Category Archives: mekemeke

Carl Frampton ki te te tiaki i IBF Super whā taitara ki runga runga Chris AVALOS i te Rāhoroi, February 28 live on AWE

San Diego, Pērā i – February 11, 2014I te Rāhoroi ahiahi, February 28, Carl Frampton ka meinga e te korero 1 o te taitara IBF Super whā, ka e ia i runga i kaiwero whakahauanga Chris AVALOS i roto i te a'ee e taea te kite ora, a anake i roto i te United States i runga i Wehi–He taonga e o Entertainment

Ka mai te kāri i te Odyssey Arena i Belfast, Whakatairangatia ana Airangi ki te Raki, me te e Whakatairanga Huripari.

We are very excited to bring this great title bout to the American fans,” Na ka mea te wehi te Peresideni, Charles Herring.
“Teata matou a'ee whakamutunga o Frampton ki Martinez, a ko reira te whawhai pai. AVALOS Ko te nguha tau-kotahi, me matou e matau he vēkeveke ki te kawe i te whitiki hoki ki te United States ia.”

Toa IBF Super whā Carl Frampton
Frampton o Belfast he lekooti tino o te 19-0 ki 13 knockouts a riro te taitara i runga i Mahuru 6 ka patua e ia kingi toa Kiko Martinez ki te whakatau loto 12-a tawhio. That bout was televised exclusively on AWE.

Te 27 Frampton tau-tawhito ko te toa Celtic mua. He won the Commonwealth title with a 4th round stoppage over Mark Quon. He defended the title with wins over Kris Hughes (15-1), a kake Ankrah (18-2). He won the IBF Intercontinental title with a 12-round unanimous decision over previously undefeated Raul Hirales and then stopped former world champion Steve Molitor (34-2) i roto i te 6 rauna.

Frampton riro te taitara Pākehā ki te mutu a tawhio 9 ki runga ki Martinez, a hanga tetahi korero taitara mo Jeremy Parodi (35-1-1).

I muri i te paahitia, a tawhio noa 2 riro mo Hugo Cazarez, Frampton riro te taitara hiahiatia te ao i runga i Mahuru 6.

AVALOS o Lancaster, California e ha lekooti o 25-2 ki 19 knockouts.

Tau-kotahi nguha runga Chris AVALOS

Te 25 tau-tau tahuri ngaio i roto i 2008 ki te paahitia, a tawhio 3 mo Juan Guerrero (1-0). He stayed undefeated for his first 16 pāngia ki te whakauru ia mo Constancio Alvarado (1-0-2), Christian Cruz (3-0), Ētahi atu Wilson (11-2-1) a Jose Nieves (17-1-3).

Riro ia te taitara WBO Nepo whā ki te mutu a tawhio 2 mo Jhon Alberto Medina.

AVALOS riro te WBO Intercontinental & NABA USA Super whā taitara ki te whakatau loto 10-a tawhio noa ki runga Khabir Suleymanov (11-0).

Kei te noho ana i tēnei wā AVALOS he pūkenga toa 6-whawhai, kua patua e ia Yenifel Vicente i roto i taua whanganga (23-0-2), Jose Luis Ariaza (29-7-1), Drian Francisco (24-1-1) a Rolly Lunas (34-8-1).
I te Mei 31, 2014 riro ia te IBF tūranga me mātua ki te mutu a tawhio 8 mo Yasutaka Ishimoto (24-6) i roto i te Macau, China.
I roto i tona a'ee whakamutunga, Mutu AVALOS Jose cen Torres i roto i 5 rauna i runga i Whiringa 8 i roto i te Pharr, Texas.
Kia ka kauwhautia te wa tīmata me te undercard tonu tata.
Ka taea e pā mekemeke oaoa i tenei kāri mīharo i runga i te wehi wātea i runga i AT&T U-Verse, ch 147 a 1147 i roto i te HD, Verizon FiOS TV, ch 169 a 669 i roto i te HD, me te maha kaiwhakarato taura rohe puta noa i te iwi. Koa tirohia no te mekemeke whakahōu.



Las Vegas (February 11, 2015)In anticipation of his 10-round main event, whakatairangatia ana e te Whakatairanga RJJ mekemeke i runga i March 13, 2015, 50-tau tawhito WBC #17 nguha taumahamaha, “Bronco” Billy Wright (46-4, 37 Koó) will be looking to knockout his opponent Gilberto Matheus Domingos(22-2, 20 Koó). The fight will take place at the Tatou Ko Pa Casino i roto i te Fort McDowell, Arizona.


I te rārangi e Bronco Billy o ka LATIN AMERICAN a FECARBOX , taitara, all sanctioned by the WBC. Wright is currently riding a 17-fight winning streak, 13 o i puta mai i te ara o te knockout. Ki te 28 Koó a tawhio noa te tuatahi ki tona nama, Titiro Billy Wright ki te whakawhānui i runga i koputaputa e rua ki te wikitoria knockout.


“Tuatahi e hiahia ana ahau ki te mea te reira te honore ki te kia rite ki ngā te hui matua i runga i te Roy Jones Jr. Kāri mekemeke,” Na ka mea a Bronco Billy Wright. “Kei te haere ahau ki te kia te hoariri mo te knockout kotahi nga mowhiti pere. I’ve been training very hard to get in the best shape of my life. I really want to take my career to the next level in 2015 and sacrifices will be made to accomplish that goal. Domingos and I both posses a lot of power in our punches, so it’s fair to say this fight won’t be going the distance. Everyone watching this fight is going to experience a very entertaining heavyweight fight…e taea te tango e koe ki te taha!”


