Category Archives: mekemeke

Haké Jr. Lightweight Frank De Alba headlines on Saturday, February 21 i te Econo Lodge i Allentown, PA

Plus undefeated Juan Dominguez, Christian Molina, Robert Irizarry, John Magda a Ivan Golub
Allentown, PA (February 6, 2015)–I te Rāhoroi po, February 21, maranga Jr. Kōmāmā Frank De Alba Ka kupu matua whakatairangatia ana te po motuhake o te mekemeke i te Econo Lodge i Allentown, a e Whakatairanga Kings.
De Alba o te Reading, PA e ha lekooti o 14-1-2 ki 5 knockouts a kua riro 12 i roto i te rarangi, me te tūturu tona whakamutunga 16 ngā haerenga.
Te 27 tau-tau tahuri ngaio i roto i 2011 a ka he te whakauru ia mo Andrew Bentley (1-0) & Pineamine Burgos (1-0). He won the UBF All Americas Super Featherweight title with a 5th round stoppage over Pablo Batres and defended it in his last bout with an 8-round unanimous decision over Jess Carridine in October 4 i roto i te Faa Aroraa, PA.

Hoariri De Alba o roto i te whakaritea 8 kia ka kauwhautia hui matua a tawhio tata.
I roto i te 8-a tawhio noa tahi-āhuatanga, tūturu Super whā Juan Dominguez Ka tangohia i runga i te hoariri ki te kia te ingoa.
Dominguez o Brooklyn, NY e ha lekooti o 17-0 ki 11 knockouts.
Te 28 He whakauru mo Gabriel Gomez tau-tau, Arturo Santiago mo te taitara New York State whā, Geyci Lorenzo mo te taitara WBA Fedecaribe Super whā & Camilo Parete (9-1). In his last bout Dominguez scored an 8-round unanimous decision over German Meraz on Hakihea 12 i roto i te Chicago.

I roto i te pāngia 8-a tawhio:
Super whitu John Magda (8-0, 6 KO o) o Rutherford, Ka tangohia nj i runga i te hoariri ki te kia te ingoa.

Ivan Golub (5-0, 4 KO o) o Brooklyn, Ka tangohia NY i runga i te hoariri ki te huaina i roto i te Tamaiti. Whitu a'ee.
I roto i te pāngia 6-a tawhio:

A Iharaira Suárez (4-4-2, 1 KO) o Luquillo, Ka whawhai te hoariri PR ki te huaina i roto i te a'ee mā whitu

Danny Kelly (6-1-1, 5 KO o) o Washington, DC will take on an opponent to be named in a Heavyweight bout.
I roto i te pāngia 4-a tawhio:

Christian Molina (3-0, 2 KO o) o Allentown, Ka whawhai PA Gerald Smith (3-2, 1 KO) o Philadelphia, PA i roto i te Tamaiti. Welterweight a'ee.

Robert Irizarry (2-0-1) o Cherry Hill, Ka whawhai nj Pineamine Burgos (2-10-1) o Maunga Pocono, PA i roto i te a'ee mā whitu.
Christopher Booker ka meinga o Philadelphia tona tuatahi pro ki te hoariri ki te huaina i roto i te a'ee taumahawaenga.
Honatana Williams (0-3) o Allentown, Ka Square PA atu ki Shawn Sutton (0-3) o Norristown, PA i roto i te a'ee Welterweight.

Tikiti mo tenei po nui o te mekemeke e $45 no te Urunga General, me te $60 no te Ringside a taea te hokona mā te pāwhiri: ranei na roto i te te karanga 610 587 5950

Kei te Econo Lodge i 1151 Building Drive i roto i te Allentown, PA

E mutu Antonio Orozco MEI whakaritea a'ee AGAINST Against TAYLOR



Los Angeles (Feb. 5) – Tūturu ngangau Mexican Anthony “He whakangungu” Orozco (21-0, 15 Koó) Ka whai ki te tatari ki te hanga hoki i ana 2015 tuatahi. I whara Orozco i te Rāhina, Feb 2. ka tukua e ia he tapahia hohonu e tata ana te kanohi matau mākutu ana, i roto i te puni whakangungu. His personal doctor determined the cut was too deep in dimension and would not heal fast enough for his scheduled bout on March 12. Orozco withdrew from participation as the co-main event for Francisco “O te kaiwhanga” Vargas (21-0-1, 15 Koó) versus “Wild” Will Tomlinson (23-1-1, 13 Koó) i te Freeman Coliseum i roto i te San Antonio, Texas i te Rāpare, March 12th, whakakitea ora i runga i te timatanga HBO Latin i 9:45 p.m. ET / PT.


