary card along with Davis, his aforementioned “Body Shop Gym” teammate. In an eerily similar storyline to the hit-movie “Creed,” the son of the late, great “Kimbo Slice,” quietly broke onto the scene earlier this year in an amateur bout that played out in Western Massachusetts, where he scored a knockout victory just 83 birinchi turda ichiga soniya. MMA reporter Chuck Mindenhall was on-site to cover the story.

"Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull” SPIKE-Televised Main Card:

Bellator MMA Lightweight No. 1 Contender Main Event: Benson Merilend (23-6) va boshqalar. Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (25-3)

Bellator MMA yengillashtirilgan xususiyati Butning: Siz Avad (19-7) va boshqalar. Derek Anderson (13-2)

Bellator MMA tuklar Xususiyat Butning: A.J. McKee (4-0) va boshqalar. Henry Corrales (12-3) Preliminary Card:

Bellator MMA yarim ortasiklet dastlabki Butning: Joey Davis (Pro debyut) va boshqalar. TBD

Bellator MMA yarim ortasiklet dastlabki Butning: Kevin Ferguson Jr. (Pro debyut) va boshqalar. TBD



Santa Monika, CALIF (Iyul 25, 2016) – Two high-profile featherweight attractions have been added to the main card of the recently announced "Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull” voqea Avgust 26 at Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif. The first pitting the undefeated A.J. McKee (4-0) qarshi Henry Corrales (12-3), and the second newly-announced bout will see Bubba Jenkins(11-2) attempt to avenge a previous loss against Georgi Karahanyan (24-6-1).


Chiptalar "Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull” da boshlanadi $30 and can be purchased now on Ticketmaster and at Honda Center Box Office. Ochiq voqea uchun Doors 4:45 p.m. PT local time and the first preliminary bout – which streams live on vaBellator mobil ilovasi — da boshlanadi 5:00 p.m. PT. Additional contests will be announced in the coming weeks.


The main event of the evening features a marquee matchup at 155-pounds, qachon Benson Merilend (23-6) returns to the division that he reigned supreme over for the many years to face former featherweight champion Patricio “Pitbull” (25-3), who is moving up in weight for the bout. Both men will be vying for a shot at Michael Chandler’s championship belt when they meet on Avgust 26 Anaheim.


At 21 yoshdan, McKee is undoubtedly one of the of mixed martial arts top young prospects. After beginning his career 7-1 amatör sifatida, “Mercenary” has made a splash on the professional circuit, recording a perfect 4-0 mark through his first four bouts. McKee has fought under the Bellator MMA banner since day one of his professional career, finishing all of his contests in the opening frame, including three knockouts and a rear-naked choke submission. The Long Beach, Calif. native will bring his flashy skillset just down the 91 Freeway to Honda Center, where he will have the opportunity to put on a show in front of his hometown fans.

After beginning his professional career 12-0, Corrales will enter the cage for the second time this year in search of his first win under the direction of Bellator MMA. Since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion, Corrales has fought nothing short of elite talent, challenging current champion Daniel Straus, Emmanuel Sanchez, and Patricio “Pitbull” on short notice. Uning 12 Ishga qabul qilish g'alabalar, the 29-year-old featherweight has earned four knockouts and six submissions; including a brutal knockout of Gustavo Limon just 20 seconds into round one. Fighting out of Whittier, Calif., Corrales will share the home floor with his opponent and fellow California native, A.J. McKee, in Anaheim during the main card of "Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull” bo'yicha Avgust 26.


A longtime veteran of Bellator MMA, Karakhanyan will look to get back on track after dropping two closely-contested decision losses against Jenkins, who he handily defeated nearly two years ago via guillotine submission. Known to many mixed martial arts fans and pundits as “Insane,” the 31-year-old has finished 18 uning 24 a professional sifatida kiritdi, winning titles in multiple regional promotions along the way. A product of Millenia MMA in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., where he trains alongside close friend Saad Awad, the Russian fighter is finally healthy following multiple setbacks to his knee. Karakhanyan now looks to climb the 145-pound ladder, in a stacked division that he once sat atop as the No. 1 raqib.
Just a few years ago, Bubba Jenkins was widely regarded as the top MMA prospect in all of the sport, though the title became tainted following the aforementioned loss to Karakhanyan at “Bellator 132.” The former NCAA National Champion wrestler with Arizona State University now has three consecutive wins under his belt, and is looking for redemption. Heading into his 11th fight under the Bellator MMA banner, the 28-year-old “Highlight Kid” looks to put on a stand-out performance in Bellator’s incredibly deep featherweight division.