Tickets utu $20 whakauru whānui, $35 a $50, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei, a taea te hokona e te karanga Bronco Billy Wright i (702) 524-3331.


Te Tatou Ko Pa Casino Kei i 10424 Te Tai Tokerau Fort McDowell Road, Fort McDowell, THE 85264. Doors tuwhera i 6:00 P.M. Ko te whawhai tuatahi i 7:00 P.M.

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Professional Boxer a ka nguha Thomas "Boy French" tonu Firm rite ngä Kaitohutohu Dulorme

San Juan, P.R – I teie mahana, Professional Boxer Thomas Dulorme ( 22-1, 15 KO o ), nei tata whawhai, ka riro ki runga ki Hank Lundy i runga i te HBO Tōtoru Pane i te Center Barclays i Brooklyn NY. , ka kake haere tona record mahi me te mekemeke, te pupuri i nga ratonga o te Artist Designs Whakahaere rite te tairanga Kaitohutohu. Mr. Ka Dulorme kia tohutohu e "ko Rutene" i roto i te tohutoro ki ana ngā whāinga Short Ngaio me Long Term.
"Kuo pau ke whakanui tatou i to tatou mau tautooraa katoa i runga i, o te whakakai, Roto i te tikanga ki te faaamu i mahi hoki ki a tau mai, "parau hoki Dulorme" ranei Ko te tautooraa rōpū o te Whakahaere, Whakatairanga me te Whakaata Networks, me te mea he kaitohutohu i roto i to tatou kapa hanga hāneanea ki a ahau mo te aromātai, me te neke i roto i te ahunga pai "
Artists Designs peresideni me CEO Mr. Ka fakatāutaha Richy Miranda-Cortese i te faatere o Rutene TE ngā kaimahi me Associates i roto i tenei kaupapa. Wheako Miranda-Cortes o kï, me te tohungatanga i roto i te hākinakina me te whakangahau me te Media Ahumahi he rawa atu ki a Dulorme Career. "Tatou e whai wāhi ki te to tatou rauemi kōkiri" Boy French "Present o Dulorme me Future Professional Career, E kore mahi i rite ona kaiwhakatairanga kaiwhakahaere ranei whakarato ana tatou ki te whānuitanga whānui me te tirohanga rite ngä Kaitohutohu. E ia mau huru nui hei kaipara me tona "persona", he tino mīharo Waitohu Faingamālié "Miranda-Cortese kī.
Tenei whakaritenga faati'a Thomas ki te aro i roto i tona whakangungu me te whanaketanga mō te ake me te haere mai ngā whai wāhitanga, me te oroko hoki hongere e tika ana mō ngā kōrero e tika ana ki te Media, Mekemeke kaiwhakatairanga me nga wāhanga nui katoa o te Present me Future tona Ngaio Mekemeke Career, I a Weto te Ring.
I te wehenga Welterweight teina, Runga Dulorme te #3 WBC, #2 WBA, #4 IBF me #6 WBO.
A Dulorme Stream Television me Main Mārakerake: HBO Championship mekemeke Takahanga Ngā. HBO Championship mekemeke Co-Main Takahanga (E rua). HBO Takahanga Main Latin. HBO mekemeke I muri Takahanga Main Dark. MAORI Broadway Takahanga Main Boxing. ESPN Rāmere Pō whawhai Co-Main Takahanga. ShoBox te u'i New Co-Main Takahanga. Showtime Championship mekemeke Takahanga Ngā.


Tīmata nui Ki te Tau – Whitu Wini Out o whitu hoki TKO

Kia noa kia tatou noa e wha tekau nga ra ranei kia ki te Tau Hou, engari kua Johnny Eames me te kapa Champions TKO rawa, tino hari ki te huarahi kei te haere nga mea katoa mo te ratou i roto i 2015. Tuatahi atu, noaa ratou whare hou mo te omaoma rongonui a inaianei kua tika i runga i te rua wiki ki te Tau Hou Mekemeke he string o e whitu angitu mo ratou ake te tipu pūmau o kaimekemeke.


I mua i tenei ra i te faahitihia Mr. I roto i tangohia e Eames he iti te wa i tona hōtaka femo'uekina ki te kōrero e pā ana ki te tīmatanga pai ki te tau, mo tona taitamariki opuaraa tino pūmanawa.


"'Io, he aha, he nui te tīmatanga ki te tau mo te mau tamaroa Champions TKO.


Tuatahi ake i matou e wha mau tamaroa i roto i i York Hall i runga i te 30th January, kāore e kore i taea e ahau te tiki ki te whakaatu i te mea pakaru toku kōhua, ka waipuke toku whare, i, engari i puritia e ahau i roto i te pa ki te katoa, ki te kia i pai nga mau tamaroa.


Tuatahi i roto i te mahi ko Antonio Counihan me i te mea i rongo ahau i maka e ia i roto i tetahi atu mahi fakaofo, mutu hoariri tona i roto i te toru, i muri i tūtahi i te whawhai i te tīmatanga.


I korerotia e inaianei ia he waru rounder i roto i tona whawhai muri, i runga i te whakaaturanga Stephen Vaughan i Liverpool i runga i te 20th March.


Na te tūmanako ka whiwhi ia ki te mahi i te tahi mea i roto i Birmingham hei taitara MBC International rite ranei.


Muri ake i runga i taua whakaatu ko Tasif Khan, ia tamaiti i ruru i te waikura atu, poto me te werawera, mutu hoariri tana i roto i tika hēkona e ono tekau ma rima.


Whakanohoia e ia ki runga ki te whakaatu whakaharahara te mea i rongo ahau i Mai, pau ngaro ahau i te reira, engari te tūmanako tiki ki te kite ia ia te wa a ia i roto i muri, i te mea hoki i runga i te whakaatu Stephen Vaughan Liverpool i March.