Orozco i whakaritea ki te kanohi i te pai-mōhiotia, pahaki uaua Emanuel “Tranzformer” Taylor (18-3, 12 Koó) i roto i te Welterweight teina 10-a tawhio noa a'ee tahi-matua e whakatairangatia ana e Whakatairanga Boy Golden i roto i te whai wāhi ki teStar mekemeke.


I was prepared and excited to go up against Emanuel Taylor on March 12. I know that facing him and beating him would have been a grand debut in 2015,” Said Orozco. “Ko ahau rawa whakama i roto i te putanga, me te me ki te whakaora me te kia rite mo te whawhai kia rite ki wawe tonu i teie nei.”


Te Whakatairanga Boy Golden a Kite * Battah Whakatairanga Ka haere i runga i te pānuitanga o te kaupapaFrankie “Pit Bull” Gomez (18-0, 13 Koó) o Los Angeles, Calif. rite te hui tahi-matua i roto i te Welterweight a'ee 10-a tawhio noa ki te hoariri kia ano ki te kauwhautia.


Frankie “Pit Bull” Gomez, Ko te toa uaua i Te Tai Rāwhiti Los Angeles. Whawhai i roto i tona a'ee tuatahi i roto i te tata i te tau, Gomez is ready to take on any fighter that will face him and take him to the next level in his career. Tūturu, te 'amanaki super Kōmāmā tino tata whawhai Orlando Vazquez i te Poro Hub Center, i roto i te Carson, Calif. in April and won by knockout in the second round of their scheduled 10-round bout. Later in July, Gomez haere te tawhiti ki Vernon Paris i Fantasy Springs Resort Casino toa i te whakatau loto.


Vargas vs. Tomlinson, Kei te whakatairangatia ana i te 10-a tawhio noa WBO International me NABF Junior a'ee Kōmāmā e Whakatairanga Boy Golden me Lejia * Battah Whakatairanga. Haamata te HBO Latin Mekemeke rua-whawhai telecast i 9:45 p.m. Tautoko ET / PT e kurahauao tāpiri me te Mexico – Ora te reira ki te whakapono te reira!. Ka whakatuwhera nga tatau Freeman Coliseum i 4:30 p.m. Haamata a'ee CT, me te tuatahi i 4:45 p.m. CT.


Tickets utu i $150, $100, $50, a $25 me takoha hāngai, me te utu ratonga, me te hunga mo te hoko i te wātea, tauwāhi Ticketmaster katoa, na roto i te te karanga 800-745-3000, ranei tangata i te Freeman Coliseum / AT i roto i&Office Center T Pouaka SE, Rāhina – Rāmere 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 te ahiahi, ranei i roto i Leija * Battah Whakatairanga mā te te karanga (210) 979-3302 te īmēra ranei

Next Club Whakaatu i Gleason o ko Rāhoroi, February 14 2015

E rapu ana tatou i mo ki te kaimekemeke whakataetae. Ka hoatu e matou ki runga ki juniors me tuākana kahore e i whai wāhi ki te karapu Golden



Ki te hiahia koe ki te whakataetae, tēnā whakapā to tatou matchmaker Jieun Lee i kuputuhi ia ranei i 917 858 3955.

Mahi matchmaking katoa e īmēra kuputuhi ranei.


Kua whakatakotoria tatou pāngia katoa e USABoxingMetro. Me whai i to ratou pukapuka mekemeke ki a ratou kaimekemeke katoa i roto i te tikanga ki te whai wāhi.


Ko te paunatia-i roto i te no te tenei whakaaturanga e timata i 4:00PM a ka timata te a'ee tuatahi i 6:00PM.



Ko te utu tīkiti ko $20 ia tangata. Tamariki 6 a kahore e ki raro i whakatupato. Mau melo o te omaoma katoa me amateurs rēhita ki o ratou pukapuka i roto i te utu ringa $15 ia tangata.