Yangilangan "Bellator 160: Merilend va boshqalar. Pitbull” Main Card:

Bellator MMA Lightweight No. 1 Contender Main Event: Benson Merilend (23-6) va boshqalar. Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (25-3)

Bellator MMA tuklar Xususiyat Butning: A.J. McKee (4-0) va boshqalar. Henry Corrales (12-3)

Bellator MMA tuklar Xususiyat Butning: Bubba Jenkins (11-2) va boshqalar. Georgi Karahanyan (24-6-1)



Complete Event Photos Here

MULVANE, KS. (Iyul 22, 2016) – In the main event of the evening, Darrion Caldwell (9-1) was submitted by Joe Taimanglo (23-6-1) in an absolutely shocking upset :09 seconds into the third and final frame.

With the defeat, The 2009 NCAA Div. 1 National Champion was handed the first loss of his career, paytda “Juggernauthas the entire Island of Guam rocking with his guillotine submission win. “Wolf” was cruising heading into the third and final frame, but after shooting for a takedown, Taimanglo slapped on a choke and didn’t relinquish the hold until Caldwell tapped. The fight was slated to be a title eliminator, but because of Taimanglo failing to make weight, it remains to be seen who will challenge next for Eduardo Dantas’ sarlavha.

Guillard Assassinates ‘Cavemanin Front of Hometown Faithful

Melvin Guillard (33-16-2) put Dave Rickels (17-5) to sleep in front of his hometown fans during the co-main event of "Bellator 159: Caldwell vs. Taimanglo.” So'ng 90 seconds of closely contested action, “The Young Assassin” caught “The Caveman,” then followed with a series of vicious elbows that ended the action at 2:14 dumaloq biri.


Kurash so'ng, Guillard made it clear that he is done as a lightweight and will carry on his Bellator MMA career at 170-pounds, and hopes to fight renowned welterweight Pavlus «Semtex" Daley.

Ducote Taps Vargas in Flyweight Bout

Emily Ducote (3-1) qo'l Bruna Vargas (2-1) the first loss of her short career, landing an overhand right that she quickly followed up with a rear-naked choke, forcing the referee to call a halt to the action at :29 turda ikki. Kurash so'ng, Ducote dedicated the fight to her grandmother, who has helped her a great deal throughout her upbringing and supported her decision to pursue a career in mixed martial arts. Look for Ducote to make waves in the flyweight division in the future.

Weichel ‘WeaselsOut Split Decision Win

In a fight that had plenty of title implications for both 145-pounders, Daniel Weichel (37-9) weaseled out a close decision victory against Emmanuel Sanchez (13-3) on Friday night, receiving the benefit of the doubt from two of the three cage side judges. Weichel has now been on the positive end of 10 straight decisions, while Sanchez has been involved in four straight consecutive split decisions.

Dastlabki Card Natijalar:

Brandon Phillips (6-1) mag'lub Chuka Willis (8-3) ovozdan qaror orqali (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Kris Xarris (7-0) mag'lub Matt Foster (6-9) taqdim orqali (Orqa-Naked kup) da 1:23 of R1

Trey Ogden (6-1) mag'lub Manny Meraz (8-3) taqdim orqali (Gyote kup) da 2:37 of R2

Philipe Bundan Lins (10-1) mag'lub William Viana (7-3) Ko orqali (Zımba) da 1:14 of R2

Jessica Middleton (1-0) mag'lub Braun Ellen (2-1) ovozdan qaror orqali (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Gaston Reyno (6-1) mag'lub L.J. Hermreck (3-2) oltinchi raundda texnik nokaut orqali (Zımba) da 3:57 of R3

Johnny Marigo (2-0) mag'lub Andy Riley (2-2) taqdim orqali (Armbar) da 2:44 of R1

Fernando Martinez (15-10-1) mag'lub Marcio Navarro (14-13) split qarori orqali (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)