Āhua, ko to tatou Önder Ozgul o te whawhai o te po, te barnstormer mau Rio (A TKO Gianluca Di Caro) mea, mahi katoa, me i te tere nui rite ia i mua i Önder.


A rite tēnei koati ki te neke ki runga ono perei i teie nei, rite tona teina Siar, ki te faitotonu ki a koutou.


I ahau i mea noa i Siar tana e ono rounder tuatahi, ano he whawhai hangai i ngā pūkete katoa, te pera pai ki tona mahi i runga i te po katoa.


Tangi te reira rite ngā ako ia ki te whakawa i tona tere i teie nei, nui atu i te haere hama me kokopi mo nga rauna e ono katoa, vitiviti ia ia kiri mo te tonu e ono rauna.


I te po e whai ake nei i matou Charlie Edwards, hanga i tona tuatahi, a Tommy Martin whawhai mo te taitara Ingarihi i te O2.


Charlie, he aha ahau e nehenehe e mea i'o e ia ** rahi kingi.


Hoki te koati ia i tona tuatahi ngaio, Ko ahau na faahiahia ki tona huru, me te ngaio, e kore ia i ruarua i i te mea i ia ki te mahi me te kore te take ka ki a ia.


A, no ka eke ia i roto i te whakakai ko ia pai, me te raumati, whakarongo ki nga kupu e Brian (kaiako Brian O'Shaughnessy) mea.


Ka korerotia e ahau ki a ia, e kore i whai ia ki te faahoruhoru, no te mea te ia rawa te pai tonu, na ki te tamata kahore he take, me te kia pai, i te mea he ia.


Ko te he ōrite tino tino mo tona whawhai tuatahi, e kore i te āta huri e whiwhi etahi o nga ingoa nui, ko ia he koati rawa uaua, i haere ki te whawhai me te tino whakapono i taea e ia riro, i te whakatangihanga a te tika ki te ringa o Charlie.


Ka te koati he te patu pūnahanaha i tetahi i tetahi ki te wha, engari e kore e tangohia atu i te kaha ake o te koati, no te mea tino i te tamata ia, a ka mau Charlie pai ia ki te ono hēkona ki te haere, a, ko e reira.


Ko te ti'aturi noa, maere i ahau noa na faahiahia ki Charlie.


Na ka i tatou i to tatou Tommy Martin, he aha ahau e taea e mea haere tenei koati ki to tatou omaoma e rua, me te hawhe tau ki muri i teie nei, noa ma waru nga tau, ka ka tango ahau i tetahi petipeti iti ki runga ki a ia, ka korerotia e ahau ki tona papa i muri i tona whawhai tuatahi, mau i mua i te whawhai i hiahia kī ahau ki a ia kotahi tekau te whakauru, me te reira ka tukua ia e ahau i runga i te mata, tatou i whakaora i to tatou mutunga, ka e matou ia ia kotahi tekau i roto i te tekau.


E ahau ki te whakaae i ahau io haere ki te whawhai, mārama ka whakangungua hoariri tona, Ricky Boylan, i mua a ka mohio a Ricky ko te koati uaua, me te whakaaro kia outman ia Tommy, engari ko te reira i tino te ara atu a tawhio, Outmanned ia Tommy ki te kia ataahua.


Tommy tömuri te a tawhio noa te ono o nga tawhio noa, a ka hohaa ahau kua whakarerea e ia te tahi mea i roto i te omaoma, engari kahore he raruraru hoki kaha haere mai ia.


Ka taea e pono taku e mea nei whakaaro ahau Tommy anake ngaro e rua rauna, pea i taea kua ngā kotahi e rua ranei, kua, engari kia kia te atawhai ki a Ricky, e te te nui Tommy te nuinga i te whawhai.


Ko te kaute i 99-92 a 97-93 rua, koe e kite i te pehu ratou i roto i te manakohia o Tommy, a tika na.


Tākaro Fair ki Ricky kore ia mutu haere mai, rite tatou i mohio pai ia, engari hoki ahau kihai i Ricky i nui kaupapa, i neke ia tona matenga i te i roto i te awhe, engari kahore i te hiahiatia ana e ia ki.


Na, ki to tatou debutant hou, Mickey O'Rourke, engari i te tuatahi me whakawhetai ahau ki nga pā katoa i tahuri ake hoki ia.


Hokona e ia e rua rau e rua tekau tikiti, engari ake tahuri ake, ka hokona ngā tīkiti i runga i te po, na pea i pā ana ki te rua e rima tahuri ki te tautoko i ia.


I nui ratou, rawa, rawa e kaha ana, I hanga e ratou he nui te po mo ia.


Ko Mickey he bit manavasii i roto i te taka noa tuatahi, kotahi hoki ki te kokonga Brian ia ka (kaiako Brian O'Shaughnessy) kōmaka ia ia i roto i.


Ranei ara tonu ia riro te a tawhio tuatahi whakamarie, hanga te tahi atu koati reira pakeke hoki a ia, rite e pupuri ana i te wa katoa, engari i āta Mickey mea katoa tamata ia ki te mahi.


Waimarie te kaitautoko hoki i tere ki te wahi i a ratou ake wa katoa mau te koati Mickey, me ka matou Mickey ki te tuku haere i te neke atu i te kotahi i pere ki te pupuri i a ia i te haere mai i roto i, ki te hopu ia ia.


Riro e ia te a'ee 40-36 engari te pai te ara te taitamariki, e ia i roto i te taka noa whakamutunga i te tahi atu koati ki te mau i runga i ki te mutunga.