P.S. Ki te kore e taea e hanga e koe taua mea, engari e hiahia ana tonu ki te kite i te whawhai, ka rere ki ratou i

Paetukutuku o Gleason Faleva'inga:

Kia mataara Tuatahi korero taitara ao Wladimir Klitschko o i 2001 Po Rāhina i runga i whawhai USA Whatunga


NEW YORK (Feb. 5, 2015) — Tenei coming Monday po (Feb. 9) i 11:30 p.m. AND, Whawhai, ka Air USA Network te Wladimir nui “Dr. Steel Hammer”Ao tuatahi korero taitara taumahamaha o Klitschko, i 2001 ki te kaiwero Derrick “D-Train” Jefferson, hei wāhanga o ona InterBox Classics raupapa. Klitschko vs. Ka tukurua JeffersonRātū, Feb. 10 (9 a.m. AND) i runga i Whatunga Fight.


Whawhai ko Whatunga whatunga hākinakina pirimia whawhai o te ao whakatapua ki 24/7 kapinga, tae atu ki ngā whawhai, whawhai, whawhai rongo me te whawhai āhua noho. E wātea ana i roto i te U.S te awa. i runga i Cablevision i roto i te wahi o New York, Connecticut a New Jersey, Texas-hāngai Grande Communications, Armstrong Cable i Pennsylvania, e Ohio rawhiti, me te i runga i Shentel Cable i Virginia, Te Hau-ā-uru Virginia me wahi o te uru Maryland. Whawhai he hoki Whatunga i runga i whakaturia Roku runga pouaka puta noa Amerika, ka ora roma i runga i te paetukutuku


Klitschko mau tona taitara tuatahi te ao na roto i te hinga Mekemeke Organization World (WBO) toa ka tiakina Chris Byrd, i te ara o te-iu kotahi whakatau 12-a tawhio, e rima marama i mua ki o Klitschko i faahitihia Maehe 24, 2011 taitara korero i roto i te Munich, Tiamana ki Jefferson.


I te mahana o tona 25th rā whānau, te 1996 Mētara-toa te koura Olympic Klitschko (35-1) Jefferson huna (23-2-1), i maturuturu iho e toru nga wa mo te knockout hangarau i roto i te rua o a tawhio.


Klitschko (63-3, 53 Koó) ka tiakina e tona WBA Super, WBO, Taitara ao IBF me IBOApril 25 ki tūturu Bryant Jennings (19-0, 10 Koó) i te rongonui Madison Square Garden i roto i te New York City.


Tono whawhai Whatunga ki te kahore to koutou taura kaituku amiorangi ranei e whakahere te reira!



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Korukī puni Training i te JR Boxcino. kaiuru whitu

February 13 i te Mohegan Sun me te ora ki runga ki ESPN o Rāmere Whawhai Night


UNCASVILLE, Conn. (February 4, 2015) – E atu tatou noa i runga i te wiki i te nui âwhina Boxcino 2015 JR. Whitu Tournament.


Ki te puni whakangungu awhiowhio te iho, Kei te haere ia toa whakaratohia reva Whakatairanga ki te whakahou i runga i te āhua o te taka whakamutunga.

Cleotis Pendarvis
“Puni Training te pai haere. We are just toning it down and getting ready for action. Pinell is a pretty decent fighter but he is in over his head in this fight.


Ricardo Pinell
“Whakangungu te haere pai. I have been awake extra early and am the first person in the gym and the last to leave. I have been grinding. Cleotis is a southpaw as well. We were both in camp with Amir Khan. We both sparred him and at the end of the day we sparred each other. I got to have a little look at him. He is slick and has experience and is pretty crafty. ”



Stanyslav Skorokhod
“Whakangungu Kei te tino pai te haere. I am getting very good sparring at the Wild Card Gym and am improving a lot with my new trainers and team in Los Angeles. Michael Moore is a good boxer but I don’t think he will be able to deal with my power.


Michael Moore
“Kua nui nga mea kua rite noa ki whakangungu. We have had some great sparring with Demetrius Andrade and Edwin Rodriguez. There is no reason why we should not win Boxcino. We just hope my opponent is ready and game to put on a good show. This is his second bout in the United States but now he is going up against quality opposition.