I roto i te tika i haere mai i te koati ake ki ahau i muri i te whawhai, ka mea 'Johnny pouri, engari ki te kahore ahau i mau ia ia, hiahia kua mutu ia i ahau. '


Au fiefia ki taua, i te mahi tika ia tona mahi, a whakaaro ahau Mickey ako he rota i te whawhai.


Aroha te pā reira, te a tawhio noa tuatahi rite ahau ka mea ko tetahi bit nervy engari i whakaongaonga nga rauna e toru i muri mai, Kei te haere Mickey ki te waiho i te toa reka mano, i reira te kahore he ara e rua e pā ana ki te reira, a ka au koa ki te hei wahi o tona haere ahau.


Toku mate Colin ka tono ia ia i runga i ki ahau, me te ngā, kua tino pai kuraina ia i Dale Tupú, hanga nei e toku mahi he bit māmā me te titiro atu ahau ki tona whawhai muri i runga i te 21st March.


Te ti'aturi nei au e, i haere mai ano nga pā katoa i tae, rite Me e ia te tautoko katoa e taea te tiki ia rite, kahore tīkiti hoko mutu te haere, me tenei kuao pai rawa hoki taua pa ki a.


He aha ahau e nehenehe e mea, hua fantastic mo nga tamariki katoa, me o te akoranga Champions TKO, e whitu i roto i e whitu o, e kore koutou e taea e whiwhi pai atu i taua, te ti'aturi kua whakaturia tatou i te au mō te 2015. "


British Taitara Eliminator me te reo Pākehā taitara upoko kāri fantastic

Ko te oaoa ki te kauwhau e Olivia Goodwin te 5thKa whakaaturia huritau whakaatu o Goodwin Mekemeke ora i runga i Matchroom Whawhai Pass me ngā te kāri pai e kua te Goodwin o huihui i roto i te whakanui o te tau e rima i roto i te mekemeke.


Kapi i huaina "ULTIMATE KAK" ngātahi runga o te pire, ko te taitara eliminator British Welterweight i waenganui Larry "Ko e Natural" Ekundayo (8-0) a Dale Evans (9-1 ki 2 kumea). Ekundayo Ko tetahi o nga kaimekemeke tino pūmanawa i roto i te Ingarangi. I muri toa Prizefighter i roto i 2012 Larry anake i tetahi a'ee ngaio i roto i te 18 marama muri. I muri Kaiiriiri ake ki Ben Gray i World Class Athletes rite tona kaitohutohu arumoni me te Steve Goodwin (Kaiwhakatairanga / Kaiwhakahaere) Ekundayo i rua pāngia tae noa i roto i te toa i te taitara International Masters i York Hall i October 2014.


Ekundayo Ko tetahi o nga whawhai tino karohia a tawhio noa nama kia ki tonu ki a Dale Evans mō te takahi ki runga ki te paraharaha, Kua ngaro Evans anake 1 i 12 a'ee me ko i Prizefighter i Hānuere 2013 ki Glenn Foot. Kua mea patu Evans nga momo o Sam Eggington me Eric Ochieng a ka haere mai ki tenei whawhai ki te whakapono tūturu, e taea riro ia tenei, ka neke ki te taitara scene Ingarangi.


Co runga o te pire, ko te Ingarihi Super-whitu taitara waenganui i Lee "Banjo" Markham (14-1) a Jahmaine Smyle (11-4 2 kumea). Kua mutu Markham 7 roto i te tawhiti me te Smyle 4. Ko te he mo'oni tenei 50/50 whawhai e ngāwari i taea e tetahi o nga whawhai o te tau.


Ko te toru o whawhai taitara nui i runga i te whakaatu i ngā āhuatanga "Ko e Pexican" Johnny Garton (13-1) parururaa i tona here Area Southern Welterweight ki te hoa London Nathan Weiss (10-4 ki 2 kumea). Garton riro te taitara ki te whakaongaonga 8thTuhinga tawhio o Arama Battle i Hakihea 2013 ahakoa Weiss ka tumanako ko te toru o te wa waimarie rite a kua e ia e rua ngā nganatanga ngaro o mua mo te taitara Area Southern.


Ko tētahi atu whawhai hanga nei e matua e te whutupaoro ngaio mua Leon McKenzie (tūturu i roto i te 6) tuatahi 10 whawhai taitara a tawhio noa, ka e ia ki runga ki Croatian Ivan Stupalo (10-9) mo te taitara International Masters Super-whitu). Kua press nui motu, me te moni irirangi i roto i tenei a'ee ki he tokomaha i te ao hākinakina e haere ki te kite i te aha tumanako ratou e nui te po o Leon.


Tetahi e kore i roto i te whawhai puhoi i roto i "Smokin" Joe Mullender (7-1) and he fights for the International Masters Middleweight title when he takes on Gyorgy Varga from Hungary. .


I mua i te BIG RIMA reira e te tahi mau taranata whakaongaonga hoki mai ki te whakakai me etahi whetu he kaha'ú i te timatanga o to ratou mahi.


Hanga mua English mā Champion Ashley Sexton i muri i tona hokinga ki te mowhiti 2 tau i roto i. Kua hainatia inaianei Ash ki te Goodwin o, a ka kaikaha ki te tiki i tona mahi hoki i runga i te ara.


I kino i roto i tona a'ee tuatahi mua whakapaipai runaruna whetū mā whitu Josh Kennedy ka whakatangihia atu ana e ia te hoariri i roto i 40 hēkona i mua ngaro kotahi anake i roto i 8 whawhai. Kennedy He tuarua tona whakataetae pro.


Kei te whai a Tilbury Matt McCarthy mo te kapiti i te taitara rohe i muri i tenei tau, me te he 8 whakataetae a tawhio ki te fifi Stanislav Nenkov i Bulgaria.


Jose "Ko e Titiro" fakamatala'i Lopes e tona kaiwhakangungu Don Charles rite te muri Rawiri Haye. Ko ia 2 i 2 na tawhiti a kua tona whakataetae tuatoru.


Ka ngā te whakaaturanga i te tuatahi rikarika ana te tatari o te mā Prince Patel. Patel i te mahi runaruna pai ahakoa te tona kāhua tano ki te o te pro atu. Ka whai ia ki te hanga i te tauākī nui rite whakapono ia, ko ia he he kaha'ú World Champion.


I roto i te whakaaturanga Hakihea "Ko e General" tukua Aji Sharif tona mate ngaio tuatahi i nga ringa o Imantas Davidatis, i mutu ia i roto i te 2nd tawhio. Ko te wiki i muri i te whawhai ka korerotia e Sharif tona kaiwhakahaere Steve Goodwin tetahi atu e hiahia ia atu i te rematch tonu, me te ki Goodwin fakahoko hiahia a Aji he mea i runga i, engari e kore e e te amoraa!!!!!!!


Ko tētahi atu tuatahi hanganaki fiefia atu he mo Heavyweight "Superman" Louie Darling. Riro Louie katoa 35 pāngia hei toa kore raihana toa 31 roto i te tawhiti. Kei a ia te turanga tahi nui, a ka ngau kino ki te faahoruhoru katoa i York Hall, ka whakamatautau ka waiho e ia he nguha mau i roto i te heke mai o te wehenga taumahamaha.


He hoki he whawhai o te tūturu Ashley Hill (2-0) e i te Michael Waldron (1-0) i roto i te mea e riro i te roimata whakaongaonga ake.


Cruiserweight Adamu "Shrek" Hart he mana mīharo, ka faaite e i roto i tona tuatahi. Me tona hoariri tuarua Marko Rupcic ki te hei i runga i tona kaitiaki.


He mua te wā e toru Area Southern taitara kaiwero Kris Agyei-Dua he 6 whakataetae a tawhio ahakoa te whāinga mo te wha kapiti i te taitara i roto i 2015.


Ko te kahore he feaa tetahi o te pai whakaatu tonu i whakatairangatia ana o te Goodwin tenei a te tika o te whakanui e rima tau.


I VIP me Ringside tikiti katoa i hokona, me te noa te nui iti o te paerewa £ 35 tīkiti noho nei e wātea ana i tetahi o nga kaimekemeke ranei i runga


ABOUT Whatunga FIGHT: Whawhai ko Whatunga whatunga hākinakina pirimia whawhai o te ao whakatapua ki 24/7 kapinga, tae atu ki ngā whawhai, whawhai, whawhai rongo me te whawhai āhua noho. E wātea ana i roto i te U.S te awa. i runga i Cablevision i roto i te wahi o New York, Connecticut a New Jersey, Texas-hāngai Grande Communications, Armstrong Cable i Pennsylvania, e Ohio rawhiti, me te i runga i Shentel Cable i Virginia, Te Hau-ā-uru Virginia me wahi o te uru Maryland. Whawhai he hoki Whatunga i runga i whakaturia Roku runga pouaka i roto i te US. a Canada, rere ora i runga i te paetukutuku, me te wātea i runga i kawe nui katoa i roto i Canada, e hau atu i te 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.
Whatunga Fight Ko te he 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai. Tags te reira i ngā hōtaka e arotahi ana ki te hōkai katoa o te momo hākinakina whawhai, tae atu ki ngā whawhai ora, me te ake-ki-te-miniti rongo me te tātaritanga mō te mekemeke, whakauru toi hōia, kickboxing, mamau ngaio, ngā tikanga mau rākau, rongo whawhai, me te raupapa whakaari whawhai-waiata, pakipūmeka me te āhuatanga kiriata.


Kei raro kitea ngā o te hōtaka o tenei wiki:


Rāhina, Feb. 9

11:00 p.m. AND — InterBox Classics: Klitschko vs. Jefferson – Ngā toa taumahamaha o WBO Wladimir Klitschko vs. Derrick Jefferson i Mar. 24, 2001 i roto i te Munich, Germany.

Rātū, Feb. 10

6:00 p.m. AND – KOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.

8:30 p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na Tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

Rāpare, Feb. 12

8:30 p.m. AND — Whawhai News Na Tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

11:30 p.m. AND – KOTV mekemeke Weekly – Te uhi katoa o te rongo hou i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te Science Sweet.

Rāmere, Feb. 13

5:30 p.m. AND — KOTV mekemeke Weekly – Te uhi katoa o te rongo hou i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te Science Sweet.

7:30 p.m. AND — Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto i runga i te kēmu whawhai.

Rāhoroi, Feb. 14

8:30 p.m. AND — Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto i runga i te kēmu whawhai.

Rātapu, Feb. 15

7:30 p.m. AND – KOTV mekemeke Weekly – Te uhi i te rongo hou katoa i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te Science Sweet.

8:00 p.m. ANDUltimate Classic mekemeke: Joseph vs. Savage – Ngā whitu Charley Hohepa vs. Milo Savage i Apr. 25, 1956 i roto i te New Orleans.

9:00 p.m. AND – WBC Silver Cruiserweight Championship: White vs. Aspens– Ngā Silvio Branco vs. Juho Haapoja mo te wātea WBC Silver taitara cruiserweight i Hōngongoi 6, 2013 i roto i te Lazio, Italy.