Brandon Adams
“He pai Camp. Better than I anticipated. I am still in shape from my last fight. Going down in weight is going real well. Better than anybody expected. I think Alex is coming to fight and so am I. I hope he is looking to wow the fans because I will.


Alex Parete
“Ko nga mea katoa maheni. I am just focused on Brandon Adams and February 13 no te huihui, ka haere mai nga mea katoa.”

Vito Gasparyan
“Nga mea katoa e tika ana. I have the best sparring partners. I can’t wait for the fight. I haven’t seen much of Hardy. I do know he is from Guyana. I have boxed taller guys and they are top level. I am experienced enough to handle anything he can bring.


Himiona Hardy
“He nui nga mea katoa. I am in great shape. I just hope he comes in great shape and we fight like true sportsmen because I will be ready to fight and win.
Ko te katoa Boxcino 2015 Ka teata raupapa ora i runga i “ESPN Rāmere Whawhai Night” whakatairangatia ana te anake, me te e Kara Whakatairanga.
Te February 13 whakatairangatia ana takahanga e reva Whakatairanga i roto i te whai wāhi ki Jimmy Burchfield o Classic Entertainment & Sports (CES). Ko te toe tīkiti ki teFebruary 13 putanga o Boxcino 2015, utu i $125, $65, $40 a $30, tae atu ki te utu pūmahi, Ka taea te hokona mā, i te waea i 1-800-745-3000, putanga Ticketmaster katoa ranei tangata i roto i i te tari pouaka Mohegan Sun.
Ko te Boxcino 2014 tournament spawned breakout stars Willie Monroe and Petr Petrov. E rua he ao-tauanga i teie No. 3 as well as future stars Brandon Adams & Fernando Carcamo.


Inaianei kei te runga i ngā wā katoa Mohegan Sun Arena i roto i te wāhi runga i roto i te ao i runga i ki Billboard Magazine, Pollstar me perehi teie mahana. Kua riro te reira “Casino o te Tau” i te Tohu Country Music i roto i 2008 & 2010 a i roto i te 2013, I pōti “Arena o te Tau” i te Gaming Conference G2E Global i Las Vegas. Ano i roto i te 2013, Mohegan Sun riro “Casino o te Tau” i roto i te 2 kāwai i te Academy o Music Awards Country. Mō ētahi atu mōhiohio i runga i ngā kōnohete me era atu meatanga nui tirotiro i Mohegan Sun. No te mōhiohio i runga i te hōtaka o tenei wiki, karanga i te whakangahau me te Special Events hotline i 1.888.226.7711, ext. 27163.




Shawn Porter VU. Roberto Garcia

Ontario, Calif. (Feb. 4, 2015) – Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) Kei te whakatakotoria ki te hanga ona tuatahi i runga i te Koi TV ki te kahore e-ma'iri hui matua rua i runga i te Paraire, March 13 i Citizens Bank Business Arena i Ontario, Calif. tae noa ki te pupūtanga Welterweight i waenganui i te pakeke-patu Andre “Te kararehe” Berto (29-3, 22 Koó) me te Josesito whakaongaonga i nga wa katoa “Riverside Rocky” Lopez (33-6, 19 Koó).


Ko te hui matua tuatahi o te ahiahi, ka kite i te hokinga mai o te toa Welterweight mua Shawn “Showtime” Mau (24-1, 15 Koó) e anga atu ki te kino Roberto “Ko te Threat” Garcia (36-3, 23 Koó).


Tikiti mo te hui ora utu i $150, $100, $75, $50 a $25, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha kei runga i te hoko inaianei, me te he mo te hoko i te wā (Pāwhiritia HERE ki te hoko tīkiti).


Ko te mahi teata i runga i te Koi TV haamata i 9:00 p.m. ET / PT (roa i runga i te Tai Te Hau-ā-uru) a 6:00 p.m. PT i roto i te ao!