11:00 p.m. AND – Kara: Best o te tekau tau – Ngā Diego Corrales vs. Jose Luis Castillo ahau ki te whakakotahi i te taitara WBC me WBO Kōmāmā i Mei 7, 2005 i roto i te Las Vegas.




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SHS mekemeke Whakahaere tohu tūturu Cuban Häkinakina Heavyweight Robert Alfonso


(L-R) Kaiwhakahaere Si Stern, Cuban Häkinakina
Robert Alfonso me te kaiwhakangungu Orlando Cuellar


Miami (Feb. 9, 2015) – Mua Häkinakina Cuban Robert Alfonso Kua hainatia he kirimana whakahaere ki Si StarWhakahaere o SHS Boxing. Ko te 'amanaki taumahamaha-tau 28-tau, tūturu nei i roto i whawhai ngaio e wha, oraraa i roto i te Miami te wahi te whakangungua ia i te hōia Orlando Cuellar.


“Au nui atu te oaoa, me te whakakake ki te mahi ki a Si me Orlando,” Tata Alfonso āwhina i waenganui i ngā wā whakangungu. “Ahau rorotu e pā ana ki toku heke mai, me te whakamahere ki te tango i te rawa o tenei whai wāhitanga nui ki te whakatutuki i toku whāinga o hoko motuhake toa taumahamaha o te ao. Kihai i ahau i i te kaiwhakahaere pai, me te kaiwhakangungu ki te tiki i ahau e haere i roto i te huarahi tika noa nei.”


Ko te 6′ 5″, 235-pauna Alfonso Ko te taonga huna nei kei te haere tonu ngā kōrero tuku iho taumahamaha o whakakake o tona whenua taketake, whakapumautia e te mutunga o Teófilo Stevenson a kawea i runga i te taha Pirika Savon. Ko te momo taakaro a Alfonso e whakamaumahara ana i etahi o nga Whare-Rongonui Riddick Bowe.


He kaimekemeke amateur whakapaipai, Tae Alfonso nga whiringa whaiti o te 2004 Junior Toa World, muri hoko o Cuba No. 1 super taumahamaha mā te hinga Michel Lopez Nuniesi i roto i te 2007 a 2008 Cuban National mekemeke Toa.


I te Pan American Games whaimana i roto i Rio, Riro Alfonso he mētara koura mā te patu ia Beresiria Antonio Rogerio Nogueira, 4-0, i nga whiringa whaiti me Colombia Oscar Rivas, 8-4, i roto i te whakamutunga aito. Haere Norgueira i runga i ki te riro i te whakauru- whetu hōia-toi i roto i te UFC me te whakapehapeha, ia Rivas, he Häkinakina KOROMO nei inaianei e ora ana i roto i Canada, Ko te he 15-0 (10 Koó) taumahamaha i roto i nga rarangi pro.


Riro Alfonso te whakatau ki runga ki United States Olympic super taumahamaha Michael Hunter, JR., 9-1, ki te tau fe'unga mo te 2008 Olympics.


“I te nuinga o te iwi i roto i te matau mekemeke,” Stern kōrero, “Kua kua ahau whai wāhi i roto i te hākinakina hoki rawa te ia, me te kua kite i te maha o nga whawhai taitamariki pai. He onge te hainatanga kirimana whakahaere me te tangata penei i a Robert Alfonso. Ko ia he tino taumaha taumaha te ahua o tana papamuri i te mea he tangata runaruna i Cuba he mea whakamiharo. Ahakoa ngā tūturu ia kia rite ki te pro, Me ia he kaiwhakangungu tuatahi-te piha haapiiraa rite ki Orlando, ko wai kua whakangungua toa ano he haurangi Glen Johnson me Orlando e pā ana ki te heke mai o Robert. Whakapono pono ahau ia i nga taputapu katoa, me te ngakau ki te tiki ki te tihi o te wehenga taumahamaha rawa hohoro. Ite ahau nui e pā ana ki tona heke mai.”


Kua āhua pōturi mahi ngaio o Alfonso kua ki te whakawhanake no te mea ko ia he kaihoko noa nei kihai i koha ki te United States tae noa ki 2011. I hanga ano e ia tona tuatahi pro Hakihea 7, 2012, toa i te whakatau e wha-a tawhio mo Robert Murray i roto i te Kissimmee. Riro Alfonso kua katoa o pro ana whawhai e wha, tae atu ki tana matamua e ono-a tawhio noa a'ee te tau i roto i tona mahi whakamutunga ki mua hinga kore Zakki Scott (4-0) i roto i te Maryland.


Cuba-taketake Cuellar, he pai pea mo te whakangungu i nga toa o te ao Glen Johnson a Luis DeValle, Kua whakaakona hoki hoa iwi o tona ka Alfonso o pērā i YourkisGamboa, Juan Carlos Gomez a Yan Barthelemy, i roto i te tua ki tona ao hinga kore ka nguha te marama taumahamaha o nāianei Yunieski Gonzalez

“Robert he runaruna Cuban tino whakapaipai nei riro mētara koura i te maha o ngā whakataetae, a ko ia te Häkinakina,” Na ka mea a Cuellar. “Ko ia he tauira tinana i te 6′ 5″, 235 pauna. Ako'i e ahau toku whawhai ki te maturuturu ka mutu a ratou hoariri, me te e mahi tatou pakeke kia taea e ia i roto i ona whawhai. Hei whakaako pakeke Robert me he atamai. Ahau tiketike rawa ki runga ki a ia e ahau.”


E toru-wā hoki ngā kiritaki mekemeke SHS Whakahaere o, toa e rua-wehenga te ao Randall “KO King” Bailey, taumahamaha Sherman “Tank” Williams, whitu Marcus “Arilli” Upshaw me te Welterweight Damian “Kia ahau ki te” Frias.

Ka tiakina ko Emanuera Rodriguez tona whitiki Latin WBO ki mua ka nguha taitara ao, Luis Hinojosa i Hatillo, PR

I Rāhoroi, February 21, Ka whakaatu i M / V Whakatairanga Power me Fresh Mekemeke te hui mekemeke i karangatia nei 'Lotilikuesí vs. Hinojosa ', e tango i te wahi i te Francisco 'Pancho' Deida’ Coliseum o Hatillo , Puerto Rico tīmata i 7:00 pm.

I roto i te a'ee ngā, WBO whā Latin ma'u taitara, Emmanuel Rodriguez ( 10-0, 6 KO o ) o Vega Baja, Puerto Rico, ka tiakina e tona taitara ki te whawhai whakamatauria nguha taitara ao mua, me te o nāianei i Whakatauria #10 i te Ao mekemeke Association (WBA), Luis Hinojosa (26-8, 16 KO o) o te Lepupelika i roto i te taupatupatunga whakaritea 10-a tawhio.

I te timatanga o tona mahi mekemeke ngaio, 28-tau-tawhito Hinojosa anake i tetahi win i roto i te waru pāngia. Ko tona mate whitu ki te toa o nāianei te ao, Juan Carlos Payano i roto i 2010. Mai i reira, hanga te āio te Hinojosa he pūkenga toa 25-whawhai. I roto i taua ara, I karaunatia ia kia rite ki te toa WBA Fedecaribe me muri i runga i, riro ia te whitiki WBA Fedelatin.

I roto i te August 2014, haere te hōia Tominikeni ki Venezuela mo te whawhai nui o tona mahi ki te localist, Yonfrez Parejo hoki wā te taitara whā WBA World. Patua Parejo Hinojosa e TKO i roto i te tekau ma tahi o tawhio i roto i te whawhai tata, me te whakaongaonga.

Na, Emanuera 'te Maere’ Rodríguez, Whakatauria #9 i te WBO, a WBO Latin Champion o nāianei, piro te tuatahi a tawhio KO wikitoria faahiahia i runga i te rua-wā US National Champion, Miguel 'No wehi’ Cartagena October whakamutunga, 2014. Ko tētahi atu te whakaoranga nui hoki Rodríguez i Hakihea 2013, ki te tino uaua mua nguha taitara ao, Rawiri Quijano, nei ngaro i te whānui whakatau loto.

Ko te a'ee tahi-ngā, ka riro he Tūkorehu o lightweights hinga kore i waenganui Huwena 'Gringo’ Ramos (2-0, 2 KO o) o Morovis, a Miguel Canino (4-0, 2 KO o) o Dorado i roto i te 6 a'ee a tawhio.

I roto i te mea tūmanakohia ki hei tetahi atu whawhai whakaongaonga, Ihu 'Chiquito’ Ruma (6-1, 3 KO o) a Gustavo Ortiz (1-2) Ka kanohi atu mo te toru o te taime, ki te whakatau i te toa o ō rātou wāhanga e. I roto i to ratou e whawhai ana te tuatahi, Riro ruma i te whakatau loto, engari i roto i te rua kotahi, Riro Ortiz i te whakatau wahia i roto i te pakanga i te timata ki te mutunga. Whakaritea ruma-Ortiz mo rauna e ono i roto i te wehenga mā.

Ko te rua-wā National Champion, Miguel Alejandro Cruz ( 6-0, 5 KO o ) i Aguada, Te Puerto Rico ka tona ahua tuatahi i rite ki te-kaimeke pro i roto i te mua o ana kaiwhaiwhai i Puerto Rico ki William Lorenzo ( 3-18, 1 KO o ) i roto i te a'ee Welterweight a tawhio ono.

I roto i te pāngia e wha-a tawhio, debutant Kōmāmā, Nestor Bravo ( 0-0 ) vs. Nestor Ortiz (0-2), Adalberto 'Adan’ Zorrilla (1-0, 1 KO) vs. Pirika Parete ( 0-0 ) i te wehenga bantaweight super. I Welterweight teina, Emmanuel Class (2-1, 2 KO o) vs. Leonel Hernandez ( 0-0 ) a Bryan Pino ( 0-0 ) vs. Luis Soto (0-3). Pedro Marquez ( 0-0 ) vs. Joseph Santos (0-8) i featherweights, Alexis Padin (4-1, 4 KO o) vs. Luis Cuascut (0-10-2) i featherweights super.

Marvelous Training Camp Begins! Sonsona Arrives in Vegas

Former WBO Super Flyweight Champion “Fakaofo” Marvin Sonsona (19-1-1, 15 Koó) arrived yesterday in Las Vegas to continue working with trainer Jun Agrabio, Sampson Boxing stablemate and fellow former world champion John Riel Casimero, as well as strength and conditioning coach Angel Heredia, for his upcoming fight against Puerto Rico’s JaysonLa MaravillaVelez (22-0-1, 16 Koó).


Team Sonsona will be training at Roy Jones Jr.’s Gym.


Ranked #2 WBC, #5 WBA, #4 IBF me #12 WBO, Sonsona, will face Velez (runga #3 WBC) in a final elimination bout to face champion Jhonny Gonzalez and in defense of his NABF Featherweight Championship.


While working with Agrabio, the 24-year-old Sonsona, of General Santos City, Philippines, has rededicated himself to his boxing career and the results have shown. He knocked out former world champion Akifumi Shimoda in three brutal rounds last February and then avenged his only loss, to Wilfredo Vazquez Jr. by way of a split decision victory in June.