“Whawhai i runga i te raupapa Pirimia Mekemeke Champions i runga i te Koi TV he nui hoki te katoa o tatou, me mo te hākinakina o te mekemeke. Kei te ana tēnei haere ki te tango i katoa o te tatou ki te taumata rerekē katoa, me te homai ki a matou i te whai wāhi ki te riro ingoa whare,” Said Berto. “Fighting i runga i te pouaka whakaata free ko te mea i hanga takatu rite Sugar Ray Leonard, Ua ineine vau no te ki toku tupono noa te mahi i te taua Roberto Durán me Marvin Hagler whetu nui, me te ahau. E kore e taea e ahau tatari ki te tīmata i tēnei pene ka aru mai o toku mahi, me e haere koe ki te kite i te hou, a whakapakaritia Andre Berto i te Maehe 13 i runga i te Koi TV kia kia tino ki te rangi i roto i.”


“Kei te haere tenei tino ki te hei i te whawhai o toku ora, me te oaoa vau ahau,” Said Lopez. “E rapu ana ahau i mua ki te katoa o toku pā rohe te reira ki te kaititiro, he nui te whakaoranga i. Kei te whawhai ahau i te toa tino pai i roto i te Berto, ko nga toa He mōrearea. E mohio ana ahau i ahau ki te whakarite i ara pai atu ake ake. I te Maehe 13, Titau ahau i te mano nui no te au whawhai ahau kia tata ki te te kāinga, me te kia tautoko nga wahi katoa whawhai ahau i toku pā i. I’m confident that I’m going to give the fans in attendance and on television a great performance.


“Ko te whai wāhitanga ki te whawhai ki runga ki te Koi TV, ka whakaatu i aku pūkenga i roto i te mua o mirioni o te iwi, ko te tino whakaongaonga. Mea he wahi o te hui PBC tuatahi i runga i te Koi TV ko te honore,” Said Porter. “Toku hoariri he lekooti nui, me te te e ia he hōia. Ko ia kaha, me te roa, me ngā haere ia ki te waiho i te rite, ka whiwhi ia ki taua mowhiti. Tatari ana hoki ahau ki a te reira hei whawhai rawa uaua, engari he whawhai nui. O te akoranga, Tatari ana hoki ahau ki te riro me te tatari ana hoki ahau ki te titiro i te pai rawa te mahi i te reira.”


“Ua mauruuru vau e haere e ahau ki te hei wahi o te tahi mea te haere e ki te nui hoki tenei hākinakina me e ko te i runga i te kaupapa PBC tuatahi i runga i te Koi TV,” Said Garcia. “Shawn Porter He nui te toa o te piha haapiiraa te ao. Ko ia te ahua o te whawhai e hiahia ana koe ki te whiua ki te kia kite i te 'taumata-A’ i roto i te mekemeke. Ko te whawhai i te nehenehe e taui i taku mahi, me toku ora tenei. Au kua whakangungu ahau kia rite ki uaua e taea e ahau. Ka hoatu e ahau nga mea katoa i ahau i roto i te omaoma reira kia taea hoatu e ahau nga mea katoa i ahau i runga i Maehe 13.”


“E fiefia tatou ki te waiho i te wahi o tenei hui faahiahia i runga i te Koi TV,” ka mea kaiwhakatairanga Tom Brown. “E rua enei whawhai kore e whakarato mahi mutu-kore mō te pā i roto i te ao, me te hunga e tatari ana i te kāinga.”


He toa mua rua-wā te Welterweight te ao, me te 2004 Haitian Häkinakina, Ko te wā Andre Berto tetahi o whawhai whakaongaonga tino o te mekemeke, e ka whakairihia i roto i te ara nui, ka puta mai ia ki runga ki te Koi TV March 13. Fully healed from a shoulder injury suffered during his thrilling 2013 mutu ki a Ihu Soto Karass, te Winter Haven, I roto i te. Māori tino tata te muru i Steve Upsher i Mahuru 2014, kotahi ra i te aroaro o tona mahana fanauraa 31. Na titiro ia ki te haere tonu hoki tona pikitanga ki te tihi o te wehenga, ina e ia ki runga ki Lopez.


He tino tahi kī mo tona kāhua whakaongaonga, me te āheinga ki te whakamanamana ki te taumahatanga, Kua riro te-tau 30-tau Josesito Lopez whawhai tika e toru mai i ta'na mau tautooraa whakaongaonga, me te maia ki Canelo Alvarez me Marcos Maidana i roto i 2012 a 2013. The Riverside, Hanga Calif.-Māori he ingoa nui hoki ia ki te wikitoria pouri ki runga ki Victor Ortiz i roto i 2012, e pono whakapakaritia ana “Riverside Rocky” kārangaranga. Lopez looks to pull off another upset when he takes on Berto on Spike TV.


He miharo tu'aro, Ko vēkeveke Sean Porter ki te hoki ki te mowhiti i muri i iho ana i te whakatau nuinga ki awa, Kell i August 2014. Ka haere mai Porter ki taua whawhai tūturu, i muri i ka tangohia iho e rua nga whawhai pai o roto i te wehenga. Porter wā Devon Alexander i Hakihea 2013 i runga i tona ara ki te wikitoria whakatau loto. Aru ia ia e ki runga i te hunanga e papatu rua-wehenga o mua Paulie Malignaggi ki te mutu a tawhio wha i roto i te April 2014. Ko te Akron, Ohio Māori titiro ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te tīwae win, ina e ia ki runga ki Garcia i te Maehe 13.


He hōia o te hākinakina hoki meimei 15 tau, Kei te titiro whakamua Roberto Garcia ki putanga i runga i te Koi TV ki anō-whakamōhio ia ano he nguha i 147-pauna. Fanauhia i roto i te Mexico, engari ka neke ki Weslaco, Texas i te kuao tau, I taea e ki te opehia ake te whakauru ia nui ki te pae hopea whiwhi ia i te pere i te toa mua ao Antonio Margarito Garcia. I ngaro ia i taua whakatau, Riro Garcia kua waru-tika tae atu ki tona rua te whakauru ia tino tata ki runga ki Breidis Prescott me Victor Manuel Cayo. Garcia whiwhi tetahi tupono noa i runga i Maehe 13 ka e ia i runga i te uaua, me te rite Porter.


Kia ka kauwhautia tata te ki tonu te po i te pāngia undercard whakaongaonga.


PBC i te Spike TV, Ka tango i te wahi Rāmere, March 13 i Citizens Bank Business Arena i Ontario, Calif. Ka rangi te hui ora i runga i te Koi TV i 9:00 p.m. ET / PT (roa i runga i te Tai Te Hau-ā-uru) a 6:00 p.m. PT i roto i te ao.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi,, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, AndreBerto, JosesitoLopez, ShowtimeShawnP, AmenazaGarcia ASpikeTV, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i

Roc Nation Sports tohu amanaki Mexican, Miguel 'Lefty’ Sanchez

Ko te 'amanaki Mexican tūturu me fafau, Miguel 'Lefty’ Sánchez i Culiacan, Sinaloa, Kua hainatia ki Roc iwi Sports Mexico, e ko te inaianei he mema o te rārangi roa o te kaimekemeke whiriwhiri me kaitäkaro i hainatia ki te kamupene whakatairanga hou whakawhanakehia hākinakina i whakaturia i roto i te puna o te 2013, a whakarewahia ratou wehenga mekemeke i August o 2014. I whakaturia Roc Nation Sports i te mea ke atu i te angitu, me te kaiwaiata rongonui, artist, kaituhi waiata, kaihanga, a inaianei kaiwhakatairanga hōu o te mekemeke, Jay Z.

Te 25 tau Sanchez tau ( 9-0, 7 KO o ), nei te whakahau i roto i te wehenga Welterweight ( 147lbs ), hei whakaako i te 'Whare o Boxing Center Training’ omaoma kei roto i te San Diego, California raro i ngā akoranga o te kaiwhakangungu tautōhito, Carlos Barragan, e whakaako nei i hoki i te Welterweight teina tūturu, Antonio Orozco.

“Ko ahau he tino makona ki toku rōpū, me te ki ahau, no te o te mahi pakeke katoa ta tatou e rave”, kī Miguel Sanchez, nei tāpiri, “I roto i te iti iho i te i te tau, a ki te iti iho i te 10 whawhai, Hainatia e ahau ki te kamupene nui homai e tautoko tonu i ahau, a i roto i te hoki, Ka meatia e ahau i te taua i roto i te omaoma i te whakangungu rite pakeke e taea e ahau. E kore ano e haukotia e ahau taku iwi i te rave'a i homai e kua Roc Nation Sports ahau ranei”.