I’m very happy that Sonsona and Casimero are working together in Las Vegas, toku oire,” said the pair’s co-promoter, Sampson Lewkowicz o Sampson Boxing (along with Sammy Gello-ani), and I’m looking forward to having two more champions for my promotional company in the very near future.


Casimero, from Cebu City, Philippines, is currently waiting to face the winner of the upcoming IBF flyweight title fight between current champion Amnat Ruenroeng and China’s Zou Shiming in March.



I muri i te oma tino angitu ano he matchmaker me te kaitohutohu, Whakawhiti i runga Sampson Lewkowicz ki te taha whakatairanga o te mekemeke ngaio i roto i te Hānuere 2008.

Kua tupu Sampson Mekemeke ki tetahi o umanga whakatairanga tino whaimana o te ao, māngai maha pai whawhai a te ao, me te tino whaihua kuao contenders o.

He Sampson mekemeke hoa whakatairanga katoa i runga i Te Tai Tokerau me te South America, Africa, Asia, Aotearoa, Ahitereiria, Kua ngā huihuinga Europa me Central America, me Sampson Mekemeke teata i te taua whatunga tuatahitia rite HBO, Showtime, ESPN, VU. a rave rahi whatunga ao.

Championship Taitara mekemeke i Resorts World Casino ki te rangi ora i runga i CBS Sports Whatunga i te Rāhoroi, February 14

Derric Rossy ki te whawhai Akhror Muralimov mo IBF Te Tai Tokerau American Heavyweight taitara & e tūturu Mike Lee i te Gary Tapusoa mo taitara te UBF katoa Amerika o; Plus ki a Mike Lee wahia fatongia rua rite te āheinga autaua
No te Tonu Tuku

Queens, NY (February 6, 2015)–I te Rāhoroi Night, February 14 Ka whakatairanga Sal Musumeci o Final Forum Mekemeke te po tino motuhake o Boxing, Championship Taitara mekemeke i te City Resorts World Casino New York, which will air LIVE on CBS Sports Network at 10:30 PM ET.
I roto i te kotahi tonu matua, Te koiora ka nguha Heavyweight Derric Rossy (29-9, 14 KO o) Ka tangohia i te tūturu Akhror Muralimov (16-0, 13 KO o) i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio mo te taitara IBF Te Tai Tokerau American Heavyweight. In a co-main event, the popular & tūturu Mike Lee (13-0, 7 KO o) Ka whawhai Gary Tapusoa (6-3-1, 5 KO o) i roto i te a'ee 6-a tawhio mō te taitara te UBF katoa Amerika o.
I muri mahi Lee tangata ki tona a'ee, ka uru atu ia körero ringside Bob Sheridan me Benny Ricardo rite te kaipāho i te āheinga motuhake mo te Rossy – Muralimov mutunga.


“Ahau oaoa e pā ana ki tenei a'ee ahau & oaoa e pā ana ki hono i te körero mo te hui matua,” Na ka mea te tūturu Lee.


“Titiro atu ahau ki commentating i runga i te taua whatunga whaimana.”


Rossy o Medford, Kua faaruru a he mea patu etahi o nga Heavyweights runga i roto i te ao, pērā i Gary Bell NY (22-3-1), Shannon Miller (14-2), Edward Gutierrez (15-3-1), Toa Heavyweight mua Ray Mercer (35-6-1), William Shahan (7-0), Carl Davis Drummond (26-1), Alexis Mejías (10-2), Ian Lewison (6-1-1), Travis Walker (39-8-1), a Joe Hanks (21-1).
Rossy, 34 tau-tau kei te haere mai atu i te tino totohe whakatau hinga nuinga ki o nāianei IBF runga maha-rua Heavyweight Vyacheslav Glazkov i runga i August 9 i roto i te Peterehema, PA.
Muralimov o Houston, Texas i te ara o Toytepa, Kei te titiro Uzbekistan mo te wini waitohu rite ia ia he whakauru ia i runga i tūturu mua Olanrewaju Duradola kua (9-0) a Nate James (9-2).
I roto i tona a'ee whakamutunga, Piro Muralimov mutu a tawhio 2 mo Jason Bergman i runga i Hōngongoi 26 i roto i te Washington, PA.
Lee o Chicago he rongonui puta noa i te whenua otirā ki pā i tona mater Alama Notre Dame me te mohiotia ano i rite te whetu o te maha pänui arararo.
Te 27 tahuri pro tau-tau i roto i te 2010 a ka he te whakauru ia i runga i tūturu Peter Lewison (6-0), me te he nuinga whakatau 6-a tawhio noa ki runga ki a Paora Gonsalves i runga i Hōngongoi 25 i roto i tona oire o Chicago.
Ki te kitea i roto i atu i runga i Mike Lee, pāwhiri
Tapusoa o Independence, Fehangahangai MO Kua 4 whawhai tūturu me he wini mo Nick Guivas (4-0-1).
Kia ka kauwhautia te atu a'ee pouaka i te rā i muri mai.
Inumia ano ki te puta i runga i te kāri wahi atu-tv ko Super whitu Devaun Lee (3-1, 1 KO) o Jamaica, Queens, NY; Cruiserweight Armin Mrkanovic (6-2, 3 KO o) o Queens, NY; Cruiserweight Dave Valykeo (4-3) o Neptune, Nj; Whitu Henry Beckford (0-1) o New York me te debuting pro Phillip LeGrand.
Ka taea te hokona tikiti mo tenei ahiahi nui o te mekemeke i ranei
1st a'ee Ko i 8 PM ki nga tatau te whakatuwheratanga i 7 PM
Kei Haerea World Casino New York City i 110-00 Rockaway Blvd, Jamaica, NY