E Pineamine Lieblein me Alfredo Rodriguez te whakahaeretanga Sanchez te.

“He pai ki te kauwhau i tenei taahiraa nui i roto i te mahi o Sanchez matou. Ko te whakaaro ia ki te whai i ona pro-tuatahi i raro i te kara Roc iwi Sports i March”, ka mea tahi-te kaiwhakahaere Pineamine Lieblein, nei tonu, “I roto i te tau 2015, Ka mohio nga pā mekemeke mo te tino nei 'Zurdo’ Sanchez Ko”.

Kia wātea kōrero atu i runga i te whawhai i muri Miguel Sanchez o e hohoro.

Kāri Championship Taitara Boxing i te Rāhoroi, February 14 i Resorts World Casino New York

Derric Rossy ki te whawhai Akhror Muralimov mo te taitara IBF Te Tai Tokerau American Heavyweight & e tūturu Mike Lee i te Gary Tapusoa mō te Taitara te UBF katoa Amerika o

Queens, NY (February 3, 2015)--I te mahana maa Night, February 14 Ka whakatairanga Sal Musumeci o Final Forum Mekemeke te po tino motuhake o Boxing parauhia Championship Title Mekemeke i te City Resorts World Casino New York, a ka whakaaturia LIVE i runga i te whatunga motu nui ki te kia kauwhautia.
I roto i te hui matua kotahi, Te koiora ka nguha Heavyweight Derric Rossy (29-9, 14 KO o) Ka tangohia i te tūturu Akhror Muralimov (16-0, 13 KO o) i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio mo te taitara IBF Te Tai Tokerau American Heavyweight. In a co-main event, the popular & tūturu Mike Lee (13-0, 7 KO o) Ka whawhai Gary Tapusoa (6-3-1, 5 KO o) i roto i te a'ee 6-a tawhio mō te taitara te UBF katoa Amerika o.
Rossy o Medford, Kua faaruru a he mea patu etahi o nga Heavyweights runga i roto i te ao, pērā i Gary Bell NY (22-3-1), Shannon Miller (14-2), Edward Gutierrez (15-3-1), Toa Heavyweight mua Ray Mercer (35-6-1), William Shahan (7-0), Carl Davis Drummond (26-1), Alexis Mejías (10-2), Ian Lewison (6-1-1), Travis Walker (39-8-1), a Joe Hanks (21-1).

Rossy, 34 tau-tau kei te haere mai atu i te tino totohe whakatau hinga nuinga ki o nāianei IBF runga maha-rua Heavyweight Vyacheslav Glazkov i te August 9 i roto i te Peterehema, PA.
Muralimov o Houston, Texas i te ara o Toytepa, Kei te titiro Uzbekistan mo te wini waitohu rite ia ia he whakauru ia i runga i tūturu mua Olanrewaju Duradola kua (9-0) a Nate James (9-2).
I roto i tona a'ee whakamutunga, Piro Muralimov mutu a tawhio 2 mo Jason Bergman i te Hōngongoi 26 i roto i te Washington, PA.
Lee o Chicago he rongonui puta noa i te whenua kia rite ki kua pae na ia ia he maha pā i tona mater Alama Notre Dame me te te whetu o te maha pänui arararo.
Te 27 tahuri pro tau-tau i roto i te 2010 a ka he te whakauru ia i runga i tūturu Peter Lewison (6-0) me tona a'ee ka riro ia ia te nuinga whakatau 6-a tawhio noa ki runga ki a Paora Gonsalves i te Hōngongoi 25 i roto i tona oire o Chicago.

Ki te kitea i roto i atu i runga i Mike Lee, pāwhiri
Tapusoa o Independence, Fehangahangai MO Kua 4 whawhai tūturu me he wini mo Nick Guivas (4-0-1).
He ka kotahi a'ee atu atu pouaka ki te kia kauwhautia.
Inumia ano ki te puta i runga i te kāri wahi atu-tv ko Super whitu Devaun Lee(3-1, 1 KO) o Jamaica, Queens, NY; Cruiserweight Armin Mrkanovic (6-2, 3 KO o) o Queens, NY; Cruiserweight Dave Valykeo (4-3) o Neptune, Nj; WhituHenry Beckford (0-1) o New York me te debuting pro Phillip LeGrand.
Ka taea te hokona tikiti mo tenei ahiahi nui o te mekemeke i
1st a'ee Ko i 8 PM ki nga tatau te whakatuwheratanga i 7 PM
Kei Haerea World Casino New York City i 110-00 Rockaway Blvd, Jamaica, NY

Light Heavyweight knockout Artist Ahmed Albiali 8-0, 8 Kei Koó ki te whakawhānui KO pūkenga i runga i whawhai ESPN Friday Night

“Knockout Artist”

Miami, Florida (February 2, 2015) – Tūturu te marama-taumahamaha amanaki, Ahmed Elbiali (8-0, 8 Koó) will square off against unbeaten Dustin Craig Echard (10-0, 7 Koó), tenei Rāmere February 6, 2015, i Beau Rivage Resort & Casino i roto i te Biloxi, Mississippi. The 6-round bout will open up the telecast on ESPN “Whawhai Night Rāmere”.


I roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga, he a'ee i whakaaturia i runga i ESPN “Whawhai Night Rāmere”, Whakakitea Ahmed mana nui, maturuturu hoariri tona Lawrence Blakey e toru nga wa i mua i te kaitautoko mutu whawhai i te 1:44 mark of round three. Kia mohiotia hoki he ringa taimaha, Elbiali Ko te kaitoi knockout ko wai e titiro ana ki te whakawhānui i runga i tona pūkenga KO.


“Hiahia ana ahau ki te haere tonu ki te tiki pai ki ia whawhai,” Said Elbiali. “I’m always throwing hard punches and the knockouts are happening. I don’t want to rely on my power every time I step in the ring. I know if I start head hunting then I’ll be doing myself a disservice. I want to keep improving on my body punching and head movement. If I see my opponent is in trouble, reira e te ka ka ngana ki te mutu i te whawhai ahau.”


Tohutohu e Al HAYMON, Elbiali feels he has what it takes to become something special in the cruiserweight division. With a few more victories, Kite Ahmed whawhai ia mo te taitara rohe.


“E mohio ana ahau ki a Al Haymon āta ārahi i ahau i roto i te aronga tika, Ka taea e ahau hei he ingoa whare i roto i tenei hākinakina,” Tonu Ahmed. “Ki te taea e ahau te kaha faaoaoaraa i roto i 2015, I know there will be opportunities for me to capture the fans attention. I just want to keep fighting on a regular basis and make some noise in the light-heavyweight division.”

Amateur Boxing on Saturday, February 14 i Gleason o

Join us on Valentine’s Day, Rāhoroi ahiahi te 14th o Hui-tanguru, e ia oaoa i te oaoa o te mekemeke amateur i te taumata pakiaka tarutaru.


Ka whiwhi uwha katoa he ngakau tiakarete, ina tomo ratou.


To matou he rota o te pāngia whakaritea. Te nuinga o nga pāngia ka Kaiwhakaako kaimekemeke, Heoi, ka panga nei e tatou he iti te maha o te tuakana me te teina whawhai i runga i te kāri.


Ki te hiahia koe ki te whakataetae, tēnā whakapā to tatou matchmaker Jieun Lee i

kuputuhi ia ranei i 917 858 3955. Mahi matchmaking katoa e īmēra kuputuhi ranei.



Ko te paunatia-i roto i te no te tenei whakaaturanga e timata i 4:00PM a ka timata te a'ee tuatahi i 6:00PM.


Kua whakatakotoria tatou pāngia katoa e USABoxingMetro. Me whai i to ratou pukapuka mekemeke ki a ratou kaimekemeke katoa i roto i te tikanga ki te whai wāhi.


Ko te utu tīkiti ko $20 ia tangata. Tamariki 6 a kahore e ki raro i whakatupato. Mau melo o te omaoma katoa me amateurs rēhita ki o ratou pukapuka i roto i te utu ringa $15 ia tangata.



P.S. Ki te kore e taea e hanga e koe taua mea, engari e hiahia ana tonu ki te kite i te whawhai, ka rere ki ratou i

Paetukutuku o Gleason Faleva'inga: